1,500 New Students Begin Journey by JIU Times
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Produced by × Vol. 23 SPRING 2018 1,500 new students begin journey by JIU Times Josai International University welcomed about 1,500 new stu- dents, including foreign people from 18 countries, in a matricula- tion ceremony at its Togane Cam- pus in Chiba Prefecture, on April 2. JIU, a comprehensive university with eight faculties and 10 depart- ments, focuses on international education and is engaged in ex- change programs with many uni- versities and schools in Asia, Eu- rope, particularly Eastern Europe, pay attention to the world events and the Americas. Of its approxi- and news and participate actively mately 6,000 students, 1,438 were in local community activities to ex- non-Japanese from 24 countries perience practical learning.” last year. He also encouraged new Japa- In the matriculation ceremony, nese students to participate in ex- which took place at the Sports Cul- change programs with overseas ture Center, JIU President Kenji schools because studying different Sugibayashi greeted the new stu- cultures is a good experience. dents, as well as other students, Sugibayashi also stressed ad- teachers and special guests, in- vancement of high technology and cluding Togane Mayor Naoharu the importance of learning amid Shiga. the current global environment. “JIU has three campuses in To- “With globalization and rapid gane, Awa (Chiba Prefecture) and advancement of science and tech- Kioicho (Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward). nology, existing things disappear changes and I believe people can dents, Josai University Educational ing, “What I will be tomorrow is We have undergraduate and grad- or become completely different make innovation happen by learn- Corporation Chancellor Akira Ue- the result of what I think and do uate programs, as well as senior things. Science on the human ing sincerely,” he said. hara said, “I believe it is important today,” encouraging the graduating wellness. We are very rich in inter- body also advances very rapidly The matriculation ceremony for you to have proactive attitudes students to try their best to do jobs national atmosphere with foreign and it may be possible to create came a little over two weeks after to understand the ever-changing in front of their eyes, listen to oth- students making up more than 20 humanlike things through technol- JIU held the graduation ceremony society and have your own view- ers’ opinions, express their own percent,” Sugibayashi said during ogy in the near future. Meanwhile, at the same venue on March 15. points.” opinions and create their own the ceremony. “I would like you to people’s attitude to learn never In the address to graduating stu- Uehara shared his motto, say- mottos. Interview with mayor of Kujukuri Inside This Issue Scene on Campus by JIU Times A: The establishment of the Fac- Kanae Iida of your university kind- ulty of Nursing has greatly contrib- ly collaborated. Furthermore, we Page 2 Q: For the town of Kujukuri, uted to the improvement of local have a plan to accept trainees from what is the meaning of Josai Inter- medical care and nursing in the the Faculty of Nursing of your uni- ▶▶ Conference with V4 students national University? community. I understand that versity. They are recognized as A: I believe the meaning of Josai there are quite a few students who prospective human resources who Page 3 University for Kujukuri is a “uni- study at the Faculty of Nursing re- will hopefully play a core role in versity for (the) community” that ceiving scholarships from the community health care in the fu- ▶▶ Usami, Yomiuri Giants player, serves as a base for solving and school and the community. Many ture. gives talk revitalizing regional problems. of them take jobs at Higashi Chiba Q: Please share your opinion With the support of various local Medical Center after graduating. with us on the relationship be- organizations and people, such as This is a great contribution that is tween the town of Kujukuri and Page 4 the town of Kujukuri, Josai Inter- helping solve the shortage of nurs- Josai International University in ▶▶ Students pass accountant national University celebrated its es that has been a problem for Hi- the future. 25th anniversary. The university gashi Chiba Medical Center since A: Revitalization and resolution exam seems to pay more attention to the its opening in April 2014. of regional problems will not work local community with the inten- Q: Josai International University only through the power of the mu- Page 5 tion for further collaboration. In this modern world of global- aims to contribute to the commu- nicipality. For this reason, we need Q: Since its opening, Josai Inter- ization, it is really meaningful that nity by collaborating on welfare, to cooperate with not only educa- ▶▶ Exchange agreement with national University has been aim- the children in our community nursing and pharmacology by tional institutions such as univer- University of Alberta ing to be “an international univer- have many occasions to socialize making full use of the features of sities, but also private enterprises sity that has a strong bond with the with international students. It the department. In what sort of and nonprofit organizations. I local community.” For Kujukuri, is helps children understand the fields do you think we can contrib- hope to cooperate with Josai Inter- Page 6 having one such academic insti- good points of Japan from a differ- ute to the community through col- national University in various ▶▶ Voices from exchange tute in town a regional asset? ent point of view, as well as to real- laboration? fields. You have the “wisdom of A: Josai International University ize the importance of communi- A: I believe the university’s con- the university” that can help our students has partnered and cooperated cating with people from all over tributions to the community town. A population of about with more than 170 universities the world as global citizens. I be- through collaborations of welfare, 16,000 and the size of Kujukuri JU Corner abroad, and there are many inter- lieve this kind of experience great- nursing and pharmacology are make close communication and national students studying on ly contributes to the development very important for protecting both quick action possible. We believe Page 7 campus. Our local community and of human resources with an excel- the mental and physical health of that is the advantage of our town. the university have been having lent international mindset. residents. We are particularly fo- In addition, we are working on the ▶▶ Hakone Ekiden team claims various international exchanges. Q: The Faculty of Nursing at Jo- cused on improving the health of development of the town by mak- seventh place From 2006, we have been organiz- sai International University was residents, and your contribution in ing use of the brand value of the ing international exchange events established with the support of lo- this field is strongly anticipated. In name Kujukuri and the coastline at Katagai Elementary School in cal communities and government. Kujukuri, the Cancer Prevention along the Pacific Ocean. I would Page 8 the town of Kujukuri, inviting for- Do you think it helped improve Exhibition and Lecture was held like to ask to continue this kind ▶▶ Ekiden coaching couple eign students from Josai Interna- medical care and nursing in the on Feb. 12 and the head of the collaboration with Josai Interna- tional University. community? Faculty of Nursing, professor tional University. 2 Scene on Campus JIU TIMES | SPRING 2018 Students attend 4th JICES conference by Attila Kiraly, assistant professor, Department of International Exchange Studies, Josai Institute for Central European Studies Josai Institute for Central Euro- pean Studies (JICES) which was established by Josai University Ed- ucational Corporation to promote Central European studies, hosted on Feb. 10. in the Building No. 3 of the Kioicho Campus its fourth Cen- tral Europe/Japan Student Confer- ence. The conference was organized with the generous financial support of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES), a German nonprofit foundation. FES launched its activities; its Tokyo of- fice was founded in 1967; and the foundation is active in more than 100 countries worldwide. Its goal is to intensify international political, educational and scientific dialogue and cooperation through its activi- ties. The JICES student conferences have been held since 2014. While the panelists of previous confer- ences arrived solely from our part- ner universities in V4 countries, this year’s conference offered further Central European insight with the professor, commented that social Opportunities” and “Social In- want to participate in study abroad University of Pecs discussed the participation of a German partner disparities are deep-seated prob- equality in Various Environments” programs; these issues were also palpably positive and negative ef- university, the University of Co- lems for younger people. He also However knotty and ambi- echoed by the Japanese panelists. fect of the state-sponsored com- logne. added that this kind of conference tious the conference theme may Yuki Tanaka of JIU argued that pulsory public work program on “Growing Disparities In Wealth is highly significant in promoting have seemed at the beginning, the most Japanese university students young people in marginal Roma And Income In Industrialized So- international exchanges. puzzle of growing social disparities should work consistent part-time communities, especially in villages cieties: Life And Work Challenges The conference was organized and frustrating financial burdens jobs to earn their living expenses near the southern border of Hun- For Students” was chosen as the into panels and each one con- in the global scene of higher edu- and that the scholarships provided gary. student conference’s main theme. cluded with a Q&A session coor- cation proved to have universal ap- by the Japanese government are in In the third panel, University JICES choose a very present-day, dinated by V4 students who are peal, drawing in both Japanese and most cases only long-term student of Warsaw representative Anna high-profile problem which puts both currently enrolled at Josai In- Central European students.