1,500 New Students Begin Journey by JIU Times
Produced by × Vol. 23 SPRING 2018 1,500 new students begin journey by JIU Times Josai International University welcomed about 1,500 new stu- dents, including foreign people from 18 countries, in a matricula- tion ceremony at its Togane Cam- pus in Chiba Prefecture, on April 2. JIU, a comprehensive university with eight faculties and 10 depart- ments, focuses on international education and is engaged in ex- change programs with many uni- versities and schools in Asia, Eu- rope, particularly Eastern Europe, pay attention to the world events and the Americas. Of its approxi- and news and participate actively mately 6,000 students, 1,438 were in local community activities to ex- non-Japanese from 24 countries perience practical learning.” last year. He also encouraged new Japa- In the matriculation ceremony, nese students to participate in ex- which took place at the Sports Cul- change programs with overseas ture Center, JIU President Kenji schools because studying different Sugibayashi greeted the new stu- cultures is a good experience. dents, as well as other students, Sugibayashi also stressed ad- teachers and special guests, in- vancement of high technology and cluding Togane Mayor Naoharu the importance of learning amid Shiga. the current global environment. “JIU has three campuses in To- “With globalization and rapid gane, Awa (Chiba Prefecture) and advancement of science and tech- Kioicho (Tokyo’s Chiyoda Ward). nology, existing things disappear changes and I believe people can dents, Josai University Educational ing, “What I will be tomorrow is We have undergraduate and grad- or become completely different make innovation happen by learn- Corporation Chancellor Akira Ue- the result of what I think and do uate programs, as well as senior things.
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