Seneca Joi~Es , Geneizal Insurance Agent
Feels it to be a dut,y to provide for his xvife and } M lamilv . Have oy done ,o r . The UNCO NDIIIUNAL ACCUMULATI`.' : VOLICY i,sued by th e CONFEDERATION -- ---- -- . L!FE a~. s~y -ASSOCIATION provides in.,tant and certain ;,r,,i :c iii'm fn,nl daie of is,;ue . C:1tiI I 1' ,\LUTS. PAID-UP PO LICIES. E~IE\UEI ~ ~\~l'G,\~'CF 'F D . SENECA JONES . 7 h ;hso:, St,.L _~r South , CAPITAL REPRFSENTEO, ÿ105,000000 . ESTAfLISHED 1872 . SENECA JOI~ES , GENEIZAL INSURANCE AGENT . Co M l'Ati I ES RI_PFtG ;I.NrFU : FIRE. Northern Assurance Co . of London . England Alliarice Assurance Co. of London, En j tnd Lancash ire Insurance Co . of ManchEster . F^gland Waterloo Dl-atval Assurance Co. of Waterloo . LIFE, . Con'~deration Lif, Assnc:iation of Toronto . fl ACCIDENT . r inada Acci,"ent nsurznce Co . of Mcrtreal . GUARANTEE. Guarar•~e Co . c.: North America. of Mor.t,~al . PLATE GLASS . The ' yls' of' New York . MODERATE RATES. UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY . ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LIGEN."aEs. Office : 7 Hughson St . South , TELEPHONE 6T8 . tIA1~ilI~'3`U :~ . ~-----~-~--~-~ ,~ . _ . THE Carpets, WITHOUT A DOLLAR__..,^- LEADING Although we were without a dollar of interest in arrears, or a dollar 's worth of real estate on our hands at the close of HOUSE Furniture and the Nears 1894, 1895 and 18,)6, we had added largely to our FOR investments in each year, and wern. reLarded by financial men as occupying a very strong and very uniq.,e position. H ousefurnishi ngs. TflE TE1IIPERflNOE Own GE$ER^L IIFE MALCOLM & SOUTER, 91- and 93 KING STREET WEST.
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