Mecklenburg Revolution
MECKLENBURG REVOLUTION 1140 -1183 ANDREW JACKSON The seventh President of the United States. Born in Mecklenburg County, near Waxhaw, March 15, 1769. MECKLENBURG ;n tA, REVOLUTION 1140-1183 Written in Lonor oE tLe Sona of t'lae A mer,'can 'R.evolut,'on Upon tlus occuion oE tLeir 42nJ Annual Congress At CHARLOTTE MBCKLBNBURG COUNTY Nortla Carolina Ma11 17 - 21, 1931 DEDICATION TO THE HEROES OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR WHEREVER THEIR DUST ENRICHES THIS FREE SOIL OR UPON A FOREIGN STRAND A GRATEFUL PEOPLE, ENJOYING LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS LIFT UP THEIR HEARTS AND SOULS IN REMEMBRANCE AND A RE-DEDICATION THAT THEY LABORED, SUFFERED AND DIED NOT IN VAIN THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED BY THE SONS OF THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION IN THEIR 42ND ANNUAL CONGRESS MAY 17 TO 21, 19 31 AT CHARLOTTE, MECKLENBURG COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA AND BY THE AUTHOR MECKLENBURG IN THE REVOLUTION 5 PREFACE Because no single volume had ever been com piled, suitable for the occasion, containing the facts and dates regarding the part Mecklenburg county played in the War of the Revolution, it was decided to briefly, for the time was very short, cause to be written a sketch, covering the essential points and yet to go into little or no detail. To gather these facts it required almost day and night reading of a dozen or more volumes; the examination and reading of many old docu ments and records, and the swift setting down and writing of these in chronological order. Much minituae has perforce been left un written. It was planned to cover the county in a swift survey, with slight reference to the old original county of Mecklenburg which took in Union, Cabarrus, Lincoln, Gaston, the pres ent Mecklenburg, and perhaps bits of what is now South Carolina-a great, rough, unchc1r tered region at the time our history opens.
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