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ifve/een /t^hty /u^

i-v n U



May it live forever—and there is some-

thing that must live forever, in the hearts

and minds of every DAVIDSON man—the

spirit, thoughts, activities, life, loves and

troubles of its students; and what the name

DAVIDSON does and should mean to every-

one that has come to know and love it.

This year we were confronted with a war

—one in which we must do our part, and

forego many luxuries and other things to

which we are accustomed. This did not

daunt the spirit of DAVIDSON; rather it

was an impetus to the work and strength of

this great institution, and gave it a chance

to show what DAVIDSON has done for its men, and what DAVIDSON men can do and

are doing. For this reason and because we

believe that this year is one that will live

long in the memory of all, we have attempted

to present a picture of life and happenings ^//^ 'M(^i^ CONTENTS

here at DAVIDSON this year—and hope that you INTRODUCTION will never forget it. Pictures and words alone can not portray what CLASSES DAVIDSON really is, but they can provide a vivid

recollection of one's days on the Wildcat campus.

You may remember the fever of getting down to ACTIVITIES

work in the fall, rush week, football games, week-

end trips, reviews, holidays, exams, Mid-Winters,

chapel periods, the faculty, elections, intramurals, oyitilitary bull sessions, etc.; but we want you to remember ^ more. We want you to remember the underlying

spirit and meaning of DAVIDSON, and we hope ATHLETICS

that these words and pictures will bring back these remembrances. FRATERNITIES

Friendships and associations created here on the Features campus with students as well as faculty members will mean a great deal to all of us in future years, Honorary so let us keep these names and faces forever in our

memories. DAVIDSON—remember it and keep it

close to your hearts . . .



New Buildings

Chambers DORMITORY ROW- Students study, live, and gather ^^**^m: r^'t:


h: y^SSm^y^. '.,:

Campus Walks

Our Student Body Classes

Military Lile



i^.W^' lo .o ft -s rv .5: (^


Dr. Cecil Kenneth l^rown







Dr. Broicn leaving Chambers Building Dr. Cecil Kenneth ^ronti 1^. John R. Cunningham President of the College

u ^UT»*»at •*«•'. -ifrtifc^ #


Dr. Cunningham came to us in the spring of 1941 as successor to Dr. Lingle: and brought

with him a pleasing personality, an interest in every student's well-being, and a keen desire

for the future of Davidson. Dr. Cunningham has done a great deal for the College in his

first year as president, and we are indeed fortunate to have such a man president of our

college. Our president holds this office as successor to a distinguished group ot men:

Rev. Robert H. Morrison (1836-1840) Rev. Andrew D. Hepburn (1877-1885) Rev. Samuel Williamson (1841-1854) Rev. Luther McKinnon (1885-1888)

Rev. Drury Lacy (1855-1860) Rev. John B. Shearer ( 1888-1901 )

Rev. John L. Kirkpatrick (1860-1866) Proe. i 1901-1912).

Rev. George W. McPhail (1866-1871) Prof. William J. Martin (1912-1929) Proe. John Rennie Blake (1871-1877) Rev. (1929-1941) Rev. (1941


< 'lliiiis ../ ;/;, / itr.h,

Rl V J M< IX)WI II Rit MAUDS I'frtlJtnl MK R a OlNN I'lrnJcnl i.merilui

MK H S RK IIAKDSON V'lir I'ltuJtnl

Mk S a Rohinson .Srtrrluru Mk. II JACKSON Treaturrr

L.wiutiL'v CumnulliT

Rl V J M( IXwi 1 I Ri( liAKiis, r>«(l (. hiitrman MR S. A RiiUINS(jN, ia itilni Snrelary

RhV. A A. Vt( I I AN Mr J A CANNON Mr I S M< Pin iTiiKs Rl V W T. TllOMrWN

Mr C R Wik <)\ Mr. I INSIORD Rit IIAKDSON Mr. Harvi y W. Mcxjki Mr. '[ D. Dui'fv

Dk H \V .\t< KAY Mr W P Si-RiNi Dr Or in M(xiri Mr J I. SMiiii Mk. H S. Rl< MAKDNON Rl V R S. ARROWCXII) Rl V. W H. Ci

l-tnancc duiiJivitiir SiLulini Health Service and Physical

Mr s a Robinson Mr. I . s. MrPin lilrs i.ducaiion (.Atmnnltee Mr Harvi y \V MixiRi Mr T. D Dlpuv

Mk l.iNsioKD Richardson Mr J I smimi lAliuiitiun Conmnlliv Dr. ORhN MOORI

Mk H S Rk makdson Mk C. R. Wiuox Rl V w. T. Thompson Religious and Social Life. Church and Alumni

hutldinys and Graunils Committee Relationship Commit lee

Rlv. R. s. Arrowixjd Mr. J. A. Cannon Rlv. \v. h Goodman Riv. A. A. McLian Dr. H W. McKay Mr W. p. Si'RtNT

Dr. C. K. Drown PROI-. J. C. Bailiy Dean of the Faculty Diun ol Sludenti

13 . .

Mr. F. L. Jackson Mr. F. W. HENGEVELD Treasurer Registrar


John Rood Cunningham Frederick Willia.m Hengeveld President Registrar B.S. (Davidson). A.B. (Westminster), B.D. (Louisville Presbyterian Seminary). D.D. (Westminster). LL.D. (King). (Duke). Myron Wallace McGill Cecil Kenneth Brown Auditor Dean of the Faculty B.S. (Davidson). A.B. (Davidson), M.A., Ph.D. ( North Carolina )

John Crooks Bailey Frank Donald Hobart of Students Dean Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings A.B. (Davidson). M.A. (Johns Hopkins). (Springfield College).

Frank Lee Jackson Treasurer and Purchasing Agent William Camp Matthews

B.S. (Davidson). C.P.A. Associate College Physician M.D. (University of Virginia Medical School). John Wilson MacConnell College Physician John Lewis Payne A.B.. MA. (Davidson). M.D. (University of Maryland). Edinburgh) Director of Public and Alumni Relationships (Columbia University) . (University of w 1


! \.i. WAl II K II I I IM.I I I |)\,». r. I \s. r. SI II '.I \Ki

< I'trtLlriit IV.>VIV4ll. AH. MA (Doviil AM (\Villi,.ni Aiul .\Ur>i. MA. (( ..lunil.i I< hiiait'i), uinl. (I'liKiii Thr<4.l>. (I>*«l

Will lAM WlXIDIIl'l I, W(Xll) KlNNHII Jl>M I'll iOKIMAN CAl.l K Rl< ll.MUM) HARDINd /*r Jo Sf....i / , I, ,.. , ..( /),)./, /Vii/i*fj4tr 11/ iMfftk l-HHtimatfc and i.itcralttte

11 (l>avi.lioi>l. I'h.l). lln.i It.. I .K. iN'iruHii.ii. A . MA. (Juhi» A A II (li. I

ali.l .STIi M 1

( W'akliiiitfd'i. ....- , ,. ,i . . ..K .

JAMIS MrDtWII.I. DlU'l.l.AS Jama Hu,ka»an Ouk,- I'tvfftu-r of rhsjitt I HA/I R H(X)I) AH.. .M.A. Il>avi>1«.iiii. IMi I). (j.,hii> ]|

Mark Iixvar Sinuili:

J. IV. Canmm Trc/fjior .1/ fiihU ai.rf I'hilosofhs Edward Jonis Orwin Hi NRY Tracv Lilly

A.B.. .MA. (Uavi.lM.n). M.A. (Yalpt. 1)1). rrafesi.-r ,./ J-uuliih I'rofrnor of limaUik I.I..U. A.n.. MA. (IJavicUoii). AH. (Ilaviilxm). M.A. (I'niicnua).

HO.VARD BBLL ARBLH.KLI; S'on Carv Lvon Chamhi-ri I'rufcitor of Chcmijiry, limrritus William Lorimlr PoRitR Ruhar.l J. KryitoIJi frofrilor of Hldogj A. II.. M.A. (ll;>m|>lcnS>l, I'h.l). (Jtihns t'rofi-sjor of t'.coluny aiul (.'i-o./rnf/iv llnpkiii,). A.M.. .M.A. (.S.rtithwr.lrn. p .\ M iloUn. AH. (Tiirkic). AH.. .M.A.. (ViiU-i D.Sc. (.S

Archibald CuRRiii Glorgl Byron WooiirtKv Wilson I'rofessor of I:i-otiomit-s am Watts IRI I) K. I LI ACM; Polilual Sciemc froffssor „f f-rcn.h A.B. (I)iivi

15" r ii^^4^i^if^Atfeitfl^

Ci D p.

Richards ThL. FACULTY

I III Ni JAMIS ClIHIMIAN I'lUlll SAMt I Kl Ml I I'. )|', Miss HA|-rii Thompson l>,r,;lor of ,W«ju- Asnst^ml to Ike 1 rrtstarer (Nurlli Cariiliniil. II. M.. MM. ( Micliiimn).

NOKMAN WlSTBRCWK SlIIrl'ARD Mrs. SARAH A. Johnston, R N. t>irri-tor of I'hyswat lului-ntiitn Su^rrtHtemdeml of Imfirmtmry II. .S. (North rariiliim), MA. (riiliimlii.i). Kl NNniH R OSBORNI Asiislant Professor of Music

II Mrs n. t. Smith lii.Mi R LvANs Brown M . MA (.Michigan). Sutrrfisot of flormtlorUs .iiiiuiiile frtifrtivr ./ lUulouy A.H. (Davi.lson). I'h.I) ((°<.rnrll). Wiii.iA.M Thomas Rainiy. .)r Instructor in Chemistry Miss Orrih ArrALtNE Stuilh liRIC WlLIRIl) I AWSON B.S. (DaviilMin). Secretary to Ike President .ItsiH-ialt- rrttffMMur of lii-onomu-s mui tiusintrss A.H. (Kninry »iul llriiry), M.A., I'lil). (Vir- ginia). Sa.m Cli.mini \Vi hn Miss Sisll McgcLIN JAr KSOS. A B Instructor in Psyehitlotiy and liducation Secretary to Pran of Sludenls JOSIiPII ALF.C McANDRhW A.B. (I)aviii»onl. Professor of Military .VciVmv and Tactics B.S. (Ciiiiol Slates Miliinrv Acaitrmy), Mrs. Donald L. Pioiil. A B (iraduillc: Army Sijjlinl Schixil, SchiHil o( the l.inc. Crncriil .Slalf Schi«.l, ami Army War John Wcwdrow Davis Secretary la the Treasurer (.'ulIrKC. Instructor in Piolony B.S. (Davidson). David Giuson Wilson Miss Mary Ccxjliy s.miiii. A B, .Issociate Professor of Military Science ami Secretary to the Heyislrar Tactics i-ARL I liRDlNAND BtRG A.B. (Davi.lsun). Major, Infantry. V. S. Army. Instructor in Music

A.B (Concorilia). Miss Julia Pasmorh. A B . B S. in I.S. Assistant Librarian Lllis HUGtNi; Marsh. Jr.

William Scott Friezb. Jr.

A.B. (Davidson). Captain. Infantry, U. S. Assistant Librarian Miss Carolyn Parkfr Army. A.B., B.S. in I..S. (D.ividw.n). Secretary to the Muiic llepartment 1^

^C\ ^

Bii0H.\, E. E. Jackson

17] '. r;vt.tv'u-i-r.)»-v "*>',,% *.. J," -^

CLASSES -Yes-For Instructions Only -Here All Have Equality a • • • m^f^m'mf^^.W?^*^^.^^^^^:; MISS ANNE HACKNEY

Sponsor Senior Class

Claude Hackney, President SENIOR CLASS

on iciiKs

Cl-AUDI HACKNI Y President

Frank Cai.dwi i.i. \'iCi'l'rvsiJvni

WAI-TI R W00T1:N SviTvlary - I rcasurer

-»*•»*•»—s-/ SENIOR MEN

All seniors arc senior men of the year, but it remains that we have to choose our leaders and outstanding seniors from this group. The men that have been chosen are as follows: Ed Lucas. President of the "D" Club and O. D. K.: John Crichton. Business Manager of The Davidson- ian: Charlie Watt, Freshman Adviser; Julien McCall, Editor of 1942 QuiPS AND CRANKS: Tad Larkin, President of two honorary fraterni-

ties; Jack Philips, President of the musical organizations: George Marsh, Student Council- man and campus leader; Walter Wooten. Col- onel of the R. O. T. C. Battalion: Bill Shaw, co-manager of the student store; Frank Cald- well, Court of Control Judge and Football Captain; Pat Rudolph, President of Pan- LucAs, Crichton, watt, McCall.

Rudolph, Winn

Marsh Hackney WOOTEN Bell Shaw Spencer caldwell OF THE YEAR

llillcnic Couiuil; Al Winn. PrcMiicni of the Student Body: Jim Owens, I'resident of the

^ iVl. C. A.: Claude Hackney. President of tlie Senior Class; Don Bell, honorary fraternity president and athlete: Dave Spencer. Davidson's oiustandinn athlete: Bobby C'arter. (iaptain of IVisebail team; Davis Thomas, co-manager of student store; Bill Sprunt. President of lilections Board, and Student (Council: Dan Hodges. I'ditor of Scripts n I'ranks: Bill Summers.

Debate leader: Harwell Darby. Idiior i>f I he IhiLUdsonian: Bill Mcl.auchlin. non fraternity and "Y" leader: Archie Taylor. President of YAPPnponrH honor fraternity council; roiiimv ^'arborough.

Captain of Basketball te.iiii; aiut D:iW Vos- burgh. M.in.iger ot I"ootbail uam. |iiiW<^i|iifi'^ ' 1 ^!^l!! SENIORS

Charles Allcott. i a e Talledega, Ala.

B.S. in Physics

Football (O; T. (1); Xumeral Club; Junior Cheerleader; Junior

Marshal; Si Class I ntramural Manager.

Donald Rothert Bell, n k a Bowling Green. Ohio

B.S. in History

Football (1. 2, .!, 4); Basketball (1. 2, 3, 4): Track (1, 2. .i. 4); Secretary of Athletic Association; Vice-President Junior Class; Xumeral Club; "D" Club; President Pi Gamma Mu; International Relations Club; Beaver Club; Elections Board; Court of Control (2, 3, 4); Assistant in History; Debating Team.

Tom Bell

Conway. S. C.

.5. in Biology and Chemistry

Joe G. Bivins. s $ e ELKIN. N. C.

B.S. in Business and Economics

ral Sports; Fraternity Sports Manager; Second Lieutenant


The school year has to begin somewhere—we start it with

Registration which is every

Davidson student's first official


24- Jamks H. Black John Harpi-r Brady. Jr. Matthews. N. C. Chattanooga. Tenn.

B.S. in Business A.B. in Philosophy

Transfer from LtesMcRac. Clec riul) (I. 2, J. 4); Eta Sigma Phi; Hhilanthropic Literary Society; I.e Cerclc Francais.

Samuel Hutchings Booker. * a w George Thompson Brown Louisville. Ky. SUCHOWFU. KlANAPL', CHINA

6.5. in Economics B.S. in History

Business Manager 1942 Qt'ips Staff (1. 2. }): Philanthropic Literary Society; .Soccer (1, 2, 3. 4), Ciptain (4); "U" Basketball (1): Elections Boar


Paul Browning. Jr.. n k a

Greenville. S. C.

B.S. in Economics

Transfer from The Citadel; Fraternity Sports Manager; Vice-President Social Fraternity; Football (i); Wrestling (4); "D" Club.

J. R. Bryant. Jr.. b n Charlotte, n. C.

B.S. m Bio'.ugy and Spanish

Secretary Sigma Delta Pi; Spanish Club; Golf; Pan-Hellenic Council; Concert Band.

Alwin C. Burns. Jr.

Sumter. S. C.

A.B. in English

Football Band (1. 2); Philanthropic Literary Society; Secretary Phi Mu Alpha; Secretary Pi Gamma Mu; Spanish Club; Davidsonia,, (1); English Assistant; Monitor; Sigma Upsilon.

Monroe Bush. Jr. Louisville. Ky.

A.B. in Psychology

Basketball Manager (1); Sigma l^psilon; Red and Black Masque Y. M. C. A. Cabinet (4).


Rush Week for upper- classmcn means late hours and

back-slapping: for freshmen it means a week of free parties and build-ups.

[261 ^!re!

Frank C. Caldwlll. i a k Douglas H. Clark Spartanburg. S. C. clarkton. n. c. B.S. in French B.S. in Chemistry. Biology and German Football (1. 2. 3, 41: Baseball (1. .1. 4>; "D" Club; Football Captain: ViccPrcsiilcnt Suphomorc Class; Secretary Junior Class; ViccPresi

Robert E. Carter. aw John Blue Clark, k:- ALKXANDRIA. VA. , clarkton. n. c. B.S. in History Beaver Club; Court of Control (2); Eta Siumi Phi; Delta Epsiinn; B.S. in Business Basketball (1); Baseball (I. 2. .1. 4). Ca|>uin Baseball (4); Boanlini; ""••— .Manager; Sports Editor Davidioiiian (3); Numeral Club; "D' Baseball (1. 2, .t. 4); "D" Club; PavidsoHtan (II; Intramural Sports; Club; Rifle Team (1); Debating (1). Football (2); Assistant in Business; Baskctlull Man-igcr (I, 2).


John Ernest Wilson Clark BADIN. n. c.

B.S. in Political Science and Economics

Phi Mu Alpha; Symphonic Band (I, 2. i. »); Football Baml (1, 2, 3. 4); Assistant in Sociology; Le Cercle Francais; Pi Gamma Mu; Board- ing House Manager; Philanthropic Literary Society; Second Lieutenant R. O. T. C; Baseball (1).

Benjamin E. Colkitt. Jr. WAYNESVILLE, N. C.

B.S. in Physics

Band (1, 2, 3. 4>; Scout Work (2); Flying Club (2, 3): President (.?); Assistant in As

V. Earle Copes Norfolk. Va.

A.B. in Music and Religious Education

Football Band; Symph. Band; Little Symphony Orchestra; Phi JUi Alpha; Assistant in Mus

Richard Lobdell Coppedge. ka Rosedale. Miss.

B.S. in Biology and Chemistry

Track (1, 2. 3. 4); "D" Cluli; Cross-Country (1, 2); Soccer (3. 4); Wrestling (I. 4); Spanish Club; Sigma Delta Pi. Treasurer (4); Red and Black Masquers; Deutscher Verein; Alpha Epsilon Delta; Beaver Club; Davidsoiiian (1, 2); Second Lieutenant R. O. T. C.


Something that will live long in the memory of every David-

son man is the part that he played in Moving Books from our old to our new library.

[281 ;

Will OKI) A. COLNCILL. Jr.. k John Havi s Cuichton, i \ i-; BAl.TlMORK. MD. MlNDtN. LA.

B.S. in Physics and Chemistry B.S. in Political Science

Transfer from Maryland 1941: Assistant Coach of Wi Business Manager Pai-idsoniaH : Scaliliaril and Blade; Captain Tennis Assistant in Physics (4); Intramnrals (3, 4). Team: "D" Clnb; President Social Fraternity; H'/io'j Who; Omicron Delta Kappa.

Bennett Y. Cowan James Reynolds Crook. k5 Bristol. Tenn. Spartanburg. S. C.

B.S. in Biology and Chemistry A.B. in Psychology

Alpha Epsilon Delta: Alchemist Cluli: Assistant in Biolotty; Scabhard Treasurer Phi .Mu Alpha; Scabbard and Blade; Freshman and Varsity and Blade: Gamma Sigma Epsilon; First Lieutenant R. O. T. C. Debatinit: Datidsonian (1. 2); Glee Club; Eumanean Literary Society: Scabbard and Blade. Secretary Social Fraternity.


Sidney Ely Daffin, 5 * e PANAMA City. Fla.

B.S. in Biology

Fnntiiall BaTid (1. 2. i): Baseball (1. 2. }. 4); Intramurals; rresidcnt Social Fraternity; "D" Club. V-!'*'-

Harwell McCoy Darby, * r a FLORENCE, ALA.

A.B. in History

Editor Davkhonian; "Y" Handbook (1, 2, .5); Qrips .^N|) Cranks (1, 2); President Publications Board; Sigma Upsilon; Omicron Delta Kappa; Who's Who.

George Wannamaker Dew. * a ® Charleston, S. C.

B.S. in Economics

Transfer from Collcse of Charleston; Scabbaril and Blade; Business

Staff Quips and Cranks (2); Business Staff .S'i-m>(j 'i. Pranks (2); Inter- fraternity Sports; First Lieutenant R. O. T. C.

Lee S. Dukes. Jr. Charlotte, n. C.

B.S. in Biology and Chemistry

» < SC^iSnt*^*:'- --.:

Honu'cominy brings us a big football game, old grads. plenty of beautiful girls, and our first dance set of the year.

[30] Paul H. Ei ird. bw ii William Ward Faison. i \ i; Charlotte. N. C. Charlotte. N. C.

B.S. in Business and Spanish B.S. in Economics

Sigma Delta Pi (J. 41. Pri-siilini H). FiKtlli.'ill (I. 2. .1. 4>: "D" Cluh: Scalili.irin»< Staff IM-irs ANn Cranks (1. 2. .1); Intramural S|M>rts; Election Board; Stu- dent Store (I. 2. .!|; Lieutenant R. O. T. C.

Robert Warfield Elder, h k a Baxter P. Freeze, s a e

- Cincinnati. Ohio High Point. N. C.

B.S. in Political Science B.S. in Economics

Football; Transfer from I'niversity of Cincinnati; VaiiJsonian : Fraternity Sports Business Sl.ilT Pa-.idionian (1. 2. 3); Equipment .Manaiier nf Manager. Wrestling (I, 2. i); Track (1. 2, 3); "D" Club.

31 ;


Edward J. Garrou Valdese. N. C.

BS. in Economics and Business

Claude J. Hackney. Jr., 2ae Live Oak, Fla.

A.B. in Psychology

President of Senior Class; Omicron Delta Kappa; Scabhard and Blade; Pi G.imma Mu; Phi Mu Alpha; Secretary of Student Council; Inter- national Relations Cluti; Football (1. 2. 3. 4); Vice-President Student Body; President Numeral Club; Beaver Club; Major in R. O. T. C. H'ho's Who.

Edward Craig Hay, 5 $ e Hickory, n. C.

A.B. in Greeft

Football (1. 3. 4); Numeral Club; "D" Club; Editori.il StatT David- sotn'an (1. 2); Journalism Club; Red and Black Masquers. President (4); Elections Board; Fraternity Sports Manager; Scabbard and Blade; Hon- orary Fraternity Council; Captain R. O. T. C.

David N. Henderson, n k a Wallace. N. C.

B.S. m Economii

Football (2, ,1. 4); "D" Clul>; md Blade; Interfraterr Sports; Business Staff Daz-idsoitiai St Lieutenant R. O. T.


Highlight of the fall week-

ends is Wildcat football games —especially Converse Day for our Duke game this year.

[32] iM^k

i' ii^ i»> j:«g*'viBtfc*:>K>^a-o*^*-

RUI-US GliDDIl: HHKKING. II K -1' Edward Brandt Hipp, k i ROSEBORO, N. C. Greensboro. N. C.

BS. in Economics B.S. in Economics

4): Wrestling (1. 2. .t. 4). Captain (4); Secretary- Business Staff Scrifl' '« franks (I. 2); Dai-idsonian (1): Basthall Foothall (1. 2. 3. " " Varsity OelialjFiale Team~ (4); Chairman Dance Deco- Manager (1, 2. i, 4), Freshman Manager (4); President Social Fraternity; Huh; liltce (4); Baseliall (.1) Cheerleader (.1): "D" Club.

Danii;l Marshall Hodges. Jr.. "I- r a Robert Burkhead Hill RALEIGH. N. C. -, Louisville. Ky. A.B. in English of •« frMt,. Vrc-<.tr,„ ll.lta I'hi B.S. in Music and Education Phi Beta Kappa; E.litor .SVriftj Alpha; Eta Si^nia Phi; Ke


Robert H. Hood ELLENBORO. N. C.

B.S. in History and Education

rransfer from Lees-McRae; Glee Club.

Joe Barron Hopper MoKPO. KOREA. Asia

A.B. in Creek, Philosophy, and English

Philanthroi.ic Literary Society; Orchestra (1. 2, }. 4); Eta Sigma Phi Phi Beta Kappa.

S. D. Horner. 2 * e Crewe, Va.

B.S. in Biology

Gordon Clift Horton. k a Chattanooga, tenn.

B.A. m English

Dartdsouian (1); Red and Black Masquers; Vice-President (4); Alpha Psi Omega; Sigma Upsilon; Art Editor Scripls 'n Pranks (2); Vice- President Flying Club (2).


Cold weather, the war with Japan, and tardy class work kept some of our boys on the campus during the \\'in(er Nights.

[341 jAMliS l.AI AVI ITli HOLSION. K A David Allhn Hli i ini;s. Jk.

York. S. C. Cameron. N. C.

B.S. in Political Science A.B. in Philosophy Football Band (1, 2. }. 4». ^f.inaRcr (2, }. A): R. O. T. C. Band <1. Ra.skcthall Manager (1. 2. .!); giii-s and Chunks (1, 2). 2, J, 4); Concert Band (I, 2, 3, 4); Assistant in Music: I'hilanthropic l.ilcrarv Sorirtv; Second Lieutenant R. U. T. C; Phi Mu Alpha: Soccer (4); "U" Club.

Ja.mes Baldwin Howell, bwii Charles Lee Isley. Jr.. :> * e Ellerbe. n. c. COOLEEMEE. N. C. B.S. in Music and Education B.S. in Biology

Symphonic B.-inrf (I. 2. .1. 4): Football Band (1. 2. .». 4); Svmphonv Football Movie Cameraman. Orchestra CI, 2. 3. 4): Phi Mu Alpha: Assistant in Music.


SOUTHGATE JONES, JR., :j A E Durham. N. C.

BS. in Economics

Glee Club (I): Ti-.ick (1); Rifle Te.im (1. 2, 3. 4): Davidsunian (1, 2); Delta Epsiloii; Scaljljard and Blade; Intramural Sports; First Lieutenant R. O. T. C.

Richard Sterling Kelly, Jr.. k :i Erwin. N. C.

B.S. in Chemistry

Court of Control (4); Alpha Epsilon Delta; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; Business Staff Daridsoiiian. (1. 2. 3); Editorial Stalif Quips and Cranks (1. 2, 3): International Relations Club; Junior Marshal.

Daniel Burke Kerr DAVIDSON, N. C.

A.B. in English

James Wilson Kerr. Ill Bartow. Fla.

B.S. in Chemistry

Gamma Sigma Epsilon: Delta Phi Alpha; "D" Club; Soccer (1. 2, 3. 4) Captain in R. O. T. C; Football Band (3, 4); Glee Cluh (1); Philar thropic Literary Society; Phi Beta Kappa.

.!«U=sOK3r«.-.o-, »:pt5nn-?^<:i7J T.nar--rr-^B»--^

Examinations — for some

their first real taste of studying:

for some a dread: for all. hours of book gazing late into the night.

[361 AkAik

Pall T. Kisslinc. Erni:st W. Larkin. Jr.. ii k -i- montreat, n. c. Washington. N. C.

A.B. in History B.S. in Biology and Chemistry

Tennis (1); navidsonian. (1); S>m|ihonic BamI (1, 2. -t I : Forrtliall Baml ••J)" Cluli. FoolbnII (2. }): Baseball (I. 2, i, 41; Elections Board; (I. 2. .1); Viccl'resiilent Honorary Fralernily Council; Alpha Eioilon Delta; (iamma Siicma Epsilon; Delta Phi Alpha; Intramural SiMjrts; As- sistant in Chemistry; Junior Tennis Manager.

Fred E. Little. Jr.. ka

1". Wilmington. N. C. Hugh H. Knox. :• -i- in Business Andrews. S. C B.S.

Scabbard and Blade; Captain in R. O. T. C. ; Le Cercle Francais; B.S. in Economics Busineis Staff Davidsonian (1, 2, i).

[37] —


William D. Loy. Jr.. :i * e Charlotti£. N. C.

BS. in Ecunomics

Track (1. 2, J. 4) iketball (1, 2, .i ) ; Red and Black Masquers; "D" Club; Numeral Clulj,

Edwin F. Lucas, Jr., :• a e Greensboro, N. C.

B.S. in Business

President of Omicron Delta Kappa; President "D" Clulj; President Beaver Club (3); President Junior Class; Student Council (2, i, -t);

Pan-Hellenic Council; Basketball (1, 2. 3. 4); Baseball (1, 2. .%. 4); Sports Staff Da-vidsonian (1, 2); Advanced R. (). T. C; Ulio's Who: Scabbard and Blade.

JuLiEN Lachicotte McCall, n k *


B.S. in Economics and Business

Omicron Delta Kappa; Editor-in-Chief 1942 Quips and Cr.anks; Edi- torial Staff Davidsonian (1, 2. 3); Secretary-Treasurer of Publications Board; Pan-Hellenic Council; Football Manager (1, 2, 3, 4); Freshman Manager (4); Baseball (1); "D" Club; Business Staff Scripts 'n Prants (1. 2); Elections Board; Sigma Upsilon; Pi Gamma Mu; Who's Who: Intramural Athletics.

Wilson H. McDiarmid Shelby. N. C.

A.B. in Psychology

and (2, 3, 4); R. O. T. C. Band <2); Tennis (1); Nun

r .»t»cma»t»:

This year the Pan-Hcllcnic Council brought us Teddy Powell for our biggest dance set of the year Mid -Winters.

[381 MAcKAltlll.l

> w.«C*>>«rA;

William Alexander McEachcrn William Edward MacLauchlin. Jr.

St. PAULS. N. c. Columbia. S. C.

A.B. in Psychology, Education, and F.ngliah A.B. in English and Piychology Tr.-ick (I): Philanthropic Lilcrarv Suciclv. Frcsiilcnt (4»; Eta .SiKmi I'hi. Viccl'rcsi.lcnt (-11: A.isistanl in Uilin; Y. M. <'. A. Calnnct; Y. XI. C A. B

A. A. Jr.. John R. MacKinnon. -I' a o McLean. *a« MAXTON. N. C. I.KNOIR. n. c. iB.5. in Chemistry and Psychology A.B. in History Tennis Manager: "M" Clul.: Alpha Eiisilon Delta: Pulilisher i.f Foot- Baseball (1): Cross.Counlry (1); Business Staff UiiPS .^so Chaxks lull Program (4): Assistant to the Dean (.1. 41: Etltlurial Staff Pat-id- (I. 2): Business Staff Scripis "ii franks (I. 2. .(). Business .Manager (4): soman (1): Kuotliall (2): Decorations Committee: Symphonic B.tnd and President North Carolina Collegiate Press Association. Football Band (I, 2); Intramurals; Assistant in Psychology.


J. R. McLeli.and MOORl-SVILLE, N. C.

B.S. in Chewistry

li;in.l (\).

John Daniel MacLeod. Jr. Aberdeen. N. C.

A.B. in English and Phitusophy

Transfer from Pfeiffer College; l\ranager Ahinini Office (4).

Robert N. McLeod. 2 a e WASHlNcnON, D. C.

B.S, in Biology and Chemistry

Davidsonian (1. 2); Footban (1, 2); Basketball (1, 2, 3, 4); Baseball (1, 2, 3, 4); "D" Club; IiUramurals; Delta Phi Aliilia; Sports Editor

-y Handbook (.!) ; Alpha Epsilon Delia.

Joseph Hamilton McLeskey. Jr., Ben Charlotte. N. C.

A.B. in Ministry

Football; Baseball.

Senior-Faculty Day at David- ,son has grown into an institu- tion — a day that all seniors as well as faculty enjoy and cherish.

40' SiDi- MiTCiiii.i. Mack Gi ORGE M. Marsh, k i MCXJRESVILLE. N. C. High Point. N. C.

B.S. in Economics B.S. in Business

Le CcrcU Francais; Assistant in French; Football (2); Basthall (I); Football (I, 2. 3. *1: Baskttball (I. 3. •»); Student Council (2. J 41; Intramural Sports. President Sophomore Class; \*ice- President Student Bo-; Numeral Club; "D" Club; Omicron Delta Ka|i|>a; Captain Freshman Football; Pan- Hellenic Council; llhoi HA...

James SpruntMann George Thurston Matheny Davidson. N. C. Covington. Va.

B.S. in Education A.B. in History

Cross-Country; Track; "D" Club. Transfer from Lees-McRae College.


John A. Miller MOORESVILLE. N. C.

B.S. in Geography

Transfer from Presbyterian Junior Cullcge; Football (4); "D" Chib Intramural Athletics; Sigma Delia Psi.

L. H. Miller. Jr.. n k $


B.S. in Economics

Transfer f.cim The Citadel; Intramural Sports

George Linwood Mitchell. Jr.. ka Wilmington, N. C.

B.S. in English

Gymnastics (1. 2, .?, 4); Cradc V Work (2); Orchestra (1. 2. .!). President (4); Phi Mu Alpha; Senior Cheerleader; "D" Club; Secretary Social Fraternity.

B. F. Moore. 2 a e


B.S. in Physics

Football (1. 2, .i. 41; -IV Club.

X-"*JtrrJiwr-Jv^cTV o .^JOIt;

This year more than any

other before it. our Military

Life ha.s played a great part in

the activitie.s of Davidson men.

42 J. A. MooRi Ci-ARK C. Murphy. Jr. Charlotth. N. C. Rhd Springs. N. C.

B.S. in Economics and Spanish B.S. in Geography

Sigma Delia Pi; Junior Track Manager; Philanlhropic l.iti-rary Si. Presbyterian Junior College; "Y" Sumlay Schools Assistant in Spanish; Track (4).

JA.MHS M. OWI-NS. *A(-) M. G. Morris. ll k * Palm Beach. Fla. Kannapolis. N. C. A.B. in Political Science A.B. in Spanish President of Y. M. C. A.; Ba ball (1. 2. .1. 4>: "D" Club; Omicron Basehall (1. 2, i. 4); Sports Manager Junior Class; Varsitv Manager Delta Kappa: Faculty Rel.itmns ( mmillee; Be.iver Club; Eta Sigma Phi; of Basketball: "D" Club; Spanish Club; E.litorial Staff blips and Chan'KS Scabbard ami Blade; Student Sto Clerk; Advanced K. O. T. C.; Iflio't (1, 2); Intramural Athletics; Numeral Club; Junior Cneerleader. lllia.


T. Haughton Pardee Charlotte. N. C.

B.S. in Gcoyruphi/ and Geology "-^ '' fS. ^

Eli Emmanuel Parker

Sumter, s. C.

B.S. in Chemistry

Football Band (1); Symphonic Band (1. i); Cimera Chili; Ga Sigma Epsilon.

Charles E. Parrish CARV. N. c.

A.B. in English

"Y" Cabinet (4); Glee Club (,i); Assistant Pastor Davidson Unity Church (4).

J. Carlton Parsons. Jr.. hka New Bern, n. C.

B.S. in Economics

Secretary Pan-Hellenic Council; "D" Club; Treasurer Social Fraternity; Pi Gamma Mu; Transfer from University of Virginia; Track Manager (1, 2, 3), Freshman ifanager (4); Phi Beta Kappa.


Elections — something that seniors look back on, Juniors wear coats for, and Sophomores

and Freshmen look forward to.

"44' -1^

S. C. Pearce T. O. PlNKERTON. K A MONTREAT. N. C. Franklin. Tenn.

B.S. in Mathematics and Physics B.S. in Political Science and Spanish

Vice-President Sigma Delta Pi; Officer Social Fr.ilernity ; Transfer SocciT (.'. 3, 4); "D" Cliil.; Eliclions Board. from Pcalwdy College.

Benjamin Jackson Philips. Jr.. h»-)Ii Thomas Motley Plonk. Jr. JACKSONVILLH. FLA. Winston-Sale.m. N. C. B.S. in Economics B.S. in Biology and Music Secretary. \*ice-Prcsident and President Philanthropic Literary Society; Prosidenl Phi Mu AInh.i; President Symphonic Band: President Ftiothall Honorary Fraternity Council; Scahhard and Blade; Vice-President Phi Band; Vice President Scahhard and Bl.ide; Secretary-Treasurer Honorary Mu Alpha; Clee Cluh (2. .!): Business StalT Oai-idsonian (I. 2 .1): Beta Fraternity Council: Utile Symphony Orchestra (I. 2. i1; Manager Fra- Gamma Phi; Track (I); Boarding House Manager; First Lieutenant ternity Boarding House; Captain R. O. T. C. Band; Pan-Hellenic Council. R. O. T. C.


Walter C. Plunkett. Jr.. iik* AIKEN. S. C.

B.S. in Economics and French

Sigma Upsilon: Red and Black Masquers; Davidsonian (!. 2); Man- aging Editor (3), Associate Editor (4); Scrifts "ii Pranks (1. 2, i); Philanthropic Literary Society; Le Cercle Francais. President (4); As- sistant in French.

Frank M. Powell. ::i a e WHITEVILLE. N. C.

A.B. in English

Pressley Robinson Rankin. Jr.. B0n Mt. gilead, n. c.

B.S. in Economics

Cross-Country (1); Varsity Basehall Manager; \'ice-President Social Fraternity; Elections Board; Intramural Sports; "D" Club.

Richard Eugene Rankin Mount Holly. N. C.

B.S. in Chemistry

Football Manager (1, 2); Football (,i); Philanthropic Literary Society; Student Dance Control (2. 4).

Playing an important part in the development of our frater- nity as well as non-fraternity men are our campus Intramurals.

[461 David Virgil Rhha SThWART L. Rogers, i a k GREENEVILLE. tenn. Greensboro, N. C.

B.S. in History B.S. in Political Science

r.Icc Club (I, 2, }, 4). Vice-Prrsidcni (}). Executor (A): Philanthropic Uuir (J); Siianish C'luli; "U" Cluh; Assistant in Political Science. I.itrrary Society; Beta Gamma Phi; Phi Mu Alpha; Historian; Captain R. O. T. C.

BOYCE Henkel Rhyne H. Carl Rowland, n h li Bessemer City. N. C. Charlotte. N. C.

B.S. in Physics and Psychology B.S. in Business and Music

Cross-country (I); Spanish Club; Camera Club (I, 4), President (4); Drum M.iior (J), Head Drum .Major (4); Concert Band (2. 3. 4); Assistant in Physics. Phi .Mu Alpha.


James Paget Rudolph. $ a asheville, n. c.

B.S. in English

Omicron Delta Kappa: Treasurer Scabl>ard and Blade; President of Pan-Hellenic Council; Secretary Sigma Upsilon; Eumanean Literary So. ciety; Soccer (1. 2); filee Club (1); Editorial Staff Davidsonian (1, 4); Secretary-Treasurer Red and Black Masquers; Beaver Club (2, 3), Sec-

retary-Treasurer (3) ; Who's Who.

Edgar Everitt Scott, n k a Statesville. n. c,

B.S. in Business and Economics

President Social Fraternity; "D" Club; Varsity Track Manager; Busi- ness Staff Davidsonian (1, 2, 3); Vice-President Le Cercle Francais; Vice-President Pi Gamma Mu; International Relations Club; Quips and Cranks (1, 2); Phi Beta Kappa.

Hershell D. Seagle Marion. N. C.

B.S. in Music

Plii Mu Alpha Spanish Club; Symphonic Band and Football Band (1, Assistant in English; Phi Beta 2. 3, 4) : Pi Gar a .Mu; Orchestra (3); Kappa.

William James Sexton

mcbee. s. c.

B.S. in Biology


All men have the urge to Travel, see the world, and deal —Davidson men not to be ex- cluded— their favorite week-end sport.

[48] Benjamin Eugene Shannon, ii k \ Wii.LiA.M Mitchell Shaw. Jr.. bwm Barium Springs. N. C. FAYETIEVILLH. N. C.

B.S. in Economics B.S. in Economics and History

Football (I. 2, 3. A): "D" Club; Track (1. 2. J. 41; Coiiri of Conlrol Football (I. 2. i. 4>; "D" Club; Tr.ick (I); Riflr Team (II; .Numrral (••); First Lirutcnant R. O. T. C; Scabbard and Blade. Club; Co-Maiiagcr ..f Student Store.

George Ward Shannon Robert Emmett Sleet. :s * e Broadway. Va. Charlotte. N. C. B.S. in Biology and Chemistry B.S. in Physics (•amm.i Sigma Epsilon; Alpha E|>sil<>n Delta; Boarding Huu.^e Mana^ccr; Ptiilanthropic Literary Society; Track (.1, 4): First Lieutenant R. O. T. C. Fi~ill.;.ll 111; Track (ll; .<.iccer (1. 41; Intramural SporU


Eustace H. Smith Lagrange. Ga.

B.S. in Chemistry

Cross-Countiy (1); Soccer (,i. 4); "D" Club.

Robert James Smith, Jr.. 2 a e Charlotte. N. C.

B.S. in Economics

F(.otl..ill (1. 2. 3. 4); Basd.:ill (1, 2): Basketball (1); Numeral Cluli;

•»'• Civil..

David Monroe Spencer, n k a Barium Springs, N. C.

B.S. in Economics

Vice-President "D" Cliib; Football (1, 2, 3, 4); Basketball (1, 3, 4); Wrestling (1, 2); Track (1. 2, 3. 4): Scabbard and Blade; Omicron Delta Kappa; All-State Football Team (4); Participant in Blue-Gray Came; Numeral Club; iMost Outstanding Freshman Athlete; Decatholon (2).

William Hutchinson Sprunt. Ill, sae Winston-Salem. N. C.

B.S. in English

Student Council (.!, 4); Elections Board; Sigma I'l.silon; Alpha Epsi Ion Delta; Gamma Sigma Epsilon; V. JL C. A. Cabinet; Editor }" llaiulhook; Omicron Delta Kappa; Whu's Who.

Spring Sports — there are many going on — baseball, track, golf, and tennis—some- thing almost every day.

f50] William H. Squirhs. k :i WiLLIA.M F. SUMMKRS. '! I" A


B.S. in Chemistry A.B. in Philosophy

B.-iskethall ManaRrr (I. 2. .1. 4); Freshman Manager (41; Gamma Sigma Red and Black .Mavjuers; rhilanlh'opic l.ilerarv Srjcietjr; Uelulim Epsilon: Scripts "n Pranks (1); Qiips and Cranks (1, 2); Scabbard Team; Forensic Council (.1. 41. I'resiilenI (4); Clee Club (1, 2. .1. 41. and Blade. Presiilent (4 ) ; President E:a Sigma Phi ; Honorary Fraternity Council.

Rov B. Sl'BER John S. Talmage Whitmirk. S. C. Decatur. Ga. B.S. in Biology, Psychology, and Education A.B. in Physics and Spanish Accompanist (»Icc Club (2, 3. 4); Assistant in PsycholoRv and Eanish Club; Student D" Club; Cross-country (1, 2): Tennis (I); Socczr (3. 4); SjianisS Organ Recital.


Arch B. Taylor, Jr., * r a Winston-Salem, N. C.

A.B. in English and GreeA

Track (1, 2, 3. 4); "D" Clnli: Sigma Delta Psi; Eta Sigma Phi; Lc Cercle Francais: Sigma Upsilon; President of Honorary Fraternity Coun-

cil; Editorial St.iff Scri/its 'ii PraiiJis: Elections Board; Freshman Bible Medal; "Y" Cabinet; Omicron Delta Kappa; Wlio's Who: Phi Beta Kappa.

Edward B.Taylor, Bwn SOUTHPORT, N. C.

B.S. in History

Assistant in History; Davidsonian Staff; QuiPS .\nd Cranks Editorial Staff (1, 2, 3); Sa-ipts "n Pranks Staff; Sigma Upsilon; Secretary- Treasurer Red and Black Masquers; President Eumanean Literary So- ciety; Pi Gamma Mu; Honorary Fraternity Council.

Glenn Terrell, $ a Tallahassee, Fla,

A.B. in Political Science

Track (1, 2, 3, 4); Captain R. O. T. C. ; Intramural Sports.

Richard Davis Thomas, k a TAMPA. Fla.

B.S. in Political Science and Economics

Pi Gamma Mu; International Relations Club; Finance Manager Stu- dent Store; Assistant in Economics; Boarding House Manager; Fraternity Sports Manager; Omicron Delta Kappa; Phi Beta Kappa.


A year at Davidson would not be complete without its share of Bull Sessions, and we have our share.

[521 :• JostPH Alston Thompson, k B. B. TURNAGl . k ,\ Richmond. Va. FAR.viviLLE. N. C.

B.S. in Economics and Business B.S. in Economics

Intcrnation.ll Rrlaliims Cluh: l>a:idlonian (11; Honorary Fratcrnil) Coancil; Pi (lamma Mu; EIrclions Board; Phi Beta Kappa.

Milton 'Stevenson Thurston, h h n TAYLORSVILLE. N. C. John Calvin Turner

B.S. in Business MlA.MI. FLA.

Football (1, 3); Intramural Sports: Sccotwl Lieutenant R. O. T. C. B.S. in Biology, Chemistry and Physics


Roderick G. Turner. Jr.. :iE JONESBORO. GA.

B.S. in Economics and Political Science

Pan-Hellenic Council; Treasurer Social Fraternity; Pi Gamma Mu; In- ternational Relations Club: Assi.stant in Business; Wrestling Manager (1, 2. t): Intr.innirals; Phi Beta Kappa.

William Brooks Tyson

Florence. S. C.

B.S. in Political Science

Pi Gamma Mn; Eumaneaii Literary .Society; President Student Sunday School Class; Assistant in English.

David Williams Vosburgh. ii k a Charlotte. N. C.

B.S. in Political Science

Football Manager (1, 2. 3); Varsity Manager (4); "D" Club; David- soman Staft (1, 2), M..vie Editor (.!); Intramural Sp-rts: Basketball (1); Sigma L'psilon.

John Mason Wallace. Jr.. k a Charlotte. N. C.

B.S. in Economics

Staff Qvips .\ND Cranks.- Treasurer of Pan-Hellenic Council; Track (1); Lieutenant R. O. T. C.

r i9C'SZC:n:yc»^.i".^ Ta-3*rr-<;«J«=----.-^.r»Kr:--'

Graduation—the seniors re- ceive their "sheep skins." and enter this world of war and

worries—Goodbye. Davidson . .

[541 Charlks Hanshll Watt. Jr.. ka Jack Wiley Westall. 'I-aw TllOMASVlLLE. GA. ASHEVILLE. N. C.

B.S. tn Biology and Chemistry B.S. in Economics

Omicron Delia Kappa; Freshman Ailvisor; President of Social Frater FcMilhall BantI (I. 21; Concert Band (1); Baskrikill Manager (1); Busi- nily; Y. Xl. C. A. Cal>inet: Alpha Epsiloii Delta; Scahhar.l anil Bhule ness .Staff Ui'lfS AND Cranks <1. 2, 31; Ktimanean Literary Society; "D" Cliih; Pa-.iJionian Staff (I. 2. .11; UllPS .»xi> Cbaxks (I. 21; (>..*> RelH.rlrr f.,r S.HTial Kfaternily. Country (I. 2): Captain R. (), T. C.; Who's IVIiu.

A. Ralph Willia.ms. 4>rA Chattanooga, tenn. S. G. Welborn B.S. in Psychology l.liXINGTON. N. C. Srrifls '« I'ranln (1. 2>; Ui'i's ""o Chanks (1, 2); Pavidsoman: 6.5. in Chemistry and Biology Track (1. 2. i. 4); Wrestling II. 2); Student Council (2. 3); "Y" Board of Control; Y. .M. C. A. Cahinet; Captain R. O. T. C.; Eumanean Lit- Gamma SiKma Epsilon; Delta Phi Alpha; Inlramnr.ll SiwrK; Alpha erary Society. President (-It; Honorary Fraternity Council; President Epsilon Delta; Assistant in Applied Mathematics. Social Fraternity; Scabbard and Blade.


Archibald Cameron Wilson. Jr.. ka Bardstown. Kv.

B.S. m Business

.Sc;il)bard and Blade; Pi Gamma Mu; DarUsoiiiun (1. 2); Ql-ip.s ANl Cranks (], 2, 3); Elections Board; Assistant in Political Science; Cross

Country (1); First Lieutenant K. O. T. C. ; Phi Beta Kappa.

C. J. Wilson. Jr. Matthews, N. C.

A.B. in Education and English

Henry K. Wilson, 2 a e talladega, ala.

BS. in English

Business and Editorial Staff of Dai-Ulsunian (1. 2); Glee Club; Lif nant K. O. T. C.

Albert C. Winn. Bwn

Greenville. S. C.

A.B. in English

President of Student Body; President of Social Fraternity; "Y" Cab-

inet (2, 3, 4); Managing Editor Davidsoniam (i) ; Debate Manager (3); Omicron Delta Kappa; Sigma Upsilon; Phi Beta Kappa; Le Cercle Fran- cais; Who's Who.

Isaac Blanton Williamson ri K * ATLANTA. GA.

B.S. in Physics

Track (1, 2, 3, 4), Captain (4); Sigma Pi Sigma President (4); Assistant in Physics: Boarding Housi AkM .Manager; "D" Club; Advanced R. O. T. C.

56' ^^^'JU*^^^

WOODWAKII \\. ..lis i«r^p^^™|


They leave us

to go to war M.C

"^^^I'l^'f^^'ft^'l MISS JANE CLAY

Sponsor Junior Class



Harry S. Allen . . Florence, S. C. Clarence L. Anderson. Su/ma Alpha Hpsilon Tampa, Fla. Campbell W. Ansley. Jr., Kappa Alpha Charlotte, N. C. Robert Holt Ardrey. Jr. Greensboro. N. C. Linus Lemoant Banker. Jr Charlotte. N. C.

William L. Barker . - High Point, N. C. Joseph C. Barnwell, Beta Theta Pi Burlington, N. C.

Hugh Battle Rocky Mount. N. C. KiTT McMaster Beaty. Phi Delta Theta Rock Hill. S. C. Jack N. Behrman. Jr.. Sigma Phi Epsilon Jacksonville. Fla. John M. Belk. Kappa Alpha Charlotte. N. C. John F. Booth Oklahoma City, Okla. Fred C. Boykin. Phi Delta Theta Atlanta. Ga. R. L. Brinson. Jr.. Pi Kappa Alpha High Point. N. C-

Wilbur L. Carter. Kappa Su/ma Greensboro. N. C. Donald C. Caterson. Beta Theta Pi Montrose. Pa. Pete Cavert. Phi Gamma Delta Nashville. Tenn. James A. Chapman, Jr., Phi Delta Theta Spartanburg. S. C. Donald Reid Chisholm Asheboro, N. C. Morton L. Church. Jr., Beta Theta Pi Charlotte, N. C. Ralph C. Clontz. Jr Davidson. N. C.


W. S. CoNNtiK. rhi Diliii 1 hi til JUNIORS

Charles Henderson. Jr.. Sigma Phi Epsilon University, Va. Calhoun Hipp. Pi Kappa Phi Greenville, S. C. Frank Wellford Hobbie. Phi Delta Theta Roanoke, Va. Clyde Hood Hobbs Whiteville, N. C. J. L. Huffman Newport News, Va. Benjamin Rice Lacy. Ill, Kappa Su/ma Richmond, Va. Thomas Guy Lane. Jr.. Pi Kappa Alpha Charlotte, N. C.

W. Frank Lee. Jr.. Sigma Alpha Epsilon Washington. Ga. Clarence William Legerton. Jr.. Sigma Phi Epsilon Charleston, S. C. Frank H. Logan, Pi Kappa Phi Rutherfordton. N. C. William Johnston Lyman. Jr., Phi Gamma Delta Birmingham. Ala. Clarence A, McArthur. Jr.. Pi Kappa Phi Charlotte, N. C. Joe B. McCoy, Jr., Kappa Sigma North Wilkesboro, N. C. James Parker McCrary. Beta Theta Pi Lonoke, Ark.

John T. McCREA. Pi Kappa Phi Miami. Fla. John F. McGee. Kappa Sigma Charleston. S. C. Henry DeaNE McIntosh. Phi Delta Theta West Palm Beach. Fla.

Lacy MacLean, Kappa Alpha . Charlotte, N. C. Cyrus C. McNeely. Jr. Mooresville. N. C, David T. Maloney. Jr.. Phi Delta Theta Washington. D. C. Richard Irvine Manning. Kappa Sigma Spartanburg. S. C.


JoF E. Martin. Pi Kappa Alpha JUNIORS

Arthur R. PateRSON. Kappa Alpha Madison. N. J. Robert F. Patton. Pi Kappa Phi Ruthcrfordton. N. C. J. T. Pharr. Jr Grovcr, N. C. J. D. Phillips. Jr.. Kappa Sigma Laurinburg, N. C. H. E. Pollock. Jr.. Pi Kappa Alpha Ashcville. N. C. Scott Mc. Poole Troy. N. C. Herbert W.Kmkey. Pi Kappa Alpha Mountain View, N. J.

Robert \V. Ranev. Beta Theta Pi Little Rock. Ark. John Knox Robinson. Pi Kappa Phi Dcrita, N. C. William C. Robinson. Jr. Decatur. Ga. W. B. Rogers, Beta Theta Pi El Dorado. Ark. Henry B. Roney. Jr. Bebane, N. C. William Henry Rose, Jr.. West Point, Miss. Myron G. Sandifer. Jr.. Kappa Alpha Lowrys. S. C.

Thomas Franklin Sanford. Jr. Hendersonville. N. C. Craig R. Schmidt. Beta Theta Pi Shelbyville. Ky. Charles Wesley Scott Bluefield. W. Va. C. H. Sides Loray. N. C. Alex Sime New York. N. Y. George T. Sinclair. Kappa Alpha Bluefield. W. Va. Richard G. Smith. Jr.. Kappa Siuma Elkin. N. C

66' 1


Fki 1)1 KICK \V. Si'l AS. Kiipiui Alf^ha WinsU)n S.ilcm. N. C. HOMIK A. SPI NCI R (;i).uli)tU'. N. C. W. C. Sl>RATT F-ri'diTicksburg. Va. Hugh H. Spiu'nt. Kuppa Alpha Wilminnton, N. C. Ivi Y Sn WAK 1. Jk.. Sii/ma Alpha l.psiUtn (Iharloiic. N. C.

Thomas Fri-ui rick Stimson. Kappa Alpha (!hatt.intK)j{a. I cnn.

C. S. SlROUP. I>i Kappa Alpha Wilminnion. N. (].

EuGi=Ni-: Morgan Sutpon. Kappa Sumni layttlfvilli-. N. C.

Gl-ORGI- W. Tati-. Siama Alpha / :/).si/on (Iharlotlc. N. C.

David Trimbi.i; 1:1 Dorado. Ark. Gi-ORGi; S. Tyson Morcnci', S. C.

BARTLI-TTI: B. WaI.KI U. Hcia Ihila I't Ml. Gilcad. N. C. Bl-N.JAMIN Mil. IS WASlllilRN. Ill, Kappa Alpha Wilmington. N. C.

Norman Jack Wayman. /V Kappa Phi Miami. F-'la.

Jami:s Addison Win 1 F-ast Spencer. N. C. David C. Williamson. Pi Kappa Alpha Kenansville, N. C. W. W. Wood. Jr.. Sii/ma Alpha l-psilon Davidson, N. C. jHSSi- A. Wooti:n. Phi Gamma Delta Memphis. Tenn. Pktlr M. B. Young. Sigma Alpha Hpsilon Charlotte. N. C.

T'^j tf^-' r^'

67' 1 ^-r-j m''>




They soon take

over the reins •v**i»«wa, • •V. •tor*-* <

MISS ROSANE NICHOLS Sponsor Sophomore Class



Dick OHair I'rcsnlcnt

TdM lU'.\\MAk(,l k Vice-l're.siilvnl

Vxw Amos Secretary- I n-asuriT 's. r^ 7^'*!^^§ri SOPHOMORES

William B. Abbott p p ^' p p SOPHOMORES gil NtlN COOI'lR Sjn Jujn. Puerto Rico

CilOKdl C COUNTII I Bjllimure. Md.

Hobby Crowi i i. Lexington. N C.

I H. CUKRIh Hjichow. China ROBI Rl A. CL'RRII MulUni. W. Va

ROBHRT C CUSHMAN Jjcktonvillr. I'U. Rm A DABNI V. JR Jjckvin. Tcnn.

Cl.AUOl- 1.1 VI DARLINd, II (Charlotte. N. C. JAMIS DAVIS Silisbury. N. C. I. Ill KhI Kl DlMMCXK Newport New*. Va

I ION ROt.l:Ks DKAKI Greensboro. N. C. RALPH Dunn. Jr. Sumter, S. C. Jl.M.MY lil.LIS MiRh Point. N.C.

.John !•;. Kvans Wilmington. N. C. O. D HVANS Hickory. N.C.

John L. Iaiki.v. Jr. Richmond. Va. Archibald A. I-'arrar Summerville. Ga. CHARL|;S N. IlHLD. JR. Concord. N. C. Karl E. F'ishkr Kannapolis. N. C. JosKPH P. Fountain, jr Scckonk. Mass.

J. R. GAITHKR Newton. N. C. STANHORD TAYLOR GARNblT. jR. Columbia. S. C. S. F. GARRISON. Jr. Burlington. N. C. Walter Goodman. Jr. Kannapolis. N. C. HLMER W. Graves. Jr. Greensboro. N. C.

Ja.mes C. Grier. Jr. Charlotte. N. C. WiLLlA.Vl TULL GRI.MSLEV Greensboro. N. C. Price H. Gwynn. Ill Davidson. N. C. Sidney Maurice Hamrick Davidson. N. C. William G. Harrill Caroleen. N. C.

james pinckney harris Wilmington. N. C. Joseph Thomas Hart Jackson. Tenn. SAM H. Henderson Fcrriday. La. DuMOND Peck Hill Richmond. Va. r. S. Hill. Jr. Grenada. Miss.

C. W. Hodges. Jr. New Bern. N. C. JAMES Vance Houston .Vloorcsvillc. N. C. T. P. Howard. Jr. .ake Cormorant. Miss. Samuel Hoyt. Jr. Williamsville. Va. Roy Hunt Greenville. S. C.

McChesney H. Jeffries Thomasville. Ga. M. Leo Johnson. Jr. Cheraw. S. C Joe M. Johnston Davidson. N. C. T. W. Knox Andrews. S. C. William White Lacy Richmond. Va.


AdoLPH L. Larson Knoxvillc, Iowa

H. G. LELAND, Jr McCIellanville. S. C. RUFUS Long Barium Springs, N. C. John A. LUSK, III Gadsden, Ala. Paul PressLEY McCain. Jr Sanatorium, N. C.

George E. McCORMACK New Castle. Ala Donald McIver, Jr Bristol. Va THOMAS Neill McLaughlin Raeford. N. c George D. McWiLLIAMS Lawrenceburg. Ky Edward C. MA.JOR Charles City. Va

w. o. Major Charles City, Va.

Milton Mann, Jr. . Collierville. Tenn.

Dewey Marshall Rock Hill, S. C.

Luther C. Martin Mtillins. S. C.

Harold Maxwell, Jr. , New Bern. N. C.

Charles MENZIES. Ill . Hickory. N. C. R. T. MILLER Canandaigua. N. Y. Tom T. MiLLIKEN Bostrop, La. James Samuel Mitchener, Jr Raleigh, N. C. Howell Morrow, Jr West Point, Ga.

Jon E. Murray Roanoke Rapids. N. C. ELVIN E. MyATT York, S. C. William J. Myers Toronto, Ohio John W. NoRTHCROSS Memphis, Tenn. Richard H. OHair Rock Hill. S. C.

Clarence Sedberry Olive Fayettevi N. C. Henry Laurence Patrick Kings Mountain, N. C. Edgar e. Patterson Charlotte, N. C. Horace Pearsall Wilmington, N. C. Leonard L. Pharr Clarksdale. Miss,

DeWitt Dewey Phillips, jr Charlotte, N. C. EDMOND C. Philips Jacksonville, Fla. Robert Pierce Earmvillc, N. C.

G. K. Piper . Princeton, N. J. Richard B. Port Winston-Salem, N, C.

Rhea A. Preston Soonchun, Korea. Asi; Amos H, RagAN, Jr. Thomasville, N. C JACK Ramsay Spur, Tcxai Thomas W. Raymond Lakeland, Ela B. Edward RHUDY Greensboro, N. C

JACK M. RicHESON Waynesville, N. C Horace B. Robertson, Jr. KannapoHs, N. C JOHN E. Robertson. Jr Sarasota, Fla Charles M. Robinson Gastonia, N. C George L. RoSBOROUGH, Jr Jacksonville, Ela


IIINK^ I'At.k Kui^ll.K


They soon feel a

sense of security ^t

/ >'' I \ ^


u^ #%^ \ ^2

'^^^ \



\i n~ r' ' P^l ''Fl"^"' ^^^i


Sponsor Freshman Class Charlie Watt. Adviser FRESHMAN CLASS

Ci!AKi u Wati Aiictsct

- -.-T^**^^*"'*^'*'"^ «T.*--K AV«« »«- - FRESHMEN

Bob ABERNATHY Gastonia. N. C. JAKE F. ALEXANDER Forest City, N. C. Robert M. Allen Charlotte. N. C. Joe M. Anderson, Jr New Bern. N. C. T. Emmett Anderson, Jr Tampa. Fla.

J. T. BAGLEY Fayettcville. Tenn. F. R. Bailey, Jr. Winstoii-Salem. N. C.

Barham Donald Banks, II Grantviile. Ga. PAUL C. BEHRMAN Greensboro. N. C. Henderson Belk Charlotte. N. C.

Irwin Belk Charlotte. N. C. Fred Keeler Betts, III Harrisonburg. Va. JAMES Lewis Bibb, Jr. Chattanooga, Tenn. Eugene Benton Bingham Gary. W. Va. WADE L. Birmingham Trenton. Tenn.

David Blhvins . Spruce Pine. N. C. Horace Boarman Bel Air. Md. Richard L. Bradley Waynesville. N. C. Frederick E. Bramlette San Antonio. Texas Haywood Cumbie Brinegar. Winston-Salem. N. C.

W. F. Brock . Barium Springs. N. C. Robert C. Browne Cherryville. N. C. Donald Grant Bryant Charlotte, N. C. John K. Burns Gainesville. Ga. T. H. BYRD, Jr Shelbyville. Ky.


W. MARSHALL Chapman . . - Spartanburg, S. C. Ben Gordon childs Durham. N. C. BOYCE Coble Charlotte. N. C.

:.' ^^ Raphael W. CoONRAD Indiana. Penn. o ^ J. A. CoRRIGAN High Point, N. C. John w. Craven Ncwland, N. C. Louis BROYLES CRAYTON, Jr Charlotte. N. C. William H. Gulp Gastonia. N. C.

p. Hunter Dalton, Jr High Point. N. C. C. T. DANIEL Oxford. N. C. Frank E. Davis Atlanta. Ga. Emery B. Denny, Jr. ... Gastonia. N. C. ^k^k W. Henry Dodge Ashcville. N. C.

Frank Dunn Winston-Salem. N. C. William H. Dunn Maxton. N. C. William Robert Dunn Atlanta. Ga. Robert W. DuRANT Southern Pines. N. C. William C. Elliott Rome. Ga.



LAWSON IVIE New Rochellc, N. Y. JAMES W. Jackson, JR Columbia. S. C. Ronald Sinclair Jamieson Blairstown. N. J. Henry Lee Jennings San Antonio. Texas Charles boren Jones Charlotte. N. C.

Robert T. KENDRICK . Leaksvillc. N. C. William Kerr Wilmington. Del.

Frank S. Key, JR Florence. S. C.

William Bruce Keys . . Blowing Rock. N. C. JAMES Ellis KICKLITER Sarasota. Fla.

SAM KIMREY Sanford. N. C. ALBERT D. King, JR Bristol. Tenn. George C. King, JR Portsmouth. Va.

NAT D. King ... - Johnson City. Tenn. PARKS M. King, JR Charlotte. N. C.

^ S? '^X SA.M E. Lack Oakdale. La. H. Price LINEBERGER, JR Gastonia. N. C. Eugene Bell Linton Nashville. Tenn. GoRDAN Donald Lipscomb Gastonia. N. C. TO.M D. Little Macon. Ga.

John H. LougHRIDGE Philadelphia. Pa. J. Isaac LOURY Birmingham. Ala.

JACK Lucas . . Greensboro. N. C. John McALISTER, JR Greensboro. N. C. James Elliott McDonald Greenwood. S. C.

JOHN McDowell Charlotte. N. C.

Charles T. McKEE . . Nashville. Tenn. MURDOCK R. MCKEITHEN Cameron, N. C.

Hugh McLaughlin . Raeford. N. C.

William S. McLean . Lenoir. N. C.

ELVER Webster McLEOD. jr. Decatur. Ala. Robert Rankin macMillan Norfolk. Va. Robert J. McMULLEN ... Richmond. Va. A. B. MCNAIR Sanford. N. C. Donald M. Mackintosh McClellanvillc. S. C.

John R. MANESS Greensboro. N. C. WILLIA.M R. MERRITT Mullins. S. C.

JA.MES M. Miller . . Davidson. N. C. Charlotte. Bob Miller . N. C. JAMES H. MILLIS High Point. N. C.

JACK Moody Staunton. Va. CARLISLE C. Moore, JR Rock Hill. S. C. JACK T. Moore Charlotte. N. C. WILLIA.M S. Moore York. S. C. James Lauder Morgan Laurinburg, N. C.



J. p. STUART Troy.N. C. William F. Sutton ... Macon, Ga. Edward C. Sutton Decatur. Ga.

S. McD. TATE ^ Morganton. N. C. JACK TAYLOR New Bern. N. C.

RAY TAYLOR. JR. Greensboro. N. C. George B. THOMASSON Kings Mountain. N. C. Frank B. Treat, Jr Minden. La. ALBERT C. TODD, jR GrecnwoocJ. S. C. Grayson L. Tucker, jr Laurel. Miss.

F. M. Turner. JR Gulfport. Miss. Graham Turner Pink Hill. N. C. Bill Turner Wilson. N. C. Paul G. Van VICKLE Washington, D. C.

JOHN VOORHEES . Nashville, Tcnn.

j. c. walker, jr. , Statesville, N. C. elwood walton Hickory. N. C.

Edwin G. Watt . . Charlotte. N. C. HANSELL watt Thomasville. Ga.

Robert Penick Whaling . Winston-Salcm. N. C.

LAMON WHIDDON Ft. Pierce. Fla. Leonard White Greensboro. N. C. Edward Steele Whitesides Gastonia, N. C. William Lee Whitley Kannapolis, N. C. Jimmy Wilcox Charlotte. N. C.

William H. Wilcox Concord. N. C. Charles Wills Washington, Ga, George R. Wilkinson, Jr Greenville, S. C. Irving A. Williams Salisbury. N. C. SU.MNER M. Williams Greenville. S. C.

Ben H. Williamson, Jr Mt. Airy. N. C.

DAVID Wilson , , , Charlotte. N. C. Rush B. Winchester Charlotte. N. C. Di:xter Thompson Witherington Mt. Olive, N. C. R. M. Withers Davidson. N. C.

George C. Worth Lake Waccamaw. N. C. John P. Wright Lookout Mountain. Tcnn. Earl E. YaNTIS, Jr Atlanta. Ga. SAMMY YARBOROUGH Albany. Ga. JAMES K. Yates Shanghai. China

Lewis Price Wood Davidson. N. C.

84' iW!:'>T,i ;;:« ^ ACTIVITIES — Only In A Democracy Does

'^mmw'^m^$:':^^^m7Mimm^sm^,fm'»f'^^^ Individual Choose His Government

'"•.<• rt^'W^fJT'^V f'*»>'V'''*'- '^^ STUDENT


SENIOR MEMBERS Claude Hackney George Marsh Dan Hodges Bill Sprunt Ed Lucas Albert Winn

JUNIOR MEMBERS John Belk Lacy MacLean AsHBY Dick Lyman Parrigin Hugh Sprunt

SOPHOMORE MEMBERS Price Gwynn Dick O'Hair Pat Williams

Hackney IIodi.i.n Lucas Marsh Sprunt Gwynn O'Hair


(.Dntinuinn to l\>llo\v its long lime rcpuiniion .is directly by the court except those considered serious

ihi- most csii'i-mi'cl orn.ini/.iiion on tin- c.impiis. tlio enough for dismissal from school — these cases being

referred to (!t)uncil. StiiJi'nt ('oiMuil h.is K>n^ sikwsstullv uiiIkKI iIh- the Stuilent

project the this year was to Honor System ol n.iviiison Clollegc. Ciompost-d ot The main of Council amend the constitution whereby the I-reshman Class lourtfon nu-mbcrs. incliulmK the president of the stu- will be given a written test on the points included in dent body, tlie presidents of the three upperdasses, the Honor-System which must be passed shortly after the oflieers ot the stiideni bodv. .iiid tour seniors, two the opening of the school year. The Council hopes in juniors and one sophomore elected by tlie respective this way that the new men will become familiar with classes, it enforces the Honor-System, as well as striv- its powers and limitations and thus avoid unneces- ing in every way to promote higher ideals on the sarily drastic actions by the Council. campus. In summation the Student Council is an organiza-

Another of the many duties of the Council is the tion, elected by the students and empowered by the

supervision of the Freshman Court of Control, that faculty, to act as the conservator of the high ideals of

body being elected by the senior members of the Coun the Honor-System and to promote all other principles

cil. All freshman matters of discipline are handled and programs for the welfare of the college.

89' Y. M. C. S.


Jim Owens President Myron SandiFER First Vice-President Jesse WooteN Second Vice-President Shaw Smith General Secretary


Myron Sandifer Vespers and Church Relations Jesse Wooten Spiritual Development Monroe Bush World Evangelism

Jimmy Fulcher . . Boys' Work Henry McIntosh Sunday Schools Bill MacLauchlin Boys' Work Jim McCrary Spiritual Development

Jerry . . . Newbold . Community Service Charles Parrish Chapel Services Bill Sprunt Publications and Publicity Charles Watt Freshman Work Ralph Williams Social Activities Albert Winn Student Government Representative Archie Taylor Deputations

Jim Owkns SHAW Smith 90' Outst.inJing yc.ir in nnd ycir out for ils all impor Y work in which he may be interested. This work

lant religious and social work, iho Y. M. C. A. is at Davidson is very diversified, being divided into

always recognized as one of the mi>st widely mliii thirteen separate branches, each of which is under the ential and beneficial institutions on the campus, and ilireciion of a student leader who is exceptionally well

this year has been no exception. Under the leadership ipialified In lead in that type of work. I hese heads

and guidance of I'resident .)ini Owens and Ciradiiaie nl various departments compose the Y. M. C. A.

Secretary Shaw Smith, the ^' lias done much lowaril cabinet, which is a general supervising board.

furthering a (Christian atmosphere among the students The actual executive work of the Y is handled by

as well as in the comnninity as a whole. the Graduate Secretary and by the Student President,

l\'rhaps the main reason lor its broad influence is who is elected by the student body from the members

the fact that the ^' is one of the most inclusive of of the Senior class. The working out of the budget all the student organizations, livery student is a mem and directing the policies of the association are taken ber. and as such is entitled to all of the many priv care of by the Y Board of Control, a group of stu- ileges afforded by the national and local associations, dents who are elected by the student body for those and is invited to take an active part in any phase of particular iluiies.


Mr. F. L. Jackson. Chairman Shaw Smith MVRON SaNDIIHR. Secretary Dr. J. R. Cunningham Hugh SpRUNT. Treaaurer Dr. H. B. Arbuckle Jim Owens Dr. W. G. McGavock Bill MacLauchlin Rev. C. R. Pritchett



Frank Caldwell Judge Don Bell Recorder

Senior Members Dick Kelly Gene Shannon

Junior Member Joe McCoy

Sophomore Members Bill Grimsley Earle Bethea

One of the greatest things about Davidson is its traditions, and one of the greatest tradi-

tions is that of having certain regulations which Freshmen must obey.

The function of the Court of Control is to maintain Freshman discipline through powers

allotted to it in the Constitution which include "the hearing, investigation and dealing with charges brought by upperclassmcn against Freshmen for improper conduct, violating regulations, or breaking college traditions." These sentences usually consist of confinement to the campus.

But disciplinary action is not the sole purpose of the Court. It also functions as an advisory body, and has an earnest desire to help the Freshmen become oriented to their new college life.



lamllii McnihiTs

Proi-. 11. J. liiaviN Miss Kai isi A Hood SlIAW Smiiii

Siitilvnl Members


MoNRoi: Bush Dan lioDcns P/W RL1)()I,I'II

Dick Copfi ix.i- Bill Loy Bill Sum.mi ks

Ed Hay W. C. Plunkltt Hd Taylor


GnoRC.n Sinclair Frank Mi:bani£


Ernii-: Wi-bsti:r Pai 1. \Vl LCII

[95; Bell Crook Summers CONYERS McCrary WOOTEN

• ll ^& «lt .=^i.J. ^^»w


The debating team is governed by the Forensic Council, which handles the budget and schedules of the team. The men on the council are those who have shown special interest in debating, and they work in conjunction with the faculty committee on debates. Bill Summers served as the president of the council for 1942. Jim McCrary was vice-president, and Fred Morton acted as debate manager.

Eight debaters were divided into two groups, one for the northern tour and one for the southern tour. On the northern trip Bill Summers. Jesse Wooten. Jim Crooks, and Fred Mor- ton met Washington and Lee, Hampden-Sydney, William and Mary, and Haverford. Don Bell, Ed Hipp, Jim McCrary, and Priestly Conyers debated against the teams of Centre, Sewanee, Birmingham-Southern, University of Alabama, and Agnes Scott on the southern trip. The three subjects for this year's debates were "Resolved: That the Eight Churchill-Roosevelt Principles Should Be Established and Maintained after the War; Resolved: That the Government Should Control by Law All Labor Unions; and Resolved: That Capitalism Should Go After the War."

The Forensic Council also has charge of forming a freshman debating team. This year the freshman team had no debates at other individual schools, but went to the South Atlantic Forensic Tournament in Hickory. N. C. Freshmen debaters were Grayson Tucker. Haywood Brinegar, John Sherrill, and Beall Rodgers.

96' Dakijv HOUCLS



JULIEN L. McCall Editor-in-Chief Bill Lyman Activities Editor Henry McIntosh Assistant Editor Ed Murray Sports Editor Erskine Parks Fraternities Editor Ben Washburn Assistant Editor Jesse Wooten Photographic Editor


Hutchings Booker . Business Manager

Campbell AnsLEY , Asst. Business Manager Fred Boykin Asst. Business Manager WelLFORD Hobbie Asst. Business Manager Joe McCoy Asst. Business Manager John McGEE Asst. Business Manager George Tate Asst. Business Manager

JULIEN L. McCALL, Editor-in-Chief Hutchings Booker, Business Manager

^ ^JlB

Editorial Staff Business [981 OUIPS AND CRANKS

1 -12. Till- sthool year. 'M I wliuli ihis issue ot the Superficially, the QUII'S ANO CRANKS has at

Quips and Cranks h.is purporieil to ropnsint .u tempted to portray a cross section of life at Davidson

Davidson, has markocl iIk- entrance of this country College, particularly that of the Senior Class, by

into the greatest and most horrible war of all his whom and for whom this volume is published. By

tory. Needless to say. Davidson students have been formal photographs, by informal snapshots, and by

profoundly affected this event, both in respect by short articles we have tried to illustrate a year at to their mental outlook and the necessary change Davidson, hoping that thereby fond memories will

of course in their lives. It is impossible to portray be preserved for a lifetime.

these changes in this Annu.ii. AitlKuigh ii may No matter how catastrophic any external event appear, from a perusal herein, that all at Davidson

may be. such as the present World War II. there is is running normally, one must realize that, under- Force that lying the appearance, there exists a vital unrest and one cannot die^the intangible, eternal

uneasiness, a deep-rooted realization of one's duty Wildcat Spirit. It has been active for over a hundred

to his country, a live conviction that the democratic years, and will continue to be so. we trust, forever.

ideas of Truth must be preserved. It is the prevailing spirit of the Davidson campus.

Staff Lyuan

:99] THE

EDITORIAL STAFF Harwell Darby Editor-in-Chief Bob Carter Assistant Editor Ed Erwin Managing Editor Joe Eve Managing Editor Jimmy FulCHER Managing Editor Bill Lyman Managing Editor Henry McIntosh Managing Editor Lacy MacLean Sports Editor

Pat Rudolph . Columnist Clarence Legerton Movie Editor

BUSINESS STAFF John CriCHTON Business Manager

Calhoun Hipp . . Asst. Business Manager Peter Young Advertising Manager Joe Martin Circulation Manager Buck McNeely Circulation Manager IVEY Stewart Supscription Manager

HARWELL DARBY, Editor John CRICHTON. Business Manager

o f^j o o



100' :

r»r D A V I D S N I A N j Hcua- iXmMnn

I hi- l\tvtiisanutn .ippcirs iMih I liursd.iy .is the such as ailverlising. collections and also for circulation.

officinl ni'wsp.ipiT ol both thi- lollcj'i' .iiul ihi' town. Mulway ol the second semester. / hv Daitdsonian

In its p.iKos .iri" rocordcil from week to week j run was handicapped by the loss of all national adver-

ning history of student nnd faeuhy interests and tising material caused by the fact that most large

activities. The paper contains sections devoieil to firms cut down on their advertising. As a result of

sports, editorials, letters, personal and student col this the newspaper was forced to use a four page

umns. musical and movie "write ups." fraternity editit)n. and they did a fine job with this.

activities, feature stories, and varied campus news. I hi- Dinnlsonian has long been known as a leader

liach Monday night the Hdilorial Staff, composed among southern college newspapers, receiving the

c>f the liditor-in Chief, six managing editors, and the coveted "All American" rating once and never fail-

sophomore and Ireshmen reporters meet in the David ing to get a first -class honor mark in the standings

soniun office on Elm Row to assimilate ilie news of of the National Scholastic Press AsscKiation. To the

the week and make up the copy for the printer. The Editors of the Davidsonian. not only for this year

Business StafT. composed of a Business Manager and but for all years, goes the highest praise, for through

six assistants, is responsible for the financial details them much hc^nor has accrued to Davidson.

;#»^>» .»«.»«

Editorial Staff


EDITORIAL STAFF Dan Hodges Ediior-m-Chief Harry Allen Managing Editor Jim Chapman Managing Editor Calhoun Hipp Managing Editor Bill Lyman Managing Editor Lacy MacLean Managing Editor

Jim White . Managing Editor John Northcross An ^ditor


John MacKinnon Business Manager

Joe Eve . Asst. Business Manager

Clarence LegeRTON . Advertising Manager Jim Chapman Collection Manager Joe Barnwell Asst. Business Manager

i*i«i^.^^4'*u. /?«:»«*'•

Dan Hodges, Editor John MacKinnon, Business Manager

Editorial Stam-

102' a

PRANKS ^'iih't^'^'u I liiihlirJ lvrl\-l)]v

D.ividsi>n's humor m.in.i/ino. Ih-iut known as This year the magazine has been particularly for

Scripts n I'ninks. is publishid lour timos a year in tunate in having unusually efficient editorial and busi

the months ot October, Dcctmbir, March, and May. ness staffs. Versatile Editor Dan Hodges, equally

Ranking with the best college humor magazines in talented along artistic and literary lines, aided and

the South, this student publication has taken its place abetted by Business Manager John MacKinnon, suc-

as a well established tradition on the campus— ceeded in producing four really excellent issues. Art

medium which affords to the literary enthusiasts a editor John Northcross, along with Calhoun Hipp,

chance to express themselves in a number ol different Bill Lyman, Jim CJiapman, Sandy Mcl:achern. Tony

ways. While it is usually ihounht of and described Darby, Bill Sprunt, and co-ed Betty Kerr arc among

as strictly a humor magazine, this is really too nar- those who have made valuable contributions of one

row a classification. In addition to the all-important form or another.

humor department, there are short stories, drama. The editor and business manager of this publica-

poetry, art, and numerous features. These features tion, both Seniors, are chosen by the student body

include movie and book reviews, tips on the newest and the Publications Board respectively, liach one

recordings, and the latest sports items. In short then selects his own Junior staff from those who have

every issue of Scripts 'n Pranks contains a variety been working during their Freshman and Sophomore

of items of interest to all its readers. years.

.\LL.X < MMM^^ H.I.- LVMA.N .\lAa.tAN WlllIE NomucRoss Eve Lecerton Bar.vwell 103" |«?«


Sponsor Phi Mu Alpha

JACK Philips, President It's MUSIC '^ f -^ «t^ .^ li^.

t>. C X^

KxwOfr !» > * w.\**R^^T.ia


Founded at Davidson in 1940

Fratres in Facultate Dr. John R. Cunningham Mr. M. T. Mckessler Prof. James C. Pfohl Mr. J. C. Harper. Mr. G. W. Sweet Trustee of College

Fnilres m Collegio 1942 Alvin C. Burns Charles L. Isley Vicar E. Copes Benjamin J. Philips James R. Crook Thomas M. Plonk John E. W. Clark David V. Rhea Charlie Henderson Roy B. Suber Robert B. Hill Claude J. Hackney David A. Huffines George L. Mitchell Jack Philips Hershell D. Seagle President 1943

Harry S. Allen John K. Robinson Joe C. Barnwell William C. Robinson Ed Murray Craig R. Sch.midt Frederick W. Speas



) [107] GLEE CLUB

Davidson College's Glee Club is one of the most important organizations on the campus. Composed of thirty-five stu- dents, it furnishes music each Sunday evening for the College Vespers services. However, one of the organization's most out-

standing contributions to campus activities is the annual Christmas Vesper Program which attracts many patrons to the campus from both Carolinas.

Mr. Earl Berg, a graduate of Concordia College, suc- ceeded Mr. Thane MacDonald as director of the Glee Club last fall. He has had extensive training under many leading vocalists of the nation and his ability as a singer and talent and training as a conductor have brought the Davidson Glee Club to be recognized as one of the best trained male choruses in the South. Mr. Kenneth Osborne, a newly added member to the faculty of the music department, has assisted greatly in the achievements of the organization as their accom-

Kenneth panist. The Davidson Quartet, which is part of the Glee Club Osborne is composed of Bill Summers. John Knox Robinson, Deane Watson, and G. E. Wilson.


1 hf fiHitball b.ind ci>mpi>sid o( approximjiily 80

nu-n was ilic first musical i>r((ani/a(ion In swing into

action this year. I hey made trips with the football

team to Greensboro for the N. C. State game and

to Lexington, Va.. for tlie Washington and l.ee

game: as well as performing at all the home games.

Led by Drum Major I;. Phillips, the band attracted

nuKJi lavorable ct)mment by its intricate maneuvers.

An example of this was the comment by the Com-

mandant of The Citadel stating that the Davidson

band was one of the best musical organizations of

this type he had ever seen in action. Of particular Pkoi-. JAMis C. Pi om. interest this year were the fireworks displays that the Dirtcior ui Musk band presented at our two night games here on

the campus. The accuracy and the case with which

the band performs are due to the efficient tutelage of

Prof. Pfohl and Manager Dave Huffines.

109 /C^4i4.e^4i4^^^ •^*rj>-^r : :

R. 0. T. C. ..

BATTALION STAFF Walter Wooten, JR Battalion Commander Claude J. hackney, JR Battalion Executive Frank C. Caldwell Adjutant Charles H. Watt Intelligence Officer Edward C. Hay Plans and Training JAMES W. Kerr, III Supply Officer Walter Wooten Myron G. SANDIFER Sergeant Major Co/one/ COMPANY A

J. P. Rudolph. Captain

/ii-st Lieutenants: Scnicaitts: B. V. Cowan H. S. Allen D. N. Henderson J. S. Eve

. R. GowDV , , A. Second Lieutenants: p. c. Hipp

(7. T. Brown .[. L. McLean J. R. MacKinnon .T. B. McCoy A. A. McLean W. H. Morrow W. W. Wood 4 "^ "^ '^A^ rtrst ^erfieant: J. A. Wooten


J, M. Owens. Captain

First Lieutenants Seygeauts S. Jones C. W. Anslky G. W. Shannon T. V. Burke H. K, Wilson V. B. Drum Lieutenants: Second l\ ](, ^Ycl" H. M. Darbv C. a. McArthur D. M. Hodges J. D. Phillips _. T. F. Stimson First, Sergeant:^ ,

N. J. Wayman


itMi-^.'imjii-'i'it. ntu^,i-e

112 Nineteen / Iiuh/iVc/ rorly-hro SCABBARD


Seniors Frank Caldwell James Owens Benny Cowan Jack Philips John Crichton Thomas Plonk James Crook Pat Rudolph George Dew Gene Shannon Bill Faison David Spencer Claude Hackney Bill Squires Edward Hay Charles Watt David Henderson Ralph Williams Dan Hodges Cam Wilson southgate jones Fred Little Walter Wooten. Edwin Lucas President


Requirements for membership in Scab- bard and Blade are character, leadership, efficiency, and knowledge of military tac- tics. This national honorary military fra- ternity was founded by the Senior Officers of the University of Wisconsin in 1904.

The local chapter, known as "B" Com- pany, was established in 1923. The society holds two tap days each year, one in the fall for Senior officers, and one in the spring for rising Senior officers. AND BLADE


AsiiiiV Dick Myron Sandieer John Frede;ricks Ed tRWiN Jack Wayman Bob Raney Joe McCoy Jesse. Wooten Herb Rainey Fred Morton Don Caterson Ben Lacy

Honorary Members

Dr. J. R. Cunningham Dr. Scott C. Lyon Capt. E. E. Marsh

Prop. F. K. Fleaglh Dr. J. W. MacConnell Mr. Norman Shepard

Mr. r. W. Hl-NGI-VELD Col. J. A. McAndrew Lt. Samuel R. Spencer Dr. Frazier Hood Coi.. G. T. McKenzie Col. C. L. Steele

Mr. F. L. Jackson Capt. David G. Wilson

Hodges f9 'J^e4i^.<:4JiM4iy/

R. O. T. C. has played a great

part in the life of most Davidson

men this year. Every senior in this department will receive his orders Rifle Team and report for duty the day after

graduation in June. Every under-

classman knows the value of this

training, and has taken a keen inter-

est in every phase of military life. On these two pages we have

attempted to show a cross section of

military life here on the Davidson

Campus with a few shots of summer

Field Instruction Onto the Drill Field Summer R. O. T. C. Camp

R. O. T. C. Camp. Every man has several On the field the cadets are taught the funda- regular class periods during the week devoted mentals of military drill and discipline. They have days set aside for parades, inspection, to instructions in military science and tactics, calisthenics, and extended order in the field. a study of weapons and military procedure, There is also one day in the late spring which and problems that confront the military is devoted to an inspection and rating by officer. There are three hours each week on visiting officers: and a day for competitive Monday. Wednesday, and Friday afternoons drill between companys. platoons, squads, devoted to drill and field work. and individuals.

Co.MPANV Drill ^. ^.f* ,.' -».. r--f—FTP!

ATHLETICS-Here Is Built The Health

..n/^-^-i^'-VfV '<,<., And Slaiina To Carry Through

«y(3>tjTW, ^»tf •« ' J«v <«^ f

''*> <*> r^i ^^^ /*> '^^ r

.^, !iB(Tj f^ ,:^ p ^i^ii.


Ed Lucas President DAVID Spencer Vice-President Ed Hipp Secretary-Treasurer Don Bell Charlie Henderson Bob McLeod Bob Smith The^ Tom Brown Dave Henderson George Mitchell Dave Spencer Frank Caldwell Geddie Herring Ben F. Moore Bill Squires Bob Cahter Ed Hipp Mac Morris Arch Taylor << n M Jack Clark David Huffines Jim Owens John Talmage Dick Coppedge Jim Kerr Carlton Parsons B. B. Turnage John Crichton Bill Loy Chester Pierce Dave Vosburgh r CLUB Sid Daffin Ed Lucas Bob Rankin Charlie Watt Bill Fai SON James Mann Ed Scott Blanton Williamson Baxter Freeze George Marsh Gene Shannon Sam Woodward Claude Hackney Julien McCall Bill Shaw Tom Yarborough Ed Hay

Bob Carter Ed Hipp Gi-orge Marsh

^^^^-^ ^iw^^^.^*5^ 1


Davi-: Spi:nc:i-r

Davidson's outstanclin^ .ulili'lc. most v.ilu.ibli' looib.illir. .inil

p.irlicip.ini in .innu.il North South lootb.ill n.imi-.

John CIrichton

C'apt.iin ol till' ti-nnis tc.ini. .iiul unirt wtiT.ui.

Bl ANKIN W'll 1 lAMSDN ir'i

1 r.uk i.ipi.iin. .mil sii'il.u InirilliT lor tliri'i- yc.irs. Uavi-; Sr'i;Nci k

Archii- Tavi.or Davidson's outstanding track participant.

Ed Lucas Top twirli'r ol the ilianioml team tor three years. John Criciiton

Frank Cai.dwi 1 Captain of the football team, and inspirational leader.

Gf.orgi- Marsh Consistent court man for three years, stellar floor man. and long shot artist.

Ed Hipp Davidson's leading wrestler, and captain of the 1042 team.

Bob Cartir Captain of the baseball team, and consistent first baseman for three years.

Frank Caldwell \



Coach Gene McEver and his assistants, Coach Chet Chapman and Coach Lawrence Spearman, have done a masterful job here at Davidson. They have been faced with the problem of building teams to face such teams as Duke. North Carolina, and other powers of the South which have larger student bodies and thus have

Captain caldwi-ll and Coach McHver

better material to draw from. Our coaches have, through their hard work and interest, given us fighting and well-coached teams that can give any of these football powers a good game any day, and outplay and defeat any team of equal strength. Our coaches do not confine their work to the gridiron alone. They divide their interests between finding the boys aid in their class work, keeping them in tip-top physical condition, and looking after their general well-being. Davidson owes a lot to these three men, and we would like to pay our tribute to them by saying Thank you, Coaches McEver, Chapman, and Spearman.

Cu.-.i_: ilj Cpearman. McHver and Ci-:Ar M\N\r,r|j V(-spi.p

122 1942 WILDCATS

I he 1442 Wililcais Ij.ivc doiu- j nughiy fine job consiiK-rinn the handicaps that they encoun- tered. Our first game of the season was the only time that the complete C'at squad took the field together. Prom this first game on. they were beset by injury after injury; and at one time during mid season tliere were fifteen men out with one kind of injury or the other. This did not keep the fighting Wildcats down though, they stayed right in there and fought all the way—showing up exceptionally well: and fin- ished the season with a 24 14 victory over the favored Citadel eleven.

Individual star of this year's team was Dave Spencer who shone in every game, and at the end of the season was selected to participate in the North Carolina-South Carolina College All- Star game: and he was also chosen to play in the annual North-South game in Montgomery. Alabama. Captain Frank Caldwell, an inspira- tional leader to the team through the entire season, was also selected to participate in the North Carolina-South Carolina game, and was the starting center for North Carolina. Men that will be missed on Davidson's 1942 squad are Caldwell. Miller, Hay, Woodward, Spen- cer, Smith, Faison, Bell. Hipp. Shaw, Marsh, Shannon. Hackney, and Henderson.

-• '•'SUt^'.... 1 ««•£»•.**•»» •J»»*»«rv ' iw. «^rfj*> "Wkmr.

123' Davidson —Rollins

Davidson's Wildcats opened their 1941 season with an unim- pressive tie with Rollins' Tars. Expected to win with ease, the Wildcats were unable to get moving and the Tars stopped every scoring threat of their favored rivals. Davidson missed a scoring chance when a Rollins kick rolled

out on its 3 5 -yard line, however a fumble cost the Wildcats 10 yards and any chance to score. Later a pass from Spencer to Lacy carried 30 yards to the Rollins 25, but there the attack stalled. After that the teams struggled futilely near midfield. the

Tars playing for a tie, kicking on second and third down.

Davidson 6 —N. C. State 6 Bell, Tackle Playing one of its best ball games of the season, the Wildcats held the highly favored Wolfpack to a 6-6 tie — its second tie in as many games. Both N. C. State and Davidson pushed across touchdowns in the last period, both failed to convert the extra point and the game ended in a deadlock. Taking the kickoff after State's touchdown, the Wildcats took the ball

and never turned it loose until the score was tied. The drive,

which carried from the Davidson 1 where Lacy received the kickoff was featured by spectacular passing by Spencer and Bruce and the catches of Shannon and Williams. Davidson threatened in early minutes of the game but State's forward wall held.

Caldwell, Center

Spencer, Back

124' II I AISON, / nj I Id HI K K, ^iiji*; IlllT. /;,/,/,

Davidson —North Carolina 20 Davidson —Si:wani:i-: 7

Intercepted pnsscs proved l.it.il to the Wildcats as Sewanee Tigers cashed in on one of three threats

Carolina triumphed over Davidson 20 in ,i well- to defeat the Wildcats 7-0. The lone touchdown fouglit game. Seven interceptions set up .ill three came in the first two minutes of the final quarter. Carolina touchdowns, put an end to two Davidson Davidson threatened in every period but fumbles scoring threats and in general wrecked the Cats' hopes proved costly. of an upset. A large part of the game was a kicking Johnny Miller did a masterful job of punting for duel between Davidson's Bethea and Miller and the the Wildcats, averaging 4"^ yards. Many of his boots Tar Heels' Dunkle. with the Cat hooters having a rolled outside within the 20- yard line. definite edge. The Cats took the edge in first downs but Sewanee The three Carolina touchdowns were all scored on led in rushing. short passes fourth down passes, after the hard charging David Only were completed by son line had bottled up the Tar Heel running attack either team. In this game, started the disastrous string for three plays. The whole Wildcat team played a of injuries which proved costly in future Wildcat bang-up game throughout the thrilling contest. games.

125' —

Davidson —V. P. I. 16

The Virginia Tech Gobblers took advantage of their own

mistakes and scored a 16-0 victory over the Davidson Wild-

cats. After a try for a field goal missed, Davidson kicked back

only to have its kick blocked and roll across the end zone for

an automatic safety. This in turn set up another score. The Wildcats kicked and this punt was returned 65 yards by the

Va. Tech safety man for the score. Toward the end of the

first half Davidson threatened, but the threat was stopped.

Davidson's outstanding stars were Spencer and Shannon who constantly gained yardage but to no avail. Long kicking by Bcthea and Miller kept the visitors backed up for most of the

MARSH. Guard afternoon.

Davidson 13 Furman 31

Davidson's Wildcats determined to rack up their first win

by upsetting the favored Purples of Furman, drove to a smashing

touchdown early in the first period, only to be overcome by the more powerful and magic Furman team.

Davey Spencer, engineering the march, mixed plunges and

passes to perfection. The payoff came on a pass which Shannon

took on the two and stepped across the line. Frederick con-

verted and the Cats led 7-0. Although the Davidson team clicked beautifully for the remainder of the game, the Furman foot-

ballers had a little too much brawn and deception for the ever- fighting Cats.

Miller. Back

Moore, Guard

126' Davidson 7 — V. \1. I. n BETHEA. Back The Wildcats showed power in their attack on the V. M. I. Cadets only to lose a heartbreaker H-Z. Behind the swift running of Dave Spencer and Claude Hackney. Davidson marked up seventeen firstdowns to the

Cadet's ten and marched 226 yards to 198 for V. M. I. A quick drive in the fourth period went deep into Virginia territory and on a quick opening pass play. Pat Williams grabbed Spencer's pass in the end zone for six points. Several times earlier in the game the Cats were ready for the kill, but each time the big Cadet line got tough inside the twenty and stopped the Cats. Aside from the good backfielders. Taylor and Caldwell played fine ball for Davidson.

MOOREHEAD, End RAINEY. Tackle Davidson —Duke 56

The Duke Blue Devils' undefeated, untied outfit displayed not only power but deception in defeating the Wildcats 56-0. The Dukes took the opening kickoff and scored after only three minutes had elapsed.

There was no doubt as to the outcome after that first march. The Wildcats showed flashes of clever play, but could not

sustain a drive against the bruising Duke forwards and only

twice got into Duke territory.

Red Bethea, star Wildcat sophomore back, thrilled the fans

with long, booming punts that would have kept a less powerful

adversary in hot water. Bethea's average for this game was

over fifty yards per try. Shannon, Back

Davidson 13 —W. and L. 13

With Little Dave Spencer leading the way the Wildcats

played their third tie of the season against Washington and

Lee. Spencer scored Davidson's first touchdown on a six-yard

plunge that terminated a 67-yard drive from the opening kick-

off, and his passing and elusive running made him a constant

threat throughout the game. Johnny Frederick crashed the line for the Wildcats' second

touchdown in the fourth period after pass plays had carried

Shaw, Tackle

Hackney, Back

128' —

Davidson 5 5 yards to tlic one-yard stripe. Frederick also kicked

the extra point.

On the first play of the game from scrimmage Spencer gave an inkling of what was in store by storming through the line from his own 3^ to the Washington and Lee 45, later scoring the first touchdown. Other outstanding stars of this game were Claude Hackney and Alf Taylor.

Davidson 24 Citadel 14

Davidson's fighting Wildcats dosed the season and celebrated Turkey Day by downing the favored Citadel eleven 24-14.

Little Dave Spencer ended his college career in a final blaze of glory, pitching all three of the touchdown passes and com- pleting more than one-half the number thrown.

The Cats scored early in the first period starting a sustained drive from their own 35 featured mainly by Little Dave's pass- ing and running. Dick O'Hair caught the touchdown pass to draw first blood and Frederick converted to put the Cats in the lead 7-0. Featuring the next two touchdowns was Claude Hackney, wingback who scored both touchdowns on passes from Spencer. Johnny Frederick kicked the extra points and also a field goal at a tricky angle from the 15 -yard line.

Rod Bethea's punting was up to its fine standard and he averaged 41 yards from scrimmage per boot. TAVLOK, Guard

129- On the HARDWOOD NOKMAN SlIlrl'AMI), CiHuh

Din-ilitr III Alhlelicn


Coach Slicpard had his liaiuls lull at ihc beginning of the cage season to try and develop

a winning team. Scorers were few and far be- tween, but with hard work the Wildcats steadily improved and showed themselves to be a danger-

ous foe for all competitors. Returning lettermen were Captain Tommy Yarborough. John Belk. Ed Lucas. Bob Mcl.eod. Dave Spenc'r. Johnny Fredericks, and George Marsh.

Handicapped b\- lack of height the Cats de- veloped into a fast breaking team with such sharpshooters as McLeod. Belk, Wayman. and Marsh bagging the points. John Belk was high point man for the year. Behind him in their order of points were Bob McLcod and Jack Wayman. Starting the season rather slow, the

Cats lost most of their first games: but toward the end of the season they won five out oi the last six games and finished with a thirteen won. thirteen lost record.

During the last part of the season the Cats defeated such teams as Citadel —twice. Furman. College of Charleston, and the Norfolk Naval Training Station. In the next to the last game of the season the Wildcats lost an exciting thril-

ler to South Carolina's highly touted Game- cocks, but only after a hard fight. However, against their Big Five opponents the Cats seemed

[i3i: powerless and failed to win over any of them. In the early minutes of these games the Davidson cagers took the lead only to be overcome in the sec- ond half. The Wildcats' most impressive games were their wins over the Citadel and Furman. In their second game with North Carolina the Cats looked exceptionally well only to lose by the score of 4 1 to 35. At mid-season Captain Tommy Yarborough was called by Uncle Sam and Johnny Fredericks, who was a consistent scor- er, dropped off the team due to spring football practice. Little Dave Spencer was acting captain for the remainder of the season. Prospect for next year's cage team is unusually bright. Returning will be lettermen Jack Wayman, Pat Wil- liams, John Belk, Mac Bruce, and Johnny Fredericks. Co-Captains-elect for next year are Jack Wayman and John Belk. This team will be boosted considerably by an undefeated frosh five. CURRIE ^


I ).1VIiIm>I1 44 I. I). ,KMU^ 25

Daviclsun 2-4 1 lani's Hosiery 52

^' Dnviilson ^() Kannajiolis

n.ivulsun \\ Kannapi>Iis ^' ^8

Davidson Univ. of N. C. ^7

Davidson 21 l.angk-y I'ii-ld 20

Davidson 2t Naval Base

Davidson McOary I-ayK-s 45

l^avulson ->0 Duke 75

Davidson 48 N. C. State 71

Davidson 22 Univ. of S. C. 30

Davidson 4^ N. C. State 60

Davidson 44 Guilford 27

Davidson 18 Univ. of N. C. 45

Davidson 37 Duke 73

Davidson 37 WofTord 31

Davidson 29 Guilford 20

Davidson 29 Col. of Charleston 31

Davidson 41 Citadel 39

Davidson 48 Citadel 33

Davidson 34 Furman 29

Davidson 49 WofTord 35

Davidson 49 Col. of Charleston 38

^ > ^ 4 Davidson 39 Univ. of S. C. 46 Bruce Williams Yarborouc.h Belk McLeod Marsh Davidson 39 Furman 43

133' r^^ Gun and THEY'RE OFF


1^. <^^# r

N" - I -1[ " SlJ. ^s-nV' m ^^

V_> >

^,^..' J f ^ /> III AIM Willi 111-. Caach

Williamson TRACK

Tlic 1942 Wildcat cindcrmcn form per-

haps one of the strongest track teams in recent

years. In tlie opening meet of the season, the

Cats won a very impressive victory over the

University of South Carolina by the score of

70 to 56. Leading the team in this meet were Davcy Spencer and Captain Blanton Wil-

liamson. Spencer took first place in both the

javelin and broad jump, while Williamson

won the high jump and tied for first in the

high hurdles. Other first places in this meet

were won by Arch Taylor in the low hurdles.

Gene Shannon in the pole vault. Rufus Nim-

mons in the mile run. Jim Nickols and Erskine

Parks tied for first in the two-mile run. and

Dick Port tied for first in the high hurdles.

The Wildcats appear to be strong in all

events: however, there is a weakness in the SPENCER shot and cfiscus events. Most outstanding in

135 these events are Glenn Terrel and Baxter

Freeze. In the indoor meet at Chapel Hill. where all competition is stiff. Arch Taylor

took first place in the low hurdles and fourth in the high hurdles while Gene Shannon took

a third in the pole vault. These two Cat cindermen also showed up well in the Caro- *>< lina relays ( another track occasion at Chapel

Hill ) . This time Taylor was second in the

high hurdles while Shannon tied for second

in the pole vault.

f ? f P f f

'"C-?.\W>iT'^^olSS«ft» -

136' In thi- siC(>ncl niivl oi tho season the (\its weren't quite so tortunalo as tlu-y bowed to v. P. I. This meet was two days after spring vacation and probablv nuuli ol the blame

\:m-[ be turned to the lact ol too mueh lay ofi during this time, liven so there were several standouts. Tavlor came through with firsts in both the low ani.! high hurdles, uhile IV'n

I aev. Ivutus Nimmons. and Dave Spencer each had two second places apiece. The cinder- men should come tlirougli the remainder of tho season with living colors. Meets tc:) follow are with lurman. Presbyterian. N. C. State and the Soutliern Conference Meet. Of the conference foes. State will probably prove to be the toughest.

Coach W'hitile lias tound it hard to pick the fastest men in the hurdles and sprint events.

Capable men for these events are Bill and Ben Lacy. Hugh Sprunt. Dick Port. Arch Taylor, and Captain Blanton Williamson.

Running a consistent 440 has been Bill Loy. Nimmons and John Bclk are the best bet in C: the 880, Nimmons and White in the mile. and Parks and White in the two mile. In the field events are Spencer. Belk. Williams.

O'Hair. Shannon. Bill Lacy. Dabney. and Williamson: while Terrel and Freeze com- pose the weight division. It will be hard to predict the status of the track team for David- son next year as seven of this year's team arc graduating. They are Captain Williamson.

Taylor. Shannon. Spencer. Terrel, Freeze, and Coppedge. In the Cats' last few meets they defeated Furman, 96 to 30. and Pres- byterian College, 66 to 60. In the final meet they defeated N. C. State. 79 to 47. with

Arch Taylor breaking the school hurdle records.

137] Right down THE ALLEY

1^^^^*-^ Norman shrpard, CimcH


Dj\'idson's baseball nine started the season rather raggedly a n d lost their first game to Catawba College. In their only other game to date the Cats showed vast improve- ment only to lose a heart-breaker to North Carolina by the score of 4 to 2. It was Dav- idson all the way until the ninth. A timely hit and a wild throw allowed the Tar Heels the margin of victory.

Ed Lucas pitched tliree hit ball for eight and

139 one-third innings. Bob McLeod pitched the tion for all comers. Composing a very fast last. It was a tough game for "Luke" infield are Captain Bob Carter at first, Dickie after pitching such a fine ball game against a Phillips at second. Jim Owens at short, and powerful nine. Leading the hitters in this Dave Maloney at third base. Roving the out- game was Jack Clark with two hits for three field are Jack Clark, Sid Daffin and Johnny times at bat. All told Davidson collected eight Fredericks. The catcher's post was won by safeties off the Carolina pitcher. Sophomore Earle Bethea. and pitching to him

The Wildcats proved themselves to be a was perhaps one of the best pitching staffs very aggressive ball club and strong competi- in recent years. The twirlers are Ed Lucas, Mac Morris. Bob McLeod. Jack Davis, Paul Neisler, and Ed Major. Neisler and Major are sophomores. The next game was with Lenoir-Rhyne, and the Cats looked destined for sure victory

but the game was called off on account of

rain. Davidson led 7 to after two innings of play. Mac Morris drew the pitching assign- ment and held the opponents scoreless during these two innings of play. Little Dickie Phil-

lips hit the first homer of the season, with three men on the bases.

140' This yc.ir's niiu' is .in uiuisii.illv licnv liii Will) the pitching ol Lucas and Morris, and tinjj team. Up to datf. \.')aw Makinoy is U\ul the hitting oi Maloney, Charter and company ing tlic hiltiTS. li)lli>\vod closely by Jack Cilark, the Wildcats will be hard to beat. Probably Bobby Charter, aiui Dickie I'hillips. Maloney the toughest of their remaining games will be bats in the clean-up spot. Afield the Cats even with Duke's powerful Blue Devils. outshine their hittinjj. In their only three Ciraduation will take six leltermen Irom the ijanies to i.iate the C .us have played errorless scjuad: however the prospects for next year ball, and only a couple oi wild throws mar seem fairly bright. Those seniors who will the record. With a team ol this calibre, the receive their "sheep skins" are Bob Carter, Daviilson nine seems surely destined tor vic- .Jim Owens. Sid DafTin, Jack Clark. Mac tories in most oi their remaining contests. Morris, and lid Lucas.



Davidson's wrestlers, witli five leiiermen returning from last year's team, showed up exceptionally well during the past season. The Wildcats won three of their six meets. Captain Ed Hipp was the standout of the season along with Bernice Turnage. who also won con- sistently.

The Wildcats were downed by the State Champions from Carolina, and were runner-up to them for the state title. Washington and

Lee and V. P. I. were the only other teams to defeat our grapplers. The wins were over Duke. N. C. State, and Maryland.

Standout performers in the lighter weights were Paul Browning, George Council and R. L. Brinson. while in the heavier weight classes Bernice Turnage. Wilbur Carter, and Captain Hipp held the best records for the Cats. Round- ing out a well-balanced team were Clyde Stroup. Dick Coppedge, Bill Simmons, and Ashby Dick. Coach Parker, with several promising num- cralmcn from the freshman team and four returning Icttermen, has high hopes for an ever more successful season next year. Lcttcrmen returning will be Council. Dick, and Co- Captains-elcGt Wilbur Carter and R. L. Brinson.


The Wildcat tennis team of 1942 has shown up fairly well in their matches to date with two wins against three defeats. In the season's opener the racqueteers traveled to Charlotte to meet the strong Kalamazoo team. In this meet the Cats failed to win a single match. For the next matches, the Cats journeyed southward and played against Georgia Evening College. Stet- son, and the University of Florida. They were able to triumph over only Florida by a score of 4 to 3. Making the trip were Captain John Crichton, Craig Schmidt. Lyman Parrigin, Buck Archer, and Gene Sutton.

In their next meet the Wildcats downed Lenoir Rhyne College 4 to 3. In this meet the players showed vast improvement and seemed determined to win the remainder of their matches. Mac Bruce, a newcomer to the team,

showed up exceptionally well in his first match.

Leading the race for individual honors is Buck Archer, who has won three matches and lost

two. Second is Gene Sutton with two wins and three defeats. Archer and Sutton have also been playing the best doubles.

CAPTAIN John Crichton Schmidt. Archer, Sutton.


t ^T•

manager McLean, Archer, Bruce, Parrigin, Schmidt, Crichion, sun on.

144' GOLF

I hi- IXniilson Goiters ho^^.in the '42 season with only one letterman returning—Captain

Pete C'avert. Quahfyins rounds were played ami

those to quality other than (.'avert were Tom

BumbarKer. Charlie Upchurch, [-rank Mebane.

and Bob Gaither. The regular team was com

posed ot Bumbarger. (!avert. Upchurch, anJ

Mebane with Gaither acting as alternate.

To date the Cat goiters have played only

four matches—three on their southern tour.

Of these they were victorious in only one

match— with the University of Florida, which Pete Cavert they won by the score of Q'^ to 8' 2- Losses

cm the tour were to The Citadel and the

University of Georgia by the score of IZ'^ to

5' 2 and 17 to 1. respectively. Bumbarger has Prospects for next year's Wildcat golfers

shot the best score so far for the Cats, with should be considerably brighter than this year.

Cavert close on his heels. Hopes arc for the Each of the five team members will return.

team to place in the Southern Intercollegiate Cavert and Mebane arc juniors: Bumbarger,

Tourney which is to be held on May 9. Gaither and Upchurch, sophomores.



Soccer is both a varsity and freshman sport

on the Davidson campus and is rated as a minor

sport, although its participants receive varsity awards. The 1941 soccer squad, under the leadership of Captain and Coach Tom Brown, showed up exceptionally well considering the

tough opposition. Its winning games were over

the University of Virginia twice, and ties with Duke University and High Point Y. M. C. A.

Its most impressive showing of the year was the

tie with the Dukes. Playing probably the most

consistent ball and also the best were John

Talmage, Bernice Turnage, Chester Pierce, Bob

Sleet, and Captain Brown. The point makers

were usually Brown. Pierce, and Talmage. Most

outstanding on defense was Pierce. These are all

seniors and their loss to the team will be greatly

felt next year. However, several experienced lettermen will return. Among these lettermen

returning are coach and Captain-elect Preston Oliver, Ray Preston, and Ernie Webster. Hopes

Tom Brown are for several good freshmen. Captain and Coach


I he Luycsi Wikl Kiiun eleven to show

up M Davidson in many years brought

with it numerous and outstanding varsity

prospects. Coach Bolin put four full teams

in uniform and subsituted them as a full

team, each man playing a part in every game. The Kittens were undefeated and

had only 1 2 points scored on them, while

amassing a total of 226 points for them-

selves. The outstanding linemen on the

frosh team were Gene Bingham at center,

Tom Peters at end, Louis Bibb and

Bill Turner at the guard positions. Backfield luminaries were Art Roach. Luke

RiflFe. Buck Williams, George Peters, and Abie Short and Bob DuRant. Each of

these men is likely to see much action as

a varsity player next fall. At the end of

the season the Wild Kittens elected George

Peters as their Captain, with Art Roach

as alternate captain.

1471 %**-

^ h-M k fT^*


^^iik.vj-:^^ .-Sa*-* FRESHMAN ATHLETICS


The Wildkitten qumt this year was undoubtedly the best in the history of the freshman classes. The frosh opened the season with teamwork superb and were unde- feated. Tommy Peters, George Peters, Harry Hudson, Abie Short, and Jackie Byrd composed the first team. Each displaying a flashy piece of floor work and sharpshooting, and playing the all-round brand of ball that will probably give them varsity positions next year. Track Tennis TRACK

In their only meet of the season to date the frosh tracksters won a 64 to 53 victory over Winston-Salem


High School. Leading the point-makers in this meet were George Peters, Arthur Pendleton, Tom Peters, and Luke r Riffe. Distant runners are scarce, but Coach Spearman is t knee deep in weight men with Tom Peters, Luke Riffe, Art Roach, and Arthur Pendleton getting the points.


Davidson's freshman wrestlers this year composed a

fairly well balanced team. Perhaps its best performance of the season was a victory over the N. C. State freshmen. Ben Williamson and Raphael Coonrad were perhaps the most consistent winners and should prove a help to the varsity grapplers. Other frosh wrestlers who showed promise were Jack Rochelle, Bob Grimsley, and Frank Hall. Tom Pi-THRS—outstanding Freshman atblfle. L FRESHMAN ATHLETICS hA


Hitting is weak and pitching is not up to sianckirds on this year's trosh nine. Afield the Wildkittens stick with the best, and if their stride at the plate should come, iliey should prove to be a good ball club. Pitching the best ball so far has been Frank Gault. Starring afield have been Don Erb. Bob Kendrick. Buck Williams, and Tom Peters. Leading the hitting are Hrb and Williams.


The frosh racqucteers have proved themselves to be hard to beat. In their only match to date, they downed Oak Ridge by the score of 5 to 4. Playing the number


one position and sure for a position on next year's varsity

team is Jackie Byrd. Another frosh who consistently bangs

the ball back is Gerry Robinson. Henderson. Sutton. Davis, and Ransom complete the team.


Since the freshmen golfers have yet to play their first

match, it is hard to determine the quality of their playing. Probably composing the team will be Eddie Fowler, Ray

Taylor. Lee Potter, and Don Bryant. It is not certain which of these men will play the number one position. All seem very capable in making the round. —

SENIOR Class Champs

The seniors made a dean sweep of intcrclass athletics this year. They were victorious in practically every sport— football, basketball, volley INTRAMURUS ball, and were runners-up to the juniors for the baseball championship. Charlie Allcott acted as manager of the senior team this year, and did

a mighty fine job of handling. Individual stars for the senior aggre-

gation were Davis Thomas, Bob McLeod. Bobby Carter, Joe Bivins,

Ed Lucas. Glen Terrell. Cam Wilson, and Frank Caldwell.

s, A. E. Football Champs

iV mii^h I OOTBAI I A I

Siiiina Alplu lipMlnn wfnt tlitoiiKl) (In- iniit frjiernily looiball «•<•"'' wiilmuc 4 ili-tcac- ltd by ihc combinaiion of Clurlk' Wills and Bob Mel cod. jnd i forward wall lid bv C:ii.irlu- Alkoll Jnd I il

Irwin the S. A. \: s ilinchi'd llii' i.h.im|iionslii|i

lin.il wilh .» f> 10 viclorv ovir (In- K As in llic

HJini' of ihc MMson


The S. P. I!.s likewise swcpi the frJiernity bjskelb^ll tourney without .1 defcu. They opened the season .is .» dark horse, but due 10 lonsistent and nood team play they were able to coni|uer all comers. Sid DafTin. Bill I oy. and Dick Miller led the aRureKalion ably assisted by Rod lurner. ,loe

Bivins. I red Morion, and lid Hay.


PlayinK consistent ball all the way through, the K. A.'s were able to breeze through the frat volley- ball tourney victorious. Stellar competitors such as Davis Thomas. Charlie Watt. Bernice Turnage. and Cam Wilson led their well rounded team through several close games, but always managed to come out on top.


The Kappa Sigs. for the second straight year. annexed the interfrat track meet almost doubling the score on their nearest competitor. Led by such per- formers as the Peters twins. Arthur Pendleton, and Ben Lacy they stayed ahead all the way. and their victory never was in doubt.

KAPPA ALPHA—VOLLHYBALL CHAMPS SiG.viA Phi Epsilon—Basketball Champs

K.\PPA Sig.ma—Track Champs ^^

^ ^^

t-l^ -'\\,'»r V-.' m



r/> mm

\ The Pan-Hcllcnic Council opened the dance

season this year with Vince Courtney and his Duke Ambassadors for the Homecoming Dance Set. Our next Set was the biggest of the year — Mid-Winters music furnished by ^dTji — Teddy Powell and his band. For the first time in the

history of Davidson a swing concert was held in Chambers Auditorium. This venture met

with very much success as the hall was almost

packed with students and dates as well as faculty members. Pan Hellenic Council President Pat

Rudolph led the Friday night formal figure

with Miss Eloise Ainsworth followed by the other members of the Council—Mason Wallace with Miss Frances Fleming, Ed Lucas escorting Miss Millie Brenizcr, Julien McCall sponsoring with Miss Mandy Morgan. George Marsh marching with Miss Marilyn Reaves, Carlton Parsons escorting Miss Julia Guion, Walter

Mason Wallace and Frances Fleming 'aviuA^m.'di. fy

Wooti-n with Miss Mnrth.i Br.imlon, Jack Philips dating Miss Jano Willis, ami Rod

I uriur with Miss Betty IVumihiiu'. At this Mid Winters Set, the Pan Hellenic Council and alternates presented their dates with favors which consisted of gold in- dividual fraternity rings. Special feature during this week eni.1 turnetl out lo be the "no-breaks", each o\ which consisted of about six straight numbers played in the glow of one round crystal ball.

JLI.IFN MrC.M.I. AND MANDY MORGAN Serving as alternates for Mid-Winters were Al Winn with Miss Grace Walker, Davis Thomas escorting Miss Jean Stearns, Ed Scott marching with Miss Bruce Biggs, Tad Larkin sponsoring Miss Frances Roebuck, Ed Hipp I dating Miss Bee Wimbish, Dan Hodges with

Miss Maujer Moseley, Bill Sprunt in the figure

with Miss Betsy Hill, Joe Bivens with Miss Edwina Lawrence, and Jack Wcstall sponsor- ing Miss Ann Huntington.

Third Dance Set of the year was the Military

"D" Club Set. On Friday night the members of Scabbard and Blade with their dates made

up the figure led by President Walter Wooten.

Ed Hipp and Bee Wimbish Dan Hodges and Maujer Moseley Bill Sprunt and Betsy Hill Joe Bivens and Edwina Lawrence Tad Larkin and Frances Roebuck Ed Scoti am.) BkucE Biggs Davis Thomas and Jean Stearns Al Winn and Grace Walker

George Marsh and Marilyn Reaves I


while tor the Saturday night informal the "D"

Club presented the figure led by President lid

.);\i K I'Hll ll'S AM) .lANI Wll I IS I A' K Wl SIAI I AMI Hi. NUN', Lucas followed by each sports captain ami other Ann senior members of the club.

I'ourlii ami linai Pan Ikiknic Set lor this year was Sprmg Irolics held the week-end before

May Day. The C^ouncil presented a new dance feature ai this set on Saturday night, which consisted ol a liatlle ol bands—both on liie stage at the same lime- -between Johnny Satter- field and Hurst Hatch and their bands. Hach and every one of these sets was enjoyed to the fullest by all that attended, and it is hoped that the standards set by our dances this year can be continued in the years to come.

At press time a move was on foot to have a Senior Dance during the week-end of grad- uation.

Carlton Parsons and Jllia Gl'IOn MISS ELOISE AINSWORTH

Sponsor Pan-Hellenic Council

Pat Rudolph. President PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL

JA.MI S P. Rl'lHil I'll. I'lcsiilcnl ^^ "" ,Q e. e^ !f^

^^ Cj Cj (T


•«5*j c*^*^' y«%*f firr' ffl p ^

Bryant Winn Rogers Phillips, D. D. White McNair I ratrvs in Collegia

JAMIS R Bk^ani JoM I'll H Ml I.ISKI V. Jk Hi NRV CARi. Rowland M SI I VI rni-KsioN

PAL I M. i:i iRi). Jr. B .IA( KSON I'llll.ll'S. JR W'ii.i.iam M. Shaw, Jk Ai hi Ri C. Winn JAMI S B HOWHLl. P Rduinson Rankin. Jr InWARD B. TAYLOR


Morion 1. Cin.'R< ii. Jr. I RANK N. MrnANL. Jr. William B Roix.irs

ALLAN W. BOS( II EDMOND C PHILIPS M Mnley Tucker, Jr. William V.. Whiie. Jr.

GlORl.i: I Bl'CKLl Y Diwm D Phillips CHARLES W. UPCHURCH. JR. GEOR(ii II Wilson, Jr. ROBIRT G. Cl-'SHMAN Chari IS M. Robinson Paul B. Welch. Jr. RuEus Woody. Jr.

STAHY r. GARRISON GtORC.K I.. Rosborou(.h Robert B. Welsh DAVID M. Yocu.m, Jr. TOM T MlLLIKlN S. Gaines Stubbins Craweord Wheeler. Jr.


r H Byrd. Jr G. Donald Lipscomb Willia.m a. Ranson Bryant B Skinner I.oLis B. Crayton. Jr. A. B. McNair Charles g. Rowland Rush s. Smith thomas j. goodu Lloyd w. Pritchett, Jr. John L. Sherrill Grayson l. tucker. Jr. Robkrt Z. Kendrick Dexter t. witherington

Edith Ebelein



The Betas started 1941-42 off with a bang exams took up all available time for the next by pledging twenty-one men during Rush Week. month or so. After Midwinters with Jack

Special Pledge Day ceremonies were attended by Philips in the figure and a third banquet started faculty brothers, including three Beta Presidents intensive pledge training in the history of the of Davidson College. A brisk and colorful fall chapter, with Phi Alpha's unique chapter his- saw the usual round of feeds and informal tory as text. This period of training was cli- parties after football games. Intramural foot- maxed by the initiation of a splendid group of

ball, a study hall for freshmen, and the initia- fourteen men on February 2 1 . Spring saw the tion of three upperclassmen punctuated the start on the construction of a brick terrace in autumn routine. The fall's big event was Home- the rear of the house. Plans for a gala spring coming week-end. Directed by Joe Barnwell, function were in progress as the annual went Phi Alpha chapter took second in the to press. Beta interfraternity teams, under Burk- decorations contest. Social occasions included head Walker's leadership, had scrapped through the annual alumni banquet and an intermis- football and basketball season, and were limber- sion party at Bob Welsh's home. The winter ing up for spring sports. The entire chapter months opened brilliantly with a successful enjoyed the remaining Pan-Hellenic dances Christmas party. The traditional Christmas tree which included the Military "D" Club. Dance on Friday night featured a play by the pledges, and Spring Frolics. Officers for the year were: and Saturday night was given over to a ban- Albert Winn, president: Bob Rankin, vice- quet and dance at the Charlotte Country Club. president: Craig Schmidt, secretary: and Paul Christmas holidays and the "long drive" for Efird, treasurer.

162 Ben

Hmkli'U. W'clih. and I uckcr

iinJ Mul W'inlcrs dales . . . Group

at Bi'la (77r(.s7/??c/,s I unction . . .

Cnnncs. Bob. Jack. Goodc. Gray-

son, and l:d . . . Second place

homecommii decorations . . . Betas

shoic off pretty dates . . . Mr. and

Mrs. Bob Bryant . . . Freshman

skit at Christmas party . . . Dance

time at the fall format . . Presi-

dent Al as toastmaster . . .

163 «•» Wi



«^ l^i .^ "%. Bell VoSBURGH Parks Hill BoARMAN Ta- Friitrvs in Cullegio

DONAl 1) R. Bi 1 1. Rohl Rl W. I I 1)1 R J CARI.ION PARSONS B Euf.tNi- Shannon I'Al'l UKOWNINli. JR HAVII) N Ml NDI RSON lilX.AR V.. SCOIT David m. Si'iiNcitR David W. VosBUKiiH

I 'Ml

RohiRi I . Brinson, Jr. G. I.ani- s i Thomas jami i ni ii . jr Hi RhI Rl W. RAlNiy John A I ki ni rk k Jdmi'H i:. MARiiN Ross I.. Parks DAVID C Williamson

R W CiRAVls. Jr. Col oMurs C ,M, IR Harrv I- Pol 1 iv K


CllARl.US B. Brockman SAM H. Hi:ndi-rson Cyrus W. Hockius HORACI- Piarsall RtWSIR 1. ClARK IRANCIS S. HlI.L HAROLD MAXWIiLL CLVDI: S. STROUP AR< nil A lAKRAR J. Ml ADI Tollhson

JoL M. Andirson, Jr. CllARl.is M. GlUliS. Jr. J. I.UCAS Rlll H W. Graha.m turnlr LUl.lNI- B. BlNt'.llA.M J. W. GOLDSTON Arthur W. Roac;ii William h Turnlr HORACI BOAR.MAN W. HLNRY PlTTMAN JACK R. Taylor PAUL G. VAN VICKLE JAMI S M. I RALLY WILLIAM J. PRH CHARD P. M. Turnhr, Jr. J. C. WALKLR, Jr.

Leonard Wiin I-

Frances Scott



Under the direction of President Ed Scott the figure, alternate Ed Scott with Brucie Biggs and Rush Chairman Ned Pollock Beta chapter Frances Scott elected chapter sponsor of Pi Kappa Alpha officially opened the 1941- annual Founder's Day Banquet at Thacker's, 42 season with a very successful Rush Week The Spring semester well underway Spencer by pledging twenty-two prospective brothers. elected Omicron Delta Kappa Scott and Luke RiflFe was elected president of this pledge Parsons, Phi Beta Kappa R. L, Brinson, class. Well represented by "Little Davey" Clyde Stroup, "Keyhole" Browning on wrest- Spencer, Don Bell, C. C, Moorhead, Herb ling team Brinson next year's captain Rainey, Johnny Frederick, Gene Shannon, and Dave Spencer, Don Bell, Johnny Frederick Dave Henderson on the varsity football eleven, stars of the basketball court Spencer, Bell, the Pi Ka's cheered in spite of losses. Home- Maxwell, Shannon on track team Scott coming decorations under the direction of Dave varsity manager Senior Formal at the Char- Hodges and Henderson, ably assisted by C. W. lotte Country Club beautiful dates . snak- Tom Lane, took first place in the annual com- ing Red Fez Function Spring Dances petitive decoration contest another silver cup with a battle of bands Satterfield and Hurst to add to the collection Time marched on Parsons again in figure warm, lazy spring more football games, disappointments days war drawing nearer R. O. T. C. .

parties at the house and at the Tavern . annual

Spring holidays . exams again study, study, Christmas party given by the pledges and

graduation . Dave Vosburgh, Dave Spencer, then Christmas holidays gloomy classes on Scott, Dave Henderson, Don Bell, Gene January 2 exams cramming Midwin- Ed Elder, Carlton Parsons, gone ters with Teddy Powell, disappointment of the Shannon, Bob for good or bad. year . Carlton Parsons and Julia Guion in

166' OKA

Prt /.c-a'tnninLi homi'mnjiny

Jtxontttons . . . Pivhojy Parsons

...... Ptkas gadnr in the snoic

Juc. Luke, and Gene on the drive

. . . Football n}anaiiers all . . .

Newton takes it easy . . . Molly

With dance date . . . I'eensie on the

hooks . . . Beautiful dates tor Mid-

\\'(n/iT.s . . . Bill and \'an in the

act . . . Putt. Stroup. and Rosser

icith trat may ... 7 ico Ton.

the baby Pika . . .

167' ^1^

1^ C .O iF,


s»T w**^ 'i^^ii^^JfiltfiM

HoRTON Houston Little TURNACE Wilson Anslev Belk, T. Paterson Sandifer Sprunt Speas Stimson, T. Barnwell Beam CouxciLL. G. Dunn- Jeffries McWlLLIAMS ROYSTER Stimson, J. Belk, H. Daniels DuRant Ford Gracey Jackson King LowRY McMillan Spencer Watt, H.

Colors: Crimson and Gold Flowers: Magnolia and Rose

KAPPA Fratres in Facilitate

Prof. J. C. Bailey, jr. l.T. Col. G. t. mackenzie- ALPHA Dr. Frazier Hood Prol. William G. McGavock Mr. John L. payne Dr. Charles M. Richards Mr. Frank Lee Jackson Lt. SAMUEL R. Spencer

168' f'ralrvs in Cd/Zcc/io

ll!( IIAKIJ I.. Coi'l'llXiP JAMIS 1.. IIUUSION. JK. lllOMAS O. I'INKIKION J. Mason Wai.i,A( i . Jk Will DKI) H. COUNCll.l. I-HI'D K. l.mi-li. JK. RICHAKO DAVIS THOMAS ClIAKl.l S H. WAIT. JK


CAMPIM 1.1 W ANSI.1 Y. JR. A. PA(.i: Harris Myron G sandii i;r. Jr HU(,H H Sprunt

HO.MAS r=. John M lii i k John Lacy MacLi-an Oi.oR(.ii T. Sinclair 1 STIMSON

JAMl S Ci. DAKKA* Ol I akiir'k r. paiikson I Ki 1)1 KICK W. Si>i;as Bi NJAMiN M. Washburn


JOSI I'll S. BA( IIMAN Thomas v. Burki: MacChlsnhy H. JEPPRins. Jr. Hpnry p. ROYSTER i; S. BAKNWl l.I. GiORC.r; C. CouNcii.i. Gl-ORGP D. MCWILLIAMS jAMIh D. SriMSON

Hendprson Bplk John E. Ford JA.MPS W. JACKSON. Jr. ROBPRT R. MACMILLAN irwin bilk KucpNP O. Grac:py NAT D. King ARIHUR M. SPPNCPR

C. T. DANII I THOMAS M. GLASGOW J. Isaac I.owry hanshll wait S. Whitpsides ROBPRI W. DL RAN 1 Edward


Jean Stearns SPONSOR

169' A t^


Starting with the National Convention at seemed to have an option on second place as Virginia Beach in August. Sigma Chapter of our basketball team took up where the foot-

Kappa Alpha has enjoyed one of its most suc- ball team left off, and also took that position cessful years. In September we had an excellent in the track meet. However, we broke the rushing season, due mainly to the efforts of jinx and captured volleyball to lead the intra- Lacy MacLean as rush chairman. The fall mural race. Sigma was well represented in cam- months found football the main item of inter- pus honors: Charlie Watt, freshman adviser and est. Brothers Washburn, Burke, and Patcrson O. D. K.: George Mitchell, cheerleader: Davis played for the varsity while seven pledges made Thomas, a manager of the Student Store and their numerals with the frosh. The Sigma intra- Phi Bete: Mason Wallace, treasurer of Pan- mural team ended in second place through the Hellenic Council: John Belk. vice-president of playing of Davis Thomas. Wilson, John Cam the Student Body: Myron Sandifer. vice- Belk, Lacy MacLean and others. Homecoming president of the Y. M. C. A. and newly elected Dances with Mason Wallace in the figure, and president of the Student Body: Lacy MacLean, the Kappa Alpha-Kappa Sigma Ball marked sports editor of The Davtdsonian. and a member the social highlights. After first semester exams, of the Student Council: Cam Wilson, Phi Beta the social life picked up due to Mid -Winter Kappa: and Sprunt, Student Council. Dances, Military Ball, and Spring Frolics, to- Hugh gether with a K. A. Ball in May. On the varsity Officers for the year were as follows: Watt L basketball team was highpoint man and Co- Thomas II, Mitchell III, Wilson IV, Pinkcrton Captain-elect John Belk. We also had five V, Sandifer VI, Coppedge VII. Turnage \'I11. Sigmas on the wrestling teams. The K. A.'s and Wallace IX.

170' KA

Loary and l\>rd cru'ii upper

classmen . . . Sand iter with dame

. . I. lie week end dale . Frosh and it

off for extended deal . . . Hetty and I he Scoop pose duriny dance

festivities . . . Moose on the loose

with llemmy at Mid Winters . . .

Beam. Red. l.ard. and C. T. —

a yrv/./Ay bunch . . . Hercules

proudly approaches the house . . .

Runners-up tor intramural toot-

hall championship . . . Carlotia and Bernice beam before the big black at fiomecominy.

\7l Allcott Caldwell Crichtox Faison Freeze Hackney Jones Lucas. E. F. McLeod, R. N. Moore Powell Kocers Smith Sprunt Wilson Anderson, C. L. Erwin Fuller Lee Stewart Tate Wood, W. W. Vounc Bethea Brcce Carrow Carson Cartes Graves Harris Hcnt Port Anderson, T. E. Bibb Dunn, F, Dunn, W. GWYN Harrison Harvin Hill Hudson Lvcas, J. S. McAlister McLeod, E, W. Powell Taylor Treat Whaling Wilcox Wills Wood, L. P.

SIGMA Colors: Purple and Gold Flower: Violet

Fratres in Facultate ALPHA Prof. Archibald Currie Prof. Edward J. Erwin Dr. James M. Douglas Mr. Shaw s.viith

Dr. Scott C. Lvon Dr. John \v. macConnell EPSILON Prof. \\'ii.li.\.m W. Wood

172 I'ralrcs in (.alleqto

ClIARLl :s Al l.( OTT BAXIIR P. I Rl I /I RimiKI N M(MiOD robi rt j smith

(RANK C. CAlDWHl.l. CLAUDF J. HA( KNIY Bl N I MtXJRI- William H. Sprunt

John H Crkhion SOUIIIr.AII- JONIS Frank M Powi i.i. Hi NRY K. Wilson



LDWARl) J. LRWIN w. I RANK l.i;i-: GHORlil: W TATE Pi MR M B Young

J, EARLi: BtTHLA Harvey H. Carrow liLMER w. Graves Reb H, MfGEArnY J. MAC BRUCt McALisTER Carson JAMES P. Harris Rk HARD B. Port

W. Frank Carter Roy I-. Hunt

T. EiNLMiiT Anderson. Jr. BRUCI: I-. HARRISON John w. McAlister. Jr. Robert P. Whaling J. Lewis Bibb. Jr. William B. Harvin E. Webster McLeod, Jr. JA.MEs S. Wilcox Frank Dunn Hugh M. Hill Tom L. Powell Charles E. Wills William H. Dunn HARRY H. Hudson RAY H. Taylor. Jr. Lewis P. Wood Henry S. Gwyn. Jr. JACK s. Lucas Frank B. Treat, jr.

oM^illie Brenizer


173 m^ -^^^^^^'^!^^v"S4»gWfegff > -


Sigma Alpha Fipsilon opened the year with of our pledge function at the Charlotte Coun- the rushing season, details being planned by try Club with Brother Hackney acting as toast- Brothers Ed Lucas and John Crichton. We man- master. Basketball next took the spotlight when aged to pledge twenty-two men, and Brother S. A. E. was represented on both varsity and Jack Lucas was later elected president of his freshmen teams by Brothers Lucas, McLeod, pledge class. Soon our minds were turned from Bruce. Hudson, and Taylor. Then Christmas: rushing by the opening of the football season then exams, which we somehow managed to since we had eight varsity players on the field, get through. Then Mid-Winters with Brothers Brother Caldwell, captain of the team. Faison. Lucas and Sprunt in the figure and Brother Smith, Moore, Bethca, Hunt, Hackney, and McGeachy doing a good job as Eminent initiation, after the Bruce. Suddenly it was Homecoming and under Supreme Janitor. Soon came the directions of Brother Hackney we finally usual period of pledge training starring De- got our decorations up. The dances, starring Votie's dog. and our Founder's Day Banquet, Brother Ed Lucas, Pan-Hellenic representative, at which Brother Tommy Powell was pre- and Brother John Crichton, E. A. of the sented the cup for being the best all round chapter, were fine. freshman. The rest of the year passed in a blur Soon attention was back to sports when we of color and excitement with the election of won the interfraternity football matches inspired Brother Ed Erwin as editor of The Davidsonian, by the kangaroo leaps of Brother "Barber" with dances, with the trying on of new army McLeod to catch the passes from Brother Charlie uniforms by our six R. O. T. C. seniors, with Wills. Then came more dancing in the form goodbyes and final handshakes in the bonds.

174' ZAE

Kysir with lUtnci- date . . . Dm

/joN in the hill 'cJ . . . Ihuih.

l-.lnnr. and Ripper . . . Little l.uke

leaves house with date . . . date.

Queeny. l.uke. and ha.\ with

alunmi and date . . . John Byid

and Jean on the ao . . . Icey pouts

at cameraman . . . Watchiny the

intramural toothall chanips . . .

Little Ed. . . . Bridge on the S.

A. E. porch . . . Hank. ().\. and

Clarence take it ea.sy . . . Senator

Lee— what a man . . .

175' Clark Crook Hipp Kelly Marsh Suuires Varporough.T. Cartlr CoNYERS Dick Ehly Lacy, B. R. Manning McCoy Phillips Smith Sutton Amos Booth Brewer Currie Davis Crimsley, W. T. Lacy, W. W. Scott Simmons Taylor Williams Wilson Ennett Gault Crimsley. R. J. Henderson ;Miller Millis on Peters, G.B. Peters, T. L. Ri Short Varrorouuh, R. S.

Colors: Scarlet. While and Emerald Green FLOWER: Lily of the Valley KAPPA Fratres in Facultatc

Mr. F. W. Hengeveld Dr. Lewis B. Schenck

SIGMA Prof. W. t. Rainev, Jr. Mr. A. Heath Whittle Prof. Samuel Webb

176 Fralrcs in Collei/io




Wilbur I.. Carthr Ci Wll IMAN IfllLY Josii'ii B, McCoy RK.IIAKD G. SMIllI, JR.

PRIlMi-V CONVl RS Bl N lAMIN R l.A( Y. Ill ,U)I1N I . McCil I EUGENO M. Sutton

.1 AsMin Dm k Rl( HARD I. MANNINt. .1 Dll KSON PHIl.l.ll

Riiui Ri I Amos .lAMlS M. DAVIS Wll. I lA.M W I.A( Y Douglas Swink Siiii* A Bixnii JAMl S A. IM.I.IS 1.11,11 R. S< ()1 I. JR. ALI RPD Ci. TAYLOR MA( K S. Bri wi R Wll 1.1AM T. CiRIMM.lY William D. Simmons PAT M Williams ROBLRT A. CURRIi; l.owRY R Wilson

!.. Jr. CilORl.l N. r.NNl I I CAM Ci. Ill NDl-RSDN JAMis Morgan LuNsroRD Richardson. J. l-:i)\vARn IcnvLi R Donald w. Holland Arthur C. Pi-ndllton jac:k H. Rochrllh IRANK A CiAL'l.T Roiu Ul Mil II R Gl OR(,L B. PKThRS Edward I. Short R. J. CiRl.MSLLY JAMIS H. Mll.LIS TllO.MAS L. PHTKRS r. samutl yarborough

Janet Kelly




/\ hunch of Siiinnis pliiy m the

snow . . . And thiy liiihi tn thf

stuff too . . . Shcp With thiit

ri'tri'shmii coUi . . . Sicack (.md

/.t't/x look cold . . . Diuh. Dickie,

iind Siiuatty three little men . . .

Kappa Sui Homecoming decora-

tions . . . Caroline between BoU)

and date . . . Signnis dressed for the

occasion . . . Joe and All with

dance dates . . . Mack and smilini./

Sii/mas pose in the snow . . .

Tommy l^eters winys the oval . . .

179 p p o f'^f^ey

r.: f a r^ e.

f^ Cj iii«i^

Herki.nc. K. (... I. .MlCall Miller Logan IIcArth Armstrong Bumbarg Hamrici Thomas Watson Denny Yantis

Colors: Gold and Whiti; Flower: Red Rose PI KAPPA Fratres in l-acullatc PHI Prof. Ernhst A. bi;atv I'Roi:. William N. Mebank. Jr. Dr. Guy r. Vowles Mr. Myron W. McGill

180 Iratrcs in ( o/Zci/io



uxsi I'll s. r.vi (RANK II. I tX.AN liDWAKI) MUKKAV ruhi-ki i . pation


H CAI lUUN llll'l' .IDIIN r. M( CKI A I YMAN .1 I'AKKIi.lN N Jai k Wavman

\V. lU'KWI 1 [ AK.MMKONC, KAKI. I-:, r ISlll R Josi I'll M. Johnston JAMi N Thomas IllOMAS V. Bl'.MhAKCI K J. ROBIRI CiAinilR THOMAS W. RAYMOND VtAYNAHl) S. WA1SON


Richard I . Hradi i v nMRRY B DrNNY. JR I RANK S. KRY. JR. Gf oR(.i- R. Wilkinson. Jr

WADl- I . BiKMINi.llAM JA.MliS A. I KINCH. Jr. H. PRICH LiNKBbRCER. jR Sf.MNi R M. Williams



^i-'iSk oJ^iss Frances Roebuck


181 ...•r'


Thirty sun-burned brothers of Epsilon test Mid-Winters with McCall and Mandy

returned to a newly decorated house in Sep- Morgan in the figure and Larkin as alternate .

tember, and commenced the rapid swing into Frances Roebuck chosen chapter sponsor . .

rush week Pledging sixteen men, with great Brother McArthur's intermission party . . hopes for the future of the fellows Early Banquet at Thacker's with arrival of Hipp football games with dates and parties Home- family Campbell's and Raymond's sojourns coming's rapid arrival with McCall and Jane in the hospital Initiation of new men and Saunders in the figure with Herring as alternate professors Military and "D" Club dances Week-end trips to off-campus games with beautiful dates and plenty of dealing watching Woodward and Murray Pledging Murray elected Editor of Annual for next year of Professor Mebane and Mr. Magill Foun- Parrigin elected President of the Senior Class der's Day program with alumni from Charlotte for next year Chapter purchases new Vic- Parrigin elected President of the Junior trola Yearly stag banquet revived after sev- Class Pledges' Christmas party, with imita- eral years at the Red Fez Club— all functions

tions of seniors being inducted into the Army well . Spring holidays finally arrive with des- Johnny Campbell taking honors as Recruit- tinations unknown Spring Frolics with a ing Sergeant Christmas Holidays at last battle of bands, a banquet and plenty of beau- arrive and a joyous exit from the campus tiful gals Annual fraternity dance at the January, 1942 and thirty-odd brothers drag Hotel Charlotte varied off-campus trips for onto the campus for a rest after Christmas' all the brothers and eight rising soldiers com- strain and stress Pledges manage exams with ing up for graduation: Geddie Herring, Tad a little brotherly encouragement Larkin's Larkin, Julien McCall, Lonnie Miller. Mac election as chapter president for second semester Morris, W. C. Plunkett. Blanton Williamson,

. . Chapter newspaper places in national con- and Sam Woodward.

182] iniA nKO

Couple of frosh on the rixlinc

. . . Porkic anil Muiiay . . . Irosh do the dirty icorh .../'/ Kaps'

fiicorite pasltnic . . . 7 o the hi)use

utter dinner . . . I.onnte reads

before supper . . . Intramural /xn/s

. . . Doc" and A. K. . . . Seniors take

it easy . . Ike and live always . .

Shiny tells another . . . Larkm on

concentration . . . Keepiny up icith

the news . . . Mac and Blimp

before the house . . . Boogie Woo-

gie Patton . . . Porkie and Duh

with dates for the dances . . . Hoc

on the beam . . .

183 Taylor WiLLIAl WOOTKN. \V. C, WOOTEN, J. Bellam' Larson McCoRj Ragan Thompson CASHIOh Jamieson Jennings Ki W'll.l-IAMSOX'

PHI Colors: Ihirple and W'htic Flower: Purple Clematis Fratres m FacuUate GAMMA Dr. Llmer E. Brown Mr. EucrwH T. Mrnvi-R Dr. William P. Gumming Dr. Georcl B. Watts DELTA MAJOR DAVID G. Wilson

184 Frairvs in Collenio

ks nil I RAll'll Wll 1.IAMS HAKVVl 1 I M DAKhV Wll I.IAM I Sl'MMI AK< h AVIOK A II K W



lAMIS M Blll.AMY STANI ORI) T. GARNrTT. jR. CilORc.r [•:. MrCoRMArK Cl.ARiNrp S Ol-IVP

WllllAM B CAMI'IM I I. Thomas Hart W. Howi 1.1. Morrow. .Ir I.IONARIJ I.. PlIARR RA(.AN. JR ANDKI W M. CROWI 1 I . JR I'liDMAs P Howard .John W. Noriticross AMOS H, Ri( IIARI5 W. RUl A DABNI V AlXll.I'll I . LARSON H O Hair Wll MAM Y. THOMPSON

A. Thd Cashion. Jr. iiDWARD D. Grant Ronald S. jamifson SAM E. LACK Harris M. Iindi.ay. Jr. Frank J. Hall. Jr. Hl-NRY L. Jl-NNINUS ROBKRT J. McMLLLLN


zy^iss Mary

Katheniic Becker



Off to a good start with sixteen pledges wear- the school year. Again Brother Walter Wooten ing the white star in their lapels after rush was in the figure, and the alternate was Dan week, the Fijis of Delta Kappa plunged into Hodges. Strictly stag was the annual Norris building a brick terrace and barbecue pit in Pig Dinner, held early in February in Char- the rear of the fraternity house. The tremen- lotte, at which over twenty alumni and all the dous crimson and white spider in the Home- brothers—including the newly initiated men coming decorations snared third place in the who had successfully passed through their judge's opinion, and in the figure at the Friday pledge training period—paid homage to the night formal the chapter was represented by golden-brown boar. At this banquet Tom Find- Walter Wooten and Tony Darby. Not only at lay was awarded the Hoxie Thompson ring for Homecoming was the Fiji hut the rendezvous of showing the best pledge spirit, and Bob Mc- many lovely lasses and their Phi Gam dates, but Mullen received the T. W. Linglc schplarship also early in December when the' fraternity held ring. Soon afterwards the chapter elected Miss its annual fall dinner dance. Soon came the tra- Mary Katherine Becker, of Chattanooga, Ten- ditional Christmas party with more festivities nessee, as fraternity sponsor, and just before and a play presented by the pledge class. When spring holidays the Fijis were guests of Duke Christmas holidays had become only a pleasant University's Delta Gamma sorority at a cabin memory and exams were nothing more than a party near Durham. After graduation exercises period eagerly to be forgotten, Midwinter in June four of the Delta Kappa seniors will dances loomed into the foreground and were receive their gold bars when they join the responsible for one of the finest week-ends of army.

186' -•-L*':W 4)rA

AliuDnt return with lull stones

. . . Lyman with danic u'l'cA' end

dale . . . lAiuni/ina on the hoaril

ma house futreh . . . Pma Ihma on

the I'hi dam terrace . . . Irench

With paddle, others reehne . . .

back View ol the terrace . . . Looh- mg down the walk on Fiji porch

. . . Keepina up wilh the news

before supper . . . Crowel I —an

unassuminc) pose . . . Cleaninu up for those yals before dance week-

end . . .

1187: McI.KA.N, A. A. UW[ CllAFMAN. J. A. CC KOBERTSOK, F. \Vj Wilson J. Hardee Potter Robertson, W. E, Sh

PHI DELTA Colors: Argem and Azure Flower: White Carnation THETA Fralres in Facullate Dr. C. K. Brown Dr. Kfnni-th J. Foreman I nitres in Collei/io



Km M Bl Aiv JAMis A. Chapman I , Wl IIIORO HOBBII-

I Hini RU K C HONKIN wii I lAM s Connor Hi NRY D. MclNTOSH DAVID I. MA1.0NHY

1) AKI HlhAI W AK( lir-R John a I isK. Ill Rom Ri \\ I'll Rci; John T. Wariji.aw

Sill I Col IVI ION V SON DONAII) Ml R. JR John I . Robi:rtson. Jr. Di AN C. Watson William r. Wilson

Bariiam D banks, hi William a. Hmlrson John H I.ouohridol O E. Starnes, jr. John K. Birns J. B. HARnLi; William s. McI.lan Carson A. Stiles w. Marshall Chai'.man Armand E. Hi-ndll-. Jr. Richard A. Ogllsby Edward c. Sutton Bl N G. ClLLDS William Kkrr 1.i:k H. Pottkr s. mcd. tate

I rank U. Davis Glorc.i C. Kino. Jr. William e. Robi-rtson John P. Wright

Wii.lia.m c. Lllioi I Tom D. I.ii 111: D. Emerson Smith

Sybil Trexler


189- I'VIBII iBM



The brothers of North Carolina Gamma of at which time the pledge group presented their Phi Delta Theta left their homes in scattered play. Again the brothers separated only to communities throughout the South, and held return to the arduous work connected with

their first meeting of the year in their campus examinations. However. Midwinters soon home on September 14. At this meeting plans claimed the attention of the majority of the were made for one of the most successful Rush chapter, with Pat Rudolph in the formal figure Weeks ever held. Twenty-three men had decided at this set and Jack Westall was alternate. The to wear the colors of argent and azure. Informal Military-"D" Club Dances followed soon, and Sunday night feeds and open houses after games Brothers Owens. Dew, Rudolph, and Carter satisfied the social appetites of Phi Delt broth- took part in one or the other of the two figures. ers and pledges until Homecoming descended An informal party was given in the lodge upon us. Brother Pete McKnight of the Char- shortly before the Spring Recess. At press time, lotte News served as toastmaster for the banquet the brothers were anticipating attending Spring held in the Hotel Charlotte. Scarcely had the Frolics in April, and a buffet supper-dance at delights of Homecoming left our thoughts when the Charlotte Country Club in May. Seven of the brothers honored the pledges with a dinner- seniors, the course in dance at the Charlotte Country Club on Novem- the members of advanced ber 8. Autumn had passed away rapidly and R. O. T. C will join thousands of other loyal

the gray days of winter and war fell into Americans in the service of their country when deep contrast with the annual Christmas party, they get their gold bars in June.

190' OAe

Still s iinJ I (nuihinhif urccl

dales . . . Hiniy Ivavcs myu'd on

I hi' porch . . . W'hiit nn aiipUmc

ilovs /() a bruh/i' c/i//7?t' . . . Hi'bhic

with Incnd and Hutch . . . (.'hap-

pily and MacKinnon . . . Marshall

and iiood-looktnii date . . . hrosh

line cm up . . . I\in flcllcnic Pat.

I'loisc. Chapman, and Betty . . .

A couple ot studious men . . . Mac

and Gus. date and I rat sponsor . . .

Proud Ace Maloney . . . Bobo

LCtlh motor trouble . . . Diynitied

seniors . . . fhree ylamor boys . . .

i9r Ho Kn.iX. II. U. I.ov Behrman. J. X. FuLCHER Heniiersux I.egerton Morton, F. S. Chaney. R. E. Clark Gwynn Knox. T. W. Major, E. C. McLauchlin, T. White ' Whitley Behrman, P. C. Betts Hay. S. H. IviE Maness McLauchlin, H. C. Morton, H. R. Robinson Sellars Shore Winchester Whiddon

Colors: Red and Purple FLOWERS: Violet and American Beauty Rose SIGMA PHI Fralres in Fucultate

Prof. F. K. Fleagle Dr. a. V. GOLDIERE EPSILON prof. h. e. fulcher Dr. p. H. Gwvnn Prof. J. K. Kimbrough

192 /ri/frc;. if? Cullviiu

Joi Ci, lilVINS i:i)WAKI) 1., C. IIAV C'liAKii s Ism V Wll I lAM D l.uv

Sii'Ni Y i:, Dai I IN S DOU. HOKNI R HU(.ii H. Knox Rimi Hi i;. SLtrr ROOI KICK G. TURNtR. JR.

JA( K N »l IIKMAN Hi NRY i;. I ui.( iiiR. Jr. c;iiAHi.is i1i:ni)I:Rson. Jr. Cl.ARI-Nrii W. LK.I RTON John \V Davis l-Ki-DiiRicK S. Morion

K ISi VI Ki ^ l^oniMi I KAl I'll H. ClIANI Y lilnVARI) C. MA.IOR Wll-I.IAM J Myi RS

EM VLRi.v Brown KOIM Rl A. Cl.ARK WAi.TiiR O. Major A I.. WHIM-

RlIWLI'll K. ClIANI Y I'HK I- H. GWYNN. Jr. R. T. MII-LHR WlLPORD L. WMITLhY T. WiNOHi.L Knox Thomas McI.alc.hi.in

I 04 5

PAl 1 C. Bl HKMAN SA.Ml. 1 I II llAV Hlcill C. M( IAL'CHLIN J. Bi;Ai.i. Rorx.i rs iRi D K. Birns. Ill John J. Hcrsciibl Hhrbhrt p. Morton LACY S. SELI.ARS DAVID G. BLI VINS G. I.awson Ivii-: Fred J. Powhll HiNRY E. Shori: P. HLNII R DALTON. jR. John R. mani:ss JbRROLD Robinson Rl'sh B. WiNrmsTi :R L AVION L. WlllDDON

^etsy Hodges SPONSOR

193 4 AT THE S. P. E. HOUSE

September saw twenty-four brothers in Sigma Turner . undefeated in intramural basketball Phi Epsilon back for the opening of school. Phi Bete bids Turner, Henderson snow- A very commendable pledge group rewarded ball fights on Mrs. Pharr's porch the cohort the chapter's efforts during a rather hectic rush- of Queens addicts the faculty steak-fry week. Twenty-two men from six states were Scabbard and Blade taps Hay and Morton pledged: Blevins, Betts. Rodgers, Powell, Whid- Henderson, Isley. Blevins. Powell, Whiddon. don, Isley. Clark. Robinson. Hay. Maness, Scl- and Whitley make the band trip Chapter lars. Dalton. Ivie, Shore, White. Behrman. visited by Uncle Billy Phillips and Bill Heine- Baucom. Miller. McLauchlin, Horschcl. Win- man Military and "D" Club dance set chester, and Smith. With rushing over, the chap- Miller breaks interfraternity '4 mile track ter settled down to a myriad of various activi- record Rodgers and Morton on debating ties freshman study halls football and team Ed Hay. Red and Black Masquers soccer letters for Ed Hay. Henderson, and president Daffin. Davis, and Major out for Sleet numerals to Sam Hay. Fred Betts. and baseball Loy out for track new officers decorations Henry Shore Homecoming and installation banquet Clarence Legerton. the old face . . Pledgemaster Morton with his the movie mogul Joe and Eddie. Bill and faithful charges every Wednesday night the Mary Steele, Sid and Betsy. Rod and Peggy, fall banquet and dance faculty get-togethers

Jack and Dot. Fred and Mary Dcane . fourth place in intramural football meals Whitley and his boogie-woogie Knox, at Mrs. Pharr's Herb Morton and Flop Shaw Myers, Little Knox, Brown, and Henderson off pledged exams . .empty seats initiation R. O. T. C.—Captain Hay, Lieut. Bivins, to Charlotte every Saturday interfraternity Sergeants Morton, Fulcher, and Legerton sing volleyball long spring evenings... Midwinters Pan-Hellenic Councilman Rod Softball exams graduation off to war.

194 1(PE

A (/roup ()/ the U-llou's inithiT tor bruii/c Mmor tLCtns and

Withers sisters pose at the tornnil

I heir lull . . . S. P. U.'s eelebiate al

formal . . . I: J and Riui with

homecomina sponsor . . . In the

house durinq a song session . . .

President Datlin and others al

Saturday night banquet . . . Leger-

ton reclines before studying . . .

FeiloiL's attempt the Spot System

for exams . . . On the boarding

house steps with dates galore.

195' a 99

me /emiym^'Le ImieH/

^UA4uJ/a ySAcaf^Ch

^ /k1^

1 "Jif^j^dedu T^Tm xj^ \

ks s Mas^lzUi^^tMcJ^i\

Tv#6 zMtss "Betty zMcCall

Sponsor QuiPS and Cranks

JULIEN L. McCALL. Edilor (z^Ktiss Kiilherine 'Boswe//

Spunsi)t I he Dacidsimuin

llAKWl 1 I IJAKllV. /;/(/. jf zMiss LilJian Shutting

Sponsor Battalion

Walter WOOTEN. Colonel Sponsitr I he I )iiLuls(>nnin

.lolIN CKK II ion, liuumw Miinui/.r """""^^^a!

zy^iss dAnn Hodges

Sponsor Scripts 'n Pranks

Dan Hodges. Editor zMtss ScircJ Si reel

Sponsor Scripts n I'lanhs

John MA' KINNON, /(i/moiv. Ktanuinr

i!? «VAA«Aao&,r>

Sponsor Student Body

AL Winn, President (J)C/ss Lrncsiine Nor veil

SponsiK V. A/. C A.

Jim OWI-NS. I'nsuUnl

ii»»»ii nwii iw ! » iwiii n ii n »rii u i< r >i n « ni A.-W IH11 ^A^ t » ' ^4, i ~

z^lfCiss (i^artha "Brandon

Sponsor Scubbard and Blade

WALIhR WoOIliN, Pri'Sidc-nl c^tiss Cdiinc Cucas

iipunsor I) (.'I Lib

liU l.Ut AS. /'f.M>/t/i(

~ ~ - - I T" r- i i r i mf in' mi rr-- i-rirrT^n<'»i— g in»ii f ^ ^ i iia i«i itfuii^n^ iirii wi^ "i^ m ^m ^mm m HONORARY FRATERNITIES


Don Mi 1.1. PHI BETA

Fratres in Facultate

Prof. J. C. Bailey Dr. C. K. Brown Dr. W. p. Gumming Prof. A. Currie Dr. C. G. Davidson

Dr. J. M, Douglas

Prof. E. J. Erwin

Dr. K. J. Foreman

Dr. P. H. Gwynn Dr. G. R. Harding Dr. Fraser Hood

Dr. T. S. Logan Mr. F. L. Jackson

Twice each year the members of the local chapter of Phi Beta Kappa salute those men of the senior class who have achieved preeminence in scholarship by extending to them invitations to member- ship. Not more than twelve and one-half per cent of any class may be extended invitations. Phi Beta Kappa is the oldest honorary fraternity in existence, having been established in 1776: and through the years it has upheld the high standards for which it was established. To be selected to membership in this fraternity means that a man has attained a high degree of success

in his college work, and Phi Beta Kappa is

the best recognition that can be given for

this excellence in scholastic endeavors.

212 KAPPA Scholarship

Dk I- W. .loiINSTON Dr. li. F-. SlIhWMAKi:

l^KOl . H. r. l.Il.l.Y I.T. S. R. SPI NCRR Dr. J. W. MacConniii.i. Proi-. O. J. Tuii-s Dr. W. G. McCiAvocK Dr. G. B. Watts Proi-. J. A. McGi ACHY Proi\ S. T. Wi hb

PrOI\ W. I.. PORTIIR Dr. R. DI-. V. Wll.l.lA.M!

Dr. C. M. RiciiARiw Proi . W. W. W(K)D

Ok. M. I;. Si Nil 1 11- Capt. li. E. Marsh. Jr.

Inilres Surun'sque in Urbv

Dr. H. B. Arbl'cki.i Dr. W. R. Griy

Dr. W. I.. l.iNc.i.i Mr. Watson Stri-i.t Mrs. W. p. Cl'.m.minc,

I'rutres in Collaiio

CiiARi.i s Hindi RSON Herschi L D. Si:AGLn Dan M, HoDGi s Archibald B. Taylor JOSl-PH B. HOPPlR R. Davis Thomas

Ja.\ii:.s W. KiRR J. Alston Tho.mpson Marion R. Mobi-i:y Rodhrick G. Turnlr J. Carlton Parsons A. Cam Wilson Edgar E. Scott Albert C. Winn



Fratres in Facultate

Dr. H. B. Arbuckle

Prof, J. C. Bailey Prof. E. A. Beaty Dr. C. K. Brown Prof. A. Currie

Dr. J. R. Cunningham

Dr. J. M. Douglas

Prof. E. J. Erwin

Prof. F. K. Fleagle

Dr. K. J. Foreman Prof. H. E. Fulcher Dr. W. R. Grey

Mr. F. W. Hengeveld

Mr. F. L. Jackson

Dr. F. W. Johnston

i*«^««4t.«v,.>iHAA.'AU. rnu^i-;:

One day in the fall and again in the spring. Omicron Delta Kappa selects in an impressive ceremony, those men who have fulfilled its primary requisite of leadership.

The purpose of the fraternity is to enhance progressive action. O. D. K. was established at Washington and Lee University in 1914 for the purpose of recognizing the qualities of leadership among college men. This fra- ternity does more than just recognize lead- ership here on the campus: it is an organi- zation for the purpose of discovering, and discussing problems that confront students during their life on the campus, and try to formulate plans and devices for the pur- pose of aiding every student in a better understanding of Davidson.

214' DELTA R I P P A £;•.,/,„/.,.

Dk. \V, L. LiNc.i.n Mr. N. W. Shi I'Ard

Dk. J. \V. MacConni 1.1 I 1. S. R. Si'I-NCER

Mr. U. T. McEvi r Mr. C. S. Smith Dr. C. M. Richards Dr. G. R. Vowlis

du i . b. schhnck Mu. A. H. WiiiTTi.i-:

Dr. M. i;. Si NTi-i.i.r Mai. D. G. Wilson

I'ratrcs in (\>llci/n)

Frank C. Cai.dwii.i. Ja.mi s M. Owens John H. Crichton James P. Rudolph Harwell M. Darby David M. Spencer

Claude J. Hackney Wll.l.lA.M H. Sprunt Daniel M. Hodges Archie; B. Taylor Edwin F. Lucas R. Davis Thomas

William E. MacLauchlin Charles H. Watt Julien L. McCall Albert C. Winn George M. Mar.sii Walter Wooten

. i « .> ..^;j»»»r...»^«.7a»»\ »K Mi wi uM "un Bill mM»i»^>n 1LH«>;«^ ^ «^»g>-n: >» i.i»m.«

^^J. fm^f ff-^0^l l^^-^^*


Si'RLNT Watt

215; >--W??->rflPCi **w»»'K»»^ U"C f.'tcvac^ o«<«^3«\>i*;:-^>^<»f '*-:'^^


r\ z )



-:wrJtt>a^»yafa^ irfC f


^S ^, i*-"""-

f^ WS^r C) f^ f^


«?* •'k f^


loiuuliil .11 n.iviilson ('ulkm' in '''''

I'ralri's in I a^illlllll

Dk. J. M. Doi'ci.As P\<^)] . W. N. Ml 1UN1-; Dk. W, G. McGavock

PKOI . II. I:. FUI.CHI^R Pkoi . W. W. Wood

Irutrcs tn f o/Zcc/io

I'M 2

1 B. W'll 1 lAMSON S. C. PliAKCl-


B. R. 1 ACY J. i:. MaKTIN


R. S. Carson M. K. Mann J. P. VValkhr

J. \'. Houston C L. WOODBRIDGE

•0^ ^^ £^% mMMk£

\ [223] DELTA PHI ALPHA GAMMA SIGMA EPSILON -^I.tafa^-.jrf~^tf'.**»wWldUcW> li ITm f-rntfH* OJ^?<^a»\>;^iJ-*?^ JC




BLYTHE a ISENHOUR What to Wear . . . And When GENERAL CONTRACTORS Tate-Brown's >f Young Men's Shop

133 Brevard Court Can Show You


Varsity Town Clothes—Arroiv Shirts and Ties—Interwoven Socks McGregor Sweaters



Check Your Wardrobe ...SeeThat It Qssai^Bs** Is Complete With Clothes From


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^i We Appreciate Your Business THE BANK OF DAVIDSON

C. A. Potts, President J- V. Lore, Cashier F. L. Jackson, Vice-President W. H. Jetton, Assistant

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We cordially invite Davidson Men to see our new "Students' Center"

You'll Find the New Tilings Wliile They're Neu-

You'll Be Especially Interested in the Prices:

Sport Coats $14.50 to $18.00 University Check Suits $30.00 to $35.00 Under-grad Suits $22.00 to $27.50

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2\:\ South Trvon Street


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The Dipoidablc Store for your

Hardwark and Groceries CbavidAorL DAVIDSON. N. C.

Trade iti Your Spare Camera for PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIAL

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Chari.ottf, N. C.

Builder of

DAVIDSON'S FINE NEW LIBRARY AND SCIENCE BUILDING Try our Peanut Butter Sandwiches or Potato Chips with your favorite cold drink

For a Snack in Between Classes or in tiie Afternoon, Ttiere's Nothing Better



CompUmentfi of SOUTHERN FRUIT CO. Wholesalers

Fruits, Vegetables, Produce Eggs

charlotte. n. c.

The 1942 Quips and Cranks

is bound in a KINGSKRAFT COVER

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The Fou)idnti(»t of Our Busiiiess is Opposite Mecklenburg Hotel, Charlotte

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GrockriivS - Frksh Mhats Bun ll'«'' Stamps at Sapp's aud Produce Help Frap the Japs

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COMPLIMENTS . Carolina Sandwich Go. CATAWBA CANDY CO. Catawba, N. C. + + + ERNEST ELLISON, Lnc. "Just Insurance" + + +

^ c.^f<^:: The HERALD PRESS, Inc. Printers + + + STONESTREET CAFE MOORESVILLE, N. C.

2 Stores for Better Service + + + SCOTT DRUG CO. "Creators of Rcaso)iablc D)h(j Prices' Charlotte, N. C.

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Compliments of

"Keep Ahead icith Jersey" Charlotte Waiile Shop The PHOTOGRAPHIC WORK in this annual niis niaJe



Specialists in Annuals ^S^^.i'"'''


SENIOR CLASS Pardee, T. H 716 Clement Ave.. Charlotte. N. C. Parker, E. E Box 1065, Sumter, S. C. Allcott. C. 287 North St., Talladega, Ala. Parrish. C. E Cary. N. C. Bell, D. R. 442 E. Court St.. Bowling Green, Ohio Parsons, J. C, Jr 602 Spencer Ave., New Bern. N. C. Bell. T. J., Jr. Box 4 10. Conway. S. C. Pearcc, S. C Mt. Berry. Ga. Bivins, J. G. Elkin, N. C. Philips, B. J.. Jr 4034 Post St., Jacksonville, Fla. Black. J. H. Matthews, N. C. Pinkerton, T. 517 Church St., Franklin. Tenn. Booker. S. H. ^015 Brownsboro Rd.. Louisville, Ky. Plonk. T. M.. Jr. 415 Irving St.. Winston-Salem. N. C. Ave,, Chattanooga, Tenn. Brady. J. T.. Jr. 211 Brookfield Plunkctt. W. C Jr Aiken. S. C. Brown. G. T. Suchowfu. Kianapu, China Powell, F. M 700 N. Madison. Whiteville. N. C. Browning. P.. Jr 706 James St.. Greenville, S. C. Rankin. P. R.. Jr Mt. Gilead. N. C. Bryant. J. R. 2119 Morrison Blvd., Charlotte, N. C. Rankin. R. E Mt. Holly. N. C, Burns, A. C Jr, 1 1 1 N. Salem Ave.. Sumter. S. C. Rhea, D. V. Rhea Floral Co., Greeneville. Tenn.

Bush, M., Jr. , , 2228 Bonnycastle Ave., Louisville, Ky. Rhync, B. H Bessemer City. N. C. Caldwell, F. C. Box 100. Spartanburg. S. C. Rogers. S. L. 712 Mayflower Dr.. Greensboro. N. C.

Carter, R. E. Episcopal High. Alexandria, Va. Rowland, H. C. 1 71 5 Winthrop Ave. Charlotte. N. C. Clark. D. H. Clarkton, N. C. Rudolph. J. P Billmore Estate. Biltmore. N. C. Clark, J. B. Clarkton, N. C. Scott, E. E Box 49. Statesville. N. C. Clark, J, E. \V. Badin. N. C. Seagle. H. D Box 5 9 7. Marion. N. C. Colkitt. B. E., J Central Ave.. Waynesville. N. C. Sexton, W. J McBee. S. C. Terminal Bldg.. Norfolk, Va. Copes, V. E. Shannon, B. E. . , Barium Springs. N. C. Copped^e. R. L. Sana torio "LaLuz". Marelia. Michoacan. Mex. Shannon. G. W. Broadway. Va. Councill. W. A. H.. J 9 E. Mt. Royal Ave.. Baltimore. Md. Shaw. W. M.. Jr. 1001 Clarendon. Fayettcville.N. C. Cowan. B, Y. 1111 Holston Ave.. Bristol. Tenn. Sleet. R. E Rt. 6. Box 549. Charlotte. N. C. Crichton. J. H, Mindcn. La. Smith. E. H Rt. 3. LaGrange. Ga. Crook, J. R. 5 08 Sherwood Circle. Spartanburg. S. C. Smith. R. J.. Jr 2528 Sherwood Ave.. Charlotte. N.C. Daffin, S. E. Box 21. Bay Harbor. Fla. Spencer, D. M Barium Springs. N. C. Darby, H. M. 441 N. Wood Ave.. Florence. Ala. Sprunt. W. H.. Ill 2027 Virginia Rd.. Winston-Salem. N. C.

Dew. G. W. 2 Sutherland Ave.. Charleston. S. C. Squires. W. H. 80 1 E. Washington St.. Greenville. S. C. Dukes, L. S.. Jr. 2 207 Statcsvillc Ave.. Charlotte, N, C, Suber. R. B, Box 158. Whitmire. S. C. Efird. P.. Jr. 224 Hermitage Rd., Charlotte. N. C. Summers. \^' F Rt. 6. Statesville. N. C. Elder, R. W. ^59 Warren Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio Talmage. J- S. 441 Superior Ave., Decatur. Ga. Faison, W. W. 1018 Queens Rd., Charlotte. N. C. Taylor. A. B.. Jr 20 Fcnner Rd.. Winston-Salem. N. C. Freeze, B. P. Box 71. High Point. N. C. Taylor, E. B. Southport. N. C. Garrou, E. J. Box 2 55. Valdese. N. C. Terrell. R. L.. Jr. Supreme Ct. Bldg.. Tallahassee. Fla. Hackney. C. J.. Jr. 214 H. Ave., Live Oak, Fla. Thomas. R. D. 616 S. Willow Ave.. Tampa. Fla. Hay, E. C. .1313 13th St.. Hickory. N.C. Thompson, J. A. .3410 Chamberlayne Ave.. Richmond. Va. Henderson, C. Jr, Box 1087. University. Va. Thurston. M. S Taylorsville. N. C. Turnage, B. B Farmville. N. C. Henderson. D. N. . Box 4. Wallace, N, C. Herring. R. G. Broad St., Roseboro, N. C. Turner, J. C 300 Ingraham Bldg., Miami. Fla. Hill. R. B. Box 95. Montreat, N. C. Turner, R. G.. Jr Jonesboro. Ga. Hipp. E. B. 402 Victoria St.. Greensboro. N. C. Tyson, W. B Box 1 139. Florence. S. C. Hodges. D. M.. Jr. Box 950. Raleigh. N. C. Vosburgh. D. W. 1401 Providence Rd.. Charlotte. N. C. Hood. R. H. Ellenboro, N. C. Wallace. J. M.. Jr 5334 Monroe Rd.. Charlotte; N. C. Hopper. J. B. 2109 Ridgewood. Atlanta. Ga. Watt. C. H.. Jr 900 Gordon Ave.. Thomasville. Ga. Horner. S. D. Crewe, Va. Welborn. S. G 5 1 1 S. Main. Lexington. N. C. Horton. G. C Oakclift." Crest Rd.. Chattanooga. Tenn. Westall. J. W Box 1566. AsheviUe. N. C. Houston. J. L. 7 Kings Mountain. York. S. C. Williams. A. R. Box 750. Cowan. Tenn. Howell. J. B. Ellerbe, N. C. Williamson. I. B. 390 Altoona PI.. Atlanta, Ga. Huffines. D. A.. Jr. Cameron, N. C. Wilson. A. C. Jr. Bardstown. Ky. Wilson. J., 3. Matthews. N. C. Isley, C. L., Jr. 3 1 Maine St., Cooleemee. N. C. C. Jr Rt. Jones. S.. Jr 307 W. Chapel Hill St.. Durham. N. C. Wilson. H. K 353 E. St.. Talladega. Ala. Kelly. R. S.. Jr. Erwin. N. C. Winn, A. C 126 Capers St., Greenville. S. C. Kerr. D. B. Box 495. Davidson. N. C. Withers. T. G Davidson. N. C.

Kerr. J. W.. Ill 5 20 E. Stamford St.. Bartow. Fla. Woodward. S. M. , 301 Union St.. Blucfield. W. Va. Kissling. P. T. Montreat, N. C. Wooten. W.. Jr. 325 Belvoir Ave., Chattanooga. Tenn. Knox. H. H. Andrews. S. C. Yarborough. T. S Box 97. Albany. Ga. Larkin. E. W. 740 W. Main. Washington, N. C. JUNIOR CLASS Little. F. E., Jr. 1619 Chestnut. Wilmington, N. C. Allen. H. S.. Jr 404 Spruce St.. Florence. S. C. Loy. W. D.. Jr. Rt. 4. Charlotte, N.C. Anderson. C. L. 33 15 Jean Circle. Tampa. Fla. Lucas. E. F.. Jr. Box 1587. Greensboro. N. C. Ansley, C. W.. Jr.. 200 Commercial Bank Bldg.. Charlotte. N. C. McCall. J. L 224 W. Cheves St.. Florence. S. C.

Ardrey, R. H., Jr. , . , Rt. 2. Greensboro. N.C. McDiarmid, W. H. Box 9 15. Greenville. N. C. Banker, L. L. Jr. Rt. 8. Charlotte. N C. McEachern. W. A. , . St. Pauls, N. C. Barker, W. L. Box 1227, High Point. N. C. MacKinnon, J. A. Lumberton, N. C. Barnwell. J. C Box 341. Burlington. N. C. MacLauchlin. W. E.. J 908 King St.. Columbia. S.C.

Battle. H. H. Jr . Rockv Mount. N. C. McLean. A. A., Jr. . . 25 1 N. Main St.. Lenoir. N. C. Beaty. K. 752 Milton Ave.. Rock Hill. S. C. McLelland. J. R. 195 W. Center Ave.. Mooresville. N. C. M Behrman. J. N 2202 W. Market. Greensboro. N. C. MacLeod. J. D.. Jr. Rt. 1. Aberdeen. N. C. Belk. J. 2 20 Hawthorne Lane. Charlotte. N. C. McLeod. R. N.. Jr. 4000 Cathedral Ave.. Was'hington. D. C. M Booth. J. F.. Jr. Rt. 1. Box 106 C. Oklahoma City. Okla. McLeskey. J, H,. Jr. . ... 608 N. Church St.. Charlotte. N. C. Boykin. F. C. Box 1 734. Atlanta. Ga. Mack, S. M 311 E. Center, Mooresville. N. C. Brinson. R. L.. Jr. Box 1752. High Point. N. C. Mann, J. S, Davidson. N. C. Carter. W. L.. Jr. 2 3 06 W. Market. Greensboro. N. C. Marsh, G. M , , , 448 S. Main. High Point, N. C. Catcrson. D. C. Montrose. Pa. Mathcny, G. T. 184 Riverside Ave., Covington. Va. Cavcrt. P. 3 720 Harding Rd.. Nashville, Tenn. Miller. J. A. 105 W. Center. Mooresville. N. C. Miller. L. H.. Jr. 323 Park Dr.. Florence. S. C. Chapman. J. A.. Jr. 849 Glendalyn. Spartanburg, S. C. Mitchell. G. L.. Jr Forest Hills. Wilmington, N. C, Chisholm. D. R 305 S. Main. Ashcboro. N. C. Moore. B. F. McCoU. S, C. Church. M. L.. Jr 1 626 Queens Rd.. Charlotte. N. C. Moore. J, A. 415 E. Park Ave.. Charlotte. N. C. Clontz, R. C, Jr. Davidson. N. C.

. Morris. M. G. , . 41 I N. Ridge. Kannapolis. N. C. Conner, W. S.. Jr. 946 Charlotte Ave.. Rock Hill. S. C. Murphy. C. C. Jr. Box 5. Red Springs. N. C. Conyers. W. P., Ill Box 1491. Spartanburg. S. C. Owens. J. M. 645 N. Lake Tr.. Palm Beach. Fla. Crane. W H. 910 36th Ave.. Tuscaloosa. Ala. . Sicwati 1 . Ji 1136 Crawford. D B . Jr 2707 Sharon Rd CharloiK, N C W Berkeley Ave Charlotte. N.C

I . I Darrjiuii. J. G.. Jr 106 Mountain Si . Kingi Muuniain. N. C. Stimson 825 Vine. (Chattanooga. I enn KlntEtlrcc-. S. Siroup. C; S 1601 Chestnut St Oivis. J W , Jr C Wilmington. N C Duk. J A 10 r Charloiif Ave Sumur. S C Sutton. L. M Box H\(>. 1 ayeileville. N.C

I 1 Dim mock. A I I M4 .Mrd Si N«wpori Ntw». Va ate. G. W 148 Queens Rd . (harlotle. N C

I 3 Drum. V. IV ni8 Myrilt Ave . Charloiic. N C. iimble. D 29 W Main. 1:1 Dorado. Ark

C! I Ihly. G. W IHU\ Rollintt Rd . Gr«n%l>oro N yjon. G S. Box 1139.1 lorence. S C. lirwin. Ei. J.. Jr. Davidson. N CJ. Walker. B B Mt. Gilead. N C.

\-vt. J. S. H'l Mtard Ave . AuKusla. Ga Washburn. B M Box 210. Wilmington, N C J. liwurt. J W Blacksiock. S. C. Wayman. N 6000 Biscayne Blvd , Miami. I la.

. C. I owU-r, 1 W. {017 W Sit) Si Charloiif. N White. J A 4 16 Depot St . Spencer. N.C.

I rcJcruk. J A. Packanack lake N. J Williamson. D C Kenansville. N. C.

N. Wood. , Jr I iiUlur. H I: . Jr. Davidson. C W W Davidson. N. C.

I iilKr, J M. 81 < I irM Ave . I aurel. Mis*. Woolen. J. A. 431 N Dunlap. Memphis, lenn.

(.lamhK- W. M Davidson. N C Young. P. M B. 518 E. Morehead Si . Charlotte. N C. C.owdv R A S4<) N. i; ')7th Si.. Miami. I U. 46''. C>r.ivo R W . Jr Box Toccoa. Ga. SOPHOMORE CLASS Harris A I' Roxboro. N. C. ll..rt K .\1 Box V»H. lalladena. Ala. Abbot. W. B. Louisville. Ga ll.pp. li c: Box S40. Greenville. S C. Amos. R. P.. Jr. 802 I orest Hill. High Point. N C.

. Apperson. G. Jr. Mocksville. Hol.bu', 1 W s:4 Allison Ave . S. W Roanoke. Vj. M.. N.C.

Hobbs c: H Whiieville. N. C. Archer. A. W. 624 S. Washington St . Shelby. N.C

Hullm.in J I 121 Blair Ave.. Ness'pori Nesss. Va. Armstrong. W. B. 511 W. 2nd Ave. Gastonia. N. C:.

Bachman. J. S. 510 Cumberland St . Bristol. Va. l.acy. IV R . Ill 1010 Wesiwood Ave.. Richmond. Va.

'»7 Baird. R . Jr l.anc. 1 Ci . Jr Box 2. Charloiie. N. C. G Davidson. N.C. l.t-c. \V. I .. Jr. Mil Robert Toombs Ave.. Washington. Ga. Baird. W. D Davidson. N. C. \^i' Min..r I fgcrton. C. \\'.. Jr. 2b1 King St.. Charleston. S. C. Barber. W. H. K.dge Dr. Atlanta. Ga.

I ogan. 1-. H. Rutherfordton. N. C. Barnwell. E. S. York.S. C. I.vman. W. J.. Jr. I46-* Milner Crescent. Birmingham. Ala. Baucom. H. A. Raeford. N. C. McArihur. C. A.. Jr. Box 218. Charlotte. N. C. Beam. R. S.. Jr. Lumberion. N. C. McCoy. J. B.. Jr. North Wilkesboro. N. C. Bellamy. J. M. Knoxville. Iowa McCrary. J. P. Lonoke. Ark. Bethea. J. E.. Jr Dillon. S. C. McCrca. J. T 180S S. Miami Ave. Miami. I la. Black. J R 1515 High St.. Charlotte. N C St.. McGcc. J. r-. . 80 Rutledge Ave.. Charleston. S. C. Bobbin. R. B. 202 Gulf Sanford. N. C. Mdncosh. H. D. .222 Wildermere Rd.. W. Palm Beach. Tla. Booth. S. A.. Jr. Lawrenceville, Va. Maclean. J. L.. Jr. 2024 Beverly Dr.. Charlotte. N. C. Bosch. A. W. 824 E. National Ave.. Springfield. Mo. Bradford. R. Jr Davidson. McNeely. C. C. Jr. . 405 N. Main, Moofesville. N. C. C. N C. Maloney. D. T.. Jr. Bradley. R. W 101 S. Anderson. Morganton. N. C. 1820 Cathedral Ave.. N. W.. Washington. D. C Bradley. T. P. Exec. Com. of For. Missions. Nashville. Tenn.

Manning. R. I. Box 531. Spartanburg. S. C Brewer. M. S High St.. Lebanon. Ky. Martin. J. L. Lebanon. Tcnn Brock. V Pores Knob. N C. Martin. S. R. Mt. Gilead. N. C Brockmann. C. B 912 Fairway Dr.. High Point. N.C. Mebane. 1-. N.. Jr 926 Alameda Ave.. Orlando. Fla Brown. B. No. 16 Blandwood Apts.. Charlotte. N. C. Mebane. J. M. Box 715. Burlington. N. C Brown. C. F. Rt. 2. Concord. N. C. Miller. G. I\ Davidson. N. C Bruce. J. M. 423 Mclver St.. Greenville. S. C. Miller. J. K. Bruner, J. M.. Jr Cleveland. N. C. A. PCM. Bibanga. Luputu Gare. Congo Beige. Africa Buckley. G. L. Moorhead. C. C Blacksburg. S. C. 26 Overhill Rd.. Bala-Cynwyd. Montgomery Co.. Pa Morrison. B M Rt. 2. Davidson. N. C. Bumbarger. T. V. 15 34 12th St.. Hickory. N. C. Morton. 1-. S.. Ill 602 Pendleton St.. Waycross. Ga. Burke. T. V. 2755 Macomb St.. N. W.. Washington. D. C.

Murdock. H. R.. Jr. 192 Lakeshore Dr . Ashcvillc. N. C. Campbell. W. B. 322 E. Angelina. Palestine. Texas

Murray. E. 1 307 Wake forest Rd.. Raleigh. N. C. Carrow. H. H % Harvey Motor Co.. Kinston. N. C. Neill. J. r.. Jr. 142 E. Broad St.. Statesville. N. C. Carson. M.. Jr. 2215 Hopcdale Ave.. Charlotte. N.C.

Ncwbold. J. M.. Jr. 1 Church St.. Wilmington. N. C. Carson. R. St. C. Jr. 1 5 E. Wilson. Mooresville. N. C. Nickles. J. C. 505 Mountain. Kings Mountain. N. C. Carter. W. F.. Ill 195 Cherry St.. Mt. Airy. N. C. Nimmons. R. K.. Jr Seneca. S. C. Cathey. L Red Springs. N. C Ogilvie. G. M. ... Oakwoods. N. C. Chance. W. H.. Jr. 830 Arbor Rd.. Winston-Salem. N. C. Oliver. P. C ... 1906 Market St.. Wilmington. N. C. Chandler. K. A 127 Oxford St.. Hartford. Conn.

Padgett. D 3616 Rozzells Er. Rd . Charlotte. N. C. Chancy. R. E. Bransford Rd.. Augusta. Ga Parks. C. E.. Jr. Lee Heights. Bristol. Va. Chaney, R. H.. Jr. Bransford Rd.. Augusta. Ga.

Parks. R. L Box 782. Black Mountain. N. C. Clark. R. A.. Jr. . 44 2 Rochelle Ter . Pelham. N. Y. Parrigin. L. J. 266 Second. Paintsville. Ky. Clark. R. L. Jr 217 N. Cedar St.. Greensboro. N.C. Paterson. A. R. 29 Acadcmv Rd.. Madison. N. J. Cole. P. H 20 High St.. Westfield. Mass.

Pattishall. E. G.. Jr 134 1 Biltmore Dr.. Charlotte. N. C. Colson. S. P 1 12 E. 4th St.. Jacksonville. Fla.

Pation. R. r. 1 1 7 Ridge Crest Ave.. Rutherfordton. N. C. Cooper. Q. School of Tropical Med.. San Juan. Puerto Rico Pharr. J. T.. Jr. Grovcr. N. C. Councill. G. C 9 E. Mt. Royal Ave.. Baltimore. Md. Phillips. J. D.. Jr. Laurinburg. N. C. Crowell. A. M.. Jr 25 W. 6th Ave.. Lexington. N.C. Pollock. H. E.. Jr. 160 Kimberly Ave.. Asheville. N. C. Currie. E. H. Am. South. Pres. Mission. Haichow. Kn.. China Poole. S. M. Troy, N. C. Currie. R. A. Highland Ave.. Mullens. W. Va. Rainey. H. W. Parish Dr.. Mountain View. N. J. Cushman. R. G. 1836 Ingleside Ave.. Jacksonville. Fla. Ranev. R. W. 1820 lair Park Blvd.. Little Rock. Ark. Dabney, W. R.. Jr. 1 Northwood. Jackson. Tenn. Robinson. J. K. Derita. N C. Darling. C. L.. II 2730 Willow Dr.. Charlotte. N.C.

Davis. J. Jr. Box 2 I 2. Salisbury. N. C. Robinson. W. C Jr 51 1 Columbia Dr.. Decatur. Ga. M. Rogers. W. B. Box 784. El Dorado. Ark. Dimmock. T. H. 1344 23rd St.. Newport News. Va. Roney. H. B.. Jr. Rt. I. Mebane. N. C. Drake. L. R.. Jr. 205 Kensington Rd.. Greensboro. N. C. Rose. W H.. Jr 55 Court St.. West Point. Miss. Dunn. J. R.. Jr. 20 Marion Ave.. Sumter. S. C. Ellis. J. S. 116 Brentley Cir.. High Point. N. C. Sandifer. M. G . Jr. Chester. S. C. Sanford. T. P.. Jr. Druid Hills. HendersonviUe. N. C. Evans. J. E.. Jr. 3 10 Murchison Bldg.. Wilmington. N.C.

Schmidt. C. R 1205 W. Main. Shelby ville. Ky. Evans. O. D.. Jr. 562 I 5th St . Hickory. N. C. Scott. C. W. 205'' Ramsey St. Bluelield. W. Va. Fairly. J. L.. Jr. 1502 Wilmington Ave.. Richmond. Va Sides. C. H.. Jr. Loray. N. C. Farrar. A. A. Summcrville. Ga Field. 283 S. Union St.. Concord. N. C. 1 . C. Jr Simc. A.,, J 90-14 Whitney Ave.. Elmhurst. L. N. Y. N. Sinclair. G. T. 13 38 Whitethorn. Bluefield. W. Va. Fisher. K. E. Box 3 38. Kannapolis. N. C. Smith. R. G.. Jr. Box 87. Elkin. N. C. Fountain. J. P.. Jr 1762 Fall River Ave.. Scekonk. Mass. Spcas. r. W. 437 Springdale Ave.. Winston-Salem. N. C. Gaithcr. J. R.. Jr Box 71. Newton. N. C. Spencer. H. A. Rt. 7. Charlotte. N. C. Garnett. S. T. 1626 Gervais St.. Columbia. S. C.

Spratt. W. C. Jr Box 63 5. I rcdericksburg. Va. Garrison. S. F.. Jr. 805 W. Front St.. Burlington. N. C. Sprunt. H H 219 N. 3rd. Wilmington. N. C. Goodman. W H. Jr. Box 933. Kannapolis. N. C. Tucker. H. F.. Jr. 1548 Lancaster Tcr.. Jacksonville. Fla. Graves. E. W., Jr. - 2 201 W. Market. Greensboro. N. C. Green, W. S Def'uniak Springs. Fla. Turner, R. L. R.F.D.. No. I. Lcaksville. N. C. Charlotte. N. Gricr. J. C. Jr Rt. 5. Charlotte, N. C. Upchurch. C. W.. Jr. 1725 Brandon Rd.. C. Grimsley. W. T First Pres. Church. Greensboro. N. C. Walker. J. P Collierville. Tenn. Spartanburg. Gwynn. P. H.. Ill Box 483. Davidson, N. C. Wardlaw, J. T. 650 Palmetto. S. C. Hamrick. S. M. Davidson. N. C. Watkins. B. L., Jr. 721 S. Green. Winston-Salem. N. C. Office. Tallahassee. Fla. Harrill. W. G. Caroleen. N. C. Watson. D. C. . Atty. Gen. Harris. J. P. 110 Mvrovcr St.. Fayetteville. N. C. Watson. M. S Ridge Spring. S. C. Hart. J. T 340 Highland Ave.. Jackson. Tcnn. Webster. D. E 3 7 Thorndyke Rd.. Worcester. Mass. Henderson. S. H Fcrriday. La. Welborn. J. T. 511 S. Main St.. Lexington. N. C. Hill. D. P 2928 Hawthorne Ave.. Richmond. Va. Welch. P. B.. Jr. Huntington Bldg.. Miami. Fla. Hill. F. S.. Jr Box 346. Grenada. Miss. Welsh. R. B 1301 Johnston Bldg.. Charlotte. N. C. Wells. 1830 Berkeley Ave.. Petersburg. Va. Hodges. C. W.. Jr. . Box 13 12. New Bern. N. C. H. H Houston. J. V Mooresville. N. C. Wheeler. C. Jr. 5 1 Glen Byron Ave.. Nyack. N. Y. Howard. T. P., Jr. lake Cormorant. Miss. White. A. L 258 E. White St.. Rock Hill. S. C. Hoyt. S. B.. Jr Williamsville. Va. White. W. E.. Jr. 219 S. Main. Graham. N. C. Hunt. R. F.. Jr Greenville. S. C. Whitcley. G. P. 652 Murray Ave.. S. E.. Roanoke. Va.

Jeffries. M. H 42" Hanscll. Thomasville. Ga. Whitley. W. L. . . Plymouth. N. C. Johnson, M. L.. Jr Chcraw, S, C. Williams. J. A 3 24 W. Side Ave.. Indianola. Miss.

Johnston. J. M Box 363. Davidson. N. C. Williams. P. M.. Jr. , 914 E. St.. North Wilkesboro. N. C. Jones. J. A.. Jr 421 Rensselaer Ave.. Charlotte. N. C. Wilson. G. E.. Jr. 821 N. Madison. El Dorado. Ark. Knox. T. W Andrews. S. C. Wilson. H. L. Box 32. Huntersville. N. C. Lacy, W, \V 1010 Westwood Ave., Richmond. Va. Wilson. L. R.. Jr. Lowell. N. C. Larson. A Knoxville. Iowa Wilson. W. R. 507 E. 8th St.. Rome. Ga. l.eland. H. G.. Jr McCIcUanville. S. C. Withers. W. L. Davidson. N. C. Linton. W. A 3 206 Long Blvd.. Nashville. Tenn. Wood. B. L.. Jr. Box S. Callaway, Va, Long. R Barium Springs. N. C. Wood. R. A. 130 Oveton PI., Keyser. W. Va. Lusk. J. A.. Ill First Natl. Bank Bldg.. Gadsden. Ala. Woodbridgc. C. L. 501 Englewood Rd.. Middlesboro. Ky. McCain. P. P.. Jr Sanatorium. N. C. Woody. R.. Jr. Forrest City. Ark.

5 I 5 Washington. El Dorado. Ark. McCormack. G. E. - New Castle. Ala. Yocum. D. M., Jr. N. McGeachy. R. H 1113 Virginia St,. Greensboro. N. C. CLASS Mclvcr, D.. Jr 408 Lee St., Bristol. Va. FRESHMAN McLauchlin. T. N. Raeford. N. C. Abernathy. R. S. 3 14 N. Highland. Gastonia. N. C. McWilliams. G. D.. Jr. Lawrenceburg. Ky. Alexander. J. F. . . Box 94. Forest City, N. C. Major. E. C Charles City. Va. Allen. R. M. 139 S. Summit Ave.. Charlotte. N. C. Major. W. O Charles City. Va. Anderson. J. M.. Jr. 30 Johnson St.. New Bern. N. C. Mann. M. K.. Jr Collierville. Tenn. Anderson. T. E.. Jr. 3315 Jean Circle. Tampa. Fla. Marshall. F. D.. Jr. Marshall Furn. Co.. Rock Hill. S. C. Bagley. J. T. Box 814. Fayetteville. Tenn.

Martin. L. C. . 222 Main St., Mullins, S. C. Bailey. F. R.. Jr. 811 W. 5th St., Winston-Salem, N. C. Maxwell. H.. Jr. 87 E. Front St.. New Bern. N. C. Banks. B. D. Grantville, Ga. Menzies. H. C. Ill .1315 13th St.. Hickory. N. C. Behrman. P. C. 2202 W. Market St.. Greensboro. N. C. Miller. R. T. 17 Fall Brook Pk.. Canandaigua. N. Y. Belk. H 220 Hawthorne Lane. Charlotte. N. C. 3 \V. Hickory. Bostrop. La. Milliken. T. T 24 Belk. I. ,2 20 Hawthorne Lane. Charlotte. N. C.

Mitchener. J. S.. Jr. , Masonic Temple Bldg.. Raleigh. N. C. Betts. F. K.. Ill Sherwood Hill. Harrisonburg. Va. Morrow. W. H.. Jr. West Point. Ga. Bibb. J. L. 1005 Provident Bldg.. Chattanooga. Tcnn. Murray. J. E Box 982, Concord, N. C. Bingham. E. B. 34 Church St.. Gary. W. Va.

Myact. E. E , Ratchford. York. S. C. Birmingham. W. L. 3 04 College. Trenton. Tenn. Myers. W. J 713 River Ave.. Toronto. Ohio Blevins. D. G. Spruce Pine. N. C. Neisler. P. M.. Jr. Ridge St.. Kings Mountain. N. C. Boarman. H. Bel Air. Md. Northcross. J. W. 411 Madison Ave.. Memphis. Tenn. Bradley. R. L. Waynesville. N. C. OHair. R. H 209 College. Rock Hill. S. C. Bramlette. F. E. 252 Wild Rose. San Antonio. Texas Olive. C. S. 214 Dobbins Ave., Fayetteville. N. C. Brinegar. H. C. 635 Junia Ave., Winston-Salem, N. C. Patrick. H. L. Ill King St.. Kings Mountain. N. C. Brock. W. F. Barium Springs. N. C.

Patterson. E. F'. 4 I 9 Clement Ave.. Charlotte. N. C. Browne, R, C. . Cherryvillc. N. C. Pearsall. H.. Jr. Box 700. Wilmington. N. C. Bryant. D. G .2119 Morrison Blvd.. Charlotte. N. C. Peters. J. A. 932 Henley PL. Charlotte. N. C. Burns. J. K.. Jr. . 819 Green St. Circle. Gainesville. Ga. Pharr. L. L. 351 Clark. Clarksdale. Miss. Byrd. T. H.. Jr. 708 Clay St.. Shelbyville. Ky. Phillips. D.. Jr. D. 1034 Kenilworth. Charlotte, N, C. Campbell. J. W. 401 E. 5th St.. Lumberton. N. C. Philips. E. C. 4034 Post St.. Jacksonville. Fla. Campbell. W. T.. Jr , . 1022 S. Caldwell St.. Charlotte. N. C.

Pierce. 2 I \V. R. P 2 Pine. Farmville. N. C. Cashion. A. T.. Jr 13 34 8th St.. Hickory. N. C. Piper. G. K. .58 Mercer St.. Princeton. N. J. Chapman. W. M 849 Glendalyn. Spartanburg. S. C. Port. R. B 907 Overbrook Ave.. Winston-Salem. N. C. Childs. B. G. 1019 Markham Ave.. Durham. N. C. Preston. R. S % K. E. St. Clair. Pikeville. Ky. Coble. B. F. 2926 Morson St.. Charlotte. N. C. Ragan. A. H.. Jr 505 E. Guilford, Thomasville, N. C. Coonrad. R. W. 1 Tsi Yang Rd.. Tsingtao. China Ramsav. J. C Box 722. Spur. Texas Corrigan. J. A. 218 Edgedale Dr.. High Point. N. C. Raymond. T. W 817 S. Penn. Ave.. Lakeland. Fla. Craven. J. W. Newland. N. C. Rhudy. B. E 229 Jefferson Bldg.. Greensboro. N. C. Crayton. L. B.. 2 3 00 Crescent Ave.. Charlotte. N. C. Richcson. 1 34. J. M Box Hazelwood. N. C. Gulp. W. H. 407 S. York St.. Gastonia. N. C.

Jr. . Robertson. H. B.. 201 S. Ridge Ave Kannapolis. N. C. Dalton. P. H.. Jr. Robertson, J, F.. Jr. Palmer Natl. Bank Bldg.. Sarasota. Fla. Apt. Ct. 3A. Emerywood Ct.. High Point, N. C. Robinson. 704 S. Lee St.. Gastonia. CM N. C. Daniel. C. T Ill Belle. Oxford. N. C. Rosborough. G. L. 1273. Atlantic. Fla. Box Davis. F. E.. Jr 1225 W. Wesley Rd.. Atlanta. Ga. Rovster. HP 313 Kingsbury. Oxford. N. C. Denny. E. B.. Jr 307 W. 5th Ave.. Gastonia. N. C. Salsbury. R.. Jr Hassell. N. C. Dodge. W. H 2930 Keystone Ave.. Knoxville. Tcnn. Sanders. M. C 340 N. Main St.. Greenville. S. C. Dunn. F. E 827 Roslyn Rd . Winston-Salem. N. C. Scott. L. R.. Jr 309 N. George St.. Goldsboro. N. C. Dunn. W. H Box 94. Maxton. N. C. Scruggs. J. Y. Jr 355 College Ave.. Rock Hill. S. C. Dunn. W. R 2801 Andrews Dr.. Atlanta. Ga. Shelton. J. C. Box 496. Greensboro. N. C. DuRant. R. W Orchard Rd.. Southern Pines. N. C. Simmons. Ill W, D.. 1200 Greenway Dr.. High Point. N. C. Edwards. E. G. Jr 229 N. Main. Mullins. S. C. Skirrow. A. G. 14 Sawyer Ave.. E. Orange. N. J. Elliott. W. C Shorter College. Rome, Ga. Smith. J. L.. Jr. Williston. S. C. Emerson, W, A,, Jr 67 N. Muscogee Ave, Atlanta. Ga. Stimson. J. D. 815 Vine St.. Chattanooga. Tenn. Ennett. G. N Montrcat. N. C. Stubbins. S. G. 1134 S. 41st St.. Birmingham. Ala. Erb. D. S 4 Tallahassee, Badin, N, C, Swink. D. W. Stuart Ct. Apt.. Richmond. Va. Evans, W. M St. Pauls. N. C. Taylor. A. G Box 3 30. Nashville. Tenn. Everett. D. R., Jr. Robersonville. N. C. Thomas. J. H 907 Edgewood Ave., Charleston, W, Va, Everett. N. P Robersonville. N. C. Thompson, W. Y. 1101 Windsor Ave.. Bristol. Tenn. Findlay. H. M.. Jr. Tollcson. J. M.. Jr. Perry. Ga. % Lt. Col. H. M.. 2nd Bn.. FARC. Ft. Bragg, N. C. 1 I I la Mort .n Ir iHhct H B 177 argo Rd Clearwater. B D IK45 Buena ViMa Rd . Winston Salem. N C.

I Ijck. M M . Ii 7^8 6th Ave W HendctsonvilU- N C Motion, H P Bullick, N.C. Box ()U. Davidson, N C Nisbel. J. A Rt 3, Sanford, NC. .S I lovd. I: C. I Cia St . Woodruff. C Oglesby. R. A. .201 Washington St.. S. W. Atlanta. Ga.

Jord. J. 1: ^OS I homas. Martinsville. Va Patrick. G. R. Bessemer City. N. C,

. Airy. Pendleton. I owlcr. J v.. Counity Club Rd Ml N C A C. 2000 Providence Rd , Charlotte. N. C. S7() Slali-sville C> I tjiry. J M I Bf-.ad N C Peters. B 806 Yadkin St.. Kingsport, Tenn

\'.i I (-rcnch. J. A . Ir .\UDoWill, Wi-Kli W Peurs R 800 Yadkin St,, Kingsport. Tenn

.1 lfo«. C. I:. Its Maple Si . Summii. N Pharr, II H Davidson, N. C.

Gambit. W \V Davidson. N C Pit I man, W II Barium Springs, N, C,

CiAuli. I. A I ake Waccaniaw, N C Potter. 1 H. Box 1042. Atlanta, Ga,

lirwin. C I . Gibbs. C M Jr . N Powell. J Jr Box 25 7, Chester, S, C,

Gillfipic. R O liflingham. S C. Powell. I . L . Jr. Pla/a Hotel, San Antonio, Texas

Glasgow, r. M . Jr 2^01 Sherwood Ave . Charlotte, N. C Pritchard. W J. l.othair, Ky, Goldbrrg. H Bessemer City. N, C Pritchett. L, W.. J Box 167, Burlington, NC, Goldsion. J W. l')7 N, Main St.. Concord. N C Ranson. W. A. 620 Hermitage Cl., Charlotte. N.C. !: Goodc. I. J M05 7th Si . Charlotte. N. C. Kiffe, J. L. laeger. W Va. Courlry. R A. 2i8 Rutherford Rd Marion. N. C Kuhardson, 1... Jr. 122 E. 42nd St New York. N. Y.

Ghccv. If. O. Nashville Rd . I ranklin. Tenn Roach, A. W Barium Springs. N. C.

Jr. . Richmond. Va. Roberts. Gram. I:. D . 10 College Rd R. T. 7548 Mam, Kansas City. Mo.

Grey. \V. H 2104 Brandon Circle. Charlotte. N C Robertson. W. L, Palmer Natl. Bank BIdg . Sarasota. F'la. 110. Thomasville. Gribbvn. J III Box Ga Robinson. J. M. 51 I Columbia Dr . Decatur, Ga.

.). . .S. Grimslcv R 814 West St Greensboro. N. C. Robinson. J. 1610 Chestnut St , Wilmington, N, C, Guthnc. W M 1811 Bolsover. Houston. Texas Rochelle. J. H. Globe Parlor Furn. Co,, High Point. N.C, Gwyn. H. S.. Jr. 1816 Rosewood. Houston. Texas Rodgers. J. B. 1025 W. King St.. Martinsburg. W Va. Hill. I- J.. Jr Poplar and Cherry. Memphis. Tenn. Rogers, L. T, 306 Rogers St. Kannapolis, N, C,

Hannah. J. T. 1600 Kirbv Dr . Houston. Texas Rose. J. M.. Jr. 205 Hillside Ave, Fayettevillc. N. C.

Hardtc. J B 112 N 6th. 1 ernandina. Ila Rowland. E. G. 124 Pine St.. Sumter, S, C.

I I College. Tenn. Savi. Harrison. B . 2 2 Milan. P. M. Walpole. N H.

Harvin. \V. B Manning. S. C. Sellars. L. S. I 15 W, Bessemer Ave., Greensboro. N.C. Hay S. H nn nth Ave.. Hickory, N. C. Shaw. C. L 5 f-olsom. Sumler. S. C. Hayes. J K 171<) Beverly Dr.. Charlotte. N. C Shcrrill. J. L. 185 3 Overlook Tcr. Louisville. Ky. Henderson C Ci Wichman. Walterboro. S. C. Shore. H. I:. Kernersville. N. C. Hendee. A i; 710 Sycamore St.. Decatur. Ga. Short. E. L. Box 692. High Point. N.C. Herring R B Rosehill. N. C. Simmons. G. L. J 17 N. Ocean St.. Jacksonville. Fla. Hill. H Nt 402 Meadowbrook. Greensboro. N. C. Skinner. B. B Box 322. Rt. 6. Jacksonville. Ila. Holland. D \V 11 1 W. 6th St.. Gastonia. N. C. Smith. D. E 307 Church. Farmvillc. N C.

Hollingcr. R I;. 505 South St.. Gastonia. N. C. Smith. R. B. W . Presbyterian St.. Marion, S. C. Horsehel. J J. 5105 S. 8th St.. Ft. Pierce. Fla. Smith. R. S Box 704, Gastonia, N, C. Hudson. H H 4 Chelsea. Houston. Texas Smith. W. R., Ill Box 5 32, Princeton, W. Va. Huskins. C. W. Rt. 1. Stanley. N. C. Spencer, A, M., Jr Box 1297, Gastonia, N, C, Ivic. G. 1... Jr. 60 Elk Ave.. New Rochellc. N. Y. Starnes, O, E.. Jr. Malvern Hills, Ashevillc, N. C. Jackson. J. W. Jr. 2903 Millwood. Columbia. S. C. Steagall, M. D., Ji Morvcn, N. C. Jamicson. R S. Blairstown. N. J. Stiles. C. A 106 W, Washington La., Germaniown, Pa. Jennings. H. I.. 1551 W. Mulberry. San Antonio. Texas Strain, R. M l.t. Col. J. F.. Fort Benning. Ga. Jones. C. B. 600 E. Boulevard, Charlotte. N. C. Stroup. R. W, 1601 Chestnut St., Wilmington, N. C. Johnston. W. 1.. 100 Academy St.. Moorcsville. N. C. Stuart, J, P. E, Main, Troy, N, C. Kendrick. R. T. Blvd. Dr.. Box 196. Leaksvillc. N. C. Sutton. W. I 424 Vincvillc Ave., Macon, Ga, Kerr. \V H 818 S. Drive St.. Arlington. Va. Sutton, E. C. 209 N, Candler St., Decatur, Ga, Key. F. S.. Jr. 812 W. Palmetto St.. Florence. S. C. Tate, S. M. Box 516, Morganton, N, C, Keys. W. B Blowing Rock. N. C. Taylor, J. R., Jr. Box 1266, New Bern, N, C, St.. Fla. Kickliter. J E 440 Main Sarasota. Taylor, R, H , Jr. Box 186, Greensboro, N. C. Kimrey. S. R Endor. Sanford. N. C. Thomasson, G, B 308 King, Kings Mountain, N. C.

King. A. D . Jr. I 151 Holston Ave., Bristol. Tenn. Treat. F. B.. Jr. 217 College, Mindcn, La,

King. . Jr. 21 Gillis Rd.. Portsmouth. Va. G. C Todd. A. C Jr. I 35 E, Cambridge St,, Greenwood, S. C, King. N. D. 702 E. Unaka. Johnson City. Tenn. Tucker, G. L.. Jr. Box 1054, Laurel, Miss.

King. P. M.. Jr 700 Queens Rd.. Charlotte, N. C. Turner, F. M. 1 326 23rd Ave.. Gulfport. Miss. Lack. S. E. Oakdalc. La. Turner. W, G. Pink Hill. N. C. Linebcrgcr. H. P.. 105 W. 5th Ave.. Gastonia. N. C. Turner. W. H., Jr 811 Waterworks Rd,, Wilson. N. C. l.inion. E. B. 1206 Long Blvd . Nashville. Tenn. Van Vickie, P. G, 3925 Davis Rd.. N. W.. Washington. D. C. 993. Lipscomb. G. D. Box Gastonia. N. C. Voorhecs, J. H., Ji 129 Woodmont Blvd . Nashville. Tenn.

Little. T 126 Summit Ave . Macon. Ga. Walker. J. C. Jr. Statcsvillc. N. C. Loughridgc. J. H 6225 Greene St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Walton. E. W.. Jr 1714 12th Ave.. Hickory, N, C,

I. . Lowry. J. 1111 7th Ave West. Birmingham. Ala. Watt. E. G. 214 Grandin Rd , Charlotte, N. C, Lucas. J. S. Box 1587. Greensboro. N C Watt. F, H. 714 N. Dawson, Thomasville, Ga, McAlistcr. J. W.. Jr. 606 N. Greene St.. Greensboro. N. C Whaling. R P. 712 Stratford Rd.. Winston-Salem. N.C. McDonald. J. E. 115 Jennings Ave.. Greenwood. S. C. Whiddon. L. L. 1422 Orange Ave.. Ft. Pierce. Fla. McDowell. J. Rt. 3. Charlotte. N. C. White. L. 812 Dover Rd., Greensboro, N.C. McGaritv. R J. 1121 LaRosa Tcr.. S. W.. Atlanta. Ga. Whitcsidcs, E. S, 516 W. Franklin Ave.. Gastonia. N. C, McKee. C. T. % Box 3 50. Nashville. Tenn. Whitley, W. L Box 128, Kannapolis, N. C. McKcithen. M R Cameron. N. C. Wilcox, J, S., Jr. 2100 Coniston PL. Charlotte. N.C, McLauchlin. H. C Racford. N. C. Wilcox. W. H. Rt, 1, Concord, N.C, McLean. \V. S. 251 N. Main. Lenoir. N. C Wills. C. E. \X'ashington, Ga, Mcleod. E. W.. Jr. F-erry St.. Decatur. Ala, 715 Wilkinson. G. R.. r, 300 North St,, Greenville, S. C, Mac.VtilUn. R. R. 1401 Hampton Blvd.. Norfolk. Va Williams. 1. A. 328 Mitchell Ave,, Salisbury, N.C. McMullcn. R. J.. Jr Druid Hills Pres. Church. Decatur. Ga. Williams. S. M 213 E, North St,, Greenville, S. C. McNair. A B. 5 1 8 Hawkins Ave.. Sanford. N. C. Williamson. B. H.. Ir. 186 Cherry. Mt. Airy. N. C. Mackintosh. D. M. McClellanville. S. C. Wilson. D. R. Rt. 4. Charlotte. N.C, Maness. J. R. 1720 Sylvan Rd.. Greensboro. N. C. Winchester. R. B Rt, 4, Charlotte. N, C. Mcrritt. W. R S. Main St.. Mullins. S. C. Withcrington. Olive, Miller. J. M.. Jr. Box 275. Davidson. N. C. D. 1 Mt N, C, Miller. R. E. 255 Colville Rd.. Charlotte. N. C. Withers. R. M. Davidson, N, C. MiUis. J. H. 905 Forest Hill. High Point. N. C. Wood. LP, Davidson. N. C.

Moody. J. F. 23 1 Sycamore St.. Staunton. Va. Worth, G. C, Lake Waccamaw. N.C Moore. C. C Jr. 612 Park Dr.. Rock Hill. S. C. Wright, J, P 205 Temple Ct. BIdg.. Chattanooga. Tenn. Moore. J. T. 237 N Cedar St.. Charlotte. N. C. Yantis, E, E, 2435 Piedmont Rd,, Atlanta, Ga.

Moore. W. S . Jr. 237 N. Congress. York. S. C. Yarborough, R, S. Dawson Rd,, Albany, Ga. Morgan. J. 1. 306 E. Church St.. Laurinburg. N. C. Yates. J. K. 947 Meigs St,, Augusta, Ga,

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