Davidson College Yearbook, Quips and Cranks, 1942

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Davidson College Yearbook, Quips and Cranks, 1942 ia*'*- *' vi • \ • - V 4t^^i ^* •'' d I / ..-:'• 'fiL'~ •*•-.,. •'.-r*,- -:<.'. ..;-... :• (l//nCi'a/>nM/>'cu, ..v• ''' '"^^^rs/X ... .••,•5*3 -A 'iS ^c^.f IDAVIIIDSOr*^, FN(0)|R.T!HI CAlftOlLIINNlA T'^ ^4*^^* v;^.i ./5: ^ :::.^-h. .1;*' '3^^' Cj Jt^r^ iJV-x-i^-^u-^ J^ • *^ / > ,, A. ^:;^- f 1 }i/- kf P ft If Pr i: [t jfi (T; | p _,;^!iS£Sl?.^^ -"^ - "c^^^^^^^' 7 t* -^^'.. .-.^v^ f C' ^ ?-^ f.;^ r^4. iVTO CHARLOTTE > *>.. //? DAVIDSON ifve/een /t^hty /u^ i-v n U S. BOOKER. BUSINESS MANAGER JULIEN McCfiLL, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF H. /^m^l'Jxm MAY IT LIVE FOREVER May it live forever—and there is some- thing that must live forever, in the hearts and minds of every DAVIDSON man—the spirit, thoughts, activities, life, loves and troubles of its students; and what the name DAVIDSON does and should mean to every- one that has come to know and love it. This year we were confronted with a war —one in which we must do our part, and forego many luxuries and other things to which we are accustomed. This did not daunt the spirit of DAVIDSON; rather it was an impetus to the work and strength of this great institution, and gave it a chance to show what DAVIDSON has done for its men, and what DAVIDSON men can do and are doing. For this reason and because we believe that this year is one that will live long in the memory of all, we have attempted to present a picture of life and happenings ^//^ 'M(^i^ CONTENTS here at DAVIDSON this year—and hope that you INTRODUCTION will never forget it. Pictures and words alone can not portray what CLASSES DAVIDSON really is, but they can provide a vivid recollection of one's days on the Wildcat campus. You may remember the fever of getting down to ACTIVITIES work in the fall, rush week, football games, week- end trips, reviews, holidays, exams, Mid-Winters, chapel periods, the faculty, elections, intramurals, oyitilitary bull sessions, etc.; but we want you to remember ^ more. We want you to remember the underlying spirit and meaning of DAVIDSON, and we hope ATHLETICS that these words and pictures will bring back these remembrances. FRATERNITIES Friendships and associations created here on the Features campus with students as well as faculty members will mean a great deal to all of us in future years, Honorary so let us keep these names and faces forever in our memories. DAVIDSON—remember it and keep it close to your hearts . 9^ ON OUR CAMPUS Snow New Buildings Chambers DORMITORY ROW- Students study, live, and gather ^^**^m: r^'t: y-si h: y^SSm^y^. '.,: Campus Walks Our Student Body Classes Military Lile "' lEW i^.W^' lo .o ft -s rv .5: (^ «^ •* DEDICATED TO Dr. Cecil Kenneth l^rown TO DR. CECIL KENNETH BROWN—A NOTED TEACHER, AN ADMIRABLE COUNSELOR, A LEADER AMONG THE FACULTY, AND A FRIEND TO ALL—WE SINCERELY AND WITH A GREAT DEAL OF PLEASURE DEDICATE THIS 1942 QUIPS AND CRANKS Dr. Broicn leaving Chambers Building Dr. Cecil Kenneth ^ronti 1^. John R. Cunningham President of the College u ^UT»*»at •*«•'. -ifrtifc^ # OUR PRESIDENT Dr. Cunningham came to us in the spring of 1941 as successor to Dr. Lingle: and brought with him a pleasing personality, an interest in every student's well-being, and a keen desire for the future of Davidson. Dr. Cunningham has done a great deal for the College in his first year as president, and we are indeed fortunate to have such a man president of our college. Our president holds this office as successor to a distinguished group ot men: Rev. Robert H. Morrison (1836-1840) Rev. Andrew D. Hepburn (1877-1885) Rev. Samuel Williamson (1841-1854) Rev. Luther McKinnon (1885-1888) Rev. Drury Lacy (1855-1860) Rev. John B. Shearer ( 1888-1901 ) Rev. John L. Kirkpatrick (1860-1866) Proe. Henry Louis Smith i 1901-1912). Rev. George W. McPhail (1866-1871) Prof. William J. Martin (1912-1929) Proe. John Rennie Blake (1871-1877) Rev. Walter Lee Lingle (1929-1941) Rev. John Rood Cunningham (1941 12 TRUSTEES OF DAVIDSON COLLEGE < 'lliiiis ../ ;/;, / itr.h, Rl V J M< IX)WI II Rit MAUDS I'frtlJtnl MK R a OlNN I'lrnJcnl i.merilui MK H S RK IIAKDSON V'lir I'ltuJtnl Mk S a Rohinson .Srtrrluru Mk. II JACKSON Treaturrr L.wiutiL'v CumnulliT Rl V J M( IXwi 1 I Ri( liAKiis, r>«(l (. hiitrman MR S. A RiiUINS(jN, ia itilni Snrelary RhV. A A. Vt( I I AN Mr J A CANNON Mr I S M< Pin iTiiKs Rl V W T. TllOMrWN Mr C R Wik <)\ Mr. I INSIORD Rit IIAKDSON Mr. Harvi y W. Mcxjki Mr. '[ D. Dui'fv Dk H \V .\t< KAY Mr W P Si-RiNi Dr Or in M(xiri Mr J I. SMiiii Mk. H S. Rl< MAKDNON Rl V R S. ARROWCXII) Rl V. W H. Ci<x)I).man l-tnancc duiiJivitiir SiLulini Health Service and Physical Mr s a Robinson Mr. I . s. MrPin lilrs i.ducaiion (.Atmnnltee Mr Harvi y \V MixiRi Mr T. D Dlpuv Mk l.iNsioKD Richardson Mr J I smimi lAliuiitiun Conmnlliv Dr. ORhN MOORI Mk H S Rk makdson Mk C. R. Wiuox Rl V w. T. Thompson Religious and Social Life. Church and Alumni hutldinys and Graunils Committee Relationship Commit lee Rlv. R. s. Arrowixjd Mr. J. A. Cannon Rlv. \v. h Goodman Riv. A. A. McLian Dr. H W. McKay Mr W. p. Si'RtNT Dr. C. K. Drown PROI-. J. C. Bailiy Dean of the Faculty Diun ol Sludenti 13 . Mr. F. L. Jackson Mr. F. W. HENGEVELD Treasurer Registrar ADMINISTRATIVE EXECUTIVES John Rood Cunningham Frederick Willia.m Hengeveld President Registrar B.S. (Davidson). A.B. (Westminster), B.D. (Louisville Presbyterian Seminary). D.D. (Westminster). LL.D. (King). (Duke). Myron Wallace McGill Cecil Kenneth Brown Auditor Dean of the Faculty B.S. (Davidson). A.B. (Davidson), M.A., Ph.D. ( North Carolina ) John Crooks Bailey Frank Donald Hobart of Students Dean Superintendent of Grounds and Buildings A.B. (Davidson). M.A. (Johns Hopkins). (Springfield College). Frank Lee Jackson Treasurer and Purchasing Agent William Camp Matthews B.S. (Davidson). C.P.A. Associate College Physician M.D. (University of Virginia Medical School). John Wilson MacConnell College Physician John Lewis Payne A.B.. MA. (Davidson). M.D. (University of Maryland). Edinburgh) Director of Public and Alumni Relationships (Columbia University) . (University of w 1 TljiL. FACULTY ! \.i. WAl II K II I I IM.I I I |)\,». r. I \s. r. SI II '.I \Ki < I'trtLlriit IV.>VIV4ll. AH. MA (Doviil AM (\Villi,.ni Aiul .\Ur>i. MA. (( ..lunil.i I< hiiait'i), uinl. (I'liKiii Thr<4<iKiiMl SrniMidivi. IM< I). (Siruimal. III... I A II I< i,r. II II I I II M .fMi-Irn l>.l>. (I>*«l<l«..lll. I.l.l). (Sollthwr.lrllll, (Oukt). (Nnrlh I'at.Jiii..). Will lAM WlXIDIIl'l I, W(Xll) KlNNHII Jl>M I'll iOKIMAN CAl.l K Rl< ll.MUM) HARDINd /*r Jo Sf....i / , I, ,.. , ..( /),)./, /Vii/i*fj4tr 11/ iMfftk l-HHtimatfc and i.itcralttte 11 (l>avi.lioi>l. I'h.l). ll<i|.k>n.i It.. I .K. iN'iruHii.ii. A . MA. (Juhi» A A II (li. I ali.l .STIi M 1 ( W'akliiiitfd'i. ....- , ,. ,i . ..K . JAMIS MrDtWII.I. DlU'l.l.AS Jama Hu,ka»an Ouk,- I'tvfftu-r of rhsjitt I HA/I R H(X)I) AH.. .M.A. Il>avi>1«.iiii. IMi I). (j.,hii> ]|<i|. /r../rjjt,.r ol /"jv. /i../..r;v All. (.Smiih»c«trrii). .M.A.. Thl). (Viilfi. I.ilt.l). A II. (V... IChiciiK"). I.IK I' Mark Iixvar Sinuili: J. IV. Canmm Trc/fjior .1/ fiihU ai.rf I'hilosofhs Edward Jonis Orwin Hi NRY Tracv Lilly A.B.. .MA. (Uavi.lM.n). M.A. (Yalpt. 1)1). rrafesi.-r ,./ J-uuliih I'rofrnor of limaUik I.I..U. A.n.. MA. (IJavicUoii). AH. (Ilaviilxm). M.A. (I'niicnua). HO.VARD BBLL ARBLH.KLI; S'on Carv Lvon Chamhi-ri I'rufcitor of Chcmijiry, limrritus William Lorimlr PoRitR Ruhar.l J. KryitoIJi frofrilor of Hldogj A. II.. M.A. (ll;>m|>lcnS><lnr>l, I'h.l). (Jtihns t'rofi-sjor of t'.coluny aiul (.'i-o./rnf/iv llnpkiii,). A.M.. .M.A. (.S.rtithwr.lrn. p .\ M iloUn. AH. (Tiirkic). AH.. .M.A.. (ViiU-i D.Sc. (.S<iiiihKriilrrn). Archibald CuRRiii Glorgl Byron WooiirtKv Wilson I'rofessor of I:i-otiomit-s am Watts IRI I) K. I LI ACM; Polilual Sciemc froffssor „f f-rcn.h A.B. (I)iivi<l!«m). (Cornell I'liivcrsilj). (Co I'rofi-ssor of Spanish A.B. (I)ar(ni..ulhl. A.M. (Ilat%ar.||. Ph.D. lumbia Cnivcrsily). A.B.. M.A. (MichiKan). (MinncMila). 15" r ii^^4^i^if^Atfeitfl^ Ci D p. Richards ThL. FACULTY I III Ni JAMIS ClIHIMIAN I'lUlll SAMt I Kl Ml I I'. )|', Miss HA|-rii Thompson l>,r,;lor of ,W«ju- Asnst^ml to Ike 1 rrtstarer (Nurlli Cariiliniil. II. M.. MM. ( Micliiimn). NOKMAN WlSTBRCWK SlIIrl'ARD Mrs. SARAH A. Johnston, R N. t>irri-tor of I'hyswat lului-ntiitn Su^rrtHtemdeml of Imfirmtmry II. .S. (North rariiliim), MA. (riiliimlii.i). Kl NNniH R OSBORNI Asiislant Professor of Music II Mrs n. t. Smith lii.Mi R LvANs Brown M . MA (.Michigan). Sutrrfisot of flormtlorUs .iiiiuiiile frtifrtivr ./ lUulouy A.H. (Davi.lson). I'h.I) ((°<.rnrll).
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    112-*^ YEAR .v EDUCATION OF VETERANS Davidson College is cooperating in full with the Veterans Administration in its educational program for men whose education was interrupted by the war and for veterans who plan to enter college for the first time. Davidson is a liberal arts college offering those courses leading to the Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts Degrees. Description in detail of the offerings of the College is listed under the appropriate head- ings in the catalog. Members of the armed forces who wish to enter Davidson should contact the Registrar of the College who is in position to give veterans full information concerning the program of the College for ex-servicemen. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE The financial assistance available to veterans for educational purposes is a subsistence allowance by the Federal Government of $75 a month if without dependents or $105 to $120 a month with one or more dependents. For the customary charges for tuition and necessary college fees an amount not to exceed $500 will be paid for an ordinary college year. This amount is suffi- cient to meet the college fees and approved charges at Davidson. The Veterans Administration pays all tuition and college fees, medical fees, laboratory fees, books, and supplies. From the allowance of $75 or $105 to $120 a month a veteran must take care of his living expenses including board, room and laundry. Veterans who wish to attend Davidson under the provisions and benefits of the "G. I. Bill" should communicate with the nearest Veterans Administration office. ENTRANCE The requirements for entrance to Davidson are listed in this catalog.
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    1958 - 1959 L^atalo9ue the DAVIDSON COLLEGE BULLETIN JULY, 1958 Correspondence Directory For prompt handling, please address inquiries as indicated below: General Information Office of the President Admissions Director of Admissions Alumni Interests Director of Alumni and Public Relations Business Matters and Expenses Business Manager Educational Program Dean of Instruction Employment of Seniors and Alumni Director of Placement Scholarships and Student Aid Secretary, Scholarship Committee Student Interests and Counseling Dean of Students Summer School Registrar Transcripts and Academic Reports Registrar Visitors Are Welcome at Davidson. The Administrative Offices in the south wing of Chambers Building are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30 and on Saturday until 12. Visitors desiring inter- views with members of the staff are urged to make appointments in advance. The Index at the back of the book will help you to use this catalogue to greater advantage. A map of the campus unll be found on pages 10 and 11. The Legal and Corporate Name of the Institution is: "The Trustees of Davidson College" The CATALOGUE of DAVIDSON COLLEGE 1958-1959 THE DAVIDSON COLLEGE BULLETIN Published Monthly by Davidson College. Entered as Second-Class Matter, April 12, 1922, at the Post Office, Davidson, North Carolina, Under Act of Congress, August 24, 1912. VOLUME 57 JULY, 1958 NUMBER VI I THE DAVIDSON COLLEGE BULLETIN CATALOGUE NUMBER FOR ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-SECOND YEAR 1958-1959 ScedAion DAVIDSON, NORTH CAROLINA JULY, 195 8 The Calendar for 1958-59
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    T DAVIDSON COLLEGE Catalogue REFERENCE COLLECTION Thi» Bojk Mu.t N»t Be T.kco ft-ti- 105 9-1960 MAIN READING ROOM AUG 2 g ufe, >*1 "" !*"""Cj Tl :««*M Fiji I i j fy»> •«*—i Mn Correspondence Directory For prompt handling, please address inquiries as indicated below: General Information Office of the President Admissions Director of Admissions Alumni Interests Director of Alumni and Public Relations Business Matters and Expenses Business Manager Educational Program Dean of Instruction Employment of Seniors and Alumni Director of Placement Scholarships and Student Aid Secretary, Scholarship Committee Student Interests and Counseling Dean of Students Summer School Registrar Transcripts and Academic Reports Registrar Visitors Are "Welcome at Davidson. The Administrative Offices in the south wing of Chambers Building are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:3 and on Saturday until 12. Visitors desiring inter- views with members of the staff are urged to make appointments in advance. The Index at the back of the booh will help you to use this catalogue to greater advantage. A quick-reference index appears on the back cover. A map of the campus will be found on pages 14 and 15. The Legal and Corporate Name of the Institution is: "The Trustees of Davidson College" The CATALOGUE of DAVIDSON COLLEGE 1959-1960 THE DAVIDSON COLLEGE BULLETIN Published Monthly by Davidson College. Entered as Second-Class Matter, April 12, 1922, at the Post Office, Davidson, North Carolina, Under Act of Congress, August 24, 1912. VOLUME 58 SEPTEMBER, 1 959 NUMBER
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