Burials and Removals Erie Street Cemetery 1840-1918

By John A. Gresser

Cleveland, 1919

As scanned from microfilm of the 1919 typescript document.


Microfilm digitization, 2009 Backstage Library works, Bethlehem PA



JOHN A. GRESSER.. Bom Bov. 28, 1886 Died Hay 2, ~

Baployed by the City or C1eveland 1n the Di.tsien ot Ceaeteries frEa Feb. 4§ 1914 until his death Kay 2, 19&+-'. During his childhood he l1ve4 1n • caretakers hou•• in Woodland C.etery where his rather. Ad_ Gres.er waa torl.an. After graduation rroa B1&h Schoo1 he took • bua1a.s. cour.e. At the age or twenty eight he vas .ployed aa Senior CUn and aa.igned tq Erie Street eeaetery, vbere at that ttae bodie. vere being reIIoved, as p1an. were to abollsh the Ceaetery. fi' •

the recordiIli or all transters ve" aade by h1a and this eave hill the inspiration to vrite the history or Brie Street C.etery. Frma 1915' to 1919 .ost or his U.e was devoted to this project. Be spent auch ttae at the Clewland Public Library gathering 1nro~tion traa newspapers and . period1cals. _ He enjoyed searching in old history and vas wry precl" in his work. He was bard or hearing and yore a h.aring ald I which he a1ways shut ott vh1le vorkinc. For h1a to llake a mistake or error vas unc~on. PNa 1934 until bi. death he worked in Highland Park C.etery and he died on the ~ob troa a heart attack. ae was a devoted publlc serYant and a good rr1end who I have missed very IlUch. Our Early Cemeteries By W.R.Rose

The continuous agitation tor the abolition of Old Erie Street Cemetery.backed by the steady growth of the city and the increasing demands ot business.keeps that mortuary tract in the public mind. ~e Erie Street Cemetery is close to 93 years old. It was in 182, that the Village council showed a practical realiza­ tion of the nec.ssity tor a n.w burying ground. The old graveyard set of in the o.riglnal survey ot the c1 ty.at the inter.ection ot what were att.rwards called Ontario and Prospect stre.ts,wa. no longer ot adequate dimensions,and was quite too near the center ot populat10n - ..11 as, that popu1.at1on was. Several years be­ tore its abandonment.Leonard C••••Sen.had been authorl~ed to se­ cure a suitable site tor a c..eter" at a proper distanc. trom the busine.s seotion,and ot .utt1cient are. to W&rraat lte use tor many year•• He oonsidered a DUmber ot sites and tin.lly hlt upon a tract 1n a grove on "hat is now known a. k.t 9th et.re.t. He purchased th1s land and hl. choic. was a~prove4 by the village council in 182;,~ land being accepted and ••t aslde tor o..e­ tery use•. In the leaet ~eneiv• .ann.r pos.ible,tile tract ... cleared and laid out tot 1,t•. _.,Wm»lated purpo.e •and as soon as this was done,a nuaber ot bedlee and head.tone. were removed to it from the older burying ground.

I twas"UDderstoed that the tract was beugbt witb the wri t ten agreement" that it Mould be u.ed OJl],y tor oe.eteZ7 pur­ poses.but in 1836,tbe tir.t year of the olty,the oi107 oWllel1 authorized the oontinuance ot the poorhou.e on the c_teJ7 grounds,and a1eo permitted the .rection ot a powder magas1a. in one section. Thes. tact. coming to the knowledge ot Douglas,Ue former owner,.' the land,he notitied the city ot tbe e21.teDce ot his clalm,and ottered to rellnquieh it upon the payment te hill of $3,300. Atter considerable argument the oouneil tlnally .ppro­ priated the lWIl,but it was ..eTer drawn trom the city tre.nry.

In 1640 hugl.s au_ ~e oity OIl the alleged written a­ greement. The auit ..s deten4.4 011 the ....t e,t tbe oorpontloD 'by . "Attorney Bu.hnell 1Dl1te,' the OMlrt dec~1IC adver••ly te Deq1a•• , the c_tery.or bur;ylna grouad .. it was orts1Jaa1ly called,". 1&14 ., 1D twelve 4iV1.i..e.each containl.1'ftII 200 to 30P lotI'. 1D l84t,th1rteen 7-"'s ~ the tlret latenaeDta. there had been 707 1Iurials iD the iDclonre. 1'01'_ 7eu. 1a'kr the number exce.ded 25',000.'

The old.est &%,&ve tD the oemeteZ7 is tat .~ ••'__• of the sturdy plon.er,JE&Jor Lo~ carter,her ~••_1'1 1803,her remains haT.t.& 'been r--.4 rna the .u.. 1111211..: HEr headstone was ot ...lIurp. eaa4-.tone aDd 1 t '..- .....""-""-,. menta tor many years. KaJor LoreHo carter's o-a't . ".~ ',-...,, 1814- wae not tar from hi. daughter's grave. -2-

Many ot the bod1es near the ma1n entrance were moved there trom the first oe.etery.the head8tone8 bearing dates ranS1n£ from 180, to 1825. Amons the pro_inent ear1y tami1ies represented in the lone mortuar,r roll were the Perry.Gilbert.Spaftord,lacy, Ke11ey,Ca.e,Ki118,Cow1e8,»erwin,Wedde11,and Brainard families. The fir.t catho1ic -priest in C1ev~land,Father Dillon,wa. buried there. ot the early cemeterie8 included 1n the city by extens­ ion of MUniodpal limit8,the olde8t was the Newburg cemetery, containing eight acre. and datins back to 1804. The Konroe St. cemetery wa. la1d out prior to 1830 &ad covered 32. acree. The Jewish ce.etery on Will.tt 8treet,li acres,w•• opened in 1849. On lun.· 22,in the .... year.~i8hop Rappe puroha8ed from Norman C.Baldwin 1..d ou Edwards road,now Wood1and Ave.,for st.~o8eph~ Catholic cemetery,the first catho11c cemetery in the county. Barly in the ',0. the city authorities realized that the Erie Street c..etery·w•• entirely inadequate for the grOWing needs of the _nic1pality. !hey rea11zed,too.thatthere must be no more downtown graveyards••esotiationswere started by the counci1 and 1. the autumn 04 1852 a site was fina1ly seoured. It was a tract ot 1and on Edward~roadtnot far from Willson St. (now E.55th at.)and about two and one half miles from the Court House. It wa. named Woodland Cemetery and the council decided to have twenty acree of the tract promptly cleared and la1d out and R.DaDiels.a landscape gardener,was brought from New York to direct the work. On Tu..d~.June 14,1853.Woodland cemetery waa dedicated with impo.ing oeremonie~.a large proportion of the community be­ ine in attendence. Mayor Abner C.Brownel1 was accompanied by ex-~yor8 Wil11.. Case.P.W.B1ngham.L.A.Keleey.Josiah A.Harrie, George Hoadley,Samuel Starkweather,Nelson Hayward,John W.Allen, and Biohola8 Dooketader. With ~ew exceptions the councilmen of 18,1-2-3 were »re8ent and there were many invited guests. The, proar.. inoluded religious servicee,a dedication ode, remarks by Samuel Starkweather and a d~ication address by Rev.S....AdUlS. The acquisition ot Woodland cemetery ended the half cent­ ury chapter at CleYeland's mortuary history. It was a long ad­ vance trom the little arav.yard of 1804 to the broad acres ot Woodland.and yet,1n a f .. year8,the demand tor atill larger and more d1etaat acoo..odationa was to be answered by Lake View and River8ide and other burial parks.

Newbur. Cemet.ry. Will you pl... tell _ WbeD and "'by th'! 014 N_bu~ ceme­ tery ..... ll'eetroye4 ... the bodl.. removed to Harvard Oro.e ceme- tery! H. L. Cl.....'..... The old N_bur;' Cemelf'''y, lIol1le­ timell caJled the Aktell 8treet Ceme­ tery, .wu ~t.. 011 "'hat I. ftO-Z 'E. 18tb Mtreet, whe... It I. cro.... l"by t.. WhftllDC A Lak. Brie RaIl• .road. TIl. _etery w...... prollelll)- .. _rlT •• 18Il8. Not_a I att...... _utloa Of thl. territory .'0 ~d the Couaoton Railroad """tfOCl . throup CleYelallllf• ...... die .sf)- aaId tb. "metery to the fer I" rI&'Idot ..,. The ...... ~ hu eIac. ~...~t". I •• A '1. .... IUd ou~ UiL Hanard 0Irntl ~. . lUOO . I...... ,- Iton Holds City might eell Burial Plot.

The opinion of City Solicitor Newton D.Balcer is. in part. as follows: Erie Street Cemetery was acquired in september,1825. by Leonard Case.trustee,and on the 29th day of Karch.l826,Leon­ ard and Elizabeth Case conveyed the land by quit.clai. to the vill~ge of Cleveland. Almost immediately the ~4 waa laia out and platted as a cemetery and continuously fro. that time until recently the Erie Street Cemetery was a public c..etery.owned and maintained by the city,and Tery many buriale were author­ ized there,the number aggregat1ng,I am told,perhaps 20.000. Upon the question as to the nature ot the city's title, I am wholly tree from doubt. Originally the property was owned b' the Connecticut Land Co.and it subsequently came into the possession of Caleb Atwater,and torty seven others who deeded it to Korgan,Caldwell and Brade a. trusteea by quitclaim deeds from Eldridge and other Joint proprietors. Leonard Case became the owner ot the dratt interests ot William Eldridge,Thomae Lloyd and Charles Douglas. Kr.Case then tiled a petition suit, statin£ ~t he was tenant in common with divers other persons, inclUding that covered by the ~ie street Cemetery and assert­ ing a tee si.ple title to the lots in question. Commissioners were appoi.ted iapartition and the land now Erie Street Cem. was set apart in fee st.ple' to Leonard Case and afterwards Leon­ ard and Elizabeth Case sold the land to the Tillage of Cleveland in fulfil1ment of the trust heretofore repoeed in aaid Leonard Case by the trustees of the Tillage. All that thi8 can mean is that ~r.ca8e had been reque8ted or authorized to acquire land suitable tor a public ce~etery tor the villase. He took the Title in his name as trustee.very properly.and after the necessary le­ gal formalities had been concluded and he had a clear title to the property he conveyed it to the Village. The city therefore owns a tee simple intereat in the land and is under no obligation either by covenant or condition to deTote to any particular pub­ lic use. So that,the city owning this land for a cemetery, there can be no doubt that· the city could deTote it to.., proper pub­ lic use or 1f it wae not needed tor public uses could authori.e its sale and give good title to it. Fresh interments might perhaps constitute a nuisance part­ icularly in a very thickly settled and congested oity,but the re­ mains ot those lODg interred could not come w1thin the scope ot this power. The court. have been Tery 810w to recognize the right of anyone to inter~ere with an established cemetery. There are decisions of ent1rely respectable courts of last resort whiCh deny the power. There are. others which aftirm its existence. In Ohio we have no decided case which I haTe been .able to find 8ettl­ ing the question tor us. I incline to beleiTe,however very strong­ ly that the true rule 1s that where tha land i8 maintained as a public cemetery and lots are 801d there1n as i8 done ift the public cemeteriesin Cleveland. such salea are really mere permits or licenses authoriZing burials in aesignated areas within the ce~ etery and the per80n thu8 licensed acquiree 8uCh an intere.t iD the de81gnated part ot the 8011 aa will enable hi. to re.i.t tres­ pas8 thereon even by the city it8~lt,but that limit of duratioD of the license i8 the time tor which the cemetery 18 _intai.ed, .. for cemetery purposes. ..." Ky opinion theretore 1s that the city owne Brie Str••~ Cemetery in tee eimplejthat it has a legal right not onl' tG...~.! ent further interments therein but to direct the 4i8cODti. of the cemetery as a cemetery. Further that the cit7 haa .... . to adopt suitable legislation in the couneil to direct ~ ~.". ·.l moval of remains from this land. _'.,~ -7,1' . Superintendents of Erie street Cemetery.

Bame From To

Willi.. Stephen.on 1840 1844 John Wilbur 1844 1846 Jam.s A.Craw 1846 Apr.l,1859 ~)~ J~Pa1Jller Apr.l,1859 Apr.14,1863 Waren G.8tedJDan Apr.14,1863 Jun.27,1865 Daniel Killer JUIl.27,1865 Kay 7,1877 X.X.B1shop Kay 7 ,1877 APr.30, 1883 F.R.Finney Apr.30,1883 May 11,1885 , J.B.Kill.r Kay 11,188, Kay 11,1893 W.S.Crawford Jlay 12,1893 Apr.30,1895 "- W.F.Long IIaY 1.1895 Kay' 4,1899 Fred W1d1itzki Yay 5,1899 June 1,1904

"1111_ .'.luow Juae 1,1904 Deo.30,1905 James P.Haasen Jan.1,1906 Jan.. 15,19l0· Theodore G.Chase Jan.16,19l0 Jan.15.1912 Adam (tr••••r Jan.15,1912 May 15,1914 John A.Gr••••r »ay,16,1914 d~~R-19~~ .AdAM ~ • .ss.'" MAl-U-t,U- FE.t3-~- WI! rol.£V' ~EPTet-lq3a 1'13-4- }fr;NItY W''''!f/fER,. FEB - 5"-/~31" ;-.....i,.. -~V ERIE STREET CEMETERY

Burials and Removals

Burials and removals in and from Erie street Cemetery from April 12.1840 to December 31, 1919(1nclus1ve).accord­ 1ng to the records on tile 1n Erie Street Cemetery,.

Section Burials Removals To.tal Burials 1 233 179 412 2 260 120 '386 3 414 321 73~ 4 543 253 79 5 681 257 938 6 664 332 996 1100 l~ 123'- . ...Z 862 946 <'1, 2166 211 2377 10 2026 149 2175 11 27~8 3011 1:2 19 9 ~gt 2275

I l'.... blic Vault 0 1180 1180 Section and lot number not 190 15' 205' recorded

TOTAL 13.906 3.75'7 17.• 663, ERIE StREET C~TERY Set .Ft. laid Sq. Ft. '.,\Sed Total number of Sq.Ft. Total Sq.Ft. owned by city 'l'o~al Sq. Ft. not ~EC'nON out for for pathe &; in section including including lote transferred in possession of burial purposes drivewaye paths and driveways. back to the city,pathe,driveways. the city. 1 16,60 20240 36800 26280 10520 2 9936 10856 20792 13670 7122 3 20976 14352 35328 23200 12128 4 20976 14720 35696 21604 14092 5 20976 13984 34960 21176 13784 6 27600 24104 51704 34144 17560 ,.., I 18624 18176 36300 20624 16176 8 11136 9656 20792 12088 8714 9 24896 10800 35328 13848 21480 10 24396 10800 35696 14556 21140 11 252)6 9664 34960 12540 22420 12 29332 22372 ;1704 2c;709 21 995

_ .. - . __ .- ._------_ .... ------._----.------_ .. _--_ .. _------'------._------._------_ .. _------... 251,204 179.350 1E7.121

Len c::ti1 ')f cer.,e t8ry 1170 ]'ect ., ,,- "" 36~) T.'eet ;Jtal Sq~~~e ~eet 430560

January 1, 1910 , Ex-~ayO r. ;;:~e-C-1-t-y------"""'-----""'-'---'------r"--"""--""""------.,,' or Cleveland buried in Year. Date ot neath Sec. Lot Removal Erie Street Cemetery.

ohn Wheeloc -mreY -- :D Ju1:l II, Its4: r.Jolhua )(1,1. [q May :r. 18{, 101'1Glae Doc Itader 0

ner Brownell [l I .ohn W.AJ.len 1<11 Oct.5.1H~7 1------1------+.------+---+---...... ------4 1------...--.-----+------+----1---+------41------4-----4------!~-._..,1__-+_------_1 J. II I J. J I II 'e_Y.aZ'

I~ . ,

,.... •••41&114 c... IN ..••t P&Z'k Cem. HH-+-+-i-H-+-+-+-H~-+:"'~+o-iI-!l~+~.8!!!!..at.Cu. ':N N ~d GZ'O'Ye Ul I.Ao (Doll•••d CD. Yoi.,. '.... Oem.

~.,.. ' __A Cem. ... ,- v ... ft''ht.

... ia l:. lui Ili'YoZ'.ido Cem • ..., Ohio :xl N 8. luelid Ohio ! +-+-+-~~+"""""''''''''''''++-I~''''''.'''+-l~ 8 I.aIl ohio : ... )JQZ'-ua.~~ -ld Ohi. •.... HH-++....I-t-+-++-~~-+'++-t-4~.~...... li:J:I. • o. Ha. ... liWi'a Ohio .... o _ODt.or Ohio EI :. Ob.Z'liD Ohio M tj01:tttJj:ttt:ltt::t:ttO]...tt:tZTll~I·-~··';;E1:~01h:lil0==jll ~ H-+++-4f-+-t-+-1...... -++-...... IN-...,",I.....~,...... iJfaDtU& Ohio en IN 'r'G'r'; .t.ah Ohio ~ 't-" I ,wan.D Ohi. iBeZ'u Ohie Bedford Ohio I... l.oekDort Ohio SyZ'aou.o N.Y. Buffalo If.Y. 'Chiou:o Ill • • rd. Illd. 1fioh1t& ltaD. rcanada

T.tal Removal. _ 1 I~ , Lot. Tran.terred II t. the City - y ••t.. - small Gr.t. City Square Fe.t. Larse Gr.t. City.

J ;Ai~lBi1:;Hdd~.. !t!la;l-I• ...... I M:''.tal:.:::::1Square F.et ~ 0 ... Seotion. "t-J .. .. I\) l V\ t-J Square Feet used I\) for I 0 burial purposes. o ~ • ·o o •t-J I o -...3 1\ ~ o '0w Squar~ Feet used tor o V\ ~~ .. path. and driTeways. o 0" o o ~ 0 Square Feet in the V\ 0" section. 0 V\ V\ Square Feet claimed -...3 .... en .. and traneterred to .... '0 .. the City .

"'"o I ..' '"-...3 ... Small Grave. to City. ~ -...3 ''''''-l '.. I.. • ~ Square Feet. •c+ 0" I I ~ I V\ 10 Large GraTes to City. I I t-J ~ 1- .... '"0 Square Feet. Q, 0 I~ c+ t:J' V\ (l) ... Vol ~ Total Square Feet 0­ I I .. I.... t" ClaiD1..d by the City. m ~ I ... ~, ~ 0- ~ Small GraTes. •CI t-J c+ V\ l" t-J .1- H o I\) Square Feet. ::s c (J) c ....'"\ o V\ .... o ~ ~ Large GraTes. tl o 0- I lD o t1 o ... ~ o 0 o Square Fe.t. 0 N ~ t1 '"0 lb ~ t-J 0- . .~ •01 0 I» \

- C' ""':lI 0 ~ 1- Sect18n. - I"- 1"- ·0:> I\) 8'JE!' lots V\ I\) 1':- I.. (X) Square Feet...... ~ ---- I\) lots ~ 8'x 10' .... 0 w It ,::.;; ,.- I\) Square Fe_t. 0.. ..0 8' x 16' lots V\ .... 1..- - ~ -- .... Square Feet. ...I\) ':::: YY I. .- - 0' ,- 8'x 20' lots aa• ~ I\) Square Fe.t. 0• • ... •0' I~ ~Ig lti ro 8'x 22' lots N 0:> 0:> ~ ~ Square J'eet. 0'.. I~ f04 ~~ I\) • ~ ~ 8'x 23' lote ....t ~ Square Feet. 0"- ~ Ig 10te •0:> I:; ~ B'x 23"',' '-0 0 ~ Square jle.t. ,I ....N I ~ ~ /\) 0 - 8'x 24' lets (Xl ~ It:: W '-0 ~ II Square Feet. t..v 0' ~ W ~ 11'x 16' lota V\ I\) 0:> ~ Square Feet. I I\) II\: 11'% 22' leta •~ !§ Square J'eet. I\) !I\: 11'x 24' lote V\ /\) Square Feet. (X) ~ ... - I\) It" t..v Igl~ - Tetal Lot•. 0... ~ to ... ~ " Ir Total Square Feet "I\) (X) 1= 0 = Th. following bodies do not appear on the reQords on file in Eri. street Cemetery &. they were buried before April 12.1840. 0 ------000000------Nam. Age Dat. of Death Sec. Lot Andrewe.Catherine Tracy Aug.ll.1840 Highland Pa.rk Andrewe.Orpba Tracy Aug. 2~ .1840 .. •• Andrewe,Jane Tracy ~eb.28.l832 " " Abell,Henry Oet.ll,1823 1 76 Abell,Orieon .1ul.11,182' 1 76 Abell. George Oet.l,18g3 1 76 Aiken.D.liah D. 9 mo. lIar.19.l 38 2 16 Aiken,Mre.D.liah 37 June 1.1837 2 16 Aiken,Jamee C. 27 Jan.2l,1831 2 16 Aiken,S.nry D. 2 APr.2~.lB2' 2 16 Aiken,Helen A. 9 mo. Mar.l ,1827 2 10 Aiken,H.nriett. C. 1 July 9,1827 2 16 All.n,P.rry 37 Ilar.ll,l835 7 9 Andrue.William U. Highland Park Ag.r,Mary Ann 17 Jun.17,1837 4 At...ll.Xeth.r C. Highland Park Blair,Henry 2 Nov.7,1826 1 b Blair,Harriet 7 Jan.l2.183, 1 6 Bainbridg.,Adaliza 1 NOV.19,182~ 1 10 Bail.y,Hannah S. 4- llar.l?,181 Highla.nd Park Beld.n.B.leon Aug.10.1830 Highland Park B1dwell.llartha ,3 Oct.5.18~9 " It Bidwell, Samuel 43 Sep.2',1 23 " .. Bilrnum. A. S. 1 64 Bollee.Bancy sep • 3O.182 1 79 Baokue.Robert Houston 36 Jun.l1,1836 2 9 B••b•••L.....i ,9 s.p.l8,1838 2 17 Butler,Elihu B. 2 38 Bauder.Charle. Oded JUl.2~,1838 Highland Park Beardel.y.Baney 5 Dee.l ,1835 4 40 Beard.l.y?caroline 2 Jan.l,.183, 4 40 Breck.Aage11Jl& Kay 27.1838 7 1 Brainard.J'anny AUg.30,18~' Lake View Bralnard,Hazrl.t APr.l,18~ .. .. Brainard,lIary .. Aug.13 ,1 37 It .. Bliee.Jonathan 42 Nov.16.1823 '7 19 Blie••William Sep.8,1828 7 19 Bli.e.Hannah ~r 1!ay , 18§9 7 19 Brain.rd,D..ing 2, Aug.28,1 24- 7 23 BU14eck,J•••ph H. 7 39 Bradetre.t,Lucy Ann 1 Oet.3 1B26 7 51 Brad.tr.et.3...... Stephen 38 Jun. 6J183~ 7 51 Bradetr••t.Anna A. 37 May 29,183 '7 51 Benjamin,abarlotte • 7 mo. S.p.ll.1837 8 1 Champion.xte.Beuben 65 May 23,1858 1 '7 Champion.'.B. 3 S.p.8.1823 1 7 Clark.Lucynth1a 25 liar.1,1829 1 35 C.wl.e.Salauel 62 »...... 22,1837 1 74 Cart_r.B.beaca 3 Aug.14.1803 1 76 Cart.r.R.beceM 61 Oct.19.1827 1 76 cart.r~r.ll.o 47 F.b.8.1814 1 76 Clark, ....14 16a7 9.1806 Highland Park Cozz.n••-.r1a L. 3 183~ c••••n.~ll.a J. IP.b.25, 1 82 Carr,Jo 11. 5 mi. .Tu1.10.183 1 82 .Tun. 25,1839 C.x,Charl.y 11 mo. 2 27 Cox, Charley 2 mo. 2 27 2 2'1 l:ame Age Date ot Death Sec. Lot Corbin,Mary 39 Feb.22.1835 3 Cushing, Charlotte 1 Mar.12,1834 3 ~~ Critt~nden,George Oct.28,1834 3 78 Crittenden,~lizabeth Var.12.1837 3 78 Cather,Margaret 4 75 Cather,RGbert 4 75 Camp,ghoda Allen 32 1839 6 129 COQper,llary AUg.2,18~2 Berea OhIo Clampitt.Eather Mar.26,l 35 7 15 Clement,Stephen B. i~ uar.2l,183l 7 36 Dewey. Harvey 22 Aug.3,1837 1 8 Dunlap,Yary 84 Feb.9.1840 1 31 Doolittle,Albert 1 38 Dibble,Phoebe 69 Jul.17,1839 1 63 Dibble.Blisha 43 Oct.l,1813 1 63 Dibble.Hosea 16 Sep.2,1815 1 63 Dlbble,Polly 18 Jan.17,1816 1 63 Dibble, Jane 24 Oct.l,1813 1 63 Dow,William P. 1 Aug.19,1838 Hig~land Park Deming,Cheater 48 NOT.26,1832 3 72 Darley, Christopher 18]2 Highland. Park DaTis.Mehetabel Del. 25 Jul.29.1836 6 35 Denzer,Magdalene M. Aug.26.1834 Highland Park Dickaon.~athl1d~ I. 27 lIar.ll.1835 7 8 Daley,John J. 34 June 2,1834 57 DarTl11,~lizabeth 12 Sep.16.1835 ~ 9 Dean,Sarah L. 7 Jun.23,1837 8 19 Dean,Charles G. 5 mo. Feb.4.18~7 8 19 Delaney.William 50 Apr.26,l 36 12 5 Eberaole,Pamella 27 Aug,27,1827 7 2 ETerhard.John 1 64 Eldridge,David 1~9J . 3 43 Ely,Uerrlck 45 Sep.13.1 3 4 33 Ells.John Tomlinson 24 Aug.30,1832 7 20 Flint,Dr .Horatio Nelaon 32 Jul.25.1832 7-J,lT 9-Gr.8 Floyd,'Milliam },(ay 21.1839 2 Fudge,William 41 Oct.?,183~ 2 ~~ Fudge,Emily NOT.l.18~ 2 36 Foote.:rrance. Amelia 1 NOT.16,l ~6 Lake View Foster.Jane 39 :reb.1. 18~ . 7 16 . Foster.Eliza 4 mO. Jan.21,l 38 7 16 Fenton,Daniel Horace 4 Jun.27.1836 8 10 Guptil 2 NOT.l, 182Z 1 7 Guptil 9 DlO. Aug.5,182 1 7 Goodman, J.K. 4 wk •• Sep.7,1828 1 42 Gallup,:Kary 1 July 7 .18~4 Highland Park Gallup,Henry 3 . NOT.7,183 It It GurleY,Orville Jr. 2 25 Gurley,Adeline 2 25 Gregg,CYllthia 5 NOT.9,1838 2 34 Gregg,*rt.ha 2 34 Geddard,lulia Anne Aug.17.1838 Highland Park Givena,Margaret 8 7 14. GiTena,1lary 7 7 14 GiTene,Uargaret 9 mo. 7 14 . Gilbert, Stephen 34 Apr.18,1808 7 23 Hayward,Jeeeph AIlg.22,1838 H1shl&Dcl P&1"k Hua.ey,Mary C, 5 Oct.3,1832 1 .t.2: HarTey,Eliza D. Oct.l.1833 Highl..... P_ Humphrie•• S4rah 79 1 '28: Name Age Date of Death Sec. Lot Hamilton,Ellen 1 40 Hill.,Sarah 23 Sep.16,1828 Highland Park Hill.,aeorge 5 mo. act.8 1828 " .. Hill.,- ---- sep.2~,1828 II •• Hand,Jlilo. 1 64 Hutchin.ontGeorge c. 19 Apr.26,l838 2 1 Huntoon,Ph lena 2 4 Hora.Baby Aug.21,1839 2 20 Halliday,Gideon 1829 Lake View Badlow.Sarah 5 AUg.25.18~7 4 76 Harbaugh,Bany J. 20 Sep.9,183 40 How.,Willard E. ~ 47 H.ward,Eliza Oct.2.1826 Lake Vie. Hawloy,¥ary 17 Apr.17,1831 7 56 H.w.,Karia A.E. Sep.16,1838 Highland Park Hoyt, Jonathan,Uille Apr.23,1816 8 26 Jewett,Lydia Sep.1,1823 '-lot 9-Gr.3 Johnlion,Bortha Jun.16,1832 Highland Park Jen••,Lucr.tia 49 Jlar.2,1837 1 55 Jon•••Walihingten 21 Feb.7,1834 1 55 Joyce.Thomas wontwor~h 2 2 John.on,Emuluous 27 Aug.21,1834 7 5J Jehn.on,Baby Jul.16,1834 7 53 Jack.on,!lorrl. Sep.28,l829 Highland Park Xeiger,George 22 Aug.14,lB32 7-1ot 8-Gr.15 Kolly.Daniel 76 AUg.7,lB~1 Lake View Kelly. Jemima 45 Sep.ll,l l~ " It Kolly,Jabe. 52 sep.27,182 Highland Park K.lly.Daniel 13 Sep.l0,lB15 Lake View Xelly.Jlary 1823 II It II r.elly, Gu IItUTUtl 1817 II Kelly, Jo.oph 32 AUg .2i,1823 II " Kolly.B.t••y 28 NOT.2 ,1822 .. " King,St.phen 32 Jlar.6,18l3 7 23 King. Julia 21- Jan.30,181~ 7 Knight,George w. 31 Mar.1O,18] 7 ~~ Kehl,Catherlne Ann 1831 7 45 LUdlow,William.F. 32 July. 29 .1835 7-1ot 15-Gr.l0 L.mon,Tom 26 June 26,1839 Lake View Lemon, Baby Jun. 27,1839 .. " Leonard.'William Riley 40 July 15,1824 1 20 Long.Horace July 27.1815 Lake View Long, Solon Jan.10.1830 " .. Leomls.Baby Jan.10.1812 Highland Park Lord,"illiam Feb.28.1836 " " L••• J.W. 7 10 Lewi•• Amy 44 Jun.10.1830 7-lot 23 Gr.10 Lewi.,Jam•• l~ May 2.1813 7-1ot ~3 Gr.12 L••i.,Bana Deo.22,1812 7-1~t 23 Gr.13 Lacey,Ann. 9 Oct.9,18~5 7-1ot 23 Gr.15 Lacey, Thad.utl 9 mo. Aug.2l,l 35 7-1ot 2) '';r .14 Lloyd.Thema. AUg.29,18~1 Highland Park Lloyd,:Blisabeth Apr.2,183 II II Lyon,Amoret :M. 24 May 3.18~4 7 37 Lyon.Myret 21 Dec.20,l ~1 7 37 Lender.L.wi. F. 1 Jun. 18.1 32 7 52 Lend.qJJar~ 46 June 25~1846 7 52 LeDd.r Charl•• .I. 1 liar.9,1 40 7 52 Lyman, 6harl•• 10 mo. Sep.6.1837 8 1 Name Age Date of Death Sec. J..ot McQ.ueen, Sarah 92 Feb.- 1838 1 89 Miller,Henry C. 10 Feb.19,1836 Lake View Marsh,:B:llzabeth 28 Jan.~,18~9 2 18 MCCartney, Anne 30 Sep.21,l 38 5 90 Mille.JohnW. Jan.15,1835 7 31 Mervin,Noble H. 45 Nov.3,18~9 7 46 Mervin.Minerva 35 Sep.17,l 23 7 46 Mervin,Noble H. 14 Oct.30,1827 7 46 Mervin,Mary Eliza 11 mO. Nov.7,1827 7 4b Mervin. James 11 by 31,1831 7 46 Mervin.llary llar.2', 1838 7 46 McIntosh. Donald 48 .1uo.16,1834 49 Marsh,Willie G. 24 Jlar.22, 1838 Z 14 McEachren,Malcolm 55 Aug.l,la3, 12 15 Nash,Eliakim 39 Dec.28,1828 7 23 Noble,Allen c. 37 sep.8.18~7 7 36 Nelson.Sarah Anne 2 lIar.29,l 37 9 11 0'Er,ien. Daniel 51 May 1.1838 5 54 Prime, Fanny 31 Jun.20,1832 7-1ot 9-Gr.l' Prime,Jewett 33 .1an.ll,1828 7-1ot 9-Gr.16 Pelton,Kary Jul.21,1838 Highland Park Pease.Julia 25 Sep.25,1832 Highland Park Peet, Caroli.ne M. ' 9 183~ 1 87 Peet, CyruB 2 JU1.31,163 1 87 Perry.Nathan Oct.28,1830 Lake View Perry.Sophia Jun.28,1836 " " Pomeroy, Josiah A. 33 Nov.3.18~3 7 13 Pitkin,Horace 20 Dec.30.l 22 7-lot 23 Gr.4 Prout,William 27 Aug.22.l8l3 7-10t 23 Gr.8 PugsleY,Peter Oct.7.l8~2 7 42 Prine.:rniza 29 Ju1.19,1 36 8 2 Prine,Aaron Sept.5---- 8 2 Perry,Abigail 28 Sep.16,1827 11 1 Perry.H. 18 1835 11 1 Rockwell,Elihu D. 18 Oct.8,1823 7 Root,George 38 Oct.15.1836 1 ~ Root.Frances J. 3 oct.3.l8~9 1 8 Rice,Fanny 19 Dec .]1,1 37 1 13 Rice,Henriette 6 Oct.31.1837 1 13 Rice,Harvey 1 Dec.18,1837 1 13 Reed,Frances E. 36 Nov.ll.183' ;1 3, . Richards.Norton N. Sept.l.1836 1 45 Reeve,Sarah 49 oct.10.1838 1 87 Reeve,William 16 Aug.27.1836 1 ti7 Reeve,Emil.v 5 wks. AUg.6,18~3 1 87 Reeve,Emily S. 4 mo. Aug.lb,l 35 1 87 Ross,Capt.Moses 57 Aug.l.1836 2 5 Russell,Helena 2 19 Russell,Willie 2 19 Russell,Lena 2 19 Rue.ell.Linda 2 19 Rodman,Anna 3 8, RUBsell.Alanson 45 May 20,1838 7 27 Ruseell,Jes8e C. 7 27 Rueeell,Henry 7 27 Reeves,Mary S. Aug.26,1836 7 39 Reee,Catherine 27 liar.l,1835 7 45 Remington,Eenjamin 69 1839 7 5'6 Remington,Uary Earl 67 1837 7 5'6 Remington,Joseph N. 31 Aug.ll,1834 7 5'6 Remington,Nancy Adame 26 1829 Remington,Eliza Anne 7 5'6 11 Aug, 1••1834 7 5'6 Name Age Date of .Death Sec. .Lot Smilie,George A. Sep.18,1827 Highland Park Simpson,Elizabeth 19 mO. AUg .4,18 2 ~-lot 8-tir.3 Sali.Heinriche Charlotte 35 Aug.12,lS~5 -lot 15-tir.8 Southworth,Eliza NeY.2,182 Highland ?ark Southworth.Eliza Harriet sep.2~,1833 r, ., If Short.J.... Dec.l ,1831 " Spangler.MiChael Aug. 23,1836 Lake View SeyeraDce,Solomon T. July ,1838 :r " Sear.,Julia 7 June 6,1832 1 48 Scott,~dna 6 Sep.19,1812 1 Sloane,Harriet 18 Aug.12,1835 1 ~Z Sleane,Deugla. C. 1 88 Stranahan.J.Ruggle. 27 sep.l',1839 2 28 Swaine,Mr••Dudley Apr. ~3, 1839 43 smyth,Harriet 24 Aug~12,1835 % 92 Smith,Xary Dodge 27 Jul.10.1831 6 85 Smith,Mary D~ 5 mo. Sep.17.183l 6 85 Smith,Celebert H. 7 Jan.14,1835 6 85 Sloane,Douglae w. Sop .1;,1839 6 135 StockWoll.William 47 Sep.1O.1834 "7 5 Stocnell.Lydia 40 J1ar,.22,l83? 7 5 ScoYill,Char1ee P. 1 Sep.1?,1832 7 7 Seyth,Prudence 60 Jun.22,1838 7 16 Spa~ford,Adolphu8 16 Apr.19,180e. 7-1ot 23-Gr.5 St1l1,lfary 67 sep.ll,1834 39 Searl,Hu.gh 25 Apr.13.l83e. ~ 7 Scofleld,Harriet 16 Jul.30.lS31 9 11 Scofield,Emily I. 3 Apr.21.1839 9 11 Thompeon,1aary 31 NoY.10,lc.2? 1 10 Taylor,Ann. 30 June 2,1824 1 31 Taylor,Frederick Jul.27,1813 1 31 Tucker.Ley! 1 Sep.19,1835 1 Tuell,Belen K. 26 JU1.lO,182~ 1 ~~ Taylor,Thereee .I. May 18,183) 2 7 T.ltt,Ed.mund 46 Jun.ll.l839 2 27 Tuttle.As.bel 76 Aug.13,l8.37 i 44 Taylor,Jane k •• or Haria c. 27 Jan.15'.1637 4 88 Trumbull ---- 32 1813 7-1ot 23-Gr.l Tiedale,Charles Feb.28, 18i 7 7 38 Turner. George 37 J'eb.6,l83 Lake View Van Schuyver William 27 Oct.14,1839 " " Van SchuyTer France8 11 mo. Sept.4,l838 " 'I Wallbridge Mary Ann 2e Jul.25',1837 2 18 Wall,!:liza 4 May 17,1832 Lake View Wall,Edward Jr. 1 Aug.30.183? II .. " Weldon. Jane Anne 2 41 Willi....Rarr1et Apr.l3. 1832 Lake View Wedd.ell.Sophia 23 Dec .l~ ,1823 7 18 Wedd.ell,Peter 22 Dec.37,18J9 7 18 Weddell.Caroline 1 Oct.1,l823 7 18 Weddell.Laura K. 5' Aug.12,1824 7 18 Wolcott.Albert 7 19 Whittemere,Alexjna A1&g.24,1834 Lake View Whittemore,011v1a Dec.12,lA34 " " Wll1ey.Amo8 Shepard 20 Jan.ll,1822 7 Webb.J••eph 41 Feb.12,l83~ 7 :~ W1l1iam8,Eeteey 18 Kar.26.181 7 ~9 W1l1ard,Jo.1ah 29 Oct.l,182l 7 53 Name Age Date of Death Sec. lot White,Edna R. 5 mo. Aug.16,1820 1 16 White,Sarah A. 6 mo. Jun.23.1823 1 16 White,~1nerva lie 5 Sept.l,1827 1 16 White,George P. 1 16 Wh1 te, Judaon A. 1 16 ..111 te ,Mary M. 1 16 Williams,Jonathan 44 Dec.26,l839 1 40 Wil11ams,A1mer1n Jlar.15,1837 1 40 Winslow,Caroline Suean Apr.8 ,18~2' Lake View Winslow,Mary Jane Apr.l3,l 32 " . " Vlheeler,lC.ar1a L. 3 F.b.2,,183~ 1 8f Wheeler,Eliza J. 5 mo. Jul.16.183 1 83 Wil11~8on.Samuel 62 Sept.8,1834 1 89 Williamson, Jane 1 sep.2l.181~ 1 89 W111iameon,IsabellR 28 Aug.29,183 1 89 Williamson,Sarah 63 Sep.1O,18l0 1 89 Wai te, .Anne 2 mo. Nov.Il J 1840 7 56 184 Square Feet Section 1 Lot l. Daniel Kel1~' IJaniel Kelly ?6 Aug.? J1831 Rem.to., Lake View 3/31/1916 Jemima Kelly 45 sePt.ll.181~ 0' " " " Jabez Kelly 52 Sept.2?,182 ~ 0' HIghland Park 0' Daniel Kelly 13 Sept.lo,1815 " " Lake View " 01 ., 0' Mary Kelly 1823 " " Gustuvus Kelly 1817 " 0' II " " 01 ., Joseph Kelly 32 AUg .2i,1823 " " " Of of ., Betsey Kelly , 28 nov.2 ,1822 " " '::ransferrtcc. to the City March ?B ,1916. F.xcL.ar.~~d for lou; b07-S-9 eectior: 1 Hlghlanc Park CEIr.. Certific&t~ #3430. (See lots 2-2 Sec:.:) S~e ------_._------( lot b4 Sect.l) .A mothers love stronger than the attractions ot an est-~ !:ibliBnpd home· comforts,p.&se,aad the close ties ot aeishbors and kin accounted for the arrival in ClevelaRd ot Daniel aDd Je.t.. Kelley of October,l814. He was nearly 80 years ot age,and his wite 51 years. They caae fro. Lowville,Oneida Co.N.Y.,a place they had helped to tound l? years preViously. Mr.Kelley was the eon ot Daaiel and Abigail Reynolde Kelley and was born in Kidd1etown Conn.in 1755. Mrs.Kelley 'ae the' daughter ot Elihu aDd Je.ima Paine stow. The first break in the Kelley tamily of six 80ns was when Datus,th~n 22 years ot age,bec..e discontented with the .everitie. of western New York winters,8tarted on toot tor Cleveland in 1810. The same year,Altred Kelley came on,and was soon tollowed by Irad and Reynolds. The younger boys,To. and Daniel,were the only child­ r~n remaining in the homestead. ~8.Kelley's yearn1n6 over her absent boys caused the. in 1814 to sacrifice their household treasures to bp-come tor the second time pioneers of a new couatry. The ground plan ot an attractive brick cottage had been planued by the mother,and she expected it to be in readiness for occupation when she reached Cleveland. It was not completed at the ti~e ot arrival. December.18l4.finds ¥rs.Kelley established in her Dew home. She died September 15,1815 ot the prevalent malarial fever. The father and his sons made their ho~e with Reyn01ds and nie wlf~ after the death ot Mr••Kelley. ~.Kelley served the oounty ae its treasurer,and was the city'8 postmaster in 1816. He died in 1831. Ur.and ~rs.Kelley .ere ·tirst laid away in the Ontario Street Cemetery and afterward removed to Brie Street Cemetery. The children of Daniel and Krs.Jemima Paine Stow Kelley w~re : Irad Kelley married Harriet Pease. Alfred Kelley " Mary Seymour Welles. Reynold. Kellpy " Betsey Gould. Tholll8.B K.Kelley " Luoy Harris Latham. Datus Kelley " Sarah Dean. Daniel Kell,.y Died in 1815.

_~ r~ _._. _ 164 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 2. Alfred Kelley

Thomae It.Kelley 1 Aug.18,1843 Rem.to Lake View 3/31/191~. Lucy E.)(ygatt 22 Dec .]1,1857 It "Eighland ParK .,

Transferred to the City of Cleveland Uarch 2b.l~16. Exchanged for lots 607-c-9 2ection 1 Hi~.hland Park Cel::. Certifjc~te # 3430. ( 0ee~ It0 8 ~-~~.., ~ec~,~,+ ", ------i~!~_~~~_~~_~~~~~ll _

Alfred Kelley,the eecond eon of Daniel and Jemima Stow Kelley,and 21 years ot age,rode into Cleveland on horeeback,having traveled all the way trom Oneida Co. ,N.Y. It wae in 1810,the year Cuyahoga County was organized,and as a lawyer,he became its tirst prosecuting Attorney. When ~e little hamlet became a Yillage in 1815,~fred Kelley was llade its president ••lUld at 25 years of age,barely old enough to acqu1ra the position,he was eent to represent this dis- trict in the Ohio Legislature. ' AUgust,1817,he married Mary Seymour We~le8,daughter of Kelancthon Woolsey aad Abigail Buel Welles ot Stamtord Conn. The yOURg couple acco-.panled by their bride'e sister,f:e.rah Welles. traveled tro. LOWTille,N.y•• to CleTeland in a carriage. »uch ot the early prosperity of the town was due to Alfred Kelley's keenness ot vision. It was he who secured for Cleveland the northern ter.m1nue of the Erie canal,a.d he it was who pushed and exloited for her the first railroad to enter the city. Circumstaac.s forced hi_ to remove to Columbue OhiO., a~ter a ten years residence on Water Street in the brick cottage erected for his pare.te. ne had a large taaily ot childrents~ven daughters and tour sons. The eldest born in Cleveland in 1~18.the youngest born 1. Coluabus in 1841. Krs.Kelley died in 1882 in a beautitul ho.e that her husband erected in Columbue Ohio.

The children ot Alfred aad ~ary Welles Kelley were:

~ia Kelley born in 1818 married Judge Batee of Columbus O. Jane Kelley " " 1820 " William Collins Of Lowv111~ N. Y.,a lawyer. She lived most of her life in Cleve- land,corner of Euclid and Col11ns Place. Anna Kell~y .. " 1836 " Col.Carl G.Frendenberg U.S.A. and lived 1n Washingto~ D.C. Alfred Kelley " " 1839 It Mary Craig Dulevy. Helen Kelley .. It 1831 " Francie Collins,a lawyer and brother of William Collins. Katherine Kelley " 'I 1841 It Rev.William H.Dunning of llooi1e Ala; 2nd. J Rev .Edward Abbott brother of Lyman Abbott.

Five ot the Kelley children died in infancy. 184 Square Feet 8ec~1gn 1 Lot 3 Irad Kelley harriet Kelley 61 Feb.14,1862 Rem.te Lake View 3/23/l9C4 Dr.Edward Kelley 35 Nov.18,1862 I' " If I' tt Franklin Kelley 40 Oct.l,18?l " ., ., •• .,

-::: ral"ls:errfQ to the C1 ty of Cleveland' arch 28 ,lc;16. Exchanged for lots 607-8- 7 section 1 HiE"..hland Park Cem. ~. rtifjc~t~ 1 3430. (See lots 1-2 sect.l) (See lot 54 sect.l) ------_lrad Kelley was..------22years old when h. came to C1eTeland in 1813. he was not considered as brilliant a man as his younger broth­ er A1~red.although.hadhe e.gaged 1. a protes.ional rather than in a mercantil~ business he might haT~ gained an equal reputation at the bar. He built a trame store and dwelling on Superior street where South Bank street now begine,aad here with his brother liTed tor two years; then he built a brick store in tront ot it,tn. tirst brick store in town. H. bought aad sold general aer4haDdize. Part ot the time he had a partner,Prentice Dow.his wite's brother-in-law. The firm name was -Kelley & Dow~. He was made the village postmaster in l8l7,and eerved for twelve years. receiving 1125 a year,out of which} he had to pay expenses. Irad Kelley married in 1819,Miss Harriet Pease,age 19 yearl She was the daUghter of George aad Esther Thompson Pease ot Hudson Ohio. Her length ot life waa 68 years. Kr.lrad Kelley was part-proprietor of Kelley's Island.and some gf his descendants now re8ide on it. He built a tine reBidence on Euclid Avenue.where he lived until death. He had gone into the banking business,which proved to be unsuecesstul,and he lost much money through thie investment. Irad Kelley died ot pleurisy in his 86th year. He had started for Brazil,et that time of lite,and wae taken suddenly ill at the beginning of the proposed Journey. The children of Irad and Harriet Pease Kelley were:

GlJstUVU8 Kellf'!Y Born 1820 was drowned at ~our yeare of age. George Kelley II 1822 died on Kelley's Island: in 1894 married Martha J.Eaetland.daugh­ ter ot Col. James and Mary Swan . Eastland ot Virginia. ~arle8 Kelley 1826 married Ada Proeeer ot Marrietta - Ohio. He lived on Kelley's Island. No children. Dr.Edw. Kelley 1828 Married Mary A.B.ebe ot Hudson O. - who died in 1876. lranlclin Kelley 1836 married Katti. Haana ot Detroit, Michigan. they lived at 6908 Euclid Avenue. ka.rthw. Louiee Kelley " 1833 Laura Kelley " 1839 married Will1.. Darwin Hills,son of Nathan and Sobrina Loomis Hills William Henry Kelley It 1841 married Roee Spencer.daughterot Timothy and Mary Reeve Spencer.

-~ _. --- .._--- 184 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 4 Jonathan Johnston Solon RUEftage (Ch. ) JUly22,1fl.45 Gr.5 Page 26 A " " " Aug.24,1846 It 4 " 32 A " It " 1 Sept.20,1853 " 5 " 133 A Joseph Bazena 2 mo July 22,1669 " 1 f.n. It 272 A Minerva Johnson 70 July l,l8iO It 2 f.n. !, 279 A Baby Sanborn July 7,18 7 .. a f.n. It 50 D Harry H.Sanborn 8 mo ~eb.22,18 9 It 3 f.n. " 60 D Helen J.Kc~uillan 55 .1&11.14,1890 " 3 f. n. " 64 D Sarah E•.Toha.on 62 Feb.l9,1892 .. 1 f.s. ., 77 D )(rs .)4.Wetherell 47 Kay 8 18~7 .. 3 f.a. " 104 D Harold J.Sanborn 2 llar.l~,l 99 " 2 f.n. " 112 D Albert h.SaDborn 60 Jan.27,1900 " 4 f.n. '. 116 D Alex.U.JohDaon 88 oct.8,19l1 It 4 f.a. " 139 D Walter JohDaon 18 Aug.20,l882 .. 2 f.n. " 22D Jonathan JOhn.on 'f... 61 July 29,18,6 It , It 169 A Kayrye X.Sanborn 22 Sept.8,1914 " 1 f.n. .. 141 D 1 Jlarble lLonwaent 2 marble headstones. ------The CleTelaJad Herald of February 24.1821,conta1ns the following aanounce.ent: )(arried in this v111age,on ~aturday even·­ ing last,by Joaiah Barber,Z.q.,Capt.Jonathan Johnson to Miss Kinerva All••• The bride was one of the three pretty sisters,daughterB of Hold•• Allen 11Ti8g 1n Black Rock!now a suburb of Buffalo N.Y. He settled there before the war of 1~12. Kr.and Krs.~ohnson first liTed OD ZUclid ATe.near the pr••eDt Opera House. He commanded a small T••••l called the "Mercator". There wa. DO Harbor in those days,•• the river wa. too shallow to allow of the entrance of lad~n boats. They had to be loaded and unloaded by flat-bottomed lighters. The tir.t child born to the couple was named Alexander U. Johnson. The lI.cond time the JohallOIlS b.callle parents,twins arrivf"d in the houaehold. The prOUd father,upon~ill next return trip from Buffalo,brought with him a willow baby carriage the first one it i8 claimed se.n upon the .treets ot CleTeland. The childr•• of JOAa~ aad KinerTa Johnson Were; A~e~nder M.Johnllon ..rri~d Sarah E.Child. nenry J..ea Johllaoa "Anna Campbell. Helen ~&Il. ~ohDllon "J.Bazena. Henrietta JohDeon I' Charles Hol13ey.

--~.. - 184 Square Feet Section 1 Lot , John L.Wilcox Edward K1llgs1.y Apr, 12.1860 Gr.3 Page 199 A Mrs.S.Wilcox ~~ Apr.1B.1882 It 2 f .... " 20 D Rev.Elijah F.Willey ,7 Feb.ll,1841 " 1 f.n. II 4 A AnDa J.W.Kingsley 36 kr.ll,18" " 4 .. 156 A Aaron Wilcox 57 Apr.26,1842 " 3 " 9 A 3 marb~e headstones ------. Rev.EliJah Willey was born in 1784. He was the second oldest child of Allen aad Chloe Frink Willey of Windham Conn. Rev.Elijah Willey w.a a .ee1dent of Cl~veland for many yearB, He had beea a dleti~quiahed Baptist glergyman in New "gland,was twice aarried.a.d without children. He wall fond of nat­ ure and eat.bli8hed n.ar hill home, corner of Woodland Ave. ~nd Er1~ street a flourishing nursery of fruit anf flowers popularly known •• the Willey GardeA. H. d1ed of a malignant throat dieease in the II". 7ear ot hi. brother John's death 1n 1841,AHed 57 years. His funeral wall held at the Firat Bapti.t Church,and much respect paid to hiB _emory. 184 Square Feet S.ction 1. Lot 6. John Blair

Elizabeth Blair 62 Feb.3,1860 Gr 03 'Nest End P.199 A J ohXl H.Blair ,;., 43 Jan.31,1872 " 4 " 290 A John Blair 79 June 2~11872 " 4 f.n. (B• G.) " 293 A Henry Elair 2 Nov.7.1~26 Harriet Blair 7 Jan.12,1835

Grani te L r:Ur.l~r.t 5 ~rble E~ud8tones

It was iR IB19,tbat John and H~y Blair,pioneers o~ Cleveland l~ft the Maryland hoae of thei~arents Saau.l aDd Polly Shields Blair,journeyed across the Alleghenies.and c.... a~ length,to the hamlet o~ Cleveland on Lake Erie. John was 26 years old. In july.1820,his first child was born.showiaS that either he brought hi. wi~e with him or was soon married &~ter hie arrival in Cleveland. She was Elizabeth Ho~,daughter ot Abrahaa Ho~ of Wilke8burgh Pa.,_nd was 22 years ot age. The young couple boarded for a tise at the Cart.r Tavern,ADd then began housekeeping at No.60 Bank street. It i. now fir. engine hiuse No.1 1. John blair built a ware house on the river south of where St.Clair street now begins. He engaged in the ~orward ing and commission busine88. In 1836,John Blair erected a fine colonial re8idenCe on Euclid Avenue near what is now called East 30th street. Mrs.Blair died in 1861,at 63 y.ars of age. Mr.Blair survived her 12 years. The children of John and Elizabeth Holm Blair were; Uary Jane Blair died le99 aged 79 years. Eenry Blair ~ 1826 " 2 " Harriet Blair " 1835 " 8 " John Helm Blair II 1872 "42 .. Elizabeth Blair "1904" 72 II Eliza Anne Blair "1899" 77 " M.George W.Sl1ngluff

65 ~quare Fee,t Section 1 Lot 7 J.H.Guptil south 11 feet.

Henry Clay Guptil 2 Nov,l.1827 Alfrl"d Guptil 9 mo.Aug.5,1828

::. Sandston~ B!'adstol!e. -- ~~ ------~------John H.Guptil who had a eh~eshop on Water 8treet and la~r ~ shoe store on #79 Superior street was a native ot Maine who 'n childhood wa8 taken to Vermont and when only 16 years of age took part in the battle of Platt.burgh. Three years later after the close o~ the war,1817.he came to the vil lage of Cleveland and married Lucy White.daughter ot Levi and Sabrina Kinney White. Th~ children of John H. and Lucy W.Gupt11 were; Carolin~ Guptil marri~d Mervin Clarke removed to Dakota. Jnm.es S.Gupt1l Edwin A.Guptil .. If Ca11~ornia George Guptil .. " lIinnesota Wheeler S.Guptil It " Kansas liiinerva Guptil It Z.Roberts o~ Haye8 City Kansas. 96 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 7. Reuben Champion north 12 feet.

Krs .n. Champion 65 May 23.1858 Gr.3 F.186 A W.H.Champion 3 Sept.8,1823 Curbt!'d in 1 karble Heacstor.e.

Reuben Champion was the son of Andrew Champion of East Haddam Conn.,and in 1821,the year he came to Cleveland."as .about 26 years old. He was a tinsmith,and had a shop at the north-east corner of Superior and Seneca streets. Mrs.Reuben Champion was a Mis. Zerviah FitCh Hyde of Ellington Conn. Her pareats were William and Sarah Bartlett Hyde. They had been married four years whe. they came to this town and their resi­ dence was at #~4 Huron street,_ large colonial style house set back fro. the street. Kr.Champion sold out his tinshop and gave his att••tion to realestate which proved profitable. He died im l841,a£ed 47 years. Hi. wife survived him 18 years dying at the age of 67. The children werei Mary Hyde Champion born 1829 married Chauncey H.Roberta. ,UlliaDI H. Champion " M Sarah Mann Irving. William H.Champion was a lawyer,a fine scholar,flu­ ent speaker,and for years resided in Washington D.C. He was connected with the Indian Bureau. He had no d4esceadents.

184 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 8 Harvey Dewey

Elizabeth Smith 56 Mar.25,l866 F.247 A Harvey Dewey 22 Aug.3.1827 Geor£e Root 38 Oct.15.l836 FraRees J.Root 3 Oct.3,l839

1 Sandstor:e ::~adston~ .3 l':arbl~ "

48 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 9. Margaret McFee south 8 feet.

Allen Cameron 20 Apr.24,1875 Gr.l F.315 A Kargaret KcFee 72 Feb.19,1894 " 1 f.8. '. 89 D Sarah ILiller 5 mo. Oct.29.l890 M 2 f.n. II 69 D

No Marke 136 Square Feet. Section 1- Lot 9 Joeeph Hayward north 17 feet. }; elson Hayward 57 Apr.17.l857 Rem.to Highland ParK II II .. George Hayward 37 Feb.l,187~ " .. Joseph Hayward 73 July 24,1 77 " " .. ., ., If Anna Hayward 76 Mar.24.1~9l " Joseph Hayward mo Aug.22,l 38 " t' 'f 5 " <, ., Miss loJ..E.Loomis 32 Apr.23,1859 " 0' 7ransferrr.d to the City of Cleveland Nov.JC,1915· I:xchanfe:d for lote 434-5 eect10n 2 Highland Park Cem. C~rtificate # 3269.

Lebanon Conn. furnished to the Village of Cleveland in 1825 three brothers who became very promineat citizens takiag aD active part in everything that pertained tb the wefare of the community. They .ere ~o.eph,~ohnJand Nelson Hayward and although they came here from Connecticut,propably were of ~aesachusett8 stock. ~o.eph aDd ~ohn were married in Lebanon a few years before their re.oval to Cleveland. Nelson Hayward reJll&ined a batchelor all hi. life. ID 184) he was elect~d . Joeep. was a burr millstone manu­ facturer doing business on ~erwin street. His wife was a Uies Anna Loomis. Their firat residence was on ~ater street and lat er o~ Bond street. :heir only child was a son,George Looaie Hayward.whoaerved his COUDt~J during the Civil ~ar. ~ohn HayM ward was one of the pioneer printers of the city. He married Maria Whedon,daughter of John ~edon of Rhode Island in which state she was born in 1802. Their first home was on the west aide of Bank street and. tiDally on the north aide of Superior o~tween Seneca and Bank streets.

50 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 10 C.?ThoIr.peon a01lth 2 teet and north 8 teet of lot 25'. Adaliza Bainbridge 1 Nov.19,1827 ~ary Thompson 31 Nov.10,1827

60 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 10. J.lietts north 71 feet.

::0 1:ark3. ------103 Square Feet Section 1 ::'ot 10 Kidman Alpresa centre l3t teet •

.lUdman AlpreBtl 9 mo Jaly 4,1853 Gr.2 P.128 A

Five interments J:cl this lot .

._------~_._-_.,------184 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 11 John Pierce.

:~. 10 A John Pierce (Cn.) S.B. July 23,1843 Gr.­ r, John Pierce Jr. 11 Feb.23,1846 " 3 29 A 1 Marble Headatoae. ------,------64 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 12 Richard Huasey north 8 feet. Richard Hussey X 63 Apr.4,1860 Gr.2 P.199 A Lydia C.Hussey 80 sept.191..l880 .. 2 f.n. 9 D lLary C.Hussey 5 Oct.),lt)32

1 Sandsto~e HeadBtone. 1 Marble Head8to~~,

Richard Hussey came to Cleveland S0111e time in the '30s the exact year not learnt. He was living on Seneca street in 1837. Eight years later,he was keeping the light-house on Water street and eVidently living there. Nothing turther can be secur­ ed concerning hi. aave that h. had an tateresting family of children who were llIarrled aad were .ell known. But they removed to Racine Wis. &Bd all ettorte to communicate with any of Richard Hueeey' 8 graRdchildren have failed ..._Therefore nothing jn regard to his wife has beeR learned. So far as can be recalled by e~rly citizens.the children of ~obert Hussey were three daughte~~ and a son. They were; Emily HU88ey married James H.Kelly. She had twelv~ children at her death. Mr.Kelly married a second time. He died in Racine Wis. Charlotte Hussey married Robert Bailey a Clevelan~dry-goodB merchant. He died leaving three very young children.

Waria Huseey married Mr.Mount and lived in Cinncinatti Ohio. Alexander Hussey married Kiss Silverthorne. ------32 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 12. T.Gardner south 4 feet. Betsey J.Gardner 35 Sept.27.1850 Gr,l P. 88 A

No Mar'cs_

48 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 12.1 John Crooks centre 6 feet. William Cooks 1 Oct.20,1850 Gr.2 P. 88 A George F.Everhard 1 Sept.3. 1840 " 0' 2A

No MarlcB. 152 Square Feet. Beetion 1 Lot 13 Harvey Rice north 19 teet.

Fanny Rice 19 To .l,Qke View Cemeter.v Henrietta Rice 6 " "" Harvey Bice 1 " " " Curbed in. 3 Marble Headstones. ------Harvey Rice was born in IBol &ad was the .0. of steph­ en and Lucy Baker Bice of Conw~ ••8. Harvey lUee-.ith rare courage &ad fortitude,worked hi_ .., throusb Willi... Collese. An uncle had been liVing i. Butfalo B.Y. &ad to that city he bent his steps hoping their to .ecure a 8Chool to teach but up­ on reaching it he 1earaed that the uaele ... dead,80 puabed oa to Cleveland. From the ti•• he reaChed here,ia l824,uatil hi. death in1891,at the age of 9l.hi. life i. elo.ely_••aciated with the history of the city espee1ally 1n 1ts edueatio..l ad­ vance,its social reform,and i. everything that te.ded to elevate it_ etaradard or thinking and livlq. III 1828,llr.Jlice married Fanny B1ce,d~ughter of Trwun R1ce of Claredon Vt. But in the year or IB37-,wlthin a period of .ix ••ek.,.r.Bice loet hiB Lov­ ing wite and two children by death. Her remaining Children .ere; Capt.Percy Bice died 1909 married 1st lIary Tri". 2.d sarah Peck. Fanny Rice II 1888 II. proctor Bunett. Three years later Harvey Bice married IIrs.~ J'1tch Woods,daughter of Col.Jaaes 7itchof Putney Vt. She was 18 years 01' age,and a widow. The children by.~is seoond marriage were; Henrietta Bice married J.... Irvine ot san. JTanclsco Cal. Emma Rive " Paul D.Condit of Cleveland. ~ary Rice " Bdward P.Hunt. James Bice " Cora Barlow. Harvey Rice

184 Square Fetlt. SectiOIl 1 Lot 14. C.?strick Sarah C.Patrick Gr.l P. 17 A Charles Patrick " 3 !"192 A flil1iam Patrick " 4 It 230 A Orlando Patrick "• (B.G.) It 274 A E.C.Patrick It 5 (B.G.) • 284 A Bachae1 Patrick " 2 f.s. " 27 D Charles Patrick It 1 t.8. It 34 D Lester Patrick It ! " 73 A Curbed in Granite Monument. b Mar"ole Headat.onea ------_._------184 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 15- ThoJDas ),eJ1len Mary Lemen 28 Feb.8.184~ Rem.tu l..ak~ ViC"!w,. Tom Lemen 26 June 26.1 39 .. II "o. ., Baby Lemen 1 da. .. " Carl Underner 11 July 20,1879 .. '1 " I' ••X.Spangler ( ch) S.B. July 26,1844 Gr.4 ? 20 A M.M.Spangler " 8 mo Sept.1B,1847 ;1 3 It 43 A liI.li.Spangler .. S.B. July 21~l851 " 7 " 95 A li.J,(.Spangler .. 3 mo Aug,5,l 52 .. 4 " 111 A No 1.'arka

The Lemen brothers,~111iam And Thomas must have coBe to Cleveland betore 1827. Thomas Lemen belonged to the volunteer tire department and was captain of one ot its companies. He died in 1851 aDd Wi~iam 1. 1852. They lett daughters but no sons. Catheriae Spangler married William Lemen in 1827. They lived on the south-east corner ot the Public Square now the site at the Cuyahoga Building in a beautitu1 cottage a famous land­ mark tor many years. It was built ot stone was sixty feet wide and one story high. The root extended over the front its entire widtt ..4 was supported by eight stone columns. These were pr~s erved when the cottage was torn down in 18~4 and were used in the erection at a Creciaa Temple now on the family lot in &ake View Cemetery. Mrs.Lemen lived in the sto.e cottage tor 25 years. She died ia 1884 having outlived her husband 32 years. The homestead was leased to James Parma1ee tor a term at 99 years.

192 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 16. Yoses White ilrs.»ary 'Mbi te 67 June 1,1858 or.8 p.l87 A Aloses White >( 90 Sept.4,18'l .. centre It 16 D Edna R.White 5 mo Aug.16.l820 Sarah A.White 6 mo June 23,1823 l,unerva JL. \Vbi te 5 Sept.1.1827 Annie It.White 70 Uar.16.1909 It 4 f.s. " 137 D George P.White Judson A.'Mbi te ilary 1l.White Grani t~ Monuz'lent ? Grar.ite Heacstones 1 Marble Head6t~ne8 _...... -----_._~,------Deacon Moses White was the son of Jacob and Penniman White,and in l8l6,when 2; years at age. turned his back upon the old town ot llendon Kass.,where he was born,and started lif~ anew in the little hamlet ot Cleveland. He was a ta1lor,~d the pros­ pects for his line ot work must at once have been flattering,f0r the following year he sought a business partner and a wife,find­ ing both in the person ot Kiss Mary Andrews a young Tailoress liVing in Providence R.I. Their tirst home was on Superior street and here they lived tor 80me years, then Moved into a fine new b brick house on the north west corner of St .-Clair and Bank streets Little minerva White's grave was the tirst one dug for a child in Brie street ce.etery. The children ot Koses and Mary Nh1te were; . ~~lZ~ White III&rried Judge Jesse Bishop ot Vergennes Vt. ar es \fbite " Emma Monroe of PrOVidence R. I.· 96 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 17 Jesse B.Wakefield south 12 feet. George Wills?n 30 P. 89 A 1 0andst')ne Hea.:iatone l:arbl~ Headat':>ne

96 Square Fett. Section 1 Lot 17 City of Clevelaad north 12 feet. Nothing in register.

Ho ~arks.

192 Square Feet. SectioJl 1 Lot 18. A. Bourougha .

A.Boroughs x 55 July 26,1852 Gr.6 P.I09 A S.·.Yright (ch) S.B. Aug.22.1842 II II 11 A David Boroughs 61 Oct.7.1861 II 1 .outh of cen~ 212 A Rebecca Boroughs 59 Sept.~1.1862 .. 3 f ••• II 220 A II Mary Borough. 25 Hov.28.1866 1 f ••• II 252 A Mary Boroughs 94 D.o.9,1889 " 2 north of cen'! ~4 D 2 h:arble Headstones.

~ ---,_._-_. David Boroughs aen.,with hi. wife and sev•• ohl1d­ rea,arriv.d i. N.wburg,i. 1805,froa New Hampshire. He c..e from an old New Eaglaaf Family of EAgliSh deBoeat. ~. was mar­ ried and lived 1a Ver.mont.~~t had reaoved to Bew Ha.panlre, where h ••peRt a few y.ar•• The family liv.d ill a ...11 r.d hou.e on the we.t .id. ot Woodhill.aearly oppo.it. the Edwards Tavern. »r.Eorough. wa. a black-.mith.aad hi••mithy adJoi••d the dwelling. H. had niRe childr••••o.t ot who.,befor. or after their earrlage.r.moved to other town. ot this couatry.or to WeBtern .tate•• Sarah Boroughs l4arried Alo.zo Pangbur•• David Borough. " Clara Edwards. Allen Borough. II Betsey HODey. Asa Boroughs " Reb.cca Shepard. Miranda Boroughs " J •••• Tuttle. Levi Boroughs " a.d liv.d 1n Findlay Ohio. ~~~c~mb Burroughs .. Laura Therford of Geauga County. Eunice Burroughs .. Ira Pratt. Eetsey Burroughs " \Villi_ White of B.dford Ohio 192 Square Feet. Section 1 Lot 19 Richard Bailey Mortimer D.Bailey 1 Sept.10.1844 To Highland Park ., II Susan GrittiJl 54 May 26.1ft92 " Willi.. W.Bailey 1 110 llar.l~,l 18 It " .. "It Haanab S"':Bailey 4 Kar.l .l82§ .," Joeeph C.Bailey 87 Apr.27,190 " " Transferred to the City of Cleveland June 13,1906. Exchanged for lot b5~ section 1 Highland Park Cem. Certificate J 977 "

Richard Baile~Jbrother ot ~.a Bailey,was born in Cummiagtoa Mass.ln 1795. Theretore wae about 20 yeara ot age when he arriYed im CleYelaad. He ..rr1ed Polly White,daughter ot Levi "White aad oae at that historic tamily who in 1804 c..e all the way fro. Ver.oat 1a an open row-boat. She wae born" in 1795,••d at the ti.e ot her aarriage,lB17,wa8 liY1ftg in New­ burg with her w1dowed mother. Richard aad Ama8a Bailey kept a geBPral etore of aerchaadize ia 1825. Atter Aaasa removed to MaseilloR Ohio,~ichard Bailey had a grooery aad lived on Bolivar street. He _oved to WabaSh lad.1n 1853. Polly White Bailey,hie wite.died in IB73,aged 78 yeara. Kr.Bailey d1ed in ClevelaRd at the ho.e o~ hie eon Joe.ph,oa Cheshire street,aged 89 years. He wae buried ia WabaSh lad.beside hie wite. The children .ere; Joeeph Bailey aarrled Mre.Sophia Fox Sophia Bailey • Aaron B.Hazen Helen Bailey • Jame. M.Furrow Richard Bailey George Bailey David Bailey .. Levina Hazen llary Bailey " Lewi. B.Davi8 Gustuvue Bailey It Kary '.f!ngard John :Bailey

80 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 20 E.B.Lacy north 10 feet

Ur.Lacy 55 May 28.1848 To., Highland. ?ar}c Charlotte Lacy 1 Sept.16.1850 " " Transferred to the :lty of Cleveland Nav.~,1?12. Exchanged for lot 47 section 2 H1e-'"iland Park ~e;n. CertifLcate J 2233.

96 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 20 Willi.- R.Leonard south 12 teet. William Leoaard(ch) 3 July 9,1842 Gr.] P. 10 A William B.Leonard 41 July 16,1844 ~ 2 " 20 A Wm.Riley" Leo.ard 40 July 15,1824 ~ ~

1 ~arble H~ad8tone. 1')2 Square Feet Sectio. 1 Lot 21 Grace Johaaon Grace Joh.eon May 28.1870 Gr.3 P.279 A Charlotte Johnson May 15.1887 " 4 t.D. .. 49D

:Jo llarks

192 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 22 Philo Johnson ;J;ary ~.Andrewe 58 sept.20 1S55 To Highland.. Park Nancy A.Andrews 64 Kar.2,1A~; ".. .. ".. Catherine T.ADdrews 25 Aug.ll.l 20 .. .. Orpha I.Andrew. 2 wk Aug.22.1820 .." .Taae Tracy AIldr.... 7 Feb.28,18~2 " " Bertha Johneon 80 JUlle 16,1 32 ., .. .,

Tr::"I,3f erred to the City of Cleveland July 30.1909. Exchaneed for lor 170 section 1 Highland Parle Cer.:;. :ertificate I 1302

192 Square Feet Seotion 1 Lot 23 Rev.Alexander Varian Mrs.Varian 45 Sept. 1'2. 1848 To Highland.. Park Sergt.Alex Varian 22 June 18,1864 "., William Varian(ch) 2 .0 Jan.13.l86, " Esther Varian 28 Dec.l6,1867 " .. Alexander Varian 6; Kay 7.1868 .. .. .t It Harriet M.sm1~h 50 lIar.16.1BBl ., Mary Varian 53 APr.27.18~9 .. C.Va.ria.n 3 July 13,1 71 " II

':'l'cu.:3f~rred t'J the City of Cleveland llarch 7,1916. 7XCf,a;,c. ~d for lot b3b section 1 Highland Park. -.: e r t i fieate f 3407 .

192 Square Feet SectioR 1 Lot 24 Mrs E.A.Southworth L.A. Southworth 16 Jan.12.1863 To Hig.."llanJ... Park., R.A.Southworth JaR.28.1870 ., ., Mary E.Southworth 4; Apr. 10.1879 ., ".. Sarah E.Southworth 49 Jufte 16,1887 " .. Elizabeth Southworth 87 Jlar.26,1B8B " " Eliza Southworth 9 da Nov.2.1B28 "., " " Harriet Southworth 2 wk Apr.29.1833 " "

'l'rrl(F!~'erreJ tv the 8i ty of Cleveland Oct .21,1915. Xck:":--IGed for lu't D34 section 1 Highland Parle Cen. ~~~tlficat~ ~ 3168. 128 Square Feet Sectio" 1 Lot 25 Archibald· Thomas south 16 teet.

Rachel S.Thomas 36 Dec.21.l887 '.:'0 Highland Par};: Archibald Thomas 76 June 23 a 1905 " 'I " William Hampton 38 No.... l.1911 'I '1 " Transferred to th. City of Cleveland Nov.l3,19l6. Exchanged for lots 702-3 section ~ H1~~land Par~. C~rtifie~t~ # 3601

Transferred to the City of Cleveland Feb.l~,1916. Eehanged for lots 640-1 sectionl-1R2-j secti0n 2 Highland Par}~. Certificate J 3390

Ur.and Mrs.Peter Short ea.e to CleTelaad in 1827 trom DarbY,CoaB. The family eame the whole jour.ey by water. First,a little .chooRer took them do.. the RousatoR1e River and Loas Islaad Souad to New York City. Aaother boat eoa...eyed them. up the Hudso. Ri...er to Albany. A canal boat carried the. to Butt­ alo aad tiaally they were brought oa Lake Erie to CleTelaad. They fouad te.porary shelter ia a loghouee oa Lake etreet,and tour years later Kr.Short bought a tar~ oa Woodlaad A...e.comer of Case Ave.which for se...eaty years was the t&aily ho.estead. Peter Short was bora ia 1773 aad was the .0. of Joseph aad Abigail Short. Y Mr ••Peter Short wa. K1.erTa Mallory ot Milford Coan. She was a Daughter ot Ko.e. Mallory a Re...olutionary Soldier. Vr. and Mrs. Short had 13 childreu,only ee...ea of whoa acco.panied or tollowed their parente to Ole.elaad. Ch11dre. ot Peter &ad Minerva Mallory Short were; A1mira Short aarried Starr B.Rigg. M1aerva Short M Thomae Da...ie Lewi. Short "Helen Woodman Lucy Short • Zachariah Eddy Karia Short • Kr.Edwarde Charles Short lIaryette Short David Short. 192 Square Feet SectioJll 1 Lot 27 Zacharias Eddy

:E..A.Eddy 24 Sept.28,1846 To Highland Park IB~c Eddy 19 Oct.14,1851 " ., " Zacharias Eddy 84 Apr.23.1885 ./ 1/ ./ Lucy Eddy 78 Oct.25',1891 ,/ " •• ?ra~3ferred t~ the City of Clevelanrt Feb.15.1916. }Kchan~ed for lots 640-1 sect.l.lots 182-3 sect.2 Highland Park :~rtificate # 3390

Lucy Short was but eixteeB years o~ age wheD She mar­ ried Mr.Eddy aad in 1879 they celebrated their goldeR weddin8 a8 a hou8e-.ar~ing i. the third and last ho.eo~ the Short ~..­ ily on Woodland Ave. Thi8/house was built i. tront of the old hOMestead which a180 had -takeB the place of the early log cabin. Yr.Eddy was a builder ot row-bo3ts and back ot hie home had a large shop in which he worked Oft them.

160 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 28 Nichol~s Dockstader north 16 ft •• ~nd 4 ft.ot lot 13.

N.o.Dock:etacter 30 May 1,1848 Gr.4 P. 49 A R.Dockstader(ch) 5 mo Aug.9,1851 .. 4 It 97 A R.Dockstader 48 June 10,1859 5 "·194 A "It Ida . \T. Dockstad~r 2 Feb.17,1860 2 f.n. " 19~ A "iI.BtDockstader 1 Dec.l5.1864 " 2 " 23 A 'Nm .B.Docketader 31 Yay 8,1866 " 3 f.n. ot 248 A Mary A.Dockstader 5~ June 26,1866 " 5' t.n. " 248 A Jacob Dockstader July '23~1848 " 3 It 51 A }!ary Frazee ~9 JaD.5,l 88 " 1 ~.JIl. " 534 " Angelica Docketader 69 Feb.4,1850 .. 3 .. 4 A Curoed in. 1 ~r.arb::' __ Headat:1:1"

Dockstader brothers,N1cholas.Richard,a.d Butler were of Dutch ancedtrY,and born in Albany N.Y. They were the eons of Jacob and Angelica Haneon Docket.der. Nicholas Dockstader was born ia 1802 and c..e to CleTelaad wheD he wae 24 years o~ age. He started a e.all hat aAd cap store,and his etaad was at lio.13 Superior street. He a180 dealt ift ~urs. He was mayor o~ the city in l840,retired from bueiness 1R 1858,and died i. 1871 ace 69 years. Nicholas Docketader aarrled Kiss Harriet Judd a sister of Mr8.T.P.May. They probably lived at fir8t ift the build­ ing Mr.Docxetader used as a store. In later years their home was on the north side of St.Clair street nuaber 97. The children of Nicholas and Harriet Docketader were; William Dockstader married Helen Lee Hichard Dockstader It Eleanor Wooley Charles Dockstader " ~ Paddock Julia Dockstader It Jaaee B.Carruch of AuburR N.Y. Elizabeth Dockstader never married. 64 Square F.et Section 1 Lot 28 Sheldon Pease south 8 feet.

79 no record Curbed in 3 ~[arblp. :1eadst :>neB .

SheldoD Pea•• wa. the aon ot Is&&c Pease ot Derby Conn. He wa. 25 year. old when he came to Cleveland. He was marri.d ia 1835 to JUas KariaJUle Buaphr.y. The tamily lived part of the t1.. oa the .ou~ w.st cor.er Superior &Ad S••eoa str.ets. Lat.r ~e Pease faaily moved tarth.r ea.t on Superior street about opposite the Arcade. Sh.ldon P.a.e was associated with others i. the torwardi.g and co..lss10n business and had vessel iatere.ts. The fir- ..me was "Grittith & P.ase Co." and their plac. ot busi••ss was oa the corDer od Superior and Kerwin str••ts oa the river. Kr P.ase was a ae.ber at the first Board of Trade organized ia 1847. He was gerneral manager ot the . Wester. Transportation Co. and 1t8 headquarters haVing be.n est­ ablished i. Buftal0,made hie removal to that city imperative. Hia home was oa Franklin Ave. H. retlred from business in 1870. JCr.&nd Jlrs.Pease had two 80ne born in Cleveland. They were; Alfred B.Pea•• died iA St.Louis,age 44 years. Arthur W.Peaee married in 1866,Juli& Watson. five years after their w.dding they both lost their~live8 in a railroad accldent on the Hudeon River Railroad.

192 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 29 ,illlam Lemen William Lemen §~ Yeb. 9,18§2 To Lake., Vif"W Thomas Lemen Nov.12,l 51 " .," Ida Bell Korison 6 July 2,1862 -, " Laura McCrosker 76 Apr.2~.lb91 Gr.2 f.n. P. 7~ D

The Lemen brothers must have come to Cleveland in or before 1827. William Lemen married Catherine Spangler in 1827. Th.y lived on the eouth ea8t corner ot the Public Square, n~w the eit. ot the Cuyahoga Building,in a beautitul cottage,a tamoue land mark tor many years. It was. built ot 8ton.,was 60 feet wide and one story high. The roof extend.d over the front it••ntir. wid~,and was support.d by .ight 8ton~ colulllns. Thes. were preserved whe. the cottag. was torn down in 1854, and w.r. u8.d i. the erection of a Grecian Temple now on the familt lot 1n Lak. Vie. Cemetery. Kra.L•••• lived in tbe s'on. cottage for 25 years. She was lit. long •••b.r of Trinity Church. She died in 1884 baTing outliv.d h.r hu.band 32 years. The homestead was leased to J.... Par..l •• for a tera ot 99 y.ars. William Lemen died in 1852. They lett daught.r. but no son•• Yre.Catherin. Underner wife of Prof.Uad.ra.r,ls the only liviBg m••ber ot that generat­ iOR. She i. living i. Zane.ville Ohio.

The chl1dr•• of Willi•• and Catherine Spangler Lemen w~re;

Anaa L ..en married William H.Sholl Catherine Lemen II George Ho.e Mary :Ue.en " Walter Norri30n 192 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 30 Michael Spangler uichael Spangler 53 Aug.29.l836 ':.'0 Lake View ., It Elizabeth Spangler 90 Kar.5,1880 " Harriet Spangler 68 Ilar.13.1888 0' I' II

~~t transfer~ed ta the City of Cleveland Oct.12,19l5. Exchanged for Ivt 188 section 1 Highland Park. efT t i fieat ~ Ie 3169

Michael Spangler of York county Penn.married Elizabeth ~il1er who was born in Karylaad in the last decade c~ the 18th century. They removed to Canton Ohio where they lived ~or a time and then concluding to make another ohange o~ residence 1A 1820 with their family of little children,they started ~or Cleve­ lRnd. Ur.Spangler bought the taveru on the north .ide o~ superior street foraerly owned by George Wallace and called the Commercial 30use. This they kept for .any year•• The Killer Block aow occu­ pies the site. He afterwards purohased a ~ara and le~t the tav­ ern in order to live on aad cultivate it. Here he d1ed ia 1836. ~rs.Spangler died in 1880,age 91 year•• Children of Michael aad Elizabeth Spangler were; Margaret Spangler married Joeeph K.Killer Miller M.Spangler "Deborah Potts Catherine S~aftgler "Willi.. Lemen Basil Spangler "Julia St~daan I.iary Spangler "Thomas Lemen Harriet Spangler unmarried.

188 Square Feet Seotion 1 Lot 31 A.W.Wallworth

Elizabeth Dunl~p 76 July 29J.1862 Gr.l f.s. P.218 A ~8.ry Dunlllp 84 Feb.9.1t140 " 3 f.n. Arma Taylor )0 June 2,lB24 Of· 2 t.n. Frederick laylor July 27,181) A.w.i'alworth 53 Aug.26,1844 To Lake View Jane Walworth 12 July 14,1853 '. I' f' J.Walworth(ch) Sept.25~lfl53 II 'f .. Lydia lJ.orl'1 a 84 14ar.31. 1 B'4 " \'ioodland William Walworth 40 Kay 12,1864 " Lake View 1.'; .A.Walworth 73 Sept.21,1870 It " " ------_ .. ~---~._------_._------Ashbel Walworth was the oldest eon o~ John Walworth who came to Cl~TelaRd in 1806. Ashbel ~alworth married in 1820 kiss Mary ARn Dunlap of Shemectady ll.Y. Kr.Walworth was Coll­ ector of port 17 years amd was also postmaster for a short ';. iu::e. ili s first D'larried home was on Superior street where the American House .ow stands. Adjoining 1t was his office. He re­ movea his family to the Walworth fa~ of 3~O acres haVing erect­ ed upon it a substantial house. This stood UpOB the site o~ the pree~nt FrieRdly Inn,headquarters o~ the W.C.T.U.organization and in the immediRte neighborhood of the old market house and thr ~ay marxet. Later Mr.Walworth removed to Buclid Ave. west o~ Erie stre~t. Kr.Walworth died SUddenly ift 1844.age 54 years. . The children were; John Walworth married Kary Race ~ary Valworth "Samuel Dradbury Anne Walworth Sarah Walworth .-illiEUll Walworth 188 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 32 Silas Belden

Sarah Belden 79 Apr.30,1844 To Highland Park ., (' Charles Belden 5 Aug.1O,1850 " Silas Belden 77 AUg.12,18~2 " " "., Harrison Belden 65 Jaa.18,18 8 " "., Cornelia Belden 81 June §.1889 " " .18~5 It " " Emily Belden 70 Aug.2 -, ., Kary Pelton 41 July 21,1 38 "., Nelson Belden 1 Aug.1O.1830 " " Tranaferr~d to tL~ City of Cleveland Oct.21.19)~. Exchanged for lot 633 section 1 Highland Park Certi.f:.i(~"te ¥ 3187. --~_._-_._------.-.. - ...---~--_.--"'-_.,----~--- Sila~ Belden was the second eon of 6ilas and Sarah Andrews Belden o~ Canaan Conn. Ee was born in 1795. He left home quite youns,and went to Lenox Mass. He was a carpenter. and came to Cleveland in 1816 when he was but 21 years of age. Five years later he married Mary Pelton of Pelton Corner~ o. East Cleveland. She was a daughter o~ the pioneer Deacon Johnathan Pelton and hie wife Rlizabeth. The home of the Peltons was on St.Clair street. Ia 1836 we ~ind S11~B Be~en as ORe of the tlJ.ree eleetioR Judges 111 the incorporation o~ the city. But best o~ all,the following year he heads the names of three mem­ bers o~ the Board of Zducation. Urs.Belden died in 18J~. 'The children o~ S118s and Sarah Belden wtore; Caroline Belden born 1832 married Alb~rt B.Northrup Emily Delden " 1824 Harrison Belden .' tB25 Sarah Belden • 1829 " L.C.King of ~nefield Ohio . • early three years a~ter the death of hiB first wife. 611as Belden Karried Cornelia E.Northrup.daughter of Abijah and Betsey Northrup. Silas Belden died ia IB72. The children of this aarri~~e were; Charles K.Belden Albert Belden Married Hattie E.Blodgett. ---_. ------_.. ~------~- £4 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 33 Est.J.Tyler north e feet.

Jwue Tyler X 65 Mar.8.1857 Gr.l P.175 A

Curb~(1 in 1 Uar~le Headston~ . -~-_._-- -- -.. ------_._~.----~----- 32 Square feet Section 1 Lot 33 Oliver Treat 4 ft.COT.8 ft.from north end.rur.'C ~.4 ft.

J(ary A.Treat 23 Sept.3.18,7 Gr·5 p.lB1 A.

No Ji.arks

28 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 33 K110 H.Hickox 3 .. ft. core.12 ft. from north end lailo lUckox( ch) S.B. Jan.2,1846 P. 28 A No }Larka

--~.~.~~-~------Kilo Hickox,the eldest Boa of JohAathaa aad B11zabeth

Yaylor li1ckox,wae a carpenter and contractor. Xe aarried Mi•• Harri..t Craw,who was born 1. 1808 in Troy N.Y. The yOUAS couple lived in Bochester H.Y.until after the birth of th.ir first .on Geor~e Craw Hickox. The summer ot that year 1831 they c... to CleTel.ad. But the young w1fe auat haTe gone back to Roche.ter the following year for she died there. Her S08 Georse Craw Hick­ ox was for .any years a .ell kaown citizen of san ~raacisco Cal. He carried on a .ucce••ful baaking business. ~lo Hiokox Sen. married second Harriet Pelton,daughter of DeacoR Johnathaa ... ~lizab.th Pelton. The Hickox resideace .as OD st.CIAir street. kr.Hickox prospered 18 businees,he beins a bUilding contractor. The children of ~ilo and Harriet Pelton Hickox were; Julia Hickox died 1a 18~6 age 16. Elizabeth Hickox •• 18~8 " 23 Henry A.Hickox "·'18~4· 26 liartha Hickox .: "'1864 " 20 Mary H1ckox ~"1867 " 24 t4 Square I1'e ~t Section 1 Lot 33 Rev.LeTi E.Tucker south 8 fe~t. Levi Tucker (CH) July 14,1842 P. 10 A L~vi ';ucker .. 1 Sept.19,1835 No record

Ci,arl~B }.radfl)rd 9 mo S~pt.4flE57 Gr.5 p.18l A

1 karble HeadBtor.~

--_.. ~. _... ~._------The arrival of Rev.LeTi Tucker i. CleTeland followed immediately upon the completion aad dedication of the First ~aptist Church corner of Seneca and Cha-plai. Streets. The first minister,Xlder Tucker,waB born in Broome N.Y. OK the national b:lrthday July 4th and was 32 years old when he took charse of the Baptist Church. He was the fifth child of Charles and Charity Stevens Tucker. LeTi rece1Ted his educatioD in Hamilton College and was orda1.ed a Baptist minister. In June l829,he married Jeann.tte Griswold Lee,daughter of ReT.Ja.on and Jeanette Lee of Butternuts ~.Y. Elder Tucker re.a1ned 1. Cleveland nine years,he became quite a traTeler. He Tis1ted the holy Land and wrote le~ter8 fro. it that .ere widely publiBh~d. lie died in Cinc1nnatue'N.Y. 1n his 49th year. Krs Tucker was two years younger. than her husband. She passed away 1n Boeton kaesachueette at the age of 45 years. The children of Levi and Jeanette Tucker were; Elisha Tucker died you.g.

Larry Jeanette Tucker aarried Henry Dwight and resides in Vir­ ginia.

Rev.Joseph L.Tucker Rector of Christ's Church,~obile Alabama. are.Edward Lqnsing Harrie,••ll known in aocial oircles of our city,!. a grandniece of aev.Levi Tucker,her grandmother havine teen hiseist.r.

--~- - . ~~ ~._-_. -~_._~._------L8B Square Feet Section 1 Lot 34 Levi John8on

Eli as :a. ,1':ohA8Ufl 26 Juae 29.1841 Gr.? (probably) P. ,'A T-UV M /. S" Ko Marks --.-.....--.-- ~- ..,--,--.-...-.--_.------Levi JohaeOR ca.e to Cleveland in 1809. He was a carp••ter &ad hie eervicee werei~ great de_d ~t that time. Levi JohAeOR aarried »iee Margaret Montier at Huron 9. 1n 1811. ar.John.on wae the. 25 years old,the bride 19 years. The fir8t home ot the Johaeon8 wae a ..all tr... houee,now covered by the west end ot the Rook.tellAr Building. Here they lived many Years then reaoved to a tine etone re.ideRce that Kr.Johnson erected on the 80u~ea.t cor.er ot Water &ad Lake Ave. ' The childr•• ot Levi aad Margaret Johnson were; Harriet JOhR80D married Alexa~der Sackett. C.pt.Periander Johnson" Harriet but~erfi.ld Philander Johneon ~ Sarah MtClark. ------_.------64 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 35 J.S.Clark north 8 feet. Lucynth1a Clark 25 l4ar.l.1829 Gr.l t.n.

L Marble P.~ad8ton~ '---'_."-_._-- 124 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 35 City of Cl~veland south 15. feet Frances E.Reed 36 Nov.ll.1835

1 ~arb1e Headetor.~

---_..~ ------188 Square Fe.t Section 1 Lot 36 Joha Nevins and David Sloan~ Willi.. NeTine 45 Dec.27.1843 Gr.2 f.n. P. 18 A Catherine Bevins 61 Dec.3l.186l "north end " 214 A

Capt.John Kirby's Ch. July ll.185~ ~ 3 '. lb7 A ! ~rble Headstones

---~-. -- - _.- ---.--.------124 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 37 ',)'arhauJ J•''Narner centre 151 f'et

','i. J .'ir'arner (ch) Aug .14.1840 Gr.- P. 2 A ';': •J•':iarner " Jlar.24.1854 It 3 " 140 A James 'l,1arnrr 4 Oct.1O.1852 II 3 " 118 A G~orgf"Baldwin 9 June 5.1863 It 2 1'. e. (Probably) 225 A Waltp.r Cannu 2 Sept.20.1857 .. 2 " 181 A Curbed. in 1 Uarbl~ Eeadston~ -, -" " . '_.~~~~~._~'.'~. ------._------Warham Justus Warner was born ift Burligton Vt. in :loE and was the SOD ot Justus and Polly Sperry Warner. Warham J.warner w~s a carpenter. He came west tro. Burli"£ton to Black Rock near Buttalo in 1830 intending to make that his Lome,but Eli~ha Stf'r1ine persuaded Kr.Warner to remove to this city. Kr.Warner erected many public buildings among them the American House in 1836. He was associated in bus1n"s8 tor a time ~ith Milo Hickox and they built 80•• ot the beautitul homes which made Euclid A~enue tamous. He was one of the Found­ ers of St.PaulA P.E.Church and a charter me.ber ot the Old Settlere Association. He was str.et commissioner in 1837. In 1832.Ur.Warner married ~i.s Jane A.korse,22 year8 of age. She was the daughter"ot B.noni Koree ot BurliRgton Vt. The f~ily lived for a time at 192 St.Clair street and atterward at 80 PrOBpp.ct street near Erie Street. The children ot Warha- and Jane WarDer were; Lydia E.Warner married John Popkins Rees Andrf!w Warner Charles H.Warner " CatheriJ,. )loor. Ann Eliza Warner Edward Seth Warner M.D. Th~odore ~oree Warner " Alice Kennedy Fred Sperry Warner AgJles J:.orria James Warhaa Warner "

48 Square Fe't Sectioft 1 Lot 37 Doctor A.H.Burrett north 6 teet krs •.A..h.Burrett July 13,1852 Gr.l P.109 A baby Bow1r. 4 mo Feb.17.1860 "n.e.(Probably)" 199 A Deliah Danforth 24 Oct.?1858 "3 "," 190 A Curbf"d in-2 l':'arble Headstos,es

1) 2 Squarf'! Feet Section 1 Lot 38 A.Doulittle north 14 teet

Jerusha Dooll t tle x 73 Jan.31,1861 Gr.2 t.n. p.206 A Jul~H Curry 69 July 7,1888 " 4 t.n. " 56 D Albert Doolittl~ " 1 f.ll. no record

Curoed in - 2 Larbl~ H~adston~£.

------._._------~--~. 1)2 Square Feet Sectiol1 1 Lot 38 WilliJUII Gunning south 9i ft. and 7 ft. of lot 53. l:.rs.Gunning 50 Apr.19,1848 Gr.4 f.n. P. 49 A Daniel Conklins; 30 Sept.29,l877 •• 1 f.n • (B.G. ) II 324 A D.G.Conkling '" 6 Jan.19,lBB4 " 2 f.n. " 32 D William Gunning 74 June 1,1866 " 1 " 248 A William Gunniag 21 Nov.29,l8,0 Marblf'! u.onultent 1 illirble Headstolll" 2 Granit. Headston.e

////' ------_.::------~---_._----_.~-_..- 176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 39 J.A.Vinc.nt south 9t ft.and north 12. ft of lot 54. lIlrs.ililmore 33 )(ar.29,1848 Gr.2 P. 48 A Flore~ce Willson 1 Sept.5.18 9 " N.W.Cor. " 196 A g fl Kary A.Vincent 3 Sept.23.1 75 " 2 ,t'.n.(B.(;.) )18 A JohJl H.Vincent 21 Dec.24.1~00 " 1 f.n. II 121 D 4 A Elizabeth.... Vincent 20 Jan .2],1 5'1 " " 90 Kary A.Vincent 64 APr.]0, lBZ4 To Lake Vi.w lO/1~/18t,8 lriary A.Vincent 3 Sept.23.l 75 " " 'f 'f CUrced in - 1 Uarbl. Headstone

---~~-_.. ------~._------Joha a.Vinc.nt and his bride Mary Graham Vincent came to CleTeland in the wiater of 1830 from Woody!lle Pa. on an ox sled. Yr.ViJlcent was a sk111.d cabinet maker and their first ho.e was on KaRdrake street ju.t below Water atreet in a bU11dipg or1g1aally built t'or a cooper shop. There wa. a second story,well l1ghted,amd iato this John and Mary Vincent took their belongings and th••••lv.s.glad of the sh.lter ,it afforded. The lower floor was al.o re.ted for John's cabinet shop. Here th.y re.ained t'or a year or more, the upper floor meanwhile haTiftg be.n neatly divided into three good-sized rOOES. In time the house-hold part of the e.ta~ll~.t was removed to 34 Water IItreet. Cab1aet making proved a moet profitable busi.ess. The t cooa of 1836 brought hundreds ot' people to the city and county 'who bad burned their bridges behind them-Bold all ofthelr furniture-aad table••chair••and beds were local .ecessitles lOUdly de-.nd.d. Kr.Vince.t proep.rsd.and th•• kept right on prospering. He took unto himsel~ a business partner,and built or rented a large IItors on Water str.et i. which place to store the large quantities of furniture their factory turned out. Today "Vincent" coupled with Barstow,yet remain~ a familiar business name to all CleTelandere.thouah the senior partner of the firm pas.ed into the hiaher lit'e nearly a quarter century ago. , The children of Vincent and URry Barstow were; Elizabeth Vincent died unmarried. Henry Vincent John Vincent Harried and died leaying two dhildren. Uary Vincent married let Capt.Theodore Reed. 2nd Dr.T.N.Himes, 112 Square i'eet aeottoa 1 Lot 39 Joseph W.Gray north 14 feet Ransom Gray Oct.10.1646 To Highland Pa.rk 3/14/1907 Joseph W.Gray 48 May 29.1862 It .. It ..

'iransft"'rr",d t () tIJe City of Cleveland lilarch 14,1<;107. l:.xchan£ed. fOJ' lot ~'26 l:3E'ction 1 Highland Park Cer.J. Ctrtificb.tt> }59c.

The Gray brothers,four in .umber,made their first appearance in Clevedand in l833,were of old New Bngland fam­ ily. Their father,Urel Gray.lived in Bridgeport vt. where his children were born. Their mother Betsey Case Gray was also of Puritan stock. The family removed to Kad~id,Lawrence Co.NY. while the children were young. Joseph W.Gray the youngest brother of the family was better and longer known in connection with newspaper work than the others. He was editor of the Cleveland Plain Dealer from 1642 to 1662. Kr Gr~ was one of the early postmasters o. Cleveland,his term of oftioe extending trom l8~2 to 1858. The post office &t that time was on the west 8ide of Water street corner of St.Clair street. Kr.Oray lived in a pretty cottage on 2~3 Superior street near Erie 8treet now the site of the Colonial Theatre Mr.Gray's death in 1862 was prem­ ature.brought about by an accident throulh which one eye was de­ stroyed and the 108s of the other threatened. He lived on for a year with hiB nervous system shattered,and unable to read or write. Bis widow removed to Los Angeles Cal. where she died at the home 0' a daughter. The children of Joseph and Catherine Gray were; Josephine Gray married W.B.Harvey Eugene Gray Lewis Gray -----_._--'------66 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 40 Johnathan Williams north Bt feet Ruth Williams ~7 NOT.4,18~4 Gr.4 P.l~3 A Johnathan Williams 44 Dec.26,1839 " 2 f.n. Almerin WilliNIIs llar.15.1837 2 Marbl~ Headstones.

-----~~------~~-'-_._------120 Square Feet Seotion 1 Lot 40 George W.Haml1ton George Hamilton(ch) 4 mo Sept.26,lB43 Gr.- P. 17 A kartha Hamilton 3 Dec.17,1853 .. 4 .. 136 .A l'ary A.Hamilton '57 NOT.13.l873 .. 1 f.n. " 30~ A Ellen Hamilton .. 1 f.n. Agnes Hamiltom 7 Feb.16,184l .. - .. 4 A Charles Goudey 1 Aug.9,1866 "'2 1'.8 (2 in) .. 2~O A John Goudey (ch) Oct.3.1869 " 2 f.s. " 274 A John Goudey It 7 mo AUg.27~18~2 " 29~ A It " 3 John Goudey 1 mo July 1 ,1 73 I .. 4 .. 301 A 1IIiary Goudey 36 Sept.4,lBB2 .. 3 1'.n. " 22 D (John Goudey son-in-law of G.W.Hamilton) 1 Marble,Headstone 188 SQuare Feet Section 1 Lot 41 Rufus Dunham ~rs.J •Dunham 24 June 21,1848 To LakeI. ViewI. 11/2/190'1 C.S.Dunham 31 Oct.21,1848 " ., "., Rufus Dunham 70 June 14,1862 " •• ., Jane Dunham 74 Sept.1O,1870 ., ., " CurbEd ir.

A quaint reminder of pioneer days still stands on the north side of Euclid Ave between Dunham and Russell Avenues. On this spot onoe stood an isolated log cabin set in an unbroken ~oreBt,and in it lived Rufus Dunham.who,ln,1823,le~t their home in Manstield Mass.and begin lite anew on this tarm 01' 140 acres stretching from IUc11d Ave. to what is now Hough Ave. Euclid Ave. in those days was Euclid RQad and much 01' it was marsh land on the south side 01' it,reaching back to and beyond what i8 now Cedar Ave. After some years 01' pioneer 11fe,Mr.Dunham was en­ abled to replace the old log cabin for the one now standing,a large frame building with a western wing. It was used as a Coun­ try tavern tor almost a haf century. The children of Rufus Duwlam were; Charles H.Dunham Yarried Jane Crawford Caroline Dunham II· James Welsh Loretta Dunham "Robert Pier.

64 Square Feet Sect1on 1 Lot 42 Huron Beebe 8 ft.com.) ft.from the north end. i.M-HenderSDn 50 June 27.1846 To H1~~land Park Tran~ferred to the City of Cleveland March 7,1916. Exchanged for lot. 532 sectioTI 2 HighlRnd. Park Cf'or:::. Certificate #3405.

Huron Eeebe ot the pioneer tirm 01' Allen,Beebe & Co. was born in 1808 and died in Vermont at an advanced age. He came to CleTeland in the '30s and was sheriff for a term or two and lived in the Jail residence. He married Nancy Hendereon and they had a family of children born 1n VlevelRnd all of Whom left the city in time and settled in Racine Wis. where they be­ came prominent citizens of that western town. The children were; Charles Seth Beebe married Selina Xastman Henry Eeebe Caldwell Eeebe Eleanore Eeebe Lucy Beebe

100 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 42 John Snyder Bouth 121 feet

John Snyder ,,5 Dec.31 ,1872 Gr.l f.n. P.297 A Robert Snyder 1 Jan.lB,18?4 .. 2 .. 306 A Xlizabeth Snyder 8 Dec.4.1B~6 " ) " )26 A John Snyder Jan.12.1·81 .. 2 f.a. ., 11 D 37 ,. 1 Frankie Schwab 1 mo Dec.14,1886 f.e, Tier 2 " 47 D Curbed in - 1 Uarble Headetur.e. ~ransferred to John Snyder July 28.1874 by Hurlbut and the following interment was made on lot prior to date of Transter. L.B.Hurlburt 16 Apr.28,lE'.51 ---.------._---Gr.l P. )13 A 24 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 42 I.M.Goodman north 3 feet Edmund S.Goodman 4 wlea Sept.7,1828 Gr.l f.n. no record 1 Sandatone Headstone. ------80 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 43 Henry Horde south 10 feet \-allys Howe 2 l'Iov.l,1844 Removed '.veat Henry S.Howe 1 sePt.6,18~9 .. " Henry Howe (ch) 1 Sept.22,1 46 .. It Henry Howe If 2 mo July 26,1860 " " Henry Howe .. ' S.B. July 23.1842 It •• Henry Howe If 1 July 7.1848 " II Capt.William Moore 36 APr.27,18~' Gr., (Probably) P.l'~ A Rachel K.Shaler 45 June 29 1 62 It " .. 21 A Wm.Eenson ( ch) 4 mo oct.5.1~45 " 2 .1 .... 27 A 2 ~rble Headstones.

108 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 43 Rodney Gale north 13i feet.

Rodney Gale (ch) 1 AUg.7,184~ To Lake View 3/28/1911 ~rB .. It' W.N.Gale 38 june 20.1 53 It " Charlotte Gale 55 !4ar.12.l8~ " II .. " Rodnt-y Gale 73 Jan.ll,l8 ., " " It Rodney W.Gale 1 mo Oct.3.1875 -" It " " Walter R.Gale 1 mo oct.3,187~ .. ", " It George R.Gale 42 June 20,1 87 '1 " " "

Rodney Gale,born in l8l1,in Petersham Kass.,was the eldest son of Daniel and Blizabeth Holland Gale. Rodney Gale came to Cleveland in 1836 in search of fortune,but beCore f1nd­ il!~ it to any great extent.he returned east and claimed his Miss Karion Williams,daughter of Thomas and Nancy Hanks Williams. Rodney Gale's first home was on Frankfort St. After­ wards »r.Gale bought a home on Lake St.Corner of E.6th st. The children of Rodney and Marion Gale were; Mary Hoyt Gale she was a popular 8chool-teacher. George R.Gale married Helen Richardson of Boston Mass. Mrs. Gale died at the age of 39,and Rodney Gale mar­ ried secondly Charlotte Williams,sister of Karion Williams Gale•• He children of this marriage were; Charles Gale married Bertha Deckert Carrie Gale " Oscar Chapin

~4 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 44 E.Auguet Huge north half. F.W.Huge 24 Oct.10.1904 To Highland Park Trar.£f€rred to the City of Cleveland Oct.18.1905. Ecr.ar.£co for lot 494 section 1 Highland Park Cern. Certificate # 306 Caeh $25.00

--_••- a _~ __ ,• _ 94 Square Feet Section I Lot 44 Henry Sherler south half F.H.Sherler 6 oct.23.1876 '1'0 Woodland Cern. G.H.Sherler 68 APr.8 1889 It It It Anna K.8herler 77 Kar.l6,1900 ...... Anna Sherler 65 Kay 7,1904 '. .. .. Transferred to the City of Cleveland June 6,1907 Exchanged for lot 7 section 90 ~ood1and Cern. Certificate # 727 Cask i143.0C

16 Feet Section 1 Lot 45 S.Coldicot 2 feet.

S.Coldicot (ch) 1 Sept.8.1843 . P. 16 A 1 Marble Headstone

24 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 45 N.N.Richards north 3 feet Norton K.Richards Sept.l,1836 no record

1 Marble Head8ton~

80 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 45 William Davidson south 10 feet William Davidson 91 July 27,1869 Gr.l f.n. P.272 A Elizabeth Davidson 72 sept.3,1867 .. 3 f.s. .. 257 A Walter H.Davidson ~ 29 Dec.30,1864 .. 2 f.s. .. 239 A

Curbed in - 1 Marble Headsto~e

68 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 45 John Po.ell centre 8i feet Xmma. Po.ell June 23.1843 Gr.3 P. 14 A Granite Headstone

188 Square Feet '!~14 It, Section 1 T~!J·/~ Lot 46 David Long .

Soiomon Severance 26 July 8.18~8 To Woodland Ger.:. Orom SeTerance July 21,1 41 •• " " II ., Brasmus Severance Apr.ll,1840 " 'I ., Horace Long July 27,1815 " Solon Long Jan.1O,1630 " .. " Transferred to the City Of Cleveland Dec,ll,l716. Exchanged for lots 291-2 Bect.l lots 245 ~ect.2 Highln~ct Par~ Certificate #3653. _.. ~ ..-. ~_.-~._------188 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 47 J.T.Benedict Chauncey Benedict 3 May 7,1842 Gr.l P. 9 A J.T.Benedict X 39 Oct.9,1843 " 2 f.n. " 17 A Persis A.Witherall 2 Aug.6.1840 (Probably) " 2 A 1 Granite Headstone ------32 tiquare Feet Section 1 Lot 48 Julia Seara centre 4 feet

Julia Sears 7 June 6,1832 no record Baby Sears " It Sandstone Headstone --.------Ur.Benjamin Sears,who accompanied his parents from Delew6re CO.N.Y. to Columbia township,Lorain CO,.in lB36,and passed through Cleveland en route.is Btill living,in a peace­ ful and comfortable old age,although 12 years of age when he made that early western trip. His impressions of the town were very favorable. He says that Superior street was not then yet relinquished to trade; that there were Btill many resdences , with door yards fenced in on each side of the street trom , "'ater street to the Public Square.

144 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 48 James. Church north 18 feet Kanct Thompson Apr.12.1863 Gr.- P.223 A Mary J. Church 18 Sept.4.1859 To Lake View 10/13/1851

1 Uarb:~ Headstone

188 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 49 lara S.L.Calahan

Reben Champion 47 Sept.4 ,1841 Gr.2 P. 6 A Pollt Shute 60 .ruly 7.1646 " 1 " 31 A ldrs. Calahan 36 June 20~l847 " 2 A It" 141ss L. calahan 14 Mar.3,l 48 It 3 i~ A lire.Calahan Feb.2l,lB49 '1 3 " 57 A Juliu9 Cala.."lan ~~ Dec.7.l856 " 5 " 173 A Ti10maa Calahan 54 Mar.4,1860 It 4 f.n. tl 199 A Ge'Jr6e ';i:Lla..'1an 6 Apr.l7,186" It 3 t.e. " 200 A No ::larks ------.. Among those who came to Cleveland during the war of 13l~ W~d ~r~.~~l~"lan fra~ ~uebec Canada. She had tive sons. The Family occupied a log cabin on now Calahan Basin. ~aniel Calahan married Harriet C.Hedges Tho.na.s Calahan was a member of the City Council. James Calahan Married KlS3 Nickolson Isabella Calahan married Kr Hendrick Julian Calahan died unmarried. Alexan~ir Calahan ~ii4'~*Q;1~.la-- Ball. 64 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 50 Victor Forrtay nurth 8 feet

Victor Forrtay 25 Aug . 3 ,18§0 Gr.2 1'.13. P. 68 D Henrietta Forrtay 48 Apr.14.1 92 II 1 f.n. ".' 78 D Victor Forrtay 55 Dec.15,1893 " 2 f.n. " 88 D No Marks

--'.-._'-~._....~------_. ------124 Square Feet Sect~on 1 Lot 50 William Costigan south 15i feet.

Charles H.Coetigan 1 July 11,1846 3r.4 P. 31 A Amelia Baldwin 1 sept.9,1852 "2 " 115 A

1 Uarble Headstone -----_._------188 Square Feet Section 1 Lot j1 L.V;;\n Aiken Van Aiken baa two children buried on the south end of the lot preTioue to 1840.

1 Sa.ndBtl)~e Headuto:1e referri:lr; t·) above. ------124 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 52 William Seufert north 131 ft.Qnd south 2 ft.of lot 37.

W1111.. Seufert (ch) ­ June 26,1876 Gr.l f.n. P.323 A 14& K,pSeuf'ert liar,11, 1878 " 1 f.n. " 331J A , IJ( /~ q."\() catherine Seufert May 24,1872 To :'a:;Ce ~!iew J-I -:J J..,V7 Fred Seufert Mar.26,l885 " " .. " John Seufert Nov.28,l903 II If. " N· George Witherall Estate transferred to #illi~m Se\1!~~t Ju~e 3.1~71

._------_ ... _ ...... - 60 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 52 Mrs.L.S.Davis south 10 teet

J.L.Davis 52 Jan.22,1876 Gr.l f.n. P.320 A No ),(arks

n.L.Noble transferred tv Mrs.L.S.Davia.

H.L.lioble 54 oct.ll.1852 To WoodlFmd 3/:2a/J.$7! Theodore V.,Reed 11 Dec.22,l876 " Lake View lO/l'}/L~,>j ------_.------240 Square Feet Section 1 Lot ;3 H.G.Cleveland south 16. ft.andnorth 13i ft.ot lot 68

Anna _.Cleveland 54 Jan.22.1886 To Highl~nd Park Horac~ G.Cleveland 56 Feb.7,1888 ". M ... Charles L.Cleveland 32 Jan.16.1890 " M, .. Transferrej to the Ci~y of Cleveland Dec.9,19l5. Exchan~ed for lot 676 section Highland Par~ Cem. Certificate J3276. ------_. 196 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 54 James Taylor south 9. ft.and north 15 tt.of lot 69.

Abigail Taylor 48 Apr.2.186l To Hi~hland Park Charles Taylor 43 Mar.21.1B86 " " M James Taylor 82 Feb.4,lB~6 It II " Lucy A•.8idwell 76 NOT.17.1 57 " ".. tt Martha Bidwell 53 Oct. 5 • 1833 .. " ., tt Samuel Bidwell Sept.25.1 23 " Caleb H111e 6~ Jan.12.1842 " tI " Sarah Hills 23 SePt.16~1828 II .. .. ., II· George H11ls 5 mo Oct.B.1 28 " ., ------11111s Sept. 28,1828 ., " Transferred to the City of Cleveland June 1.1916. Exchanged f~r lot 209 section 1 Hi~lland Park Cem. Certific~te }3480

Samuel Bidwell and his wife Martha Louise Bid_ell removed from Connecticut to Cleveland about 1825.perhaps earlier He was the son of Capt.Benjamin Bidwell of Revolutionary fame. Mrs.Dldwell was the daughter of Caleb and Martha GOJdrich Hills of Hartford Conn. Samuel Bidwell was about 40 #yeara old and his wife )5 years when they came to CleTeland. They brought four young children With them and another daughter was born after their arrival h~ro. Mr.Bidwel1 did not live lonb,f0r he died in 1823 ot malignant malaria. Krs.Bidwell was left with five fatherless children to oare for. She had a brother,however,George Hi11s,a prominent business man of the plac~,~ho stood closely by her in her hour of anxiety and bereavement. She died in 1839 aged 53 years. The children of Samuel ~nd Martha Hills were; ~harlotte Bidwell born 1810 married David Kori8on Lucy Bidwell - 1811 died unmarried Samuel Bidwell Jr. "1816 "1850 Abigail Bidwell .. 1819. "1857 Sarah Bidwell ., 1821 "1884 Charlotte and Lucy Bidwell had a millinery store, and lived on the north west side or the Public Square for several years. Charlotte Bidwell was the only member of thf' Bidwell family who Jaarried. Her husband was a widower with two children. Fe was a ship chandler merohan~, ~nd a manufacturer of rapea,etc.,R prominent citizen of the West Side. --_._,-_._-_._------284 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 55 Samuel I.Hamlin and north l~ ft.of lot 70.

Fannie Hamlin 26 Oct.2,1864 Gr.l f.n. P.237 A Samuel Hamlin l(. sePt.~0,1866 "tt 1 'f.e. tI 251 A Cynthia A.Hamli~ ~~ Oct.l ,1889 tt 2 f.EI. K 63 D r;-- George Hamlin _.-~--'-... - no record ~~ Harriet Hamlin .. " Jane Hamlin tt c2. .- .. tf~(J~ Charles Hamlin • ~Soq $ () (j . Samuel Hamlin .. .. Lucretia Jones 49 J4ar.2.183? no re;or~7 Washington Jones 21 Feb.?,18~4 .. 17'h- Daniel Jones 62 Nov.25,1 44 " " Granite Monument 2 Granite Heads~~nes 4 Sandstone Headstones.

------Samuel Hamlin came to CleTeland in 1818. He was one of the small band o~ Christians headed by Elisha Taylor 1n lBl9.who started the first Sunday school ot the town. Hs became an offic­ er and pil1&r of what i8 now called the ·Old Stone Church". Samuel Hamlin was the 80n of Iohabod Hamlin of Lenox. Mass.,and early learned the carpenter trade, He became a con­ traotor and was financially prosperous. Six years after he arriv­ ed in CleTeland he married Cynthia Jones,daughter ot Daniel and Lucretia Jones. She was born in Cheshire Conn.,in l804.and wae 20 years of age when married. Samuel Hamlin died in 1868 and ~rs.Hamlin survived her husband 21 years. She died at the home of her daughter,Krs.~arthaHamlin Dewey in Bennington vt. The ohildren of Samuel and Cynthia Hamlin were, Martha Hamlin married George Dewey at Bennington vt. Mary Hamlin .. Henry Putnam at New York City Henry Hamlin tt Louiee SteTen. of Cleveland Q. Rev.Chauncey Hamlin" Kar,y Wells Louisa Hamlin "7rank C~amberlain of Clevel~nd O. ------_._------96 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 56 Otto Sohmidt north 12 :feet Clara Schmidt 3 Apr.5.1865 To Lake Viell/ U/:?'i/:

92 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 56 Charles Eagen south l1i feet

llrs.A.Hayden 30 Nov.28.1851 To Highland ?ar}~ It .1 Charles Bagen 7 Feb.23.1865 " lIary kgen 2 Fe.2?,l86' " It II Charles Kae;en 56 Aug.l~,18?4 It '1 II 'I II Frank Eagen 19 Apr.26,1884 " It II Sarah Bagen 73 Jan.1O,l907 " Transferred. to the City of Cleveland ~pr.27.1907 Exchanged for lot 186 section 1 ~1ghland ?ar~ Ce~ • Certificate ¥682 Cash i54.00 ------64 ~quare Feet Section 1 Lot 57 T.L.Willie centre 8 feet

J3...'-:leS '~illiB 42 Jan.l0,1880 Gr.l f.n. P. 5 D F.A.'Nillie ')( 39 July 12,1897 .. 2 f.n. 105 D

1 ~arble Headstone

60 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 57 J. ~ewc():'r'Ib and Thomai3 Yapp south 7i feet. ;1ary Newcomb 37 Dec.30,1853 To Highland P3.rk Baby Yapp - Mar.9.187l •• It •• Jane Y&VP 36 Dec.21.1876 It ·t It Tho::naB Yapp 65 Dec.4,1902 '. •• " '~ra,,<;fe rr ed t.) the : i ty of Cleveland Nov.9.1915 . Exc~dnged for lot 247 aectian 2 ~ig~:and Park Cern. Ccrti:icate¥32 l2

64 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 57 . Richard Dunn north 8 feet

Richard ~unn 54 July 16,1653 To Highland Park It A.E.Dunn 90 Feb.26,1876 " It Tra~aferreJ tJ the :itJ uf CIAveland ~ar.27,19Q8. "2.xc:H.ne;ed for lot 52'j section 1 Highll\nd Park Cem. C€ ;"1;. l. ~ i catef<)50 .

120 Squ~re Feet Section 1 Lot ;8 Charles Bunker south t ft.and north 7 ft.of lot 73.

Thomas J. Bunb;~r 52 Nov.10,1866 70 Hi~l:~~d Park

::r;tL"itiferred t·,) t!le City of Cleveland Aug.l,1914. E~c:.aIJ[:ed for lot 67-8 section? HighlanJ Park Cem . .:: e l' t i f' i.;; -1. t e 127 b'j •

24 Square Feet . Section 1 Lot 58 James Burwell 3 ft. com.8 ft.from north end. Elizabeth Burwell 18 Mar.lO,1867 Gr.l No Marks

68 Square Feet Section 1 Lot ,8 . John D. Johneon north 8li' feet John ~.John8on (ch) - Oct.l5.1843 Gr.- P. 17 A John D.Johnson .. :Mar.l.1846 It 4 .. 29 A william Johnson 23 Oct.19.1856 .. 3 If 172 A John D.Johnson 73 Sept.9,1877 " 4 f.e. It 329 A Margaret Johnson 72 Aug.6,1883 It 1 f.n. It 29 D 2 Square Feet Section 1 3 :Uot 58 D.Cronan centre 4 ft. com.lli t't.from the north end.

D.Cronan ( ch) 4 mo Feb.20,1843 Gr.l P. 18 A No Marks

188 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 5'9 Leonard Case.

Elizabeth Case 69 Sept.2,1857 Gr.4 p.180 A (Bric~)" '''illiam Case 43 Apr.4,1862 " 3 f.n. 217 A Leonard Case 79 Deo.9,1864 " 2 f.n. " It 238 A Jan.8,l880 " 4 f.n. " " 5 D Leonard Case 59 A"'Joye '-.Jdies curbed in- Granite ~onumfnt. 2 Granite Eeadstones. =-,. ~~(. '''"::' 0~·f -~ ( .. ~.J: "!.:lS".

Leonard Case was the Bon of Meshack and Hagdalene Oase nee Eckstein,a poor German couple living on a farm in We~t more­ land County Pennsylvania. About the year of 1800 with their . family of eight children of whom Leonard waB the oldeBt they re­ moved to Warren Trumbull County,Ohio. Here at the age of Four­ teen yearsJLeon~rd W&S stricken with what may have bean in fant­ ile paralysis. This illness left him lame and unable to ~o act­ ive work. He studied surveying. Then he secur~d a posit~on in the courthouse of Trumbull County and,in the Recorder's office made himself familiar with the records of the Connecticut Land Company. During the War of 1812 he was engaged in c91lecting deliquent taxes. When the Commercial Bank was organized in 1816 he became the first caShier of the first Cleveland Bank. He was the first county aUditor,and between 1821 and 1825,president of the villa~e council. Keantime he had studied law and entered the bar. When the bank failed in 1820 he practised law,~nd _ dealt in real-estate the remainder of his business life. In 1817 Leonard Case Sen.,arried in Stow Ohio,Elizabeth Gaylord of Kiddletown,Conn. He bought a small house on Superior street np.ar the corner ot Bank street. In l829,the family removed to a small frame house standing on the present site ot the Post Office. In all the years ot increasing prosperity, from 1829 to l856,the t ..ily continued to live in this house. In l856,Mr.Case moved into .a 4oubl. brick hoa.. OD Rockwell st.at the corner of Wood street. ~~Case 41ed within ~. tollowinS year. The children ot Leonard and Elizabeth Case were; ~liliam Case born in 1818 died,unmarried,1862 Leonard Case Jr••. ·'1620· • 1880. Niether ot these sons were robust. Although much of 'Nilliam' e li1"e was spent in· out door sports and recreation he died of oonsumption at the age ot 42 years. He possessed much of his father's business ability.and relinquished hie desire to attend college in order to assist his father in the management of his property. He aleo had railroad interests that made de­ mands upon hie time. William Caae was mayor ot Cleveland in 1850 and 1851. Leonard Case Jr.was born delicate,and for sixty yeara struggled with continuous ill health. His own well equipped library and that ot his brother tormed the nucleus of the Case Library,which he richly endowed. Four years previous to his death,Leonard Case Jr .. placed a million dollars to the credit ot an institution to be called the "Case Seboll ot Applied 8cience~ ;cf~~~~~

188 Square Feet Gection 1 I -:l.:J..-IDH." Lot 60 ~ TT~ Edmund Clark j; ~OOo Edmund Clark (ch) 5 rna Oct.28,1842 Gr.2 P. 12 A Edmund Clark " June 271.1843 .. 3 .. 14 A 2dmund Clark x. 62 Jan.3,lt562 " cen.tre .. 214 A 1.:rs .A.J!. Clark 69 Sept.6,lB74 " 2 f.s.(Brick) "'311 A Julia US.ria Clark 4 May 27,1849 " 4 .. 60 A Edmund W.Clark 4 rna July 26,185'0 no record I Curbed in - Marble llonument.

Edmund Clark was the son of Judah and Abigail Freeman Clark of Conway Mass. In 1825,Edmund Clark was liying in Buffalo and was 26 years of age when he was offered a partnership with Pc't~r "ieddel1 who had a drygoods store at the corner of Superior ~nd Bank St.no. the site of the Rockefeller Bldg. This par~ner­ ship lasted five years. ~r.Clark became interested in o~er lines of business. He became president of the CleYeland Insurance Co. treasurer of the first railroad project and a director of the Coma illercial Bank of Lake Erie. From the latter he wi~arew and en­ gaged in private banking,~~t of which grew the National Bank,the sixth one in the country. MrB.~dmund Clark was Anna U&ria Bi1-" lings,daughter of William and Polly Williams Billing of Con- way Uass. The only living child of Edmund and Anna Clark was Een~ Freeman Clark born in 1839. He married Eliza a.Crowell. E~unds ClarkIa home,at first,_as on the corner at Superior and Water streets. He then built a home on the south side of the Square. Here the family lived many years and here HZ.Clark died.

176 Sq1.lare Feet Sec~1on 1 Lot 61 H.E.:Jodge H.B.Dodge (ch) 2 Gr.l P. 87 A

No Marks

176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 62 ~illiam Watterman

NO INTE1U4ENTS 0;; ~":: 1::', :L'j'l'.

The first courthouse and jail was built by Levi John­ don in 1812~3. It stood on the northwest corner of ~e Square. Eleazar Waterman was the first jailer. He married Dorca8 Hick­ uJC,daught'l'r of Abram Hickox. in 1817. Afterward Kr.Wat·erman was a justice of the peace. recorder, and in 1825 to 1828 he was pres­ ident ex-officio of the village council. He met with an accident in 1828 that resulted ultimately in his death. The only child of Eleazar and Dorcaa W~terman was William Waterman who married ciarah Stafford and hi. home was on Woodland Ave. For many years he was treasurer of Erie County.~ The Children of William and Sarah Waterman werei "i; i 11 i am '-:Iate rma~ Fra~ci8 Waterman ~harlee Waterman P.elF.~ ~aterman married lst.James B.Worthington 2nd Hr.Rockefeller 188 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 63 Lewie Dibble and haa south Ii ft. of lot 48. Louis Dibble Cch) 3 mo Jan.22,1847 Gr.-.. P. 36 A Louis Dibble " S.B. Yay 1,187) 4 2 in II 300 ..\ .Tessie L.Dibble 1 Jan.9,l876 II 6 It )20 A Pheobe D1 bble 69 July 17~1839 no record Elisha Dibble 'f-- Oct. 1 1) " II Hosea Dibble 1i Sept.2,1815 .. II Polly Dibble 18 Jan.17.1816 " .. .Tane Dibble 24 Oct. 1813 It 1I 6 Sandstone Headstones.

Previous to the year ot 18l1,~lisha Dibble and fam­ ily werelivlng in Aurelius N.Y. Mrs.Dibble ~as Pheobe Stone. daughter of Ebenezer and Mary Stone,and she was married in 1791. During the war of 1812,they came to Cleveland. Capt.Dibble was 4) years of age when he died,his death occured in 1813. The children were; Samuel Blbble married 1st Hiss 3ewett 2nd Kiss Tibbitts. Anson Dibble II, Kiss Odell and moved to Porter Mich. Lovisa Dibble .. Capt.Ebenezer star~. Lewis Dibble Polly Dibble Hosea Dibble Uartln Dibble

176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 64 B.Tuell and others Helen M.Tuell 26 da July 10,1823 A..S...Barnum no record John E'rerhard 2 burials no record Milo Hand 3 burials " .. Baby Everhard 6 Oct.6,1853 Gr.6 P.l)4 A :: Sandstone Headstone - 3 iltarble lIeadst::mes

176 Square Feet Section 1 I.ot 6, Uathllda Kir1c

Charles Kirk 1 Oct.lO,1846 Gr.3 P. )4 A George Kirk x.. 67 Dec.4,1868 " 1 f.e. .. 268 A Sterling Garlick Jan.29.1881 .. 1 f.s • II 11 D ilathilda Kirk 6~ Mar.ll,188) .. 2 f.s • II 26 D Georgiana Kirk ,0 Nov.19.1886 " 1 f.n. II 58 D Katherine Bell 1 mO Mar.20.19l2 .. 2.f.s. II 140 :!) ~athilda Sterling 68 l!ar.8,188) no record

Granite 1\onument - 1 1'iarble lleadstone George Kirk came to Cleveland in 1820 from Canal Ful­ ton O.when he was 19 years of age. 'Rhen in l837,Cleveland was presented with a charter he became itllJ first marshall. He mal"­ ried Mathilda Sterling,and the family residence at first was 88 Water St.and afterward on Huron ~t. The children were; Cornelia Kirk married W.H.Taylor Rebecca Kirk "E.C.Garlick Elizabeth Kirk " William H.Hayes Fanny Kirk "Maurice Converse Georgiana Kirk 176 Sqaare Feet Section 1 Lot 66 :-!ra. A. ','I. Houck 2 childrf>n brought from Sandusy O. :Feb.26,1861-Removed to H.P.

'Ir.'.l1s:-::rr,,'d t)thc City of Cleveland .Tan.2,ll,"l4. l..'>~'_·(,'c" !:.~,j f:Jr l:)t 202 3ection 1 Highland Park Cern. ~~rtificate ~bl6.

64 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 67 Adelia Twitt north 8 feet

Jame 8 Twitt >-.. 55 ~ec.18,1890 Gr.l f.s. P. 70 D 1 Granite Headstone

112 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 67 Alex.Y.Glover south 14 feet.

W.E.Glover (ch) S.B. llar.9,1679 To Highland Park Baby Glover S.B. June 27 ~1879 .. " .. J.A.Glover 61 Jan.20,1 84 " ., " hattie M.Bauder 48 Feb.9,1896 II " .. I' It Baby Glover S.B. Apr.16,1900 .," Nettie ~.Glover 01 AUg.17.190~ " It Alex.Ii.Glover 65 May 25,190 " II It Trallsferred to the City of Cleveland Nov.;.,1rtiflcate 1320/

6B Square Feet Section 1 Lot 68 Charles Stetson south 8t feet.

Louisa ~.~tetson 54 Nov.27,1865 Gr.lf.a. P .245 }\ Charlea Stetson 64 Jan.l.1874 tI 2 f.s. ., 306 A

1 l':arble Headstone

56 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 69 A.l-::ingsbury south 7 feet. A.King-sbury (ch) July 14,1842 P. 10 A

l~o Uarks ------So Square Feet Section 1 Lot 70 George ~.Baker south 10 ~eet

~,) lnterment~ on t:.is lot ace LL"din[, to the regi6ter. 176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 71 I.Gahamden and others One interment on lot lIince 1840 no record

Sandstone headetvne referrinG to above burL'il.

176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 72 E.H.Lacey

Baby Lacey S.B. Aug.8,1840 Gr.- P. 2 ..\ Baby Lacey 1 .Tuly 13~1850 .. 6 .. 81 A llre.E.H.Lacey ;0 Oot.3,l ~2 " 3 .. 118 A Ellen Lacey 3 Mar.24,1 58 " 7 " 185 A Henrietta I;acey 10 .Tuly 4 1848 " " ;1 A Baby Lacey S.B. .Tune 12,1841 II " ; A 2 2 Marble Headstones.

120 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 73 I.,Gillett south 15 feet

Baby Handy S.B. June 22,1855 Gr.~ P.155 A Baby Handy no record II, Fred Hardway t:$0 May 3,1869 1 f.n. It 273 A No Uarks

88 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 74 il4:rs.Samuel Cowles north 11 feet.

Cornelia Cowles 76 Apr.9,1866 Gr.South End P.247 A Samuel Cowles 62 NOV.22,18~7 ... Mrs.~ry Whiting 76 .July 23,1 58 " 2 " 18 '! A Curbed - Yarble Monu~ent

Judge Samuel Cowles,.on of .Toseph anq Sarah Mills Cowles,was born in Simsbury Conn.and at the age of 44 removed to CleY.land. It was in 1819. He was a graduate of Nilli~ms Col­ lege,had practiced law for many years. His partner tor many years was Alfred Kelley. Late in lite.1832,he married Miss Cor­ nelia Whiting ot Lenox Mass. Their first home was on the south 8ide of Euclid Aye.the present site of the Taylor store and Ar­ cade. Judge Cowl•• died in 1837. Krs.Cowles married secondly a Dr.Williams. Mrs.Cowles died in 1864.

88 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 74 Thomas Callow south 11 feet JoJn CalloW 32 June 1,1851 To Woodl:3.:1ci <)/15/1'-;'10 Isabella Callow 68 Dec.6,1861 'I " 'I William Callow 36 SePt.lo~1867 II II II It Thomas Callow e5 Jan.9,l 80 .. " Curbed in ------_._-_._------176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 75 Robert 'Nall Robert Wall(ch) 9 mo Sept.4,1845 Gr.2 P. 27 A G~orge Sm!th )( 64 July 26.1855 II' 2 " 159 A Anna Smith 70 Feb.22,1862 .. 1 II 215 A I.:a.ry A. 'llall 55 Var.13.1872 .. II 291 A Robert Wall )( 62 July 30.1874 It 4 (Brick) 3~ ~ Baby 'liall S.B. Jan.29,1887 II : John F.'fall t­ 51 June 10,1890 .. II 67 D lIenry WlJLll 4 May 29,1842 " II 9 A Granite Monument

1'76 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 76 Lorenzo Carter

Henry Abell 10 Sept.25J.18~2 P. 12 A Lorenzo Carter x 47 Feb.8,lts14· no record RebecclJL Carter 61 Oct.19.1827 .. " Rebecca Carter 3 Aug.14.l803 It " Henry Abell Oct.ll,1823 " .. Orison Abell July 11... 1825 ., " George Abell Oct.l,lts33 N " 2 Marble Headstones 4 Sandstone Headstones

Lorenzo Carter was the Bon of Lieut.Eleazar and Elizabeth buell Carter. In 1789.Lorenzo Carter m~rried Rebecca Fu11er,daught~r of Amos and Mercy Taylor Fuller,and settled d~wn on a farm in Castleton vt. But not for long. He soon be­ came dissatisfied and came weut,either in the fall of 1795 or ver:>' earl~" the following year. They had three children at that ti~e,Alon7.o,Laura.andRebecca,they were six,four.and two years of age. December 13 another child was born to the Carters-little HenrJ',who ten years later was drowned in the . ~r.Cartert8 first home was on the river bank west of ~ater street (now W.9th St.)nearly at the foot of St.Clair etr~ In 1801,~r.Carter added to his possessions by acquiring more cit~, prol)erty. Mrs'.Carter had five more children born to her aft~r ahe came to Cleveland making nine in all. ner little Rebec­ ca,who came with them from Vermont,died the ~a11 after their arr­ ival,and in 1808 she lost two more children in less than two ~onthA. Three years later her ten-year old eon Henry was drown- ed in the river. Lorenzo Carter)in the very prime of life,was 6~itteL with that dreadful and fatal disease-oancer. Lorenzo Cart­ e!' died in February,1814.and wae buried 1n Erie Street Cemetery. ~he children were; Alo1170 Carter born in Castleton vt.1790 married Julia Akins. LaurEl. Carter It.. II 1792" Erastus :Miles. ~cbeccB Carter It"" 1794 died 1797 ~enry Carter .." Niagara Onto 1796 " 1806 .Polly :arter "" Cleveland 1798 married William Peets. Rebecca Carter N" II 1800 died 1803 Lorenzo Carter ".." 1802" 1803 ~ercy Carter """ 1804 married Asahel Abels bet:::;ey Carter 'I".. 1806" Orison Cathan Alonzo Carter had the distinction 08 being the first t reR6Ul'er of \;leveland. Ee was unanimously elected to that offic~ in June 1815

--_. -_ , --'- -, '----_ .. -- , . ~ _. -- 176 Sq1Jarp. Feet Section 1 Lot 77 Abram Hickox Abram Hickox 61 NOT.2,1845 Gr.2 f.e. P. 28 A Tamer Hlcko~ '9 Oct.7,1815 no record Edna Scott 6 Sept.19,lBl?"' Tarnsferred to the city of Cleveland Nov.8,1918 Certificate 2 Marble Headetor.es Exchanged for lot 320 14279 1 Sandstone EeadetonE Section 1 Highland Park ~_~ . . _._ ~._.~ Cem§tu::v· Abram Hickox came to Clevel~nd in le09 with his wif~, Tamer Tuttle Hickox and five daughtere,Ruth,criana,Lucinda, lucy,and Dorcae. Abram Hickox was the son ot Capt.Abraham and Jemima Foote Hickox of Waterbury Conn .• Mr.Hickox was a Black­ smith and his first shop and dwelling was near the corner of Superior and Bank streets,the present site of the Rockefell~r Building. Either it was moved across the street near Seneca St. or he built there a few years later,and before his death the srdthy stood on Euclid Ave. and his reeidence directly back of i t l~o .27 Prospect st. lI:.r .Hickox was the Village sexton and laid away in the first oemetery nearly all who were interred there. ~re.nlckox lived but six years after her arrival in Cleveland. A year aftp.r her death.1816,Mr.Hickox married Phoebe Stone wid­ ow of Elisha Dibble. She died in 1839 aged 70 years. Abram Hic£­ ox then went to liTe with his daufgter and died six yeara later at the age of 80 years. The children were; Ruth lli*ox married Christopher Gu.n Oriana Hickox "1st Luther Scott 2nd Solomon ~oodford Dorcas Hickox " Eleazar Waterman Lucinda. Hickox "let Nathan Cummings 2nd Asel Caldwel1 Lucy Hickox died at an advanced age unmarrieo. ------~- 176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 78 David Clark

Ira Sawtell 40 July 9,18~2 To Highland P&r~~ lUes E. Sawtell 17 July 23,1 5'2 " " Kr.SInith SePt.?-O~16,3 " " Emma A.Smith 2 Oct.5,l 5'3 " " Bdward Williams AUg.6,186~ " .," Rebecca Doan ,9 June 12,1 81 "., Seth Carry Doan 71 Oct.2l,1890 ., " George Doan 37 Dec.9,1890 " Da"f'id Clark 54 May 9,1806 " " TranaferJ'ed to the City of Cleveland Oct.20,191:-. Echanged for lot 654 section I Highland Park Cer~. Certificate /l3190

David Clark ca.me to Cleveland in l789.in company .,,-ith .ajor Spafford from Dorset.Rutland Co.,Vt. Two years after IU',Clark'e arrival in Cleveland,he brought on his wife.~ar~:-trf·t Branch Clark and children. Their first home Viae on No 9 WatE.'l" i:)t. ~avid Clark di~d in 1806 and was buried in the cemetery on Ont~rio street. Hie body was removed in 1831 to Erie st.Cem. The children were; aargaret Clark married Elisha Norton Lucy Clark "Seth Loan Rufus Clark "DimaruR Eillinge .artin Clark "Laura Lee David J.Clark "Ruth Smith Mason Clark ------~._--~------.__ .~._- 4E Square Feet Section 1 Lot 79 kr6.Alcorn centre 6 feet Emily Alcorn 9 mo l'lov. 28 ,1855 Gr.4 p.163 A Archibald Alcorn ~ Sept.7,l~75 To Lake View 10/1/1906 lo':arble lfonument

~4 Square ~eet Section 1 Lot 79 ~.Pa8CO morth 8 feet.

J 0seph Pasco 1 Gr.2 p.l06 A

:No Marko c4 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 79 H.Bolles south e feet l~ar.c.}' Eoll~B Sept.30,1829 Gr.1 f.s. n/) rf!cord

1 Uarble Haedstone

17(-, SQ.uare Feet Section 1 Lot 80 Char::"eA Hickox John ].;.c1.U.illA.n 14 da Dec.26,185l To Hi~lland P&rk

7ra.ufoJH1 to the City of Clevelar.C :t€c.ll,l<;l16. _' EXcI.t<.r.t:;.[:c f()T lots 291-2 sect.l and lot;; 245 sect.2 Highland P. Ct' r +, ~ ::i C Ci t E If] C; 1

Charles Eickox was the eon of Johnathan and Elizabeth Taylor Hickox. He was born in Connecticut,1810,and came to Cleveland in 1837 From Canfield,and with hie parente lived on Superior street opposite the Arcade. He also was a carpenter, and worked for Jacob Lowman,the pioneer wagon maker. Afterward he beg~n a commission business on a small scale with Johnathan Gi 11e t. t E' • He married in 1843,1£188 laura A.Freeman,daughter of Francie Freeman of ~arr~n Ohio. It 1s sa1d of her she was a woman of rare excellence,highly educated,and possessed of a strong character who brought to her husband's home all 'the Nobl­ e~t qualities of womanhood,and made 1t for 47 years the spot a­ bout which clustered everything he regarded most dear. ~r.Hickox developed great business ability,became in­ t f'l'estE'd in vessel -propf!rty, which broug.'lt large returns. He was ~ cbal'ter memoer cf the board of trade. His sons built the Hick­ ox Building which displaced the F1rat Baptist Church that stood EO many year~ on the north west corner of Euclid Avenue and Erie strl"(·t (now East 9th street) Childr~n of Charles ~nd Laura Hickox were; Lliz~b~tr. Hickox married Harvey Brown Charlp.~ G.Hickox nalph 'W; .Hickox }.'l'arlk F .Hickox ------_.------Traneferred to the City of Clevela~d April l7,190i. For reffioval of remains to Lake View Cem. Certificate 1679.

---~--- --_.~------~~------The arrival of Richard Winslow in 1831 gave the shipp­ ing interests of Cleveland considerable impetus ~or he was a ship builder vessel owner years before he removed to this city and became possessed of a large fleet ot boats afterwards. Al­ though he came here from a southern state.he was born in Fal­ mouth Kaine where he learned all there was then to know of Ship building. In 1812.when about 43 years of age,he went to Ocracake

North Carolina and whil. there nearly 20 years engaged in active business. At 45 years of age.he married Mary Nash Grandy. The Winslows lived at No 2 Euclid Ave. close to the Public Square. ~rs.Winslow died 1D 1858 and Richard Winslow was 62 years old when he came to Cleveland and 88 years of age at his death in 1857. The children were; liezekiah Winslow married Jtary Ann Clark Nathan Crane Winslow It'. Helen Clark Rufus K.Winslow .. Lucy Clark

176 Square :iect Section I l.ot 82 J£athew Cozzens

Baby Cozzens July 1~,1842 Gr.2 f.B. P. 10 A Susan Cozzens 40 July 22 ,If.42 .. 2 f.s. (2 in) ·t 10 .'\. lkathew Cozzens 69 July 26,1856 " 5 II" 169 A Karia L.Cozzens 3 Feb.25,le~7 no record Eliza J.Cozzens 5 mo July IO.1~)8 It It No Marks --~----_.. ------~-----~------176 Square Feet Section I Lot 83 Bertram v,,'heeler

Bertram Wheeler 80 Dec.27,1887 Gr.] fin. P. 53 D Karia I..Wheeler J Feb.2',1837 no record Eliza J.Wheeler 5 mo July 16,1838 " It"

1 Marble Headstone

176 S-quare Feet Section I Lot 84 P.Dow and SylTester Pease

.JuliA. Pease 25 Sept.25,1832 To Highlano Park Wi;; laD! P.Do.. 1 Aug.19.1838" II 'I

Transferred to the Clty of Cleveland t-a reh ?t;, 1';<1 ~.• ­

Exchanged for :1 r,t s 6n7-C:'-9 eectie·n 1 Hlghlanrl Park Cer.'i I Certific~t~ #3430 1'16 Squarelieet Section 1 Lot 85 .Tabp.~ Gallup

:E.lihu Gallup 21 Apr.8,1856 To., Highlanc, Park lie r) re:;e GalllJp 17 Nov.6,1870 . .. Louisa Gallup 61 Oct.ll,1873 0' ... I, It ., Ci~oree ~allup 1 May 2 5 ,18Z3 .. Jabez Callup 82 July 20,1 77 0' .. .. ' Lebt~l Gollu~ 80 Jan.8,1904 ., ., .. Lucy Gallup 39 Dec.7,184l It It " Mary Gallup 1 July 7,18~4 ... .. " Henry Gallup 3 Nov.7,183· " .. " ·l.l:'1.,.n.::;ft:rr~(; to the City of :If>veh,r.d AUi,;.12,1)llb Yxchanced fer lot lS~ ~€ction 1 Highland Park Ce~. CeJtific!-,te '!34CjS;

Jabez. Gallup of Croton Conn. came to Cleveland when he was about 36 years of age. It was in the early '305. He was the eor. of Isaac and Anna Smith Gallup,and hie wife was Lucy Keech, daughter of Gurdon and Lucy Swan Ueech. ~r.and Mrs.Gallup were marri.,d in lE'.16,and their home.for a short time,was on Water St. The children of Jabez &nd Lucy Meech Gallup were; Lester ~eech Gallup Lucy A.Gallup married Morris Pomeroy Eenrietta Gallup It Dan a.Thompson :':arY,Elihu,RllO Eenry Gallup died in infancy. In 1843,~r.Callup marrip.d secondly Louisa Avery. They had tl'lO children,Avery and George Gallup. ------~ection 1 Lot 86 J:mr.f: c Kellogg north 10 feet

Ec.ward Kellogg Aug.5.1845 To Lake View James Kellogg 76 AU g .6,18§6 It .. ., lVilliAlD Kellogg 14 da .ran.29,l 61 '" Of ., Mrs.J.Downey 54 .ran.23,18~6 .t II " iirB.G.P..Kelloee 90 Feb.20.18 2

Transferred to tL.e City of ClfOvelond Oct.16,lSi08. ¥=r r,~ovHl of remai~s to Lake View Cern. Certif~c~te 11GB3

James Kellog£ was the Bon of James Kellogg Sen.and Lydia :i.;leh K.ellogg and was born in Northfield Conn. James Kel­ logg Jr.left Northfi~ld and engaged in the paper business in Lewistor. Pn. In 1830,he removed to Cleveland and continued the manu facture of p(er in this city. He also was engaged in the c~ntrBct~~e amd bUilding business. His office was at 48 Superior stl' ef~t and hiE! residence at that time was 93 Bank street. liLr.Kelloe.g married his second cousin Sussanah K.Camp born in 1791 in Norwlk Conn. She died in Cleveland aged 83 yrB. She was the daughter of Issac and Elizabeth Nash Camp. The children of James and Sussanah Kellogg were; Edward. Turner Kellogg married Harriet Brainarrl Charl€~ D.Kello£g .. ou~seneh G.Kellogs w.ill i S.L'l Kelloer: ., Charlotte Kelley

---~-~.~._----- 96 Square Feet Sect\\on 1 Lot 86 R.R.Hutchings eouth 12 feet L.R.Hutchings 45 Oct.l~.1856 Gr.2 P.172 A Bertha Howland 1 Nov.17.1861 - ~ 213 A L.J.Howland 4 Feb.24.1864 .. 1 f.n. " 231 A Susan Hutchings 304 Mar.4,1867 II 2 f .n. '1 254 A ~rs.S.HutchingB 8 Jan.23,1896 .1 2 f.B. ." 99 D :I'r'C' n sf"erred to t>,e Cit:-/ of" ClevelPi'":d f'Jr remoY'~l ")f t'.€' Lc,_:J'-t' :::'e':,ains to 3 Granite Headstones Sertific:'i.te 4t~72C Lake View Cern. 2 karble Headstones -,::;.:.'T.::.:J~v...;.~1:..3...~~1:;.9,"'=-~9L- __~__~__~ •_ ••_.-._ Benjamin R.Hutchings was a leading tailor and drRper of Cl~veland,and doing business at No 35 Su~erior street. He . camr to the city before 1835 the exact date unknown. His Wife's maiden name was SURan SWift,who was born in Vermont,but Rccomp­ anied her parents to Potsdam N.Y.in her teens. They were marri~d in 1835 and began their life together,each aged 24 years,in a cott6ge on St.Clair street near Bank street. Afterward ~r. Hutch­ ings built a brick house on the south eide of prospect stre9t between Erie street. Later he exchanged it for a farm,and built a home on Rockwell street corner of Bond street. ~"re .Hutchings died in 1895,outliving her husband 40 years. The children were; Susar; Hutchings Frances Hutchings married David Hawley Kate Hutchings " Aaron Orwig Samuel Hutchings II Mary Richardson Berthina Hutchings "1 at.Daniel Gardner 2nd.L.J.P..owland. -----_.--- 104 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 87 John Reeve south 13 feet

John Reeve 64 Feb.26,18'2 Gr·5 f.a. P.I04 A Laura Reeve 21 May 21.186~ " 1 f.n. •• 255 A Sarah Reeve 49 Oct.lO,lB3 If 1 f.s. no record Ann Chappell 21 Dec.3Co,1843 I! 3 f. a. " 16 A 'iiilllam Reeve 16 Aug.27,1836 If 4 f.s. no record Emily Reeve 5 Wk6 oct.6,le~3 If 2 f.5. I! II Emily S.Reeve 4 mOB Aug.16,1 35 .. 5 f.8. " II 7 lLarbl e l:eaclstor: t> S _.. ------_.~------John Reeve of England came to in Cleveland in 1832. He was 44 years ot age and his wife Sarah Reeve,also 8 native of EngLand was 34 years old. Hrs.Reev.'s life was very short. She died in 1838. Kr.Reeve married secondly Catherin~ Jones. The family lived on K1ch1gan street and were near neighbors of John Will~y the attorney and first mayor of Cleveland. John Reeve died in 1852. The children were; William Reeve born in 1619 died in 18)6 Elizabeth Reeve .. "1821 married T.P.Spencer Dr.John Reeve If" 1826 If ~a G.Barlow ~argaret Reeve "" 1828 died in 1852 Charlotte Reeve " II 1829 Homer !!offett Edwin ReeVE ".. 1830 If Alice OliVEr Henry Reeve "If 1836 died in Dayton O.in le60 72 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 87 Elijah Peet north 9 feet Elijah Feet ,4 Oct.20,1846 Gr.l f.n. P. 34 A Jio.rtha Peet 73 Jan.13,1867 .. 2 f.n. II 253 A Caroline Peet 9 l8~3 .. 1 f.s. no record Cyrus Peet 2 July 31,1 -38 " 3 f.n. " II Curbf-d in - J Marble Headstones obc Elijah Peet was a Vermonter,born in Arlington of that state in 1793 and came to Cleveland in 1810. He married Martha nilliams,daughter of W.W.Williams and Ruth Granger Williams. Their first home was ~n Newburg. In l831,the Peet family moved to town from Newburg. Their home was at 32 Bank street. ¥r.Peet kept a grocery store nearby. He was th~ town marshall in 1835 and in 1845,he issued the second directory of the city. He died in 1£.45, a.ged 53 years. Mrs .Peet died in 1667 aged 73 years. The children were; Linerva Peet married Jacob Lowman 1.'..ary Peet II Hamilton Hough l:.artha Peet ., John Outhwaite huth Feet .. ~il11am Rose ~arcia Peet n Rev.Ezra Jones Eliza Peet n Henry Harwood ~aroljne Feet unmarried.

176 Squ'are Feet Section 1 Lot 88 ~rs.Maria C.Sloane

1M.aria. S.Eandy )0 Sept. 5,184) Gr.l f.n. P. 16 A Parker Handy ( ch) 1 mo Sept.ll,1852 .. , .. 115 A iiarriett Sloane 18 Aug.12,1835 .. 3 f.s • no record Douglas G.Sloane 21 1836 " 4 f.s. ... ot Elizabeth Sloane 27 1838 il .. " lvi.ari.'i Sloane- 22 1835 " It It Curbed in liarble }"onurrent

Major Douglas Wheller Sloane was the son of Samuel and Olive Sloane of Williamstown Mass. He was a graduate of Williams Coll~ge,sla6e of 1603. SerTed in the war of 1812. Mr.Sloane came to Cleveland in 1834 when about 50 years of age. He held offic~ under the U.S.Governaent as Receiver of Moneys and died in 1839 while absent from home in Albany N.Y. MZ.Sloane married in lC10,Maria Coggswell of Lansingburg N.Y. Soon a~ter the arri­ val of the familY,the older daughters opened a select school for young ladies. The family resided at 52 Bank street ~or some years;afterward removed to Euclid Avenue west of East 9th street. The children were; Elizabeth Sloane t.;aria SlOAne married Parker Handy Douglas Coggswell Sl~ane Har~i~t Douglae Sloane Sue... n Sloane " lst.Johnathan Gillette 2nd.Hon.William T.Bacon Catherine Sloane II Joseph KirkllUld Cornelia Sloane " Parker Handy Mrs.Maria Sloane died in 1870 at the beautiful home of her grandeon Parker Handy ~r.,Weet 87th St.,New York City. ------_------_._------176 Square Feet Section 1 J.. ot 89 Samuel Williamson

James Williamson 36 Oct.20,185l p .101 A Isabella Williamson 77 Sept .15,1859 " 196 A Samuel Williamson 62 Sept.8,1834 no record Jane Williamson 1 Sept.2l,lB17 " " Isabella Williamson 28 Aug.29,1838 " " Sarah Mc~ueen 92 FeD. 1838 't " Sarah Williamson 63 Sept.IO,IBIO " " curbed ir. - i'drole ?:.onu~€nt

Samuel Wil11amson,28 years old,living in Cumberland County Pa.went to Crawford County, that state,in 1600. There he met and married Miss Isabella McQ,uecn. lI.r.WilllA.mson accompan­ ied by his wife and children came to the hamlet. of Cleveland in Yay, 1810. They made their home on ~ater street,now West 9th st. The f~ily lived on this spot many years, then removed to Euclid Avenue .here the Williamson Building now stands. Samuel William­ son belonged to the first village official staff, one of the three trustees chosen in 181,. He was associate jUdge. of the Common Pleas Court in 1823. Kr Williamson died in 1834. Mrs.Wil­ liamson lived 25 years after her husband's death,her own taking place in l859,age 77 years. The Children of Samuel and Isabella Williamson were; ~ary Williamson married Kartin Bowen Scott Samuel Williamson ft Mary E.Tisdale Sarah ~illiam8on died aged 63 years. Mr.Samuel Williamson Jr.was a practising lawyer,a legislator,a county officer,and the president of the largest savings bank in the city (Society for Savings). The children of Samuel Jr.and Mary Williamson were; .udae.....L.1lliamson marrip.d Ist.Mary P.Marah 2nd.H.W.Brown. George.W1lli...on " Rev.James D.Wl11iamson ft Uies Ely of Elyria Ohio

------~------176 Square Feet Section 1 Lot 90 John Downey north 11 feet Kidman Alprees sout~ 11 feet Vi. Burnham (ch) S.E. June 28~le.42 Gr.l P.., 10 A Mary Alpre-15s 30 May 3,1 53 .," 1 1~6 A ~ary B.criak 7 de Jan.l,18~5 2 ., 154 A John Downie 40 Feb.20,l 61 I' It ;:>06 A Baby Shaw oct.25',18~4 .. 2 " 312 A George CrR,11e 52 Mar.16,18 4 II 1 f.n. .," 33 D Jennie Eeardeworth 29 NOV.4,188~ " 3 f.e. 41 D Kidman Alpress X 74 Nov.14,le 7 " 1 f.B. " 52 D Mary Belle Downie 46 Dec.4,190l II 1 f.n. " 126 D Granite L::"onumer.t ------64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 2 - 3rd Ave. Tom E.Russell south 5 ft. of lot 3 a.nd north ) ft ,lot 2.

Tom Russell Jr. 4 da July 1),1890 Gr.l f.n. P. 67 D No :Marks

72 Square Feet Slatian 2 Lot 2 - )rd.AvE'. Caroline E.Sesler south 9 feet

Jefferson Sesler 4) Jan.l'I,1891 To Hi~ll'i.nd ParK Caroline Sesler 50 r~ov .25,1902 It ., " Transferred to the City of Cleveland Jan.4.191b. Fchanged for lot 119 section 2 Highland Park CeM. Certificare #)315

80 Square i'eet Section 2 Lot 2 - 3rd.Ave. August Brandt 10 !'et com.) ft.from the north elld.

Anna Brandt 32 Oct.23,1890 To Highlun

-~------_._------~----_._-- 64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot) - 3rd.Ave. Catherine Meier 8 ft.com.6 in.from the north er.d.

Ida Seifert 26 Nov.~7il889 Gr.2 f.n. P. 63 ]I Catherine Meier ~O Sept.l~,1595 "1 f.n. II 97 D Marble Monument tb 80 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 3 - 3rd.Ave~ Chas.F.Metcalf centre 10ft.com.8i ft.from north end.

Bessie E.Uetca1f 7 wks Oct.)O,1889 Gr.l f.n. P. 63 D No ),larks ------64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 4 - 3rd. Ave. Joseph Sutter south 7t ft.and north 6 in.of lot ]. Alice Sutter 2 Aug.4,1882 Gr.l

1 Marble Headstone

------_.------~-~.-._---_. 128 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 4 - 3rd.Ave- Charles Jordan north 16 feet Auguste Jordan 7 Oct.9,1&87 Gr.l f.~. P. 52 D Herman Jordan 1 mo Jan.l,1889 "2 f.B. " 59 D Fred RojanBk1 87 Feb.19,191? "3 t.s. " 140 D Fred Rojansk1 removed to Lutheran Cemetery 10j23/1920. No Marks 64Gquare Feet Section ! Lot 5 - 3rd.Ave. u.ooter }..~arBhall north 8 ft.

!.tooter Uarshall 64 Feb.11,18~4 '1'0 Highland Park Julia Marshall 34 Feb.20,l8 9 n .. .. It ., 1i.inrd e ltasha11 38 May 2,1889 ., :rRneferr~d to the City of Cleveland ~une 22,1916. Exchanged for lot 537 section 2 Highland Park Cern. Certificete }J459

64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 5 - 3rd. Ave. Isaac W.Lee centre 8 feet Amelia Lee 51 llar.16,1888 Gr.l f.n. P. 54 D leaac Lee 62 Sept.24.1e88 .. 1 ~.s. .. 57 D 2 Ma~bl€ Headstones

64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 5 - 3rd.Ave. ~rgaret Smith south 8 feet Frank Smith 31 Jan.26,1887 To Highland Park Walter p.Smith 1 IUO Mar.3,188? '. I' .,

Tran~ferrcd to the City of Cleveland July 3.1916 Exchan£ed for lot 254 section 2 Highland Park CeM. G€rtificate 43493 -~------184- Gq'lare Feet Section 2 Lot 6 - 3rd .Ave. Single vravea

He~ry ~.~illiamd 34 June 15,1889 01".4 f.a. P. 61 D Fred D.Gregory 20 Feb.16,1890 .. 3 f.n. "'. 6~ D Joe Montgomery 29 Feb.16,1890 .. 3 1'.8 • n 65 D TIJomas hopkins 17 l/iar.1O,1890 n 2 f.n. " ~g D Frank P.Edenig 31 Apr.13,l890 It 1 f.n. It· D '.illiam -ila1ker 44 sePt'~t1891 " 1 f.s. " 7~ D Charles aichert 17 Nov.1 ,1891 " 2 f.s. n 7 D Rol~nd Parkp.r 5 Apr .14,1898 To Highland Par':c :;'0/21/15

104 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 1 Robert Johnstone north 16 ~eet

~lary Johnstone 70 Aug.7,1875 To Lake View 11/16/1904 Robert Johnstone July 17,1847" "" .. Johnstone Feb.18,1843" "" " Curbed in

~rs.Aroelia Fox Johnstone came to Cleveland with her c\liIdren 800n after the death o~ her husband in 1831. They locat­ ed on Superior street near the Square,Mrs.Johnstone and her dau­ g~terd at no 105 and the son Dr.Robert Johnstone Jr with his of- fice at No III Superior Btreet. • 3 72:~·Square Feet Section 2 Lot 1 Amos Hutchinson south 10 feet,and lot 48 section5 4i teet of lot 9 section 2,and 6th Ave.lot 5 in section 5·

A.S.Hutch1nson (ch) .ruly 28,1846 Gr.- P. )1 A E.W.Sackrider X 46 Apr.16,1872 II 2 f.n. " 291 A Henry Hutchinson 3 Aug.10,1840 'I " 2 A G~rge HutchInson 19 Apr.26,1838 " no record )hay Sackrider 21 Aug.14,1842 II " 11 A Pamelia Sackrider 57 Kar.l,1856 " 2 "'165 A 4 Marble Headstones 1 Granite Heacatone

Elijah White .rr.,father of Mrs.:3atnue1 and Mra.Atno·s Hutchinson was a prominent merchant of Granville Masa.,_ho re­ moved to Plattsburg N.Y. and engaged in manufacturing. He was married twice. HiB first wife was Olive Oone and one of their children was Pamelia White born in 1799. She married in 1819, B~ert Sackrider of Plattsburg N.Y. who died in 18~6. Mra.Pam­ elia White Sackrider came toOleveland with her children and af­ t~r the death of her halt-sister Harriet Hutchinson,kept house for :i&.r.Hutcjineon and his children until after his second llar­ riage. The ~lildren of Mrs.Sackrider were; Mary Sackrider Cornelia Sackrider lnarried Mr .Pease Bl14ah W.Sackrider

96 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 2 31las Rhoades south 12 feet

Silas Rhoades (ch~ 1· Jan.29,1846 Gr.5 P. 2Cj A SU~8 Rhoaq..es 73.X July 7,1854 "194 A 2 Marble Headat0nea

88 S.Quare Feet Section 2 Lot 2 G.K.ELwell north 11 feet

George Elwell 12 Feb.7.18~2 Gr.2 P.l03 A Susan Elwe1'l 3~ July 28,1861 " 3 f.n. " 210 A­ llartin Xlwell 22 AUg.10,1843 " " 15 A lI*tha Blwe11 28 Jan.l5,l860 '1.'0 Monroe Cern .12/1;j/lt. DO Warren Merr1ll Apr.ll,lS53 Gr.3 (prob':\oly) P.125 A E.B.Merr111 18 Dec.3l.l854 "4 " " .154 A Ruth A.Harvey, X 73 Feb.15,19Bo~ " 2 f.8.

!'~rble Headstones

184 Square Feet· Section 2 Lot 3 John \7il18 John Wills 47 Dec .13,185.1 Gr.4 P.lOl "- George W1l1s 27 Mar.14.l858 " 4 " 185 A 1l:1iza \f1l1s ;6 B'ov.2,1865 .. " 244 i\ Abigail Parker 78 Aug.)O,187l " 5 '1 28B A Thomas Parker 64 Aug.9,1841 n 3 " 6 ,i'l. 64 aquare Feet Se~tion 2 Lot 4 Henry ~.Mi11er north 8 feet

Charlotte Miller 17 Aug .31,184 3 To Lake View 6/22/1877 Renr.>' ~iller 11 June 6.11347 ft II " " henry C .1..ii11er 10 Sep+..19,lSJ5 t' " " • Marble Headetone

64 Square Eeet Section 2 Lot 4 Jacob Gulliver south 8 feet

';acQb Gulliver 34 Feb.16.1843 Gr.­ P. 1) A i~8 rri et c;u IIi"ler 2 July 19.1847 " 6 " 40 A George Gulliver 31 Mar.17.1852 " 2 "'104 A

S.Gulliford (ch) Sept.19.1843 II _ (probably) " 16 A George Pepper 2 mo Aug.30,1849 " 2 " " 69 A Jonah Richmond 41 Apr.14,1863 " 4 " " 223 A Ph:l.lena Huntoon no record 2 Sandstone Headstones 1 l4arble Headst~ne

64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 5 Robert Latimer south 8 feet

Robert Latimer 64 June 27.1851 Gr.1 P. 94 A. Uartha Latimer 14 Sept.26,1851 " 3 N 98 A Mary Latimer 1 Jan.27.1853 " 3 "'138 A Johnson Latimer 1 Aug.3,1854 .. 4 "'146 A Etta Latimer 2 July 28 ... 1:864 " 1 f.n. " 235 A Robert Latimer 5 mo Aug.9,1064 " 3 f.e. " 235 A John Latimer 22 Nov.24.1866 tI 2 f.8. " 252 A James Lat..imer( ch) 2 mo Aug.19,1867 " 1 f.s. ""257 A James Latimer " 1 mo Feb.l.1869 It " 269 A Jane Lat imer 84 Us.y 1.1879 " 1 f.n. " 1 D 1 Uarble Head stone ------64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 5' Cit:,' of 01eve1and centre 8 feet

Julia Thorp 34 Jan.3,1884 Gr.7 ft.t.n.end P. 31 D J.W.Bedford ( ch) Dec.16.1882 " 3 f.n. " 24 D E.P.Hyde " Apr.29,1882 " 2 f.n. If 20 D A.i.1ozell " May 12 .187,~ " 1 f.n. " 300 A Baby ~c::'~alley 1 mo Feb .16,1873 " 1 .. 298 ,A Baby ~cNalley Aug.17.1849 " 3 " 67 A Baby l.:.clialley 2 Dec.11,1842 " 3 .. 12 A Baby rliicl,alley 2 Apr.18.1844 " " 19 A Anna ~cNalley 2 mo Nov.20.1846 " 4 " 34 A Lucy Duseett Oct.2,1842 " 4 ", 12 A

O.Emery 65 May 27.1855 If 2 f.n. "'157 A 32 Square Feet Seotion 2 Lot 5 Capt.~oBe8 Ross north 4 ~eet

Capt.l'osP-s Ross Aug.26,1839 P.337 A No )larks

24 Square Feet Seoti on 2 Lot 5 William Riohardson 3 ~eet

lIi.ary Riohardson 20 , Sept.17,1853 Gr.2 P .133 A W.C.Riohardson 1 Sept.ll,1842 "2 0' 11 A Helen Richardson 4 Apr.24,1840 "- .. l.A No Marks ..... ------80 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 6 John Chidgey north ~c feet Elizabeth Chidgey 2 Sep t.20 1B40 To., Lake View 1 0 / ·I.G.Ghidgey 6 Jan.4,18g9 "., " Frank Crocker' ) Oot.10.l 61 " ., " Elizabeth Akinson 77 Nov.10,1661 It 0' Cora D.Day 2 mo Dec.15.l861 II 0' '1 ., II ., Altred Gail 5 mo July 14.1.867 ., John Chidgey 76 Sept.7. l f.82 " " .. 01 1111za Chidgey 74 June 11,1883 ., " ., Eliza J.Gale 47 Sept.7,lB71 "

~ranBferred t~ the City of Cleveland Oct.13.19:3 For rEmoval of remains to Lake View c~~. C~rtificate #2497 _._------John Chidgey was born in England and came to Cleve­ land in the year ot 1833. John Chidgey served his ap'prentice­ ship of mason.mastered his trade and incidently helped tu build the massive pier o~ Dover Eneland.the stones of which. stand as staunch11 today as when placed there over a hundred years ago. About this time at the age ot 25 years.he married Eliza Chalker. She was the daughter ot Rev.John Chalker,r~ctor of a parish in Bath ~gland. John Chidgey's first ~ome was on Bolivar street then sparsely settled. Hia last home ~as at 132 St.Clair street. Mr.Chidgey died in 1889 and Mrs.Eliza Chidgey in 1892. The children were; Mary Chidgey married J.Victor Mathivet Emily Chidgey "Byron E.Harris Alfred Chidgey died in Alabama in the Civil War. Elizabeth Chidgey married ~orr18 E.Bragglns Eliza Chidgey "Charles C.Gale Henrietta Chidgey " Joseph M.Odell Jeanette Chidgey " Dr.Daniel Smith

104 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 6 llra.Edgers south 1) teet

Jane Edgers 16 Dec.13.l840 Gr.l P. 4 A No LJarJcs 184 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 7 Charlee F.Reee

Ruth Hese 1 Oct.ll,1895 Gr.l f.e. P. lJ7 D

Curbed in - llarble He~d3ton€

~::.:..r1;jferri:d :~ept.22,lt:9l t::l Crlarlps 7.Hees by the widow and ;;~i~a of N.e.Hills. These burials ~ere made on lot priQr to ~~te of transfer. N.C.Hille (ch) Nov.20,1840 P. 3 A George Hille 23 Dec.9,1869 " 27; A Isaac Loomis 69 Nov.2,1855 " 163 A

72 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 8 A,ilcLe11and north 9 feet Alex !licLelland 28 Sept.22.1840 Gr.l P. 3 A R.Torn (ch) 2 Jan.19.1844 " 2 (Probably) .. 18 A No Maries

112 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 8 William Morrow south 14 feet

Willi~ Morrow (ch) sept.18.l840 To Highland Park ~illiam ~orrow It Aug.26,184l " ". Of "Of Jane Morrow 36 Aug .24,1847 " ., william ~orrow 36 "Feb.25t18~1 ., John McGee 4) June 19,1 56 " It Eliza ~cGee 30 July 31,1864 " 'f Ada Spencer 4 Apr.19,1865 " .. Mary McGee 75 Aug.17,1883 " " Fred Spencer 25 Mar.8,1900 " ., ~ary Spencer 69 Dec.15.1902 ., " Tranaferred to the City of Cleveland April 7,1909. ,::,xcI1al1bed for lot l)S secti on 2 Highland Park Cem. Certificate jl191.

88 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 9 Ieaac Taylor 11 ft.com.4t ft.from the north end. Lucy A. i'i ak 85 Feb.15,lA96 Gr.] f.s. P. 99 D Jane Newcomb 49 June 25,1875 .. 2 (Probably) .. ]16 A ';herese a.Taylor 1~y 18,1838 no record

1 ~~rble Headstone

63 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 9 R.E.Dackus south 8i feet Robert H.Backu6 36 June 11,1838 no record i.ucy Martin 73 Jan.15,1863 P.222 A karble Monument 80 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 10 Samuel Cheney south 10 feet Samuel Cheney (ch) 1 mo Oct.14.1846 Gr.l P. 34 A Samuel Cheney .. 6 mo July 21,1848 It 2 It 51 A Samuel Cheney .. 3 mo SSept.7.1849 .. 3 .. 70 A Sarah Cheney 49 July 20.1864 " - It 235 A No )larks

64~Squ~re Feet Section 2 Lot 10 Centre 6 feet probably single graves Roxey Carman 38 June 15,1844 Gr.l P. 20 A II Jason Carman (ch) 2 010 July 7.1844 It 20 A Jason Carman It 1 Aug.7.1843 " n 15 A No )(arks

76 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 11 George Shurmer south 91 feet

Christina Shurmer Jan.17,1865 Gr.1 f.n. p.269 A John G.Shurmer May 12.1885 " 2 f.n. '1 39 D John C.Sturges Aug.28,1870 ., 1 f. 8. II 281 ~\ 2 Marble Headstones ------72 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 11 John Repp centre 9 feet

John Repp ~6 Jan.15.1875 Gr.l f.n. P.31) A Catherine Repp May 6,1886 .. 2 f.n. It 44 D 1~ It It Raymond Repp May 14 1886 1 f.e. .. 44 D Syby11a Reb 80 Nov.21,18B) " 2 f.s. )1 D Curbed in - Marble Uonument - 3 Marble Headstones.

44 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 11 Louisa Schmidt north 51 feet

Christian Schmidt 60 Feb.25.188~ To Mentol:" Ohio Il ., Eddie Lueddere 8 mo July 22.18 2 ., ., William Luedders 37 Aug.17.1887 .. Transferred to the City of Cleveland ~arch 9,190b. For disinterment of remains. Certificate '395. 192 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 12 Charles M.Giddings Esther Giddings . '149 Kay 12,1846 Gr.l P. 30 A Sereno Giddings " Feb.24.1852 " 2 "'104 A Charle KiGiddings x 50 July 9,1853 " 3 ""128 A Eliza Giddings 86 Apr.18,188'6 .. 3 f.n. " 44 D

Curbed in - Marble Monument

Charles M.Giddings was the son of Sereno and Rsther C~ddings of Lenox Mass.,formerly of Lyme Conn. Charles Giddings was 1n Cleveland at the formal opening of the Ohio Canal in the year of 1827. That same year he married Eliza S~th,daUShter of Richard and Prudence Smyth of Detroit ~ah. Kr.Giddings was oon nected in business with Norman C.Baldwin under the firm name of "Giddings and Baldwin" merohants. Sometime in the early '30she built a large stone residence on the corner of Ontario and the Public Square,now the site of the Society for Savings Building. In one of the financial panios that swept the city Mr.Giddlngs ~OBt heavily. He retired to a farm on Euolid Ave. outside the town limits. Giddings Ave.was once the familiar name of an east end atreet,but now numbere~ East 7lat St. The man for whom it was named died 1n 1853 at the age o:t 56 after a residenoe in the city of 27 yeara. Mrs. Giddings died in 1886.

64 Square Feet Seotion 2 Lot 13 Robert Black aorth 8 feet vi. J• Bl~ck 3 Aug.9,1852 To Wichita Kan. Robert Ba1ck 40 July 21,1854 .. " '1 iloirs .Black 38 July 27,1854 " " .. Ca.roline Black 1 Sept,14,1854 " " t'

'Ix'an3ferredto thE city of Cleveland Feb.8,191f) (·or disinte1Ilent of re:nains. 8-ertificate i~33E8

96 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 13 John Clinton south 12 feet

~ John Clinton (ch) Dec.13,1842 ':'0 Highla.nd Park Elizabeth Clinton ~O Dec.26,1845 II " .. ~r5.John ~linton 69 Dec.10,1874 .. " " John C11nun 82 )(ar.3,1880 I' II ., Jamed Clinton 52 sept.30,18S3 " "" Jor.n W. Clinton 68 June 7 1899 II .. " Tr~nsferred to t~e City of Cleveland Oct.8,1915· Echanged for lot 217 section 1 Highland Park Cern. ~er: if iC."i.te .13161

32Square Fee t Section 2 Lot 13 H.W.Seily centre 4 feet

James Johnson (ch) 2 Apr.7,1844 Gr.4 P• 19A No Marks 192 Square );'eet Section 2 Lot 14 John Drumm John DrUDiID (ch) Apr.',1841 To Lake View George Drumm June 2~,1863 n " II., John 1>rWlllll ­ Oct.22,1815' " " ., Charle8 Drumm July 26,1876 " " Adam Drumm Aug.12,1883 " .." 0' Louiea Drumm Jan.4.l893 0' ., •• Geor~e ,W.Drumm Oct.lO,1903 " 0' Transferred to the City of Cleveland Oct.19.190t For removal of remains to Lake View Ce~. Certificate i,554

96 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 15 .Varnum J.Card south 12 feet Varnum Card 43 Gr.2 f.a. P. 3 A ldarble Headstone --- 64. Square ,Feet Section 2 Lot 15 Dennis Reardon north 6 feet

Dennie Reardon 46 Nov.3,1840 Gr.- P. 3 A Nancy Beardon 84 Oct.19.l896 ., 1 f.n. ,I 102 D No Marks

32 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 1, llr.Chase centre 4 feet

l u J3aby Chase oct.7,H4J ~ . 15 A No Kark6

192 Square :i'eet Section 2 Lot 16 Rev.Dr.S.C.Aikens

Baby Aikene July 26~1840 Gr.6 P. 1 A Baby Aikens 1 mo Dec.B.l 44 It 4 " 23 A Henrietta Aiken June l6~1867 It 4 f.B. .. 255 A Samuel Aiken ~~ Jan.7,l ~9 It 1 f.e.(Brick) " 334 A Deliah Aiken 9 mo J!ar.19,l 38 no record Deliah Aiken 37 June 1,1837 It II James Aiken 2~ Jan.21, 1831 II It Henry Aiken Apr.27.1825 It It Helen Aiken 9 mo Var.16.l827 It II Henrietta Aiken 1 July 9.1827 It " Curbed in - Jiar't,lE l~onurr.ent

Rev.Samuel Aiken came to Cleveland in 1835 wae pastor or pastor emeritus ot the Old Stone· Church tor 44 years. The Aiken f8Dli1y l1ved at 120 Prospect St.and later 6n Erie St. Pil3 Wife Deliah Aiken died in 1837 and he married eecondl~' !Hes Hell riette Day and she d1ed in 1867. )[r.Aiken died in 1879.. . 108 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 17 ~aehlngton Beebec south 13. fe*t wash •.beebee (ch) 3 June 30.1842 P. 10 A -Levi beebee 59 sept.18,18]8 no rec~rd (Supposed to be 3 interments on this lot) Marblp. Monument

£0 Square Fe~t Section 2 Lot 17 Western Reser7a Medical Colleg~ north 10 feet

;-~.I,.How 22 Dec·5,1846 To Highland Park J.h.barker 25 Dec.12,1848 ~ w ~ Unicnown man 40 Jan.16.1f.51 '1 " '1 Tran:;;fer:'ed to the City of Cleveland Dec.l,191~. Exchanged for lot 7~ section 2 Highland Park CErn. C(rtificete 13268

92 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 18 Frank B.Wallbridge north lIt feet

Frank Wallbridge 58 Feb.4,1866 Gr.2 f.s. P.253 A Frallk -~RIlbridge 33 Jan.ll,lSSl " 1 f.n. " 11 D ~arj ~Jn Wallbridge 28 J11 1y 25,1837 no record baby Sanburn (ch) 21 mo Jan.4,1855 Gr.3 " 154 A

1 ~arble Headstone ------96 Square :Feet Section 2 Lot 18 12 George 1Larsh south feet '- Eliz.abeth Marsh 28 Jan.2,1839 no record

1 Marble Headstone

Eo Square Feet Section 2 Lot 19 John Russell _ north 10 feet

Sarah A.RusBell 36 »eo.1,1878 Gr.~ f.B. P.334 A John R\.:ssel1 54 ~b.23,1895 n 1 f.e. " 94 D Helena Russell no recQrd taken from headstone -NillifO Russell " .. "" " Lena Russell " " .. " " Linda Russell II " II II· " Curbec ir. - Marble Headstone

lOc. Square Feet Section 2 Lot 19 John Greening south 13i :feet lkrs.1Iil.Green1ng 22 Aug.4,1846 Gr.3 P. 32 A A.Greening (ch) 1 Aug.l,1847 " ~ " 41 A John Grrening 81 June 17,1887 " 1 f.s. " ,0 D Elizabeth Greening 82 Jan.12.1890 .. 2 f.B. " ·64 D Elizabeth A.~eiger 33 llay 10.1902 " 2 f.n. It 128 D :Marble Uonument 188 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 2Q David Hersh, () David Her8h 1 May 31,1842 Gr ­ P. 9 A Charlotte Hersh 3 Jan.13,1847 " 3 .. 35 A Davidliei'sh 43 June 9,1852 .. 4 .. 108 A lLrs.David Hersh 33 Oct.28,1852 .. .5 .. 120 A Baby Hersh Aug.21,1839 no record 2 Marble Headstones ------188 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 21 E.O.Y1tche:p

Frances Taylor 1 Sept.24,1847 Gr.2 P. 44.1\ S.~.Stone (twins) Mar.27,lB67 " 2 f.a. .. 254 A :Baby JUtchel1 Jan.IS,l673 tt 4'f.n. .. 298 A Ralph ~1tchel1 1 Sept.4,1877 .. i. f.s. .. 329 A Harriet ~tchel1 57 Nov.25,1866 To LaJ(e View June lobI 2 Marble Headstones

188 Square Feet Section 2 Lot ?2 Thomas Blac~e11 Xllen Blackwell 1 Sept.21,le5'6 To Highland Park George We8t 4 Nov.lO,1872 ., ., ., Thomas Blackwell 85 Oct.9,1889 ., ., II II ., S.V.Blaclarell 79 .ruly 4,1897 " Hatti. Blackwell 5 mo July 19,1887 Lake View 1/5/1~I04 " II William Elackwell 9 mo July 31,1852 .," " " Will~ H.Blackwell 46 Feb.2b,1903 " " " Transferred to the City of Cleveland Nov.23.191~. Exchanged for lots 649-650 section 1 HighlRnd Park :ek. Certificate #3257

64 Sq.,l are Feet Section 2 Lot 23 C.Brick south 8 feet

C.RRick (ch) 1 oct.29,l84 3 To Lake View lO/27/HS? Elizabeth 'Cockburn 47 Feb.23,lB,o "" " '1 Samuel 'Stead 1860" II ., " P.E.Bowers Cch) june 12,1862"" ., .,

64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 2] Robert Ford north 8 feet Find nothing in register on this lot. Curbed 1n

60 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 23 H.R.Little centre 7. feet liarr1et little 9 Dec.2118,6 To LaiCe Vif:w Carrie J:.Bascom 39 .ran.i8,l'B81 "., ., Transferred to the City of Cleveland Oct.22.191~. Certi~iate #3165. lEE Square Feet section 2 Lot 24 Alexand9r Seymour Alex.5eymour 60 Aug.9A1850 Gr.l P. 83 A Alex.Sey:nour 40 Apr.2~.1869 II 3 " .. 211 A C.',1] • Seymour (ch) 8 mo Aug.l8,1852 II 3 II 112 A Heeter L.Seymour Died previous,to 1839

'N illiam Benford 8 mo AUe;.1,1876 Gr.l 1'.13. 324 A Ag~es :Benford 8 mo Aug.30.l877 f' 1 1'.15. II 329 A Ida Benford 2'mo Aug.29,I880 tt 1 f.e. .. 9 D

~i8a 1!.L.Mills 26 Kar.l8,18'2 II 3 .. 104 A Curbed in - 2 Marble Headstones

~---_.-._----~-_.--.------Alexander Seymour wa~ the eon of Norman and Kate Sey­ mour of North~Qpton KaSB. 'lhi1e in Troy H.Y.,on business.he met and married Hester Lansing,d&ughter o~ Jacob Lansing who gave Lansingburg N.Y.its name. ~.and WZs.Seymour went to Utica N.Y. About 1834,Ur.Seymour concluded to engaae in the banking busi­ neSD in Cleveland,and he and hi8 wife and ohildren came here all the way from Utica ~.Y.ln a carriage. Their first home was on Huron street w&at ot Erie street. They then mOTed to a home on Rockwe~l street back of the new Post Ottice. In the Rockwell St. hO:11e,:l.I:rs.Hester Seymour died ot consumption. Atter her death Mr. 3eymour removed to Sun-Set cottage on ~ater street. The children were; lMo.ary Ann Seymour marriediYilliam Warren Corn~lius Seymour II Lucy Kingsbury nelen L.Seymour "Seth C.Ba1dwin

108 Square Feet S-ection 2 Lot 25 J.lathevr s.Cottrell north 13i feet

:"athew cottrell (ch )- Jan.24,1846 To Riverside Ce::: • j) • ..v •.o~ia.n 1 Aug.l,.1846 It .. It A1ex.::i.Cottrell ...R da Jan~7,18~2 It It It Baby ~ottrell 1 Aug.10,1 54 It II .. .. It Sylvia Cottrell 59 AUg.2.18~8 " Amanda Hart 42 Apr.24-.1 66 " .. II Matilda Cottrell 43 Feb.4,1871 ., .. It Transferred to the City of Cleveland Nov.20,1908 For removal of remains and nonument to Rivereide Cem. Certiflcatp ¥ll?O

64 ~quare Feet Section 2 Lot 2' Orville Gurle:; south 5 feet Orvill~ Gurley July 19,1853 Gr.3 P .129 A Brvlll@. ~urley Jr. no record ~dellne Gurl~y II "

~3 Marble Headstones 108 Square :Feet Section 2 Lot 26 AUgustus Hubbell north 13i feet

Emily Hubbell 2 Jan.17,1867 Gr. 1 f.centre p.260 A Anna V.Orne 32 Jlar.4.1687 "'3 ~.n. " 48 D Esther Hubbell 57 Feb.2t·189O .. 1 ~.n. " 65 D Baby Hubbell Apr.l ,1891 f' 1 f.s. " 72 n Baby Hubbell llay 25,l'~1 "1 f.s. " D llary Hubbell 3 -mo July 22 1 92 " 2 f.n. " ~5 :iJ Richard Hubbell 2 mo lfar.3118~3 It 4 f.s. " 89 D Augustus Hubbell 69 Apr.12,1 95 It 2 f.n. .. 95 D Rebecca Hubbell 67 OCt.26,1~04 .. 2 f.n. " 133 D lirs.Hubbell 60 lIar.29,l 50 " 3 " 77 A 1 34arble Headstone

80 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 26 John Hopper south 10 teet

1l.Morris (ch) 8 da June 3,1872 P.292 A Lyda Hopper 41 Apr.15,185l To Lake Vi~w 10/")7/1103 No Marks

112 Square :Feet Section 2 Lot 27 Mark Carr north 14 ~eet S.)(oor (ch) 1 June 28.1~4j Gr.2 (Probubly) P. 14 A )I'.Carr " 3 July 25,1847 rt 3 " 40 A John E.Carr June 25,1839 no record 1 Marble Headstone ------_.. -. --- 100 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 27 J~liza Tw1tt south 9ift.and north 3 ft.of lot 35·

Charles E. Twi tt 2 sePt.5~1865 Gr. (2 in gr.)p.24J A Eliza Cox June 1 ,1873 It 1 f.8. " 301 A John Cox .)( ~2 Feb.26,1889 •• 2 f .n . •• 60 D Sarah Cox 43 July 2,1845 .. 1 It 25 .A Edmund Twltt 46 June 11,1839 no record Oharles Oox 1 ...... ' Charles Cox 2 "., f' Marble lLonument - 3 Karole Headst'Jnf! ------_.-- 142 Square Feet S~cti(Jn 2 Lot 28 John Powers north 13t teet_ North 6 ft.of lot 10-aec.2

John Powere (cht 1 D8'C.10.1864 To Highland P1;lr~ John Powere .. 4 mo Kay 7,1865 " It· " John Powers 31 Apr.l;.1866 'I II ., James lIarehall 60 Jan.17,1900 ". II 'I Samuel 'Maller Apr.12,1900 .. " '. Cardine Waller ~~ June 19 1901 It " .. IIre.J.Waller 47 Dec. 14,186; " I' '1 Tran sferred to the City of Cleveland Oc~.27.1915 Exchanged for lota 312-3 section 2 Highland Par~ eel" . Certificate #3196 ------94 .3:tuare Feet Section 2 Lot 28 J.H.Stranahan south III teet J.Ruggles Stranahan 27 Sept.15.1839 no record Marble Headstone

48 Sq.,l are Feet Section 2 Lot 29 Clark Warren north 6 teet

~'Jis tvarren 22 July 27.1840 Gr.3 P. 2A Wi 11iam "iarren June 11,1850 "2 " 79 A Clar~ ~arren interred i~ gectian 7 lot 36 belonging to father of second wif~. No Marks

16 ~'.1are Feet S'eotion 2 Lot ~ Thomas Body south 12 teet

.i.'iettie Body 38 P.128 D Ourbed 1n - No ~k8

Transferred to Tho~asRody By Mre.C.C.Kohlmeyer July 5,1902.

') 48 Square Feet Section "- Lot 29 Jane J.111igan centre 6 teet

';OlD e • 111gan 44 Sept.7,1840 Gr.) P• 2 A Hugh 1'aberry 46 Oct.7,1856 " 1 (probably) "171 A No Marks --- 32 tiqaare Feet Section 2 Lot 30 John"J~VinA.11 north 4 feet

",- ,:>.!l;) J.Vinall (c~ ) Feb.27,l841 Gr.l P. 8 A Uary Vinall 2 Feb.5,1850 " 2 " 7r; A No UarkB

156 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 30 willia.m Potter south 191- feet Tracy .De ~orrest May 22,184] Gr.- P. 14 A "i 1 Lllim 'Potter 74 June 2,1843 " 2 " 14 A Aiar:>" Potter 68 Feb.ll,1844 " 2 " 23 A i.ir',?ottp,r 26 Sept.23.1855 " 4 " 162 A lie1fma Graves 19 Feb.19.1860 " 2 f.n. " 199 A 94 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 31 John Farley north Ilt feet

.rohn Farley Cch) 9 mo Mar.~2,1843 Gr.- P. 1) A John Farley " AUg.4,le4~ .. 3 " 26 A John :Farley " 1 SePt.19~1 47 If 3 It· 44 A Margaret Farley 2 Oct.8,153 " 4 ·t 134 A No Marks

94 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 31 Arthur "u1nn south IIi feet

1 /1 cc~ Arthur Q.uinn Cch) Apr.12.l843 To Lake Vicw 10/.J 1, ..... ,1 ." Arthur ,,"uinn 73 Mar.28.1883 II 0' " ..

188 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 32 Daniel Worley

James Worley (ch) Aug.19.1B41 '1"0 Highland Park 1/.3/1913 Ceorge Tomlinson 16 July 6.184~ " " •• " James Worley (ch) 7 mo Aug.20.184 " Lake View.. 10/.31/H:.bB George Worl.ey 19 J4ar.7.1649 ""., " J.D.Worley 2 Sept.l.1852 •• " 0' Caoline Worley 29 Oct.7.l8~5 Highland PH.rk 1/3- / h -- L"~: ~.,;-, "of ., II Eliza Worley 73 Jlar.19.l (,9 ., J.T.Worley 5'9 June 3.l8~6 " Lake View 1%.3j{lb05 John Worley 53 Oct.9.187 " •• " 3 29 1006 Transferred to the City of Cleveland J::f'c03,17L'. Exchanged for lot 175 section 1 Highland Park Cern. Certificate #2241

In 1824 Daniel Worley and his wife Eliza Tomlinson Worley came to Cleveland from Pittsburg. 'H.hen Glevelartd was made a city in l836.tr.Worley was chosen its rirat treasurer. He was a member of the achool board and later a city postrnaater Mrs.Worley died in Ibb9 having Lived in Cleveland 45 y ea.rs. She had 11 children. The Worleys Iived at the foot 01· Superior street. They then re~oved to Water street and finally to a farm on Broadway. The Worley children were; Phillip Worley married Justina Burke John Worl~y " 1 at ,Caroline Norris 2nd.Margaret Cowi~ t.oaisa W.rley " George P .Burwell Xargaret Worley " a widower George Worle~ died young James Worley Dr.Phillip Worley lived in Newburg after hie marriage and moved to :':.Da"llpart Iowa. ~ohn Warley had a wall paper store at 16 Public gquare for many years. He died on Woodland Avenue.No 219. The children of Jdbn and Caroline Worley were; Frederick,Daniel,and Jane Wor­ ley. Those of the eecond w1fe Margaret Cowin were;Frank.Newton, Anna, Charlotte,and BurtCl'l Worley. Louiea Worley Burwell was quite an invalid. She le~t no children. 208 Square Feet Section 2 Let 33· .Tames M.Craw 'and north 4 feet of lot 41

Sarah B.Cra. 63 .Tune 6,1843 To Lake View , II Mary Van Schuyver 31 Aug .17,1849 ., . ., ,. •• Wm.Van Schuyver 37 Oct.14,1839 ,,- ~rancee Van 3chuyver 1 Sept.4,1838 " " J~e5 ~.~raw 79 nov.23,1863 .. " " .illi~~ 1.Craw 85 Kay 8,1895 " Highland Park If *ileon ;.Cr~w 53 May 31,1900 " " Margaret Craw 83 .Tune 2,1903 " 0' n

T l'ansferred to the C1 tj of Glevela.l.'1d l10v •?oj , 1905. Exc~anged for lot 501-500 section 1 ~ighland Park Cem. Certifici-l.te '332

.Tames Killer Craw and his wi!e Sarah Bentley ar.w .ere from Albany N.Y.and brought their family ot five children to Cleveland in 1832. ~r.Cra. was a ~a90n and a contractor and his ~wo aone followed the same occupation. In 1837 they were living at 32 High street then a very attractive location. The family were members of Grace and Trinity Churc~ea. The children of .Tames and Sarah Craw were; ~illi~n Valoir Craw married Margaret 3i180n JameB Augustus craw "Rhoda Lynde Elizabeth Craw '. lli".e;.roodruff ~ary Craw " J08p.ph Van Schuyver ~conora Craw .. Moses Drake .T~e6 V.~raw a member of Cleveland's firBt council was tor~ on Pearl street l~ Albany N.Y. in lAlO. He was a car­ penter and building contractor. In later years he turned his a ttenti;m to the fish business and for 40 years dealt at No 62­ 70 River street. In l844.he married Margaret wilson. They be­ gan housekeeping at 20 Bolivar street which was their home tor many years. In time Mr.Craw became fish insuector of Cleveland. His bonded warehouse stoot for 48 years ~t 68-70 River stre~t. They both died on Kennard street near Scovill Ave. The children were; ~~itt:' Bentley Craw married Dr •.Tohn Gill corlett .Hlson John Craw .. Sarah Lawrence Frank Gardner ;;ra:H "Frances E. Whipple ~athilde Craw .. William J.Smith James iwiiller Craw unmarried

64 Jquare Feet Section 2 Lot )4 E.Gregg north 8 feet ':ynthia Gregg 5 no record liargaret Gregg .. II

2 Marble HeRdBtonen ------_.. ------l12 ~:;''.;,l.r~. Feet Section 2 Lot 34 R.H . .Elack!"'lel' south 14 feet :':rs.:Olacjcmer 52 Dec.ll,l847 ~Rry Gr.3 P. 46 A Blackmer 51 ~une l3~1854 n 4 !\. f~. :Dlackrr,er .. 143 A 09 Jlli.ar.7,1-,62 .. 1 f.e. .. 216 A F:J.Ymy Cushman 5' mo Jan.8,1847 " 2 " 3, A Curbed in - j ~arble Headstones ._----_._------169 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 35 T. C.Floyd south 20 feet

T.C.Floyd ( ch) Mar.16,1840 Gr.- ? 4 A ., It T.C.Floyd 5'0 .July ~,1862 - 218 A Eliza. J.Floyd 28 May 1 ,1841 " - " 5 A WillillJD Floyd May 21,1839 no record Curbed in - 3 Marblp. lIeadstone3 ------88 Square Feet Sectio:l 2 Lot 36 C.:uannering south 11 fee-c ;;filliam Fudge 41 Oet.2,183~ no record :Emi ly J!'udge Kov.l,183 It " 2 Marble Headstones

88 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 36 City of Cleveland north 11 feet William Corlett Oct.4,1846 P. 33 A

l~o Marks

~------176 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 37 Edward Wall

Eliza Wall 18 Uay 18,1'346 To Lake Vie',,,., Eliza Wall 59 Aug. 17, Ie 6~ ., " ., Edward ifa11 69 June 21 ,1, 72" " Fanny Druce 24 Sept.16,1880 ., " It Jiary Bruce 55 July 31,1890 It " "., Benjamin Bruce 66 June 13.1898 " "., E11~a Wall 4 May 17,1832 '1 " Edward Wall 1 Aug.30,18~7 " .. ., Edwin ..all 34 Apr.14,lB 2 " ., It Transferred to the City of C1evel~nd Nov.19,1907 For removal of remains to Lake Vi~w Cem. Certificate #85'7

Edward Wall,27 years old,a boot and shoemaker,l~ft Dales with his Wife and came to Cleveland in 1830. Mr.Wall had his Shop at 114 Superior .treet and his home was at 69 Seneca street. The Walls lived for a time on the south weat corner ~f Ontario and the Public Square. From thie the Walle moved to Huron street south of Erie streettwhere Mr.and Mrs.Wall dip-n. The children were; Eliza Wall died young Fanny Wall married Milton Rider Edward Wall died young Mary Wall married Frank Bruce Martha '.Vall "Brougham Harris 52 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 38 William B.B1shop centre 6i feet

Sarah :3ishop 29 Sept. 6,1842 Gr.3 P. 11 A Ct'illiam Bishop 8 mo Sept.14,1842 " .4 " 11 A ;:.B •.Bishop 1·:'"... Sept.21,1849 " 5 .. 71 A

:)4 .3quare Feet Section 2 Lot 3R H.E.Butler eout~ 8 feet

E.E.butlp.r 36 Apr.16,1853 Gr.2 P.125 A j,f.a.ry Butler 3 1:ay 21,1854 .. 3 .. 142 A .. 4 nenry Butlp.r 1 Hay 5',1855 It 157 A Elih'.l Butler no reoord

3 Marble Headst~ne8

52 Square Feet ~ection 2 Lot 39 Thomas Hatch north 6.l feet

:J.:1.~i~l llatch July 31,1842 Gr.2 P. 10 A

I Marble Headstone

Section 2 Lot 39 James Dodd south 11 feet ,.Tames Dodd 39 Aug.6,1849 Gr.3 1'. 65 A ~atherine DavidBo~ 45 Jan.10,1864 .. 2 f.n. .. 230 A George Shults Sept.8,1870 " 1 f.e. " 281 .A :"ario!1 ~add 4 Mar.24,1851 " 4 .. 92 A .Eli7,~beth ~elly 18 Aue:;.28,1843 ., " 16 A (Ii11 i~m Kelly 24 Apr .15, Ig43 " .. 13.A

1.. 0 }.:;arks

58 5quare Feet Section ~ Lot 39 Abner :'.Allen north 11 feet

Roxanna Allen 31 Yay 15,1843 Gr.l f.n. P. 14 A Atner L.Allen (c~) Nov.2,1865 If " 244 A Charl~s Allen 4 Mar.27,1872 " 1 " 291 A Abn~r L.Allen 92 Se~t.23,1876 II 4 .. 325 A

2 Marble HeadBt~neB 176 Square i'eet Section ~ Lot 40 Isaac Hewitt Lydia Hew! tt 65 oct.18,1845 Gr.1 P. 1:' .0\ II , Baby Hewitt 2 Aug.23,1847 .. 3 42 A Baby liewitt .Au~·ill18~1 '1 3 " 98 A Isaac Hewitt ~i Oc •• 85 II ., 197 A Baby Hewitt 3 mo Dec.29,1849 ., 2 .. 74 A No Marks

Korgan Lewis Hewitt.a physician and eurgeon,26 years old. came to Cleveland from Plattsburg N.Y. He married in 1836 Kiss Sarah Hitchcock.daughter of JUdge Silas and Polly Bradley Hitchcock ot CheShire Conn. The couple began housekeeping at 74 Bank street, subsequently Isaac L.Rewitt a brother came on from Plattsburg N.Y.and began a business career in the city. H~ invested in vessel property and later became interested in the ir~n ore trade. This led to the removal of Dr.Hewitt in 1857 to u:arquette JUch .ot which he became a founder and promoter. The children of Korgan and Sarah Hewitt were; Ellen S.Hewitt married Hon.Peter White ------_._---_._-_._------_.Mary L.Hewitt ~ Henry Mather 144 Squar(' J'eet Section '2 :.oot 41 J.B.Jackson south 18 feet Jane Jackson 25 Aug.7,1861 Gr.l P.211 A .1 1 J.B.Jackson 73 July 3,1876 (Ericlc) It 332 A Ann-Jackson 85 Feb.17.1888 " 1 f.n. II " 54 D Jane Ann Weldon no record

1 ~arble Headstone

160 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 42 James K.nwell south 20 feet

James Elwell (ch) Dec.10.1840 P. 4 A. llary Elwell 40 Mar.24,1851 rt 92 A ),1ra.Elwell 22 Aug.23,1852 It 113 A Susan Elwell 65 Apr.12,1862 II 217 A Oscar Elwell 27 lIar.25,1864 .. 232 A James Elwell 69 Jan.8.1876 II 3?O A Julia Bevins 5 1Il0 Aug.9.1875 II 317 A Mary Nevins 48 Oct.2;,1813 II 30 D Lavina Schwind 38 Jan.27.1882 .. Ie 1) Byron Schwind 20 June 12.1888 .. 56 D Charles Coan 41 Feb.21,1891 " 71 D Alice Coan 52 J&n.13,1903 '1 129 D Baby Helm 3 hr Apr.23,1897 " 104 D Anna Nicholson 81 Aug.29.1859 II 195 A Elizabeth Pendleton 69 May 24.1916 '1 141 D :Alary Pendleton I 61 Feb.8,lSBl To Woodl3.l1d 3/2/ 1:.i:,tj ,:' I(J I\~ Itt: e.. Zi I'VC1' bl l,o "1"~ ''I, 1,34 Ii',}-p. Private Vault Section 2 Lot 42 John B.~orton north 2 feet John Norton 69 Mar.15.1840 P. 4 A Dexter l:orton 34 Apr.4,1845 .. 24 A Frances .Norton 9 Jan.27,1842 " ,8 A No Marks

16 Sq'.,.lare Feet Section 2 Lot 43 :J.clwain north 2 feet

~;: r s • D. Swa i n Apr.23,1839 no record

1 ~arble Headstone

144 Square l'eet Section 2 Lot 43 A. E.Perr:l Boutn 18 feet baby Bell Jan.4,1846 Gr.6 P. 28 A ;jerome Wi lls(ln 40 Oct.24,1847 !' 3 .. 45' ..\ Clora Perr~' 2 wk July 14 1850 .. 1 " 81 A A .1..Perry )( 40 Dec .2~. 1863 It 2 f.9. " 229 A 3.1:..Perry ~ 33 Oct,l ,1866 .. 1 f.n. .. 25'1 A

Curbed in - Marble ~onument - 1 ~arble Headstone

176 Square Fe!"t Section 2 Lot 44 ~.S.Whe11~r 'Ii i 11i am ~,i1. eo 11e r 1 n::o Aug.5,1844 Gr,-., P. 21 A Jane "...be1lpT 87 Nov.17,1886 3 f.n. " 46 D Ber:ja:nin \','he11er ">( 28 July 19.1894 " 1 n.o'! mono .. 91 D I:Clrh1.ry .:. Truly 1 May 12,1847 " 4 .. 38 A Ja.ne G'.ly 62 Uar.14,1862 ., .. 216 A DellRh "i.~ackrell Sept.13818B3 no record Joe1 ~ 0 y ( ch ) Aug. 5',1 43 " " 15' A :oel COj form~rly owned the south 10 feet.

Grani te i~onument - 1 Marble Headstone

64 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 45' C.C.Murray north 8 feet Malinda rZurray 70 NoV.4,1881 Gr·3 f.n. P. 17 D c. (; ,llurray 73 Jan.)O,1894 " 1 f.s. " 89 D

-..: .~.·.Ul.'rCij o1..

-----"----~----_.------112 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 45 William Redhead south 14 feet Thomas newman 3 May 4,1851 Gr.2.. P... 93 A Garah Newman 4 Uay 2,1851 3 .. 93 A Fanny Redhead 3 mo APr.6,lB§3 " 2 ., 125 A Fanny Redhead 2 wk Jan.25,1 59 " 4 192 .\ Mary Readhead 43 Jan.2,lB~6 It 3 tt 320 A It .. Elizabeth Redhead 81 Dec.15,1 7~ , 2 f.s. 3.30 A Henry Redhead July 2],lB 2 . j f.s • ..." 21 D William Redhead ~~ Apr.24.1A85 .. 1 f.s • 39 D Hazel Redhead 4 rno nov.28.l890 " 1 f.e. " 70 D Baby Redhead Feb.l,1892 .. 1 f.s . .. 77 :D ~ Baby Redhead nec.B.18§5 " 1 fos. " 110 l' 1~e11ie Buell 15 Apr.12.1 96 " 1 r.n. .. 100 :0 George Buell - Mar .31,1879 •• 1 f.n . " .116 A 1W.6'" J: 1i'£O"tR~ &1 :Jp N 1'137 .. s;:; 5. 1~"SJj II . 2 JIar'ble Headstones _._._------_ .. 176 Sq..are Feet Section 2 Lot 46 3avin Smel1ie

Amanda Smellie 33 oct.15.1841 Gr.7 P. 7 A ~bert Smellie 1 mo Aug.4,1849 tt 4 " 64 A J hn Smellie 1 Dec.5,18~0 .. 4 tt 89 :\ Emerson Sme11ie 18 Jan.29,1 64 " 3 r.n. 230 A .. '. ~\ Gav1n SITJe11ie 70 AU g .§0. 1E70 ., 2 f.a. " 2e1 Calista Smellie 72 Apr. ,le85 J f.s. " 39 :D Pattereon.2 of them between 1833 and 1540 C~.l and 2 r.n. 6 Marble Headstones

Gaven Smellie came to Cleveland in 1825. ~e was born in Eaillierton Scotland in 1801. He was a mason by trade. 7he following year he married Amanda Morris. Mr. ~~d Mrs.Smellie lived at 19~ Ct.C1air street. ~ut 8o~e time in the early fourtiea he purchased and removed to a farm of 100 acres at the corner of S-:.lperior and East 79th str.eet where he lived until his death in 1879 Ur.Smellie gave five eona to hie adopted country dur­ ing the Civil War.,Two of Whom were killed in action. The children of Gaven and Amanda Smellie were; John S~ellie married Lida ~~itaker Susan Smellie "Henry G.Pearce Gav~n Sme111e "Julia ~~itaker Charles Sme11ie fell wounded in the battle pf Belmont Mo. 1861.

------176 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 47 lie'f!.ry Seaman

.oacy .3eaman I Nov.30.1840 Gr.l P. 3 A ~3.by Seama:l Apr.3.1B4~ " 2 " 9 A Cornelia 3eaman 1 Apr.24,1844 " 3 " 19 A Daby Seaman Aug.15,1847 " 4 " 41 A 1:rs .Lenry Seartl'ln 33 Fe,,".2'I,1849 " 6 .. 58 A Eenry Sea.rnan 60 Feb.22,lA67 If I f.n. " 254 A }ranac Seaman 30 Sept.24.1g68 " 1 f.B. " 266 A b Uarb1e Headstone3

-----~------176 Square Feet Section 2 Lot 48 John A.Foote

~organ Lewis Foote 2 wk Aug.29,1848 To LakE' View Frances 'Foote ., II~ .. 45 Apr.30.1855 ., Andrew Hull Foote 9 Sept.19,1855 .." " 5a.!I!Uel Foote 31 Apr.27,1861 ., " " ]'rancee :Foote 1 Kov.16,1836 " " John Foote 87 July 19.1B91 'I " Baby Horton uar.12,1860 -, H1ghl;'\l1d Par~ Pamelia Denison 29 May 7.1841 -, ., ., Charles Denison 37 Feb.2,184 1 " "

Trhn~ferred to the City of Cleveland Dec.lO,19l4 l:;)r n:;;oval of re::;3,ons to Lake View Cemej;:"rj'. > r ~ i. fie a i:. e ~:.? j 32 ------~r.and Mrs.John Alfred Foote came from Cheshire Conn, in 1833. Zohn A.Foote was the son of Cov.Samuel Foote. His moth er was Eudosia Hull,daughter of General Andrew Hul~ of Cheshire Connecticut. Another son of Gov.Foote became an admiral of the navy and still another one Au~~stus resided in Cleveland later and both he and his wife died here. Their home was Ontario st. Mrs.FrancP,9 Amelia Foote,wife of John A.Foote,was the oau~hter of Judge Sil~8 Hitchcock of Cheshire Conn. One of her 8iaters and a brother located in Cleveland and anoth~r sister died in Elyria uhio. John A.Foote was ~ graduate of Yale College. He pract iced law for six years in New Haven Connecticut and his ~irst Cleveland partner was Judge Sherlock Andrews. The Foote family lived on St.Clair street below Bank street for a numbe~ of years and then removed to Woodland Ave. At the organization of the Second presbyterian Church he became one of its elders. Mrs.Frances Foote died in 1855. 9~P~ 46 yeara.and three years later.~r.Foote married second ~~ry Shepler Hemperly,widow of A.D.Cutter. ~he children of John and Frances Foote ~ere; Sa~uel Foote died unmarried Laura C.Foote Married Charles A.Ely ~ary Eudosia Foote " Morgan E.Maynard Cornelia Foot~ "Gardner Maynard ';o~:.n A.Foote If Uiss Belle Palmer i'.ndrew FOGte died young Yranc~2 Foote ~ "

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