Burials and Removals Erie Street Cemetery 1840-1918 By John A. Gresser Cleveland, Ohio 1919 As scanned from microfilm of the 1919 typescript document. MICROFILMED 1961 FOR AXEL FREED AND GIVEN TO THE CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY Microfilm digitization, 2009 Backstage Library works, Bethlehem PA CITY OF' CLEVELAND DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PROPERTIES DIVISION OF CEMETERIES HIGHLAND PARK CEMETERY 21400 KINSMAN ROAD CLEVELANO 22, OHIO AXEL M. FREED TELEPHONE COMMISSIONER WASHINGTON '-4010 JOHN A. GRESSER.. Bom Bov. 28, 1886 Died Hay 2, ~ Baployed by the City or C1eveland 1n the Di.tsien ot Ceaeteries frEa Feb. 4§ 1914 until his death Kay 2, 19&+-'. During his childhood he l1ve4 1n • caretakers hou•• in Woodland C.etery where his rather. Ad_ Gres.er waa torl.an. After graduation rroa B1&h Schoo1 he took • bua1a.s. cour.e. At the age or twenty eight he vas .ployed aa Senior CUn and aa.igned tq Erie Street eeaetery, vbere at that ttae bodie. vere being reIIoved, as p1an. were to abollsh the Ceaetery. fi' • the recordiIli or all transters ve" aade by h1a and this eave hill the inspiration to vrite the history or Brie Street C.etery. Frma 1915' to 1919 .ost or his U.e was devoted to this project. Be spent auch ttae at the Clewland Public Library gathering 1nro~tion traa newspapers and . period1cals. _ He enjoyed searching in old history and vas wry precl" in his work. He was bard or hearing and yore a h.aring ald I which he a1ways shut ott vh1le vorkinc. For h1a to llake a mistake or error vas unc~on. PNa 1934 until bi. death he worked in Highland Park C.etery and he died on the ~ob troa a heart attack. ae was a devoted publlc serYant and a good rr1end who I have missed very IlUch. Our Early Cemeteries By W.R.Rose The continuous agitation tor the abolition of Old Erie Street Cemetery.backed by the steady growth of the city and the increasing demands ot business.keeps that mortuary tract in the public mind. ~e Erie Street Cemetery is close to 93 years old. It was in 182, that the Village council showed a practical realiza­ tion of the nec.ssity tor a n.w burying ground. The old graveyard set of in the o.riglnal survey ot the c1 ty.at the inter.ection ot what were att.rwards called Ontario and Prospect stre.ts,wa. no longer ot adequate dimensions,and was quite too near the center ot populat10n - ..11 as, that popu1.at1on was. Several years be­ tore its abandonment.Leonard C••••Sen.had been authorl~ed to se­ cure a suitable site tor a c..eter" at a proper distanc. trom the busine.s seotion,and ot .utt1cient are. to W&rraat lte use tor many year•• He oonsidered a DUmber ot sites and tin.lly hlt upon a tract 1n a grove on "hat is now known a. k.t 9th et.re.t. He purchased th1s land and hl. choic. was a~prove4 by the village council in 182;,~ land being accepted and ••t aslde tor o..e­ tery use•. In the leaet ~eneiv• .ann.r pos.ible,tile tract ... cleared and laid out tot 1,t•. _.,Wm»lated purpo.e •and as soon as this was done,a nuaber ot bedlee and head.tone. were removed to it from the older burying ground. I twas"UDderstoed that the tract was beugbt witb the wri t ten agreement" that it Mould be u.ed OJl],y tor oe.eteZ7 pur­ poses.but in 1836,tbe tir.t year of the olty,the oi107 oWllel1 authorized the oontinuance ot the poorhou.e on the c_teJ7 grounds,and a1eo permitted the .rection ot a powder magas1a. in one section. Thes. tact. coming to the knowledge ot Douglas,Ue former owner,.' the land,he notitied the city ot tbe e21.teDce ot his clalm,and ottered to rellnquieh it upon the payment te hill of $3,300. Atter considerable argument the oouneil tlnally .ppro­ priated the lWIl,but it was ..eTer drawn trom the city tre.nry. In 1640 hugl.s au_ ~e oity OIl the alleged written a­ greement. The auit ..s deten4.4 011 the ....t e,t tbe oorpontloD 'by . "Attorney Bu.hnell 1Dl1te,' the OMlrt dec~1IC adver••ly te Deq1a•• , the c_tery.or bur;ylna grouad .. it was orts1Jaa1ly called,". 1&14 ., 1D twelve 4iV1.i..e.each containl.1'ftII 200 to 30P lotI'. 1D l84t,th1rteen 7-"'s ~ the tlret latenaeDta. there had been 707 1Iurials iD the iDclonre. 1'01'_ 7eu. 1a'kr the number exce.ded 25',000.' The old.est &%,&ve tD the oemeteZ7 is tat .~ ••'__• of the sturdy plon.er,JE&Jor Lo~ carter,her ~••_1'1 1803,her remains haT.t.& 'been r--.4 rna the .u.. 1111211..: HEr headstone was ot ...lIurp. eaa4-.tone aDd 1 t '..- .....""-""-,. menta tor many years. KaJor LoreHo carter's o-a't . ".~ ',-...,, 1814- wae not tar from hi. daughter's grave. -2- Many ot the bod1es near the ma1n entrance were moved there trom the first oe.etery.the head8tone8 bearing dates ranS1n£ from 180, to 1825. Amons the pro_inent ear1y tami1ies represented in the lone mortuar,r roll were the Perry.Gilbert.Spaftord,lacy, Ke11ey,Ca.e,Ki118,Cow1e8,»erwin,Wedde11,and Brainard families. The fir.t catho1ic -priest in C1ev~land,Father Dillon,wa. buried there. ot the early cemeterie8 included 1n the city by extens­ ion of MUniodpal limit8,the olde8t was the Newburg cemetery, containing eight acre. and datins back to 1804. The Konroe St. cemetery wa. la1d out prior to 1830 &ad covered 32. acree. The Jewish ce.etery on Will.tt 8treet,li acres,w•• opened in 1849. On lun.· 22,in the .... year.~i8hop Rappe puroha8ed from Norman C.Baldwin 1..d ou Edwards road,now Wood1and Ave.,for st.~o8eph~ Catholic cemetery,the first catho11c cemetery in the county. Barly in the ',0. the city authorities realized that the Erie Street c..etery·w•• entirely inadequate for the grOWing needs of the _nic1pality. !hey rea11zed,too.thatthere must be no more downtown graveyards••esotiationswere started by the counci1 and 1. the autumn 04 1852 a site was fina1ly seoured. It was a tract ot 1and on Edward~roadtnot far from Willson St. (now E.55th at.)and about two and one half miles from the Court House. It wa. named Woodland Cemetery and the council decided to have twenty acree of the tract promptly cleared and la1d out and R.DaDiels.a landscape gardener,was brought from New York to direct the work. On Tu..d~.June 14,1853.Woodland cemetery waa dedicated with impo.ing oeremonie~.a large proportion of the community be­ ine in attendence. Mayor Abner C.Brownel1 was accompanied by ex-~yor8 Wil11.. Case.P.W.B1ngham.L.A.Keleey.Josiah A.Harrie, George Hoadley,Samuel Starkweather,Nelson Hayward,John W.Allen, and Biohola8 Dooketader. With ~ew exceptions the councilmen of 18,1-2-3 were »re8ent and there were many invited guests. The, proar.. inoluded religious servicee,a dedication ode, remarks by Samuel Starkweather and a d~ication address by Rev.S....AdUlS. The acquisition ot Woodland cemetery ended the half cent­ ury chapter at CleYeland's mortuary history. It was a long ad­ vance trom the little arav.yard of 1804 to the broad acres ot Woodland.and yet,1n a f .. year8,the demand tor atill larger and more d1etaat acoo..odationa was to be answered by Lake View and River8ide and other burial parks. Newbur. Cemet.ry. Will you pl... tell _ WbeD and "'by th'! 014 N_bu~ ceme­ tery ..... ll'eetroye4 ... the bodl.. removed to Harvard Oro.e ceme- tery! H. L. Cl.....'..... The old N_bur;' Cemelf'''y, lIol1le­ timell caJled the Aktell 8treet Ceme­ tery, .wu ~t.. 011 "'hat I. ftO-Z 'E. 18tb Mtreet, whe... It I. cro.... l"by t.. WhftllDC A Lak. Brie RaIl• .road. TIl. _etery w.. ......... prollelll)- .. _rlT •• 18Il8. Not_a I att......_utloa Of thl. territory .'0 ~d the Couaoton Railroad """tfOCl . throup CleYelallllf• .........die .sf)- aaId tb. "metery to the fer I" rI&'Idot ..,. The ........... ~ hu eIac. ~...~t". I •• A '1. .... IUd ou~ UiL Hanard 0Irntl ~. lUOO . I.......,- Iton Holds City might eell Burial Plot. The opinion of City Solicitor Newton D.Balcer is. in part. as follows: Erie Street Cemetery was acquired in september,1825. by Leonard Case.trustee,and on the 29th day of Karch.l826,Leon­ ard and Elizabeth Case conveyed the land by quit.clai. to the vill~ge of Cleveland. Almost immediately the ~4 waa laia out and platted as a cemetery and continuously fro. that time until recently the Erie Street Cemetery was a public c..etery.owned and maintained by the city,and Tery many buriale were author­ ized there,the number aggregat1ng,I am told,perhaps 20.000. Upon the question as to the nature ot the city's title, I am wholly tree from doubt. Originally the property was owned b' the Connecticut Land Co.and it subsequently came into the possession of Caleb Atwater,and torty seven others who deeded it to Korgan,Caldwell and Brade a. trusteea by quitclaim deeds from Eldridge and other Joint proprietors. Leonard Case became the owner ot the dratt interests ot William Eldridge,Thomae Lloyd and Charles Douglas. Kr.Case then tiled a petition suit, statin£ ~t he was tenant in common with divers other persons, inclUding that covered by the ~ie street Cemetery and assert­ ing a tee si.ple title to the lots in question.
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