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Cleveland Public Library Digital Gallery REFERENCE COLLECTION CLEVELAND PUBLIC LIBRARY 1853. KNIGHT & PARSONS’ BUSINESS DIRECTORY, OF THE CITY OF CLEVELAND, ALSO, CONTAINING IN ADDITION I A SKETCH OF THE EARLY HISTORY OF CLEVELAND, AND VALUABLE STATISTICAL IKFORMATIOH. EMBELLISHED WITH A NEW AND CORRECT MAP. CLEVELAND: PUBLISHED B r E. O. KNIGHT & CO., AND PARSONS & CO., 1 8 5 3 . PRINTED BY HARRIS, FAIRBANKS & CO. Printers. Stereotypen aod Bookbinders, Herald Building, Cleveland, 0, ADVERTISEMENT. The publishers, in presenting this Directory, which they flatter themselves will be found, in style and completeness nearly adequate to the wants of our flourishing city, in justice to themselves, and to forestall any criticisms which may fall unjustly on the work, would offer the following remarks: Wo expense has been spared to secure a thorough canvass of the city; every street, lane, and alley, has been reported to us, and we have had no reason to question the fidelity of those whom we have employed. Still there may be, and probably are, some errors in the volume, in reference to residences, places of business, and occu­ pation, arising from the fact that some of our streets are very deficient in numbers ; and especially will this apply to those recently laid out. The most rigid examina­ tion was made of the reports brought in to us, and all that care and industry could do to render the work full and accurate, has been done. The sketch of the city has been carefully prepared by our townsman, Dr. J. S Newberry; the historical portion of which having been principally compiled from the notes kindly furnished him by John Barr, Esq. As a glance at the past, present and probable future of Cleveland, they think it will be of interest and value. The map has been engraved expressly for this work, from the large map of the city recently published. It will be found to be of great utility as a matter of reference. The mechanical part of the book will speak for itself. The paper is from the mill of our friends Younglove & Hoyt, the printing done by Harris, Fairbanks <fe Co. Everything, with the exception of the cover, being the production of the artizans of the city, once known as “ the town six miles from If ewburgh, where steamboats occasionally stop for wood and water.” The publishers hope the book will commend itself to the citizens of the place and receive their patronage. Should this be sufficient to warrant them in issuing another and similar one, this may be but the first of a series of Cleveland City Directories. J an uary 1st, 1853. I GENERAL INDEX. PAGE. Attorneys, - ..... 292 Auction and Commission Merchants, . 313 A. 0 . G. F. Society, - - - - 80 Avenues, Streets, Lanes and Alleys, - - - 13 Blocks, Halls and Public Buildings, . 285 Banks, - ' - - 80 Bankers, - - - - - .82 Brotherhood of the Union, .... 80 Bakers, ...... 302 Book-Binders, ..... 298 Book and Job Printers, ..... 297 Book-Sellers, ..... 297 Boot, Shoe, and Leather Stores, - - - 300 Breweries, - - - - 313 Boarding Houses, ..... 287 Barbers and Hair Dressers, - - - - 316 Cleveland, Past, Present and future, - - - 1 7 “ Medical College, - - - 46 “ Female Academy, - - - 51 “ Eclectic Seminary, - - - . 52 “ University, - - . -49 " Female Seminary, .... 50 " Mendellshon Society, - • 67 “ Library Association, .... 68 “ Horticultural Society, - - 69 “ Gas Light and Coke Company, - - 81 Crockery, Glass and Earthen Ware Dealers, - • 301 Clergymen, - • - . - 289 Clothing Stores, - - . 298 Custom House Officers, - • - - 86 Classical and English School, - - . 5 4 Confectioners, - . - . 302 Circuit Court U. S. » 38 Court Common Pleas, .... 40 County Officers, - - - - - 41 Charter Officers, year 1842, - - ■ - 41 City Council, - - . - 42 Constables, ..... 42 Cabinet makers, - - . - 309 Carriage makers, ..... 313 Cigar and Tobacco Dealers, .... 309 Convent, - - - . $3 Catholic Theological Seminary, - - - 64 “ Orphan Asylum, - - - - 64 Daguerreian Artists, - - . 312 VI KNIGHT & p a r s o n s ’ PAGE* District Court, _ 411 Druggists, - - 296 Dry Goods Merchants, 295 Exchange Brokers, m 82 Executive Government of the U. S. 37 English and Classical School, _ _ 51 Firemens’ Board, - - _ 43 iFire Companies, _ 43 Folsom’s Mercantile College, _ 51 Father Matthew's Mutual Benevolent Total Abstinence Society. 72 Fancy Goods and Toys, 297 ■ Forwarding and Commission Merchants . 294 Flouring Mills, <■ 3l3 Gunsmiths, . _ 310 German School, 54 German and English School, • _ 54 Hook and Ladder Companies - 44 Hat, Cap and Fur Stores, . _ 299 Hardware Merchants, . 296 I. 0. 0. F. 79 I. 0. R. M. 80 Insurance Offices and Agencies, _ 82 Iron, Nails and Glass Dealers, - - 301 Justices of the Peace • _ 42 Jewelers, _ 296 Ladies Temperance Union, - . 66 Lard Oil Manufacturers, - 312 Looking Glass “ r - - 310 Livery Keepers, - 313 Mercantile Library Associations, . - 67 Miss Hayden’s Seminary, - 52 “ Stoddard’s School, • - 53 “ Thayer’s Female Seminary, - 53 “ Fitch’s School, . „ 51 Military Companies, - 44 Mayors of the City of Cleveland, - - 41 Merchant Tailors, . 298 Masonic, - . 79 Master Builders. 314 Marine Total Abstinence Society, •- 62 Marble Dealers, . 312 Marine Hospital, . ■ - 69 Mygatt & Brown, Bankers, . 319 Milliners and Dress Makers, -- 317 Music Teachers, . 311 “ Stores, .- 311 Names, Residence, Occupation and Place of Business, 95 Newspapers and Periodicals, . 76 Names of Subscribers in Ohio City, . 284 Officers U. S. Army, - - 38 “ Fire Department, - 42 Omissions, • - 319 Painters, • - 315 Physicians and Surgeons, - - 290 Piana Forte and. Melodeon Manufac urers, 312 Post Office Arrangements 87 CITY DIKECTOEY. VII PAGE. Plane Manufacturers, 316 Public Schools, 45 “ Grounds, 15 Presidents of the United States, 37 Probate Court, 41 Principal Hotels, 286 Kail Roads, 75 Religious Societies, 54 Routes from Cleveland, 88 Retail Groceries, 303 Retail Grocers and Liquor Dealers, 304 Saddle and Harness Manufacturers, 316 Saleratus Manufacturers, 310 Soap and Candle “ 312 Stove, Sheet Iron and Tin Dealers, 310 Supreme Court United States, 38 “ “ Ohio, * 39 Superior Court of Cleveland, 40 State Officers, 39 St. Andrew’s Society, 70 St. George Society, 71 Sons of Temperance, 79 Society for Savings, 81 Surgeon Dentists, 292 Saloons, 307 Telegraph Lines, - 72 Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Dealers, 301 Western College of Homoeopathic Medicine 48 Water Cure Establishment, - * 70 Young Ladies’ Institute. 53 INDEX TO ADVERTISEMENTS. ATTORNEYS: Davidson, R. ' - - - - - 11 Otis <fe Wolcott, - - - - 36 Spalding, Rufus P. ----- 32 ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS: Hough, H. A. - - - - - - 18 Prince, James 0. - . - - 24 Styles, S. M. - - - - - 31 BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS: Ingham, W. A. - - - - 19 Knight, E. G. & Co.. - - - - - 21 Parsons & Co., - - - - - 25 Tooker & Gatchell, - - - - - 34 BANKS: Forest City Bank, ----- 15 BRASS FOUNDERS: * Faman, Walter - - - - - 15 BOTANIC MEDICINES: Parks, J. R. - - - - - 24 BOOT AND SHOE DEALERS : Seymour & Crowell, - - - - - 30 BRIDGE BUILDERS: Thatcher, Burt <fc Co. .... 34 BOOK-BINDERS: Creighton, R. - - - - - 8 BREW ERIES: Ives, S. C. .... 19 CLOTHING STORES: Robison, C. H. ‘ - - - - 27 CARRIAGE AND WAGON MAKERS : Drum, John - 13 Hurlbut, A. W. - - - - - 17 CHINA, GLASS AND EARTHENWARE DEALERS: Brooks, O. A. & Co. - 7 Fogg, J. & W. P. - - - - - 15 CITY DIRECTORY. IX PAGE. „ COAL DEALERS: • Crawford & Price, _ 8 Moyston, W. A. - 40 Pendleton, I. C. 23 Tod & Rhodes, - 33 CABINET MAKERS: Hart, William & Co. 18 CAR-WHEEL MANUFACTURERS: Sizer, G. W. & Co. 30 DAGUERREIAN ARTISTS: Johnson <fc Fellows, - 20 DENTISTS: Strickland & Horton, 31 Short, S. P. - 31 DRUGGISTS: Haywood, Woods & Co. 18 Hensch & Raebel, 16 Kingsley, E. - - - 20 Palmer, E. W. 26 Parsons, H. - 24 DRY GOODS: Alcott & Horton, 1 Emery, Pinkham & Co. _ 13 Hoffman & Kupfer, . 18 Ivison, Edward , 20 Rettberg, Doeltz & Hausmann - 28 EDGED TOOLS: Powell & Co. - 24 EXPRESS COMPANIES: American Express Company, . 1 Kasson’s Despatch, - 20 GOLD PEN DEALERS : Hopkins, James E. - 19 HARDWARE : McArthur <Sc Co. 17 Ryan, James S. 27 Wells, H. K. 37 HARNESS AND SADDLE MAKERS: Christian & Marshall, 1 0 HATS, CAPS AND FUKS: Dockstader, R. & N. 11 Lederman, A. 22 HOTELS: Napoleon Hotel, */ 13 "Waverly House, ■ 39 KNIGHT & PARSONS PAGE. INSURANCE AGENTS: Bravton & Mason, .... 2, 3, 4, 5 Coe, S. S. .... 9 Faber, Theodore - . 14 Garrett & Briggs, .... 16 Senter, George B. .... _ 35 Seywert, A. .... 31 Shaw, S. B. 29 Winslow, N. 0. 39 LITHOGRAPHERS AND ENGRAVERS: Brainerd & Burridge, 6 Hopkins, James E. 19 LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH : Buttles, A. & Son .... 1 Hostetter, Charles D. - 19 Ransom, Cobb & Co. ' 27 Robbins <fc Ballard, - 29 Sanford, D. - 33 LIVERY KEEPERS: Mason, 0. L. 22 MACHINISTS AND FOUNDERS: Craig, Wm. S. - 10 Franklin, J. & Co., Eagle Foundry, 15 McClelland & Co., Phoenix Foundry, - 26 MERCANTILE COLLEGE: 14 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND FANCY GOODS: Emery, Pinkham & Co. - 13 Payne, E. A. & Co. 23 Rettberg, Doeltz & Hausmann . 28 MARBLE DEALERS: Whitman & Colton, - 35 MERCHANT TAILORS: Hancock & Pynchon .... 40 Powers, S. A. 40 Seaman, Henry .... - 29 MELODEONS: Bishop & Child, .... 6 PACKERS AND PROVISION DEALERS: Gale & Chapin, - 16 PLANING MILLS: Hostetter, Charles D. 19 Ransom, Cobb <fc Co. 27 Robbins & Ballard, 29 PATENTS: Barry, S. S. A Co. 7 Burridge & Brainerd, 6 CITY DIRECTOBY. XI PAGE. PHYSICIANS : Dodge, L. ----- - 26 Newberry, J. S. - 23 Hodman, Thomas S. - - 29 PAINTERS : "Wadsworths A Akers, .... 38 REAL ESTATE AGENTS: Garrett A Briggs, ..... 16 Seywert, A. ..... 31 STOVES, SHEET IRON, TIN AND COPRER WARE : McMillan A Co. ..... 2 2 Tindal, N \ B. -
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    1835. EXECUTIVE. *l POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. Persons employed in the General Post Office, with the annual compensation of each. Where Compen­ Names. Offices. Born. sation. Dol. cts. Amos Kendall..., Postmaster General.... Mass. 6000 00 Charles K. Gardner Ass't P. M. Gen. 1st Div. N. Jersey250 0 00 SelahR. Hobbie.. Ass't P. M. Gen. 2d Div. N. York. 2500 00 P. S. Loughborough Chief Clerk Kentucky 1700 00 Robert Johnson. ., Accountant, 3d Division Penn 1400 00 CLERKS. Thomas B. Dyer... Principal Book Keeper Maryland 1400 00 Joseph W. Hand... Solicitor Conn 1400 00 John Suter Principal Pay Clerk. Maryland 1400 00 John McLeod Register's Office Scotland. 1200 00 William G. Eliot.. .Chie f Examiner Mass 1200 00 Michael T. Simpson Sup't Dead Letter OfficePen n 1200 00 David Saunders Chief Register Virginia.. 1200 00 Arthur Nelson Principal Clerk, N. Div.Marylan d 1200 00 Richard Dement Second Book Keeper.. do.. 1200 00 Josiah F.Caldwell.. Register's Office N. Jersey 1200 00 George L. Douglass Principal Clerk, S. Div.Kentucky -1200 00 Nicholas Tastet Bank Accountant Spain. 1200 00 Thomas Arbuckle.. Register's Office Ireland 1100 00 Samuel Fitzhugh.., do Maryland 1000 00 Wm. C,Lipscomb. do : for) Virginia. 1000 00 Thos. B. Addison. f Record Clerk con-> Maryland 1000 00 < routes and v....) Matthias Ross f. tracts, N. Div, N. Jersey1000 00 David Koones Dead Letter Office Maryland 1000 00 Presley Simpson... Examiner's Office Virginia- 1000 00 Grafton D. Hanson. Solicitor's Office.. Maryland 1000 00 Walter D. Addison. Recorder, Div. of Acc'ts do..
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