Strong Regularities in Growth and Decline of Popularity of Services

Christian Bauckhage Kristian Kersting University of Bonn, TU Dortmund University, Fraunhofer IAIS Fraunhofer IAIS Bonn, Dortmund, Germany

ABSTRACT Google Trends Google Trends 100 shifted Gompertz 100 shifted Gompertz 80 80 We analyze general trends and pattern in time series that 60 60 40 40 characterize the dynamics of collective attention to social 20 20

media services and Web-based businesses. Our study is 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 based on search frequency data available from Google Trends (a) buzznet (b) failblog and considers 175 different services. For each service, we

collect data from 45 different countries as well as global av- Google Trends Google Trends 100 shifted Gompertz 100 shifted Gompertz erages. This way, we obtain more than 8,000 time series 80 80 60 60 which we analyze using diffusion models from the economic 40 40 20 20 sciences. We find that these models accurately characterize 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 the empirical data and our analysis reveals that collective (c) flickr (d) librarything attention to social media grows and subsides in a highly regular and predictable manner. Regularities persist across Google Trends Google Trends 100 shifted Gompertz 100 shifted Gompertz regions, cultures, and topics and thus hint at general mech- 80 80 60 60 anisms that govern the adoption of Web-based services. We 40 40 discuss several cases in detail to interesting find- 20 20 ings. Our methods are of economic interest as they may 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 inform investment decisions and can help assessing at what (e) studiVZ (f) wikipedia stage of the general life-cycle a Web service is at. Figure 1: Examples of Google Trends time series Categories and Subject Descriptors which summarize how worldwide searches for dif- ferent social media services evolve over time. Even G.3 [Probability and Statistics]: Time series analysis; though individual curves differ considerably, an ap- H.3.5 [Online Information Services]: Web-based services propriately parameterized diffusion model accounts well for the apparent general trends of initial growth General Terms and subsequent decline of interest. Results obtained Economics, Human Factors, Measurement from more than 8,000 temporal signatures of collec- tive attention on the Web indicate that these find- ings are universal and that interests of large crowds Keywords of users follow these patterns regardless of regional, social media services, collective attention, trend prediction cultural, or linguistics backgrounds.

arXiv:1406.6529v1 [cs.SI] 25 Jun 2014 1. INTRODUCTION The problem of understanding the dynamics of collective spread of diseases [19], accounts of the propagation of news human attention has been called a key scientific challenge for items [4,5, 14], characterizations of the formation of politi- the information age [39]. In this paper, we address a spe- cal opinions [22], or predictions of tourism flows [2]. cific aspect of this problem and mine search frequency data Search frequencies are of particular interest in nowcast- for common trends and shared characteristics. Our focus is ing which aims at real time monitoring of economic trends on query logs which summarize the evolution of global and and developments [12]. Aggregated search behaviors of mil- regional interests in social media services and we explore lions of users yield reliable predictions for sales or general to what extend the general dynamics of collective attention economic indicators [13, 33]. Temporal changes in search apparent from these data can be modeled mathematically. volumes were found to correlate with changes in the behav- Search frequency analysis is an emerging topic and a grow- ior of investors [9, 16] and to allow for predicting abnormal ing body of work shows that patterns found in aggregated stock returns [18, 26]. Accordingly, analysts in the social search data of large populations of Web users can provide sciences, public health, or economics are beginning to em- insights into collective concerns, interests, or habits. Results brace query log analysis as an alternative to more traditional on temporal dynamics of search engine queries are reported methods. from various fields and include data driven models of the The work reported here originates from a project on Web intelligence where we ask for socio-economic motivations for individuals to participate in collective endeavors on the Web. Table 1: 45 countries considered in this study Regarding services, products, and campaigns we investigate Africa MA, NG, ZA approaches that would allow companies or marketeers to Asia CN, ID, IN, JP, KR, MY, PH, TH, TW recognize whether they need to adjust their strategies in or- AU, NZ der to remain competitive in the modern Web environment. In particular, we ask to what extent it is possible to pre- Europe AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GR, IE, IL, IT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RU, SE, TR, dict the future success or adoption of services, products, or UA, UK marketing messages using collective Web intelligence? Our paradigm is to mine Web data for possible indicators N-America CA, MX, US of trends in collective attention. In this paper, we consider S-America AR, BR, CL, CO, PE, VE time series obtained from Google Trends which summarize search interests of millions of users worldwide and we focus on temporal signatures that characterize evolving interests in social media. Extending previously published work [6], our contributions are as follows: 1) We briefly review recent results which underline that Google Trends data provide meaningful and reliable proxies for research on how opinions and interests of large crowds and populations evolve over time. 2) We analyze search frequency data from 45 countries related to 175 social media services and Web businesses. Given this comprehensive empirical basis, we perform trend pertaining to its validity and the significance of search data analysis using economic diffusion models and find them to have been addressed in two recent contributions. be in excellent agreement with the data. In particular, we Mellon [34] correlated results from traditional Gallup sur- find that collective attention to social media as evident from veys with Google Trends data and found that, w.r.t. politi- search frequencies evolves according to notably regular pat- cal and economic issues covered in traditional opinion polls, terns. Although microscopic behaviors may be chaotic, gen- search frequencies provide accurate proxies of the dynamics eral trends apparent in these data typically show simple and of salient public opinions. Teevan et al. [38] studied how peo- highly regular dynamics of growth and decline. ple navigate the Web and found that over 25% of all queries 3) We present evidence that this phenomenon persists to search engines are navigational queries, i.e. searches for across regions, cultures, and linguistic backgrounds and we company names such as , , or that elaborate on several particular examples to highlight sev- are intended to find and then access particular Web sites. eral interesting findings. We investigate the potential of our In other words, a large percentage of Web users consistently models for forecasting and present qualitative results which relies on Google searches rather than on bookmarks or on indicate that they indeed allow for reasonable predictions of entering URLs in order to navigate to Web sites. Together future developments of collective attention. these findings thus suggest that data from Google Trends Next, we discuss the empirical basis of our study. Sec- which aggregate information about the search activities of tion3 reviews models and methods applied for analysis; re- millions of users are indeed indicative of collective interests sults are discussed in section4. Section5 contrasts our work in Internet services, technical products, or novelties. to the related literature and section6 concludes this paper. 2.2 Data Collection and Preprocessing 2. SEARCH FREQUENCY DATA: A PROXY In this paper, we analyze global and regional temporal search statistics related to query terms such as ebay, face- OF COLLECTIVE ATTENTION book, or youtube that indicate a populations interest in so- Our overall goal is to proceed towards a better under- cial media services or Web-based businesses. For potentially standing of the dynamics of collective interests and concerns ambiguous queries, we retrieve data for different spellings of large populations of Web users. The empirical basis for (e.g. google plus, googleplus, google+, google +) and compute the work reported here consists of time series obtained from their average. In total, we consider data from 45 different Google Trends which indicate how search volumes related to countries related to 175 services. As we also retrieve corre- specific topics evolve over time. sponding global search activities, our empirical basis consists of more than 8.000 data sets. 2.1 Background The 45 countries considered in this study are listed in Google Trends is a publicly accessible service that pro- Tab.1. They were selected according to population size, vides statistics on queries users submitted to Google’s search Internet penetration, and availability of query logs. Note engine. It allows for retrieving weekly summaries of how that this sample covers various regions, cultures, and official frequently a query has been used since January 1st 2004. languages and is deliberately not restricted to countries that Aggregated statistics are available in form of global aver- are technologically far advanced. ages but can be narrowed down to regional statistics, for The 175 social media sites and Web businesses we con- instance on the level of individual countries. sider are listed in Tab.2. These, too, were chosen accord- Analyzing topic specific search dynamics is an increasingly ing to penetration and profile. Among others, they include popular approach in studies on collective preferences [2,4, general and specialized social networking sites, photo- and 5,9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 22, 26, 33] and important questions video sharing sites, music streaming services, virtual hang- three diffusion models which we review in the next section. Table 2: 175 social media services and businesses 43things flixter mocospace adify fotoki myheritage stumbleupon 3. DIFFUSION MODELS airbnb fotolog mylife svpply Visual inspection of search frequency time series related to aisanavenue foursquare myspace sysomos social media reveals noticeably common patterns: although, amazon friendsreunited nasza-klasa taringa amirite techcrunch on a microscopic level, collective interest in individual ser- gaiaonline netvibes technorati vices varies chaotically, macroscopic trends typically show asmallworld getglue nexopia tencent-qq an initial phase of accelerated growth followed by periods github tripadvisor of saturation and prolonged decline (see, for instance, the gogoyoko openbc tripit examples in Fig.1). betfair goodreads openid Skewed temporal distributions like these frequently occur bigadda google+ grono owly twango in economics where they indicate buying behaviors or rates bitly grooveshark paypal twitpic of adoption are studied using diffusion models. We adhere blackplanet groupon photobucket to this methodology and investigate to what extent simple bliptv habbo diffusion models can characterize general trends in our data. boxcryptor plaxo vimeo Note that more elaborate approaches such as Gaussian busuu hulu playdom virb mixtures or kernel techniques might provide more accurate buzznet ibibo vkontakte cafemom imgur qapacity wakoopa fits. Alas, they typically lack interpretability since they yield cloob quechup wattpad abstract in terms of (numerous) latent variables without cotweet italki qzone weeworld physical meaning. Diffusion models, on the other hand, are cozycot itsmy ravelry weibo deliberately designed to explain time series in terms of intu- craiglist reddit weread itive concepts that represent knowledge about everyday life janrain wesabe and the real world. dailybooth jiepang revver wikia dailymotion joost scribd wikipedia Since we are interested in macroscopic trends, we restrict deezer justin-tv scvngr winpalace our analysis to two-parameter models which are unlikely to delicious kdice secondlife wordpress over-fit the data but will capture its gist. Moreover, they deviantart kickstarter seedrs facilitate data exploration and simplify comparisons of sets digg kiwibox sevenload of time series. In order for this paper to be self contained, disaboom knitty shelfari yelp this section briefly reviews the three diffusion models we disqus lagbook shopify youku dontstayin skyblog youtube consider. dropbox librarything skype zaarly dwolla skyrock zappos 3.1 The Bass Model ebay slashdot zoho In an influential paper, Bass [3] proposed a diffusion model elftown livemocha zoomr to describe how rates of adoption of novel products vary elixio living-social songza zooppa over time. Introducing a parameter p to model a propensity epinions logoworks sonico zotero for innovation and a parameter q to model a propensity for facebook meebo soonr zynga faceparty meetin soundcloud imitation, he cast the hazard rate of product adoption as failblog mendely sourceforge f(t) fetlife metacafe spotify h(t) = = p + qF (t) (1) flickr stackoverflow 1 − F (t) R t where f(t) is a probability density and F (t) = 0 f(τ) dτ is the corresponding cumulative density. Solving the differen- outs, (micro-)blogging services, and online retailers, trading tial equation in (1) leads to the Bass distribution platforms, as well as social games providers and thus cover a wide spectrum of social media. (p + q)2 e−(p+q)t f (t | p, q) = . (2) BA  2 For each combination of country and service, we collect p q −(p+q)t 1 + p e a discrete time series z = [z1, z2, . . . , z483] of weekly search counts zt from January 2004 to March 2013. Depending on the choice of p and q, this distribution can As many services in our sample made their first appear- assume a variety of shapes. In particular, for q > p, it ance later than January 2004 (e.g. youtube) and were thus will increase to a maximum before decreasing to zero. This not actively searched for during the whole observation pe- becomes explicit by writing (1) as f(t) = p + qF (t) − qF 2(t) riod, we determine individual onset times to using CUSUM which exposes the adoption rate to result from composing statistics [35]. This leaves us with shortened time series two antagonistic processes: a propensity p + qF (t) to grow 0 2 y = [yto , . . . , y483] which we shift to yt0 where t = t − to in countered by a propensity qF (t) to decline. order to facilitate statistical analysis. We include the Bass model in our analysis because it often For query terms related to services that were launched accurately models sales and thus may also be able explain prior to January 2004 (e.g. amazon), we manually determine collective attention dynamics on the Web. the number of weeks T between their first public occurrence to and January 1st 2004 and consider shifted time series 3.2 The Shifted Gompertz Model 0 where t = t − to + T . As our second model, we consider the shifted Gompertz Given these data, we resort to descriptive data mining distribution techniques in order to identify commonalities or significant −βt −ηe−βt  −βt differences between time series. In particular, we consider fSG (t | β, η) = βe e 1 + η 1 − e (3) where t, β, η ≥ 0. It was introduced by Bemmaor [8] who Accordingly, the likelihood for a discrete, truncated time showed that the Bass model results from compounding the series y1, . . . , ym is given by shifted Gompertz with an Exponential distribution, i.e. yi n! Y pi(θ1, θ2) Z ∞ − η L(θ1, θ2) = e σ F (tm) − F (t0) yi! fBA(t | p, q) = fSG (t | β, η) dη (4) i 0 σ and maximum likelihood estimates of θ1 and θ2 result from such that p = β/(1 + σ) and q = pσ. This reveals a latent computing the roots of ∇θ log L. Again, this may not lead to coupling of the Bass parameters p and q due to taking the closed form solutions but may require numerical optimiza- average over the shape parameter η of the shifted Gompertz. tion. To this end, we apply an efficient, iterative weighted Bemmaor’s shifted Gompertz therefore provides a more flex- least squares scheme ible characterization of adoption dynamics and we explore X 2 its merits in our experiments below. wi yi − npi(θ1, θ2) . 3.3 The Weibull Model i which regresses the y onto their expectations np and re- The Weibull distribution is the type III extreme value i i quires to update the weights w = (np )−1 in each iteration. distribution and often applied as a life-time model [37]. Its i i In addition to computational convenience, this approach probability density function is defined for t ∈ [0, ∞) and is robust and has the property that, for p = p (θ∗, θ∗), the given by i i 1 2 final residual sum of squares follows a χ2 statistic [25]. We κ−1 2 κ  t  −(t/λ)κ thus resort to the χ -test for goodness of fit (GoF) testing. fWB(t | κ, λ) = e (5) λ λ Yet, we note that the χ2-test may underestimate the quality where κ and λ determine shape and scale. For κ = 1, the of fits to time series [20] so that the results reported below Weibull coincides with the Exponential and, for κ ≈ 3.5, it may improve even further if more elaborate tests were used. approaches the Standard Normal. Studying the dynamics of Internet memes, Bauckhage et 4. EMPIRICAL RESULTS al. [5] pointed out that the Weibull, too, implicitly couples This section presents and discusses trend analysis results two antagonistic growth dynamics. This can be seen from for our data set of about 8,000 social media related search considering its cumulative density function frequency signatures. In order to illustrate several arguably −(t/λ)κ FWB(t | κ, λ) = 1 − e . (6) important findings, we compare results obtained for distinct countries, regions of the world, linguistic backgrounds, and Setting α = ( 1 )κ for brevity, rearranging the terms in (6), λ types of service in form of small case studies. and substituting into (5) yields f(t) = ακtκ−1 −ακtκ−1F (t). Considered as a diffusion model, the Weibull distribution 4.1 Time to Adoption thus combines a propensity ακtκ−1 for collective attention κ−1 In a preparatory analysis, we gather statistics as to times to a service or product to grow with a propensity ακt F (t) to adoption of social media in different countries. For each for attention to subside. In passing, we note that by letting service in our data set, we determine its global onset, i.e. the α = α(t) = qF (t) and setting κ = 1, the Weibull and the point in time at which it first became visible in Google’s Bass model are related as fBA(t) − p = fWB(t). search frequency data. Then, for every country in our data, 3.4 Model Fitting we determine the delay ∆t (in days) between the service’s global onset and its onset in the country. Finally, we com- When applying the above diffusion models to analyze tem- pute the mean (µ) and median (m) delay per country in poral signatures of collective attention on the Web, we must order to perform comparisons. cope with the fact that neither model provides a closed form Table3 ranks the 45 countries considered according to solution for the maximum likelihood estimates of their pa- their mean- and median times to adoption; the world map rameters. Addressing this issue and aiming at high efficiency at the bottom of the table shows a heat map visualization of for large scale processing, we propose the use of multinomial median times to adoption. Together with , countries maximum likelihood techniques. from the western world lead both rankings. With respect Throughout, we fit continuous distributions f(t | θ1, θ2) to to both metrics, the US is the country where social media discrete series of frequency counts y1, . . . , ym grouped into m most quickly achieve noticeable rates of adoption. This is distinct intervals (t0, t1], (t1, t2], ...,(tm−1, tm]. To devise an less surprising since many popular social media services such efficient algorithm for estimating optimal model parameters as facebook are based in the US and thus may gather an ∗ ∗ θ1 and θ2 , we note that a histogram h(y1, . . . , ym) of counts American audience faster than a global one. can be thought of as a multinomial distribution A less anticipated finding comes from looking at Fig.2 yi which plots median times to adoption along the time axis. Y pi h(y1, . . . , ym) = n! (7) The delay between the US and the next fastest adopting yi! i country, the UK, amounts to more than 200 days. For the P majority of countries in our study, we find that Web-based where n = i yi. Since the cumulative density of the model distribution is social media achieve noticeable rates of adaption between Z t 400 and 600 days after their launch or first observable onset. F (t) = F (t | θ1, θ2) = f(τ | θ1, θ2) dτ, (8) At first sight, it thus appears surprising to find , 0 a technologically highly advanced nation, to lag behind in the probabilities pi of the multinomial can be expressed as this statistic. Yet, this can be attributed to peculiar aspects P pi(θ1, θ2) = F (ti) − F (ti−1) so that i pi = F (tm) − F (t0). of South Korean Web culture which features many social Table 3: Rankings of countries w.r.t. mean (µ) and Table 4: Goodness of fit w.r.t. regions of the world median (m) time to adoption of a novel service f f f region SG BA WB µ m µ m µ m hpi p > 0.05 hpi p > 0.05 hpi p > 0.05 1. US US 16. NL IE 31. NZ AR Africa 0.61 68% 0.55 62% 0.50 57% 2. UK UK 17. AT MX 32. TW DK Asia 0.57 63% 0.49 54% 0.48 53% 3. FR CA 18. IE AT 33. DK NO Australia 0.66 70% 0.53 59% 0.50 58% Europe 0.59 65% 0.48 51% 0.56 54% 4. CA FR 19. MX PL 34. ZA ZA N-America 0.54 57% 0.44 50% 0.39 44% 5. JP DE 20. PL MY 35. CN TW S-America 0.65 71% 0.54 59% 0.55 62% 6. DE JP 21. PH IL 36. CO CO worldwide 0.59 64% 0.50 55% 0.47 53% 7. AU ES 22. IN NZ 37. TH VE 8. IT IT 23. PT BR 38. NO GR 9. ES NL 24. IL PH 39. GR NG 10. BE BE 25. MA CL 40. CZ CZ Table 5: Goodness of fit w.r.t. languages of the 11. SE AU 26. VE MA 41. ID UA world f f f 12. MY SE 27. CL PE 42. UA ID language SG BA WB 13. PE FI 28. AR IN 43. KR TH hpi p > 0.05 hpi p > 0.05 hpi p > 0.05 14. FI PT 29. TR TR 44. RU RU English 0.55 58% 0.44 49% 0.39 45% 15. CH CH 30. BR CN 45. NG KR Spanish 0.63 68% 0.52 56% 0.54 60% Portuguese 0.60 67% 0.50 56% 0.47 51% Russian 0.68 76% 0.58 66% 0.69 76% French 0.55 60% 0.46 51% 0.39 45% German 0.58 64% 0.47 52% 0.47 54% Chinese 0.50 52% 0.42 46% 0.43 47% Japanese 0.42 52% 0.38 44% 0.31 38% Hindi 0.57 64% 0.47 54% 0.48 52% average 0.57 62% 0.47 52% 0.45 51%

find the shifted Gompertz to provide accurate fits for the majority of our data. In terms of overall GoF, the Bass and

US CA DE ES NL AU FI CH MX PL IL BR CL PE TR AR NO TW VE NG UA TH KR the Weibull perform slightly worse, yet both models yield statistically significant fits for most of the data, too. ∆t Table5 provides an alternative view on our data. While 0 200 400 600 800 1000 Tab.4 shows results w.r.t. geographic regions, Tab.5 lists GoF results w.r.t. major languages spoken across the world. UK FR JP IT BE SE PT IE AT MY NZ PH MA IN CN DK ZA CO GR CZ ID RU Data from different countries were grouped into clusters rep- resenting official languages and the three diffusion models were evaluated for each cluster. Apparently, the results in Figure 2: Time line showing median times to adop- Tab.5 mimic those in Tab.4. Quality and significance of tion (in days) of social media for different countries. fits are comparable and the shifted Gompertz again provides the most accurate explanation. These results are interesting and important for they sug- media such as cyworld or me2day that are very popular gest that the dynamics of collective attention apparent from within the country but rather unknown elsewhere. search frequency data can be accurately described in terms of Findings like these further underline that search frequency diffusion models. Moreover, they indicate that, around the signatures indeed provide plausible proxies for the study of world, collective attention to social media evolves similarly collective attention on the Web. Next, we therefore address and independent of regions of origin or cultural backgrounds aspects of attention dynamics expressed in query log data. of crowds of Web users. Figure3 shows how our diffusion models fit general trends 4.2 Attention Dynamics for several well known social media platforms and Web-based In our main analysis, we apply the economic diffusion businesses. Gray curves show evolving global search volumes models from section3 in order to mine our data for shared available from Google Trends; colored curves represent fit- characteristics or noteworthy exceptions. ted models where the best fitting one (in terms of GoF) Table4 presents Goodness-of-Fit (GoF) results for all is emphasized. These plots are in line with the results in three models in terms of p-value statistics obtained from Tabs.4 and5 and illustrate that all three models are able to χ2-tests. To produce these statistics, data from different capture general dynamics even if data for different services countries were grouped into clusters representing continents show seemingly distinct patterns of growing and declining and the models were evaluated for each cluster. For the collective attention. shifted Gompertz, average p-values (the higher the better) A considerable advantage of descriptive data mining for significantly exceed 0.5. This holds for fits to data which attention analysis and, in particular, of using two-parameter reflect worldwide interests as well as for fits to continent diffusion models f(t | θ1, θ2) is that they facilitate visual an- specific data. Moreover, at a significance level of 5%, we alytics. Once a diffusion model has been fit to a temporal Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz

100 100 100 100

80 80 80 80

60 60 60 60

40 40 40 40

20 20 20 20

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (a) amazon (b) craiglist (c) ebay (d) facebook

Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz 120 100 100 100 100 80 80 80 80 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 20 20 20 20

2012 2013 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 (e) google+ (f) myspace (g) youtube (h) twitter

Figure 3: Exemplary visualizations of how the three diffusion models (Bass, shifted Gompertz, and Weibull) fit general trends in temporal signatures of worldwide query logs related to several popular and well known social media services and Web-based businesses; the respective best fitting model is emphasized.

(a) Bass model (b) shifted Gompertz model (c) Weibull model

Figure 4: Non-linear, two-dimensional embeddings of more than 8.000 search frequency time series into the parameters of the shifted Gomperts-, the Bass- and the Weibull diffusion model. In each case, the 2D embedding coordinates of the eight examples in Fig.3 are highlighted in color.

signature of search activities, its parameters [θ1, θ2] provide result of our analysis. Irrespective of the diffusion model as a two-dimensional feature vector that characterizes the used to characterize general collective attention dynamics time series and may be used in further analysis. Specifi- and regardless of which region in the world is considered, it cally, our approach immediately allows for non-linear, two- appears that most time series in our collection show similar dimensional embeddings of the data which can be plotted to behavior: individual social media services seem to be able to visualize whole data sets of time series. attract increasing collective attention for a period of 4 to 6 Figure4 displays two-dimensional embeddings of all our years before user interest inevitably begins to subside. This data according to the different diffusion models. To facilitate is visible in many of the time series shown throughout this interpretation, the coordinates of the eight time series in paper, well accounted for by the shape and scale parameters Fig.3 are highlighted in color. of economic diffusion models, and thus strikingly apparent In each case, the embedding coordinates of amazon, a in Fig.4. business that continues to attract increasing user interest, marks an extreme location in the embedding space. Simi- 4.2.1 Case Study: Countries, Continents, Languages larly extreme locations are occupied by craiglist and ebay, Figure5 compares examples of attention dynamics for dif- two Web-platforms that were launched in the 1990s and ferent countries, continents, and linguistic backgrounds. reached global peak popularity around 2008. The embed- In Fig.5(a), we embed data from the US and South Ko- ding coordinates of google+, a service whose search frequency rea in the parameters space of the shifted Gompertz model. time series indicate a spike of global attention after its launch Above, both countries were found to be most different re- in 2011, reside at opposite extreme locations. All other time garding median times to adoption of the services considered series from Fig.3 are found more or less close together in in this study. Figure5(a), however, indicates that attention respective giant clusters of embedded search frequency data. dynamics in both countries are rather similar. The existence of these giant clusters which contain almost Israel and , two countries from different parts 90% of all time series tested is arguably the most important of the world, occupy middle ranks in Tab.3. Yet, their embeddings in Fig.5(b) overlap with those of the US and (a) US and South Korea (b) Israel and Malaysia (c) Asia and South America (d) English and Russian

Figure 5: Exemplary comparisons of search frequency time series from different countries, continents, and languages plotted in the two-dimensional parameter space of the shifted Gompertz model.

Google Trends shifted Gompertz Google Trends shifted Gompertz

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Google Trends shifted Gompertz Google Trends shifted Gompertz

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Google Trends shifted Gompertz Google Trends shifted Gompertz

100 100

80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

(a) amazon (b) UK,DE,VE,FI,JP,ID (a) facebook and myspace (b) flickr and imgur

Figure 7: Query log data related to amazon. Figure 6: Exemplary comparisons of temporal query log data related to different social media ser-

Google Trends shifted Gompertz Google Trends shifted Gompertz vices. 100 100 80 80

60 60

40 40

20 20

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013

Google Trends shifted Gompertz Google Trends shifted Gompertz

100 100

80 80 South Korea and do not indicate noteworthy differences as 60 60 40 40

20 20 to collective attention dynamics. Similar conclusion apply 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Google Trends shifted Gompertz Google Trends shifted Gompertz 120 100 100 80 to the comparison of Asian and South American countries in 80 60 60 40 40 Fig.5(c) and the comparison of English and Russian speak- 20 20 2010 2011 2012 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 ing countries in Fig.5(d). (a) twitter (b) NL,PH,RU,FR,MY,TR 4.2.2 Case Study: Social Networks, Photo Sharing While diffusion models seem not to allow for a distinction Figure 8: Query log data related to twitter. of attention dynamics in different countries or regions, we find that data related to individual services tend to form compact, separable clusters in the parameter spaces of the in others, and actually declines in some albeit few cases. models we consider. As an example, Fig.6 compares two social networks and 4.2.4 Case Study: twitter two photo sharing sites. Country specific time series re- Twitter, a popular micro blogging service is another exam- lated to myspace and facebook form distinct clusters in the ple of a service where attention dynamics vary significantly embedding space of the shifted Gompertz model. Whereas between countries. While in most countries in our study, in- myspace is a social networking site that came and went, terest in twitter seems to just have reached its peak (see the facebook seems to just have reached global peak popularity. distinct cluster within the giant component in Fig.8), there This difference is expressed in the scale parameter of the are a few countries in which interest in this service continues shifted Gompertz. Likewise, attention dynamics for flickr to rise, notably in , Malaysia, and . and imgur are well explicable in terms of the general cycle of growth and decline; the apparent difference is that, in 4.3 Predictions most countries interest in flickr seems to decline while for Prompted by the overall high statistical significance of imgur it is still on the rise. fits provided by the three diffusion models, we apply them to predict the future evolution of global collective interest in 4.2.3 Case Study: amazon existing social media. Next, we present qualitative results of Among all Web-based services considered in this study, predictions over the next five years for exemplary services. amazon, an online retailer, is found to cause most diverse In addition, we consider services launched prior to 2004 and patterns of collective attention dynamics. Figure7 shows demonstrate that the technique discussed in section3 also that, while in most countries interest in amazon rises steadily allows for reasonably predicting the past and actually is able over the whole observation period, it remains rather constant to reconstruct unobserved past developments. Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz

140 100 100 100 60 60 60

20 20 20

2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 (a) facebook (b) youtube (c) twitter

Figure 9: Predictions of future collective interest in exemplary social media services. Gray curves show data obtained from Google Trends; solid colored curves indicate fits to these data, and dashed colored curves show corresponding 5 year predictions. Note that these predictions do not indicate absolute user interest but predict the evolution of relative search frequencies w.r.t. the maximum interest so far which is scaled to 100.

Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Google Trends Bass Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz Weibull shifted Gompertz

100 100 140

100 60 60

60 20 20 20

1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 (a) amazon (b) paypal (c) ebay

Figure 10: Predictions of past and future collective interest in Web-based businesses launched prior to 2004.

Figure9 shows predictions of the development of collective Understanding the collective behavior of crowds of Web attention to three of todays prominent social media plat- users is a research topic of growing popularity and model- forms. To create these plots, we scale the range of the best based approaches have been used in this context before. We fitting instance of each model in our tests to match the range divide our discussion of related work into two major parts: of values used by Google Trends. While our predictions do first, we review previous contributions to attention dynamics not allow for an estimation of the development of absolute on the Web in general and then we discuss two recent, highly numbers of users interested in a service, they indicate how related publications on the evolution of popularity of social interest may evolving relative to the present. media services which themselves have stirred considerable As the available data for the three services is truncated attention in early 2014. from above, i.e. each service either has just or has not yet reached peak popularity, traditional maximum likelihood es- 5.1 Attention Dynamics on the Web timates may not be reliable. However, visual inspection sug- Statistical distributions similar to the ones considered in gests that, when using multinomial maximum likelihood, all this paper have been previously applied to characterize the three diffusion models provide reasonable predictions. While dynamics of the behavior ow crowds of Web users. In an predictions according to the Weibull seem overly optimistic early contribution, Huberman et al. [24] analyzed brows- and those due to the Bass model seem rather pessimistic, ing behaviors and found that the number of links a user is the shifted Gompertz model marks a middle ground. For likely to follow on a Web site is distributed according to an instance, in the case of facebook it predicts that by 2017 inverse Gaussian. In [39], Wu and Huberman studied life- collective interest in this service will reduce to 50% of its cycles of news items on social bookmarking site and found current intensity. We remark that, while at first sight such that the amount of attention novel content receives is dis- a development may seem improbable from today’s point of tributed log-normally. The log-Normal distribution was also view, the vast majority of the 175 social media considered in found to model sizes of cascades of messages passed through this paper show characteristic cycles of growth and decline. a peer-to-peer recommendation network [28] or the number Given the data available as of this writing, collective atten- of messages exchanged in instant messaging services [27]. tion to facebook so far seems to follow the same pattern. The Weibull distribution in (5) was recently reported to Figure 10 shows examples of fits to severely truncated account well for statistics of dwell times on Web sites [31], search frequency data. Each Web-based business in this fig- times people spend playing online games [7], or the dynamics ure was launched prior to 2004 so that data from Google of Internet memes [5]. The Bass diffusion model in (1) has Trends is incomplete regarding the past. Nevertheless, based recently been considered in order to reason about structures on multinomial maximum likelihood, the characterizations of online social networks [32] or twitter information cascades of general trends according to each diffusion model are again [23]. The shifted Gompertz distribution, on the other hand, reasonable; in particular, onset times predicted by the shifted was apparently not yet considered in the context of social Gompertz match the dates these businesses were launched. media or Web usage dynamics. While attention dynamics on shorter time scales have been 5. RELATED WORK modeled using random fields [30], structured models [21], or differential equations [29], long term temporal dynam- (see again our discussion in Section2) and note the curious ics of collective attention have previously been modeled us- absence of any direct engagement data in his reply. ing mixtures of power-law and Poisson distributions [15] However, data that directly reflects engagement played an or systems of differential equations [1, 28] which were in- important role in Ribeiro’s analysis performed at CMU [36]. spired by techniques from the area of epidemic modeling He considered statistics available from alexa, a subsidiary of [10, 17]. In this context, we note that the diffusion mod- amazon which provides Web traffic data that are gathered els considered in this paper also allow for interpretations in using the alexa toolbar, a plugin that volunteers install in terms of the dynamics of elementary differential equations. their browsers so that alexa can track which Web pages they For instance, the Weibull model in (5) can be expressed as access. d κ−1 κ−1 f(t) = dt F (t) = ακt − ακt F (t) which hints at a sim- Regarding Ribeiro’s approach, we note that he extended ilarity in spirit between economic diffusion and established established epidemic models by new parameters and found epidemic models that seems to merit further research. these new models to be in good agreement with his data. With respect to time series retrieved from Google Trends, His findings, too, caused considerable media attention since epidemic models based on differential equations involving he predicted collective user interest in facebook to remain exogenous end endogenous influences have been discussed in constant for years to come. Yet, this result as well should [15]. There, they were used as means of classifying, i.e. dis- be taken with a grain of salt. While it was derived from tinguishing, different types of attention dynamics. Trend direct engagement data, we point out that alexa data are analysis based on data from Google Trends was also per- likely biased towards technology savvy users who installed formed in [14] yet there the focus was on developing clus- the toolbar and will hardly reflect the surfing behavior of tering algorithms to characterize different phases in search average Web users. frequency data. The approaches in [14, 15] are thus related Given this discussion, the approach and results presented to what is reported here, however, in contrast to these contri- here mark a middle ground. On the one hand, we consider butions, we do not explicitly devise new models but consider simple diffusion models rather than (intricate) models for simpler representations that implicitly account for different the epidemic spread of novelties. On the other hand, the kinds of dynamics. Due to the simplicity of the diffusion statistical basis for our analysis far exceeds those in [11, 36]. models considered here and because of their apparent empir- Neither Cannarella and Spechler nor Ribeiro consider coun- ical validity and theoretical plausibility, the results reported try specific data and neither of them considers as large a in this paper therefore provide a new baseline for research number of different services than we do in this paper. More- on the mechanisms and long-term dynamics of collective at- over, we see the main contribution of this paper not in the tention on the Web. predictions in Fig.9 but rather in the empirical observation that collective attention to social media shows highly reg- 5.2 The Princeton / Facebook Controversy and ular patterns of growth and decline regardless of region of a Contribution from CMU origin or cultural background of crowds of Web users. In a delightful synchronicity, Cannarella and Spechler [11], Ribeiro [36], and we ourselves [6] all published analyzes on 6. CONCLUSION how attention to social media evolves over time in early 2014. In this paper, we performed search frequency analysis in While [11] was uploaded to arXiv, [36] and [11] were both order to gain insights into the dynamics of collective atten- presented at the International World Wide Web Conference tion to social media and Web-based businesses. Search fre- in Seoul. quency analysis is an emerging topic and a quickly growing The work by Cannarella and Spechler from Princeton is literature shows that data available from Google Trends can noteworthy for triggering a brief but fierce media frenzy. lead to novel insights into collective concerns, interests, or Just as in the work presented here, the results in [11] were habits [2,4,5,9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 22, 26, 33, 34, 38]. obtained from analyzing Google Trends time series. Differ- Interested in collective attention to social media, we col- ing from our approach, Cannarella and Spechler considered lected Google Trends data from 45 different countries that epidemic models to analyze search frequency time series that show how user interests in 175 social media services evolved indicate interest in services such as myspace or facebook. over time. Focusing on general trends, we considered de- While this methodology had earlier been applied to analyze scriptive data mining techniques and applied economic dif- the temporal evolution of interest in Internet memes [4], fusion models to search our data set of more than 8,000 times Cannarella and Spechler caused a controversy, because they series for common patterns or distinctive differences. used their models to predict that facebook would lose 80% of Diffusion models are well established in economics and we their users by 2017. Media interst was particularly stirred considered their use due to their conceptual simplicity. This by the fact that facebook data scientist Mike Develin was 1 is in contrast to more elaborate approaches such as, say, quick to humorously “debunk” the Princeton “findings” . Gaussian mixtures or kernel techniques, which yield results Interestingly, our “qualitative” results in Fig.9 seem to in terms of parameters for which there usually is no physi- corroborate Cannarella’s and Spechler’s predictions and we cally plausible counterpart. Diffusion models, on the other note that they were obtained from the same data but differ- hand, are designed to characterize time series in terms of ev- ent models. In any case, we certainly agree with Develin’s eryday concepts such as propensities for attention to grow objection that predictions based on search frequency data and to decline and we note that Occam’s razor suggests to have to be taken with a grain of salt. Yet, we disagree with prefer simple explanations whenever available. his argument that social media related search interests of Using an efficient algorithm for robust maximum likeli- millions of Web users are not indicative of user engagement hood parameter estimation even under incomplete data, we 1see: fitted the Bass-, the shifted Gompertz-, and the Weibull dif- princeton/10151947421191849 fusion model and evaluated their performance. Our most important results can be summarized as follows: 8. REFERENCES

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