

WAR1 r yfy Nn. r ''ztivwyZz&w THAT BOLO USE SNAKESJN California Man Has Scheme to; ,v:" 1 Kill Off Huns. fey ".S-- A i SURE CAME HANDY Henry Johnson, Colored Soldier, meant for fighting save at the last tonesome Jack" Says 8lde Winders gnsp. But the h is Split a Lot of Hun Skulls Would Exterminate Whole essentiully n . It Is Issued to Boche Army. With the Weapon. six per cent of our infuntry forces v not regularly to every' seventeenth Los Angeles, Cal. "Lonesome Jack man, but as occasion may require or Allmnn, king of nil rattlesnake catch- the Immediate commanding officer mny winder WAS ADOPTED FROM MOROS ers, offers to gather 10,000 side direct. Henry Johnson was given his or hornet rattlesnakes If the govern- because he was assigned to particular- ment will let him, dump them Into) ly dangerous duty In a listening post. trenches vacated to the Germans by War Department Now Issues the Ter. Others mny be equipped with bolo the Americans and let the snakes doj rlble Cleaver to Some of Our for Instance, ns members of rest. The side winder Is a death! a special accompany the Troops, and the Germans detachment to dealer extnrordlnary, strikes three raiding forces within the enemy lines. Don't Like It st All. times as fast as any other rattler, and, Their work must be quick, silent and unlike others, does not act on the heart thorough. From Lunevllle to Cantlgny but' paralyzes the nerves within 20 Washington. A year ago Henry the Germans have found It so. Johnson, a- - colored citizen of Albuny, minutes. The small arms division of the Unit- Allman would have no trouble ln( N. Y., was peddling Ice, coal and wood be- ed States ordnance department gathering them In Arlzrfna and the ImJ in contented obscurity. Today Henry lieves that the bolo knife has points of Johnson, a soldier of the , perlal valley, he says. The Germans superiority over any knife in use on they possessed such a deadly weap-- ' Is wearing the coveted French war European H if the battlefield, else would on would not hesitate to use It, Allmaol cross with palms, becuuse ho proved not have been adopted (or our use. himself a brave man, nnd because tit believes. the critical moment he got his hunds "The beauty of my Idea is that thor 1 moving a shell-swep- t village. 2 patrol fighting Huns, MARINE SOUNDS GAS ALARM British tank to the attack through French the one of on a bolo knife. rattler can live five or six months In tbelr number having been killed. 3 Members of the Women's Camouflage corps pointing the land battleship Re- The cable has told of Henrys ex- captivity without either food or water cruit In Union square, New York. ploit how on night duty with a com k nnd they will be Just ns effective dur- panion In an American listening post ing that time," says Allman. "I have; tained a powerful assault on Vauz, customary gallantry and determina- he "took on" 24 marauding Germans an antidote for rattlesnake bite that) NEWS REVIEW OF west of Chateau Thierry, and though tion, and the 'Italians on that front in a swift rough-and-tumbl- killed could be supplied to anyone that han- forced out of that village momentarily, were not behind them In this. If more some of them with his , bombed dles them, but the Germans would they regained possession of It by a stress Is laid on the bravery of the others from his basket of grenades, not know what stung them. brilliant counter-attack- . Then, far- Americans, it Is only because the oth- and then, even after be had been "My Idea would be to catch then THE PAST WEEK ther to the east, at the Jaulgonne ers have proved themselves times wounded, split so many skulls with his nnd then soak their tails In warm wa- bend of the Marne, they were called without number In the last four years. bolo that all the enemy left on their ter. Then the shell that rattles and on to check a tremendous rush of All the latest reports of the allies feet after meeting Henry became sud- gives warning, could be removed with- Huns across the river. Their advanced state that the situation Is entirely sat- denly and violently homesick. out Injury to the snake. Their fang Fifth German Offensive, on the line fell back, the guns all the time isfactory and Improving hourly. The bolo knife which Henry wielded are so sharp that unless the warning is Marne, Quickly Checked by slaughtering the Germans who were so well weighs one pound and three given with the rattles a person wouldl trying to get over with pontoons and At first It was thought by many that ounces without Its , and has hardly know what bit him. Side wind- French and Yankees. canvas boats. Then the main line Ludendorffs offensive In the Marne a broad h . It Is sharpened ers range In size from four to twelve of defense come Into action, changed region was not Intended to be his main to a razor edge, nnd near the end feet Itself Into a line of offense, and swept effort but masked a plan to attack runs abruptly to a thrusting point. But enemy or elsewhere, smnll-ur- START DRIVE OF THEIR OWN the back across Into the perhaps in Flanders. At one of its chief virtues as a SALUTES PHOTO OF PREMIER liver, killing great numbers and cap- the end of the week there were still Is Its cleaving power. Most of the turing about 1,500, Including a com- some observers who believed this, but weight along of the knife is distributed Action of Officer Reveal plete brigade staff. The fighting In It seemed very doubtful. same Instinctive At the the buck of the blade. Respect of French for Lin North of Chateau Thierry Pushed that sector continued with great In- time. It was hard to figure out how he up the Americans first ran against M. Clemenceau. Eastward Huns Lose Heavily in tensity, but the Americans command- could expect to derive any great beae-fi- t bolo lu the . Over there It Fierce Fighting East and ed the river front at the bend. from success where he attacked. was originally an agricultural tool, just Even If he had his supposed Paris. Little unconscious acts oftett West of Reims. attained as the was in Cuba, and reveal real measure. of the popu- On Tuesday the Americans, In co- objectives and captured Epernay, ham- the blacksmiths at country crossroads larity of a great leader. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. operation with the French, launched Chalons, the Mountain of Relnfs and mered It out infinitely nnd in nil sorts not Mont-Mlral- l, In the photographer's showcase heavy attacks between St. Agnan and he would be no nearer a of forms. The "krls" with Its curly Up to the hour of writing, 's far from the fashionable Pare Mon-ce- au La Chapelle-Monthodo- southeast of decisive victory than before, and was blade Is a form of bolo, and the "cam-pilan- " "supreme effort" to win a Teutonic - : there Is among other pictures ani Jaulgonne, where the Germans had certain to lose an enormous number of Is a bigger bolo. "t- i victory by smashing through the al- t' excellent almost life-siz- e head of M. succeeded In getting considerable men. Instead of turning westward to- gong lies' lines has been a dismal and costly Was Weapon of the Moros. Back home, a similar to this Clemenceau. A young French officer forces across the river. The enemy ward Paris, he was attempting to was sounded when old man Zeke's failure. The Huns had gained nothing up Moros who was passing the shop the other was driven bnck steadily and both move to the east and south and the It was among the that it barn was zone worth mentioning, and had lost perhaps purposes. afire. In the battle It's day glanced casually at the showcase.. these villages, as well as others, were road to the capital would still be was developed for war In Amer- More ap- quite a different occasion. This picture chief he. 100.000 men. than that, It recaptured. From Dormans, north- closed to him. the underbrush It proved a very ter- Perceiving the of his peared they had lost their Inst chance ican marine Is sounding the alarm so Instinctively raised his hand to a sat ward toward Reims, tn a sector held If Ludendorff really plans an offen rible weapon, as many n trooper found that our boys muy be prepared to meet to demolish-th- e defenses of the allies, and passed on unaware that hi by Franco-Italia- n forces, the Huns at sive In Flanders, the British there are to his cost. A stroke in the tropical gas lute, and had sustained a defeat would the poisonous nttack being launch- spontaneous tribute had been observed. that first advanced two or three miles, getting ready to meet It. Several times night Just one counted for a ninjor ed by Germans by putting on play havoc with the morale of their the their In the early days of the long-rang- e but occupied no positions of impor- last week they advanced their lines, American casualty. After a while our gas al- troops and with the support of the masks, which the marine has gun bombardment of Paris, says th tance and were unable to disorganize taking possession of positions that ma- soldiers found there was no particu- ready done. civilian population of Germany. terially strengthened lar knack In the Malay use of the bolo Matin, It was stated that the shells In the least the defensive line of the their defenses. type As soon a the German offensive The ac- they could not master. Then they be- were made from a new of allies. By Wednesday the Germans British airmen were especially Had Asked His Ma. aeemed safely checked, General Foch tive and gan to capture bolos. And bo, alloyed with vanadium, which gave It were making their greatest efforts there were numerous bomb- after New Philadelphia, O. his took the Initiative and put on a drive In ing raids over the war ended, bolos kept coming buck That exceptional properties. But analysis, this sector, trying to force territory held by the mother, Mrs. Lennox, Is living In of his own that sent a thrill through their way toward Epernay. Germans nnd on German towns. to the United States ns souvenirs. has shown that the shells are made of But Bridgeport, Conn., nt the age of one ordinary nickel and chrome steel, such all the allied countries. French and by this time the were But It was not until 1910 that the French l hundred and six was what William ns Is In current use for making guns American troops, secretly and careful- manifestly holding the upper hand, The Frnnco-Italla- n troops In Albania wnr department tried the experiment ly concentrated, were launched In a Lennox, aged seventy, told Deputy both In France and Germany and: and they counter-attacke- d eagerly continued their victorious progress of Issuing the bolo knife as a regular e Judge J. T. D. Bold when great attack on a twenty-fiv- mile last week Probate whose properties are well known. and spiritedly, retaking every piece of nnd made their way well to part of the American equipment; It he applied for a license to wed. front between Bellenu wood" and the ground which the Germans occupied the north and east, threatening the was used nnd tested by our men in Both adding and subtracting can e Alsne river. The enemy was taken by desperate efforts. Nearly ev- flank of the enemy In Mncedonia. The Mexico, but there was empjoyed their it A British scientist a new calculating completely by surprise, and the allies, ery attempt of the enemy to advance political effect of this offensive already chiefly as n tool rather thun a weapon. has invented a with machine following a tremendous rolling Is Austria-Hungar- khnki-garbe- microscope that will measure a mil- that Is about the size of a watch and. bar; was repulsed almost before It started. becoming apparent In was not until our d boys It lionth of an inch. can be carried In a vest pocket rage, advanced swiftly taking on the ta went down Into the French trenches first day more than twenty towns and The swiftest and most complete ta that the bolo knife proved its right to villages, many cannon and large num- check sustained by the Germans wus The Chinese government has decid- be considered "the Inst line of defense" They were bers of prisoners. then east of Reims, between Pompelle fort ed to send a force to Vladivostok to and a life-sav- to the man who 'un- BALDY OF NOME AND HIS SERVICE FLAG close to Solssons, commanding It with and Main de Masslges. Expecting an with the allies, but It Is sheathed It. their guns, and were In the outskirts easy victory there, they met with a probable nothing more will be done Our colored troops display n special of Neullly St. Front. Culchy, the key crushing hands the now except to protect the frontiers of aptitude nnd nffectlon for weapon. was defeat at the of this to the Chateau Thierry sector, French troops under General Gouraud. . was much excited last The white fighter is inclined to rely ; many i threatened of the railways and This gallant commander, who lost an week over the proposition to send a upon his automatic pistol In an emer- supply German great roads of for the armies nrm at the Dardanelles, had disposed expedition Into Siberia. Th gency at close quarters, but the col- In the south were cut or under shell press his men with the utmost cleverness. Insisted the United States had ored man in uniform takes as natural ' Are, and appeared Ludendorff It that When the German bombardment be- submitted to Japan a proposal for such ly to the bolo knife as he does to quickly power- Av would have to act and gan, one of the most terrific ever action, though this was not ofllclally well, as he does to name of "Mr. in fa fully or driven entirely out of the the be known, the French, except for machine confirmed. Johnson." Chateau Thierry salient If not back The provisional government Si- gun crews tn blockhouses, retired to of Issued to U. S. Troops. to the Alsne. beria, located Harbin, is growing shelter. Then the observers announ- at In " In The bolo knife Is Issued to our As this Is written the battle that ced the advance was starting, and strength, but may be reorganised soon on, Ger- that troops In two sizes the smaller size region Is still going with the instantly the enemy was swept by a owing to dissatisfaction with General by bring- of type which Henry Johnson used, man resistance stiffened the devastating fire from cannon, machine Horvath, who put himself at Its head. the ing up of fresh troops. The Franco-America- n Czecho-Siovak- s and n larger knife employed exclusive- guns and . The blockhouses re- It Is said the have to les- ly by field artillery batteries. This drive at least served tarded the Huns, large numbers ol agreed to co operate with Horvafth. pressure on Is practically a sword, sen the Hun the defensive whom were killed, and the charging These troops have driven the bolshe-vl- kl latter short pre- comparable to the principal weapon lines about Reims, though It was troops never entered the French entirely out of Irkutsk and a soy cathe- lint old Roman . mature to that the ancient of resistance, coming to a standstill large force of them was reported to be of the It is Misses Fay and Helen Allun, daugh- evacu- at long weighs dral city would not have to be the wire entanglements, wen approaching Kransuoyarsk. two feet nnd between ters of "Scotty" Allan, driver of the which pounds. Of course, ated, or that the Germans In the loaded with dead bodies. It was revealed that a considerable three nnd four be famous Darling team of dogs, with had a only to artillerymen Marno district been beaten to The Huns engaged In this attack number of Americans have been sent lng Issued who Bnldy of Nome, nnd his flag represent- check, actually v standstill.. Severe as was their were fifteen elite divisions, with ten to the Murmansk coast to help guard ere not ordinarily at grips ing his 20 sons and grandsons now In they still had great fofees In reserve. the supplies Is with the enemy, it Is Intended mainly on divisions supporting. Less than one-thir- d there. Lenlne enraged the service the Italian front as many Frenchmen defeated because those forces are In Russia and as a sort of underbrush cutter. But Bnldy was the leader of the. Darling This lntest German drive, directed them, and the French casualties were has ordered them removed. There Is a In the hands of a desperate man fight team, but was too old for active war ly Ludendorff, opened early Monday astonishingly few. The attacking Ger- chance that he will declare war on the Ug for his life .'t is a terrible per service. His descendants are among with a tremendous attack at nearly allies, a course which, naturally suader. ' the dogs that have been invaluable In man divisions had to be relieved, but 1 all points along a 65-ml- front from the French staid In their positions, enough, is strongly urged by the Ger- The bolo is In no sense a trench If: : : carrying supplies and munitions Chateau Thierry to Main de Masslges, happy and cheerful and more confi- man press. In this connection it Is knife. Thut Is Issued to every man soldiers in the mountain ast of Reims. The immediate dent than ever. to bo noted that Prof. Paul Mllukoff, In the ranks and Is a special tool not passes, especially during the winter. defenses of Reims were not assaulted, JI leader of the constitutional democrats, It seemed to be the Intention of has gone over to the Germans, saying but The morale of all the allied Iroops, as hnrd as steel Itself.. And an the Huns to squeeze the allies out of he would prefer a united Russia un- for SAYS FUSSING IS HUMAN Indeed, was of the highest, In strong TANK CORPS GROWING erstwhile civilian's .muscles to become that city and to eliminate the sali- contrast to that of the enemy as re- der German protection to a country broken up many governments. sufficiently hardened takes time and ent there, and then to force their vealed by the words and actions of Into training. Brooklyn Court Rules It Poes Not' way on to Epernay and Chalons. Tha prisoners. The spirit of the Americans In Ukraine new revolts of the peas-- ' Constitute Inhu- Recruits-Arriv-e Gettys- The dnily work, the fresh nlr, plen- Cruel and onrush of the first day bent back the In- ants are reported every few days. The Daily at engaged was shotn vividly by two ty of sleep ra- man Hied In places, was people are well armed aban- and the excellent dully Treatment line but nowhere cidents worth recording. On the first and have burg Camp. tions are doing broken; much of the lost ground doned their farms to fight the Germans wonders in producing It day, when a certain force of Yankees as fme a fighting Y, was speedily regained, and when the and the rada which is controlled by bunch of reul men as Brooklyn, N. Squabbles, wordy had been compelled to give ground, can be found anywhere. The oflicers' altercations, unkind econd day came to a close It was was them. and exnsperatlng their commander advised by a v - Long Hikes In Heavy Marching Order school will be considered offensive had been tan continued indefinitely. or even insulting words used In the that the French general to let his men rest, as Men for Duty With.Persh- - ". As fast as men complete the prescribed definitely stopped. None of Its ob- Food Administrator Hoover made Fit hent of passion aroused by bickering the retirement could have no serious Army. course, others will take jectives had been attained, though the public his plan for wheat and flour Ing's their places. do not constitute cruel and Inhuman consequences. The American respond- From now on, ofl- all commissioned treatment, nccordlng to . a dl- - German commanders employed about ed that he could not accept the coun- control through the purchase of wheat recent Cnmp Colt, Gettysburg, Pa. The icers will be selected from the ranks. vorce case decision by the 790,000 runn In their fierce attacks. sel and was going to counter-attac- k by the government grain corporation. appellate American tank corps continues to grow The tnnk corps Is a progressive division. : Von Bernhardt, the famous Prussian once. This he did, regaining the The corporation will buy at stated The court added at and develop. Recruits are still com- unit. Every once In a while a bat- strategist, hics said an offensive which a' to prices wheat graded according to the "Unfortunately for our weak na- lost terrain and half mile more ing in nnd the men already here are talion will disappear overnight, la brought to a standstill Is a con- boot. Another commander, In report- department of agriculture grade revi- bound ture, these things constitute conduct being drilled to within an rnch of their for "somewhere." . Recruits quered offensive, and the allies took ing the recapture of a number of sion, which has Just gone Into effect will fill which renders It unsafe or Improper) This Is the preliminary discip- their places and the ' ' view of the situation. The farmer can protect himself, says lives. work of training to live together." ," that towns, wired to headquarters: "Met physical drill which will will move right along. Hi on defense. Mr. Hoover, by the study of the pri- line and the New officers, Testimony went to' show Boche his line of Sharp men the strenuous life a trained simultaneously that the With pride and gratification Amer- fighting. Boche turned tall and ran mary prices, deducting Intermediate fit the for of with the men, wife, who sought divorce and alimony,; overseas. Twenty-mil- e hikes will command ica learned of the splendid part played h I, pursued by our troops. Hope charges, or ho caa ship to the grata "tanker" the disappearing bat- objected to the presence a stepsonj like to heavy marching order almost talion. of soldiers in this third battle of . were corporation, or he may ship to a com and chased male hj Its to have more prisoners." There Jhlly occurrences. the members of the Marne. Some 250,000 of them numerous instances valor and nerve mission merchant at a terminal mar- family from the house. die ef Although the work Is hard, men were Involved, holding especially the In desperate fighting In which the ket and through him secure the bene- the The members of the Iowa Dental as- "In these squabbles plain- the Uke ft. They realize tbelr need of she (the eetor just west and east of Chateau Americas1 took part. These are th fit of competitive buying. this sociation recently pledged themselves tiff) seems to have been able to hold; heavy drill and exercise. Negotiat- "not to use any Tblerry, and they acquitted them- troops which the German papers as- H materials, supplies or her own," said the "We do not ing the gray steel monsters over Mo eeurt selves la a manner that, won the e4 sert are flabby, without enthusiasm Haytl bas declared war on Oermaay, equipment made In. or supplied by, think anv law reouirea a domestic: tweuty-secoo- d Man's Land Is distinctly not a Job Germany" praise of the French and unfit for serious operations. being the nation te take for for 60 rears after the close exile to support a wife while living place, they sus action. man whose muscles are not almost of the war. In (ha first The French soldiers displayed tbelr this apart from her own family." , ,