Wspó£Czesne Metody Opracowania Baz Danych
Pawlicki, B. M., Czechowicz, J., Drabowski, M. (2001). Modern methods of data processing of old historical structure for the needs of the Polish Information System About Monuments following the example of Cracow in Cultural Heritage Protection. In: D. Kereković, E. Nowak (ed.). GIS Polonia 2001. Hrvatski Informatički Zbor – GIS Forum, Croatia, 367-378. MODERN METHODS OF DATA PROCESSING OF OLD HISTORICAL STRUCTURE FOR THE NEEEDS OF THE POLISH INFORMATION SYSTEM ABOUT MONUMENTS FOLLOWING THE EXAMPLE OF CRACOW IN CULTURAL HERITAGE PROTECTION Bonawentura Maciej PAWLICKI Jacek CZECHOWICZ Mieczysław DRABOWSKI Politechnika Krakowska Cracow University Of Technology Cracow University of Technology, Institute of History of Architecture and Monuments Preservation, Center of Education and Research in the Range of Application of Informatic Systems, Cracow ABSTRACT Presented works were made from 1999 to 2001 years in the Division of Conservatory Studies and Researches, of the Institute of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation - Faculty of Architecture of the Cracow University of Technology. The software, methods and models of the data base systems were laboratory experimented in the Computer Information Systems Center of the Cracow University of Technology. The works (laboratories, terain exercises and student practises) which have been doing so far, concerned of geodesy-cataloguing registration and using computer technology give an optimal possibilities of monitoring of the historical environment for preservation of the cultural heritage. The data used in computer modelling make applying of multiply materials as a basis of data warehouse, among other: geodesy foundations, their newest actualisation, digital camera photography’s and space visualisations. In works students used following graphical programs: GIS, 3D Studio Max, AutoCAD – Architectural Desktop, ArchiCAD 6.5, Adobe Photo Shop, Land Development, Corel Draw, Picture Publisher.
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