EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 , Austria / 2 – 6 May 2014 © Burgtheater EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 REGISTRATION DESK 2 R Kä Mezzaninefloor) (onthe Salon Bristol Bristol LO DESK F please call:+43681 817 98906 F CONTACT 08.30–15.00 5May: 09.00–16.00 Monday 4May: Sunday 09.00–18.00 3May: Saturday Fr OPENING HOURS A-1010 Vienna F please call:+43681 817 95446 E: [email protected] +31 70361 78 65 F: T: NL-2514 ECTheHague Lange Voorhout 35 EUROPA SECRETARIAT INTERNATIONAL NOSTRA ofIEHC) please call:+31 613 0519 Secretary 65(RienkoWilton, or matters concerning the the concerning or matters or the or matters concerning concerning or matters

dy a: 15.00 –19.00 2May: iday r +31 7030240 50 CA ntner Ring1 egistration TION Congress Registration Desk Congress Registration t he Industrial Heritage Visit Heritage he Industrial Presentations of the Laureates /Awards ofthe CeremonyPresentations , , , Contents T able of oe nomto 18 17 8 7 5 6 R Hotel Information General Information Programme Detailed Map ofCongress Map ofMainCongress Venues Committee ofHonour W Ac R cmeddRsarns22 19 ecommended Restaurants ecommended Museums loe4 elcome nweget 23 knowledgments 3

EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 TABLE OF CONTENTS EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 C OMMITTEE OF HONOUR 4 of Honour Committee ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Dominique Meyer Dr. ThomasAngyan Dr. Georg Springer Sunnyi Melles Maestro Nikolaus Harnoncourt Gürtler Dkfm. Elisabeth Kottulinsky Alexander Böhm Mag. Martin Eberle Doraja K Dr. BarbaraNeubauer Kühnel Mag. Richard Dr. Erhard Busek Dr. Fischler Franz U Ka Mag. WilhelmMolterer PröllDr. Erwin Dr. Häupl Michael Aliferi Chryssoula Dr. HannesSwoboda Dr. JohannesHahn Androulla Vassiliou Kurz Sebastian Dr. JosefOstermayer M.B.L.-HSG Karas, Mag. Othmar José ManuelBarroso We Schönborn H.E. CardinalChristoph arl Habsburg-Lothringen niv.-Prof. Dr. EwaldNowotny r r el Schwarzenberg ner Faymann t he FederalPresident ofthe Republic ofAustria U nder the Patronage ofH.E.Dr. HeinzFischer, Intendant of the State Vienna Intendant ofthe derMusikfreunde inWien Gesellschaft Intendant ofthe Holding Bundestheater ofthe Chief Executive Officer actress Theatre andfilm Conductor SpanishRidingSchool Managing Director ofthe Association Castles Austrian President ofthe Palace ofDorotheum Managing Partner Foundation ERSTE Boardofthe ofthe Chairwoman BlueShield Committees ofthe AssociationofNational President ofthe Honorary Bundesdenkmalamt President ofthe inVienna European CommissionRepresentation Head ofthe Europe DanubeRegionandCentral for Institute ofthe Chairman Alpbach European Forum President ofthe Bank Central Austrian ofthe Governor Republic Czech ChamberofDeputiesthe Member ofthe V ofLowerAustria Governor ofVienna andGovernor Mayor r HellenicRepublicinAustria, Designated Ambassadorofthe European Parliament inthe andDemocrats Socialists Progressive Allianceof Group ofthe President ofthe RegionalPolicy European Commissioner for Multilingualism andYouth Education,Culture,European Commissioner for F Public Affairs F V European Commission President ofthe F ofVienna Archbishop epresenting the Greek Presidency of the Council of the EU Councilofthe Greek Presidency ofthe epresenting the ederal Minister of Foreign Affairs andIntegration ofForeign Affairs Minister ederal and Culture, Constitution ofArt, Minister ederal ChancellorofAustria ederal ice-President of the European Investment Bank European Investment ice-President ofthe European Parliament ice-President ofthe W fErp otaBrevri Nostra Austria Höhle Eva-Maria President ofEuropa Burgenverein President ofÖsterreichischer Kottulinsky Alexander of Europa Nostra Executive President Denis deKergorlay Cordially yours, toVienna. wewelcome you teamandallitspartners, Europa Nostra behalf ofthe On booklet. endofthis atthe bodies,allofwhomare acknowledged of publicandprivate ofalarge number support tothe are Congress madepossiblethanks The activitiesofourVienna Grafenegg. impressive Schloss endingatthe guided walk, Va beautifulWachau the Danube,viewing onthe weshallmakeacruise which after Monastery, F ex this Education,Culture, MultilingualismandYouth,Commissioner for willbeco-hosting Androulla PlácidoDomingoandMrs Vassiliou, Maestro European Burgtheater. magnificent placeatthe willtake Awards, /Europa Nostra Heritage Cultural for European Union Prize 2014 ofthe winners Ceremony, Awards the celebrating European Heritage the Congress, highlightofthe the evening, CommitteeIEHC.Inthe Heritage andEngineering Industrial Europa Nostra’s visitwillbeorganised by heritage Excellence Fair, industrial traditional the Following the achievements. 2014 willpresent their the Winners Award which during Technical ExcellenceFair 5May, University onMonday willbeheldatthe The always-inspiring performance. toseeandhearthis privilege r title the PlácidoDomingo,willperform ourPresident, 4May. Maestro Sunday Thatevening, for Assemblyisscheduled TheGeneral Rathaus. imposing neo-gothic inthe a reception willhost CityofVienna the evening on3May. CouncilMeeting Inthe who donotattendthe those for willbeavailable CityofVienna sitesinthe someexceptional toview An excursion BoardandCouncilon23May. Europa Nostra ofthe meetings with willstart The Congress Congress. to the hispatronage hasgranted H.E.Dr. Heinz Fischer,honoured President Federal that ofAustria, r aswellas,high guests, prominent invited Europe, from many volunteers allover professionals, alarge numberofheritage willbeattendedby Congress the We are pleasedthat Austria. Europa Nostra representation, country Burgenverein, andthe organisation, Österreichischer member the isbeingorganised EuropaThe Congress Nostra, asajointventure between Europe. from allover movement heritage cultural ever-growing ofthe representatives andother ofEuropamembers Nostra together 2014. from 2to6May willbring congress placeinVienna willtake Asusual,the which 2014 Congress European Heritage toEuropa pleasureIt isourgreat Nostra’s towelcomeyou ofEuropa Nostra, Dear Friends epresentatives of EU Institutions, the Council ofEurope andUNESCO.We are the particularly ofEUInstitutions, epresentatives ole of Verdi’s ‘Nabucco’ in the Vienna State Opera house and many of us will have the the ofuswillhave houseand many Opera ole ofVerdi’s State Vienna ‘Nabucco’ inthe inally, a full-day excursion is scheduled on Tuesday 6 May to the outstanding Melk outstanding onTuesdayinally, isscheduled tothe 6May excursion a full-day lley. The cruise will terminate in the historic city of Krems, which will be visited during a willbevisitedduring cityofKrems, which historic inthe will terminate lley. Thecruise ceptional event. ceptional elcome 5


Map of main Congress Venues

Hotel Bristol | Fri 02/05 – Mon 05/5 Congress Registration Desk Kärntner Ring 1, 1010 Vienna Kunsthistorisches Museum | Sat 03/5 Council Meeting and Lunch Maria Theresien-Platz, 1010 Vienna Rathaus | Sat 03/5 Welcome Reception Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz 1, 1010 Vienna Dorotheum Palace | Sun 04/5 General Assembly Dorotheergasse 17, 1010 Vienna Wiener Staatsoper | Sun 04/5 Opera Performance Opernring 2, 1010 Vienna Vienna University of Technology | Mon 05/5 Excellence Fair Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Vienna, EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN Burgtheater | Mon 05/5 European Heritage Awards Universitätsring 2, 1010 Vienna Ceremony

6 Map HOTELS Kä Hotel Bristol Annagasse 7, 1010 Vienna Hotel Mailberger Hof Europaplatz 3,1150 Vienna Motel One–WienWestbahnhof Ra Rathauspark Trend Austria Am Heumarkt35-37, 1030 Vienna Hotel AmKonzerthaus 1,Am Stadtpark 1030 Vienna Hotel Hilton Vienna t r hausstraße 17,hausstraße 1010 Vienna ntner Ring1, 1010 Vienna 7

EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 MAP OF CONGRESS HOTELS ProgrammeFRIDAY, 2 MAY 2014 FOR EUROPA NOSTRA SCIENTIFIC COUNCIL MEMBERS ONLY 10.00 – 18.00 Scientific Council Meeting Venue: Dorotheum Palace, Dorotheergasse 17 13.00 – 14.00 Lunch Venue: idem

FOR EUROPA NOSTRA BOARD MEMBERS ONLY 10.00 – 17.00 Board Meeting Venue: Hotel Bristol, Kärntner Ring 1 PROGRAMME

FOR EUROPA NOSTRA COUNCIL AND BOARD MEMBERS AND THEIR ACCOMPANYING PERSONS, AND FOR SPECIFICALLY INVITED GUESTS ONLY 20.00 – 22.00 Dinner Venue: Stadtpalais Liechtenstein, Ballroom, Bankgasse 9 (N.B. Invitation to the reception must be shown at the entrance) EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN

8 Programme 11 09.45 Departure by bus from Hotel Bristol busfrom Hotel Bristol by Departure assembleoutside HotelBristol Participants 1 09.45 09.30 09.30-16.15 F 1 1 11 10 09.00 –10.00 F SA 0.00 –11.15 4.30-17.30 .0–1.0Lunch 3.00 –14.30 OR OTHER CONGRESS PARTICIPANTSOR OTHER OR EUROPA COUNCIL ANDBOARDMEMBERSONLY NOSTRA .45– 12.45 .1 .1 5 – 11.35 Departure by bus to the Winter Palace of Prince Eugene ofSavoy of Prince Palace Winter bustothe by Departure 5 –11.35 5 –13.00 TURDAY, 3MAY 2014 Savoy V CULTURAL VISITS V (sessionII) Council Meeting V V V (sessionI) Council Meeting V Museum Kunsthistorisches ofthe “Kunstkammer” ofthe Visit Private enue: Kunsthistorisches Museum,Lecture Room enue: Kunsthistorisches Museum,Kuppelhalle enue: Kunsthistorisches enue: Kunsthistorisches Museum,Lecture Room enue: Kunsthistorisches enue: isit of the recently Eugene restored of isit ofthe WinterPalace ofPrince isit of the “Kunstkammer” at the Kunsthistorisches Museum Kunsthistorisches atthe “Kunstkammer” isit ofthe Kunsthistorisches Museum , Maria-Theresien-Platz 9

EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 PROGRAMME EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 PROGRAMME 10 22.00 20.00-22.00 FO 16 1 1 1 13 4.30 – 14.50 Departure by bus to the Belvedere, Prinz Eugen-Straße 27 Eugen-Straße Belvedere, Prinz bustothe by Departure 4.30 –14.50 2.45 – 13.15 Walk through the Inner City to the Zwölf-Apostelkeller, InnerCitytothe the Walk through 2.45 –13.15 5.00 –16.00 .1 .1 R ALLCONGRESS PARTICIPANTS 5R 5 –14.30 (N.B. Invitationtothereception beshownattheentrance) must V by Light Installation CH V W Tour Kokoschka” Highlights “Klimt,Schiele, V Cellar” “Heurigen L Sonnenfelsgasse 3 Sonnenfelsgasse enue: enue: unch at the Zwölf-Apostelkeller, atthe atypicalViennese unch isit of the Belvedere: isit ofthe e elcome Reception, kindly hosted by the CityofVienna the kindly by hosted elcome Reception, turn by bustoHotelBristol by turn ROMOTOPIA HELDENTOR – Private Preview –Private HELDENTOR ROMOTOPIA Äußeres Burgtor area andsurrounding Rathaus , Entrance: Felderstrasse 1 V ictoria Coeln ictoria , artist from Vienna , artist , Burgring/Heldenplatz ProgrammeSUNDAY, 4 MAY 2014 FOR MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES OF EUROPA NOSTRA ONLY 10.00 – 12.00 General Assembly (part I) Venue: Dorotheum Palace, Dorotheergasse 17 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch Venue: idem

FOR ALL CONGRESS PARTICIPANTS 13.00 – 15.00 General Assembly (part II) Venue: Dorotheum Palace, Dorotheergasse 17

FOR HOLDERS OF PRE-BOOKED TICKETS ONLY 17.00 Opera Performance of “NABUCCO” by Giuseppe Verdi with Maestro Plácido Domingo in the title role Venue: Wiener Staatsoper, Opernring 2 Dress code: dark suit PROGRAMME


President of Europa Nostra 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN Venue: Hotel Bristol, Salon Burggarten, Kärntner Ring 1 Dress code: dark suit

11 ProgrammeMONDAY 5, MAY 2014 FOR ALL CONGRESS PARTICIPANTS 09.30 – 13.00 Excellence Fair: Presentations by the 2014 Award Winners Venue: Vienna University of Technology, Kuppelsaal and Festsaal, Karlsplatz 13 PROGRAMME

13.00 – 14.00 Lunch Venue: Vienna University of Technology, Prechtlsaal

FOR CONGRESS PARTICIPANTS TAKING PART IN THE INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE VISIT Europa Nostra’s Industrial and Engineering Heritage Committee (IEHC) will take participants on an excursion to three extraordinary industrial heritage sites. Expert guides will explain the history of Gasometer City, the former Vienna Gasworks that have been converted into a new urban residential complex. The participants will then pass by the Wasserturm in the district of Favoriten, built in 1899 in the architecture style of Industrial Historism. The tour ends with an inspection of and a short ride on the Vorortslinie (suburban light railway), built in 1890 by the famous architect Otto Wagner. After a period of decline, a decision was made in the 1980s to revitalize the line, which included restoring the old stations and modernizing the EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN technical equipment and rolling stock. The painstaking restoration of Vienna’s Vorortsline was awarded a Europa Nostra Medal in 1990.

12 13 1 1 6.00 Arrival by busatHotelBristol by Arrival 6.00 3.00 .1 0 V V L CityinSimmering bustoGasometer by Departure 13entrance, Karlsplatz Pa Suburban light railway built in the 1890s builtinthe Suburban lightrailway toWienHernals S-45Vorortelinie Ride onthe enue: unch boxes willbeprovided unch isit of Gasometer City isit ofGasometer r ticipants assemble at Vienna Universityticipants assembleatVienna ofTechnology Gasometer City in Simmering, Guglgasse 6 in Simmering, 13

EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 PROGRAMME EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 PROGRAMME 14 1 FO 21 8.30 –21.30 .30 –23.30 R ALLCONGRESS PARTICIPANTS Dress code:dark suit t and by t t by Including amusicalperformance Maestro PlácidoDomingo by Co-hosted number, beshownattheentrance) must (N.B. InvitationstotheCeremony, alongwiththeticket indicatingseat V 2014 Awards European Ceremony Heritage of theFoyer) (N.B. beshownattheentrance Invitationsto thedinnermust V Fe he renowned Viennese ensemble he renowned Viennese he he enue: enue: Burgtheater, Foyer s tive Dinner in the Honour of the Laureates Honourofthe Dinnerinthe tive Superar Children’s Choir V ienna Boys’ Choir ienna Boys’ Burgtheater Androulla Vassiliou , Universitätsring 2 , Universitätsring , Europa Nostra President The Philharmonics , European Commissionerand ProgrammeTUESDAY 6, MAY 2014 F OR ALL CONGRESS PARTICIPANTS 09.00 – 22.00 POST-CONGRESS EXCURSION TO THE WACHAU VALLEY Organised by Europa Nostra Austria, with the kind support of the Land Lower Austria, the Danube University in Krems, the Melk Monastery, the City of Krems and Grafenegg Castle.

The excursion will first show participants the spectacular Melk Abbey, a grand Benedictine abbey, which is among the world’s most famous monastic sites. It is located in the Wachau region above the town of Melk on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Danube River. The abbey was founded in 1089, while today’s impressive Baroque abbey building was constructed between 1702 and 1736. Particularly note- worthy is the abbey church, with its splendid frescos, and the impres- sive library with countless precious medieval manuscripts. From Melk we shall take a cruise on the Danube River to see the beautiful

Wachau Valley, which (including Melk Abbey) was listed as a UNESCO PROGRAMME World Heritage Site in 2000. We shall disembark at Krems and walk through this charming medieval town and a visit to the Gozzoburg, a past Europa Nostra Award winner. From there, we will travel to the 19th century Grafenegg Castle, one of Austria’s most important examples of historicism, where one can find stylistic traces from Gothic to Baroque, and Biedermeier to elegant Neo-gothic. Grafenegg has become particularly famous for its ‘Wolkenturm’ (opened in 2007), an open-air music stage that blends perfectly into the natural surround- ings of its splendid parkland, and for its summer music festival.

08.45 Participants assemble outside Hotel Bristol 09.00 Departure by bus from Hotel Bristol 10.45 Arrival at Melk Abbey 11.00 Welcome by Dipl. Ing. Georg Strasser, Member of the National Council, representing Dr. Erwin Pröll, Governor of Lower Austria Venue: Melk Abbey, Abt-Berthold-Dietmayr-Straße 1, 3390 Melk 11.35 Visit of the Melk Abbey 12.45 Departure by bus to the boat pier in Melk EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN 13.15 – 15.00 Cruise on the Danube along the Wachau Valley

15 EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 PROGRAMME 16 1 17 1 22.00 Arrival at Hotel Bristol inVienna atHotelBristol Arrival 22.00 21 15 1 6.45 – 17.15 Departure by bus to Grafenegg Castle bustoGrafenegg by Departure 6.45 –17.15 9.00 5.00 Arrival inKrems Arrival 5.00 .30 .00 Return by bustoVienna by Return .00 .1 5 – 16.35 Visit of the historic citycenterofKrems historic ofthe Visit 5 –16.35 Picnic dinner in the garden ofGrafenegg Castle Picnic dinnerinthe V f r ofLowerAustria, Government Social andFamilyofthe Affairs W L ollowed by a visitofGrafenegg Castle ollowed by epresenting Dr. Erwin Pröll, Governor of Lower Austria, ofLowerAustria, epresenting Pröll, Dr. Governor Erwin enue: unch onboard unch elcome by elcome by Grafenegg Castle Mag. BarbaraSchwarz , Grafenegg 10, 3485 Grafenegg , Minister for, Minister Education, General BUS: T TRAIN: THEAIRPORT FROMANDTO TRANSPORT INFORMATION AXI: and is of a singleticket a day, 20minutes.Theprice andtake 24 hours run citycentre (Morzinplatz/Schwedenplatz) hubs.Busestothe transport V hour. every 6 and36minutesafter every andWien-Mitte airport atthe stations railway from the Traindeparts Airport st Mitte 10 atWien City AirTerminal isjust minutesfrom St.Stephan’s Cathedral The cost of a taxi ride from Vienna Airport to Vienna city centre varies between between citycentre varies toVienna Airport from Vienna ride ofataxi The cost 16 dailyfrom 06.00a.m.to23.00p.m.Ittakes Train operates CityAirport The CAT ienna Airport Lines (Postbus) connects Vienna Airport with the mainVienna the with Airport connectsVienna Lines(Postbus) ienna Airport ation. The price is ation. Theprice

minutes nonstop to get from the airport to central Vienna and vice versa. The andviceversa. Vienna tocentral airport from the toget minutes nonstop g 45. g 12

f or a single ticket and or asingleticket g 17

f or a return ticket. The CAT City TheCAT ticket. or areturn g 8. g 25 17

EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 GENERAL INFORMATION HotelINFORMATION Hotel Bristol T: 0043 1 515 160 Kärntner Ring 1 E: [email protected] 1010 Vienna

Hilton Vienna T: 0043 1 717 000 Am Stadtpark 1 E: [email protected] 1030 Vienna

Hotel Austria Trend Rathauspark T: 0043 1 404 120 Rathausstraße 17 E: [email protected] 1010 Vienna

Hotel Am Konzerthaus T: 0043 1 716 160 Am Heumarkt 35-37 E: [email protected] 1030 Vienna HOTEL INFORMATION

Motel One – Wien Westbahnhof T: 0043 1 359 350 Europaplatz 3 E: [email protected] 1150 Vienna

Hotel Mailberger Hof T: 0043 1 512 064 1 Annagasse 7 E: [email protected] 1010 Vienna EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN

18 Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum) | Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Wien MuseumsTuesday – Sunday: 10.00 – 18.00 Thursday: 10.00 – 21.00 The Kunsthistorisches Museum (Art History Museum) was built in 1891 near the Imperial Palace to house the extensive collections of the imperial family. With its vast array of eminent works and the largest Bruegel collection in the world, it is considered one of the world’s most eminent museums.

Albertina Museum | Albertinaplatz 1, 1010 Wien Daily: 10.00 – 18.00 Wednesday: 10.00 – 21.00 The Albertina has the world’s most valuable graphical collections, with works such as Dürer’s

“Hare” and Klimt’s studies of women. Its MUSEUMS RECOMMENDED permanent collection (primarily the Batliner collection) presents masterpieces of Modern Art, spanning from Monet to Picasso. As the largest Habsburg residential palace, the Albertina dominates the southern tip of the Imperial Palace on one of the last remaining fortress walls in Vienna.

Belvedere | Prinz-Eugen-Straße 27, 1030 Wien Upper Belvedere Daily: 10.00 – 18.00 Lower Belvedere Daily: 10.00 – 18.00 / Wednesday: 10.00 – 21.00 A magnificent baroque palace complex and its extensive gardens, exhibiting inter alia Gustav Klimt’s legendary painting “The Kiss” and more than 20 other works by this famous artist, as well as major works by Schiele, Kokoschka and other EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN contemporary artists.

19 Secession Museum | Friedrichstraße 12, 1010 Wien Tuesday – Sunday : 10.00 – 18.00 In 1897, a group of nineteen Austrian artists, including Gustav Klimt, founded the Vienna Secession to protest against the conservative policies of Vienna official Academy of Fine Arts. The same year, Joseph Maria Olbrich built the very unusual Secession Building to hold exhibitions of the secession group. There, the visitors can for example admire Gustav Klimt’s Beethoven Frieze honoring the 75th anniversary of Beethoven’s death in 1902.

Leopold Museum | Museumsplatz, 1070 Wien Daily: 10.00 – 18.00 / Thursday: 10.00 – 21.00 Tuesday: closed The Leopold Museum, housed in the Museums-

RECOMMENDED MUSEUMS RECOMMENDED quartier, is home to one of the largest collections of modern Austrian art, featuring artists such as Egon Schiele, Gustav Klimt, Oskar Kokoschka and Richard Gerstl. The core of the collection consists of Austrian art of the first half of the 20th century, showing the gradual transformation from the Wiener Secession and the Art Nouveau movement in Austria to Expressionism.

Museum für Angewandte Kunst (MAK) | Stubenring 5, 1010 Vienna Tuesday: 10.00 – 22.00 Wednesday – Sunday: 10.00 – 18.00 The Austrian Museum of Applied Arts is one of the most exciting exhibitions in Vienna. The permanent collection, presented according to periods from the Gothic to the present, includes numerous world-famous works by the Wiener Werkstätte, the celebrated arts and craft studio EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN active from 1870 to 1956.

20 Kunsthalle Wien | Museumsplatz, 1070 Wien Daily: 10.00 – 19.00 Thursday: 10.00 – 21.00 The Kunsthalle Wien is a non-collecting art centre which organises and hosts temporary exhibitions of contemporary art. The Kunsthalle is international in scope and has a remit to exhibit local, national and international artists. The temporary building erected in 1992 on Karlsplatz now serves as a - project space - exhibiting emerging artists and special group exhibitions for the Kunsthalle.

MUMOK | Museumsplatz, 1070 Wien Daily: 10.00 – 19.00 Thursday: 10.00 – 21.00 The MUseum MOderner Kunst (Museum of Modern

Art) Foundation Ludwig Vienna, has a major MUSEUMS RECOMMENDED collection of modern and contemporary art, including major works from Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Joseph Beuys, Nam June Paik and Roy Lichtenstein. The MUMOK regularly organises special exhibitions and is known for its large collection of art related to Viennese Actionism.

Kunst Haus Wien | Untere Weißgerberstraße 13, 1030 Wien Daily: 10.00 – 19.00 Colorful areas and irregular forms, many grown over with lush green plants: this is how painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser (1928 - 2000) encouraged new impulses – and not only to Vienna’s architecture. He also created an exhibition center offering a permanent exhibition of Hundertwasser’s works as well as changing EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN exhibitions of exciting contemporary art.

21 ReRECOMMENDEDstaurants Restaurant Steirereck (Mich.**) ★★★★ T: 0043 1 713 31 68 International haute cuisine Am Heumarkt 2A, 1030 Vienna

Anna Sacher (at Hotel Sacher) ★★★ T: 0043 1 514 560 International cuisine Philharmonikerstrasse 4, 1010 Vienna hotel-sacher-vienna

DO&CO Haas Haus ★★★ T: 0043 1 535 39 69 International Restaurant Stephansplatz 12, 1010 Vienna

Plachutta ★★★ T: 0043 1 512 15 77 Austrian Restaurant Wollzeile 38, 1010 Vienna

Bristol Lounge ★★★ T: 0043 1 515 16 553 Classics and modern cuisine Kärntner Ring 1, 1010 Vienna en/cuisine

★★★ 0043 1 532 22 22

RECOMMENDED RESTAURANTS RECOMMENDED Fabios T: Italian Restaurant Tuchlauben 6, 1010 Vienna

Restaurant Unkai (at Grand Hotel) ★★★ T: 0043 1 515 80 - 9110 Japanese cuisine Kärntner Ring 9, 1010 Vienna

Ristorante Sole ★★ T: 0043 1 513 40 77 Italian Restaurant Annagasse 8-10, 1010 Vienna

Gasthaus zur Oper ★★ T: 0043 1 512 22 51 Austrian Restaurant Walfischgasse 5-7, 1010 Vienna

Palmenhaus ★★ T: 0043 1 533 10 33 International Restaurant Burggarten 1, 1010 Vienna

Figlmüller Wollzeile ★ T: 0043 1 512 61 77 Austrian Schnitzel Wollzeile 5, 1010 Vienna

Restaurant Weinbotschaft ★ T: 0043 1 512 85 10 Viennese and Mediterranean cooking (bio) Annagasse 12, 1010 Vienna

★ 0043 1 512 62 34

EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS 2014 CONGRESS HERITAGE EUROPEAN Pizzeria Ristorante Venezia T: Italian Restaurant Kärntner Strasse 10, 1010 Vienna www.pizzeria-venezia-wien.

22 VIENNA, 2-6 MAY 2-6 VIENNA, 2014 EUROPEAN HERITAGE CONGRESS Media Partner: t he FederalPresident ofthe Republic ofAustria U Wi nder the Patronage ofH.E.Dr. HeinzFischer, th

t he Kind Cooperation and Support of: he KindCooperation andSupport Congress Co-Organisers: Wi Congress Supporters: Congress Associates: th

Special Thanks to: Thanks Special Official Carriers: Official 23


Europa Nostra seeks to enlarge its pan-European network of Members and Benefactors who are committed to the cause of our organisation: the safeguard of Europe’s cultural and natural heritage for present and future generations.

Help us strengthen this network by giving a gift membership or by encouraging friends and colleagues to join our organisation, either as Member /Associate Organisation or as Individual Member. Consider upgrading your membership to Sustaining or Life Membership, joining one of our Benefactors’ Circles (President’s Circle, Ambassadors’ Circle or Friends’ Circle), or leaving a legacy to Europa Nostra.

Donations can be made to the bank account of Europa Nostra, Lange Voorhout 35, The Hague, The Netherlands, IBAN number NL63INGB0006318630 and BIC INGBNL2A

More information on membership and support can be found at:

The Voice of Cultural Heritage in Europe | La Voix du Patrimoine culturel en Europe