Laval University From the SelectedWorks of Fathi Habashi August, 2007 History of Metal Casting Fathi Habashi Available at: History of Metal Casting Fathi Habashi Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering Laval University, Quebec City, Canada
[email protected] metallurgy History of Metal Casting—Part 1 by Fathi Habashi, Department of Mining, Metallurgical, and Materials Engineering, Laval University believe that my work would surely be almost a seed without fruit and that I would fail in that cause which disposed me to satisfy your request I to write and form this work if, while labouring on it, 1 did not tell you of the art of casting, since it is a necessary means to very many ends. It is especially necessary since this art and work is not well known, so that no one can practice it who is not, so to speak, born to it, or who does not have much talent and good judgment. For this reason and also because it is closely related to sculpture, whose arms are the support of its life, it is very highly esteemed… it is a profitable and skilful art and in large part delightful. [BIRINGUCCIO, IN PIROTECHNIA, 1540] Introduction The history of metal casting is the history of metal- lurgy. Metals produced in a furnace are melted and cast to form useful objects, whether a piece of jewelry, an agri- cultural tool, or a weapon. Objects made of gold, silver, copper, bronze, brass, tin, lead, and iron conserved in museums are a testimony to the cleverness of the ancient metal workers.