Arctic Council

Regional Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment from Land-based Activities

2009 Large Marine Ecosystems of the Arctic Region Map Key

LME Numbers: Pacific Ocean 1 East Bering Sea East China Sea 18 West Greenland Shelf West Bering Sea Sea of Japan 19 Iceland Shelf 20 Barents Sea UV53 Sea of Okhotsk Yellow Sea 21 Norwegian Sea UV1 East Bering Sea 52 Sea of Okhotsk UV52 Gulf of 53 West Bering Sea Alaska 54 Chukchi Sea CHINA 55 Beaufort Sea UNITED STATES 56 East Siberian Sea 57 Laptev Sea 58 Kara Sea 59 East Greenland Shelf UV54 63 Hudson Bay UV56 East Siberian Sea 64 Arctic Ocean UV55 65 Arctic Archipelago Beaufort Sea 66 Baffin Bay - Davis Strait UV57 CANADA Laptev MONGOLIA Boundary Layers: Sea Arctic Circle UV65 Arctic Ocean Arctic Archipelago LME Boundaries UV64 1 Kara UV63 Sea Topography: Hudson Bay UV58 Baffin Elevation Bathymetry Bay 66 6000 (m) -1 (m) UV UV18 UV20 Davis Strait GREENLAND Barents Sea UV59 KAZAKHSTAN 0 (m) -9800 (m) East Greenland Shelf

0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 UV19 UV21 ICELAND FINLAND Kilometers Norwegian Sea 1 in = 1,384 kilometers

Projection: North Polar Sterographic, WGS84 Caspian Sea

North Sea BELARUS Atlantic Ocean Data Sources: POLAND UKRAINE LME Bounds - NOAA LME Program Office GERMANY Topography - SRTM Terrestrial data - ESRI Black Sea ROMANIA AUSTRIA FRANCE ITALY C. DamonAugust,- 2008 TABLE OF CONTENTS

Foreword...... 1

1.0 Introduction...... 2

2.0 Goals and Objectives...... 3

3.0 Principles and Approaches...... 4

4.0 Identification and Assessment of Problems...... 5

5.0 Priorities...... 13

6.0 Setting Management Objectives, Strategies and Measures...... 14

7.0 Programme Support Elements...... 16

APPENDIX 1: Global Programme of Action Assessment, Objectives and Recommended Activities by Source Category

APPENDIX 2: Location of Pollution Hot Spots Identified by the Russian Federation

Specifications of Entries in the Matrix for Comparative Analysis among the Identified Hot Spots and Estuarine and Marine April 29, 2009 Impact Zones

Matrix for Comparative Analysis among the Identified Hot Spots and Estuarine and Marine Impact Zones


TABLE 1: Overview of land-based activities for the protection of the marine and coastal environment

TABLE 2: Priorities for Regional Action

TABLE 3: Comparative analysis of identified hot spots in the Russian North


FIGURE 1: Hot Spots of the Russian North Photo Credits:

Front and back Cover: Panorama shot of town with two ships in water, by Martin Fortier (ArcticNet) Page 3: Two people with a sled in the sunset, by Paul Vecsei Page 4: Motorboat going past iceberg, by Ramon Terrado (ArcticNet) Page 12: Town by the water with a ship in the water, by Isabelle Dubois Page 15: Grótta, by Hugi Ólafsson FOREWORD 1.0 INTRODUCTION

In the Iqaluit Declaration, dated September 18, 1998, application of integrated ecosystem-based approaches. 1.1 Although the Arctic Ocean has remained relatively clean in relation to other oceans and marginal seas, there is Arctic Council Ministers adopted the Regional Programme This is consistent with the GPA, which promotes the links no room for complacency. Combinations of physical and biological mechanisms can focus particular contaminants in of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine between fresh water management and the management certain geographical locations and/or species. Furthermore, geographically localised elevations in contaminant levels Environment from Land-based Activities (RPA). The RPA of coastal and large marine ecosystems.2 in the marine or estuary environment can be attributed to pollution sources within the Arctic basin and coastal zone. is a dynamic programme of action that uses a step-wise In the context of the above and other related changes, approach for its development and implementation. It 1.2 Recent information has shown that environmental and further development of the RPA. The RPA responds to Arctic Council Ministers, in their Salekhard Declaration of is the regional extension of the Global Programme of threats from land-based pollutants within the Arctic have the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the October 26, 2006: Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from now become apparent: Marine Environment from Land-based Activities (GPA), Land-based Activities (GPA). The GPA is designed to be a Request PAME to review, update and expand the i. The Polar Regions are extremely sensitive to the which recognizes the significance of land-based sources of source of conceptual and practical guidance to be drawn Regional Program of Action, where necessary, global rise in greenhouse gas emissions. Temperature marine pollution in the circumpolar Arctic. upon by regional and national authorities in devising and possibly restructure it to allow for more rapid rise affects ice cover, ocean processes, permafrost, 1.7 Sources and activities that affect the marine and and implementing sustained action to prevent, reduce, response to developments and opportunities, and the population and distribution of species. coastal environment necessitate a collaborative approach control and eliminate marine degradation from land- Recognize the importance of National Habitats can be altered or lost, and cultures changed by the Arctic Council. The RPA builds on existing and planned based activities. This is to be done within the framework Programs of Actions as components of the RPA by the disappearance of traditional foods. Arctic Council activities and is intended, in part, to provide of integrated management of coastal zones and, where implementation phase, and note the progress in ii. Increasing resource industries and shipping a mechanism for improving coordination among them, as 1 appropriate, their associated watersheds. the implementation of the Russian NPA - Arctic. activities in the Arctic Region are leading to coastal well as to identify additional actions needed. The RPA serves infrastructure development and demographic as a comprehensive action plan for the Arctic Council’s work Since the Iqaluit Declaration, there have been many The RPA recognizes the continually evolving situation in changes. relating to the protection of the Arctic marine environment developments that affect the RPA, several of which have the Arctic environment and the need for an integrated from land-based activities. Building on the experience arisen from Arctic Council activities. For example, the approach using the experience and knowledge of all the This calls upon Arctic States to work cooperatively, and achieved since the 1998 Iqaluit Declaration, this document Arctic Climate Impact Assessment (ACIA) has led to an Arctic Council Working Groups. In particular, AMAP will with industry and communities concerned, to ensure that creates a more responsive and results-oriented programme awareness of the vulnerability of the northern environment be invaluable in assessing and monitoring environmental adequate and compatible national actions are undertaken of action that will further the Arctic Council’s objectives and to the effects of climate change. The Arctic Human changes. Concern over habitat damage and destruction with increased vigilance. benefit the Arctic environment and its peoples. Development Report (AHDR) stressed the importance is a shared responsibility with the Conservation of Arctic 1.3 Land-based sources of pollution located both within of maintaining environmental quality as an element Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Working Group. Dealing with the 1.8 The Arctic States recognize the need to cooperate and outside the Arctic, represent the major sources of of a more stable and sustainable Arctic economy. The prevention, preparedness and response to environmental closely in the implementation of National Programmes of pollutants to the Arctic marine environment. There is a need Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) emergencies from human activities and natural disasters Action (NPA). It is these national efforts that underpin and for integrated environmental management approaches (e.g. Working Group conducted further Arctic environmental is a related mandate of the Emergency Prevention, supply the impetus for regional action. ecosystem-based management and integrated coastal area assessments in 1998 and 2002 related to heavy metals, Preparedness and Response (EPPR) Working Group. In management) to address land-based sources of pollution at 1.9 The RPA gives due consideration to the suggested radioactivity, hydrocarbons, human health and changing addition, the objectives for the RPA complement those international, regional and national levels, harmonized as GPA assessment and approaches identified at the Second pathways in light of climate change. The Russian National of the Sustainable Development Working Group (SDWG) appropriate with river basin and offshore management, and Intergovernmental Review (IGR-2) of the GPA in 2006 and Programme of Action (Russian NPA – Arctic) has also made and the Arctic Contaminants Action Programme (ACAP) progress in its work since its approval in 2001. Finally, the land-use planning. the methodology for preparing programmes of action. Working Group. Through the GPA, Arctic countries have individually and Arctic Marine Strategic Plan developed by the Protection 1.4 Indigenous people are closely linked to their In collaboration with Arctic Council Working Groups, collectively declared their intention to continue to develop of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME) Working Group environment, particularly through their dependence on new developments can be identified on a timely basis and implement national programmes on the basis of their was endorsed by the Arctic Council Ministers in 2004. This traditional foods, which forms the basis of indigenous society, and brought forward by PAME to the Arctic Council for national priorities and strategies. strategic plan provides a framework for the protection cultures and economies. Because of the consumption of its consideration. The RPA will be reviewed and updated of the Arctic marine environment, in which the RPA is an these foods, certain Arctic populations are amongst the most 1.10 The RPA follows the GPA methodology and includes as needed to reflect emerging changes in the Arctic and essential component. exposed populations in the world to certain environmental provisions for: to coincide with the Intergovernmental Review process Other important developments that have affected the contaminants. of the GPA. It is expected that the RPA will remain an -- identifying and assessing problems; RPA include intergovernmental actions outside the Arctic important programme for Arctic States to help protect the 1.5 There are also large exports of fisheries products from Council, such as the United Nations Economic Commission Arctic marine environment. the Arctic Region to other parts of the world. The economic -- establishing of priorities; for Europe (UNECE) Long-Range Transboundary Air well-being of many Arctic communities therefore depends -- setting management objectives and targets for Pollution (LRTAP) Protocols on Persistent Organic on a healthy marine environment. Changes in the ice cover priority problems; Pollutants (POPs) and Heavy Metals, both of which and ocean waters may lead to changes in distribution and came into force in late 2003, as well as the Stockholm availability of fish and the coastal industries they support. -- identifying, evaluating and selecting strategies Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), which and programmes; came into force in 2004. 1.6 In the Iqaluit Declaration, dated September 18, 1998, Arctic Council Ministers adopted the Regional Programme of -- selecting criteria for evaluating the effectiveness In addressing both existing and emerging challenges Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment of strategies and programmes; and, in a more efficient way, the Arctic Council adopted the from Land-based Activities (RPA). They also recognized -- identifying programme support elements and Arctic Marine Strategic Plan in 2004, which promotes the the important role of the Protection of the Arctic Marine management approaches (e.g. ecosystem-based Environment (PAME) Working Group in the implementation management). 1. UNEP (OCA)/LBA/IG.2/7, December 5, 1995. 2. 1 2 2.0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 3.0 PRINCIPLES AND APPROACHES

2.1 Circumpolar countries have much to gain from coordinated international, regional and national efforts to protect 3.1 The Arctic Council is committed to sustainable -- use of economic incentives; the Arctic marine environment from land-based activities. The RPA makes a significant contribution towards sustainable development, which can be facilitated through the use development and the application of integrated and ecosystem-based management approaches, as demonstrated by of a number of internationally recognized principles and -- duty not to transfer, directly or indirectly, its goals, which are set out below. approaches, including those found in Agenda 21 (1992 damage or hazards from one area of the marine Earth Summit), the Rio Declaration, the Convention on environment to another or transform one type of Biological Diversity, the World Summit on Sustainable pollution into another; Goals for RPA Cooperation to Protect the Arctic Marine Environment: Development Plan of Implementation and the Arctic -- duty to co-operate on a regional basis for Council’s founding documents. These principles and -- Protect Human Health; protection and preservation of the marine approaches include, inter alia,: environment, taking into account characteristic -- Prevent and Reduce Degradation of the Marine Environment and Coastal Areas; regional features; including marine ecologically -- Remediate Contaminated Areas; -- adoption of ecosystem-based management; sensitive areas; -- Support Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Resources; -- application of a precautionary approach as -- Maintain Biodiversity; -- full public consultation and awareness through a reflected in Principle 15 of the Rio Declaration; transparent process; -- Maintain Cultural Diversity; -- Mitigate the Impact of Climate Change; -- promotion of the polluter pays principle as -- recognition and use of traditional and local -- Contribute to the Overall Management and Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment; reflected in Principle 16 of the Rio Declaration; knowledge; and, -- Encourage Compatible National Approaches to Activities Related to Land-Based Sources of Marine Pollution; -- protection of biodiversity; -- other principles and approaches as defined and -- Encourage Risk-Management Approaches to Prevent or Mitigate the Impact of Environmental Emergencies; and applied within national contexts. -- use of adaptive management practices; -- Identify Marine Ecologically Sensitive Areas.

2.2 The objectives of the RPA are to: -- establish regional priorities for action as it relates to sources of land-based marine pollution; -- take action individually and jointly, which will -- strengthen regional and national capacity lead to the prevention, reduction, control and building; and elimination of pollution in the Arctic marine environment and the protection of its marine -- harmonize, as appropriate, and adjust measures habitat; to fit the particular environmental and socio- economic circumstances. -- respond to the impacts of climate change as they relate to land-based sources of marine pollution in 2.3 The RPA recognizes and supports sub-regional the Arctic; and national efforts in the Arctic for the protection of the marine and coastal environment from land-based -- identify and assess regional problems from land- activities. based activities;

3 4 4.4 An overview of existing and possible sources of the world, far from their original sources in more 4.0 IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OF PROBLEMS concern from land-based activities for the protection of heavily populated regions. the Arctic marine and coastal environment is presented in Table 1. This table is compiled from a qualitative -- The consumption of food in which POPs are 4.1 The GPA recommends that assessment of land-based activities consider the severity of the problem in relation to: assessment of the information contained in this chapter. bioaccumulated is a major factor in contaminant intake. Some indigenous groups are exposed to -- food security; 4.5 There are many sources of information regarding levels that exceed established tolerable intake -- public health; the existing situation and potential threats to the Arctic levels. Transfer to infants can result in levels in environment, including, in particular, the assessments newborns that are significantly higher than in -- coastal and marine resources; produced by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment regions further south. Cohort studies have revealed significant correlations between prenatal exposure -- ecosystem health; and Programme (AMAP) Working Group and the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF) Working Group. to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and subtle, -- socio-economic benefits, including cultural values. non-clinical effects in Inuit newborns. 4.6 The RPA recognizes the need for timely information In addition, the assessment should consider the affected areas of concern, the sources of degradation, be they -- POPs have the potential to interfere with a number 4.2 on inputs, causes, sources and pathways of land-based point or non-point sources, and, in the case of physical changes, the cause and impacts of those changes. of biological systems of wildlife and humans. The sources of marine pollution in the Arctic, including effects can include reduced fertility, increased persistent organic pollutants (POPs), heavy metals and 4.3 Within the last decade, climate change has become a major concern for the Arctic. It deserves special attention birth abnormalities, metabolic and behavioural radionuclides, changes to and destruction of coastal as it not only influences the physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in the marine environment that have abnormalities, and compromised immune habitat, impacts of climate change, and the risks to the to be understood, it also creates a dynamic suite of changes that are difficult to predict and understand. Many of these systems. environment from increased northern population and changes to the environment and its ecology have significant social and cultural impacts on northern communities. development. The identification of significant sources of -- The majority of POPs found in the Arctic are pollution from within, and entering from outside of, the transported over long distances from sources Arctic is important and should be continuously monitored outside of the region. This includes chemicals such Table 1: Qualitative Assessment of Land-based Activities and assessed. as organochlorine pesticides (e.g. dichloro-diphenyl- trichloroethane [DDT] and hexachlorocyclohexane Physical Source Persistent 4.7 Findings of Arctic Council Working Group reports, Heavy Alteration and Radio- Petroleum Sewage and [HCH]) and their metabolites (e.g. dichloro- Within/ Organic Sediment Litter Activities Metals Destruction of nuclides Hydrocarbons Nutrients taken together with information from other international, Outside Arctic Pollutants diphenyl-dichloroethylene [DDE]), industrial Habitats regional and national sources, will be used to identify organochlorines (e.g. PCBs) and combustion priority areas of concern for the Arctic marine environment in Oil and Gas products (e.g. polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins out from land-based sources of marine pollution. This will and dibenzofurans [PCDD/Fs]). Their production ensure that the RPA is kept up-to-date and will assist and use has been severely curtailed in recent in Arctic States to better understand and predict future Mining decades through regulations at national and out risks. The aim is to improve the basis for sustainable international levels. These POPs are currently development and well-informed decision making on regulated under the POPs protocol of the United Forestry/ in Arctic environmental policies and programmes. Agriculture out Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (LRTAP) 4.8 Arctic States and Permanent Participants of the Convention and the global Stockholm Convention Urban in Arctic Council should work together in the collection on POPs. Residential out and sharing of information and knowledge of benefit to the Arctic environment and its peoples, and encourage -- In the previous AMAP assessment, only limited Nuclear in other interested governments, non-governmental Activities out data were available on toxaphene concentrations organizations, industries and institutions to actively in Arctic biota. A great deal more data are now participate to the extent possible. available, showing that toxaphene is widespread Government in Facilities out throughout the Arctic. In some seal species, 4.9 The sections below summarize the present toxaphene concentrations are comparable to knowledge with respect to POPs, heavy metals, physical Industrial and PCB concentrations. Some whale species, such as in Energy out alteration and destruction of habitats, radionuclides, Complexes beluga and narwhal, also have particularly high petroleum hydrocarbons, sewage, sediments and litter toxaphene levels, but only very limited temporal (including municipal and household solid waste). in trend data are available. Ports out 4.10 With respect to POPs and other hazardous -- While the levels of most POPs in the Arctic substances, the present knowledge indicates that: appear to be decreasing, the levels of some Recreation in and Tourism out other hazardous substances have generally been -- POPs are of particular concern to human health increasing over recent decades. These compounds and the environment as they are toxic, persistent LEGEND: existing source of concern to the Arctic marine environment possible source of concern to the Arctic marine environment include brominated and fluorinated fire retardants NOTES: and bioaccumulative, and are subject to long 1. Future work of the Arctic Council Working Groups will assist in the future coverage of land-based activities of concern. and surfactants (e.g. polybrominated diphenyl 2. The Section on Physical Alteration and Destruction of Habitats has been elaborated in collaboration with the Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna Working Group. range transport and deposition in remote parts of

5 6 ether [PBDEs], perfluorooctane sulfonate substantially higher than found in river water -- Heavy metals occur in all Arctic marine ecosystems anthropogenic activities, in particular from sources [PFOS]), chlorinated industrial chemicals (e.g. of industrialized areas of Europe and North as a result of natural sources and take part in in the industrialised regions of Europe, Asia and short-chained chlorinated paraffins [SCCPs], America. The signature of the DDT data natural geochemical cycling processes. Metal levels North America. Emissions from these areas are polychlorinated naphtalenes [PCNs]) and current- indicates recent use. Although both of these in Arctic Ocean water away from local sources are subject to long-range transport by the atmosphere use pesticides (e.g. endosulfan). Due in large observations need further verification, the generally similar to background levels. Regional or ocean currents. This is especially so in the case part to the accumulation of Arctic data on levels PCB, DDT and HCH information suggests there differences in metal burdens in marine mammals of mercury, which exhibits characteristics similar to and trends, most of these compounds are now are sources in the watersheds and airsheds of for lead and cadmium strongly imply that tissue those of POPs. A major source of mercury to the being considered for addition to the LRTAP and these rivers. This general trend is also evident concentrations depend largely on regional geology Arctic marine environment will be atmospheric Stockholm Conventions. in snow, seawater, coastal sediments, fish, and and biogeochemistry. emissions from coal-burning power stations. the few data collected for reindeer, lemming, This source is likely to increase in importance in -- In many Arctic marine mammals and sea birds, seabirds, seals and beluga whales. -- For the most part, it has been shown that cadmium the future as global energy demand increases. concentrations of POPs, particularly PCBs, can is derived from natural marine sources and, Of the heavy metal contamination in the Arctic, still exceed thresholds above which toxic effects >> There are industrial complexes using PCBs (e.g. therefore, is not a widespread pollution issue for the industrial sources outside of the Arctic in Europe are considered to be probable. However, these the heavy industry and mining activities on Arctic marine environment. However, monitoring and North America account for up to one-third of thresholds were not designed to be predictive of the Kola Peninsula) in the Russian Federation. results suggest that cadmium levels in some the deposition, with maximum input in winter. effects in Arctic species and therefore may not be Elevated PCB levels have been detected in seabirds are high enough to present a risk of kidney the most accurate predictor of toxic effects. Some marine sediments close to landfills on Svalbard. damage and, therefore, further monitoring has -- A recent assessment of temporal trends in Arctic studies conducted on Arctic species, such as polar been recommended. biota indicated that mercury concentrations in bear and glaucous gulls, have demonstrated a >> Local dioxin/furan contamination has been Canada and West Greenland have increased over variety of toxic effects related to POPs exposure. detected close to a smelter in Kirkenes, Norway. -- The majority of lead pollution reaching the Arctic recent decades, whereas concentrations in East was historically derived from the use of leaded >> Some of the biggest pulp and paper mills in Greenland and the European Arctic have generally -- Climate change has the potential to alter key gasoline, which in recent decades has been largely decreased over the same period of time. characteristics of the Arctic environment that Europe are situated along the North Dvina, phased out. This is reflected in natural contaminant influence how POPs are transported and processed which empties into the White Sea. Little archives, such as glacial ice cores, which demonstrate -- Mining and metallurgical industries on the Kola in both physical and biological systems. For treatment exists on the discharges to air and that levels in the environment have decreased. Lead Peninsula and in the Norilsk region are major example, an increase in seasonally ice-free water water, which include quantities of chlorine may still be a pollution issue in areas where lead contributors of metals to the local aquatic will increase exchange of POPs between the ocean and mercury. Some of the pulp and paper shot is used for hunting, where it can accumulate environment and elevated metal concentrations and the atmosphere, and changes in food web mills are close to the North Dvina river mouth in water bodies and wet lands and has toxic effects in air in these regions. The atmospheric emissions structures will alter energy budgets within the and are contaminating the river delta and the on fish, birds and wildlife. The use of lead shot also from these sources within the Arctic supplement the food web and influence biomagnification. Climate White Sea (Archangelsk pulp and paper mill contributes to lead exposure among subsistence atmospheric loading from Eurasian sources further related changes in POPs exposure coupled with in Novodvinsk and Solombola in Archangelsk hunters. In certain regions of the Arctic where the south. Downstream of Norilsk, the lower reaches new environmental stresses have the potential city), while other mills are further upstream use of lead shot has been banned, observed levels of the Yenisey River are at global background to push marine wildlife to a tipping point beyond (Kotlas) and are mainly affecting the river. The of lead exposure have decreased (e.g. results of levels for heavy metals, indicating that Norilsk which population-level effects might be possible or contamination can be seen clearly in the river Inuit blood monitoring in Nunavik, in northern may not be making a significant contribution to even expected (e.g. polar bears). sediments and the White Sea. Quebec, Canada). the pollution of the adjacent marine environment.

-- However, there remains some sources of POPs -- Studies in the Archangelsk area show local -- Mercury is the heavy metal of greatest concern -- Local sources that may impact directly on the that are in the Arctic Region, which include active contamination with dioxins and furans from pulp because it accumulates in fish and wildlife and marine environment include mines and industrial industrial activities and historically contaminated mills on the North Dvina and tributaries that magnifies up the food chain. In the environment, activities located on or close to the coast. These sites. These consist primarily of: extend to the White Sea. However, they are not mercury can be transformed to methyl mercury, may have significant local impacts, with heavy believed to be major sources to the offshore Arctic which is efficiently taken up following consumption metal concentrations exceeding background at >> Elevated PCB levels in nearshore areas have Ocean. Drinking water for Archangelsk city is taken and retained very effectively in biological tissues; distances generally within 30 km of the source. been detected close to abandoned or existing one kilometre downstream of the outlet from therefore, posing the main risk. Methyl mercury government installations (e.g., Saglek Bay, Archangelsk pulp and paper mill. is a potent neurotoxin that can adversely affect -- River systems can be significant in transporting Canada; and Thule, Greenland) and around metals to the marine environment, in particular 4.11 With respect to heavy metals, the present neurological development and function in wildlife government installations along the Norwegian zinc and, to a lesser extent, cadmium and lead. knowledge indicates that: and humans at relatively low levels. Concentrations coast. Similar situations may be expected to in commonly consumed wild food species can However, levels away from local sources are occur in other Arctic countries. The majority of -- Attention on heavy metal contamination in regularly exceed established guidelines for human generally similar to background levels. The flux of these sites have undergone some form of land the Arctic has historically focused on mercury, consumption. Levels of dietary exposure, particularly metals to the marine environment depends on based remediation (e.g. Saglek), which may cadmium and lead, of which mercury and lead are among Inuit, can exceed levels that concern health the season, characteristics of the river system and have resulted in an improvement in near-shore effectively transported to the Arctic via long-range authorities (e.g. WHO tolerable daily intake). Cohort distance from the source. Metal-laden sediments contamination. transport from sources outside of the region, and studies have revealed significant correlations transported to the coast by rivers are generally cadmium to a lesser extent. Concerns related deposited on the shelf seas and only a minor >> High PCB, and aggregate DDT and derivatives between pre-natal exposure to mercury and subtle, to marine contamination of cadmium and lead proportion reach the open ocean. Natural sources in suspended solids in the Ob and Yenisey non-clinical effects in Inuit newborns. have recently diminished, while there is increasing of metals are important and, in many cases, rivers, as well as HCH levels in water of the concern over mercury. -- Widespread contamination of the Arctic are found to be the main source to the marine Ob and lakes of the Taimyr Peninsula are marine environment also occurs as a result of environment.

7 8 -- Local sources with impacts restricted largely to a marine mammals. Further, if the affected habitats -- Radioactivity issues of relevance to the Arctic radioactive wastes, spent fuel, and reactors from local scale also include untreated sewage sludge, support rare and endangered species or species marine environment are currently of a potential decommissioned submarines. Progress has been which is contaminating the Kola fjord and part of of circumpolar conservation concern, such nature rather than representing health and made in improving the physical infrastructure and the White Sea from discharges in Murmansk and physical alteration may have regional or global environmental concerns due to current levels. the legal arrangements to manage these sites. Archangelsk, respectively. implications. Due to the significance of the potential risks, However, much remains to be done, including several programmes are underway to address the transport of spent fuel and waste to safer storage -- Incineration plants, such as those at Murmansk, -- Large numbers of species are gathered in small problems. Russia provided most of the information sites. emit heavy metals (lead, zinc, mercury, cadmium) areas, such as marginal ice zones, leads and relevant to such potential threats. In this context, and other pollutants, largely in particulate form, polynyas. the following two groups of potential future -- Leakage from discarded reactor cores and leading to deposition in the nearby coastal associated waste constitute potential sources -- Marine ecosystems support economic and environmental contamination from radioactive environment. sources may be identified: of radioactive contamination of the Arctic socially important species including seals, murres, Ocean, although such leakages only will be of -- Climate change has the potential to alter key guillemots, polar bear, arctic char and others. (i) Potential for Accidental Releases of Radioactive local significance. Joint Norwegian and Russian characteristics of the Arctic environment that 4.13 With respect to radionuclides, the present Material monitoring activities in the Barents sea and influence how mercury is transported and knowledge indicates that: -- Potential large-scale releases associated with coastal Norway have shown no signs of leaks from processed in both physical and biological systems. accidents at existing nuclear sites in the Arctic, ocean disposal sites, such as those in the Kara Sea, As was previously mentioned for POPs, an -- The Arctic marine environment has been as well as accidental releases in connection however it is acknowledged that these sites require increase in seasonally ice-free water will increase historically contaminated by fallout from nuclear with handling of the nuclear waste produced regular localized monitoring. exchange of mercury between the ocean and the weapons testing and releases from European during normal operation of a nuclear reactor atmosphere, and changes in food web structures reprocessing plants. The levels of contamination -- At the Mayak reprocessing plant (next to the and handling of spent nuclear fuel from nuclear will alter energy budgets within the food web associated with nuclear weapons testing peaked Tetcha River, a tributary to the Ob River that reactors, constitute particular topics of concern.. and influence uptake and biomagnification. in earlier decades and have since decreased since empties to the Kara Sea), there are considerable Furthermore, a warming of the climate may result to a point where current levels of contamination -- Northwest Russia, particularly in the Kola region, amounts of stored radioactive material found in in increased release of mercury that is currently in the Arctic marine environment are considered contains a high concentration of nuclear-powered lakes, reservoirs and river beds, especially close to bound in natural reservoirs like permafrost and low and of minimal environmental risk. Unless vessels and nuclear reactors. Spent fuel from the reprocessing plant. Assessment of transport coastal sediments; both of which are undergoing contaminated sediments are remobilized, this nuclear reactors is highly active and needs special by the river system to the Kara Sea concluded increased degradation and erosion. Climate historical contamination will continue to decrease treatment, and is often stored temporarily close to that the contribution of Mayak to the radioactive related changes in mercury exposure coupled with as sediments are buried and radionuclides decay. the reactors or bases where the vessels are served contamination of the Kara Sea has been new environmental stresses has the potential to to allow the decay of short-lived fission products. significantly less than from other sources (e.g., push marine wildlife to a tipping-point beyond -- Discharges of technetium-99 to the marine fallout from atmospheric nuclear testing and from which population-level effects might be possible environment from the fuel reprocessing plant at -- A new potential radioactivity issue for the Arctic Sellafield). However, there remains a potential for or even expected (e.g. polar bears). Sellafield have been decreasing since 1995 and is the construction of small- and medium-sized further transport of larger amounts of radioactive since new contaminant recovery technology was nuclear power plants. In April 2007, the Sevmash material from Mayak through the river systems 4.12 With respect to physical alteration and installed in 2004 have dropped substantially. This plant in Severodvinsk started construction of the to the Arctic Seas should there be a failure in destruction of habitats, the present knowledge decrease in the source is reflected in results of first floating nuclear power plant, the “Academician containment facilities. indicates that: monitoring from coastal Norway and the Barents Lomonosov,” scheduled for completion in 2010. -- Radioisotopic thermal electric generators -- Prevention of habitat destruction and physical Sea. (ii) Possible Future Leakages of Contaminated (RITEGs), which are used in navigation equipment, alteration has become a much higher priority due -- Aside from reprocessing plants and fallout from Radioactive Material and Run-off of Deposited present a special problem when their service lives to the increasing effects of climate change and its weapons testing, other sources of radionuclides Radioactive Material have expired. If handled improperly, they can impact on sea ice and permafrost. Shore erosion to the Arctic have been associated primarily with present a lethal threat of irradiation. At present, presents a particular problem since reduced -- Of 198 decommissioned nuclear submarines in inadequate waste management practices (e.g. the inventorying and replacement of most RITEGs sea ice diminishes the protection of coasts from Russia, a total of 164 had been dismantled as ocean dumping) and accidents, such as the crash in the western part of the Russian Arctic has been storm waves. Additional threats are arising from of March 2008 while progress was being made of a U.S. nuclear bomber at Thule, Greenland in completed, but they remain a problem in the demographic changes and increasing marine and on an additional 11. According to Russian plans, 1962, or Chernobyl in 1986. Although detectable Republic and Chukchi Autonomous Okrug. coastal development. the majority of the remaining submarines are in some areas of the Arctic marine environment, to be dismantled by 2010. Additional plans will -- Some risk reduction has been achieved through -- Resource use, human development and e.g. Chernobyl fallout in the European Arctic, see the dismantling of nuclear ice-breakers and significant joint Russian-international action. This settlement activities result in physical alteration contamination from these sources is generally other nuclear facilities such as the Lepse floating includes a regulatory framework for handling the and destruction of habitats. localized. On an Arctic wide basis, these sources maintenance base. During the dismantling clean-up actions. Moreover, a long-term strategic are minor in comparison with past nuclear testing process there are potential radioactive waste master plan has been developed, which could -- Physical alteration and destruction of habitats fallout and European reprocessing plant releases. management risks that have been identified become an important tool for further management is considered a major threat to the preservation including those associated with the handling and -- On May 17, 2005, the Russian Federation of radiation risks. of biological diversity on a global scale. In the transport of waste and spent fuel in the Murmansk Arctic, this remains mainly a local concern. Not accepted the ban on radionuclide dumping at sea and Archangelsk districts. (iii) Climate change and radioactivity only can coastal habitat be destroyed, but the as contained in the amendments to the London anthropogenic noise from shoreline construction Convention 1972 under Resolution LC.51(16). -- The facilities at Andreeva Bay and Gremikha -- The current AMAP assessment identifies the and port development can have impacts on are used as temporary storage sites for potential for climate change to mobilize

9 10 radionuclides in the Arctic terrestrial environment marine environment and the characteristics of -- Sources of littler include numerous human -- Sources of municipal and household solid waste and in glaciers. This may also affect radon emission the relevant riverine environment. activities, and poorly managed or illegal waste include numerous human activities, and poorly from the ground, which is a major contributor to dumps. managed or illegal waste dumps. human exposure to radiation. -- Coastal erosion is endangering community fuel tanks, waste management tanks and storage -- Demographic changes related to the increase -- Disposal of municipal and household solidwaste is -- Changes in permafrost, erosion, precipitation tanks; making them vulnerable to impact during in economic and social developments in the a local concern for virtually all coastal communities and extreme weather events may also affect coastal storms. Arctic may lead to an increase in threats to the because solid waste disposal systems often do not infrastructure related to nuclear activities. marine environment arising from infrastructure work well in the Arctic due to the cold climate and, 4.15 With respect to sewage and nutrients, the development and associated increases in human in some areas, the presence of permafrost. 4.14 With respect to petroleum hydrocarbons, the present knowledge indicates that: and industrial wastes. present knowledge indicates that: -- The increase in coastal infrastructure due to -- Municipal and household solid waste threaten -- The anticipated increase in hydrocarbon resource developments and the associated marine life through entanglement, suffocation exploration and production in the Arctic may pressures from population increases may cause and ingestion, and is widely recognized to degrade have a major impact on the marine environment. local problems resulting from sewage. These issues visual amenities. The risks of oil pollution from onshore oil and gas will be compounded by climate change, leading to operations are associated with the catastrophic permafrost loss and coastal area erosion, which will release of oil. The effects of such a release would lead to increased drainage of lakes and additional not be of regional significance, but they could nutrient burdens in river outflows that may impact become of sub-regional significance if large coastal ecosystems. amounts of oil were to reach the Arctic marine environment. Severe local and sub-regional -- Urban residential settlements that could affect problems have occurred recently, associated with marine waters are either small communities with the development and transportation of oil and small quantities of human sewage or urban/ gas. industrial complexes with large quantities of human sewage, often including industrial wastes. -- Oil pollution from urban settlements, government facilities and industrial complexes is primarily of -- Sewage disposal is a local concern for virtually local rather than regional concern with respect to all coastal communities in terms of public health the marine environment. and environmental effects because conventional sewage treatment systems often do not work -- Oil pollution at ports is likewise primarily of local well in the Arctic. Further, coastal erosion is rather than regional concern The severity of threatening to breach sewage lagoons, which this problem is likely to vary in accordance with could contaminate marine waters. the volume of ship traffic in the Arctic. With the 4.16 With respect to sediments, the present potential increase in ship traffic associated with knowledge indicates that: expanded oil and gas operations, mining and greater use of the Northern Sea Route, and taking -- Natural sedimentation and siltation are important into account the precautionary approach, there is in the development and maintenance of a shared regional interest in addressing this issue. numerous coastal habitats. Reduction in natural rates of sedimentation can compromise habitat -- Accidental releases are an emerging potential integrity, as can excessive sediment load, which source of oil pollution, for which the extreme may bury benthic communities and threaten environmental conditions and isolated localities sensitive habitats. in much of the Arctic greatly increase the difficulties of detection and taking remedial -- Contaminated sediments may also lead measures. to pollution. There are elevated levels of contaminants (heavy metals, POPs and polycyclic -- In relation to sub-regional petroleum hydrocarbon aromatic hydrocarbons [PAHs]) associated with contamination of the Arctic marine environment some major seaports on the Russian Federation’s resulting from land-based activities, the threats area of the Arctic coast. are essentially potential in nature and related to possible unintentional releases from existing 4.17 With respect to litter, including municipal facilities and future development of oil and gas and household solid waste, the present knowledge resources (including related oil transportation indicates that: infrastructure) in the coastal zone or watersheds -- Litter threatens marine life through entanglement, of north-flowing rivers. A key feature in evaluating suffocation and ingestion, and is widely recognized potential threats will be the distance from the to degrade visual amenities.

11 12 5.0 PRIORITIES 6.0 SETTING MANAGEMENT OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES AND MEASURES 5.1 The following criteria are used to establish regional summarized below in Table 2. For example, major sources priorities for action: that present an immediate and concrete threat to the 6.1 The GPA recommends that wherever possible, effects on human health and the environment. Arctic marine environment are given a high priority (e.g. Arctic States should take immediate preventive and i. severity of risk (e.g. major sources) with respect POPs). Sources that present a potential regional threat are At the regional level, Arctic States should: remedial action using existing knowledge, resources, to an existing high risk to human health, the given a medium priority (e.g. radionuclides) and sources plans and processes. Appendix 1 provides a summary of environment, or economic and social benefits and that present no immediate regional threat are given a -- Take expeditious action to implement measures the possible recommended activities for each GPA source uses, including cultural values; low priority (e.g. litter). Sources that are a combination of that are needed to meet obligations under the category, along with a wide range of strategies, measures ii. shared problems where there is an existing or shared problems and common issues are given a medium UNECE LRTAP Protocol on POPs and the Stockholm and management approaches that are generally potential risk of transboundary pollution effects, to high priority (e.g. physical degradation and heavy Convention. applicable to the RPA. ecological changes or habitat degradation; and metals, respectively). -- Distribute information to Arctic communities iii. common issues where there is existing or potential 6.2 The specific regional management strategies and on POPs pollution, including the geographic 5.3 In general, there is concurrence between the similarity in local and national problems that actions for the priority source categories are intended to identification and assessment of problems presented distribution and impact of POPs on the Arctic would benefit from common approaches. complement actions at the national and international in Section 4.0 and the information on major sources of marine environment and human health. levels. Horizontal issues such as information exchange, 5.2 Combining these criteria with the current Arctic marine contamination provided by the Russian reports on implementation and effectiveness, technical -- Consider the need to set dates for phasing out identification and assessment of problems produces Federation (Appendix 2). the current list of recommended priorities, which is co-operation and assistance, education and training, and providing substitutions for certain POPs, in public information and secretariat support are addressed addition to what is required under international in Section 7.0. agreements.

Table 2: Priorities for Regional Action 6.3 Considerable work has been undertaken nationally, Heavy Metals bilaterally and multilaterally to identify the significant 6.6 The most appropriate RPA strategies and actions for sources of pollution in the Arctic and to determine the meeting the objectives related to heavy metals would be: actions and investments needed to reduce or eliminate SOURCE CATEGORIES PRIORITIES FOR ACTION pollution. The experience and results of this work continue At the international level, Arctic States should: to support RPA objectives. -- Sign and ratify the UNECE LRTAP Protocol on 6.4 Timely information and the ability to understand Heavy Metals (cadmium, lead and mercury) and and predict future risks are essential to improve the encourage other states to do the same. Persistent Organic Pollutants High basis for sustainable development and well-informed decision making on Arctic environmental policies and -- Explore and, where needed, cooperate on activities Physical Alteration and Destruction of Habitats Medium-High programmes. To that end, Arctic Council Working Groups at the global level on mercury reduction. are encouraged to cooperate to ensure that the RPA -- Continue to draw the attention of international Radionuclides Medium is kept up-to-date and that the related existing and financial institutions, of which they are a member, potential problems are identified. to the global aspects of the heavy metals issue Petroleum Hydrocarbons Medium and, as appropriate, promote participation of Persistent Organic Pollutants these institutions in financing and partnership Sewage Low 6.5 The most appropriate RPA strategies and actions arrangements aimed at reducing the adverse for meeting the objectives related to POPs would be: effects on human health and the environment. Nutrients Low At the regional level, Arctic States should: At the international level, Arctic States should: Sediment Low -- Take expeditious action to implement measures -- Sign and ratify the UNECE LRTAP Protocol on POPs that are needed to meet obligations under the and the Stockholm Convention, and encourage Litter Low UNECE LRTAP Protocol on Heavy Metals as soon other states to do the same. as possible. -- Continue to draw the attention of international -- Exchange information as needed, related to best financial institutions , of which they are a member, environmental practices, guidelines and national to the global aspects of the POPs issue and, actions for the opening, operating and closing of as appropriate, promote the participation of mines in the Arctic coastal zone. Mining is defined these institutions in financing and partnership as the extraction of coal and ore from mines. arrangements aimed at reducing the adverse

13 14 -- Explore and, where necessary, cooperate on -- National land-based sources of marine pollution activities, arrangements and monitoring to reduce managers should exchange best practices on 7.0 PROGRAMME SUPPORT ELEMENTS or eliminate cadmium, lead and mercury pollution national priorities, policies and activities as they in the marine and coastal environment. relate to a regional approach of dealing with all land-based sources of marine pollution. In support of the implementation of the RPA, the 7.4 Technical Co-operation and Assistance following administrative and management activities Other Significant Sources Actions for technical co-operation and assistance should -- Support directions to Arctic Council Working Groups should be undertaken by the appropriate organizations include: 6.7 The most appropriate RPA strategies and actions for to pay particular attention to the degradation and at the international, regional and national levels. Arctic Council Member States to take in order to meet the loss of coastal and marine habitat, which will come -- Encouraging and facilitating co-operation between objectives related to all significant regional sources would 7.1 Information Exchange under additional pressures from climate change, and among regional organizations, conventions be: and increased resource and demographic impacts. Actions for information exchange should include: and agreements to promote the exchange of information, experience and expertise. -- Maintain a common inventory of significant sources -- Encourage the Arctic Council Working Group Chairs -- Linking to GPA and related Arctic Council of POPs, heavy metals, radionuclides and petroleum to find appropriate opportunities to discuss the information systems. -- Assessing co-operative assistance projects to hydrocarbons. status of the RPA in order to maintain collaboration facilitate coordination and avoid duplication. and exchange of information. This will facilitate the -- Actively promoting the participation of relevant -- Encourage and assist, as appropriate, the continuing continued implementation and elaboration of the intergovernmental and international sources of -- Developing and sharing technology, with due implementation of the Russian Federation National RPA, as well as the close coordination of related information and expertise. regard to Intellectual Property Rights, methods Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic and information on pollution prevention and national and regional activities. -- Defining user needs and identifying potential Marine Environment from Land-based Activities. control, habitat protection and remediation. -- Assist Arctic Council Working Groups and their information providers. -- Support collaborative activity needed to monitor, national representatives to cooperate and 7.2 Monitoring and Assessment -- Developing partnerships for environmental identify and evaluate threats to the Arctic marine collaborate on projects related to the effects of protection and management of the Arctic The AMAP and CAFF Working Groups are responsible environment from land-based activities. Encourage climate change on the marine environment, and Region among the Arctic countries, as well as for the monitoring and assessment programmes in the Arctic States to incorporate the approaches the physical, chemical and biological impacts that among governmental and non-governmental Arctic marine environment carried out under the auspices endorsed by the GPA on risk-based and ecosystem- arise. organizaions, research and academic institutions, of the Arctic Council. PAME, in close cooperation with based management to improve decision making organizations representing indigenous people AMAP and CAFF, will evaluate threats and recommend and strategic directions. and the general public, international financial priorities related to Arctic marine pollution from land- institutions, United Nations system, etc. based activities based on knowledge from all relevant sources. -- Promoting the application of risk assessment/cost- benefit analysis to reinvestment strategies for the PAME, in collaboration with Arctic Council Working Groups, priority actions identified, such as the work being will continue to ensure that the results of the evaluation done through the Barents Region Environment and identification of priority issues are recorded, and the Programme and the Nordic Environment Finance priorities for regional action (Table 2) are adjusted as Corporation (NEFCO). appropriate. 7.3 Reports on Implementation and -- Exploring innovative approaches to encourage Effectiveness multilateral financing agencies, including regional development banks and national institutions Using GPA criteria for evaluating effectiveness, open and for bilateral development, to co-operate in transparent reporting is required and should include: programming and project implementation, and to -- Reporting on the implementation of the RPA to further explore innovative approaches to provide Arctic Council Ministers, Senior Arctic Officials continuing and predictable programme funding (SAOs) and interested intergovernmental bodies for the priority actions identified. (e.g. United Nations Environment Programme, -- Collaborating on management strategies, which UNECE and Commission on Sustainable could include the identification of ecologically, Development). biologically and culturally sensitive areas, as well -- Developing a reporting procedure and format for as the establishment of protected areas within the the assessment of the RPA implementation and Arctic marine and coastal zone. effectiveness in collaboration with other working -- Encouraging the development and wide groups. distribution of appropriate contingency plans -- Maintaining meaningful and transparent for environmental accidents (particularly those communication with indigenous people and local involving oil, gas and chemical spills, and nuclear residents. accidents), taking full account of emergency preparedness guidance and assessments within

15 16 the Emergency Preparedness Prevention and -- Providing training for pollution inspectors in the Response Working Group and the broader enforcement of regulations concerning emissions, APPENDIX 1 - GLOBAL PROGRAMME OF ACTION international community. permitted discharges and waste repositories. ASSESSMENT, OBJECTIVES AND RECOMMENDED 7.5 Education and Training -- Providing training for administrators in integrated Actions for education and training should include: management and land-use planning, especially ACTIVITIES BY SOURSE CATEGORY vulnerability assessments and adaptation -- Promoting information exchange and training strategies, particularly of coastal areas. programmes to build capacity in skills (particularly 7.6 Public information TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT among local residents) to prevent and minimize RECOMMENDED SOURCE CATEGORY OBJECTIVES damage from land-based activities. Actions for public information should include: ACTIVITES Source Activities Effects and Targets -- Training and building capacity in areas that -- Promoting regular consultations with indigenous facilitate the management of risks, conducting people and local residents. environmental assessments, environmental audits -- Preparing public brochures and using the media • Treatment (see Agenda and evaluations, application of contingency plans Human health / Biological Installation of appropriate 21) for information distribution. Sewage Human settlements production / Water quality / and environmentally sound • Proper outlets and integrated coastal zone management. Fisheries / Tourism sewage facilities • Water-recycling • Productive uses -- Training and building capacity in relation to best -- Promoting best practices through effective available techniques and practices, for example, communications strategies with decision makers. • Waste reduction and among people employed in land-based industries. treatment 7.7 Secretariat Support Reduce and/or eliminate Human health / Animal • Sound disposal Industry / Agriculture / anthropogenic inputs POPs health / Fisheries / Water • Substitutes and bans -- Developing education materials on human PAME Secretariat support for the RPA should include: Commerce to prevent, reduce and quality / Biodiversity • Clean production eliminate pollution influence on the Arctic marine environment • Best environmental -- Helping to facilitate and co-ordinate the work to (within and outside of the Arctic). practices ensure efficiency, arranging meetings as needed • Limit generation of waste -- Promoting programmes and activities that raise and supporting reporting on the progress and • Safe processing, Nuclear installations / Reduce and/or eliminate storage, conditioning, implementation of the RPA. Human health / Animal awareness of threats to and the value of the Arctic Nuclear weapons / Industry anthropogenic inputs transportation and Radionuclides health / Water quality / / Public services (hospitals, to prevent, reduce and disposal of radioactive marine environment within land-based activities Fisheries -- Supporting and maintaining the exchange of universities) eliminate pollution waste of greatest concern (within and outside of the information both within and outside the Arctic • Meet IAEA Basic Safety Arctic). Standards Region and the coordination of other PAME

- activities in support of the RPA. • Treatment - Improving management training for conducting Reduce and/or eliminate Industry / Mining / Sewage Human health / Animal • Waste minimization anthropogenic inputs environmental audits, introducing economic Heavy Metals (combined) / Non-point health / Water quality / • Clean technology to prevent, reduce and sources Fisheries • Sound disposal instruments and calculating permit levels. eliminate pollution • Recycling

• Treatment Human health / Animal Reduce and/or eliminate • Waste minimization Oil production facilities / Oil health / Water quality / anthropogenic inputs • Clean technology Petroleum Hydrocarbons handling facilities / Sewage Reduction of amenities / to prevent, reduce and • Sound disposal works / Non-point sources Tourism / Tainted seafood eliminate pollution • Recycling • Spill response

• Sewage treatment Agriculture / Urban Human health / Biological • Coastal Zone horticulture / Sewage production (eutrophication) Reduce inputs where they Management Nutrients / Aquaculture / Certain / Harmful algal blooms / are likely to cause pollution • Best environment industries / Non-point Water quality / Fisheries / practices for agriculture sources Tourism and aquaculture

• Sound land-use Reduce, control and prevent Habitat destruction/ • Coastal Zone Construction / Forestry environmental degradation modification / Water quality Management Sediment / Agriculture / Mining / duet to anthropogenic / Erosion / Flooding / • Sound management for Dredging changes causing coastal Biodiversity / Tourism contaminated dredged erosion and siltation material

• Identify critical habitats Human settlements / Habitat destruction / Conserve and protect • Protected areas Construction / Forestry Wildlife / Fisheries / Water Habitat habitat and biological • Sustainable resource-use / Agriculture / Mining / quality / Biodiversity / diversity practices Dredging Tourism • Costal Zone Management

17 18 APPENDIX 2 - LOCATION OF POLLUTION HOT SPOTS Table 3 - Comparative Analysis of Identified Hot Spots in the Russian North (see corresponding map). Primary source/ Primary source/ IDENTIFIED BY THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION # Title of the hot spot cause # Title of the hot spot cause Republic of Karelia 50 Nadym TR 1 Belomorsk TR, PF 51 Novy Urengoy TR (PP) An updated list of hot spots and estuarine and marine impact zones has been prepared within a special study carried 2 Kem PF, TR North of Krasnoyarsk Krai 3 Nadvoytsy ME 52 Norisk ME (MI) out under the framework of the UNEP/GEF project “Support to the National Programme of Action for the Protection of 4 Segezha PF 53 Talnakh MI (RE) the Arctic Marine Environment”. The list was prepared based on revised information obtained at the preparatory stage Murmansk oblast 54 Kayerkan MI of the project (1999), analysis of hot spots obtained within AMAP/NEFCO study (2003), state and regional reports on 5 Nikel ME 55 Dudinka TR environmental protection for recent years (2000 - 2007) and consultations with regional authorities. 6 Zapolyarny ME 56 Dixon TR 7 Pechenga TR 57 Kayak MI The following parameters were taken into account: proximity to the sea, population at risk, size of affected area, air 8 Murmansk CO 58 Khatanga TR (FO) and water contamination level, hazard categories for mining raw materials, hazards from transportation, degree of 9 Kola FO (PP) Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya) degradation of the environment, range of actual and potential effects, and types of primary activities from which the 10 Teriberka TR 59 Tixi TR hot spot derived. Overall severity of actual and potential impacts was evaluated using the above parameters. 11 Apatity СО 60 Kular MI 12 Kirovsk MI 61 MI The list of the hot spots is presented below and illustrated on the map.. Numbers on the map correspond to the number 13 Kovdor MI 62 Tenkeli MI of the hot spot (impact zone) in the list presented. There is also an indication of the primary source/cause of the 14 Ena MI 63 Yese-Khaya MI environment damage or threats in the area (e.g. transport, mining, oil and gas, pulp and paper). The codes denote the 15 Polyarnye Zori PP 64 TR primary source/cause of the environmental damage or threats in the area concerned. Additional coded entries in the 16 Kandalaksha ME, TR 65 Chokurdach TR (FO) same column in parentheses indicate important secondary causes as and when appropriate. The following list provides 17 White Sea (setlement) TR 66 Chersky TR (PP) the codes for each source/cause: 18 Umba TR, RE Chukotsky AO 19 Olenegorsk MI, CO 67 Iultin МI -- Fisheries: FI 20 Monchegorsk MI, ME 68 complex MI Archangelsk oblast 69 Bilibino NPP РР -- Marine resource exploitation: MA 21 Mezen TR,ТС 70 Baranikha MI 22 Archangelsk СО 71 Komsomolsky MI -- Metallurgy: ME 23 Severodvinsk HL (PP) 72 TR (PP) 24 Novodvinsk PF 73 Valkumey MI -- Mining sector: MI 25 Solombala PF 74 Krasnoarmeysky MI 26 Koryazhma PF 75 Polyarny MI -- Oil and gas production: OG 27 Onega PF, FO 76 Schmidt peninsula TR (FO) 28 Nizhnyaya Zolotitsa TR, RE 77 MI, TR -- Pulp and paper and forestry: PF 29 Vasilkovskoe oil field TR, Estuarine and marine impact zones Nenetsky AO 78 Kola Bay TR -- Heat and Power Sector: PP 30 Kumzha oil field ОG 79 Motovsky Gulf TR 31 Naryan-Mar TR, CO 80 Pechora Bay TR -- Food industry: FO 32 Amderma TR, CO 81 Varandey zone TR -- Heavy and light engineering: HL 33 Khar’yaga oil field OG 82 Prirazlomnoye zone OG 34 Toravey oil field OG 83 Shtockman zone OG -- Construction materials manufacturing: CM 35 Varandey oil field OG 84 Dvina Gulf TR, RE 36 Peschanozersk oil field OG 85 Onega Bay TR, RE -- Recreation: RE Republic of Komi 86 Kandalaksha Bay TR, RE 37 Vorkuta MI, PF, CM 87 Mezen Bay TR, -- Transportation (land, sea and river) and municipal services: TR 38 Inta MI, PF 88 Novaya Zemlya Zone OG 39 Verkhnevozesky oil field OG 89 Amderma zone TR -- Complex (mixture or combination of sources/causes): CO 40 Vozeusky oil field OG 90 Baidaratskaya Bay TR 41 Usinsk oil field OG 91 Gulf of Ob TR A comparative analysis among the identified hot spots resulted in a list of 30 priority hot spots which are highlighted in Yamalo-Nenets AO 92 Yenisey Bay TR red in Table 3 on next page. 42 Urengoy deposit OG 93 Pyasina Bay TR 43 Yamburg deposit OG 94 Gulf of Taz TR 44 Medvezh’ye, Yubileynoe and Yamsoveyskoe deposits OG 95 Khatanga Bay TR 45 Bovanenkovskoe, Kharasaveyskoye deposits OG 96 Buor-Khaya TR 46 Zapolyarnoye deposit OG 97 Bay TR 47 Nakhodkinskoye, Yurkharovskoe deposits OG 98 Kolyma zone TR 48 Salekhard TR (FO) 99 Chaun Bay TR 49 Labytnangi TR (CM) 100 Shmidt Bay TR

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Arctic Council

Regional Programme of Action for the Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment from Land-based Activities