Congressional Record- House

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Congressional Record- House 2368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE. FEBRUAR~ 25, will undoubtedly be in the course of time, probably next year· strike out " one thousand eight hundred" and insert " two thou­ but the House in dealing with this subject undertook to keep th~ sand," being an increase of salary of that officer in the document salaries of th-e force in Washington down, and we have attempted room to $2,000; and in line 21, after the word " thousand," I move to do the same thing, feeling that we ought to check up a little to strike out the word" four" and insert "eight;" so that it ~:hall 1 in reference to increases in salaries. We have added a good many r_ead ''eight hundred,'' and to strike: out the words'' andforty, ' in clerks in the Eervice, where the testimony seemed to. show that lme 22. they wera absolutely required, but we have made no increases in Mr. CULLOM. I make the point of order on the amendment of salaries. This item for his promotion really got into the bill, I the Senator irom Michigan. may say honestly, without my observation as to when it was The PRESIDENT pro tempore. What is the point of order done or how it w~s done. which the Senator from Illinois makes? When it was dope I found that almost every clerk around here Mr. CULLOM. That it is an increase. Ea:d, ·• That is not fair unless you promote tts." They are gcod Mr. PLATT of Connecticut. Without a.n estimate. young men, and some of them are advanced in years. It seemed Mr. CULLOM. Without any estimate for it or anything else. to me that the only fair thing for the committee to do was to The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The Chair sustains the point treat them all alike this year and refuse to increase their pay. I of order. would have been very glad to do this, and I hope my good friend Mr. BURROWS. Was the other amendment which we have the Senator from Minnesota will appreciate the fact that the just passed on estimated for? young ma.n comes out of the catalogue of messengers and takes Mr. CULLOM. I do not know whether it was or not, but I did his position as a $1,440 clerk, and undoubtedly he and others will not make the point of order on the amendment.· be taken care of later on. I hope the Sen::~.tor will withdraw h is Mr. BURROWS. The point of order was not made on it? motion and allow us to pass the bill. Mr. NELSON. And it was reported from the Committee on Mr. NELSON. I can not withdraw it. It is a matter of very Appropriations. great injustice. The Secretary of the Senate, realizing the faith­ The PRESIDENT pro tempore. If there be no further amend­ ful work and the extra work this clerk has done, went before the ment, the bill will be reported to the Senate as amended. committee and asked for this increase. The bill was reported to the Senate as amended, and the amend­ :Mr. CULLOM. Certainly he did. ments were concurred in. Mr. NELSON. It was not at my request. The amendments were ordered to be engrossed and the bill to Mr. CULLOM. There is no doubt of that. be read a third time. Mr. NELSON. I want to do the Secretary of the Senate jus­ The bill was read the third time, and passed. tice by saying that being informed of the extra and unusual BUILDING FOR THE DEP.A.RTME~T OF STATE, ETC. amount of work, under circumstances that the Secretary could not help, which the young man was obliged to do, he felt that :M:r. FAIRBANKS. I wish to give notice that after the com­ this clerk was entitled to this little increase. It is only $160 pletion of the routine business to-morrow I will move that the a year. Now, to merely change the name from '' messenger '' to Senate proceed to the consideration of the bill (S. 1508) to provide ''clerk'' is no promotion. for the purchase of a site and the erection thereon of a public - Mr. CULLOM. The young man gets into a different class, and building to be used for a Department of State, a Department of I know he will be very glad to have that much done for him, Justice, and a Department of Commerce and Labor. though he does not get the additional pay. If he was getting the Mr. PENROSE. I move that the Senate adjourn. ordinary pay of a messenger, of course in raising him to a clerk­ The motion was agreed to; and (at 5 o'clock and 45 minutes ship we would have been compelled to have given him an in­ p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Friday, February crease. in q.ccordance with the ordinary pay of a clerk. 26, 1904, at 12 o'clock meridian. · 1\fr. NELSON. Here are the facts. I call the attention of the Senator from illinois to the fact that he has not been doirig the work of a messenger. HO:USE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. CULLOM. I know. Mr. NELSON. He has been doing the work of a clerk. THURSDAY, F ebruary 25, 1904. Mr. CULLOM. That is true. The House met at 12 o'clock m. 1\fr. NELSON. A good deal of the time, on account of the sick­ Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. ness and disability of other clerks, he has had the work of three The Journal of yesterday's proceedings was read and approved. desks to do, and he has worked after the sessions have been over~ NA. V .A.L APPROPRIATION BILL. late in the evenings, and to my knowledge has had to work sev­ eral Sundays. _ M1~ FOS~ . Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself 1\fr. CULLOM. A good many work nights and Sundays. mto vomnnttee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for - Mr. NELSON. I submit, as a matter of fairness, that his case the further consideration of the naval appropriation bill. is not on a. parity with the other cases to which the Senator from The motion was agreed to. The House accmdingly resolved itself itlto Committee of the illinois referred. :Mr. CULLOM. If it were absolutely so tkat he is a better Whole House on the state. of the Union, 1\Ir. OlMSTED in the chair. clerk and doing more work than any other clerk, I would feel The CHAIRMAN. The House is in Committee of the W hole that he had more claim than he has now. House on the state of the Union for the further consideration of Mr. NELSON. I do not claim that he is a better clerk, but I the bill H . .R . 12220, the naval appropriation bill, and the ques­ say he has done more work in proportion. tion is upon the amendment offered by the gentleman from Ohio Mr. CULLOM. Possibly so. But the clerks are good men; [:Mr. BURTON) . • they work hard; they deserve promotion and deserve additional Mr. FOSS. Mr. Chairman, the gentleman from Louisiana de­ pay; and if we take this up we must run through the whole list sires to be heard. before we can stop. I hope the Senator will withdraw his motion. .M:r. MEYER of Louisiana. Mr. Chairman, concerninoo the clause for the construction of one first-class battle ship emb~· aced Ml.·. NELSON. I can not withdraw it, because I think it is an in the pending bill making appropriations for the coming fiscal act of injustice. The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The question is on agreeing to year, I wish to say at the outset that I am in favor of this pro· the motion of the Senator from Minnesota to reconsider the vote vision. Naval strategists recognize ships of the line, i. e. the by which the Senate agreed to the amendment striking out" six battle ship or the armored cruiser, as the unit of naval po~e r. hundred" and inserting "four hundred and forty." [Putting In the tonnage recently and now being built abroad the largest share is set aside for battle ships fully armed and armored. Ar­ the question.] By tho sound, the "ayes" seem to hav~ it. 1\fr. HALE. A division. mored cruisers come next in importance to the battle ships. Their Mr. CULLOM. Let it go, Mr. President. qualities of speed, coal endurance, and means of coaling rapidly The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The "ayes" have it. The render them especially valuable to the commander of a fleet. question is on agreeing to the amendment to the amendment. Mr. Chairman, in discussions of this bill much has been said The amendment to the amendment was rejected. about the platform of both political parties with especial reference The PRESIDENT pro tempore: The question is on agreeing to to the Navy. the amendment reported by the Committee on Appropriations. SUBJECT OF THl!l N.A.VY NOT FOR PARTISAN DISCU SSION. The amendment was agreed to. I do not think the Navy a subject for partisan discussion, It is Mr. BURROWS. Mr. President- one that ought to lift a man above the rancor of a partisan. I The PRESIDENT pro tempore. If there be no further amend­ should be very sorry to believe that the American people are will­ ments, the bill will be reported to the Senate as amended. ing to have the subject of the Navy considei·ed in this way and Mr.
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