Information Issued by the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain 8 Fairfax Mansions

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Information Issued by the Association of Jewish Refugees in Great Britain 8 Fairfax Mansions Vol. XIV Nos. 7/8 July/August, 1959 INFORMATION ISSUED BY THE ASSOCIATION OF JEWISH REFUGEES IN GREAT BRITAIN 8 FAIRFAX MANSIONS. O^ce and Consulting Hours: FINCHLEY ROAD (Corntr FaiKax Road), Monday to Thunday 10 a.m.—I p.m. 3—6 p.i LONDON, N.WJ Friday 10 a.m.—I p.m. Telephone: MAIda Vale 9096/7 (Ganeral Offica) MAIda Vale 4449 (Employment Ascncy and Social Services Dept.) Thc legal position was outlined in a compre­ hensive article written by the Legal Correspondent TAKING UP THE THREAD of the Manchester Guardian on June 24th, headed •' Nazi Victims Hope for British Change of Heart." For the first time in the course of its fourteen under discussion. The reason, it is learned, was The article was endorsed by Professor Norman years of existence AJR Information could, due to that, meanwhile, the matter had been taken up Bentwich in a Letler to the Editor, which appeared the printing dispute, not be published in time. The through diplomatic channels, and that a few days on July Sth. " The position here is anomalous," present edition serves as a double issue for the prior to the meeting the Foreign Office had Professor Bentwich wrote, " because not only the months July and August. Next month's issue received a memorandum from the German Federal German Government but also the Governments will, it is hoped, appear in the middle of Septem- Republic proposing that the tax jurisdiction in of the United States, France, the Scandinavian '>er, and from October we shall revert to the usual respect of indemnification annuities should be left countries, Greece, Israel, and others, have made publication dates early in the month. We apologise to the Federal Republic, which exempts the such payments free of tax." to our readers and advertisers for any incon­ annuities from income tax; a supplementary The understanding displayed for our case by venience caused. Apart from the delay in giving clause to that effect would bring the Anglo- leading newspapers and prominent personalities is information on general developments we have had German Double Taxation Convention into line most gratifying, and we sincerely hope that the •o hold over personal items, such as birthday with the Conventions concluded by the Federal authorities now in charge will take this into tributes, and we regret that some of them will Republic with other countries. By the submission account when giving the matter their consideration. reach our readers after the events. of the memorandum the matter had been raised As regards the actual compensation payments, from the administrative level to the political level certain arrangements between the Laender and a Taxation and ifs consideration would have been outside the conference on the highest level, under the chair­ competence of the departmental representatives of manship of Bundeskanzler Dr. Adenauer, are Trying to catch up with the happenings of the the two countries who were in charge of the nego­ regarded as a decisive progress in the adequate past months, first reference has to be made to a tiations. Thus the present position is that the final and speedy settlement of the claims. Reports matter in which the AJR has been particularly outcome will now depend on the decision to be about both subjects are published in this issue. active during that period : the taxability of taken by the United Kingdom on Governmental It is expected that a meeting at which the practical annuities paid under the Federal Indemnification level. steps will be worked out will take place early Law. As reported in the June issue, cflforts to in October. have an exemption clause incorporated into the Finance Act. which had been unsuccessful in 1957 A LetJer to "The Times" and 1958, were resumed, and a motion to that World Refugee Year effect was tabled by Liberal Members of Parlia­ In the meantime, concern about the taxability of the annuities has been expressed in various While, so far, we have dealt with questions con­ ment. As in previous years the clause was sup­ cerning our own demands, there is one paramount ported by Members of all three parties, but when papers in this country. Over the signature of the Archbishop of Vork and other distinguished per­ task which calls for our activities on behalf of the Finance Bill was considered in the House fhe others : efforts to raise funds under the auspices motion was not called. The matter was also raised sonalities, the following Letter to the Editor was published in The Times on July 20th : of the World Refugee Year, about which we in the House of Lords by the Marquess of Read­ reported in our previous issue. Several of our ing (see announcement in this issue under " In " Sir,—Negotiations between the British and friends have, on their own initiative, sent donations Parliament "). Federal German Governments on the taxation to us, which we have forwarded to the appro­ In July representatives of the British and Ger­ of annuities paid to the victims of Nazism now priate quarters. Others have asked us for advice man tax authorities met in London to continue living in this country are about to be resumed. as to the way in which they could render their their negotiations, started in Bonn early this year, At present Great Britain is almost alone in levy­ assistance. The position is that in this country on certain points of the Anglo-German Double ing taxes on these payments and even the Inland the scheme is operating through two channels : Taxation Convention. The taxability of the Revenue makes an exception for annuities paid the Central Fund of the United Kingdom Com­ indemnification annuities did not. however, come for physical injury. mittee of World Refugee Year, and the supporting "The Treasury has in the past refused to refugee agencies which are members of the U.K. extend tax exemption to all the annuities on the Committee. The proceeds of the Central Fund Members and friends of the AJR ore herewith grounds that it cannot allow a privilege to are used for the four principal objectives of the refugees which is denied to British war pen­ U.K. Committee, i.e., assistance to refugees in cordiolly invited to a sioners. But the refugees' annuities are paid Europe, many of whom have lived in camps for by the German Government, which has made as long as fourteen years ; resettlement of Euro­ them exempt from taxation in the Federal pean refugees from China: aid for Chinese MEETING Republic and has taken this exemption into refugees in Hong Kong and aid for Palestine under the auspices of the Leo Baeck Institute account in fixing the size of the annuities. The refugees. At the same time, the supporting refugee Treasury's policy, therefore, frustrates the inten­ agencies (United Nations Association, Quakers, to be held on tion of the German compensation law. etc.) will be out to raise money during the Refugee MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1959, at 8 p.m. "Under 5.000 annuities are subject to the Year, which will be used partly to intensify their own activities and partly allocated to projects, at 51, BELSIZE SQUARE, LONDON, N.W.S Treasury's discrimination. The recipients are people who have suffered greatly in the past approved by them, within one or more of the (between Swiss Cottage and Belsize Park four objectives of the Cen'ral Fund. Three Jewish Underground stations) and most of them are old and sick. \ It would surely be in the spirit of the World Refugee refugee agencies, the Central British Fund. Ort. Addresses will be delivered by : Year, and of British tradition, if the Govem­ and Ose. have combined their efforts by launching ment extended exemption to all the compensa- a " Combined Overseas Rehabilitation and Refugee Professor Dr. G. SCHOLEM [ tion payments. Appeal" ("C.O.R.R.A."), and supporters should (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) send their donations to the headquarters of 'Yours faithfully, "C.O.R.R.A."—Wobum House, Upper Wobum on Place, London, W.C.1. Readers who also wish to "JUEDISCHE WISSENSCHAFT Michael Ebor, Roger Cicester, Pakenham. render their support directly to the Central Fund Violet Bonham Carter, John Foster, should address their payments to : The U.K. EINST UND JETZT" Anthony Greenwood, Donald Wade. Committee, World Refugee Year, 9 Grosvenor Professor Dr. ERNST SIMON Nathaniel Micklem." Crescent, London, S.W.l. For us there is a two­ (Hebrew University, Jerusalem) Under the heading " Petty," the News Chronicle fold obligation : as former refugees we should of July 21st published a leading article on similar feel a special obligation towards those fellow-Jews on lines. It was a pity, the article stated, that Britain's who are still unsettled. At the same time, all of "UNSER JUEDISCHES UND proud record towards the persecuted was " marred us will agree with the views, expressed by Profes­ by minor examples of meanness. No financial sor Norman Bentwich, in a letter recently pub­ EUROPAEISCHES BILDUNGSGUT" compensation can ever assuage the sufferings of lished in The Jewish Chronicle : "We received Rabbi Dr. MAX GRUENEWALD (New York) and these people. But it is up to those of us who great help for Jewish refugees in the post-war Dr. HANS LIEBESCHUETZ (Liverpool), of fhe have never experienced the horrors of publicly world from the Intemational Refugee Organisa­ American and British Sections of the Institute, orsanised persecution not to add to their burdens." tion of the Uni'ed Nations, and from the High will also 5f>eak. A letter on the same subject was also published in Commissioner himself. Now is the opportunity Dr. S. MOSES (Jerusalem), President of the Institute, the Daily Mirror of Julv 24 over the pseudonym will be in the Chair.
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