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Page Page Page Agricultural Botany ...... 217 Farm Pests 207-208 Nature Study Stories...... 189 ,, Elements ... 202 „ Royal Windsor ... 201 Nesting Swans ... 177 ... ,, Scenes ... 202 ,, Typical 202 Nimble Beasts ... 189 Allotments and Garden Farmyard Friends ... 200-201 Nitrifying Organisms in Soils 214 Produce ... 209 ... 181-183, 168, 195 On the Seashore ... 161 Alpine Plants ... 227 Life ...... 181-183 Orang-Outang ... 191 Anecdotes about Dogs ... 192 Flies, Their Various Species... 186 Orchids and Wild Flowers ... 224 Animal Life under Water 183-184 Flowers ... 224-226, 227 Our Farmyard Friends ... 201 Animal Locomotion ...... 196 Foods and Feeding 210 Our and Familiar ,, Sagacity 191 Frog, Evolution of ... 180-182 and Birds, Homes of 156 Fruit Culture 215 Fishes ... 155 Helpful to Oysters ... 195 M ,, ,, ,, Farming by New Zea- Man ... 156 „ ,, land methods 215 Pasture Grasses ... 211 Australia, TheNaturalist in 194-196 ,, „ Industry ... 215 Pearl and Pearl Oysters ... 195 , Life History of ... 195 185, ,, Tree Cultivation ... 215 Photographic Pond Life ... 178 Fungi, British ... 228, 229 Plant Life in Field and Bears—Ten Minute Talks ... 172 Garden ... 161 Game Birds, and Wild Fowl Beasties Courageous 189 Organs 221-222 Bees of Great Britain and Ireand 175 „ 206 Pigs 200, 201 Garden Friends and Foes ... 157 Bird I.ife in England...... 157 Pond Life 177-180 Life, Studies in 160 „ Produce ...... 209 ,, Potato Disease ... 214 Notes Glimpses of Wild Life ... 161 ,, 172 Poultry 201, 205 Birds 170-177 Grassland and Rotation Crops 210 ’ ,, Rearing ... 206 and Animals, Homes of 156 Growth, Structure Defects „ Principles of Horticulture ... 223 helpful to and Conversion of Timber 233 „ „ ,, Profitable Cultivation of man ... 157 Sugar Beet ... 208 Herb Yeilding Seed ...... 222 „ „ Bird Life ...... 159 Protective Colouration 180 Hidden Beauties of Nature ... 187 165, „ of the Air 161 Highways and Hedges ... 161 „ South Airican ... 176 Remarkable Trees and Plants 232 Hire of Slides ...... 234 British Birds 174, 175 Reptiles 155, 158, 167, 168, 194 Homes of Birds and Animals 1 56 ,, „ and Nests 170-172 ,, and Fishes ...... 158 without Hands ... 192 .. Butterflies and 185 „ Riverside Rambles ...... 161 Culture ...... 216 Fungi 228, 229 Hop Romance of the Animal World 191 Horses 198-199 Mammals ... 158, 192 Root Crops ... 208 and Donkeys ...... 201 Mud , Life His- ,, Rothamsted Experiments ... 212 Horticulture, Principles of ... 223 tory of ...... 186 Scenes in and around a Botanical Plant Organs, injurious Grasses and Weeds 211 Spores, 221-2 Typical Farm ... 202 Fertilization, etc. Ljurious ... 207-208 Slides ... 199 ,, ...... 218 *^nsect Life ...... 158, 161 Boxes „ and ... 201 and Cabinets ...... 235 Mimicry ... 186, 165 ,, Slide Boxes ... 235 Butterflies 184, 185 Insects 158, 161, 165, 168-169, Some British Fungi ... 228-229 ,, and Moths ... 160 207-208 184, 185, 186, Something about the Verte- Butterfly, Life History of ... 160 brates ... 161 By Pond and River ...... 161 Life History of the Ant ... 185 South African Mammals 192-194 „ „ „ „ British Mud- ... Cabinets and Boxes ...... 235 Wasp 186 185 Structural Botany ...... 222 Cats and Dogs 201 „ „ „ Butterfly 160 201 Studies in Bird Life ...... 160 199-200, „ „ „ Wheat ... 217 , Embryology of ... 204 Subscription Rates ...... 234 „ ,, ,, various Insects 185 Claxton Series, The ... 157-158 „ of the Wheat Plant from Terms of Hire ... 234 Insects as seen Common seed to seed 217 Timber ... 233 through the Microscope ... 187 „ underwater ... 183-184 Trees and Shrubs ... 161 Birds of our Commoner Lions—Ten Minute Talks ... 172 ... ,, Fruit 215 Garden 173 the Live Stock from Royal ,, Their Forms and Country Life and Agricultural Farm at Windsor ...... 201 Branching ...... 231 Scenes 202 Lucerne 210 ,, Timber ... 233 Crops 208, 210 Mammals 166-167 Toadstools at Home ... 230-231 and Molluscs ... 158 „ British' ... 158, 192 Various Insects Beneficial and South African 192-194 Dick’s dive in the Duck Pond 177 ,, Detrimental to Man ... 207 Manures, Effects of 213 Diseases and Parasites of Veterinary Science ...... 197 Marine Life ... 183-184, 195 Cattle 198 Visit to the Zoo ... 190 Microphotographs ...... 188 Effects of Manures ...... 213 Insects ... 187 Walk round the Zoo ... 155, 157 Elementary Botany 220 ,, 218, 219, Microscopical Pond Life 178-180 ... 206 Elements of Agriculture ... 202 Microscopic Objects 188 Weeds ... 211 Elephants Ten Minute Talks 172 — Migrants, The...... 156 Wee Tim’rous Beasties ... 189 Embryology of a Chicken 204-205 Molluscs and Crustaceans ... 158 Wheat Plant ...... 217 English Birds 173 Monkeys—Ten Minute Talks 172 Wild Flowers 224-226. 227 Countryside, Wild „ Moths and Butterflies 160, 185 „ Bird Life ... 177 life of ...... 159 Mud-Wasp, Life History of... 186 „ Life ... 165 162-163 Eton Nature Study ... Glimpses of ... 161 Natural History of South Africa „ Evolution of a Frog ... 180-181 in Woods and Fields 161 192-196,176 „ „ of the Plough ... 203 of the English Subjects 164, „ ,, „ „ Threshing ,, „ Countryside ... 159 166-170 Machine ... 203 Sports of the World ... 191 Talks 155-161 Eyes and No Eyes 161 „ „ Wilkinson’s Senes ... 159-160 Australia 194-196 Naturalist in Within the Deep 161 Farm Implements 203 Naturalist’s Sketch Book ... 175 Farming and Fruit Growing Nature, Hidden Beauties ... 187 Zoological Gardens ...... 190 under the Southern Cross... 216 „ Study, Eton 162-163 Zoo, Visit to ...... 190 Farm Live Stock ... 198-200 162-164, 189, „ Walk round ... 155, 157 —

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Telegraph Cypher Code Index OF SECTION 3—NATURAL HISTORY. AGRICULTURE AND NATURE STUDY. Page A N The NaturalistTn Australia 194-196 ABT; Life History of Various Insects ... 185 A P Common Insects as seen through the AFE Spiders i85 Microscope ... 187 AFO Botanical Plant Organs Spores, Fer- AQ Bees and Culture ... • ... 206 tilization, etc. 221-222 A R Wasps ... 206 A KU Trees : Their Forms and Branching ... 231 A S Dick’s Dive in the Duck Pond ... 177 A K V Toadstools at Home 230 AT Pond Life ... 178 A K W Photographic Pond Life 178 A U Injurious Insects and common farm ANW Elementary Botanical Slides ... 219-220 pests ... 207-208 AOE Country Life and Agricultural Scenes 202 A V Mimicry ...... 186 AQZ Nimble Beasts 189 A W Various Insects beneficial and detri- A R A Eton Nature Study I62 to mental man ... 207 ARC Microscopical Pond Life ... 178-180 A X British Butterflies and Moths ...... 185 A VA Structural Botany (Flowers) 222 A Y Butterflies, Insects, etc. ... 184 B D K GUrapses of Wild Life 16I A Z Elementary Botany .i. ... 218 BDL A Walk Round the Zoo 155 B A Agricultural Botany ... 217 B D M The Migrants 156 B B Root Crops ...... 208 BES Homes of Birds and Animals 156 B C Potato Disease ...... 214 BET Birds and Animals Helpful to Man ... 157 B D Effects of Manures ... 213 BEY Our Reptiles and Familiar Fishes ... 155 B E Nitrifying Organisms in Soils ...... 214 B F I The Fruit Farm Industry 215 B F Illustrations from the results of the BFR Studies in Bird Life 160 Rothamsted Experiments ...... 212 BFT Fruit Farming by New Zealand methods 215 B G Allotments—Garden Produce ...... 209 B F Y Fish Life 181-183 B H Injurious Grasses and Weeds ...... 211 B L Y Wild Life of the English Countryside 159 B I Pasture Grasses ... 211 B MF Some British Fungi 228-229 B K Hops and Hop Culture ... 216 B N A Bird Life in England 157 B L Remarkable Trees and Plants ... 232 B N B British Mammals 153 B Flowers ... M ... 227 B N C Reptiles and Fishes ...... 153 B 0 Fruit Tree Cultivation ... 215 BN D Insect Life 153 Life B P The of the Wheat Plant from BN F Lucerne 2 10 Seed to Seed ...... 217 B N G Foods and Feeding 210 The Life of BQ History Wheat ... 217 B R R Animal Life under Water ... 183-184 B R Elements of Agriculture ... 202 BS H Crustaceans and Molluscs 158 B S Farm Implements ... 203 BUG Butterflies and Moths ...... 160 Scenes in and around a Typical BT Farm... 202 B V P Flies—Their Various Species ...... 186 B U Horses ... 198 B V V Farming and Fruit Growing under the B V Sheep ... 199 Southern Cross 216 B W Cattle 199-200 B VZ Birds and Bird Life 159 B X Pigs ... 200 B W A The Life History of a Butterfly ... 160 B Y Diseases and Parasites of Cattle ... 198 B WC Wild Flowers of the English Country- BZ Veterinary Science ... 197 side 227 C A Poultry ... 205 BWX A Visit to the Zoo 190 C B Poultry Rearing ... 206 B X S Garden Friends and Foes 157 CC British Birds ... 174 B X U Wild Bird Life ...... 177 C D Bird Notes ... 172 BXV British Mammals ...... 192 C E British Birds and Nests 170-172 B X W Protective Colouration 165 C F Natural History Subjects ... 164 B X Y Grassland and Rotation Crops ... 210 C G English Birds ... 173 B Y A Profitable Cultivation of the Sugar C H The Commoner Birds of our Gardens Beet 208 Their Habits and Food 173 BYE A Naturalist’s Sketch Book 175 c I Zoological Gardens 190 B YF Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Great C K Homes without Hands 192 Britain and Ireland 175 CL Animal Sagacity 191 B Y C Birds Lecture I ...... 173 C M Wild Sports of the World 191 B YH M M II 176 CN Microscopic Objects Enlarged and B Y I Mammals Lecture I \ Photographed for the Lantern ... 188 B Y K C O Anecdotes about Dogs ...... 192-194 192 B YL :: ni C P The Orang-Outang 191 B YM IV „ „ j RM Live Stock from the Royal at Farms B YN Something about the Vertebrates ... 161 Windsor 201 B Y O Nature Study ...... 134 R N The Principles of Horticulture ... 223 B Y P Life History of the Ant 185 R U Natural History Subjects 164 BYQ A Walk Round the Zoo {2nd series) ... 157 TC Animal Locomotion 196 BYT Our Farmyard Friends ... 200-201 TH Natural History Subjects 166-167-169 B Y U Evolution of the Plough 203 TI Hidden Beauties of Nature 187 B YV n M Threshing Machine 203 Botanical U O Slides ...... 218 B Y W Fruit Culture 215 P ‘ The U Herb Yielding Seed and the Tree BZI Ten Minute Talks on Animals—Bears 161 Yielding Fruit " 222 BZ K n » >, „ „ Elephants 161 UQ Garden Produce ...... 209 BZL *> }> „ „ „ Lions 161 VO Wee, Tim’rous Beasties 189 B Z M »> }> »j t, ,, Monkeys 161 P The of V Evolution a Frog ... 180-181 BZN Eyes and No Eyes—Wild Life in Woods VQ British Fungi 229 and Fields ... 161 VR The Growth, Structure, Defects and BZ O j> ,, „ » By Pond and River 161 Conversion of Timber 233 P BZ >» u ,, „ Plant Life in Field W S The Embryology of a Chicken 204-205 and Garden ... 161 XU Beasties Courageous 189 BZQ »* »> ,7 Birds of the Air... 161 X V Nesting Swans 177 Z B R >> tt 77 77 Trees and Shrubs 161 Z T Wild Life, etc 165 BZS 77 77 77 77 lusect Life ... 161 ABQ Orchids and Wild Flowers 224-225-226 BZT 77 77 77 77 On the Seashore 161 ABR Alpine Plants—First Series ...... 227 BZ U 77 77 77 77 Within the Deep 161 Alpine Plants—Second Series B Z 228 V 77 77 77 77 Riverside Rambles 161 ABS The Life History of a British Mud-Wasp BZ W 77 77 77 77 Highways and Odynensis Spinipes ...... 186 Hedgerows ... 161 Map showing position


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NATURAL HISTORY TALKS. These illustrated Talks have been written with the purpose of arousing a more general interest in Natural History, and the Slides chosen well illustrate the interesting

and instructive matter contained in the readings. It is our intention to publish other

Lecture sets in this new Series of Natural History Talks, and it is hoped they will be welcomed by Schools and Colleges.



By F. Finn, F.Z.S.

Coloured Slides, 65 . to Is. each. Plain Slides, 25., except where otherwise marked.

Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6 d., or can be loaned with the slides.

1 The Lion. 22 Bear climbing a Pole. 44 The Chimpanzee. 2 Lion and Lioness. 23 Polar Bear. 45 The Orang Outang. 3 The Lion. 24 Polar Bear leaving the water. 46 “ Dolce far niente.” 4 The Tiger. 25 The Sea Lion. 47 The Mandrill. 2s. 6d. 5 Tiger at full length. 26 The Seal. 48 The Kangaroo. 6 The Leopard. 27 The Indian Elephant. 49 The Griffon Vulture. 7 The Striped Hyena. 28 Elephants at work. 50 The Condor. 8 The Wolf. 29 The African Elephant. 51 The Lammergeyer or Bearded 9 Indian Wolf. 30 The Hippopotamus. Vulture. 10 The South African Black- 31 The Rhinoceros. 52 The Secretary-Bird. backed Jackal. 32 The Giraffe. 53 The Stork. 1 1 The Fox. 2s. 6d. 33 The Reindeer. 54 The Marabout. 12 Fox at Rabbit Hole. 34 The Bison. 55 The Pelican. 13 The Arctic Fox. 35 The Buffalo. 56 The King Penguin. 14 The Badger. 2s. 6d. 30 The Camel. 57 The Ostrich. 15 The Badger. 2s. 6d. 37 The Two-humped Camel. 58 The Rhea. 16 The Otter. 2s. 6d. 38 The Llama. 59 The Giant Tortoise. 17 The Polecat. 2s. 6d. 39 The Tapir. 60 The Boa Constrictor. 18 The Marten. 2s. 6d. 40 The Zebra. 61 The Alligator. 19 The Stoat. 2s. 6d. 41 Grevy’s Zebra. 62 The Crocodile. 20 The Weasel. 2s. 6d. 42 The Beaver. 2 1 The Brown Bear. 43 The .

See page 157 for " A Walk round the Zoo,” Second Series. Also "A Visit to the Zoo,” with a printed Lecture, and a large number of additional ” Zoo ” pictures, including Slides of the Aquarium will be found on page 190.


By F. Fisnsr, F.Z.S.

LECTURE II. The Second Lecture in the series of Natural History Talks deals mainly with British Reptiles and our Common Fishes.

Coloured Slides, 6s. 64. each. Plain Slides, 2s. 64. each.

Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the slides.

1 Common Lizard. 12 Common Frog. 23 Roach 2 Sand Lizard. 13 Edible Frog. 24 Gudgeon. 3 Green Lizard. 14 Common Toad. 25 Loach. 4 Wall Lizard. 15 Natterjack Toad. 26 Minnow. 5 Slow worm. 16 Development of Newt. 27 Stickleback. 6 Grass Snake. 17 Common or Smooth Newt. 28 Pike. 7 Smooth Snake. 18 Large or Warty Newt. 29 Perch. 8 Adder. 19 Palinated Newt. 30 Bull-Headed. 9 Land Tortoise. 20 Goldfish. 31 Eel. 10 Water Tortoise. 21 Carp. 32 Trout. 11 Development of Frog. 22 Crucian Carp.

For additional Slides on Reptiles and Fishes, see Index. 156 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.



Coloured Slides, 6s. to 7s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. Qd. each. Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the slides. 1 Starling. 16 Reed Warbler. 2 Red Grouse. 31 Wryneck. 1 7 Dartford 3 Warbler. 32 Hoopoe. Ring-Ouzel. 18 Spotted Flycatcher. 33 Turtle Dove. 4 Nightingale. 19 Pied 5 Flycatcher. 34 Quail. Redstart. 20 Red Backed 6 Wheatear. Shrike. 35 Landrail. 21 Yellow Wagtail. 7 Whinchat. 36 Stone Curlew. 22 The Grey Wagtail. 8 Whitethroat. 37 Dotterel. 23 White Wagtail. 9 Lesser 38 Kentish Plover’s Nest. Whitethroat 24 Tree Pipit. 10 39 Common Sandpiper. Blackcap. 25 Swallow. 1 Z Garden 40 Red Necked Phalarope. Warbler. 26 House Martin. 12 Wood 41 Tern. Warbler. 27 vSand Martin. 13 Warbler. 42 Hobby. 28 Swift. 43 Montagu’s 14 Chiffchaff. 29 Harrier. Nightjar. 44 Honey-Buzzard. 15 Sedge-Warbler. 30 . 45 Gareaney. B ES HOMES OF BIRDS AND ANIMALS By F. Finn, F.Z.S.



Coloured Slides, 6s. to 7s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. 6d. each. Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the sUdes. 1 Orang-outang. 19 Moose. 37 Great White 2 Harvest Mouse. 20 Long Heron. 3 Tailed Tit. 38 Osprey. Dormouse. 21 Great Tit. 39 Starling. 4 Squirrel. 22 Wren. 5 Chipping 40 Grey Parrot. Squirrel. 23 Tailor-Bird. 6 Prairie 41 Woodpecker. Marmot. 24 Weaver-birds. 42 Mound-bird or 7 Rabbit. 25 Magpie. Australian 8 Beaver. Jungle-fowl. 26 Bower Bird. 9 Badger. 43 Tortoise. 27 Martin. 10 The Fox. 44 Stickleback. 28 Sand Martin. 11 . 45 Fifteen-spined Stickleback. 29 The Kingfisher. 12 Duckbilled 46 Paradise-fish. Platypus 30 Bee-eater. 13 The Echidnas. 47 Water . 31 Storm-petrel. 14 Aard-Vark. 48 Trapdoor Spider. 32 Eider-duck. 15 The 49 Humble Bee. Wart Hog. 33 Puffin. 16 50 . Pigs. 34 House Sparrow. 51 Field Cricket. 17 Rat- Kangaroo. 35 Hedge t8 Sparrow. 52 The Mole Cricket. Polar-Bear. 36 Wood Pigeon. 53 Giant Sea Anemone. For other “ Natural History Talks ” " on Birds,” and additional Slides see Index. For ‘‘Ten Minute Talks on Animals” by F. Finn, F.Z.S., see page 172. BET BIRDS AND ANIMALS HELPFUL TO MAN By Prof. F. Finn, F.Z.S. LECTURE V.

Coloured Slides, 6s. and 6s. 6d. each. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. 9d. each. Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the slides. 1 Arabian Baboons 7 Otter. 2 The 13 Zebu. Dog. 8 Elephant 3 The Fox. lifting Teak. 14 Gayal. 9 The Elephant. 4 Arctic Fox. 15 Buffalo. 10 Pig. 5 The Cat. 16 Bison. 1 1 . 6 The Ferret. 17 Yak. 12 Oxen dragging cart in India. 18 Sheep. .

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 157

NATURAL HISTORY J [Continued) BIRDS AND ANIMALS HELPFUL TO lAm— [Continued.) 41 Duck alighting on water. 19 . 30 Rat. 42 Goose. 20 Reindeer. 31 Mouse. 43 Swan Goose. 21 Camel. 32 Fowls. 44 Swan. 22 Camel. 33 Turkey. Two-humped 45 Cormorant. 23 Llarr a. 34 Pheasants. 46 Golden Eagle. 24 Horse. 35 Hybrid Pheasants. 47 Peregrine Falcon. 25 Ass. Pigeon. 36 48 Goshawk, 26 Mule. 37 Dove. 49 Ostrich. 27 Rabbit. 38 Canary, 50 Bee. 28 Guinea-pig. 39 White Cockatoos. 51 Silkworm. 29 Hare, 40 Duck flying. 52 Cochineal Insect. BXS GARDEN FRIENDS AND FOES. By F. Finn, F.Z.S., LECTURE VI. 10 Coloured Slides, 5s. to 6s. 6d. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each, except where otherwise marked. Typewritten Lecture Notes 2s., or can be loaned with the. Slides.

1 Small Cabbage White Butterfly. 1 1 Death’s Head . 21 Dragon Fly, 2 Large'Cabbage White Butterfly. 12 Small Ermine Moth. 22 Bean Aphis. 3 Green Veined White Butterfly. 13 Lady Bird. 23 American Blight. (2s. 6d.). 14 Rose Chafer. 24 Gooseberry Sawfly. 4 Magpie Moth. 15 Garden Chafer. 25 Turnip Sawfly. 5 Winter Moth. 16 Cockchafer. 26 Mud-wasp, (2s. 6d.) 6 Vapourer Moth. 17 Click . 27 Crane Fly. (2s. 6d.) 7 Wood Leopard Moth. 18 Devil’s Coach Horse. (2s. 6d.) 28 Hoverer Fly. (2s. 6d.) 8 Goat Moth. 19 Earwig. 29 Onion Fly. 9 Yellow Underwing Moth. 20 Lacewing Fly. (2s. 6d.) 30 Celery Fly. Codlin Moth. BYQ A WALK ROUND THE ZOO. (SECOND SERIES) LECTURE VII. By F. Finn, F.Z.S. each. Printed Reading, .Price 2s. Coloured Slides, 6s. each ; Plain Slides, 2s.

1 General view of the Zoological 17 Demoiselle Crane, 34 Octopus walking on its ten- Gardens. 18 White-necked Crane. tacles. 2 Crowds at the Zoo. 19 Camel. 35 Gurami. 3 Hippopotamus. 20 Dromedary. 36 Egg Cases of Skate and Dog- 4 Cheetah. 21 Gazelle. fish. 5 Persian Gazelle. 22 Moose. 37 Fish being fed. 6 Himalayan Bear. 23 Yak. THE ORANG-OUTANG, 7 Walrus. 24 Dingo. Studies in Attitude and Facial 8 Black Bear. 25 Leopard. Expression. A series of 9 Red Deer. 26 Chimpanzee. photographs from life, both 10 Nylghaie. 27 Hamadryas Baboon. interesting and amusing. 11 Coyper, 28 Interior of the Aquarium. 38 Dolce far Niente. 12 BarbarySheep. 29 Sea Anemones. 39 Consideration. 13 Camel’s Head. 30 King Crabs. 40 Impudence. 14 Golden Eagle. 31 Hermit Crab. 41 Truculence, 15 Eared Vulture. 32 Moon Fish. 42 Violence. 16 Tiger. 33 Electric Eel. 43 Abuse. THE CLAXTON SERIES. The five following instructive Lecture Talks, B N A to B S H, have been prepared by the well-known writer, Mr. W. J. Claxton.

BN A . BIRD LIFE IN ENGLAND. Beautifully Coloured, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the slides.

1 Owl and young. 20 Heron. 38 Bittern. 2 Little Owl. 21 Green Plover. 39 Moorhen. 3 Sparrow Hawk. 22 Ringed Plover. 40 Coot. 4 Kestrel. 23. Grouse. 41 Redwing. 5 Buzzard. 24 Blackcock. 42 Fieldfare. 6 Common Gulls. 25 Ptarmigan. 43 Snow Bunting, 7 Herring Gulls. 26 Partridge. 44 . 8 Black Headed Gulls. 27 Great Spotted Woodpecker. 45 Robin. 9 Curlew. 28 Green Woodpecker. 46 Blue Tit. 10 C^lden-eyed Garrot. 29 Pheasant. 47 Garden Warbler. 1 1 Greensbank or Sand Piper. 30 Turtle Dove. 48 Pipit. 12 Great Crested Grebe. 31 Stock Dove, 49 Starling, 13 Guillemot. 32 Jay. 50 Whitethroat or Nettlecreeper. 14 Oyster Catcher. 33 Group of Crossbills. 51 Wren. 15 Tern, Common. 34 Crossbills extracting seeds. 52 Long-tailed Tit’s nest. 16 Jack Snipe. 35 Nuthatcher. 53 Swallow. 17 Common Snipe, 36 Kingfisher. 54 Sand Martin. 18 Teal. 37 Pied Wagtail. 55 Corncrake. 19 Heron’s Nest. 56 Rook. For additional Slides on the above subjects, see Index. 158 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

natural history TALKS-(Co«hW). BN B BRITISH MAMMALS. Beautifully Coloured, 6^. each. Plain Slides, 2s each

1 Extinct 2 Early Man. 25 Stoat \i HarvestZ\rMouse. or Ermine 3 Rrnt^ Raf 26 Weasel. 15 Long-tailed 4 Long-eared Field Mouse. 27 Bat. 16 Water Polecat. 5 The Shrew Vole. 28 Family. 17 Black Stoat on warpath. 6 Water Rat. 29 Shrew, 18 Brown Badger. 7 Hedgehog, Rat. 30 Fox. 19 Comnion Hare. 8 Mole’s Fortress, 31 Fox and Cubs. 20 Mountain Hare. 9 Mole. 32 Otter and Cubs. 2 1 Dorniouse. 10 Group of Rabbits. 33 Otter. 22 Dormouse’s Nest. 1 1 Rabbit. 34 23 Group Group of Deer. 12 Squirrel and of Polecats, 35 Head Nest. 24 Pine Marten. of Red Deer, 36 Roebuck. B N D „ INSECT LIFE. Beauhfully Pa^nied Slides, 6s. each. Plain Slides 25. ancl 2s. 6d. each. Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with -the slides. 1 Aphw under Microscope. 16 2 Aphis Caterpillars feeding. 30 The on Rose shoot. 17 Large Gnat. 3 on Tortoiseshell Butterflies 31 wall. and Larvae of Gnat. 4 Ants, two Caterpillars. 32 dead. 18 Burnet Dragonflies, Small Blue. 5 , Moth on Thistle. Sections. 19 Bees. Large Green. 6 Stag 34?? Beetle. 20 Development Mayfly. Beetle and of Larvae. 35 Crane Fly and rt Mouse. 21 Devil’s Coach 8 Mason Bee. Devil’s Coach Horse, Larvae. 22 Horse Beetle. 9 Insect Humble Bee. 36 borings under bark. 23 A Wasp. The Cricket. 10 Holes of Bark Beetle 37 The Grasshopper, in bark. 24 Tree Wasp’s Nest. 1 1 Bark Beetles 38 The and larvae. 25 Hornet, Earthworm. 12 Borings of Bark 39 The Earwig. Beetles. 26 Garden Spider, 3 The Click Beetle dead. 40 Saw Fly on J andWireworm 27 Spider’s Nest. Thistle. 14 Butterflies, group of. 41 Centipede and 28 Garden Spider. Wireworm, Ic5 Moths, group of. 42 Cocoon of Silt 29 Hairy Spider. worm.

bnc reptiles and fishes. Beautifully Painted, Qs. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the slides. 1 Prehistoric Reptiles. 15 Great Warty 2 Snake Sloughing Newt. 27 The Skin. 16 Great Warty Perch. 3 The Smooth Snake. Newt. (Under- 28 The Roach. side.) 4 Grass Snake, 29 The Coiled. 17 Newt-Tadpole. Trout. 5 Eggs of 30 Grass Snake. 18 Frog. The Salmon. ® Snake. Head erect. 31 The Stickleback. 19 Frog. Full Length. 7 The Viper. Raising 32 Stickleback’s head. 20 Common Toad. Nest. 8 Viper. Striking. 33 Eel. 19 S^nake attacked (Various stages.) 34 by Hedgehog. 22 loads. The Blenny. 10 Two Slow-Worms. 35 The Angler 23 The Freshwater Fish. 1 1 Slow- Bullhead. Worm. Dead. 24 The 36 The Flying Fish. 12 Lizards. Bream. 37 The 25 The Chub. Blue Shark. 13 Great Newt. Female. 38 The Porpoise. 26 The Pike. 14 Great Newt. Male. 39 The Sole. 40 A good haul. 2’^USTACEANS and Beauhfullyrrn mollusqs. Pamted Slides, 6s. each. Plain Slides. 2s. and 2s. 6d. each. ypewntten Lecture. 2s. 6d.. or can be loaned with the slides. 1 Barnacles. 15 Mussel, 2 Cuttlefish. shell open. 29 16 Mussel, Common Garden Snails. 3 Octopus Fresh Water. 30 swimming, 17 Snail slugs with shells. 4 Octopus Oysters. showing pigmentation. 18 Whelks, 31 Hedge Snail Shells. 5 Octopus shells of. 32 walking on its Tenta- 19 Scallop. Small Snails, showing homs. cles. 20 Prawn 33 Egyptian Snails. 6 Octopus and and Shrimp. 34 Lobster. 21 Sea Large Black Slugs. 7 Nautilus shells. Shell. 22 35 Black Slug contracted. 8 The Starfish. Crab. 23 Common 36 Great Grey Slug. 9 The Crab, Star and Sun Star showing growth of 24 Mediterranean eating mushroom. shell. Starfish 38 Yellow 25 Sea Mouse. Slug. 10 Hermit Crab. 26 SIugs’Eggs allowing breathing hole. 1 and one just hatched ?? 1 Crayfish. 40 Shells of slugs. 27 hlug showing Foot-sole 12 Whelk devouring crayfish. (un- 41 Testacella. 13 Limpet. derside). 42 28 Slug Testacella and shell. 14 Lobsters. in movement. For additional Slides on all the above subjects, see Index. . )

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 159

NATURAL HISTORY TALKS— (CoBtmued). THE WILKINSON SERIES. We are indebted to the well-known Photographer, Mr. Oswald Wilkinson, F.R.P.S., for kind permission to publish an exceptionally fine series of Slides on Natural History Subjects which have been grouped in three lectures.

Many of the photographs are of exceptional merit, foj- which high awards have been granted.

Special Notice.—Owing to the exceptional conditions under which most of the negatives Were taken Mr. Wilkinson (the owner of the Copyright) has been compelled to arrange a special purchase price for this series of shdes. B L Y WILD LIFE OF THE ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE Plain Slides, 5s. 3d. each, except where otherwise marked.

Hiring Fee, {,1 Is. Qd. Typewritten Lecture Notes, 2s. 3d., or can be loaned with Slides. 1 A pair of Swallows. 7s. 6d, 27 Herring Gulls. The music of the wild. 2 A Swallow at rest. 28 The Jackdaw. 3 The Willow Warbler. 29 The pounce of the Daw. 4 The Smg Thrush. 30 A Cock Pheasant. 7s. 6d. 5 The Winchat on the lookout. 31 The Green Plover on Nest. 6 The Winchat at the nest. 32 The Greenfinch and young. 7 Young Cuckoo. 33 Moths in the wild. The Engrailed. - 8 How a cuckoo is fed. Impatient. 34 Moths in the wild. The Dotted Border. 9 How a cuckoo is fed. Anticipation. 35 Moths in the wild. The Grey Dagger. 10 How a cuckoo is fed, The arrival. £1 I Is. 6d. 36 Moths in the wild. The Ghost Swift. 1 1 How a cuckoo is fed. Saying grace. 7s. 6d. 37 Moths in the wild. The Common Swift. 12 How a cuckoo is fed. The meal. 7s. 6d. 38 Moths in the wild. The Lunar Hornet. 13 The Reed Warbler feeding young. 39 The Purple Thom (Direct Colour Photograph. 14 Nest and yoimg of Uced Warbler. 40 The Diadem Spider asleep. 12s. 6d. 15 Great Crested Grebe at nest. 41 Snare of the Diadem Spider. 16 Great Crested Grebe turning eggs. 42 The Large white Butterfly (on the wing). 17 The Great Cres' d Grebe. A Pair. 43 The Large White Butterfly feeding. 18 Kingfisher with fish, 44 The Red Admiral Butterfly feeding. 19 Nest and eggs of the Waterhen. 45 A Flying Bee. 21s. 20 The Nightjar. 46 A Daddy Long Legs. 21 The Sparrow-hawk at home. 47 “ Black Fly ” on cabbage. 22 A young Sparrow-hawk. 48 *' Green Fly ” on rosebud. 23 Nesting site of Great Spotted Woodpecker. 49 Swallow Tail Butterfly. Direct colour photo 24 Great Spotted Woodpecker and young. graph by flashlight. 12s. 6d. 25 A flock of black-headed Gulls. 50 Orange Tip Butterfly. Direct colour photo- 26 Black-headed Gulls over nests. graph by Flashlight. 12s. 6d. BVZ BIRDS AND BIRD LIFE. Plain Slides, 5s. 3d. each, except where otherwise marked. Hiring Fee, /I Is. Oi, 1 Robin. 35 Fly Catcher’s Nest. 2 Cock Sparrow. 36 Spotted Flycatcher. 3 Hedge Sparrow. 37 Flycatcher sees the Fly. 4 Song Thrush at nest. 38 Flycatcher on perch 5 Greenfinch and young at nest. 39 Kestrel Ejnrie. 6 Greenfinch feeding by regurgitation. 40 Kestrel Eyrie feeds the young. 7 Chaffinch building. 41 Kestrel E 3^ie. Halt in the meal. 8 Lapwing at nest. 42 Kestrel Eyrie swallows a mouse. 9 Cock and Hen Pheasant. 43 Sparrow-Hawk and Young at nest, 10 Willow Wren. 44 Sparrow-Hawk on nest. 1 1 Woodpecker Land. 45 The Home of the and Peregrine. 12 Great Spotted Pecker. 46 Gulls’ Nesting ground. 13 Pettypool, Cheshire. ' 47 Black-Headed Gulls in flight alighting on nest. 14 G. G. Grebe, showing secondaries. 48 Black-Headed Gulls on nests. 1 5 Grebes, repairing nest. 49 Gulls’ nest and eggs. 1 i Grebes, repairing nest. 50 Herring Gull on nest. Isle of Man. 17 Grebes, hatching. 51 Herring Gull on nest. Male watching. 18 Red Warbler. 52 Young Herring Gulls hiding. 19 The Sedge Warbler on nesS 53 Kittewakes and Guillemots. 20 Swallow at rest. 54 Flock of Wild Duck. 21 Swallow preening: 55 Razorbills. 22 Meadow Pipi‘, on Cuckoo’s back arriving with food. 56 Cormorant at nest. 23 Meadow 1 ipit offering food. 57 Cormorant flying off. 24 Whinchat on look out at nest. 58 Nightjar at dawn. 25 Whinchat alighting. 59 Young Nightjars. 26 Whinchat on look out. 60 An angry young Nightjar. 27 Stone Chat, alighting. 61 Nest of Reed Bunting. 28 Stone Chat, female. 62 Reed Warbler at nest. 29 Stone Chat, female. 63 An angry young Cuckoo; 30 The Nest of the Whitethroat. 64 Nest and Eggs of Chiffehaff. 31 Whitethroat at the nest. 65 Kingfisher fishing. 32 Yellow Wagtail alghting. 66 Kingfishers. 33 Yellow Wagtail alighting. 67 Kingfisher alighting with fish in mouth. 34 Yellow Wagtail clearing the nest. 68 Two Swans. For additional Slides on tl above subjects see Index. 160 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

NATURAL HISTORY (Continued). BUG BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS- Hiring Fee, £1 Is. Od. Plain Slides, 5s. 3d. each, except where otherwise marked. Typewritten Lecture Notes, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides. 1 Small Heath Butterfly. Imago. 19 P. Gamma. Imago. 2 Early Tooth Stripe Moth. Imago. 20 N. Ziczac. Imago. 3 Pupa of P. Cardui on thistle. 21 Eggs of bidentata. The Scallope Hazel. 4 L. Icarus at rest. Imago, 22 Larva of Dot Moth at rest (M. persicarise). 5 O. bidentata. Imago at rest. 23 Larvfe on Traveller’s Joy. 6 Larva of Gipsy Moth. 24 Orange Underwing (oridepositina). 7 Small Moth. Imago. 25 Hornet Clearwing. Newly emerged. Scalloped 8 Moth, Imago. 26 The Wall Butterfly at rest. Imago. 9 P. Cardui. Imago. 27 The March. Dagger Imago. 10 G. Rhamni. Imago. 28 Tortrix viridana. Imago. n Smaragdaria. Imago. 29 The White Ermine Moth. 12 Defoliaria. Imago. 30 The Lappet Moth. 13 N. Ziczac. Larva. 31 The Oak Eggar larva. 14 A. villicA. Larva. 32 The Coxcomb. Prominent. Imago. Natura 15 Phleas normal and alba. Resting Attitude. 16 Smaragdaira larva. 33 The Early Tooth Striped Moth. Imago. 17 Meal Moth, Imago. 34 The Pale Tussock Moth.^ Imago. Captive. 18 Piniperda. Imago. Any of the slides in the Wilkinson Series can be supplied in the finest quality painting or 5s. to 7s. 6d. additional. BWA THE LIFE HISTORY OF A BUTTERFLY. By H. C. Hawkins. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. 6d. each. Beautifully Coloured, Qs. to 6s. Qd. each. Typewritten Lecture, price 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides 1 The World of Nature. 25 Pupa of Purple Emperor. 2 Garden and Cream Spot Tiger Moths. 26 Unfolding wings of insects. 3 Crimson Underwing Moth. 27 Hornet Clearwing. Newly emerged. 4 Antennae of Butterfly and Moth. 28 Tortoiseshell and Comma Butterfly. 5 Small Heath Butterfly. 29 Small White Butterfly. 6 Red Admiral Butterfly. 30 The Clouded Yellow Butterfly. 7 Proboscis of Butterfly. 31 The Painted Lady Butterfly. 8 Cupid and the Butterfly. 32 The Swallow Tail. 9 Table of Geological Periods. 33 Silver-washed Fritillary. Wings open. 10 of the Landscape Eocene Period. 34 Silver-washed FritiUary. Wings closed. 1 1 Eggs of Butterflies. 35 Butterfly at rest. 12 Group of Caterpillars. 36 Protective colouring. 13 Caterpillar—Magnified parts. 37 Protective colouring. 14 Head of Caterpillar. 38 The Orange Tip. 1 5 Interior of Caterpillar. 39 Butterflies and Moths. 16 Caterpillars feeding. 40 The Peacock Butterfly, 17 The Ichneumon Fly. 41 Tongue of Butterfly. 18 Wasp carrying caterpillar. 42 Head of Butterfly. 19 Sections of Wasp’s Burrow—with store of cater- 43 Siiver-washed Fritillary on Pansv. pillars. 44 Cockchafer. 20 Butterfly on Flower. 45 Brimstone Butterfly on Holly. 21 Pupa on Thistle. 46 Purple Emperor. Egg. 22 Group of Pup^. (Swallow Tail ; Silver-washed 47 Purple Emperor. Caterpillar. ' FritiUary large Tortoiseshell ; ) and Butterflies. 48 Pair of Purple Emperors. 23 Chrysalis of White Admiral. 49 Camberwell Beauty. 24 Pupse of Brimstone and Peacock Butterflies. 50 A Perfect Insect. B F R STUDIES IN BIRD LIFE. By Dr. Norman Joy. Coloured Slides, 6s. and 7s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. and 2s. 9d. each. Typewritten Lecture, 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides. 1 Introductory. 15 The Peewit, or Lapwing or 28 The Nightjar. 2 The House Sparrow. Green Plover. 29 Nightjar’s Nest and Eggs. 3 The Robin. 16 Young Peewit, etc. 30 The Tern. 4 The Chaffinch. 17 The Reed Bunting. 31 The Willow Warbler 5 The Blue Titmouse. 18 The SwaUow. 32 The Blackcap. 6 The Hedge Sparrow. 19 The House Martin. 33 Blackcap on Nest. 7 The Rook. 20 House Martin’s Nest. 34 The Cuckoo.' 8 Thrush. The 21 The Sand Martin’s Nest Holes. 35 Young Cuckoo in Hedge Spar- 9 The Blackbird, 22 The Swift. row’s Nest. 10 Chaffinch sitting on Nest. 23 The Chiffchaff. 36 Yoimg Cuckoo being fed Ly 11 The Wood Pigeon's Nest. 24 The Flycatcher. Hedge Sparrow. 12 The Bam Owl. 25 Young Flycatcher. 37 The Fieldfare. 13 A Pair of Young Barn Owls. 26 The Redstart. 38 The Knot. 14 The Kestrel. 27 The Nightingale. 39 The Brent Goose. 40 The Starling. 41 Starling’s Nest and Eggs. For additional Slides on all tlie above subjects, see Index. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 161

NATURAL HISTORY TALKS—Continued. B D K GLIMPSES OF WILD LIFE. By Harry Cox, F.Z.S. This Natural History Talk deals chiefly with British Birds. The Slides have been reproduced from original negatives, and are exceptionally fine. Beautifully Painted 6s. 6d. each. Plain Slides, 2s. Qd. each. 10 Typewritten Lecture 3s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides.

1 Four Fox Cubs. 26 Swan on Nest. 2 Swarm of Bees. 27 Young Heron. 3 Wasps’ Nest. 28 North Sea Breaker. 4 Nest of Dormouse. 29 Bunch of Sea Campion. 5 Gamekeeper’s Gibbet. 30 Robert Darling. 6 Nest and eggs of Whitethroat. 31 A Bird Haunted Comer of the Fame Islands. 7 Nest and eggs of Hedge Sparrow. 32 Nest and eggs of Oyster Catcher. 8 Nest of Jenny Wren. 33 Among the Pufi&ns. 9 Robin on Nest. 34 Nesting Place of Terns. Nest and eggs of Yellow Hammer. 35 Eider Duck’s nest and eggs. 1 i Nest and eggs of Linnet. 36 Eider Duck on Nest. 12 Missel Thrush on Nest. 37 Nest and eggs of Lesser Black-backed gull. 13 Nest full of Young Missel Thrushes. 38 Nesting Quarters of Cormorants. 14 Nest and eggs of Missel Thrush. 39 Among the Cormorants. 15 Nest and eggs of Song Thrush. 40 Young Cormorants Hatching. 16 Thrush’s Nest on Wagon. 41 Guillemots Sitting. 17 Nest and eggs of Blackbird. 42 Colony of Gannets. 18 Magpie’s Home (Interior). 43 Young Gannets. 19 Nest and eggs of . 44 Immature Gannets. 20 Photographing a Moor-hens’ Nest. 45 Gannets on the Bass Rock. 21 Nest and eggs of Moor-hen. 46 A Proud Parent. (Gannet.) 22 Nest and eggs of Wild Duck. 47 Young Peregrines Hiding. 23 Wild Duck on Nest. 48 Young Peregrine Falcon and Prey. 24 Nest and eggs of Shoveller. 49 Young Peregrine Falcon waiting parents* return. 25 Nest and eggs of Shelduck. 50 Young Ravens in Nest. BYN SOMETHING ABOUT THE VERTEBRATES. A series of 36 Slides. Descriptive reading by Mr. E. Samuelson.

Coloured Slides, 65. to Is. each. Plain Slides, 25. to 25. Qd. each. Typewritten Reading, price 2s. 6d, or can be loaned with the Slides.

For Ten Minute Talks on Animals by F. Finn, F.Z.S., see page 172.

EYES AND NO EYES. (Cassell's Series). We are indebted to Messrs. Cassell & Company for kind permission to publish the “ following ten Sets of slides illustrating their well-known series of books entitled Eyes and No Eyes.” " These books are inten4ed to interest children in country life. They are written in the simplest language, so as to be fit for each class to read aloud, but the information given in them requires explanation and illustration by the teacher.” The Slides will be particularly helpful in enabling the children to identify the Animals and Plants, mentioned. Printed books price Is. 3d. each, or can be loaned with the slides. 2s. to 2s. 6d. each. Coloured Slides^ 6s. each ; Plain Slides, B Z N Book I. WILD LIFE IN WOODS AND FIELDS. B Z O II. BY POND AND RIVER. B Z P in. PLANT LIFE IN FIELD AND GARDEN. B Z Q IV. BIRDS OF THE AIR.



B Z V tj IX, RIVERSIDE RAMBLES. B Z W X. HIGHWAYS AND HEDGEROWS. Each book will be illustrated by 24 to 30 slides. Detailed lists will be sent on apphcation.

For additional Slides on all the above subjects see Index. 162 newton & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. AR A ETON NATURE STUDY. we have thought that Tc" principal schools, Nature Stud/- by Matthe/ Wilfred Mark Webb, Assistant Master at and Co.) F L S F r’m Many of them are from direct nhnln^ra I^^^ckworth most beautiful and careful ^ number are from drawings by w!^J. Webb*^^*’

2.- 3tf. each except w/iere otherwise marked, * 1 A specimen left-hand page of the note-book, on (Spindle Tree leaf. which headings and notes oave been 37 Dogwood leaf. . , . written. j » A specimen 'Wayfaring Tree right-hand page of the note- leaf. ( Lesser Maple book, on which outline diagrams leaf. 38 f Greater Maple and water-colour sketches have leaf. been made. 'Guelder Rose leaf. I Map showing the (•Horse Chestnut method of recording ob- leaf. 39 J servations by use Elder leaf. A A 1 of flag labels. A plum cut through, ( Ash leaf, and showing the seed laid / Lime leaf. bare by the removal of part 40 J - of the stone, Common Elm leaf. 5 Development^ , of a dwarf Bean Pod ( Wych Elm leaf. /Fruit of Caper Plane Spurge. 41 f leaf. Ripened fruit of Spanish 6 Caper Spurge bursting j Chestnut leaf, j and scattering its leaf. i'T'i- r . seeds. f /ruits of Robin-run-in-the-hedge. 42 i Alder leaf. 7 -f -T.L ^ ( The head of Burdock. Beech leaf. Fruit of Barley Grass, /Hazel leaf. ojI Fruit of Goat’s Beard. 43 Hornbeam leaf. j ." 0‘d t Walnut leaf. Q Man’s Beard.” ' Crane’s-bill. Blackthorn leaf. in A f IJ A glass-topped box 44 Bird Cherry containing fruits of leaf. Willow Herb. ^ Wild Cherry leaf. 11,, bwallowse „ collecting round a tower, near /Crab Apple leaf. i>afore migrating. 45 Aspen leaf. 12 c ,, j 12 Barn Swallows * returning in pairs and land Black Poplar leaf. lug on the Isle White 26 , , , of Wight. ( Willow leaf. Apparatus for observing the sun. 46 Oak leaf. 13 I I of * 'fart apparatus for observing the sun. Wild Service leaf. 2711la A Window showing the method of recording White Beam leaf. 28 I tua height „. of the sun. 47 1 White Thorn leaf . 15 Diagram to show I the position of the sun White Poplar leaf. on the longest ( Mountain D j and shortest days. .Q Ash leaf. 16 Records of the position ° of a shadow on the 1 Holly leaf. flour. (Scotch Pine leaf. Flower of a dvarf bean. 49 leaf, 36 j Flower of a dwarf bean from which the petals i Vew leaf. have been removed. 50 A common mould. ( Voung seed pod of a 51 dwarf bean. A portion of a mushroom bed. erect rod. common cultivated bhadow . mushroom. cast at noon by a tilted rod. oo A blind AJ worm. A figure showing 64 the connection between The hatching of a blind worm.

the ' angle made by style of a 66 A viper. 2s. Bi. sun-dial, 66 and that representing A smooth snake (Coronella). the latitude 57 of place where it A viviparous lizard. used. 58 A hedgehog. 21 A figure showing one method 59 of determining® Head of a male wild cat. latitude. 59a Wild cat and her kittens 22 A figure showing how to cut out the style generation. ^ niodel 61B? a A c P®P®r sun-dial. A hybrid stoat ferret. This specimen 2d A Sun-dial; seen from above. was born ® Stump tail. seen from below. 62an AA dormouse.J it Clouds.A, (Douglas English.) 2s. 6d Cumulus indicative of approaching 63 A squirrel. showers. 64 Mr. A. 2fi Heneage Cocks with one Clouds. Stratus pointing of his stoat- to fine weather. ferret hybrids. ^ Anemone expanded. 65 -f The skeletons of man and horse I A Sea Anemone contracted. compared, thoroughbred horse, A marine aquarium c, 1 “St. Simon.” kept without changing “ il Hiawatha.” toe water for many years. Do 2Q Tt...! t Wild horses. “”1 oi'i’uury edible crab. 50 fi j ?! 69 A hyacinth bulb cut through. 30 Underside of an ordinary edible crab (female). * ''>'>e''nating 31 The tail humble-bee. of a female edible crab extended 717? The edible snail and its winter fu show the swimmerets. lid. Ort , , U ISest of a dormouse. 2s. oJ Web of a garden spider. 6d. • 3 Oak log cut 33 House spider. across. 74 Oak bark. 34 Garden spider. 75 Bark of Spanish chestnut. A leaf scar on a sycamore twig 76 Section ol Elder 36 Diagram showing stem, showing the wide an- the leaf arrangement cl pith. sycamore. 77// *1. Section through a piece of Yew. —

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 163

79 135 ETON NATURE STUDY (Continued.)

Section through a piece of “ stainy ” Willow A nucleus hive.

wood. f Egg of the honey-bee. 79 Museum specimens and labels. t Larva of the honey-bee. 80 A museum jar. 137 Pupa of a drone in its cell. 81 Section of a railway cutting and limestone 138 Humble-bee visiting Snapdragon. rocks near Ashbourne, Derby- 139 Lily bud about to open. shire. 140 A silkworm caterpillar. 82 Sycamore twig. 141 The blind wood-louse that lives in ants* nesti. 83 Valley showing the windings of the river 142 A gallery in ants’ nest with their “cows which made it. 143 An ant’s “ cow.” underside. 84 Cross section of the stem of a cabbage. 144 Lily bud opening. 85 Section of a cabbage. 145 Lily flower, 86 Plane tree in winter. 146 Privel hawk caterpillar showing the bands 87 Methods of drawing trees. which “ break ” the urface of QQ f Dwarf sugar bean. (Sutton’s). its body. ® t Bean with the skin removed, 147 A lobster caterpillar. nq jSoaked bean beginning to shoot. A hover-fly. 143 (Soaked bean with one lobe removed. Egg of the hover-fly, enlarged. 90 Skeleton leaf of Magnolia. 149 Larva of the hover-fly preying on aphides. 91 Skeleton of an Indiarubber-Plant leaf. 150 A white butterfly. 92 Young bean seedling. 151 The common snail. 93 Bean seedling bursting skin of the seed. 152 The underside of a snail. in air. q. f Bean seedling kept a tube supplied with 153 The great grey slug.

( Bean seedling kept in closely corked tube. A worm-eating slug. 95 Development of the feathers of young Robin, Egg of a worm-eating slug. qe f Potato tuber. 154 Newly hatched worm-eating slug. “ ’* I Developing eye of a Potato tuber. Egg of a worm-eating slug broken open to show 97 Geranium cutting. the young one inside. 98 Young lily bulbs growing from an old scale. Spine of Hawthorn. 99 Begonia leaf producing new plants. Spines of False Acacia. 155 100 Young bryophyllum plants growing from a i Prickles of Wild Rose. detached leaf. { Gorse shoot. 101 Frog eggs. Leaf-like branch of “ Butcher’s Broom,” bear- 102 Crocus. 156 ing a flower bud. /Trout egg. Fruit of ” Butcher’s Broom.” 103 Trout egg faintly “ eyed.” 157 Section across a side wound in Ash branch. -j ( Trout egg fully “ eyed.” 158 Side wound on an Ash branch. 104 Trout egg hatching. Cross section of a recently made Apple graft. 105 Newly hatched trout or “ Allevin ” showing Cross section through an Apple graft after a the yolk sac. { year’s growth. 106 Young trout in the “ fry ” stage after the 160 Maple tree in winter. 116 been absorbed. 161 Maple tree in summer. 117 yolk sac has 118107 A Terrarium with accommodation for amphi- 162 A Bryony tendril. 119 bious animals. 163 A Sundew leaf. 120 108 Nest of the seven-spined Stickleback. 164 A Sundew leaf feeding. 121109 Potato tuber showing sprouts.” 165 Section showing how a side branch of Walnut eggs, eight days old. joins another. 122110 I ^(Frog’s eggs, twelve days old. (Marble gall showing the holes through which 111 A developing chick, two days old. the insect inhabitants have es-

112 A closed-in nesting box. 166 -^ caped. 113 Nesting box with the side open. Marble gall cut through, showing the cavities 181 I 114 A series of of the same brood at 182 occupied by the grub. 126 different ages showing the re- 183167 Marble gall-fly. 127 184 placement of the downy covering 168 “ lodger ” from a marble gall. 128 185 A 129 by feathers. 186169 Sheep ’s-woo1 galls on oak flowers. 130 Tadpole just hatched. 187170 A “ Robin’s Cushion ” on a rose shoot. 131 188 showing gills and mouth 171 fairy fly. 132 Tadpole—underside 189 A 133 { (three days hatching). 190172 Succession of moorland vegetation on Red 134 A developing chick, three days old. bourne Edge, Weardale. Horse-chestnut buds. 173 Wild hyacinths. Potato showing young shoots. 174 Spore-capsule covers of the Male Fern, Horse-chestnut bud opening. f Silkworm chrysalis. Decaying vegetable matter pulled into the Silkworm cocoon from which the moth has 175 j ground by a worm. ^ emerged. An earthworm. Male silkworm moth. 176 (Tadpole, seven days old. Female silkworm moth.

] Tadpole showing the hind limb. 177 Moss showing capsules. i Tadpole showing the hind and fore limb. 178 Liver-wort. 12S Horse-chestnut bud opening and showing a 179 A Fern Prothallus. bunch of young flowers. 180 Eggs of a twin-spot lady-bird on the under- pill wood-louse rolled up. side of a Hollyhock leaf. 124^ i 1 i\ pill wood-louse crawling. Larva of a lady-bird. 125 Centipede. Pupa of a lady-bird. Millipede. Twin-spot lady-bird. Lily bud. Wild duck’s nest covered. Silkworm eggs. Wild duck’s nest uncovered. ” May.” Nearer view showing the eggs. A dried Fritilaria plant. Black-headed gull’s nest and eggs. A dried branch of Alder. Black-headed gull’s eggs hatching. Lily bud swelling. Robin’s nest. Drone bee. Young jackdaws. An observatory hive. 191 ” The Eton Nature-Study Camera.** 164 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. nature study series of 3 dozen Slides from 7 original negatives Coloured Slides, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. A detailed list of the Slides will be sent on application. NATURAL HISTORY SUBJECTS.35

Photographed from life by R. B. Lodge, Enfield. Coloured Slides 52 Is. each. Plain Slides 2s. 9c?. each

1 Flight Netting at Priskney 22 Rat 2 Trjy Lizard Taking Birds Out of Net 24 Castings of 39 Stiok Caterpillars {Savihucata) 3 ,, Nets 25 Mouse bones from Barn Owl 44 Larvae of Pussmouth 4 The Wildfowler Loading the casting D. vinula 49 Slide showing protected Old Gun 27 Dormouse Butt terflies an dothers of different 7 Common Gull in Net 28 Mouse in trap 10 The Gamekeeper genera imitating them 29 Axis deer. Leonardslee Park 49a 14 Pole Trap 30 Bennett’s „ „ Wallabies, Leonard- Lappet Moth, just batched, 15 Weasel Trap slee Park on 16 Hare empty cocoon 32 Prairie dogs 54 Trout Fishing 17 Rabbit looking out of hole 33 Prairie dogs looking out of a 56 18 Rabbit in the grass Newt coming to surface of water hole, Leonardslee Park to breathe 19 Babbitting with Ferret 34 Viper basking RU NATURAL HISTORY SUBJECTS. Most of these are from drawings by A. Thobbuen, G. E. Lodoe, and others : conied bv permission of *' Illustrated jLondon News,” “ Knovdedge,” &q Beautifully Painted, 6s. to 9s. Plain Slides, 2s. 68 ; and 2s. 3d. each. 1 A hungry Raven 49 “Coveys fairly large and Birds 19 Tiger’s 262 On the sea shore “ Head. Very ^fine. well grown 80 The Last 3 Daybreak on the of the Quaggas. 12th 50 The latest Hybrid Pheasants, (“Knowledge,” 4 A successful foray Oct.. 1902 ) descendants of English- 81 The 5 The haunt of the Bittern White-tailed Gnu. Japanese parents 8^ Head 6 Highland poachers and forequarters of the 61 A Disregarded Warning: A Aye-Aye, 7 Plovers the most remark- Stoat killing a Rabbit under aBle 8 Terns, a sheltered corner of the Malagasy a Gamekeeper’s Trophy of Lemuroids 9 Bustards at sunrise (Dec., 1901). Vermin 83 Pair of Ara.bian 10 A drive 52 Baboons. An Unexpected Enemy. Fox 84 The Great Marions 11 Grouse gliding up to the guns about Tortoise to spring on pheasant. (Testudo Sumeirei) 12 A Merlin seizing her prey Snow * now scene. living at Port 13 Wildfowl on the mud flats Louis. 53 Fight between Fox and Stoat Mauritius 14 Snipe boring (March, 1903). in Snow. 85 Pair 15 On the outlying beat of Brazilian Tortoises. 54 Peewits Alarmed by Part- 86 Tortoise with 16 The first drive of the season Eggs in Gar- ridges. A nest disturbed. den. 17 The home of the Ptarmigan 55 Havoc. Stoat raiding a part- 87 18 Falcon on the watch Common Frog. ridge’s Nest. 88 Common 19 Woodcock dropping into Toad. cover 56 Peregrine Falcon Teaching 89 20 Spent The King Crab. (Fox) its Young to Stoop. 90 Oriental River Prawn. Pala- 21 Condemned to death (Stags) 57 The Tree-Warbler. mon 22 Through the deep drift Lar Fabricius. From (Stags) Wild Ducks Entering „ 23 Mallards Spence Bate (Oct., 1899). off the Coast Decoy Pond at Daybreak. 91 Arctic Shrimp. Sclero- 24 Guillemots and Puffins 59 Fox Hunting Hares. Goldfinches crangon ferox Sars. From [Coast 60 The first glimpse of the beaters Sars 26 Cormorants on the Wild West (Oct . 1899). 61 The Pacific Eider Duck at 92 Forster’s 27 ChristmasVisitors (Field Lung-fish, Cera- Fares) Home. todus 28 Norwegian Hawk Owl forsteri (March, 1906). 62 The Humming-Bird. 93 Marked 29 Black Game [Plumage Plaice, which 63 Birds of Paradise, I. travellet^ 30 Ptarmigan in Summer 40 miles in 20 64 ,, „ II. days, 31 The Poacher (two birds) and was then recap- 65 The Secretary Bird and Com- tured 32 Condor of the Andes Eagle (July, 1905). mon Rock Snake of Natal. 94 The 33 Peregrine Falcon and Ptarmi- Teredo. A mollusc 66 Swans, whistling and mute. which eats 34 The Moors, Blackcock [gan into the Sub- 67 Score.sby’s Gull (June, 1905). marine 35 Partridges in Winter Months Cable. 68 The Honey-Buzzard Rifling a 36 HenandCockPheasantonNest Wasps’ Nest of Larvse. Fur-bearing Animals. 37 Hare and Pheasants at Rest 69 Bird Snarers at Work. 95 Silver Fox. 38 Wild Duck Shooting 70 Snaring Wild Fowl. 96 The Ermine. 39 Grouse-shooting: Flanking the 71 ^vtinctand Vanishing Birds. 97 White Fox and Pack into the Guns Squirrel. 72 Wing of Bird (Green Canary). 93 Mink and Sable. 40 Pheasants in Close Time 73 Grey Parrots and Nestlings. 99 The Opossum. 41 Grey Hen and Nest [Plumage 74 White Raccoon Dog (“Know- 100 The Beaver and 42 Partridges in Mid-September the Cana- ledge,’’ April, 1905). dian Otter. 43 Sparrow Hawk raiding a flock 75 Like and yet Unlike. An 101 Wild Duck on Nest. 44 Black Game [of Chaffinches Asiatic (A) and an African 102 Moorhen’s Nest 45 Mallard going down wind and Eggs (B) Fl>nng Squirrel. (“Know- 103 Swan on Nest. 46 Parent Partridges and the last ledge.” March. 1902.) 104 Thrush’s Nest and of their Brood; the Cock and Eggs. 76 The Glossy Ibis (“Know- 105 Snipe on Nest. Hen distinguished by Plumage ledge,” March. 1905). 106 Hawk Owl with 47 Greenland Falcon, Adult Plum- feathers dis- 77 A Lion in J ungle. Dlayed. 48 Three Herons in Fligh 78 An Unbidden Guest. Lion 107 Slugs on a Cabbage Leaf, in search of food. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 165

ZT WILD LIFE, ETC. From Negatives taken by Herbert Lazenby. Plain Slides, 2s. 6d. each. Beautifully Fainted, Qs. 6d. ; Pipit on Nest. I Beiapton Cliff-climbers, Group of Climbers, 48 Tree with Tackle. 49 „ Beside Nest. Climber going backward over Cliff. 50 Robin on Greenhouse. View of Cliff, 300ft. high, with 51 Sandpiper, Haunt of. Climbers at Work. 52 „ On Nest, Eggs. The Pullers at Work on Cliff-top. 53 „ Nest and Climber walking up the Face of Cliff. 64 Skylark on Nest. Climber nearing the Cliff-top. 65 „ Feeding Young. Young, on Nest. Climber at the Top. 56 ,, Climber emptying his Pouches. 57 Snipe on Nest. Young. Heap of 300 Eggs of Guillemots 58 ,, Two A Young. and Razorbills. 59 Starling about to feed Thrush feeding Young. 10 Birds on the Cliff Ledges. 60 Missel 61 Thrush at Home. II Carrion Crow. Song . , ., with Food for Young. 12 Cuckoo (young) on Nest of Pied Wagtail. 62 Great Tit Turkey. 13 Curlews, Two Young. 63 A White on Nest. Turtle Doves, a Pair of Young. 64 Grey Wagtail U Warbler feeding Young. 15 Spotted Flycatcher beside Nest. 65 Sedge 66 Willow Warbler entering Nest. 16 „ M Young Bird. Wheatear near its Nest 17 Young Red (jrouse among Heather. 67 Island Whitethroat feeding Young. 18 Black-headed Gulls. A pretty View of 68 with Birds on Nest and on the 69 Woodcock on Nest. Nesting Site, showing 36 Wing. 70 Green Woodpecker, Hole in Tree. IQ General View of Gullery. Pair of Young. Young just Hatched, showing another 71 „ Family of Young. pecking its Way out of Egg. 73 „ feeding Young. 21 On Nest. 73 W’ren Fit of Temper. Standing beside Nest. 7496 A Baboon in a Badger. 23 Merlin Hawk on Nest. 75 The Highlander (Bull). 24 Nightjar (young), 10 days’ old. 76 A West Foxhounds at the Kennels. 25 3 weeks' old. 77 Dogs, „ Out for Exercise. 26 A White Jackdaw. 79 A Meet of the Hounds. 27 A Young Jay. II „ , vt * Young Lupetti Dogs. 28 Jays (young) on Edge of Nest. 80 „ A Retriever (head study). 29 Showing Crest. 81 ,, „ ‘82 Wild Fox leaving Fox-earth. 30 Kingfisher at Home. A Young Horse (a head study). 31 Knots, A Group of. 83 Field Mouse Nest with Young. 32 Lapwing. 10084 and Eggs, with young one just 85 Otters, A Pair of Young. 33 „ Nest Bath. Hatched. 86 „ Leaving Pond after a 87 Pigs, A Study in Black and White. 34 Nest of Young. „ Rabbit (young) at the Entrance of Burrow. A Pair of Young Magpies. 88 (Wild Duck) on Nest. 36 Mallard in Field. left hy Bird. 89 Wildflowers in situ, Daisies 37 „ Nest Covered, as Whins. Eggs. 9Q Forget-me-nots in 38 „ Nest Uncovered, showing 91 Primrose Root in Wood. 39 King Ousel on Nest. Anemone. Tree. 92 „ Wood 40 Barn Owl, Nesting Ranunculus. Interior View, show- 93 „ Water ^ ,, ’* ing Eggs and Mice. 94 The Dipper at Home. hatched. Long-eared Owl. Young Sandpiper on Nest, just 42 A Young _ Pair of Young Barn Owls. An amusing 43 „ Two in NesL 96 A study. 44 „ On Twigs. 97 Four young Leverets in the Form. 45 Tawny Owl on Nest in Rabbit Burrow. 98 Woodcock on Nest. 46 Partridge on Nest. 99 Woodcock on Nest (nearer view). 47 Pheasant on Nest. Woodcock on Nest. The bird only.

BXW PROTECTIVE COLOURATION. each. Beautifully Painted, Si. to 85. &d. each. Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. &d. Emperor. 13 Pupa of Indian Mantis. 25 Larva of Purple 1 The Fox. 26 Larva of Purple Emperor. 2 Hornet Clearwing. Dorsal view. 14 Wild Rabbit. rest. 27 Hornet Clearwing. Front view. 3 The Lappet Moth. 15 Hare and Pheasants at Pheasants. 28 Mimicking Spider. Bramble 4 N. Ziczac Larva. 16 The latest hybrid Pheasant on Blossom. 5 The Coxcomb, Prominent 17 Hen and Cock 29 Buff Tip. Imago. Natural resting nest. 30 Brimstone on Holly. attitude. 18 The home of the Ptarmigan. plumage. 31 Stoat, front view, crouching. 6 The March Daggar. 19 Ptarmigan in summer winter and 32 Caddis \yorm w’ith casing of 7 Defchiaria. Imago. 20 Ptarmigan in plumage. star wort leaves. 8 A Villica Larva. autumn view. 33 Chameleon. 9 Smaragdaria Larva. 21 Variable toad, side 34 Lemon Sole in natural sur- 10 N. Ziczac. 22 Ichneumon Fly. in fern. roundings. 11 The Wall Butterfly at rest. 23 Hare Moths. 35 Stick Caterpillars. 12 Orange Undcr^ving. 24 Black and White photographs Application should be made for additional Slides on this subject as new are constantly being obtained. 166 Slide Publishers,

PhotosraphedfrombIby'l^ouur|^J|^°Jj'' SUBJECTS.

sstSffi of jointly heading Seined the the award list in remarkable distinction competition the’comnptiHon t’ Emerson for photographs of anv Medal, an international merit by a comi^ittee^of “ theTr re For nse inTo^nne^^^^^ recommended to lecturers " y^th them the following : Wee Tim'rous Rpa books Book of Nimble ^easties " ° Beasts" (Bell) " Our Farm varH Courageoui A domestic Animals ‘‘^^nds of Mankind," withfhee^ (Duttons, nL YOThT-'^ll/bv the last, English and Tf Farm illustrated by his photouranh all, P°®“® contributed • originally and to PmLa an??!^ ' ??°i We durmg his editorship of thaf Magazine, and Coloureci Slides, Is. Qd. Plain Slides, 2s. Gd. each. mammalia. Ohder Cheikopteea (Bats). 69 Mole’s 1 Long-eared B^t^JPIecotus Zig-zag Surface Run. auritus), dorsal /o Common bhrew Mouse (Sorex araneus), f» side view. side view. ^ “ front •» running. „ ... view. 7« Serotme Bat sitting ^/Vesperugo serotinus) 7Q n /V up. front 79 Duel between Common Shrew Mice, feinting tiew. *®r opening. * IQ XT .”. T, gQ 13 Noctule Bat (Vesperugo noctula) front view .. ttree-quarter view. H :: crokTock^i's^iu".""*'*' " descending ” breaking away. Ja trunk. ftf? Pygmy15 oi ” Shrew^M^use (Soren minutus) 191 o Commonr Bat„ front (V^perugo pipistrellus), front 84^ dorsal view, 85 •• ^showing climbing, teeth. 86 ^1 Common Bat, dorsal hunting 87 insect, Sufferer’s Bat, front. eating beetle, ?o 88 23 Natterer’s Bat, side asleep. 24 Natterer’s Bat, 89 Water Shrew Mouse drawling. (Crossopus fodieus' )ff®^f®r Horseshoe Bat, oa front. 90 “5- “ of "“ter- 26 Greater Horseshoe - abo? fto Bat, side. Q4. cu ” HR- dive. ®®f. 289R suspended. ^^?ho^fct!g&.»ff^ Hair parted to Lesser Horseshoe Bat, front. 29 Lesser Horseshoe Bat, side. 30 Shrew Mouse, Lesser Horseshoe Bat, suspended. Glands of Order Insectivora. 97 Shrew Mouse 31 Hedgehog (Erinaceus Europmus), side view, "T“"" £15'. ” front I oq view. ” Upper Jaws of ion M -fi j o'? .. dorsal view. ^ ... coiled, affarking grass-snake. fi ^?“os 11 qiv c, ^^s‘hrew^“1w^°'®'“"‘’’ of the Pygmy “ Hedgehog un- Common Shrew MoMe^’ of ^ the ® 43 Nest. ^°““oo, Shrew^^ouse.^’ Haffsekog climbing. 103 dS‘?d 44JA MagnifiedM section of pointed end Hedgehog’s of showing 4, Quill. the external specific » root end. difafncesf’ *’ transverse section 4,7 of Quill. a'fparficial view of Quill. M MoleMol.’Vm(Talpa. Order Carnivora. ,.*-«uiopcca^Europaea), side view, 53 105 t. withWith eyes<*vee clearly/Qlaovt,. j:-_ Badger (Meles 54 displayed, taxus), side view. devouring worm, ** emerging 55 107 from burrow. »» burrowing. >7 Pair of 56 108 M emerging. Badger’s Skull, side view. 60 Bones of the Mole's Fore-limb. Jin XT " dorsal view. »» With Bones no Marten (Mustela of Shrew-mouse for martes), side view. «« comparison. ” standing. TVT -i- V 112 1,0 ” sliding on bough. ” with extended 33 1I4 neck. view of Mole's Man- 118 Polecat (Putorius 64 fortidus), front view surface of worn Lower ” extended neck. J20 asleep. 65 1x4TOR CQ ventral aspect of Stoat (Putorius 66 Upper Jaw. erminea), front view, Vertical section of simple sitting 67 Mole Fortress. complicated Mole ” front View, Fortress, four i2fl crouching.^ nests in situ. »» side view. coiled 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 167


131 Weasel (Putorius vulgaris) side view. 218 Red-backed Meadow Mouse (Evotomys

132 ,, listening. glareolus), side view. 133 „ with extended neck. 219 „ three-quarter view. 134 „ coiled. 220 ,, burrowing. 135 Weasel Kittens. 221 „ cleaning tail. 136 SkuUs of Stoat and Weasel, showing denti- 222 Skulls of Red-backed Meadow Mouse, Com- tion and articulation of Jaws. mon Meadow Mouse, and Long-tailed 137 Fox Cub, front. Field Mouse, showing specific differences. - 138 ,, side. 224 Nest Material of Red backed Meadow 139 Fox, front. Mouse. 140 „ side. 225 Magnified right Upper and Lower Molars of

141 ,, crouched. same. 142 Badger, front. 229 Common Meadow Mouse (Microtus agrestis),

143 ,, side. front view. 144 Articulation of Badger’s jaw. 230 „ side view, 145 Badger’s Earth. o mmon MeadowMouse 146 Otter, side. 232 Magnified right Upper and Lower Molars of

147 ,, front. same. 148 Otters playing in water. 233 Albino Variety of same, front view. 149 Otter swimming. 234 „ side view. 150 Wild Cat, front. 2.35 „ feeding. 151 „ „ side. 236 Meadow Mouse (Microtus orca- 152 ,, „ startled. densls), front view. 237 „ side view. Rodentia. Order 238 ,, sitting up. 170 Squirrel (Sciurus vulgaris), side view, 239 Duel between pair of same. 171 „ front. 240 Typical Surface-run of Meadow Mouse, 172 „ standing. laid op


Order Amphibia. 340 Common Toad (Bufo vulgaris), side view. 320 Grass Frog (Rana temporaria), side view. 341 „ front view. 321 ,, front view. 342 „ floating in water. 322 Spawn of Grass Frog, early stage. 343 Group of Three Common Toads. 323 „ eggs commencing to hatch. 344 Shoulder-girdles of Grass Frog and Com- 824 Magnified Spawn, tadpoles showing mon Toad. branchiae. 347 Natterjack Toad (Bufo calamita), front view. 325 Dorsal and lateral views of Tadpoles show- 348 „ side view.

ing branchiae. 349 ,, stretching himself. 326 Tadpoles feeding on Star-wort. 350 Natterjack and Common Toad together. 327 Various stages of Tadpoles, showing de- 354 Variable Toad (Bufo viridis), side view. velopment of Limbs. 355 .. front view. 328 358 Tree Frog (Hyla arborea). climbing. 332 Edible Frog (Rana esculenta), side view. 362 Fire-bellied Toad (Bombinator igneus), side 333 „ gaping. view. 334 „ croaking, vpca.1 sacs distended- 363 „ in defensive attitude. 364 Pair of one in defensive attitude. 335 ,, climbing., same, —

168 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

NATUEAL HISTOEY SUBJECTS Continued. Order Reptilia. 465 Common Lizard (Lacerta 365 Pair of Fire-bellied Toads (Bombinator vivipara), male. 46o ,, female. igneus). One feigning death. Sand Lizard 370 Salamander (Salamandra (Lacerta agilis), male. maculosa), front 4<0 female. view. ,, G'^een Lizard (Lacerta viridis), male. ,, side view. 476Hi Wall Lizard (Lacerta muralis), side. 372 ,, dorsal view. ^ 477 ,, showing 373 Pair of same, side view. fight. Chameleon (Chamacleon „ dorsal view. IS vulgaris), front view. 4yi ,, side view. 400 Smooth Newt (Triton vulgaris), male. 495 Grass Snake (Tropidonotus 401 female. natrix),* full ,, length. 402 Group of Male and Female Smooth Newts. 496 Grass Snake, head reared. 403 Male Smooth Newt, showing reproduction of 497 coiled. tail. „ 498 Eggs of 404 Courtship Grass Snake. of two Smooth Newts. 503 405-410 Smooth Snake (Coronella austriaca) Six stages in the development ' full of Newt lengin. Tadpoles from the egg. 503 coiled. 411 Tadpoles of Smooth Newt „ and Great Warty sloughing, Newt, front view. » eye-scale opaque, 412 j. dorsal view. „ side view. 509 Adder 413 Smooth Newt's (Pelias berus), striking. discarded Skin suspended in 510 water. „ front view of head. 511 „ coiled. 416 Great Warty Newt (Triton cristatus), male. 513 Adder raising head. 417 „ female. 513 Small Red Adder striking. 418 „ male and female. ” dorsal view of head. 421 Palmated Newt (Triton palmatus), male. Si T-.- 516 I^^ssectmn of Adder's 4 female, Head, showing poison 547 ,, 425 Pair of Alpine Newts (Triton alpestris). Skull, fangs depressed. 449 Slow-worm (Anguis fragilis), full stretch. KiQ ”, fangs erected. 451 ,, coiled. eJn A V , 519 Adder s Fang, 459 Two young Slow-worms. side view. 520 ,, front view. PISCES (FISH). 540 Young Perch (Perea fluviatilis). 548 Stickleback and 541 Bullhead (Cottus gobio). Nest, 549 Paradise Fish (Polyacanthus 542 Eel (Anguilla vulgaris), leaving water. viridi-auratus), 543 Gudgeon (Gobio fluviatilis). 500 Lampern (Petromyzon 545 Loach (Nemachilus barbatulus). fluviatilis). [ 501 „ ventral surface. Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus). |

“ For set of Fish Life," see p^g'e 181. INSECTA (INSECTS). Order . a, signifies wings spread; b, wings half-spread; 633 Purple Emperor (A. iris), a c, wings closed m, ; protective or aggressive ». b ”.. mimicry. 635 „ c 570 Swallow-tail (Papilio Machaon). a 636 Egg of same. 571 „ „ b 637 Larva of same, m 572 c 638 Pupa of same, m 675 Large White (P. Grassicae). c 639 Pair of Purple Emnerors. a, c 577 Green Veined White (P. Napi). b 642 Marbled White (M. Galatea), a 578 „ „ c 650 Grayling (S. semele). c 580 Orange Tip (E. cardamines). a 653 Ringlet (E. hyperanthus). c 681 „ „ b 658 White-letter Hair Streak (T. w-album). c 582 „ „ c 659 Pair of same, m 583 „ „ m 663 Green Hair Streak (T. rubi), 686 Pale Clouded Yellow c (C. Hyale). c 669 Common Blue (L. icarus). a 588 Brimstone (G. Rhamni). c 709 670 ,, Q 589 on „ „ holly, m 072 Chalk Hill Blue (L. corydon). a 592 Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (A. se- 674 Holly Blue (L. argiolus). c lene). a 678 Duke of Burgundy (N. lucina). a 593 c „ 079 Q 594 Silver Washed Fritillary (A. paphia). ^ a 681 Grizzled Skipper (S. malvae). a 595 „ ,, , b 682 ,, ^ 590 „ „ „ c 684 Small Skipper (H. thaumas). a 597 ,. „ „ m 090 Death's Head Hawk Larva (S. atropos). 606 Comma (V. c.-album). a 091 ,, ,, m 607 „ ,, c 693 Privet Hawk Larva (S. ligustri). m 609 Large Tortoiseshell (V. polychloros). a 696 Large Elephant Hawk Larva (S. elpenor), 610 „ „ b early stage. Oil c „ „ 097 ,, full fed. 613 Small Tortoiseshell (V. urticae). a 098 ,, full fed. m 616 Peacock (V. io). a 702 Humming Bird Hawk Moth (M. stellatarura). 617 „ c 703 Broad Bordered Bee Hawk. 619 Camberwell Beauty (V. antiopa). a 704 Pair of same. 620 „ „ c 705 Hornet Clearwing (T. apiformis), doisal 623 Red Admiral (V. atalanta). a view. m. .024 b „ „ 706 ,, side view, m 626 Painted Lady (V. cardui). a 707 ,, front view, m 627 c 708 „ „ .. three-quarter view, m 629 White Admiral (L. sibylla). a Hornet Clearwing. Bembcciformia. Front, lu. 030 „ „ c >> >, Side. m. 631 Chrysalis of same. 1]^ „ >> »» ,, m. 43, Museum Street, London, W.2.1. 169


712 Clearwing, Culiciformis. Dorsal, m. 856 Sridulating organ. Field Cricket. 860. 713 ,, „ Side. m. Mole Cricket (Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa), side 714 „ ,, Front, m. view. 715 Larva of Cinnabar Moth (E. Jacobaese). ia 861 „ three-quarter view. 718 Cream Spot Tiger (A. villica). 865 House Cricket (Gryllus domesticus), side 720 White Ermine (S. Menthastri), dorsal view. view.

721 „ front view. 866 ,, dorsal view. 723 Laxva of Gold-tail Moth (Auriflua), dorsal 867 Larval House Cricket. view. 868 Wood Cricket (N. sylvestris). Side. view. 724 .. side 869 „ ,, „ „ Dorsal. 737 Lappet Moth (L. quercifolia). 740 Larva of Emperor Moth CS. pavonia). Hymekoptera. 741 Cocoon of same. 742 Female Emperor Moth. 880 Giant Wood-wasp (S. gigas) dorsal view.

747 Scalloped Hook-tip. dorsal view. 881 ,, side view.

748 ,, front view. 883 ,, ventral view.

749 ,, side view. 885 Larvm of Sawfly. 750 Larva of Puss Moth (D. vinula). m 887 Ichneumon Fly (Proteus).

751 ,, whips extended, m 888 Ichneumon Fly (Ophion). 752 Cocoon of same, m 892 Common Wasp (Vespa vulgaris), side view. 753 Puss Moth, front. 893 „ front view.

754 ,, side. 894 Queen of same hibernating. 756 Buff Tip (P. bucephala), dorsal view, m 895 Entrance of Wasp Nest.

757 ,, ,, side view.m 896 Crabro interruptus. 770 Mother Shipton (E. mi), dorsal view. 897 Store of same. Bluebottles. 774 Swallow Tail Moth (U. sambucaria), dorsal 898 Sand-wasp (O. spinipes), see also Life His- view. tory of Mud Wasp. 775 „ side view. 899 Sand-wasp (). 776 Large Emerald (G. papilionaria), dorsal 901 Sand-wasp (Boops), front view. view. 902 „ side view. 777 „ side view. 903 ,, dorsal view. 778 Pepper Moth. (Melanism), b. 904 Sand-wasp (Flavipes), side view. dorsal view. 779 „ „ „ Side. 905 ,, 780 Common Ware (C. exanthemaria). 907 Rubytail (Chrysis ignita). 781 „ impaled on thorn by wind. 912 Dipterous Fly devouring small Sand-wasp. 784 Currant Moth (A. grossulariata). 914 Cuckoo of tbe Leaf-cutter Bee (). 787 Beautiful Carpet (N. albicillata). 916 Burrowing Bee (Anlhophora pilipes), dorsal 788 Treble Bar Moth (A. plagiata). view. 790 White Plume Moth (A. pentadactyla), dorsal 917 „ side view. view. 918 Cucko< of same (Melecta armata), dorsal

791 ,, side view. view. 793 Pair of Plume Months. 921 Long-Homed Bee. Dorsal.

793 Vapourer Moths, male and female. 922 „ „ ,, Side. 794 Psyche in case. m. 923 Sawfly. Side. 796 Long-hom Moth (Adela). 924 Larvae of Sawfly. 798 Larva of Lobster Moth (S. fagi). m 925 Sawfly. T. mesomela. 799 „ „ feeding. 924 Humble Bee (Bombus terrestris), on daffo- 800 Pair of same. dil. 803 Larva of Purple Thom (Trimaculata). m 925 „ on hyacinth. 804 Pupae of Brimstone and Peacock Butterflies. 926 Solitary Wasp (Crabro cribarius). 805 Pupae of Swallow-tail, Silver-washed Fritil- lary and large Tortoiseshell Butterflies. Neuroptera, Diptera. and Trichoptera. 806 Small Black and White Moth, mimicry of excrement. 940 Dragon Fly (L.' depressum). 941 „ Larvae (L. depressum). 942 ,, (Cordulegaster). Orthoptera. 944 „ (Calopteryx). 946 (Agrion). Cockroach. (E. lapponica). Side. „ 810 British 948 Lacewing Fly (Chrysops), dorsal view. Dorsal. 811 „ ,, 1 ) 949 side view. 815 Cockroach (B. orientalis), side „ Common 950 Stalked Eggs of same. view. 953 Crane Fly CTipula), on bramble. on mouse-trap. 816 „ 953 Bee Fly (Bombylius), on thyme, m 817 Grasshopper (Stenobothrus). Common 954 on scabious, m Pair of same. ,, 818 956 Wasp Fly (Volucella). Tettix bipunctatus. 8^ 957 Hover Fly (Syrphus). Sabre-tailed Grasshopper (L. puncta- 826 Green 959 Caddis Worm, with casing of star-wort tissima), female. leaves, m (M. varium), female. 829 Tree Grasshopper 960 Caddis Fly (Phryganea grandis) punctatissima and M. varium together. 831 L. 961 Drone Fly (Eristalis), on Golden Rod. 834-7 stages of the Brown Sabre-tailed Four 962 Scorpion Fly. Male. cinereus). Grasshopper (T. 963 Female. cinereus. ,, „ 838 Pair of Male T. 965 Robber Fly. Asilus. 840 Great Green Grasshopper (L. viridissima), 966 Gnat. Culex. Magnified. female. ^ 967 Daddy Long Legs. dorsal view. 841 ,, 968 Bombylius major. 842 „ legs raised. 969 Bombylius minor. 843 Platycleis grisea. Male and female. 970 Mayfly. 844 ,, ,, Three-quarter. 850 Field Cricket (Gryllus campestris), side Coleoptera. view. 851 „ front view. 980 Tiger Beetle (Ciciudela), dorsal view. 981 side view. 852 ,, backing out of hole. ,, 986 Great Water Beetle (H. piceus), male. 853 ,, stridulating at entrance of hole. 854 Pair of same, 987 ,, female. 8M Immature Female of same (no ovipositor). 988 „ female and larva. 170 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

NATTJEAL HISTORY SJJBJKGTS-Continued. 991 Devil’s Coach-horse (O. olens), dorsal view. «no View. ina? Cassida. 998 Burying Beetle (Humator). 1031 Pill Beetle. Byrrlius K-t'etSeti.’ im 1033 w""''-}' d“.d*S.r"”' Weevil. A. coryli I'naa Blaps. !naR Glow-worms. View, 1 036 Glow-worms taken ^ by their own light. side view. Bettle (L. cervus), Heteroptera, etc. 1008 dorsal view. >• iront view. Boatman (Notonecta Female Stas Beetle, lot? glauca). 1^ with Larva in situ 1011 Death Watch/eetle'’»i“- lly“Iate^,"lrsaI view. Beetle (Telephonis). ”*”*‘'¥“8: -bramblc-bl < ,-3 ossom. m Long-horn Beetle 1053 Water 5 o leaving 1^ (Strangalia), dorsal vieW 1053 WaJ its diving bell. " diving inoa ''*ew. w w bell? rarrying egg-sack. Insfi l^l9%roa

For additional “ ’’ Slides on Insects see Index. will ” ^"founl among "4^ Mends ^p^f^of® thf Section,t and English’s books see pages 189. for Slides on Mr CE BRITISH BIRDS AND NESTS. Photographed from life by Mr. R B Lonow r.f ta r. of British Birds, some of which, being very rarely sfen li graphed m their En^brT?^'"^®®&>and, have been breeding quarters on the Continent. photo-

Beautifully tainted, 6s. 6d. Plain ; Photographs. 2s. 9d. each. 2 Avocet’s Nest (Holland). 3 Nest „ made of flamingoes’ feathers Corwu “d eggs. (Spain.) . T . , _. 7 Little Bittern, Montenegro. Ardetta minuta. “ Hedge-Sparrow’s Nest. 9 ” ^ 2 Hedge-Sparrow's Nest Bittern, Hungarjr'. * Hedge-Sparrow’s Ardg^^a egg and a*d‘'''d 11 Nest of Blackbird, with four eggs. Turdus merula. Young Cuckoo ^ in Hedge-Sparrow’s Nest 12 Blackcap on Nest. Sylvia Hedge-Sparrow. atricatilla « Dipper’s 13 ,, Nest. Nest. i3 Turtle Dove. 14 on Twig. FringiUa montt Tarta, communis.. 7; -w,. »» Nest and eee-s 16 Common Bunting. Emberiza miliana 18 Reed Bunting. Cock. Kmberizas chanidv ^ *' ». Nest and Eggs. “ Nest wiS,“J^?- eggs. Columia 23 Buzzard’s” Nest. ’’““S' 23 Capercailie’s Nest. « Tufted Duck. Nest M Chaffinch Cock. Fringilla 49 calei.x 'ift ^ .. Hen on •' swimming. nest. « it7m”, 7-. 27 Coot. Fulica atra. § toscas. 28 ,, Nest. 39 Nest of Little Crake, Hungary. Porzana. “ Ho»“ania. Haliactus 80 Nest of Spotted Crake, Hungary. Porz&jf.a 66 Little tnuTueif Egret. Pair building. Ardea n Cormorant standing on rock. Phalacrocorax ganetta. (Spain.' carbo. Nest with so c j T,’,’ three eggs 32 Spotted Cormorant sitting, |8 Flycatcher. Mascicafa grisola, Two r:de ^ ,, birds and nest. view. 34 „ Nest with two eggs. Nest.

For Natural History Talks on ' Birds’ ' see Index. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 171

BEITISH BIRDS AND NESTS— Coirtijnierf. 143

62 Spotted Flycatcher. 14^^ M j. Five Nests. 63 Bar-tailed Godwit wading. Limosa lap Two Martins. ponica. (Lincolnshire.) Sand Martin's Nest Holes. 65 Black-tailed Godwit Nest. Liobelgicaa 143 Moorhen. Gallinula chloropus. (Texel). 144 „ sitting. 66 Goldfinch on thistle. Carduelis elegans. 145 ,, Nest and eggs. 67 ,, Nest and eggs. 147 Nightingale Nest, with four eggs. Daulias 70 Goshawk killing rabbit Trained bird.) luscinia. 71 ,, Nest. 148 „ on Nest. 72 Nest of Black-necked Grebe, Hungary. 149 taking meal-worm. „ ^ Podicefs nigricolLis. 150 Nightjar on Nest. Caprimulgus Europeus. 73 Great Crested Grebe. Nest with two eggs. 151 „ Nest and eggs.

»» >, Eggs covered up. 152 ,, Two young birds. 75 Little Grebe on Nest. Podiceps minor. 153 ,, on bough. 77 „ „ Nest. 154 „ and young. 79 Nest of Greenfinch with eggs. Ligurinus 155 ,, sitting. chloris. 156 Barn Owl. Stryx fiammea. 80 Guillemots. 157 „ ,, Young bird in down. 82 Black-headed Gull. Larus ridibundus. 158 Long-eared Owl. Young bird. Asia otus. in winter plumage. 159 ,, „ Adult. Nest, with three eggs, 160 Short-eared Owl. Asio accipitrinus. on Nest, 161 ,, „ Ear of. in London. 1®2 „ „ Nest and eggs. (Norfolk.) Lesser Black-backed Gull standing on rock. 163 Tawny Owl. Syrnium aluco. Larus fuscus. 164 Oyster Catcher. Hcematopus ostraleeus. 89 Nest with two 165 „ „ Nest. eggs. 166 ,, ,, Nest and eggs. 167 ^ ^0 »» »» f, Two young birds Partridge's Nest, with thirteen eggs. Perdix in down. cinerea.

91 Herring Gull swimming. Larus argentatus 168 ,, on Nest. 93 Marsh Harrier. Nest. Circus aruginosus. 169 Dalmatian Pelicans on Nests, Albania. 93 Montague's Harrier, Nest and eggs. Circus Pelecanus crispus. cineraceus. (Norfolk.) 170 94 Nest of Hawfinch in hawthorn, with four 172 Peregrine. Falco Peregrinus. eggs. Cocothraustes vulgaris. 172a „ on perch 96 Foot of Sparrow Hawk. 173 „ killing partridge. (Trained bird.) 97 Heron standing on stone. Ardea cinerea. 174 Pheasant. Cock basking. Pkasianus 98 „ on tree above nest, Richmond Park. colchicus, 99 Buff-backed Heron on branch of tree. Ardea 175 „ Nest, with twelve eggs. bubulcus. (Spain.) 176 „ Hen-bird sitting. 101 ,, „ Nest with five eggs. 177 Wood Pigeon’s Nest and two eggs. ^ 102 Night Heron. Nycticorax griseus. 178 Pintail's Nest.

103 ,, ,, Nest with two eggs. (Spain.) 180 Green Plover. Vanellus cristatus. 104 Purple Heron's Nest and three eggs. Ardea 181 ,, „ Nest, with four eggs. purpurea. (Spain.) 182 „ ,, sitting. 105 „ ,, „ and four eggs. (Hol- 183 „ ,, Young bird. land.) 184 Pair of (jrey Plovers in summer plumage. 106 ,, „ ,, and young. (Holland.) Squatarola helvetica. 107 „ „ ,, stepping on nest. 185 Kentish Plover's Nest, with three eggs. (Automatically photographed by electricity.) Mgialitis cantiana. 108 Squacco Heron. Ardea ralloides. (Spain.) 187 Ringed Plover. Mgialitis hiaticula.

109 ,, ,, Nest, with three eggs. 188 „ Nest with four eggs.

110 Great White Heron and Young in Nest, 193 ,, Nest and eggs. Albania, Ardea 193 Puffins. Two birds. Fratercula arciica. alba. 195 „ Young bird at mouth of nest-hole. 113 Wading to photograph Herons, Egrets, and 196 ,, Burrow, with egg and bird’s head. Ibis in Andalucia. 197 Nest of Water Rail, Hungary. Rallus 114 Hobby. 198 Raven. Corvus corax (Transylvania.) 115 Glossy Ibis. Plegadis falcinellus. aquaticus. 116 „ „ with Herons. (Spain.) 199 „ Nest and eggs. Corvus corax.

117 .. ,, Nest and two eggs. (Spain.) 118 Two Jackdaws, Albania. Corvus monedula. 200 Redbreast. Erythacus rubecula. 119 Jackdaw's Nest. 201 „ Nest, with three eggs. 120 Kestrel's Nest and eggs. Falco tinnuncu- 202 Lesser Redpole. Acanthis rufescens. lus. 203 ,, „ Nest. 121 Kingfisher. Alcedo ispida. 204 Redshank’s Nest with four eggs. Totmus 129 ,, site of nest. calidris. 123 „ young bird. 305 Redstart. Ruticilla phcenicurus. 128 Black Kite's Nest, with three eggs. Milvus 206 „ Nest, six eggs in hole of sycamore migrans. (Spain.) tree. 129 Egg. 207 Rook. Corvus frugeligus. 130 Kittiwake on Nest, with egg, showing young 208 „ Nest and eggs. bird. Rissa tridactyla. 209 Climbing to Rook’s Nest. 131 », Pair on Nest, with two young birds. 210 Ruff. 133 ,, Site of Nest with birds. Fame Islands. 211 Nest of Common Sandpiper. (Medal of the Royal Photographic Society of 213 Grey Shrike on Shrab. Lanius meridionalis. Great Britain for these photographs.) (Spain.) 133 Lapwing. Cock. 213 Nest of Red-backed Shrike. Lanius col- 135 Sky Lark's Nest and eggs. Alauda lurio. arvensis. 214 Hedge Sparrow on Nest. Accentor modu~ 136 „ Young, laris. 138 House Martin. Nest. 215 „ „ Nest and eggs. 172 —EWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. BRITISH BIRDS AND N EST-Cp«f/„„,irf. 218 Spoonbill's N«t and six eggs. PUtelea 266 leucorodea. (Hollani) Mistle Thrush on Nest. 219 *57 Turdus viscivorus. Young bird in nest. „ „ Nest Song Thrush Nest. 22T ” young in nesL ^9 'Xurdus musicus. 2-2 Starling omside 2ffl Bearded Nest in old Wood-pecker's ’Tit. Neic ooQ vulgaris. XT Blue Tit.” Of ^ 99S till'/ M hole. ” 228 St.lt Nest, with four »«' eggs. Himantopus candidus uns M waTlofer®

White Stfrk on Ground. Ciconia alba ^ " 2W Griffon Vulture. 232 ” young in Nest. Gyfs fulvue. (Transylvania.) ** ** ” 2/0 „ (Hol1and,)''‘=“’ 23423, Swallow , s^N^t^ OT Pied and four eggs, Hi.uado Wagtail. M°JeaciUa^lugJbrisi 235 on Nest. ” ’ Nest. 238 Young, I4 239 Teal. |5 Yellow Wagtail. 240 Nest 3i2 Black Tern's Nust, Garden wibler with three eggs. |8 UorteneU. n ydrochelidon nigra. (Spain.) 280 Reed Warbler's^^^'kest. 243 Acracephalae on Nest. 9 244 282 stre-perus. 1'°““* in Nest. aw245 „ e"® 284 Greh Reed 246 White-winged iur- Blffk Tern on doides, Nest. Hungary 235 (Holland.) ^7 White-winged Black Tern, Ne^' 248 Common Tern s Nest, with two eggs. Sterna Sedge Warbler feeding 2^9 young. Acrocefka,eUs .. on^Nelf."' 288 „ Ne^sf'"^’”""- 350 Lesser Tern’s 2® Water Hei Nest, with egg and young in Reeds. »» Feeding. ^ TTTi’.' , (Teti.) gl '^';;-ha^.^^Cock.^Hx.rf„„fu ,3, xn^erxu. 252 294 Sandwich Tern’s^Ne'sfAcrns JNest. 9/ Greater Whitethroat. 253 Sterna cantiaca. Sylvia cinerea. " " ai^ng Bladder Campion. • 296 ;; XT 4. X freshly- natcned bird and empty ogg shell. (Fame islands.) Wren. Phylloscofus OKE „ 309 trochilus. " »> Egg. (Spain.) 99® „ Nest, with five eggs. CD bird notes.

G. E. Lodge, Longmans, Gre^n & copied by permission of Messrs. BeattUfully Painted, 6s.; Plain Photographs, 2s. 3d. each. Text Book, Hayward’s Bird Notes,” 1 Tawny Owl. 2 Starling. Thrush breaking Snails. 3 Goldrest, 10 Cole Tits. 4 Robin watching Heron. 11 Nuthatches. 5 Tom-Tit. 12 Swallows. 6 Bullfinch. Feeding Young Cuckoo 7 Green Woodpeckers. 141? Pied Woodpeckers. 8 R«®k and Blackbird. 16 Group of Birds—Winter-time.

TEN MINUTES TALKS. By F. Finn, T- F.Z.S. Typewritten Notes for the complete ^ ^group 3s fid nr c k i 9an be loaned with the Beatihfully7? Slides Coloured. 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. ®”ARS Illustrated by 13 BR Zr K ELEPHANTS Slides. „’’ ,7 B Z L LIONS ” bzm monkeys ” ” ft tt 17 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 173


Copy of Printed Notes by Cecil H. Hooper, Esq., M.E.A.C., can be supplied on hire.

BeautifuUy Painied, 6s. and Is. %d. each : Plain Slides, 2s. to 2s. 9d. each.

1 The House Sparrow. 23 The Greater Whitethroat.

2 ,, Starling. 24 Redstart.

3 H Robin. 25 ,, Jackdaw. 4 „ Blackbird. 26 Spotted Flycatcher. 5 „ Chaffinch. 27 Wren. 6 „ Greenfinch. 28 Cuckoo. V M Rook. 29 Turtle Dove. 8 „ Song-Thrush. 30 Hawfinch. 9 » Skylark. 31 Jay. 10 „ House Martin. 32 Blackcap. 11 „ Swallow. 33 Butcher Bird or Red-backed Shrike. 12 „ Hedge Sparrow. 34 Brown-headed Sea Gull.

18 „ Pied Wagtail. 35 ,, Tree-Creeper. 14 „ Wood Pigeon. 36 Nuthatch. 15 „ Plover. 37 Green Woodpecker. 16 „ Blue Tit. 38 Wryneck. 17 u Brown Linnet. 39 Magpie. 18 „ Great Tit. 40 Barn Owl. 19 „ Yellow Hammer. 41 Kestrel Hawk. 20 „ Bullfinch. 42 Nightjar. 21 „ Swift. 43 Goldfinch.

22 „ Missel-Thrush., 44 ,, Nightingale.


The slides in this set are photographed from the exquisitely mounted specimens in the Natural History Museum, South Kensington, showing the birds, their nests and surround- ings as far as possible in a state of nature. Many of them show the eggs or young birds.

(Copied by Special Permission).

Beautifully Painted^ 6s. ; Plain Slides, 2s. each.

Notes for Lecturing, 9i>.

1 Bearded Tit and Nest. Panurns hiarmicus. 29 Missel Thrush. Turdus viscivorus 2 Blue Tit on stump of Tree. Parus Coeruleus. 30 Song Thrush and Nest. Turdus musicus 3 Marsh Tit with young in hollow of Tree. Parus 31 Meadow Pipit, or Titlark, feeding Young. Anthus Palustris. prateiisis 4 Great Titmouse feeding Young. Parus major, 32 Tree Pipir, Nest and Eggs. Anthus aboreus 5 Great Titmouse with Nests made in a letterbox. 33 Tree Pipit feeding Young. „ „ 1889, 1890, 1896. Parus major. 34 Skylark feeding Young. Alauda arvensis 6 Longtailed Titmouse with young birds on bush. 35 Skylark rising from the ground. Alauda arvensis Parus caudatus 36 Common Flycatcher and Nest. Muscicapa grisola 7 Great Spotted Woodpecker, Pious major 37 Pied Flycatcher on Tree feeding Young. Musci- 8 Carrion Crow with Nest and Eggs. Corvus corone capa atricapilla 9 Hooded Grey or Eoyston Crow feeding Young. 88 Kingfishers on Bank. Halcyon smyimensis Corvus eornix. 39 Pied Wagtail feeding Young. Motacilla lugubris 10 Jackdaw in hollow of Tree. Corvus monedula 40 Common Crossbills on Fh Tree. Loxia curvirostra 11 Jay and Nest, Jays feeding Young. Oarrulus 41 Lesser Eedpole. Linota rufescens glandarius 42 Nightingale, Nest, and Young. Philomela luscinia 12 Magpie with Nest and Eggs. Pica caudata 43 Red-backed Shrike, or Butcherbird, feeding 18 Rook feeding Young. Corvus frugilegus Young. Lanius collurio 14 Starling and Young in hollow of a.tree, Sternus 44 Robin calling its mate. EHthacus rubecula vulgaris 45 Siskin and Nest. Chrysometris spinus 15 Bullfinch and Nest. Pyrrhula europcea 46 Whitethroat and Nest. Sylvia cinerea 16 Chaffinch and Young. Fringilla ccelehs 47 Wood Wren on ground feeding Young. Phyllos- 17 Greenfinch, Nest and Eggs. Fringilla chloris copus sibilatrix 18 Hawfinch and Nest. Coccothraiistes vulgaris 48 Blackbird watching mate on Nest. Merula merula . 19 Linnets with Nest and Eggs, and Greenfinch. 49 Blackcap feeding Young in Nest. Sylvia- Linota cannabina atricapilla 20 Twite and Nest. Fringilla Jlavirostris 50 Stonechat and Eggs. Pratincolarubicola 21 Common Bunting and Nest. Eniberiza miliaria 51 Winohat and Nests. Pratineola rubetra 22 Reed Bunting and Nest. Eniberiza schceniclus 52 Nuthatch with Young. Sittacauaia 23 Snow Bunting on a Rock. Plectrophenan nivalis 53 Wheatear feeding Young. Saxicola wnanthe 24 Yellowhammer. Emberiza citrineUa 54 Young Cuckoo in Nest being fed by two Hedge- 25 Reed Warbler feeding Young. Acrocephalus sparrows. Cuculus canorua streperus 55 Long-eared Owl feeding Young with Mice. Aaioot 26 Willow Warbler and Nest. Phylloscopua trochilus 56 Reed Warbler’s Nest and Eggs 27 Garden Warbler. Sylvia hortensis 57 Golden Plover 28 Chitfchaff, Nest, and Eggs. Phylloscopus rufiis 58 Group of Herons on nest 174 NEWTON & CO., LTD., Lantern Slide Publishers,


This set of sliffes is photooraphe 1 from the original drawings made by Mr. G E Lodge hir Hii.lsoii’s biok on “British Birds,’' copied by permission of Messrs. Longinaua Ureen & Lo.. periiaps the fi-iest senes of drawings ever executed on this subject!

Illustrated Text Book, 6s. 6d.

Beautifully Painted, 6^. ; Plain Slides, 2s. 3d. each.

1 Fieldfares.^ Turdus pilaris. Missel Thrush. 66 Gadwell. Turdusviscivorus. Chaulflasmus streperus Blackbird. Turdus merula 67 Garganey. 2 Song Thrush. Turdus muHcus Querquedula circia 3 Ring-Ouzel. Duck, FuHyu a cristata Turdus torquatus 69 Eider Duck. 4 Wheatear, Saxicola cenanthe Somnteriamollisaima 70 Common Scoter. 5 Stonechat. Pratincolaruhicola (Edemia nigra 71 Goosander. Mergvs 6 Redstart. Ruticilla phcenicurus mn'ganser 72 Red-breasted, Merganser. 7 Redbreast, Erithacus ruhecula Mergus seirator 73 Rock-Dove. Columbci 8 Nightingale. Eaulias luscinia Hvia 74 Turtle-Dove. Txirtur ^ Whitethroat. Sylvia cinsrea covim^in's 75 Jay. Oarrulua glandarius. 10 Blackcap. Sylvia atricapilla Wood - Pigeons Columba palumhus. Warbler. Melizophilus Pheasants, Phusianus lo undatus colchtcus 12 Sedge-Warbler. Aerocephalus pJvragmitis 76 Red-legged Partridge. 13 Dipper. Cinclus aquaticus Caccabis rufa 77 Partridge. Perdix cinerea 14 Long-tailed Tit. Acredula rosea 78 Quail. Cotumix 15 Great Tit. Parus major communis 79 Blackcock. Tetrao 16 Crested Tit. Parus tetrix cristatus 80 Capercailzie. 17 Nuthatch. Sittaeasia Tetrao urogallus 81 Landrail, Grex 18 Wren. Troglodytes parvulus pratensis 19 Pied Wagtail. Curlew. (Edicnemus scolopax Motocillaluguhris 8doo Golden 20 Grey Wagtail. Plover. Charadrius pluvialia Motocilla melanope 84 Lapwing. 21 Meadow Pipit. Vanellus vulgaris Anthiis pratensis 85 Turnstone. 22 Tree Pipit. Anthus Strepsilus intetpres trivialis grey Phalarope. 23 Rock Pipit. Anthus obscurus Fhalaropus fulicariu, 87 Woodcock. Scolopax rusticula 24 Red-backed Shrike. Lanius collurio 88 Dunlin. Tringa alpina 25 Spotted Fly-catcher. Muscicapa grisol 89 Knot. Tringa canntus 26 Swallow. Hirundo rustica 90 Ruff and Reeve. 27 Martin. Chelidon urbica Machetes pugnax 91 Sanderling. Calidris 28 Tree-Creeper. Certhiafamiliaris arenaria Totanus canescens 29 Hawfinch. Coccothraustes vulgaris ftD 93 O^ter-catchers. Hcematopua 30 Lesser Red-poll. Linota rufescens ostralegus. Ringed Plover. (Egialitis 31 Bullfinch. Pyrrhula eurovcea hiaticula. Little Stint Tff'figa tfHnuia. 32 Crossbill. Loxia curvirostra Curlew. Numeniusaauaia 94 Common Tem. Sterna Jluviatilis 33 Yellowharamer. Emberiza citrinella 95 Lesser Tern, Sterna 34 Cirl Bunting. Emberiza cirlus minuta 96 Black Tern. Hydrochelidon 35 Reed Bunting. Emberiza schreniclus nigra 36 Chough. Pyrrkocorax ^8-cked Gull. Larus marinus graculus 98no Black-headed 37 Magpie. Pica rustica Gulls. Larus ridibundus. Poch- ards. FuUqula 88 Rooks. Corvus frugilegus. ferina. Shoveler. Spatula Jackdaws. Corvus J^tyvcata. monedula. Starlings. Water Hens. Gallinula Moropua Sturnus vulgaris weat Skua. 39 Raven. Corvus corax Stercorarius catarrhactes 100 Stormy Petrel. Procellaria 40 Skylark. Alauda arvensis pelagica Manx Shearwater. 41 Nightjar. Caprimulgus europtsus iSi Puffinus anglorum 102 Fulmar. Fuhnarus glacialis 42 Spotted Woodpecker. Dendrocopus major 108 Great Northern Diver. Colymbus 43 Green Woodpecker. Gecinus viridis glaciali Crested Grebe. Podiceps 44 Wryneck. Tynx. torquilla inl T cristatus 105 Little Grebe. Tachybaptes 45 Kingfisher. Alcedo jluviatilis ispida 106 Razorbill (winter plumage). 46 Hoopoe. Upupa epops Alca tarda 107 Little Auk. 47 Cuckoo. Margulusalle Cuculus canorus 108 Puffin. 48 Fratercula arctiea Barn-Owl. Strixjlamea I 109 Bittern. 49 Long-eared Owl. Asio otus. Chaffinch. Fringilla 110 Bearded Tit. Ccelebs. Great Blue and Coal Tits. Parus 111 Dotterel. cceruleus and Parus hritannicus. Goldcrest. Ttegulns cristatus 112 Golden Eagle. n.3 50 Montagu’s Harrier. Circus cineraceus Goldfinch. 51 Buzzard. Buteo vulgaris 114 Ptarmigan. Winter and Autumn Plumage. 62 Kite. Milvus ictinus 116 Roseate Tern. Adult and immature. 53 Peregrine. Falco peregrinus 116 Teal. Male and Female. 54 Merlin. Falco eesalon 55 Kestrel. Tinnunculus alandarius 66 Honey-Buzzard. Pernis apivorus 57 Cormorant. Phalacrocorax carbo 58 Gannets. Sula bassana. Guillemots, Herring- Gulls. Larus argentatus 59 Grey-Lag Goose. Anser cinereus 60 Brent Goose. Berniela brenta 61 Barnacle Goose. Bemiclaleucopsit 62 Sheldrake. Tadorna cornuta 68 Widgeon. Mareca penelope 64 Pintail. Dafila acuta 65 Mallards. Anas boscas. Peregrine Falcon. Falco peregrinus. Heron. Ardea cinerea. Coot. Fulica atra 43, Muselim Street, London, W.C.l. 175

LANTERN SLIDE EXHIBITION SCREENS ON LOAN* Specially suitable for the effective table display of Slides in PubHc Halls or Institutes, etc. These Cabinet screens are fitted with two mahogany frames which hold about 200 slides. These will be found particularly useful for propaganda work in connection with HEALTH WEEKS and WELFARE CLINICS, etc.

They will also prove attractive for demonstrative purposes in displaying Slides which are the property of Members of NATURAL HISTORY, SCIENTIFIC, and PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETIES.

In continuation of the series of Lantern Slides published by kind permission of Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., see page 192 of this Section, we are able to issue the following sets of slides. The series entitled '' A Naturalist’s Sketch Book ’’ has been reproduced from the magnificent group of pencil sketches by Archibald Thorburn, drawn mostly direct from life in the British Isles. The other set is entitled " Game Birds and Wild Fowl of Great Britain and Ireland,” and will be found suitable for those who desire to show a series of pictures of the many beautiful species commonly known as Game Birds and Wild Fowl which inhabit or visit the British Islands. The artist’s aim in this work has been to represent these birds grouped in their natural surroundings, and the notes will give valuable information on their general habits. BYE A NATURALIST’S SKETCH BOOK. Beautifully Coloured Slides, Is. Qd. Plain Slides, 2s. 3d. Text Book by Archibald Thorburn, 25/- net. Published by Messrs. Longmans, Green Sc Co., or can be supplied by Messrs. Newton & Co., Ltd.

1 The White Tailed or Sea Eagle. 18 The Mongolian Pheasant. ' 2 Osprey feeding, 19 Common Pheasant. Iceland Falcon. Great i 3 20 The Bustards.

I 4 The Goshawk and Hobby, 21 The Bittern. f 5 The Barn Owl. 22 Avocet. 6 The Snowy Owl. 23 The Woodcock. 7 The Kingfisher. 24 Plumage, Bill and Feet of Woodcock. f8 The Raven. 25 Great Black-backed Gull, Turnstone and Ringe 9 The Blue Titmouse. Plover. 10 The Coal-Titmouse. 26 Smew. I I Great Titmouse. 27 Tern. 12 Marsh-Titmouse. 28 The Wild Cat. 13 Bearded Titmouse. 29 The Weasel. 14 The Brambling and Linnet. 30 The Highland Pony. 15 The Fieldfare. 31 Pheasant Covert. 16 The Redwing. 32 Germander Speedwell, Dandelion and Plaintain 17 Red Grouse. 33 Scotch Thistle.

BYF GAME BIRDS AND WILD-FOWL OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND. Coloured Slides, Is. 3d, Plain Slides, 2s. 3d. Text Book by Archibald Thorburn, 25/- net. Published by Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., or can be supplied by Messrs. Newxon & Co., Ltd.

1 Capercaillie. 13 Whooper Swan, Bewick’s Swan and Commo^ 2 Black Grouse. Sheld-Duck. 3 Grouse coming down wind. 14 Gadwall, Tufted Duck, Ferruginous Duck and 4 Ptarmigan. (Autumn.) Common Pochard. 5 Ptarmigan. Winter.) 15 Pintail and Teal. 6 Pheasants. 16 Red-Crested Pochard, Ferruginous Duck and 7 Red-legged Partridge and Quail. Garganey. 8 Grey Lag-Goose and Bean-Goose. 17 Velvet-Scoter, Common [Scoter and Common 9 White-Fronted Goose and Bernacle Goose. Eider. 10 Brent Goose and Pink-footed Goose. 18 Red-Breasted Merganser, Smew and Goosander. 1 1 American Wigeon, Harlequin Duck, American 19 Buffel-headed Duck, Hooded Merganser an Blue-winged Teal, Ruddy Sheld-Duck, Red- ^ American Green-winged Teal. Breasted Gk)ose and Snow Goose. 20 Golden Plover and Lapwing. 12 Shoveler and Mallard. 21 Carlew and Great Snipe. 22_Common Snipe and Jack Snipe. 176 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. B YG THE NATURAL HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. Coloured, Slides, 7s. Qd. Plain Slides, 2s. Qd. each. Text Book by F. W, Fitzsimons F.Z.S., F.R.M.S. Published 2 vols., 12s. 6d. each, net. by Messrs. Dongsman,Cjreen & Co., or can Ltd. be supplied by Messrs. Newton & Co.,

BIRDS-LECTURE I. 1 Black Crow. 32 2 Head and Beak Greater Puff-back Shrike. of Black Crow. 33 Head and 3 Wattled Starling. Beak of Greater Puff-back Shrike. 4 Head and Beak 34 Grey Cuckoo Shrike. of Wattled Starling. 35 Southern 5 . Grey-headed Bush Shrike. 36 Nest of Bakbakiri 6 Red-shouldered Glossy Shrike. Starling. 37 Orange-breasted 7 Bback.headed Oriole. Bush Shrike. 38 Black-collared 8 Nest of Barbet. Black-headed Oriole. 39 Head and 9 Golden Oriole Beak of Black-collared Barbet 40 Pied Babbler. 10 Masked Weaver Bird. 41 Sombre 11 Nest of Pink-billed Bulbul. Weaver Bird. 42 Cape Bulbul. 12 Nest of Scaly-feathered Weaver 43 Nest of Cape Bulbul, with egg of 13 Nest of Weaver • Cuckoo. Bird. 44 Cape 14 Paradise Widow Penduline Tit. Bird. 45 Grey-backed 15 Pin-tailed Widow Warbler. Bird. 46 Nest 16 Common Waxbill. of Crombec Warbler. 47 Ground-scraper Thrush. 17 Black and Yellow Bishop Bird. 18 Capped 48 Nest of Cape Rock Thrush. Wheatear or Schaap-Wachter. 49 19 Large Yellow Eastern Cape Grass Bird. Seed-eater. 50 Cape 20 Nest of Large Yellow Ground Robin. Seed-eater. 51 Noisy Robin Chat. 21 Cinnamon-backed Pipit. 52 Head and Beak of 22 Orange-throated Lark. Noisy Robin Chat. 53 Nest of Silent Bush 23 Rufous Long-billed Lark. Robin. 54 Paradise 24 Cape Wagtail. Flycatcher. 55 Head and Beak 25 Ray’s Yellow Wagtail. of Paradise Flycatcher. 56 Nest of 26 Cape Long-tailed Sugar Paradise Flycatcher. Bird. 57 South African 27 Greater Double-collared Hoopoe. Sun Bird. 58 Head 28 Fiscal Shrike and Beak of South African Hoopoe (killing Cape Dormouse). 59 European 29 Fiscal Shrike. Bee Eater. 60 Carmine-throated 30 Long-tailed.Shrike. Bee-eater. 61 Rougous-cheeked Night 31 Lesser Puff-back Shrike. Jar.



1 Malachite Kingfisher and Pair of Brown-hooded 38 Breeding Colony or Bush of Malagashes. Kingfishers. 39 Hammerkop. 2 Giant Kingfisher. 40 Nest of Hammerkop, 3 Pied Kingfisher. 41 Head and Beak 4 Mouse Bird or Muis of Hammerkop. Vogel. 42 Darter or 5 Ground Hombill. Snake Bird. 6 Crowned 43 Cattle Egret. Hombill. 44 White 7 Head and Egret. Beak of Crowned Hombill 45 Wood 8 Trumpeter Ibis. Hombill. 46 Flamingo. 9 Narina Trogon. 47 Head and Beak of 10 Meyer’s Parrot. Flamingo. 48 South African 11 Head and Beak Shelduck and Egyptian Goose. of Meyer’s Parrot. 49 Cape Shoveller 12 Ground Woodpecker. Duck. 50 Head and of 13 Cardinal Woodpecker. Beak Cape Shoveller Duck. 51 Red-eyed Dove. 14 Head and Beak of Cardinal Woodpecker. 52 Nest of Turtle 15 Nest of a Dove. Woodpecker. 53 Cape 16 South African Wrvneck. Quail, 54 Nest of Quail. 17 Sparrman’s Honey Guide (Male). 55 Red-necked Pheasant. T^., >> » ,, (Female). 56 Nest 19 Didnc of Red-necked Bush Pheasant. Cuckoo. (Male.) 57 Cape Redwing 20 Emerald Cuckoo. Partridge. (Male.) 58 Black Crake. 21 Black and Grey Cuckoo. 59 Lesser Moor Hen. 22 Black and Grey Cuckoo at nest of Cape Bulbul 60 Red-knobbed Coot at its nest. 23 Great Spotted Cuckoo. 61 Black Stork and White Stork. 24 Black-crested Cuckoo. 62 Crowned Crane. 25 Burchell’s . 63 Giant Bustard. 26 Nest of Burchell’s Coucal. 64 Blacksmith Plover. 27 Lourie or 'Plaintain Eater. 65 Riverside 28 Spotted Eagle scene near Maritzburgh. Solitary Owl. Snipe 29 Bam Owl. and Painted Snipe. 66 Crowned Lapwing. 30 Martial Eagle. 67 Curlew. 31 Little Sparrow Hawk. 68 Head 32 Black-shouldered and Beak of Curlew Kite with nest and eggs. 69 Avocet, 33 Jackal Buzzard with nest and eggs. 70 Greenshanks. 34 Young Secretary Birds. 71 Jackass Secretary Bird Penguin. 2® in the act of killing a snake. 72 Rock-Hopper 36 Kolbe’s Vulture. Penguin. 37 Cormorant. 73 Hen Ostrich. —

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l 177

BXU WILD BIRD LIFE. Coloured Slides, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. From Direct Photographs.

1 Nightingale brooding Young. 20 Peewit (or Lapwing), Nest and ' 40 Yellow Wagtail, Hen going to 2 Nightingale at Nest. Eggs. Nest with food. 3 Nightingale at Nest, alarmed 21 Swans, Hen on Nest, Cock near. 41 Yellow Wagtail, both Parent by Noisy neighbours. 22 Starling, adult on bough. Birds at Nest. 4 Nightingale, Nest and Eggs. 23 Tree Pipit at Nest, 42 Yellow Wagtail, Nest and Eggs. 5 Nightingale watching Young. 24 Skylark leaving Nest containing 43 Swallows, three Young on 6 Robin at breakfast table. Young. branch. I 7 Robin at breakfast table 25 Hedge Sparrow watching 44 Swallows, Adult Male. another view. Young in Nest. 45 Swallow, Adult Male. 8 Garden Warbler, Nest and 26 Hedge Sparrow cleaning Nest. 46 Great Whitethroat carrying Eggs. 27 Hedge Sparrow, Nest and food. 9 Garden Warbler, brooding Eggs. 47 Great Whitethroat brooding Young. 28 Sedge Warbler at Nest with Young. 10 Garden Warbler—feeding time. Young, 48 Great Whitethroat Hen listen- U Garden Warbler, Male at Nest. 29 Sedge Warbler, Hen at Nest. ing to her Mate’s arrival. 12 Kingfisher watching for prey. 30 Sedge Warbler—adult on twig, 49 Great Whitethroat, Young one ^ 13 Kingfisher on post in stream. 31 Nightjar eggs st7w. on bramble spray. 14 Kingfisher on bough in stream. 32 Nightjar, Young. 50 Great Whitethroat Cock leaving 15 Reed Bunting, Nest and Eggs. 33 Nightjar brooding Young. Nest. 16 Reed Bunting, Young One 34 Bullfinch, feeding time, both 51 Great Whitethroat Hen carry- hiding in herbage. Parent Birds at Nest, ing food. ^ 17 Partridge (English), Nest and 35 Bullfinch, both Parent Birds 52 Great Whitethroat Hen clean- Eggs. at Nest. ing Nest. 18 Great Spotted Wood Pecker on •36 Reed Warbler, both Parent 53 Great Whitethroat, Nest and tree trunk near nesting hole. Birds at Nest. Eggs. 19 Yellow Hammer, Nest and 37 Reed Warbler watching Young. 54 Song Thrush covering Young. Eggs. 38 Reed Warbler, Cock at Nest, 55 Song Thrush watching Young 39 Willow Wren. Nest and Eggs. in Nest.


Photographed from life by Dodglas English, B.A,

Coloured Slides, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. 6d. each. Book, “ Beasties Courageous,

1 Surroundings of Nest. 10 Female Swan Trying Tem- 17 Female Swan with Family. 2 Male Swan Gathering Nest- perature of 18 Cygnet Climbing on its material. Water. Mother's Back. 3 Female Swan with Clutch of 11 „ Coaxing Cyg- 19 Female Swan Sitting with the Eggs. nets Down. Cygnets Beside Her.

4 ,, Dropping o n 12 Male Swan Coaxing C>gncts. 20 Cygnets on their Mother's Eggs. 13 „ Shaking Cygnets Back. 5 Male Swan Charging on Land. for Attempting

6 ,, Flying to Defend to Climb his Nest. Back. 7 „ Attacking Dog in 14 The Family Afloat. ^ »» }» »> Shallows. 15 Back to the Nest: Male swan 25 One Refractory Cygnet Left 8 „ Rearing to Fly at attending to straggler. in Nest. Dog. 16 Female Pluming herself: One 26 Cygnets Feeding Themselves 9 Feeding Male Swan. cygnet sitting on an egg. 27 The Family Ashore.

AS DICK'S DIVE IN THE DUCK POND., — Illustkating Pond Life.

Beautifully Painted, £4 10s. / Plain Slides, £1 10s. the Set.

Beading fok the Set, including “ Pond Life,” 2s.

An Original Story and Illustrations.

1 Dick Home for the Holidays, quite tired out the 8 The Dy tiscus Water Beetle and its large first day falls asleep while looking into the Pond brown grub with its formidable jaws ; 2 Dick dreams he becomes very small, and dives 9 May Ply Larvee and Dragon Ply Larvee, and the into the is introduced by a to fully developed May Fly Grub of Dragou Ply Pond, and Prog ; High Life below Water chasing Grub of May Fly the Ply leaving the 3 Dick’s introduction to Hydras and Water Fleas 10 Dragon Flies, the Larvee ; its beautiful 4 Dick sees Caddis Flies and pays a visit to Colony pupa case ; the perfect Insect with of Caddis Worms and their queer little houses lace-like wings 5 The Fighting Community; the Water Boatmen, 11 Little Dick and his friend the Prog narrowly Water Scorpions, and Ranatra Linearis escape b^ing eaten by bis Father’s Duck when 6 Gnats and Gnat Larvee in their various stages searching for his supper 7 Dick visits the Water Spiders and their Diving 12 Dick at Home again, and having seen so many Bell Homes, and observes the wonderful way wonderful and beautiful things, says, “ All Thy they supply themselves with air works praise Thee, 0 Lord.” 178 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

AT POND LIFE. A Series of direct Photo-micrographs. 2s. each. Eeaoing fob the Set, including “ Pick’s Dive,' a 2«. Introduction 8 Dytiscus 1 Beetle 18 May Fly, Dragon Fly, Larva of Trachea Perfect In- i 28 Hydra Vulgaris Demoiselle sect ’ 29 Water Flea 9 Dytiscus Beetle, Eye 19 Caddis 1 an 2 Dragon Fly, Demoi- 10 Worm Fish Parasite Gyrinus Beetle, larva 20 Fly selle [large „ ti Palate of ater Snail M „ Perfect 21 Pearl Fly W S Dragon Fly, Larva of 32 Vorticella Insect 22 Water 4 Dytiscus Scorpion I 33 Beetle,larva 12 Gyrinus Beetle, Group of selected legs 23 Ranatra linearis ' 5 ,, „ Mouth Diatoms 13 Gnat Larva 24 Water Boatman Organs , 34 Volvox Globator 14 „ Pupa 25 Pond 6 Dytiscus Beetle, Skater, pupa 1 35 Leg Desmids ; Micras- 15 „ Male, plumed 26 M Perfect 1 showing suckers 16 Mosquito „ rias denticulata 7 Insect Dytiscus Beetle, I 36 Algas Batraohosper- 17 May Fly, Larva 27 ; Spiracle Water Spider mum Moniliforme For additional Slides on Pond Life, see page 177. For a similar with lecture on “ set to the above Common Insects,” see page 187.

PHOTOGRAPHIC POND LIFE. Made direct from the Original Negatives, many of the objects being Photographed alive.

P/a/n Slides, 2s. each.

Printed Reading, Price 2s. 1 Bladderwort 2 Vauchf-ria 22 Glass Larva 3 Draparnaldia 23 Tail of Glass Larva 4 Volvox 24 Larva of Common Gnat 25 Pupa 6 Volvox more highly magnified of ’Common Gnat 6 Various Diatoms 26 Common Gnat (female) 8 Amoeba 27 Common Gnat (male) 9 Melicerta—the Brickmaker 28 Head of Common Gnat (male) 10 Stephanoceros, Crown 29 Common Water Flea Animalcul 30 13 Stentors, Trumpet Animalcule Common Water Flea 12 Aloyonella 31 Cyclops Quadricornis 13 Fredeeicella 32 Water Mite 14 Young Cristatella 38 Fresh Water Shrimp 34 15 Colony of Cristatella Lebtodora 35 16 Lophopus Crystallinus Larva of Pond Skater 36 17 Lophopus Crystallinus Pond Skater 18 Plumriella Repens 37 Male Dragon Fly 19 Hydra Budding 88 Fish Louse 39 Young Roach 20 Hydra swallowing Water Flea 21 Cordylophora 40 Fairy Shrimps

ARC MICROSCOPICAL POND LIFE. From original drawings made directly from the living objects. supplied as plain photographic with th^ro/ Slides, but are tinted to correspond the colours seen through the microscope. The prices are all given below INSECTS. 1 Mosquito Anopheles maculipennis. Male. 2 s. 3d. n Mosquito Anopheles Culex pipiens Pupa Female. 2s. 9d. 2s 9d, ” ” » Pupae „ Scales. 2s. 3d, » at surface of water „ Scales in situ. , q 2s 9d. ” »» >1 ,, Head of male. ^ 2s. 3d. 2s 3d. Stomach attacked by 1 A }c »» » Eye. 2s. 3d. Malaria (Model). 2s. 9 d'. M 138 ” Head in biting attitude. ,Qn ” »» n Antenna. 2 s. 3d. (Model). 2s. 9d. iqV ” »» M >, Egg-boat. 2s. 3d. 139 ” ' »» j» „ ,, Another view’ 2 2s. 3d, nd position. 2s.”9d. 1 ft ^ , 6 »* Culex putenens. Cutex pipiens. Male. 2s. 3d. „ Head. Fe- 7 male. 2s. 3d. „ „ Female. 2 s. 3d. 17 8 Plume Gnat (Chironomus). Male, „ „ Female from 2s. 3d. ” Female. 2s. 3d, above. 2s. 3d. 19iQ Phantomt.1,” * ’A 9 Corethraplumicomis) Head of „ „ Larva. 2s. 9d. Larva. 30 nci 2s. 3d. ,, ,, Larvae at surface of water. ” ,, Tail of Larva. 136 2 s. 9d. 1 , „ Head of Larva. » Egg-mass 137 2s. 3d. ,, ,, Tail of Larva. 189 >> egg-mass. 2s. 3d. n Part Enlarged. 2s. 3d, 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 179


EARLY DEVELOPMENT OF THE MALARIAL 173 Epistilis massive colony. 2s. 3d. -Part enlarged. 2s. 3d. 174 ,, „ ,, PARASITE IN MOSQUITO AND MAN enlarged. 175 ,, ,, ,, Greatly 2s. 3d. 21 Sporozoites in Iiiira,aQ blood (malaria). 2s. 3d. 56 Vaginicola. 3s. 57 Platycola decumbens. 2s. 9d. 22 „ entering corpuscle (malaria). 2s. 3d. 23 Amoeboid trophozoite (malaria). 2s. 3d. 58 Pixicola. 3s. 24 Schizont (malaria). 2s. 3d. 62 Cothurnia imberbis. 3s. 25 Schizont breaking up (malaria). 2s. 3d. 162 Lagenophrys vaginicola on Cypris. 2s. 3d. 26 Merozoites escaping from corpuscle (malaria). HYDROZOA. 2s. 3d. 27 Microgametocyte with microgametes (malaria). 64 Hydra fusca. 2s. 9d. 2s. 3d. 65 ,, vulgaris. 2s. 9d. Fertilization of macrogamete (malaria). 2s. 3d. 28 66 ,, viridis. 2s. 9d. 29 Fertalized macrogamete (malaria)- 2s. 3d. 2s. 9d, 67 „ ,, with young. 30 Cyst in stomach of mosquito (early) (malaria). capturing water-flea. 3s. 68 ,, „

31 Ripe cyst in stomach of mosquito (malaria). ROTIFERA. 2s. 3d. 69 Melicerta on anacharis. 3s. SPONGES. 70 „ ringens. 3s. 6d. 32 Freshwater Sponge. 2s. 9d. 71 „ „ Larger. 3s. on twig. 2s. 9d. Building tube. 3s. 6d. 163 ,, ,, Young 72 ,, „ Skeleton. 2s. 9d. Photo. 2s. 3d. 125 „ ,, 144 „ „ showing brick, 2s. 3d, 145 ,, „ Photo PROTOZOA. 73 Limnias ceratophylli. 3s. 33 Amoeba radiosa. 2s. 9d. 74 Stephanoceros eichornii. 3s. 6d. 161 Photo. 2s. 3d. 34 ,, feeding. 3s. ,, ,, 126 „ proteus. 2s. 9d. 75 Oecistes crystallinus. 3s. injesting a diatom. 2s. 9d. 76 pilula. 3s. 127 ,, ,, ,, Floscularia cornuta. 3s. 6d. 135 ,, pilosa. 2s. 9d. 77 coronetta, etc. 3s. 35 Difflugia pyriformis. 2s. 9d. 78 ,, 2s. Anuraea brevispina. 3s. 36 ,, acuminata. 9d. 79 37 Nebela coUaris. 2s. 9d. 80 Noteus quadricornis. 3s. 121 Euglypha alveolata. 2s. 9d. 81 Rotifera vulgaris. 3s. 82 Philodina aculeata. 3s. MONADS, ETC, 83 Conochilus volvox. 3s. 84 Chaetonotus larus. 2s. 9d. 38 Volvox globator. 3s. 6d. 39 „ Early stages. 3s. 6d. TARDIGRADA. 152 Photo. 23. 3d. „ ,, 85 Water Bear. 3s. 40 Haematococcus pluvialis. 3s. 41 Euglena viridis. 2s. 9d. POLYZOA. 42 Phacus longicaudus. 2s. 9d. 86 Lophopus crystallinus. 3s. 6d. Photo. 2s. 3d. INFUSORI.-V, 159 ,, ,, background. 151 ,, ,, White 43 Acineta mystacina. 3s. 2s. 3d. 44 Clathrulina elegans. 3s. 87 Cristatella young. 3s. 45 Actinophrys sol. 2s. 9d. 2s. 3d. 160 ,, mucedo. 122 Actinosphaerium eichornii. 2s. 9d. 168 Fredericalla colony on submerged Toot. 2s. 3d, 46 Bursaria truncatella. 2s. 9d. 169 „ „ „ twig. 2s. 3d. 47 Paramecium aurelia. 2s. 9d. 2s. 3d. 170 ,, single polype. 120 Paramecium caudatum. 2s. 9d. polype. 2s. 3d, 171 ,, terminal Dileptus folium. 2s. 9d. 172* higher magnifica- 48 ,, „ „ 49 Spirostomum ambiguum. 2s. 9d. tion. 2s. 3d. 63 Stentor mulleri. 3s. 50 Stylonichia mytilis. 3s. ENTOMOSTRACA. 51 Euplotes patella. 2s. 9d. pulex. 3s. 6d, 52 Coleps hirtus. 2s. 9d. 88 Daphnia uder pressure; 2s. 3d. 53 Vorticella nebulifera. 2s. 9d. 129 ,, „ antennae with parasites. 2s. 3d. 54 Life history. 3s. 143 ,, Ceriodaphnia reticulata. 3s. 55 .. Photo. 2s. 3d. 89 Photo. 2s. 3d. 141 ,, Photo, larger. 2s. 3d. 128 „ ft with ephippium. 142 Photo, high magnifica* 140 „ „ „ „ o™ 0.1 3d. tion. 2s. 3d. 2s. 2s. 3d. 61 Carchesium polypinum. 3s. 90 Simocephalus vetulus. Front view. 2s. 3d. 119 Single animal, 2s. 9d. 91 „ Young. 2s. 3d. Colony on duckweed. 92 ,, >, antennae, side view^ 2s. 3d. 176 Sida crystallina, head and 131 Colony on duckweed. 177 „ back view. ” 2s. 3d. 132 Larger. 2s. 3d. head, front view. 2s. 3d. 133 Much enlarged, 2s. 3d. 178 ,, „ it side view. 2s. 3d. 134 High magnification. 179 ,, ,, „ 2s, 3d. 182 Moina rectirostrie. . (dead specimen). 2s. 3d. 183 Antennae 164 it On moss. 165 Same contracted. 2s. 3d. it 3d. 2s. 3d. 180 Eurycercus lamellatus. 2s. 2s. 3d. 166 Colony breaking up. 181 „ „ Head larger. 2s. 2s. 3d. 93 Bosmina longirostris. 9d. 9d. 167 Colony breaking up, 94 Cyclocypris serena. 2s. part higher magni- 95 Cyclops male. 2s. 3d. female. 2s. 3d. hcation. 2s. 3d. 96 ,, side view. 2s. 3d. 59 Epistylis anastatica. 2s. 9d. 97 ,, 9d. 98 showing feet. 2s. 3d. 60 ,, iJavicans. 2s. „ —

180 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

MICROSCOPICAL POND Li F E (Continued). NEWTON— PAGE 180 112 10399 Cyclops Surirella biseriata. 2s. 9d. serruiatus male. 2s. 3d. 147 Surirella gamma, high magnification. >1 >. female. 2s. 3d. 2s. 3cl. iJJ? 148 Navicula rhomboides, high i> strenuus. 2s. 3d. magnification. 2s. 3d 150 " with parasitic verticellae. 2s. 3d u „ 2s. 3d. !2o 155 ” Lanthocamptus staphylinus. ” ’> 2s. 3d. 2s. 3d. 158 , 103 Canthocamptus (dots), X 500. staphylinus. 2s 3d. 153 A ’V., ” 2si3d. pellucida, high magnification. »> ,) female with egg- sac. 2s. 3d. 113 Epithemia turgida. 2s. 9d. ” )’ ,, side view. 114 Pinnularia viridis. 2s. 9d. 2s. 3d. 115 oj Pinnularia nobilis. 2s. 3d. »» »> „ limbs extend 116 BaciUaria paradoxa. 2s. 9d. ed. 2s. 3d. 117 ^ Diatoma vulgare. 2s. 9d. ^ general. 104 Group of Protozoa and Infusoria. KNOWLEDGE SERIES. 3s 6d 192 Zeophytees PHANEROGAMIA. (BourgainvilJia) x 10. 1 , Q -D1 ^ r ^2s 3d^ -^mpderwort with captured JJ,T water-flea. 2s. 9d. 193 Single 184 v\ ater-weed with Individual of the Club Zoophyte oxygen bubles. 2s 3d y \(Clava)va;. much enlarged. 2s. 3d. T. CRYPTOGAMIA, 194 105 Draparnaldia (Mphasia), glomerata. 2s. 9d ^“n£ged?"2s?3d much 106 Zygnema. 2s. 9d. 195 Portion of 107 Spirogyra. 2s. 9d. 9 Zoophyte (setularella) much en- Jarged, showmg 124 „ Photo. 2s 3d. embryo capsules. 2s. 3d. 196 Polypite (Coryne), 108 Batrachosperuni. 2s. 9d. much enlarged to show DESMIDIACEAE. thread cells. 2s. 3d. 197 Polypites (Syncoryne)-, 109 Group of Desmids. 3s. much enlarged to show attached embryos. 157 Desmids, various. 2s. 3d. 2s. 3d. 198 A SmaU Colony 110 Micrasterias rotata. 3s of Zoophytes (Hydractinia), much enlarged. 2s. 3d. ' DIATOMACEAE. 199 Part 1 of Zoophyte (Aglaophenia), 1 1 Pleurosigma attenautum. 2s. 9d. much enlarged showing corbula. 2s. 3d. *> angulatum (high magnification). 200 Small Colony of Zoophytes (Clytia), much en- , . 2s. 3d. t larged, showing the Calycles. 154 ,, 2s. 3d. 2s ‘ * 201 Portion of Zoophyte 156 Pleurosigma angulatum, x (Gonothyraea), much en- 900. 2s! 3d. larged, 1*16 showing embryos attached „ formosum, x 1000. 2s. 3d. to too^ of capsules. 2s. 3d.

VP THE EVOLUTION OF A FROG. A Series of X-Eay Lantern Slides on the Evolution from the Spawn Tadpole through the Stage to Idie Mature Frog, showing Absorption of the Tail and Develop-Eieveiop ment of Internal Organs and Skeleton.

Photographed from life by Mr. W, M. Martin, of Eedruth.

Plain Slides^ 2s. 3d. each. The Herbivorous Period. Showmg first appearance externally of the 1 Spawn of Frog taken from a pool in Februar posterior legs, both appearing simultaneously, showing eggs body embedded in a jelly-like striii of Tadpole larger and more elongated, of mucilage with development of a bigger tail for use 2 Showing as a young Tadpoles after they have jerke powerful swimming organ themselves out of the gelatinous 10 Same moss, as ve period as No. 9, with exposure to the mouthless and living X Rays on their still uuexhausto so governed as to show the varying capital of yolk degrees of transparency of the skin 3 Showing development of a flsh-like tail, and firs 11 Showing appearance appearance of portions of of two additional bone a short alimentar *^®^tres in head, canal, also slight internal Mouth more triangular in indications of thi shape, Alimentary coming posterior legs. canal extending from side to side 4 Showing the with an enlargement of its end development of a more globula on shape of left body, with an elongation of alimen tary canal and 12 Alimentary canal becoming further internal developmen^ smaller, and in the of posterior legs two central Tadpoles, which have been kept 6 First without food, appearance of bone as two centres the bones of the head may now o; be seen ossification in head, also showing appearanot articulated to the partially ossified of a rounded mouth and vertebral column alimentary^ cana forming itself into 13 Showing a coil further development of the bones of 6 Showmg further head, development of bones of head Alimentary canal still diminishing in and the alimentary size and canal coiled up like g more confined to right side extending almost from sidt 14 Showing first to indications of the coming fore" limbs, and also that 7 Same period the right side of vertebra^ as No. 6, but radiographed througl column the ossifies sooner than the left sides and showing first appearance o] 15 About a week later than No. centres of ossification of vertebral column 14, radiographed o Saum though the sides, showing period as No. ^ small tongue 6, with exposure governed tc show the amxed to the inner side of front of lower jaw, portions most transparent to X Ravs, seen as white Also as an outgrowth from the hindermost dots and possibly caused bv yeriebrse the long spine of the of tissue to allow of exit backbone (see f posterioi full grown stage) lels may be seen partially - developed 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 181


IG Showing final stage of develoiiinent of tail to 27 Showing ossification of upper jaw-bone—Verte- be absorbed as food in a later stage. Also bral column wider and more defined—In the extent of development of xiosterior legs specimen at bottom right corner the two before the appearance of the fore limbs cerebral hemispheres of brain are visible 17 Showing the fore limbs in process of unfolding, 28 Showing further arowth of the Frogs, lengthening Alimentary canal much diminished in size, of limbs, and base of jaw-bone commencing to and situated almost entirely on right side articulate with the vertebral column Compare with No. 28 Commencement of the Carnivorous 29 Showingpartial ossification of joints of fore limbs Period. 30 Further stages of ossification of joints of fore limbs, and of the articulation of bone 18 Almost sudden appearance of considerably jaw with vertebral column developed fore limbs, and equally sudden increased disappearance of alimentary canal, where 31 Showing a greatly ossification of apex of vertebral column, previous to complete the latter is visible both fore limbs have not articulation with jaw-bones yet appeared. Also showing fore limbs do Showing three not appear simultaneously, either right or 32 stages of development of the cartilage of interior of head left coming first 33 Showing jaw-bones now articulated wildi verte- 19 Tne animal now leaps ashore. The Tadpole is becoming a Frog. The mouth has become bral column, transverse processes of vertebrae longer, the centre wider, the abdomen shrunken. Transverse and in Frog the large free seen in the processes of vertebrae developing, and more tongue may be inter- mandibular space Frog-like appearance evident, and being as 84 Young Frog, showing its characteristic deeply- yet unable to catch its own food, it begins notched free tongue living at the expense of its tail 21 35 Same period aa No. radiographed through 20 Same period as No. 19. Caught in the gra8« near 34, the side and pool and radiographed through the side, showing an almost straight vertebral column and a thick well-developed showing partial ab.'Orption of tail. Appearance tongue with its tip of stomach, absence of alimentary canal. pointing down the throat Compare with Radiograph of same position in 36 Showing further stage of ossification of the Herbivorous period, ^ 0 . 15 articulation of jaw and vertebral column, 21 About four days later than No. 20, showing the The innermost igit of top specimen swollen tail quarter part absorbed, and the long style —male, In bottom specimen all the digits of hinder-end of backbone, and produc d equal in size extremities of haunch-bones coming more —female plainly into view 87 Showing a larger space at the base between upper and lower jaws, Api^earance of a ball 22 Showing tail three-quarters absorbed, and legs growing longer and socket arrangement in joint of fore limbs 23 Showing tail externally completely absorbed, but portions still visible internally, aud further development of the tranverse pro- 38 Same period as Number 87, radiographed through the cesses of the vertebrae side, showing development of a curve in vertebral column, Compare with Complete absorption of all trace of tail, and the young Frogs through living on their own No. 35, Also the relative positions of the urostyle extension tissue have become much smaller. Bony and of haunch-bones, in the act of leaping skeleton more developed. Tongue visible when through the intermandibular space. First 39 A fully-developed Frog. In fore limbs showing four digits radius ulna completely appearance of portions of hard undigested and and food fused together, a narrow line indicating the union. In hind limb, five toes tibia 25 Showing the young Frogs, now able to capture and and fibula their own food, regaining flesh. Further fused The' appearance of hard undigested portions of 40 An old frog witb broken leg. hind legs placed in a position to show the separate food. Compare v)ith No. 23 bones of the elongated ankle and the “ tarsal 26 Showing appearance and gradual development tubercle,” or well-known hint of a sixth toe of lower jaw-bone. Further growth and ossification of the skeleton For Slides on the Evolution of a Chicken see page 204. bfy fish life. By arrangement with Francis Ward, M.D., F.Z.S., F.R.P.S., we are privileged to publish the two following groups of slides from original negatives taken by him, and which appear ” in his well-known books, “ Marvels of Fish Life,” and Animal Life under Water.” Beautifully Painted Slides, 6s. to 7s. Qd. each^ Plain Slides, 2s, Qd. each,

1 Young Pike. 19 Carp; Throat teeth showing triangular cartila- 2 Young Pike in weeds. gerious pad. 3 Pike, third year. 20 Crucian Carp, 4 Pike watching prey. 21 Gudgeon. 5 Pike advancing to attack. 22 Chub. 6 Pike suddenly appears. 23 Chub. Throat teeth apart. 7 Pike disgusted after failure. 24 Chub. Throat teeth showing triangular car- 8 Perch ready to attack. tilagerious pad axproximatecl. 9 Perch advancing. 25 Dace. 10 Perch in the open. 26 Rudd. 1 1 Perch paling with fear. 27 Rudd taking worm. 1 2 Perch eggs. 28 Tench. 1 3 Perch hatching. 29 White Bream. 14 Ruff. 30 Stone Leach. 15 Carp. 31 Stone Leach concealed. 16 Carp, Mouth of, Open. 32 Eel. 17 Carp, Mouth of, Closed. ' 33 Stickleback buildinsr e^t I 18 Carp, Throat teeth of. . —

182 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers,

FISH LIFE . —Continued 34 Stickleback building nest II, 112 Cottus 35 Stickleback scorpioat rest. building nest III. 113 Cottus 36 Stickleback alarmed. guarding nest. 114 Cottus 37 Stickleback advancing to attack on guard. 115 38 Salmon Cottus gibio, Miller’s Thumb. egg and alevin. 116 Blenny 39 Salmon alarmed. hatching I. 117 Blenny 40 anxious. Salmon hatching II. 118 41 Blenny on defensive, Salmon hatching III. 119 42 Black Blenny. Salmon hatching IV. 120 43 Salmon Pollock. hatching V. 121 Whiting. 44 Salmon just hatched. 122 Ling. 45 Salmon five weeks old. 123 Sand Eel. Mouth 46 Salmon scale. shut. X 12 . 124 Sand Eel. Mouth 47 Sal raon scale. open. X 25. 125 Pipe Fish. 48 Brown Trout eggs. 126 Pipe Fish, mouth of. 49 Alevin two weeks old. 127 Conger Eel. 50 Alevin five weeks old. 128 Goldfish egg. 51 Adult brown trout. 52 Sea Trout. .Larval. Just hatched. 130 Goldfish, SIX 53 Rainbow Trout. weeks old. 131 Goldfish, ten weeks 54 Rainbow Trout rushing old. with open mouth for 132 Goldfish. Adult. food— I. 133 55 Rainbow Two Goldfish. Trout rushing with open mouth for 134 Carp. food Swim bladder of. —II. 135 Roach 56 Rainbow egg attached to roots. Trout, rushing with open mouth for 136 Larval food roach just hatched. —III. 137 57 La^^^Roach, first day. Sign of Trout fighting—I. primitive swim. 58 Trout fighting—II. secoud 59 Trout fighting III. day. Gas in swim bladder — 139I TO 60 Roach, eighteen days old. Windermere Charr. 140 Roach, 61 Smelt. twenty-one days old. 141 Roach, six weeks 62 Brown Trout laying old. in water hidden by re- 142 Roach, adult flection. fish. 143 Colour cells in skin of fish. 63 Brown Trout turning to pick worms and flashing 144 Whelk devouring crayfish it catches the light from above. 145 Spiney Lobster. rising to fly, seen Off under water. yawning (Air. Lungs). Mouth closed. u? sSu°'’' 'I**'* maximus. SJ showing sensory tenticles. 66 Trout yawning 1 (Air. Lungs). Mouth open. 148lo scallop,c 07 trout showing showing mantles. fear markings I. 149 ScaUop,^ showing showing fear markings—II. upper mantle and mantle frt Trout showing fear markings—III. 150 Scallop, showing 70 Trout showing fear general features. Pecten markings—IV. opercularis. 71 Plaice eggs ready to hatch. 151 Scallop, 72 Plaice hatching showing eyes. I. following 9973 Plaice hatching— !5? spawn into the water I. II. 153 ScaUop following 74 Plaice hatching—III. spawn into the water—II 75 Plaice larval fish hatched. Iss Oyllll l^ft’shelk 156 Oyster. Bundle to adjust position of Broods. of eyes.— I. 157 Oyster 77 —II shell. 78 158 Oyster shell. »* —III. Lobster. 79 —IV. Galathea Strigosa. 80 160 Spider Crab. *> n —V. 161 Shofe 81 Crab. ” -vi. 162 Crab. 82 Plaice. Adult. Swimming or Fiddler. or Fiddler. Disturbed. 164i o! Hermit•, 84 Sole. Crab in sponae 165 Masked Crab. 85 Lemon sole. 166 Circular Crab. 86 Lemon sole on white background. 167 Circular Crab. 87 Lemon sole in Disturbed natural surroundings— I. 88 Lemon sole in natural surroundings— II. lei 89 Turbot. plSSosI ineZSr"'' 170 Plumose Anemone. 90 Thomback Ray. Egg of. Open and closed. 91 Thomback Ray. Egg of. 17^^ 92 1 homback ASeXne.°“G^?uro“D‘e‘ilia‘.^‘'^‘“ Ray. Embryo in egg. 173 93 Thomback Ray. Anemone (Aneomia sulkata). Developing—I. 174 Eledene, 94 Thomback Ray. Octopus. Forced inspiration showing Developing—11. funnel ® 95 Thomback Ray, action. Developing—III. 175 Eledene, 96 Thomback Ray. Octopus. Forced expiration showing Back view of. funnel ® 97 Thomback Ray. One month action. old. gotopus, showing 98v.^ Thomback- Ray. Mouth of. pigmentation. — showing Thomback Ray on white background. \nQ j general structure. 1 /8 Eledene, Octopus, showing web 100 Thomback Ray in natural surroundings Tail between tenta- curled. cles. grtopus advancing 101 Thomback Ray in natural loo on tentacles— I. surroundings. Tail g'=t°pus extended. Jo? advancing on tentacles— II. 102 Dogfish, Egg of. g4°P“® advancing on tentacles—III. 182JoQ Eledene,cJ Octopus “ttai^bed swimming. Jn? to pipe in Aquarium. 104 Dogfish. Egg attached coming to rest—1. to rock. 184Jo? Eledene, Octopus 105 Dogfish fixing egg on rocks. coming to rest II 185 Eledene, Octopus, fight with 106 Spined Dogfish—I, lobster-^'l Ocfopus, fight with 107 Spined Dogfish—II. lobster—11. Octopus, fight 108 Spined Dogfish laying at rest TOO 5, with lobster—III. on fungus. Eledene, Octopus. 109 Spined Dogfish. Spine Lobster killed by ink. on first dorsal fin. 189 Eggs attacked UQ Spined Dogfish. Spine by byssus— I. on second dorsal fin, 190 Eggs attacked *... Dogfish. Nursehound. by byssus—Nine hours later. 191 Broken bottle dredged up. —

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 183

FISH LIFE {Continued). ADDITIONAL SLIDES. (Knowledge Series). Plain Slides, 2s. 3d. each. 192 Marked Plaice, which travelled 40 miles in 20 197 Head of Post-larval Lemon Dab days, and was then recaptured (Pleuronectes (July 1905) microcephalus) (February, 1909). 193 Newly-hatched Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) 198 Head of Post Larval Turbot (February, (February, 1909). 1909). 199 Post - larval 194 Early Post-larval Turbot (Rhombus maximus) Plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) (February, (February, 1909). 1909). 200 Early Post-larval Thickback 195 Early Post—larval Sole (Solca Pleuronectid (February. variegata) (February, 1909). 1909). 201 Post-Larval Ling (Molva molva) (February, 196 Post-Larval Lemon Dab (Pleuronectes micro- cephalus) (February, 1909). BRR animal life under water. slides from original negatives and drawings on the observation of Water’ Hirds,P!- ^ Animals and Fishes, showing their feeding habits and haunts. Beautifully Painted, 7s. Plain Slides, 2s. 6d. Text Book," Animal Life under Water,” by Francis Ward, M.D„ F.Z.S., F.R.S.S., etc. 1 A Highland Loch and under-water view of the 50 Otter Under-water view scene. searching for fish. 51 swinging 2 >» „ ,, up to surface. Lesser Black-backed Gull, Penguin and Rain- 52 bow Trout. »> >j „ swimming on surface, 53 landing with fish, 3 Appearance from under the water when the 54 eating 21b. sea trout, subject is partially above and partially below 55 stopping for a drink, the surface. 56. returning for another, 4 Methods of Subaqueous Observation. 57 chewing a sea trout, 5 Observation Tank in the bank of a controlled 58 under a rock stream. in the water, 59 playing with a pike under water. 6 White Cardboard reflecting green colouration 60 An Otter’s ” seal.” in a pond. 61 Otter going under the ice. 7 White Anemone. I. 62 coming up through the ice. S » „ II. ,, 63 ,, alert on hind legs. 9 ,» „ III. 64 ,, snarling. 10 Water Hen swimming in the area of total 65 ,, tail movements, composite under-water I- reflection. . , study. 11 II. „ 66 Seal climbing on to rocks. 12 White Saucerfloating on the surface of the water 67 „ struggling over boulder. seen from below in the area of total reflection 68 basking in the sun. and in the “ window.” ,, 69 ,, alarmed. 13 Common Brown Trout reflecting its surround- 70 plunging into the sea. ings. ,, 71 „ vortex where it disappeared. 14 Brown Trout waiting for food. 72 ,, under-water view searching for fish. 15 The “ flash ” as the Trout turns to pick up a 73 catching worm. ,, ,, ,, ,, a herring. 74 ,, ,, ,, chewing a herring. 16 Cormorant with herring. ,, 75 ,, ,, - swinging up to the 17 A flashing fish. „ „ surface. 18 Cormorant with wings extended. 76 Head above water. 19 swimming on the surface, ,, 77 Heron’s young on nest. 20 splashing head under water, 78 Heron young bird ready fly. 21 swimming forward with head under. to 79 flight, going 22 Composite slide of three above move- „ off. ments. 80 „ ,, wing span. 81 alighting. 23 dipping in search of fish. ,, 24 Under water-view, appearance of 82 „ shaking feathers after flight. head. 83 „ fishing attitude. 2.S Under-water view of a chase. I. 84 wading. 26 fishing. » >, „ „ „ „ IL 85 „ 27 .» „ „ „ „ III. 86 „ seen below water, 28 » » „ M „ „ IV. 87 ,, wading, seen from under water, 29 V. 88 „ above water against sky. 30 diving. 89 „ body and head seen from below. 31 catching a fish, 90 „ M against reeds, 32 „ „ floating up with fish. I. 91 as seen from above water. 33 II. 92 A meal, 39 whiting in one night, 34 Cormorant swimming ashore seen from below. 93 ,, disturbed while fishing. I. M 5. above. 94 M »> M .. „ II. 36 ,, digesting a meal on a rock. 95 .7 HI. 37 „ Penguin on land. 96 Gull. Lesser black-backed on rocks. 38 ,, under water with fish. 97 „ »» ,, ,, on water. 39 in dark ,, water. 98 Gull. Lesser black-backed landing on water 40 surface. ,, on seen from below. 41 ,, under water swimming towards ob- 99 ,, >, n .7 swimming on surface server. seen from below. away. >7 7 7 7 7 plunging down after 43 Composite film ,, picture, turning fish. fish seen from >» n >) ,, swinging up to below. siirface. Black headed, stomach contents. Natural 45 Otter cub wandering from Hover. size. 46 ,, Mother at Hover. 77 77 77 ^ h vesiclc 47 entering water. 77 ,, magnified 48 slipping into ,, water. 15 diameters. 49 „ Under-water view swimming. 103 —

184 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. animal life under WATER Continued. 104 Gull. Herring. Stomach contents. Otoliths and 117 Kingfisher. Young waiting to be fed. Air Vesicles llo >> Alert. as indication >9 .. A large fish. of feeding. ] 105 120 ,, Haunt, 106 Percentage Lures. Dry fly as seen by a trout Table of Contents of the Sea 122 food of Her- u line into runnmg’water. ring, Com- InA124 Tt”ine . mon and .Angler as seen from under the water. Black-headed. ” ” 107 12? Sai’mon’FIy. »» »» of j» ,, the Land 127 The Flashing Fly. food of Her- 128 Miscellaneous Observations Male ring, Com- and Female mon and Trout on the Spawning Ground. • Black-headed. 129 108 HOTing, nx , Rainbow Stomach Contents, 140 gms. Trout, Oats, 460 gms. Wheat. A Fight to the 109 Black-headed, Death. Stomach Contents. Crane 130 Rainbow Troht. no Flies, Ghost Rushing at food with open mouth. Moths. 131 111 Kingfisher, Nesting Hole. Rudd taking a 112 A Fish. worm. 113 The 132 Chub. Dive. 133 114 The Capture. A young Pike on 115 „ Gone. the look-out. 116 134 After dinner rest awhile, Repose Water Hen flying after a meal. under the water. AY BUTTERFLIES, INSECTS, ETC. “luect from the real t>7 objects. Shdes 2s: each except where otherwise marked 1 Tortoiseshell Butterfly and the underside, 45 Caterpillar Vanessa Urticce. of Comma Moth Two Caterpillars 2 Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly. 7? of Comma Moth. * Caterpillar 3 Brimstone Butterfly, of Ermine Moth. and the underside. 48 Gonetheryx Rhammi. Caterpillar on Euonymus, in Web. 4 Pe^acock Butterfly feeding in Web. and the underside. Vanessa m r- . 5 Myble ^itc Butterfly and the underside Atge Galathea. ® i siz B'emlef and the underside 54 (Male). Hiffarchta Janira Aromia or Cerambyx Mos- tIitfaTchia s R "/‘la Hyfaranthu! Beetle. Lucanus 8 Red Admiral Butterfly. Vanes:,a Cervus. Atalanta. o6 Cockroach. Blatta. ’» »» Wings closed. 57 Dragon Fly. ” Wings 11 r " r,i . open, n Large Skipper ,, „ (Male). Butterfly. Ram-bhela Syl- van us. ' ,, „ Demoiselle. 60 Smoked-winged Dragon-flies (Male and li Llj lutSy"- remale). 61 Chinese Lantern Fly. 62 Drone Fly on Sunflower. 63 Ant Lion. Cardamined. IF 64 Garden Snails feeding on Leaf. Polyommatu, Alscs. 17 Gardenr "a White M on top of Flower. o Butterfly. DO Large ^ 18 Small Pearl-bordered Green Grasshopper. Butterfly Frog Hopper, 19 Indian Butterfly. £ Stag Horn, Indian Tea Tree 68 Aphis on Leaf Stalk, »» »• Kallima ^ Maches. 69 Black Ants. ’• Paftllion. ir '• ITT. 70 Earwies. Various Wings of Butterflies. 71 Spurge Hawk Moth. Spiders. 72 Three Convolvulus Hawk Moth. Scorpions. Privet Hawk Moth. 73 Scorpion, underside. 74 Poplar Hawk Moth. ,, three-quarters. 75 Water The Eyed Hawk Moth. Scorpion. 76 Shrimp. Large Elephant Hawk Moth. Lime Hawk Moth. 77 Freshwater Shrimp. Ghost Moth. 78 Centipede. Old Lady Moth. 79 Star Fish. 80 5 Red Underwing Moth. ,, Ray and 13 Ray. 81 Dytiscus, Yellow Underwing Moth. Water Beetle. Scarlet Tiger Moth. Group of Larva of Dytiscus Margilalus. Buff Tip Moth, 0.1 Water Mantis, Ranatra Linearis 84 Crab. Swallow-tailed Moth. 8,5 Unfolding Wings Large American Silkworm Moth. of Insects. Crumpled appearance Currant Moth. of the wings upon Death's Head Moth. emergence from the Emperor Moth. Of. nymph skin. 2s. 3d. '• Insect hanging Moth of the Vegetable Caterpillar. Hefialus erect, Vttescens. the wings beginning to Skin of Caterpillar of Emperor Moth. unfold. >’ Wings nearly dry. Vegetable Caterpillar of New Zealand 2s. 3d. For “ Natural History^Talks ” " on Fishes, see pages 155 and 158. .

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 185

AX BRITISH BUTTERFLIES AND MOTHS. Photographed from a very beantifal and accurate Series of Original Drawings, 9 Beautifully Painted 6s. ; Plain Slides, 2s. each.

1 Sliae containing 12 Butterflies and Moths for 17 Humming Bird Hawk Moth. Larva and pupa Wing Development Mic7'oglo8sa Stellatarum et G^roatica. On be 2 Swallow-tail Butterfly. Papilio Machaon straw 3 Swallow-tail Scarce Butterfly. Papilio Poda- 18 Broad and Narrow Bordered Bee-Hawk Moths. lirius Hemaris Bombyliformis et Fucifortnis. On 4 Apollo Butterfly, Parnassius Apollo honeysuckle 5 Clouded Yellow Butterfly. Colias Hyale etEdusa. 19 Burnett Moths, six and five spot. Zygania Fill' On Clover pendulce et Lonicerm. On clover 6 Red Admiral Butterfly. Vanessa Atalanta 20 Scarlet and Jersey Tiger Moths. Callimarpha 7 Camberwell Beauty Butterfly. Vanessa Antiojja Dominula et Hera. On nettle 6 Peacock Butterfly. Vanessa lo 21 Garden and Cream Spot Tiger Moths. Arctia Tortoiseshell and Comma Butterfly. Vajiessa Caja et Villica. On blackberry spray Vrticce et G. Album 22 Emperor Moths, male and female. Saturnia 10 Painted Lady Butterfly. Vaness Cardui. On CarpinL On spray of wild rose thistle 23 Oak Egger Moths. Quercus, On 11 Silver-washed Fritillary Butterfly. Argynnis blackberry Paphia. On pansy 24 Puss Moth. Cerura Vinula. On willow 12 Purple Emperor Butterfly. Apatura Iris. On 25 Common Yellow TJndecwing Moths. Tiipluena poplar spray Pronuba. On primrose 13 Marble White Butterfly. Melanargia Qalathea 26 Crimson Underwing Moth. Cdtocala Sponsa. On 14 „ „ Hipparchia Circe oak spray 15 Death's Head Moth. Achcrontia Atropos 27 Clifton Nonpareil Moth. Catocala Fraxina. On 16 Convolvulus Hawk Moth. Sphinx Convolvulus poplar 23 ABT LIFE HISTORY OF VARIOUS INSECTS. A Series of Lantern Slides photographed direct from the actual objects, and showing on the one slide the perfect insect, male and female, the caterpillar, and the chrysalis. The colouring is copied from the insects themselves, to secure accuracy, and the resulting slides are exquisitely delicate and beautiful. Plain Slides, 2s. each; Beautifully Painted, best uality, 6s. each. Moths. 8 Poplar Grey,11 Acronyeta Butterflies. Male and Female, Pupa Megacephala. 19 Swallow Tail, Papillio 9 and Larva. Six Spotted Burnet, Anthro- Machaon. cerce Filipendulae. 20 Red Admiral, Vanessa Ata- 1 Eyed Hawk, Sphinx Ligus- 10 Magpie or Currant, Abraxus lanta. tri. . Grossuiariato. 21 Small Garden White, Pieris 2 Lime Hawk, Smermthus 11 Silkworm, Bombyx Mori. Rap®. Tilise. 12 Buff Tip, rygaera Bucephala. 3 Poplar Hawk, Smermthus 13 Puss Moth, Cerura Vinula. Mole Cricket, Flying, and in Populi. 14 Red Underwing, Catocala Burrow. 4 Privet Hawk, Sphinx Ligrus- Sponsa. 23 Scorpions from Spain. tri. 15 Tiger Moth, Arctia Caja. 24 Great Silver Beetle. 5 Lappet Moth, Bombyx Quer- 16 Sycamore Tussock, Congli 25 Goat Moth. ciiolia. Demas. 26 Swallow-tail Moth. 6 Drinker, Odonestris Pota- 17 Goat Moth, Cossus Ligni- 27 Privet Hawk. toria. perda. 28 Great Water Beetle. 7 Oak Egger, Lasiocampa 18 Gipsy Moth, Porthetoia Dis- Quercus. par. For additional Slides on “Insects” see Index. AFE SPIDERS. From Direct Negatives. Plain Slides, 2s, each, 1 Spider’s Nest, showing Eggs just before Spider, Crab. Hatching. 13 „ Ground. 2 Spider's Nest, showing the Shells directly 13 ,, Tumping. after the Spiders have left the Eggs. 14 „ Trapdoor, Young. 3 Garden Spider and its Web • 15 „ Water. 4 ,, „ Magnified. 16 Wolf.

5 ,, ,, The Spinnerets. 17 ,, Spiney, from Trinidad. 6 ,, „ The Foot, showing the Comb 18 Foot of Bird-catching Spider. Formation of the Claw. 19 Hair of Bird-catching Spider, showing the 6a Spider's Foot, x 28. fluted ends and fine hairs, x 300. 7a ,, Tongue, x 35. 20 Nest of Harvest Spider in Seed-head of 7 ,, „ Mandibles of the Male Spider. Grass. 8 „ ,, Eyes of. 21 Spider, Zebra. 9 Spider, Bush. 10 „ Cellar. BYP LIFE HISTORY OF THE ANT. A series of 30 Slides. Detailed list will be sent on application Coloured Slides, 6i. Plain Slides, 2s. each. Typewritten Notes, price 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides. )

186 NEWTON & CO,, Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. B V P FLIES-THEIR VARIOUS SPECIES. Plain Slides, 25. Sd. each. I House Fly from mounted specimen ^2 24 Blow .. .. Killed byVnr fungus. Fly. Tongue of (highly 3 magnified). Section .. Tongue through whole (V.S.) „ of Central tube. 4 ’ 26 Foot with hairs >> Spiracle. 5 and pad, 27 Antennae. „ Tracheal tubes. 6 28 Eye (V.S.) „ Oral lobes. 29 7 Eye. „ Eggs of. 8 30 Spiracle and part >1 >, pupae. 9 of skin with hair Irachae and Spiracle. 10 Wing. I2 iot 11 Tongue. •’ .. eggs. 12 Section of. „(Hypoderma 13 coyis). Eggs of (Cluster). 14 36 Ovipositor with Corn Fly. 15 eggs in situ. Larva of. 38 DMg Female. Parasitei of. (S“‘°/l'aga stercoraria). 17 Chelifer 39 hantau Feet. Fly, Eggs of. ^iy 40 Fruit Fly. BLOW-FLY. Fly. Lancets of. 18 Blow Fly 42 Green Bottle Fly. Head. 19 » 43 20 dissected. Hessian Fly. „ .. ilead. (Front 44 21 View. Wheat Midge. ,> „ Eye. Fly. 22 I®®*®.® (Glossina palpalis) u„ ,, Foot. Ik 23 Malarial Fly. .. ,, Tongue of. 47 Yellow Fever Fly. See also A “ B Z The Danger of Flies, Medical, Section I of this Catalogue. A B S THE LIFE HISTORY OF A BRITISH MUD-WASP ODYNENIS SPINIPES. Photographed from Life by Douglas English, B.A., E.E.P.S. Coloured Slides, 6s.; Plain Slides, 2s. 6d. each. ^ O. Spinipes. 8 Section of 21 New Burrow, 14 Wasp showing Suspended Grub, surrounded by ^ Spinipes, Egg and First Caterpillar, Caterpillars. a Section 15 Wasp Pupa. 3 T^e Mud-Wasp, of Burrow, with O. Spinipes, Store 16 Wasp bringing Caterpillar •*-hree-quarters. „ of Caterpillars. to 10 Section of Entrance, Side. 4 General View of a Burrow, with 17ir Collection Store Wasp bringing Caterpillar to of Burrows, with of Caterpillars, with Burrow Tubular Partition half-way Entrance, Three- Crowns. down. quarters. 6 General Sbbtion of Burrow, showing View of a Collection 18 Wasp Repairing of Burrows, - Wasp Gmb Feeding. Burrow Eu- with Tubular 12 Section trance. after of Burrow, showing „ Rain-storm, 19 Wasp* Hanging on b Wasp commencing Wasp Grub Full Fed. Burrow a Burrow. Id Section Entrance, Side. ' ol Burrow, showing •' .. Side. 20 Wasp Hanging Wasp Pupa in Cocoon. on Burrow Entrance, Back. A V INSECT MIMICRY. Photographed from Original Drawings. Beautifully Painted, 6 ,?. Plain Slides, 2?. each. 1 Butterfly, Kallima Maches'Inr.hffo ^ _ 19 Larva Ausiralu of Buff-tip Moth, Pggra Bueephala 3a apectie, Spectrum liossia “ Sinif.>lia Satin’and^Zx^ai^ e -.TT ’J, . K'otitf 6 Walking Leaf Insect, Hive Bee, Phyllium Siccifolium Briltalistenax et Apis MelUfica, on Carrot ^ rj ” ’» i» Mantis Mspinosa Blossom Hawk Moth, CK.ro. 8 Water MeasurerJ’ripf

2.5 Larva of Small Elephant “uch Hawk Moth Chairo ^TkfthaTof No?9® *®«ifying 26 attitude 11 Larva of Peppered Moth, Amphidas Betularia normar“"" ’ and io ” Barly-thorn Moth, Heletna Illunaria Brimstone '' ” Moth, Bumia Cratcegata ‘-Hfying U Emerald Moth, ^“aUitSde"’™^ it a -a” aeometra PapiUonaria 16 Spiders, Cavastris ^ mitralis, in profile ^^Wmow^"®" Finnin normal, on oi’yere& 29 Larva of Puss Moth, Cerma Tinula, one of the Mantis, Hyinsnopus ooinpietely iieoruis 80on T protruded U18 Larva of Magpie Moth, Lapa of Lobster Moth, Staliropus Abraxas Orossulariata 31 Fagi ’ \siatio .. Lizard, Phrynocephalus-t'tirynocepHalus MystaceusMys ^OTE.-When ordering Slides the Telegraphic Code Letters should be quoted to avoid mistakes. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.L -f 7

Tl HIDDEN BEAUTIES OF NATURE. By permission of the Religious Tract Society. From photographs and original drawing by Richard Kerr, Esq., F.G.S.. author of " Hidden Beauties of Nature.”

Decriptive Lecture for the 59 Slides Is. 3d Plain Slides, 2s. each. The Beautiful Floscule (Fluncularia ornati). 33 A Radiolarian, Challenger Series Below the range of unassisted sight. Found 34 Tiiceratium. A Diatom enlarged several hun- in P- nd water divd diameters Glass A Sponge {Euplectella speciosa). The glass 3) Heliopelta. Enlarged several hundred diameters or flint.v skeleton of a sponge found in the 35 Coscinodiscus radiatus. A Diatom enlarged waters near the Phirlipine Islands. The fi st several hundred diameters specimens were thought to have been the 37 Eggs of a tiny Moth. Enormously magnified clever w rkmanship of the Chinese or Japanese 38 Forameuifera. Greatly enlarged and fetched as much as £50 apiece. Now they ( lA) Eno inite Limestone can be purchased f 3s. 6d. 39 (B Nummuliti‘5 Limestone Another *' ” j form of Glass Sponge {Eupleciella ^ (<’) Coralline Limestone 8uber-'o). 40 Difflugia, Fresh-water Rhizopods (after Leidy). Another Glass Sponge {Euplectella cucwuier) Ranging trom the j^gth to the ^Jgth of an inch A Glass Sponge {liegadella Phoenix) in diameter p ( ^’uplectella aapergillu'tn) 41 Nebela, Fresh-water Rhizopods (after Leidy). {Euplectella Jovis) „ All are below the j^gth of an inch in dia- Sponge Spicules (Microscopic) meter ih n section A of the Spike of a Sea-Urchin, ^gth 42 Hyalosphenia papilio (after Leidy). Ranging of an inch in diameter fr-^m ^pth ot an inch to the a^gth of an inch Transverse sections of Spikes of Sea-Urchins. 43 Cla'hrulina eleaans, Fresh-water Rhizopods Enlarged (after Leidy) Diameter of an inch Parts of Sea-Urchin. Reduced 44 Arcella, Fresh-w..ter Rhizopods (after Leidy) The Echinus, or Sea-Urchin. The Spikes re- From i^gth of an in h to ^^th moved of an inch 45 Cyphoderia, Fresh-waterRbizopods (after Leidy) Some of Nature’s Fireworks. Organisms which ;j,4gth of an inch m diameter ciuse the phosphorescence of the Sea 4() Coral Polyps Globigerina bulloides. .Very greatly magnified, 47 Corals with extended Polyps “ Atl'-ntic Ooze ” from a depth of miles 48 Madrepores. (South Kensington Natural History- A thin Slice of Chalk. Very greatly magnified' Museum i Polyoystina. The composition of the Rocks of 49 Madrepor-^. cytherea Barbados. Enlarged several hundred dia- 50 Building Rotifer (Melioerta ringens) ^th of an meters inch in length Polyoystina, Island of Barbados. IUnlarged 51 Volvox Globator ^th of an inch in diameter many hundred diameters 52 Snow Cry«tals 18 Rad laria, Challenger Series 53 Crystals formed by breathing on a window during 19 {Tuscttrora) frost. The photograph, taken through the 20 12 microscope by Dr. Maddox,embraced only Ath 21 of an inch '22 54 A small portion of Eye of Water Beetle {DijtUcus 23 marginalu). Enormously magn fied 24 55 A small portion of Eye of House-fiy 25 56 A portion of a Blow-fly’s Proboscis. Enormously 26 magnified 27 57 Four Flints, showing Silicified Sponges, known 28 as Choanites ” 29 58 Silicified Spon:ies in Flint »0 59 A Gias'i Sponge fossilised in Chalk. Quettardia BL Stellata (Michelin) Braehiolites Angularis 32 fToulmin Smith)

For other Slides of these subjects, see Index & Science, Section 2, of this Catalogue. AP COMMON INSECTS AS SEEN THROUGH THE MICROSCOPE. These Lantern Slides have been photographed direct from the natural objects, by means of their Patent Microscopic Lantern Attachment, and are exceedingly bright and sharp, showing the fine detail very clearly.

Flam les, 2s. each. Beading for the Set Is. a Introduction The Spider 25 Human Flea, female 1 Spit The Cucboo 18 ,, Spinnerets 26 „ Bug 2 The Aphis 14 „ Foot of 27 Parasite of Sheep 3 Ladybird, Larva 15 House-fly 28 „ Pig 4 „ full-grown beetle 16 „ Foot 29 „ Plying Fox 5 Indian Tortoise Beetle 17 „ Eye 30 Hive Bee’s Tongue 6 English Wood Ant 18 Head of Crane-fly 31 ,, Leg, showing Pollen 7 Aot-lion 19 Proboscis of Blow-fly 32 „ Wing showing Booklets 8 Tra hea of Si’kworm 20 more highly magnified 33 ,, Sting showing Barbs 9 Tracheal Tube more highly 21 Saws of Saw-fly 34 Head of Butterfly magnified 22 lohneumon-fly 35 Antenuee of Moth 10 Spiracle of Beetle 23 Indian Fire-fly 36 Dust from wing of Butterfly 11 Gizzard of Cricket 24 Human Flea, male

• For a similar set \ this, with Lecture on “ Pond I rife,” see page 178. 188 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.


Plain Slides, 2s. and 2s. 6fl'. each.

Insects, Etc. 28 Scales of Insects arranged 54 Nubecularia _-ncifuga. as a Basket of Flowers and 55 Orbiculina. 1 Ant, Forest. Butterflies. 56 Peneriples. Parasol. 2 ,, 29 Spicules of Synapta. 57 Peneroplzs. Garden. 3 ,, 30 Spine of Acrocladia. T.S. 58 Putvinuliria menardi. House. 4 ,, 31 Spines of Star-flsh. 59 Quinqueloculina. 5 Aphis, Pupa. 32 ,, Young Echinus. of Eye, x 40. 6 Section Bee’s 33 Spine of Echinus. T.S. 60 Diatoms, Selected. 7 Beetle, a Eye of showing f i s 34 Sting of Wasp compared with 61 „ Triceratum a v , picture (Portrait of the King) Eye of Smallest X 100. in each lens, 2s 6d. Needle. of Dor Beetle, 8 Trophy with Point of „ GeotTOfes muiatos, show- 35 „ Eggs of Insects. 36 Hydroid Zoophyte with tenta- ing the parts of the bead are very beautiful Slides cles extended. Obelia These dissected. fiabelata. price Is. 6d. each. 9 Anatomy of the Blow-fly, 37 Bryozoa Malaga. 62 Group of Various Eggs. Musca vomitocia. The 63 Eggs of Moth. whole insect dissected and Botanical. Polarised Objects. parts separated on the 64 Salicine. one slide. 38 Sunflower Stem. T.S. 65 Citric Acid. 10 Blow-fly, Female. 39 Seed of Netnesia strumosa. 66 Oxali'c Acid. of rotundi- 11 ,, Central Tube 40 Leaf of 67 Chlorate of Potash. captured Tongue highly fLora, showing 68 Claw of Wild Cat. magnifled. insect. 69 Toe of White Mouse. 12 Plant Bug, Tinge cardiu. 11 Maidenhair Fern, 70 Satin Spa. 13 Plant Bug. 42 Section of Bamboo Cane. 14 Antennae of Cockchafer. Pepper. 43 ,, Various. 15 Spiracle of Fly. 71 Normal Lungs, x 20. 16 Fruit Fly, Tryfeta. Foraminifera. x 20. 17 Wing of Lacewing Fly. 72 Coal Miner’s Lungs, 20. 18 Parasite Fly, Cenofs quadri- 44 Sea Soundings. 73 Sweep s Lung, x. fathoms lat. Plant, x 1000. fasciale. 45 1,750 ; 74 Yeast ’ 15.88. Paste x 70. 19 Window Gnat. 52.40, long. 75 Mould, I 25 20 Gooseberry Sawfly. 46 „ The “Challenger' 76 Cotton Fibre, x 1,750 Bacilliaceti, x 1000 21 Haliotes Tulerculata, Palate. Expedition, 77 Microcea (Bacilla of Acetic Acid). 22 Laburnum Moth. fathoms. Mediterranean, Diamonds, etc., from Canon 23 Head of Silkworm Moth. 47 Foraminifera, 78 Diabolo Meteorite, x 35. 24 Eggs of House Fly. 420 fathoms. 79 Thames Water at Brentford, x. 25 Parasite of Ground 48 „ Group. ,, Hungerford, x. Hornbill. 49 80 „ 81 Lambeth, x. 26 Parasite of Reeves' 50 Alveolina. ,, „ Kingston, x. Pheasant. 51 Dendrolina. 82 83 Cistern Water, x. Parasite of Goose. 52 Nodosaria. Water. SS „ Arenacesus. 84 Sewer

85 The Anchor Plates of the Synapta. Nos. 111-120 are all taken at the same magnification 86 Brown Cassida India Platypria echidna. XI. 87 Eels from Vinegar X 65. 111 Bed Bug (Cimex lectularius Linneaus). Merte. Female. 88 The side view of a Nautilus Shell. 112 ,, „ ,, ,, 89 113 Flea, Male. (Pulex irritans.) Female. 90 X Ray Photograph of a Shell. 114 ,, ,, ,, 115 Head Louse. {Pediculus Capitis.) 91 Bacilli in Milk. 116 Body Louse. (Pediculus Vestimenti.) Male 92 Cockles and Mussels. The shells open and and Female. Larvae and Egg. closed to show hinges. 117 Crab Louse. Male. (Pedicules.) 93 Eggs of the Magpie Moth X 10. 118 Crab Louse. Female. 119 Itch Insect. (Sarcoptes Scabiei. Male amd 94 Foot of Leaf-cutter Bee X 12. Female. Lavae and egg. 95 The head of Water Boatman 12. a X 120 Chigol Sarcopsyllas, gallinacious pulex pene- 96 Foot of a Water Beetle ^ 10. trans. Ceylon. 97 Tongue of the Butterfly X. 121 Dog Flea. (Pulex Canis.) 98 Foot of Blow-fly showing pad X 70. 122 Sheep Tick. (Melophagus ovis.) 123 Saw Fly. (Tenthredo variata.) 99 Eyes of Spider X 12. 124 Crab Louse. Male. 100 Prepared salt X 30. 125 Harvest Bug. 101 Foraminifera Deep-sea Soundings. 40 fathoms. 126 Crab Louse. 102 » no 127 Stable Fly.

103 1.5.5 128 Trichopyton tensurens. 104 129 Itch Insect, Male and Female. Larvae. M ,» 200 130 Head Louse. J(»3 257 „ 131 Chigol Pulex penetrans. 106 M » 1,120 132 Head of Flea. 133 Head of Flea, Ear organ. 108 Death-watch Beetle. Life History. 134 Body Louse, Male. 135 Female. 1 09 Holes made by Beetle. ,, ,, 136 Skin or moult of Bug. 1 10 Cut section showing • borings. 137 Eggs of Bed Bug. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 189 NATURE STUDY STORIES. A Collection of Nature Stories founded on Observed Fact. The three following books, “ Eeasties Courageous,” '' Wee Tim’rous Beasties,” and ” Nimble Beasties,” by Douglas English, B.A., F.R.P.S, etc. (published by Bousfield & Co.,) contain a number of most interesting and fascinating stories, and an immense amount of information on the habits and life histories of the creatures described. The SHdes are from a most wonderful series of pictures, all photographed from life by Mr. English, and the excellence of these Slides and the wealth of detail in the stories themselves will delight children of all ages.

Coloured Slides, 6s. Plain Slides, 2s. &d, each. XU “BEASTIES COURAGEOUS.” 8 I. —The Water Rat, III. -The Unjust Nihilation V. — The Keeper’s Tree. of the Toads, 11 Slides. 13 Slides. 16 Slides.

II. —The Daring of the IV. —The White Vole. Vl.-Cosbulo and Penelope Wood Mouse, 18 Slides. 27 Slides. 7 11 Slides. VII. —The Vengeance of Jump-Jim-Crow, 10 14 Slides. VO “WEE TIM’ROUS BEASTIES.” Descriptive Book, 6s. IV—The Awakening of the VII.—The Trivial Fortunes 1. — Mus Ridiculus. Dormouse. of Molge. 15 Shdes. 14 Slides. 23 Shdes.

I —The Story of a Field VIII. —The Passing of the V. —The Purple Emperor. Vole. Black Rat. 13 Slides. 25 Slides. Shdes. III. —The Apology ©f tie IX. The Fox's Tr’icks are VI. —The Harvest Mouse. — House Sparrow. Many. Slides. 20 Slides. 20 Shdes. A O Z NIMBLE BEASTS. I.—Something about Bats, VIII. —Two Wonderful XIV—^The Beasties’ Bed y Slides. Wasps 11 Shdes. 8 Shdes. II. —Something about Tadpoles. IX. Spinipes, Th Sand XV—The Blunders of Slides. Wasp. Bartimaeus. 16 Slides. 9 Shdes. III. — A Frog he would a-wooing go. XVI. X. — Pictures on Butterflies’ —Something about a 18 Slides. Wings. Chamaeleon. 6 Shdes. 3 Shdes. IV. — Animals' Nests. 6 Slides. XI. —A very wee Beastie and XVII, —The Trail of Nimble a very big Beasts. V. —Something about one. Beetles. 4 Shdes. 6 Shdes. 7 Slides. XVIII. The 6e Xtl. — In Wasleoo — Great Green VI.—Bunny Rabbit. 10 Shdes. Grasshoppers’ Band. 7 Slides. 11 Shdes. XII, —Sheep in Wolves' VII —A Butterfly Paint box Clothing. XIX. —The Pigmy Shrew. 7 Slides. 8 Slides. 12 Shdes. 190 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. BWX A VISIT TO THE ZOO. From an entirely new Series of Negatives.

Beautifully Coloured Slides, 65 . Plain Slides, 2?. each. Reading for Slides Nos. 1-50, price 2s. 65 Red Deer. 1 Aerial View of the Zoological 34 One-wattled Cassowary. Gardens. 35 Interior of Aquarium. 66 Kangaroo Enclosure. [ 2 Lion. 36 Pike. 67 Coypus. 3 Tiger. 37 Garfish. 68 Nylghaie. 4 Leopard. 38 Angel Fish. 69 Barbary Sheep. 5 The Mappin Terraces. 39 Freshwater Eel. 70 Head of Camel. 6 Brown Bears. 40 Australian Lung Fish. 71 Common Wolf. Syrian Fennic Fox. 7 Polar Bear. 41 Hawksbill Turtle. 72 Lizards. 8 Sea Lions. 42 Dog Fish and Ray. 73 Lesuerur’s Water 9 Elephant. 43 Crawfish. 74 Land Crabs. 44 Crocodiles. 75 Larus Crane. 10 Rhinoceros. j Herons. , Violaceous Night 11 Hippopotamus. 45 Indian Gharial. 76 Tortoises. 77 Laramergeier. 12 Camel. 46 ; 47 Adders. 78 Golden Eagle. 13 Llama. j 48 Boa Constrictor. 79 Waders Enclosure. 14 Giraffe. [ Demoiselle Crane. 15 Zebra. 49 Axoloti. 80 81 White-necked Crane. 16 Sable Antelope. 50 Giant Salamander. ] Vulture. 17 Wallaby. 82 Eared 18 Chimpanzee. ADDITIONAL SLIDES. 83 Moon Fish.

I Perch. 19 SiNery Gibbon. 84 51 Plan of the Zoological Gardens. Conger Eel. 20 Entellus Langur. 1 85 Hill. 52 Crowds at the Zoo. 86 Hermit Crab, 21 Monkey j ' 22 Sacred Baboon. 53 Cheetah. ! 87 Gurami. begging, Lobster. 54 Polar Bear ! 23 Griffin Vulture. 88 Common Lobster and Parasitic Vulture. 55 Kangaroos. : 89 Flat 24 Turkey j 56 Persian Gazelle, Anemone. 25 Condor. I Bear. Cichlid Chameleon Fish. 57 Himalayan i 90 and 26 Chilian Sea Eagle. j ; Axis or Chital Deer, 27 Virginian Eagle Owl. 58 ; 91 Trout. 59 Head of Rhinoceros. I Cases of Skate and Dog 28 Grey-necked Crowned Crane. j 92 Egg 60 Sea Lion Enclosure. Fisli. Adjutant. I 29 Indian j ' 61 Head of Wapiti Deer, Electric Eel. 30 Great American Egret. j 93 62 Walrus, 94 Sea Anemones, 31 Flamingoes. j 63 Black Bear. i 95 King Crabs. 32 Pelicans. j Bison. 64 i 33 Tawny Frog-mouth. 1 B YQ A WALK ROUND THE ZOO. SECOND SERIES. For a selection of 43 Slides, see page 157. ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS. C I A Series of Animals Photographed from Life. except where otherwise marked.. Beautifully Coloured, 6s. 6d. to 9s. Plain Slides, 2s. each, 92 Chameleon Lion, Head 35 Semmering Gazelle ^9 Chimpanzee 1 African Chimpanzee, “ Mic- down 36 Wapiti and Hinds 70 Orang-Outang 93 2 ,1 Lying (Young Homs) 71 Nacaque kie,” West Africa 3 Tyion Chinchilla 37 Reindeer 72 dapybara 94 4 Lioness Constrictor 38 Moose 73 Sea Lion 95 Boa 5 Head ,, Nylghau 74 Seal 96 Crocodile 6 Lion and Lioness 39 Mule or black-tailed 75 Hairy Armadillo 97 Squirrel Dorsal, 7 Tiger 40 Deer 76 Porcupine Central Araer'ca 8 „ Beneal Cape JumpingHare, length 41 Adder 77 Giant Tortoise 98 9 „ at full South Africa 42 Gnu 78 Tortoise Yard 10 „ Head Ethiopian Wort Hog, Elephant 43 Hartebeest 79 Robbt-n Island Snake 99 11 African S.E Africa Head 44 Malacca Deer South Africa 12 1, i> Hyaena, Sth. 45 Zebra 80 Mexican Bull Snake 100 Brown 13 Indian ,, Africa with 46 Zebra “Burchell’s” 81 Tigrine Frog, com- 14 ,, i» young monly called the 101 Kiukapu, 8. America children 47 ,, “ “ Asiatic” Indian Bull Frog 102 Leopard, Major,” 15 Bear climbing a pole 48 Wild Ass, Goat 82 Fringed Geeks from India 16 Polar Hear (aged) 49 Helederma 50 Ibex Madagascar 103 Arizona 17 Polar Bear (voung) (poisonous lizard) coming out 51 Yak 88 The White-throated 18 ,, Sheep Monitor 104 Marais Deer of water 52 Barbary 105 Patas Monkey, W. Rhinoceros 53 Malay Tapir 84 Gould's Monitor 19 Australia Africa swimming .'ll peccary from •20 „ Orangoutang, one-horned 55 Wolf, Grey 85 Land Igu-na from 106 21 ,, the (ialapagos Is- Borneo two-horned 56 ,, Indian 22 ,• Racoon, N. America Hippopotamus, “Guy 57 Blaek-beardedJackal lands 107 23 Australian Vulpire lOS Viscaoha, Argentine Fawkes” .58 Pox, Indian 86 Arctic Phalayer, A pre- 109 Common Wolf, Si* 24 Camel House 59 „ sent from the beria 25 Camel 60 Dingo Prince of Wales 110 Gf evys Zebra, Abys- 26 Camel, Bactrian 61 Bison Eland 87 Indian Macaque sinia 27 Dromedary 62 Zebra 63 Indian Buffalo 88 West African Black- 111 A Grevy’s 28 Llama and Foal, presen- side view 64 Zebu (Sacred Ox of cheeked Monkey 29 „ Common Badger. ted by H.M. the 30 Guanaca India) 89 ,, 65 Zuba, male & female Caught at Hamp- King 31 Giraffe Giraffe presented by • stead 112 32 Kangaroo 6 Gayal, Indian 90 Bear, Russia Col. Mahon 33 Har Kangaroo 67 Wild White Cattle Brown 68 Gibbon Ape 91 Spanish Cattle 113 The Aard Wolf 84 Gazelle 1 —

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l 191

ZOOLOGICAL GARDENS Continued. Raccoon Dog BIRDS. 129 ^‘elicans 144 Ostrich Farm 1 56 White 130 Cassowary 145 Condor. Andes 2s. 3d. 114 Apteryx Scoreby’s Gull. 131 Craue, t ommon 146 Concave Casque 157 115 Eagle Hawk Australian Hornbill 2s. 3d. 132 ,, 111) ,, Ta*ny Forster’s Lung Fish, 131 Stanley 147 Os rich, S. Africa 158 117 Bateleur ,, ,, 134 Wattled 148 King Penguin 2s. 3d. 118 Great Sea ,. ,, 135 Cape Crowned 149 Crowned Pigeon, Ceratodus forsieri. 119 „ i-esser Sea last of the 136 Sar-red Ibis, Aus- New Guinea 159 The 120 Vulture, Bearded 3d. tralia 150 Spoonbill Quaggas. 2s. 121 Ostrich 155 Stork, 160 great Marions 137 Egret 151 Blacknecked The 122 Rhea Tortoise (Testudo 188 Crested Screamers Malacca 123 Secretary Bird Mo- Sumeirei). 189 Great Bustard 152 GriffonVulture, 124 Flamingoes (Now living at 140 Uplitnd Geese at rocco 325 Stork, Common 153 Cuckoo Hawk Port Louis White Patagonia 126 „ 1.‘’4 The Osprey Mauritius 2s. ju Marabout 141 Swans 127 ,, Glossy Ibis “The 142 Pond aud Swans The t 28 „ „ 2s. 3d. Council of Three” 143 Eagles C M WILD SPORTS OF THE WORLD. From tbe illustrations in the book. Photographs, 2s. each. Beautifully Painted, 9s. 6d. ; Plain 19 Maldonala bound to a Tree, and protected from 1 Bear Hunt on Elephant in India Wild Beasts by a Puma Fangs and Talons v. Blades and Bullets 2 ,, 20 Shooting White Rhinoceros, Sportsman concealed 3 Bear, Polar, and Cubs, Encounter with on Bank of Stream. Night Scene 21 Reindeer Shooting 4 Bee Hunting in Australia by Natives 22 Seal Spearing in Greenland, from Canoes 5 Bison Hunting by Indians in Snow Shoes .. drpRsed in Wolf.skins 23 ,, How to Shoot 244 Snake Hunting by Natives of Australia Buffalo'Charge in Africa, Escaue of Native 7 256 Tiger Hunting on Elephants in Indian Jungle 8 Elephant ''aT-eT-tnv Pfu-Dter on h'« Trunk 26 Death Spring, seizes head of Elephant protecting Yoxing from Kaftir Speai men ,, 9 ,, 27 fighting with Gladiator, Coliseum, in Rome harnessed for War. Indian Battle „ JO 28 and Alligator fighting driven into Corral by Natives, Night „ 11 „ 29 strikes down Lieut. Rice, shot by Huntsman Scene „ .30 shooting by Native, Decoy Goat. Man for Hippopotamus Tr«p, the Downfall of the Spe^r „ 12 Dinner, Goat for Supper Spearing. Indian Officers witti Dogs J3 Hog 31 Walrus Spearing from Boats, Greenland 14 Knngaroo Hunt with Dogs in Australia 32 ., Battle with King of the Frozen Seas !') the Panther, saving Huntsman's life Killing 33 Whaling, Whale harpooned Hunting, killed by Elephant with branch 16 Lion 34 Wild Horse, Hunting with Lasso, South America Tree, and Rporlsmsu rescued of 35 Wolves and Russian Traveller. Noble Sacrifice attacks Dr. Livingstone, ana st ot by Native 17 Lion 36 Wolf Pit for Trapping Wolves. Lamli as Decoy 18 Lions fighting

The following are from the illustrations in the book : "THE ROMANCE OF THE ANIMAL WORLD.” 37 After the a 43 Fight between a Whale and Swordfish. Three Hunt. Group of Hunters round I A

dead Tig*'r. , versus one. life. Awaiting the 38 A Wolverine stealing a Gridiron. This is a very I 44 A Wolf pleading for Judg- mischievous beast. ment. j 39 A Brave Walrus, protecting her young one from 45 An Eagle Attacking an Osprey. Highway Rob- j

the hunter. I bery. 40 A Kaffir Lion Hunt. 46 Beavers felling a tree. j 41 Alligator Peccary. An unexpected meal. Spiders as Pets. An and I 47 42 A Jaguar up a tree attacked by Peccaries. Be- sieged. See also " Sports and Pastimes,” Section 9 of this Catalogue. CP THE ORANG-OUTANG STUDIES IN ATTITUDE AND FACIAL EXPRESSION. A series of direct photographs from life, both interesting and amusing. Copyright.

Pluin Slides, 2s. each. “ mind you 1 Dolce far niente. ” I’m quite comfortable, Truculence. You had better who thanks.” are speaking to.” “ at once I shall have 2 Consideration. ” Let me see; I don’t seem to Violence. If you don’t go remember you.” to make you.” bad rubbish; don’t 3 Impudence. ” Oh, and who do you think you 6 Abuse. "Good riddance of are?” you come here again. Yah I” CL ANIMAL SAGACITY. Photographed from Pictures. Photographs, 25. each. Beautifully painted, 8s. &d. ; Plain 24 Slides, list on application. 192 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. CK HOMES WITHOUT HANDS, Photographed from Pictures.

Text Book, “Strange Dwellings," 3i. Qd . 104 Slides. List on application. Beautifully Painted, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. CO ANECDOTES ABOUT DOGS. From a series of Direct Photographs.

Beautifully Fainted^ 6i'. 6d. ; Plain Slides, 2s. each. Reading, I 5 .

1 Introduction 11 Daiiiiaiian 22 Poodles 33 Pox Terrier- Rough ] 2 BJoodhound 12 23 Great Dane ! Pomeranian 34 Pox Terrier — Wire 3 Bull Dog 13 Dandie Dinmont 24 Pomeranian Toy Haired 4 Borzoi—Kus&ian Wolf 14 j 25 Gridon Pee I Persian Greyhound 35 Irish Tsiiier 15^ Dog Greyhound ! 26 Sheep Dog—Bob Tail 36 Airdale Terrier 5 Bull Terrier 16 Italian Greyhound ; 27 Spaniel—Water 37 Terrier—Otter 6 Collie 17 Japanese Pug 28 Spaniels—KrngCharles 38 Turnspit—Dachshund 7 Chow Chow and Pup 18 Mastiff 29 Sebiperke Dogs ' 39 Fox Hounds 8 Chow Chow, Black 19 Maltese Terrier 30 Saint Bernard 40 Dogs’ Cemetery, Hyde n Chow Pup 20 Newfoundland 31 Stag Hounds 1 Park 10 Chow, Hairless 21 Pug 32 Pox Terrier— Smooth i BXV BRITISH MAMMALS. By arrangement with Messrs. Longmans, Green Sc Co., we are able to add this fine group of natural history pictures to the series of Slides published in our lists. It is hoped this splendid collection will prove welcome to those who desire to give " Illustrated Talks on this subject. The Slides have been reproduced from the well- known coloured pictures by Archibald Thorburn and include 50 different species of Mammals. Text Book, 2 volumes, by Archibald Thorburn, 12s. 6d. net. Published by Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co., Ltd., or can be supplied by Messrs. Newton & Co., Ltd. Beautifully Painted, Is. Qd. each. Plain Slides. 2s. Qd.each. 19 1 Greater Horseshoe Bat and 20 Polecat. 39 Fallow Deer, Lesser Horseshoe Bat. 21 Stoat and Irish Stoat. {Sum- 40 Roe Deer. 2 Loiig-eared Bat and Bar- mer. ) 41 Wild Cattle. Cadzow. bastelle. 22 Stoat. (Winter.) 42 Chartley Bull and Chillingham 3 Pipistrelle or Common Bat and 23 Weasel. • Bull. Noctule. 24 Squirrel. 43 Atlantic Right Whale and 4 Serotine and Leisler’s Bat. 25 Dormouse. Humpbacked Whale. 5 Natterer’sBat and Daubenton’s 26 Harvest Mouse and Wood 44 Common Rorqual and Sibbald’s Bat. Mouse. Rorqual or Blue Whale. 6 Whiskered Bat and Bechstein's 27 Yellow-necked Wood Mouse. 45 Lesser Rorqual, Bottle-nosed Bat. and St. Kilda Wood Mouse. Whale and Rudolphi’s Ror- 7 Hedgehog. 28 St. Kilda House Mouse. qual. 8 Mole. 29 Common Mouse. 46 Bottle-nosed Whale and Sperm 9 Common Shrew, Lesser Shrew 30 Alexandrine Rat and Black Whale. and Water Shrew. Rat. 47 Sowerby's Whale and Cuvier's 10 Wild Cat. 31 Brown Rat. Whale. 11 Fox. 32 Field Vole, Bank Vole and 48 White Whale and Narwhal. 12 Walrus. Orkney Vole. 49 Killer, Pilot Whale. 13 Grey Seal. 33 Water Vole. 50 Porpoise, Risso’s Grampus and 14 Common. Seal. 34 Common Hare. White-sided Dolphin. 15 Ringed Seal and Harp Seal. 35 Mountain Hare (Autumn) aud 51 White-beaked Dolphin, Bottle- 16 Hooded Seal and Bearded Seal. Irish Hare. nosed Dolphin and Common 17 Otter. 36 Mountain Hare (Winter.) Dolphin. t8 Badger. 37 Rabbit. Pine Marten. 38 Red Deer. See also page 175 for other Slides of the “ Longmans' Series." SOUTH AFRICAN MAMMALS. These Slides are taken from the fine illustrations in " The Natural History of South Africa,” published by Messrs. Longmans, Green & Co. BYI NATURAL HISTORY OF SOUTH AFRICA. Te.-it Books, 4 volumes, by F. W. Fitzsimmons, F.Z.S., F.R.M.S., Vols. I and II, 9s. each net, Vols. Ill and IV, 12s, 6d. each net. Published by Messrs, Longmans Green & Co., or can be supplied by Messrs. Newton & Co., Ltd.

MAMMALS—lecture i. Beautifully painted. Is. Gd. each. Plain Slides, 2s. Qd. each. 1 Forest Home of the Vervet Monkeys. 6 Baby Vervet Monkey. 2 Vervet Monkeys, 7 Skeleton of a Vervet Monkey. 3 Vervet Monkey. 8 Samango Monkey, adult and a young one. 4 Three Vervet Monkeys squabbling over a Mealie. 9 Hands and Feet of Apes and Monkeys. 5 A,raother Vervet and her baby. 10 Chacma Baboon. —

43, Museum Street, London, W,C.l. 193



Serval Cat. 11 -Skull of Chacma Baboon. 25 A Serval Cat. 12 A youngster of the Baboonfolk eating a banana. 26 A female adult Black-footed Cat. 13 S. African krantz. 27 An Cat and her Kittens. 14 Skeleton of a female baboon. 28 African Wild Caracal and Kitten of the same species. 15 Leaves of the prickly pear showing the fruit 29 An adult which the Baboons feed. FLYING MAMMALS. Epauletted Fruit in the act of flying 16 Baboon Twins. 30 A male Bat 17 Yellow Baboon. off with a fig. 31 ,, hanging from a branch. 18 A Baboon Warrior’s Weapons. ,, ,, Fruit its Baby. 19 Garnett’s Galago. 32 An Epauletted Bat and 20 Moholi Galago. 33 Yellow Fruit Bat. Fox with its baby. 21 A Leopard. ^ 34 Collared Flying 22 Leopard at bay m thorny scrub. 35 Skeleton of a Bat. 23 A Hunting Leopard. 36 Wing of a Bat. 24 Skxill of a Leopard.


Beautifully Painted, Is. Qd. eac i. Plain Slides, 2s. Qd. edch.

16 Spotted Hyaena. 1 The Civet Cat. 2 A Genet about to spring at a Lourie. 17 A Black backed Jackal and one of a litter of five 3 Large Spotted Genet. puppies. cover. 4 Small Spotted Genet. 18 A Black-backed Jackal emerging from 5 Small Grey Mungoose attacking a Rhingals 19 Silver Fox. Cobra. 20 Delalande’s Fox. 6 Large Grey Mungoose. 21 Cape Hunting Dog or Wild Honde. watch for a meal. 7 Water Mungoose. 22 Cape Hunting Dog on the 8 Pair of Water Mungooses and their little family. 23 Cape or Clawless Otter. 9 Small Grey Mungoose. 24 Two Spotted Neck Otters. White Tailed Mungoose. 25 Honey Ratel. U Banded Mungoose. 26 Striped Muishond or Stink Cat and its family of 12 Bushy Tailed or Rooi . three. 13 Pair of slender Tailed and their young 27. Snake Muishond. ones. 28 Cape Sea Lion. 14 A family of Aard Wolves. 29 Young Sea Lions on rocks. 15 Brown Hyaena.

B Y L MAMMALS- LECTURE III. each. Beautifully Painted, Is. Qd. ea . Plain Slides, 2s. Qd. 21 Pair of Roan Antelopes and Calf. 1 Lichtenstein’s Hartebeest. 2 Bontebok Ram. 22 Sable Antelope. 3 Blesbok and fawn. 23 Damaraland Dik-dik. 4 Sassaby Cow. 24 Young Gemsbok. 5 Pair of Black Wildebceste or White Tailed Gnu. 25 Bushbuk. 6 Blue Wildbeeste or Brindled Gnu. 26 Inyala, Ram and Ewe. Situtunga. 7 Cape Duikers. 27 Young specimen of 8 A Pair of Blue Duikers with fawn. 28 Young Kudus. 9 A pair of Klipspringers. 29 Hippopotamus. 10 A Pair of Oribi. 30 A boar Bush Pig. 11 Steenbok Ram, Ewe and Fawn. 31 Wart Hog Boar. 12 Grysbok, Ewe and Fawn. 32 African Buffalo Calf. 13 Livingstone’s Luni. 33 Mountain Zebra. 14 Waterbuck Bull. 34 Burchell’s Zebra. Rhinoceros. 15 A pa^r of Lechwe. 35 White or Square lipped Rhinoceros. 16 Puku. 36 Black or Prehensile lipped Dassie Rabbit or Coney. 17 Reedbuck, Ram and Ewe. 37 Klip ; Rock ; 18 Vaal or Grey Rhebok, Ram, Ewe and Fawn, 38 Tree Dassie. 19 Impala or Pallahm, Ram, Ewe and Fawn. 39 African Elephant. 20 Springbuck, Ram and Ewe.

B Y M MAMMALS—LECTURE IV Beautifully Painted, Is. Qd. each. Plain Slides, 2s. Qd. eacht INSECT EATING MAMMALS. 10 Red Headed Squirrel. 11 Grey Squ'irel. 1 Jumping or Elephant Shrew. 2 Rock Jumping Shrew. 12 Cape Ground Squirrel. 3 A family of South African Hedgehogs. 1 3 Cape Dormouse. 4 Musk Shrews searching for insects. 14 Large Grey Dormouse. 5 The Golden Mole. 15 Gerbille (Male and female). 6 The Golden Mole showing its picks and shovels 16 Puff Adder in act of striking a Bush Otomys, (fore and hind feet). 17 Vley Otomys. 7 Dentition of an insectiverous animal (Golden 18 Chestnut Tree Mouse. Mole). 19 Grev Tree Mouse. . 20 Brown or Norway Rat. 21 White Nosed Rat. of a typical animal (Porcupine). 8 Dentition 22 Pouched Rat. 9 Grey footed Squirrel. 194 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide publishers.

MAMMALS—LECTURE IV. (Continued.) 23 Striped Rat. 33 Tail of a Porcupine. 24 Cape Blesraol. 34 Cape Hare. 25 Sand Mole. 35 South African Hare. 26 Mole Rat and Darling’s . 36 Red Hare. 27 Mounds or Hills cast up by the Blesmol. 37 Rock Hare. 28 Spr nghare or Spriughaas. 38 29 Rock Rat. School of Sperm Whales. 39 30 . Hump Back Whale. 31 South African Porcupine. 40 Hump Back Whale, showing baleen or whale bone in mouth. 32 ( 1 ) A white hollow quill from the tail of Porcupine. 41 Sowerby’s Beaked Whale. (2) Portion of a body quill showing the sharp end. 42 Elephant Seals. (3) The same, showing the end which is loosely 43 embedded in the skin. Aard Var approaching a Hill. 44 Scaley Ant-Eater or Pangolin.

demand for really good slides TT for School and College Entertainments ^®3srs. ’ Newton & Co., Ltd., have prepared spsciallyr j selected sets of Slides for this purpose. The selections include Fairy Stories, etc., illustrated by Rackham, Caldecott, Greenaway Lawson Wood, and others; also examples from famous Galleries, Bird and Animal Studies, and carefully chosen miscellaneous and humorous Slides. All the pictures are of high quality and in good taste, and Messrs. Newton will be glad to forward particulars of the Slides and readings in each -set.- making When application, kindly state average age of children.

AN THE NATURALIST IN AUSTRALIA. By W. Saville-Kp.nt, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Sia. Published by Chapman & Hall, Henrietta Street. W.C. Lantern Slides (from the oripiiwl negatives) of the illustrations in the above work. Beautifully Plain Painted, 10s. and 7s. 6i. ; Photographs, 2s. ^d.' each ' j. A^ioiTgluea of King’s Sound. Western Australia 24 Australian “ iviorc porks,” or fern owl, Podargue £ “Broome Belles,” Native women of Roebuck strigoides, illustrating remarkable disparity in Bay, Western Australia size and aspect of Podargi under contrasting 3 Raft and Natives of King’s Sound, Western emotional influences Australia 25 Australian “More-pork” (male bird). Podargus 4 Ditto strigoiiLes 5 Glass and Quartz spear heads of Western Australian “More-porks,” illustrating Protean Australia Aborigines aspects assumed under varying emotional 6 Carved — Baobab nut and shell aprons, with human influences : hair girdles, Kimberley District, Western ^ 26 Counting their Chickens Australia 27 Sportive excitement 7 Natives of Kimberley District, Western Australia, 28 Calm repose showing attitude assumed when holding and 29 Youthful innocence throwing the Boomerang 30 Terror and defiance combined 8 Festal dance or ” Corroboree ” of Kimberley, 31 Mimetic concealment Western Australia Natives 32 Attenuated attitudes in imitation of the branches 9 Duck-billed Platypus. Ornithorhynchus paradoxus on which tliey sit 10 Echidna or Spiny Ant-eater, Tasmanian variety. 33 In the Land of Nod— Past asleep Echidna setosa 34 Australian More-pork nest building extraordinary 11 Short-headed Flying Phalanger, Petaurns hrevi- 35 Gouldian Finches dancing. (1) Introductory ceptt. showing position maintained during its salutations. (2) The Pas de Deux characteristic flying leap 36 North Queensland Laughing Jackass, Daeelo 12 hite Individual of Large Flying Phalanger, leachii Petauroides volans, with tail pendulous 37 “Innocents Abroad,” Young Australian Pelicans. 13 White Individual of Large t lying Phalanger, Pr’lecanus conapicillatue {Petauroides volans), with tail in its charac- 38 Young Australian Osprey. Pandion leucocephalus teristic spirally enrolled state 14 Australian Bear or Koala with cub. Phascolarctos cinereus 15 in tree ,, ,, ,, Lizards. 16 ,, ,, „ asleep „ 17 Flying Phalantrer. Petauroides volans Prilled 18 Australian Pouched Mole, Notoryctea typhlop*, 39 lizards at bay ventral and lateral aspects 40 „ ,. at rest 41 Frilled lizard. 19 Min “r’s tent, aiidn«st moun t of Australian Jungle Chlamydosaurus Kingi Fowl, Mt'gapodium tumulus, Goode Island, 42 Bipedal running phase, from instantaneoufi T -rres Straits photographs 43 Ditto 20 Baobab or Botcle Tree, .4tZaa«o?iiar?tpe«fffs, N.W. Australia 44 Ditto 21 Hollow wooden cradle used by the native women 45 Ditto of the Kimberley District, Western Australia 46 Ditto 47 Ditfo Birds. 48 Prilled lizards asleep 49 Prototype of Chinese dragon “ ” 22 Dulce Donium 50 Bearded lizard, Aniphibolurus barbutus 23 Australian “More-porks” or fern owls. Podargus str'igoides 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l 195

THE NATUEA.LIST IN AUSTEALIA— fontinitcd. 52 Australian Spinous Lizards, ilfoloc/ifcorridiw, (male) Fishes. (female) .» M 53 „ „ “A Way- 101 Plumed Trevally. Caranx gallus 54 ,! „ » t. 102 Diamond Trevally side Greeting” „ „ 103 Western Australian Snapper. Pagrus major shovriog knapsack- 55 , ,, 104 Plaster-casts of Tasmanian Pishes like neck excrescences 105 Seven-rayed Tassel Pish, Polynemus Verekeri, 56 Moloch or Spinous Lizards feeding at an ant track ” OiM River, Gulf,Western Australia 57 “ A post-prandial promenade 106 Bottle-nosod Snapper. Pagrus major 1 ft. in. in diameter (5) tail-sheath 58 (a) Skull 10 ; 107 King Snapper or “ A annegai.” Beryx Muller of Miolania Oweni 108 Sea Pike. Snhyrcena obtusata or “ did you get that 59 A millinery novelty, Where 109 Sergeant Baker. Aulopus pnrpurUsatus ” hat ? 110 W. A. rlew-fish. Glaucosovia hehrmcum Tlachysaurm rugosus 60 Stump-tailed Lizards. 111 ‘'at-fishEel Plotosiissp, depresna and E 01 Spine-tailed Lizards. Egerma 112 Lung-fish. Geratoduf Forsteri Stokesii 113 York Peninsu.a Barramundi. OsteogLocsum Lizard. Varanua G2 Australian Monitor or Lace Jardinei rarius 114 Murray Cod. Oligorusmacquariensis Termites (White Ants.) 115 Tasmanian Toadftsh. Te.trodon Hamiltoni 116 Port Jackson Shark. Cestracion Phillipi 03 Nest mound of white an^s (7'erm.iie«) Meridian variety, I^aura Valley, North Queensland Pearls and Pearl Oysters. 64 Termite mounds, Albany Pass, North Queensland 05 Pigs. 1 —7 Workers, soldier, nymphs, winged male 117 Western Australia Pearls and mature female of the European white 118 Pearling luggers in Broome Creek, Roebuck ant, Terviea luciiugus. >ig. 8, Gravid Queen Bay, Western Australia ” of Termes helUcosus. Figs. 9-13 modifications 119 The Western Australia ” Southern Cross of heads and jaws of soldier individual of Pearl various species 120 Remarkable Western Australian Pearl 66 Wood-devouring white ants, Tei-mes sp., of the “L Enfant Prodige^' Kimberley district, Western Australia at r t 121 The ” Southern Cross ” Pearl two soldier individuals 122 Pearl Oyster, with pearl-embedded fish, con- 67 (a) Nest mound of White Ants, Kimberley type, tained in the British Museum collection Derby, Western Australia 123 Pearl Oyster laid open, ’showing at A double 68 (b) Ditto pearl, and at B small commensal crab 69 Ditto 124 Experimental pearl-shell cultivation sites, coral 70 Ditto, (a) fullest development reef, Thursday Island 71 Ditto, (b) section 125 Experimental pearl-shell cultivation sites, Man- 72 Termite nests, Albany Pass, North Queensland grove Thicket, Roebuck Bay 73 Ant-Hill Point, Albany Pass, North Queensland 126 Young tropical pearl oysters attached to a 74 (a) Nest-mounds of white ants, Kimberley type, portion of the p .r-nt shell, grown in Shark’s abnormal shapes Bay, Western Australia 75 (6) Ditto 127 Natural clusters of Shark’s Bay Mo ther-o’ -Pearl 76 (c) Ditto, phase of reconstruction shell. Melengrina imbricata 77 (rt) Ditto „ 128 (a) Pearl-shelling Station, Fresh Water Camp, 78 Broadside view of Laura Valley, Meridian Ants’ Shark’s Bav, Western Australia nest 129 (b) Pearl-shelling Station, t^'resh Water Camp, 79 Nest mound« of white ants, Meridian variety, Shark’s liay, Western Australia Laura Valley, North Queensland; end on view 130 Shark’s Bay Golden Pearls 80 Nest mound of white ants. Meridian variety, Port 131 Artificially produced Pearl Darwin, Northern Territory of South Aus- 132 Western Australian Pearls tralia; broalside view 81 Nest mound of white ants, Meridian variety. Marine Miscellanea. Port Darwin, Northern Territory of South 133 “ Rhinoceros Rock,” Roebuck Bay, Western

Australia ; end on view Australia 82 Termite mound, Port Darwin, Columnar type 134 Ascidian-covered Rocks, Roebuck Bay, Western 88 Ovate termite mound, with nest burrow of Tany- Australia s'pieya Sylvia 135 Social Holothurians, Colochirus anceps, Roebuck

84 Small extra-tropical termite mound, with nest I Bay, vVestern Australia

burrow or PosCf h'-tus i.ulcherrimtts i 136 Cygnet Bay Sea Anemones. Condylactis sp.

85 TfichonA/mpluz Leidyi, S.K infusorial parasites of i 137 Giant Sea Anemone- Discosoma Haddoni, with the Tasmanian white ant exhioiting diverse Commensal fish i crab protean modifications 13^ Bladder-tentacled Anemones. Phy8ohrachia,8p, 139 Stinging Anemones. Actiuodendromilcyonidmm Houtman's Abrolhos. 140 Socially consorted Anemones and worm tubes. 86 Wreck Point, Pe'sart Island Acro-ioanthus Austral'ia 87 Mirage-elevated breakers on outer barrier, Pel- 141 Living coral, BeutrophylUa axifuga, with polyps sart Island expanded corals. inadrepora 142 Turbmaria Peltata, Shark’s Western 88 ( o Abrolhos Bay. 89 (b) „ „ „ Australia 90 ilfon vora circinata 148 Yeung cup corals, Turhinaria conspicua et 91 „ Madrepora corymbosa T.pdtati Port Denison, Queensland cnrals, eoitspieua. 92 „ ,, protceiformis 144 Fol acet»us cup lu bmaria 93 Shirk’s Bay, Western Australia 94 stag’s horn coral gYOVfth,Madrpp >raheheff, Great 145 Revolute cup c iral, Turbiuariarevoluta, Shark’s Barrier Reef. Queens and Bay, Western Australia 95 Madrepora Branchlet, showing re-growth at 146 (tt) Verticillate staUtd sponge. Cauloppiongia broken end marked A verticillat'i. (b) Neptune s cup spoug-!.Pottfrio« 9C Pelsart Island scroll coral. Moniipora circinata p a era vnr 97 The birth of a coral island, Abrolhos Archi- 147 Young turtles, Chelone viydas, photographed pelago, Western Australia whi e swimming 98 Shell an 1 Coral Beaches. Pelsart Island, Hout- 148 Jellyfish, Discomedusce., photographed in water man’s Abrolhos Iri.mlife j 99 Ditto 149 Mangrove lighting crabs. GHasimus coarctata I Coral. prota>i/.,rmis 160 Army crabs, Myaeric lougica'^us' 100 Abrolhos Madrepora I 196 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

THE NATURALIST IN kV^T^khlk—continited.

161 Army crabs, A/ycteris platychele^, “A desperate 170 Prostrate Baobab, with rejuvenescent trunks mel6e ” 171 Lightning-shattered Baobab tree, near Derby, 152 Coralrock oysters, Oati’aa wiorda.T, Great Barrier King’s Sound, Western Australia Reef 172 Grass-trees, Cycads, Perns, 153 Rock oysters, Ostrcea glomerata, Keppel Bay, and Drakesbrook, Queensland Western Australia 154 Cornucopia like variety of Ostrcea mordax 178 Arboiescent grass-tree or “ Blackboy.” Xan- Keppel Bay, Queendand thorrhcea ctrborea 155 The author’s oyster culture apparatus 174 Underground grass-tyee or “Blackboy.” Xan- 156 Dwarf oysters, Ostrcea ordensis, Ord River, thorrhcea hastilis Western Australia 175 Drumstick grass-tree or “Blackboy.” liingia 157 Stalactite-like rock concretions, Sweer’s Island. australis Gulf of Carpentaria, N. Queensland 176 Mangrove-frequenting fruit Bat. 158 Queensland “X-ray” spider, Argiope regalis, Pteropus eon- with ribbon-strengthened web spicillatus 159 Queensland spider, Nephila fuscipes; (a) dim- 177 Orange and White Mangroves, Ehizopkoravtucro- inutive males commensal spiders, 7iota and Avicennia ojficinalis, Broom Creek, ; (6) Gemts Argyrodes’, (c) parasitic sandfly .Western Australia 160 Western Australia Tarantula. Isopoda sp. 178 Rosette galls of white mangroves Vegetable Vagaries 179 Bird Pea. Roebuck Bay, Western Australia 180 Salicornaria fip.,. Cygnet Bay, Western Australia 161 Western Australian Bottle Tree, ‘ Sub tegmine 181 “ Roley-Poley ” grass, Spinifex longifolius, ” Boabi Shark’s Bay, Western Australia 162 Flowers of Baobab tree. AdansoniaTikpestris 182 Fringed Violet. Thysanotis dichotoma 163 (1} Western Australia Baobab or Bottle Trees 183 White Cactus, CereusnittJis 161 (2) 184 ,, „ ,, Chalybceus 165 185 ,, ,, „ Grand^fiorous 166 (4) 186 Australian Tree-ferns- 167 (5) 187 Trumpet creeper. Beavmontia grandifiora on 168 (6) Queensland Verandah 169 Baobab Tree, nut-bearing example with double 188 Water Hyacinth, JPontideria crasfipes, Adelaide trunk Botanic Gardens The following Slides, beautifully painted, are copied from the coloured plates in book, 10s. each.

189 Tidally-exposed inshore reef, Palm Islaud, 193 Abrollios Nudibt anebiate Mollusc. Don5imperald Queensland 194 Sea Horses and Dragons. Svngnathidce 190 AustialianGouldian Pinches. PoephilamirabilU 195 A Family Party. Plectognathi et P. Goiddii 196 A Sea-star Galaxy 191 Australian Prilled Lizard. ChlamydosaurusKingi 197 Insect Oddities, figs. 1—4 Green Ants; figs. 5 —16 192 Madrepora Reef, Pelsart Island Lagoon, Hout- Remarkable Spiders figs. 16—24 Eccentric ; man’s Abrolhos caterpillars TC ANIMAL LOCOMOTION. Plain Slides, 2s. each. A selection of 51 Slides, made from the original instantaneous negatives of Professor Muybridge slides of the other subjects ; and in addition from any in this celebrated collection can be supplied to special order. Each of these slides contains on the average 24 distinct instantaneous pictures showing the several stages of the pace or movement dealt with, and as these transitional phases can be compared with each other at leisure, the purpose served is complementary to that of the ordinary kinematograph (of which Professor Muybridge’s invention was the great forerunner). The kinematograph, from a series of little negatives, reproduced motion synthetically, whereas in these slides animal motions are analysed and the various successive phases of them presented side by side in a most interesting and instructive manner. 1 Man, athlete, starting for a run. 59. 24 Horse, grey mare, jumping hurdle (saddle and

2 ,, ,, running at ^-mile gait. 60. nude rider). 642.

3 ,, ,, jumping, running straight high 25 Mule, bucking and kicking (free). 659. jump. 153. 26 Ass, walking (boy riding bareback). 665. 27 Ox, walking. 669, 4 ,, ,, jumping, running twist high

jump, 158. ' 28 Pig, sow, walking. 673, 29 Goat, grey billy, walking. 676. 5 ,, ,, standing h'gh jump. 161. 30 Deer, Virginia buck, galloping. 6 ,, ,, standing broad jump. 163. 683. 31 fallow buck and roe, trotting. 7 ,, ,, rowing (side, back and front „ 685. aspects). 327. 32 ,, elk, buck, trotting. 692. 33 Buffalo, black bull, galloping. 8 ,, ,, boxing (gloves on). 335. 700. 34 Dog, Mastiff, trotting 9 ,, ,, fencing (with foils). 349. (front and rear). 705. 35 Mastiff, galloping (side 10 ,, athlete, walking and turning. 335. ,, and rear). 707.

11 ,, ch’ld, walking (naked). 467. 36 ,, white racing hound, galloping. 710. 12 Horse, Belg'an draught, walking (hauling load). 37 Cat, trotting. 718. 567. 38 Lion, walking (in cage). 721. 39 Tigress, walking (turning in cage). 730. 13 ,, grey, walking (free). 576. 40 Elephant, w’alking. 733. 14 ,, thoroughbred, walking (saddle and rider). 580. 41 Camel, Egyptian (single bump), racking. 736. 42 „ young Bactrian (double hump), galloping. 15 ,, white, ambling (bareback rider). 589. 740. 16 ,, brown, racking (saddle and rider). 591. 43 Baboon, walking on all-fours. 747. 17 ,, bay, trotting (saddle and rider). 598. “ 44 ,, climbing pole. 749. 18 ,, sorrel mare, trotting (with sulky.”) 613. 45 Sloth, walking suspended. 750. 19 sorrel mare, breaking to ,, gallop (with 46 Kangaroo, walking and jumping. “sulky”). 614. 751. 47 Pigeon, flying (side and front aspect). 755. 20 bay, cantering (saddle and rider). „ 616. 48 Cockatoo, flying (side aspect). 758. 21 ,, white, cantering (bare-back rider). 617. 49 ,, flying (nearly front aspect.). 760. 22 thoroughbred, galloping ,, (with jockey). 50 Vulture flying (side aspect). 765. 23 bay, jumping „ hurdle (saddle and rider). 637 51 Ostrich, running. 773. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 197 BZ VETERINARY SCIENCE. Slides selected and arranged by James Brodie Gresswell, F.B.C.V.S., Lecturer on Veterinary Science for the Lindsey and the Hollands (Jounty Councils of Lincolnshire; coauthor of “Equine Medicine”; author of “Veterinary Pharmacology and Thera-

peuticB,” etc , etc. Neumann’s “Parasites ’’ Fleming's Copied by permission from Chauveau’s “Anatomy” ; “Operative Veterinary Surgery and Veterinary Obstetrics”; published by Bailliere, Tindall & Cox.

Plain Photographs, 2^. each.

42 Cephalic Extremity of xhe Strongylue Contortua Section i. Veterinary Anatomy. — of the Sheep 1 The Skeleton of the Horse Caudal Extremity of the male Phagostoma 2 „ Cow Venulosum Sheep 3 ,, M 43 Trichina Spirales of the Pig 4 „ o Dog 5 „ n Pig External Parasites or Ectozoa 6 Lateral view of the Horse Skull Haematopinus Macrocephalus, of Horse (Female) 7 Right fore-foot of a Horse 44 Eurysternus, of Ox ( Kemale) 8 Left hind-foot of the Horse, External aspect 45 Heematopinus Haematopinus Tenuirostris ,, ,, U External Muscles of the right anterior limb of Sealaris the Horse Trichodectes ,, Trichodectes Sphoerocephalus of Sheep (Female) 10 The Larynx of the Horse, Cartilaginous pieces 46 ; on the left maintained in their natural position by the Melophagus of Sheep the line articular Ligaments, Superior and Inferior indicates the natural length Faces 47 Ixodes Ricinus of the Dog, a fecundated female after feeding 11 The Bronchial Tube of the Horse with its Bronchules and ultimate ramifications 48 Psoroptes Communis Equi, Male, seen on the surface 12 Kidneys of the Ox ventral He-^rt and principal Vessels of the Horse—Left 49 The Mange Acarus of the Sheep 13 Deraodecic Scabies b'ace 50 L’og, affected with advanced 14 Heaij; and principal Vessels of the Horse—Right Face Section iv.— Obstetrics. 15 Stomach of the Horse 51 Vertebro-sacral Position of the Foetus (cow) 16 Stomach of the Ox seen on its right upper face, Presentation ; Fore limb crossed over the Abomasum being depressed 52 Anterior the neck 17 The Intestines of the Horse, General View. The 53 Anterior Presentation : One fore limb completely nnimal is placed on its back and the Intestrjal mass spread out retained 54 Anterior Presentation ; Fore limbs bent at the Roots of the Jugular Vein in the Horse with 18 The knees its superior collateral affluents Anterior Presentation : Both fore limbs com- Median and Vertical Section of the Ho. se’s Brain 55 19 pletely retained 20 Nerves of the Digit 56 Anterior Presentation : Extreme downward deviation of the head Section ii. — Bacteriology. 57 Anteiior Presentation : Lateral deviation of the 1/6 21 Healthv Blood. Bed and White Corpuscles h"ad towards the phoulder Bacillus Anthraois (Agar of 22 Involution Form of 58 Anterior Presentation : Lateral deviation the Cultivation) head towards the abdomen Bacillus Anthracis (Potato 23 Spore-formation of 59 Anterior Presentation : Deviation of the head Culture) upwards and backwards 24 Bacillus of Tetanus (Culture) 60 liUinbo sacral Position (Intestinal Ulcers in a Tubercular 25 Tuberculosis 61 Hock Presentation : Hock corded 62 Thigh and Croup Presentation 26 Tuberculosis (Lungs of Babbit Inoculated with 63 Sterno-abdominal Presentation, head retained: milk from a Tubercular Cow) Calf 27 Actinomyces 64 Baron’s Obstetric Machine 28 Actinomycosis (“Lumpy Jaw”) 29 A Specimen of the Glanders Bacillus Section v.—Veterinary Surgery.

Section iii. — Parasites, 65 Post Travis - Spiropteres and Larvae of the CEstrus in the 66 Casting Rope applied 30 down a horse with Stomach of the Horse 67 English Method of throwing 31 Larvse and Pupa of the Gascrophilus Equi hobbles : Vertical Position 32 Male and Female of the Gastrophilus Equi 68 Operating Table Alsace Nose-ring and Head-stall 3,3 Trenia Perfoliata of the Horse; Cephalic extrem- (1) Nose-ring applied ity of the Taenia Perfoliata 69 (2) Ah ace for Oxen Cephalic extremity of same. (8) Vignau’s controlling apparatus 34 Tamia Mamillana ; tail; Ox Travis Taenia Plicata of Horse 70 Securing hind leg by means of Pin Suture (2) Quilled Suture ; (3) Ttenia Expansa of the Ox: Cephalic extremity. 71 (1) Single ; 35 Suture Natural third of a Segment showing the Dossiled Suture; (4) Zigzag arrangement of a genital spot 72 Horse in Slings Fractured Scapula 36 Taenia Ma^^ginata of the Dog, and Hooks of same 73 <1) Apparatus for applied to the Shoulder 37 Taenia Ccenurus of the Dog, and Hooks of same (2) Appa* atus fracture of Bones of the fore 38 Taenia Echinococcus and Hooks ofisame (3) Iron Splint for Lateral View and Ventral limb 39 Lumbricoid Ascaride ; Surface, M-ile and Female (4) Iron Splint applied Ibid; The various arrange- 40 Oxyuris Curvula of thelHor.'e, Male and Female 74 Cauterization designs; of Cautery Idnes 41 Fragments of the Coecum of a Horse, snowing ments of the Hock with Cunean Tendon tumours due to the Sclerostones and Parasites. 75 (1) Inside Anterior extremity of the Sclerostoma exposed for division Tccracactfenu? (2) Ditto, raised .

198 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.


76 Bones of Hind-legs, 90 Bog-spavin. 77 Bones of Fore-legs. 91 Thoroughpin. 78 Over-reach. 92 Splint and Splint from outside. 79 Mallender. 93 Knuckling over. 80 Sallender. 94 Side bone and side bone from outside. 81 Spavin and Spavin from outside. 95 Sand Crack. 82 Curb. 96 A Cankered Foot. 83 Capped Hocks. 97 Wind-galls 84 Quitter. 98 Brushing. 85 Yorkshire Boot in course of fixing and complete. 99 Dishing. 86 Hoof prepared for Charlie shoe. 100 Calf Knees. 87 Laminitus-pointing. 101 Forging, 88 Seedy Toe. 102 Ring bone and Ring bone high from outside. 89 Lacing. BY DISEASES AND PARASITES OF CATTLE. Many from original drawings by the late Professor Allen Barker, P.L.S.

Plain Photographs, 2s. each.

1 Warbles in Ox, Hupoderma' hovis. female, Larva 15 Brain of Sheep w,th polycep'halous Hydatid oi from tumour, Genital appai atus. eggs, &c. Tcenia cesnurus Gastrophilus equi. Boisattached 2 Bol in iheHovset 16 A Tape Worm of Dog, Tania niarginata, in to stomach, eggs on hairs, and adult Fly Bladder Cyst from Sheep 3 Mange in the Horse. Psoroptes communis eqni, mQ.\e 17 Tape Worm of Dog, Tania marginata 4 Mange in the Horse, male and female 18 Trichina spiralis, a piece of infested flesh 5 Mange in the Dog, Demodex follicidorum 19 Liver Fluke of Sheep, Distomun hapaticum 6 Itch in Man, Sarcoptes scabei, ma'e and female 20 The Snail, the Fluke inhabits, Linneus truneatulo. 7 Scab in Sheep, Psoroptes longirostris rar ovis and embryo of D. Lepaticum 8 Lice of Pig 21 Autumn Breeze Fly, Tabamis hovis, magnified 9 ,, of Horse head and mouth organs of Hamfliopifu/s 10 ,, (sucking) Ox, 22 Common Symbiot, Symhiotes communis^ioxmdoxi (biting), Tricholectes scalaris, with allied 11 „ Horse, Ox, Goat, Sheep, and Rabbit . form from Magpie for comparison 23 Tape Worm of a dog Detail 12 Tick from Sheep, Ixodes ricinus 24 Egg of Liver Egg of Fluke, etc 13 Tick from Dog. Ixodes ricinus 25 Fully developed Redia

14 ,, or Ked from Sheep, Melophagus ovinous 26, Section of Sheep’s head

10 FARM LIVE STOCK. Beautifully Painted, 65 .; Plain Photographs, 2s. each.

This Series has been arranyeh oy J. H. Dugdale, Esq., of Warwickshire, with the kind co-operation of Professor Wallace, of Edinburuh, and of several eminent Breeders, tvho have kindly permitted the use of their photographs of Slock. Text Book, “Farm Live Stock of Great Britain,” by Robert Wallace. F.L.S., F.R.S.E., &c.. Prof, of Agricultural and Rur"! Fconoray in the University of Edinburtih. Published by Messrs. Crosby LocKwuod & Sons, 7, Stationers’ Hall Court, priceSOs. BU HORSES. “ “ 1 Cleveland Bay ‘Horse Fidius Deus,” V. Wel>- 13 Shire Mare, Chance, /{. /''reeiit iifMUford,Esq. “ ” tier, Ksq. 14 „ „ LocKington Beauty and Foal “ 2 Clydesdale Stallion “ Prince of Carruchan, Peter “Merveille” A. B. Freeman Mit ord, C.B.,M.P. Crawford, Esq. 15 Pony. Stallion, “ Laird of Noss,” 20, Thi ** Riddell, 3 ,, „ Dacaley,'' David Esq. Marquis 0/ Londonderry “ Prince of Wales,” G73 16 Suffolk Stallion, A. J. 4 „ ,, Punch “Wedgwood,” 5 „ „ “ Prince of Albion,” 6178 Smith, Esq. “ 6 „ Mare, Moss Rose,” JoJm Gilmonr, 17 Suffolk Punch Mare. “Queen of Trumps.” 270 Esq. 18 Poitou Mule, “ Beauty,” 17 hands, P. C. Suther- 1 Coaching Stallion, “ Salisbury.” Thos. Carr, Esq. land, Esq. Belle,” T. B. Church, 19 Jack,” C. L. Sutherland, 8 ,, Mare, “Wasell Jack Donkey, “Malta 9 Hackney or I'lorfolk T. otter in harness [Esq. Esq. Shire Stallion, “ Spark.” The Duke of Westnvnster 20 Trotting Horse (American), “ Allerton” 2-12 J1 „ „ “ Hitchin G mqueror,” A. B. Free- 21 „ Mare „ “Sunol”2-8^ man Mitford, Esq., C.B., M.P. 22 Thoroughbred Horse, “ Foxball” “ Hero,” Gilheg, Esq. 23 Hayfteld in GlO'icestershire 12 „ ,, Staunton W. A 24 “ Simon Dale,” Duke of Portland

25 Cleveland Bay 29 Clydesdale Horse. “ Ardendale ” 26 Clydesdale Horse “ Baron O’Buchlyvie ” 30 “ Gallant Stewart ” ” 27 “ Dunure Kaliedoscope' 31 “ Dunure Realisation 28 “ Victor Dale ” 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 199


32 ClydesdaleHorse. 40 Hunter horoughbred Mare ” “ Morston Old Guard 33 41 Suflolk Punch Stallion “ ” Horse 34 Mare Duiiure Myrene 42 ,, ,, ” Shire “ Tatton Wray King 35 Filly 43 „ Horse “ Passchendale ” 44 Welsh Pcny 36 Colt ” Horse “ Dunure Footprint 45 „ 37 ” “ Papyrus ” 38 Eaton Fenland King 46 A Thoroughbred Race-horse action 39 Hackney Horse 47 Thoroughbred Race-horses in BV SHEEP. Earn, “Ciren- 18 Exmoor Ewe, Sir Win. B. Willianis, Bart. 1 Blaok-faoed Scotch Mountain Ram, Robert Coles, Esq. cester’s Grandson,” Cka/ ies Hnwatson, Esq. 19 Hampshire Down “ 20 Rams, College of Agriculturet 2 Blaok-faoed Scotch Earn Eotiphar,” ,, ,, Blaok-faoed Scotch Ewes, John Craig, Esq. [Esq. Downton 8 “Disraeli” and Ewes 4 Evves 21 HerdwickRam, 22 Sheep 5 „ Lambs ,, 23 or Romney Marsh Ram. in full fleece, M, 6 Cheviot Ram J. A. Johnstone, Esq. Kent (East County Page, Esq. „ “Aimfu Sandy” 7 ,, H. Hutchinson. Esq. Variety), John Elliot, Esq. 24 Leicester Ram, T. Variety), J. A. John- 25 Ewes, „ 8 Cheviot Ewe (We.-t County ,, 2fi in Wool stone, Esq. Leicester Sheep ^ in Wool, H. Dudding, Esq, 10 Cotswold Ram, Rxissell SwanmckyEsq. 27 Swamcick.Esq. Ewe (Two- hear), Russell 29 ,, Rams Sir J. H. H. Eiwe, Robert Wright, Esq. 13 Devon Long-wool two-shear Ram, 30 ,, with Lambs Amory, Bart. 31 Ewe Aviory, Bart. (Two-shear), “ Captain,” iv>rs. Dawi

is Merino and Scottish Black-faced Mountain 43 Somerset and Dorset Horned Sheep “ '24” Crosses 44 Southdown Ram, No. ‘ “ Sailor Prince,” -Edwarff aittus,Esq 36 Rams, C. Hohbs, Esq. 45 SuffolkRam, ' Smith, Esq. '• Freeland,” Jo/m 16 „ 'E'wes, Joseph 37 ,, „ Ram, Liverpool 47 Welsh Mountain Ram Treadwell, Esq. I Ram and Ewe 38 Oxford Down Ewe 18 ,, „ 39 Roscommon Ram, Richard Flynn, Esq. 19 Wensleydale Ewe Ram,/Shearl’ng) 40 Ram frank Shepherd, Esq. .50 ,1 -ley Shearing Machine at Work in Wool 41 Shropshire Ram, “Webton Prince.” Edivard 51 Wols Gad'iick, Esq. Shed. ‘ Shearing Scotch Black-faced Mountain Sheep. •12 Shropshire Ewes, ^.dward Caddiek, Eso. 52

Single Sheep 68 Romney Marsh. 53 Border Leicester ” Westbrook' “ Royal Wallace 69 ,, 54 ,, „ ” with their 150 Lambs “ His Majesty 70 Suffolk Ewes 55 „ ,, Three specimens 71 Suffolk Ram 56 Carcase 72 ,, 57 Group „ „ „ 73 Southdown. Nottingham Champion 58 Shearing, the-old way „ 74 Sir Jeremiah Colman’s 59 Corriedale Wool ^ 75 . Group 60 76 Three Shropshire Rams 61 English Leicester Royal Winner Prize Sheep 77 Shropshire Down 62 ,, ,, 78 Sheep Cross Breeding 63 Gatton Park Flock mths. old..m 79 Group of Suffolk Ewes in full fleece. 17 64 Lincoln Sheep ” Typical >i >» »» 65 Merino Ram 80 ,, Foraging „ » >» ” 66 Romney Marsh World’s Champion Ram 81 „ 67 „ „ Group CATTLE. “ 13 Galloway Helfet, Tidy 5th ol Drumlanrig,” 1 Angfesea or North Wales Black Bull, Major 7*'iui nr, Esq Sandbach Leonard ton, 14 Bull J. T. Dav cs, Esq. 2 Anglftsea or North Wales Black Co^, Ccl. Platt Glamorgan 15 Guernsey Bull, “Climax.” The Express 3 Ayrshire Bull (Cook a Bendle) J. Osborne, Esq. “ ” Company. E.G H.B. 14. 4 i, Craigs of Kyle „ 16 Guernsey Cow, “Ladybird II.,” Express Dairy 5 Cow, “Bertie 11. of Clockston,” Sir Company. H.B. 388 Mark J. Stewart, M. P. 17 Hereford Bull. “Rare Sovereign,” Lord Coventry 6 Ayrshire Heifer, “ Nellie of Barcheskie” “ 18 Heif'T “Primrose,” Edward Caddick,Esq. 7 Cattle Martin of South Wales Black Bull Zulu,” „ 19 Hereford Cow “ Ma Belle,” Her Majesty the Queen H. B. 129, Earl of Cawdor “ 20 Jersey Bull “Distinctions Pride,” Jas. BUih, Esq. 8 Castle Martin or South Wales Black Cow Le- 21 Cow, “Pontorson,” Lord Rothschild nora T.” H.B., 245, Earl of Cawdor ,, 22 Cow, A E. McMullen, Esq. 9 Castle Martin or South Wales White Bull with ,, Bull, “ Paddy Blake,” Lord Clonmell Black Po nts 23 Kerry 24 Cokv, “ Flora,” A/arW7i J Sutton, Esq, 10 De*ter Kerry Bull, “ Paradox.” Martin J. Sutton, ,, 25 Longhorn Bull, Duke of BucHnyhavi Esq. Cow. Duke Bite' inoham Dexter Kerry Cow “Rosemary,” Martin J. 26 „ of 11 Norfolk and Suffolk Bull, “Diddlington Sutton, Esq. 27 Daviason II.” Lord Amherst 13 Galloway Bull, “Camp Fpl’ower ”(5042) James 200 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

FARM LIVE STOCK~( Continued.) 28 Norfolk* and Suffolk Red Poll Cow, “Emblem 60'Champion Milking Cow. Jehanna Tehu.” 'Lord Amherst 61 Devon Steer. 62! 29 Norfolk and Suffolk Red Poll Cow, J. J. Cohnan ,, Fat. 19| cwt. Esq., M.P. 63 „ Bull. 30 “ ” Norfolk White Polled Cow, Blickling Jenny 64 ,, Old and New Type. 65 Dairy . „ 1, “Tom” 66 Dexter “ 32 North Devon Bull, “ Lord Wolseley,” H.B. 2063, Kerry Cow. La Mancha.” Lord Falmouth 67 Hereford Bull, Rob Roy.” 68 ‘ 33 North De^on Heifer, “Flower II.” H.B., 9355, Hedges Bull. Fokke 2nd.” Sir W. Williams 69 Highland Cow. “ Madam Luna ” with Calf. 70 “ 34 North Devon Cow, “Fairmaid,” 9337, D.D., H.B. Holstein Cow. Waltham Plum.” Sir W. R. Williams, Bart. 71 “ Garton Comfort.” 35 Polled Aberdeen Angus Cow, “Waterside Matilda 72 " Betsey Grey.” \1." Qenrge Willcen, Esq. H.B. 6312 73 “ Colton Princess Mary.” “ 36 Polled Aberdeen Angus Bull, “ Cash 74 Fokke II.” 75 “ 37 Shorthorn Bull (Bates), Cow, “Duchess of Lei- Froakje HI.” cester II.” 76 “ Park Buttercup.” ” 77 Holstein (Scottish) “ ,, Shewingoticvying I, „ Bull , Mario Udder from rear. 78 Irish Dairy 39 ,, „ “Barrington,” Duke of North- . umberland. 79 40 Shorthorn Cow 80 Jersey Bull “ Inspector.” 41 „ Heifer, “ Fairy Rosebud ” 81 „ Cow. 49 „ “ bracelet’ 82 „ Cattle. 43 Shetland Cattle. 83 Kerry Cow. “ Walton Bashful.” 44 Sussex Cow, “ Elsa.” 84 Shorthorn Bull. “ Thomby Don.” 45 Sussex Ox, W. S. Forster, Esq. 85 Cow. " Countess of Heggle 2nd " “ 86 “ ” 46 „ Bull, Gondolier,” W. S. Forster, E s *» „ Hero Fancy 47 West Highland Bull, “ Seumas A’Ghlinne,” H.B 87 “ Playful. Marigold ” 482, Earl of SouDiesk. 88 “ " 48 West Highland Heifer, ‘ Lady Flora,” 89 Lady Florence II.” Earl of “ Southesk. 90 Ormerod Butterfly Prince.” oi.. 49 91 Two year old Steer.' .. Burn." White Polled Cattle, Soraerford Park, 'Sir C. W 92 Three year old ' Shakerley, Bart,, C.B. Cow. Euroto.” 93 Bull. 50 Wild White Cattle, Cadzow M „ „ Prince Blue Blood Forest, Hamilton Ballindalloch.” ^1 M . „ Chartley Park -** 94 Two year old Heifer. ‘ Benton Bride.” >» Vaynol Park, „ Bangor 95 “ Monkhill Butterfly.” 53 Skull and Horn Cores of the Bos urus or “ ” Primi- 96^ One Royal genus—width below horns, 12 in. length 97'" ; of Oyster Princess.” horn cores, 27 in. 98 " Oyster Queer.” 54 Ayrshire Cow Spanel Bank Winnie.” 99 “ Resolute.” 55 “ ,, Tors Missil.” 100 Bull Calf Ewyford Ringer." “ 56 Bull. Chapehill Fearnought.” 101 Ringer sold for ^9, 450. ** 57 „ Rising star.” 102 Heredity—Cow Testing Irish “ Department 58 ,, Look Alive." “ 59 ,, Nether Craig.” | For ** Slides on Tanning,’* see Industries, Section 7 of this Catalogue. BX PIGS.

1 Boar, J. H. Duudule, Esq. 5 Yorkshire Sow (small white), Saunders Spencer, 2 „ Sow, ,, „ 6 Suffolk, or small black Pigs [h’ga 3 ^ Yorkshire Boar (large white) “Holywell Windsor” 7 Taraworth Pigs 4 (middle “ ” ,, white), Holywell Billy 8 Prize Pigs for Bacon purposes

9 Berkshire Boar. 12 Large 10 Large Black or Devon White Pig. Sow 13 Middle 1 1 Large Black Boar, White or Yorkshire Pig.

BYT OUR FARMYARD FRIENDS. From Negatives by rnmrSsmmmm. Douglas English, B.A., F R P S Coloured Slides, 6s. 6d. Plain Slides. 2s. 6d. each. PIGS. POULTRY. 1 Black Sow, full face, showing nose-ring. - preening their feathesr. Litter of young pigs, showing the weakling. I? 20 Turkey Cock feeding. 3 Sow looking over gate of sty. Front. »> » gobbling. 1 >? M ,, ,, ,, Side, s » ’> displaying. Young pigs playing with pig-pail. a Tail-spread. »< head and 6 Young pig squealing under gate. » Neck. Close-up. 7 Sow snarling. ” » and Cock flapping its wings.

8 Sow and gander. ’J ’» Guinea Fowl. 26 Gumea Fowl. 9 Young Piglings and gander. Side. 27 ,, on 10 Sow and family on the road. ,, window ledge. 28 Procession of Guinea Fowls. 11 Terrier barking at Sow and family. 29 Cock crowing. Front. 12 ,, sitting with same. ,, ,, Side. 13 ,, with young pigs. 14 Three-quarter. Sow and family at grass. qJ tt” a 32 Hen taking sand-bath. .

201 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l.


91 Ewe and Twin Lambs. 33 Hen drinking. 92 Lamb butting stone. and Chicks. 34 ,, 93 The lost Lamb. 35 Chickens scurrying. , , , 94 Pair of Lambs (homed breed). 36 Foster Mother Hen with ducklings afloat. ashore. 95 Sheep on Sussex Downs. 37 „ >. »» 96 Shepherd watching Sheep. Fowl. 38 A Meditative Dog behind flock on road. duck. 97 Sheep 45 Girl nursing p et Shepherd leading sheep to food trough. Drake out walking. 98 46 Duck and 99 quacking. 47 Duck 100 Lambs playing. of Ducks on water. 48 Group 101 Lambs in snow. flapping wings. 49 Duck 102 Sheep with Lambs in snow. Ducks in procession. 50 103 A herd of goats. resting in farmyard. 51 Ducks 104 Goat shaking hands with his mistress. 52 scurrying to water. Geese 105 Kids resting. on river bank. 53 „ 106 Kids butting each other. swimming in river. 54 „ 107 Kid jumping. goslings swimming. 55 „ and 107a Goat and Kids. 56 Goose flapping wings. issing at terrier from nest-Dox. 57 ,, 58 Geese driving off terrier. 59 „ entering pond. DOGS. at terrier. CATS AND 60 ,, hissing 61 Gander at the pig-trough. 108 Kitten in work-basket. Front. Three-quarter. 109 ,, ,, >» >> “cattle”—HORSES AND DONKEYS. 110 Kittens under Haystack. 111 Manx Cat. Tail-less. ear. 66 Cow nibbling its companion’s 112 Manx Cat, showing length of hind leg. foot. 67 Calf scratching its neck with its 113 Kitten Race. show. 68 Pair of White Heifers in 114 Kittens playing. 69 Group of Short Homs. 115 Group of four Kittens. 70 Kerries waiting to be milked. 116 Kitten on stair-case. Short Horn going into milking shed. 71 1 1 7 Kitten looking up. Heifer browsing on hedge-row. 72 White 1 1 8 Kitten climbing tree. 73 Cows leaving farmyard. 119 Kittens under tree. byre. for 74 ,, in the 120 Cat taking Kittens walk. 75 121 Kittens and bob-tailed Sheep-dog. Horse rising from the ground. Kitten 76 Cart 122 ,, ,, ,, *, .» 77 Horse lying on the ground. stretching itself. 78 Cart Horse and Foal. Front. 123 A Stray Cat. Side. 79 . ft ft ft 124 The White Cat. 80 Home and Donkey. 125 Cat carrying Kitten. 81 Horses returning from water. 126 Cat and Dog playing. 82 Horsps waiting to be stabled. 127 Kittens playing with scraper. 83 Foal rolling. 127a Kittens and toad. 84 Donkey’s head. Close-up. 128 A twenty year old Cat. 129 Head of Persian Cat. 130 The Watch Dog. SHEEP AND GOATS. 131 Head of Bull Dog. washing. 132 Terrier Pup. 86 Sheep Family. Shearing by hand. 133 A Terrier 87 „ Farm Dog watching gate. 88 A Lamb gone astray. 134 135 St. Bernard Dog. 89 Bottle Lamb and Terrier. 136 Bob-tailed Sheep Dog gnawing bone. 90 Sheep and Terrier.

WINDSOR. R M LIVE STOCK FROM THE ROYAL FARMS AT from negatives taken at the The following Slides of Pedigree Cattle are all made Royal Farms at Windsor.

Beautifully Painted 6s. Plain Slides, 2s. each.

17 Shorthorn Bull. 1 Devon Steer. 18 Shorthorn Heifer. 2 Devonshire Heifer. 19 Shorthorn Bull. 3 Devon Heifer. 20 Shorthorn Steer. 4 Shorthorn Hereford Steer. 21 Shorthorn Bullock, 5 Young Hereford Bull. 22 Shorthorn Heifer. 6 Hereford Bull. 23 Longhorn Bull. 7 Hereford Steer. Heifer. Steer. 24 Shorthorn 8 Shorthorn Hereford Homed Goat. Bullock. 25 Large 9 Hereford and Foal. 26 Asiatic Ass ^ 10 Hereford Co. ... t- i Asiatic Ass and Shetland Ponies with Foals. Shorthorn Steer. 27 11 28 Shetland Pony with Foal. 12 Young Sussex Bull. 29 Shtland Pony with Foal. 13 Young Sussex Bull. 30 Berkshire Sow and Pigs. 14 Black North Wales Bull. 31 Berkshire Sow. 15 Black North Wales Steer. 32 Three Black Essex Pigs. 16 Welsh White Bullock. .

202 NEWTON & CO., Ltd.. Lantern Slide Publishers. 6 scenes: IN AND AROUND z, A TYPICAL FARM Beautifully Painted 5s. 6d and 6s. each Plain ; Slides, 2s. each except^ where otherwise marked. I A typical P'arm and Building. 32 Bullock harrowing. “ A typical Farm, showing House. 33 Horses, two, ploughing. Ihe Farmyard. Cattle returning. 34 Horse and Ox ploughing. 4 Hen and Ducklings in water. 5 Geese. 35 In the Stack yard. 36 Field 6 Collie dog. “ Mouse, nest and young, 2s 6d On guard.’' 37 Fox 7 Cat and Kittens. Terrier and Rat. 38 Skye Terrier 8 Fox Terrier and Cat. and Hedgehog. 9 Farm Horse and 39 Fox Terrier. Cart. 40 Three 10 Mare and Foal. Scots Terriers. 41 Retriever. 1 1 Shire Mare. Head Study. 2s. 6d 42 Setters and Pointers. 12 Horse’s Head. (Saddle). 13 Horse’s Head, Sleeping Beauty. {Bull Dog). (Draught). 44 ® 14 Horse's Head. St. Bernard Dog. A study looking out of stable. 45 Dogs, young Lupetti. 2s. 6d. ’ 46 15 Three Mares and Two Deerhounds. Foal. 47 Four 16 Watering Horses. Esquimaux Pups. 48 Three 17 Washing Car‘s. Greyhounds. 49 Mastiff. 18 Donkey and Foal. 50 Pug Dog. 19 Shetland Ponies. 51 20 Sheep and Lambs. B ull Terrier. 21 Ewe and two 52 Dachshund. Lambs 53 Retriever and Lambs by drinking at Fountain with child 9? u’tfP the stream. 54 Stag and 23 Mary had a httle two Hinds. lamb.” 55 Wild 24 Cattle chewing Fox leaving fox earth. 2s. 6d the cud. 56 Fox 25 Maid milking a Cow. at Rabbit Hole. 26 A Dairy Cow. 57 Rabbits, young. 2s. 6d. 27 Shorthorn Bull. Express.” (Bullock Cart). 59fS Trappmg^ 28 Shorthorn Heifer. Birds in Winter 60 At the 29_Farmyard Friends. Smithy. Highland BuU with child 61 “ The Meet.” back. 2s. 6d. •TV , , . 62 The 30 Berkshire Boar. Hounds at the Kennel. 2s. 6d. 63 The Hounds out for exercise. 2s.- 6'd. ^'^^’®Whi’te°® 2s“.'6d AOE COUNTRY LIFE AND AGRICULTURAL SCENES. Beautifully Painted 22 . ; Plain Slides, 2s. each 1 Ploughing, with three horses." 23 A Typical - Haymaking, Cutting Country Inn. the grass with Horse 24 A Shoeing Mower. Forge. ^ 25 A Field of Waving Corn. •• Tossing into Haycock. 26 A Reaping Machine at Work. A Horse Haymaker. 27 Milking Trimming Time. up ready for carting. 28 A Kentish Loading. Hop-garden, general view. 29 A Kentish * Raking by Hop-garden in Cranbrook* Horse Machine. 30 A Cattle Drinking. Staking the A typical River Scene. hay by elevator. 31 A Donkey Ride. - .M A Rick Yard. 32 Nest box 10 Heaping Corn with Scythe in Tree. 11 Reaping with 33 A Rookery in a Public Park. sickles, and binding by hand. 34 A Pound. }? Self-binding Machine. 35 Stack 13 A Field of Wheat, A of Wheat. Stacked 36 13a A Stack of Apple Tree in Blossom. Wheat. 37 a Hay-stack A Row of Poplars. by an elevator. 38 An Oak Tree 15 BuiMi^ a Hay-stack, by in Winter. an elevator, nearer 39 Elm Tree in Winter. 40 Elm Tree in Summer. Oak, with Oak-apples. 17 41 Chestnut Tree in Winter. Mistletoe growing on a tree- trunk 18 42 Chestnut Tree in Bloom. bheep-shearing. Washing wool in trough. 19 Sheep-shearing ° 43 Sweet Chestnut. Bud and Leaf (I.). 44 20 Sheep-shearing (II.). ,, „ »’ >' M showing ^ Street in a Country Village. „ „ four A Market m a Country Village. stages of open- ing. d ... “ Typical English Scenery Studies, See seta U F, and A G O Geography, Section 5 of this Catalogue. .elements of This r oi- agriculture. senes of Slides is prepared under the authority of the Royal Agricultural “®Satives specially provided by the^Society. Text Book by W. Fream, Esq., LL.D. Coloured Slides, Gs. Plain Slides 2s. each 1 Shorthorn Ban 12 Ayrshire 2 Cow 23 Southdown „ Cow 13 Jersey Bull ShearlingEwe 3 Hereford Bull 24 Shropshire 14 Two Shear Ram 4 Devon „ Cow 2o Hampshire Cow It Guernsey Down Two Shear 5 Sussex Bull Cow Ram 1 6 Kerry Cow 1) Welsh Bull 26 Sullolk 17 Devter Kerry Shearling Ewe 7 Longhorn Cow Bull 27 C> eviot Ram 18 I^eicester Two- hear 8 Red Polled Bull Ram ia-ck-fac d Mountain 19 Border Leicestrr .1. Ewa 9 Aberdeen-Angus Ram 29 Large Bull 20 Cotswold White Sow 10 Galloway Ram 30 Small Cow 21 Lincoln „ „ 11 Highland Shearling Ews 31 «erkshire Bull 22 Oxford Down Boar „ „ 32 Tamworth Sow ’

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 203 BS FARM IMPLEMENTS. Beautifully Painted, 6s. Plain Photographs, 2s. each. EARLY TYPES.

1 Chill breast Plough, by Ransomes 13 Haymaker, by Ransomes 2 Parts of a Plough ,, 14 Silo Stack Press, Johnson system 3 Ploughing 15 Portable Steam 4 Drill Engine 16 Enclosed Gear 5 Steam Digger, Darby’s Mower Reaper, the Indestructible 6 „ Proctor’s Jo „ 18 Hornsby Steel Biude-', view from 7 Strawsonizer for distributing paraffin on ground side crops for turnip fly, &c. 20 Threshing Machine, Clayton (£ Shuttlmvorth 8 Strawsonizer for distributing nitrates, lime, &c. Righi ® i» It It liquids on hops 22 Threshing Machine, Section to show interna! t» t» II sulphur or other arrangements powder on hops or trees 23 Threshing Machine, ClaytomO 11 Spraying Machine, Clark’s “Eclaire” SlmttlrworVi.'i^o.l ^4 ,, 12 Horse Rake, hy Ransomes I* , 2 I 25 Mowing Machine drawn by three hors s.selfbindar MODERN EXAMPLES BY MESSRS. RANSOME, SIMS & JEFFERIES, LTD 26 “ ” Orwell Cultivator with tines and wheels 54_Thrasher fitted with Ruston and Hornsby sus- adjusted for grubbing three rows pended Trusser in working position showing of potatoes or roots. the 27 latter wound up out of the way for Cultivator with tines removing and travelling. bodies fitted for ridging and 55 Straw Stacker and Hay Elevator. moulding up potatoes. 28 “ Triple ” ^se with thrashing machine. Cultivator fitted with poles and 57„ Triplex Cultivator whipps and fitted as Scuffler. ridging bodies for 58 Admirers of the work performed potato work. by a Potato 29 digger. Cultivator for general purpose work, 59 * Three Row Ridger at 30 ' Ipswich— Cultivator work in South Lincolnshire, -r- with steel taper tines'— (Showing the straight specially on driUs drawn.) suited for preparing a seed bed. bO Three-row Ridger Single-Furrow at work in South Lincolnshire. Plough for small holdings. (Showing body.) 32 Newcastle ” Single-Furrow Plough for general 61 Work done by purposes. a R.S.L.M.—Y.L, Three Furrow Tractor Plough. 33 Single-Furrow Plough for digging “ work. 62 Orwell Junior” Light Cultivator. with » ,, wood beam and 63 Self-lift stubble Breaker. handles for digging work 64 “ Dauntless 2 No. " 9 tine Self-lift Tractor _ >* I. for digging work. Cultivator. 36 Double-Furrow Plough for general purposes with 65 Three-Furrow R.S.L.M.—Y.L. double Tractor Plough wheel, lifting working with a Weeks Tractor. apparatus with single 66 Stand, Royal Show, Derby, 1921. lever.

». for digging work. 68 R.SX.M.—Y.L. Three Furrow Self-lifter Tractor 38 Light Three-Furrow Plough for stubble paring Plough With screw depth adjustment, ploughing after for rear potatoes wheat. wheel lift and 39 Swivel adjustable draw-bar. (Lever One-way Plough for both general purpose controlled.) digging work. 69 R.S.L.D.-T.C.P. r, 1 , Two Furrow Self-lift Tractor ” ” for digging work. I? ’A, Plough, with digging bodies. 41 Ridging Plough for preparing for roots and 70 R.S.T.—T.C.P. and moulding up Tractor Plough fitted with sub- ..o T. growing potatoes. souer. 42 Balance One-way Plough with long breasts for 71 "42 " Homestead Thrasher. unbroken work. “ 72 Patent Wizard " Paraffin Oil Engine. 43 Potato Raising Plough with front and hind prongs (Sta- 44 Two-Furrow tionary Type). self lift Tractor Plough with breasts Steam Wagon for general purposes, ?? on rubber tyres. etc. 74 K.S.T.-—T.C.P. Digging 45 Varieties of Furrows cut by and Subsoiling Plough at Ransome’s Plough. work in Suffolk. 46 Compound Portable Engine. subsoiling 47 Single Cylinder Portable Engine. tine at work in 48 7 N.H.P. Traction Engine for thrashing and 76 R.S^.—S C.P. Plough, with deep general farm work. (Pump side). digging body, Knife Coulter and Skim. 49 7 N.H.P. Traction Engine for thrashing and 77 Three-Furrow Self-lift Plough, drawn British general farm work. (Fly-wheel side). by Wallis Tractor ploughing up Regents 50 Steam Power Portable Chaff-cutter working Park, production during with a Ransome’s thrashing machine. eo T . “S?' the war. Tractor Ploughs and Cultivator at work. 51 Finishing Thrashing Machine. (Driving side.) as a Cultivator. ,, (Comer Qn „ ,, elevator side.) 80 Y.L. Subsoil Plough. 53 Thrasher fitted with Ruston and Hornsby sus- 81 Plough with beet-lifting pended Trusser in working Attachments. position. o2 Tractor Mole Drainer. " ” 83 Beta Sugar Beet-lifting Plough. Messrs Newion are indebted to Messrs. Ransomes, Sims and Tefferies Ltd Ipstvich for kind permission to publish a series of Lantern Slides from orij?inal photo' graphs illustrating the two following groups. ° ^ B YU EVOLUTION OF THE PLOUGH. Coloured slides, 6^. Plain slides, 2s. each. B Y V EVOLUTION OF THE STEAM THRESHING MACHINE. Coloured shdes, 6s. Plain slides, 2?. each. 204 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.


A umque Series of Lantern Slides from direct Negatives by Mr. W. M Martin of Redruth, comprising the complete history of the development of the germ from ’the. time the egg is laid to the hatching of the chicken.

Plain Slides, 2s. Qd. each.

1 A fresh laid egg 24 The entire contents of shell removed 2 A fresh laid egg showing air space at broad end, on 0th day and placed in position to show which expands during incubation and through the under sur- face of yolk, and back of whiph chicken pushes its chicken, yolk at this beak before hatching, period having also supplying few blood vessels on under the air necessary to life of surface chicken and providing room for movements 25 9th day-removed from during hatching process shell showing first forma- tion of beak. Blood vessels larger (compare 3 A fresh laid egg carefully opened, showing circular « V with No. 13) germ which develops into the chicken, the 26 Showing the effect of temperature of membrane of yolk in folds to allow of expan- 120 degrees on 9th day for several hours, blood sion. This germ is always nearest vessels e.x- the hen fo utmost, and when sitting oiT altered in appearance in whatever position egg be placed 21 10thin day--showing 4 Fresh laid egg opened well-developed folds of yolk and yolk turned upside chicken somewhat down in the white altering its position to show the twisted ends of OQ2b llth day—j yolk portioriof covering membrane removed, membrane which by their weight keep the showing germ uppermost position of main artery 29 11th day—shell opened near broad end of 5 Sliowing appearance of germ after 12 hours egg and in- covering membrane removed, showing cubation, concentric circles appearing chicken nesting in a well-fitiyig cavity of yo'k 6 Germ after 24 hours incubation. The dark patch 30 11th day removed from shell and covering inem- being a portion non-actinic to plate probably showing growth of limbs and beak due to first formation of blood taking place Qi IT 31 11th day—contents of shell removed, 7 Appearance after two days—yolk expanding, yolk per- first forated and contents withdrawn, showing appearance of blood vessels, embryo of chicken the appearing membrane surrounding the chicken, and the method of absorbing d Appearance on 3rd day—rapid its nourishment from the development of surface of yolk blood vessels, yolk becoming granular in ap- 32 11th day—removed from shell and pearance, embryo of chicken larger and when slightly en- showing growth o( beak and shell open pulsation of heart visible oo u body 33 11th day—contents of shell removed without break- 9 Appearance on4th day— yolk larger, blood vessels ing yolk membrane, and chicken spreading over its surface placed in position to show two well-formed curves 10 Showing effect of raising the temperature of incu- in main artery. For use, see No. 44 bator from 103 degrees (normal) to 120 degrees 34 11th day—showing well-expanded air space for 10 hours on 4th day, yolk becoming altered appearance of and membrane surrounding the membrane and embryo be- blood vessels, carefully coming visible on removing a portion of the shell 11 5th day—blood vessels spreading over almost the S6 12th day-covering membrane removed, showing entire surface of yolk, embryo larger, ^nd now chicken turning its position, feathers appearing, surrounded by a protective circle of albumen also showing the membrane of air space through which the blood vessels pass 37 12th day—removed from shell 12 A portion of No. 11 enlarged, showing the blood 38 12th day -entire contents of vessels feeding the shell removed, show- heart, eye of chicken visible ing the white 13 Einbryo on of the egg being absorbed by the 5th day dissected from the yolk, show- yolk ing the inembi ane which envelops it when in 39 Showing appearance of covering membrane on the shell, also the elongated end of vertebral column 13th day 40 13th day— with menibrane removed, showing head 14 Appearance on removing portion of shell 5th on of chicken coming nearer to air space daj', differing from No. 11 of Same period, embryo 41 11th day—appearance on removing shell being completely covered by blood 42 14th day—removed from shell, showing growth of vessels limbs 15 Embryo of No. 14 removed from shell and slightly 43 15th day—appearance of covering membrane, magnified showing rudimentary limbs also well-developed air space and its 16 6tli day—showing embryo membrane of chicken now sur- 44 15th day—covering membrane removed, rounded by a quantity of showing thinner albumen the now well-formed curves of and chicken sinking main artery to into a cavity forming in allow of free the yolk movement of limbs 45 15th day—removed from shell !17 Embryo of No. 16 dissected from the yolk and 46 16th day— membrane removed, showing main magnified, showing its natural position at this : artery close to period membrane of air space for surrounded by albumen with blood aeration of blood vessels absorbing its nourishment from the 47 16th day—opened from opposite yolk, and conveying side of shell to it to the chicken by the No. 46 umbilical cord 48 16th day— entire contents of shell removed, show- 18 7th day—shewing the chicken resting in the now ing but a small portion of white of egg left, well-formed folds of the yolk, with the main but large amount of yolk, partially divided artery passing into the chicken into two lobes, between which the chicken ly Ernbryo of No. 18 removed rests from shell and mem- when enclosed in shell brane, showing development of wings 49 17th day portion of membrane removed 20 No. 19 enlarged to show — formation of head at this 60 17lli day—membrane period removed, showing main artery passing close to air space and 21 Empty shell on 7th day showing head of well-expanded chicken getting into position for hatching membrane of air space 51 17th day-entire contents of shell' removed, show- 22 8th dav—-showing air space at broad end of shell ing the still unabsorbed and chicken yolk, also the blood sunk into a cavity between folds vessels of membrane round of yolk the shell 52 17th day—showing chicken with 23 9th day—opened more on swollen neck, the side of egg to show head in wrong position, and dead Ue formation of the cavity and folds of yolk. 53 Showing No. 52 from The yolk other side, with yolk re- also becoming more granular in moved appearance. 54 17th day—removed from shell ;

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 205


55 18th day—showing head of chicken almost in 64 Showing position assumed by No. 63, on cutting position for hatching, with beak near junction the binding cords of membrane of air space and shell 65 21st day—removed from shell, showing the re- 56 19th day—showing chicken in correct position for maining portion of unexhausted yolk being hatching, beak close to junction of membrane absorbed into the body of chicken, thus pro- of air space and shell viding its nourishment for short period after 57 19th day—removed from shell hatching 58 19th da}-— showing large amount of yolk still nn- 66 End of air space opened on 21st day. showing the absorbed loose folds of membrane surrounding the now 59 No. 58 removed from shell in its natural position restless chicken 60 20th day—removed from shell 67 Coming through the shell 61 20th day—showing still unabsorbed yolk 68 Five hours later 62 20th day— shell opened opposite side of No. “61 69 A snap shot one hour later 63 21st day—shell carefully peeled off, showing 70 Chicken twelve hours after hatching chicken apparently bound by now almost use- 6 less blood vessels

CA POULTRY. This series of slides is copied by special permission from the Fancier's Gazette.

Beautifully Coloured 6s. ; Plain Photographs, 2s. each.

1 Sebright Bantams, Pair of Silver-laced. 20 Leghorn Hen, Duckwing. The property of Mi*, 2 White-booted Bantams, Pair of, belonging to Fred. W. Hinson, winner of 1st and Cup Dairy Show, Brooke, Esq., winners of Cup at Crystal Palace, Isl Palace, etc. 1889. 21 Malay Hen, the property cf Mr. E. A. Paiish, 3 Buff “ Cochins, “Sunbeam,” Pretender, Winner of 1st Pickering Derby, Palace, “Achievement.” Bred by, and the property of Birmingham, Bideford 1st and Special Oxford Mr. ; Geo. H. Proctor. Cock, winnerof firctprizes 1st and Special, Bainstaple; 1st and Special at Bristol, Worcester and Liverpool, one 1889 ; for Bett Hen in the Show, Exeter; 1st and Cup, hen winner of first Prize and Cup at Crystal Malay Club Show, Swindon. Palace Shows of 1887 1888 the other and ; hen 22 Orpington Hen. Thepropertyof Miss winner of firsts and cups at Bristol and Liver- R.Bebb, Bristol. pool also first ; and Champion cup, Worcester, 23 Langshan Cock, Mr, Walker’s Challenge Cup 1889. Winner at Cheltenham. 4 Andalusian Cock. The property of Messrs. 24 Langshan Tien, Mr, S. Millard’s Challenge Abbot Bros., v/inner of First Prize, Crystal Cup Winner of 1890. Palace, 1892. 25 Brown Leghorns, Pair of. Bred by and the Cr6ve Coeur Cock. The property of Mr. S. W. property of Mr. L.C. Verrey. Cock, winner of Thomas. Winner of First and Cup, Crystal Cup, Medal and 1st Dairy Show, 1893. Hen, Palace, and numerous other prizes. winner of 1st Dairy Show, 1893. 6 Black Rosecomb B-int^’m Cock. The property of 26 Ideal Cuckoo Leghorns. Mr. D. W. Purdon, winner of 1st Chesterfield, 27 Flack Minorcas, Pairof. Bred by and the property 1st and Special Harrogate, 2nd Doncaster, 2nd of Mr. A.G.l itts, Cock, winner of 1st and Medal Batley, and other prizes. at Dairy Show, 1891, and Ist and Cup at Barn- 7 Malay Bantam Cock. The property of Mr. F. J. staple. Hen, winner of 5th Prize at Dairy Show, S. Chatterton, winner of 8 first prizes, etc. and 2nd at Clevedon. 8 Orpington Cock. The property of Mr. V. G. 28 Dark I rahraa Cockerel. The property of Mr, Huntley, winner of First and Medab Bridgwater, Campbell, Ist and Special, Tunbridge Wells. First and Sijecial, Paulton. 29 LightBrabmas, pairof. Tbeproperty of Messrs, 9 Rosecomb Orpington Cock. The property of G. H. Wood and R. W. Webster. ( ock, winns;} Miss Bebb, Bristol. of Cup and First, Redhill; First, Leeds, 1890. Dorking 10 Dark Cockerel “Salamander.” Bred by Hen, Cups at Crystal Palace and Birmingham, Messrs. J. A. and M. P. Smyth, of Coleraine, 1890. Ireland. 30 Dark Brahma Pullet. The property of Mr. R. 11 Pair of White Dorkings. The property of Mr. J. Holland. Winner Cup and First at the Dairy Pettipher, of Banbury. Winners of Ist Prizes Show. and Challenge Cups at the Crystal Palace and 31 Dorking Pullet Coloured “Lady Bingley,” Birmingham. Winner of Silver Cup at Birmingham, 1893. 12 Pekin Drake. The property of Mr. T. Allen. Bred by Mr. A. Crichton. Winner Ist and Cup at Crystal Palace, 1892. 32 Dorking Pullet, Silver’ Grey. The property of 13 llcuen Ducks, Pair of Prize. Bred by and the the Hon. Florence Amherst, Winner of First property of Mr. W. Bygott, Ryehill Farm, “ Royal,” 1894. Ulceby. 33 White Wyandotte Pullet “Blossom.” The li Pekin Duck. The property of Mr. S. Brown. property of Mr. R. Anthony. Winner of 1st “Royal,” and numerous other 34 Plymouth Rocks. Bred by and the property of prizes. Mr. R. Stacey. Cock never exhibited. Hen 15 Spanish Fowls, Pair of Black. The property of Mr. winner of several first prizes. J. C. Bowes. 35 Bronze Turkey “Old Tom.” The property of 16 Black-red Game, Pair of Cai^tain Heaton’s Cham- Mr. J. W. Lill. Winnerof 1st and Turkey Club pion. Winners of Challenge Cups at Birming- Special at the Lincolnshire Agricultural ham, 1889, Cockerel, now the property of Mr. Society's Show at Great Grimsby, FiiTls at Owen Hughes. Pullet, now the property of Mr, Walton, Dereham, Norwich, and numerous W. H. Gulliver. other prizes 17 . The property of Mr. J. W. 36 Wyandottes, Pairof Silver-laced, The property Simpson. of Messrs. Abbot Bros. 18 Toulouse Geese. 37 Greenwood’s Incubator 19 Black Hamburgs. Bred by and the property of the Rev. J. H. Rees. 206 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. C B POULTRY REARING From Direct Negatives. Plain Photographs, 2s.' each. 1 Home-made Wire Frames for Fowls. General View J4 Plucking and Shaping theBirds 15 Trussers 2 at Work, 1st view Types of Fowls : Good layers Minorcas — 2nd view 3 Table Birds— with Dorking „ „ 17 Packing f«ir Market 4 General utility Birds. Plymouth Rocks 18 Greenwood’s Incubator 5 tf „ 2ncl view „ Spratt's 6 Hatching. Incubators at work Patent Hen Coops, 3219 Fen Roost, 7 „ Turning the Eggs portabl for field use 20 Slanting 8 „ Birth of the Chick Roof Hen Coop 9 From Incubator to Foster Mother II I, Hen Coop with weather cover 22 10 Cold Brooders as Fo^ter Mothers ,, „ Hen Coop Wit. ifeeder

28 , Coon 11 Artificial Feeding. The Sussex Machine. Fowls V , Hen with folding doors in Pen 24 Chicken Coop, square, portable 25 Chicken 12 Feeding. The Machine at Work Run, square 13 Killing: How to Hold the Bird 26 „ portable with cover American nZ Poultry'Farm”and'Run Texas Roost 28 Large Poultry House. House. Front View. 29 Brooder House. ” ’» ” Back „ 34 FeedingT- 30 Feeding Time. Turkeys. 35 A Fine Turkey. 31 House among the trees. BEE CULTURE. Ihe Koyal^ Agricultural Society’s Silver Medal awarded 1893. Beautifully Painted, 6s. ; Plain Slides, 2s. 3rf. each. arranged under the inspection of the British Bee-keeper AssoMation, and with tl^ courteous and able assistance of T. W. Cowan, EEQ,,r.G S. E L ' S ’ Esq., Editors of the British Bee Journal. ^^Ali^the I T' atMr Brouo.htn^r«r^''"^®’’^n^®^^^ Photographs, principally taken freshwater, EE.M.S., ^4 35 36T7°42 43 except Nos. ' ‘he diagrams by' the Association.’ published ^V^'^'fccieA,ucaiionalcode of Bee-lteeping." Bek Journal. 1 The Queen, Drone, and - - Worker Bee 29 Catching the 2 Tongue of Honey Queen Bee (Apis Mellifica) 30 Driving o Eye of Bee Bees from the Hive into an empty Skep 31 Subdued Bees 4 Tip of ditto, showing Sroon after driving 32 Driven Bees entering Skep. showing Antennae (Looking for the fl Cleaner Queen Bee) b Hind leg, showing Pollen Basket and Comb 33 Frame of Comb, with 7 Bee s Wing, Booklets Queen Cells and Folded Membrane 34 Group of 0 Sting of Queen Cells, showing the opening at the 9 Lancets and Sheath [Queen Cell of Sting of Bee doos Development Abdomen of Bee of Larvffi, Queen Cell, Section JO 36 Egg Salivary Gland attached to Cell Base J1 37 Pupa and Larva 12 Parasite of Honey Bee—Braula Cceca 38 Uncapping Combs for 13 Foot of Braula Coeca Extracting 39 Comb showing Foul 14 Apiary of Straw Hives Brood 40 Bacillus Alvei (Foul 15 Old-fashioned Cottage Apiary Brood in Bees) 41 11 (Rods 16 Modern Apiary ,, and Spores) of Frame Hives 42 17 Bee-keeper Folding Sections ,, ,, (Sjiores) 43 Section of Bee 18 Putting Foundations in Sections 44 ,, Eye of Bee 19 Sections in various stages of progress 45 Heads of Bees 20 Fitting Comb Foundations in Frame [clearers 46 Egg and Pupa Supers and oi Sections : showing super 47 Legs of B-'e showing Manipulating in Comb jf Bee-dress and veil 48 Various Glands 23 Hiving a Swarm under difficulties 49 W’ax Plates 24 Hiving Bees in Frame Hive 50 Foot of Bee 25 Ditto (watching for the Queen) 51 Rows of Hives in a 26 Uncovering the Fruit Orchard. Frames, using the Smoker 52 A Cluster «7 Manipulating Frame, of Hives, Modern Method. hanging position 53 The late 26 Mr. Broughton Carr. ,, ,. bottom upwards Text Books.--" British Bee-keepers’ Guide,” 2s. 6d. (practical), by T. W. Cowan, Eso Natural History, Anatomy, and Physiology," T W?c7wAN^i:sq^ 2s. 6d. (scientific'), by A R WASPS. (Vespa Vulgaris.) A Series of direct Photographs and Photo-micrographs. Plain Slides, 2.s. esch. 1 Wasp's Nest, showing eight or nine tiers of Cell 5 The Wasp, whole insect Comb, separated bypiliars or columns 6 Head and Mouth 2 Wasp’s Nest, single a tier of comb, showing the 7 Antennae empty cells and those containing grubs 8 Abdomen with sting in hUii 3 Wasp’s Nest, underside of one of the Comb Tiers 9 Sting showing the pillars or props to keep the tiers 10 Compound Eyes apart 11 Tongue 4 Nest. Wasp’s In this, four or five of the tiers 12 Foot of Dell Comb have been removed to show cells 13 Wings and grubs in crown of nest 14 Hornet and Wasp For additional slides on Insects, see pages 184 to 186 and also 168, 169. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 207


Beautifully Painted^ 6s.; Plain Slides, 2s. each. 1 Silkworm and Moths, Bovibyx Mori 8 Colora^ Potato Beetle, Doryphara tentineata 2 Lady Bird, Coccinella, tw» punctata, on geranium 9 Wasp, Vespa Vulgaris 3 Gall b’ly, Cynips Galla Tinctoria 10 Crane Fly, Tipulee Oleracea 4 Cochineal Insect, Coccus Cacti 11 Locust, Qryllus Dux 5 Garden Spider, Epeira Diademata 12 The Teredo. A Mollusc which eats into the 6 Spider. AraneaAvicularia Submarine Cable 7 Large and Small White Butterfly, Pieris Bfassica Rapes

INJURIOUS INSECTS. A U AND COMMON FARM PESTS. Drawings Dy the late Miss G. E. Ormerod, E.E.S. Revised by her sister ** Drraerod, m late Consulting Entomologist to the Eoyal Agricultural Society Text Book, “Agricultural Entomology,” by MissE. A. Ormerod, (Simpkin & Co.)

Beautifully Painted, 6s. ; Plain Slides 2s. each. 1 Locust. Caloptenus atlanis 21 Shot-borer Beetle. Larva, Xyleborus dispar Pupa, and Perfect Insect showing workings Plying of the Shot-boring Beetles and Walking Male Beetle and 2 Falsz Wirewoums. Female Beetle, Plum stems Julidos 22 Mole Cricket. Guyllotalpa Julus Vulgaris guttatus—Julas terresiris Plying, walking, Polydesmus and Larva complanatus 28 Potato Theips. 8 Clovkb Weevil. Minutissima Apion Apricans Female Potato Larva, Thrips, with wings Pupa, and Perfect Insect displayed, and Larva 4 Great Yellow Underwing Moth. Tryph^na 24 The Wood Wasp. Sirex pronuba Qigas. Male. Medium spie id of wings, Larva, Larva, Pupa, and Perfect Insect Juvenous, female, size various 6 WheaT“Bulb Ply. Hylemyia coarctata J.0 Common Vapourer Moth. Orgyia Antiqua Larva, Pupa, and Insect Male Moth, Female, Eggs Specimen of Injured Wheat on Coooon. *miet-work Cocoon, Caterpillar 6 Gout Ply, Chloropa tceniopus na rr, -n. 2b The Diamond-Baok Moth. Plutella Larva, Pupa, Perfect Insect, Cruciferarum and In- Moth with wings extended. jured Barley Stems Moth at rest. Pupa in net-work Cocoon 7 WiRKWORM AND CLICK BEETLE. ElatcT {Agriotes) Caterpillar lineatue 27 Corn Aphis. Aphis [Siphonophora) Granaria. WiREWORM, GRUB OF ClICK BeKTLE } Winged Female, Wingless Eggs, Pupa, Female Beetle, and young turnip Larva, Empty Shell with of Larva from fibres of root destroyed by which a Parasite has hatched gnawing of wireworms 28 Scale Insects, Aspidiotus Ostreoeformis. Oyster 8 Turnip Sawfly. Athfiliu spinarum Scale (Pear tree) outside and Caterpillar, Hybernating inside Caterpillar in view, and Female. Asptdiotus Zonatus cocoon of Silk and earth,, Pupa in type of males of all the Diaspina simil ir cocoon, Perfect Insect Mytilaspis Pomorum, Carrot Ply. Psila Mussel Scale roses (Apple) outside view. Maggot, Pupa, Inside view Perfect Insect, and In- showing the Eggs, Female jured Carrot Scale In- „ sect shrunk after 10 Earwig. Forncula egg-laying Pear Tree 1 Branches showingnatural Common Earwig, Female, Porficula Apple Tree j size of scale aurioularia 29 Plant Bugs, Lygus Umbellatorum Ditto in young stage and ; Flying, at rest. Pupa of Lygus Porficula Solan forcipata, Male 30 Apple Sawfly. Tenthredo 11 Cockchafer. (Roplocampa) Testu- Melolonthu vulgaris dinue Larva, Pupa, and Perfect Insect Larva, and injured Apple 12 Large White Butterfly. Pieris brassicee 31 Pear Caterpillar, Pupa, and Perfect Insect or Cherry Tree Sawfly or Slug Worm Ox Warble Fly. Hypoderma bovis Tenthredo Gerasi or Eriocampa Limacina First Stage of Maggot; Second Stage, Larva in two stages, Cocoon Third Stage, Pupa, and Perfect Ply 14 Horse BoT Fly. (jostrophilus equi Larv83 . Male and Female 32 Green Garden Chafer. Cetonia Aurata 15 Turnip Flea Beetle. Raltica {Phyllotreta Cabbage or Turnip Gall Weevil. Ceutorynehus nemorutn) Sulcicollis Maggot, Pupa, and Perfect Insect WiREwoRM (grub of Click Beetle.) Elater Lineatus 16 Daddy ong Lkgs or Crane Fly. Tipula oleracea Onion Fly. Ajithomyia Ceparum Larva and Perfect Insect Daddy Longlegs. Tipula Oleracea 17 Hop Aphis (Green Fly). Aphis humuli 83 Leopard Moth. Zemera Msculi Pupa in early stage, also showing Wing Winter Moth. Oheimatobia Brumata Cases, Male Aphis, Female Aphis Clouded Yellow Butterfly. Colias Edusa (wingless form) Wool-gathering Bee. Anthidium Meenicatum 18 Lady Bird. Coccmella septem-punctata Fox-coloured Pine Sawfly.. Lophyrus Rufus Larva, Pupa, and Perfect Beetle 34 Potato Thrips. Thrips Minutissima 19 Garden Chafer. Phyllopertha Horticola Lettuce Greenfly. Aphis Lactuca Flying, walking, and maggot Earwig. Forjicula Auricularia Green Rose Chafer. Cetonia Aurata Lesser Rocky Mountain Locust, Calo tenus Pupa in Cocoon., Earthen Cocoon, Larva Atlanis 208 NEWTON & GO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

AU INJURIOUS INSECTS AND COMMON FARM PESTS—Continned. .From “ Agricultural Entomology,” by Miss E. A. Okmekou. 35 American Blight (Woolly Aphis). Schisoneura 48 Mustard Beetle lanigera Whole Insect, Grub Infested Apple-Spray, Wingless Vivi- 49 Black Vine Weevil. Otiorhynchus sulcatus parous Female ai d Young, and small Whole Insect, Maggoo and Pupa Egg-be «ring Female. Pupa Clay-coloured Wekvil. 0.pic:p«s,Pab 36 Bean Aphis. Aphis riimicis, Linn. {septentrionis Steph. Man.) Bean-shoot, with Aphides. Male and 50 Nut Weevil Wingless Female Whole Insect, Maggot, Pupa. Filbert 37 Currant Gall Mite. Phytoptus (species?) pierced by Weevil Infested Buds 61 Raspberry Beetles. Bylurus tomentosus 38 Red Spider. Tetranychus telarius Whole Insect, Maggot. Raspberry Whole Insect, and Hairs on the Foot Fruit 39 Celery and Parsnip Fly. Tephritis onopordinis, 52 Codlin Moth. Carpncapsa pomonella Fab. Whole Insect, Oaterpillar. Apple in- Whole Insect Maggot and Pupa figured fested with Caterpillars. in blistered leaf 53 The Currant Clearwing. Mgeria tipuliformis 40 Gooseberry and Currant Sawfly. Nematm Moth, Larva in Currant Stem ribesii 54 The Small Ermine Moth. ByponovieiilapadeUa, Male Sawfly, Caterpillars and Cocoon Tasch 41 Mangold OR Beet Fly. Anthotnyia {Chortophila) Moth Larva betcB 55 Magpie Moth; Currant Moth. Abraxas grossu- Female Fly, Pupa, Eggs lariata 42 Onion Fly Moth, Larva Maggot and Pupa. Pupa in stored 56 Winter Moth; Evesham Moth. Cheimatohia Onion brumatu 43 Sawfly Caterpillars destroying Turnip-leaf Male, and Wingless Females 44 Turnip Sawfly. 57 Wood Leopard Moth. Zeuzera ascuH Caterpillars, Pupa, Pupa-case Female, Head of Male, and Caterpillar 45 Bean Beetles, Grub and Pupa, Injured Beans. 58 Field or Milky Slug. L. agrestis pKA Beetle, Injured Pea Black Slug. L. ater {v&r. empiricorum) 46 Elm-bark Beetle and Maggot workings in bark Whole Insect, in repose, Eggs 47 Meligethes Beetle. Meligethes acnus Beetle, Maggot, Infested^Flower b:b ROOT CROPS.

Inig series has been produced under the personal supervision of Messrs. Sutton & Sons, of Beading. Text Book, “ Sutton’s Farmer’s Year-Book.”

Beautifully Painted, 6i. ; Plain Photographs, 2s.

1 Improvement of Mangel by 10 Imperial Green Globe Turnip 19 Improved Thousand - headed cultivation 11 Purple-top Mammoth Turnip Cabbage or Kale 2 Oxheart Orange Globe Mangel 12 Red Paragon Turnip 20 Early Drumhead Cabbage, Im- 3 Berks Prize Yellow Globe 13 Pomeranian White Globe proved Large Late Drum- Mangel Turnip head Cabbage, Drumhead 4 Golden Tankard Mangel 14 Crimson King Swede Savoy 5 Yellow Intermediate Mangel 15 Champion Purple-top Swede 21 Improved Yellow Intermediate 6 Crimson Tankard Mangel 16 Champion Short-top Kohl Rabi Grand White Mammoth Belgian and 7 Long Red Mangel 1 7 White Belgian and Red Inter- I.ong Red Altrincham 8 Favourite Turnip (Yellow mediate Carrot Carrots fleshed) 18 Early Ox-heart, Imperial, and 9 All the Year Round Turnip Thousand-headed Cabbage

BY PROFITABLE CULTIVATION OF SUGAR BEET. Published by kind permission of the Chilean Nitrate Committee.

Beautifully Colaured Slides, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. Printed Notes can be snppUrcl with the Slides.

17 Filling and weighing sacks'of 'sugar. A British Sugar Beet Factory. 1 18 Sugar Store. Illustrating Root System, of Sugar Beets and 19 Loading railway trucks. great feeding area. sugar on 20 sack of sugar. 3 Varieties of Sugar Beet. A 21 silo for tops and pulp side view. 4 Varieties of Sugar Beet. A — 22 silo for tops pulp front view. 5 Fangy roots due to bad cultivation. A and — 23 H. etc. 0 Effect of subsoiling. Hone 7 Singling. 24 Messrs. B uinett & Nicholson, etc. 25 R. Cord ngley, etc. 8 Sugar Beet Lifter and subsoiler combined. J. 26 G. Ball, etc 9 Lifting, pulling and topping Sugar Beet. 10 Lifted Beet. 27 J. G. Whittles, etc. 28 D. W. Eardley, etc. 1 1 Lifting Beet. 29 Weavers, etc. 12 Some good roots. W. 30 Official Trials by the Worcestershire County 13 Badly topped roots and correctly topped roots. Council at Perdiswell, 14 Carting Sugar Beet. etc. 31 Messrs. Brintons, Ltd., etc. 15 Unloading Beet at Factory. 32 H. Harris, 16 Unloading Beet at Factory, H. etc. 33 R. Parry, etc. For a Set of Slides on the Manufacture of Beetroot Sugar, see Industries, Section 7 of this Catalogue. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 209

BG ALLOTMENTS—GARDEN PRODUCE. Slides, showing various Vegetables and Fruits suitable for growing on This Series of 3 Parish Allotments, has been arranged by Messrs. Sutton and Sons, of Eeading. The slides are photographs of actual specimens, that have been grown from this Pirm’.s Seeds, and are not from imaginary drawings.

Beautifully Coloured, (is. Plam SlideSf 2s. each. in house 1 Aparagus. Bunch of Sntton's Perfection 21 Mushroom. Showing bed Mushroom - 2 Bsoad Beans. Pods of Sutton’s G een Longpod 22 „ An enlarged single specimen. lilu rcompared with the ordinary variety and pods trating typical Musriroom of Sutton’s Giant Windsor, showing relative 23 Onion. A bunch of Sutton's Improved Queen specimens of the Sutton Globe and sizes 24 ,, Two showing 3 Dwarf Beans. Single plant of Sutton’s Triumph specimens of Sutton’s A 1, comparative sizes form, are 4 Runner Beans. Cluster of pods of the climbing and and French Bean, Sutton’s Tender and True, and reproduced on the same scale as No. 23 a cluster of pods of Sutton’s Scarlet, showing (Su' ton’s Improved Queen) relative sizes 25 Peas. Pods of Sutton’s Bountiful and Kentish 5 Kale. Single plant of Sutton’s A 1 Invicta, showing comparative sizes Pods of Surton’s Exhibition Marrowfat 6 „ Sutton’s Drumhead and Sutton’s Arctic 26 „ Green and Purple and Yorkshire Hero, showing com- sizes, of Sutton’s 7 Brussels Sprouts. Sutton’s Exhibition, Sutton's parative and pods Dwarf Gem, and Sutton’s V'atculess, the three Bountiful Marrowfat varieties showing relative height and 27 „ Pods of Sutton’s Early and comparative charact^-r Prince of Wales, showing 8 Broccoli. Two specimens ei^ch of Sutton’s Superb sizes Early white, and Smton’s Late Queen 28 „ Growing plants in pot of Sutton’s Seedling for 9 Cabbage. Portion of a plot of Sutton’s Earliest, Marrowfat, showing suitability and 3 plants of Sutton s Imperial forcing 10 Carrots. Sutton’s New Red Intermediate, bunch 29 „ Pods of Sutton's Empress of India, and of 5. compared with two specimens of James’s Sutton's Late Queen Scarlet Intermediate, showing proportionate 30 „ Pods of Sutton's Early Marrowfat and size Sutton’s Windsor Castle of Sutton’s Perfection and Sutton’s 11 Carrots. Sutton’s Early Gem, bunch of 8, and 31 ,, Pods {button’s Champion Horn, bunch of 12, show- Magnum Bonum Sutton’s A 1 (wrinkled) and Sangster’s ing relative sizes 32 ,, I, pods showing comparative sizes 12 Capsicum and Chiii. Sutton’s Coral Red, Sut- . No. handpicking ton’s Mammoth Long Red, and East India 33 „ Illustrating the process of Cayenne Chili, Sutton's Erect fruiting, Golden peas for seed Dawn, and Mammoth Long Red Capsicum 34 Savoy. Sutton's Dwarf Green yurled, single 13 Cauliflower. Two specimens each of Sutton’s plant and Sutton’s Magnum 35 Turnip. Sutton’s Early Snowball, several Aummn Mammoth, 30 Bonum specimens and basket . _ , specimens of Sutton’s 14 Lettuce. Plot showing Buttons Favourite Cab- 36 Tomato. A bunch of six bage and Sutton’s Mammoth White Cos in Perfection and bunch of 32 fruits of Sutton’s growth Golden Nugget, illustrating the two most dis- similar of showing 15 Lettuce. Three plants of Sutton’s WbiteHeart types tomato, and com- Cos parative sizes Sutton’s Satisfaction and Sutton’s eariy ICMa row. Group of 5 varieties. Sutton’s Long 37 Potato. in ba-kets W'dto, f^utton’s Lons? Green, Sutton’s Vege- Regent Sutton’s M-ignum Bonum and Sutton’s table, Long Cream and Pen-y-Byd, showing 38 ,, in baskets comparative sizes Windsor Castle Sutton’s A 1 in basket 17 Melon. Single fruit of Button’s Hero of Lockinge 39 ,, 40 Illustrating the process of handpicking 18 „ Single fru’t with slice removed of Sut- „ potatoes

1 Lucerne. Table Relative values of different 2 Introductory. cuttings. ” Coniparative crop and feeding 3 Branching it values. roots. •^3 ,, heeding values. 4 An eight year old 26 Farmer Alfafa Plant. viewing one of his Alfafa fields. 5 Alfafa Blossoms enlarged. 27 Harvesting Alfalfa. 6 Extract. “ The Cultivation and 28 Table. Roughness. “ feeding, etc.” Value per ton when Alfafa 7 ,, Alfafa transforms, etc.” IS worth $1.00 per ton. 8 Table. Comparison 29 with com. Diagram. Approximate yield per acre, 9 Yellow Trefoil and Alfafa Seed Pods 30 Five year old Alfafa. 10 Sweet Clover Pods. 31 Alfafa one year old, showing effects of inoculation 11 Dodder and Alfafa Seed, iz ^ four-year old Alfafa plant. 12 Table. Protein in early cuttings. 33 Alfafa plant and roots showing ” Bacteria Nodules. 13 Extract. Cut in early bloom, etc.” 34 lubercles on Clpver Roots. “ Cut as often as it 35 Alfafa roots showing ^ V . blossoms.” normal Nodules 15 Gathering an Alfalfa Crop. 36 ‘‘And there’s still more to follow.” 16 A Derrick Stacker. 37 Pot Culture Experiments at University of !o feeding Alfafa to Sheep. Illinois. 18 Alfafa Field after 9 days cutting. 38 Six months’ growth of Alfafa foliage. 19 Fourth cutting of Alfafa. 39 A 400 ton Rick of Alfafa. 20 Second cutting 40 of Alfafa. A Cable Derrick. Provided with a Grapple 21 Fork. Table. Food value of several fodder crops. 41 h. D. Cobum. 22 „ From Texas Experimental Station. Bui 42 Measuring Plant. No 66. 43 Cutting Field. 44 Bunch of Lucerne. B N G FOODS AND FEEDING.

Plain Slides, 25. each. f 1 Notes on Feeding Stuffs. 13 Digestion 2 Ration for 2} to 3 Gallon Cow. of Hay by Sheep. 14 Ash Constituents 3 Calculation of Unit Price. and Nitrogen in 1,000 lbs. of 4 Feeding Standard various animal and other products. (Kellner) per 1,000 lbs. live 15 weight. Digestion of Horse and Sheep compared. Ex- 5 Percentage in Food. periments with Horses. 16 Experiments 6 Digestible Matter in with Pigs. 1,000 lbs. of various foods. 17 Per 1,000 lbs. live weight per week required to 8 Relation of produce 100 lbs. increase. Ni’trogenous’ to Non-Nitrogenous 18 Comparison Constituents in of fattening Dies, Sheep and Pigs. digestible part of food 19 Percentage 9 Experiments with Sheep. Composition of whole bodies of animals. 10 Composition of a crop of Meadow Grass. 20 Comparison of constituents 11 Digested Matter (included fibre) of weekly increase of JTper 1 000 lbs / » ^^ttening ox and of food. rt. milk of a cow. 12 Composition 21 Comparison of Cheese and Whey. of Meadow Hay harvested at different dates. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 211

B i PASTURE GRASSES. This series has been arranged by Martin J. Sutton, Esq., of ReaiUtKi . Linn. Soo and Member of the Councils *^1 , of the Royal Agricultural Sociefv West and Southern Counties Society, and the slides are^taken from the fine illustrations m his work OP. •• Permanent and Temporary Pastures.” The odd numoers in the following list show the 9 whole plant root Htem fl while the even numbers give a description of the grass and a magnified^“Snineo drawingdrawino^^ofTni seed with and without chaff. the Text Book, “Permanent and Temporary^Pastures,” price Is. Simpkin & Co. Beautifully Painted. 5s , ; Plain Photographs, 2s. each.

1 Agrostis Alba—var. BtolomtevekiFionnor Creepmg, 23 Lolium perenne (Ferennial Bye Grass) Bent Qrass) Seed and ni T i- -i. Description 2 „ Seed and Description 25 Lolium itahoum (Ttalian Bye Grass) 20 173 Alopecurus pratensis (Meadow Foxtail} M ,t Seed and Description 27 Phleum pratense (Timothy or 4 ,, ,, Seed and Description Meadow Catstail) 23 M n Seed and 5 Anthoxanthum odoratum (Stveet-seented Vernal) Description 29 Poa Pratensis (Smooth-stalked Meadow Grass) 6 „ „ Seed and Description 30 ,t !» Seed and Description 7 Aveua flavescons Oat Grass) 31 Poa Tnvialis (Bough-stalked Meadow Grass) 3 Seed and Description ,, ,, 32 tt Seed and Description Cynosurus cristatus (Crested Dogtail) 33 Poa nemoralis semperyirens (Fvergreen Meadow 10 tt u Seed and Description Green) 34 M n Seed 11 Dactylis Glomerata (Bough Cocksfoot) and Description 35 Trifolmm repens perenne 12 (Perennial White Clover) tt I, Seed and Description 30 »» Botanical description 13 ;; Festuca pratensis (Meadow Fescue) 37 Trifolmm pratense (Bed. or Broad Clover) tt Seed and 33 . Description 't t* Botanical description |5 Festuca elatior—var. fertilis (Tali Fescue) 39 Trifolium pratense p renne (Perennial Red Clover) 1® tt Seed and Description tt 40 11 >» Botanical description Festuca heterophylla (Various-leaved Fescue) 41 Trifolium hybridum (Alsike Clover) 13 ,, ,, Seed and Description 42 , M Botanical description 19 Festuca (Fine-leaved ovina tenuifolia Sheep’s 1043 Medicago lupulma (Common Yellow Clover or Fescue) Trefoil) ' 20 „ „ Seed and Description 44 M n Botanical description •1 Festuca duriuscula (Hard Fescue) 45 Achillea millefolum (larroic. or Milfoil) 22 Se and Description ,, ,, d 40 II Botaniu’al description

bh injurious grasses and weeds. This series, “ like the Pasture Grasses,” has been produced from a set of original drawings under the instructions of Martin J. Sutton, Esq., Fellow of the Llunmau Society |nd Member of the Councils of the Royal Agricultural Society and Bath and West and oouthern Counties Society.

Beautifully Painted, 5s. ; Plain Slides, 2s. each. GRASS WEEDS. 1 Briza media (Quaking Grass), 6 Aira (Deschampsia) coesp'tosa (Tussock e Alopecurus Grass). geniculatus (Floating Foxtail Grass). 7 Molina coerulea (Purple Heath Grass). Bromus erectus ^ (Erect Brome Grass). 8 Festuca pynros (Barren Fescue Grass). c mollis (Soft Brome Grass). 9 Avena pubescens [Soft Oat Grass). '> Iriticum (Agropyrum) repens (Couch Grass). Holcus lauatus (Yorkshire Fog Grass).

MISCELLANEOUS WEEDS. ^cssilago .1 farfara (Coltsfoot). 17 Rumex aretosella (Sheep’s Boterium Sorrel). ,o sauguisorba (Common Burnet). 18 Rumex acetosa (Common Sorrel). ®ntago lanceolata (Plantain or Ribwort), 19 Conium ISa o maculatum (Hemlock). Kumex obtusifolius (Field Dock). 20 Rhinanthus crusta-galli (Yellow Rattle). trifo'.ii (Clover Dodder). 21 Centaurea fi nigra (Knapweed or Black Head). uthemis cotula (Faetid Mayweed or Chamomile).

SLIDE BOXES Particulars of boxes of all kinds for storing and carrying will be found on page 235, — ; —

212 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.


Published under the authority of the Lawe’s Agricultural Trust. 6 each. Beautifully Painted 6s. 6d. / Plain Photographs, 2s.

of results ol No. 28—Table showing the Home Produce, Irapor^ Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Coloured Tables j Wht-at, in the Unitec experiments on the gro\vth of Root- crops for Consumption, and Price, of land; Kingdom—40 Harvest-years, 1852-3 to 1891-2 in many years in succession on the same ] com- elusive 1 White Turnips, and Swedish Turnips, j mencing 1^43 ' No. 29— List of the Rothamsted Field Experiments 2 Sugar Beet, S years, 1871-5 No. 30 -Plan of the Plots in Bariifleld, on which th^ 3 Mangel Wurzel, commencing 1876 experiments with Rout-crops have been made No. 4 Coloured Table of results of Experiments on — No. 31—Plan of the Plots in Hoosfield, on which growth of Barley, for many years in succes- the Experiments have been made; sion on the same land, commencing 1852 of On Barley, commencing 1852 7 and 8 -Coloured Tab!' s of results (1) Nos. 5, 6, Legutn nous Crops, commencing 1849 experiments on the growth of various Legu- (2) On in succession {3) On Alternate Wheat and Fallow, commencing V minous Crops, each for many years 1851 the same land, commencing 1817 on On Potatoes, commencing 1876 Produce of Beans, per acre per annum (4) acre per 6 Nitrogen in the Produce of Beans, per No. 32—Plan of the Plots in Broadbalk-field, on annum which Wheat has been grown for more than 50 , ordinary 7 Produce of Red Clover (as Hay), on years in succession, commencing 1843-4 arable land , ^ No. 33 -Plan of the Plots in Agdell Field, on which 8 Produce of Red Clover (Hay and Constituents), Experiments on Pour-Course Rotation have on rich ilarden-so'l been made, commencing 1848 Coloured Table of results of Experiments on No. 9— 34—Plan of the Plots in the Park, on which ex- for many years in succes- No. the Growth of Wh-^at, on the Mixed Her- commencing 1843-4 periments have been made sion on the same land, Grass-land, Tables of results bage of' Permanent commencing Nos. 10, 11, 12 13 and 14—Coloured 45 years, 1856 of Bxperim nts on Rotation of Crops ; comm ncingl848: No. 35—Photographs and Plans of the Rothamsted Laboratory J) Swedish Turnips, produce per acre; (1) and Plan of the courses No. 36—Photographs Rothamsted 11 courses Sample House 11 (2) Barley, produce per acre; Cloveror B-^anSjproduceper acre; 11 courses No. 37 Coloured Drawing and Description of the 12 (3) Rothamsted Rain gauges . 11 courses 13 (4, Wheat, produce per acre yield of Nitrogen er No. 38—Coloured Drawing and Description of the 14 (5) Average produce, and i per annum 8 courses Rothamsted Drain gauges acre ; 39 showing the Rainfall at Rothamsted, No 15—Photographs of Roots (Swedish Turnips), No. —Table gauge one-thous+ndfh of grown in Rotation without Manure, with measured in a an acre Harvest-yea* s, 1852 3 to 1891-2 Mineral Manure, and with Mineral and Nitro- area—40 the Rainfall genous Manure No. 40—Table showing ; also the . of Percolation through Drain-gauges, 17 and 18—Photographs of various Legu- amount Nos. 16, 20 inches, minous plants, grown in Experiments on the containing, respectively, 40 inches, — 60 inches, d. pth of Unmanured, and Fixation of Frr-e Nitrogen ; and Lupins grown in uncropp^d Soil and subsoil, in natural state of 16 Peas, Vetches, and Yellow ; 22 Harvest years 1870 1 to 1891-2 pots consolidation— in pits No. 41 Table showng the loss of Nitrogen (as 17 Peas ; grmvn in pits Nitrates), respectively through 20 inches, 40 18 Sainfoin ; grown _ and 60 inches depth of Soil and Subsoil, No 19—Table of Results relating to Nos. 17 and 18 inches, the loss of Nitrogen calculated as Nitrate Nos. 21 and 22—Colour--d Tables of results of Ex- also Harvest-years 1877-8 to 1891-2 periments on the Growth of Potatoes, for many of Soda—15 showing the amounts of trogen years in succession on the same land, com- No. 42— Table N supp ied in Manure, and estimated to be mencing 1876 : a andJ recovered in Increase ot Crop, lost in Drainage, 21 Manures, and Produce per acre (Sound Crop-residue in the Diseased) accumulated as surface-soil, ^ ^ .x- • not so accounted for, in the case of dif- 22 Sped ic Gravity, and Percentage Composition, and ferently manuied Wheat plots—averages per of Sound Tubers of results of ace per annum for 30 Harvest jears, 1851-2 to Nos. 23, 24, 25 and 26 -Coloured Tables Experiments on the MixedHerbage of Perma- 188[*-1 43 Table illustrating the loss of Nitrogen as nent Grass for many years in succession on No. — ; - wet and winter, in the same land, commencing 1856; N trates, in a autumn the drainage from the differently manured Wheat 23 inures, and Produce (as Hay), per acre per M in Bfoadbalk-field also the loss calcu- annum plots ; lated as Nitrate of Soda : Season 1891-2, 49th year 24 Botanical Composition of the Herbage of the Wheat experiments 25 Summary of Che Botanical Composition, per 44 Diagrams illustrating the results cent., per acre, &c. No. —Coloured Experiments on the Peed ng of Animals; 26 Summary of the Chemical Composition of the of Produce, per acre showing the proportions of Nitrogenous, of Non- nitrogenous, and of Total Organic Substance No. 27—Table of results of Experiments on Wheat -I. Per 100 lb. 1 .ive-weght per week, grown in alternaiion with Fallow, and Wheat consumed continuously, without n. To Produce 100 lb. Increase in Live-weight, i grown year after year Manure - 42 yeavs^ 1850-1 to 1891-2 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 213 BD effects of manures. photographs of actual specimens grown with These slides are made from a series of four to eight samples in each elide. various manures, and mostly contain from

Beautifully Painted, 6s. Plain Photographic Slides, 2s. each.

1 Wheat. Experiment with and without Kitro- 22 Vetches and Wheat. Yield of experiments with genous Manures and without Potash, Phosphoric Acid, and Nitrogen 2 Barley. » » «« . u 23 Wheat. Experiments with 3 Peas 11 » >» >» (1) No Manure. (2) and 4 Oats. n if if Potash Phosphoric Acid, (3) Potash, 5 Oats. Experiments with Green Manures Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen 6 Peas and Oats. Experiments with and without 24 Maize. Manurial Experiments with Phosphoric Potash, Phosphoric Acid, and Nitrogen for Acid, Po'-.ash, and in addition, Nitrogen as comparison Nitrate of Soda Manurial 7 Vetches. Experiments with and without Potash, 2a Hemp. Experiments with Phosphoric Phosphoric Acid, and Nitrogen Acid, Potash, and in addition, Nitrogen as 8 Peas and Wheat. Yield of Experiments, with Nitrate of Soda and wiihout various manures 26 Tobacco. Manurial Experiments with Nitrogen 9 Summer Rye. Experiments with and without and Superphosphate, and Nitrogen and Phos- Superphosphate, in autumn and spring phate'of Potash 10 Summer Rye. Experiments with and without 27 Beetroot. Manurial Experiments with Phos- Phosphate Powder, in autumn and spring phoric Acid, Potash, and in addition. Nitrogen 11 Barley. Experiments with and without Super- asiNitrate of Soda phosphate and Phosphate Powder 23 Carrots. Manurial Experiments with Phosphoric 12 Bailey, yield of experiiiientsshown in s ith- No. 11 Acid, Potash, and in addition, Nitrogen as 13 Barley. Manurial Experiment on a Eoamy Soil. Nitratejof Soda (1) withou'. Phosphoric Acid. (‘2) Wii- Plios- 29 Do. as^ above, showing roots phoric Acid as Superphosphate. 3) With 30 Field Beans. Manurial Experiments with Phos- Phosphoric Acid as finely-pulveriscL Thomas’ phoric Acid, Potash, and in addition, Nitrogen Phosphate as Nitrate of Soda 14 Buckwheat and Peas. Experiments with Phos- 31 Peas. Manurial Experiments with Phosphoric phoric Acid and Potasli Acid, Potash, and in addition, Nitrogen as 1.5 Oats. Green Manuring Experiments 44 Nitrate of Soda Potatoes. Manurial Experiments with 16 „ Yield of experiments with and without 32 Phos- Green*Manures phoric Acid, Potash, and in addition, Nitrogen Influence of Phosphatic as Nitrate ol Soda 17 „ Illustrating the Manuring on the Utilization of Nitrate 33 Clover. Experiments with and without Phos- Nitrogen phoric Acid in form of Superphoi^phate anJ with and without Phosphoric Thomas’ Phosphate Powder 18 „ Experiments Acid in different forms 34 Fuchsia. Manurial Experiments in Hot-bed Nutritive Salt 19 Experiments with and without Supei phosphate Soil. Without Mixture and with various small and larger quantities of Albert’s Highly 20 Crop of Oats. Yield of experiments with rich in Concentrated Horticultural Mixture manures on (1) Clay Soil. (2) Soil Humus 35 Geraniums in Hot-bed Soil. Manurial Experi- , experiments ments with and wiihout Albert's Highly Con- 21 Crop of Oats and Barley. Yield of with and without Phosphoric Acid on Clay So 1 centrated llortioulia. ai .\Iixtuie.. Sir E. J. RnssBLi,, of The following list of Slides &c., has been compiled by Rothamsted Experimental Station. Manures^ Sir^E. J. The material is selected from books entitled “Soils and by Production,” by Sir E. J. RussEiii, ; The RusselXj ; “Manuring for Higher Crop Rothamsted Experiments,” by A. Hall and Sir E. J. Russell. 36 Tennatoes growing on a light sand with varying Crop Map and Isotherms of Great Britain food supply. ' Pot 47, Without 45*Carrots grown on various types of soil Manure. Pot 65, One Dose of Ma- 46 Chalk Subsoil. This land can be cultivated al- nure. Pot 63, Two Doses of Ma- though the soil is thin nure 47 Gravel Subsoil. This land cannot be cultivated a 37 Tomatoes grown in good soil, all equally manured because the soil is too thin for but receiving different quantities of gravel subsoil water. Pot 17, No Water added. 48 Mechanical ooraposition of soils well adapted for Pot 19, 5 per cent, added and the Wheat moisture then kept constant. Pot 49*Mechanical composition of soils well adapted" for 21, 10 per cent, added and the mois- Potatoes ture then kept constant. Pot 24, 50 Poor Clay Country. Roads vride but not all made moisture up. Hedges and Gates not well 12 J per cent, added and the then kept constant kept Effects of 38 Tomatoes grown in soil receiving successively in- 61 Fertilisers on Swedes. Pot 1, complete creasing doses of manure in pots. manure—phosphates and nitrogen compounds. Passing from left to right : Pots Pot 3. Incomplete ma- nure 3, 5, and 7, no manure. Pots 86, —phosphates and potash, but 38, 39, ten doses of manure. Top not nitrogenous compounds. Pot 5, row, moisture maintained at 6 per no manure cent. Middle row. moisture main- 52 Effect of Potassic Fertilisers on Mangolds. Left- tained at 10 per cent. Bottom row, hand Plot, superphosphates and moisture maintained at 124 per cent. nitrogenous manure, no potassium 39 Curves shewing weights of crop produced with vary- salts. Right-hand Plot, super- ing supplies of water and 0.01 and phosphates, m'trogenous manure, 0.02 grams of nitrate of soda per pot and potassium salts 40 Donga.s in South Africa caused by heavy rainfall 53 Curves shewing effect of Farmyard Manui’e on 41 Alkali Spot. Fremcnt, Nebraska Water Content of Soils. 42 Treeless Prairie. First Stage of Development 54 The loss in making Farmyard Manure is much re- (An duced by keeping the under 43 „ .. Last animals Experimental Farm) cover Denotes that full details are shown on the Slide. —

214 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

EFFECT OF MANURES Continued. 65 If enough yard space is not available, part of the 69*Wheat. Broadbalk yield. Comparison Dutch barn may be used 70*Barley. Total produce showing residual effect of 60*Effects of Storage of Farmyard Manure on yield of Dung and no Manure in relation to Potatoes the dunged plot 67*Lo88es of nitrogen from Cow Manure stored loosely 71*Effect of Mineral Manures on yield of Barley 68 Worst way of storing Dung. Open to wind and 72*Mangolds. Effect of various Mineral Manures rain 73* „ Effect of addition of Mineral Manure 59 Useful type of Dungstead for Dairy Farms to Dung with various Nitrogenous 60 Good Hay Plants. If the herbage is mainly like (>os8 Dressings this, and in addition there is a good 74*Effect of the various Mineral Constituents with and deal of clover, it is proof that the without Nitrogen on the produce of conditions are satisfactory ' Hay per acre 61 Poor Hay Plants. Signs that something is wrong. 75*Effect of Nitrogenous Manures on produce of Hay Yorkshire fog Indicates wetness or per acre sourness, downy oat and quaking 76*ComparatIve effect of Clover or Bare Fellow on grass indicate poverty the succeeding crops in rotation 62 Good Pasture Plants. Showing that conditions 77*Crop8 grown in rotation. Relative yield on Ma- are satisfactory nured and Unmanured Plots in the 63 Poor Pasture Plants, indicating that the conditions earlier and later years of the Ex- are not good. Rush indicates wet- periment ness, Bent indicates unsuitability 78 Liming of Land. for root development. Hawkbit and 79 Table—Application of Manures. 'J^efoil show poverty 80 Varying Quantities of Manures. 64*Effect of Artificial Manures on yield and com- 81 Sainfoin in Sand. Experiment. Details of roots. position of hay 82 ,, „ „ ,, 65*Effect of Slag on Grass Land. &c. 83 Table. Digestibility and Manure Values. 66*Average increase In live weight of Sheep, &c. 84 Pit Experiment with White Clover. 67*Broadbalk Wheat 85 Clover Dodder. 68 Comparison of Nitrate of Soda and Ammonium Salts on Wheat *D.enotes that full details are shown on the Slide.

BC POTATO DISEASE. 2s. each. Beauifiully Painted, 65. Qd. ; Plain Photographs, The first four slides in this set are direct photographs of experiments made by the Warminster County Councils.

1 Plot of Potatoes, October, 1892, sprayed with Sulphate of Copper and Lime Dressing, 160 gallons to the acre, in July and August 2 Plot of Potatoes, October, 1892, not dressed 3 1 Perch of Potatoes (Imperators), half perch dressed, and half perch not dressed, October, 1892 4 Heaps of Potatoes, showing actual results of above experiments. Dressed, 209 lbs., Undressed, 177 lbs. 6 Sections of diseased and healthy Potatoes, and surfaces of diseased and healthy leaves 6 Fungus on Leaf, Perono^ora m/esfans. Vert. Sect. ADDITIONAL SLIDES. of 24 supplementary slides on Potato Disease. t Messrs. Newton will send, particulars The slides have been prepared from a series of new and original negatives.

BE KITRIFYING ORGANISMS IN SOILS. Plain Photographs^ 25. each»

Photo-Micrographs by Prof. S. Winogradsky, of St. Petersburg.

soil Zurich (Zooglosa 5 Nitrous organism in soil from Java 1 Nitrous organism in from (mobile stage) X 1,000 stage), X hObO 6 Nitrous organism in soil from Kazan Russia X 1,000 2 Nitrous organism in soil from Zurich (Zoogloea 7 Nitrous organism in soil from GennevilJjers stage) 1,000 X (grown untsilied jelly) X 1,000 3 Nitrous organism in soil from Zurich (mobile 6 lliirous organism in soil from Quito (Coccus stage) X 1*000 X £.'^00, 9 orirari'S''’ soil from 1.0^ 4 Nitrous organism in soil from Java X LOGO Quito X 10 Nitric organism'in soil from St. Petersburg 11 Nitric organism in soil from Bonn BXZ THE MANUFACTURE OFCHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA. Messrs. Newton are indebted to the Chilean Nitrate Committee for permission to publish an interesting set of Slides visualizing the varied stages from the opening up of the Nitrate Fields and the different processes through which it passes in the factory to the shipment of this useful fertiliser to all parts of the world. Plain Slides, 2s. each. BFO THE NORWEGIAN NITRATE INDUSTRY. Illustrating the production of Nitrate of Lime. Printed Notes can be supplied with the Slides. Full details of the above two sets will be found in “ Industries,” Section 7 of this Catalogu e

For other sets of Slides published byTind'permission of the Chilean Nitrate Committee see p. 210. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 215 B o fruit tree cultivation. Francis Rivers The following photographs were taken by the kind permission of Mr. at his Nursery, Sawbridgeworth Beautifully Painted, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s Sd. each, Graft inserted 12 Diagonal Trained Pear in Fruit 1 Grafting, Stock, Graft, Graft Cat, 13 Horizontal Trained Pear Tree in Stock . _ _ 11 Fan Trained Plum 2 Budding, Stock, Bud cut for inserting, Bud Upright Trained Apple, 5 Branches inserted, Hud tied in 15 16 Pyramid Apple Trees in Fruit in Pots 3 Pruning a Pyramid Pear Tree 17 Standard Apple, 3 years old 4 Maiden Cherry, 1 year old years old 18 „ Pear „ 5 Mnid n Plum, 2 Plum 6 Maiden Pear Tree 19 „ „ 20 Peach Trees, one year, pruned; and two years 7 Pyramid Pear in Fruit in Pot after pruning 8 „ ,, “Pitmaster 21 Pyramid Peach grown in pot, 20 years old with 9 „ Pears, “Canference” and Duchess’’ 120 Peaches on it Half Standard Peach 10 Bush Pear in Fruit 22 23 Bush Peach in Fruit 11 Goblet-shaped Pear Tree in Fruit 24 A Cluster of Red Gooseberries 28 A Cluster of Cherries 25 A Cluster of Green smooth Gooseberries 29 A Cluster of Apples Chestnut Fruit 26 A Cluster of Vellow Gooseberries 30 A Sprig of Edible 27 A Cluster of Morelia Cherries BFI THE FRUIT FARMING INDUSTRY. Slides, 25. each. Coloured Slides, 65 . Qd. each. Plain By kind permission of Messrs. Chivers & Sons, Ltd., Heston, Cambridge. 5 Picking Raspberries 1 Pumping solution for spraying Orchards Currants 2 Spraying Fruit Trees 6 Picking 3 Spraying Fruit Trees. (Near view) 7 Picking Greengages in Fruit 4 Bedding down Strawberries. (Straw) 8 Weighing By kind permission of Messrs. Wilkins & Sons, Ltd., Tiptree, Essex, 9 Spraying Currant Bushes 13 Picking Cherries 14 Picking Strawberries 10 Motor Plough 15 Loganberry Plantation 11 Morello Cherry Orchard in bloom. Brook Hall Farm 16 Picking Loganberries 17 Weighing in fruit 12 Morello Cherry Tree B YW FRUIT CULTURE. A Series of 50 Slides. Coloured Slides, 6s. Plain Slides, 2s. Full particulars on application.

" 7 of this Catalogue. For Slides on the Sugar Industry, see Industries,” Section B FT FRUIT FARMING BY NEW ZEALAND METHODS. Beautifully Coloured Slides, 6s. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each. rightly pinched, etc, \ Table. Distance Apart 29 Bud cutting branches 2 Diagram. Square Method 30 Method of 3 Hexagonal System 31 Apple Canker ,, Scab 4 Square System 32 „ ,, Mildew 5 Planting Board 33 „ ,, rust 6 Method of using a planting board 34 „ Brown ,, rot 7 Heatfng a small home orchard with fire pots 35 „ „ Orchards free in full blaze 36 Keep Oyster Shell Scale 8 Red Clover in an orchard to be ploughed under 37 Apple Codlin Moth and its work 9 Methods of layering Filberts and Cobs 38 in the formation of sphaeropsis 10 Right ways of layering strawberries 39 Stages limb cankers 1 1 Strawberry plant at stage for increasing runners mildrew on leaves 12 Correct cultivation 40 „ Powdery Blister Mite 13 Whip Tongue grafting young trees 41 Pear. Leaf. or Rust Propagation of young trees. Budding and root 42 „ 14 Plum and Cherry Saw Fly grafting 43 „ grafted 44 Mussel Scale 15 Trained Apple Tree cut back and ’ Peach. Leaf affected with “ Curl 16 Rind grafting, etc. 45 First Application 17 Double grafting 46 Spraying. Second 18 Bud properly inserted in stock 47 „ ,, Third 19 Shield budding etc. 48 „ „ a tree 20 Removing piece of wood from back of bud, etc. 49 „ Cultivating 21 The objects of pruning 50 Irrigating 22 Apple Tree. 3rd Winter Pruning 51 Five 52 A fine young Orchard—well irrigated 23 Pruning 1 and 2 year old Apple Trees, 53 Practical Western Orchard Cultivation examples _ 24 Summer pruning of shoots at end of Branches 54 Lemon Tree 25 Pruning young gooseberry bush 55 Orange Ranch 26 Typical summer shools of pear tree, etc., Six 56 Seedling Oranges 67 Gathering Oranges examples . . . c 27 Showing the depth at which cuttings of bush 58 Spring time in an orchard in an orchard fruits are inserted 59 Some Ducks 28 Wood branch Extension 60 Raspberry Canes Three examples 61 North-west special boxes for fruit It 216 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. B V V FARMING AND FRUIT GROWING UNDER THE SOUTHERN CROSS. Beautifully Coloured Slides, Is. Qd. each. Plain Slides, 2s. each.

1 Typical Bush 32 A Bunch of Peaches. 6U Interior of Freezing Works. 2 Bush Clearin.g. 33 Black Grapes. Mutton. 3 New Settlers. 34 Pine Apple Field. 61 Herd of Cattle. 4 A Young Settler. 35 Fruit Drying Green. 62 Freezing works. . Killing 5 Making a start. Soldier 36 Fruit Drying on racks. room. Settler’s first home. 37 Stemming and Grading Mach- 63 Freezing works. Slaughter 6 A Happy Family. ine. house. Capacity 5,500 per 7 “ Ploughing ” with Tractor. 38 River Steamer Loaciing Dried day. 8 Wheat stacked. Fruits. 64 Freezing works. Beef Depart- 9 Gathering the Wheat. 39 Honey Grading. ment. 10 Threshing Scene. 40 Export of Apples. The Store. 65 Freezing works. Tallow House

11 A Well-to-do Fruit Grower’s 41 ,, ,, ,, Hoistingon Vats. Home and Orchard. ships. 66 Cooling room in Freezing Orchard 12 and House of an 42 ,, „ ,, Stowing in works. Apple Grower. the hold. 67 Store room for frozen Lamb 13 Clearing Land for Orcharding. 43 A Sheep Station. and Mutton. 14 Making Irrigation Channel. 44 Sale of Sheep. 68 Classing wool and Rolling. 15 Ten year old Orchard. 45 Types of Sheep. Romney Fleeces in a Shearing Shed. 16 Stone Fruit Orchard. flock. 69 Carting Wool. 17 Orchard (Stone Fruits) among 46 Specimens of Romney flock. 70 Delivering Wool at stores. the Mountains. 47 South Down. Ewes and 71 Packing Wool into Bales. 18 A Fruit Orchard in the plains. Lambs. 72 Wool Stores 19 Apricot Orchard. 48 Dipping Sheep. 73 Jersey Milkers 20 Extensive view of Orchards. 49 Sheep feeding in Turnip Field. 74 Milking Herd. 21 Orchard and Vineyard. 50 Shepherds leaving Station for 75 Calves on a Dairy Farm. 22 Apple Orchard. mustering. 76 Typical Dairy Factory. 23 Fruit growing. 51 Sheep crossing a stream. 77 Receiving and weighing Milk 24 Cherry Orchards. 52 Mustering Sheep on the Plains. at a Butter factory. 25 Almond Blossoms. 53 Mustering Sheep in the Hills. 78 Exterior of up to date Milking 26 Spraying Operation in an 54 After Mustering, on the way Shed. Orchard. to the station. 79 Machine Milking. 27 Pickers at work in an Orchard. 55 Drafting Sheep. 80 Testing Milk for butter fat. 28 Picking Grapes. 56 Wallshed and Sheep yards. 81 Condensing and Pasteurizing 29 Grape Picking. 57 Shearing in full swing. Plant. 30 Strawberry Picking 58 Wool Shed and Shorn Sheep. 82 Interior of Cheese Factory. 31 Cherry Trees in bloom. 59 Freezing Works and Sheep. 83 Grading Butter.


Photographs from Life.

This iiiteresHiig Series of Pictures illustrating Hop Cultivation was Photographed Sii Brencbley by Mr. T. E. Freshwater, F.E.P.S., with the courteous assistance of H.' Monson, Esq., of the South-Eastern Agricultural College, Wye, Kent.

e.s, Beautifttlly Fainted Views, ; Figures, 10s.; Plain Photographs, 23. each.

The Plant. i 20 Children resting 21 Dog , wat -hing 1 IIop.s. Tuggles Goldings the Pokes 22 Pole-puller 2 Fuggles Goldings 23 Hop Bin 3 Hops trained ou the upright system on Poles (the 21 Old method) Measuring Hops out of the Bin 2i Tallying 4 Hops trained on slanting string and horizontal Hops 26 "Weighing ‘1 wires Hop from the experimental pleti: 27 T.oading Waggon Implements used for Culture 28 Waggons arriving at the Oast House 29 Hops put on th« Rack ready for next drying 5 The Ploughs Hop Washer 30 The old Oast House with open fireplace 6 „ 31 “ ” „ new „ ,, Cockles furnace 7 Sulphurator „ ,, 32 Drying, filling, andpressing room in the Oaat 8 Hoes 33 Hop Sample and Mate drawing samples Spring and Winter Work. 34 Hops being loaded into trucks at the station 35 Hop Garden stripped 9 Hop Netting put up to shelter the hops 36 Poles stacked 10 Alley struck up 37 Hop Garden with permanent poles and wire work 11 Feedingand pigs making dung 12 Washing Hops Diseases 13 Sulphuring Hops 38 Hop Aphis (green fly) Aphis htmnli. Pupa Arrival of Hop Pickers. early stage, also showine wing cases, Male Aphis, Feihale, wingless form 14 Huts for the Pickers 39 Be3 Spider 15 in Pickers experimental plot A 40 Mould 16 in Plot „ B 41 Insect in fungus 17 » » C 18 „ „ D Remedial Substances. 13 42 Quassia. Splittinglogs tor Quassia chips " ” [For Slides on Brewing see “Industries,” Section 7. 43, Museum^Street, London, W.C.l. 217


8 Photographed by special permission from, a series of diagrams published by thQ Royal Agricultural Society of England.

Plain Photographs, 25. each, Descriptive pamphlet, Qd.

1 The structure of the Grain. '1) The grain X G xl Growth of the Ear and Flower. (5) A flower ol 8 times. A. flower of times. (2) Embryo of 1 exposed, X H tim-s. 4, X (7) 6, X 6 times. (10) of 8 times Thf» (3) S ction of 1, X 6 ci ae<. (4) Transverse A flower 9, X (11) sao.e flower section of 1 through endosperm, X 6 tirn s. (10) showing the yomig grain. X 6 times. (12) (5-6) Transverse section of 1 through the Section of Anther of 10, with ripe pollen, X 10- times Section of young grain of 11, 10 Embryo, X 6 times. . (13) X 2 The Struo ure of the Grain. (7) Section of part times. of a grain showing the stored gluten and starch, 12 3 h Flower. (1) Ear in flower, June2f',| natural 6f natural X 120 time'. (8) Starch grains, X >20 t mes. size. (2) Anotufe view 1, % size. Germinaiionof tne Grain (1) Gi jiisovnSdays, (3) Spikelet of 1, X 2 limes. (4) A flower of 3, 'Ihe same flo« er without the X 4 times. i2) Section of 1, XG times. (3) Grain X 2 times (5) (4) sown 5 days, X 4 times. (4) Section of 3, X 6 glume, X 2 times. (6) Sei-tion of glume and pale times. (5) Grain sown 8 daj's, X 4 times. (6) of 4, X 2 times. Section of G, X 8 tim 'S. 13 ThePlower. (7-**) Flower withlodicules, stamens o' lodioule of 4 Ger pination of the Gram. (7) Section of the and style, X 4 times. (9) Section a of leaf and sheath of 5, X 30 tim‘=s. (8) Seot'on of 7, X G times. (10) Tr in>^ verse s ction a burst styles with piece of leaf of 7, X 120 time-*. (4) S iiand Anther, X Slimes (11) Ovary and of Gtoraates of leaf, X 120 limes. (10) Section of .pollen grains, X 4 ti'nes. (12-13) Section 11, of ovary of root of fl, X 40 ti nes. X 8 times. (14) Transverse tection of style of 11, 5 The YoungPlant. (1) Firstleaf emerging, ^ natu- 11, X 8 imes (15) A hair ihe ral si^e. (2) Figure 1, X 4 times, (3) Section X 80 tim 8. (16) Pollen rainn. entire, emitting the tubes empty, 80 times 10 of oart of Pig. 2, X 6 times. (4) Young plant and X Jun^i 5 with a second leaf, ^ nitural size. (5) Section 14 Ripening of the Grain. (1) Gram, 23, X Section of part of Fig. 4, X H ti nes. times. -2) Embryo of 1 exposed. (3) 26, 6 The Young Plant. (6) Youngplant with 3 leaves, of 1 through the Embryo. (4) Grain, June 5 times, (o) Embi yo of 4 f xpocod, o times. ^ niturat^ size. (7) Part of 6, X 3 ti nes, (8) X X 6 times. Section of 7, X 6 times, (9) Seotionof root with- (G) Section of 4 through the Embryo, X young roo le s, X <0 times. (7, 8) Embi yo of 4 detaciied. X 8 times. • grain, 7 Early growth of th • Ear. (1) Plant, March 24, 15 Ripening of the rain. (9) Neany ripe X A.oril 2i, natural 5 times. (10) Embryo of 9 exposed, X 5 times. J, natural siz3. (3) Plmt, ^ SectionofOtbroightheEinbryo. ^12)Fully s'ze. (4) Lowerparcof 3,X3 inus. ( *) Se ;tion (11) times. of 12 of 4, X 3 times. r.pe grain, X 5 (13) Embryo Section of 12 8 Early ero vth of the Ear. (2) Centre of stem of exposed X 5 times. (14) through Section of the Embryo. X 5 times. (15) Section of tjfae 1, with voung ear, X 16 times (6) ^ stem of 3 with youn r ear X Ifi times. (7) Che Embryo of 12, X 8 times

' Wheal! Plant in ear, A.pril 28, X 16 t mes. (8) h ear, May 5, 16 The Straw. (1) The Wheat flower, natural size. The plant in seed, X 16 times. (9) Cue e '.r, Miy 12, X 16 times. (7)

9 Growth of tha B ir and Flower. (1) I he ear, May natural size Portion of the straw of 19, X 8 ti ues. (2) The ear, vfay 26, X 8 ti aes. (3) 17 The Wheat Straw. (2) size. Section of 2, 4 times. The ear wi ihin its sheaf. (8) Tne ear emerging 1, ^ natural (3) X times. Section of 3 at from sheath, Jan^ 16, ^ natural size. (4) Section of 2, X 8 (5) the knor, X Stimes. (6) Section of 4, X 80 times, Growth of the Eir and Flower (4) Spikelet of The plant in seed, natural size 3, X 4 times. (6) Sp'kelet taken from an ear, (7) Jq June 9. X 4 times. (9) Spikelet of 8, X 4 times. BQ THE LIFE HISTORY OF WHEAT. Direct Photo-Micrographs, 2s.''each.

1 Wheat Plant Stem. Trans, section, stained 8 Wheat Plant Starch. Isolated Grain of Wheat. JJsftaligo segeium 2 „ liong. section of on^-half, stained 9 Smut in on Stem of Wheat. Puccinea grarmnes 5 „ Root. Trans, section, stained 10 Mildew of Bunt Fungus in Corn. Uredofoftida 4 „ Leaf „ „ 11 Spores 12 St«m Ply 6 „ Silioious Cuticle Wheat Blight from Wheat. Vibrio tritici G „ Fruit. Long, section of embryo, stained 13 Eel Plant Endo- 14 Meal Mites. Tyroglyphusfannm 7 y, Fruit. Trans, section of sperm, stained “ For Slilies on “Bread Making and on “ London Docks,” see Industries,” Section 7 BA AGRICULTURAL BOTANY. Direct Photo-Micrographs, 25. each. Roots. Stems. Flowers. 1 Growing Tip of Root of Barley, 6 Trans. Sect, Stem of Oat. 13 Trans Sect, of an Anther. long. sect. of an Ovary of 7 ,, ,; Bean.^ 14 ,, „ 2 Trans. Sect. Root of Maize, 8 Long. Sect. Stem of Bean. Potato. showing root hairs. 9 „ „ a Bud of Lime Tree 3 Trans. Sect. Root of Maize, Fruits and Seeds. snowing branching Leaf. 15 Vert. Sect, of a grain of Oat, 4 Trans. Sects. Root, En'arging showing Embryo and En. Turnip. 10 Vert. Sect, of Leaf {a) Bean. dosneron. of Leaf Oat. 5 Trans Sect. Stem of Host, 1 1 Vert. Sect, (^) 16 Trans. Sect, of Catyledon of Pea showing sucker roots of 12 „ „ of Leaf c) Cabbage 17 Embryo of Oat, Trans. Sect. Dodder Cuscuta Trifolia. wh te 18 Seed of sweet Vernal Grass. .

218 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

AGRICULTURAL E01km—{Coniimied) General Structure. 23 Section of Potato, cells con- 26 Barberry Accidium Berbideres. taining starch and cork 27 Club Root in Turnips, showing Sect. Lettuce, to 19 Long. Stem cells of rind, enlargement of cells. ' ^ show milk tubes. 28 Ergot of Rye, Clavicips pur- 20 Sect, stem Vegetable Marrow ucci nia Graminis in puria. to show sieve plates. Stages. 29 Smut of Wheat, UsHlago Scgi- 21 Epidermis of leaf of grass, to turn, show stomata. 24 (a) Rust. 30 Potato Disease, Fungus on leaf, Stinging hairs of nettles. 22 25 (6) Mildew on Stem of Wheat. Peronospora infestans »\Z ELEMENTARY BOTANY. Copied from Pictures by permission of Messrs. Longmans & Co. Arranged by F. Timbrell, Esq.. A.E.C.

Text Books, Thornes’ 4s. Botany, ; Edmonds’ Botany, 4s. Beautifully Painted, 6s. ; Plain Photographs, 2s. each.

THE ROOT. THE INFLORESCENCE. 1 Varied forms assumed by Root 28 Definite 2 Its endogenous nature, its cap and hairs 29 Indefinite 3 Development in a mono, and a dicotyledon SUBSIDIARY ORGANS. 4 and 5 T.8j itwo) of Ranunculus acris, showing 30 Hairs, unicellular—multicellular the centripetal formation of wood 31 Spines, prickles, phyllodes, phylloclades THE STEM. THE FRUIT. 6 Subterranean and prone forms 32 Indehiscent and diagram to illustrate dehiscent 7 Diagram of dicotyledon 83 Dehiscent 3 monocotyledon „ „ 34 Development of Arillusof Yew 9 T.8. of dicotyledon 10 L.S. „ THE SEED. 11 T.S. of monocotyledon 35 Position of ovule in ovary and embryo in endo- sperm 12 ,, ,, Draceena, showing formation of new vas- cular bundles from extra fascicular cambium 36 Comparison of mono, and dicotyledon THE LEAVES. 37 Fertilisation of an angiosperm 13 Simple entire 38 , agymnosperm ] 14 „ divided V Types of leaves THE CELL AND VESSEL

15 Compound ) 39 Variety in shape 16 Particular forms of leaf 40-41 Thickening of walls 17 Arrangement of leaves on stem 42 Special marking on cell walla 56 18 T.S. through stomata into intercellular spaces 43 Its conteu-^a (A) Chlorophyll; circulation, rota- 19 .Estivation tion occurrence in bands 20 Vernation 44 „ „ (E) 'starch Aleurone, THE FLOWER. 45 ,, „ (C) Crystals 21 Perfect, pistillate, staminate, and neuter flowers 46 Conjugation, multiplication, and free cell forma- 22 The floral diagram tion 23 The calyx, various form of 47 Sieve tubes, utricular and laticiferous vessels corolla 24 „ „ ,, „ 48 Cells with contents of varying density 25 .. stamen „ „ „ THE TISSUES. 26 „ pollen „ „ „ 49 Parenchyma, proseuchyma, and collenchyma pistil 27 „ ,, „ „ 50 Resin passage u o BOTANICAL SLIDES. A series of Photomicrographs. Plain Slides, 2s. each, Hop root, transverse section 25 Lime Tree, longitudinal and 49 Raspberry Leaf, showing the 2 Barley Growing tip of root, trans. sect. veins longitudinal section 26 Lime Tree, trans. sect. 50 Ficus Elastica, T.S, of leaf 3 Orchid Latifolia Seeds 27 Holly Ilex, trans. sect. showing Cystolith in situ 4 Sunflower Root, trans. sect. 28 Mulberry, trans. sect. 51 Pern, Frond of stained 29 (.rak, trans. sect. 52 Flowers, trans. sect of Anther 5 Hop stem, t^ans. sect. 30 Cedai', Section of Wood Pencil 53 Sweet Flag Flower, trans. sect., 6 Bean Plant Stem, one half of 31 Rosewood Sections very rjire an inte node, trans. sect. 32 Barberry, trans. sect, of Stem 54 Poppy, Flower-bud 7 Clematis, Section 33 Aristolochia, trans. sect, of Lilium Auratum, Bud, trans. 8 Pitcher Plant Stem, trans. sect. wood sect, showing various parts 9 Gipsy-wort, trans, sect. [sect. 34 Lime, Stem of trans. sect. 2 in situ 10 Virginia Creeper, Stem, trans. years old 56 Tulip, Three-celled ovary, 31 Cycad, Structure of Stem, 35 Mulberry, longitudinal sect. trans. sect. trans. sect. 36 Oak, longitudinal sect. 57 Tulip, trans. sect, of ovary Marestail, Section of Stem 3'^ Pas-iflora Cerulia, trans. sect, Gesneriana Allspice Stalk and Leaf of Stem 58 Lilium, Ovary of, trans. sect. 14 Date Palm, trans. sect. 38 Ficus Serratus, trans. sect. showing Embryo Sac 15 Bamboo Cane, stem 39 Cycaa Revoluta 59 Great Butterfly Orchis, trans. 16 Rattan Cane ratang, trans. sect. 40 Daucus Carota, trans. sect. sect, of ovary 17 Palm, trans. sect. 41 Hop, Leaf stalk, trans, sect. 60 Maple, Flower bud 18 Hazel, trans, sect, of Branch 42 Pern, Structure of Stem, t.s. 61 Deadly Nightshade, 19 Orange Tree,Stem of, trans. sect 43 Rhubarb, Spiral fibre Stem of 62 Cactus Flower and Fruit 20 Pine, Bastard growth of stem 44 Chrysanthemum, trans. sect. 63 Hilcanthus aunnus, Bud 21 Tree Fern, trans. sect. [Stem young shoot 64 Oats 22 Fir, abeis, trans Spruce sect, of 45 Hop 1 eaf, trans. ^sect. through 65 Wheat 23 Stem of Elm, structure of mid ib 66 Barley Stem, Arboreous Dicotyle- 46 Male Pern. Lastria Pilex-mas, 67 Pteris Aquilina, Rhizome don, trans. sect. trans. Sect. 68 „ „ T.S. of Stem 24 Pine, Structure of Stem, trans- 47 Brake Pern 69 Foxglove, T.S. of Ovary verse sect. Stem of Pinus 48 Maiden Hair Fern Pinnule 70 ,, L.S. [Stem sylvestris ,, 71 Pepper fPibes Nigrum), T.S. of 43, Museum Street, London, W.L.l. 219 PHOTOGRAPHIC PRINTS. Our Studios are fitted with the most modern appliances for Photo- graphic work. Films developed. Printing from negatives in art tones. Enlargements made. Quotations on application. Original Pictures Copied. Photographers sent out for special work.

A IM W ELEMENTARY BOTANICAL SLIDES. In the following series most of the objects have been photographed from Nature. Slides, 25. each. Price : Coloured, 5s. each ; Plain

Phanero- I I Slide illustrating the Divisions of the gamous Plants, Gymnosperms and Angio- sperms. ' ROOT.

2 Root Cap (pileorhiza). 6 Forms of Roots, Fibrous, Nodulose. 3 Root Hairs. 7 Biennials. 4 Root of Bean and Oats (germinating). 8 Aerial Roots of Orchids. Dahlia, Orchids, &c. 5 Modes of Germination as exemplified by Finns, 9 Roots of Date, Mais, Oak, Beech. STEM. 15 Tendrils. 1 0 Stem of Labiates, &c. 15a Tufted Vetch (V. Craggas). 1 1 Runners, Stolons. 12 Rhizomes (Solomon’s seal). 16 Spines. and 13 Tubers. 17 Prickles Hairs. Fasciated 14 Bulbs and Corns. 17a Stem (Cockscomb). 14a Orchid with buibeferous stem. LEAVES.

18 Seed Leaves, Radical and Cauline. 31 Mountain Tri-ternate Leaf of Rue. 19 Evening Primrose, illustrating Foliage Bracts, 32 Slide exhibiting unequal symmetry of Leaves and Floral Leaves. (Begonia, Elm and Laurel). 20 Simple Entire Leaves (Iris, Plantain, Lilac, 32a Begonia. Sessile). 33 Slide showing development of divided Leaves 21 Simple Petiolate. from entire. 22 Lobed Leaves (Sycamore, Maple, Ivy). 34 Oak. 23 Lobed Leaf compared with Compound Leaf. 35 Decurrent Leaves and Modifications of Xan- 24 Mustard, Dulcamara, Dandelion. thoxylon. 25 Palmatisect and Pinnatisect Leaves. 36 Thistle and Sweet Pea. 26 Pedate Leaf of Helleborus. 37 Connate Leaves (Honeysuckle and Claytonia). 27 Compound Leaf of Laburnum, Bramble, and 38 Connate Chlora perfoliata. Strawberry. 39 Connate Teas6l. 28 Compound Leaf of Orange, Cinquefoil, Potato, 40 Climbing Leaf of Clematis. Mountain Ash. 41 Juniper and Pinus (Leaves of Conifers). 42 Succulent Leaves of Aloe. 29 ,, Mountain Ash, Pari-pinnate, Impari- pinnate, and Bi-pinnate. 43 Succulent Euphorbia. 30 „ Mountain Ash, Digitate Leaves of Horse-Chestnut and Virginian creeper.

LEAF AND BRANCH MODIFICATIONS. 44 Asparagus. <6 Cladodes, of Xylophylla. | 45 Cladodes of Butcher’s Broom and Plyllodes of 46a Cladodes.

Grass Vetch. 1


47 Leaf Sheath of Heracleum (Spiny Stipules of 50 Slides exhibiting Parenchymatous and Prosen- Robirda). chymatous Tissue. , . Bertolonia. 48 Stipules of Viola, Rose, Mealianthus, Pisum, 51 and Geum. 52 Latice Plant. 49 Sweet Pea, Lathyrus Aphaca, Pyrus Japonica, and Hawthorn. INSECTIVOROUS PLANTS (lEAF MODIFICATION). 53 . 59 Cactus Spines. 60 Barberry and Crategus (Hawthorn). 54 Sun Dew (Drosera). Sloe, Hawthorn, Gooseberry, and 55 Sarracenia. 61 Rose. 56 (Pitcher Plant). 62 Tendrils of Pepper and White Bryony, show Nepenthes ^ , 57 Group illustrating various shapes of simple ing leaves modified. Slide exhibiting Phyllotaxis. leaves. 63 . , , 58 Group of Raspberry leaves, exhibiting develop- 64 Group of Parasitical Plants. ment of Quinate Leaf from Ternate leaf. 220 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.


65 Euphorbia, Compositae, Umbelliferae, and 1 66 Bougainvillia. Valonia. 67 Lime. |

INDEFINITE INFLORESCENCES. 68 Soike, Plaintain, Wheat, Barley. 73aDigitalis. 69 Vervain and Rush. 73bHonevsuckle. 69aSpike of Orchids. 74 Panicle, Corymb. 70 Spadix. 74aCorymb and Cor 5unbose Cyme. 71 Amentum, Strobilus, and Cone. 75 Panicle, Thyrsus, Horse-Chestnut. 72 Canitulum, Hypanthrodium. 76 Umbel. 72a(Alder, Birch and Pinus.) 76aAxillary Inflorescences. 72bSection of Hypanthodium. 76bHerb Paris (terminal infl.). 73 Raceme (3 varieties).

DEFINITE INFLORESCENCES. 77 Cvraes (3 varieties). 79aInfIorescence of Heliotrope. 78 Figwort. I 79bComfrey. 79 Verticillaster (mixed).

FLOWERS. 80 Hermaphrodite, Staminate, and Pistillate. 89 Example of Corona. Dichlamydaeous, Monochlamydaeous, and Ach- 89aDaffodiI. 81 lamydaeous Flower. 90 Rose (double flower) transformation of 82 Monoecious and Diaecious Flowers. Stamens. 83 Hypogynous, Perigvnous, Epigynous Flowers, 91 Examples of Nectaries. illustrating Thalamiflorae, Calyciflorae, Corol- 92 Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes. liflorae, or Gramopetalae. 93 Stamens of Erica, Compositae, Legununosae, 83aFuschia (dissected). Malva, Fumitory Hypericums, Ricinus, and 85 Corollas Gamnetalous (4 varieties). 102 Salvia. SSaPapileonaceous Corolla. 94 Pollen of Mallow. 86 Flower of Monocotyledon (Petaloidse) and 95 Pistil of Lily, Iris, and Enothera. Dicotyledon. 95alris. 86aWind fertilised Flowfer of Wheat. 95blris (dissected). 87 Slides (2) exhibiting flower adapted for cross 96 Dimorphic and Trimorphic Flowers, fertilisation. 97 Section of Ovaries showing Placentation Unilo 87aCamr)anuIa. 1 cular and Multlocular Ovaries. 87bGarden Nasturtiums. 97aGarden Peas. 87cFumitory. 98 Svnearpous and Apocarpous Ovaries. 87dGeranium Pratense. 98aColumbine (flower and fruit). 87eMalva Sylvestris. 99 Slide exhibiting three forms of ovules. 88 Group of Compositae.


100 Various forms of Capsules (Legume, Siliqua, Slide illustrating the three common forms of Silicula, Follicle, &c. Dehiscence, Loculicidal, Septicidal, and' lOOaRocket (Honesty). Septifragal. 101 Capsule of Primrose, Viola, Lychnis, Antir- rhinum, Poppy, H INDEHISCENT FRUITS (sUCCULENT).

103 Drupes, Drupels. 104aModification of Berries. 104 Berries. j | 105 Sections of Berries.


1 05aSchizocarps. 109 Aril (Nutmegs—whole and dissected.) 106 Cocoa Nut. 109aArjl Yew. 106aSamarae. 110 Section of Albuminous and Exalbuminou.; 107 Achenes, Nuts. Seeds. 108 Spurious Fruits.

MICROSCOPICAL STRUCTURES (ENLARGED). 111 Parenchymatous and Prosenchymatous Tissue. 116 Stem of Elm, Helianthus, Hippuris. 1 1 2 Laticiferous Tissue. 1 1 7 Rush and Elder. 113 Stomata. 118 Roots of Bean, Dock, and Pinus. 114 Slide showing stem sections of Pinus, Maize, 119 Stem ot Maize and Bramble. Dracaena and Bramble. 120 Slide Showing growth after the removal of the 115 Fern Stem. ^ Duramen.

A few extra Slides (which are placed iu their proper position and numbered a, b, &c.) have been prepared since the original preparation of this list, which tend to illustrate special points, thus bringing the total number up to 150. 221 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l.

A F O BOTANICAL PLANT ORGANS, SPORES, FERTILIZATION, &c. prepared specimens, showing the A new series of Photomicrographs from very carefully Diatoms, &o. Spores, Cluster Cups, Conoeptaoles, Sexual Methods of Eeproduotions, Plain Slides, each. of Lichen. Section through the Dividing nucleus in Pinus. Showing formation 28 Apothecium 1 foliaceous Lichen of the Nuclear Spindle, Apothecium of showing the spores developing in 2 Dividing nucleus in Pinus. Showing formation of the asci. cell plate which eventually forms of Section through the a cell wall. 29 Antheridia Liverwort. Thallus of a Liverwort, showing Nucleus in young Bean Root. T. Sec, ot 3 Dividing Antheridia portion of young root of the bean the male organs, the showing Nucleus. Chromatin in developing in the Anlheridial filament dividing into V’s. receptacle. Archegonia of Liverwort, Marchantia Polymorpha 4 Diatom; AulacodiscusOrientalis, All the diatoms 30 are placed in the series as repre- in situ. Receptacle senting plants which reproduce 31 Marchantia Polymorpha. L. Sec. of Polymorpha show- by fission. of Marchantia ing the Archegonia in section. 5 Triceratuim Favus. Spores and Elaters of Marchantia. 6 Stamoneis Enicentuon. 32 83 Antheridia of Moss. Long, section through Moss 7 Arachnodiscus Ehrenbergii. Plant, showing the Antlieri'dia(male 8 The same, showing growth of* connecting tubes before formation of Zygospores. organs) in situ. Archegonia of Moss. Long, section of Moss Plant, 9 Same, more highly magnified. 84 showing Archegonia in situ among 10 Spirogyra in Conjugation, showing Zygospores and spiral filaments. the leaves. Commune). same, showing Zygospores more highly 35 T.S. Capsule of Moss {Polytrichum 11 The wall magnified. Tiansverse section, showing of the capsule, spore sac and colu- 12 Vaucheria. Showing the growth of the new plant also showing mella in section. from the zoospore ; of Moss, the oogonia and antheridia 36 Moss Capsule. Long, section of Capsule showing Spore Cavity, Columella, 13 Saprolegnia growing on an Ant s Egg in water. Showing ends of filameius divided &c. Prothallus of Fern, showing off and developing zooids. 37 Section through Antheridia in different stages *of Portion of the same more highly magnified. 14 development. 15 Low power view of same. egg cell. method of reproduction showing the oos- 38 Archegonia on ditto showing canal and 16 Sexual spore cases pore being fertilised by the clasp- 39 Sec. through Sori of Fern, showing with border, the ing antheridia. their thickened whole being covered over by the power view of the same. 17 Low ^ Indusium. Organs of Chara. Antheriduim and 18 Reproductive Transverse and young Carpogonuim of Chara 40 Fructification of Equisetum. Long. Sec. of Sporophvll of Equi- Fragilis. setum showing spore cases in situ. Reproductive Organs of Chara. Same, much older 19 case of Equisetum. Long. Sec. through stage, both show the winding cells 41 Spore spore case of Equisetum showing containing and enclosing the spores in situ. It also shows ex- oospore. tremely well the peculiar thicken- 20 Reproductive Organs of Chara. Same as No. 19. ing of the cell walls of the spore 21 Reproductive Organs of Chara. Burst Anthe- case by means of which the spores riduim of Chara, showing the Manubria with Septate filaments are dispersed. with the filaments coiled attached containing the coiled 42 Spores of Equisetum them. antherozoids, round Spores of Equisetum with filaments expanded. 22 Male Concep. of Fucus, Section through the 43 of Lycopodium. Long. Sec of Sporo- Thallus of Fucus showing Male 44 Sporophyll phyll of Lycopodium (Club Moss), Conceptacle. This shows the fila- showing spores in situ, also the ments as cree-like forms which peculiar structure of the capsule produce the antherozoids and the wall where it ruptures at the top. orifice by which they escape. magni- 45 OvuUferous Scale of Larch, showing the structure 23 Male Concep, of Fucus. Filaments highly of the scale, its ovule, and the fied showing the contained an- micropyle. therozoids, ^ r^al- 46 OvuUferous Scale of Pinus. Long. Sec. of cone 24 Female Concep. of Fucus. Section through of Pinijs, showing the scales with lus of Fucus showing Female Con- the Ovules at their base. The ceptacle. This shows the Mother Ovules show the micropyle, &c., cells growing among the P^ra- extremely well. physes, some of the former dividing of Sec. of Ovule ot into daughter cells which form 47 Ovule Hyacinth. Long. up Cells, The orifice is also Hy-icinth, showing the Egg the oospores, Embryo- shown by which they pass into the Antipodal Cells, and the sac. water. . _ . Furigus 48 Anther of the Turks Cap Lily. Older stage, Fungus (Po/y/JOi-ns). Section of 25 Spores of Anther of the {Polyporou^) showing production Trans, sec. of y.oung Lily, showing the of spores on the basidia. Turks Cap of Cluster Mother cells, dividing to form the 26 Cluster Cups. Section through group on the Coltsfoot, showing the Pollen Grains. Cups Trans. spores being produced. The my- 49 Anther of Turks Cap Lily, Young stage. ' Turks Cap celium can also be seen in placfes. sec. of Anther of the Apothecium Lily, showing the structure of its 27 Apotheciuni of Lichen. Thallus and (fo iaceousi,. showing various parts. of Lichen I showing all its structuie of the Thallus and Apo- 50 Long. Sec. ot Embryo of Wheat ihecium or spore-bearing organ. I different parts. 222 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.


51 Development of Lenticel in the Elder. This 55 Leaf Fall. Trans. Sec. through the Absciss Layer section shows the Stomata only in leaf of Horse Chestnut, which before the commencement of Cork causes the leaf to fall in autumn, formation. showing the corky layer forming. 52 Development of Lenticel in Elder. Shows the 56 Trans. Sec. through Xylem of leaf of Pinus. Sec- formation of the spongy cells under tion through bordered pit showing the Stomata, and also the first the pores and central membrance. beginning of the Cork. 57 Long Sec. of Hop Stem with Trans. Sec. of 53 Fully developed Lenticel on Elder showing its Dodder Stem parasitic thereon. structure and also the rapidly Shows the haustoria from the developing Cork layer. Dodder which has grown into the 54 Leaf Fall Poplar. Long. Sec. through junction of Hop Stem. It also shows very petiole and stem showing the for- beautifully the spiral vessels in mation of the Absciss layer which the Hop Stem. causes the leaf to fall.

16 AVA STRUCTURAL BOTANY. (FLOWERS). 10 From carefully-executed diagrams. The various parts are numbered and appear on the slides with the printed descriptions.

Plain Slides^ 2,?. each.

1 vulgaris, 11 Achillea millefolium and Chrysanth : leucanth : 2 Cardamine pratensis. 12 Cnicus arvensis. 3 Viola carcarata, 13 Hieracium umbellatum and H pilosella. : 4 Dianthus deltoides. 14 Campanula pusilla. 5 Stellaria graminea. Erica tetralix. 6 Malva silvestris, &c. (essential organs). 16 Veronica chamaedrys. 7 Erodium cicutarium. 17 Digitalis purpurea. 8 Sarothamnus scoparius. 18 Euphrasia offi'inalis. 9 Parnassia palustris. 19 Pedicularis silvatica. Anthriscus silvestris.

“ THE HERB YIELDING SEED AND THE TREE U P YIELDING FRUIT.” A Popular Exposition of Plant Life and Growth. Illustrated from Nature. This Series was arranged and the Lecture written by F. Timbrei.l.

Descriptive Lecture, 1^. 3(i . ; Plain Slides, 2s. each.

1 Root of Sunflower. Branching 18 Stem of Hazel T.S. Formation 34 Stomata 2 Potato. Cork and Starch Cells of wood 35 Water Stomata 8 Cork Cells 19 „ Elder. Pith T.S. For 36 Leaf of Sundew 4 Root of Maize., Root Hairs. ma^ion of wood 37 Pitcher Plant

5 Root of Barley. Growing Tip 20 ,, Hop T.S. Formationof 38 Spathe of Arum 6 Duck-weed. Root Cap wood 39 Bud of Lily T.S.

7 Sucker Roots of Dodder on 21 ,, Rattan T.S. Forma- 40 ,, Poppy V.S. Clover tion of wood 41 Stam‘=*nT.S. 8 Stem of Elm, T.S. Formation 22 „ Lime V. and T.S. For- 42 Poppy Head of wood mation of wood 43 „ T.S. 9 „ Bamboo T.S. Forma- 23 Shoot of lame V.S. Leaf 44 Bloom of Hydrangea

tion of wood arrangement 45 „ ,, Fuchsia 10 „ TreeFernT.S. Forma- 24 Bud of Lily T.S. Leaf arrange- 46 American Poplar tion ot wood ment 47 Black „ 11 Scalariform Cells of Fern. 25 Stem of Deadnettle. Leaf 48 Maple Formation of wood arrangement 49 Pollen Grains 12 Stem of Butcher’s Broom T.S. 26 Branch of Elm. Leaf arrange- 50 „ „ Germinating Formation of wood ment 61 Ovary of Lily T.S. 13 „ MaleFernT.S, Forma- 27 Branch of Oak. Leaf arrange- 52 Sori'of Fern tion of wood ment 53 Prothallus 14 „ Bracken T.S. Forma- 28 Leaf of Lime. Leaf veining 54 Ferns Germinating

tion of wood 29 ,, ,, Lily of Valley ,, 55 Cluster of Blackberries

15 ,, Buttercup T.S. For- 30 M •> Hart’s Tongue „ 56 M I. Hawthorn mation of wood 31 Leaf Stalk of Hop T.S, 57 Hooked Fruit of Burdock

16 ,, Bean T.S. Formation 32 „ Blade „ T.S. 58 Winged ,, Maple

of wood 33 ,, of Tndiarubbe T.S. Cys- 69 H'eathered „ Thistle 17 „ Orange T.S. Formation tolith in situ 60 Pods of Laburnum of wood

See also an excellent lecture on “ Trees, their forms and branchingf,” page 281.

NOTE.—When ordering Slides the Telegraphic Code Letters should be quoted to avoid mistakes. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l 223

RN THE PRINCIPLES OF HORTICULTURE. These Slides are photographed from the original drawings made for “ The Principles of Horticulture ” (by Wilfred Mark Webb, F.L.S., &c., 2^. net. Blackie AND Son), and are admirably suited for giving a series of practical lessons in Botany.

Plain Slides, 2-'. 3rf. each.

43 Section of the 1 Diagram of Privet Leaf, illustrating method of Root-Graft of Clematis, Wedge- labelling drawings. shaped piece of stem, inserted 2 Cress Seedling grown on blotting paper, to into a length of root. show Root-hairs. 44 Life History of a Fern. 3 Stem-hairs of Groundsel. 45 Life History of SHme_ Fungus of Club Root 4 Chief parts of a_ Green Plant, and their {Plasmodiophora). functions. 46 Life History of Fungus, causing Potato Disease. 47 5 Tissues in stem of Elder. Mushroom Spores, highly magnified. 6 Old Stem of Vegetable Marrow, trans. section. 48 Diagram of a Flower (Echevaria) and its parts 7 Old Thickened Root of Vegetable Marrow, Essential and Non-Essential. trans. section. 49 F?rtiHzation of Plant Egg, and Growth of Embryo. 8 Soft Bast of Vegetable Marrow, long secton to show Sieve Tubes. 50 Seed of Vegetable Marrow, ext. view, showing Micropyle at 9 A Cell showing Vacuoles. lower left-hand cor- ner. 10 The Formation of a Wood Vessel. 51 Seed of 11 Fruit of the Sycamore. Vegetable Marrow, dissected, Seed-coats 12 Half Fruit of Sycamore, opened to show Seed. removed, one side, displaying the Rodicle 13 Contents of a Sycamore Seed. and one Seed-leaf re- from 14 Seed of Scarlet Runner, exterior view. moved Embryo to show Plumule and veined 15 Seed of Scarlet Runner, dissected. face of second leaf. 16 Embryo (Young Plant in a Seed). 52 Seed Leaf removed from 17 Annotated Diagram, illustrating joint action of specimen shown in Root, Leaf and Stem. last figure with the Teemen, or inner seed-coat 18 Vegetable Marrow, enlarged Unthickened Root, still adhering to plan of trans. section. it. 53 A Seedling of White Bryony at 19 Vegetable Marrow, Thickening Root, 1st stage. a stage when the Seed-leaves 20 Vegetable Marrow, Thickening Root, 2nd. stage. have not freed themselves from the 21 Vegetable Marrow, Young Thickened Root, en- seed-coats. 54 Seedling of White Bryony, larged plan of trans. section. A showing the Plu- mule developing between the. ex- 22 Young Branching Root of Stinging Nettle, as panded seen under the Microscope by seed-leaves. 55 Plumule. Radicle, and the Transmitted light. one seed-leaf of the Pea Embryo. 23 Flower-stalk of Arum, trans. section. 56 Germinating Pea, showing elongated Radicle. 24 Bud of Brussels Sprout, surface view of cut and Plumule stem. arising from be- tween seed-leaves. 25 Bud of Brussels Sprout, long section. 57 Germinating Pea at later stage, when leaves of 26 Plan, showing arrangement of leaves in four Plumule are beginning to expand. rows, with i circle (90 degs.) 58 Fruit of Ash, dissected to show Seed between them. and Em- bryo within, lying in Endosperm. 27 Plan, showing arrangement of leaves in two 59 Grain (fruit) of Wheat, split so as to show rows, with circle (180 degs.) 5 Embryo lying between them. in pouch at side of the Endosperm. 28 Plan, showing arrangement of leaves in three 60 Classification of True Fruits; succulent and dry. rows, with circle (120 degs.) ^ an Insect (Rose Chafer) between them. 61 The parts of The Meta- morphoses of a Moth. 29 Plan, showing arrangement of leaves in five 62 Gooseberry Moth. Eggs. rows circle (144 degs.) between § Moth. Caterpillar them. 63 Gooseberry (Larva). 64 Gooseberry Moth. Chrysalis (Pupa). 30 Leaf of Dock,' dorsi-ventral type. 65 Gooseberry Moth. Moth (Imago). 31 Leaf of Iris, iso-bilateral type. ” 66 Red “ Spider —one of the Mites. 32 Leaf of Stone-Crop, centric type. A 67 An .Aphis—one of the Rhynchota. 33 Leaf of Clover, Compound, with Palmate Leaf- 68 A Cabbage White Butterfly one of the Lepidop- lets. — tera. 34 Pinnate Leaf of Rose, Compound, with Leaf- 69 A Cockchafer (Beetle) one of the Coleoptera. lets. — 70 A Daddy Long-legs (Two-winged Fly) one of 35 Leaf and Stem of Cock’s-foot Grass. — the Diptera. 36 Leaf of Winter Hellebore, trans. section. 71 A Gooseberry Sawfly one of the Hymenoptera. 37 Plan of the Base of an Herbaceous^ Cutting. — 72 Dry Seed of Cress, showing ridge (Pelargonium) as seen in a long corresponding to Radicle within. section. 73 Moistened Seed of Cress surrounded by its 38 Mycorhiza (fungal mycelium) on Roots of Rhododendron. swollen seed-coat. 74 Cress Seedling showing Radicle, Root-hairs, and 39 Plan of Base of a Woody Cutting (Red Currant) seed-leaves, not yet freed from as seen in a long section. seed-coat, 40 Plan of two Stems, with Side Wounds in 75 Cress Seedling before lobes seed-leaves are Process of Healing, as seen in of quite expanded. cross-section. 76 Cress Seedling, showing Plumule, with seed- 41 Plan of a recently made Graft, as seen in a leaves expanded work. cross-section. ready to 42 Plan of a Graft, after a year's Growth has been made, as seen in a cross- section.

Note. —When ordering Slides the Telegraphic Code Letters should be quoted to avoid mistakes. 224 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers. abq orchids and wild flowers A Series of Botanical Slides from Dr. SoMEBviLiiE Hastings’ Direct Negatives. The majority of the-e were Photographed in their Native Surroundings. Coloured Slides Qs. Plain Slides, 2s. 3d, each Illustrated Notes descriptive of 60 subjects, by Dr. Somerville Hastings, price Is. 1 Angraceum Eichlerianutn. 29 Fragrant Orchis, Gymna- 50 Marsh Orchis, Orchis Lati- 2 AutumnU Lft'iy’s Tresses, denta Conofsea, folia, X 3. Sfirnnihes Autum- t- 51 „ X 3, before and after nalit, whole plant. 30 „ z 1. fertilisation. 3. 52 Green • winged Meadow 3 „ X L 31 „ z before and after Orchis, Orchis 4 „ X 32 „ z 4, 6 Bee Orchis, Ofhrys Aft- •>ofUnation. Morio, X 1. fera, z L 33 Musk-scented Orchis, Her^ 53 „ z 1, head of flowers. fiiu. minium h^onorchis, z 4. 54 z 4. 6 „ z I, iti „ 55 7 34 Frog Orchis, Habenaria „ „ 56 8 Bird*s-nest Orchid, Neottia Viridis, z f, Musk Orchis, Herminium Nidui-Avis, z 35 z L Monorchte, z i. X 1. 57 X 1. 9 „ y J 35a „ 26 X 3. 57a 10 „ z d. „ 37 Marsh Helleborine, Efifac- 58 Pyramidal Orchis, Orchis 11 ^ . Pyramidalis, x 1. 12 Great Butterfly Orchis, tis Palustris, x X whole head of Habenaria Chlor~ 37a „ „ X i. 59 „ 1, antha^ z 37b „ X 4. flowers. 60 z 4, whole head of 13 * 1- 38 Purple Helleborine, Cefha- ,, ^ . 14 Lesser Butterfly Orchis, lantkera Rubra, flowers. Habenaria Bifolia- z i. 60a Spider Qrchis, Ofhrys 4. Arantfera, x 1. 15 „ z 3. 39 „ X Helleborine, Ce- 60b X 4. 16 „ X 4 40 Large White „ ^ ^ phalanthera Fal- 61 Spotted Orchis, Orchis Ma- 17 „ z 4, before and after pollination. lens, z 4. culata, X 4. White Butterfly 41 „ X 4. - 62 „ z 3. 18 Small ' Orchis, Habenaria 42 „ z 3. 63 ,, Fertilisation, 1. 3. 77 Albida, z i. 43 Broad-leaved Helleborine, 64 „ „ Lati- 65 3 19 „ z f Ei>ii>actis „ „ folia, z 66 ,. 4 20 „ z 1. 4. „ 44 z 2. «7 „ 5 21 „ z 4. ,, „ A 68 Early Purple Orchis. Orchis. 22 Dendrobium Bensons 45 .. r 23 Dwarf Orchis, Orchis Ustu- 46 Lystrostackys Forcifata Mascula, X t 4, 33 X 4. lata, X |. (W. Africa^ z Twayblade, Lis- 24 Dwarf Dark-winged Orchis, 47 Ladv's Slipper Orchid, 70 Common Orchis Vstulata. Cy-prifedium Calceolus, leva Ovata, x 35 Fly Orchis, Ofhrys Mui- X h 71 „ X 1. cifera. 47n „ 72 „ z 3. Tresses, 73 z whole plant. 90. „ X 2. 47b Lady's Sfiranthes „ 4, Heart - leaved Twayblade, 1*7 Fly Orchis, Ofhrys Muz Antimali^y z 74 T.ittera Cordaia, cifera, x 4, before 48 Marsh Orchis, Orchis Lati- and after pollina foUa, X X 1. ion. 49 „ X 1 75 „ X 4. Barbige- 28 . z 5. 76 Bulbofhyllum turn, X 8. See also page 226.

PLANTS, &c. Winter Aconite, Eranthis 93 Bluebell, Scilla Nutans, 108 Cowslip, Primula Veris. Crane’s - bill, Hyemalis. X i. 109 Mountain 94 Common Borage, Bt^ago Geranium Pyrenaicum. '8 „ »» X i no Shining Crane's-bill, Gera- '"I Hem^ - Agrimony, Eufa- Officinalis. iorium Cannabinum. 95 Brooklime, "Veronica Becc’s- nium Lucidsum- 80 Alkanet, Anchusa Offici- bunga. 111 Crosswort »T Mugwort, nalis. 96 Butcher’s Broom, Rusct- 117 Common Elder, Sambacus x 87 Wood Betony, Stachys Be- thraa Centaureum. Niger, ^g. Danewort, •''nica, X 102 Chicory, Cickorium Intyhu*. 118 Dwarf Elder or i. Ebulus, z 88 Bilberry or Whortleberry, 103 Chivies, Alltum ScHoeno- Sambucus ^ '•fcinium Myttillus. frasnm. 119 Mountain Everlasting, An- tennaria Dioic'i 89 Common Bird's-foot, Orni- 104 Strawb 'ny-leayed Cinque- Hart's *h^*'ns Per-busillus. foil, Potentilla Fragari- 120 Ferns, Bracken, and tonguCj Pteris and Scolo- 90 Yellow Bird's-nest, Mofto- astrum. tro*a Hybofitys, Var 105 Common Cotton-grass, Erio- fendrtum. Hir^utn. (Roth). fhoTum Polystachyon. 121 Ivy - leaved Toad -Flax, Linaria Cymhalari'* 91 Common Bistort, Polygonum 106 Yellow Corydalis, Corydalis Pulicaria Dysen- Lutea, X f. 122 Fleabane, Climbing Corydalis, terica. 92 Hairy Bitter-cress, Carda- 1 107 White Corydalis Clavicnlata. 123 Furze or Gorse, Ulsx Euro* mino Hirsuta. ( faus^ 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 225

WILD FLOWERS— Continued Garlick-, 157 Water Mint, Mentha 189 Soap-wort, 124 3road - leaved ^ Safonaria Offici- Allium Ursinum Aaualica. nalts. 125 Gipsy-wort, Lycofus Euro- 15S Monk's Hood, 190 Common Solomon's Seal, peeu^ Nafellus, Polygonatum Multi- 126 Goldilocks, Ranunculus 159 „ X 2, Flowers, in early fiovum. Auricomuc aad late stages. 191 Wood Spurge, Euphorbia 127 Goose-grass or_ Cleavers, 160 ,, X 2, Flowers in sec- A mygdalotdes. Galium Afarine. tion, early and late 192 Sweet-gale or Bog-myrtle, <38 Common Guelder-rose, v t Si.ages. Myrica Gale. burnum Ofului, 161 Black Mullein, Verbascum 193 Wild Service-Tree, Pyrus Ntgrum. T i- Tormhtalis, x L Sisym- 194 \29 „ X 1. 162 Garlick Mustard, Sheep's Sorrel, Rumex Ace- Flowers. brium Alliaria. . J30 „ X 2, Fertile iosella, female. 163 Hedge- Musrard, 195 131 „ X 1, Cultivated. Common „ male. 133 Mouse - ear Hawkweed, Sisymbrium O^cinale. 196 Wood Sorrel, Oxalis Aceto- Hieracium Pilosella. 164 Great Nettle, Urtica Dioica. sella. 133 Hawthorn or May, Cra- 165 Red Dead-Nettle, Lamium 197 Lesser Spearwort, Ranuncu- Purpurieum, *aqus Oxyacanthus. lus FlammuLa, x 4. 134 Green Hellebore, Heleborus 166 Common Nightshade, So- jgg Viridis. lanum Nigrum. 199 Common Speedwell, Veroni- Parslejr, 135 Henbane, Hyosciamus 167 Wildbeaked An- ca Officinalis, x 4. Niger. thriscus Sylvestrts. 300 Germander Speedwell, 136 Grape - hyacinth, Muscari 168 Earth-nut Pea, Lathyrus Veronica Chamadrys. Racemosum. Tuberosus. -'01. Iw - leaved Speedwell, - ivy, Nefeta 169 Whitlow Pepper - wort, Veronica 137 Ground _ Hederifolia. Glechoma. Lipidium Draba. 202 Wall Speedwell, Veronica 138 Larkspur, Delphinium Sp. 170 Pilewort or Lesser Celan- Arvensis. 239 Lily of the Valley, ConvaU dine, Ranunculus Ficaria. 203 Spiked^ Star of Bethlehem, laria Majalis. 171 Primrose, Primula Vul- Ornithogalum Pyrenai- 140 May Lily, Maianthemum ga-<'is. cum, X • Bifolium, x L 172 Horse-radish, Cochlearia 304 Bog Stitchwort, Stellaria 141 Yellow Water-lily, Nuphar Armoracia. U lizinosa. Lutea. 173 Yellow Rocket, Barbarea 205 Wood Strawberry, Fra- 143 White Water-lily, Nymphaa V ulgaris. graria Vesca. Alba. 174 Christmas Rose, Heleborus 206 Common Tansy, Tanacetum 143 A Liverwort, Marckanchia Ni^er. Vulgate. Palmata, x 1, male. 175 Common Dog-rose, Rosa 307 Hairy Tare, Vicia Hirsuta. 208 Carline 144 „ X 1, female. Canina. Thistle, Carlina 145 Lords and Ladies or Cuckoo- 176 Trailing Rose, Rosa Arven- Vulgaris. Pint, Arum Maculatum. sis. 309 Creeping Thistle, Cnicus 146 Field Louse-wort, Pedicutaris 177 Meadow Saffron, Colckicum Arvensis. Sylvatica. sAutumnale. 210 Wild Thyme, Thymus Ser- 147 Common Mallow, Malva 178 Flowering Rush, Butonus pyllum, X J. Sylvestris. Umbellatus. 211 Slender Yellow Trefoil, 148 Musk Mallow (white 179 „ X 3. Trifolium Filiforme. variety), Malva Moschata. 180 Large-flowered St. John’s- 212 Soft Knotted Trefoil, Tri- 149 Nodding Bur - marigold, wort, Hypericum Caly- folium StriatUTfi. Bidens Cernua, x L cinum. 213 Bush Vetch, Vicia Sepium. 160 Marsh Marigold, Caltha 181 Sanicle, Sanicula Europcea. 314 Common Vetch, Vicia Palustris, X k- Sativa, 161 Black Medick, Medicago 182 Rue-leaved Saxifrage, Saxi- 215 Violet, Viola Odorata. T.ufulina. fraga Tridactylites. 216 Wood^ Violet, Viola Syl- 152 Field Melilot, Melilotus Ar- 183 Sea Holly, Eryngium Mari- vatica. sensis, x. timum. 217 Water - cress. Nasturtium 153 Perennial or Dog's Mercury, 184 Sea Kale, Crambe Mari- Officinale. '^ercurialh Perennis. tima. 218 Petty Whin, Genista 154 Wild Mignonette, Reseda 185 Sloe or Blackthorn, Prunus Anglica. ^..utea, S-binosa. 219 Vernal Whitlow - grass, 156 Common Milkwort, Polygala 186 Snakes-head, Fritillaria Draba Verna. "^ulgaris. I Meleagris. 220 Rose-bay Willow Herb, I Glaux Mari- 187 Epilobium Angustifoli- 166 Sea Milkwort, 1 „ t^ma. 188 Snow - drop, Galanthus um. , 330 Mountain 1 Nivalis. Ash, Pyrus Aucu- paria. See also page 226. AMENTIFER/E.

ffil The Alder, Alnus Gluti- 226 The Hazel, Corylus Avel- 233 The Black Poplar, Populus * r- lana, x 4. Nigra, 0sa, X L cr.. X L 1 234 332 „ X 1. 227 „ X „ X IL Carpinus 335 S33 The Beech, Fagus Syl- 328 The Hornbeam, The Willow, Salix Sp., x J. X. ralica, x * Betulus, 4 j fSA „ X 2. * 229 „ X 3. 237 Dwarf Silky Willow, Salix 235 The Silver Birch, Betula i 231 The Oak, Quercus Robur, Repens. X X i. Albat \ ' 332 „ * 2 226 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers,


238 Frog Orchid, Habenaria 243 Heart-leaved Twey-blade, 2i7 Bird’s Nest Orchis, Neottia viridis Listera cordata Nidus-avis 239 Bee Orchis, Ophrys (^ifera 244 Man Orchis, Aceras anthro- 248 Man Orchis, Aceras anthro- 240 MarsH Helleborine, Epipactis pophora pophora pahistris 245 The Spotted Orchis, Orchis 249 Man Orchis, Aceras anthro- 241 Autumnal Lady’s Tresses, maculata pophora Spiranthes autuinnalis 246 Lady’s Tresses, Spiranthes 250 Lady’s Slipper Orchid, Cypri- 21ii The Coral Root, Corallorrhiza autumnalis pedium calceolus innata WILD FLOWERS.

25L Water Pepper, Polygounm 280 The Hard Fern, Blechmim 307 Bird's-foot Trefoil, Lotus coi- hydropiper spicant niculatus 2}2 Sheep’s Scabious, Jasione 281 Field Forget-me-not, Myosotis 308 Aster (Michaelmas Daisy) montana arvensis 309 Wood Anemone, Anemone 2~3 The Daisy, Beilis perennis 282 Field Pansy, Viola tricolor nemorosa 254 Traveller’s Joy, Clematis 283 Wood Sage, Teucrium Scoro- 310 Snake’s Head, Fritillariu v\talba. donia meleagris 255 Guelder Rose Viburnum 284 , Shepherd’s Purse. Capsella 311 Common Cotton Grass, Erio- ot>ulus bursa-pa storis phorum polystachton 256 Greater Stitchwort, Stellaria 285 Great Burdock, Arctium 312 Common Tansy, Tanacetum holostia Lappa Vulgate 257 Woodruif, Asperula odorata 286 Corn Marigold, Chrysanthe- 313 Cuckoo pint(in section, magni- 258 The Moschatel, Adoxa Mos- mum segetum fted), Arum macuiatum chatellina 287 Groundsel, Senecio vulgaris 314 Tuberous Bitter Vetch, Lathy- 259 Arrow-grass, Triglochin mari- 288 Field Convolvulus, Convol- rtis macrorrhizus timum vulus arvensis 815 Wayfaring Tree, Viburnum Squill, ^cilla 260 The Autumnal 289 Cromwell, L it ho s p e rmum Lantana autumnalis ofji inalis 316 Wild Red Currant, Ribes 261 Spiny Rest Harrow, Ononis 290 Marsh Forget-me-not, Myoso- rubrum spinosa tis palustus 317 Common Spurge Laure 1 262 Navelwort, Cotyledon Urn- 291 Devil’s Bit Scabious, Scabiosa Daphne Luureola belicus succisa 318 Sea-bhght, Sueda maritima 263 The Coltsfoot, Tussilago Far- 292 Cross-leaved Heath, Erica 319 Lady’s Smock, Cardamine fara tetralix pratensis 234 Marsh Gentian, Gentian a 293 Sea Wormwood, Artemisia 320 The Oak, Quercus r<'bur Pneuntonanthe maritima 321 Mountain Bladder Fern 265 The Ciliated Heath, Erica 294 Lady s Mantle, Alchemilla Cystopteris montana ciltaris vulgaris 322 Grass of Parnassus, Parnassia 266 Obione, Obione Portulacoides 295 Branched Bur-reed, Sparga- palustris 267 Herb Paris, Paris quadrifolta Ilium ramosum. 323 Callatriche, Callatriche palus- 268 Agrimony, Agrimonia Eupa 296 Male Flowers of Moss, Poly- tris torium trichum juniperinum 324 Marsh Wort, Apium nodi- 269 The Bugle, Ajuga reptans 2S7 Wormwood, Artemisia Absin- fiorum 270 The Skull Cap, Scutellaria thium 325 Hedge Parsley, Caucalis galericulata 298 Red Foxglove, Digitalis pur- Antkriscus 271 Dutch Clover, Trifolium purea 326 Columbine, A quilegia vulgaris repens 299 Portland Spurge, Euphorbia 327 Pitcher Plant Leaves,. Nepen- 272 Red Bartsia, Bartsia Odontites Poitulandtca thes Masteriana 273 Master wort. Astrantia major 300 Lungwort, Pulmonaria offici- 328 Coral-wort, Dentaria bulbi/era 274 Wild Marjorum, Origanum nalis 32 J Scarlet Pimpernel, Anagallis vulgare 301 Sea Knotgrass, Poly gonum arvensis 275 Adder's Tongue, Ophioglossum Marit.mum 330 The Penny-royal, Mentha vulgaium 302 Fir Club Moss, Lycopodium pulegium 276 White Stonecrop, Sedum Selago 331 The Great Dodder, Cuscuta album 303 Creeping St. John's Wort, europoea 277 Tasteless Mountain Stonecrop Hypericum humifusum 332 Biting Yellow Stonecrop, Se- Sedum sexanguliire 304 Sea Aster, Aster Tripolium dum acre 278 Enchanter’s Nightshade, Cir- 305 Cuckoo-pint (in section), A ? «»{ 333 Chalk Milkwort, Polygala coea lutetiana macuiatum austriaca 279 Plants of a Marsh 306 The Common Valerian, Va- leriana officinalis For Slides of Flowers,'' by Natural Colour Photography, see Science Section 2 of this Catalogue. BWC WILD FLOWERS OF THE ENGLISH COUNTRYSIDE

Beautifully Coloured, 65. to 6s Qd. ; Plain Slides, 2s.* to 2s. Qd. each. Typewritten Lecture 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides.

1 Hazel Catkins. 11 Sweet Violet. 21 Wood Spurge. 2 The Anemone. 12 Cowslip. 22 Wood Violet. 3 Marsh Marigolds. 13 Lady’s Smock. 23 The Blue Bell. 4 Lesser Celandine. 14 Early Purple Orchis. 24 White Nettle. 5 Wild Daffodils. 15 Green Winged Orchis. 25 Stinging Nettle. 6 Coltsfoot. 16 Water Crowfoot. 26 Common Vetch. 7 Butcher’s Broom. 17 Furze. 27 Ragged Robin. 8 Dandelion. 18 Broom. 28 May, Hawthorn, or White- 9^Cuckoo Pint. 19 The Primrose. thorn. 10 Stitchwort. 20 Wood Sorrel. 29 The Spotted Orchis. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 227


30 Twayblade. 39 Large Butterfly Orchis. 47 Yellow Water Lily. 31 Wild Strawberry. 40 Meadow Sweet. 48 White Water Lily. 32 Honeysuckle. 41 Rose Bay Willow Herb or 49 Bird’s Foot Trefoil. 33 Agrimony. French Willow. 50 Yellow Toadflax. 34 Foxglove. 42 Centaury. 51 Bird’s Nest Orchis. 35 Common Mallow. 43 Ragwort. 52 Devil’s Bit Scabious. 36 Wild Rose. 44 Heather. 53 Field Thistle. 37 Dog Daisy, Moon Daisy, Ox- 45 Cross Leaved Heath. 54 Sea Holly. Eye Daisy or Marguerite. 46 Harebell. 55 Spear Plume Thistle. 38 Wild Pansy. B M FLOWERS. A Series of Direct Photographs.

Beautifully Painted, 6s. Plain Slides, 2s. each.

1 Arum Lily. Diehybia Spec- 23 Narcissi, Primula, Tulip, andj 46 Freesia tahitis Azalea 47 Gilia Dichotoma 2 Azaleas.WreathofjWithmotto 24 Orchid 48 Nicotiana Sylvestris “ Welco'i e” 25 Primroses 49 Pampas Grass in Chinese 3 ,, arranged Vase 26 „ 50 Large Flowering Pentstemon 4 „ Freesia, and White 27 Primula 51 DwMrf White Pearl Pet mia Roman Hyacinth 28 „ Coloured 52 Gem Phlox Drummondii 5 „ Narcibsi and Freesia 2^ „ arranged in Bow 53 Superb Double Pink 6 Cineraria 30 Roses 54 Double Giant Poppy 7 „ arranged in Bowl 31 Snowdrops 55 Wfiite Star Primula in 32 Tulips 56 8 ,, arranged Vase Mont Blanc Star Primula 9 n arranged in a tall Vase 33 „ in Vase 57 Large Flowered Salpiglossis 10 Cyclamen 58 Static! Incana. Silver Cloud 11 „ Tulips and White The following are published 59 Thalictrura Ad-antifolium Roman Hyacinth by the kind permission of 60 Cliaratepeuce Diacantha (Fish llaDahlias in Vase Messrs. Sutton and Sons, Bone Thistle} 12 Hyacinths Reading. 61 Giant White Verbena 13 White Roman Hyacinth 34 Supf-rb Achimenes 62 Double Zinnia 14 Imathopliydam Miniatum 35 -mperial Dwarf Blue Ageratmn The following are published 15 Lilies of the Valley 36 St. Brigid’s Anemone by the kind permission of ISaLilium Auratum 37 Antirrhin-im Messrs. Cannell & Sons. 16 Narcis'i, Wreath of, with 38 Snowball Aster 63 Cineraria “ ” 64 motto Interval 39 (jant^ rbury Bells 17 Narcissi 40 Pure White Marguerite Carna- 65 66 18 ,, and Azalea tion „ Lilies of the Valley, 67 19 ,, 41 Double Salmon Clarkia Carna- „ and Tritelia tio.T .68 Primula 20 „ and Polyanthus 42 Convolvulus Major 69 Primulas 21 „ and Primulas 43 Michaelma-Dai«y 70 NewCnctus Dahlia 22 „ Primula Tulip, and 44 Delphinium Hybridum 71 Daisies open (day) Azalea. 45 Brilliant Fringed Diantliu.s 72 „ closed )night{

73 A Cluster of Primroses. 85 Willow or Palm. 92 Grass and Clover Seed Clean- 74 Lilies. 86 Misletoe. ing Machinery. 75 Wild Rose. 87 Sweet William. 93 Interior of Laboratory at May. Plant Breeding and Re- 76 By kind permission of Messrs. 77 Lilac. search Station. Sons, Reading, 78 Morelia Cherries. Sutton and 94 Seed Potato riddle. 79 White Horse Chestnut. 88 View of the Trial Seed Grouftds 95 Hand picking. Peas and 80 Quince. taken from the Air. Beans. 81 Plum. 89 Flower Seed Stockroom. 96 Cinerarias in Pavilion at 82 Cherry. 90 Farm Seed Order Room. Trial Grounds. 83 Pear. 91 Grass and Clover Seed Testing 84 Almond. Laboratory. For Slides of Covent irden Market, see Industries, Section 7, Series ABL. ABR ALPINE PLANTS-FIRST SERIES. Illustrated Notes on the First and Second Series by Somekvile Hastinqs, price Is. each. Beautifully Painted, 6s.; Plain Slides, 2s. 3d. each.

1 Narcissus-flowered Anemone. 8 Globe Flower. Trollius 15 Cold Milk-Vetch, x Phaca Anemone Narcissifiora. L. Eurofaus. Frigida. 2 Alpine Anemone. Anemone 9 Two-flowered Violet, x J. 16 White Dryas. Dryas Octf- Al-pina. Viola Biflora. petala. 3 Yellow Anemone. Anemone 10 Long-spurred Pansy. Viola 17 Mountain Avens, x Geum Sulfurea. Calcarata. Montanum. 4 The Spring Anemone. 11 Wood-Pink. Dianthus Syl- 18 CoBweb House-leek. Sem- Anemone Vernalis. vestris, Wulf. Pervivum Arachnoideum. 5 Pyrenean Crowfoot. Ranun- 12 Moss Campion. Silene 19 Mountain House-leek. Sem- culus Pyrenaus. Acaulis. pervivum Montanum. 6 Aconite • leaved Crowfoot. 13 Wood Crane's-bill. Geranium 30 Purple Saxifrage. Saxifraga Ranunculus Aconitifolius. Sylvaticum. Oppositifolia. 7 Alpine Crowfoot. Ranun- 14 Alpine Clover. Trifolium 21 White Mountain Saxifrage. culus Alpestris. Alpinum. Saxifraga Aizoon. 228 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

ALPINE PLANTS—FIRST SERIES.— Continued. 22 Yellow Mountain Saxifrage, 35 Rusty - leaved Alpenrose. 48 Common Butterwort. Pin- Saxifraga /iizoides. Rhododendron Ferru- guicula Alpina Cass. 23 Rough Saxifrage. Saxifraga gineum. 49 Alpine Butterwort. Aspera. Pingui- 36 Yellow Gentian. Gentians, cula Vulgaris. 24 Furrowed Saxifrage. Saxi- Lutea. 50 Bird’s-eye or Mealy Primrose. fraga Exarata. Vill. 37 Stemless Gentian. Gentiana Primula Farinosa. 25 Large Astrantia. Astrantia Acatilis. Gremli. 51 Viscous Major. Primrose. Primula 38 Short-leaved Gentian, x Viscosa. All. 26 Alpine i. Coltsfoot. Homogyne Gentiana Brachyphylla. 52 Alpine SnowbelL Soldanella Alpina. Frol. Alpina 27 Mountain Everlasting, or 39 Alpine Forget-me-not, x 53 Dwar/^ Snowbell. Soldanella Cat^s - foot. Antenaria M y o s Otis Alfestrit. Pusilla. Baumg. Dioica, Gartn. Schmidt. 54 Heart - leaved Globularia. 28 Musk Milfoil. Achillea Mos- 40 Alpine Toad-Flax. Linaria Globularia Cordifolia. chata, Wulf. Alpina. Mill. 55 Reticulated Willow. Salix 29 Glacial Aronic. Aronicum 41 Rock Speedwell. Veronica Rrticulata. Glaciate, Rckb. Saxatilis. facq. 56 Small White Butterfly Orchid 30 Arnica. Arnica Montana. 42 Whorled Lousewort. Pedicu- Cceloglossum Albidum. 31 Spiked Rampion. Phyteuma lar is Verticillata. Hartm. Spicatum, 43 Dull Red Lousewort. Pedi- 57 Spring Crocuses. Crocus ^ Scheuchzer’s Bell - flower. cttlaris Recutita. Vemus. Wulf. Campanula Scheuchzeri, 44 Tuberous Lousewort. Pedi- 53 May Lily. Smifacina Bi- Vill. cularis T uberosa. folia. Desf. 45 Leafy Lousewort, x Pedi- 59 Alpine 33 Red Whortleberry or Cow- Lily. Paradisia cular is Foliosa. l.iliastrum berry. Vaccinium Vitis Bert. Idaa. 46 Yellow Lousewort. Pedicu- 60 White Veratrum. Veratrum laris CEderi. Album, 34 Hairy - leaved Alpenrose. 47 Alpine Bartsia. Bartsia Rhododendrum Hirsutum. Alpina . ALPINE FLOWERS -SECOND SERIES. Field Meadow Rue. CO Thalictrum foetidwn. 92 The Carpathian Cudweed. Antennaria Car- 62 The Hepatica. Anemone hepaiica. pathica, The 9 Glacier Crowfoot. Ranunculus glacialis. 93 The Alpine Ox-eye. Leucanthemum Alpinum. 64 The Alpine Columbine. Aquelegia Alpinum. 94 The Single-flowered Groundsel. 65 The Senecio uni- Common Monk’s-Hood. Aconiium Napelius. flora. 66 The Hairy Rock-Cress. Arabis kirsuta. 95 The Mountain Cornflower. Centaurua mon- 67 The Mignonette-leaved Bitter-Cress. Cardamine tana. resedifolia. 96 The Perennial Lettuce. Laciuca perennis. 68 The Toothwort. Dentaria digitata. 97 The Golden Hawk’s 69 The Beard. Crepis aurea. Mountain Penny-Cress. Tklapsi mon- 98 The Hemispherical Rampion. Phyteuma tanum. hemisphaericum . Common Alpine Cress. ' Hutchinsia Alpina. 99 Phyteuma betonicaefolium. Parnassus. Parnassia palustris. 100 The Bearded Bell-flower. Campanula barhata. Milkwort. Polygala chamaebuxus. 101 The Fissured Bell-flower. Campanula excisa. Creeping Gypsophila. Gypsophila repens. 102 The Dwarf Bell-Flower. Campanula pusilla. 74 The Nottingham Catchfly. Silene nutans. 103 The Mount Cenis Bell-Jower. Campanula Sedum-like oc Ju® Cherleria. Cherleria sedoides. Cenisia. 76 Ihe Field Mouse-ear Chickweed. Cerastium 104 The Spiked Bell-flower. Campanula thyrsoidea arvense. 105 The Creeping Azalea. Azalea procumbens. Mountain Trefoil. 12. Trifolium montanum. 106 The Purple Gentian. Gentiana purpurea. 78 The Brown Trefoil. Trifolium badium. 107 The Bladder Gentian. Gentiana utriculosa. 79 The Alpine Rose, ^osa Alpina. 108 The Dwarf Forget-me-Not. Eritrichium nahum. 80 Fleischer’s Willow Herb. Epilobium Fleischeri, 109 The Great Yellow Rattle. Rhinanthus mafor. Perennial Knawel. Qo Seleranthns perennis 110 The Alpine Thyme. Calamintha Alpina. Annual Stonecrop. Seduni annuum. 111 The Large Flowered 83oo A^^ Self-heal. Brunella grandi The Ihick-Leaved Stonecrop. Sedum dasy- flora. phillum. 112 The Mountain Germander. Teucrium mon- Moss-like Saxifrage. Saxifraga bryoides. tanum. 85Qc TheA^^ Wedge-leaved Saxifrage. Saxifraga cunei- 113 The Glacier Androsace. Androsace glacialis. folia: 114 The Alpine Bastard Toad-Flax. Thesium 83 The Round-Leaved Saxifrage. Saxifraga rotundi- Alpinum. folia. 115 The Marsh Orchis. Orchis palustris. 87 The Alpine Aster. Aster Alpina. 116 The Fragrant Orchis. Gymnadenia conopsea. Alpine Daisy. Bellidastruni on Au^ Michelii. 117 The Butterfly Orchis. Habenaria, bifolia. Cudweed. Gnaphalium supinum. 118 The Lady’s Slipper Orchis. 90nn Au Cypripedum cal- The Northern Cudweed. Gnaphalium nor- ceolus. ' vegicum. 119 The Turk’s-Cap Lily. Lilium jdartagon. 91 The Edelweiss. Leontopodium Alpinus. 120 The Autumn Crocus. Colchicum autumnale. BMP SOME BRITISH FUNGI. Coloured Slides, 6s. 6(Z,*; Plain Slides, 2s. each. Typewritten Lecture by Miss. M. U. Clarke, Price 2s. 6d., or can be loaned with the Slides.

1 Mycelium. Mycena pura, showing specialised form of broad 2 Myceliura. gill. 3 Amanita Phalloides. 10 Collybia radicata. 4 Amanita rubescens. 11 Hydrophorus puniceus. 5 Lepiota rachodes. k, 12 Agaricus (Clitocybe), giganteus. 6 Armillarla melles. 13 Pleurotus ostrealus. 7 Tricholoma terreum. 14 Pleurotus ostrealus, Mature pilei. 8 Mycena pura. 15 Cantharelius aurantiacus. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 229


16 Agaricus campestris. 40 Stereura purpureum. 17 Agaricus campestris, advanced stage. 41 Clavaria vermicularis. 18 Agaricus arvensis. 42 Clavaria cristala. 19 Hypholoma sublateritius. 43 Auricularia raesenterica. 20 Hypholoma sublateritius, showing detail. 44 Auricularia mesenterica, detail. 21 Coprimes atramentarius. 45 Tremella folicea. . detail life size. 46 22 „ ,, ,, ,, showing detail. Mature cap decomposing 47 Tremella fimbriata. 23 „ ,, 48 24 ,, comatus. Lycoperdon gemmatum. 25 Boletus chrysenteron. 49 Lycoperdon peslatum.

26 Bolyporus squannosus. 50 ,, gemmatum and L. echinatum. 27 „ „ showing cap large scale. 51 Mycelium of Puff Ball, showing first stage of underside. growth 28 ,, ,, showing cap underground. * its evolution. 52 Ithyphallus impudicus. *' ” 29 „ ,, showing The egg of. 30 Specimen of imbricated Polyporus. 53 „ The stem. 31 Polyporus epilencus. 54 „ Its natural habitat. 32 Fomes applanatus. 55 Peziza vesiculosa. 33 Fomes applanatus on blasted tree. 56 Peziza badia. 34 Polystictus veluninus. 57 Otidea aurantia. 35 „ „ showing cap. 58 Xylaria Hypoxylon. Example of Ascophore. 36 Poria vaporia. 59 Xylaria polymorpha. Bulgaria 37 ,, ,, extending down bark of living 60 polymorpha. beech-tree. 61 Bulgaria polymorpha on oak log. 38 Peniphora rosea. 62 Cordyceps militaris. Ascigerous growth. 39 Peniphora querina. 63 Cordyceps militaris, extended clubs. VQ BRITISH FUNGI. ESCULENT, NON-EDIBLE AND POISONOUS SPECIES. Taken by W. Saville-Kent, F D.S., F.Z.S., author of the “Great Barrier Reef,” and “ Naturalist in Australia ” Series. P. signifies Poisonous, and Ed. Edible in the fol'owing List. Beautifully Painted, 65. Qd. Plain Slides, 2s. 6d. each. 61 Ord. Agaricineae. 36 Fistuliua hepatica. Beef-steak Fungus, Ed. 37 Polyporus betulina juv. 1 Amanita phalloides P. 38 ,, „ ad. 2 ,, muscarius jnv., the Fly Agaric, ” 39 Merulius lachrymans, “ Dry-Rot Fungus 3 ,, „ ad 4 Lepiotaprocerusi«v.,the Para«ol Mushroom, Pd. Ord. Hydneee. 5 ad. (central fig.) ,, 40 Hydn m repandum, Ed. 6 Tricholoma nudum, Lilac Agaric, Ed. 41 ,, crinaceus 7 Clitocybe flaccidus 8 „ nebulosus, Ed. Ord. Thelephorese. 9 Laccaria laccata, Amethystine Agaric 42 Thelphora laoifiiaia 10 Collybia maculatus, “Cream and Nutmeg” 43 Polysi.tuB versicolor Agaric 44 Auricularia mesentirica 11 Pholiota squarroauB, Shaggy Agaric 45 Tremellodon gelatinosum 12 „ aureus, G Idea Agaric 13 Stropharia mruginosus, Verdigris Agaric, P. Ord. Clavarieae. 14 AgaricuH campestris, Common Mushroom, Ed. 46 Clavaria rugosa 15 Hypholoma fasoicularis 4.7 „ cinerea 16 L -nzites b tulina 48 „ pistlllaris 17 Cortinarius sanguineus, Blood-red Agaric 49 Calocera viscosa and Xylaria hypoxylon 18 Ilygropborus pratensis, Ed. 50 Sparassis orispa virgineus, Ed. 19 ,, Tremellineae. 20 ooccineus Ord. ,, Tremella mesenterica 21 ,, obrusseus 22 L^ctarius vellereus and subdulois (small), Milk Ord. Phalloideae. Mushrooms 52 Ithyphallus impudicus, the Stinkhorn Fun 28 Bussula delica gus, P.

24 ,, alutacea, Ed. 53 ,, „ successive 25 drimeia, P. „ 64 ,, ,, phases 26 „ emetioa, P. 55 Mutinus caiiinus, the Lesser Stinkhorn 27 Cantharellus cibarius, Chantarelle, Ed. 28 „ tubaeforrais Ord. Lycoperdaceae. 29 Marasmius oreades, Fairy-ring Champignon, Ed. .56 Lycoperdon gemmatum. Common Puff-ball 30 Panus stypticus 57 Scleroderma verrucosa. Scaly Puff-ball 31 Pleurotus ulmarius Ord. Hymenogastriee, Ord. Polyporeae. 58 Melanogaster variegatus, “Red Truffle,” Ed 32 Boletus bovinus S.CI. 33 „ chrysenteron Discomycetes. 59 Leotia lubriea, Slimy 34 ,, edulis, Ed. Morell 60 Peziza aurantia 35 ,, soaber, Ed. ADDITIONAL SLIDES. ClPluprotus ostreatus (Oyster mushroom) 67 Clavaria aurea 62 P.eurotus mit's 68 Caiocera yiscosa 63 Poly’ orus csesius f9 Helvelia crispa (curled morell) 64 Stereum nirautum 70 Peziza vesiculosa 65 Craterellus quercina 71 Geoglossum mirsutum 66 Clavaria rugosa, yar. The handbooks of British Fungi, by Dr. M. 0. Cooke and Mr. Worthington Smith. 230 NfiWTON & Co., Ltd., Lantern Slide LublisLefS.


Beautifully Painted., 6s. 6

Text Book, by Somerville Hastings, Is. net. 1 The Common Mushroom, Agaticus {Psalliota) 27 The Bay Psilocybe, Agaricus (Psilocybe) spa- campestrii. diceus. 2 The Blusher, Agaricus (Amanita) fubescens. 28 I he Brown Ink-Cap, Coprinus fuscesceus. 3 The Panther-Cap, Agaricus (Amanita) pan- 29 The Imperial, Cortinarius violaceus. therinus. 30 The Paxil, Paxillus involutus. 4 The Panther-Cap, Agaricus (Amanita) pan- 31 The Slayer, Lactarius- rujus. therinus. 32 The Woolly Milk Mushroom, Lactarius tor- 6 The Solitary Toadstool, Agaricus (Amanita) minosus. solitarius. 33 The Slimy Lactar, Lactarius blennius. 6 The Grisette, Agaricus (Amanita) vaginatus. 34 The Emetic Russule, Russula emetiea. 7 The Grey Parasol, Agaricus (Lepiota) rachodes. 35 The Many-coloured Russule, Russula chamce 8 The Grey Parasol, Agaricus (Lepiota) rachodes. leonlina. 9 The Stump-Tuft, Agaricus (Armillaria) melleus. 36 The Champignon or Fairy-ring- toadstool, 10 The Beech-tuft, Agaricus (Armillaria) mucidus. Marasmius oreades. 11 The Beech-tuft, Agaricus (Armilaria) mucidus. 37 The Champignon or Fairy-ring Toadstool, 12 The Lurid Tricholome, Agaricus (tricholoma) Marasmius oreades. luridus. 38 The Wood Woolly-foot, Marasmius peronatus. 13 The Muscat, Agaricus (Tricholoma) albellus. 39 The Summer Boletus, Boletus astivalis. 14 The Soap-scented Tricholome, Agaricus (Tri- 40 The Variegated Boletus, Boletus variegatus. choloma) saponaceus. 41 The Vegetable Beef-steak or Oak-tongue, Fis- 15 The Field Darkie, Agaricus (Tricholoma) gram- tulina hepatica. mopodius. 42 The Giant-tuft, Polyporus' gigdnteus. 16 The Rooting-shank, Agaricus (Collybia) radi- 43 Dryad’s Saddle, Polyporus squamosus. catus. 44 The Common Polyporus, Polyporus versicolor. 17 The Leaf-bane, Agaricus (Collybia) dryophilus. 45 The Horn-of-Plenty, Craterellus cornucopioides 18 The Oyster of the Woods, Agaricus (Pleurotus) 46 The Rat’s Paw, Clavaria cinerea. ostreatus. 47 The Wrinkle-twig, Clavaria Rugosa. 19 The Prickly-cap, Agaricus (Pholiota) squarro- 48 The Stinkhorn, Phallus impudicus. sus. 49 The Stinkhorn (with flies eating muscus). 20 The Soft Crepidotus, Agaricus (Crepidotus) Phallus impudicus. mollis. 50 The Dog-stinkhorn, Mutinus caninus. 21 The Red Pratelle, Agaricus (Psalliota) cam- 51 A Common Puff-ball, Lycoperdon perlatum. pestris, var rujescens. 52 The Common Earth-ball, Scleroderma vulgare. 22 The Wood Mushroom, Agaricus (Psalliota) syl- 53 The Earth-star (with some young puff-balls), vaticus. Geaster seriscus. 23 The Green Stropharia, Agaricus (Stropharia) 54 The Bird’s-Nest, Crucibulum vulgare. ruginosus. 55 The Purple Jelly, Coryne sarcoides. 24 The Sulphur-tuft, Agaricus (Hypholoma) jasci- 56 The Common Morel, Morchella esculenta. cutaris. 57 The Black Potato, Daldinia Concentrica. 25 The Sulphur-Tuft, Agaricus (Hypholoma) jasci- 58 The Orange Elf-cup, Peziza aurantia. cularis. 59 The Black Bulgar, Bulgaria inquinans. 26 The Ground-Cap, Agaricus (Psilocybe) cano- 60 A Myxomycete, Tubulina cylindrica. brunneus.


Text Book, by Somerville Hastings,. Is. net. 61 The Scarlet Fly-cap, Agaricus (Amanita) Mus- 79 The Snowdrop Hygrophorus, Hygrophorus carius. Niveus. 62 The Wood Blewit, Agaricus (Tricholoma) Nu- 80 The True Chantarelle, Cantharellus Cibarius. das. 81 The False Chantarelle, Cantharellus Auran- 63 The Cream Cot, Agaricus (Clitocybe) Dealba- tiacus. tus. 82 The Funnel Chantarelle, Cantharellus Tuba 64 The Trumpet Clitocybe, Agaricus (Clitocybe) formis. Tuba. 83 The Styptic Sprout, Panus Stypticus. 65 The Winter Clitocybe, Agaricus (Clitocybe) 84 The Birch Lenzites, Lenzites Betulina. Brumalis. 85 The Flaccid Lenzites, Lenzites Flaecida. 66 The Spotted Collybia, Agaricus (Collybia) Macu- 86 The Saturnine Cortinarius, Cortinarius Satur- latus. ninus. 67 The Little Cap, Agaricus (Mycena) Galericu- 87 The Silvery Cortinarius, Cortinarius Argen- latus. tatus. 68 The Violet Cap, Agaricus (Laccarta) Laccata. 88 Shaggy-Caps, I., Coprinus Comatus. 69 The Tawny-tuft, Agaricus (PhoUota) Spectabilis. 89 Shaggy-Caps, II., Coprinus Comatus. 70 The Dung Stropharia, Agaricus (Stropharia) 90 Shaggy-Caps, III., Coprinus Comatus. Merdaria. 91 The Edible Boletus, Boletus Edulis, 71 The Tufted Psathyrella, Agaricus (Psathyrella) 92 The Yellow Boletus, Boletus Flavus. Disseminatus. 93 The Large Pine Polyporus, Polyporus 72 The Black Russule, Russula Nigricans. Schweintzii. 73 The Scorched Russule. Russula Adusta. 94 The Varnished Polyporus, Polyporus Lucidus. 74 The Brazen-faced Russule, Russula Ochroleuca 95 The Manna of the Woods, Poria Hibernica. 76 The Dirty Lactar, Lactarius Tiirpis. 96 The Sweet Trametes, Trametes Suaveolenes. 76 The Woolly White Lactar, Lactarius Vellereus. 97 The Jelly-Rot, Merulius Molluscus. 77 The Parrot Hygrophorus, Hygrophorus Psit- 98 The Urchin of the Woods, Hydnum Repandum tacinus. 99 The Vein Crust, Phlebia Vaga. 78 The Melon Hygrophorus, Hygrophorus Praten- 100 The Hairy Stereum, Stereum Hirsutum. si*. 101 The Purple Stereum, Stereum Purpureum. —

43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 231


Stereura, 102 The Bright Brown Stereum Spadi- 111 The Jelly Tooth, Tremellodon Gelattnosum. ceum. 112 The Sticky Calccera, Caloeera Viseosa. 103 The Stereum, Stereum Rugosum. Wrinkeld 113 The Common Helvella, Helvella Crispa. Thelephora 104 The Crested Thelephora, Cristata 114 The Lizard-Tuft, Leotia Lubrica. 105 Sparassis Crispa. The Sparassis, 115 The Wandering Elf-Cup, Feziza Applanata. ball, Lycoperdon 106 The Pillar Puff Gemmatum. 116 The Shield Piezza, Peziza Scutellata. Puff-ball, Lycoperdon 107 The Pear-Shaped Pyr»- 117 The Candle-Snuff Fungus, Xylaria Hypoxylon. forme. 118 The Devil’s Fingers, Xylaria Polymorpha. 108 Puff-ball, Lycoperdon The Tall Saccatum, 119 The Pitchy Crust, Ustulina Vulgaris. 109 The Ceaster Bryantii. Earth-Star, 120 The Fairies’ Pin-Cushion, Reticularia Lyco- 110 The Jew’s Ear, Hirneola Auricula-]udce Vel perdon. Auricularia Sambucina. A K U TREES—THEIR FORMS AND BRANCHING.

An entirely new series ol Slides, chiefly from Nature, with a most interesting Lecture. By Ealph Mollet.

As given to the School Nature Study Union, December 6th, 1912. Plain Slides, 2s. each.

Typewritten Lecture, 3s. 6d. or ; can be loaned with the Slides for 6d.

1 Title Slide. 27 Protection of lime-tree bole by shoots. 2 Leaf-mosaic of ivy {Hedera helix). 28 Effect of proximity^ on tree-form. «igrn), 3 ,, „ mulberry {M"ius 29 A larch-wood (Larix europesa)^ 4 ,, „ lime { argentea var. 80 “‘'leHiiing ot bole” of Scots pine. canesceus). 31 Bole of Scots pine. 5 “ Terrace ’* branch ot cedar (Cedrus hbani). 32 A pine-wood. 6 Diagram of development of a sapling into 33 Pine-crowns from below. typical tree forms. 34 A wood on a windy promontory. 7 Example of conical form—^Turkey oak {Quercus 35 Wind-pruned hawthorns (Crattsgus oxyaeaniha). cerris). 36 Marble-galls on oak (caused by Cynips koUart),^ 8 „ domed crown—old horse-chestnut 37 Oak-apples. (/^seulus hippocastanum). 38 Abortion of twig of lime-tree. “ 9 „ cylindroid form—young horse-chest- 39 Witches ’-brooms ” on hawthorn (caused by nut. Exoaseus erateegi). 10 „ cylindroid form—Lawson cypress 40 Weeping willow {Salix babylontca). {ChamcBcyparis laivsoniana). 41 Branches of weeping willow. 11 Comparison of mode of growth of leading-shoots 42 Weeping birch {Jietula alba var. pendula). of wych-elm {Ulmus glabra) and 43 Weeping box (Hi'xu sewpervirens var, prftd ula). sugar-pine (Pinus lamhertiana). 44 Weeping beech (Faguj sylvatica var. pendula). 12 Young Austrian Pine {Pinus laricio). 45 Lombardy poplar (Populus nigra). 13 Diagram of mode of development in which 46 Diagram of fastigiate branching position of leading-shoot is 47 Fasiifiate branch! 'g of Lombardy poplar.

usurped by lateral-shoots. I 48 Fastigiate branching of Lawson cypress. 14 Example—^young horse-chestnut. 49 Fastigiate yew {• axvs hac- oui var. fasmi\a*a). 15 Example old apple-tree {Pyrus tnalus). Fastigiate or cypress oak {Quercus pedunculata — \ 50 16 Evolution of “ umbrella ’’-form illustrated by var. fastigiata). Scots Pine {Pinus sylvestris). 51 Silky willow {Salix petiolaris) growing as shrub. 17 A Symmetrical tree (after Ruskin). 62 The birch growing as a shrub. 18 Long-shoots and dwarf-shoots of wild cherry 63 The elder {Sambucus nigra) as a tree. {Prunus avium). 54 Diagram of old horse-chestnut branch. 19 Three-years’ growth of twig of lime {Tilia 55 Characteristic branch of horse-chestnut. europeea). ^ 56 Terminal twigs of horse-chestnut branch. f SO Dormant buds on horse-chestnut twigs. 57 Horse-chestnut branches. 21 Dormant buds on trunk of red oak Quercus 58 Tortuous branches of oak. rubra). 59 Twig of oak showing origin of tortuous 22 Coppice in winter. branches. 23 Three stages of growth of sweet-chestnut coppice 60 Crooked litac-twig. (La'^tanea ativa). 61 Tortuous branching of purple willow {Salix pur- 24 Mixed coppice ,in summer. purea). 25 Pollard {'>o.lix fiaeilis). 62 Diagram illustrating “ fountain ” branching. 26 Suckers at base of common elm {Ulmus cam- 63 Fountain branching of hawthorn. festris). ' 64 Fountain branching of Philadelphus taiifolius See also a lecture on “The Herb yielding- leed, and the Tree yielding fruit,” page 222. HIRE OF SLIDES. For terms and Conditions see page 234. NOTICE. Messrs. Newton & Co., Ltd., beg to announce that all the Lantern Slides published in this catalogue are strictly copyright. The Royalties due in every case are included in the prices quoted, the payment of which confers on the purchaser the right of exhibiting these Slides anywhere in public or in private, but on no account must the pictures be copied either on paper or glass, or in any other way. ;

232 NEWTON & CO.. Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.

B L REMARKABLE TREES AND PLANTS. Some from Pictures, some from Photographs. Beautifully Tainted, 6s. Qd. Plain Slides, 2s. each, except lohere otherwise marked. 1 The Great American Aloe. 25 Cocoa-pods from Adivinanza 43 Grass Trees of Australia. 2 The Flowering Aloe. Estate, Trinidad. 3 44 Gutta Percha Trees, Natives Allspice (Black Pepper of 26 Coffee Plant. Jamaica). collecting the Sap. 27 Liberian Coffee Plant. 45 Indiarubber 4 Alpine Rose in Bloom. Tree. 28 White Cotton Tree, one of 46 5 Amphora Plant. Jack Tree, Attocarfus in- the only trees in Ceylon tegrifolia, 6 Apple Tree in Bloom. which loses its foliage. 47 Sacred Lotus of the 7 Fruit and Flower of the 29 Cotton Plant, Flowers and Eve's Apple. Egyptians, Nelumbium Pods. sfeciosum 8 Banyan Tree of Benares. 30 Cotton Pods, Green, with 48 9 Baobab Tree. Mahogany, Honduras, Tree. Plant Bugs. 49 May 10 Baobab Tree, Tree in Full Bloom. Flower and 31 Cotton Pod, burst, showing 50 Fruit The Mandrake. Cotton. 51 Mangrove 11 Bread-fruit Tree. and Swamp. 32 Cotton Bugs from- life, from 52 Nutmeg 12 Beeches at Epping. Tree and Fruit the Demerara Cotton Com- 53 Oak Tree. 13 Butter Tree and Fruit. pany. British Guiana. 54 14 Camphor Tree. „ in Leaf. 33 A Country Lane in Spring. 55 15 Caoutchouc Tree. „ in Winter. 34 The Cow Tree of the Cara- 56 Owen Glendower’s 16 Carnivorous Plants, Sarra- Oak. cas. 57 Olive Tree, cenia, Nepenthes, Gethsemane 35 Dragon's Blood Tree of the 58 Palm, African, and Darlingtonia. Zamia Caffra. Island of Teneriffe, Dra- ^ „ Medicinal Aloe, Mada^ 1773 „ Diansea, Penquicula, ccena Draco. and Drosera. gascar. 36 Edelweiss growing on rocks 9360 Palm, Cocoanut. 18 Cephalotus. „ near Arolla. Cocoanut, 19 Cedars of Lebanon. and Fruit 37 Elms. Date. 20 Great Cedar of Lebanon. 38 Elms and . Dom Luxor. 21 Chestnut, Great Tree of 39 Euphorbia Tree in Angola. Mount Etna. Dwarf, Forest Scene, 40 Firus Elastica in the Pera- Madagascar. 22 Tbvrsus of Flowers of the deniya Gardens, Kandy. Ivory, Nut and Fruit VelloT, Cinchona. 41 Gamboge Tree. 23 Cinnamon Tree. Wine-bearing Sago. 42 Gentian (see also Rhododen- Talipat 24 Cocoa Tree. - Talipat, 1st, Stage.

Palm, Tarapote, Triariea 81 A Group of Primroses (very 88 Soldanella alpina L. Leon- ventricosa. ; fine). topodium alpinum Cass. 70 Travellers'. 82 Rose „ Leaf cut by a Leaf- 89 Tanghien Tree of Madagas- 71 „ Wax, Ceroxylon andt- cutting Bee. car. cola. 83 Rhododendron femigineum 90 Tapioca Plant and its Root. Pansy (Viola). L. Geiitiana bavarica ; L. 91 Tea and Coffee Plants, 73 Papyrus. Gentiana nivalis L. Gen- China. 74 Prickly ; Pear and Cochineal tiana acaulis L. Alpine Thistle. Insects. 84 The Large Flowering Sensi- 93 Traveller’s Tree, 75 Pitcher Plant. Urania tive Plant. sfeciosa. 76 „ , Cluster. 85 Sensitive Flant, Asleep and 94 Tropical 77^ Scenery, Venezuela. M and Venus’s Fly-trap. Awake. 95 Upas Tree, 78 The Pomegranate. Java. 86 Snow on Hedge. 96 Varnish Tree. 79 Pine Tree at Arolla. 87 „ on Trees. 97 Victoria Regia, 80 A Primrose the Great Bank. Water Lily.

98 Fringed Violet. 2s. 9d. 112 Mango Tree. 123 Palmyra ' Palm in Blossom. 99 While Cactus. 2s. 9d. 113 Screw Pine Palm. 100 Australian Tree Fern. 2s. 9d. 114 Tall Nikee Palm, 124 Kukui or Candle Nut Trees 101 Trumpett reeper. 2s. 9d. 115 Eucalyptus Tree (Blue Gum), 102 White Hyacinth. 2s. 9d. 125 Wild Flax and Pampas Grass 103 Silver Birch. 116 Variegated Bananas. 104 Beeches. 117 I emon Tree at Suva. 126 Wild Fig Tree. 105 Weeping Willow. 118 Orange Ranch and Pepper 127 Trained Pine Tree at 106 Cork Trees. Negishi. Trees. 2s. 3d. 107 Para Rubber Tree. 119 Canadian Crab Apple in Blos- 128 Cuckoo-pint. 108 Pineapple Plant, som. 129 Mountain Ash. 109 Sycamore Tree, Jericho. 120 Tamarind Tree. 130 Sequoia or Wellinetonia (the 121 Peepul Tree. Mammoth Tiee 110 Cherry Blossom. of Cali- 2s. 3d, 122 Papaya Tree. forniH). 111 Silver Leaf Trees. 131 English Pine Tree.

LANTERN SLIDES SENT ON APPROVAL. Messrs. Newion will be glad to send any number of Slides on approval for purchase to Customers who may find themselves unable to attend the Lantern Slide Gallery to make their own selections. Customers will be charged with the cost of Carriage only, but be held responsible lor the safety of the Slides until received back by Messrs. Newton. 43, Museum Street, London, W.C.l. 233 VR THE GROWTH, STRUCTURE, DEFECTS AND CONVERSION OF TIMBER. A Series of Lantern Slides taken from Actual Specimens of Wood, selected and prepared by Mr. Harold Busbbidge, A E.I.B A., A B.C.S., Chief Lecturer io Building Trade Subjects at the Goldsmiths’ Institute, and at the L.C.C. Paddington Technical Inf^titute. Nos. 2.5 to 29 are taken from specimens in the Natural History Musemn, South Kensington, by kind permission of the Curator. Plain Slides 2s. 3d. each X scale of inches is photographed with each specimen, so that its approximate dimensions can at once be ascertained from the picture on the screen. In addition to the common name of each specimen, the correct botanical name of the species is placed in the photograph, so as to be easily read when thrown upon the screen. The Growth and Structure 17 Willow (four specimens from The Conversion and same tree) showing foxiness of Stems. and the progress of decay Shrinkage of Timber 18 Cedar, showing rind-gall (cross sections). 1 Endogenous Stems, showing 19 Eir timber rteetnoed by dry nod6S ixi elBVEtion and seo* rot (r.wo specimens) 35 English cherry seasoned in the tion 20 Fir limber covered with dry losf with bark on 2 Stem of Exogen (Araucaria) rot fungus 36 English Cherry seasoned in the Bhowing nodes 21 Fir timber destroyed by wet log w th bark stripped 3 Trunk of Exogen (Mulberry) rot 37 English Cherry seisoned in showing burr 22 Ash, showing heart shake square baulk 4 Cross sect'on of Oak log show- 23 Ash, showing decayed heart. 38 Eng- h Cherry seasoned in ing annual rings, bark, heart and starshake half-logs and sapwood, and medullary 24 Ash, showing ravages of dor- 39 English Cherry seasoned in rays cus parallel opidedus quarters Engli 5 Cro**H section of Pitch Pme 25 Pine, hhnwing ravages of 40 h Cherry seasoned in showing pith and annual sirex juvenous I lanks each -ide of centre rings 26 Larch, showing ravages of 41 English Cherry 8-*asoned in plank aining 6 Cro s-section of Coous-wood, wood wasps (siricidiae) C'-n the centre shoiwing heartwood and sap- 27 Wood, showing ravages of 42 English Cherry seasoned in wood white ants (termites) planks cut radially 7 Various woods (radial sections) 28 Elm, showing ravages of showing heart and sapwood “ship ’s-worms’ (toredo) 8 Radial sections of Elder and 29 Elm, showing starshake and Chestnut, showing pith inbark Characteristics of Various 963Cross-section of Yellow Deal, Useful Woods. showing node (five knot?) 43 Yellow Deal showing typical group! 'g of knots The Causes of Figure in 44 White Deal sh- wmg ty.ical The Defects of Timber. • grouping of knots Ornamental Woods. 45 Larch, showing typical gro .p- 10 Two specimens showing warp- ing of knots figure ing due to twisted grain 30 Four specimens showing 46 Differences in Yellow Deal rings 11 Yellow Deal, showing cup- produced by annual cau>ied by climate, soil, etc. showing shakes 31 Three spe imens 47 Three samples of various 12 Honduras Mahogany, showing figure produced by med- American Pines upset ullary rays 48 Oak, Horse ‘ Chestnut and 13 Yellow Pine, showing loose 32 Two specimens showing figure Swe-^t Chestnut, shoving knot produ ed by knots or eyes differences in grain 14 English Apple Tree showing 33 Three specimens showing 49 Cuba, S anisli and Honduras druxy knot figure produced by wavy Mahogany, showing differ- 15 Beech, showing druxy knot grain ences in grain specimens bowing and doatiness 84 Three 50 White and Honduras 16 Beech, showing destruction figure produced by wavy Mahogany, showing d.ffer- caused by worms grain ence in colour 5L American Yellow Pine, show- ing dark hair marks 53 Whi’e Deal showing resin cavit’es ADDITIONAL SLIDES OF “DEFECTS IN TIMBER." Spruce Fir, showing Pith. 65 Poplar bored by Larvae of Goat Moth. (Soldier, and Male). 54 Pinus Syh'estris, showing Pith. 66 White Ants Worker, 55 English Oak. showing Pith, Heart Strake. 61 Wood bored by White Ants. Decayed Heart. 56 Ash with Causes of Figure in Wood. 67 Pear Tree. Healing of Wounds hy occlusion from Fork between Branches. leading to Druxy Knot. 68 Mahogany. Curl 69 Manle. Bird’s-eye caused by Fittings. 68 Pear Tree. Healing of Wounds by occlusion small of leading to Rind Gall. 70 Maple. Mottling caused by Patches Cross Gra n. 59 Yellow Deal, showing Rind Gall. Burr Figure caused by Irregular 60 Spruce Fir, showing Spiral Grain. 71 Walnut. _ Spiralo • i Grain. 61 Pinus Sylvestris, showing altcrnatine Grain. 72 Oak. Pollard Figure caused by Knots or Eyes. 62 Teredo Navalis, preserved in Alcohol. Pollard Figure caused by Knots or 63 Mahogany bored by Teredo Navalis. 73 Ash. Eve« 64 The Goat Moth (Pupa. Larva, and Moth). For Slides on the Lumber Industry, see Industries, Section 7, and on Wood^Carving, see Architecture, Section 8 of this Catalogue, 234 NEWTON & CO., Ltd., Lantern Slide Publishers.


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