Queens Daily Eagle Theythey Were Were Hired Hired to to Practice Practice the the Law Law — — Not Not Breakbreakfaces It

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Queens Daily Eagle Theythey Were Were Hired Hired to to Practice Practice the the Law Law — — Not Not Breakbreakfaces It QUQUQUEENSQUQUEENSQUEENSQUEENQUEENSUEENSUEENUEENSUEENUEENSEENEENEENSSS o. Volume 64, NNo.1 24084 THURSDAY,MONDAY, JANUARY MARCH 28,7, 201 20199 50¢50¢ LILIWoodside Lawyers LawyersJury Sees Charged Charged Man UEENS WithPieceWithCharged Defrauding Defrauding of Lewis’ With Q ClientsClients for for Millions Millions FatalByBy Jonathan Jonathan Punch Sperling Sperling WebQueens History Daily Eagle Queens Daily Eagle TheyThey were were hired hired to to practice practice the the law law — — not not breakbreakFaces it. it. Court On ODAY OnNow two Trial recently disbarred Day lawyers from 6 a TODAY Now two recently disbarred lawyers from a T former Long IslandBy David law firm Brand are facing multiple — JANUARY 7, 2019 — formerVictim’sgrand Longlarceny Island charges law andfirmBirthday aare scheme facing to multiple defraud — MARCH 28, 2019 — grand larceny chargesQueens and Daily a scheme Eagle to defraud chargeThe for 12 allegedly jurorsBy David deciding pilfering Brand morethe fate than of $7 Chanel million ««« chargefrom thefor allegedlysettlements pilfering of dozens more of than clients, $7 million Queens ««« Lewis, the Queensman accused Daily Eagle of killing jogger PARENTSINDISTRICT30ARE fromDistrict the Attorneysettlements Richard of dozens A. Brown of clients, announced Queens on PARENTSINDISTRICT30AREFLUSHING FIREHOUSE DistrictKarinaFamily Attorney Vetrano, and friendsRichard got aof A. small John Brown peak“Danny” announced into McGeeLewis’ on PLY A FUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUESBALL! IT’S OPENING DAY FOR Thursday.internet historyBrown wasduring appointed the sixth to the day case of ashis a Thursday.filled a row Brown inside was a appointedcrowded Queensto the case criminal as a the NumerousNewCLOSESFUMINGOVERSCHOOLBUSISSUES York problemsFOR Mets, SCABIES who with face school INFESTATION the bus Washington drivers have specialhigh-profile prosecutor murder by the retrial Office ofWednesday. Nassau County specialcourtroom prosecutor Friday by morning the Office as ofthe Nassau man Countycharged parentsNationalsFirefightersNumerous and in school D.C. problems from children withEngine lookingschool 320 bus for on drivers answers Francis have in DistrictThey Attorney also viewed Madeline four cachedSingas photoin order files to Districtin relation Attorney to McGee's Madeline death Singasappeared in in order court toon LewisLongparents Island Boulevardand schoolCity. 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DepartmentInPostprosecutorial addition reported ofto Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory LenchnerchargedNYPD and with third-degree assault for allegedly ComputerCorey Kaye, Crime both of SceneLong Island investi —- skippingEducation,conduct stops,commission according leaving tokidsto reviewABC7 at school. complaintsIn andaddition dropping ofto werethrowing fromgator served allegations Josue the with punch Rivera thatcriminal they that took defraudedcomplaints killed the stand McGee 29 stemming toclients during testify be- on Friday. Cleaners were at the location where Queens Supreme Court Justice Gregory tween January 2010 and May 2018 at the since- offskippingmisconduct kids at stops, the against wrong leaving Newstops, kids York parents at school district tell and stories attorneys. dropping of a 5- froman about altercation outside allegations web history that they and a defrauded Sunnyside cached 29data bar clients — around what be- more than 100 firefighters are assigned. shuttered law firm of Kaye & Lenchner. If year-oldoffThe kids District at giving the Attorneys wrong his busstops, Associationdriver parents directions, tell of stories New multiple Yorkof a 5- Lasak Honored at Retirement Breakfast tween3:45 a.m. on Nov. 22, according to the criminal Rivera January called 2010 a “small and May copy” 2018 of at an the original since- convicted, they face a minimum of one year to a driversyear-oldhas threatened heading giving tohisthe file bus wrong adriver lawsuit direction directions, challenging on one-waymultiple the LasakFrom left, Administrative Honored Judge of the Supreme at RetirementCourt, Civil Division, Jeremy Weinstein; Breakfast NYS Supreme Court shutteredcomplaint. McGee fell and hit his head on the photo or law file firm — that of Kayehe recovered & Lenchner. from LewIf - maximum of 25 years in prison. streetsdriversnew law andheading as oneunconstitutional. driverthe wrong refusing direction to help on kids one-way buckle FromJusticeAssistant left, Gregory Administrative District Lasak; PresidingAttorney Judge of Justice, theBrad Supreme NY Leventhal Supreme Court, Court, (left)Civil Division, Appellatepresented Jeremy Division, into Weinstein; Randallevidence NYS Eng; Supreme webQueens history County Court convicted,ground. He was pronounced dead at Elmhurst is’ phone they and face that a prosecutorsminimum of onesay yearindicates to a seatstreetsVIOLENT belts. and “This one ST. driveris ALBANS a crisis refusing for SENIOR any to parent help HOUSING kidswhose buckle child JusticeSurrogate Gregory Court Lasak; Judge Presiding Peter Kelly. Justice, See NYmore Supreme coverage Court, on pages Appellate 15 and Division, 16. Randall Eng;Eagle Queens photo by County Andy Katz maximumHospital. of 25 years in prison.Continued on page 7 is affected, and the city of New York and the mayor and thumbnailed photos related to the murder of Karina Vetrano contained on Lewis’ seat belts.PIMP “This CONVICTED is a crisis INfor QUEENSany parent COURT whose child “Today would have been his 22nd birthday,”ContinuedContinued on on page page 127 SurrogateWoodsidephone. Court resident Judge Peter Steven Kelly. See O’Brien more coverage (right) on is pages charged 15 and with 16. third-degree Eagle photoEagle by Paul photoassault Frangipane by Andy forKatz andisJSU affected,A theTQueens A DOE DAY and judgeneed the A Fcity TEto is beexpectedofR NewhandlingA M YorkA toN sentence thisandEXPO asthe if Smayor a Eit’sDSt. a said McGee’s uncle Tim Murphy, 51. “We’re crisis,” said City Councilmember Jimmy Van allegedly throwing the punch that killed John McGee in Sunnyside on Nov. 22. Albansandhimself the DOEpredatorand touchedneed to to up behis to handling eightgenitals years thisin asinfront ifprison it’sof a forBramer. admitting Parents that said he that took at their advantage emergency of a meetingdrug- Pool photo by Dennis Clark Empty CourthouseContinued on page 7 Thursdaycrisis,”a woman said night,on Citythe it wasECouncilmember train, established police that sayJimmy any another school Van addictedwithBramer.subway persistent Parentsperv senior has issues said citizenstruck, that would at asand their reportedget pimped emergency a new sex bus a teenagecrimes meetingservice. Empty Courthouse girl,TheThursdayrise citywide.currentprosecutors night, service,Police it wassaid. are Grandpa’sestablished Josephstill looking Gilbert Busthat foranyCompany, pleadeda schoolman Mayor Meets With CM KoslowitzFull of History guiltyreleasedwithwho allegedlypersistent before a statement “manipulated”issuesQueens apologizing would Supreme get his for a privatenew the Court incidents bus parts Justiceservice. andin By Clarissa Sosin PeterassuringThefront current Vof allone athat 48-year-old service,there Jr. on is Thursday womanGrandpa’sa zero-tolerance as for the Bus attempting two Company,policy rode on forto Full Queensof History Daily Eagle sexlawbreakingreleaseda Manhattan-bound traffick a statement a and16-year-old leaving apologizing A train children girlat foraround from thein incidentsdanger. December5:30 a.m. They and AboutJim Henderson: Jails Plan, Wikipedia But Excludes PhotogInside the ByQueens Clarissa County Press Sosin Courthouse and in Long 2016alsoassuringon March setto Marchthatup 21. telephonethere 2017. is aRead hotlineszero-tolerance more for on anypage policy parents 2. for Island City a janitorQueens cleaned Daily the Eagle second floor bathroom, experiencinglawbreaking andissues: leaving 718-475-7585, children in 718-475-7586, danger. They a loneInside security the Queens guard watchedCounty theCourthouse front door in while Long his andalso 718-475-7587.set up telephone hotlines for any parents Islandcolleagues City a janitortook their cleaned lunch the breakssecond floorand abathroom, judge sat experiencingA BR ZQUEENSEN issues: ROBBE MURDER 718-475-7585,«««R IS SUSPECTMA K718-475-7586,ING THE The Unsung Hero of Communitya chattinglone security with guardvisitors watched on theNews the empty front doorbenches while of his his colleaguescourtroom. took their lunch breaks and a judge sat androunds BUSTED718-475-7587.QUEENSTURNSRURALTHISWEEKEND in Queens, AFTER STANDOFFstriking three WITH businesses COPS The dark Byhallways, Jonathan normally Sperling

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    SPRING 2020 UNDERGRADUATE LAW JOURNAL Officers: Editor-in-Chief . Stephan Schneider Secretary/Editor-in-Chief . Samantha A. Maciel Treasurer . .Yossra El-Sharawy Secretary (Fall 2019) . .Steven Robinson Editing Board: • Ariana Anderson, Amanda Heine, Emily Herrera, Samantha A. Maciel, Sayd Hussain, Stephan Schneider, Steven Robinson, Yossra El-Sharawy Faculty Advisors: • Paul Koku, Ph.D., J.D. • Dalel Bader, J.D. • Anthony J. Horky, Esq. • Cheryl Arflin, J.D. The Florida Atlantic University Undergraduate Law Journal is published online by FAU Digital Library and is available at http://journals.fcla.edu/FAU_UndergraduateLawJournal. The Undergraduate Law Journal is also a contributor to an Intercollegiate Undergraduate Law Journal which may be viewed at http://intercollegiatelawjournal.com/. For submission guidelines and membership information, please contact ahorky1@fau.edu or fau.ulj@gmail.com. You may also find additional information about the Pre-Law initiative at FAU at https://www.fau.edu/prelaw. Copyright 2020 Florida Atlantic University Undergraduate Law Journal. Authors retain copyrights but grant the journal the right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work’s authorship and initial publication in this journal. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contracts for their personal article, as well as offer it for publication in an institutional repository or publish it in a book, etc., provided the article includes an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal. 1 SPRING 2020 UNDERGRADUATE LAW JOURNAL Letter from the Editor-in-Chief As the school year draws to a close, I wish to congratulate and give thanks to all our student authors, faculty members, and executive board for their tireless work.
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