The West Steering a Fatal Course?
Vol. IX. No. 1/2. January/February 1958 Price: 1 8; 40 c ‘‘ TFe are as unknown, and yet well known; J5. D o n z o v as dyin8> all(l behold, xve live; as chastened, and not killedII. Corinthians, VI, 9. The West Steering a Fatal Course? We who liacl the misfortune to be born sian elements in the West, who are most pest, Zhukov,. and, finally, if one reads Mrs. under Russian tsarist or Bolshevist despotism emphatically in favour of the preservation of E. Roosevelt’s travel-report on the U.S.S.R. and who know Russia and her policy cannot the monstrous Russian imperium. The latter then, indeed, one can but be amazed that the understand why the West, after forty years of statement may sound very paradoxical, but, Russians have not yet established themselves Bolshevism, still fails to comprehend this po unfortunately, it is true. One only needs to in Paris, London and Washington. licy, — just as Hitler, both as an ally and read certain Western and by no means Com There is something wrong with some of the later as an enemy of Russia, likewise failed to comprehend it. What is the “general course“ of Russian for eign policy? It was already clearly formulated in 1917 by the second greatest hangman of the regime, Leo Bronstein-Trotsky. His motto was: “neither peace nor war“! Trotsky was murdered, but his murderers continue to pursue his policy. They do not venture to start a war between the states, but, on the other hand, they do not want peace or a stabili zation, either.
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