

KOJIRO NAKAMURA Associate Professor, University of Tokyo

A great number of books and articles have been written on the life and thought of Imam al-Ghazali since the 19th century. Although some attempts were made so far to list up the publications on him, they are far from complete. The following bibliography, which does not claim to be complete either, covers as many works published both as studies on al-Ghazali and of some of his own works as I have been able to collect (except some ) up to the present time. Being published in this form, I hope, it will be of some help to those who are interested in the same field. The bibliography is divided into two parts. Part One is devoted to the publications in the European and Japanese languages, and Part Two to those in the main Muslim languages (, Persian and Turkish). This latter part, which I believe is the first bibliographical attempt, is apparently in- complete. This is particularly so since the Urdu works are totally neglected (For these works, see M. M. Sherif ed., A History of Muslim Philosophy [2 vols., Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 1963-66], I, Chaps. XXX, XXXI, on al- Ghazali by M. Saeed and Abdul Khaliq, and the bibliography quoted therein). It is also to be noted that the general works on which include some observations on al-Ghazali such as the by M. M. Sherif just quoted and D. B. Macdonald, Development of Muslim , Jurisprudence and Constitu- tional Theory (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1903; repr. 1965), and the published texts of al-Ghazali's own works which often have important intro- ductory remarks are not listed in this bibliography.

Part One

Abd-el-Jalil, J. M.; "Autour de la sincerite d'al-Gazzali." Melanges Louis Massignon (3 vols.; Damascus: Institut Francais de Damas, 1956-57), I, 57-72.

119 Abul Quassem, ; "Al-Ghazali's Rejection of Philosophic Ethics." Islamic Studies, XIII (1974), 111-27. -; The Ethics of al-Ghazali: A CompositeEthics in Islam. Selangor: Central Printing Sendirian Berhad, 1975. -; "Al-Gazali's Conception of Happiness." Arabica, XXII (1975), 153-61. Abu Ridah, Muhammad 'Abd al-Hadi; Al-Ghazali und seine Widerlegungder griechischen Philosophie (Tahafut al-Falasifah). Madrid: Blass, S. A. Tipografica, 1952. Aguilar, E. Galindo; "Sur un livre recent: La notion de la ma'rifa chez Ghaz- zali (sic) par Farid Jabre." IBLA, XXI (1958), 213-20. Ahmad, Rashid; "Al-Ghazali." Dr. C. Krishnaswami Aiyangar Commemoration Volume(Madras: 1936). 109-110. , Syed (tr.); Some Moral and Religious Teachings of al Ghazzali. La- hore: Press, 2nd. ed. 1944. Alonso, Manuel Alonso; "Influencia de Algazel en el mundo latino." Al- Andalus, XXIII (1958), 371-80. -; "Los 'maqasid' de Algazel. Algunas deficias de la edicion caradiense." Al-Andalus, XXV (1960), 445-54. Antes, Peter; Prophetenwunderin der As'ariya bis al-Gazali (Agazel). Freiburg: D. Robischon, 1970. Arnaldez, Roger; "Controverses theologiques chez Ibn Hazm de Cordoue et Ghazali." Les Mardis de Dar el-Salam, 1956, 209-48. Asin Palacios, Miguel; "La mystique d'al-Gaazali." MFO, VII (1914-21), 67- 103. -; Algazel: Dogmatica, moral, ascetica. Zaragoza: 1901. -; "Sens du mot Tehafot dans les oeuvres d'El -Ghazali et d'Averroes." Revue Africaine, L (1906), 185-203. -(tr.); El justo medio en la creencia. Madrid: 1929. -; "El origen dellenguaje y problemas conexos, en Algazel, Ibn Sida e Ibn Hazm." Al-Andalus, IV (1936), 253-81.

-(tr.); "Une introduction musulmane a la vie spirituelle-le 《Chemin Assure des Devots》 d'Algazel: Analyse et Extraits (1)." Revue d'- Ascetique et de Mystique, IV (1923), 275-94. -; La Espiritualidad de Algazel y su sentido cristiano. 4 vols. Madrid, 1934- 41.

120 ORIENT A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON IMAM AL-GHAZALI -; "Notes sur les philosophes arabes connus des latins au moyen-age." MFO, VII (1914-21), 397-406. Bagley, F. R. C. (tr.); Chazali's Book of Counselfor Kings (Nasihat al-Muluk). London: Oxford University Press, 1964. Barny, Frederick J.; "The Moslem Idea of 'Ilm (Knowledge) (Illustrated by al-Ghazali's Experience)." MW, IX (1919), 159-68. Bauer, Hans; "Zum Titel und zur Abfassung von Ghazali's Ihja." Der Islam, IV (1913), 159-60. -(tr.); Die Dogmatik al-Chazali's nach den II Buch seinesHauptwerkes. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1912. -(tr.); Uber Intention, Reine Absicht und Wahrhaftigkeit. Halle: Max Nie- meyer, 1916. -(tr.); Von der Ehe: Das 12. Buch von al-Chazali's "Neubelebung der Re- ligionswissenschaften",ubersetzt und erlautert von Hans Bauer. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1917. -(tr.); Erlaubtes und verbotenes Gut: Das 14. Buch von al-Chazali's Hauptwerk, ubersetst underlautert von Hans Bauer. Halle: Max Niemeyer, 1922. Bell, Richard; "A Moslem Thinker on the Teaching of Religion: al-Ghazzali A. D. 1058-1111." The Hibbert Journal, XL (1943), 31-36. Bencheneb, M.; "Lettre sur l'education des enfants par Abou Hamed El-R'Az- zaly." Revue Africaine, XLV (1901), 101-110. Bercher, L. (tr.); "Extrait du Livre XXIII du Kitab Ihya 'Ulum ad-Din d'al-Gazali." Hesperis, XL (1953), 313-31. -(tr.); "La censure des moeurs selon al-Ghazali." IBLA, XVIII (1955), 313-21; XX (1957), 21-30; XXI (1958), 389-407; XXIII (1960), 299- 326. -(tr.); "Livre de l'obligation d'ordonner le bien et d'interdire le mal selon al-Ghazali (Kitab al-amr bi-l-ma'ruf wa-n-nahy 'ani-l-munkar)." IBLA, XVIII (1955), 53-91. Bhuyan, A. F. M. H.; "The Concept of Causality in al-Ghazzali." , XXXVII (1963), 88-91. Binder, L.; "Al-Ghazali's Theory of Islamic Government." MW, XLV (1955), 229-41. Blasdell, R. A.; "Religious Values in al-Ghazali's Works." MW, XXXVI (1946), 115-20. Borrmans, Maurice; "Note sur l'observation de la nature et son utilisation chez

Vol. XIII 1977 121 Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Ghazali." IBLA, XXI (1958), 117-52. Bousquet, G. H.; Ih'ya 'ouloum ed-din ou vivificationdes sciences de la foi, analyse et index. Paris: Max Besson, 1955. Bouyges, Maurice; Essai de chronologie des ouevres de al-Ghazali (Algazel). Edite et mis a jour par M. Allard. Beirut: Imprimerie Catholique, 1959. -; "Al-Ghazaliana I: Sur dix publicaions relatives a Algazel." MFO, VIII (1922). 479-519. Brunschvig, Robert; "Pour ou contre la logique grecque chex les theologiens- juristes de l'Islam: Ibn Hazm, al-Ghazali, Ibn Taimiyya." Convegno Internazionale 9-15 Aprile 1969 (Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, 1971), 185-209. -; "Valeur fondement du raisonnement juridique par analogie d'apres Al-Gazali." Studia Islamica, XXXIV (1971), 57-88. Calverley, Edwin E. (tr.); Worship in Islam, Being a , with Commentary and Introduction of al-Ghassali's Book of the Ihya' on the Worship. London: Luzac, rev. ed. 1957. -; "Vitalizing of the Religious Sciences: The Mysteries and Essentials of the Worship-Analysis of al-Ghazzali's 'Book of the Mysteries and Essen- tials of the Worship'." MW, XIV (1924), 10-22. Cabanelas, D.; "Notas para la historia de Algazel en Espana." Al-Andalus, XVII (1952), 223-32. -; "Un capitulo inedito de Algazel sobre la 'razon'." Miscelanea de Estudion Arabes y Hebraicos, VIII (1958), 29-46. -; "Un opusculo inedito de Algazel: el 'Libro de las intuiciones intel- ectuales'." Al-Andalus, XXI (1956), 19-58.

Chelhot, Victor; "《Al-Quistas al-Mustaqim》 et la connaissance rationelle chez Gazali." Bulletin d' Etudes Orientales, XV (1955-57), 7-98. Chidiac, R. (tr.); Refutation excellentede la divinite de Jesus-Chirist d'apres les Evan- giles. Paris: 1939. Davids, T. W. Rhys; "Does al-Ghazzali use an Indian Metaphor?" JRAS, 1911, 200-201. Davis, George W.; ": From its Origins to al Ghazzali." MW, XXXVIII (1948), 241-56. de Beaurecueil, S.; Gazzali et S. Thomas d'Aquin: Essai sur la preuve de l'existence de Dieu proposee dans l'Iqtisad et sa comparasion avec les 'voies' thomiste." Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale,

122 ORIENT A BIBLIOGRAPHY ON IMAM AL-GHAZALI XLVI (1947), 199-238. de Boer, S. T.; Die Widersprucheder Philosophie nach al-Gazzali und ihr Ausgleich durch Ibn Roshd. Strassburg: 1894. de Boer, Tjitze; Die Ewigkeit der Welt bei Algazzali und Ibn Rosd. Strassburg: Karl J. Trubner, 1894. Demeerseman, A.; "Ce qu'Ibn Khaldoun pense d'al-Ghazzali." IBLA, XXI (1958), 161-93. -; "Le a-t-il une marque ghazzalienne?" IBLA, XXI (1958), 109-16. de Meynard, M. C. Barbier (tr.); "Traduction nouvelle du Traite de Ghazzali intitule le Preservatif de l'Erreur, et notices sur les extases (des soufis)." Journal Asiatique, 7th ser., IX (1877), 5-93. de Vaux, Carra; Gazali. Paris: Felix Alcan, 1902. -(tr.); "Tahafut al-falasifa." Le Museon, XVIII (1899), 143-57, 274- 308, 400-408; N. S., I (1900), 346-79. -; "Gazali: Le traite de la renovation des sciences religieuses Ihia ulum eddin." Rendu du Congres ScientifiqueInternational des Catholiques (Iere Sec- tion, Introduction), Paris: 1891, 209-34. Dingemans, H. H. (tr.); Al-Ghazzalis Boek der Liefde. Leiden: 1938. Donaldson, Dwight M.; "Mohammed al-Ghazzali." MW, XI (1921), 377-88. -; "A Visit to the Grave of al Ghazzali." MW, VIII (1918), 137-40. Ettinghausen, Richard; "Al-Ghazzali on Beauty." Art and Thought, Issued in Honor of Dr. Ananda K. Coomeraswamy on the Occasion of His 70th Birthday (ed. by K. Bharatha Iyer. London: Luzac, 1947), 160-65. Fans, N. A.; "The Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din of al-Ghazzali." Proceedingsof American Philosophical Society, LXXXI (1939), 15-19. -; "Al-Ghazzali's Rules of Conduct, Based on Al-Qawa'id al-'Asharah." MW, XXXII (1942), 43-50. -(tr.); The Book of Knowledge,Being a Translation with Notes of the Kitab al- 'Ilm of al-Ghazzali's Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din. Lahore: Ashraf Press, 1962. -(tr.); The Foundationsof the Articles of Faith, Being a Translation with Notes of the Kitab Qawa'id al-'Aqa'id of al-Ghazzali's "Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din". Lahore: Ashraf Press, 1963. -(tr.); "Ghazzali's Epistle of the Birds: A Translation of the Risalat al- Tam." MW, XXXIV (1944), 46-53. -(tr.); The Mysteries of Purity: English Translation of the Kitab Asrar al- Vol. XIII 1977 123 Taharah of al-Ghazzali's Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din. Lahore: Ashraf Press, 1966. -(tr.); The Mysteries of Almsgiving: A Translation from the Arabic with Notes of the Kitab Asrar al-Zakah of al-Ghazzali's Ihya' 'Ulum al-Din. Beirut: The Heidelberg Press, 1966. Field, Claud (tr.); The Alchemy of Happiness by al-Ghazzali. Lahore: Ashraf Press, 1964. Foster, Frank Hugh; "Ghazali on the Inner Secret and Outward Expression of Religion in His 'Child'." MW, XXIII (1933), 378-96. Frick, Heinrich; Ghazalis Selbstbiographie: Eine Vergleichmit Augustins Konfessionen. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1919. Fujimoto, Katsuji (tr.); Ayamari karano sukui (Deliverance from Error). Series of World Classics 68: Arabic and (Tokyo: Chikuma-shobo, 1964), 99-131. Gairdner, W. H. T.; An Accountof al-Ghazzali's Life and Works. Madras: 1919. -; "Al-Ghazali's Mishkat al-Anwar and the Ghazali-Problem." Der Islam, V (1914), 121-53. -(tr.); Al-Ghazzali's Mishkat al-Anwar ("The Niche for Lights"): A Transla- tion with Introduction. London: Royal Asiatic Society, repr. 1924. Gardener, W. R. W.; "Al-Ghazali as Sufi." MW, VII (1917), 131-43. Gardet, L.; "Qu'est-ce que I'homme?: Texte d'al-Ghazali traduit et presente par Louis Gardet." IBLA, VII (1944), 395-426. -; "Raison et foi en 'Islam: Les solutions de l'Islam orthodoxe, al- Ghazali." Revue Thomiste, XLIII (1937), 439-78; XLIV (1938), 145- 67; 342-78. -(tr.); "Texte d'al-Ghazali traduit et annote par Louis Gardet." Revue Thomiste, XLIV (1938), 569-78. -(tr.); "L'abandon a Dieu (tawakkul): Texte d'al-Ghazzali." IBLA, XIII (1950), 37-47. Gatje, Helmut; "Logisch-semasiologische Theorien bei al-Gazzali." Arabica, XXI (1974), 151-82. Gautier, Lucien (ed. and tr.); Ad-Dourra al-Fakhira: La Perle Precieusede Ghazali. Leipzig: Otto Harrassowits, 1925. Gintsburg, I. I.; "Rukopisnaya evreiskaya versiya Mizan al-'amal al-gazali." Zapiski Istituta Vostokovedeniya Akademii Nauk SSSR, VI (1937), 141-68. Goldziher, Ignaz; Streitschrift des Gazali gegen die Batinijja-Sekte. Leiden:


E. J. Brill, 1956 (First published 1916). Gosche, R.; "Uber Ghazzalis Leben und Werke." Philologische und Historische Abhandlungen der Koniglichen Akademie der Wissenschaftenzu Berlin, 1858, 239-311. Gottheil, Richard; "A Supposed Work of al-Ghazali." JAOS, XLIII (1923), 85-91. Hachem, Hikmet (tr.); Ghazzali: Critere de l'action (Mizan al-'Amal). Paris: Maisonneuve, 1945. Hell, Joseph; Die Religion des Islam I: von Mohammed bis Ghazali. Jena: Eugen Diederichs, 1915. Hitzig; "Ueber Gazzali's Ihja 'ulum al-din." Zeitschrift der DeutschenMorgen- landischen Gesellschaft,VII (1853), 172-86. Holland, Muhtar (tr.); al-Ghazali: On the Duties of Brotherhood. London: The Anchor Press, 1975. Horten, Max; Die Hauptlehren des Averroes nach seiner Schrift: Die Widerlegung des Ghazali. Bonn: A. Marcus und Webers, 1913. Hourani, George F.; "The Chronology of Ghazali's Writings." JAOS, LXXIX (1959), 225-33. -; "The Dialogue between al Ghazali and the Philosophers on the Origin of the World." MW, XLVIII (1958), 183-91, 308-14. Jabre, Farid; La notion de la ma'rifa chez Ghazali. Beirut: Imprimerie Ca- tholique, 1958. -; La notion de certitudeselon Ghazali dans ses origines psychologiques et historiques. Paris: J. Vrin, 1958. -; "L'extase de Plotin et le ' de Ghazali." Studia Islamica, VI (1956), 101-24. -; Essai sur le lexique de Ghazali: Contribution a l'etude de la terminologiede Ghazali dans ses principaux ouvrages a l'exception du Tahafut. Beirut: Im- primerie Catholique, 1970. -(tr.); Al-Munqid min adalal (Erreur et delivrance): Traductionfrancaise avec introductionet notes. Beirut: Commission Internationale pour la Traduc- tion des Chefs-d'oeuvre, 1959. -; "La biographie et l'oeuvre de Ghazali reconsiderees a la lumiere des Tabaqat de Sobki." Melanges de l'Institut Dominicaine d'Etudes Orientales du Caire, I (1954), 73-102. Kamali, Sabih Ahmad (tr.); Al-Ghazali's Tahafut al-Falasifa (Incoherenceof the Vol. XIII 1977 125 Philosophers). Lahore: Ashraf Press, 1953. Kassim, Husain; "Existentialist Tendencies in Ghazali and Kierkegaard." Islamic Studies, X (1971), 103-28. Kempfner, Gaston; "Rationalisme et mystique: A propos d'al-Ghazali." IBLA, XXI (1958), 153-60. Kindermann, Hans (tr.); Uber die Guten Sitten beim Essen und Trinken das ist das 11. Buch von al-Ghazzali's Hauptwerk; Ubersetzung und Bearbeitung als ein Beitrag zur Geschichteunserer Tischsitten. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1964. Krawulsky, Dorothea (tr.); Briefe und Reden des Abu Hamid Muhammad al-Gazzali, ubersetzt und erlautert. Freiburg: Klaus Schwarz, 1971. Lambton, A. K. S.; "The Theory of Kingship in the Nasihat al-Muluk of Ghazali." The Islamic Quarterly, I (1954), 47-55. Laoust, Henri; La politique de Gazali. Paris: Geuthner, 1971. Lazarus-Yafeh, Hava; "Place of the Religious Commandments in the Philosophy of al-Ghazali." MW, LI (1961), 173-84. -; "Philosophical Term s as a Criterion of Authenticity in the writings of al-Ghazzali." Studia Islamica, XXV (1966), 111-21. -; "Etude sur la polemique Islamo-Chretienne: Qui etait l'auteur de al-Radd al-gamil li-ilahiyat 'Isa bi-sarih al-Ingil attribue a al-Gazzali?" REI, (1969), 219-38. -; "Some Notes on the Term '' in the Writings of Al-Ghazzali." Oriental Studies, I (1971), 249-56. -; Studies in al-Ghazzali. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1975. Lelong, Michel; "Actualite de Ghazzali." IBLA, XXI (1958), 195-212. Lohr, Charles H.; "Logica Algazelis: Introduction and Critical Text." Tra- ditio, XXI (1965), 223-90. Macdonald, Duncan Black; "The Life of al-Ghazzali, with Especial Reference to His Religious Experiences and Opinions." JAOS, XX (1899), 71-132. -; "Al-Ghazzali." SEI, 111-14. -(tr.); "Emotional Religion in Islam as Affected by Music and Singings, Being a Translation of a Book of the Ihya' 'Ulum ad-Din of al-Ghazali with Analysis, Annotation, and Appendices." JRAS, 1901, 195-252, 705-48; 1902, 1-22. -; "The Meanings of the Philosophers by al-Ghazzali." Isis, XXV (1936). 9-15; XXVII (1937), 9-10. Maejima, Shinji; "Isuramu no shinpishugi to bukkyo: Gazari no shogai o


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(al-Ghazali's Theory of Mystical Exercises (I) (II), with reference to Dhikr and Du'a'), The Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture, LIII (1971), 101-80; LVII (1972), 215-301. -(tr.); Ghazali on Prayer. Tokyo: Institute of Oriental Culture, 1973. -; "Gazarikenkyu to sono mondaiten (I): Chusei yori 19seikimatsu made o chushin toshite" (The Study of al-Ghazali and Its Problems (I), with reference to the Studies from the Middle Ages through the End of the 19th Century), The Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture, LXVII (1975), 1-110. -; "Gazarikenkyu to sono mondaiten (II): Kaishin to intai no mondai o chushin toshite" (The Study of al-Ghazali and Its Problems (II), with reference to the Problem of His Conversion and Retirement), The Memoirs of the Institute of Oriental Culture, LXIX (1976), 131-92. -; "Aru-Gazari," Seiyotetsugakushi no Kisochishiki (Elementary Knowledge in the History of Western Philosophy) (ed. by Keizo Ikumatsu et al, Tokyo: Yuhikaku, 1977), 94. Obermann, Julian; Der philosophische und religiose Subjektivismus Ghazalis; Ein Beitrag zum Problem der Religion. Wien & Leipzig: Wilhelm Braumuller, 1921. Ochoa, L. Duran; "Abu Hamed Ben Mohamed Algazali." , Nos. 63-4 (1947), 138-40. Othman, Ali Issa; The Conceptof Man in Islam in the Writings of al Ghazali. : Dar al-Maaref, 1960. Padwick, Constance E.; "Al-Ghazali and the Arabic Versions of the Gospels." MW, XXIX (1939), 130-40. Pedersen, J.; "Ein Gedicht al-Gazali's." Le Monde Orientale, XXV (1931), 230-49. Pennings, G.J.; "God's Decrees and Man's Responsibility: An Attempt by al-Ghazali to Reconcile the Two." MW, XXXI (1941), 23-28.


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Abbreviations: EI2: Encyclopaediaof Islam (2nd ed.) IBLA: Revue de l'Institut des Belles Lettres Arabes a Tunis. JAOS: Journal of the American Oriental Society. JRAS: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. MFO: Melanges de la Faculte Orientale de l'Universite St. Joseph de Beyrouth. MW: The Muslim World. REI: Revue des Etudes Islamiques. SEI: Shorter Encyclopaediaof Islam.