服務業統計摘要 按季補充資料 Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector

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服務業統計摘要 按季補充資料 Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 服務業統計摘要 按季補充資料 Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2021 年第 1 季 First Quarter 2021 香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 服務業統計摘要 按季補充資料 Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector 2021年第1季 First Quarter 2021 有關本刊物的查詢,請聯絡: 政府統計處 物流及生產者價格統計組 地址:香港九龍協調道3號工業貿易大樓11樓 電話:(852) 3903 7257 圖文傳真:(852) 2123 1048 電郵:[email protected] Enquiries about this publication can be directed to: Logistics and Producer Prices Statistics Section Census and Statistics Department Address: 11/F, Trade and Industry Tower, 3 Concorde Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Tel.: (852) 3903 7257 Fax: (852) 2123 1048 E-mail: [email protected] 政府統計處網站 Website of the Census and Statistics Department www.censtatd.gov.hk 2021年6月出版 Published in June 2021 目錄 CONTENTS 頁數 Page 引言 Introduction iv 服務行業 Service Industries 1. 航空運輸服務業 Air Transport Services 1 2. 銀行服務業 Banking Services 7 3. 金融市場及資產管理業 Financial Markets and Asset Management 15 Services 4. 餐飲服務業 Food and Beverage Services 37 5. 進出口貿易及批發業 Import/Export and Wholesale Trades 43 6. 保險服務業 Insurance Services 57 7. 陸路運輸服務業 Land Transport Services 63 8. 專業、科學及技術服務業 Professional, Scientific and Technical 73 Services 9. 地產服務業 Real Estate Services 77 10. 零售業 Retail Trade 83 11. 電訊服務業 Telecommunications Services 91 12. 水上運輸服務業 Water Transport Services 103 服務界別 Service Domains 13. 電腦及資訊科技服務 Computer and Information Technology Services 111 14. 旅遊、會議及展覽服務 Tourism, Convention and Exhibition Services 117 附錄 Appendices 刊載於 2018 年 1 月至 2021 年 6 List of Feature Articles relating to Services A1 月《香港統計月刊》有關服務業的 Sector published in Hong Kong Monthly Digest 專題文章目錄 of Statistics during January 2018 to June 2021 獲取政府統計處刊物的方法 Means of Obtaining Publications of the Census A4 and Statistics Department iii 引言 Introduction 《服務業統計摘要按季補充資料》旨在就 The Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the 《服務業統計摘要》中提及的香港14個主 Services Sector is designed to show the latest short- 要 服務行業/界別顯示其 最近的短期經 term economic performance of 14 major service 濟表現。 industries/domains of Hong Kong presented in the Statistical Digest of the Services Sector. 本刊物 盡可能刊載已齊備的最近6季按季 Quarterly statistics for the latest six quarters, where 統計數字。14個主要服務行業/界別以個 possible, are presented. The information in respect 別章節闡述,資料分門別類,就每個服務 of each of the 14 leading service industries/domains is 行業/界別,提供各類相關的統計數字, organised in such a way that different types of 以便參考對照及理解。 statistics pertaining to a specific service industry/domain are collated in a dedicated section for easy reference and interpretation. 本刊物 所 載的統計資料主要來自政府統 The principal sources of the statistical information 計處和其他政府部門。在適當情況下亦引 presented in this publication are official statistics 用了其他機構發表的統計數字。 compiled by the Census and Statistics Department and other government departments. Statistics produced by other organisations are also referred to as appropriate. 每章節均附有「概念及方法」部分,詳述 Description of the scope and nature of the statistical 統計資料的範圍和性質,以及本刊物 內所 information as well as terms and definitions used in 用的用語及定義。 the publication are provided in the “Concepts and methods” part in each section. 使用個別統計表的數字時,讀者須注意相 When using figures in each table, readers should pay 應的註釋,以了解有關定義、涵蓋範圍、 attention to the corresponding footnotes which 計算方法及點算規則方面的轉變,以及資 describe as far as possible changes in the definitions, 料的局限性。任何上述的 轉變均可能令整 coverage, methods of calculation and counting rules 段期間內的數列不能作全面的比較。 as well as limitations of data. Any such changes may render the data series not fully comparable over the entire period. iv 代號 Symbols 本《統計摘要》內各代號的含意如下: The following symbols are used throughout the Statistical Digest : - 不適用 - Not applicable * 經修訂的數字 * Revised figures N.A. 沒有數字/暫時沒有數字 N.A. Not available / Not yet available 計量單位 Units of measurement 1 立方米 = 219.969 英加侖 1 cubic metre (cu.m.) = 219.969 imperial gallons 1 公頃 = 10 000.000 平方米 1 hectare = 10 000.000 square metres 1 公斤 = 2.205 磅 1 kilogram (kg) = 2.205 p ounds = 1.653 斤 = 1.653 catties 每小時 1 公里 = 0.540 浬 1 kilometre/hour (km/h) = 0.540 knot 1 平方米 = 10.764 平方呎 1 square metre (sq.m.) = 10.764 square feet 1 公噸 = 2 204.623 磅 1 tonne (t) = 2 204.623 p ounds = 0.984 噸 = 0.984 ton 每秒兆比特 = 每秒1 x 10 6 比特 1 megabit per second (Mbps) = 1 x 10 6 bits per second 每秒吉比特 = 每秒1 x 10 9 比特 1 gigabit per second (Gbps) = 1 x 10 9 bits per second 貨幣數字 Monetary figures 本刊物內所有引述的貨幣數字,除特別 All monetary figures quoted are in Hong Kong dollars 註明外,均以港元為單位。港元是香港特 unless otherwise specified. Hong Kong dollar is the 別行政區的法定貨幣。 legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 匯率 Exchange rate 自 1983年 10月 17日起,政府透過一項有 As from 17 October 1983 the Hong Kong dollar has 關發行紙幣的措施,將港元與美元聯繫, been linked to the US dollar through an arrangement 由發鈔銀行以 7.8 港元兌 1.0 美元的固 in the note issuing mechanism permitting note issuing 定匯率發行紙幣。自此,港元兌美元的匯 banks to issue Hong Kong dollar notes at a fixed rate 率在外匯市場僅有窄幅變動。 of HK$7.8=US$1.0. Since then, the exchange rate of Hong Kong dollar against the US dollar in the foreign exchange market has moved only within a narrow range. 數字的進位 Rounding of figures 由於進位原因,統計表內個別項目的數 There may be a slight discrepancy between the sum of 字加起來可能與總數略有出入。 individual items and the total as shown in the tables owing to rounding. v [此頁特意留為空白] [This page is intentionally left blank] vi 航空運輸服務業 1 Air Transport Services 概念及方法 Concepts and methods 就編製統計數字而言,航空運輸服務業 包括提 For statistical compilation purpose, the air transport 供航空客運及貨運服務、航空貨運代理服務、 services cover establishments rendering air passenger 機場地勤服務、機場轉運服務及營運航空貨運 and freight transport services, air cargo forwarding 站的機構單位。 services, ground handling services at airport, airport transfer services and air cargo terminal operating services. 機構單位 是指在單一擁有權或控制權下,在單 An establishment is defined as an economic unit which 一地點從事一種或主要從事一種經濟活動的經 engages, under a single ownership or control, in one or 濟單位,例如個別工廠、工場、零售店或辦公 predominantly one kind of economic activity at a single 室。 physical location, e.g. an individual factory, workshop, retail shop or office. 就業人數 包括: Persons engaged include: (1) 於統計日期工作最少 1 小時及經常參與機 (1) individual proprietors, partners and persons 構單位業務的東主、合夥人,以及與東主 having family ties with any of the proprietors or 或合夥人有親屬關係並在機構單位工作 partners and working in the establishment without 而無正薪的人士; regular pay, who are actively engaged in the work (2) 於統計日期向機構單位直接支取薪酬的 of the establishment for at least 1 hour on the 全職受薪僱員,以及有限公司的在職董 survey reference date; 事,其中包括長期或臨時聘用的,無論這 (2) full-time salaried personnel/employees and 些僱員正在本港或其他地方工作或暫時 working directors of limited companies directly 缺勤(即正在放病假、分娩假、年假、事 paid by the establishment, both permanent and 假的工人及罷工者);以及 temporary, who are either at work (whether or not in Hong Kong) or temporarily absent from work (3) 在統計日期工作最少 1 小時的兼職僱員, 以及夜班或輪班的僱員。 (viz. those on sick leave, maternity leave, annual vacation or casual leave, and on strike) on the survey reference date; and (3) part-time employees and employees on night/ irregular shifts working for at least 1 hour on the survey reference date. 航空運輸設備的貿易統計數字 包括動力航空 Trade statistics on air transport equipment include 器(例如直升機、飛機)及有關的零件(如推 imports and exports of powered aircraft (such as 進器、水平旅翼、起落架及飛機或直升機的其 helicopters and aeroplanes) and related parts (such as 他零件)的進口及出口貨值。 propellers, rotors, under-carriages and other parts of aeroplanes or helicopters). 服務業統計摘要按季補充資料 2021 年第 1 季 1 Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector Q1 2021 香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 統計表 Statistical tables 表 1.1 航空運輸服務業的機構單位數目、就業人數及業務收益指數 Table 1.1 Number of establishments, persons engaged and business receipts index of the air transport services 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 第4季 第1季 第2季 第3季 第4季 第1季 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 機構單位數目 1 577 1 567 1 572 1 564 1 551 1 548 Number of establishments 就業人數 62 325 60 201 59 864 58 272 50 588 49 616 Number of persons engaged 業務收益指數(2015年=100) 106.9 77.9 60.9 63.2 74.8 70.6 Business receipts index (Year 2015=100) 表 1.2 航機升降次數(a) Table 1.2 Aircraft movements(a) 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 第4季 第1季 第2季 第3季 第4季 第1季 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 升降總計 100 866 63 382 30 767 30 422 36 095 30 517 Total movements 降落架次 50 438 31 753 15 378 15 175 18 024 15 257 Landings 起飛架次 50 428 31 629 15 389 15 247 18 071 15 260 Take-offs 註釋: (a) 包括載客及載貨班機。 Note: (a) Including passenger and cargo flights. 服務業統計摘要按季補充資料 2021 年第 1 季 2 Quarterly Supplement to Statistical Digest of the Services Sector Q1 2021 香港特別行政區 政府統計處 Census and Statistics Department, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 表 1.3 民航機的客運量 Table 1.3 Passenger throughput of civil aircraft 千次 Thousands 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 第4季 第1季 第2季 第3季 第4季 第1季 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 客運量(a) 16 067 8 155 128 280 251 177 Passenger throughput(a) 抵港人次 8 088 4 134 82 117 113 69 Arrivals 離港人次 7 979 4 022 47 162 137 109 Departures 來港過境人次 22 11 § § § § Arrival transits 註釋: (a) 包括轉機乘客,但不包括過境乘客及空勤人員。 § 少於500人次。 Notes: (a) Including transfers but excluding transit passengers and crew members. § Less than 500. 表 1.4 以空運進出香港的貨物及郵遞 Table 1.4 Inward and outward movements of cargo and mail by air 千公噸 Thousand tonnes 2019 2020 2020 2020 2020 2021 第4季 第1季 第2季 第3季 第4季 第1季 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 貨物(a) 1 291.8 972.6 1 063.4 1 119.6 1 264.8 1 107.3 Cargo(a) 卸貨量 419.9 354.3 322.2 363.4 408.3 378.4 Unloaded 裝貨量 872.0 618.3 741.1 756.2 856.5 728.9 Loaded 郵遞(b) 29.1 16.4 8.6 10.9 11.8 9.5 Mail(b) 卸貨量 10.5 5.9 2.6 3.2 3.2 2.3 Unloaded 裝貨量 18.6 10.5 6.0 7.7 8.6 7.2 Loaded 註釋: (a) 不包括郵遞。 (b) 包括香港郵政和航空公司的過境郵遞。 Notes: (a) Excluding mail.
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    新渡輪獲延續港內航線及離島航線經營牌照 Licence Renewal on Inner Harbour and Outlying-island Ferry Routes 今年三月,新渡輪獲運輸署延續港內航線(包括北角往來紅磡及北角往來九龍城),以及離 島航線(中環往來梅窩、中環往來長洲及橫水渡)之渡輪服務經營牌照三年。港內航線及梅 窩航線之牌照將於2017年4月1日起生效;而中環往來長洲及橫水渡航線之牌照則會於 2017年7月1日起生效。 在過去的三年牌照期內,縱然通貨膨脹持續,營運成本不停上升,新渡輪仍一直竭力維持 票價穩定。基於新渡輪在新牌照下須面對油價的不明朗因素、加上市場上人手極其缺乏, 公司必須在員工薪酬福利開支方面大幅增加,以挽留現職員工及吸引年青人入行等因素的 考慮下,新渡輪在新牌照期內會作出票價調整。 在新牌照下,新渡輪會積極強化渡輪服務,包括提升船隊內的船隻設施,以及針對目前勞動市場人手緊絀而無法覓得船員 駕駛下仍可提升船隊的整體載客量,為船隊內5艘403位的高速船每艘逐步增添約20個座位。同時,就著中環往來長洲航線 設立特別通道之訴求,新渡輪會在相關政府部門的配合下安排在2017年下半年實施月票通道並會進一步研究容許持其他票 種的乘客使用該通道之技術可行性。 有關新收費的安排,乘客可查閱碼頭資訊板、致電新渡輪顧客服務專線 2131 8181,或瀏覽新渡輪手機應用程式或企業網 站www.nwff.com.hk。 In March, the Transport Department extended First Ferry’s licences to operate inner harbour ferry routes (including North Point-Hung Hom and North Point-Kowloon City) as well as outlying-island ferry routes (Central-Mui Wo, Central-Cheung Chau and Inter Islands) by 3 years. The extension on the inner harbour and Mui Wo routes will come into effect as of 1 April 2017 while the remaining two routes will become effective on 1 July 2017. During the previous 3-year licence period, despite continuing inflationary pressures and rising operating costs, First Ferry has tried hard to keep fares stable. In this new licence period, in view of the uncertainty of rebounding oil prices coupled with a severe manpower shortage in the market that necessitated a considerable increase in remuneration package to retain current employees and to attract young people to this industry by providing maritime training, First Ferry has to adjust the
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  • Issue 73 Layout 10 Hi
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