Resolution of the City of Jersey City, NJ
Resolution of the City of Jersey City, N.J. City Clerk File No. Res. 10-397 Agenda No. 1O.A JUN 2 3 2U1O Approved: TITLE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FISCAL YEAR 2010 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS COUNCIL offered and moved adoption of the following resolution: RESOLVED, by the Municipal Council of the City of Jersey City that the Comptroller is hereby authorized to make the following FY 2010 budgetary appropriation transfers in accordance with N.J.SA 40A:4-58, two thirds of the full membership of the Municipal Council concurring: From To 23-220 Empl.Group Health Ins. 250,000 31-431 Mun.St. Lighting 250.000 28-375 Parks Maintenance 50,000 26-291 Buildings and Streets 50,000 26-315 Automotive Services 100,000 TOT,A.L 350,000 350,000 APPROVED: APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM APPROVED: ~~ --ration Counsel Certification Required 0 Not Required o APPROVED 9-0 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ON FINAL PASSAGE h/T~ 11 COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY NV. COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V. COUNCILPERSON AYE NAY N.V. SOTTOLANO V GAUGHAN V FLOOD i/ DONNELLY .I FULOP i/ VEGA i/ LOPEZ i/ RICHARDSON i/ BRENNAN, PRES i/ ,/ Indicates Vote N.V.-Not Voting (Abstain) ~atl/~ a meeting . Municipal~ Council of the-(J~t: City of Jersey City N.J. City Clerk File No. Res. 10-398 Agenda No. 10.B Approved: JUN 2 3 2U1O TITLE: ~ ~ ~a :y RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING PETTY CASH FUNDS AND APPOINTI °RA'lii CUSTODIANS FOR VAROUS DEPARTMENTS AND DIVISIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2011 WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:5-2l,the following individuals are appointed as custodians and the respective Deparment!ivision pettcashfids are established for fiscal year 2011; ACCOUNS & CONTROL Carol Bullock $200.00 BUSINSS ADMINSTRATOR'S OFFICE Wilneyda Luna $200.00 CITY CLERK Sean Gallagher $300.00 CITY COUNCIL Rachael Riccio $200.00 CITY PLANNING Robert Cotter $200.00 COMMUITY DEVELOPMENT Milagros Smith $200.00 ECONOMIC OPPORTUNTY Judi Sass - $200.00 ENGINERIG Ruth Gonzalez $200.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT Joan Bailey $200.00 FIR PREVENTION Edward Mike $200.00 HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Elizabeth Castillo $200.00 HOUSING, ECONOMIC DEV.
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