Stevens Institute of Technology Castle Point on Hudson Institute of Technology Hohoken, NJ 07030 201.216.8233 Fax: 201216.5352 Department of Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering May 27,1998 Maria Baratta NJ DEP Information Resource Center P.O. Box 409 Trenton, NJ 088625-0409 Dear Maria: Enclosed is a copy of Part I and Part II of the Environmental Resource Inventory for Jersey City. You may copy it for your needs. Sincerely, b * Gv- David A. Vaccari, Ph.D., P.E. Associate Professor Ph: 20 l/2 16-5570; Fax: 20 l/2 16-5352; Email:
[email protected] URL: DAVww Document2 May 27,1998 1 t . PART1 - PEIYSICAL. sYsm David A. Vaccari, Ph.D. Eirosystems, Co. - January, 1988 i PREFACE . In the courde of developing this report, the author experienced the pleasure of discovery - the . discovery of a City, and discovery of the interesting facts describing that. City. Although it may seem that this report often details the environmental problems in Jersey City, it should be viewed as a frank portrait, showing both its proud features and its blemishes. Certainly, the author has found the positives to outweigh the negatives. It is hoped that readers who are %already familiar with Jersey City will find this report will bring their perceptions into focus with specific data. Then, perhaps, the steps towards improvement-will also become easier to see. Acknowledgment is due to Betty Kearns and Paul Blumenthal of the Jersey City Department of Housing and Urban Development for motivating this report and for providing the data which went into it.