CON IL PATROCINIO DI PROVINCIA PROVINCIA PROVINCIA COMUNE DI GROSSETO DI PISA DI SIENA DI PIANCASTAGNAIO TUESDAY 11th DECEMBER 9.00 AM TEATRO COMUNALE - PIANCASTAGNAIO GEO-DH PROJECT Opportunities and development of geothermal district heating INFORMATION PROGRAM Event Secretary CoSviG Scrl ITALIAN WORKSHOP Consortium for Geothermal Area Development Monterotondo Marittimo Operative Headquarters Regional Road 398, Km 7,850 58025 MONTEROTONDO MARITTIMO (GR) Workshop is willing to offer a significant opportunity of exchange of Tel. e Fax +39-0566-916371 views between geothermics and district heating experts and all E-mail:
[email protected] involved subjects in realization and management of geothermal district heating 9.00-9.15 Registration and opening of meeting - CoSviG 12.00-12.40 Tuscan Municipalities contributions: Montieri, a district heating in progress, Marcello Giuntini 9.15-9.30 Greetings from Piancastagnaio Mayor Pomarance, management and technical advancement of district 9.30-9.50 Introduction to GEO-DH Project – Luca Angelino, heating, Loris Martignoni European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) Santa Fiora, the Mount Amiata experience of a district heating management, Renzo Verdi 9.50-10.15 The potential of geothermal district heating in Europe - Jacques Varet, French Geological National Service 12.40-13.00 Question time (BRGM) 13.00 Lunch Time 10.15-10.35 International and european state of the art on thermal and geothermal energies valorisation technologies - 14.30-16.00 Round Table and discussion on barriers that Sauro