



Mir.istre des Riche'3ses NatureNes, Québec SEPAPCE DE LA DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUE 24 NOV 1977 Date:

No GM: 33074

•===•••11.14SCM•11•111=11. Page 1 ami Nas am mu ISM WM I® ~ aim Mal 11110EPPII APRs, INAITRIn oe Num er ~LK-76-1 ~'ffs/7G DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property....L,ac. Kachiwiss.F'ro1eçt. 671,1 Bx ;T une 23, 1976 Core Size Starting Date ...... ..... . . .. Angle Lac Kachiwiss 415. 0' 4, 1976 Depth Location Elev. Collar ... OOOOOOOOOOO Completion Date June 2 Read Actual Bearing -900 Collar Grid DDG Dip Date Logged S .:pt. 2, 1976 795 N 115. 0' Eric Sacks Latitude Length L obged by...... Departure 2+07 W Horiz. Trace N. A. Vert. Trace 115.0'

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FR IDM LOTH. t =ang Cu e 19,0' Bi-Hb-Fsp Gneiss (2b); Fsp 50°jo(white Naplag); Hb 25 .102, LK-1601 0. 0 4. 0 <0. 5 fine grained massive); Bi 15-20% (vaguely foliated in tight LK-1602 4. 0 5. 0 0. 5 books): trace Py (disseminated); trace CPy (disseminated) LK-1603 5. 0 1.0 trace to 1% Qtz; trace chlorite alteration giving greenish LK-1604 14. 0 19.0 5. 0 hue to Hb and Bi; trace phlogopite; some small sections LK-1605 19. 0 24. 0 5.0 1. 0 more mafic with up to 50% Bi, 20-30% Hb over one to two inches. - massive Qtz vein 7. 9-8. 4' li1(ke4 . 0 9. 0 5. 0 1.5 - 8. 4'; foliation 20° to core axis LK-1625 9. 0 19. 0 10. 0 1. 0 8. 8'; foliation 15° to core axis and very distinct gneissocity parallel to it - 11. 1'; gneissocity 50° - 13. 7'; fspar to 80% over 2'; gneissocity 50° 19. 0'; gneissocity 40° and distinct

1Q.0'~ 2n. 3` Bi-HbFso Gneiss (2b); Zone of intense iterations associated with negrnatite vein; Hb shows green chlorite alteration, `.sp. F wined pink by with hematite coating -- can Bi flakes, mineral proportions as above. k!,;;•=,tprA dPt: .Rich? ~Ps Na+iirp tlPS, Quahee ,-__SEB.:rC,4Cr_ DE L,A 20. 3' x>i-Hb r sp Gneiss (21.)) unaltered as abo',•e 0-19.0' DOCUMENT/I.-ION TECHNIQUE 2A NOV ,g77 ?L n' Very vre7- k1;,r fplia ted Otz-Bi-F sp schists; Fsp (white Na Date: . ti80-905, Otz'a' 5r4,, Bi (weakly alig'?£'.C',) v 5°jû No î,1,11 3074 T ~-.- h -['so Gneiss (2b)1: trace hrrnatit, with :,b 35-40%; Di 10 -15%; l'sp^'50 ',. tr, ac:• i>v. nhi<,v,n?>iic.


MI EMI IMO 1®J MI ® ® SW MI E - OM MUM MEN NMI NEI ME GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-1 DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE _ FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY _' OM TO • DESCRIPTION .. NUMBER FROM TO LGTH uR1:6q 24.7' 24,8' Contact 26 (above) with narrow section (0. 1') massive Bi-Fsp 1_,K-gibZ 24,0 29.0 5.0 1.0 vein; fspr,-90%,, Bi<5%, Qtz 5%; fine grained almost no structure - contact 450 to core axis; lower contact obscure

,'_4. ;' 29. 3' Ri-H1)-Fsp Gneiss (2B): as above 21.0'-24.7' ' u'oner contact obscure J • ," ? . 3' 31. 1' Weathering zone in Bi-lib-Fsp Gneiss (2b); fsp deeply LK-1607 29.0 34.0 S.C. 1. 0 lucl , pink stained by hematite; I~b alteration almost completely L{-1Eî'27 29.0 39.0 10.0 1.5' to chlorite; fracture surface acting as central to this zone shows chlorite coating with vuggv calcite - gradation by 31.1' back into unaltered 2b. L 31. 1' }3i-Hh-Fsp Gneiss (2h); increased rr,afic content over this. LK-gb8 34. 0' 39.0' 5. 0' 0. 5 i e t n; Fsp (40%%) white Na fsp: ;jb-•,4O%; T3î^'20%: trace Pv, phl000pite; minor hematization is splotchy and stains while fsp pink; lower contact 40°.

3S, 2' I 38.4' Vein coar ,,e (6a); Fsp (white) ^' 60%; Qtz (smokey) i 30%; Bi <10% - upper contact 40° is sharp and parallels gneissocity in overlying 2b unit. L ' 38. 4' 38. 9' Bi-fsp schist with gneissic banding of Bi and fsp; fsp (white)r,, 50-60%; Big-,40-50%0; foliation and gneissocity 4(.. °; lower contact obscured by splitting of core

3R. o' 3'9.4' Ctz rich nngmatite vein (6a); Qtz^-80% (smokev); Fsp 15-20%, Bi < 5cî.; unner contact obscured by split of core.

Lore i î Q `t 4n ,l ' B -T.-.t r very wea,ly foliated schist: FSpar R _o0 (white T ;-1 E)09 .0 7L ! 1uctze 32 0 44 5 eranular'i: Bi^'5-10%%; trace to 1% Qtz; trace phlonopite lK -jr 3q.0 4-9 .0 LO.O 3R

mertimmasessegamerr earealw , >d:. ~:""4. In =I ME ® age NIVIN 11120 INN OXII EMS ® NE Aril 111181 111111 ® INN NM page

GE TTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL POLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE GORE ASSAY r FROM TO DESCR IPTION NUMBER FROM TO LCTH e3n8 40 1' 40_ Q' Ri-Hh-Fspar Gneiss (2b): Zspar'white. (Na Le, al dominant)^1 54% ~. ___- I-Hbti^305,: 13i"45-20%; trace Utz, Py, phlogopite; hematite I especially near lower contact gneissocity 45° to 50° 1 lower contact sharp truncating foliation - contact 450 -50 0 i ' GO_ O' aÿ_ ]' PP(TZIatit(' a id Aplifo (Fah) -,-90%n gnrtjnn is &.plite - fG ar 41% (pink K-fspar)• 30% Na fspar (white t reenish with _ Ab twin striae); 15-20% Qtz (clear to smokey); Mt trace >1ocally 5To (grains to 1 cm diameter); limonite stain despersed ans as halos around Mt grains; splotchy hematite stain on ::spar; Biel-5% (locally altered to greenish ---.— product) ~T - intense weathering along chlorite and calcite lined fractures _ with intense hematization decreasing away from fracture Gore ---.- 43. 1' 45. 6' 1 cm wide gradational aplitic contact to Qtz-Bi-Fspar weakly LK-1610 44.0 49 0 • 0 q, _5 foliated schists; Fspar (white Na plag)n,G0%, Biti30%, trace to 1% Qtz; trace Hb, CPy, Py, granular Ct (Almandine) - weakly foliated basically granular texture with grains K mm - foliated 40°; lower contact truncates foliation at varying - angles.

.5. 6 4 i", b Anlite L6 b); Fspar (pink 'k-fspar)--,J70%; Na fspar (white) .5%; Qtz c,. 10-15% (locally 10%); trace -->1% Mt - lower contact \--.25°; upper contact variable I 47,6' 43, 3' Bi- 'sn ar weakly foliated schist with w akce iss)ci:y• i 7 • F ,:,ar (white Na fsi ar).' 70-80%• li."'15-20-70; '..r;: ce Qiartz i f•-)17' t n`', ar, o'nels ;f) '1.4 .. r °• up.per rnntarL400° in opposite 1 .dlrcitLon (ulp upwaros in core)i i r I I® Ems ® man us ®osE sat Ism tan Ems mmos VIM mum Eimm saw so mum x.)agc 4 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole: Number LF{.•76•-1 DRILL HOLE LOG - SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY _ F OM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER ._FR OM T_ O LG THE CJ3 Q 8 4S. 3' 49. 3' Aplite (6b) - foliated Bi within Fsnar (white, possibly Na plag but no Ab twinning) ^-' 70%; K-fspar (pink)ti15%; Qtz-1-5%o (locally to 10%) (smoky to clear) ; trace to 1% Mt (granular disseminated); Bi < 5%; trace splotchy hematite - upper contact 30%, lower contact 400; foliated parallel contacts • ` --ern-c--- 4Q, 3' 52. 5' Bi-Fsnar weakly foliated schist (zoned ie. Otz at core, LK-16E11 4, 0 5. 0 8.5 SiucÏ e 49, 0 pegmatite vein 1" wide at 50.0' -50. 1'); fspar (white Na j,j{-169 49, 0 56.0 ï. 0 7.1 fsnar".80-90°x• 3i 10-15%, trace Quartz - unper contact 400, gradational lower contact

52. 5' 53. 2' B'.-lib-Fspar Gneiss (2b); fspar 40% (Na fspar 30% - white, K-fsnar 10% pink' 10%); lib '^' 30%, Bi ,N-i10%, trac.. Qtz, Py , some white fspa.r herrmatized to pinkish hue - upper contact parailes 300 gneissocity ~~

ti Coif 53. 2' 55. 2' 13 7r atite (6b): Na fspar (white) 10%; K-fspar (white) 60%; LK-1612 54. 0 59. 0 5. 0 21 __Qtz-u 5-10% (smoky locallvl; hi-v5%; trace Mt; green stain prevalent ) r .. Sludge i 55. 2' 59. 2' Pegmatite with 20:70 Aplite; pink K-fspa.r dominated by LK-16330 56. 65. 0 '». 0 ' 52 ! graphic texture; k-f spar 75-80%; Qtzr,, 10%, Bi<5% (1ccally to 10%) trace Mt; trace limonite _ Cole 1 59, 2' 75%; i- 60. 2' Aplite Green stained; up to 2% Mt: fspar type? ILK-1613 59. 0 64. 0 5 0 150 .r Qtz--- 2C%; Bi < 5%; trace li:.Azonite 1 1- 1 6 n, 2' 61. ~' 55. 7' to 5Q, 2' I 4 ! 61. ;•+ 64, 5' Pe7matit,, (I) lia fsp7r (•white) "30-405, K -fcpar (pit-11,- ,1, s ' 1 Qtz 15-20% (locally to 30% and smoky); Bi C 5%; trace to 1% 1 Mt (grains to cm); locally obvious green stain. Î w w w!1 w faw wsgal w Ogg gig w MEE w MS NEB Inga w MIMI MIN `""b GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number ! LK-76-1 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ~ t ASSAY FÏ:O~f TO DESCRIPTION VEER FROM TO LGTH. U3•)8 é; . 5 ' 74.4' Gran hic pink pejmatite (6a); K-f spar`80%; Qtz (locally smoky) LK-1614 64.0 69.0 5.0 9. 0 "' 15a': Bic 5% (locally 5%); trace Mt. limonite) LK-1615 69.0 74.0 4. 6 10 - lower contact 400 Cora , 74.4' 75.0' Bi-Hb-Fspar Gneiss (2a); Na fspar (white). 50%; Hb 30%;Bi,-20r LK-1616 7 0 79.0 5, 0 26 trace Qtz; medium grained gneissocity distinct paralleling upper contact at 40°; lower contact 50°

75.0 75. 8' Aplite (6b); Fspar (pink with trace white)/`-',80%; Qtz 5-10% ,.• °1,,• • • • . ' • fine grained -‹1- mm dominantly granular - lower contact 30° _I

75.8' 77, 9' Bi- Hb-Fspar Weiss Lab) - Na fspar (white)1-40%; Ksps •' - , '' °1.. .• •, _:13i -`-l':)-207':,: trace OterS. Py. med. groin,pd - lower contact 40° with gneissocity parallel

77,9' 80. 1' 6a vein, pink fsparii, 80%, Qtz 15-26%; Bi<5% ' Core 80,1' 82,1' Bi-Fsp weakly foliated schist, fine grained granular; LK-1617 79. 0 84.0 5. 0 2. 0 Na fsp 80% (white); Bi. 15%; trace Qtz, Py, Mt - base unit shows vague fspar augen•development - foliation 400 -500.

82, 1' 111, 8' i-l-lb-Fspar Gneiss (2b): med to fine grained with schistgci.ty r,c r,-- develor inc in finer grained material; fspar (white Na fsj-' LŸK'-1618 84, 0 89.0 5.0 <0.5 . 'v3 ,• Hh^'50%_(local3.y to 70%): Bi^20%;..t.'ace to 1 (r/n tS;=''..6 • .-8.2.-.0_ (.. d Q ".> 0 Gt (Alrnandine); trace CPy, phlogopite) LK-1;.S20 ' 4.0 .0 5.0 <0. 5 , appel' c•nrtac'L_,4..0° .. - • h71 • • a . A. • c < - a7. 7'-98. 1' - fracture surface signi_`ic ntly hematized LK- 1.622 104:0 10•_ 0 5 2,0 and chlor. itized with alteration decreasing away frorYi • fracture; fracture. 300 r s to core axis • ` -110. 7'-111. 1' tia "rein /1 foliation at 40 to core axis. 6 MIM IMM Mai MM OM MO egiMa sIMM aWM MN KM MU GETTY MINES, LIMITED ••••••141 Hole Number LK-76-1 DR ILL HOLE LOG — ••••••MNNNOMENNOMIVOIMIMOIM... 7 — ASSAY SAMPLE FOOTAGE - CORE ppaa--_ DESCRIPTION • .171: 0 N'll To NUMBER FR OM TO LTHG t11528_ -- . _LL 115. 0' Pegmatite and Apljt_e_j a fsar 20% Kfsi)ar 521, LK-1623 10q. 0 115.0 6.0 35 Qtz 10-15%. Bi 5%; trace to 1% Mt: trace hematite — and green stain concentrated near upper contact 113. 6': fracture 40° coat, d b-,, chlorite and Pv with trace CPL._ - upper contact 35-40° • • --,- 115. 0' END OF HOLE CASING CAPPED

CORE RECOVERY 99% t , Core Boxes (112.0 - 4.0 (2) 4.0 - 23.5 (3) 23. 5 - 42. 9 1.-- (4) 42. 9 - 61.7 (5) 61.7 - 81.8 (6) 81. 8 - 101. 3 (7) 101. 3 - 115. 0 .,


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/ 1 7-- 1 .

VIVIIIIIMMITIMMETOMMIMOMI 1101111101101/11211111/6111110161191 19FININSMMINIMEIMMOBBESTeSeNall was Page I ION NEU ME iling 111111111 WM EMI ~t .ilatE4ffill OAS, F IT Hole Number LK-76-2

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Proper•ty.. Mines, . Limited Core Size BX Starting Date...... 2...,~1~~.:~ ... , . . Angle Depth Location.... Lac Kaçh;wis s1 Quebec . Elev. Co11ar.$$$•.2r' Completion Date... 2.7, J .7E2 ... .. Read Actual N.A. Bearing _ 900 Collar Gr id Diamond Drill Grid Dip Date Logged .28,Jun 76f , 1,Sept.76. .~ Latitude 7+96N Length 107.0' Logged by R. Everett Departure 4+o31Ar . Horiz. Trace N. A. Vert. Trace 107.0'


0 2.9' Pegmatite: rnrp - medium coarse•grained, white with rur:v limonite stain LK--1631 0.0 2.5 2.5 100 slum 55% K felds p ar,, 25% sodic feldsparp [.x- g; 2 ; 1 7 (1 a - 1 OS (11_10 rtz. 5% biotite - 'i:ri_ ma. c netite

2 .9' 9. 0' Pegmatite .Anlite: core - 90% pegmatite (74mm grain size), LK-1632 2.5 7. 0 4.5 110 - 10% aplite (<4mm grain size) LK-1633 7.0 12.0 5.0 100 - gre.;n tint to core, likely sodic - 55% K , 25% sodic feldspars - 10% quartz, locally black - biotite 5-10%, 1 cm plates • 9.0' 33.4' Pegra.tite: core . - predominantly pegmatite, 5% aplite LK-1634 12, 0 17.0 5.0 74 -prominent flesh pink colour to core LK-1635 17.0 ?2.0 5.0 21 - 55% K feldspar, 2,5% sodic feldspar LK-1636 22.0 27.0 5.0 14 -10% quartz, 5% biotite LK-1637 27.0 32.0 4.75 21 - r,raph'ic texture 50To of pegmatite sludge - lower contact 40% to c. a. LK-1654 17.0 25.0 8.0 30 LK-1655 25,0 37.0 12.0 18 szefflomassummeniwaudisensisisi auts ser mew 11/111 au on MU No Nam an Xi Enn pni En am am Eme.'agc...,.4, • GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-2 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DES CR IPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH 0.. n, L.V1 4 3 u 33.4' 64, 6' Biotite Hornblend Feldspargneiss: LK-1638 32. 0 17.0 5. 0 ?.$___ - - medium grained, grey green colour I,K.-1 E39 37, 0 42.0 5. 0 1 i - hornblend 40%, feldspar 40%, b'. otite 20% I.,1K-1640 42 0 47.0 5.0 i . 0 - foliation 40° to c. a, 17K-1641 47.0 ç';2.0 5.0 0.5 - locally biotite rich LK-1642 52.0 57. 0 5, 0 <0 5 - 61.2' - 61.4' pegmatite vein. 40 ° to c. a, _ L<-1643 57.0 6 -..0 5_ Q I .1 - lower contact 400 to c. a, SI_IMC'IF, L1C-1656 37.0 47.0 10.0 1,... LK-1657 47.0 57.0 10.0 1.0 LK-1658 57.0 68.0 1 1. 0 88 64. n' 72.7' T-Tor'1hlo r1 Bit;in r jj n '. - fine grained, magnetic, medium dark grey colour core - feldspars 60%, biotite 40%. Tr. hornblend, pyrite LK- 1644 62,0 67.0 5. 0 2, 0 foliation 40° to c. a. LK-164 5 - 67.0 72.0 5.0 2,5 - 64. 7' - 65. 1' pegmatite vein sludge - 71.0' - 72,0' pegmatite vein, 10% magnetite hematized LK-1959 68.0 73.0 5.0 "I_. feldspar, 0. 6' ground core

72.7' 81.0' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: . core - medium grained, dark green colour LK-1646 72, 0 77. 0 5. 0 6. 5 - hornblend 50%, feldspars 30%, biotite 20% LK-1647 77, 0 82. "0 4. 7 ( 0. 5 - foliation 40° to c. a. , tr. pyrite s1udae - hornblend rich near lower contact at 40° to c. a. LK- 1660 73.0 78, 0 5. 0 1.5 • LK-1661 78..0 87.0 g, 0 2.0

81. 0' 85. 3' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Schist: core - as described at 64. 6' - 72.7' LK-1648 $2.0 ..B7.0 4 n 4. 5 - foliation 40° to c. a. • core 85. 3' 92.0' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: T.K- 1 449 27. D 97. 0 4, 9 5.0- - as described at 72.7' - 81'. 0' sludge - foliation 40° to c. a. 1. ,K-1'' :7 r Q: s Ll n • -

92, 0' 93.4' Pegmatite Vein: - predominantly pink feldspar, tr. magnetite 111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111/1111111 MI IMF ~ MUM No MIII Min Mnfric, seuTza1 ism an we Ffflip NAVAr DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE-~n ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH Û3p£ 93.4' 98. 5' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Schist; 'core - as described at 64.6' - 72.7' LK-1650 92. ( 97. f 4.8 4.0 -- foliation 30° to c. a.

98. 5' 99.5' Biotite ?-Io:nb]end Feldspar Gneiss: core. _ - medium grained, pornhyroblastic texture LK 1:1651 97.0 102.0 5.0 1.0 50'îô feldspar, 40% hornblend, 10% biotite sludge - feldspars hematite stained LK-1663 98.0 107.0 9.0 2.5 - foliation and contacts 30° to 40° to c. a.

99.5' 100.7' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: - medium grained porphyrobla tic texture dark green black colour - hornblend 70%, feldspars 20%, biotite 10% - foliation and contact 40° to c. a. • 100.7' 102.2' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Schist: - as described at 64.6' - 72.7' - foliation 40° to c. a.

102.2' 107. 0' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: core - as described at 98. 5 - 99.5' LK-1652 102.0 107.0 3.8 1.0 with foliation at 40° to c. a. and Latcite veining at 20° to C. a. - schistose unit of similar composition as above has calcite veined brecc, ~. .t 106.5' - 107.0', 3,8' core recovered


j Page 1 • on En i® nn Gklleildz talito:Xllin ® Ili Ma~ holeP~rn~b e r~ LK-76-3 DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property Getty Mines, Limited Core Size BX Starting Date...... June~28,~ 19,76, Angle Depth Location.. ;?ç r~açhiwi;ss Elev. Collar 400.0 Completion Date.... ; 97 f.. Read Ac:u. 1 Bearing... ,Q~ Collar Grid..... ,P; am°nd Drill Gril...... Dip -90 Date Logged.. J; ].v 2 ,1976,Seot..1t 197E. Latitude. ..8+.QQr Length 128.5' Logged by ve?;eta ......

Departure 0+03W A 17or iz, Trace.... N.,A~ Vert. Trace 128. 5'

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE .m ASSAY FR OM. TO DESCRIPTION ^____ ___.._. NUMBER FROM 7'0 . LGTH, U 08 0 7.0' Overburden


7.0 9. 0 Ground Core l 9.0' • 27.7' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: core -• medium grained, dark grey green colour LK-1664 9.0 - hornblend 35%, biotite 15%, feldspar 50% • LK-1665 14.0 5. I 1.0 primarily sodic feldspars LK-1666 4.0 1 - trace quartz, pyrite, garnet LK-1667 23.0 28.0 - foliation 30° sludge - lower contact 20° - 300 minor slickensides LK-1688 9.0 23.0 14.0 2.0 • -15.1' -• 15. 9' Ou-,rtz FelrA$,par Vein. white t. _.g ey colour . - • 28_ • Min= 1 apli+ic, vague hioi-ite alivnrnent at 300 to ç, a.. 80%_feldspar 10%', - 15% quartz, 5/°o hornblend.and biotite, trace pyrite

Li 2 Lmm ® •. rom NEE ®il EN ani us mu en NE ®M um ' amm Ea was wmi GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-3 DR ILL i-IOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION COREPi- NUMBER FROM TO LOTH tT1Og 27.7' 34.0' Biotite Quartz Feldspar Gneiss: core - medium to fine grained, white to white pink colour LK- 1668 28. (. 33.0 4.8 2. 5 - feldspar 70%, quartz 10-20%, biotite 5••10%, trace -1% sludge hornblend - erratically developed gneissocity at 40 t; c. a. LK-1690 28.0 33.0 5.0 0. 5 - ghost graphic texture possibly gneissocity • .- lower contact 30° to c. a.

34. 0' 40. 6' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: - as described at 9. 0' - 27.7' core - Tr-1% unidentified very fine grained granular red brown LK-1669 33.0 38.0 5.0 c' 0.5 mineral, possibly garnet sludge - tr pyrite LK-1691 33.0 43.0 10.0 4.0

40.6' 45.7' Biotite Quartz Feldsaar Gneiss core - as described at 17.7' - 34.0' with 40% quartz, primarily LK-16 7 0 38 0 43,0 -0 2,0 in veins

45.7' 49.8' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: core - as described at 9.0' - 27.7' LK-1671 43.0 48.0 5.0 4.0 sludge LK-1692 43.0 50.5 7.5 2.5 49. 8' 64,9 Pegmatite-Pplite core - 80% pegmatite (74mm grain size), 20% aplite (<4rnm grain size) LK-1672 48.0 53.0 5.0 10.0 - predominant fles)ipink colour LK-1673 53.0 58.0 5.0 54 - feldspar, 80% K feldspar, 5% sodic feldspar LK-1674 58.01 63.0 4. 9 88 - quartz 10% generally grey to white colour sludge - biotite 2-5% LK-1693 50.5 60.5 10.0 36 - hematization of feldspar cleavage planes prominent LK-1694 60.61 70.5 10.0 12 L throughout, 2% of core;

• ~ soc. son ma anv 1111611 sum tom sem Ea ma ~r.`1111 Ian ®® rase Ino C9® Pan, 3 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-3 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCR IPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH p` LT s ns - 55.8', 2 1cm garnets deep red colour - 56. 0', large magnetite crystals 5% of core 1 - 58.8', magnetite 5% of core - 60. 0', magnetite: 5% of core - graphic texture prominent in 10% of core - lower contact 400 to c. a, , slickensided hematite stain . along contact

64.9' 90.0' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: core - as described at 34.0' - 40.6' LK-1675 63.0 68.0 5.0 23 - 70, 5' - 70.9', quartz vein at 30° to c.a. 1.K-1676 68.0 73.0 5.0 4» tr. pyrite LN-10 77 73.0 78.0 5,0 1 , 5 - 80.0 - 80. 9', pegmatite vein, flesh colour L.K-1678 78.0 83.0 5.0 < 0.5 - 89.0' - 89.4', tr. pyrite LK-1679 83.0 88.0 5.0 < 0.5 - foliation 20° - 40° to c.a. LK-1680 88.0 92.5 3.2 5.0 s'udge LK-1695 70.5 80.5 10.0 5.0 LK-1696 80.5 89.7 9.2 8.0 90. 0' 92. 5' Breccia Zone: - 0.25" to 2. 0' angular blocks of biotite feldspar schist and minor K feldspar in a chlorite-calcite rich matrix 1 - core highly broke.., 20% recovery

92.5' 97. 0' Biotite Feldspar Schist: • core - dark grey colour, fine grained TX-L6111 92 5 -L 0_ 2. S 6. 0 I - feldspar 65% sludge - biotite 30% as 4mm plates, 5% quartz LK-1697 89.7 95.0 5.3 29 - tr. magnetite pyrite LK-1698 95.0 107.0 12.0 6.0 - numberous 0°-20° to c. a. , multi-Oriented fractures, l calcite, chlorite or pyrite lined - foliation 10° - core recovery 407,i ; 1 lopporgamineymmina. , üdil49 awn MI NEI ion ® misi um an '~~ i '• ,'' •GETTY Iy1INE5, ; ZriMI~ED , F-Iole Number rL1..-76-3 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE ' FOOTAGE C' P,E pprn ASSAY _ FROM TO •DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U3O3 97. 0' 120. 6' Biotite Feldspar Schist: core - dark grey colour, line grained LK-162 97.0 102.0 2.1 1.5 - feldspars 65%, biotitc 30%, quartz 1-5% LK-1683 102.0 107.0 3.5 1.0 - tr. magnetite, pyrite LK-1684 107.0 112 0 5.0 1.5 , - foliation 20° to c. a, LK-1685 112.0 117.0 5.0 2.0 r~- - 97.0' - 107.0' 50% core recovery LK-1686 117.0 122.0 5.0 <0.5 sludge LK- l 699 107.0 113.0 6.0 4.0 LK-1700 113.0 118.0 5.0 3.5 120.6' 128.5' Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: - medium grey colour core - 15-20% biotite, tr. -1% quartz, tr. hornblend, tr. magnetite ' LK-1687 122.0 128. 5 6.5 1.0 and garnet sludge .~: - remainder grey feldspar • LK-1701 118.0 128.5 10.5 3.0 .`.;y. - weakly gneissic 10g-30° to c. a. - elongated augen structure - upper contact 300 to c. a. - 126.2' - 127. 9' vein of massive biotite, hornblend and feldspar, biotite 20%, hornblend 30%, feldspar 50%, weakly foliated at 0-50 parallel to contacts 128.5 END OF HOLE CASING CAPPED ' CORE RECOVERY 94% lc Everett/brn Core Boxes 9. 0' -• 29.2' 29.2' - 48.5' 48.5' - 68.0' I 68.0' - 87.1' 87.1'-110.3' 110.3' - 128.5' •Page 1 IMM MR11 MMI ~ min IMII MIMI OM ~ Iélr~ YI! ~ 1~ MN GE Y ~J~S ~~I1~ Hole Number LK-76-4

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property.. Pettx.M;ngs,, .I,irnited ...... • Core Size BK Starting Date...... JuyY.2,..1.976 .. Angle Location...~aç ,Kaçhiwiss,..~uebeé., July 7, 1976 Depth .... . Elev. Collar... 4 e ?~ Completion Date Read Actual N. A. Bearing Collar Diamond Drill Grid July '. Grid Dip -900 .. 7, 1976. Date Logged 4. Sn Latitude 9+31N Length 403.0' Logged by R. Everett 15. C S 2±15E 200. C cho Departure H oriz. Trace.. . .'. • ...... 8,c 40:• 0' 4,00. ci V ert. Trace...., . ......

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LG TH. opm U 0 25.0' Grenville -:ore Pegmatite Apli~e: LK-1.702 0.0 2.0 2.0 220 - 80% pegmatite Ll4mm grain size), 20% aplite (<4mm grain LK-1703 2.0 7.0 5.0 170 size) intermixed LK-1704 7. 0 12.0 5,0 120 - 65% K. feldspar, 20% sodic feldspar, feldspars are half pink LK-1705 12.0 17.0 5.0 60 half grey white in colour LK-1706 17,0 22.0 5.0 110 - quartz 5-10% generally grey, locally smoky to black near LK-1707 22.0 27.0 4. 5 45 magnetite or biotite LK-1708 27.0 32.0 5.0 70 - biotite 2-5% lmm plates to 2cm LK-1709 32.0 37.0 5. 0 .-`5 _ - magnetite tr. - z°/ô, locally 1 l) LK-1710 37.0 42.0 5. 0 50 - graphic texture predominate., in 70% of core LK-1711 42.0 47.0 5. 0 65 - 30% of core has grey green colouration with pronounced LK-1712 47.0 52.0 5. 0 65 hematization of K feldspar LK-1713 52„ 0 57.0 5.0 35

25. 0' 55. 3' Pegmatite Aplite sludge - 85% pegmatite, 15% aplite, aplite is prominent 47.0 - 55. 0', LK-1743 2.0 7.0 5. 0 220 pegmatite predominates LK-1744 7.0 17.0 10,0 I 120 - 65% K feldspar, 20% sodic feldspar LK-1745 17.0 26.0 9. 0 120 - 5-10% quartz, grey to black colour LK-1746 26.0 36.0 10.0 70 - i;iotite 2-5% 4mm plates and larger LK-1747 36.0 45.0 9.0 85 - magnetite trace LK-1748 45.0 55.0 10.0 100 - 1 5% graphic texture in UK-1749 55.0 65. 0 10.0 80 - 2% ground core overall

. 4 0, _e saa ' , psi so l'-uine„.:.. ~ ~ ~ ins GETTY MINES,' LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-4 DR ILL HOLE LOG • - •SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO - DES CRIPTIQN:i - NUMBER FROM TO LGT11 ppm U 55.3' 58. 9' Biotite Feldspar Schist: core - medium fine grained, dark grey colour O LK-1714 5 7 . 0 62.0 5.0 100 - biotite 35% foliation aligned crudely at 400 -50° td c.a. LK-1715 62.0 67.0 5.0 55 - feldspars 60%, grey colour LK-1716 67,0 72,0 5, 0 80 - core is magnetic throughout, magnetite not identified LK-1717 72.0 77.0 5. 0 80 - trace pyrite LK- I718 77.0 82.0 5.0 85 - contacts 60°-7C° to c. a. ILK- 171 9 8_2.0 87.0 4.5 45 LK-1720 87.0 92,0 5.0 65 LK-172l 92.0 97.0 5.0 70 LK-1722 97.0 102.0 5.0 30

53. 9' 99.7' Pegmatite Aplite ' sludge - 75% pegmatite, 25% aplite, aplite prominent 58. 9'-70. 0' and LK-1750 65.0 75.0 1Q, 0 120 94. 0'-99. 7' LK-1751 75 `0 86,0 11.0 110 - core is pink, red and grey greenish colour with a mottled L1<-17ti2 86.0 96.0 10.0 _& appearance T,K J753 96.0 106 0 10.0 R5 - 60% K feldspars, 20% sodic feldspars - quartz 5-10% grey, locally black - biotite 5-10% - magnetite tr. -1% throughout - 86.0-87.0 massive smokey to black quartz - spotty hematite staining to feldspars hematite stain noted to originate from biotite and/or magnetite

99. 7' 101.8' Biotite Feldspar Schist: • - as described at 55.3'-53.9' - contacts 70° to c. a. ®® ~ ; , ~~~ be . , . ~ I . , MIN f•i ~,~~'.• ~ l'~' .J ~ t'~ ~ • • ! '!' i ;GÉ'.['Ty MINES'; •I,ÎlyIITED : Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE COREE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION ,H ., NUMBER FROM TO LGTH pPm 101. 8' 179.4 Pagmatite Aplite: core - 95% pegmatite, 5% aplite, aplite prominent in upper portion LK-17,3 102. C 107. C 5. 0 50 - of section and in isolated patches throughout remainder of unit LK-1724 107. C 112. C 5, 0 195 - K feldspars 55%, E,. ';c feldspars 20% LK-1725 : 112. C 117.0 5. 0 230 - quartz 10-15%, locally 20% LK-1 7 26 ) 17. C 122, C 5. 0 85 - biotite 5-10% LK-1727 122. C 127. 0 5. 0 220 - magnetite trace to f%, locally 10% LK-1728 127. C 132. C 5. 0 95 - graphic texture is very prominent in very fine to very LK-1729 132. C 137. 5. 0 50 coarse crystalline LK-1730 137. C 142. 5. 0 35 -4 - hematization of feldspars and quarts is also prominent . LK-1731 142. C 147. 5. 0 55 throughout most of core. Tr. --Ile arid greater LK-1732 147. C 152. C 5. 0 180 - 108. 8' 5% magnetite LK-1733 152. C 137. C 4. 5 220 - 117. 0' trace molybdenite LK-1734 157. C 162. C 5. 0 85 - 112. 0' chleritized fracture l0° to c. a. LK-1735 162.0 167. C 5. 0 70 - 117. 0-127. 0' dark green tint to cdre 1,1K-1736 167. C 17?. C 5. 0 45 - 151. 0-155. 0' 2-5% magnetite i.K-1717 17? C1 177 C, 5 0 75 - 156. 8' chloritized fracture at 15° to c. a. , tr. pyrite LK-1738 177. C 182. C 5. 0 55 - 160. 0' and 162, 0' 2% magnetite - . 5 c oritize racture _ to c. a. sludge - 178. 2', 177. 8', 175. 0' 10% magnetite over short intersections LK-1754 106.0 116. C 10.0 195 LK-1755 116.0 122, C 6. 0 475 • LK- 1756 122. 0 132. 0 10.0 305 LK-1757 132.0 142.0 10.0 155 LK-1758 142.0 152. 0 10.0 230 LK-1759 152, 0 159.0 7. 0 890 ' LK-1760 159. 0 169.0 10.0 315 179. 4' 181. 8' Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: LK-1761 169.0 179. C 10.0 100 - medium fine grained, grey colour • LK-1762 179.0 190.0 11.0 145 - 30% biotite, 1mm plates LK-1763 190.0 200.0 10.0 75 _ '7 - 2-5% hornblend, remainder feldspar - tr quartz . - foliation 0-20° +., c. a. , - contacts gradational upper contact 60 : to c. a. , lower contact 300 to c. a. RIZINMEREMEINE • .,1, , 1- ug~ 4. Ewa Est ENE no : gist! nos Esi i~etWo' ,,I •i ..EVE NM BM INSI MEN GETTY MINES,"LIMITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE ASSAY SAMPLE CORE FROM TO .• DESCRIPTION ,r.. • NUMBER FROM TO LGTH ppm LT 181.8' 194. 9' Pegmatite Aplite: core - megmatite 90%, aplite 10% LK-1739 182.0 187,0 5.0 60 - as described at 101.8'-179.4' LIK-1740 187.0 192.0 3.8 45 - prominent hematite stain on 25% of feldspars LK- 1741 192.0 197.0 5.0 1 - 187.8' -188.7' feldspar aplite with 0.2' biotite gneiss inclusion LE-1742 197.0 200..0 3.0 1

194.9' 200.0' Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: - as described at 194.9'-1"1.8' _J - upper contact 45 0 to c. a.


__ H 'Page RINI MU casia r~ ~. ~ — N WM NMI MN " II Willa GLrittaY Alks, °inivint, Hole Number

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property Getty Mines, Limited BX Sept 76 . . . .' Core Size Starting Date 27 Angle r t~ Lac Kachiwiss, Letell:.er Tw:. 435.25 30 Sept 76 Depth ..J°C.a.10:1l ...... • . . - . . . riev. Collar ... Completion Date Read Act ial_ Cuebec N. A. Bearing Collar Diamond Drill Grid -90° 30 Sept 76 Grid Dip Date Logged . i' c.0 Latitude 9+31N Length 403.0' Logged by R. Everett I:). c 7, c Departure 2+15E 200. d' 1-ioriz. Trace N.A. c =,~ Vert. Trace 403.0' :.00. d'


202.0' 228.5' Quartz Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: sludge • medium grey to pink grey colour LK-3123 202.0 212.0 10.0 6.5 - fine to medium fine grained LK-3124 212.0 222.0 1 0.0 5.0 - quartz 2-5% grey colour LK-3125 222.0 232. k 10.0 3.0 - biotite 10-15% 1mm plates, foliated - feldspars comprise remainder, grey colour - trace pyrite - foliation and crude banding at 150 -35° to c.a. - lower contac t rapid gradation 20° to c. a.

228. 5' 230.4' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: - dark grey to black in colour - medium fine grained , I - hornbiend 1050 - biotite 25% foliated - remainder grey feldspars, probably sod is - strong di.itin ct banding and foliat` • 1 of mafic minerals at 280 to c.a. - trace pyrite - minor feldspar stringers parallel to foliation - lower contact 15° to c. a. r ~r ass or sn11 ~~ ~ ~ ~r M~ ~ ~ ~ ~ me 1~11 ~ ~ ~ ~, 111111 GETTY LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-4 t.___ DR ILL'I-IOLE LOG ASSAY _ SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ,~ aa FROM TO DESCRIPTION ~^ NUMBER FROM! TO LOTH C130é' 232.2' • z 13iyotite Feld$ ar Gneiss: - as described at 202.. 0'-228.5' I - pink feldspar concentration at upper contact 150 to c. a. .

232.3' 290.2' Garnet Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: sludge - medium grey to green black colour LK-3126 232.0 242.0 10.0 3.5 - mediv i to medium fine grained LK-3127 242.0 252.0 10.0 1.5 - biotite trace -5% LK-3128 252.0 262.0 10.0 1.5 - garnet, wine red colour, 0.5-•,mm, disseminated sparsely LK-3129 262.0 272.0 10.0 2.5 throughout LK-3130 272.0 283.0 1 1. 0 13.0 - hornblend 45-60% •.. • • - LK-3131 283.0 293.0 10.0 1.5 - feldspars 45-60%, predominately sodic feldspar - foliation of ma£ic minerals and crude banding throughout at 200 -400 to c L a • . - - 1 -2.«n feldspar veinlets common paralleling foliation - foliation and handin g irregular near base °Lunits 50-30° to c. a. - lower contact 5° to c. a. --.

290.2' 293.0' Quartz Feldspar Vein: __-...... - , - grey to grey pink colour - fine to medium grained - quartz, grey colour 5-20% - remainder grey feldspar , - crude banding at 50 -30° to c. a. - lower coat._ zt irregular and gradational •

293. 0' 299. 0' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: sludge - dark grey to dark green black colour LK-3132 293.0 303.0 10.0 6.0 - similar mineralogy as described at 232.0'-290 2' i.ess the gar- nets - variably fine to medium grained =. lus ant — on. Nil sim age van men- ""moi mom an 1a on lid s ana F GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number L LK-76-4 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm, ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION -- - NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U3OR_ - finer grained core lacks foliation : . - medium grained core has irregular foliation, ..... , predominantly at 300 to c. a. - numberous white to pink 1 -2cm feldspar veinlets at. 30°.-60° to c. a. , parallel to and cross cutting foliation _ - 296.8'-298.0' calcite lined fracture at 5° to c. a. - lower contact gradational

299.0' 306.1' Hornfcl: ''.`.' - very fine grained massive : - - lacks any foliation or mineral segregation, homomenous - promin,it magnetism - trace pyrite - estimate feldspars 60%, hornblend 40% - lower contact 300 to c. a.

306, 1' 309. 5' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: sludge as described at 293. 0'-299.0' - LK-3133 303.0 313.0 10.0 27 - lower contact obscured by drilling

309.5' 327.8' Quartz Biotite Feldspar Gneiss Aplite: sludge - very fine grained to fine grained S LK-3134 313.0 323, 0 10.0 13 - light grey to grey pink colour LK-3135 323.0 333.0 10.0 13 - biotite 2% as 0.5-1mm plates - core - quartz 5% locally massive, grey colour LK-3110 309.5 313.0 3.5 18 - rem'âinder, white and pink feldspar _ LK-3111 313.0 318.0 5.0 14 - foliation of biotite and banding of quartz and biotite. LK-3112 318.0 323.0 5.0 7.5 at 5°.-30° to c. a. common LK-3113 323.0 327.3 4.8 6. 0 - minor schistose biotite lenses at 0c -2° to c. a. - trace pyrite in association with biotite and quartz _ ri awai ow Ems igiu ~ ~ ' .~.r~r , ~ : , ~T~~ . , 91i!*T9►, I ON. ~ Î ' MINES, 1.144IuD;~ : Hole Number DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE COREPpm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION; NUNIBER FROM TO LOTH U3Og - localli7ed hematite staining of feldspars - lower contact wavy and gradational at 200 to c. a.

327.8' 332. 6' Garnet Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: ' : - grey to dark green black colour, mottled - medium to medium fine grained - garnet, 1. 5-1mm vine red colour, in association with both rnafic and felsic minerals, disseminated sparsely ' throughout core - biotite 2-5% local brown colour ' - hornblend 45%. relatively fine grained - feldspars 50%, grey colour, Na sPàr ' - well developed foliation with crude banding ' at 20° to c. a. - lower contact 400 to c. a.

332.. 6' 337,4' Hornblend Biotite Quartz Feldspar Gneiss: ' sludge - medium grey to grey pink colour LK-3136 333.0 343.0 10.0 6.5 - fine grained core - hornblend trace -2% LK-3114 332.6 337.4 4.8 —5 - quartz 2-5% grey to smoky gr,;y colour - biotite 5-10% 1 mrn foliated platelets ., - feldspars comprise remainder, grey to minor pink colour ' - locally well foliated and intermittently banded at 0-30° to c. a. • • - tr. pyrite ' - kcal hematite staining of feldspars near biotite and hornblend

• naw on us pas man r on awn Î ~ r :..5~+ . -wow awn wan an eian awn a~ EMI JIM GETTY' IvIIP1E5, LII~i I'ED ► Hole Number LK-76-4 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE ASSAY --_ - CORE prim -~ ROM TO DFr5CRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U3Og______337.4' 362. 5' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: ,.,,., :, sludge - grey and dark green black colours _, ,_ LK-3137 343.0 353.0 10.0 6.5 - medium grained LK-3138 353.0 363.0 10.0 1.0 - biotite 2-5%, locally greater, minor brown coloura.tion otherwise black - •• - hornblend 40-60% dark green black colour relatively • fine grained - feldspars comprise remainder, generally grey coloured Na feldspar - - numerous grey to smoky quartz weinlets 2-10cm in thickness crosscutting and paralleling foliation at varied angles - foliation locally well developed at 0-30° to c. a. - lower contact irregular _ _ .

362.5' 377.2' Quartz Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: sludge - as described at 202. 0'-228. 5' • LK-3139 363.0 373.0 10.0 20 - foliation irregular 0-30°, locally absent . core - 263,4' irregular veinlet with varied quantities of pyrite LK-31I5 362.5 368.0 5. 5 11 chalcopyrite, molybdenite, magnetite and possibly LK-3116 368.0 373.0 5.0 9. 0 sphalerite, all in association with quartz and biotite ... LK-3117 373.0 378.0 5.0 12

377. 2' 403.0' Biotite Quartz Feld: par Gneissic Api.ite and Massive Quartz: stud.ge 373.0 383.0 10.0 28 - - Gneissic aplite, line to medium fine grained, light grey LK-3140 to light pink in colour, often intermixed biotite 1% as very no sample 383.0 393.0 10.0 fine foliated .latel^.ts, numerous patches of light yellow LK-3141 393.0 403.0 10.0 8. 5 green mica, quartz occurs as irregular veinlets, ..variable core percentages feldspars comprise remainder, trace pyrite _ LK-3118 378.0 383.0 5.0 4,0 calcite common lining 5°-30° fractures. LK-3119 383.0 388.0 5.0 2.0 - massive quartz; grey colour, transparent to translucent, LK-3120 388.0 393. 5. 0 2.5 locally smoky but not black. Quartz predominates . .. . 3S3. 0'-393.0' 75%, general quartz 10-30% .. Mel ~ Mil 1® MU 11116 SIM NIN • 0111 11113 IION ' inia . 1N& Mi NMI Page 6A CETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LLK-76-4 DRILL HOLE LOG I SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FI

403.0 END OF HOLE CASING CAPPED CORE RECOVERY 202'-403' 99%1- R. Everett/bm

Core Boxes 202. 0-221. 5 221.5-240.7 240.7-259.5 259.5-279,0 . 279.0-2981 4 298.4-313.0 313.0-332.6 332.6-352.3 352.3-371.6 - 373 . 6-390.8 390.8-403.0

- I


I Page 1 ® BEN moi ow sal~ 111111 Min ME ~ ~ ME ~ --- ~ : iv '~~, ~I U Hole Number l LK-76-5 DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property Lac Kachiwiss 6711 . Core Size BX Starting Date 7 Jul 76 Angle Letellier• Twp; Quebec • 9 Jul 76 Depth ~-- Location. • Elev. Collar 492. 9' Completion Date. Read Actual N. A. Bearing Collar Grid DDG Dip -90d Date Logged 2 Se .)t- 76 • 15.0 Sao Latitude.. 12+ OON Length 407. 0!, Logged by Eric Sacks • 200. C 900 Departure 1+97E Horiz. Trace N. A. 400. C Vert. Trace 407.0' 890


4.0' 4.2' Cobbles • Grenville _. 2' 4. 6 Bi-Hb-Fsp Gneiss: Fsp 50% (40% a fsp. 10% fsp) core (2b) Hb 30'0 LK-1764 4.0 6.0 1.9 100 Bi 15-20%0 Trace Gt, trace phlocopite, hematite stain< 1%, limonite stain <1%. - poor gneissocityparallei lower contact at 40° to c. a.

4. 6' 6.0' Pegmatite (6a): K fsp 40%, (pink) Na fsp (20-30%) white core Quartz (smoky to clear) 15-20% LK-1765 6. 0 10.0 4.0 170 Bi 5%, Trace Mt to 1% locally sludge Green stain ubiquitous < 1%, splotchy LK-1786 6.0 10.0 4.0 4.0 hematite stain < 1%, stains prevalent especially along minor fracture surfaces

6. 0' 6.6' Graphic Pegmatite (6a) Pink K fsp approx. 80%; Qtz (smoky-clear) 1 approx. 15%; Bi approx. 1-2%, Mt<1% hematite trace

6-.6' 11. 0' Aplite (6b) K fsp approx. 80570, Qtz approx. 10%, Bi 5-10%, Mt Cl% to locally 5-10% in stringers at 6,- 6' &. 7. 2' but generally as disseminated grains approx. - nm. to lrnlm diameter-fine gr. section (grainsrvlmm)granul.ar tex Hole Number RILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE. FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY -- FROM TO DESCRIPTION ;. _:..., ''NUMBER FROM TO LOTH pprn t' 11.0' 11. 6' White Pegmatite (6a) core - white fsp (40% Na plag, 30% K fsp); Qtz approx:. 10-15%; LK-1766 10.0 15.0 5.0 50 Bi <5%; green stain ubiquitous up to 1% with hematization up sludge to 5% near lower units contact LK-1787 10.0 20.0 10.0 255 - T ` 7rw 11.6' 11.8' Contact gradational between overlying 6ah and underlying lae; wd weakly foliated Bi-fsp schist; fsp 85%, Q tz < 5% Bi<5%, trace .` hematite - lower contact more Bi rich schist at 50°

11.8' 13.7' l-1b-Bi-Fsp Schist: Fsp 50%, Bi 40%, Hb 5-15%. dark grey. fine grained, well foliated 50° to c. a.

13. "r' 14.2' Migmatitic contact to lower 6a unit _ - 50% fsp (strongly hematized); 20% Ctz (smoky & hematized) trace pyrite . - wavy irregular fol'n of Bi which grades to weak fol'n near 6a unit

14.2° 19.0' Pegmatite (6a): 60% fsp (white)-K fsp 30%, Na fso with Ab twins core approx. 30%. some fso stained pinkish by hematite; Qtz 20-30% T,K-1767 15_.0 20.0 4.4 20 (smoky grains to 2cm) Bi 5-10% in large j2cm) books: trace CPy: . 1% chlorite along fracture surface; green stain ubiquitous; trace limonite stain • core badly broken 18.5-19.0' obscuring lower contact general appearance is greenish stainedwhite coarse pegmatite

19.0' 43. 7' Bi-1-lb-Fsp Gneiss (62b): Fsp (white probably Na plag) approx. core 40-50%; Hb approx. 30%; Bi 15-20% poorly foliated; trace to locally LK-1768 20.0 25.0 5.0 2.5 ' °.'. 5% Qtz; trace Py; trace CPy; trace Gt(Almandine) trace phlogopite LK-1769 • 25.0 27.0 2.0 Z0.5 _T_ LK-1770 - 27.0 32.0 5.0 < 0.5 T K-1771 32.. 0 37.0 5.0 < 0.5 ^~T"ci.'r; ,~ : ;-7~y:, f;,~; ,';~ • !~i%r- GETTY MINES, ~,~Iy4ITED° Hole Number LLl<-76-5 Dl~ IL~ HOLE LOG • - SAMPLE ,.FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM. DESCRIPTZwN O,e.._ NUMBER FROM TO LGTHj ppm U fol'n 40° to c. a. (29. 5') with roughly parallel gneissocity which core 37.0 42.0 5.0 <0.5 is indistinct but present -.---- LK-1772 lower contact 70° to c. a. LK-1773 • 42.0 47.0 5.0 2.0 s" .. , slùdg.. LK-17...8 20.0 27.0 7.0 7.0 • LK-1789 27. u 37.0 10 0 1. .3 LK-1790 37..0 47.0 10.0 3.5 43.7' 45. ' â_ i-fsp Schist (1) exists as gradational unit from 2b to 1 to 2h below f.-:p (white, fine granular) 50%, Bi 40o; trace Hb in well defined clumps; trace Py (stringer crosscutting fo1'n and dissom.nated); trace fine granular Gt (Almanaine); trace phlogopite


am t both upper and lower contact zones are possibly migmatitic with rimmed tong;..es of 2b unit virtually included within_ a fine grained r.~ A. fLidspathic schist ranging from 5% to 40% Bi and weakly to '~ stronaiti foliated respectively. 5, core 45.2' 82.4' Bi-Hb-Fsp Gneiss (2b): Fsp (white probably Na plag with Ab LK-1774 47.0 52.0 5.0 2.5 striations) approx. 50%; Hb approx. 30%; Bi approx. 10-15%; trace LK-17 7 5 52.0 58.0 6.0 e 0.3 j Qtz; trace Py (stringers and disseminated); trace Gt (Almandine); LK-1776 58.0 63.0 5.0 <0.5 trace phlogopite LK-1777 63.0 68.0 5.0 <0.5 . j lower contact 400 truncating indistinct gneissocity LK-1778 68.0 73.0 5.0 <0.5 j LK-1779. 7:..:0 78.0 5.0 <0.5 j . `1 LK-1780 78.0: 83.0 5.0 1.0 MIS 1111111 MIN

Hole Number LtC-76-5 1 ..._.. DR ILL HOLE LOG ` • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DES CRIPTION ; NUMBER FROM TO LOTH pprn U sludge LK-179.i 47.0 58.0 10.0 T 1.0 LK-1792 58.0 68.0 10.0 1.0 82.4' 84.0' Graphic Pagnatite (6a): K fsp (pink) 80%0 Qtz (clear) approx. LK-1793 68.0 78.0 10.0 0. 5 ` 10-1A; 131 approx. trace locally 5%); no magnetite,. stain LK-1794 78.0 88.0 10.0 60 or foliation

84. 0' 1.08. 0' Pegmatite (75%), A2lite (approx. 25%0): Fsp 70% (white Na fsp 20%, core pink K fsp 50%); Qtz approx. 10-15% (locally to 25% and smoky);• LK-1781 83.0 88.0 5.0 100 Bi approx. 5% (locally to 15% in large books); Mt approx. trace LK-1782 88.0 93.0 5.0 100 to 1%, locally in grains up to 3-4mm; trace hematite; locally LK-1783 93.0 98.0 5.0 120 obvious green stain; chlorite coating on fracture surfaces LK-1784 98.0 103.0 5.0 75 LK-1785 103.0 108.0 5.0 20 sludge LK-1795 88.0 98.0 10.0 95 LK-1796 _ 28.0 108.0 10.0 80 • 108.0' END OF HOLE CASING CAPPED CORE RECOVERY 99%

Core 1-o,..es- 4. 0 - 21.8' 21.8 - 41.7 . 41.7 - 61.2 61.2 - 80,$ ' 20.8 - 100.0 100.0 - 108.0

/bm ...,11,.11., Page i MI Mt 111111 11811 MN MN MN 111211 G PR y NIL5, 1viI lffilft MI sea mum smas m mole Number LK-76-5 lA


Property. ..;aç.I{f.çhiwiss , , , , , , , , , , , ,, Core Size 13X • , Starting Date 2 Oct 76 Angle Depth Location... P.etellier.,f2Tw,p.. P. ; •,.. ••• • , Elev. Collar 422:2' ! Completion Date 5 Oct 76 Read Actual N. A. --- Bearing Collar Grid DDC Dip -90b Date Logged Oct 76 , Latitude 12+OON Length 407.0' Logged by R. Everett , Departure 1+97E Horiz. Trace N. A. . , . Vert. Trace 407. 0' , .

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE,~,TTT ASSAY FROMTO DESCRIPTION NUMB :R FROM TO LGTH. 308 108.0' 148. 5' Pegmatite-Aplite• core - pink to grey pink colour, locally grey green in colour LK-3142 108.0 113.0 5.0 32 - grain size variable ›.lmm 25%, <4mm >1mm 60%, LK-3143 113.0 118. q 5.0 22 C 1nim. 15% LK-3I44 118.0 123.0 5.0 93 - biotite tr -5% variable < 1 mm to 2cm plates LK-3145 123. 128.0 5. J 34 - hornblend trace LK-3146 128.0 133. a 5.0 67 I.` - quartz 5-100/, variable grey .o sm'-' • locally black in colour LK-31:•7 133.0 138. 5.0 88 - feldspars comprise bulk of remaining minerals LN -3148 138.0 143.0 5.0 110 i{ feldspars predominate over Na feldspars 5.1, LK-3149 143.0 148.3 5.5 150 Na feldspars most prominent in medium to coarse grainedcore sludge - graphic texture very common in medium and coarse rained LK-3174 108.0 118.q 10.0 46 core, 119. 5'-I20. 0' very coarse grained LK-3175 118.0 128. C 10.0 72 - hematite stain common to feldspo. rs of all grain sizes LK-3176 128.0 138. d 10.0 110 generally in association with biotite and magnetite LK-3177 1?.j. 0 148. C 10.0 210 - magnetite trace -'?/~ c, locally 1-2%4- 120. 5' - 123.0' 1% magnetite 125. 5 - 126.0' ?% magnetite 142. 0' - large 1cm crystal agregate 143.0' - 145.0' tr -2% magnetite 145.7' - 146. 1' :schistose inclusion of biotite i irregularly foliated - lower contact vague at 45° to c. a. , I d: 2A NMI SW MIS ; : , ,~~; , ,,; 111011111 MOM MIMI ® MIN . GETT~t 'jvIINES,' LIMITED:, Hole Number I LK-76-5 7 DRILL HOLE LOG I SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE p~,l ASSAY rr,OM i TO DESCRIPTION', NUMBER FROM TO LLGTH TH u308 148.5' 1 154.2' Feldspar Biotite Hornfel: core - dark grey black, mottled to spotty colouration LK-3150 148, 5 154.2 5.7 2.0 - very fine grained, vague mineral segregation sludge - biotite approx. equal to 55%, feldspars 45% by colour LK-3178 148. C 158.0 10.0 80 - prominent ma7etism to core - trace -1% wire red garnet, < 1mm - trace pyrite throughout - no foliation banding - lower contact gradational at 60° to c. a.

134.2' 155.5 Pegmatite-Aplite core - as described at 108.0'-148.5' LK-3151 154.2 158.0 3.8 43

155. 5' 157. 0' Hornfel: - dark grey colour, very fine grained : - massive homogenous, non foliated - mafic minerals 75% by col.ur - remainder of minerals proaably feldspars - lower contact irregular at 400 to c. a.

15' . 4' Pegmatite-Aplite: core - as described at 108.01 -148.5' LK-3152 158.0 163.0 5.0 150 - 158.3' massive black quartz sludge - lower contact irregular at 60° to c. a. LK-3179 158.0 168.6 10.5 140

159,4' 160.2' Hornfel: - as described at 155.5'-157.0' - lower contact irregular at 3C° to c. a.

• F ..n~ 3A NON , oils1 „ 1®1,..,. fit,";,. ;i tll si EMI MEN INY! NE1 GETTY MINES, LIMITED'. Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION,; NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U30R 160. 2' 167, 2' Pegma' ite-Aplite: core - as described at 108.0'-148. 5' LK-313 168.5 5.5 65 - 165. 0'-165. 5' numerous .magnetite blebs - lower contact 50 to c. a. and wavy 1 e7. 2' 1613. 2' Hornfel: sludge - as described at 155. 5'-157. 0' LK-3180 168.5 179.0 10.5 100 - lighter grey fine grained margin in contact with pegmatite - minor tnegmatitic feldspar veining' ______- lower contact 60-700 to c. a.

168.2' 205, 0' Pegmatite: core - pink, white to smoky !rey green colour LK• 3154 168. 5 174.0 5. 5 63 - grain size vari.:Ple >4mm 35%, <4mm >1mm 63% <1m:m 2% Lh-3155 174.0 179.0 5.0 130 - bioiite 2%, locally 5% as 2-4mm plates LK-3156 179.0 184.0 5.0 97 - quartz 5-10% locally greater, generally grey to smoker, LK-3157 184.0 189.5 5,5 60 locally black colour LK-3) 58 183. 5 19_4, ; 5. Q 65 - feldspars predr,minantly K feldspars, K:Na 5:1 LK-31 9 1 94.5 200.0 5 5 38 - feldspars pink to pinkish white and grey in colour LK-3160 200.0 205.0 5.0 44 •• graphic texture dominant feature of coarse and medium sludge grained core LK-3181 179.0 189.0 10.0 83 - magnetite generally trace with minor local concentrations z-1% LK-3182 189.0 200.0 11.0 48 LK-3183 200.0 210.0 10.0 36

205.0 234. 5' Pegmatite-Aplite core - pink colour predominant with local pink white and grey LK-3161 205.0 210.0 5. 0 29 pink variations LK-3162 210.0 215.0 5.0 120 - grain size variable>4mm 50%, <4mm>' ' m 40%, <1mm 10°jo LK-3163 215.0 220.0 4. 5 290 - biotite 1-2(7c, locally 2-5% as 2-4mm plat es, LK-3164 220.0 225.0 5. 0 95 locally 1-5mrnin size at 216.0' LK-3165 225.0 230.5 5.5 140 LK-3166 230.5 234.5 4.0 55

' i INN MN' NMI WIN MNI . , NMI NM v.. ~ ; ®®i NOS I6~ ~111 II® ; !; !~'~'j' III~ i, Page 4A . . .. . ,. ~ ~ i ~,.. GETTy MINES,' ~,IMITED;, Hole Number LK-76-5 DRILL HOLE LOG ASSAY SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ~.T---- FROM TO _ DESCRIPTION:' NUMBER FROM TO LOTH • U3ps - quartz 5% locally 5-10%, ger:erallygrey in colour, loc_ally'smoky siuclg_e to black near biotite and magnetite LK-3183 200.0 210.0 10.0 36 - feldspars comprise remainder K:Na, 5:1 LK-3184 210.0 220.0 10.0 69 - gra_ore hic texture common in coarse 'and medium grained cl LK-3185 220.0 230.5 10.57 1 - magnetite tr Z%o with concentrations at 214. 5', 220. 0', 226.0'_ LK-3186 230.5 240. 5 10.0 95 and 229.8' - fractures with calcite coat` i s 20-30° to c. a. - lower contact 60° to c. a. and irregular

234. 5' 288. 3' Garnet Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: core - grey to dark green black colour, mottled LK-3167 234.5 239. 5 5. 00 <0. 5 - medium grained sludge . - trace throughout 1-2mm wine red garnet LK-3187 2,40.5 251.0 10.5 18 - biotite 5-10`1/0 LK-3188• 251.0 261.0 10.0 1.5 - Na feldspar 40-50% LK-3189 261.0 271.0 10.0 <0.5 - 1-Iornblend 40-50% LK-3190 271,0 281.0 10.0 3.5 - foliation vague to moderately well developed at 20-40° to c. a. LK-3191 281.0 291.0 10.0 7.0 ,I - feldspar veins and stringers common parallel and sub parallel to c. a. - lower contact 28° to c. a.

288.3' 306.0' Pegmatite: core - reddish pink to pinkish white colour L..-3168 288. 3 291. 0 1. 7 LO - very coarse grained LK-3169 291.0 296.0 5. 0 9.5 - biotite 2%, 4mm-4cm plates locally larger LK-3170 296.0 301.0 5.0 15 - quartz 5-10% grey to smoky colour LK-3171 301.0 306.0 5. 0 36 - feldspars comprise bulk of core, generally K-Na 5:1 with sludge _ locally high concentrations of K-Na 1:3 at 292. 4'-294. 5', LK-3192 291.0 301.0 0.0 8.0 299.31 -300.0' LK-3193 301.0 311.5 0.5 14 - graphic texture common throughout inn ®' 1!!E YE ® . . ® BM In paw:: 5A ' i~',`~~ '';;• ~;~ ~~,'7 GET`I'Y MINES,'' LIMÎTEfl Hole Number LK-76-5 DR ILL HOLE LOG

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE pprri ASSAY FROM TO _NUMBERDESCRIPTION ' FROM TO LG TH U 3 OR - hematite staining common along cleavage planes of feldspars, particularly noticeable in Na feldspars - magnetite trace to absent -. lower contact 300 to c. a. , prominent hematite staining

306.0 323.4' Garnet, Biotite, Feldspar, Hornblend C.7. - as described at 234.5'-22R.3' - calcite stringers common paralleling feldspar veinlets and • . along fractures at 100 to c. a. - lower contact gradational

323.4' 332.3 Intermixed Feldspar, Aplite and Quartz Biotite Feldspar Schist:' sludge - Aplite: fine grained, pink to grey pink colour: biotite tr -1%. LK-3194 311.5 321.5 10.5 2.0 quartz 5-10% as massive lenses and veinlets sub LK-3195 321.5 332.0 10.5 2.0 parallel to the foliation of the schist, feldspars corn- core prise bulk of remaining minerals, crude banding of LK-3173 323.4 330.4 7. 0 2. 0 c tartz and biotite aligning with schists. - Schist: rn ..._: grey colour, fine grained, trace -5% grey quartz as veinlets, feldspars and biotite equally proportioned, trace pyrite and wine red garnet, foliation 0-30° to c. a. generally of biotite - lower contact gradational at 400 to c. a.

332.3' 366.5' Garnet Biotite Fei.lspar Hornblend Gneiss: sludge r - as described at 234. 5'-288. 3' LK-3196 332.0 342.0 10. 0 2.0 ' - lower contact gradational and irregular LK-3197 342.0 352.0 10.0 <0.5 LK-3198 352.0 362.0 10.0 2.0 LK-3199 362.0 372.0 10, 0 2. 0

~- ---T , MEN it ® BEM ORAI ISIN • , ;MP MON Bille HMI NINA NEI: kge.. .G~...._. ; , , : ~t . , i;,i * GFTTY MINES , Hole Number f LK-76-5 DR ILL HOLE LOG •SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE pprn ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTTT U 108 356. 5' 371.5' Garnet Quart? Biotite Feldspar Schist: core - medium to medium coarse grained, pinkish grey to dark LK-3172 366.5 371.5 5. 0 16 grey colour - intermixed medium grained quartz, feldspar and schistose , lenses and stringers of biotite - biotite foliation and crude banding at 5-40° to c. a. - b- itc 5-25/0 ,.- - qu-rtz 2-5% = feldspars comprise bulk of remaining core - trace pyrite - trace garnet throughout with local large 0. 8cm wine red garnet at 367. 7' - lower contact 20° to c. a.

371.5' 4C7. 0' Garnet, Biotite, Feldspar, Hornblend Gneiss.: T T. sludge - as described as 234, 5'-288, 3' T,J{-37.00._ 377_ 0 3RA. 5 14 5 3. 5 - numerous quartz feldspar veins. veinlets and stringers LK-3203 386,5 396.5 10. 0 9. 5 at varied angles, generally parallel to foliation at 20-40° to c. a. LK-3204 396.5 407.0 10.5 1. 5 - foliation less well developed than above units - 282. 0'-385. 0' Feldspar Biotite Schist: medium grained, 75% grey feldspars, 25% folia'ced biotite foliation at 35° to c. a. , contacts parallel to foliation -

407. 0' 7ND '7' HOL GASI1'G (;APPFT) ~. 1 T •VERY 99%+

R. Everett/bra ! r +j

1 Page 1 1101. a®o ® EMI' SVE1 ▪ ®n G' lr 1111 , !~.. Bin NEI

DRILL HOLE LOG LacKachiwis s Property. •• • • • • •..•.•.• BX(10. 0'-90. 0') AX(90. 0'•-110, 0' l',efellier 'iwp• p• Q. Core size btartmg Date .141.7() Location Elev. Collar Completion Date... .lJ..1111.7( Bearing T`ti•.A\ DDG Grid Dip -9Qo. Date Logged 2 5' ep 76 1199N Latitude • Length 110,0' Lagged by Departure 00+14W ,• Horiz, Trace. • ~• N•.A. Vert. Trace 110,0'

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO Y,GTH. U3C8 0 8.0' Overburden Grenville 8.0' 10.0' Ground Core: • - ground 2. 0' of rock with casing reamer and concave core bit to set casing 1 ' 10.0' 10.1' Aplite: - fine .grained, white colour LK-1797 I 10.0 15.0 5.0 45 - 75?% feldspar, 20% quartz, 5% biotite - contact sharp at 500 to c, a.

10.1' 12. 1' Feldspar Biotite Schist sludge - fine grained, dark grey colour LK-1818 10.0 20.0 10.0 50 - 55010 grey feldspar, 45% biotite LK-1819 20.0 28.0 8.0 20 - migmatitic feldspar stringers, parallel foliation at 400 to c• a. - lower contact 400 to c. a. .

12.1' 75.6' Pegmatite Aplite: core - 70% pegmatite (>4mm grain size), 30% aplite (<4mm grain sz.) LK-1798 15.0 20.0 0.8 8.0 intermixed LK-1799 .20..0 28.0 3.2 22 r; - predominent flesh pink colour to pegmatite green grey tint LK-1800 .28`.0 32.0 4.0 12 - to aplite LK-1801 32.0 37.0 5.0 65 - 70% K feldspar, 10% sodic feldspar core - 10°% quartz, locally smoky to black, generally grey to LK-1802 37.0 41.0 3.2 92 • clear and transparent LK-1803 41.0 46.0 4.6 65 ," - biotite 5-10%, generally 5% 2mm-l- crr_plates• • LK--1804 { 46.0 52.0 6.0 92 2 ism* not was semi crax ; Ban, IBM EMI INN INN . )7. dge Nei . *Me ,,,

"G '7 11Y MINES; Hole Number LK-76:5 -1 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE DOM • ASSAY FROM TO i DESCRIPTION ' ' : . , ' NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U108 - - hematite stain to feldspar; common 1-2% ' LK-1805 52.0 56,0 4.0 115 - graphic texture to pegmaLt... 5-10% LK-1806 56.0 60.0 2.7 100 - local massive large crystalline K feldspar 5% LK-1807 60.0 65.0 5.0 70 - magnetite locally tr -1% . . LK-1808 65.0 70.0 5.0 100 •• 22.0 26.8' - sandseam- 15.5' -19.8' - groundcore - LK-1809 70.0 75.0 4.6 100 - 54.5' - magnetite 1-2% LK-1810 75.0 78.8 3.8 80 sludge 1 - 57.2'-59.0' - groundcore ,. . . 28,0 41.0 13.0 40 - 62.5', 65. 5' -67. 2' - magnetite 1-2%, . LK-1820 ° to c.a. LK-1821 41.0 52.0 11.0 60 -1 - lower contact irregular 10-60 . pegmatite truncates foliation of lower unit LK-1822 52.0 CO.0 8.0 78

75. 6' 86.8' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: • core - medium grained, dark grey to green black Colour LK-18711-18.8 --183.0 3. 5 1.0 - white feldspar 50% hornblend 35% biotite 15% tr quartz LK-181?. 83.0 86.5 3.5 1.5 ,. I,K-1813 86.5 90.0 3.5 2.5 tr pyrite . - foliation weakly developed 30-40° to c. a. ' . slue - ,... - trace red brown garnet through; it ._,K-1823 60.0 75.0 15.0 50 i ,:•-: - local hematite stain of feldspar LK-1824 75.0 83.0 8.0 20 - minor sheer surfaces 40° to c. a. LL - :Z5 83.0 -70-. 0 (.1) 6. U

11 • 86. 8' 87.6' Massive Ouartz Feldspar: .• , , - massive white crybtocrystalline feldspar and grey to • smoky transparent quartz ,. -. 70% feldspar, 30% quartz, tr 1% biotite - 1-2cm ouartz banding at 30° to c.a. - lower contact 30° to c. a.

, . -.--. . ' I--.- ----, • 11111/ MIMI MUM 141M11 ~ Mill ,1 p.m~ , ~ 1 ~• ; imp ~',~.~1 ( CETTY MINES, 'LIMITLD Hole Nv:mbe r LK-76-6 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE pp ASSAY FROM ► TO bESCRIPTIP N NUMBER FROM TO LOTH UOrq 87.6' 88.5 Biotite .iornblend Feldspar Gneiss: ` - as described at 75. 6'-86. 8' - prominent schistocity 20o to c. a.

- 2. 5% biotite

88,5' 91.5 M:+ssive Quartz Feldspar: - as described at 86.8'-87.6' core ' - quartz locally smoky LE-1814. 91 0 95. Q 5. 0 10. 0 - quartz veining 35%+

91.5' 92.2' Biotite Hornble.,rl Feldspar Gneiss: sludge - as described at 87.6'-88. 5' ' LK-1826 90.0 95.0 5.0 100

92. 2' 96. 3' Massive Quartz Feldspar - as described at 88.5'-91.5 - upper contact 20° to c. a.

9f,. 3' ;9.3' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneis.3: core - a- describe:l at 87.6'-88.5' LK-1815 95.0 100.0 5.0 1.0 sludge 1K-1827 95.0 100 0 5.0 5..5 99.3' 105.0' Massive Cuartz Feldspar: - as described at 88.5'-91.5' core - banding 0-10° to c. a. LK-1816 00.0 105.0 a . 9 6.5 - tr pyrite, chalcopyrite sludge - numerous biotite seams LK-1828 .00.0 105.0 5.0 8.0

105. 0' 110.0' Biotite 7-1ornblen_c; Feldspar Gneiss: core - as described at 87. rt'-88. ~' LK-1817 05.0 110.0 5.0 0.5 - tr garnet sludge LK-1829 .0 5.0 110.0 5.0 12.0 110.0' END OP' HOLE CASING CAPPED

COR F RECOVERY 9: , o R. Everett/bm Nage 1 IMO EMI Mill EMI EMI NM 11111111 INNEMI 11101 ® ®1 ~1 ~_...... _.,.._....~~._.. G~ ~S, ~~~ Hole Num~er. LK-76-7

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests BX Property .....Getty. Mines Limited •i . Core Size Starting Date, ... July.16,. 1976... . Angle ~ 4ss, .Quebe•c.. ,. 1976 ... . 1)ept1-. Location ;{p hiyvi Elev. Collar 400.7 Completion Date. , .Tuly.?Ô Read Act Bearing N A, -90° 3, 1976 Collar G rid.,.. , . . . . Drill Gr;d...... Dip Date Log;ed. Sept. sc,n Latitude 4+OON Length 400. 0' Logged by. R. Bujas 15 n: 2+00W 466: to 200. 0' 8') Departure 1-Ioriz. Trace ,,, Vert, Trace 400. 0' S

SAMPLE FOOTAGECORE ASSAY FR OM TO DESCRIPTION ~~m — _ NUMBER 7R OM TO LOTH: 710g Overburden 0 49. 0' Core 46.0' 49.0' Boulders LK-x 0 46.0 52.0 3.6 . ttd c 0.5 - Granite Gneiss T.,K-1856z 46. 0 52. 0 6. 0 0. 5 - Pegmatite - Biccite-Feldspar-Schist


4 9 0' 52 *' Felds .r- • ... e-AmRh pUte- Gn - Amrhibolite 80% (green dark) - Biotite 15% - Feidstnar 5% (socIic) - Foliation (weak) 30° to core axis - Calcite vein - 49. 5' to 25° to core axis - Fractrre - 50. 5' - Chloritized 30° to cur axis Corc t 52.0' 52. 2' Aplite - ( <4 mm grain size) LK-1 31 52.0 56, 0 4. 0 1, 0 Slucze - W1% Potassium FV?dspars .LT< -1 3 52.0 60.0 8.0 0. 5 -20% sndic Feldspars - Rietite trace • ••• as we inea mu ® am man an mid am nu am me GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK- 76 - 7 DR ILL HOLE LOG — SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY j FROM TO . DESCRIPTION • NUMBER FROM TO LGTH 5:., 2,' 53. 5' Amphibole - Feldspar (schist) - Sodic. Feldspar - 60% - Amphibole - 40% - Chloriti.c green

E . - Magnetite - trace - Foliation 25° to core axis

Feldspar - Biotite- Amphibole Gneiss ,'a 56, 0 60.0 4 0 :70 -. 53. 5' 71.0' 4î11e - Feldspar - sodic - 15% LK-1833 60, 0 65, 0 5. 0 C0. 5 • _ - Biotite - 25% LK-18 4 65.0 70.0 5.0 0. 5 - Amphibole - 60% - dark green. LK y 1 M35 70. 0 74. 0 3. 7 18. 0 - Foliation 30" to core axis I.,K -1874 60.0 70.0 10.0 O. 5 LK-1855 70.0 77.0 7.0 26.0

71. 0' 71. 5' Feldsr vein 1 - sodic feldspar ,— f - no foliation - contacts 40° to core axis

1. 5' 73. 0' Aplite and Feldspar -Biotite-Amphibole Gneiss - a-lite and gneiss interfinger I - aplite - smoky quartz 15-20% j - $odic feldspar 40% - potassic felc'.spars 35% - Ri •• if ,- 1-5% -a7a7netite 1-5% - Fracture_, 40° to core axis - Gneiss - Feldspar (sodic) trace 1% i - Biotite 20% - Amphibole 80% '

~____ 1 MN ® MEN RM. ® NMI NW NMI .2111 EM! NMI' (MIN NMI , NMI Nita EMI MN 1.111 Pw "p . • • • 3. • . . . . GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-7 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY i FR OM TO DES CRIPTION NUMBER FROM -7 F_ LGTFI 73. 73. 5' Feldspar -Biotite -Amphibole Gneiss - Potassic Feldspar - trace - Biotite 20% - Amphibole - 80% dark green _.._ Cors 73. 5' 76. 0' I egmatite Aplite LK-1836 74.0 77.0 3. 0 45.0

~. - Pegmatite 20% - Aplite 80% - Pegmat to - 80% Potassic Feldspar - 20% Quartz (some smoky) ,•13iotite trace - Aplite - Quartz - 20 - Sociic .'eldspar - 20% - Potassic Feldspar - 60% - Biotite trace - some hematitic stained crystals and fractures ! Core _ 76. 0' 97, 5' Feldsnai - i.iotit-!-Amnhibole Gneiss LK-1837 77. 0 82.0 5.0 -0. 5 ' - Feld. nar - sodic - chloritic green stain 5°'. LTC-1838 82. 0 87. 0 5. 0 <0, 5 - Biotite 25~;~ 1..K-1839 87, 0 92, 0 5, 0 '- 0. 5 - Amphibole 70% - dark green LK-1843 92. 0 97. 0 5. 0 G 0. 5 - 92. 8' -93. 5' LK-1841 97. 0 102. 0 5. 0 95.0 - large grained pegmatite (sludge) LK-1856 77. 0 87. 0 10. 0 -' 0. 5 -sodic feldspar 80% LK-1857 87. 0 97. 0 10. 0 u. 5 -potas sic feldspar 20% LK-1858 97. 0 106. 5 9. 5 100. 0 ' -biotite trace -upper contact 300 from core axis - lower contact 350 from core axis Isi1 moo ` Pana 4 ® moor mio moo som ® omy sou ow ® Win WM ® WEN MIMI GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number 7,;_76-7 DR T.LL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE m ASSAY FROM ''O DESCRIPTION E PI' NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U•408 G7. 5' 104.0' Pegmatite (Core) LK-1842 102.0 106.5 3.5 155.0 - Feldspar - sodic - 75% - Potassic 5 % - Quartz - 20% - Biotite trace to 5% near upper cortact - Upper contact 200 to core axis

104. 0' 127 0' .9.plite - Pcgmatite (1 foot ground at 116. 0'1 (Core) LK-1843 106. 5 111.0 4.5 120.0 - 80% Pegmatite LK-1844 111.0 116.0 5. 0 12C. 0 - 20% Aplite LK-1845 116.0 121.0 5. 0 72.0 Pegmatite LK-1846 121.0 126.0 4.3 88.0 - Ouartz - 10% - smoky (soins) T_,I~-) 847 126. 0 132. 5 6. 0 150. 0 - Biotite - trace to 1% locally (Sl:(1,e) LX-1859 106. 5 116. 0 9. 5 64. 0 - Feldspars •• sodic 20% - 80% locally LK-18o0 116.0 126. 0 10. 0 100. 0 - Potassic 70% - 10% locally LK-1861 126. 0 132. 5 6. 5 200. 0 - trace ma Tnetite • I Aplite - Feldspars - sodic - 50% - Potassic - 40% - Quartz - 10% • - Biotite - trace - Ma i netite - trace j - Garnet _;trigger at 114. 5' (Almandite) dark re-1 i 127. J' 149, 0' Pegmatite - Grains 5 - 7 mm in .size (Core' LK-1848 132.5 137. C 4. 5 150.0 - same percentages as pegmatite LK-•1849 137.0 142..0 5.0 170.0 104' -127' LK-1850 142.0 146.0 4. 0 110.0 - Grains become darker LIc:-1851 146. 0 150. 0 4.0 200. 0 - 1'.-tagnetite more common Sludge) LK-1862 132. 5 142.0 9. 5 150. 0 - Apnroaciling 1Y LK-1863 142.0 150. 0 8. 0 210. 0 - Quartz is very d_.rk in colour - Massive pyrite and trace chalcopyrite 128. 5' En ®®• as . aim ® mi, usa ism NM ® ® NM Ma ® MOM I GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Nurrber LK-76-7 DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY • DESCRIPTION , FROM .TO NUMBER FROM TO LOTH • ' '~ 149. 0' 150.0' Pegmatite . - Feldspar - soclic - 5% • tI `,. - Potassic - 90% ! - Quartz - 5% - clear t :- - Biotite - trace to 1% i .`•'; - 1 cm plates

: ,0. !1' END OF HOLE Casing Capped • Core Recovery 99%




~S 1

• 1


HI MINMU Cow*inuatipn rage 1 dim emu smi sex we no mœi ~ . 1118' MN ECM NM) Or, J. Yi ES ;,~ IMITED . Hole Number • ' LK-76-7 -iA

DI, ILL' HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property Lac Kachiwiss Core Size BX Starting Date 22 SeE) 76 Angle Location.. LetellierTwp.., P. Q. Depth Elev. Collar 400.25 Completion Date 26 Seg 76 Read Actual N. A. Bearing...... , ...... Collar Grid DDG Dip -900 Date Logged 27 Sep 76 Latitude 44-00N Length Logged by t‘. Everett 6n n Departure.2+QQ\* ...... 4 Iloriz. Trace N.A. t 7 0 0 n Vert. Trace , 397.0. ..J

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE PPm FROM TO DESCR TPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH. 17.5 (IS 1 50. 0' 156.5' Persmatite: core - predominant flesh Zink to whitish pink colour, LK-2963 150.0 155.0 5.0 57 localiy greyish white to .;rey green colour LK-2954 155.0 156.5 1.5 83 - generally coarse grained, 5%Clmm - biotite 2-5% generally 2% as 2-4mm sludge locally 4cm plates as at 153.2', generally black LK-2984 150.0 160.0 10.0 43 in colour, locally brown quartz 5-10%, generally 5% uneven distribution, grey to smoky black colour - magnetite trace - feldspars comprise remainder of rock, predominantly potas1 -1 feldspars, pink in colour, Sodic feldspars are minor, whitish grey, locally greenish in colour, l':Na, 5:1 - hematite stain common, locally concentrated in association r with grey green feldspars - lower contact 700 to c. a. , biotite rich, trace chalcopyrite

156. 188.1 Biotite Feldspar Amphibolite core - diurri grained, grey to dark green-black colour • LK-2965 156.5 lo1.5 5.0 0.5 - biotite 5-20%, generally 5-10% as foliated patches and lenses sludge - feldspars 5-55%, generally 40%, as foliation aligned pods LK-2985 160.0 170. 10.0 100 and patches. locally banded, sodic feldspars predominate LK-2986 170.0 180.0 10.0 78 ^-rev white colour LK-2g87 180.0 190.0 10.00 9.5 - an.ehiboles 40-80%, generally 50%, dark green to black colour, predominantly hornblend and actinolite forms matrix Fdge 2A Pm use ~' ~~ ~ ,: • 14011 • ..~ GETTY `4INES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-7 DRILL HOLE LOG i SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORGI ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTHU308 - foliation variable 15-25° to c. a. , generally weak, locally bandec - quartz feldspar veins common, generally parallel to foliation, often 60° to c, a. 162.2-162.9'; 176.2-176.8'; 177.5' - lower contact rapid gradation, biotite rich. tr. pyrite ' - 1 -2mrn grey to creamy white coloured calcite stringers ,-,aralleling feldspar veins, often crosscutting foliation

188. 1' 190.4' Biotite [quartz Feldspar Vein: - coarse grained, grey white colour, massive to weakly banded core - biotite 2-5%, locall; as massive .medium crystalline patches LK-2966 188.0 190.5 2.5 15 - quartz 2-10% grey to smoky colour, locally' forming bands at 70c to c. a. - feldspars, ..teely grey white colour; probably sodic feldspars - 1-2mm calcite stringers at 5° to o. a. , reddish halo - lower contact quartz and biotite rich at 30° to c. a.

190.4' 206.7 Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: - medium grey and dark green-black colours sludge mottled appearance, very homogenous LK-2988 190.0 200.0 10.0 8.0 - mediu:.z grained, generally weakly foliated to non-foliated LK-2989 200.0 210. 0 10.0 10 - biotite 5-10% accompanying hornblend • - feldspar. 40-50% grey white colour, Na spar predominate:: - hornblend 40-50%, generally finer grained than feldspar - foliation locallized at 190.4-191.5' at 70° to c. a. i95. 0' at 500 to c. a.


' S BM Mt OM ME Per , Win Ana suzi ®awe sum rorA 3A ; ~ .;; ~: ,~,• i; . }., MINES,: LIZviIT.l:.:i7 Hole Number [LI'z-76-7 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE pprn ASSAY DESCRIPTION _ FROM PO • NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U F O$ +' - feldspar veins 191. 5' -192.0' 2cm Na' spar, lower contact `'' 1m>n calcite seam, 200 to c„ a. If , 194.5' lcm irregular habit, local hem stain r' -~ of white N't spar ^~ 198.0' 0. 5cm grey white, colour wavy at 45° tD c. a. - calcite strinuers, generally 2-3mm, greenish callow colour 201.7'-202.6 at 450 to c. a. 204, l'-204.7' at 100 to c. a. ,..

206.7' '08.4' Aplite Feldspar Biotite Schist (Intermixed): core '' - aplite; fine to medium fine grained, white colour, 1-25'o' Liotite; LK-2967 206.7 208.4 1.7 43 2-5.;%o grey quartz, remai;ader grey white fe idspar - schist; very fine. grained, foliation at 350 to c. a.

- aplite and sch;6t intermixed with contacts 30-350 to c. a. r 208.4' 248.2' Biotite Feldspar H ornb.l'. d Gneiss: +' - as described at 190.4'-206. 'i • LK-2968 2. it 24e. 1 5. 1 5.5 - 210.6'• 224.7' feldspar vein 2cm at 6fl° to c. a. slue Î ' - 223.0 calcite stringer, 2mm, creamy yellow colonir LK-2990 210.0 220.0 10. n 2. 5 crosscutting feldspar vein, contacts appear chilled LK-2121 220.0 230.0 10. (t 2,0 - 245. 0' -245. 5' pegmatite veinL grey white colour LK-2.992. 230,0 236 0 6. Q Z 5 20% smoky quartz, tr biotite, remaind ..r feldsRar LK-2993 236.0 246.0 10,0 1.2 contacts 300 to c. a. - lower contact 30° to c. a.

- ,.., 4 esta sow • (!lm on Y® 11IN ; 16BIN 00 MIN OBI NMI NNE MIN .. b,~.. 4A ' ~ ~ ~ GETTX MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-7 DRILL HOLE LOG - SAMPLE FOOTAGE GORE l,i,m ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U108 248.2' 254.1' Pegmatite: - coarse grained, pink to grey colour core - biotite 2% as 4mm plates locally larger LK-2969 248.1 254.1 6. 0 97 - quartz 5-10% smoky black colour ' sludge - feldspars comprise remainder, K feldspars to Na feldspars LK-2994 246.0 256.0 10.0 27 3:2, K spars generally pink, Na spars generally grey white colour - hematite staining of feldspars common, generally more magnetite - magnetite trace, 252.01 -253. ), 2-5% 'magnetite

254. 1' 256.1' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss:' - as described at 190.4'-206.7' core - pegmatite vein 40° to c. a, at 255.4'-255.5' LK-2970 754.1 256.0 1.0 11

256.1 27'. 6' Pegmatite-Aplite: • - colour variable,' flesh to reddish pink in coarse grained; core pink grey-green and white in medium ,fra.ined, reddish LK-2971 256.0 261.0 5. 0 380 pink to grey green in fine grained ' LK-2972 261.0 266.0 5. 0 210 - coarse grained 25%, greater than 4mm grain size; medium LK-2973 266.0 271.0 5. 0 24 grained 1-4mm grain size; fine grained less than lmm LK-2974 271.0 276.0 5.0 79 grain size LK-2975 276.0 277.6 1.6 100 - biotite 2%, locally 5% in medium grained rock sludge - quartz 5-8% clear to smoky black colour LK-2995 256.0 266.0 10.0 140 - feldspars comprise majority of remainder, K feldspars • LK-2996 266.0 276.0 10.0 88 predominate in coarse grained rock, Na spars and K spars mixed in medium grained rock . - graphic texture promenent feature of coarse grained. rocks - magnetite, tr 4-70 in medium to fine grained core, locally greater, generally in association with grey green•colouration of core 256. 0' -266. 0' tr -1% magnetite 276.81 -277.0' 2 ;ô magnetite i It - lower contact 300 to c. a. _ 1


i i ilia , ow. •sal I~ ~ fill raml ,. ~ G4TTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number F—LK-76-7 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY —~ FROM TO DESCRIPTION l NUMBER FROM TO LGTF U303 277.6' 279.1' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: core - grey white to dark green black colours mottled appearance LK-Z97( 277.6 282. h 5. 0 1 i 0 - medium grained sludge - biotite 2% in association with hornblend LK-2997 276.0 287.0 10,0 3.3 - hornblend 30-4-% - feldspars 55-65; predominately Na spar - C /8.2,'-.)../6. 3' pegmatite vein at 500 to c. a. - lower contact 40° to c. a. - tr pyrite throughout

279.1' 287.1' Feldspar Biotite Schist: - dark grey colour medinrn bie grained - feldspars 40-5-uk, grey colour - biotite comprises remain 1er, strongly foliated at 40-50° to c. a. - 283. 0'-287. 1' foliation diminishes_ and mig1111titic veining develops - lower contact rapid, gradational

287. 1' 290.0' Biotite Feldspar Gneiss! sludge .- dark grey to whitish grey colour, mottled 1,K-?998 28-7.0 ?97 0 in 0 20 - medium fine grained _ - biotite 30-50%, feldspars comprise remainder • as eye-shaped lenses forming a crude banding - lower contact rax•idly gradational at 400 to c. a. - trace pyrite throughout

l 1

---f ,~~ • ;~ 6/% sus ans pm wink_ ~ Km Ammo En an mu tola Nei as* ® wow G'L ~X MINES,~ LIITED Hole Number LK-76-7 DR I.LL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE,I0m ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 2900' 301.0' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss; sludge - grey and dark green black colours, mottled LK-2999 297.0 307.0 10.0 8.0 - medium a rained - biotite 5% in association with hornblend - fledsnar 35-457/0 grey white, Na spar - hornblend, comprises remainder - distinct mineral segregation, vague foliation - 290.9'-291.3'; 291.4'-291.6'; 292.4'-292.5'; 293:0'-293.2 ' inclusions of massive to schistose feldspar 'biotite hornfel commonly rimmed with lcm of white massive Na feldspar - lower contact 30° to c.a. --- 301.0 305.0' Pe grna .itet core - white to pink colour, coarse grained L,K-2977 301 `1. 305. 0 3. 9 9. 5 - biotite 2% - Quartz 5-10% grey to smoky - feldspars comprise remainder, Na:.K, 1:1 - local hematite staining near biotite - trace pyrite - lower contact 30° to c.a.

305. 0' 348. T Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss; sluclae - grev and dark green black colours: mottled I..,K-3000 3 07. 0 317,0 ,10.0 4 `0 - medium grained LK-3101 317,0 327.0 10,0 1 . 5 - biotite 5% LK-3102 327.0 337.0 10.0 3.0 - feldspar 40-50%, predominantly Na feldspars 1K-3103 337.0 348.0 11.0 1.5 - hornblend comprises remainder - foliatipn vague to absent, prominent mineral segregation - weak foliation at 35° to c. a. developed near lower contact at 40° to c. a. _p~ 7A ® ®' !E MIMI 111111. ® 1111111 . ,;~. 1~ ; : "i1~ . ' ~ ;'~;., ; :1~1. . ® ,1111~ . . Mill ® ~ ~ i ~TTX MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK- 76-7 DR ILL HOLE LOG •SAMPLE FOOTAGE GORE PPrn ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 348.7' 362. 0' Pegmatite-Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: core - intermixed medium to coarse grained, pink to grey pegmatite LK-2978 348.7 353.0 4. 3 6.0 and fine to medium grained light grey coloured biotite LK-2979 353.0 357.0 4. 0 8.0 feldspar gneiss LK-2980 357.0 362.2 5.2 40 , - pegmatite 65% of core; 10-20% gre to smoky colour, 2-5% sludge ~ biotite as large plates and remainder K feldspars with minor .LK-3104 348.0 357.0 9.0 6.0 graphic texture LK-3105 357.0 367.0 10.0 5.0 - gneiss 35% of core; 5-10% biotite as lmm foliation aligned plates, remainder feldspars, generally grey colour, minor pink, foliation at 40° to c. a. , trace pyrite. - pegmatite and gneiss have gradational contacts - lower contact 30° to c. a.

362.0 369.5 Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss; - as described at 305.01 -348.7' - lower contact 30° to C. a.

369.5' 370.7' Pegmatite core - grey colour with reddish hamatite stain LK-2981 369.5 370.7 1.2 22 - very coarse grained sludge - biotite 2-5% LK-3106 367.0 377.0 10.0 10 - quartz 5% grey to smoky black colour - remainder sodic feldspar with strong hematite staining along cleavage planes - graphic texture noted • - trace pyrite - lower contact 30° to c. a.

. WWI ME On. ® ~ ~ . < , ; ~, . : ~ , , ~ ~ ~ , r~,~ ®O Will ~ ® ®N cu8,e. g.~ ...... C,ETŸ MINES, LIMITT'T) Hole Number LK-76-7 J DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE • • m ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U30. 370. 7' 374.1' Biotite Feldspar Schist: - as described at 279. l'-287. 1' - foliation 30° to c. a. - local inclusions of biotite feldspar hornblend gneiss , - lower contact 200 to c. a.

374, 1' I 376. 2' Pegmatite: core _ - as described at 369.5'-370.7' LK-2982 374.1 377.0 2.9 34 - lower contact 30° to c. a.

376.2' 397. 1 Intermixed Biotite Feldspar Scl+ist and Biotite Feldspar sludge I-Iornblend Gneiss: LK-3107 377.0 387.0 10.0 5.0 - Units as described at 279. l'-287' and 290.0 -301, 0' respec- LK-3108 387.0 397.0 10.0 2.5 tively, the former predominating 4:1 - foliation and contacts at 30-40u—to C. a. - minor feldspar veins and stringers paralleling foliation - lower contact 350 to c. a.

397.1' 400.0' Pegmatite: core - pink to grey green colour LK-2983 397.0 400.0 3. 0 24 - medium coarse to coarse grained LK-3I09 391.0 400. U .3. 0 7. a

- biotite 1-2% as large plates r.. - quartz 5-15% grey to smoky black colour - feldspars predominate K:Na, 5:1, the former pink coloured, the latter greenish white in colour :I - hematite staining of feldspars along cleavage planes and green tint to feldspars commonly associated with black quartz, mag.• etite an biotite as at 399.4'

., ., 1®J ENV BAN in= ; mon map • ,' • . NEE no Kim sun No En nu ' ~ETTY MINES, LIMITED. Hole Nt,Imber LK-76-7 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION • - NUMBER FROM TO LGTH - magnetite generally trace, locally prominent as large globular ma;•ses 1-2cmm in size - local concentrations of sc. ;t green mineral with local strap, basal cleavage


Core Boxes 150.0-169.0 169. 0-188. 1 188. 1-207, 2 207.2-226,5 226.5-246.0 246.0-265.0 • 265.0-284.0 2.84,0-302.7 302,7-322.0 322.0-340,2 340.2-360.0

360.0-378.1 378.1-397.5 397.5-400.0


Page 1• in no Effi non tame Km ems En van isse ase nun nvis ® ins nu ® tow pme CETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-8

DR ILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests 20, 1976 Property. . .°•çF.7CTX. Core Size BK Starting Date ...... •s e • • • • • • • • • • • Angle. July 21, 1976 Depth Location. Lac. K.ac.h.iw,iss•,. .Lst41.:,ier••T , P. Q. Elev. Collar 419, 0 • Completion Date Read Actual Bearing N. A. Sept. 4, 1976 Collar GridDiar,r Q:d. J .r,ill. G.r.içl. • • • • . . . • Dip -90° Date Logged • Latitude 4+QQN Length 100. 0' Logged by ..... R.••Everett ,•••••.•. N. A. >✓epar turc 4+19W Poriz. Trace Vert. Trace 100. 0'

I flAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE U308 ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH. ppm _ GRENVILLE 0. 0 50. 0' Pegmatite - Aplite Core - pegmatite 75% (74 mm grain size), aplite 25% LK-1868 0. 0 4. 0 4. 0 190 - (~ 4 mm grain. size intermixed LK-1869 4. 0 9. 0 5. 0 310 - prominent flesh pink colour due to predomanence LK-1870 9.0 13. 5 4. 5 4(~ of K -feldspar, grey green tint to LK-1871 13. 5 18. 0 4. 5 32 - feldspars prominent 0. 0-15. 0' LK-1872 18.0 23. 5 5. 5 75 - 70%Vr) feldspar , 10% f_7eLic teldspar LK-1873 23. 5 31. 0 5. 4 100 - quartz 10-15% grey to smoky locally black LK-1874 31.0 38. 0 5. 0 320 - biotite 2-5%, locally 7-10% LK-18 75 38. 0 44. 0 3. 0 220 - graphic texture common in pegmatite but not a major featur0L1( 1876 44.0 50.0 3. 0 210 - magnetite trace to -% locally greater Smudge - 0. 0-4. 0' z°%o magnetite LK-1864 0.0 9. 0 9. 0 210 -• 17. 0' trace ~% magnetite LK-1865 9. 0 13. 5 5. 5 100 - 22.0'-23. 5' 1-2% magnetite LK-1866 13.E 23.5 10.0 76 - 30.0'-31.0' trace 1% magnetite LK-1867 23. 5 31. 0 7. 5 120 - 47. 5' -50. 0' trace 4% magnetite - chlorite stained fractures at 0-5° to c. a. - 4. 0' - 4. 5', 8. 5' -9. 5', ::9. 1' ~ - white to pink calcite stringers 2mm and 2cm - at 50G to c. a. 17. 4', 19. 81 -20. 0', 32. 5',• 33. 9 ' - g.. ound core - 9. 01 -13. 5', 0. 5' ground core - 13. 51 -23. 5', 1. 0' ground core - 23. 5' -31.0', 2. O' ground core - 31. 0' -3S. 0', 3. 0' ground core - 4Z. 01 -47. 5' 5. 0' 7round. core

z awe ses rams seml ass En no ow5ma sae imma sea man ave was INN ism P2 -- GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number .LK-76-8 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE U3Og ASSAY FR TO DES CRIPT.'(âN NUMBER FROM TO LGTH pprn 1 50. 0 51. 0' Ground core Core LK-1877 50.0 55.0 4.5 1.0 LK-1 ,78 55. 0 60.0 4. 3 1. 0 51. 0' 62. 7: Biotite Art. folite (Schist) LK-1879 60.0 65. 0 4. 0 0. 5 - medium grained, dark green black colour ; - strong biotite foliation 40° to c. a. ___, - bictie 20-30% as foliated lenses in a weakly foliated, t finer grained amphibole matrix. - 1-3 _nm calcite stringers common paralleling foliation - 62. 0' .,lickensided shear paralleling foliation - lower contact vague, g,_ adational at 30° to c. a.

62. 7' 66, 7' I-Iornhlend Fiotite Feldspar ,chist - fine grained, dark grey colour , _____ - hn. nhlend 2,-, a/s , bio tie 20-30°1n, grey feldspar yam ise„s remainder .., - weakly foliated biotite at 50° to ç. a. - trace pyrite - 64. 3'-66. 0' ground core Core 66. 7' 74. 4' Biotite Amphibolite (Schist) LK-1880 65.0 70. 0 4. 7 1.0 - as described at 51.0'-62.7' LK-1881 70.0' 75.0 4.7 2.0 - 70. 4' -70. 7' hornblend biotite feldspar schist as described at 6Z. 7' -66. 7' foliation at 30"-45" to c. a. _ - 72. 5' - 72. 8' feldspar pegmatite vein at 2O to c. a. - calcite and biotite rich at contacts

3 Ÿ • P ! f . fi . . i . . . Mint ME DM MI EldSIM 61125 ME ME UM ME inal ME MU e+ GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number Li{-76=8 J DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE U308 ASSAY ^1 FROM TO DESCRIPTION • NUMBER _FROM TO LGTH ppm ___. 74. 4' 94. 5' Pegmatite Aplite Core i - pegmatite 80%, aplite 20% LE-1882 75. 0 80. 0 4. 8 34 - predominant flesh colour, locally LK-1883 80.0 85, 0 4.8 170 white Li' -183.1 85.0 90.0 4.8 100 • - quartz 5-15% grey colour LK-1885 90. 0 95. 0 4. 2 20 • - biotite 5-10% LK-1S86 95.. 0 100.0 4. 2 1.0 - feldspar comprise remainuer, K-feldspar to sodic feldspar 5:1 - numerous 2mm calcite stringers at 0-20° to c. a. - 74. 41 -77. 0' prominant gneissic banding at • 35° to core axis -86. 8-87. 0' massive smoky to black quartz trace pyrite, magnetite - 90. 5'-91. 8' white calcite veinlet, 5 - 8 mm open vugs lined with spar crystals, orientation of veinlet at 20° to c. a. • - calci-chloritized fractures at 200 to c. a, common - 90. 9'-94. 5' , 1, 5 ground core 1 -, 5' 95. 8' Biotite Amnhibolite (Schist) -1 - as described at 51.0' - 62. 7' - appears more chloritic } 95. 8 99.2' Quartz Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: i - medium grained, grey, pink and black coloured - quartz clear to smoky 2-10% , - biotite 15-20% - remainder grey to pink feldspar 1 - prominant mineral banding at 60 to c. a. - 96. 5' calcite stringer, 2 mm, at 2Ô° to c. a. • - 96. 8'-97, 0' inclusion of biotite amphibolite schist - 98. 3' - 99. 2' ground core i .Pa 4 I= IIMr IMIX MOM NMI ®`~► era EN 1MI NM MK NMI MIMI OM MO 1/1111 . ' GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number L1S-76-8 DR ILL HOLE LOG - SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO • DES CR IP .L'ION . NUMBER FROM TO LGTH 99, 2' 100.0' Biotite Amohbolite (schist) • - as described at 51. 0' -62. 7'

100. 0' ENT) OF HOLLE . Casing Cai.•ned Core Recovery 84. 4% ;

Core Boxes: 1) 0.0-14.6' 2) 14.6'-37.5' 3) 37. 5' -62. 8' 4) 62. 8' -83. 1' 5) 83. 1, -100. 0' t Page 1 WM 1111161 MEN OBI ME NMI ~ ~ ~ ® fl1~ ~ ® ® C~~ ~. Y 1 S, ïTE1J Hole Number FLK-76-9

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Aire ted Property. .. 9PAY. Nttle.g►. Core Size $X Starting Date.... T'?1Y.. ?, , 197f Angle .Çwp. P.Q.. 6 Depth Location. , , Lac Elev. Collar... :W, Completion Date. ,N.Y.23.. 1.970 Read Actual N. A. Bearing Collar Grid....,.. VIA Dip -90° Date Loggedrlu1Y.45. ,& Sp14..5,..1.9?.6. Latitude 4-j-0l Length .JQ1..Q Logged by 1h Departure 6+13W I')riz. Trace... N...4% Vert. Trace.... ).9)-

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY ;FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO . LGTH. U3O8 GRENVILLE 0 39. 5' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: - medium grained, dark grey green colour (Core) LK-1887 0. 0 5. 0 3. 5 <0. 5 - foliation poorly developed 50°-60° to c. a. LK-1888 5. 0 10. 0 5, 0 1. 0 - biotite 10%. hornblend 40%, Feldspar 50% LK-1889 10.0 15. 0 5, 0 1, 0 - lower contact sharp 70° to c. a. LK-1890 15. 0 20. 0 4. 8 1. 0 - locally mafic rich, feldspar and calcite stringers LK-1891 20.0 25. 0 5. 0 0. 5 - 22. 6' white, calcite stringer, a 3 mm, 20° to c. a. LK-1892 25.0 30.0 5. 0 <0. 5 - 23. 5'-23.8' aplite vein 5-10%, quartz, 5% biotite LK-1893 30.0 35.0 5.0 0. 5 - remainder white to grey feldspar, fine grained LK-1894 35. 0 40. 0 5.0 _ 3. 0 (Sludge) LK-1907 0.0 10.0 10.0 45 - 27. 3' quartz vein, 2 cm, massive, 35° to c. a. LK-1908 10.0 20.0 10.0 4. 5 LK-1909 20.0 30.0 10.0 2.5 • LK-1910 30.0 40.0 10.0 7.0

39. 5' 60. 3' Pegmatite Aplite: • - pegmatite 66%( 4mm grain size), apHte (Core) LK-1895 40.0 45.0 4. 7 3. 5 - ( !4mm grain size) intermixed LK-1896 45.0 50.0 4.7 5. 5 - predominantly fleshpink colour with LK-1897 50. 0 55. 0 4. 0 280 20% greenish grey to white pink colour LK-1898 55. 0 59. 0 3. 8 320 - biotite 2% locally higher, quartz 5-10% (Sludge) LK-1911 40.0 50.0 10.0 32 gererp'1v grey in colour LK.-1912 50.0 59. 0 9.0 250 - feldspar comprise remainder, predom. I K-feldspar, 5% sodic-feldspar - chlor-calcite stringers common at 10"-20 to c. a. J - 52. 5-b0. 3 - hematite stain of feldspar prominent. • 1 i®1 NE sim lina ® ®Ili ® ® my ® im• No mas ® mui P: GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-9 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U3O8 - 57.V-59.0, ground core - lower contact 70u to c. a. , tr. magnetite, pyrite y i (C. ' 61. 2' rnblrnd feldspar Gneiss• - medium grzinod, green bl end flrrey g .K-1299 5c1._0 64. 0 5. 0 16 - va,^Ste foliPtion (Sludge) LE-1913 59. 0 69, 0 10, 0 37 - hornh,.. l.encl 505,. feldFpar 5g°1r„ tr._biotite - feldspar hematite stained to pink near upperc;onttact - feldspar and calcite stringers common 1

• 1, ?' 65.1' Amite: 1 - light white pink to white coloured, fine grained ' - 2-501, biotite, 10-15% quartz, ramainder feldspar j - lower contact 400 to c. a. -,j jI

F.,. 1' E. 7' Fijoti e-1?orlrl?- I~Sl-Le par-Gneiss• 1 - medium grained, white grey to green black colour (Core) LK-1900 64,_0 69. 0 5. 0 1. 5 - weakly foliated 45° to c. a. 1 - biotite 20°7 hornblend 30%, feldspar 50% s - feldspar grey to white colour _ I - lower contact gradational, tr. pyrite J

7' 75, 3' Biotite HornblendFeldspar Gneiss: - medium grained, grey to green black colour (Core)LK-1901 69. 0 74. 0 5. 0 3. 0 - biotite 20%, hornblend 40%, feldspars 40%, feldspar generally grey colour and (Sludge) LK-1914 69.0 79.0 10. 0 15 1j grades to pink colour after 73. 8' i

1 ® Nor Ima ® s1®Ii ®I NE EN mon urn wes ® ® ® ® I® P: . _ . 3 • GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE prrr~ ASSAY DESCRIPTION FROM TO NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 I 75. 3' 79. 4' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: - as described at 65. l'-68. 7' (Core) LK-1902 74, 0 79.0 5. 0 2. 0 - possible light green amphibole mixed with grey feldspar ►

79, 4' 83. 2' Pegmatite Aplite; - pegmatite 80%, aplite 20% (Core) LK-1903 79. 0 85. 0 6. 0 25 - fleLh pink colour predominates 70% of (Sludge) LK-1915 79.0 90.0 11.0 21 core remainder white to grey - biotite 2'70, quartz 5-10%, grey colour • - feldspar comprises remainder, mainly K-feldspar - hematite stain to feldspar common 2-5% - irregular ": mm calcite stringers common - no magnetite noted - lower contact 400 -600 to c. a. along a 3 mm calcite ve inlet, tr. pyrite.

83. 2' 95. 0' Feldspar Biotite Amphibolite Gneiss: - dark green black colour, fine to medium grained (Core) LK-1904 85. 0 90. 0 5. 0 0. 5 • - feldspar 10% grey colour LK-1905 90. 0 95. 0 4. 7 12. 0 ; - biotite 20%, amphibole 70% (Sludge ` LK-1916 90. 0 95, 0 5. 0 8. 0 - lack foliation - 95.0 - 96. 0' ground core o' 0' 101. 0' Pegmatite• 1 + _ .. ' . s - . l'. .. F (Core) TX-1906 Q5.0 101.0 6.0 1()Q • - predominant white, grey green colour 80% (Sludge) LK-1917 45. 0 101.0 6, 0 100 97, 5'-101.0' - biotite 5-10% variable 2 mm - 4 mm plates - quartz 5-10% , grey to smok black colour - 96. 7' biotite well ïûjiated 450 to c. a. 1•21=1••••••4••=661• ® , ® Firp 11511 ME ME13211 EOM ® •MENI '~ ~ ,1~ ® NM .111011 — . • • • o411 • . • . . GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number ~K-76-9 DRILL HOLE LOG FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION -~ NUMBER FROM TO LGTH - feldspar comprise remainder 50% K-feldspar, 30% sodic feldspar - 99. 5'•-100.0' 2%0 magnetite as ___I _globular crystal ag ra ates with radiating fractures into surrounding rock. • 101. 0' END OF HOLE H Casing Capped Core Rec,,very 97%

—s Core Boxes - 1) 0.0 - 14. 5' 2) 14. 5' - 34.0' 3) 34.0' - 53. 7' 4 53.7' -73.4' 5) 73.4' - 93. 1' i 1 6) 93. 1 - 101. 0'

' 1

. Î Page 1 EN astir . . . En61,; 1~lI ~.;, ..~iZ~~ ' ~! ~~ ~ ~ ~ l,K-ra-10 , ~e IV~~er ~..~ DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests July 24, 1976 Property.. ,C,rr~ty Mine so Limited Core Size BX Starting Dae. .. Angle- 434.25 . ~Julÿ ï~~6 • ~ • • • Depth Location .1,4ç 44C4i.Wl49 Elev. Collar CornpletiontDate 1 . . . Read Actua'. Letellier Twp. , P. O. Bearing N. A. -90a e 17,• ,1976 Collar C-id ..... D ip n ...... e Date Logged.... Sept. . . Latitude...... 1+90N Length 2rQ1•.Q' Logged by..... , Robert Buias~ :.. 7 Departure 4-1,96W Horiz. Trace i`d .Ai•...... • r . Vert. Trace 20110'


0. 0 32, 7' Pegmatite LK-1918 0. 0 4. 0 3. 2 100 - pegmatite 60% LK-1919 4.0 10. 0 4. 0 100 - Aplite 40% LN -1920 10.0 18.0 4. 6 78 0.0 0.25' Pegmatite LK-1921 is. 0 29.0 3.6 80 - sodic feldspar 50% LK-1922 29.0 39.0 6. 0 13 - potassic feldspar 35% LK-1956 0.0 10.0 10.0 180 - cuartz 10% LK-1957 10.0 40. 0 30.0 _ 170 FE stained feldspar— 3% biotite 1-2% magnetite - trace

0 25' 1 4. 0' Anlite - sodic feldspar 50% - potassic feldspar 30% - FE stained feldspar 5-7% • - quartz 10% - smoky - biotite ^- 2% - ma7netite^'1% - rusted out to limonite (some) - limonite - trace - hematite - trace

4. 0' 4. 8' Pegmatite - potassic feldspar 60%, -quartz 351° (60% black, 40% smoky) su - sodic feldspar 5% - bintite - trace ENE M®' ® KEE WM . NEI ® MU NEI NEE ® MERI WEI ME ®® EMI P; r. ....Z . Y Y • • • GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-7â-10 DRILL HOLE LOG ' SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY i FROM TO • DESCRIPTION • NUMBER FROM TO LOTH Core Sludgee 4. 8' 6. 5' Anlitic T 3ng l i Cl - overall dark colour - potassic feldspar 40% - sodic feldspar 30% i - FE stained feldspar 10% - Quartz 10% - ma;netite 5% - biotite ~v 1% - chalcopyrice & pyrite - trace at 5. 0'

6. 5' 8.0' - 1.5' ground core

8. 0' 32, 7' - pegmatite & aplite - potassic feldspar 70% to 90%0 lneally - sodic feldspar 15% to 25% lgcally ' - ouartz 10% to l % locally ' - biotite ia.' 2% - FE stained feldspar 3% - ma g netite - trace i - graphic texture 10. 0' to 10. 3'; 13,2' to 13. 7' .•• - smoky quartz means increase in biotite and magnetite - fracture zones feldspathic coatings with pyrite crystals in it ' - lower contact is 2.0° to core axis O : - 9. 0' lost core (ground) between 13. 0' - 29. 0' I

32. 7' 45, 0' Feldspathic, biotite, amphibole gneiss LK-1923 39. 0 • 44. 0 5, 0 0. 5 - amphibolite 70% LK-1924 44.0 49.0 4. 7 0. 5 - biotite 20% - sodic feldspar 10% - trace garnet (almandine) ! - trace pyrite O - calcite vein at 44. 5' - 4. 0' grounic core between 32.0'-39. 0'

I J 3 Ma oar tenn ® sun anan angâ me , ilital nazi wen sun Pi „ GETTY MMES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG • ' SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY ! FROM TO DESCRIPTION • NUMBER FROM TO LOTH Core Sludge 45. 0' 46. 7' 'Feldspathic, Biotite, Amphibole Gneiss j1?,35\:, IPPP - intermixed and sodic feldspar - pyrite throughout but tr. - molybdenite in vein at 46. 6' j 1 46. 7' 50. 7' Feldspathic, Biotite, Amphibole Gneiss LK-1925 49.0 53.0 3.8 4. 5 i - 70% amphibole ~ r - 20 /. biotite - 10% sodic feldspar - foliation 40° to core axis - lower contact 300 to core axis ;

50, 7' 51, 5' Feldspathic vein - sodic feldspar - 90% - potassic feldspar - 5% - biotite 5% I - pyrite trace - growth between biotite baldes - magnetite trace i 51. 5' 60, 2' 1I feet of core gone (ground) LK-1926 53.0 58.0 3. 9 1. 5 - probably at 53. 2' LK-1927 58.0 62.0 4. 0 8. 0 Feldspathic, Biotite, Amphibole Gneiss - 53. 2' sodic feldspar rich pebbles (trace pyrite) - amphibole 70% ! - biotite 20% - sodic feldspar 10%% - foliation 20ti to core axis - trace garnet - trace pyrite - lower contact 25° to core axis

60,2' 60, 6' Feldspathic Vein - sodic feldspar 50% - potassic feldspar 50%

ffign EN' BEE MP ME ENE AUE ME ESE NES MEE ESE ME NE ANA MINI 0111 . GETTY MINES LIMITED ` Hole Number Ll{-76-10 DRILL HOLE LOG nnm SAMPLE FOOTAGE ! COREI U3'08 U308 ASSAY -~ FROM TO I DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO_j LGTH Core Sludge 60. 6' 87. 4' Feldspar, Biotite, Amphibole Gneiss LK-1928 62.0 65.0 3.0 0. 5 - 70% amphibole LK-1929 65. 0 70. 0 3. 8 0. 5 - 20% biotite LK-1( 30 70.0 -775. 0 3. 8 '_.0. 5 - 10% sodic felds.ar LK-1(131 75.0 80.0 4. 8 0. 5 - trace garnet (a.lmandine) LK-193? 80.0 85. 0 '•. 8 1. 0 76. 1' feldspathic breccia zone (rounded pieces) LK-1933 85. 0 90. 0 4. 9 22 chloritized together

4' 96. 0' Pegmatite K-1934 90, 0 96, 0 5, 6 42 - 90% aplite - 10% pegmatite 1 - sodic feldspar 30% - 50% locally - potassic feldspar 40% - 10% locally - biotite trace 10% locally j - quartz - 10-15% - graphic texture 88. 3' - 89. 5' • - 1. 0 ft. ground at probably 95. 0' -96. 0'

96. 0' 161. 0' Feldspar - Biotite - Amphibole Gneiss LK-1935 96.0 101.0 4. 6 37 -biotite 20% forms in pods LK-1936 101.0 106.0 4, 6 <0„ 5 - feldspar 10% (sodic) LK-1937 106. C; 111.0 4. 5 0. 5 - amphibole 70% LK-1938 111.0 117.0 6.0 4.0 - garnet - trace LK-1939 117.0 122.0 4. 7 4.0. 5 j - pyrite - trace LK-1940 122. C 127.0 4. 7 1. 0 - lower contact 30 to core axis LK-1941. 127. 0 132. 0 5. 0 < 0. 5 Variations from LK-1942 132, 0 137. 0 5. 0 i 0. 5 nor. 96.0 161.0 LK-1943 137.0 140, 0 3. 0 12 K-1944 140.0 145.0 4. 8 12 99. 3' 101.0' Biotitc - Feldspar - Amphibole (Gneiss) 4K-1945 145. 0 150. 0 4. 8 <0. 5 - biotite 5% K-1946 150. 0 158. 0 6. 0 2. 0 - feldspar (sodic) 35% LK-19.1 7 158.0 163.0 5. 0 3. 5 - amphibole 60% K-1958 96. 0 106.0 10. 0 20 - grain size small' (1mm) K-1959 106.0 140.0 34.0 16 - pyrite trace i 5 =I ®' VIM11 110. 1® em ® as mu 1® mi km l® im !ur1 r GETTY MIrTES, LIMITED Hole Number 71;;-76-10 ~ I DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE •U OR UgOR ASSAY ~~ FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM Core Sludge TO LIGTH -i 99. 3' 101. 0 (Cont. ) (ppm) (ppm) - 100. 5 - fracture (with slickensicfes) 14' to core axis

113. 8' 114. 5' Feldspar Vein - sodic fc1rlmar 80-90% - amphiboles acicular - 5% • - amphiboles fine grained - 3% - molybdenum - trace - prescrit Li blebs i.:: r 122. 0' 130. 5' Felcls_par - I3iotitc - Amphibole Gneiss - soclic feldspar -10% in blebs - biotite 20% - amphibole 70% fine grained con j - lower contact 14' to core axis j

139. 0' 141. 7' Pe~~matite ; - sodic feldspar 50% ~~ ; - potassic feldspar 30% - quartz 10% :. - amphibole ? 10% - biotite trace .``i - pyrite trace

i ;, 161. 0' 193. 8' Pegmatite - Aplite LK-1948 163.0 168. 0 5. 0 70 . - e rn tit 5°' LK-1949 168.0 173.0 5.0 160 - aplite. 5% LK-1950 173.0 178.0 5.0 510 i --;; - .otassic feldspar LK-1951 178.0 183.0 4.7 22.0 , - sodic folds •ar - 30% LK-1952. 183.0 188.0 4. 7 45 ;'.t ~` - quartz 8 % LK-1953 188.0 193.0 3.8 360 - biotite - trace LK-1954 193. 0 198. 0 3. 8 • .4,'0. 5 i - amphibole - trace - hematite, stained felds •ar - trace ' - magnatite - trace . L r .~-; Page... .Y I®1 INN INN NON NIB ' INN .ONIN ONO INN EN MI CZN NM INN MN MIN GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole NumberLN - 76 -10 DRILL HOLE LOG ~ M SAMPLE FOOTAGE ASSAY FROM TO . L~ESCRIPTION, NUMBER FR OM TO _ LOTH icpc,l~rç' sit glge I ; .193. F' 201.0' Feldsoar-Biotite-Amphibole Gneiss LK-1955 198.0 201.0 3. 0 3. 0 r_____ - sodic feldspar - 101'41 • - biotite ., 20% - pods - amphibole - 70%

201.0' END OF HOLE Casing Removed Hole Plugged Core Recovery 91.5% I ; ~



• rJ ~ ! r t

~ Y 1

! I

. 1~

1 . I 1 . .... .. _ . ..._._.. ..__._ _.... ______.- - —..~_ Page 1 1!llII EN' IBM NM ® NM iMM u EWEIL MNBI.,J, IIIMIL.11011 IIIIIII 'mu min N!!!!!er Mr LK-76-11

DR YLL HOLE LOG Dip Tests July 26, 1976 Property.. .GF.TTx.M~YPrS..~~:r~,E~4..~ Core Size BX Starting Date.... Angle , P. 456.11 ',+ûlÿ 28; ' 9~6 ' ' ' ' Depth Location. .Ir4G Q. Elev. Collar Completion Date Read ctua. Bearing Diamond Drill Grid N-90 A.0 Collar Grid Dip Date Logged August 6, 1976 • Latitude 0r32N Length 105. 0' Lodged by R. Everett • Dcpar ture 54.(21W Horiz. Trace N. A. Vert, Trace 105.0'


GRENVILLE • 6. 0' 7, 2' Quartz Feldspar Massive. - predominant white colour, medium grained - 30% quartz clear grey - 1-2% biotite - remainder feldspars, trace magnetite • - interfingered with lower unit

7. 2' 23, 3' Feldspar Biotite Hornhlend Gneiss Sludge - medium grained, dark grey to green black colour LK-1960 13.0 23.0 10. 0 6. 0 - lacks distinct foliation, minerals segregated - feldspar 5-15% grey colour -,-- - biotite 10-20% porphyrôblasts 0. 5 - 1 cm in diameter • - dark green hornblend, finer grained, comprises matrix • - 8. 6', 9. 0', 9. 5', 12. 2', 15. 7', 21. 7' - white to . pink feldspar seams at 250 •-200 to core axis - 19. 4' - 19.9' slickensided calcite seam - at 10° to core axis, siickensides indicate lateral displacement ism msg Nis nu ems ® ®1 , ~ mal ow use ' no ism man Pt • • • •Z • a . • GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number ECK-76-11 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE U302 ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH ppm i 23. 3 24. 3' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: Sludge .

- dark grey green colour, •medium fine grained LK-1961 23.0 30. 0 7. 0 5. 0 j - lacks distinct foliation, mineral segregation evident - contacts gradational, lower contact at 150 to core axis - biotite 5-10o/o as distinct plates and 2 mm porphyroblascs - hornblend 30% egidimensional grains - feldspar remainder, grey colour - unit appears to be a fine grained equivalent of unit below.

24. 3' 29. 6' Biotite Hornblend Feldspar Gneiss: - medium grained grey to green black colour - biotite 5-10% - hornblend 30-40°, - feldspar comprises remainder - foliation vague - 26. 5' hairline fractures at 5° to core axis feldspar healed - lower contact 20G to c. a.

2 . 6' 34. 4' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss : Sludge - medium grained, grey green black colour LK-1962 30.0 39.0 9. 0 9.0 - biotite 10-20% - grey feldspar 10-20% - remainder hornblend, finer graired - foliation vague - lower contact 60° to c. a. - 29. 6'-30. 0' amphibole rich, 5-10% biotite, 2% feldspar ' - 31. 0' fracture 10(37)-- c. a. - 34. 0' 3.1. 4' amphibole, biotite rich unit

i ' ® mal ass ®' on SEE amo ® I® mar ow • EN ® mil Env was ® ®9 r 3... a GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-11 ' DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U3O8 (pp1 l) 34. 4' 105. 0' Pegmatite Alite Core - pegmatite 25% (74 mm grain size) LK-1970 34.4 39.0 4. 6 23 - aplite 75% (. 4 mm grain size) LK-1971 39.0 44.0) 4.2 78 ~. - flesh pink colour common to pegmatite LK-1972 44.0 50, 0 5. 3 66 - white light pink to grey green colours LK-1973 50.0 55.0 5. 0 100 common in aplite LK-1974 55.0 60.0 5.0 175 - local grey green colour in association LK-1975 60.0 65.0 5. 0 40 with magnetite and black quartz LK-1976 65.0 70.0 5. 0 84 - graphic texture common in pegmatite LK-1977 70.0 75.0 5.0 11C - biotite 1-5% 1mm to 1. 5 cm plates with a higyher LK-1978 75.0 80.0 5. 0 100 concentration in aplite and finer grained LK-1979 80.0 85.0 5. 0 57 - pegmatite LK-1980 85.0 90.0 5.0 60 - quartz variable 5-15%, grey colour, LK-1981 90.0 95.0 5. 0 58 ,' locally smoky to black near magnetite and large LK-1982 95.0 100.0 5. 0 70 biotite plates LK-1983 100.0 105.0 4.8 78 • - n. agnetite trace, generally in aplite Sludge - feldspars comprise remainder of rock, LK-1963 39.0 50.0 11.0 67 - K-feld par predominates LK-1964 50.0 55.0 5. 0 100 - LK-1965 55.0 65.0 10.0 100 - 47. 0 -47.9 % magnetite, trace pyrite LK-1966 65.0 75.0 10.0 82 dark green tint to rock LK-1967 75.0 85.0 10.0 95 •- 50.41 -51. 3' .-% magznetite, dark green LK-1968 85.0 95.0 10.0 65 ti. tint, large biotite plates LK-1969 95.0 105.0 10.0 58 - 52. 2' - trace pyrite - 55. 0'-58. 7' 1-7% magnetite with destruction haloes, green tin, large biotite plates, chloritized fractures at 0-5o to core axis - 58. 7'-59. 9' orange yellow tint. to aplite .immi:Rf1inr • us.. . sus len my mu ow ® emo men unt sue lem . GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION • _ _ NUMBER FROM TO LGTH - 60. 3' trace pyrite - 61. 5' black quartz - 64.9' -65.0' seam of massive biotite at 20° to core axis - 67. 0' -68.0' quartz massive, 25% black - 68.4' -69.0' biotite scam, at 5° to core axis - 71.7' -72. l' biotite banding 30° to c. a. , dhlor-calcite stringers at 0-20" to c. a. - 74. 2' -80.0' core tinted dark grey green, trace magnetite - 82. 8' - 84. 5' feldspar tinted green in aplite - 88. 5' - 91. 2' large feldsna ,rystals in coarse pegmatite - 91. 2' - 95. o' ground 3.2 core

1050' END OF HOLE Casing Capped Core Recovery 97°7, J Ir



. I Page 1 • NSF INS ME NM/ ®. e® ~ gal ~ITL~ . MI Mil MU 1-Iole Number LK-76-12

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests 19 ,*6 Property. .CEITY. MZIZS..L'T7:1. • Core Size BX Starting Date.. , ~Suly 29, Angle Judy 31, 1~ I Depth Location.. La.^k~aChiy: .s.. J t~111~ .Ç1up• P. Q. ' Elev. Collar 430. 0 Completion Date Read Actual N. A. Bearing d Collar Grid Diamond.Drill.Grid Dip - 0 . Date Logged August 1, 1976 Latitude.. .0.+,0.15 Length 119.0' Logged by R. Everett i)cparture.3-t991Y Horiz. Trace N. A. Vert. Trace 119.0'



16. 0' 21. 0' Feldspar Biotite H•,rnb-.end Gneiss Care - dark green black colour with grey to pink patches LK-1990 16. 0 22. 0 5. 0 0. 5 of feldspar, medium grained - feldspar 5-15% variable, more feldspar to . base of unit, grey white to pink colour - biotite 10-25% as lenses and patches - remainder fine rained hornblend - foliation vague •• 16. 5' - 16. 8' quartz feldspar vein at 20° to c. a. 17. 4' -17. 7' feldspar pegmatite white to pink colour crude contacts at 300 to c. a. - 19. 0'-19. 3' quartz feldspar gneiss seam at 30° to c. a. , upper contact calcite-chlorite rich - 20. 2'-2.1. 0 feldspar in gneiss promnant pink colour, likely due to hematite staining

21. 0' 22, 0' Ground Core

~. ~..'..~...:.. 11111•10111 . P; ~ ~' NM ~ :~ REIN Mil man .inn Kos ion Eon . was GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number [ Lic-76-12 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE U O ASSAY DE5CFIPTION • FROM ' TO NUMBER FROM TO LGTH ppm 22. 0' 24. 7' Pegmatite Aplite:. Core - pegmatite 50% (74 mm grain size), 50% aplite LK-1991 22. 0 32. 0 4. 2 23 (<4min grain size) intermixed - prominent flesh to reddish pink colour - biotite 2-5% 1 mm - 4 mm plates _____ - quartz 10% grey to white, locally smoky . ... black near large biotite plates in pegmatite - feldspar comprises remainder, K-felds.ar predominates over sodic feldspar 3:) - local rusty stain near biotite

7_4, 7' 32, 0' Pe lmatit:e Aplite r. - 80°%o aplite -,— - pink colour predominates - biotite 1 mm - 4 mm + plates 2-8% - guartz 5-10% grey colour - feldspars comprises remainder K::Ya 3:1 - 24. 7' -32. 0' 1. 2' core recovered J 32. 0 35. 0' Pegmatite Aplite: • r- - 80% aplite. reddish pink colour . - • • s s • t i -snmpositionally egplivalent 'LP 24, 7'-32. 0' - prominent inter layering of very fine ground gneissic bands - of the host rocker banding at 30o -40o to c. a. - magnetite common as 1 mm to 4 mm globular • crystalline masses and distinct crystals, 4-1% - 32. 01 -35. 0' 1. 9' core recovered


R MEI EEL ® NEEMI JOE ME En GETT°Y MINES, LIMITED Hole Number rLK-76 -lz. DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE U1O8 ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION y NUMBER FROM TO LG TH PPrn _ 35._0' 40. 0' Pegmatite Aplite: - aplite 80%, flesh pink to reddish pink colour - biotite 5%, quartz 10%, clear to smoky colour, feld'- pars comprise remainder - red hematite stain to pegmatite - biotite has limonite stain - cream/v,'hite calcite filling cavities at 39. 8' - z-1% magnetite, trace pyrite

40.0' 45. 0' Pegmatite Aplite: Core - 50% aplite, predominant pink LK-1993 40. 0 45. 0 3. 9 240 - colour to core - 2% hiotite 2xnm -1cm plates - 10% quartz grey to smoky black near . magnetite and large plates of bi.o':ite - local hematite stain to 5% of feldspars - feldspars comprise remainder of rock - trace to 5% magnetite - 3. 9' core recovered

45.0' 48.0' Pegmatite Aplite: - 50% aplite, predominant pink to white colour LK-1994 45. 0 49.0 3. 8 22 locally reddish pink - biotite 5% 2-4 mm plates - quartz 1.0% clear to grey colour - remainder feldspar - lower contact 30' to c. a.

=8.0' 48.6' Ground Core

ti 4 alIll NMI' NM 111511 ® um no ons ream 01! ME NMI ® ® nu so' am ow . INN P GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number rL--- LK-76-12 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE U308 ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH PP"' 48. 6' 50. 6' Feldspar ::iotite Hornblend Gneiss: Lh-1995 49. 0 62. 5 5. 8 3. 5 - dark green black colour with white-pink inclusions, medium grained - 5-10% feldspar, grey to pink colour - 10% biotite, foliated at 30u c. a. - numerous fractures healed with calcite-chlorité stringers - lower contact 30' to c. a.

50. 6' 51. 2' Biotite Quartz Feldspar Gneiss: - medium grey colour, medium fine grained - 5-10% biotite <1mm plates - 5-20% grey quartz - remainder grey feldspar, locally flesh pink - Taunt biotite foliation at 25° to c. a. - 2 mm calcite stringers at 400 to c. a. - subparallel to foliation

51. 2' 52. l' Feldspar Biotite Hornblend Gneiss: - as described at 48. 6'-50. 6'

52. l' 53. 0' Biotite Quartz Feldspar Gneiss: as described at 50. 6'-51. 2'

53. 0' 60. 0' Feldspar Biotite Hornblend Gneiss: - as described at 48, 61 -50,61 - 1. 0' core recovered

60.0' 64.4' A-)lite: - fine grained, pink to predominantly white colour - 1% biotite, remainder feldspar, 20% pink - quartz 5 iô-fclear - calcite strin ers common, lower contzct 30° to c. a. NMI NMI ' M>11/ Nal UM ® MIN EMI WM Mil MOW WM MIN MI NM Mill , PP"" GETTY MINES, LIMI'TED Hole Number L76-12 DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO ••••• NM - DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH -0.8' core recovered r b 4.4' 89. 0' Feldspar Biotite Hornblend Gneiss: • - dark green black colour, medium grained - 5-15% feldspar grey green and pink colours, pink colour prominent near upper and lower contacts - 5-20°G, biotite in patches and lenses - remainder ihornblend - 68. 5' quartz vein, 1Cm at 50° to c. a. , tr. chalcopyrite and pyrite - 68. 8' fracture at 100 to c. a. o - 80. l'-81. 5' feldspar vein at 5 to c. a. - 86. 0' Zcm calcite stringer at 40° to c. a.

89.0' 89.5' Hornfel: - medium to dark grey colour, very fine grained homogeneous, relatively hard - 1 cm quartz feldspar vein along upper contact - contacts 450 - faint foliation at 50°

S' —5' 01.0' BiQtite_Feldspar Hnrnblenr' Gneis4! - dark green black wit. . ch;te-pinjc inclusions - medium grained _ - hintitn 10°I- ,, as patrheg and _foliated lenses . = feldspar 19-25% pink and white colour - remainder hornblend - lower contact sharp at 15-20° to c. a. perpendicular • to foliation at 30° to 'c. a. - lower contact consisted of 1 cm calcite vein with minor breccia .. 6 att11 min' En an ans sop on min min WR® no infa no ems sni , ~ on ® • r • G]::TTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Nu.mber LK-76-17. DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLEOF OTAGE CORE1UlOR ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMB'.ER FROM TO LGTH pPm 93.0' , 96.0' Anlite; - as described at 60.0-64. 4' .L,K-1996 93, 2' 97. 0 4, 3 100 - grades into pegmatite 95. 0' -96. 0' - crude banding parallel to core axis - tr. pyrite upper contact - tr. molybdenite approaching lower contact

96.0' 103,2' Pegrr.atite Aplite - anlite 60% , pink to white colour, pink LK-1997 97.0 103.0 4.2 110 predominating in pegmatite - biotite 5-10% 1-4mm plates - quartz G 10%, grey to smoky black near magnetite and biotite - feldspar comprise remainder, K-feldspar predominate marginally over sodic feldspars - 98. 8' tr. magnetite - 10n. 0 -102.0' 1.5 core recovered - 101. 0' trace magnetite - green feldspar, fractures 365 to c. a. - lo« er contaflt obscure

103.2' 111.0' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: - dark green black colour with grey to pink inclusions - 5-15% biotite as lenses and patches - remainder hornblend - foliation 30°-40° to c, a. generally weak - feldspar stringers common at 30°-401) to c. a.

111.0' 112.5' Aplice: - white, medium to fine grained LK-1998 111. 0 .112. 5 1. 5 100 - 20% clear to gre y quartz tr. 1% biotite - remainder white feldspar, probably sodic feldspar albite twinning noted. ass ®' ® ions ram woe sue ma am am EOM GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ,U3OR ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH PPm -upper contaet~lÔ to c. a. - lower contact 250 to c. a.

112. 5' 118. 0' Biotite Feldspar Horbblend Gneiss: - as described at 103.2'-111. 0' Core 118,0' 119,0' Aplite: 1.K-i9g9 118_ n 119_ (P 1_ n Inn - as described at 111. 0'-112, 5' - upper contact 200 to c. a.

11°. 0' EN1l OF HOLF Casing C çl_p_p_es____ Core Recovery 90%

Core Boxes: 1) 16.0-43.5 2) 43.5-69.5 3) 69.5-89.5 4) 89,5-108.2 5) 108.2-119.0

MRIMIEMISTIPENIIIMMINEWSZOtir Page 1 NISI MON• MOM IMM IMO MO MN NM MMI IMMS WMI MOM ® MIN CETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-13 DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property Getty Mines, Limited BX July 31, 1976 Core Size Starting Date Angle Location..., ,T{aq Ç4g4i.w11.44,. J- cx01.l,t ; .Twp, Que. Elev. Collar 412. 2' f 976 Depth Completion Date.Auc'uet 2 Read Actual Bearing N.A. Grid Collar Dip -90° Date Logged....August , , ,1976 0+00 N .. Lt:ti'v dc Length N. A. Logged by R. Everett Departure 2+30W Horiz. Trace 48. 0' Vert, Trace


GP E NVILLE• Sludge 12.0 15. 0' Feldspar Biotite Amphibole Gneiss: -LK-1984 12.0 LL. r 10.0 35 - dark areen colour medium grained j F - .Feldspar 5%, grey white colour - biotite 15-20% as foliated lenses and seams - remainder amphibole, relatively finer grained . - core strongly foliated 200 -40 0 to core axis - calcite stringers common crosscutting foliation at 300 - lower contact 40 0 to core axis .L

15. 0 22. 0' Feldspar Biotite Amphibole Gneiss: - dark green colour, medium grained - feldspar 2-8% as fc'tation aligned lenses,grey colour - biotite 15-25%, as foliated bands and lenses - remainder comprised of amphibole . - 16. 7'-17, 1' Feldspar vein, 40 0 to c. a, predominantly grey feldspar, 5% biotite, 5% quartz, minor calcite along fractures

I ® Emu ins eat mai NNE sta im Eau nal nos w. am Ena ass Ism own ii!no r GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-13 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LC TH U1OR_ lacks foliation

22. 0' 23. 3' Biotite Chlorite (Talc) Schist Sludge - olive green colour, fine to medium grained 22.0 32.0 10.0 10 - strong foliation at 20° to c. a. LK-1986 32.0 38.0 6. 0 22 - rock is very soft, talc like in texture and feel - percentage minerals difficult to determine ~~ r-

23. 0' 38. 0' Pegmatite Anlite Core - 80% 1~egmatite ~7 4 mm grain size) 20% apiite (G 4 mm grain LK-2020 size). LK-2021 32.0 38.0 2.0 2.5 - .rominent reddish pink folour LK-2022 - 0-2'ro biotite locally 5%, generall as 1 mm-2mm .lates LK-2023 locally larger. - 5-10°~o quartz, grey colour rarely smoky, quartz locally 50% of core. ~ ~~ - feldspars comprise remainder, mainly K-feldspar ~~ _ - trace magnetite, calcite - 23. 3'-Z4. 0' unidentified, light yellow green coloured mineral with asci.cular habit, comprises 2% of core. - 24. 0' open seam 1 cm wide, lined with re uartz c~• stals - 24. 0' -32. 0' , 7. 5' core ground - 32. 0' -34. 0' , 0. 4' core ground - 34.0'-38.0', 3. 5' core ground - drillers report open scams and in filling sand. ism Env no NE en KEN cm ENE Eel Kai gm Ene sum mom Ems ono ma sum ow GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-13 DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE Porn ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U308 38. 0' 47. 5' Quartz Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: Sludge - medium to fine grained LK-1987 38.0 4,5.0 7_0 20 - grey to pinkish white colour LK-1988 45.0 ,R. 0 3. 0 19, - biotite 10% , quartz 10-20% - feldspar comprises remainder - distinct banding of feldspars and foliated biotite at 5-100 to core axis - 38. 0' -45. 0', 5.0' ground core - 45. 0' -48. 0', 0. 6' ground core - core highly broken and rounded

47. 5' 48. 0' Pegmatite A elite• - nreciominantly aplite - biotite 1-21, quartz 5-10% t - feldspars 60% pink., 20% grey - core badly 1_•nken and vary rr,undprl

48. 0' END OF HOLE CASING RECOVERED CORE RECOVERY 12.0 -23.3' 86% 1 23.3 -48.0 32% overall 49%

Hole a'r_.andoned due to excessive caving and in washing sand lack of casing, and cementing judged ineffective due to water pressure.

Sludges probably contain contain quantities of sand.

_ f Page 1 _ _M VAN. .a ,..e Ln-76-14

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property. . Core Size 13x Starting Date .... .August 3p 1 Q76 ... Annle Depth Location.r.4PA

SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE npm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH. U3O8 GRENVILLE i 0.0 4.5' Fiiotite, Quartz, Feldspar, Gneiss: Core - fine to medium grained, pink colour predominates LK-2024 0.0 576 5. 0 15 - 2.-5°'%, fine Grained biotite foliated in this seams at 10° to c. a, - 10-15% quartz 1 - feldspars comprise remainder, 60% pink, 20% white ~_ - rusty staining to biotite seams, trace magnetite - local coarse pegmatite veins carry trace magnetite - lower contact obscured by drilling

4.5' 23.0' Pegmatite: Core Î LK-2025 10.0 2.5 15 i- - 10-20% aplitic (< 4 mm grain size) 5. 0 - pink to grey -white colour, flesh pink colour predominant LK-2026 10.0 14.0 2. 0 20 I - biotite 2% locally greater, 2-4 mm plates commonly LK-2027 14.0 18.5 4..,, 34 limonite stained. LK-2028 18.5 24.0 1.7 26 - 10-15% quartz, grey to smoky black near magnetite and Sludge biotite LK-2000 5.0 14.0 9.0 38 7 - remaining feldspar 80% pink colour, 20 %o whitish green LK-2001 14.0 24,0 10.0 52 colour or iron stained - magnetite trace to Z% throughout, locally 2-5% radiation ,. destruction haloes common. - tr. pyrite, chloritized fractures common

~ - 1 t. _ 2 mom um ' 9® EMI ems mms mar WWI ism mimi rimm mat else sum mu EMI DUE Nara egto • .. . GETTY MINES, LIMITED • Hole Number I,,1{-7f,-14 DRILL Hr LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE PPm ASSAYcr FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTi1 U308 - 5. 0'-10. 0' , 2. 5' core recovered - 10. U' -14. 0', 2. 0 core recovered - 18. 5' -24. 0', 1. 7' core recovered

23.0' 25. l' Quartz Feldspar Aplite: Core - medium fine rained, grey-pink colour LK-2029 24. 0 30.0 6. 0 9. 0 - 1% bin,tite <.1 mm plates crudely foliated at 20 to c. a. , - 5--10cî, quartz clear to grey colour {Sludge) LK-2002 24.0 30.0 6.0 38 - remainder feldspars, grey pink in colour

5. 1' 2.7.0' Pc matite: - medium to fine grained nr. matite whitish pink ,~- colour predominates - biotite 1% uartz 5% - remainder feldspars - trace -1 rite - 26. 5 ', 1% wine red garnets up to 2 mm in size .~ garnecs also noted in magnetite

27. 0' 35. 5' Feldspar. Amite: Core - medium to fine grained 1-2 mm Train size LK-2030 30 0 35 5 0 11 - 1% biotite, 2-5% quartz, remainder pink feldspar predominantly K-feldspar Slud e - local concentrations of quartz in veins and stringers LK-2003 30. 0 40. 0 10. 0 22


ma emu Pau mat no raw mm ona aM um Era me awn min Ilwal aml Mal oar4 GEM MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-14 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE pnn, ASSAY TO FROM DESCRIPTION NUMBER F12OM TO LGTH U308 35_ .' 41_ 3' Macs IMO Quartz: Core - massive çoars_c crysto)line grey to smoky black quartz LTC -2031 35, 0 4n, 0 2. 0 6. 0 - numerous small dirk coloured inclusions, possibly magnetite - pink feldspar tr 4- % - trace muscovite, magnetite

41.3' 50. 1' Feldspar l' plitc: Core - medium fine grained flèsh pink t,.) grey pink colour LK-2032 40.0 45.0 1.5 17 ✓cry homogeneous _predominantly K -feldspar LK-2033 45.0 50.0 5. 0 15 - biotitc tr. -5%, prominent near lower contact, foliated Sludge a 30°-35° to -. a. LK-2004 40.0 50.0 10. 0 38 - quartz 5% clear to grey colour - tr. magnetite, 1-2°0 , 42.4'-43. 5' - lower contact 30 0 -35° to c. a. , pegmatitic

0.5 l' 100. Z' Quartz Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: Core - medium grey colour, medium fine grained, rock homogeneous LK-2034 50.0 55.0 5. 0 3. 0 - quartz 5-10% variable, grey colour LK-203 i 55.0 60.0 5.0 1. 0 LK-2036 60.0 65.0 5.0 5.0 - biotite 10-15';0 , modcratley well foliated and weakly banded - feldspar comprise remainder, grey to white colour LK-2037 65.0 70. 0 5. 0 0,5 - locally pink - trace magnetite very fine gained LK-2038 70.0 75.0 5.0 1. 0 - unit is replete with pink coloured pegmatite LK-2039 75.0 80.0 5. 0 3. 5 - aplite feldspar veins and stringers parallel LK-2040 80.0 85.0 S.0 4. 5 - the majority of veins and stringers parallel LK-2041 85.0 90.0 5.0 2. 0 - foliation with numerous stringers crosscutting and locally LK-2042 90,0 95.0 5. 0 2. 5 - offsetting stringers parallel to foliation T K-2043 95.0 100.0 5.0 3. 5 - conta :ts are sharp to hazy (Sludge) LK-2005 50.0 60. 0 10.0 18 - stringers and veins carry tr. magnetite, -pyrite c, nd LK-2006 60,0 70.0 10.0 9. 5 - chalcopyrite LK-7.007 70.0 80. 0 10.0 9.

- 51.7' -52 1' aplite vein 45°tç r. a. offset 1,5 cm 7 ,Y7-NOS 80_ O on_ 0 10_ 1? - by 1. 5 cm apiite vein at 0-10°to c. -,. T,K-?.009 90. 0 100.0 10.0 7. 5 - fr-Ic-tlire n 1111111 MSC Mil 111N MB!! MEN 111101 NMI EMI NM Mal Ma UMI MIN 11101 Oki PIE 114M NIS na f GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number L LK-76-14 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE 1 pm ASSAY FROM .DESCRIPTION TO _ NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U 3O8 - 80, 5'-81. 5', pegmatite vein, white pink colour, crosscuts foliation contact 450 to c. a. tr. -`% magnetite - 80.0' -90. 0' foliation steepens to 15° to c. a. - 93. 2', 2. 5 cm aplite vein at 200 to c. a. 5% magnetite - 0 5_ J , -97_ fi aplits• train, bjetite- aliE'ned with fnliatinn rc encic •iqn gneiss at 4,1° to r_ a _ contacts irregular 150 -30° to c. a. 1 - lower contact irregular at 10° to c. a.

100. 2' 118.0 ' Pegmatite Aplite: Core - peg: ratite 50% , aplite 35%, 15% inclusions LK-2044 100. 0 105. 0 5. 0 25 - of gneissic unit above LK-2045 105.0 110.0 5. 0 9. 0 - white to pink colour , locally reddish pink LK -2046 110.0 115.0 5. 0 10 - biotite 1-5% , 2 mm - 1 cm plates, tr. magnetite LK-2047 115.0 120.0 5. 0 7. 5 - quartz 5-10% grey to smoky black colour - remainder feldspars pink to grey white in colour (Sludge) LK-2010 100.0 110.0 10.0 15 - 100. 2'- 102. 8', grey green tint, tr. -7-1% magnetite LK-22- 11 110.0 120.0 10.0 to 102. 8'-106. 5', inclusions of grey gneissic unit above with foliation and contacts at 0-5° to c. a. - 108.4'-109.0', massive smoky quartz with fine grained pink feldsEar along contacts _i - 114. 2' -115. 0', grey aplitic gneiss, foliation oba[rure, crude 1•andinc at 10° to c. '.

118.0 120.0 Feldspar Biotite Hornblend Gneiss: - dark green black colour, medium grained - 5-10% white feldspar" - 30-40°;% biotite strongly foliated at 0-5° to c. a. - r.-n incler hornhle.nd - trace pyrite EMI wan no am• am team min mow Itin mom ® so mil ® ans En ~, iEM par" GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number L LK-76-14 • I DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROMTTO LOTH U308 120.0 128.8 Pegmatite Aplite: (Core) LK-2048 120.0 125.0 5. 0 7. 0 - as described at 100. 2'-118. 0' LK-2049 125.0 130.0 5. 0 13 - 120. 0' -121. 7', biotite quartz feldsr gneiss in contact with nuartz feldspar (Sludge) LK-2012 120. 0 130. 0 10. 0 16 - pegmatite and fcldsaar biotite hornblend - gneiss at 0°-50 to c. a., FB1-1G pinches out at 121. 2' and B. Q. F. G. pinches out 121. 7'. r-- - 124. 5' -127. 5', quartz biotite feldspar gneiss - gneissocity variable 0-10° to c. a. upper contact 10° to c. Ft.. lower contact 0-2° tC e. a.

128. 8' 140.0' Quartz Biotite Feldspar Gneiss (Core) LK-2050 130.0 135.0 5.0 6.0 - as described at 50. l' -100. 2' LK-2051 135.0 140.0 5. 0 2. 5 - gneissocity variable 0-30° tc c. a. (Sludge) LK-2013 130. 0 140.0 10. 0 7.0 - fe..cdspar veins 2 mm - 2 cm thick at 100 -200 to c. a. • trace pyrite

_140. 0' 169.0' }3iotite Feldspar Hornble.ul Gneiss: Sludge - dark green black colo,ir with grey white porphyry LK-2014 140.0 150.0 10.0 2, 0 - blasts. medium grained LK-2015 150 0 159.0 9. 0 Z. 0 - 15-20',%0 biotite as foliated lenses an' bands LK-2.016 159.3 169.0 10.0 3. 0 10-40'?', feldsnar as irregular 1•2r.so u patches and bands - remainder medium to fine grained ha' nblcnde (amphibole) - foliation variable 0-30° to c. a. to absent - upper contact biotite rich, at 150 to c. a. • - 143. 5'-144. 2', quartz feldspar vein at 35° to c. a. (Core) LK-2052 143.5 144.5 1. 0 2. 5 - 149. 51 -149. 6', quartz feldspar vein at 70° to c. a. 1 - 161. 7'-162. 2', feldspar vein at 1s6 to c. a. - 156. 3' -157. 5', ground core .. o ME VMS ® M9 M® Nall IMO MX Qin 111111 _ ~ ~ Mill ~ ~. MI a~ JETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-14 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE PPm ASSAY FROM .TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FRI7M TO LGTH U3O8 169. 0' 172. 2' Migmatite Hornfel: (Core) LK-2053 169.0 174.0 5.0 7. 5 - very fine grained, medium to dark grey colour, magnetic - 30-40 dark grey feldspar minor quartz (Sludge) LK-2017 169.0 179. 0 10.0 5. 5 - remainder rna`ic minerals probably biotite with ver' fine grained magnetite throughout. - numerous irregular veiny and stringers of massive light grey fine grained fel.lspar with tr magnetite. - vague foliation at 28° to e. a. - upper contact with 2. 5 cm feldspar vein 450 to e. a. - lower contact 15° to c. a.

172. 2' 174. 0' Biotite Quartz, Feldspar Aplite: - fine grained, sucrosic texture, pinkish grey colour - biotite 1%, remainder difficult to differentiate - reddish stained fractures at 30° to c. a. - tr. pyrite L - lower contact 50° to c. a.

174. 0' 179.0' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: - as described at 140. 0'-169. 0' 1 w - locally amphibole rich 60% + - foliation variable 0-30° to c. a.

179. 0' 181. 0' Biotite Quartz Feldspar Aplite Core - fine to medium grained, pinkish grey colour LK-2054 179.0 181.0 2.0 31 - as described at 172. 2'-174. 0' - crude banding at 30° to c. a. (sludge) LK-2018 179 0 190.0 11.0 5. 5 - upper contact 30° to c. a. - tower contact 40° to c. a. - trace magnetite _J J ® ~ MI NM 1®1 11111 SIM MO OW4 OM WM IMIN WM IOW Ma Oa NM , BOO GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY DESCRIPTION FROM TO NUMBER FROM TO LCTHU3O8 181. 0' 193.8' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: Sludge - as described at 140. 0'-169. 0', tr. pyrite LK-2019 190.0 200.0 10.0 4.0 - 182. 0' -183. 0' 90% rnafic minerals - 187. 0' -187. 2' Quartz feldspar vein at 20° to c. a. Core 193.8' 196. 8' Biotite Quartz Feldspar Aplite: LK-2055 193.8 196. 8 3.0 5.0 - medium grained, white to pink white colour - biotite 2%-i- foliation aligned lenses at 25°-30° to c. a. - quartz 10-15% clear to grey - remainder white to grey p nc feldspar - upper contact 25 to c., a. - lower contact 30° to c. a.

196.8' 200. 0' Biotite Feldspar I-Iornblend Gneiss: - as described at 181.0'-193.8'


Page I 1111111 MOM' 11111 MIXO IMEN1 NM Mil run rams trom1 ) ION NM Inœ ginuiewet..b Ltl - 76-15 ~ DRILL HOLE LO6 Dip Tests Property....: ;çtty,1iIines. Core Size BX Starting Date.... August .9a . 1g76 ... Depth Location Lac Kachiwiss, Quebeç Elev. C Alar 6361 3' Cornpl,.ti,on Date. Aug,u.st. 1976 Bearing 2.1,6,° A7 Collar Diamond Drill Grid -50° August ...... 1 1976 •...... Date Logged, Grid • Dip 200. 0 Latitude 4+17 N Length 400. 0' Logged by R. Everett 25'. 0' 400, 0 Departure 3+32 E Horiz. Trace SOb. 4' Vert. Trace , •


0.0 25. 2' Pe r.zatite-Àplite: Core - 50% pegmatite (74 mm grain size) , 50% aplite LK-2056 0.0 6. 0 5. 0 73 - (<4 mm grain size), predorn. pink colour LK-2057 6. 0 12, 0 6. 0 59 -• 50% K-feldspar, 30% sodic feldspar LK-20 7 3 12.0 17. 0 5. 0 11.0 5 -10% quartz gencrally grey, smoky to black near LK-2059 17.0 22. 0 5. 0 105 magnetite or biotite LK-2060 22.0 27. 0 5.0 57 - 2-5% biotite locally absent - magnetite trace to -% locally greater. Sludge ~. - prominent rusty blown n to core I.K-" bl" •. 0 .0 b. • - 19.2' -22. 2' 141<-2614 12.0 22.0 10.0 127 - 23, 6 1 -25, Z' , Aplite with fine grained foliation LK-2615 22.0 32.0 10.0 78 aliened biotite, minor vacs:.Ye ptyRmati: ioldin of biotite _``' gneiss inclusions - foliation and contacts at 700 to core a:ds

25.2' 36.0' Aplite: Core - medium to fine grained, locally banded due to colour LK-2061 27.0 32.0 , 5. 0 53 : variation reddish tint to grey green LK-2062 32. 0 38. 0 6. 0 77 - 60% K-feldspar, 40%0 sodic feldspar - feldspars variablÿcôlou.red from reddish pink to greenish grey - 5-10% quartz grey to smoky, locally black - a-5% biotitr. 2-4 rim+ plates, local concentrations of 20% _".'` Na MN' ME UM (01 MIN VII INEMI NaI Mil ® Ma MIN BIM MIN NM 49 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number [- LK-76-15 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm . S$AY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH. U108 - magnetite trace - overall 10% pegmatite • - 25. 2'-27; 2' , 20% biotite 4 mm plates t ; ,b. 0' 61. 0 Pegmatite - Aplite Core - 60% pegmatite, 40% aplite, predominent LK-2063 38.0 43.0 5, 0 35 - pink colour, pegmatite - aplite intermixed LK-2064 43. 0 48.0 5. 0 99 - 70% K-feldspar 20% sodic feldspar LK-2063 48.0 52.0 4. 0 97 - 5-10% quartz generally grey, black near biotite and LK-2_066 52.0 56.0 2. 0 16 magnetite LK-2067 bb. 0 b1.0 5.0 49 - 1-5% biotite, generally sparse, often clustered Sludge - magnetite tr. - 1% , 1 mm to 1.0 cm in size, LK-2616 32.0 38.0 6. 0 78 „.__, - large crystals at 44. 0' with intense LK-2617 38. 0 48.0 10. 0 88 - rusty haloes LK-2618 48.0 56.0 8. 0 98 - 45. 0' -46.0' greenish tint to core LK-2619 56.0 66.0 10.0 40 - 54. o'-56. 0' ground core - lower contact irregular

61.0' 63. 2' Biotite Schist: - very fine grained, ve--y dark grey colour - very weak foliation 200 -50° to c. a. - lower contact 70° to c. a. - trace pyrite

63. 2' •64. 5' Pegmatite: - medium to coarse grained, predominent grey whitccolour - 60% feldspar , 30% quartz Î - lower contact 50 -10° to c. a. - feldspars red along contact - biotite foliation 0 to c. a. Pare on am • ow Emi moo ins pas ma ow ass um Elm eni Res NEE MU ism on GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-15 DR ILL 1'•, OLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE pp'n ASSAY DESCRIPTION FROM TO NUMBER FROM TO - LOTH U308 64. 5 74. 8' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: Sludge - medium grained, dark grey green colour LK-2620 66. 0 76. 0 10. 0 21 - 25% biotite - 25% hornblcnd - 45% sodic feldspar, 5% quartz - vague foliation, prophyroblastic texture - 66. 0 ' qtz feld. vein at 70 to c. a. - 69, 5' 2 cm quartz fe'd. vein at 5° to c. a. - 71. 0' 2 cm quartz fold. vein at 60° to c. a. tr. pyrite 71. 9' foliation 55° to c. a. - 73. 0' foliation 0-5° to c, a. - 73. 9' 1 cm qtz. fell. vein 70° to c, a. - 74. 0' foliation 0-20° - lower contact crosscuts foliation at 40° to c. a.

74, 8' 117. '7' Pegmatite -Aplite: Core - 50M pegmatite, 50% aplite intermixed LK-2068 75. 0 81.0 6.0 195 - 70% K-feldspar, 20% sodic feldspar LK-2069 81.0 86. 0 5. 0 99 1 - 1-30% biotite, 1% in pegmatite, 3% in LK-2071 91.0 96.0 5. 0 92 aplite LK-2072 96.0 101, i, 5. 0 1300 •- .r. magnetite, generally found in LK-2073 101, 0 106. 0 5. 0 91 - medium eraine 1 peematite and aplite I_K-20 74 106.0 111.0 5 0 105 - iron staining and ,magnetite crystals and LK -2075 111. 0 116. 0 5. 0 46 - along numerous fractures at 20° to c. a. - 76. 5' eraphic_ texture in pegmatite Sludge - 76. 5 1 1- 79. 51 magnetite crystals along fracture LK-2621 76. 0 86, 0 10.0 78 L - 80. 5' -81. 2' 1% magnetite L1.-2622 86.0 96. 0 10.0 88 - 81. 9 1 ..82. 3' 1% magnetite LK-2623 96.0 106.0 10.0 166 - 82, 5' - graphic texture in pegmatite LK-2624 106. G 116. 0 10. 0 83 - 82. 7' -83. 3' biotite schist, very fine textured - 95. 0' bright red feldspar crystals - 95. 0'-100. 0' green tint to aplite, tr ;% magnetite

~4 c ~ 1 ~ MAI Pz • • 0 . • • • • • . EMIS 01111 inat ~~ VW NMI MA 8611 ME .._ CETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-15 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION • -- NUMBER FROM TO LG TH ti 308 - 116. 5' large 1 cm magnetite c•'ystals - 117. 2' -117. 7' green tint to core

117. 7' 143. 2' Pegmatite.- Aplite: Core - 205 pegmatite, 80'îu aplite intermixed LT{ , 2076 116.0 121. 0 5. 0 260 - 65% K-fela:;par , 15% sodic feldspar LK-2077 1":1. 0 1?.6. ,I 5. 0 150 - core is variably coloured, white, grey green LK-2078 126.0 131. (., 5. 0 185 pink, locally red, 30% of core has grey green tint LK-2079 131.0 135. 0 4. 0 175 - quartz 5-iÛ 7 grey to smoky black near ..iagnetite T,K-20g0 135. 0 140, C) 5, 0 145 - and in green tinted core LK-2081 I ••0. 0 143, 3 3. 3 76 - biotite 1-2% variable 2 mm - 6, mm plates - ma netite tr •-% M green tinted core Sludge of medium to coarse grained LK-2625 116.0 126.0 10.0 98 -. tr. pyrite at 141. 0' LK-2626 26. 0 135, 0 9.0 134 J - lower contact 600 to core axis LK-2627 135, 0 145., 0 10.0 93

143. 2' 145. 7' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: - medium grained dark grey green colour - 30-40% grey feldspar, porphyrok.lastic: texture - 15-20% biotite - 1-2% ruartz - remainder hornb?.end L

- general vag,ue foliation at 20°-30° to c. a . - lower contact strongly foliated variably 50 -60° to r_ , a. -4 145. 7' 1 52,, 0' Hor. able.c. Biotite Feldsaar Gneiss: Sludge _ -- medium grained, dark grey green colour 1,.K-a628 145.-1/F135.0 10.0 18 - 40-50% grey feldspars, por-;'hyroblastic texture - 15-20')/0 biotite, 1-27 quartz - hornblenc c;;niprises remainder ç - lo•.ver contact vatzi.,7 70°-HO° to c, a. I 1 a NIN ' IINN RN NIN 511118 NNII. INN ® una am NE GETTY MINES, LIMITED LK-76-15 Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH > 3ppm 0 8 - 159.0' 1 cm feldspar stringer at 700 -80° to c. a.

_ 152. 0' 156. 2' Quartz Feldspar Aplite: Core - medium grained grey white colour LK-2082 151.8 156. 3 4. 5 34 - 60% grey white feldspar, predominantly K-feldspar - 30% quartz grey - 1-2% 1 mm -- 3mm biotite plates, tr. muscavite - 1% pyrite tr. chalcopyrite - local pegmatite sections - lower contact 20° to c. a. , very fine grained - at contact Shidce 156, 2' 170 7' Hornblend Feldspar Bietite Gneiss• LK-2629 155.0 166.0 11.0 10 - medium to coarse grained. dark grey green colour LK-2630 166.0 177.0 11.0 5. 0 - porphyroblastic texture - 40"„ feldspar, predominantly sodic feldspar - 20% biotite as knots and lenses - remainder hornblend with 2% quartz, t::. pyrite - lacks prominent foliation, vague foliation at 30° to c. a. - 15R, 7' -159. 2' quartz feldspar vein, coarse grained, grey colour, predominantly half quartz and half feldspar 1--2°"0 biotite, contacts 20°-30° to c. a. - 161.0 prominent fracture of core at 0-10° to c. a. -165. 5' -1 o:, 0' quartz feldspar vein, as described at 158. 7' - i'i -' 2' - lower •., n _ •; abrupt gradational at 30° to c. a. on on ono Ea Ea ® sits Emu am ums pan Kan an IBM MU Ipin Aar" o Sas ...... GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-15 I DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppn• ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 170. 7 180. 0' Feldspar Hornblend Biotite Gneiss: Core - medium coarse grained, purple grey green LK-2083 170. 7 177.0 6. 3 G 0. 5 - colour, prophyroblastic texture LK-2084 177.0 180. 5 3. 5 1. 0 - 50'',o feldspar, purple grey colour, sodic feldspar - 35% hor nblc nd - 10'io4- biotite, possible 1-5% quartz - jacks foliation - gradational contacts

180. 0' 182. 5' Hornblend Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: Sliirlgr - as described at 156.2'-170.7' T.K -2611 177 n 127.0 In D 2.0 LK-763?. 187_ n 197 n 1 n 0 11 d 182. 5' 190. 5' Feldspar Hor iblend Biotite Gneiss: - as described at170. 7' -180.0'

190. 5' 192. 7' Hornblend Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: - as described at 156. 2)-170. 7' _ - lower contact gradational at 20° to c. a.

192.7' 193. 1' Pegmatite Vein: - very coarse grained, white to green colour - predoininently albite, strongly striated - 10% smoky quartz _ - 5î0 large biotite plates 1 cm + - upper contact sharp at 700 to c. a.

193. 1' 193. 6' Feldspar Hornblend Biotite Gneiss: - as described at 170. 7'-180. 0' - contacts 700 -50 to 'c. a.

193.6' 193.8' Pegmatite Vein: _ - as described at 192.7' - 193.1' - lower conta ct 45° to c. a. t J E

1 1~ JEW 111161 IMIN Ma IIWI 111111 MU MEE MI WM WM MI MU ESE 111241 ® Nam Kw FAN r---...... e • • . • e . GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-15 • ! DR ILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U308 -_l L3. 8' 205, 5' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: - as described at 156. 2'-170.7'

206, 5' 207. 7' Quartz Feldspar Anlite Vein: Core - fine grained, massive LK-2085 206. 6 207. 7 1. 1 52 -predominently pinkish grey feldspar - 5'',7,) grey co smoky quartz J - 1-2% , 1 mm biotite plates Sludge - tr. pyrite LK-2633 197.0 207.0 10.0 3. 0 - contacts 50u to c. a.

207. 7' 212. l' Hornblend Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: - as described at 156. 2L-170, 7' - minor feldspar veining at 40`' to c. a.

212. 1' 228.1' Pegmatite-Aplite: Core 70% pegmatite, 30% aplite, intermixed LK-2086 212.0 217.0 5. 0 88 - pegrr tite S0%+ K-feldspar, 5-10% quartz LK-2087 217. 0 222.0 5. 0 44 - 1 -5~io '.otite, graphic texture very common LK-2088 222. C 228. 0 4. 5 44 - aplite generally coarse, 60%+ Sludge - K-feldspar, 15% sodic feldspars, 10%+ LK-2634 207. C 217.0 10. 0 18 quartz,10'0 + biotite, aplite has green tint LK-2635 217. 0 227. 0 10.0 41 - 224. 0 - 226. 0' ground core LK-2636* 217.0 227.0 10, 0 60 - lower contact 70o to c. a.

228. 1' 245. 2' Hornblend Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: - as described at 152. 6'-170. 7' .LiC-2637 227. 0 237. 0 10. 0 4. 0 - foliation generally absent LK-2638-:' 227.0 237.0 10. 0 15 LK-2639 237. 0 247. 0 10. 0 5. 5 136. 0' -138. O'oliation strongly developed at large uncut saz iple DO -o5 to c. a. - 141. 5'8:. 142. 5' feldspar stringers at 35° to c. a. - lower contact 65~' to c. a.


245. 2' 345, 0' Pegmatite•-Aplite Core - pegmatite 20%, aplite 80% intermixed LK-2089 245. 1 247.0 1. 9 31 - 6004, K-feldspar, 20% sodic feldspars, cplours 1,K-2090 247 0 255, 0 7, 0 125 - variable white, pink re,1 to grey green LK-2091 255, 0 260. 0 5, 0 57 - 5-10°;0 quartz, generally clear to smoky LK-2092 260. 0 266. 0 5. 5 220 - 2-5% biotite, locally 20% LK-2093 266. 0 271. 0 5. 0 150 - magnetite tr to ;-%, predominently LK-2094 271.0 276. 0 5. 0 96 in associated with coarse to fine grained LK-2095 276.0 281.0 5. 0 120 - grey green aplite and reddish LK-2096 281.0 287.0 5. 2 180 feldspars LK-2097 287.0 292. 0 5. 0 270 - green tint and reddish coloured feldspars LK-2098 292. 0 297.0 5. 0 180 - noted at 247. 0' -255. l' LK-2099 297. 0 302. i) 5. 0 64 - 259.5'-270.5' LK-2100 302.0 307.0 5.0 60

272. 0' -274. 5' LK -2601 307.0 312.0 5, 0 60 278.01 -283. 5' LK-2602 312.0 317.0 5. 0 102 287. 0' -289. 0' LI.1 -2603 317.0 322.0 5. 0 45 293. 5'-295. 0' LK-2604 322.0 327.0 5. G 90 - ground core 264. 5' -265. 0' LK-2605 327.0 332.0 5. 0 70 286.0'-287.0' LK-2606 332.0 337.0 4.7 70

- chloritized fracture 317.3' LK-2607 337. 0 342. 0 5. 0 58

345. 0' 384, 7' Hornblend Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: Sludge - medium grained, dark grey to green black colour LK-2640 247.0 255. 0 8. 0 88

biotite 15-20% as lenses and stringers LK-2641 255.0 265.0 10 0 14 - feldspar 29-30%. grey white colour, tr. quartz LK-2642 265.0 276, 0 11. 0 84 - hornblend comprises remainder - LK-2643 276. 0 287, 0 11. 0 102 - vague foliation 35°-40° to c. a. LK-2644 287. 0 297. 0 10. 0 186 - porpyroblastic texti.tre LK-2645 297.0 307. 0 10. 0 93 - upper contact irregular 300 to 90° to c. a. LK-2646 307. 0 317. 0 10. 0 88 - 34o. 81 -748. 0' ground core Core - 35b. 21 -3bb. 8' quartz feldspar vein, white co: our LK-.209 .s5b.3 358, nl l: ( 6. 0 xrcdiuzn to fine grain size, 10-15% smoky quartz -t 4 -0';7 biotite, biotite banding at 450 to c. a. 1111111 INE EMI NEI VIM NM ME NM 1/1611 ME EMI INNII ME IMIN r : 9 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-15 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE PPm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U AO8 - upper contact hiotite rich with tr pyrite at 50°to c. a. Sludge LK-2647 317.0 327.0 10.0 302 - 359. 3', 360. 5', 371. 0' quartz feldspar stringers LK-2648 327.0 337.0 10. 0 110 1-3 cm thick varied orientations LK-2649 337.0 348.0 11.0 60 - 10°-50O to c. a. LK-2650 348. 0 35S, 0 10. 0 30 - 370.0' foliation becomes irregular and LK-2651 358.0 368. 0 10.0 12 - pa:allels core axis LK-2652 368. 0 379.0 11.0 6.0 - 379. 7'-380. 2' pegmatite vein, 5-10% quartz, LK-2653 379.0 390.0 11.0 12 - 1°l, biotite, remainder white feldspar, LE-2654 390. 0 400.0 10. 0 29 contacts 60° to 700 to c. a. Core 384, 71 385,8 Quartz Feldspar Biot:ite Gneiss LK-2610 384. 7 390. 0 5. 3 23 - medium grained, light22:ey colour LK-2611 390.0 3;5.0 5. 0 56 - weakly foliated at: 20 -5° to c. a. LK-2612 395. 0 400.0 5. 0 22 - cuartz and feldspar stringers throughout at 0-10 to c. a. • - 200 biotite, 20% grey feldspar, remainder quartz

385. 8' 400. 0' Pegmatite-Aplite: - pegmatite 50% intermixed - p50% K-feldspar -<30% sodic feldspar - 10-20% quartz locally black - 51-',..0 biotite - tr. magnetite, pyrite, chalcopyrite - localized grey green tint to aplite in association with pegmatite. - 394. 21 -394. 7' quartz feldspar biotite gneiss - as described at 384. 7' more coarse grained contact 450 -600 to c. a. - 395. 7'-396. 5' quartz feldspar biotite gneiss as described at ~8 4, 7'. more coarse graiaed,contacta 200 to c. a. , foliation contact aligned. MONI EMI ME • / NVA NEN BrOI ME ME Effil ME BM BIEN NEI ma Pa_ 10 GETTY ,S, LIMITEr? Hole Number LK-76-15 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE PPm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH 1.1308


Core Boxes: 1) 0.0 - 16.5 2) 16.5 - 36. 0 3) 36.0-58.0 4) 58.0-78.2 5) 78, 2-97. 5 6) 97.5-117.2 7) J li~?._1.3 9. 3 R) 1'19_3-15R_ 4 - 9) 158„. -179. 5 10) 179.5-197.0 11) 197. 0-216. 9 12) 216. 9-239. 5 13) 239. 5-259„ 3 14) 259. 3-278. 5 15) 278.5-2_98.0 16) 298. 0-318. 0 17) 318.0-337.0 18) 337. 0-357. 0 19) 357.0-376.8 20) 376.8-397.3 21) 397. 3-400. 0 Page 1 INEE ^ ' NNES, MIME ▪ ®®MI= Man Wing ▪ NES J .t NPl.,,;r

DRILL HOLE LOG [... Dip Tests August 13, 1976 Prope Y. wi,ttim}tûQ ec Core 517E Starting Date... A^c'e • Aûgûst.r5,. 1147.6• • • LocatLocation..ion.. i .. ..h ...... ,. Elev. Collar l~37.'6' Completion Date Depth Bearing N. A. -90o Date Logged.. , , August 13-15, 1976 Grid...... Daimond4 1.17N. Drill Grid. . Dip 255. 01 I2. Eve i Ott Latitude ...... . Length Logged by • Departure. .3. ±.3~ Horiz. Trace N. A. Vert. Trace 255.0'


0 31. 7' Pegmatite - Aplite: Core - pegmatite (74 mm grain size) 40%, aplite (<4 mm grain LK-2655 0. 0 5. 0 5. 0 77 size) liberally intermixed LN -2656 5.0 10.0 b. 0 67 -•predominent pink colour with rusty brown tint, LK-2657 10. 0 15. 0 5. 0 105 minor grey sections due to greater concentrations of LK-2658 15. 0 20. 0 5. 0 120 sodic-feldspar, local graphic texture LK-2659 20.0 25.0 5. 0 82 LK-2660 25.0 30.0 5.0 82 - K-feldspar 75%, sodic feldspar 10% - quartz 5-l0tjo, grey to smoky black Sludge near magnetite in aplite and biotite in pegmatite LK-2689 5. 0 10. 0 5. 0 34 LK-2690 10.0 20.0 l'-_ 0 75 64 - biotite 2°%0, 2-4 mm plates in aplite, LK-2691 20. 0 30. 0 10. 0 ,{ 4 mm and greater in pegmatite. - magnetite 0. 1-1. 0 cm rounded crystals, tr. to ;o and greater, magnetite occurs predominately in h=: the aplite, often with distinct rusty haloes. - 0-15, 0 rusty brown tint to core - 27. b' - 27. 9' - 29. 01 - 31. 7' quartz biotite schist, very fine tecture vague ?1;: foliation and banding parallel to contacts at 600 -700 to core :' axis, da:•k grey black colour. rJ. J

ESNIZECIEMENESSINE 2 11192 ' inna ME NEE DM Nos ens =PI law no ese was P GETTY MINES, LLI2ITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U 08 31. 7' 54. 8' Pe • matite - A.lite: Core - 30% negmat ite, 70% aplite, intermixed LK-2661 30.0 35.0 5. 0 40 - predominent pink colour with local LK-2662 35.0 40.0 5. 0 - 37 greenish tint to sodic feld. Cr red t- T<-fold. LK-2663 40.0 4.5.0 5. 0 31 - K-feldspar 70%, sodic feldspar 20% LK2.664 45. 0 50.0 5. 0 53 - quartz 5-10% generally grey to smoky LK-2665 50.0 55.0 5. 0 67 black near biotite and magnetite - biot:ce 2% locally 10% 44. 6' -45. 0' Sludge - magnetite tr. - ~% LK-2.692 30.0 40.0 10.0 67 - green and brown tint to core 37.4'-37. 7' LK-2693 40.0 50. 0 10.0 78 - 38. 9' - 39. 1'; 42. 6'; 46. 6' -47. 3'; 48. 41 -48. 6'; LI{-2694 50.0 60.0 10.0 81 51. 0' -51. 7'; 54. 2' -54. 5'

54. 8 56. 9' Quartz Biotite Schist: - very fine_grained, dark grey black colour - feldspar veining and fractures parallel to contacts at 20°-30° to core axis 111111111111111 Core 56. 9' 98. 7' Pegmatite - Aplite: LK-2666 55. 0 60. 0 5. 0 53 - 25% pegmatite, 75% aplite, intermixed LK-2667 60. 0 65. 0 5. 0 55 - pegmatite predominently pink colour, aplite grey LK-2668 65. 0 70. 0 5. 0 98 - white colour LK-2669 70.0 75.0 5. 0 150 ~- - K-feldspar 35%, pink to red colour; sodic LK-2670 75. 0 80.0 5. 0 161 - feldspar 50%, whitish grey to grey green LK-2671 80. 0 85.0 5. 0 120 colour LK-2+72 85.0 90.0 5.0 85 - quartz 5-10% locally greater, grey to smoky LK-2673 90.0 95.0 3. 5 67 - biotite 5%, locally greater, 2-4 mm plates LK-2 74 95. 0 100. 0 5. 0 75 - magnetite, trace, locally 1/2% in grey aplite - 56. 9'-67. W prominent brown tint to core Slud;e' ~~ r - 61. 0'-61. 6' 40% black quartz, 5-10% biotite LK-2695 0. 0 70, 0 10.0 84 remainder grey fold. LK-2b96 70. G 60. 0 11.0 ô3 Ta.- a 80„_D O 0 D. I û rl• 0 - - 88. 7' tr. red garnet near biotite seam at 500 to c. a. LK-2698 •0:. 0 105, 0 15, 0, 45 .4 - 90. 01 -95. 0' 1. 5' around core - -1- nu ow mu san lass ISSI SSE EN sum ma ass ME MO EN BEM EMI UM Pa_ 3 GETTY WINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-16 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FR OM. TO DESCRIPTION .. NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 Q8. 7' 103. 5' Oulartz Riotite Schist; Core - very fine grained, medium grey colour LK-2675 100. 0 105. 0 5. 0 25 - weak foliation at 600 to c. a. LK-2.t ?6 105. 0 110.0 5. 0 190 - miematite veining parallel to foliation LK-2677 110.0 113.5 3. 5 67

103. 5' 136.4' Pegmatite-Anlitc: i - 25% ~)eginatiLe, 75% aplite, intermixed - core is reddish pink to greenish grey colour Core - K-feldspar 50%, sodic feldspar 30% LK-2678 113.5 115.0 1. 5 976 - quartz 5-10% smoky grey, locally black LK-2679 115.0 120. 0 5.0 55 - biotite .-5% 2-6mm plates, LK-2680 120. 0 125. 0 5. 0 50 - 110. 8' large green K-feldspar crystal LK-2681 125.0 130.0 5. 0 34 - 112. 3' -113. 8' ground core LK-2682 130. 0 135. 0 5. 0 82 1- - 111. 3' -112. 0' 2-5% muscovite (sericite) - 114. 2' l%+ magnetite, with black quartz Sludge - 117. 5' - 118. 0' 10% biotite in pegmatite LK-2699 105.0 115.0 10.0 155 - 116. 4/-136, 4' 25% of aplite has greenish tint LK-2700 115. 0 125. 0 10.0 48 - LK-2701 125... 135.0 10.0 61

136. 2' 155. 4' Pegmatite - Anhite° Core - 35% pegmatite 65% aplite, intermixed Li<-2683 135 0 140. 0 5. 0 67 - pegmatite generally pink colour locally white LK-2.684 140 0 145. 0 5, 0 75 - aplite greenish grey to whitish pink colour I,1<-2685 145. 0 150. 0 5. 0 75 - K-feldspar 40-45%, sodic feldspar 40-4570 LK-2686 150. 0 155. 0 5. 0 64 -quartz. - 5-10% grey, locally black - biotite 5-10% 2-4 mm plates Sludge - 141. 8' large biotite plate 6 cm LK-2702 135. 0 145. 0 10.0 90 - 154. 8'„155.4' tr. magnetite and muscovite LK-2703 145.0 155.0 10.0 44

_.J 2 4 MIMI 11•111 MIMI N® M0 MIMI MS RIM MIN OM ~ INN MIMI NMI NM MI 111111 NMI P GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number L LK-76-16. - DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE rpm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO I,C T_H 1-7•308 155. 4' 161. 6' Pegmatite - Aplite: Core - - 15% pegmatite, 85% aplite LK-2687 155.0 160.0 5.0 122 - mineralaw as described at 136.4'-155,4' I,K-2688 )60. 0, 162.4 2,4 67 - anlite has prominent green tint - locally tr, 2% magnetite Sludge 161, 6' 177, 4' 1-lornhlehd Feldspar Biotite C, neiss: ____- _LK 1.04 155.0 165, 0 10, 0 a - medium grained ,dark : reenish black colour LK-2705 165.0 175 0 10, 0 10 - 15-25% grey-white feldspar as patches and lenses, prophyroblastic texture - 10% biotite as lenses, foliation aligned - ground mass of Iincr grained lighter coloLired hornblend - upper contact obscured by drilling - foliation vague to weakly developed - 1 61. 6' -165. 0' foliation 30° to c. a. - .1 b 5. O' -167. 0' foliation 20° to c. a. 173. 8' -174. 2' pegmatite vein at 60° to c. a. - 1 75.0' -175. l' pegmatite vein at 30° to c. a. - 1 75. l'-176. 7' strong foliation at 25° to c. a. - 1 76, 7'-177.4' 55% feldspar, foliation vague

177. 4' 179. 4' B;:-tite Amphibolite: - fine grained, dark green black colour - 30% biotite as foliation aligned lenses, r emainder amphibole - foliation well developed at 50° to c. a.

179. 4' 179. 8' Quartz Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: - medium to fine grained, whitish grey to green black colour - 1 5-20% grey quartz, 15-20% grey feldspar 5 15111 1111111 1111111 IION INE) SIMI INS MO NMI MI BIM INN NM 1.1111 DM MN NM in NM Ps. . ► GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76•16 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE PPm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTM U308 - 50%+ biotite - trace pyrite and chalcopyrite - gneissocity well developed at 60° to c. a.

179. 8' 180. 9' Hornb.lelid Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: S1udgc - as described at 176. 7' -177. 4' LK••2,706 175.0 183.0 8. 0 11 - tôltl t at.ionT75-to c. a. LK-2707 183.0 194.0 11.0 6. 0

150, 9' 194. 0' Quartz Feldspar l3iotite Gneiss: - medium to dark grey, fine grained - 25-50% quartz feldspar - gneissocity 30°-400 to e. a. - 181. 8'-182. 3' pegmatite vein, 6U% sodic feldspar, 30;'0 grey quartz, 10% biotite red haloes on isolated hornblend crystal - 182. 5' -18.3. 0' ground core - 193. 6' -194. 0' grouc.d core

194. 0' 199. 2' Horrblend Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: - medium grained, dark green black colour, porphyroblastic texture - 20°'o white to grey feldspar - 5-10% quartz, biotite 10%, remainder hornblend - foliation 25°-40° to c. a.

199. 2' 203. 7' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Mic*rnati.te: Slurp - intensely intermixed swirls of LK-27081 194.0 2.04. 0 10.0 7 s medium grained hornblend biotite feldspar - gneiss and a finer grained composition ally similar unit. - upper contact 150 -200 to c. a. - 203. 3' -203. 7' aplite vein 6 tou in Rua sae nits aim BSI MINI wan mis mim nu Env eon ass Pi GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTTGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U3 08 203. 7' 217. 0' Hornblend Biotite Feldspar Gneiss: - medium grained, dark grey green colour, porphyr.oblastic texture - 40-60% white feldspar - 40-50% hornblend, 10% biotite, 2-5U'/ quartz Sludge - vague foliation at 40o to c. a. LK-2709 204.0 214.0 10. 0 9. 0 - grades into hornblcnd rich phase, contact LK-2710 214. 0 224.0 10. 0 12 obscure LK-2711 224.0 234.0 10.0 10 LK - 2712 234.0 245.0 11. 0 10

217.0 222.5 Hornhicnd Biotite Gneiss: - fine to medium grained. dark green colour, porphyrohlastiç texture - 25'1/, hiotite, 2% feldspar, remainder hornblend - evades into lower unit - vague foliation at 200 tp c. a.

222. 5' 236. 6' Hornblend Feldspar Biotite Gneiss: - medium grained, dark green and grey colour - 45-55% grey feldspar, predom. sodic - 5% biotite, 2-5% quartz - remainder hornblend - foliation 250 -30" to c. a. - 225.0'-225.4' Aplite vein, medium grained - 70% sodic feldspar, 30% quartz, tr. biotite and pyrite - contacts 30..

236. 6' 240. 5' Hornblend Hornfel: - very fine grained, medium to dark grey colour - 70% mafic minerals, predomineritly hornblend - very weak foliation 200 to c. a. - contacts 200 to c. a. • Ofi INE 1® IRE Nal Me EMI Ea NEI NEI NEI 2129 13141 EMI BEE NEI ME Pa_ 7 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-16 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 Sludae 740. 5' 249. 6' Biotite Feldspar I-iornblend Gneiss; 255. - as described. at 222. 5' - 236. 6' 1

249. 6' 250. 0' Aplite Vein; - as described. at 225. 0' - 225.4' - contacts 3F-40° to c. a. , 10% smoky quartz

250. 0' 255. 0' Biotite Feldspar I-Iornbiend Gneiss: - as described at 222. 5'-236. 6'


Core Bo}:es: 1) 0.0 - 15,0 2) 15.0 - 35.0 3) 35.0 - 54.4 4) 54.4 - 73.9 5) "l 3. 9 - 9 6. 2 6) 96. 2 - 116. 4 7) 116. 4 - 135.8 8) 135. 8 - 155. 8 9) 155. 8 - 175. 3 10) 175. 3 - 195.0 11) 195.0-214.0 12) 214.0-234.0 12) 234.0 - 2D5.0 • Page 1 mam Ens ina ow on man ons Ci Y 2SAW'II EMBI MI ME Mil ~a .....ter~ LI, :1-17

DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property. ...gPttY. . ~~}~~,• .Ir~mi~ed Core Size DX Starting Date.. , M.&lie.t. z7,..I.`17•6. .. . Location.... 143,C, I-#Pt@ }44 .Twp. Que. Elev. Collar...... M,0' • Completion Datc$Pptgirlher. 43. .1976 Depth Bearing Diamond Drill Grid September 16, 1976 Collar Grid . • Dip Date Logged • 1 + 56S aporox. R. Everett 15.0 SS" Latitude Length Logged by • ZOO. 0 `5 Departure 3 + 90E approx. Horiz. Trace 405.0 Vert. Trace S;.

SAMPLE FOOTAGE' CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH. U308 1 GRENVILLE l_,; r h' 0 33.4' Pegmatite - Aplite: Core - aplite 25% (<4mm grain), pegmatite intermixed LK-2714 0. 0 4. 0 3. 8' 35 - colour variable grey white to flesh pink locally LK-2715 4.0 9. 0 5. 0 46 grey green to dusty brown, aplites tend to have a rusty to LK-2716 9. 0 14.0 5. 0 225 grey tint LK-2717 14.0 19.0 4.2 105 - aplites occur as distinct bands within LK-2718 19.0 24.0 5. U 24 pegmatite from several centimeters to several feet LK-2719 24. 01 29.0 5. 0 50 I - in section LK-2720 29.0 34.0 5.0 70 - biota i to 5 ~ totally 10%as 4 mm + plates - quartz 10-15% green grey to locally smoky black Sludge 1. near magnetite, quartz locally massive to 25% of ccre LK-2801 24.0 29.0 5. 0 75 - magnetite trace to ;%, common in aplite and LK-2802 29.0 40.0 11.0 340 medium grained pegmatite - feldspars comprise remainder K:Na, 6:1 `. - hematite staining of feldspar along cleavage planes trace to z ;ô and locally greater, hematite a appears to have bled from biotitc j- graphic texture common in 30% of pegmatite - 0. 0-19. 0' rusty stain,near bioti.te and magnetite j - 14. 8' -15. 0' massive black quartz - 16-.77-719.0 limonite stained fracture at 0-5% to c. a. - 16.2' -19. O' ground core - 2 7. 6' -27. 9' massive smoky to black quartz - 32.2» -33.0' quartz 25% , grey colour Km ® ® Eat IMEN NEI EOM . 1MIN MON ININ ITSa 11110 ME Mal MEII E,. JO Et! nosPar 2 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-17 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LG!'H U308 33.4' 53. 3' Pegmatite -L1/2.p 1ite: Core - pegmatite 75%, aplite 25%, intermixed LK-2721 34. 0 40. 0 5. 0 30 - colour variable, 40% pink, 60% dark grey to white LK-2722 40. 0 45. 0 5. 0 130 - nnematite tends to have Wink to white colour , aplite LK-2723 45. 0 50. 0 5. 0 80 - tends to have grey white colour with green tint LK-2724 50. 0 55. 0 5. 0 85 - biotite 2-5% locally greater, 3 mm plates and larger Sludge - quartz 5-10% locally greater, grey to smoky black LK-2803 40. 0 45.0 5. 0 4 7 - colour LK-2804 45, 0 50. 0 5. 0 180 - magnetite trace - -% locally greater LK-2805 50. 0 55. 0 5, 0 89 - herna'- ite stain trace - 3°!â - feldspars comprise remainder K-feldspars predominating 4:1 - 40. 0', 41. 1', 44. 5' -45. 6' concentration of magnetite as 2 mm - 4 mm blebs tr. - 1%n+

53.3' 72. 0' Pegmatite: Core - aplite 5% , 95% pegmatite prominent LK-2725 55.0 f . 0 5. 0 80 - flesh pink colour to core, locally white pink LK-2726 60.0 ( . 0 5. 0 62 - biotite variable, generally 5% with LK-1727 65.0 70. 0 5- 0 64 I - nlatcs exceeding 6 cm - quartz 10% generally grey, rarely black Sludge colour LK-2806 55.0 60.0 5.0 95 - magnetite trace, local concentrations to f% LK-2807 60.0 65. 0 5. 0 110 - feldspar comprise remainder predominantly LK-2808 65. 0 75. 0 10. 0 76 - K-feldspar 4:1 over sodic feldspars which are locally concentrated , K-feldspar generally very large crystals - graphic texture is a promirent feature of the pegmatite especia y wit K-fe •spar `- ! - hematite staining trace to absent - tr-lce muq.-a-ite (seririte . - 53. 4' -54. 0' biotite fe1 )ar schist inclusion finer grained, dark prey black colour - 55. 0 ' -60. 0 ' gre:-12in dspars I,rehal2 y tio~li fell par ---7 ( , 7, . ,. : , , 1 r : 4 I. 1.0.,. . 1 _ ,.I . f t ME. INE mat 31011 EMI ME ME NE 15/14 INE MEE KNal 1261 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number L_7617 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION .. NUMBER FROM TO LGTH. U308 - 71. 5' -71. 9' magnetite tr. - 1%

72, 0' 111. 4' Pegmatite - Aplite: Core - pegmatite 75% aplite 25%, intermixed, pinkish LK-2728 70. 0 ' 75,. 0 5. 0 72 grey to pinkish colour LK-2729 75.0 80. 0 5. 0 83 - biotite 2-5% locally greater LK-2730 80.0 85. 0 5. 0 56 - quar'7z 10-15% clear to grey, locally smoky black LK-2731 85.0 90.0 5. 0 46 - mag,;.,;;,ite, spotty, locally tr. 1% LK-2732 90.0 95.01 5. 0 40 common to fine grained pegmatite and LK-2733 95. 0 100. 0 5. 0 30 coarse to fine grained aplitic rock, with a L K-2734 100. 0 105. 0 5. 0 73 prominent rusty to greenish tint to core LK-2735 105„ 0 110, 0 5. 0 67 - remaindc:r comprised of feldspars - variable proportion of K:Na, K-feldspar Sludge usually predominating 3:2 to 4:1 LK-2809 75.0 80.0 5. 0 47 - graphic texture common 5-10% and greater in pegmatite LK-2810 80.0 90.0 10. 0 44 - local rusty stain along feldspar cleavage planes LK-2811 '10. 0 94.0 4. 0 48 72.5'-73.5', 74.8'-75.0' magnetite -1% LK-2812 94.0 105.0 11.0 37 75. 9'-76. 6' biotite feldspar schist (inclusion), medium to LK-2813 105.0 115.0 10. 0 100 grey black colour, fine grained irregularly foliated 77, 5' -77. 8' , 85. 0' -85. 3', magnetite -1% 100. 2'-100. 7 fracture at 5° to c. a. calcite lined 108. 5'-109. 0', 111. 0' magnetite tr. ;°%° 111. 0'-111.4' fracture at 5° to c. a. with dark grey black stain'

111.4' 176. 0' Pegmatite Aplite: Core J - pegmatite 80%, aplite 20% intermixed, flesh pink LK-2736 110.0 115. 0 5. 0 100 - to white grey green colour LK-2737 115. 0 120, 0 3. 5 60 - pink land whitish pink predominate in coarse pegmatite white LX-2738 120.0 125. 0 5. C 58 J - white grey green phase predominates in finer grained pegir.a. LK-2739 125. 0 130. 0 5. 0 160 pegmatite and aplite LK-2740 130. 0 135. 0 4. 5 120 - biotite 2-5°0 variable, 2-4 mm plates locally very large in LK-2741 13500 140. 0 4. 7 5 130 pegmatite, magnetite noted along biotite LX-2742 140.0 115. 0 4. 75 190 plates LK-2743 145.0 150.0 5. 0 80, Pal. no Ent ma um no von tom emi mg Ens Ess nan mos nu ma an ass sun GETTY MINES, LIMITED Bole Number LK-76-17 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH, U3O8 - quartz 10-15% colourless to smoky black near • Core magnetite and biotite LK-2744 150. 0 155. 0 4. 75 96 - magnetite trace - 1% and greater locally LK-2745 155. 0 160. 0 4. 751 240 - feldspars comprise remainder, h::Na, 4:1 LK-2776 160. 0 165.0 5. 0 450 - graphic texture common in pegmatite LK-2747 165. 0 170. 0 5. 0 400 -111. b'-113, 5' , 116. 3'-117. 6' choritized limonitic LK-2748 170.0 1 75.0 1. 8 140 fractures at 0-200 to c. a. , tr. magnetite L - 115. 0'-120. 0' 1. 5 ground core - 118. 5' -118. 8' , 125. 71 -126. 4' magnetite 4 -17 Sludge - 127. 7'-128. 2' massive smoky to black quartz LK-2314 115.0 125.0 10.0 31 - 129. 4'-129. 5' magnetite z -1%+ LK-21315 125.0 135. 0 10.0 53 - 131. 4'-131. 6' magnetite 2% LK-2816 135.0 145. 0 10.0 64 - 131. 6'-132. 1' ground core LK-2817 145.0 155.0 10. 0 53 - 133.7'-134.0', magnetite ;-1%r- LK-2818 155.0 160.0 5.0 100 - 136. 71 -138. 5', magnetite L -1%+ . LK-2819 160.0 170.0 10.0 2.50 - 139. 5' -141. 4', magnetite -1%+ LK-2820 170.0 175, 0 5. 0 89 155.2'-153.2', magnetite -1%4- - 160. 7' -161. 3' o. 8 cm white calcite stringer at 5u to c. a. - 161. 4'-164. 0' aplite < 1 mm grain size - 162. 0' - 164. 3' magnetite 1-2% - 164. - 1b. 0 trace magnetite, pyrite - 165. 6'-167.0' magnetite along large plates of biotite - 168.0'-169.6' magnetite 4-1% - 170. 5' -171. 3' aplite .1 mm grain size - 174. 6' trace magnetite - 170.0'-175.0' 1.8 core recovered . , ~ ... INSIMERWIEUESINIMESSIMMEIMIZEIMI ...... ,. ~. , ...,.. .... :. ., . • . .. .. ~ ...... ... p~ . :i ons Nos Eastum en on nem misteas H~® sli®1 ma EN Ems own see ow Pe •~ ~ GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-17 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE Ppm ASSAY FR OM TO n - DESCRIPTION s NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U3O8 176. 0' 296. 0' Pegmatite Aplite: Core - pegmatite 75% ( .7 4 mm grain size), aplite LK-2749 175. 0 180. 5 5. 5 130 25% (<4 mm grain size), aplite z. 1 mm • LK-2750 130. 5 185. 5 5. 0 81 grain size 5% , intermixed LK-2751 185. 5 195. 0 2. 5 210 - colour variable flesh to reddish pink and LK-2752 195. 0 200. 0 5, 0 36 whitish pink to grey green colour, generally LK-2753 200. 0 205.0 5. 0 87 intermixed Li<-2754 20'x.0 210.0 5.0 36 - biotite 2-5% generally less in medium to I.,I<-2755 212,x . 215. 0 5. 0 36 coarse grained rock LK-2756 215. 0 220. 0 5, 0 74 - c,uartz 5-15%, variable, clear to smoky LK-2757 220.0 225, 0 5. 0 12 - black color LK-2758 225, 0 230. 0 5, 0 90 - feldspars comprise bulk of rock, generally pink, white LK-2759 2:30. 0 235. 0 _ 5. 0 71 to green grey colour, K-feldspar LK-2760 235. 0 239. 8 4, 8 120 generally; pink, Na feldspars, generally white LK-2761 239. 8 241„ 2 1. 4 510 to grey green colour, both feldspar show Lk-2762 - 241. 2 245. 0 3. 8 100 hematite staining locally, K:Na 3:1 .111..•,-2763 245, 0 230. 0 5. 0 120 - magnetite common, generally trace to Z% LK-2764 250. 0 .455. 0 5. 0 78 locally higher LIS -2765 255, 0 260. 0 5, 0 230 - magnetite noted in all grain sizes, preferentially in the LK-276 6 260.0 265.0 5. 0 280, medium gained rock LK-2767 265. 0 270.0 5, 0 170 - tr. MoS, and pyrite LK-2768 270. 0 275, 0 5. 0 120 .- unidentified mineral, greenish yellow colour LK-2769 275. 0 280. 0 5, 0 110 - soft, strong based cleavage, generally fine LK-27 70 280. 0 285. 0 5. 0 360 grained and crystalline, probably a mica LK-2771 285. 0 290. 0 5. 0 130 or chlorite 220. 0' -250. 0' tr: to 2% LK-2772 290. 0 295. 0 5. 0 540 - 179. 0-179. 4' black quartz Sludge - 181. 0'-1.84. 4' aplite L 1 mm biotite banding at 0-20° to c. a, LK-2821 175. 0 180. 5 5. 5 89 sucrosic texture LK-2822 180. 5 192. 0 '1. 5 93 - 185. 5'-195.0' 2.0' grour.d core LK-2823 192.0 197.0 5.0 100 - 195. 0 - 200. 2' aplite Z.1 mm grain size tr. magnetite LK-2824 197. 0 205.0 8. 0 60 - calcite stringers at 1051, c. a. LK-2825 205. 0 215. 0 10, 0 88 - lower contact distinct at 20° to c. a. LK-2.826 215. 0 225. 0 :O. 0 92 - 200. 2'-207. 0' magnetite tr. %o, green tint LK-2827 225. 0 235.0 10. 0 82 to core LK-2828 235. 0 245. 0 10. 0 64 zr<_?u')0 ?.t, . n ? ç F n 7n , n ~r . G7 war EN owt vam was MU awa maw ow ®q mso Ewa ow au ow P: GETTY MINES, LIMITED I-Iole Number [ LK-76-17 DR ILL, HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FR OM TO .. DES CRIPTIUN NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 - 212. 5 -215. 0' aplite 1 mm - 2 mm grain size, Sludge sucrosic texture- , biotite banding LK-2830 255. 0 265.0 10. 0 120 at 20u to c. a. LN -2831 265, 0 275.0 10. 0 88 236. 7'-240. 0' magnet ite 1% black quartz LK-2832 275. 0 285.0 10. 0 120 -240. 5'-240.8' pyrite 2%, trace rnolybdenite LN -2833 285.0 296.0 11. 0 140 and magnetite . - 241. 2' magnetite tr. 7 % - 262. 01 -294. 3' magnetite, variable trace to 5% generally in association with grey green tint to rock

296. 0' 351.8 ' Pegmatite: Core - pc_pmatitc (> 4mm grain size) 50% , ( 4mm grain size 45%) T ,K- 2.773 295, 0 301, 0 5. 0 82 aplite L 1111111 grain s ize 5% LK-2774 301.0 306.0 5.0 150 - colour predominantly pink 75%, with grey LK-2775 30(, 0 311.0 5. 0 110 to whitish pink colour also common. LT<-2776 311. 0 316. 0 5. 0 125 - biotite 2-8% variable, 2-4 mm plates, locally I,K-2777 316. .0 322, 2 6, 2 120 6 cm and larger LK-2778 32.2. 2. 32.6, 8 4. 6 46 - quartz 5-10%, locally higher, clear to smoky LK-2779 326. 8 330.0 3. 2 62 black colour LK-2780 330. 0 334. 0 4. 0 210 - feldspars comprise majority of rock, K-feldspars LK-2781 334.0 339.0 5. 0 230 - nredlominatinr over Na -feldspars, 3:1 LK-2782 339. 0 345.0 6. (L 210 - graphic texture very common LK-2783 345. 0 350. 0 5. 0 200 - hematite staining of feldspars locally prominent - magnetite trace - %% throughout, locally i -2% Sludge as 2- mm - 1 cm blebs LK-2795 296.0 306.0 10.0 95 - unidentified green mineral tr. throughout LK-2796 306..0 316.0 10.0 120 - 2.97. 0' -297. 8' magnetite 1-2% LK-2797 316. 0 l 324.0 8. 0 73 - 300.0' magnetite, pyrite molybclenite and biotite in LK-2798. 324. 0 334.0 10.0 115 - massive quartz LK-2.799 334.0 345.0 11.0 200 - 301. 3' tr. garnet, wine rt.:,./ colour, 3 mm in diam. LK-2800 345. 0 355.0 10.0 1S0

no recur crystal habit 1 j1 - 301. 31 -301. 6' maf;neti e 4-1% - - 305. 5' -306. l' magnetite 1,;:-1% I 1111•111111110•111"

MIMI ®1N' 11111111 1111111 MINI NM MIN 1111111 NMI Ma WW1 10111 P~II i~ MO 110111 Bilil WM EN Ps GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-17 DR ILL HOLE LOG - SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE PPm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 - 311. 5' -316.0 ma gnetite -1% !^ - - 316. 01 -322. 0' rnai; net ite, spotty locally 5% - 322. 0' -322. 6' fracture at 100 to c. a. lined with 0. 5 mm crystals of calcite and pyrite, fracture crosscuts contact with schist inclusion. - 322. 4'-325. 8' quartz biotite feldspar schist, medium to dark grey, fine grained, crosscut by pegmatite veins with trace magnetite, trace rite, throughout contacts 300 to 35 to c. a. , lighter grey, coarser grained margins. - 326. 0'-350. 0' magnetite, tr. 1% variable.

351.8' 393.7' Pegmatite more_ -{ - pegmatite 55% (4 mm grain size), aplite ( 4 4mmgrain LK-27$4 350.0 355. 0 5_0 770 size) 40%, aplite /-1mm grain size, 2-5% LK-2785 355.0 360.0 5.0 160 - colour generally darker than upper units, reddish .. -' :. , 4. 365. 0 5. 0 ?0(1 pink to whitish grey green colours, darker LK-2787 365. 0 37n_ n 5 0 120 grey green colour, marginally predominant LK-2788 370 • 1 1 :: - biotite 2-5% LK-2789 375.0 380. 0 5. 00 37 - quartz 5-10% colourless to smoky black near L.K- 0 :1. 0 A' biotite and magnetite LK-2791 385.0 300,0 5. 0 31 - feldspars predominant rack forming minerals, LK-279?. 390.0 393_ 5 3. 5 4?. 1 K-feldspars marginally predominate Na -feldspar Sludge - magnetite tr. 1-2-% throughout, locally 2% LK-2834 '355. 0 365, 0 10.0 120 and greater, in association with green tint to rock LK-2835 365. 0 375. 0 1C. 0 100 - trace pyrite L.K.-2836 375.0 385.0 10.0 80 - green mineral trace throughout LK-2837 385. 0 395. 0 10. 0 57 - 376. 8', 379. 8', 383.0', 387. 8' earthy, metallic shear on thin calcite base, coating fractures at 100 -200 to c. a. ®i' an wan ism an 4111 'm on Rom aft INN MI RIM NEI 11111E ® GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE pprn ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION - _ .•, NUMBER FROM TO LOTH U3O8 ~- 393, 7' 405. 0' Biotite Feldspar Hornblend Gneiss: Core - wi itish grey and green black colour LK-2791 393. 5 400. 0 6. 5 1. 0 - medium grained LK-2794 400. 0 405. 0 5. 0 2, 0 - biotite 5-10% as lenses and patches - feldspars 40-50% , white grey colour, predominently sodic Sludge 395.0 405, 0 10. 0 felcispar - hor able nd 40-50% dark green black colour, - relatively finer grained - prominent mineral segregation - foliation vague to absent - upper contact hazy at 50° to c. a. - 397, 8'-399. l' -402, 5' -403. 5' prominent banding of biotite and feldspars at 100 and 0-5° to the c, a. respectively.


Core B )xes 1) 0; 0-14, 0 12) 222. 0'-242, 0 ' 2) 14, 0' -33, 4 13) 242. 01 -261. 5' 3) 33, 4' -53. 3' 14) 261. 5' -280. 0' 4) 53. 31 -72, 0' 15) 280, 0' -295. 0' ) 5) 72. 0' -91. 6' 16) 295. 0' -314, 7' 6) 91. 6'-111, 4' 17) 314. 7'-333, 3' 7) 111. 4'-132. 8' 18) 333. 3'-353, 0' 8) 132. 8' -157. 5' 19) 353. 0' -372, 2' 9) 153. 5' -176. 0' 20) 372. 2' -391. 3' 10) 176, 0'-202. 5' 21) 391. 3'-x:05, 0' 11) 202. 5' -222. 0' • ' • ' • . ~ 1111E1' Wall ® MN IMO 1111IIN WE1 NMI NUS NMI MS ISM MN, NM OWE MIN DM Ela ; ~ `•' ' ,, ; . , GETTY MINES, LIMITED ; •. , .;• •' ; ,'. • .. . .. ..IIolc Number I LK-76-18 • ',DRILL HOLE LOG • ''-`. 90° ~:'t':,. ,Cr T,TY ,1VIPTES LTD BX Core'Stzc ,,,,16 Se~t ,7 6,.,,,, :.;1~~. •.. LAC KACHIWISS #6711 • Starting Date, ' Elcv, Collar 773. 5' Completion Date 21 Sept 76 N. A. i; cad Bearing d ntp,, ,• -90 .' 22 Sept 76 •' , , Date Logged 1 1101080 89° Length 405.0' Loggia by Robert Bujas i I•Ioriz, Trace N.A. 405.0' Vert, T1'aCe •r „ e ,'.e,e,,,if

i — ,1,n • i SAMPLE FOOTAGE ; DESCRIPTION COR r: PP M ' '•r .NUMI3ER 171101\.1 TO LC: :"I-;. U303 ~ ` _ 0. 0' 5. 0' ! GRENVILLE ' ------C:or e ti " -Pearnatite & Aplite LK-2839 0.0 5. 0 4.2 170 __ _ j -Pegmatite 20°'0 I I ! ~; -Aplite 80% I I ! -Potassic Feldspar 60% i i • -Sodic Feldspar 30% . . : —1 I -Quartz 10% • —j • . • • -Biotite trace , , I -Magnetite trace 1 I rI ~ I-Graphid• texture at 4.0' ~ j -Verv red iron staining•at 0.4' and•4.2' - probably from a large • ; i ( or a series of small weathered pyrite•crystals ! I -4.5-5..0-Ground core I 1 ( . ,-----' • C:n1'Q • ' 5.0' _I 8.1' ; -Felds_2ar, Biotite, AMphibole Gneiss LI:-2840 5.0 8.2 ( 3.2 ; 28 • ! ! ! -Fine grained• j ; - -Biotite 60mo . . .' ' -AmpTiîLole 25°%0 < ~ ------~ ~ -Sodic feldspar.15a%- ' ' . •--••---•___-~ _ ; COre 8. 1' ; 72.0' , -Pegmatite - Aplite . .. . LK-2841 8.2 10.0 1.8 100 1 -Aplite 60% , " ' • LK-2842 10: 0 15.0 5.0 110 • . . j - Pegmatite 40°ô ' • , • • • • LK-2843 15.0 21.0 6.0 35 t - • mat rays its ® smo ova ~ ~i ~ ~ e® ass no NEE mu Ewe nu on l-age GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-18 • DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE Rpm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U30a. 3.1' 72. 0' Potassic feldspar 60-70%, dark in colour probably because LK-2844 21.0 26.0 5. 0 120 of iron content LK-2845 26.0 31.0 5.0 75 Sodic feldspar 20-30% LK-2846 31.0 36.0 5.0 88 Quartz 10% LK-2847 36.0 41.0 5.0 34 Biotite - trace LK-2848 41.0 46.0 5.0 77 Magnetite - trace- some large crystals LK-2849 46.0 49.0 3.0 _.. 72.0' 79. 5' Biotite, feldspar, hornblende (?) (Gneiss) LK-2850 49.0 54.0 5.0 42 Biotite 20% LK-2851 54.0 59.0 5.0 64 Feldspar 40% LK-2852 59.0 64.0 5.0 26 Hornblende (?) 40% LK-2853 64.0 69.0 5.0 160 79. 5' 84.0' Pegmatite Et. Aplite LK-2854 69, 0 71.5 2. 5 130 Pegmatite 40% LK-2856 71.5 75.5 4.0 3.5 Aplite 60% L K-2857 75.5 79.5 4.0 1,0 -Aplite LK-2858 79.5 84.0 4.5 190 More Biotite than Pegmatite Sludge Sodic feldspar 50% LK-2882 5.0 10.0 5.0 69 Potassic feldspar 30% 'JK-2,883 10.0 21.0 11.0 140 Quartz 15% LK-2884 21.0 31.0 10.0 98 Biotite 5% LK-2885 31.0 41.0 10.0 97 Magnetite - trace LK-2886 41.0 49.0 8.0 83 -Pegmatite I.,K-2587 49, 0 '59.0 10 0 76 Sodic feldspar 50% AK-2888 59 _0_ 6 6 0 0.0 130 Potassic feldspar 40'o LK-2889 69.0 - 79.5 10.5 51 Cuartz 10% LK-2890 79.5 89.5 10 0 34 Bio`_ite - trace Magnetite - trace

84. 0' 90, 8' Biotite, Feldspar, Hornblende ? (Gneiss) Core - biotite 20% LK-2859 84.0 90.2 6. 2 5. 5 - feldsuar 40% Sludge - hornblende ? - 40% LK-2891 89. 5 100.0 10. 5 66 . ® no' nu WV on we Eta Ens Env mits asin in ume ism win ass P .. GÈTTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-18 DRILL,, HO.LE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppril ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U3O~ 90. S' 167. 5' Pegmatite & Aplite (Core) LK-2860 90, 2 95. 0 4. 8 58 - pegmatite 60% LK-2861 95. 0 100. 0 5. 0 160 - aplite 40% LK-2862 100.0 105. 0 5. G 170 Pegmatite LK-2863 105.0 110.0 5.0 91 - light in colour LK-2864 110.0 115.0 5. 0 160 - potassic feldspar -80% LK-2865 115. 0 120.0 5. 0 69 - quartz. - 15% LK-2866 120. 0 125.0 5.0 96 - sodic feldspar - 5% LK-2.67 125, 0 130. 0 5. 0 63 - biotite trace LI{-2868 130. 0 135.0 5.0 47 - magnetite - trace LK-2869 135. 0 140.0 5. 0 65 Aplite LE-2870 140.0 145.0 5.0 41 - potassic feldspar - 60% LK-2871 145.0 1.51.0 6. 0 15 - sodic feldspar - 20% LK-28 7 2 151, 0 156. 0 5. 0 ;.00 - quartz 15% LK-2873 156.0 161.0 5.0 44 - biotite - 5% LK-2874 161. 0 167. 8 6. 8 200 - 114. 0' - speck of molybdenum in aplite Sludge - 115.0' - large crystals of magnetite LK-2892 100.0 110. 0 10. 0 110 - 149. 5'-151. 0' - fine graphic texture LK-2893 110.0 120.0 10, 0 91 - 149. 5' - yellow green sodic feldspar LK- 2894 120. 0 130. 0 10. 0 /7 crystals in pegmatite LK-2895 130. 0 140. 0 10. 0 73 - 153.4' - pyrite in magnetite crystals LK=2896 140.0 151.0 11.0 110 L.K-2897 151 0 161.0 10. 0 77 167.5' 186. 0' Biotite, Feldspar, Amphibole Gneiss LK-2898 161. 0 171.0 10, 0 66 - amphibole - 60-707, fine grained (Core) LK-2875 167.8 171. 0 3. 2 16 - biotite - 20% LK-2876 171. 0 176. 0 5, 0 1. 5 - sodic feldspar - 10-20% LK-2877 176. 0 181. 0 5. 0 1, 0 - various sodic feldspar vei: s cutting LK-2873 181. 0 186. 7 5. 7 0. 5 at numerous angles Sludge - pyrite trace LK-2899 171.0 181.0 10.0 20 - upper contact 40u to c. a. LK-2900 181.0 191.0 10.0 19 .. 4 tutus raw' Ni,®1 11511 olio ert.s Nut) • aim ism sus gam ma was F GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number L LK-76-18 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LOTH, U308 186.0' 201„ 5' Pegmatite & Aplite (Core) LK-2879 186. 7 191. 0' 4. 3 150 - pegmatite 30% LK-2880 191.0 196. 0 5. 0 170 - Aplite - 70% LK-2881 196.0 201. 7 5. 7 72 - pccas sic feldspar - 40% Sludge - sodic feldspar - 40% LK-2901 191.0 201. 0 10. 0 69 - hematitic stained feldspars (almost) 10% - qu - rtz - 10% - smoky - biotite - trace magnetite - trace - 199. 6' - green micaceous rninerias (leached biotite) - 195. 5' -196. 0' - large biotite crystals - 187.9'-190. 5' - biotite -feldspar -quartz- amphibole (schist) - too fine grained for accurate percentages - biotite (almost) 30% - amphi bole (almost) 30% - sodic feldspar - 20% - quartz 20% - garnet trace (almaridine) - pyrite - trace Core 201.5' 221.0' Feldspar, 13iotite, Amphibole Gneiss LK-2902- - amphibole - 60-70% LK-2903 207.0 212. 0 5.0 8. 0 - biotite -20-25% (disseminated and in pods) LK-2904 212.0 217.0 5.0 3.0 - sodic feldspar - 10-15% LK-2905 217.0 221. 0 4. 0 15 - garnet trace Siuzge - lower contact 150 to core axis LK-2942 201.0 212.0 11.0 27 ., 216. 8' -218. 3' - sodic feldspar vein LK-7.944 212.0 222.0 10.0 23 - biotite - trace •.. - pyrite - £.race _. . . maw saw was alasens - .sou era_ tans ear toss ass sea maw ass sea ass sax oval ~ .. GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number [Li-76-18 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U3O~ 221.0' 251.0' Aplite Core - potassic feldspar - 40% LK-2906 221.0 227.0 6. 0 60 -- hematitic stained feldspar - 30% LK-2907 227. 0 232.0 6. 0 130 - sodic feldspar - 20% LK-2908 232. 0 237.0 5. 0 260 - quartz - 10% smoky black LK-2.909 237. 0 242. 0 5. 0 150 - magnetite trace LK-2910 242.0 247.0 5.0 52 - bic.tite - trace LK-2911 247.0 "1.51.0 4. 0 70 - relatively dark in colour Sludge - becomes quite sodic near lower contact LK-2945 222.0 232.0 10.0 100 - lower contact 30U to c. a. LK-2946 232, 0 242. 0 10. 0 -17)0 - LK-2947 242.0 252.0 10.0 100 251. 0' 262.9' Biotite, Feldspar, Amphibole Gneiss LK-2948 2.52.0 262.0 10. 0 29 - biotite + amphibole - 70% Core - feldspar - 30% LK-29.12 251.0 257.0 6. 0 3, 5 - various sodic feldspar veins, various angles LK-29.13 257.0 263.0 5. 5 3. 5 - pyrite trace, biotite trace

262.9' 374. 2 Pegmatite & Aplite Core - pegmatite 10% LK-29:14 263.0 268.0 5.0 48 - aplite 90% LK-29:15 268.0 273.0 5.0 140 - potassic feldspar - 40% LK-2916 273. 0 277. 5 4. 5 71 - hematitic feldspar - 30% LK-29:17 277. 5 282. 3 4. 8 12 - sodic feldspar - 20% LK-2918 ' 282. 3 287.0 4. 7 80 - quartz 10% LK-2919 287. 0 293, 0 6. 0 110 - magnetite trace LK-2920 293. 0 298.0 5. 0 280 - biotite trace LK-2921 298. 0 303. 0 4. 5 46 - at 353.0'-0.8' ground core LK-2922 303. 0 309.0 5.0 - 277.41 -279.5' LK -2923 308.0 31::i. 0 5. 0 - biotite, feldspar, amphibole, gneiss LK-2924 313. 0 318. 0 5. 0 94 - biotite - 50% LK-2925 318.0 322.0 4. 0 80 - sodic feldspar - 30% LK-2926 322.0 327.0 5. 0 51 - amphibole - 20% LK-2927 327. 0 332. 0 5. 0 53 - upper contact 90° to core axis LK-2928 332.0 337.0 5. 0 190 - lower contact (almost) 050 to core axis ICI{-?.q?A 337,n 343 0 F, 5 3q ~, i...,....y, rt. rap rap row row F411101 riale rain ION , riVE p? jleigin4 'SSE o GETTY MINES, LIMITED I-Iole Number LK-76-18 DR ILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGECORE ppir` ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LGTH U308 LK-2930 343.0 348.0 5.0 57 - 285.3'-287.0' LK-2931 348.0 353.5 5.0 68 - biotite quartz, feldspar schist LK-2932 353. 5 358. 5 5. 0 37 - inclusion LK-2,933 358, 5 364. 0 5. 5 6 292. 81 -293. 5 Lit: -2934 364. 0 369.0 5. 0 200 - very micaceous (light c orired LK-2935 S 9, 0 -3-7-472 5. 2 87 probably leached biotite) Sludge - hornblende present LK-2949 262.0 272.0 10.0 60 - pyrite trace LK-2950 272. 0 283.0 11.0 56 LK-2951 283.0 293.0 10.0 57 -~ 374. 2' 380. 7' Feldspar Biotite Amphibole Gneiss LK-2.952 293.0 303. 0 10, 0 99 - sodic feldspar - 15% LK-2953 303.0 308.0 10.0 53 - biotite - 30% LK-2954 313, 0 322. 0 9. 0 72 - amphibole - 55% • LK-2955 322, 0 332.0 10.0 110 . LK-2.956 332, 0 343.0 11.0 140 380, 7' 381. 3' Pegmatite LK-2957 343. 0 353.0 10.0 43 - sodic feldspar - 60% LK-2958 35.3.0 364.0 11.0 45 - potassic feldspar - 30% LK•-2959 364. 0 374.0 10.0 99 - quartz - 10% LK-2960 374.0 385. 0 11.0 15 - biotite - trace - pyrite - trace - rnagnetiti.e - trace Crire _381._31 383. 0' laiotite, Ouar°tz. Feldspar Schist T,K-2936 374.0 379. 0 4. 8 L~5 - tnn `i.:.e. _afire, fnr perrpntage•, T,K-2937 379.- 0 384.0 5.0

383. 0' 383, 7' Pegmatite - uotas is feldspar - 45% - sodic feldspar .. 45% - quartz 10% - . - biotite trace - magnetite - trace • ~.,.....,, HMO row r41111N PAIN r,11■111 r'iffin r411111 PION H® rill= p,,'111111 Plea .rain w1111111 "lain r ..~ GE'I'TY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DR ILL HOLE LOG .______SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ppm ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FROM TO LG TFI U308 383. 7' 387. 1' Biotite, Feldspar, Amphibole Gneiss: (core) LK-2938 384.0 387. 1 3. 1 2, 0 - soclic feldspar - 10% - biotite - 20% - amphibole - 70%

387. 1' 391. 3 Aplite Core - potas sic feldspar - 50% LK-2939 387. 1 391. 1 4. U 79 - sodC3 Teldspar - 30% LK -2940-391. 1 394.0 Z. 9 30 - hematitic feldspar - 10% LK-2941 394.0 399. 0 5. 0 1. 5 - quartz - 10% LK-2942 399.0 405.0 6.0 1.0 - biotite trace Sludge - magnetite - trace LK-2961 385.0 395.0 10. 0 22 LK-2962 395.0 405.0 10.0 16 391. 3' 405. 0' Biotite, Feldspar, Arn )iiibole Gneiss - soclic feldspar - 10% - biotite - 20% - amphibole - 70% •




Ministere des Ricilese~ Naturelles, Québec SER UL LA OC .W'.F_N1 A TECHNIQUE 2_ r,~ „ 4,177 o,.t,: ~~' ft, GM: 33074

March 1977 Ron Coll Geologist

/7":N br. Ltr ii t3J✓ tr~18 113 Getty Mines, Limited Suite 6 00,10 King Street East, Toronto, Ontario MSC 1C3 • (416) 863-0487 EXPLORATION REPORT ON THE



March 1977 Ron Coll Geclogist Getty Mines, Ltd. TABLE OF CONTENTS


List of Figures 1

List of Tables 2

Summary and Recommendations 3

Introduction 4

Location and Physiography 5

Vegetation and Wildlife 9

Land Holdings 10

Previous Work 13

Personnel 14

General Geology 16

Local Geology 16

Structural Geology 20

Radiometric Survey 21

Diamond Drilling 22

Conclusion 23

Recommendations 23

Appendix 'A' - Drill Logs of Lac Kachiwiss Property 1


Figure Page

1 Location Map with Star on Lac Kachiwiss Property 6

2 Location Map o.. Lac Kachiwiss Property Showing Geolcgy 7

3 Lac Kachiwiss Property Map Showing Licenses 11

4 Lac Kachiwiss Geology Map Showing Drill Hole Locations in pocket

5 Overburden Radiometrics (Total Count)

6 Overburden Radiometrics (Uranium) ~

7 Outcrop Radiometrics (Total Count) ~

8 Outcrop Radiometrics (Uranium) i

9 Cross Section of Lac Kachiwiss Drill Holes - 2


Table Page

1 Table of Expenditures 1976 12

2 Table of Lithologic Units 17

3 Summary of Radiometric Statistics 22 3


During the 1976 field season, exploration for a large tonnage, low grade,

Rossing type, pegmatite uranium deposit was the object of an active program conducted by Getty Minerals Company, Limited in the Sept Iles area of Quebec.

Field work by Getty Mines, Limited's personnel was carried out between May 30 and Sept. 30, 1976 and consisted of detailed geological mopping and sampling, a ground spectrometer survey and diamond drilling.

The total expenditure of the program amounted to $166, 211. 11.

Geologic mapping outlined several pegmatite bodies, the economically important rock unit and ground radiornetrics indicate several interesting anomalies over bedrock and overburden,

Approximately 4, 010 feet of diamond drilling in 18 holes were completed on the property and chemical analysis of drill core give values up to 2. 6 lbs. /ton U308.

In order to better assess the economic potential of the Lac Kachiwiss property as a potential Rossing-type low grade, high tonnage uranium deposit, the following is recommended: 1) A comprehensive compilation and evaluation of all available geological and related data gathered to date on the immediate and surrounding area.

Data available consists of the following:

- Feassler (1945) Geological mapping.

- Satellite Metal Mines, Ltd. 1968 - Airborne radiometric survey, ground radiometric survey, geological mapping and trench sampling.

- Cannex Placer (1974) - Ground radiometric sruvey, and trench sampling.

- Getty Minerals Company, Limited 1975 - Geological mapping, ground radiometric survey, soil geochemistry, track etch survey, and trench sampling.

- Getty Minerals Company, Limited 1976 - Airborne radiometric survey, airborne magnetic survey, ground radiometric survey, geological mapping, trench sampling, diamond drilling.

- Getty Minerals Company, Limited 1977 - Description of optical properties and chemistry of uranium bearing minerals in two pegmatite samples.

- Bujas (1977) - B. Sc. thesis on the petrology and petrography of Lac Kachiwiss Pegmatite - financially assisted by Getty Minerals Company, Limited (in progress).

2) Pending the results of the above, continuation of diamond drilling in, areas

of interest and potential defined by the above study, with emphasis on the

1976 grour:d radiometric survey of outcrop areas, and 1976 diamond drilling

results, esrecially holes LK-76-15 and LK-76-17 located respectively west

and east of a northeast tr ::nding fault within a seemingly large body of

pegmatite. 4


The search for large-tonnage, low gracie, Rossing-type pegrnatitic uranium ore deposits has been underway by Getty Minerals Company, Limited since

1974. The Grenville structural province of the Canadian Shield is known for its scattered occurrences of uranium in pegmatites and the pegmatites north of Sept Iles, Quebe, became the object of an extensive explor,Lion program.

The present study was undertaken to evaluate the economic potential of the

Lac Kachiwiss property, near Sept Iles, Quebec, as a high-tonnage, low- grade uranium deposit. 5


The Lac Kachiwiss property is located in Latellier Township, 13 miles north-

east of the town of Sept Iles, Quebec (Figures 1 and 2).

Sept lies is a modern town of approximately 40, 000 people and lies 470 miles

northeast of Montreal, at the end of Provincial Highway 138E. The town is

the major shipping centre for iron ore from the Iron Ore Company of Canada,

Limited's mining operations in Wabush and Scheffeville. Air Canada and

• Quebec Air offer daily flights from Montreal and Quebec City.

The property is most easily reached by helicopter from Sept Iles airport

where various machines are available for charter. Lac Kachiwiss, just north

of the property, (Figure 3) provides access by means of small, float planes.

The western and central parts of the property are also accessible by a 10 mile

long private gravel road. This road begins 12 miles east of Sept Iles at Highway

138E and comes to within 3 miles of the southern boundary of the property.

The property lies near the southeastern boundary of the Grenville Province

of the Canadian Shield, and sh )ws the characteristic rugged topography. The

maximum relief is approximately 500 feet with an average relief of 100 to 150

feet. The physiography is that of an undulating peneplain cut by rivers which

now give steep profiles. FROGI9HER F! h oDAY


,JAMES sn~•


CHKAUnhtI r'

i I‘•-• MaLES ~ BOO O 100 200 PUEeEC ~ i jftt1 0BIORA4O4 Getty Mines , Limited i t SUDBURY M(Jtr1TREAL LOCATION *MAP °h r OT TAW Ar+! O Drawn: G.E.J.. iDale: Aug./75 'US.: 22 /8 Drawings File: FIGURE -- Sourcei MAP M C.R. 53 Ml MS ION Mil 11111111 OM INN • MIMI 1IS 1111111 ".AC KACHIWISS PROJECT _._,. ,•-•~, .,., 0 t~ ..- GEOLOGY ,_--/.^,.

Property . ~ ---- Boundary .' / ,,0 ._..

e' ~•`q~ / ~~.. % ' .t . •; a ~ ~ ~ , ... .. 2 .... Mlles - \ •, ~ ~y; ' j i.~ 1' . ' \ /'f, d~t;,~✓Z ' d j 8 ~ ~ \( / ,., 3. ~~ 1 ' / .•,; i ; ~'~ ~ r ':',„5-/:-...\:\,,/,, I %s ~: ~`2`~., ~.?.' j,l• . ; s •., r ~ 1; ,; ~ ~.; -,.. ; ''' ~, 2 ,~8 i Vil( }~2 , ' • ~ x ,.~ \.'}Z , ~ ! / t••' a ` f ,,_, ; ; s ;~ \.-. i';t, .~ / %8.~,• ° ~y. .f! ~~ ~;'•, I : ~ 6. ';;''' ~1~%" I ~ j 1 , ~,. w! 2 .'4r',: ~ ~, .i~ 4 4 2 . 2 ~S~ ~, \ga...... ' ~ ' 2 ' ' 2-{~ .-.~: 1~y , II / r ~' \ • •\....,, \ ;•-•'' •'l ~ ~.•~ ~ \\ 8•~ ,\ Q ÿ.~ti 8 1 ;' S /' / ~ \ . \ ' . ,,fl ; 2 1 / `\~. \ V\••••••;•• / \n c. °1 1 . \/ ,/'',. \\.\,:'...:\:,~.~•• ~ .2 •+ 4... y,••2 J ~ \Ç ‘)‘1 I / ~/ .~ ... \ \\.2\ ~ ,•~.~ :'....::,..::. r Y \ I"~: .Z.•É... •~ ' ,,~,~ \: // . li~ • / \ i ,...: :, '~. ;E01_OGY r% , S~,i'1. 2 f \?\\ 2 . • / ~ .' l 2 •? ,~ •..~1 \ .:.r'f'' ~%8 \ \ ~ f ~ ' 3 S \, ~~ ...~ i .,.~....-'~~ 2 r% J4 3-....,/,„ \ ~ ô ; •~. ' \ `'~~i • • .'•~ ;~~i`.. i \ , ' Blotite p .gmatite. opllte (t~' c:.::arous) \..•••' ~... ;i ' 7.~r) ,, I \ `,.. - '1/ f .`.1 1`.;2~ ' '~8; porphyry \ .,, 1', ~ ti,,\~~,t i/ Quartz -v-;,..zon?te \~ ;16.‘),.0 / \ ~ 1 "~~ Pyroxenite -omphibosite ~'"i / ` G~`~ r• I ~/ ~ 3 J Gabbro

Mofic gneiss i 2 i 0 2400 • L__11 Fetsic gneiss Figure 2 Feet .1114111


The topography reflets the geology, areas of little relief currospond to gneisses while area of rugged topography correspond to intrusive rocks.

Valleys generally trend. north and north-northwest, a prominent joint direction. 9 -


Black spruce, balsam and fir arc the most common tress found at medium

and low elevations, birch arc common along rivers and gentle slopes of


Wildlife consists of moose and beaver. Less frequently seen are caribou

and 1 Zr.

streams and lakes offer Red and Speckled trout while the Moisie River is

.well known for itG salmon. - 10 -


The Lac Kachiwiss property is located in Leteil.ier Township and consists of

CO contiguous claims (3, 200 acres) numbered as follows:

License No. Cl. No. Ann. Date License No. Cl. No. Ann; Date

348330 1 to 5 n ~,a. 19, 20 350673 1 to 5 Apr. 11 348331 " Aug. 20, 22 350674 " Apr. 12 348332 It Aug. 22, 23 350675 " Apr. 7 348333 Aug. 24, 25 350676 " Apr. 8 350669 Apr. 17 350677 " Apr. 10 350670 " Apr. 8 350678 " Apr. 11 350671 Apr. 9 350679 " Apr. 12 350672 Apr. 10 350680 " Apr. 13

All claims are situtated south of the fifty-second (52nd) parallel and therefore, according to the Mining Act of the Province cf Q.1,-bec, assessment work totalling

$4. 00 per acre must be completed during this, the second year.

the expenditure required then totals $12, 8C0. 00 to retain all sixteen licenses until. April 7, 1978.

Table 1 is a Giimrnar J of expenditures totalling $166, 211. 1 1 incurred during the 1976 field season. The balance ($153, 411. 11) will be carried forward as

assessment credits. p

35%1671 36'067/ 350670 35066 41 -2. -1 -t

35'0667 7

'5-0675" 350474 350672 ~~...... _-- 35067o -I -! -3'~ 35 06 7/

350676 350675 35'0675- 35067* 35,6 7.2 350670 35'0669 •- ! ..2 --3 ^2 -4

350076 350.676 3504/6 3So675 350675 ..?SD3 67-¢ 350673 3So 6 70 -4 -3 -2 -5 --i- — 5-

'56676 33o a -5- 3330 348 3483 .30 3,+.g~ 34333 0 3504 350 673 337 3 3 Pi, To.Nc ~ 3so 677 34233 3483/ 4833/ 34933f 35-0474 +(..-7 -~?31 -2 3

PSa 67y -A 3-48332 3.,5'332. 350673 -z -s. -s

55o 6So 350 690 3¢8333 348 333 348333 34!3333 -2 -S'

350680 3So6so 35667? 350.;77 35067g -1. 35'0673 35&74 -3 -3 --S

356-_S 680 3S-z5677 35'6677 35-0677 35-0675 -S -4- -5- -z 112 tra 0 l/2 .... Aliles

O Gelty Mines, Limited

LPK F: i'CA CH S Vü1SS P? 0 3 E: T PRoPERl"Y MAP

LE'YELLILR "TWO. ) our...iiEC C> Drawn: G. R. Date: 1,T S.: 22..17R File. Dra win FIGURE - 3 Source: ~z





"A" Non Programmed Expenses:

Material & Supplies $ 2, 384. 76 Blue Prints, Maps 300.62 Travelling Expenses 4, 504. 77 Communications 1, 855. 34 Publications 15. 00 Miscellaneous 200. 00 $ ÿ, 260. 49

Workman's Compensation 1, 653. 17 $ 10, 913. 66

"B" Programmed Expenses:

Diamond Drilling $ 92, 817. 96 Camp Operations 4, 712. 35 Contract Geological 9, 397. 20 Contract Services, Equipment & Repairs .357. 62 As --•'g 4, 070. 29 A' _ cer 24, 445. 80 $135, 801. 62

"C" Direct Salaries:

Summer Students (2) $ 9, 850. 80 Salary Apportioned to Project 8, } 25. 89 $ 17, 976. 69 Fringes 1,519. 14 $ 19, 495. 83

$166,211. 11 - 13


Faessler (1945) described the regional geology of the Moisie River area

including Letellier Township and more recently Franconi et al (1975) ,

as part of the "Grenville Project ", mapped 85, 000 square miles of the

Grenville Structural Province at the scale 1:250, 000. This recent work gives

better insight into the geological complexity of the Grenville and increased

the comprehension of its involved tectonic history.

•The only previously recorded exploration work was carried out by Satellite

• Metal Mines Ltd. , (Baldwin,1968) who, at that time, investigated an airborne

radiometric anomaly located near the Daigle firetower. Detailed geological

mapping, a ground radiometric survey, trenching and sampling were carried

out on eight claims west of the firetower.

During the 1975 field season, Getty Minerals Company, Lir_lited conducted an

exploration program consisting of geological mapping, ground scintillometer

and magnetometer surveys and line cutting over 44 -laims in the centre of the

present property (Srivastava, 1975). The surveys indicated extensive low-

level uranium mineralization in pegmatite bodies. Mineralization was found to be

disseminated in character and lacking structural control. A positive correlation

was found to exist between magnetite concentrations and mineralized pegmatite.

~4i~Yrr~~ruer —

14 -


Field personnel involved in the exploration program during the 1976 field season are as follows:

Supervising Geologist - Mr. George Reilly Getty Mines, Limited Suite 600 10 King Street East Tor onto, Ontario

Senior Geologist - Mr. Robert Bujas 5th St. Louth R. R. #3 St. Catharires, Ontario

Contract Geologist - Mr. Robert Everett 66 Nichols Road Kentville, Nova Scotia

Assistant Geologists Mr. Ian Perry 63 Maplewood Road Mississauga, Ontario - and - Mr. Eric Sacks 68 C-wewood Street Willowdale, Ontario

Diamond Drilling Crews - Mr. Ernest Crites c/o Morissette Diamond Drilling Ltd. P. O. Box 789 Haileybury, Ontario

Also of the same address - Mr. Glory Crites Mr. Jim Crites Mr. Joe Crites

AIMINIA111.1.1111MMIIIMON. ,M11,1•11.1111•...... _.,

- 15 -

Diamond Drilling Crews - (Cont°d) M. M. Draper (Morissette Diamond Drilling Ltd. ) Mr. R. Kosy Mr. P. LaLonde Mr. J. Sullivan Mr. Mar iel Savaie Mr. Wilfred Caron Mr. Gratan Laplonte Mr. Lucien Caron Mr. Normond Laplon:.e Mr. Denis Guerin Mr. Daniel Quenel Mr. Andre Hebert d



Ti.e Lac Kachiwibs property lies within the Grenville Structural Province

of the Canadian Shield.

The northeasttrending Grenville Structural Province, which extends into the

Adirondack region of the United States, is bounded to the northwest by the

Southern, Superior and Nain Provinces through faults or sharp metamorphic

fronts referred to as the 'Grenville Front' and to the southeast by the St. Lawrence

Platform and the Appalachian region

The province shows signs of being involN ed in the Kenoran, Hudsonian and

Elsonian orogenies, all of which were redeformed, to some extent, 'wring 'ze

Grenvillian, the youngest (950-975 mg) and most complex orogeny in the

Canadian Shield.

Post Grenvillian rocks include basic *o acidic intrusive lithologies (See

Table 2).


Isoclinally folded othogne'ss, paragneiss, and hornblende hornfels intruded

by pods of mafic to ultramafic igneous rocks, and sheets, dikes and stocks of

felsic intrusive rocks underlie the property and the regions surrounding it (see

Table 2). The gneissic belts trend NNE to NE and are proterozoic age. 17,



CENOZOIC Pleistocene Glacial drift, boulders, sand, silt

Great Unconformity

PRECAMBRIAN .Proterozoic Neohe1ikian Grenvillian Post Moisie Intrus ives: Lamprophyre dikes Pegmatite and aplite Hornblende Quartz-Monzonite Biotite Quartz-Monzonite

Intrusive Contact

Moisie Group: Pyroxenite/or Hornblendite (amphibolite) Gabbro

Intrusive Contact

Grenville Type Gneisses:

Quartzo-feldspathic gneiss Quartz biotite schist and gneiss impure Quartzite Amphibolite Hornblende Hornfels Migmatite and granite gneiss r 18 w Mafic and felsic intrusive rocks are Hadrynian age or perhaps coeval with t the Grenvillian progeny. Bedrock is extensively covered by glacial till. 1 Grenville Type Gneisses

Grenville type gneisses, similar to those of the Type Area, north and north- west of Montreal occur along the north:rn and sou'chern boundaries of the e property (Map unit 1). These rocks consist of fine grained light coloured

quartzo-feldspathic gneiss, quartz-biotite schist, with minor migmatite,

granite gneiss and impure quartzite. These rocks vary in colour from buff

white to medium grey and show well developed banding and foliation.

I In the central and western parts of the property, massive to strongly foliated, extensively recrystallized dark grey medium to coarse grained biotite quartz- I feldspar gneiss and massive, granoblastic textured, medium to dark grey

coloured, medium to coarse grained hornblende-hornfels, and hornblende-

feldspar gneiss and medium to coarse grained, dark grey-green amphibolite

are abundant. These rocks occur near or between late f.isic intrusives

(Map unit 2).

Sheets, dykes and stocks of felsic rocks intrude all previously described rocks

and the following two tpyes occur on the property.

Felsic Intrusives

Porphyritic quartz-monzonite (M71-t.) unit 5) with bictite and hornblende occurs in

the southern region of the firetowcr grid. It weathers white and EL. s a liE•'at 19

pink colour on fresh surface. Potash feldspar phenocrysts are euhedral and range in size between 4" and 1-',i". The unit is ma: sive except near

ecntacts where it shows well developed foliation. Its contacts with the gneiss

is migmatitic.

Late Fels is Intrus ive s

Biotite pegmatite, (Map unit 6), the rock of economic importance and aplite are the last felsic intrusive phases in the region.

The pegmatite is variable in texture and composition. The pinlish coloured rock that weathers white, varies in grain size from medium to coarse to pegmatitic

(crystals up to 10 inches long).

Mineralogically, it consists of orthoclase, r:iicrocline, pe: thite, and alhite

in varing proportions with interstitial quartz, biotite, disseminc. ed magnetite

and radioactive minerais. Th^ pegmatites in the eastern, central arid western

part of the pl.•operty are similar. However the central body contains a higher

concentration of magnetite and large inclusic«s of fine to medium grained quartz

biotite gneiss.

A few dikes and stringers of lamprophyre, which intrude the felsic intrusive

rocks, a_e the youngest consolidatd rocks in the area and mark the end of

the felsic iris:rusive phase. See Figure 3 for the geology ^` the Lac Kachiwiss

property. 20

Structurel Geology

The lithologic banding and foliation in the gneissic belt trend northeast and dip steeply to the north or south, except along the western margin of the property where the foliation trend changes abruptly over small distances.

Three prominent sets of joints are well developed in massive rocks. Two of these joint sets striking NW and NE are steeply dipping, while the third is horizontal.

A major vertical fault trending N 35 W is interpreted on the basis of magnetometer and geological surveys, Displacement along the fault is not known.

The pegmatite sheets in the vicinity of and east of the firetower trend NNW and dip 10o to 50° NE, w'.iereas west of the firetower on the Diamond Drill Grid, the pegmatite sheet trends NW and dips approximately 50° to the southwest.

The overall structure of the central pegmatite body appears to be that of a steeply dipping "funnel" shaped plug. Some of the steeply dipping dykes may have acted as "feeders".

The eastern and western pegmatite sheets may have been emplaced by outward upweiling of the granitic magma from the central region into the country rocks. 21


A ground spectrometer survey was carried out over the Lac Kachiwiss property on cut one chained baselines and cross lines of 3 grids. The survey was run on north-south 200-foot spaced lines for the two fi.retower grids with stations every 50 feet. On the Diamond Drill Grid, the survey was run on northeast- southwest 100-foot spaced lines with stations every 20 feet.

Approximately 10 line miles of radiometric data were collected using an

Exploraniurn Model D1S 400A differential gamma-ray spectrometer and a nine cubic inch crystal . Readings on total count, uranium, thorium and potassium channels were recorded while total count and uranium data were plotted on base maps.

Due to the presence of considerable overburden on the survey area, stations on outcrop were separated from those on overburden (see Summary of Statistics) resulting in the compilation of two separate sets of contoured rc'liometric maps.

(Figures 5 through 8 )•

The data shows a great deal of variation, however several anomalous areas were outlined . The overburden data gave off scale readings on the total count channel while up to 14, 300 cpm were recorded in the uranium channel. - 22 -

The outcrop data also returned off scale readings on the total count channel with readings up to 29, 000 cpm in the uranium channel.



Mean Standard Deviation

Total Count 21, 858 cpm 41, 532 cpm ©verburd,;n Uranium 636 cpm 1, 302 cpm

Total Count 55, 536 cpm 138, 294 cpm Bedrock Uranium 1, 847 cpm 5, 039 cpm


On the strength of encouraging bedrock samples, trench samples and a successful radiometric survey, 19 diamond drill holes were completed during the field season. All but one hole was restricted to the Diamond Drill. Grid. Hole

LK-76-18 is located on the western firetower grid on line 6W at 400' south.

In general, holes were shallow, 100-400', and .11 but LK-76-14 and LK-76-15 were ver`:-,cal, these being inclined at -500. Figure 9 shows a cross section of

all drill hole information. F.gure 4 shows the locatio ► of drill holes in plan • 23

and Appendix 'A' contains the drill logs of the Lac Kachiwiss property.

Drill core were examined with a gamma-ray spectrometer and consequently split and submitted in five foot sections for chemical analyses. Values up to

2.6 lbs. /ton U3O8 were encountered over small intersections. In general, pegmatitic granite and aplite averaged less than 0. 3 lbs. /ton U3O8.


Results of the 1976 exploration program on the Lac Kachiwiss property indicate several sizable bodies of pegmatite and aplite the economically interesting rock unit in the area.

The radiometric survey indicates several anomalous zones in all three grids with respect to data collect - cl in overburden and bedrock.

Diamond drilling to date indicates pegmatite with disseminated uranium mineralization, associated with mafics, usually magnetite, up to 2. 6 lbs. /ton

U308. Overall, pegmatitic granite and aplite average less than 0. 3 lbs. /ton



In order to more fully access the economic potential of the Lac Kachiwiss

property as a Rossing-type, low grade, high tonnage uranium ore deposit,

the following is recommended: 0 _ 24 -

1) A comprehensive compilati an and evaluation of all available geological

. and related data gathered to date on the immediate and surrounding area..

Data available consists of the following:

- Peassler (1945) Geological mapping.

- Satellite Metal Mines, Ltd. 1963 Airborne radiometric survey, ground radiometric survey, geological mapping and trench sampling.

- Cannex Placer (1974) - Ground radiometric sruvey, and trench sampling.

- Getty Minerals Company, Limited 1975 - Geological mapping, ground radiometric survey, soil geochemistry, track etch survey, and trench sampling.

- Getty Minerals Company, Limited 1976 - Airborne radiometric survey, airborne magnetic survey, ground radiometric survey, geological mapping, trench sampling, diamond drilling.

- Getty Minerals Company, Limited 1977 - Description of optical properties and chemistry of uranium bearing minerals in two pegmatite samples.

- Bujas (1977) - B. Sc. thesis on the petrology and petrography of Lac. Kachiwiss Pegmatite financially assisted by Getty Minerals Company, Limited (in. progress).

2) Pending the results of the above, continuation of diamond drilling in areas

of interest and potential defined by the above study, with emphasis on. the

1976 ground radiometric survey of outcrop areas, and 1976 diamond drilling

results, especially holes LK-76-15 and LK-76-17 located respectively west

and east of a northeast trending fault within a seemingly large body of

pegmatite. REFERENCES

Baldwin, A. B. , (1968): Geologists Report, Satellite Metal Mines Ltd., Sept Iles, Quebec. Unpublished report (on file at the Ministère des Richesses Naturelles, Quebec).

Faessler, C. (1945) : Region '.e Moisie, Quebec Ministère des Mines Rapport Geologique 21, 16 pp., plus Map No, 600.

Srivastava, P. (1975): Geologists Report, Detailed Geological, Magnetic and Radiometric Surveys, Getty Minerals Company, Limited. Unpublished report (on file at the Ministère des 1 Richesses Naturelles, Quebec). 1 ' Franconi, A. , Sharma, K. N. M, Laurin, A. F. , (1975) • Région des Riviercs Betsiamites et Moisie, Ministere des Richesses Nacurc'les Rapport Geologique - 162 149 pp. Map No. 1779 t r s

t 1 e