GM 33074 DIAMOND DRILL LOGS OF LAC KACHIWISS PROPERTY APPENDIX 'A' DIAMOND DRILL LOGS OF LAC KACHIWISS PROPERTY Mir.istre des Riche'3ses NatureNes, Québec SEPAPCE DE LA DOCUMENTATION TECHNIQUE 24 NOV 1977 Date: No GM: 33074 •===•••11.14SCM•11•111=11. Page 1 ami Nas am mu ISM WM I® ~ aim Mal 11110EPPII APRs, INAITRIn oe Num er ~LK-76-1 ~'ffs/7G DRILL HOLE LOG Dip Tests Property....L,ac. Kachiwiss.F'ro1eçt. 671,1 Bx ;T une 23, 1976 Core Size Starting Date ..... ..... ..... .. Angle Lac Kachiwiss 415. 0' 4, 1976 Depth Location Elev. Collar ... OOOOOOOOOOO Completion Date June 2 Read Actual Bearing -900 Collar Grid DDG Dip Date Logged S .:pt. 2, 1976 795 N 115. 0' Eric Sacks Latitude Length L obged by.. ... ..... ..... ........ Departure 2+07 W Horiz. Trace N. A. Vert. Trace 115.0' SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY FROM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER FR IDM LOTH. t =ang Cu e 19,0' Bi-Hb-Fsp Gneiss (2b); Fsp 50°jo(white Naplag); Hb 25 .102, LK-1601 0. 0 4. 0 <0. 5 fine grained massive); Bi 15-20% (vaguely foliated in tight LK-1602 4. 0 5. 0 0. 5 books): trace Py (disseminated); trace CPy (disseminated) LK-1603 5. 0 1.0 trace to 1% Qtz; trace chlorite alteration giving greenish LK-1604 14. 0 19.0 5. 0 hue to Hb and Bi; trace phlogopite; some small sections LK-1605 19. 0 24. 0 5.0 1. 0 more mafic with up to 50% Bi, 20-30% Hb over one to two inches. - massive Qtz vein 7. 9-8. 4' li1(ke4 . 0 9. 0 5. 0 1.5 - 8. 4'; foliation 20° to core axis LK-1625 9. 0 19. 0 10. 0 1. 0 8. 8'; foliation 15° to core axis and very distinct gneissocity parallel to it - 11. 1'; gneissocity 50° - 13. 7'; fspar to 80% over 2'; gneissocity 50° 19. 0'; gneissocity 40° and distinct 1Q.0'~ 2n. 3` Bi-HbFso Gneiss (2b); Zone of intense iterations associated with negrnatite vein; Hb shows green chlorite alteration, `.sp. F wined pink by hematite with hematite coating -- can Bi flakes, mineral proportions as above. k!,;;•=,tprA dPt: .Rich? ~Ps Na+iirp tlPS, Quahee ,-__SEB.:rC,4Cr_ DE L,A 20. 3' x>i-Hb r sp Gneiss (21.)) unaltered as abo',•e 0-19.0' DOCUMENT/I.-ION TECHNIQUE 2A NOV ,g77 ?L n' Very vre7- k1;,r fplia ted Otz-Bi-F sp schists; Fsp (white Na Date: . ti80-905, Otz'a' 5r4,, Bi (weakly alig'?£'.C',) v 5°jû No î,1,11 3074 T ~-.- h -['so Gneiss (2b)1: trace hrrnatit, with :,b 35-40%; Di 10 -15%; l'sp^'50 ',. tr, ac:• i>v. nhi<,v,n?>iic. Pfxd•illOt~ MI EMI IMO 1®J MI ® ® SW MI E - OM MUM MEN NMI NEI ME GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number LK-76-1 DRILL HOLE LOG • SAMPLE _ FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY _' OM TO • DESCRIPTION .. NUMBER FROM TO LGTH uR1:6q 24.7' 24,8' Contact 26 (above) with narrow section (0. 1') massive Bi-Fsp 1_,K-gibZ 24,0 29.0 5.0 1.0 vein; fspr,-90%,, Bi<5%, Qtz 5%; fine grained almost no structure - contact 450 to core axis; lower contact obscure ,'_4. ;' 29. 3' Ri-H1)-Fsp Gneiss (2B): as above 21.0'-24.7' ' u'oner contact obscure J • ," ? . 3' 31. 1' Weathering zone in Bi-lib-Fsp Gneiss (2b); fsp deeply LK-1607 29.0 34.0 S.C. 1. 0 lucl , pink stained by hematite; I~b alteration almost completely L{-1Eî'27 29.0 39.0 10.0 1.5' to chlorite; fracture surface acting as central to this zone shows chlorite coating with vuggv calcite - gradation by 31.1' back into unaltered 2b. L 31. 1' }3i-Hh-Fsp Gneiss (2h); increased rr,afic content over this. LK-gb8 34. 0' 39.0' 5. 0' 0. 5 i e t n; Fsp (40%%) white Na fsp: ;jb-•,4O%; T3î^'20%: trace Pv, phl000pite; minor hematization is splotchy and stains while fsp pink; lower contact 40°. 3S, 2' I 38.4' Vein coar ,,e Pegmatite (6a); Fsp (white) ^' 60%; Qtz (smokey) i 30%; Bi <10% - upper contact 40° is sharp and parallels gneissocity in overlying 2b unit. L ' 38. 4' 38. 9' Bi-fsp schist with gneissic banding of Bi and fsp; fsp (white)r,, 50-60%; Big-,40-50%0; foliation and gneissocity 4(.. °; lower contact obscured by splitting of core 3R. o' 3'9.4' Ctz rich nngmatite vein (6a); Qtz^-80% (smokev); Fsp 15-20%, Bi < 5cî.; unner contact obscured by split of core. Lore i î Q `t 4n ,l ' B -T.-.t r very wea,ly foliated schist: FSpar R _o0 (white T ;-1 E)09 .0 7L ! 1uctze 32 0 44 5 eranular'i: Bi^'5-10%%; trace to 1% Qtz; trace phlonopite lK -jr 3q.0 4-9 .0 LO.O 3R mertimmasessegamerr earealw , >d:. ~:""4. In =I ME ® age NIVIN 11120 INN OXII EMS ® NE Aril 111181 111111 ® INN NM page GE TTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number DRILL POLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE GORE ASSAY r FROM TO DESCR IPTION NUMBER FROM TO LCTH e3n8 40 1' 40_ Q' Ri-Hh-Fspar Gneiss (2b): Zspar'white. (Na Le, al dominant)^1 54% ~. ___- I-Hbti^305,: 13i"45-20%; trace Utz, Py, phlogopite; hematite I especially near lower contact gneissocity 45° to 50° 1 lower contact sharp truncating foliation - contact 450 -50 0 i ' GO_ O' aÿ_ ]' PP(TZIatit(' a id Aplifo (Fah) -,-90%n gnrtjnn is &.plite - fG ar 41% (pink K-fspar)• 30% Na fspar (white t reenish with _ Ab twin striae); 15-20% Qtz (clear to smokey); Mt trace >1ocally 5To (grains to 1 cm diameter); limonite stain despersed ans as halos around Mt grains; splotchy hematite stain on ::spar; Biel-5% (locally altered to greenish ---.— product) ~T - intense weathering along chlorite and calcite lined fractures _ with intense hematization decreasing away from fracture Gore ---.- 43. 1' 45. 6' 1 cm wide gradational aplitic contact to Qtz-Bi-Fspar weakly LK-1610 44.0 49 0 • 0 q, _5 foliated schists; Fspar (white Na plag)n,G0%, Biti30%, trace to 1% Qtz; trace Hb, CPy, Py, granular Ct (Almandine) - weakly foliated basically granular texture with grains K mm - foliated 40°; lower contact truncates foliation at varying - angles. .5. 6 4 i", b Anlite L6 b); Fspar (pink 'k-fspar)--,J70%; Na fspar (white) .5%; Qtz c,. 10-15% (locally 10%); trace -->1% Mt - lower contact \--.25°; upper contact variable I 47,6' 43, 3' Bi- 'sn ar weakly foliated schist with w akce iss)ci:y• i 7 • F ,:,ar (white Na fsi ar).' 70-80%• li."'15-20-70; '..r;: ce Qiartz i f•-)17' t n`', ar, o'nels ;f) '1.4 .. r °• up.per rnntarL400° in opposite 1 .dlrcitLon (ulp upwaros in core)i i r I I® Ems ® man us ®osE sat Ism tan Ems mmos VIM mum Eimm saw so mum x.)agc 4 GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole: Number LF{.•76•-1 DRILL HOLE LOG - SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ASSAY _ F OM TO DESCRIPTION NUMBER ._FR OM T_ O LG THE CJ3 Q 8 4S. 3' 49. 3' Aplite (6b) - foliated Bi within Fsnar (white, possibly Na plag but no Ab twinning) ^-' 70%; K-fspar (pink)ti15%; Qtz-1-5%o (locally to 10%) (smoky to clear) ; trace to 1% Mt (granular disseminated); Bi < 5%; trace splotchy hematite - upper contact 30%, lower contact 400; foliated parallel contacts • ` --ern-c--- 4Q, 3' 52. 5' Bi-Fsnar weakly foliated schist (zoned ie. Otz at core, LK-16E11 4, 0 5. 0 8.5 SiucÏ e 49, 0 pegmatite vein 1" wide at 50.0' -50. 1'); fspar (white Na j,j{-169 49, 0 56.0 ï. 0 7.1 fsnar".80-90°x• 3i 10-15%, trace Quartz - unper contact 400, gradational lower contact 52. 5' 53. 2' B'.-lib-Fspar Gneiss (2b); fspar 40% (Na fspar 30% - white, K-fsnar 10% pink' 10%); lib '^' 30%, Bi ,N-i10%, trac.. Qtz, Py , some white fspa.r herrmatized to pinkish hue - upper contact parailes 300 gneissocity ~~ ti Coif 53. 2' 55. 2' 13 7r atite (6b): Na fspar (white) 10%; K-fspar (white) 60%; LK-1612 54. 0 59. 0 5. 0 21 __Qtz-u 5-10% (smoky locallvl; hi-v5%; trace Mt; green stain prevalent ) r .. Sludge i 55. 2' 59. 2' Pegmatite with 20:70 Aplite; pink K-fspa.r dominated by LK-16330 56. 65. 0 '». 0 ' 52 ! graphic texture; k-f spar 75-80%; Qtzr,, 10%, Bi<5% (1ccally to 10%) trace Mt; trace limonite _ Cole 1 59, 2' 75%; i- 60. 2' Aplite Green stained; up to 2% Mt: fspar type? ILK-1613 59. 0 64. 0 5 0 150 .r Qtz--- 2C%; Bi < 5%; trace li:.Azonite 1 1- 1 6 n, 2' 61. ~' 55. 7' to 5Q, 2' I 4 ! 61. ;•+ 64, 5' Pe7matit,, (I) lia fsp7r (•white) "30-405, K -fcpar (pit-11,- ,1, s ' 1 Qtz 15-20% (locally to 30% and smoky); Bi C 5%; trace to 1% 1 Mt (grains to cm); locally obvious green stain. Î w w w!1 w faw wsgal w Ogg gig w MEE w MS NEB Inga w MIMI MIN `""b GETTY MINES, LIMITED Hole Number ! LK-76-1 DRILL HOLE LOG SAMPLE FOOTAGE CORE ~ t ASSAY FÏ:O~f TO DESCRIPTION VEER FROM TO LGTH. U3•)8 é; . 5 ' 74.4' Gran hic pink pejmatite (6a); K-f spar`80%; Qtz (locally smoky) LK-1614 64.0 69.0 5.0 9.
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