No. 3/2016 The Governors of Ottoman Bilād al-Shām. The Reconstruction of Individual Biographies by Looking at Groups of Governors Sharing Some Common Features. Bayt al-ʿAẓm as an Example Thomas Philipp No. 3, April 2016 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial- NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA. Occasional Papers in Ottoman Biographies is published by OPUS, Otto-Friedrich- Universität Bamberg. ISSN: 2194-9395 Edited by: Christoph Herzog, University of Bamberg Editorial Board: Nilüfer Hatemi, Princeton University Raoul Motika, Orient-Institut Istanbul Oktay Özel, Bilkent University Akşin Somel, Sabancı University Occasional Papers in Ottoman Biographies is a scholarly, open-access series publishing articles of varying length on biographical and prosopographical research on personalities whose lives were closely connected with the Ottoman cultural or political space. Weblink for this document: Weblink for Occasional Papers in Ottoman Biographies: Mail: Chair of Turkish Studies, Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg, An der Universität 11, 96047 Bamberg Email:
[email protected] The Governors of Ottoman Bilād al-Shām. The Reconstruction of Individual Biographies by Looking at Groups of Governors Sharing Some Common Features. Bayt al-ʿAẓm as an Example1 Thomas Philipp Over the last twenty years or so we have seen an enormous development of scholarly studies of Bilād al-Shām under Ottoman rule.