
Zynx Health - Version : 2.0.1


[G] Absence of pulmonary

[I] Pulmonary infection assessment [D] , , , increased production, chest discomfort/pain,

[I] Assess adherence to pharmacologic therapy

[I] Education, [D] Complete the entire prescription of antibiotics, even if feeling better [D] If reaction to an , call prescriber immediately

[I] Education, symptom management [D] Take exactly as directed [D] Get plenty of rest; fatigue may last several weeks after pneumonia [D] Drink plenty of fluids and use cool-mist humidifier to loosen and thin respiratory secretion [D] Use warm compress or heat pad on low setting to relieve chest discomfort/pain [D] Do not smoke and avoid smoke exposure [D] Contact provider promptly if condition is deteriorating or not improving as expected

[I] Education, deep- and coughing exercises [D] Continue deep breathing exercises for 6 to 8 weeks during the convalescent period [D] May use a pillow to splint the chest wall while coughing

[I] Eduction, effective cough technique [D] Directed cough [D] Forced technique

[I] Education, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette [P] [W] [D] Cover the nose and mouth with disposable, single-use tissues when coughing, sneezing, wiping, and blowing nose; dispose of used tissues properly [D] If no tissues are available, cough or into the inner elbow rather than the hand [D] Wear a mask if coughing frequently [D] Keep contaminated hands away from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose [D] Practice hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions and contaminated objects or materials

[I] Education, postdischarge follow-up [D] Blood tests, [P]

[G] Absence of pulmonary infection

[I] Pulmonary infection signs and symptoms assessment [D] Shortness of breath, fever, dry cough, chest discomfort/pain, fatigue

[I] Assess adherence to pharmacologic therapy

[I] Education, antiviral therapy [D] Use to reduce viral shedding [D] Longer treatment duration might be necessary for immunosuppressed persons

[I] Education, symptom management [D] Take medication exactly as directed [D] Get plenty of rest; fatigue may last several weeks after pneumonia [D] Drink plenty of fluids [D] Use warm compress or heat pad on low setting to relieve chest discomfort/pain [D] Do not smoke and avoid smoke exposure [D] Contact provider promptly if condition is deteriorating or not improving as expected

[I] Education, deep-breathing exercises [D] Continue deep breathing exercises for 6 to 8 weeks during the convalescent period [D] May use a pillow to splint the chest wall while coughing

[I] Education, respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette [P] [W] [D] Cover the nose and mouth with disposable, single-use tissues when coughing, sneezing, wiping, and blowing nose; dispose of used tissues properly [D] If no tissues are available, cough or sneeze into the inner elbow rather than the hand [D] Wear a mask if coughing frequently [D] Keep contaminated hands away from the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose [D] Practice hand hygiene after contact with respiratory secretions and contaminated objects or materials

[I] Education, postdischarge follow-up [D] Blood tests, chest radiograph [P] Pleurisy

[G] Absence of pleurisy signs and symptoms

[I] Pleurisy signs and symptoms assessment [D] Shortness of breath, fever, cough, pleuritic aggravated by breathing

[I] Education, symptom management [D] External splinting of the chest wall [D] Pain medication

[I] Education, pleurisy prevention [D] Treatment of the underlying disease, including heart, , liver, kidney, or [D] Seek early treatment for respiratory infection [D] Avoid inhaling chemical or toxic substances, including cleaning agents

[I] Communicate to prescribing provider [D] For suspected [P] Alcohol Use

[G] Alcohol-use cessation or moderation

[I] Alcohol use assessment [Z]

[I] Education, alcohol-use moderation [Z] [D] Limit alcohol consumption to less than or equal to 1 drink daily for nonpregnant women [D] Limit alcohol consumption to less than or equal to 2 drinks daily for men

[I] Communicate to prescribing provider [D] If heavy drinking; Men: > 5 drinks/day or > 15 drinks/week; Women: > 4 drinks/day or > 8 drinks/week

[I] Behavioral therapy [Z] [P]

[G] Absence of pulmonary infection

[I] Respiratory compromise signs and symptoms assessment

[I] Education, low-risk feeding strategies [P] [D] Appropriate diet consistency [D] Eat from a seated position [D] Reduce distraction during meals [D] Slow feeding rate with small amounts of food per bite

[I] Education, airway protection strategies

[I] Education, oral hygiene care [P] [P]

[I] Communicate to prescribing provider [D] For suspected

[I] Swallowing therapy [P] [D] Compensatory strategies [D] Direct swallowing exercises, including deliberate swallowing, supraglottic swallowing technique [D] Indirect swallowing exercises, including head-raising exercises, range-of-motion exercises of the [D] Postural advice

[I] Nutritional assessment and nutrition plan

[G] Absence of aspiration

[I] Respiratory compromise signs and symptoms assessment

[I] Education, low-risk feeding strategies [P] [D] Appropriate diet consistency [D] Eat from a seated position [D] Reduce distraction during meals [D] Slow feeding rate with small amounts of food per bite

[I] Education, airway protection strategies

[I] Education, oral hygiene care [P] [P]

[I] Communicate to prescribing provider [D] For suspected aspiration pneumonia

[I] Swallowing therapy [P] [D] Compensatory strategies [D] Direct swallowing exercises, including deliberate swallowing, supraglottic swallowing technique [D] Indirect swallowing exercises, including head-raising exercises, range-of-motion exercises of the neck [D] Postural advice

[I] Nutritional assessment and nutrition plan

[G] Knowledge of aspiration prevention techniques

[I] Education, low-risk feeding strategies [P] [D] Appropriate diet consistency [D] Eat from a seated position [D] Reduce distraction during meals [D] Slow feeding rate with small amounts of food per bite

[I] Education, airway protection strategies

[I] Education, oral hygiene care [P] [P] [P] Infection Risk

[G] Absence of infection

[I] Infection risk assessment [P] [P] [D] , alcohol abuse, malnutrition, chronic illness, previous infection, poor dental hygiene, immunosuppressive therapy, functional impairment, environmental exposure, regular contact with children

[I] Infection signs and symptoms assessment

[I] Review immunization records

[I] Education, immunizations [P]

[I] Education, infection prevention - general [D] Wash hands with soap and water before food preparation, after touching pets, after restroom use, after cough/sneeze, after touching infected skin or an item that has directly contacted a draining wound [D] Disinfect home environment, particularly if a family member has been sick [D] Keep vaccinations up-to-date, especially when having regular contact with children or sick people [D] Avoid locations with inadequate air filtration during cold and flu season

[I] Education, infection prevention - travel precautions [D] Need for pretravel vaccines [D] Prophylaxis against specific [D] Airborne, waterborne, and zoonotic infection prevention

[I] Education, avoid airway irritant exposure [D] Stop smoking or avoid environmental smoke exposure [D] Use appropriate protective devices in case of occupational exposure

[G] Knowledge of infection prevention and control measures

[I] Education, immunizations [P]

[I] Education, infection prevention - general [D] Wash hands with soap and water before food preparation, after touching pets, after restroom use, after cough/sneeze, after touching infected skin or an item that has directly contacted a draining wound [D] Disinfect home environment, particularly if a family member has been sick [D] Keep vaccinations up-to-date, especially when having regular contact with children or sick people [D] Avoid locations with inadequate air filtration during cold and flu season

[I] Education, infection prevention - travel precautions [D] Need for pretravel vaccines [D] Prophylaxis against specific infections [D] Airborne, waterborne, and zoonotic infection prevention

[I] Education, avoid airway irritant exposure [D] Stop smoking or avoid environmental smoke exposure [D] Use appropriate protective devices in case of occupational exposure [P] Malnutrition

[G] BMI within specified parameters

[I] Body weight monitoring

[I] Malnutrition screening [D] Measure body weight, calculate BMI and percentage unintentional

[I] Nutritional assessment [D] Assess caloric counts [D] Review diet history, levels of serum protein, electrolytes, and blood count [D] Nutritional intake (eg, daily food intake, eating habits, access to healthful and nutrient-dense foods, financial and economic issues, appetite and changes in eating patterns, dental health, supplement use) [D] Assess factors contributing to poor oral intake (eg, poor dental health, smoking, swallowing problems, taste/smell disorders, GI motility issues)

[I] Nutrition counseling and support [P] [P] [D] Include nutritional supplementation

[I] Coordinate with social services [D] For issues related to food access and financial status

[I] Coordinate with speech language pathologist [D] For issues related to swallowing [P] Oral Health Issues

[G] Improved dental/oral health status

[I] Assess intraoral and dental issues

[I] Education, oral preventive care to reduce caries and gingival disease [P] [P] [D] Regular visits to dental professionals for routine examination and cleaning [D] Tooth brushing after each meal [D] Use properly fitted dentures and remove and clean dentures at night [D] Oral hygiene performed by an assistant once a week in frail elderly [D] Early interventions for intraoral changes or dental complications [D] [D] Avoid sugar-containing gum and soft drinks

[I] Education, xerostomia management [D] Use alcohol-free oral rinses or saliva substitutes [D] Consume low-sucrose diet [D] Avoid caffeine [D] Avoid spicy and highly acidic foods [D] Smoking cessation [D] Keep oral cavity moist by drinking plenty of fluids

[I] Communicate with dentist/periodontist on follow-up recommendations [P] Physical Functioning - Impaired

[G] Able to achieve maximum level of physical functioning

[I] Functional status assessment [D] Mobility and self-care ability using a standardized tool (eg, FIM at a minimum) [D] Assess level of assistance required for mobility (eg, bed mobility, transfers, sitting, walking)

[I] Education, energy conservation [D] Activity to tolerance level [D] Allow for rest periods [D] Avoid straining [D] Pace activities [D] Place items within reach [D] Schedule activities for periods with greater energy [D] Use assistive devices

[I] Education, functional status promotion [P] [D] Maintain independence in daily activities [D] Maintain routine exercise program [D] Perform regular daily routine [D] Stay out of bed as able

[I] Physical therapy evaluation and treatment [P] [D] Exercise capacity assessment [D] Range-of-motion exercises [D] Aerobic training [D] Upper-limb and lower-limb strength training [D] Flexibility and stretches

[I] Self-care exercises [P]

[I] Communicate to durable medical equipment services [D] For issues related to walking assistive devices, mobility aids, or ADL adaptive devices

[I] Referral to pulmonary rehabilitation program [P] [P]

[G] Knowledge of management strategies

[I] Education, energy conservation [D] Activity to tolerance level [D] Allow for rest periods [D] Avoid straining [D] Pace activities [D] Place items within reach [D] Schedule activities for periods with greater energy [D] Use assistive devices

[I] Education, functional status promotion [P] [D] Maintain independence in daily activities [D] Maintain routine exercise program [D] Perform regular daily routine [D] Stay out of bed as able [P] Tobacco Use/Tobacco Exposure

[G] Tobacco use abstinence

[I] Assess smoking cessation readiness

[I] Education, relationship between smoking and the risk of

[I] Education, avoid secondhand smoke

[I] Tobacco use cessation counseling [Z] [D] Brief smoking cessation counseling (ie, ask/assess, advise, assist/counsel, arrange) [D] Practical counseling, social support of family and friends as part of treatment, and social support outside of treatment are effective counseling types

[I] Education, nicotine replacement therapy

[I] Education, alternative interventions [Z] [D] Consider alternative interventions for smoking cessation (eg, acupuncture, aversive stimulation, biomedical risk assessment, exercise programs, hypnotherapy, self-help aids, stress management) in conjunction with smoking cessation counseling, other nonpharmacologic interventions, and/or smoking cessation

[I] Communicate to prescribing provider [D] If pharmacologic therapy is desired

[I] Referral to tobacco cessation program [Z]

[G] Knowledge of tobacco use cessation methods

[I] Education, relationship between smoking and the risk of respiratory disease

[I] Education, avoid secondhand smoke

[I] Tobacco use cessation counseling [Z] [D] Brief smoking cessation counseling (ie, ask/assess, advise, assist/counsel, arrange) [D] Practical counseling, social support of family and friends as part of treatment, and social support outside of treatment are effective counseling types

[I] Education, nicotine replacement therapy

[I] Education, alternative interventions [Z] [D] Consider alternative interventions for smoking cessation (eg, acupuncture, aversive stimulation, biomedical risk assessment, exercise programs, hypnotherapy, self-help aids, stress management) in conjunction with smoking cessation counseling, other nonpharmacologic interventions, and/or smoking cessation medications

Disclaimer: The clinical information contained this document is intended as a supplement to, and not a substitute for, the knowledge, expertise, skill, and judgment of physicians, pharmacists, or other healthcare professionals in patient care. You and the other healthcare providers responsible for patient care will retain full responsibility for all decisions relating to patient care,and the content is not to be used as a substitute or replacement for diagnosis or treatment recommendations or other clinical decisions or judgment. Zynx Health makes not representations or warranties about the content or its fitness for any purpose. Please use this information at your own discretion.

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