MCA-Mozambique Monitoring and Evaluation Plan December 10, 2013 (Compact Closeout)

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MCA-Mozambique Monitoring and Evaluation Plan December 10, 2013 (Compact Closeout) MCA-Mozambique Monitoring and Evaluation Plan December 10, 2013 (Compact Closeout) Original M&E Plan: 14 April 2009 First Amended M&E Plan: 24 August 2010 Second Amended (Compact Closeout) M&E Plan: 10 December 2013 Table of Contents 1.0 Preamble ..................................................................................................................................... iv 2.0 List of Acronyms ......................................................................................................................... v 3.0 Compact and Objective Overview ............................................................................................... 1 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1 3.2 Program Logic ............................................................................................................................. 2 3.2.1 Water Supply and Sanitation Project Logic ............................................................................ 2 3.2.2 Roads Project Logic ................................................................................................................ 5 3.2.3 Land Tenure Services Project Logic ....................................................................................... 8 3.2.4 Farmer Income Support Project Logic .................................................................................. 11 3.3 Projected Economic Benefits ..................................................................................................... 14 3.3.1 Water Supply and Sanitation Project ERR ............................................................................ 14 3.3.2 Roads Project ERR ................................................................................................................ 15 3.3.3 Land Tenure Services Project ERR ....................................................................................... 16 3.3.4 Farmer Income Support Project ERR .................................................................................... 18 3.3.5 ERR Summary ...................................................................................................................... 18 3.4 Program Beneficiaries ............................................................................................................... 19 3.4.2 Roads Project Beneficiaries .................................................................................................. 19 3.4.3 Land Tenure Services Project Beneficiaries ......................................................................... 20 3.4.4 Farmer Income Support Project Beneficiaries ...................................................................... 20 3.4.5 Beneficiary Summary ............................................................................................................ 21 4.0 Monitoring Component ............................................................................................................. 22 4.1 Summary of Monitoring Strategy .............................................................................................. 22 4.2 Data Quality Reviews ................................................................................................................ 23 4.3 Standard Reporting Requirements ............................................................................................. 24 5.0 Evaluation Component .............................................................................................................. 25 5.1 Summary of Evaluation Strategy ............................................................................................... 25 5.2 Specific Evaluation Plans .......................................................................................................... 26 5.2.1 Water Supply and Sanitation Project Evaluation .................................................................. 26 5.2.2 Roads Rehabilitation Project Evaluation ............................................................................... 29 5.2.3 Land Tenure Services Project Evaluation ............................................................................. 29 5.2.4 Farmer Income Support Project Evaluation .......................................................................... 32 6.0 Implementation and Management of M&E ............................................................................... 34 6.1 Responsibilities .......................................................................................................................... 34 6.2 MCA Management Information System for Monitoring and Evaluation .................................. 36 6.3 Review and Revision of the M&E Plan ..................................................................................... 37 7.0 M&E Budget ............................................................................................................................. 39 Annex I: Indicator Documentation Table ................................................................................................... 42 Annex II: Table of Indicator Baselines and Targets ................................................................................... 73 Annex III: Modification Tables .................................................................................................................. 92 Annex IV: Technical Documentation of Economic Analysis of Water Supply and Sanitation Project ... 185 Annex V Technical Documentation of Economic Analysis of Roads Rehabilitation Project .................. 210 Annex VI: Technical Documentation of Economic Analysis of Land Tenure Services Project .............. 211 Annex VII: Technical Documentation of Economic Analysis of Farmer Income Support Project .......... 216 Table 1: Summary of Water Supply and Sanitation Project Interventions ................................................... 4 Table 2: Compact ERR Summary ............................................................................................................... 18 Table 3: Compact Beneficiary Summary .................................................................................................... 21 Table 4: MCA-Mozambique Program Budget Disaggregated by Project and Activity.............................. 39 Table 5: MCA-Mozambique M&E Budget with Actual Disbursements to date (Expressed in US Dollars) ............................................................................................................................................................ 41 Figure 1: Compact Funded Road Segments of N1 Roads Network .............................................................. 7 Figure 2: Schematic of Sample Frame ........................................................................................................ 28 1.0 Preamble The Millennium Challenge Corporation, on behalf of the United States Government, and the Ministry of Planning and Development, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Mozambique (the Parties) signed a Compact Agreement (‘Program’) for a US $506.9 million grant to be implemented over a 5 year period. Both parties are committed to a) the shared goal of reducing poverty through economic growth in the four Northern Provinces of Mozambique (Niassa, Cabo Delgado, Nampula, and Zambézia) and b) compact assistance being provided in a manner that strengthens good governance, economic freedom, and investments in the people of Mozambique. The Compact was signed on July 13, 2007 and Entered into Force on September 22, 2008. The compact end date is September 21, 2013. The objectives of the Program include: 1) Increase access to reliable sources of potable water supply and improved sanitation facilities (Water Supply and Sanitation Project), 2): Increase access to productive resources and markets while reducing transport costs (Roads Rehabilitation Project), 3) Establish efficient and secure land access for households, communities, and investors (Land Tenure Services Project), and 4) Protect and restore healthy coconut supply, and diversity farmers’ income (Farmer Income Support Project). iv 2.0 List of Acronyms AADT Average Annual Daily Traffic Média Anual de Tráfego Diário AIAS Water Supply & Sanitation Infrastructure Administração de Infra-estruturas de Água e Authority Saneamento ANE National Roads Authority Administração Nacional de Estradas APR Annual Performance Report Relatório de Desempenho Anual CACM Center for Arbitrage, Reconciliation and Centro de Arbitragem, Conciliação e Mediation Mediação CENACARTA National Centre for Cartography and Centro Nacional de Cartografia e Digitization. Teledetecção CEPAGRI Agricultural Development Centre Centro de Promoção de Agricultura CFJJ Legal and Judicial Training Centre Centro de Formação Jurídica e Judiciária CIF Compact Implementation Fund Fundo de Implementação do Compacto CLF Community Land Fund Fundo Comunitário de Terras CLYD Coconut Lethal Yellowing Disease Doença de Amarelecimento Letal do Coqueiro CTA Confederation of Trade Associations Confederação das Associações Económicas DAR Rural Water Directorate Departamento de Água Rural DAU Urban Water Directorate Departamento de Água Urbana DHS Demographic Health Survey Inquérito Demográfico e de Sade DUAT Land Use Property Rights Certificate Direito de Uso e Aproveitamento de Terra DNEAP National Directorate for Studies and Policy Direcção Nacional de Estudos e Análise de Analysis Políticas
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