CONGREGATION OHR MOSHE Website: Address: 170-16 73rd Ave. HONORARY GABBAI: Rabbi Moshe Berkowitz Asher Schechter, Rabbi Eli Siegel, Gabbai Additional Gabbaim: Sruly Beylus,
[email protected] or 591-4888 g
[email protected] or 718-969-4545 Tzvi Fisher, Hank Strom & Tal Zimm ANNOUNCEMENTS & EVENTS – SHABBOS PARSHAS RE”EH/ROSH CHODESH 9/3 Friday Evening, Candle Lighting 7:07, Mincha 7:00. Shabbos AM, Daf Yomi 8:15, Shacharis at 9 AM. Sof Zman Kriyas Shema: 9:39. MiniKiddush sponsored by Anonymous family for a Zchus of Refuah Shelayma for Cholei Yisrael. Chaburah at 6:05. Speaker for the last 15 minutes is R' Josh Meisner, topic: "A change of venue". Mincha at 7:05, followed by a Shiur by R' Shmuel Kosofsky, topic “Kavod HaBriyos in Hashkafa and Halacha”. Maariv at 8:15. Weekly Schedule: Sunday (Rosh Chodesh) Daf Yomi at 7:15 AM, Shacharis at 8 AM, Mincha & Maariv at 7:10 PM. Monday Labor Day on a Sunday Schedule. Thursday Shacharis at 6:20 AM, Tuesday Wednesday & Friday Shacharis at 6:30 AM. PLEASE MAKE YOUR BEST EFFORT TO JOIN US. We are saddened to announce the passing of Mr. David Tanzman, beloved father of Elaine Strasberg. Shiva will be observed through Wednesday AM at 169-10 73rd Avenue. Minyanim: Shacharis Sunday-Monday 8:00 AM Tuesday-Wednesday 7:00 AM. Mincha/Ma'ariv: Sunday-Tuesday 7:05 PM. HaMakom Yinachem Eschem.... Mazel Tov to Shimon and Chaya Cohen upon the birth of a baby boy. Shalom Zachor will be this Friday night at 9 PM at 75-24 168 street.