Jack Benny Program 1948 Apr-Jun.Pdf

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Jack Benny Program 1948 Apr-Jun.Pdf 4 V GC?L6 o 6 0 5{LU 1: , 01~~~ . Cb'1i1 ~ .Ill nn EaioAa mosyqc,o Ca. PAxY mCKY srRIKE . THE JACK BENNY PRWRA61- SIImAY. APRII. 4 . 1948 NBC 4 :00 - 4 :'LO PM PST 8 Ri}S01 0310743 JAPC~K7I~Ri~EpNNY PROGRAM . ' . 27 -A-~. ! C4/3/48 ~PMEROORAM N0 i LAINO: THE JACK HENNY PROGRAM - I reeented by LUCKY BTRIKB! , . _ . sOONEe (CHANT - 57 to 59 AmE RICAN) ' LAINO: . Lucky Strike- and Luoky St#dke alone - offere you :~ ...... important ev enoe gathered7n the tobaacooountr,Y by the world-famous Croasley Poll . This evidence reveals the smoking preference of auctfAneere, buyers andwarehousemen- the men who really mmow tobacco . Here ' e what the Croeal»y Poll found : . ' : For their own personal smoking en j .R[KSDAEL OBACCO EXPERTS - oyment -' IImEPENDENT T AGAIN NAME LUCKY STRIKE - FISLST CHOICE! LUCKY STRIKE - F$35T CHOICE, OVER ANY OTHER BRANDI LAING : These experts Imow their bueiness . Their overwhelming preference for Lucl(y Strike, we believe, has a direct relationship to the quality tobacco we purchase for Luckies and to the real, deep-down smoking enjoyment you may expect from fine tobacco . And when,theee veteran tobacco experts name LUCKY STRIKE - FIRST CHOICE for . their own personal smoking enjoyment, then you ]mov . RTJYSDAEL : IS - NIFT L3 - PI`I' LAINO : Lucky Strike means fine tobacoo - and in a oigarette it's the tobacco that counts . So smoke the smoke tobacco experts smoke - Lucky Strlke! Remember - RUYSDAEL : 7NDEPENUENT TOBACCO EXPSRTSI AGAIN NAME LUCKIC STRI KE - FIIiST CHOICB{ - LUCKY STRIKE - FIRST CHOICE, OVER ANY OT3iER BRANDI V Rrx 01 0310?44 . (FIBST ROUfINE), . ~^ ~- i (AFTER COMJQ:RC7AT.. .MOSIO UP AND DOWN) . DON : THE LUCKY STRIKB PROGRAM, STARHINC JACK BENNY ; . .WITi( M4RY . LIVINQSTONE, PNIL RARRIS, ROCAESTERi DENNIS DAY4 AND "y00R4 TRPLY" .DON WIISON . (APPIAUSE .,MCSIC .UP AND DONN) - - ~ . DON : L4DIES AND OENPIRMEN . .AS MOST OF YOU KNOW, .,iAST WEQC TACK,. BENNY VISITA9 THB RONA7D C071dAN9 AND-RE PERSUADED RONNIE TO IaID HIM .Y[IS ACADFMY AWARD OSCAR : ;, : .AS JACK ISPT'A 0~0 ~IMAti~ HOUSE, T[0; FOLiAWIIVG INCIDENT' HAPPENP9 ., . (SOUND : FOOTSTEPS ON CFb1E!!T) . JACK : Gee, it was awfully nice of Ronnie to let me take hie Oeoar home so I could show it to Roch.ester . .it sure is dark tonight . .no moon . .Ob well . .(HUMS IAVE IN I IAOM) EDDIE : Hey Bud . bud ? (SOUND : FOOTSTEPS STOP) JAOKt ~.yHVvh,~? IDDIE : . G"ot a match? x JACK : Yea„4 ~ have one right here iWKVw- EDDIE : DON'T MAKE A MOVE . .THIS IS A STICK-UP . JACKt Mister, put down that gvn, 29=6}b .r EDDIE : SHUT UP . .I SAID THIS IS A STICK UP . .NOW .,AYOUR MONEY OR YOUR LIFE . .(LONG PAUSE), .,,IIJOK BUD, ..,I SAID YOUR NpNEY OR YOUR LIFE : Y'm thinking. JACK it over! Now look, rtdater-- S FiT)l01 0310?45 ~- EDDIE : CON E ON . .GIVE MN YOUR WALLET OR I'LL LU1' YOU HAVS 1T. JACKi All right Mieter .':don'ti"ehoot ... .dOC1't eboot .-.Here'emy .yallet , EIDDIEt. GCOD . .AND I'LL TAKE THAT PACKI+GE YOII'RE .CARRYIIfO ~ . ; .. TOO . : This package . .but it isn"t"mine ; . .it belonge to. JACK BonaldCoRmen . , . ._~. .. ' . .be non-- ' EDDIE :. PIPE DOWN AND GIVE IT TD t.'lE Ojt ~!I,,L DRILL YOU . :d-v'E~TTQn<c(IS,C• ..i• .- . ' : All right, ALL RIGRT .A . JACK EDDIF.i NOW LAY DOWN ON THE SIDEPJALK AlV d OUNT 00 A HfIFIDRED : Y-Y-yes eir . 0ne, two, three, four, five-r°'*1 . JACK (IAVE IN BLOOM) . DON : YES, L4DIES Atm GENTLEMEN• .•'141AT 'S WgAT RAPPFY7FD SUNDAY NIGRT ., . .AS WE LOOK IN ON JACK NOW . .ITiS THE F'OLIAWING MORNING . (SOUND : PAC390 OF F'IAOR) - JACK : Mary, I've thought of a million different tLinge--i,! I flonit eknow what to do . : A Jack, stop pacing the floor and sit down . MARY . .you're making a nervous wreck of yourself . ROCH : HE WAS LIKE THAT ALL NIGHT, MISS LIVINGSTONE . NEVER SLEPT A . WINK. .TACK : Well, what am I going to do--how can I ever explain this to Ronnie . MARY: Jack, you've got to control yourself or you'11 have aa breakdown .n .why don I t you have eome breakfast? S Rrx 01 0370746 -0 3- JACK: No Mary . .I oouldn't .eat a thing. .I don't .uare .if I never eat again . ., . ', ) . ROCH2 M*'td M.4AT+M . .HE NASN'T BEEN THIS UPSIsTBINCE THEDA SARA GOT -JACK2 I'm at my wits end . .' .I oan!t tell Rom21e~:bic Osoar was '-stoler., he'll never @peak to ms .again . .Ioau'ttell the . police abqut t]2e ~1bo~dryp beoause then itwiil geCin the .4• . .psSeSS . „v .~Wh•aYt in th'e/a rw.orruldoan I do? . MARYt ^J~XyXd-on't you kill yourself? JACK2 Say, that's not aMM . .Ob, stop . .I'm not inthe mood for fokes . .jW there must be some way I can get that'Oscar back : V&y donIt you put an ad in the Heverly Hille paper and offer .MARY a rewaxd? JACK : No Mary, a reward would just be a waste of time . .who'd return it for what I'd offer? ROCH2 401' MR . BENNY, IF IT WILL GEP Y00 OUT OF THIS hESS, 4d[y DON'T YOU MAIQ; THE REWARD SUBSTANTIAL . GIVE A THOUSAND DOIdARS? (LONG .PAUSE) . .WELS,,. WE'RE BACK TO KIIS.ING YOUASELF : Yeah . .there. JACK muet be some other way out . .It seems imposeible that I should be bold up right in front of my own house . A s Hrx 01 031 0 74 7 ~ MARYt You know, you etill haven't told me what happened . .I don't know any of the details yet . JAOK : You „you don't? Well Mary: .tbis is exactly what happened . : . .As I was leaving Ronnie's house, be loaned me his Oscar . so I .oould show it to Rochester . I waswelking home, carrying the 0eoar under my arm (FADE) wh en a sinister looldnE van stepped out of the hedge . (30UND ; T}IItFS FOOTSTEPS COMING IN) . P9DIE ; Hey Bud . .~R~uh? .BudR JACKr . E9DIE ; n GOT A MATC.Y4 JACK ; Yes, I have one right here '- - DON'T MAKE A MOVE EDDIE ; . .THIS IS A STICK AP . JACK: (VERY TOUGH) A STICK-UP? PUT M)WN THAT GUN OR I I LL TRRASH . Y0U TO WITHIN AN INCH OF YOUR LIFE : . .PiYP IT DOWN I SAY . EDDIE : (SLIGHTLY NEfr*I®OS) N-nowA just a e-second mister . .don I t come any c-closer . JACK: (TOLGH) So you think you can soare me with a gun . .why, I'll break your arm, EDDIE : (NERVOUS„AIMOST CRYING) Look Mister . .I didn't want to do thie ., .But I hed to . .(BEGINS CRYING) I had to get naney for my wife and children . i S H7M01 0370 7 48 -5- C JACK : Well, you didn't have to pull a gun on me. .if you wanted money . all you had to do was aek . ..fl M F'm going to take that gun away from you and-- Xw'ut~-^-0~ EDDIE : Look, I'm warning you . .don't 9come any oloser . .all right, youu asked for it . .Take that : HEAVY 50CK) . (SOUND . JACK: Oh yeah . .Well you take that . and that . MARY: Jack, what were you doing to the crook when you said, "Take That and That4" ROCHt HE WAS !IA' E{IIA1HIS WALLET At~J70~3*CARY ; I was not .^N.ywhsMil~e I was beating him up,. JACK I dropped the Oscar, he picked it up and ran off down the street . Honeetly, I never was so-- (SOUND : DOOR BUZZER) JACK : Oh, who can that be . .I don't want to see anyone today . (~{ MARY: ~ Calm down Jack, .I'll go to the door . (SOUND : FAN FOOTSTEPS) ~ MARY: (TO HERSELF) . Gee, I feol A eorry for poor Jack . .he's trying so hard to be brave, but I know he's been crying, . .His masrara's ru nning . I hope he,can get out of this mesa . (SOUND : COUPLE MORB FOOTSTEPS . .DOOR OPENS) MARY: Oh hello Don . S NTX01 0310749 -s- DON ; Hello Mary, whereIs Jack?,, .IIve got eomethingAimpotkant to . ..ke3}_ him . : . .M4RYe A J/^Do-`nC..C.tb1a isn't a good time to talk to bim . .he's very .upset . .,Suppose you tell me what it is . DON ; Well . .it's about the quartet . .They wonIt be able to appear .,qn .tho program Sunday. MARYt ,:JfA'~iytAn•ot? DON : Well Mary . .you might not believe thie . .but all the members of the quartet became fathers this morning ; Don . .Don . .you mean that each one of the four. MJJrl singers bad a- baby? DON : All except the baritone . .he bad twins . MARY: No ; Yes. ' DON . .between them they had five of the cutest babies you ever eaw . .And Mary, youIil never guess what they've yemed tbem . MARY: What? DON ; L, 5, M, F, and Barcara . MARY: Barbara? DON : It wae a girl . MARY: . .Well, that's Soglcal . Iook Don, I'll go in and tell Jack ~bout St . - DON : Okay Mary, .thanks a lot . .Goodbye : Goodbye . MARY (SOUND : DOOR SM1TS„FOOTSTFPS) S fiTY{ 0 1 0310750 -7- MAR7(t . .Imagine all the singera in the qun .rtet having babies *F the same day . .R7istte wbat you.ball CloaeHarmony, .(IAIXNtS) Ob . .brother . .bag my gyes atid call me Fred Alleb . - . .~. , . (SOUNDt DOOR OPENS), . JACKs What took you so long, Mary7w ww ~• MARYt Vlowswommo lrb• A1t wae Don . .He aaid the quartet wontt be ob the broadcast Sunday . JACKe Oh fine . .everytffipg happens to me, . MARYO Well, they couldn't help it, Jaok .
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