In Charity Drive
Marines Happy Thanksgiving stream Page A-3 clean Top Marine football team crowned Page B-1 Vol. 18, No. 46 Published at MCAS Kaneohe Bay. Also serving 1st MEB, Camp H.M. Smith and Marine Barracks, Hawaii. November 23, 1989 Marines institute tougher combat swim qualifications By Cpl. S.A. Bailey various strokes, and a 40- Marines are responsible for A new swim qualification meter swim in deep water will training units to meet their program, soon to be imple- also be tested. swim qualifications. They mented, will require all CS2 will develop the skills also serve as lifeguards for Marines to undergo intense of assisting a wounded swimming pools and beaches. combat-oriented water sur- Marine to safety-as in a Since July 1988, the Air vival training which will river crossing. With utilities, Station's lifeguardi have affect some Marines eligibil- boots, flak jacket/H harness recorded 111 saves, mostly at ity for promotion. and full canteens, the Ma- the beaches. "The pool is a In keeping with the Corps' rine will be required to use a more controlled environment, emphasis on warrior training, collar tow to assist a weak or so potentially dangerous the Marine Corps is diving injured Marine wearing the situations can be taken care into a new water survival same equipment for 25 me- of before someone gets into program that will commence ters. With that same equip- trouble," said Holz. "At the Jan. 1, affecting all swim ment, the Marine will then beach there is so much space qualification requirements. move 25 meters to retrieve and so many people it's often According to Marine Corps two ALICE packs and two not possible to prevent Order 1510.29B, the new weapons and return 25 meters someone from endangering qualifications will be classi- to where a partner is waiting.
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