
Questions and Answers The 1. What event was caused, in part, due to disputes over land and trade with the Native Americans? 2. During which event were the British and French engaged in war? 3. After which event was the (1763) created to force France to give up its land in North America to England?

The Proclamation of 1763 1. What event occurred due to the fighting between colonists and Native Americans in Pontiac’s War? 2. Due to this event, English colonists in America could no longer settle west of the Appalachian Mountains. 3. Which event helped remove conflict between the colonists and the Native Americans? It also helped the British to control the colonists, however the colonists felt angry about their limited freedoms.

Sugar Act 1. The British Parliament lowered the tax on molasses and allowed British soldiers to seize smuggled goods with this act.

Stamp Act 1. This act taxed all printed materials (newspapers, wills, etc.)

Stamp Act Congress 1. This event occurred due to England passing the Stamp Act 2. During this event, colonial leaders worked together and sent a statement to King George III and Parliament declaring that only colonial assemblies could tax the colonists. 3. Due to this event/group, Parliament repealed the Stamp Act.

Townshend Acts 1. This act was a tax on imported goods like glass, tea, and paper.

Boston Massacre 1. This 1770 event was a fight between the colonists and British on the streets of . 2. After this event, American colonists were outraged. Boycotts and propaganda grew stronger.

Tea Act 1. In what act did the British Parliament lower the tax on tea and order the colonists to buy tea only from England? 2. This act led to the in 1773.

Intolerable Acts (Coercive Acts) 1. Which act(s) banned town meetings in Massachusetts and closed Boston Harbor?

1st 1. During which event did 55 delegates gather in , Pennsylvania to discuss the taxes being placed on the colonists?

Lexington and Concord 1. The “shot heard round the world” refers to which event/place? 2. Which event, in April 1775, is considered the first battle of the ?

Common Sense 1. Which document was written by ? 2. Which document listed powerful reasons why colonists would be better off free from Great Britain and greatly influenced opinions in favor of independence throughout the colonies?

Patriot 1. An American colonist who favored American independence.

Loyalist 1. An American colonist who remained loyal to Britain and opposed the war for independence.

Mercantilism 1. An economic theory that a nation’s power depends on its ability to increase wealth by receiving imports from other countries.

Writs of Assistance 1. Court document allowing customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods.

Militia 1. A military force made up of ordinary citizens trained to fight in emergencies.

Boycott 1. To refuse to buy items in order to protest certain actions or to force acceptance of one’s terms.

Propaganda 1. Ideas or information intentionally spread to harm or help a cause.

Minutemen 1. Civilians who were ready to fight on short notice.

“No Taxation Without Representation” 1. A phrase spoken by James Otis. It refers to the fact that colonists had no representation in the British Parliament – there was no official to speak up for the colonists in the British government.

Sons of Liberty 1. A group of patriots organized by . They were involved in protests against the Stamp Act and participated in the Boston Tea Party.

Olive Branch Petition 1. A petition sent to King George III, assuring him that the colonists wanted peace. It asked him to protect colonists’ rights. The king rejected the petition.

Samuel Adams 1. He revived the Boston Committee of Correspondence, which called for action against the British. 2. He started the

John Adams 1. He recommended setting up a unified government within the colonies.

Thomas Jefferson 1. Known as the main author of the Declaration of Independence.

George Washington 1. He was chosen unanimously to command the patriot army during the American Revolution.

Paul Revere 1. He created an engraving of the . 2. He is famous for warning the colonists that the British were coming before the battles of Lexington and Concord.

Patrick Henry 1. He is famous for stating, “Give me liberty or give me death.”

Thomas Paine 1. He is the author of .

John Hancock 1. He was a wealthy merchant who funded the Sons of Liberty. 2. He signed his name largely on the Declaration of Independence, demonstrating that he was not afraid to speak his mind.

Benjamin Franklin 1. He developed the post office and the Night Riders in order to deliver news and mail quickly throughout the colonies.

Crispus Attucks 1. He was an African-American man who was murdered during the Boston Massacre.

Benedict Arnold 1. He was a patriot Captain in the Connecticut militia. He later betrayed the patriots and sold secret battle plans to the British.