Chapter 8 Study Guide

Name: ______#_____

Chapter 8 Lesson 1 pages 268-273

1. Why did British leaders decide to tax the colonists?

To raise money to help pay the cost of defending the colonies in the .

2. What was the first tax passed by King George III and the Parliament? What items were taxed under this act?

The Stamp Act It taxed printed materials such as legal documents, newspaper, and playing cards.

3. What complaint did colonists have for protesting the Stamp Act?

Since they had no vote in Parliament, Parliament had no right to tax them.

4. Who was Patrick Henry?

A Virginia lawyer who was one of the first to speak out against the Stamp Act.

5. Who were the ? What was their goal?

A group that led protests against taxes. Their goal was to scare stamp agents.

6. After the Stamp Act was repealed, what act was passed to raise money? What was taxed under this act?

The It taxed imported goods such as paper, wool, tea, and other goods imported from Britain.

7. This new tax was known as a tariff. What is a tariff?

A tax on imported goods.

8. The Townshend Acts caused the colonists to boycott British goods. What does it mean to boycott?

To refuse to buy goods.

9. Who were the and what did they do?

Women who helped boycott taxes. They wove cloth and made their own tea.

Chapter 8 Lesson 2 pages 276-282

1. What was the Massacre? Who was one of the victims of this massacre?

Angry colonists in Boston surrounded British soldiers and the soldiers fired into the crowd killing five people.

2. Who defended the British soldiers when they were put on trial for the shootings in Boston during the ?

John Adams

3. What was the Committee of Correspondence and why was it formed?

A group that wrote letters to each other about local events. These letters were delivered by express riders. It was formed for a faster way to share news.

4. What was the ? What were the goals of the Tea Act?

A law that said only the would be allowed to sell tea to the colonies. The goals were to help the East India Company and to get the colonists to pay taxes.

5. What was the ?

Members of the Sons of Liberty disguised themselves as Indians; boarded British ships loaded with tea, and dumped the tea into the harbor.

6. After the Boston Tea Party the British Government made laws to punish the colonists. What did the colonists call these laws?

Intolerable Acts

7. What punishments were faced by the people of Boston because of the Boston Tea Party?

Colonists had to feed and house British soldiers. The Port of Boston was closed. They had to pay for the tea they destroyed. Massachusetts was put under the control of British General

8. What effect did the have on the colonists?

They forced colonists to take sides.

9. Who were the Patriots?

Colonists who opposed British rule.

10. Who were the Loyalists?

Colonists who remained loyal to King George and the British government.

11. What was the First ?

Leaders from 12 of the 13 colonies met in to discuss how to oppose the Intolerable Acts.

12. Name one man that was part of the First Continental Congress?

George Washington

13. What did the First Continental Congress decide to do to protest the Intolerable Acts?

The colonies were going to stop all trade with Britain. Each colony would start a militia.

Chapter 8 Lesson 3 pages 286-291

1. Why was Concord important to the Patriots?

Patriot militias had been storing weapons there.

2. Who warned people that the British were coming?

Paul Revere

3. What is the first shot at the Battle of Lexington known as?

The shot heard round the world.

4. Summarize the events that took place in the Battles of Lexington and Concord.

British soldiers marched into Lexington killing eight and wounding nine. They cheered and marched on to Concord where they searched for weapons. attack British troops and the British retreat.

5. The battles at Lexington and Concord marked the beginning of the . What is the American Revolution?

A war Americans fought for Independence from Britain.

6. Summarize the events that took place in the .

Patriots built a fort on Breed’s Hill. British were angry and attacked the fort. Patriots drove the British back two times, but ran out of ammunition and the British captured the hill.

7. Who won the Battle of Bunker Hill?
