I have . I have Paul Revere. I have the first card.

Who has a prominent member of the Continental Congress Benjamin Franklin was a prominent that helped with the member of the Continental Declaration of Congress, who helped with the Paul Revere was a Patriot who Declaration of Independence. warned the British were coming. Independence? Who has a patriot who made a daring ride to warn Who has the ruler who colonists of British soldier’s taxed on the colonies? arriving? I have King George III I have the Daughters of Liberty. I have Loyalist.

Loyalists were colonists who

remained loyal to England

King George III taxed the during the Revolutionary The Daughters of Liberty spun colonies. period. Who has the group that cloth in support or the boycott of English goods. Who has the group formed included Who has the term for a in response to the Stamp that spun cloth to support colonist that remained loyal to Act, which is responsible for the boycott of English England? the ? goods? I have the . I have Nathan Hale. I have Patriot.

The Sons of Liberty were formed in response to the Stamp Act. Nathan Hale was a Patriot spy that Patriots were in favor of They were responsible for the was hung by the British. independence from England. Boston Tea Party. Who has the American Who has the term for a nd colonist in favor of Who has the 2 spy who was hung by independence from president of the the British? England? United States? I have the John Adams. I have SAM ADAMS. I have Thomas Jefferson

nd John Adams was the 2 President of the United States. Thomas Jefferson was the main Sam Adams formed the Sons of writer of the Declaration of Who has the Liberty to protect the rights of the Independence. colonists. founder of the Who has the main writer of Sons of Liberty? the Declaration of Who has the Commander of Independence? the ? I have . I have Patrick Henry. I have Thomas Paine.

George Washington was Patrick Henry inspired colonists with commander of the Continental his “Give me liberty or give me death” Thomas Paine wrote “Common Army. speech. Sense”. Who has a former slave who Who has the journalist that Who has the man who inspired wrote poems and plays colonists with his “Give me wrote “Common Sense” a liberty or give me death” pamphlet in favor of supporting American speech? independence? Independence?

I have Phyllis Wheatley. I have I have the Stamp Act.

The Stamp Act required Phyllis Wheatley was a former slave The Townshend Act imposed taxes printed materials to be who wrote poems and plays in on many things by Britain, to raise support of American produced on stamped paper, money lost fighting the French and Independence. and charged a tax for the Indian War. stamp. Who has The laws that imposed Who has the Act that taxes on many things in the imposed a Tax on any Who has the act that meant colonies to gain money lost in the printed document? colonists had to pay a tax on French and Indian Wars? tea? I have the . I have the Boston Tea Party. I have the Boston Massacre.

The Boston Tea Party was when The Boston Massacre was The Tea Act favored only one colonists dumped tea from a when British soldiers tea company, which paid a ship into the Boston Harbor to panicked and fired into the British tax. protest the Tea Act. colonists, killing 5 people. Who has the action where colonists dumped tea into Who has British soldiers who Who has the Act where the Boston Harbor? panicked and fired into the soldiers were “quartered” or colonists, killing 5? put-up in Colonist’s homes? I have the Quartering Act. I have the Intolerable Acts. I have the First Continental Congress. The Intolerable Acts included 12 of the 13 colonies met in the Quartering Act, the banning Philadelphia to call for a of town meetings, and closing boycott of British goods of the port of Boston.

The Quartering Act meant Who has when 12 of the 13 Who has the first instance soldiers were “quartered” or colonies met in Philadelphia to of open warfare between put-up in Colonist’s homes. call for a boycott of British goods England and the Colonies? Who has the Acts that ? included the Quartering Act, banning town meetings, and closing the port of Boston?

I have Lexington and I have the Second Continental I have Bunker Hill, who has Concord. Congress. the first card? The first instance of open warfare between England and the Colonies.

The colonies met in Philadelphia, where the colonists still hoped that they could be heard by the king. Bunker Hill – A major victory for the Colonists which Who has a major victory for made King George III claim Who has “The colonies met in the Colonists were in Philadelphia, where the the Colonists which made King colonists still hoped that they George III claim the Colonists “Rebellion”. could be heard by the king.”? were in “Rebellion”?