The Townshend Acts of 1767
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October 30, 2019 AftTer Parliameen t rTepealoedw the Sntamsph Acet, tnheyd de cidAed thcat tshey still needed more money. So, they passed some new laws, known as the Townshend Acts of 1767. These laws placed taxes on lead, glass, paint, paper, and tea brought into the colonies. By passing these acts Parliament showed that they had the authority to tax the colonies without giving them representation. This only angered the colonists more and finally reached its breaking point in 1770. Notes: * Townshend Acts (1767) * Taxed: - lead - glass - paint - paper - tea October 30, 2019 To Tshow Parlieam enBt's oausthotrioty nove r tMhe coloanisstss, Paarlicamrenet sent soldiers to "protect" the colonists. The soldiers unfortunately didn't make the situation any better. The anger between the British soldiers and colonists grew stronger, causing fights to break out. On March 5, 1770 a group of colonists and some British soldiers got into a fight. During the fight the British fired their weapons, killing 5 colonists.This day was titled "The Bloody Massacre" but we know it as the Boston Massacre. Notes: * Boston Massacre: March 5, 1770 * Soldiers killed 5 colonists October 30, 2019 In 1770 ParliameTnt repeealed aTll ax of the Townshend Acts except for the tea tax. Shortly after, Parliament tried to put a monopoly, complete control of a product or service, on tea. This way the British could sale tea for much cheaper than the merchants, which was keeping merchants from making money. Colonists then decided to boycott tea. One day in December the colonists had reached their breaking point. Notes: * British placed a monopoly on tea -Monopoly: complete control of a product or service * Merchants couldn't make any money -Colonists boycotted October 30, 2019 On DecBemboers 16t, o17n73 thTe Bosetoan Party Tea Party took place. On that night, members of a group known as the Sons of Liberty boarded British ships. Disguised as Mohawk Indians, they broke open 342 tea chests and dumped the tea into the harbor. Notes: * Boston Tea Party: December 16, 1773 * Colonists (Sons of Liberty) dumped tea into the Boston Harbor October 30, 2019 In rTesponse teo t heI Bnosttono Tleae Parrtya, Pbarlliaem enAt deccidteds to punish the colonists. They passed three laws, known as the intolerable acts. The first was know as the Boston Port Bill. The Boston Port Bill closed the port of Boston until the colonists paid for the destroyed tea. To enforce the law, Parliament ordered the navy to blockade, to use ships to prevent other ships from leaving or entering, the harbor. N* oIntetos:lerable Acts: laws to punish the colonists for the Boston Tea Party * Boston Port Bill: -Blockade of the Boston Harbor until the colonists paid for the tea. October 30, 2019 The second law was the Massachusetts Government Act. This stopTped the Meas saIchnusetttos lelgieslarturae frboml mea kinAg lawcst. s Parliament also banned town meetings. To further punish the colonists, Parliament issued the Quartering Act. The Quartering Act of 1765 ordered colonists to give British soldiers a place to sleep as well as provide them with food. These new laws led many colonists to recognize that they had a common enemy. Notes: * Massachusetts Government Act: -Couldn't hold town meetings or make laws * Quartering Act (1765): -Colonists had to feed and shelter soldiers.