STRUCTURE OF THE ‘NEWSLETTER’ „The Visegrád Echo” – V4 Magazine in China

I. Introduction

II. Country of the Presidency: POLAND

III. Country Profile (x4): CZECH REPUBLIC – – POLAND - SLOVAKIA 1. Place of inspiration: - interesting facts about culture, history, sport and cuisine + picture 2. An article about the country and its relations with China 3. Your tourist destination: (infomation about tourist attractions)

IV. Business matters - covers a variety of V4 China business-related topics.

V. THE VISEGRÁD BOX IN TODAY’S EDITION: 1. China through the eyes of V4 visitor 2. Calendar (schedule of 3 months major events in V4 countries) 3. „A little Visegrád Dictionary” 4. Relax Zone (rebus, puzzles, games) 5. The Picture of the edition


“维谢格拉得(中欧四国)集团回声报”-V4 (简称) 杂志中文版

介绍: 本期轮值主席国:波兰共和国

国家概况(x4):捷克共和国-匈牙利共和国-波兰共和国-斯洛伐克共和国 1. 灵感来源: 有关文化,历史,体育,美食以及美图等趣闻看点; 2. 各国与中国关系的报道文章 3. 旅游目的地:旅游景点介绍


维谢格拉德集团信息盒 1. V4 中欧四国眼中的中国(随机采访) 2. 活动日志(V4 中欧四国近 3 个月内的活动日程表) 3. 维谢格拉德四国集团小词典 4. 休闲时刻(猜谜,字谜,游戏等) 5. 往期报刊图片

Institutions that supported this edition: Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Shanghai, Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, Consulate General of Hungary in Shanghai, Consulate General of the Slovak Republic in Shanghai, Czech Tourism, Czech Chamber in China, Slovakia Travel, Mayor of Tihany and Polish Tourist Organization (POT).


Dear Readers, *This is a quaterly newsletter focusing on V4 countries and related issues that shape cultural, scientific and economic relations between V4 countries and China. All material (including texts, graphics and pictures) is copyright and no part of this publication should be reproduced without the ublisher’s rior ermission While every effort has been made to ensure accuracy the publisher is not responsible for any errors. Sincerely, The Editors


The newsletter was inspired by the biweekly newspaper published by the Polish community in Shanghai (1936-49). The idea came up in 2019, but ultimately, as a result of Poland's P si c of t is g á G o 2020/2 , I decided to share this idea with others and to extend its content and scope. Shanghai is a vivid and cosmopolitan city and there is certainly enough space for additional interesting publication. The project is scheduled for 12 months, but I hope that it will continue in the coming years. At this point I would like to thank all the people and institutions involved in creating this unique magazine. In particular, my thanks go to Polish Tourist Organization (POT), Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai, Consulate General of Hungary in Shanghai and Consulate General of the Slovak Republic in Shanghai.

The name of this magazine ("The Visegrád Ec o") f s to o l titl (“Ec o") of newspapers and magazines published in many countries in 19th and 20th century. Such popular title existed in Great Britain, USA, , Poland, but also in China – in Shanghai (published in Polish, German, French and English), f.e. "L'Echo de Chine" - a Shanghainese newspaper published in French (1901- 9) “Ec o S g jski ” (“S g i Ec o” - a Polish bi- weekly magazine published between 1936-1949), "Shanghai Echo – täglic s Nachrichtenblatt", a daily newspaper in German for Jewish refugees who fled to Shanghai (occasionally short texts avaliable in English and Hebrew, published in 1946-48). Below, you will find other interesting examples.

I wish you a great time in exploring the V g á G p countries and their links to China! Piotr Leszczyński Consul, Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Shanghai

Texts and ictures rovided by V4 consulates in Shanghai Design by Piotr Leszczyński Editorial services by Lesod IT Shanghai. *By downloading „The Visegrád Echo” you agree to terms and condition of the magazine.

Should you have any comments or questions, please do not hesitate to contact [email protected] (Please ut ”Visegrad Echo” in the subject line)


我们将会在每个季度推出一期刊物,为大家介绍 V4 中欧四国与中国之间,在文化,科学以及经济领域 的合作交流。刊物内所有素材(包括文字,图案及图片等)都享有版权所有,任何个人或是团体在未经 许可下不得转载引用。发行方对发行内容会确保其真实性,但对可能引起的其他错误不承担任何责任。

本刊文字部分和图片由 V4 成员国驻沪总领事馆提供素材。皮奥特-莱什琴斯基先生担任设计。

导读: 上世纪三十年代,在上海的波兰人社区(1936-49)曾经发行过一份双周刊,本人因此获得灵 感出版此刊物。早在去年 2019 年本人就有此想法,而今年恰逢波兰担任维谢格拉德四国集团 轮值主席国(2020/21),本人决定与其余三国驻沪领馆共同合作,从而丰富本刊内容扩大其 影响领域。上海是一座充满活力的国际大都市,在此我们定能找到更多有趣的讨论空间。此项 计划为期一年,之后我希望可以继续创办下去。借此机会,我由衷感谢为我们这本独特的刊物 提供帮助参与创作的个人和机构。尤其要感谢波兰国家旅游局 (POT),捷克驻沪总领馆, 匈牙利驻沪总领馆和斯洛伐克驻沪总领馆。

本刊名称(维谢格拉德四国集团回声报)中的“回声”一词,曾在上世纪甚至 18 世纪流行于许多 国家的报刊及杂志名称上。比如英国,美国,法国,波兰还有中国的上海,他们以各自国家的 语言命名(比如,波兰语,德语,法语,英语等)。 "L'Echo de Chine"(法语,中国回声报) 法语版曾在上海发行于 1901-1919 年,“Echo Szanghajskie”(波兰语,上海回声报)波兰语版 本双周刊,发行年代 1936-1949, "Shanghai Echo - tagliches Nachrichtenblatt" (德语版上海 回声报),德语版日报,发行对象为当时在上海避难的德国犹太裔难民(我们今天还能有幸找 到英语和希伯来文双语发行的报道,发行年代 1946-1948)。本刊中,您还能找到感兴趣的相关 例子。

在此我衷心祝愿您能享受一段美好时光,探索发现维谢格拉德中欧四国集团的更多信息以及他 们与中国的更多链接! 皮奥特-莱什琴斯基 领事 波兰共和国驻上海总领事馆

in English 英文版: The Liverpool Echo, established in 1879, daily newspaper, England The Echo (London), 1868-1905, daily newspaper, London, England The Lincolnshire Echo, 1893, weekly newspaper, England The Sunderland Echo, 1873, daily newspaper, England The South Wales Echo, 1884, daily newspaper, Wales The Irish Echo, 1928, weekly newspaper, Manhattan, NYC, USA The Echo (The Tallaght Echo), 1980, regional newspaper in Dublin, Ireland The Liverpool Echo, since 1879, daily newspaper, England in French 法语版: Les Échos de Paris 884-1944, daily newspaper published in Paris, France Les Échos since 908 daily news a er ublished in Paris France L’Écho de Varsovie 930-38, bi-weekly newspaper published in Warsaw, Poland Les Échos de Pologne 003-13, monthly newspaper published in Warsaw, Poland

4 in Polish 波兰语版: Echo Artystyczne, 1928, magazine of the Polish Union of Artists, Warsaw, Poland Echo (Poznań) 93 local news a er in Poznan Echo, 1937, local music magazine in Lviv (in Polish Lwów) Echo, 1996-99, local weekly newspaper published in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Poland Echo Dalekiego Wschodu, 1920-21, Tokio, Japan Echo Dnia, since 1971, newspaper published in Kielce, Poland Echa Gospodarcze, 1938, Warsaw (in Polish: Warszawa) Echo Grójeckie 933-34, Grojec, Poland Echo Hrubieszkowskie, 1929-31, Hrubieszow, Poland Echo Krakowa, 1946- 997 daily news a er ublished in Cracow (in Polish: Kraków) Poland Echo Kresowe, 1935, Vilnius (Wilno) Echo literacko/artystyczne, 1914, Warsaw Echo Literackie, weekly suplement of “Dziennik Polski” („Polish Daily”) in Lwow 869-1905 Echo Łódzkie 9 6- 9 8 daily news a er ublished in Lodz (Łódź) Poland Echo Mazowieckie, 1926- 9 8 weekly news a er ublished in Tomaszów Mazowiecki Poland Echo Muzyczne, Teatralne i Artystyczne (1885-1905), known as Echo Muzyczne (1877-1883) and Echo Muzyczne i Teatralne (1883-85, 1906-07) – bi-weekly newspaper (1877-83), and weekly newspaper about art. and culture published in Warsaw (1883–1907) Echo, 1996-99, local weekly newspaper published in Tomaszow Mazowiecki, Poland Echo Polskie, 1933, independent local newspaper in Bochnia, Poland Echo Polskie, 1919-20, Vladivostok, Echo Salezjańskiej Bursy Fund ks Al Lubomirskiego 9 5- 930 Kraków Echo Szkolne, 1930, Vilnius (in Polish: Wilno) Echo Szkolne, 1929-30, Kalisz, be-weekly newspaper Echo S ołeczne 936 local bi-weekly newspaper in Warszawa, Poland Echo Tygodnia, weekly news a er 30’s Katowice Poland Echo XX wieku, 1931, Warsaw, Poland Echo Zako iańskie 930 bi-weekly newspaper about tourism, Zakopane, Poland Nowe Echo Białostockie 30’s daily news a er ublished in Bialystok Poland Śląskie Echo Tygodnia (Silesian Echo Weekly), 1933, Katowice

And 其他国家地区版本: The Echo (Buffalo), 1886-1903, daily newspaper, Buffalo, USA Ameryka-Echo, 1902-1971, Polish weekly newspaper in Toledo, Ohio and Bufffalo, USA, Polskie Echo (The Polish Echo), since 2007, Polish bi-weekly newspaper published in Manchester, England E O języ zn (available in 3 different bilingual editons (The Anglo-Polish Echo, Deutsch Polnisches Echo and L'Écho Franco- Polonais), 1935-39, monthly newspaper published in Warszawa Echo z Afryki, monthly illustrated missionary magazine (published in 9 languages, including Polish, Czech, Slovenian, French, Italian, Portugal, Hungarian, German and English). A my n m “ GRÁD”? It is worth noting that “Visegrád “ lit means "the upper town", "the upper settlement" or "the upper castle". There are s l l c s c ll “Visegrád ” (note the spelling): ✓ Višegrad, a town in Bosnia and Herzegovina ✓ the highest peak of Sakar Mountain in Bulgaria - Vishegrad ✓ Vyšehrad, a castle in Prague, Czech Republic ✓ a town and castle in Hungary - GRÁD ✓ Vyshhorod, a town in Ukraine ✓ a town in Poland - Wyszogród ✓ Vishegrad, Kardzhali Province, a village in Bulgaria

“维谢格拉德”神秘的名称 “维谢格拉德”一词本意为“上城”,“上居所” 或者“上城堡”。甚至多处地区被称之为“维谢格拉德” (拼写不同):

✓ Višegrad —— 位于波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维亚的城市 ✓ Vishegrad —— 位于保加利亚萨卡山的最高峰-维谢格拉德峰 ✓ Vyšehrad —— 位于捷克布拉格的城堡 ✓ VISEGRÁD ——匈牙利小镇 ✓ Vyshhorod —— 乌克兰小镇 ✓ Wyszogród ——波兰的小镇 ✓ Vishegrad —— 保加利亚小镇

“维谢格拉德东欧 4 国集团”(简称 V4)名称由来:

“维谢格拉德四国集团”成立于 1991 年 2 月 15 日,是由中欧几国(捷克斯洛伐克,匈牙

利共和国,波兰共和国)组成的联盟组织。“维谢格拉德” 一词来源于匈牙利小镇上一

座城堡而得名。在这座中世纪城堡中,也就是 1335 年,曾经召开过一场中世纪三国统

治者的规则协议会议,出席者有波西米亚王国统治者(John I ,乔治一世),匈牙利统

治者(Charles I,查尔斯一世)和波兰统治者(Casimir III, 卡西米尔三世)。今天,维谢

格拉德集团(又称为维谢格拉德集团四国集团或简称 V4)是由欧洲联盟(EU)和北大



更多讯息,请登录官网查询: 6


Visegrádská čtyřka, Visegrádská skupina (CZ) Visegrádi Együttműködés (HU) Grupa Wyszehradzka (PL) Vyšehradská skupina, Vyšehradská štvorka (SK)

The name of the central European countries alliance of February 15, 1991 (Czechoslovakia, Hungarian Republic and Republic of Poland) came from the Hungarian castle-town Visegrád This is a reference to the medieval meeting held in 1335 between rulers of Bohemia (John I of Bohemia), Hungary (Charles I of Hungary) and Poland (Casimir III of Poland). T V g á G p (also known as Visegrád Four or V4) is a cultural, economic and political alliance of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Republic of Poland and the Slovak Republic, that are members of the European Union (EU) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). More information:

How economically powerful is the Visegrád Group?

If counted as a single nation state, the V g á G p (V4) would be the fifth largest-economy in Europe and 12th globally. Its population of 64 million would rank it 22nd-largest in the world and 4th in Europe. Most live in Poland (about 38 million), followed by the Czech Republic (nearly 11 million), Hungary (nearly 10 million) and Slovakia (5.5 million). All V4 countries are members of the EU.

Territory pct. of EU 27 Population (2020) pct. of EU 27 Currency (sq . km) area population Czechia 78 867 1,9 10 693 939 2,4 Czech Koruna (CZK) Hungary 93 024 2,2 9 769 526 2,2 Hungarian Forint (HUF) Poland 312 679 7,4 37 958 138 8,5 Polish Zloty (PLN) Slovakia 49 035 1,2 5 457 873 1,2 EUR (since 2009) V4 533 605 12,7 63 879 476 14,3 - Data: based on Eurostat (territory of the UE, including V4 – see graphics, p. 8))

The V4 countries and EU. Territory Population (2020) (sq . km) EU-28 4 464 163 510 673 586 EU-27 4 215 636 447 706 209 V4 533 605 63 879 476 Data: based on Eurostat EU and the G (V4) - Territory

维谢格拉德集团 经济实力如何?

维谢格拉德四国集团(简称 V4)若作为一个整体来看,其经济实力欧洲排名第 5 位,世界排 名第 12 位。四国人口总数 6400 万,占居世界第 22 位,欧洲第 4 位。其中,波兰人口 3800 万,捷克 1100 万,匈牙利 1000 万,斯洛伐克 550 万。 领土 欧盟 27 国百 人口 欧盟 27 国总人 货币 口百分占比 (平方. 公里) 分占比 (2020) 捷克 78 867 1,9 10 693 939 2,4 捷克 克朗 (CZK) 匈牙利 93 024 2,2 9 769 526 2,2 匈牙利 福林 (HUF) 波兰 312 679 7,4 37 958 138 8,5 波兰 兹罗提 (PLN) 斯洛伐克 49 035 1,2 5 457 873 1,2 欧元(自 2009) V4 533 605 12,7 63 879 476 14,3 - Data: based on Eurostat

The V4 and EU. 领土 人口 (平方. 公里) (2020) 欧盟 28 国 4 464 163 510 673 586 欧盟 27 国 4 215 636 447 706 209 V4 533 605 63 879 476 Data: based on Eurostat


“The Visegr ” “维谢格拉德回声”报 V4 Magazine in China V4 杂志中国版 Issue 1 / 2020 期刊号 01/2020 (July-September) ) (7 月-9 月

Introduction 总概 T i fo t m g i t m ”Ec o” ” is g á ”………………………………………… 3 刊物创刊灵感来源及刊名“回声”和“维谢格拉德”名字由来

Table of contents ……………………………………………………………………………… ………………………… 9 内容梗概

Country of the Presidency: POLAND 轮值主席国:波兰 ”B ck o t ck” t Polis P si c of t is g á G o 2020/2 …………………….… “重启之路“维谢格拉德集团轮值主席国波兰(2020-2021)

Country Profile: CZECH REPUBLIC – CZECHIA 捷克共和国国家概况: 1. Place of inspiration – CZ ………………………………………………………………………………………… 灵感发源地-捷克 2. I s i b Al o s M c i S g i ………………………………………………………………… 阿尔丰斯-慕夏在上海的日子 3. Your tourist destination: Lednice- ltic Com l x …………………………………………….… 7 旅游指南:莱得尼采-瓦尔蒂采宫

Country Profile: HUNGARY 匈牙利国家概况: 1. Place of inspiration – HU ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9 灵感发源地-匈牙利 2. With teqball the world is curved …………………………………………………………………………… 21 台科博(桌式足球) 一个弧形世界 3. Yo to ist sti tio : Ti t P i s l of T s s ………………………………… 23 旅游指南:珍宝岛-帝豪尼半岛

Country Profile: REPUBLIC OF POLAND – POLAND 波兰共和国国家概况 1. Place of inspiration – PL ……………………………………………………………………………………… 2 灵感发源地: 波兰 2. Chopin in Shang i ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 27 上海与肖邦 3. Yo to ist sti tio : Wi lic k S lt Mi ……………………………………………………..… 29 旅游指南:维利奇卡盐矿

Country Profile: SLOVAK REPUBLIC – SLOVAKIA 斯洛伐克国家概况 1. Place of inspiration – SK ………………………………………………………………………………………… 灵感发源地:斯洛伐克 2. How t Slo k sig im ss C i ……………………………………………………………… 斯洛伐克设计在中国的影响力 3. Yo to ist sti tio : Ex lo B tisl ………………………………………………………… 旅游指南:探索斯洛伐克首都布拉迪斯拉发

BUSINESS MATTERS: 4 & CHINA ………………………………….………… …………………………………… 38 中欧四国与中国的商贸往来 1. C c A t Gl ss s g t s cc ss i C i (CZ) … …………………………… ………….... 41 捷克玻璃艺术制品在中国成功落户 2. Wo l ’s l g st i t cti W ll (HU) … …………………………………………………..…….. 44 世界最大的互动墙(匈牙利) 3. Polish Cosmetics – Yo C oic of Q lit (PL) … ………………………………………..… 47 波兰化妆品-您的品质之选 4. F om i o ti i to glob l m k t (SK) … ………………………………………….…… 0 从创意灵感到放眼全球市场(斯洛伐克)

THE VISEGRÁD BOX 维谢格拉德盒子 A. China through the eyes of V4 visitor ………………………………………………………... 52 V4 四国朋友眼中的中国 B. „A littl is g ád Dictionar ” …………………………………………………….… 3 维谢格拉德小词典 C. V4-Calendar: JULY – SEPTEMBER ……………………………………………………… 4 V4 四国 7 月-9 月活动日志 D. Relax Zone ……………………………………………………… 55 游戏互动专区 E. The Picture of the edition ……………………………………………………… 6 图片展


Country of the V4 Presidency: POLAND


2020 is not an easy year for the world and there is no doubt, that due to the epidemic, the coming years will require increased cooperation on many levels and within various structures. The V4 format, also known as the is g á G o is o of t o tio s of ossibl cooperation between China and European countries and in my opinion, this co-working format has not yet been used to its full potential and capabilities. Even though we have to face the consequences of the pandemic, the annual rotating Polish Presidency of the is g á Group for 2020/21 will focus on the current agenda, including cooperation in the digital and security sector, infrastructure development and the international agenda (including the development of the Eastern Partnership and further pro-integration activities of the Western Balkans towards EU). Since 2004 the European Union remains the key platform for Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia. The V4 regional cooperation and all social, economic and political contacts between residents of V4 countries extends the ability not only for further integration within EU structures but allows us to be more active in other parts of the world, including China.

The official programme of the Polish Presidency announced on 30 June 2020 includes numerous initiatives and activities divided into three areas:

1. Economy and connectivity 2. Security 3. Society

The 4 main objectives are as follows: 1. Strong V4 in a strong Europe 2. Return to normality 3. People-to-people contacts 4. Digital V4 (e-V4)

The aforementioned objectives are related to the coordination of V4 countries' activities within the EU, the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, strengthening integration and cohesion between the V4 countries and societies, as well as the development of V4 cooperation in the digital sector. All V4 countries are represented in China, and for many years they have been engaged in cooperating with the PRC. Most of these activities take place within the EU-China relations, but I strongly believe that the V4+China format can be an additional, useful platform of cooperation. It may help to increase brand awareness of “C t l E o ” in China. Currently, many V4 products in China come in a form of re-export through Western Europe, and generally are described as European. There are still many possible areas of cooperation to strengthen V4-China relations and efforts should be made to increase volume of trade. Tourism, culture and investments may further improve this trend. I am convinced that the future will bring many new opportunities for Poland-China, V4-China and EU-China relations. The most popular source of information about the current V4 activities is the official website (available in English), so I encourage everyone interested to visit this website.

Marek Ciesielczuk, Consul General of the Republic of Poland in Shanghai

V4 四国集团轮值主席国:波兰


2020 年对于整个世界来说都是一个非同一般的年份,受到疫情影响,在即将到来的一

年里,我们期盼各国之间能够更加加强不同层面,不同框架间的交流合作。V4 四国集


人看来,我认为这样的合作形式还需加强应用。波兰作为 2020/21 年度的维谢格拉德




自 2020 年 6 月 30 日正式宣布波兰为轮值主席国以来,波兰将在以下三个领域开展工 作: 1. 经济连通领域 2. 安全领域 3. 社会领域

四项目标: 1. 成为强大欧洲的强大 V4 集团 2. 回归寻常 3. 人际间交流 4. 数字化 V4 集团(e-V4)

上述目标中提到的 V4 集团国家在欧盟内各项活动事务,为抗击 COVID-19 疫情,四国

间应更多加强交流,增加凝聚力,包括在电子数据领域的合作。所有 V4 成员国在中国


关系为纽带,但我强烈建议若以 V4-中国这样的形式合作,会有锦上添花的效果。目前

V4 国家进口到中国的产品,须经过西欧转口贸易出口,标签上也只显示货源地欧洲。

V4 集团与中国之间仍有许多合作空间,我们还需努力增加贸易,旅游,文化和投资方



V4 集团的各项活动详情,官方网址: (英文版),

欢迎读者登陆网站了解更多讯息。 马莱克·切谢尔楚克 波兰共和国驻上海总领事 12

Country Profile / Place of inspiration: CZECH REPUBLIC – CZECHIA (CZ) - Česko

国家概况/灵感发源地: 捷克共和国

Famous person / category: Jana NOVOTNÁ (1967-2017) / Sport: TENNIS A professional player representing Czechoslovakia (1987-1992) and Czech Republic (1993- 1999). She was famous of an inceasingly rare style of play among women during her career. She won the women’s singles title at Wimbledon in 998 and was runner-up in 3 previous Grand Slam tournaments She won Grand Slam women’s doubles titles (com leting the Career Grand Slam twice), 4 Grand Slam mixed doubles titles and 3 Olympic medals. She reached a career-high singles ranking of world No. 2 in 1997, and held the No. 1 ranking in doubles for 67 non-consecutive weeks.

名人介绍/项目:贾娜-诺沃塔娜 (1967-2017)/体育项目:网球 诺沃塔娜曾是代表捷克斯洛伐克(1987-1992)和捷克共和国(1993-1999)的职业运 动员。以其独特罕见的女性运动员职业风格著称。 她在 1998 年的温布尔登网球公开赛上赢得了女子单打冠军,并且在此前的 3 次大满贯 赛事中均获得亚军。 她曾获得 12 个大满贯女子双打冠军(两次获得职业大满贯),4 个大满贯混合双打冠军和 3 枚奥运奖牌。 她在 1997 年达到职业生涯最高的单打世界 排名第二,并连续 67 周保持双打第一。

Famous people of Czech descent: Juscelino Kubitschek de Oliveira (JK, 1902-1976), a prominent Brazilian politician, 21st President of Brazil (1956-61) 一位具有捷克血统的著名人物:朱塞利诺·库比契克·德·奥利维拉(JK,1902-1976) - 著名的巴西政客,曾担任巴西第 21 任总统(1956-1961)

Place: Č KÝ KRU LO (in German: Krumau) - tow i t So t Bo mi R gio of t C c R blic It is isto ic c t o Č ský Krumlov Castle, has been a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site (1992) and was given this status along with the historic Prague castle district. Most of the architecture of the old town c stl t s f om 4t t o g 7t c t i s T tow ’s st ct s mostl i Got ic Renaisance and Baroque styles. The settlement arose beneath the castle, which was built from about 1240 onwards by a local branch of the noble Vitkovci family.

景点:捷克克鲁姆洛夫(德语:克鲁姆) - 捷克共和国南波希米亚州的一个城镇。 是捷克克鲁姆洛夫城堡(ČeskýKrumlov Castle)的历史中心,1992 年被联合国教科文组织授予世界物质文化遗产,同时获得 这一荣誉的还有历史悠久的布拉格城堡区。 老城区的大部分建筑和城堡建筑群建造年 代可追溯至 14 至 17 世纪。 该镇的建筑大部分为哥特式风格,文艺复兴时期风格和巴 洛克风格。 此座城堡是由当时的贵族维特科夫家族成员在大约公元 1240 年开始建造 的。

R ’ / O y é ják Š jk z ě é á ky. - a novel by Jaroslav Hasek (1883-1923), writer, humorist and satirist 读者角/书名:(The fateful Adventures of the Good Soldier Svejk During the World War) (第二次世界大战期间好士兵史维克的致命冒险) - 作者:Jaroslav Hasek(1883-1923),幽默主义者和讽刺作家

Proverb: Kde se pivo vaří, tam se dobře daří. - the oldest surviving written record of beer brewing on Czech teritory from the „ is g á C t ” of 088

谚语:(Wherever beer is brewed, it is good to be there) (无论哪里酿造啤酒,酿造出来就好) -出自于:1088 年的《维谢格拉德宪章》(Visegrád Charter),是捷克领土上尚存的 最古老的啤酒酿制书面记录。

QUATATION: Č ěk, k ý ží p mí , k ž j , n ní šť ný. - by Milan Kundera (born in 1929 in Brno), writer and essayist.

语录:(A man who wants to leave his place is not happy) (一个想离开自己家的人不开心) - 出处:米兰·昆德拉( 1929 年,生于布尔诺市),作家,散文家。

ON THE SCREEN / MOVIE: L m ná ý J n K ň ká p - a 1964 Czechoslovak musical comedy film, directed by Oldrich Lipsky and written by Jiri Brdecka. A parodyof the American Western. The name of the eponymous hero is a pun, since the Czech word for a soft drink, limonada, can also be used figuratively in reference to a cheap, sentimental love-story.

银幕/电影:(Lemonade Joe, or the Horse Opera) (柠檬水乔或马戏团) -梗概:1964 年捷克斯洛伐克的音乐喜剧电影,由奥尔德里奇·利普斯基 (Oldrich Lipsky)导演,吉里·布瑞德卡(Jiri Brdecka)撰写。 模仿美国西部电影情 节。 片名中的”英雄”名字是双关语,捷克语中的柠檬水一词发音相同,也可以用比喻 来表示廉价,多情的爱情故事。

Culinary journey / Food: Staročeská pivní polévka - There are many types of soups in the Czech Republic, i.e. onion, Garlic, but also a unique soup invention, namely the Old Bohemian Beer Soup (beer soup), which includes beer, milk, flour and cinnamon. Definitely a very original taste.

烹饪之旅/美食:Staročeská ivní olévka 在捷克,汤有很多类型,例如洋葱,大蒜,还有一道独特的汤,即老波希米亚啤酒汤 (简称啤酒汤)其中包括啤酒,牛奶,面粉和肉桂。 原汁原味的口感非常独特。


CZECH REPUBLIC – CZECHIA Inspired by Alphons Mucha in Shanghai by Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Shanghai

Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) is a well-known, but rarely understood artist. Active in the late 19th century, the Czech maestro rose to fame for designing theatrical poster for F c ’s most f mo s ct ss t t tim S B t His sig s fo Exposition Universal de Paris 1990 and works displayed there further enhanced his career, and his luxuriant and graceful personal style led the Art Nouveau movement, which was initially named “le style Mucha” T M c st l w s o l i E o Am ic t t t of t c t H w s is b t m i s “t wo l ’s g t st co ti tist” “t p i c of ost t” b c m t fi of t st l of t tim How i itio to t s o l co ti t ctic s littl is k ow bo t M c ’s t iotism tio l s i it and pursuit of peace. His objective was always to create, not for the sake of art, but for the sake of the human race. He was an aspirational and contemplative artist, and, driven by an invisible force in his heart, he was committed to depicting the historical civilization of the Slavic nation with his paintbrush. He was eager to convey love through art, unite the national spirit, and promote peace and collective progress. This ideal was especially evident in the 20 monumental historical paintings The Slav Epic, o c i M c ’s l t s By working in various artistic fields, Mucha demonstrated his own talent, rich and multifaceted layer of thinking. He was a painter, a sculptor, a photographer, a designer working in many different media, a teacher of fine arts and a seeker of peace. In his unpublished manuscripts, Mucha w ot “T missio of t is to x ss t st tic l t t co s o s to t b t of t so l of c tio T tist’s missio is to t c o l to lo t is b t ” In 2019 Pearl Art Museum, Shanghai, along with the Mucha Foundation, Prague, collaborated to s t s ct c l x ibitio of C c A t No M st o Al o s M c ’s t T is first exhibition in China featured over 200 original works of art.

捷克共和国 阿尔丰斯·慕夏在上海的日子 资料由捷克驻上海总领馆提供

阿尔丰斯·慕夏 (Alphonse Mucha, 1860-1939) 是一位既广为人知, 又鲜为人知的艺术家。这位活跃 于 19 世纪末的捷克艺术大师, 凭借为当时法国最著名的女演员 莎拉·伯恩哈特(Sarah Bernhardt) 设计的剧院海报一举成名,1900 年巴黎世界博览会的展馆设计及 作品展出将慕夏推向事业的另一 高峰,其华丽曼妙的鲜明个人风 格引领了“新艺术运动”。“慕夏式 风格”风靡世纪之交的欧洲与美国, 他被媒体誉为“世界上最伟大的装 饰艺术家”、“海报艺术王子”, 成为时代风貌的定义者。 然而除了这些广受欢迎的装饰性 艺术实践,鲜为人知的是慕夏始 终怀揣的爱国之心、民族精神与 和平追求。不为艺术而创作艺术, 而是“为人创作”,他是一位有抱 负的“思考型艺术家”,在内心“看 不见的力量”驱使下致力于用画笔 描绘斯拉夫民族的历史文明, 他渴望通过艺术传达爱, 凝聚民族精神,推动和平进程、 人类进步。这一理想在慕夏后期创作的“斯拉夫史诗”20 幅纪念碑式的历史 画作中体现得尤为突出。慕夏以极其丰富的多类型创作,展现了自身才华 与思想的多面性和丰富性。他是画家、雕塑家、摄影师、涉猎多种媒体的 设计师、循循善诱的艺术教师与和平追寻者。慕夏在其生前未出版的手稿 中写道:“艺术的使命是表达与各民族灵魂之美相契合的审美价值。艺术家 的使命则是教会人们热爱这种美。”在 2019 上海明珠美术馆携手布拉格慕 夏基金会举办了捷克国宝级艺术家、“新艺术运动”大师阿尔丰斯·慕夏经典 作品回顾展。首次在国内集中展出慕夏家族收藏,作品超过了 200 件。


CZECH REPUBLIC – CZECHIA Your tourist destination: Lednice-Valtice Complex by CzechTourism

Lednice-Valtice Complex Take a walk through the Garden of Europe in the Lednice-Valtice Complex!

There are not many places in the world which have received such care as the elegant area around the spectacular Lednice and Valtice chateaux. An absolutely unique park has been created here over the centuries, full of rare tree species, romantic little buildings, fishponds and beautiful little corners. The Lednice-Valtice Complex, which has been included in the UNESCO list, is known as the Garden of Europe to this very day.

Chateau Lednice gained its ostentatious neo-Gothic appearance thanks to conversion in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, it was used for summer meetings of the European aristocracy. The other chateau – Valtice – was the spectacular residence of the Austrian and Moravian Lords of Lichtenstein. It is known not only for its beauty, but also the long tradition of winemaking. Grape vines were brought here by the Roman legion of Emperor Marcus Aurelius, who regarded the area of Pál as suitable for cultivation of wine. You can thus enjoy not only a unique cultural experience, but also a glass of superb Moravian wine in the Wine Salon here. The park here, surrounding both chateaux, is one of the most luxurious landscapes in Europe. You can admire the landscaped countryside here with its many fishponds covered with water lilies, green forests, meadows full of flowers and rare tree species. To please and surprise the guests, Viennese architects incorporated many small romantic buildings into the landscape, which lend the place a unique character. You can thus climb to the top of a minaret that is 60 m high, which offers an unforgettable view over the w ol com l x l s t ic ic b t “R - o s” ti g c t or take a trip on bo t ig t to t i s of “Jo ’s C stl ” If o jo c cli g o c t k l is l t i through the chateau park here by bike.

捷克共和国 旅行指南:莱德尼采-瓦尔季采 古堡 资料提供:捷克旅游局 莱德尼采-瓦尔季采城堡建筑群 在欧洲花园般的莱德尼采-瓦尔 季采古堡建筑群中漫步吧!

壮观的莱德尼采-瓦尔季采城堡建筑群 拥有世界上少有的美景。几个世纪以 来,这里已经建造成一座独特的公园, 种有稀有树种,浪漫风格的小建筑群, 鱼塘和美丽的一隅。莱德尼采-瓦尔季 采古堡建筑群已被联合国教科文组织 列入世界文化遗产,有欧洲花园之称。 勒德尼采酒庄(Chateau Lednice)在 19 世纪中叶进行了改建, 获得了崭新的哥特式外 观它曾被用作欧洲贵族的夏季会议场所。另一座城堡瓦尔季采是利希滕斯坦奥地利和 摩拉维亚上议院的住所,外观宏伟壮观。它不仅以其美丽著称,更以悠久的酿酒传统 而闻名。罗马帝国皇帝马库斯·奥雷留斯(Marcus Aurelius)曾带来葡萄藤,他认为帕 拉瓦(Pálava)地区很适合酿酒。因此,您不仅可以在这里享受独特的文化体验,还可 以在这里的葡萄酒沙龙享受一杯精美的摩拉维亚葡萄酒。

公园讲两座城堡环抱,拥有欧洲最豪华的景观之一。您在这里可以欣赏到风景优美的 乡村,那里有许多鱼塘,鱼塘上布满了睡莲;绿树成林,草地上开满了鲜花,随处可 见珍稀树种。为了给游客带来惊喜,来自维也纳的建筑师在此设计了一些浪漫风格的 小型建筑群,成为一道独特风景线。您可登至 60 米高处的城堡顶部,一览古堡全景, 令人流连忘返;或者在“ Rendez-vous”狩猎城堡旁野餐,乘船游览抵达“约翰城堡”的废 墟遗址。如果您喜欢骑自行车,可以骑行游览城堡公园。 18

Country Profile / Place of inspiration: HUNGARY (HU) - Magyarország

FAMOUS PERSON / CATEGORY: IGNÁC SEMMELWEIS, THE "SAVIOUR OF MOTHERS" (1818-1865) / Medical science - Hungarian physician and scientist, now known as an early pioneer of antiseptic procedures. Described as the "saviour of mothers", Semmelweis discovered that the incidence of puerperal fever (also known as "childbed fever") could be drastically cut by the use of hand disinfection in obstetrical clinics. Puerperal fever was common in mid-19th-century hospitals and often fatal. Semmelweis proposed the practice of washing hands with chlorinated lime solutions in 1847 while working in Vienna General Hos ital’s First Obstetrical Clinic where doctors' wards had three times the mortality of midwives’ wards.

FAMOUS PEOPLE OF HUNGARIAN DESCENT: JOSEPH PULITZER (Jó s f P lit ; 847-1911) American-Hungarian journalist, newspaper publisher. His name is known nowadays mainly because of the prizes endowed by him and awarded annually for notable achievements in American journalism, letters, and music. Pulitzer left Hungary in his age of 17 with the purpose of making some sort of a military career. He joined the Union Army in the Civil War, then became a successful newspaper editor and publisher, and later a congressman.

PLACE: LAKE HÉ ÍZ, THE WORLD’ L RG T OLOG C LL -ACTIVE NATURAL THERMAL LAKE With its 4 4 ha water surface Lake Hévíz is the oldest and most famous thermal bath in Hungary: it takes pride in a history of 2000 years. The water of the Lake is rich in sulphur, and minerals can be found 38 metres deep in the cave, which due to its high well capacity completely changes in every 72 hours Lake Hévíz is suitable for bathing and can be successfully used for different medical ur oses The water temperature may reach 23- 5 °C in winter and 33-36 °C in summer In winter the Lake provides an especially spectacular and unique experience while the condensed steam forms a steam cap on the top of the lake surface: hydrogen suplhide is released into the air, which have great medical effects on the exhausted vocal cords when inhaled.

R D R’ CORNER / BOOK: THE PAUL STREET BOYS Youth novel by Ferenc Molnár (novel by Sándor Márai (1878-1952); published in Chinese in 2012 by Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing.

PROVERB: K k án k , ny . Early to bed and early rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

QUOTATION: „V gyük k m y n gy m k ! M n n gyé ő kö k z k. […] gy m kn k gj épp n ég jó.”

"Let us take our children seriously! Everything else follows from this. [...] the best is good enough for a child." - b Zoltá Ko ál ( 882-1967) composer, ethnomusicologist, music pedagogue and linguist, t c to of t i t tio ll ck owl g co c t of m sic c tio t Ko ál M t o

ON THE SCREEN / MOVIE: NOIR (2017) A dark, riveting, and lightning movie of murder, intrigue, and political corruption, set in 1936 Hungary. The story is based on the novel by successful Hungarian author, Kondor Vilmos.

CULINARY JOURNEY / FOOD: GULYÁS Gulyás is one of the most famous dishes of the Hungarian culinary re ertoire The name derives from the ’gulyás’ (herdsmen), who made their rich and fulfilling dish in a kettle over an open-fire. Today, a kettle made goulash is considered as the most authentic version of all. Almost each region has its own variety, although a basic goulash is somewhere between a soup and stew, with beef (occasionally veal or pork), carrot, potato, spices and the typical paprika.

国家概况/灵感发源地: 匈牙利

著名人物/行业:艾格纳克·塞梅维什,“母亲的救世主” (1818-1865) / 医学 艾格纳克·塞梅维什是匈牙利的一位内科医生和科学家,被誉为抗菌消毒领域的先驱,也被 称作 “母亲的救世主”。塞梅维什发现产褥期发热(也称为“产褥热”)的发病率可以通过在产 科诊所中使用消毒液清洗双手而大幅降低感染率。产褥热在 19 世纪中期的医院里很常见, 而且常常致命。塞梅维什当时在维也纳总医院第一产科诊所工作,当他发现那里的医生病房 死亡率是助产士病房的三倍时,他与 1847 年提出用含氯石灰溶液洗手的做法来解决这一问 题,有效降低医护人员的死亡率。

匈牙利裔名人:约瑟夫·普利策 (József Pulitzer; 1847-1911) 美籍匈牙利记者、报纸出版商。之所以出名,主要是因为他每年都会为在美国新闻界、文学 界和音乐界方面取得杰出成就者授予奖项资助奖金。普利策 17 岁离开匈牙利,开始了军事 生涯。他在内战中加入了联邦军,成为一名成功的报纸编辑和出版商,随后成为了一名国会 议员。

旅游景点:黑维兹湖,世界最大活生物群的自然温泉湖 拥有 4.4 公顷水面的黑维兹湖是匈牙利最古老、最著名的温泉浴场:它以拥有 2000 年历史 为傲。湖水富含硫磺,在 38 米深的山洞里可以发现矿物质,由于它的大容量,每 72 小时就 完全变化一次。黑维兹湖适合泡温泉, 且具备多项医疗功能。冬季水温可达 23-25°C,夏季 可达 33-36°C。冬天,在湖水泡温泉可谓是壮观和独特的一种体验,当蒸汽凝结在湖面上形 成了一个蒸汽帽:氢气被释放到空气中,吸入后对咽喉炎患者有一定医疗作用。

阅读角/书籍:保罗街小子们 – 青年小说费伦茨·莫尔纳;马洛伊·山多尔小说(1878-1952); 浙江文艺出版社 2012 年出版中文版。

谚语: Ki korán kel, aranyat lel . 早睡早起,使人健康、富有、聪明。

引用: „Vegyük komolyan a gyermeket! Minden egyéb ebből következik. […] a gyermeknek a legjobb éppen elég jó.” “让我们认真对待我们的孩子!其他一切都是从这得到。[...]对一个孩子来说,最好的已经足 够了。” - 作者:佐尔坦·柯达伊(1882-1967),作曲家、民族音乐学家、音乐教育学家和语言学家, 国际公认的音乐教育理念的创造者,柯达伊教学法。

荧屏/电影:黑色布达佩斯 (2017) 一部关于谋杀、阴谋和政治腐败的黑暗、引人入胜的电影。 拍摄于 1936 年,地点匈牙利。这个故事是根据著名匈牙利作家康多尔 · 维尔莫斯的小说改 编。

美食之旅/ 美食:匈牙利牛肉汤 匈牙利牛肉汤是匈牙利烹饪菜单中最著名的菜肴之一。这个名字来源于“gulyás”(牧民), 他们用烧水壶放在明火上,做了丰盛的菜肴。如今,用烧水壶做的匈牙利牛肉汤被认为是最 纯正的。尽管一份基本的匈牙利牛肉汤是介于汤和炖菜之间,配有牛肉(偶尔有小牛肉或猪 肉)、胡萝卜、土豆、香料和经典的辣椒粉,但几乎每一个地区都有自己的风味。 20

HUNGARY With Teqball the world is curved! introduced by Consulate General of Hungary in Shanghai

W h a t i s T e q b a l l ?

Teqball is a football-based sport, played on a specially-curved table (the Teq table), which is attracting a new generation of athletes and amateur enthusiasts (teqers), whose ambition is to develop their technical skills, concentration and stamina. The sport, which was created in Hungary in 2012 is a truly gender- equitable game, as the rules define that teqball shall be played between two (singles) or four players (doubles), irrespective of gender. Teqball is the purest use of a football, with the rule of no physical contact allowed between the players, or between the players and the table, helping eliminate the risk of impact injuries.

The Table

Teqball is a new sports equipment, which is perfectly suitable for professional footballers as well as amateur enthusiasts whose ambition is to develop their technical skills, concentration and stamina. However, it is not only our skills we can improve on this specially-bent board. All we need is an opponent at the other end of the Teq table and the game can begin! The net is solid and thus the ball bounces back from it, so this way the concept of uninterrupted games is no longer a dream. The structure of a Teq table, aligned with the rules, does not allow luck or chance to interfere with the game; players can only rely on their skills and abilities.

More information:

匈牙利 有了台科搏,世界是弯曲的! 资料提供:匈牙利驻沪领馆

Favourite recreational sport of Ronaldinho, one of the Ambassadors of Teqball - Ronaldinho 最喜爱的休闲运动,台科搏大使之一——罗纳尔迪尼奥

什么是台科搏? 台科搏是一项以足球为基础的运动,在一 个特别弯曲的桌子(台科搏桌子)上进 行,此项运动吸引了新一代的运动员和业 余爱好者,他们的目标是发展他们的技术 技能、注意力和耐力。这项运动于 2012 年在匈牙利创立,是一项真正的性别平等 运动,因为规则规定,无论男女,台科搏必须在两名(单打)或四名 (双打)球员之间进行。台科搏是足球最纯粹的用途,它规定球员之间, 或者球员和桌子之间不允许身体接触,有助于消除撞击伤害的风险。 台科搏桌 台科搏是一种新型的运动器材,非常适合职业足球运动员和业余爱好者, 他们的志向是发展他们的技术、专注力和耐力。然而,在这种特殊弯曲的 木板上,我们不仅可以提高我们的技能。我们只需要一个对手在台桌的另 一端,游戏就可以开始了!球网是坚固的,球会从网中反弹回来,因此, 不间断比赛的概念不再是一个梦想。台科搏桌子的结构与规则一致, 不允许运气或机会干扰游戏,玩家只可依靠自己的技能和能力。 更多信息请登录网站 22

HUNGARY Your tourist destination: Tihany, the Peninsula of Treasures introduced by Imre Tósoki Mayor of Tihany

Tihany, the one-tim fis i g ill g is o of H g ’s most f q tl isit to ist destinations owing to its natural landscape, cultural and sacral heritage. With its almost one thousand years of history, Tihany has always been proud of its traditions and values because wherever we go and look, each corner and street of this small settlement is penetrated by history. Lake Balaton, i.e., the largest shallow lake of Central Europe, was created approximately 25,000 years ago. The Tihany Peninsula stretches into the lake, dividing it into two basins. The village has approximately 1,385 residents but during the tourist seasons it is flooded by thousands of visitors and tourists every day. The Peninsula is unique not only in Hungary but also in Europe in a number of aspects. Its special geographic situation, g ologic l isto ic m i s l t im l s ci s t it i to o of H g ’s most beautiful and most protected treasures. The life and development of the village is still determined by the choice of King Andrew I when he chose Tihany as the burial site of his family and founded a Benedictine abbey in 1055. The Deed of Foundation of the abbey is one of the most important linguistic relics of the Hungarian language. Although the monastery converted into a fort during the Turkish wars was destroyed, it was reconstructed in Baroque style in the 18th century and has been standing on the Eastern peak of the peninsula as the ancient symbol of Tihany. Tihany is not only proud of its past. Owing to the developments and investments of the recent past as well as co-operation with the local residents, Tihany began to develop in a manner that will also determine its future. With the help of the Tihany Legend Project, born in the spirit of joint thinking with experts, local organisations and entrepreneurs, our public squares, parks and cycle paths and promenades have been reconstructed. Our achievements were recognised not only within the country but also abroad. In 2014, European Village Renewal Award went to Tihany, also won the Public Area Aware of Excellence, received a Gold Medal in the Entente Florale Europe competition, and was given the International Community Involvement Award in the Communities in Bloom competition in 2018. On behalf of the Municipality and hospitable residents of Tihany, I invite you to visit our little village, I hope that the time you spend with us will also prove that Tihany is t y “P n n f T ”. 匈牙利 你的旅游首选:帝豪尼,半岛珍宝 帝豪尼市长 Imre Tósoki 对城市的介绍

帝豪尼曾经是一个小渔村,由于其自然风光、文化和神圣的历史遗迹, 现在是匈牙利最受游客欢迎的旅游目的地。帝豪尼拥有上千年的历史, 因此这个城市的每个角落和街道都充满了传统和历史珍宝。

巴拉顿湖,是中欧地区最大的淡水湖,大概形成于 25000 年前。帝豪尼半 岛将该湖一分为二。村庄将近有 1385 名居民,但是旅游旺季时每日会有成 千上万的游客光顾。就面积而言,该半岛不仅是匈牙利并且是欧洲独一无 二的。其独特的地理位置和历史遗迹,珍稀的动植物品种,使之成为匈牙 利最美的自然保护区。1055 年,安德鲁一世选择帝豪尼作为其家族的陵寝, 并建造了本笃会修道院,因此村庄也就得到了发展。修道院的地基是匈牙 利建筑的典型代表。虽然修道院的城堡在土耳其战争中遭到了破坏,但是 在 18 世纪的时候,又以巴洛克风格重建了一次,如今是帝豪尼的古老象 征,屹立在中东欧之巅。帝豪尼拥有的不仅仅是优秀的历史。在近几年和 当地的居民的合作中,帝豪尼高度关注未来的发展。在帝豪尼传奇项目的 帮助下,优秀的专家们、当地的组织和企业家们聚集在一起,帝豪尼的公 共广场、公园、车道和步道都得到了整修。城市的变化收到了国内外的关 注。2014 年,帝豪尼获得了欧洲村庄翻新奖,同时获得公共区域优异奖, 在欧洲 Entente Florale 比赛中获得金奖,在 2018 年在 Bloom 比赛中获得 国际社区参与奖。

我代表帝豪尼地方政府和当地热情的原住民,邀请您来到我们的小村庄, 希望您能真实感受到帝豪尼是“半岛珍珠”这一美好的称呼。 24

Country Profile / Place of inspiration: POLAND (PL) - POLSKA

Famous person / category: m Ł Z (born 1977) / Ski jumper

Polish former ski jumper and rally driver. He was one of the most succesful athletes in ski jumping (1995-2011). His many accomplishments include 4 World Cup titles, 4 individual Winter Olympic medals, 4 individual World Championship gold medals, 39 individual World Cup competition wins, 96 World Cup podiums (individual and team), a winner of the Four Hills Tournament and being the first. ski jumper to win 3 consecutive World Cup titles.

Famous people of Polish descent: Joseph Conrad (Jó f T o o Ko Ko iowski 1857-1924) - one of the greatest short story writer and novelist to write in English language.

Place: The Bird Republic / the Warta Mouth National Park („R P ” / P N w Ujś ) - a place that attracts hundreds of ornithologists. A land of more than 250 bird species, including a white-tailed eagle, a teal, a ruff, a crane, a cron crake and an oystercatcher. A unique place of swamps and wetlands - the Warta Mouth National Park.

R ’ / Bieguni (2017) (Flights) - a fragmentary novel by Olga Tokarczuk (born 1962), she was awarded the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Proverb: „Dz ń j z j zy m z z p p ć; z j zym n f j, zę p p j, g y n z zym z łą z ć” (Tomorrow always has something to improve; do not be comfortable about today, but often improve when you do not want to get lost in it). - a proverb published in 1855 by Kazimierz Józef Turowski („Przyszłowia mów otocznych albo przestrogi, obyczaje, radne, wojenne Andrzeja Maksymiliana Fredry Kasztelana Lwowskiego, potem Wojewody Podolskiego)

Quatation: Czł k – j z z ś ę , k ó j k zy z ć n k m n n . (Man – this is a sacred thing that no one is allowed to harm) - b St f Ż omski ( 864-1925), novelist, dramatist, nominated 4 times for the Nobel Prize in Literature.

On the Screen / Movie: Ręk p zn z ny S g (1965) (The Saragossa Manuscript) - t film b Wojci c H s b s o t f mo s book „T M sc i t Fo i S goss (published in 1847) by Polish nobleman and explorer Jan Potocki.

Culinary journey / Food: Ż k (White borscht) - is a Slavic soup that can be found in Eastern European countries, but the Polish version – made from rye kiełbasa (Polish sausage) and ham – is a tough one to re licate Żurek is best devoured served inside a large crusty bread roll.

国家概况/灵感发源地: 波兰, POLSKA

代表人物/行业:亚当·马兹(生于 1977 年)/跳台滑雪 波兰前跳台滑雪者和拉力赛车手。 他是跳台滑雪最成功的运动员之一(1995-2011 年)。 他所获得的奖项有:4 项世界 杯冠军,4 项冬季奥运会个人奖牌,4 项世界锦标赛金牌,39 项个人世界杯比赛冠 军,96 项世界杯个人和团队奖项,四山锦标赛冠军 。 跳台滑雪者连续 3 年获得世界 杯冠军

波兰裔著名人物:约瑟夫·康拉德(全名:约瑟夫·特奥多尔·康拉德·科泽尼夫斯基, 1857-1924 年) - 最伟大的英语短篇故事和小说家之一。

地点:鸟类共和国/瓦尔塔河口国家公园 (“ Rzeczpospolita Ptasia” /纳多多维·乌杰希·沃蒂公园)-一个吸引数百位鸟类学家的地 方。 这片土地上有超过 250 种鸟类,其中包括白尾鹰,鹤,龙虾和牡蛎。这就是独特的瓦 尔塔河口湿地国家公园。

读者角/书名: 航班 (Flights) 2017 - 奥尔加·托卡丘克(Olga Tokarczuk)的一部短片小说(作者生于 1962 年), 2018 年度诺贝尔文学奖得主。

谚语:Dz ń j z j zy m z z p p ć; z j zym n f j, zę p p j, g y n z zym z łą z ć” “明天总是有待改进的地方,今天不适应,但当您不想迷失时常常会有所改善“ -卡齐米日·约瑟夫·图罗夫斯基(KazimierzJózefTurowski)在 1855 年发表的谚语.

语录:CZŁO IEK – JEST TO RZECZ Ś IĘTA, KTÓREJ KRZY DZIĆ NIKOMU NIE OLNO. (伙计-这是一件神圣的事,任何人都不得伤害) -小说家,戏剧家斯特凡·埃罗姆斯基(Stefan Ż omski,1864-1925 年),曾四次获得 诺贝尔文学奖提名。

屏幕/电影:RĘKOPIS ZNALEZIONY SARAGOSSIE(1965) 片名:萨拉戈萨手稿 -Wojciech Has 的电影,根据波兰贵族探险家 Jan Potocki 着名的著作“在萨拉戈萨发现 的手稿”(1847 年出版)。

烹饪之旅/美食:ŻUREK(罗宋汤) -一种可以在东欧国家/地区找到的斯拉夫风味的汤,但在波兰,人们用黑麦,基尔巴 萨(波兰香)和火腿制成,口感独特。 最佳实用方法,是将 Żurek 汤盛放在一个大的 硬皮面包中享用。


POLAND Chopin in Shanghai by Piotr Leszczyński

Szopen or Chopin? Which name of the Polish piano virtuoso is correct? It turns out that both forms are correct, although the second is more common. It is suprising, that the form “Szopen” was sometimes used by the pianist himself. Even though he lived only 39 years, he left an extraordinary legacy. Panist, composer and music teacher inspired by Polish folk music, but also influanced by several historical events and personal experience.

This year marks the 210th anniversary of the birth of Fryderyk Chopin (known also as Franciszek Fryderyk Chopin as well as F é é ic F çois C o i ) and it is a right time to recall some of the achievments of the great master of the piano, who created his first compositions in 1817, at the age of 7. All C o i ’s com ositio s w im il w itt fo solo i o H composed mazurkas, waltzes, nocturnes, polonaises, etudes, impromptus, scherzos, preludes, sonates as well as instrumental ballade. In Chopin's music we find almost all emotions and feelings, love, joy, pain, suffering and anger. The whole melodic, harmonic and rythmic richness is there. And that makes his music so special and popular. In Poland, you can listen to his music during t f C o i Co c ts i W s w's Ro l Ł i ki P k (from May to September), where pianists from all over the world perform. Dedicated to Fryderyk Chopin is one of the oldest piano competitions in the world, the Chopin Competition held in Warsaw every five years. Records with Chopin's music enjoy unflagging popularity and his music is also popular among ot m sici s lik A j J go iński or L s k Moż ż . C o i ’s m sic s tt ct many fans in China. The list of participants in the Chopin Competition was always studded with talented piano virtuosos, including Chinese pianists (Li Yundi - the First Prize laureat of 2000 C o i ’s Com titio , Chen Sa, Dong Fei-fei, Wai Ching Cheung, Jia Zhichao, Xu Zi). The 18th itio of t C o i ’s Com titio is rescheduled for October 2021.

Shanghai is another special place on the xt o i C o i ’s wo l m Numerous great i ists i s i b C o i ’s m sic fo m i S g i mo g ot s Ig c F iedman (The Embassy Theater Shanghai, 1934) and Artur Rubinstein. Every few years new generations of talented pianists reminds us of the timeless work of Chopin. Therefore all of them, including Krystian Zimerman, Rafal Blechacz, Li Yundi, Cho Seong-jin (Korean First Prize laureat of 2015 C o i ’s Com titio ) m ot s s to b t k cog is fo t i talent and dedication to music. On March 3, 2007 in the Zhongshan Park in Shanghai, the world's highest monument to Fryderyk Chopin was unveiled. The monument designed by a Shanghainese sculptor, Lu Pin b c m iq l c fo C o i ’s m sic f s in China.

This y ’ p n ng ceremony of the Shanghai Changning International Piano Festival 2020 will take place there too. Enjoy the Festival and the Chopin music in Shanghai!

波兰 肖邦在上海 作者;皮奥特-莱什琴斯基

“Szopen”还是“Chopin”? 波兰钢琴演奏家肖邦 的原名究竟是哪个? 事实证明,两种形式都是正 确的,尽管后者更普遍。 令人惊讶的是,钢琴家 本人有时会使用“ Szopen”这个拼写。 钢琴家肖邦 仅仅活了 39 个年头,他的一生却充满传奇色彩。 肖邦,著名的演奏家和作曲家,他的作品许多来 自于波兰民间音乐启发,受到当时的历史大事件 和个人经历影响,独具风格 。

今年是肖邦( Fryderyk Chopin ,也被称为 Franciszek Fryderyk Chopin 或是 Frédéric François Chopin 或是 Fryderyk Szopen)诞辰 210 周年。 让我们一起回顾一下钢琴大师的伟大成就。肖邦在 1817 年创作的了他的第一部作品, 那年他才 7 岁。

肖邦创作的作品主要是为独奏作品。其创作的作品风格有马祖卡舞曲,华尔兹舞曲, 夜曲,波兰舞曲,练习曲,即兴曲,戏虐曲,前奏曲,奏鸣曲等。在肖邦的音乐中, 您可以感受到各种情感,如:爱,喜悦,痛苦,痛苦和愤怒。无论是旋律,和声还是 节奏感都非常丰富。这也是肖邦音乐之所以流传广泛的原因。在波兰,每年的 5 月至 9 月,您可以在华沙皇家华津基 Łazienki 公园享受免费的肖邦钢琴音乐会。肖邦钢琴大赛 是世界上最古老的钢琴比赛之一,在华沙举办,每五年一次。肖邦音乐的唱片名声鹊 起,他的音乐也受到乐界同行例如安德烈·雅各吉斯基(Andrzej Jagodziński)或莱斯泽 克·默兹(Leszek Możder)的认可和喜爱。肖邦的音乐在中国也吸引了许多粉丝。肖邦 比赛的参赛者名单上不乏来自世界各地才华横溢的钢琴演奏家,其中中国钢琴家有: 李云迪-2000 年肖邦比赛一等奖得主,陈莎,董飞飞,魏正祥,贾志超,徐子等 。 第 18 届肖邦国际钢琴比赛将于 2021 年 10 月举行。

上海对于肖邦的世界艺术版图来说,是个特殊的地方。在这里,历史上曾经有许多国 外钢琴演奏家在此演奏肖邦的作品,其中有:Ignacy Friedman(弗莱德曼,1934 年上 海大使剧院),大名鼎鼎的 Artur Rubinstein(鲁宾斯坦)。通过比赛活动使得我们能够 每过几年,通过新一代钢琴家们的才华展示,使得我们再次聆听到肖邦永恒的伟大作 品。感谢诸如 Krystian Zimerman,Rafal Blechacz,李云迪,Cho Seong-jin(韩国籍, 2015 年获得肖邦国际钢琴比赛的一等奖)等新生代钢琴家,感谢他们为音乐作出的奉 献精神 。 2007 年 3 月 3 日,在上海中山公园举行了肖邦雕像的落成仪式,这座雕像由 上海雕塑家陆频设计,在波兰铸造完成,是当今世界上最高的肖邦像,如今肖邦像所 在的中山公园大草坪已成为中国音乐迷们汇聚场所。 2019 年,第一届上海长宁国际草 地钢琴音乐节开幕。

2020 年 10 月将举办第二届上海长宁国际草地音乐节!更多信息请登陆长宁文化旅游 局官网查询。


POLAND Your tourist destination: Wieliczka and Bochnia Royal Saltmine by Polish Tourism Organization (POT)

Deep beneath the ground, these are truly unique cities of salt: with churches, chapels, and legendary ventilation, drainage, lighting and transportation systems. The salt mine in Wieliczka was one of the first sites in the world to be placed on the list of UNESCO World Natural and Cultural Heritage Sites. Immersed in its unique microclimate, you can walk down tun - nels adorned with amazing sculptures carved in salt or sit back in one of the many chapels to reflect on the spirituality of the pious miners. A weary traveller can enjoy spa treatments and various innovative therapies, or even spend the night in one of t s ci l s li c mb s If t t’s not enough, those seeking adventure can go for a boat ride on an underground lake. The mine in Bochnia offers a journey back in time, thanks to a multimedia exhibition documenting the development of mining technologies over the centuries. Today these old excavation chambers and chapels serve as venues for various events. The biggest event at the Wieliczka Salt Mine is World Art Underground, a music, dance and performance festival. The mine hosts all sorts of events: concerts, theatre performances, art exhibitions, balls, weddings and conferences. Film c ws s oot too St Ki g ’s C l w t c li s m of s lt is t loc tio fo s ic s c l b t o ll m jo ligio s oli s T K ków S ltwo ks M s m x ibits t wo l ’s o l coll ctio of o s -powered, wooden mills, the predecessors of steam and electrical technologies. Another curiosity is the only collection of s lt s k s i E o A s o ts fi l is loc t i t W ż C mb bo t 2 0 m t s below ground, and a ride down a 140 metre long slide is definitely something to remember.


Country Profile / Place of inspiration: SLOVAKIA (SK) - SLOVENSKO

FAMOUS PERSON / CATEGORY: JOZ F URG Š (1864 –1929) / technologies, inventions Jo f M g Slo k i to architect, botanist, painter and Roman Catholic priest. He contributed to wireless telegraphy and helped in the development of mobile communications and the wireless transmission of information and the human voice. M g w s ick m t R io P i st

FAMOUS PEOPLE OF SLOVAK DESCENT: ANDY WARHOL (1928-1987) - a prominent personality of the 20th century art and the king of pop art, - film director as well as producer

PLACE: HR D D ÍN (The D í C ) - D í C stl st i g o m ssi ock ill above the confluence of the rivers Danube and Morava is an unusually impressive landmark, which is part of the oldest history of Slovakia. D í s m i om tic i ow t is s ot imi is its tt ctio s q it the opposite, since it is the most visited sightseeing venue in the whole of Slovakia. It is also one of the largest castles in the country and is easily accessible from the centre of Bratislava. This site has been settled since prehistoric tim s D í w s t of Lim s Rom s after the Celtic period from 1st to 4th centuries. Later, it was connected to a royal border fort as gradually built in the upper castle.

R D R’ CORN R / OOK JOZEF MAK (1933) (Jozef Mak) - novel by Jozef Cíger-Hronský ( 896-1960), writer, teacher and publicist.

PROVERB: DAJ PRST, VEZME TI CELÚ RUKU. (Give him an inch and he will take a yard). Meaning: "When you help someone without expecting to receive anything, but by continuing doing it the other person gets used to it and wants more”

QUATATION: „V ť, m ť, p ť.“ (To believe. To love. To work.) - by Mil R stisl Št fá ik Slovak politician, diplomat, aviator and astronomer.

ON THE SCREEN / MOVIE: PACHO, HYBSKÝ ZBOJNÍK (1975) (Pacho, the Brigand of Hybe) - t film b M ti Ť ák a story set to be the best comedy movie by Slovak filmmaking

CULINARY JOURNEY / FOOD: SKALICKÝ TRDELNÍK (traditional cake, spit cake) - From the Slovak region of Zá o i com s i t sti g st c ll Sk lický t l ík in shape of a roll with a hole inside. Once the dough is on the roller, it is coated with egg whites and sprinkled with walnuts, almonds or apricots, baked until golden and sprinkled with caster, vanilla or cinnamon sugar. The dough is soft and has an aroma of chopped nuts, apricots, and ill T tic l oc ssi g of t Sk lický t l ík t b ki g o woo oll - dates back to the 19th century and is still used today. Enjoy it on various street corners, squares and fairs in Slovakia. Sk lický t l ík was registered in December 2007 as a PGI „Protected geographical indication” i t E o U io

国家概况/ 灵感之源: 斯洛伐克 (SK) - Slovensko

š( 名人/行业:Jozef Murga 1864-1929 年)/技术,发明 Jozef Murgaš,斯洛伐克的发明家,建筑师,植物学家,画家和罗马天主教神父。 他为无线电报做出了贡献,并帮助开发了移动通信及信息和人类语音的无线传输。 Murgaš被称为无线电神父。

斯洛伐克裔名人:安迪·沃霍尔(1928-1987 年) 20 世纪波普艺术的杰出代表人物,电影导演及制片人

地点:Devín 城堡 Devín 城堡位于多瑙河和摩拉瓦河交汇处山顶的一块巨大岩石上,是个令人印象深刻的 地标景点,也是斯洛伐克最古老历史的一部分。 Devín 虽然断壁残垣,但依然魅力不 减,相反,它是整个斯洛伐克最受欢迎的观光地点。也是该国最大的城堡之一,从布 拉迪斯拉发市中心前往交通方便利。自史前时期以来,城堡就已存在。在公元一至四 世纪凯尔特人时期后,Devín 城堡就成为了罗马古迹的一部分。后来,它与建在城堡上 区的皇家边境堡垒相连。

阅读角/书名: JOZEF MAK (1933) - 由 Jozef Cíger-Hronský(1896-1960)写的小说,作家、教师和国际法学家。

谚语:D j p , zm ú k .(给他一英寸,他想要一个院子)。意思是:"当你 不计回报地帮助某人,一直这样做,对方会习以为然,并希望得到更多"。

语录:“去相信、去爱、去实践” -出处:米兰·拉斯蒂斯拉夫·什特凡尼克,斯洛伐克政治家,外交官, 飞行员和天文学家

荧屏/电影:Pacho, HYBE 的强盗 (1975) - Martin Ťapák 执导的电影, 由真实故事改编的斯洛伐克制作的最佳喜剧电影

烹饪之旅 / 美食: Skalický trdelník (传统糕点,面包卷 ) - 来自斯洛伐克 Záhorie 地区的一款有趣的糕点叫 Skalický trdelník,外观呈卷状,且中 间有个洞。制作时,将面团裹在滚筒上,涂上蛋清,撒上核桃、杏仁或杏脯肉碎, 烤至金黄,撒上蓖麻籽、香草或肉桂糖。面团松软,包裹有切碎的坚果、杏和香草的 香气。 Skalický trdelník 的特殊制作流程和在木棍上烘焙可追溯到 19 世纪,沿用至今。 在斯洛伐克的各个街角、广场或市集都能买到。Skalický trdelník 于 2007 年 12 月注册 为欧盟 PGI"受保护的地区标志"。


SLOVAKIA How the Slovak design impressed China by flying cars

During the past 1st and 2nd CIIE Expo, a flying car presented in the Slovak booth attracted many visitors. The first exhibit in Y2018 was produced by Aeromobil Technology and designed by an international team of more than 40 engineers, covering more than 40 patents. It can convert to flight mode within 3 minutes, top speed is 360 kilometers per hour, and the cruising range is 750 kilometers. The upgraded version of the "Flying Car" exhibited in Y2019 was produced by Klein Vision. It is closer to the sports car loved by young people in appearance, and the wing deployment speed has been significantly improved than before. The world's leading carbon fiber materials are used to manufacture the aircraft with high technological content. The entire aircraft took 15 months to complete, and the development speed exceeded expectations.

The flying car is a revolutionary product that combines bold and innovative design concepts and the latest cutting-edge technology. It is a revolutionary product that ms com t C i s t wo l ’s l g st to m k t its i tio i st is also developing rapidly. China has a huge consumer market with a large base of high consumers so the opportunity for the development of flying cars lies exactly here. Of course, large-scale mass production of flying cars will take time, but it may be considered a special opportunity for designers and engineers from Slovakia and China. L t´s b il b tt f t tog t r.

斯洛伐克 斯洛伐克设计如何惊艳中国 会飞的汽车

在过去的第一届和第二届中国国际进口博览会上,斯洛伐克展台展出的一 辆会飞的汽车吸引了众多参观者。2018 年首届展会由 Aeromobil 科技公司 制作,由 40 多名工程师组成,涉及 40 多项专利。3 分钟内可转换为飞行 模式,最高时速为 360 公里,巡航范围为 750 公里。在 2019 年展出的"会 飞的汽车"的升级版是由 Klein Vision 制作的,它更接近于年轻人喜欢的跑 车外观,机翼部署速度已经大大提高。飞机制作使用了世界领先的碳纤维 材料,具有高技术含量。整个飞机历时 15 个月完成,发展速度远超预期。

会飞的汽车是一个革命性的产品,结合了大胆和创新的设计理念和最新的 尖端技术。这是一种梦想成真的革命性产品。中国拥有世界上最大的汽车 市场,航空工业也在快速发展。中国拥有庞大的消费市场,拥有庞大的高 消费群体,因此会飞的汽车发展的机会就在这里。当然,大规模生产会飞 的汽车需要时间,但对斯洛伐克和中国的设计人员和工程师来说,这可能 是一个特殊的机会。让我们共建更美好的未来。


SLOVAKIA Your tourist destination: Explore Bratislava – modern metropolis on the Danube river

BRATISLAVA has been the capital since 1993, when the Slovak Republic was founded. It is only capital in the world located on the border of 3 states - Austria, Hungary and Slovakia. Influenced by many cultures and shaped by rich history, it is currently an environmentally- friendly and a modern metropolis of the Central Europe. In the past, Bratislava was a place where Celts and Romans established their settlements and where coronations of Hungarian rulers of the Habsburg family (11 kings and 7 royal wives in total) took place. Bratislava experienced its greatest boom during the reign of Maria Theresa, who was crowned in the Cathedral of St. Martin in 1741. The city offers a compact historical centre with many architectural references to the former monarchy. It is home to magnificent mansions and townhouses, where world-famous architects, inventors and artists such as Hummel, Mozart or Beethoven lived and worked. The historic centre of the city with important landmarks such as Bratislava Castle and the majestic Cathedral of St. Martin is complemented by modern architecture in the form of elliptical towers by the prominent architect Zaha Hadid or the Panorama Towers by the Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill. These are located in the fast-growing business district Nivy near the city centre. The district is gradually changing the panorama of Bratislava. Thanks to its size, the city is known for its unique atmosphere with streets and squares lined with many original cafes and restaurants. T itio l c isi of P ssb g’s st ts is com l m t b i t of fl o s f om different parts of the world to be found in small stylish street food restaurants.

Many cultural events take place in Bratislava throughout the year. Locals meet together with tourists to celebrate history, enjoy food or art at festivals, street performances and other events. One of the most important events are the Coronation Days, during which Bratislava commemorates the history of its famous coronation period. Bratislava is not only a place where life, business and entertainment pulsate, but it also is a place where people can relax in green relaxation areas right in the middle of the city. There are many parks and gardens in Bratislava and its surroundings, as well as the oldest public park in Central Europe - J ko K áľ Orchard. An important part of Bratislava are the Small Carpathian Mountains, the Danube and vineyards, which naturally intertwine with the city. The city features several protected nature reserves, such as floodplains, meadows and arms of the Danube belonging to protected biotopes of European importance. Unique history, attractive sights, rich cultural life, excellent local gastronomy and modern business centres make Bratislava an ideal city-break destination. 斯洛伐克 您的旅游目的地:探索布拉迪斯拉发 – 多瑙河上的现代化大都市

自 1993 年斯洛伐克共和国成 立以来,布拉迪斯拉发一直 是首都。它在世界上唯一一 个位于 3 国边境的首都 - 奥地 利、匈牙利和斯洛伐克。受 多种文化和丰富历史的影响, 它目前是中欧一个集环保与 现代化一体的大都市。过去, 布拉迪斯拉发是凯尔特人和 罗马人建立定居点的地方, 也是匈牙利统治者哈布斯堡 家族(总共 11 位国王和 7 位 王室妻子)加冕的地方。布 拉迪斯拉发在玛丽亚特蕾莎 (1741 年在圣马丁大教堂加 冕)统治期间经历了其最大 的繁荣。这座城市是一个紧 凑的历史中心,有许多君主 制时期留下的建筑。这里有 许多宏伟的豪宅和联排别墅, 它们是世界著名的建筑师、 发明家和艺术家(如胡梅尔, 莫扎特和贝多芬)生活和工 作过的地方。


城市的历史中心,拥有重要的 地标,如布拉迪斯拉发城堡和 雄伟的圣马丁大教堂,由著名 建筑师扎哈·哈迪德或西班牙建 筑师里卡多·博菲尔的椭圆形塔 或全景塔的形式辅以现代建筑。 这些酒店位于靠近市中心的快 速成长的商业区尼维。该区正 在逐渐改变布拉迪斯拉发的全 景。由于其规模,这座城市以 其独特的氛围而闻名,街道和 广场两旁排列着许多传统的咖啡馆和餐馆。Pressburg 的餐厅的传统美食与来自世界各 地的小型街头餐厅风味相得益彰。 布拉迪斯拉发全年举办许多文化 活动。在节日当地人与游客一起 庆祝历史,在节日、街头表演和 其他活动中享受美食或艺术。最 重要的活动之一是加冕纪念典 礼,在此期间,布拉迪斯拉发纪 念其著名的加冕历史。布拉迪斯 拉发不仅是生活、商业和娱乐场 所,也是人们在市中心绿色休闲 区放松的地方。布拉迪斯拉发及 其周边地区有许多公园和花园,包括中欧最古老的公园 – Janko Kráľ 果园。布拉迪斯拉 发的重要部分是小喀尔巴阡山脉、多瑙河和葡萄园,其自然风光与城市交织在一起。 该市拥有几个自然保护区,如洪泛区、草地和多瑙河泛滥地林,它们属于欧洲级别的

重要受保护生物小区。独特的历史、迷人的景点、丰富的文化生活、优秀的当地美食 和现代商业中心使布拉迪斯拉发成为理想的城市休闲目的地。 *Information and photos have been used with the approval and support from official web pages and visitbratislava. 引用的信息及照片已得到 和 visitbratislava 官网的允许及支持。 BUSINESS MATTERS: V4 & CHINA

The EU is China’s bigg st t i g t PRC is t EU’s second-biggest trading partner. V4 countries as the EU member states are also taking part in this increasing economic relations between both strategic partners.In recent years the volume of international trade is rapidly expanding due to the fast growing e-commerce and an unprecedented increase in services t c olog t A w EU’s st t g o C i l c i 2016 and Comprehensive Agreement on Investment will be decisive factor of further economic development and a serious impulse for expanding the volume of trade. And V4 countries will also particpate in this proces, within the common EU format.

欧盟是中国最大的贸易伙伴,中国是欧盟第二大贸易 伙伴。作为欧盟成员国的 V4 国家也参与了这两个战略 伙伴之间日益增长的经济关系。近年来,由于电子商 务的快速发展以及服务和技术贸易的空前增长,国际 贸易量正在迅速扩大。 欧盟于 2016 年推出的一项新的 对华战略和《全面投资协议》将是进一步经济发展的 决定性因素,并且将成为扩大贸易量的重要动力。 V4 国家在遵循欧盟共同协议内共同参与。

EU top 5 trading partners in 2019 (total goods, pc. of global volume) Import: PRC (18.7), USA (12), UK (10), RUS (7.5), SUI (5.7) Export: USA (18), UK (14.9), PRC (9.3), SUI (6.9), RUS (4.1) Total Trade: USA (15.2), PRC (13.8), UK (12.6), SUI (6.3), RUS (5.7)

PRC top 5 trading partners in 2019 (total goods, pc. of global volume) Import: EU (12.3), South Korea (8.4), Taiwan (8.4), Japan (8.3), USA (6) Export: USA (16.9), EU (14.6), HK (11.2), Japan (5.8), South Korea (4.5) Total Trade: EU (13.5), USA (11.9), Japan (6.9), HK (6.3), Souuth Korea (6.3) Based on EC data

The V4 countries have a different level of trade openness, but for all of them China represents a very important trade partner.

V4 The most im ortant sector of the V4’s is industry, wholesale and retail trade, transport, accommodation and food services and public administration, defence, education, human health and social work activities. Intra-EU trade accounts for more than 80% of the V4’s ex orts ( as the leading trade partner within the EU). In terms of imports, more than 70% come from other EU Member States (Germany as main trade partner), while outside the EU 8% come from China and the United States.


V4 国家的贸易开放程度不同,但对所有国家而言,中国都是非常重要的贸易伙伴。 V4 最重要的部门是工业,批发及零售贸易,运输,住宿和食品服务以及公共管理,国 防,教育,人类健康和社会工作活动。欧盟内部贸易占 V4 出口的 80%以上(德国是 欧盟内部的主要贸易伙伴)。 在进口方面,超过 70%来自其他欧盟成员国(德国为主要贸易伙伴),而在欧盟以外 的其他国家则有 8%来自中国和美国。

V 4 = Strategic location, stable economic situation, rapidly growing market, attractive labour market, dense network of supliers and subcontractors, avaliability of clusters, industrial and technology parks and much more. V 4 =战略地位,稳定的经济状况,快速增长的市场,有吸引力的劳动力市场,密集的供应商 和分包商网络,集群的可用性,工业和技术园区等等。

V4 – BRANDS, COMPANIES AND PRODUCTS C Z E C H I A ŠKOD (automoto industry), PILSNER (brewery), BUDWEISER (brewery), AVAST (software), ZOOT (clothing and fashion e-shop), T’ (shoes), TESCAN (microscopes), LASVIT (glass art), HOME CREDIT (personal finance), ELDIS (radars), PBS (airpline turbines & engines), (online flight booking system), BECHEROVKA (herbal liquer), PRECIOSA (crystal chandeliers), SOTIO (biotechnology), TON (wooden furniture)

H U N G A R Y PREZI (the interactive power Point), LogMeIn (digital innovation), WIZZ AIR (airlines), GR K ÉR („B lls’s Bloo of Eg ” – famous blended red wine), ZWACK UNICUM (liq o ) „R ’ C ” (t puzzle invented by H g i E ő R bik i 974), VIDEOTON (multiple electronic commodities, modules, parts and products), PICK Szeged (meat-based products), SZAMOS (sweets, marzepan), Z OLN PORC LÁN (ceramic manufacturer), TOKAJ ZÚ (full-bodied sweet dessert wine made from late- i ‘bot ti ’ g s) TÖRL CH P GN (sparkling wine brand), OTP (largest bank in Hungary), HEREND (porcelain manufactury founded in 1826), ZSOLNAY (porcelain manufactory foundedn in 1851; famous for its iridescent eosin glazed products), GARBEAUD or Z R Ó (famous Hungarian cake named after confectioner Emil Gerbeaud), TEQBALL (football-based sport, played on a specially-curved table), ő P – É (“St o g St ” – “Sw t A ” – peppers products, food industry)

P O L A N D ZIAJA (cosmetics), INGLOT (cosmetics), Oceanic and its brand AA (cosmetics), IRENA ERIS (cosmetics), CD Project (gaming industry, creator of the Witcher and the Cyberpunk), COSMOSE (an AI shoppping start up), FAKRO (roof windows), SUNREEF YACHTS (luxury personalised catamarans), DREAM NATION (fashion), KRÓ K (Polish fudge-based candies), LPP (the retail conglomerate known to brands Resrved, Cropp, House, Mohito, Sinsay), ASSECO (technology sector), CLEMATIS (plants producer), OL Ł C (pottery manufacturer), MOKATE (producer of hot beverages), ŻU RÓ K (Bison Grass Vodka), WYBOROWA (grain vodka), CHOPIN (potato vodka), DĘ O POL K (Polish Oak Vodka), GOLDWASSER (spirit brand) * SOLARIS (producer of buses, trolleybuses and trams– sold to a Spanish company CAF in 2018)

S L O V A K I A ESET, SYGIC, SLIDO, AEROMOBIL, ECOCAPSULE, SPINEA (Innovations & Technologies), ZL TÝ Ž NT (Food industry - beer products), RAJO (Food industry - diary products), SLOVNAFT (oil industry), MAXSPORT (Food industry – healthy snacks), MATADOR (Products made from rubber - tyres), RAJEC (Food industry – mineral water), MECOM (Food industry – meat products), SEDITA (Food industry – confectionery products), HAMSIK VINERY (Food industry – wine products), ST. NICOLAUS (Food industry – spirits). * SLOVENSKA SPORITELNA (owned by the Austrian Erste Group)


Business Matters: V4 – China / CZECHIA Czech Art Glass as a great success in China provided by Czech Chamber in China

Bellagio Shanghai is the second Bellagio Hotel in the world succeeding its sister hotel, Bellagio Las Vegas. The hotel is a perfect fusion of traditional and modern, becoming a model of integration of the old and the new. LASVIT continued its luxury aesthetic and created a large lighting art work Plissé in the hotel lobby.

T is sc i t ot T s i s “Not i g b t T i t ” w ic w s s ot t this hotel.The hotel lobby lighting work which admired by the male character in the show is this stylish, glamorous, luxurious Plissé Plissé is sig b Maurizio Galante, the world's top fashion designer. Inspired by fashion elements, the designer solidified the softness of cloth in transparent crystal glass, presenting the unique beauty through glass. The luxury residences of One Park in Gubei are alight with unique Bohemian lighting sculptures by Lasvit. Designed with unique and free- s i it c ti it t ’ -crafted with meticulous attention to detail. Lasvit takes responsibility for the entire process from custom design to final installation. Award- winning designs and extensive engineering skills make Lasvit a top choice among worldwide architects and interior designers. As the most luxurious residential project in Shanghai, One Park has set a benchmark in the industry with its luxurious configuration and artistic design. Not surprisingly, One Park currently features more than twenty Lasvit lighting sculptures, the exquisite modeling design of which exudes rich artistic and cultural heritage. The strict selection of excellent materials creates the noble texture which push the luxury of this project to its peak.

LASVIT is a Czech-based designer and manufacturer of bespoke lighting installations and glass objects Since its foundation in 007 the com any’s mission has been to inspire the world with the beauty of Bohemian glass. 40

商贸关系:V4 与中国/捷克 在中国获得巨大成功的捷克工艺玻璃制造 材料提供:捷克驻中国商会

上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店是继美国拉斯维加斯之后全球第二家宝嘉丽品牌酒店,完 美融合传统与现代,成为新旧融合的典范。LASVIT 也加入其中,延续至悦奢华 的艺术美学,创作了一款大型灯光艺术作品 Plissé,在酒店大堂大放异彩。

电视剧《三十而已》中有一幕,拍摄选址在上海苏宁宝丽嘉酒店。 剧中令男主赞赏的酒店大堂灯光作品正是这一款时尚灵动,致悦奢华的 Plissé。 Plissé由世界顶级高级时装设计师 Maurizio Galante 设计。设计师以时尚元素 为灵感,将布料的柔软凝固在通透的水晶玻璃之中,呈现独特之美。

古北壹号的豪华住宅项目由 Lasvit 创作的波西米亚灯光作品点亮,造型设计独 特和手工精制考究。Lasvit 负责从定制设计到最终安装的整个过程。屡获殊荣 的设计和的工程技能使 Lasvit 成为全球建筑和室内设计的首选。

作为上海最豪华的 住宅项目,古北壹 号以其豪华的配置 和艺术设计感,打 造出了行业的标 杆。

Lasvit 为这个项目创 作了二十多件灯光作 品,其 精美绝伦的造 型设计彰显出醇厚的 艺术文化底蕴,精致 严选的材质打造出高 贵的质感,将整个项 目的奢华推向顶。 LASVIT 是一家位于捷克的定制照明装置和玻璃制品的设计师和制造商。自 2007 年成立 以来,公司的使命一直是用波西米亚玻璃的美丽来启发世界。LASVIT 是一家年轻的公司, 但它建立在波希米亚北部悠久的玻璃制造历史上。LASVIT 的创始人 Leon Jakimič,非常尊 重传统,但也热衷于尖端的设计和现代技术。量身定做的灯具与每个地方的特色融合在一 起。我们的设计在述说着故事。LASVIT 已经与许多当今的设计明星合作,并且已经成为 一个有影响力的公司,常常是年轻而有才华的设计师-未来的设计明星-在萌芽职业生涯 的第一步。创作的作品遍布全球 2000 多个地点。自 2011 年以来,设计师的创意风格一直 格言或者 čovsky。LASVIT 凭借其独创的设计手法获得了 2018 年威尼斯移动展的“奥斯卡 设计奖”。LASVIT 用灵感照亮世界,灵感源自玻璃制造中心,该公司的总部,位于波西 米亚北部的心脏地带。构成总部的一部分是一座玻璃房子-“玻璃制造的灯塔”,照亮了整 个地区和更远的地方。


Business Matters: V4 – China / HUNGARY T ’ g In V ll built in Shanghai using Hungarian Technology by Consulate General of Hungary in Shanghai

Hungarian-owned Back and Rosta Ltd. deploys 25-meter long “M g ” at the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum

Interactive public spaces. Recent years have seen a huge surge in highly-immersive, interactive video wall technology in art galleries, museums and other public spaces. Deploying a giant touch screen in a busy area can give a high-tech face-lift to the venue, while at the same time such walls create a beautiful, user-friendly experience to communicate rich information to clients and visitors.

The Academicians’ Wall in the Shanghai STM / 上海科技馆院士墙


The larger the touch surface, the more immersive the experience becomes, and importantly, the more people can concurrently use such a wall. But with increasing size comes exponential technological difficulty, and until recently it was not possible to build walls of very large sizes. This technological barrier was successfully breached by the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum by building the Ac mici s’ Wall, which at 25 meters length, and a resolution of 37800 x 1920 pixels is currently the wo l ’s largest single-surface, multiuser touch screen. It contains information on 1500 Chinese and foreign academicians, scientific breakthroughs and inventions of the past 65 years. It can be used concurrently by 50-100 visitors without interference between users, and ensuring the smooth motion of the entire surface even under huge load.


The technology has been developed and popularized all over China by Hungarian-owned Back and Rosta Ltd. in recent years under the brand name “M gic W ll” It has been deployed in almost all large and medium-sized cultural venues in the country (e.g the National Museum of China, the Shanghai Museum), at international airports (e.g. Pudong International Airport, Jinan Airport), schools (e.g. Zhejiang University, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology), and international events (e.g. China International Import Expo, World Artificial Intelligence Conference).


Today, the Magic Wall is also increasingly used to connect far-away audiences, and provide a tool for cultural exchange. In a landmark project in 2018, the Magic Wall was used by the Hungarian National Museum to ship hundreds of historic treasures from Hungary in digitized format to 4 different venues across China. The objects were exhibited on digital walls and viewed by an estimated 1 million visitors in total.

Such projects are the fruit of successful technical collaboration between Hungarian and Chinese experts, as well as prime examples for cultural exchanges that serve to further the understanding and friendship between the two countries.

For more information visit


商贸关系:V4-中国与匈牙利 匈牙利技术打造的上海全球最大互动墙/上海科技馆院士墙 资料提供:匈牙利驻上海总领事馆

采用匈牙利技术打造的全球最大互动墙在上海落成 匈牙利佰路得在上海科技馆打造了一块长达 25 米的“魔墙”


公共的互动空间。近年来,在 艺术画廊、博物馆和其他一些 公共场所内纷纷出现了大量的 高沉浸式互动体验的大屏。在 客流量大的区域布置一块巨大 的多人触摸屏可以为现场带来 一种全新的高科技面貌,同时 这些互动式大屏也能为顾客和 参观者提供一种更友好便捷的 信息交流体验。

全球最大的互动墙。互动大屏面积越大,用户就越容易产生身临其境的感受,更重要 的,屏幕面积越大,能够同时使用的人就越多。但随着互动墙尺寸的增大,其技术难 度就会呈指数级上升,所以直到不久前想要建造一座超大型互动墙都是不可能的。让 人欣喜的是,这次为上海科技馆量身打造的院士墙终于成功地突破了这一技术瓶颈, 让不可能变成了可能。这座全长 25 米、分辨率为 37800 x 1920 像素的互动院士墙是迄 今为止全世界最大的单面多用户触摸屏。在内容上,院士墙包含了近 65 年来的 1500 名中外院士所取得的重大科学进展和科学发明的信息。这座院士墙可同时与 50-100 名 用户互动,且用户之间互不干,在承载巨大运算负荷的情况下也能保证整个界面的平 稳运行。

魔墙。作为“魔墙”品牌的拥有方,匈牙利企业佰路得公司近年来已经把互动墙这项技术 推广至全中国,几乎所有大中型文化场所(中国国家博物馆、上海博物馆等)、 国际机场(上海浦东国际机场、济南遥墙国际机场等)、学校(浙江大学、上海科技 大学等),以及国际性活动(中国进口博览会、世界人工智能大会等)都能看到魔墙 的身影。

未来。魔墙如今已被越来越多地运用于连接远程的观众,以达到不同文化之间的交 流。2018 年的标志性项目,就是匈牙利国家博物馆利用魔墙将数百件匈牙利历史珍品 以数字化的形式运送到中国 4 家著名的博物馆。这些珍品被陈列在魔墙上,超过 100 万的参观者通过魔墙观赏到了这些珍品。

此类项目是中匈两国专家技术合作的成果,也是两国通过文化交流促进相互了解、增 进友谊的典范。更多资讯请登录 网站查阅。

Business Matters: V4 – China / POLAND Polish Cosmetics – Your Choice of Quality by Polish Investment and Trade Agency, China Representative Office in Shanghai (PAIH)

Poland is the world's sixth largest producer of cosmetics, and diversity is an important force in promoting the prosperity and development of this industry. There are many independent laboratories and research centers in Poland that can conduct physicochemical, microbiological and dermatological tests to formulate product ingredients and improve their performance. Polish cosmetics emphasizes the combination of innovation, high quality and nature, and uses local natural and high-quality production materials to provide customers with high-quality beauty and skin care experience.

1. The Polish cosmetics market is booming

The Polish cosmetics market grew by 41% from 2008 to 2017, reaching a market value of 3.7 billion euros in 2017 and expected to reach 4.82 billion euros by 2021.

Poland is the sixth largest cosmetics producer in Europe. In 2016, the value of cosmetics produced in Poland was nearly 2.1 billion euros. In terms of the number of people employed in the cosmetics industry, Poland provided more than 16,700 jobs, making it one of the largest employers in the European Union. In terms of sales revenue of cosmetics, Polish cosmetics market is the sixth largest market in Europe, with the largest market share of toiletry products and skincare products in Poland, accounting for more than 50%. In terms of the number of cosmetic companies, the Polish cosmetics market is unique in Europe. There are currently more than 1,000 cosmetic companies of various sizes in Poland-international companies, large, medium and small and micro cosmetic companies. These companies have been self-optimizing for decades and strive to provide customers with better products. At the same time, many new small companies have emerged, and these companies have also brought highly competitive products to the market. In general, the Polish cosmetics industry enjoys a good ecological environment and rapid development momentum.

2. Polish cosmetics conquer the world

Half of the cosmetics produced in Poland are exported! Polish cosmetics are sold to more than 160 markets around the world, and Poland is the 13th largest world exporter in this industry. Cosmetics are one of the most important commodities in the Polish export trade. The total value of Polish cosmetics exports in 2018 was 13.7 billion zlotys, accounting for 1.5% of total exports, an increase of about 9% over the previous year. Between 2014 and 2018, Polish cosmetics exports increased by more than 47%, of which 44% of exported cosmetics were make-up and facial care products. EU countries are the main export destinations of Polish cosmetics. The largest importer of Polish cosmetics in 2018 was Germany, and its purchases accounted for 13.8% of Polish cosmetics industry exports. Russia, the United Kingdom and Belgium are the top three importing countries except Germany, and they purchase 30.4% of the exports of the Polish cosmetics.


3. Polish cosmetics in China

Polish cosmetics are becoming more and more popular in China. At present, brands such as Ziaja, Farmona, Oceanic (AA), Inglot, Bell, Bielenda, Biogened (Dermedic), PAESE, Neoderm and Vellie have achieved good results on China's e-commerce platforms.

Ziaja (established: 1989) - The company's top product is a natural olive cream, which is still very popular today! Currently, the company has approximately 1,000 products. Top products: goat milk mask, olive oil cream.

INGLOT (1983) - In Poland, Inglot is a leader in the cosmetics industry, and its product quality is comparable to that of well-known international brands. Top products: Nail polish, Inglot four-color eyeshadow palette.

Vellie - The parent company of Vellie is V.LABORATORIES, a Polish high-end cosmetics company. V.LABORATORIES is a well-known large-scale cosmetics manufacturer in Europe integrating scientific research, development, production, sales and service. It has more than 260 products under multiple brands. Top products: goat milk shower gel, goat milk shampoo.

Phenome (2009) - a popular natural skin care brand in Poland. It advocates sustainable science eco-friendly skin care aesthetics.Top products: Ace Apple Brightening Series

*For more information about Polish cosmetics industry, please scan the QR code :

Polish Investment and Trade Agency provides support for Polish companies to enter the Chinese market and assists them in promoting their corporate image at trade fairs. The Polish cosmetics industry has been well displayed at important trade fairs in Asia such as Cosmoprof Asia and achieved great success! In 2018, Silcare's Idea'l Nail Gel ranked first in the "Nail Products" category and won the Professional Award at the Cosmoprof Asia in Hong Kong. This is the first Polish company to receive this award.

As the official exhibition organization of the CIIE, the Polish Investment and Trade Agency has vigorously promoted Polish cosmetics at the two consecutive China International Import Expo in 2018 and 2019. The Polish exhibition area is the largest exhibition area among all European countries. Two Polish cosmetics companies, Miraculum and Bella Pharmacy, attracted attention at the exhibition and successfully signed orders to sell products in China in 2019.

**Polish companies were first in the world to introduce folic acid and vitamin K in cosmetics as well to use telomeres.


波兰是世界第六大化妆品生产国,多样性是推动该产业繁荣发展的重要力量。波兰 有许多独立的实验室和研究中心,可以进行理化、微生物和皮肤病学测试,以调配 产品的成分并改善其性能。波兰化妆品强调创新、高品质与自然的结合,采用当地 天然优质的生产原料,力求为顾客提供高质量的美容护肤体验。

1 波兰化妆品市场繁荣 波兰化妆品行业前景广阔,行业发展活跃。波兰化妆品市场在 2008-2017 年间增长 了 41%,其市值在 2017 年达到 37 亿欧元,预计到 2021 年将达到 48.2 亿欧元。波 兰是欧洲第六大化妆品生产国。2016 年,波兰生产的化妆品价值近 21 亿欧元。就 化妆品行业就业人数而言,波兰提供了超过 16,700 个工作岗位,是欧盟最大的雇主 之一。

在化妆品销售收入方面,波兰化 妆品市场是欧洲第六大市场。洗 漱用品和护肤品在波兰占有最大 的市场份额,两者占比超过 50%。就化妆品公司数量来看, 波兰化妆品市场在欧洲范围内都 是独一无二的。目前波兰有 1000 多家规模不一的化妆品公司—— 有国际公司,大型、中小型和微 型化妆品公司。这些公司数十年 来一直在自我优化,力求为客户 提供更优质的产品。与此同时, 也涌现了许多新的小型公司,这些公司也给市场带来了极具竞争力的产品。总体来 说,波兰化妆品行业生态环境良好,行业发展势头迅猛。

2 波兰化妆品征服世界 在波兰生产的化妆品一半都出口了!波兰 的化妆品销往全球 160 多个市场,波兰是 该行业的第 13 大世界出口国。化妆品是 波兰出口贸易中最重要的商品之一。2018 年波兰化妆品出口总值为 137 亿兹罗提, 占出 口 总额 的 1.5 %,较 上 一年 增 长约 9%。在 2014-2018 年间,波兰化妆品出 口额增长了 47%以上,其中 44%的出口 化妆品是彩妆和面部护理产品。欧盟国家 是波兰化妆品的主要出口目的地。2018 年 最大的波兰化妆品进口国是德国,其购买 的产品占波兰化妆品行业出口商品的 13.8%。俄罗斯、英国和比利时是除德国以外的三大进口国,它们购买了波兰化妆 品行业出口产品的 30.4%。


3 波兰化妆品在中国 波兰化妆品在中国越来越受欢迎。目前 Ziaja, Farmona, Oceanic (AA), Inglot, Bell, Bielenda, Biogened(Dermedic), PAESE, Neoderm 和 Vellie 等品牌都在中国的电商 平台获得了不俗的成绩。波兰投资贸易局为波兰公司进入中国市场提供支持,协助 它们在贸易展览会上宣传自己的公司形象。波兰化妆品行业在如香港亚太区美容展 等亚洲重要的贸易展览会上很好地进行了展示并取得了巨大的成功 !2018 年, Silcare 公司的 Idea'l 美甲凝胶排名“美甲类产品”第一,获得香港亚太区美容展专业大 奖。这是第一家获得此奖的波兰公司。波兰投资贸易局作为进博会官方组展机构, 在 2018 和 2019 年连续两届中国国际进口博览会上大力推广了波兰化妆品,波兰展 区是所有欧洲国家中规模最大的展区。两家波兰化妆品公司——Miraculum 和 Bella Pharmacy,在展会上受到关注并于 2019 年成功签署了在中国销售产品的订单。


ZIAJA(中文名:齐叶雅, 成立时间 1989)热销产品:山羊奶面膜、橄榄油面霜 该公司的首款产品是天然橄榄面霜,这款产品直到今天依然有着很高的人气!目前, 该公司旗下约有 1000 款产品。

INGLOT (1983) 热销产品: 指甲油、Inglot 四色眼影盘 在波兰,Inglot 是彩妆行业的领导者,其产品质量可与欧莱雅、蜜丝佛陀和美宝莲 等知名国际品牌的产品相媲美。

Vellie(中文名:珐埃莉)热销产品:山羊奶沐浴露、山羊奶洗发露 Vellie 珐埃莉母公司是波兰高端化妆品公司 V.LABORATORIES。 V. LABORATORIES 是一家集科研、开发、生产、销售和服务于一体的欧洲知名大型 化妆品制造商,旗下多个品牌约 260 多个产品。

Phenome(2009, 中文名:梵诺美)热销产品:皇牌苹果提亮系列 [Ace Apple Brightening Series] Phenome 梵诺美成立于 2009 年,是波兰现时人气的天然护肤品 牌,提倡 Sustainable Science 生态持续科研的环保护肤美学。

Polish Investment and Trade Agency China Representative Office / 波兰投资贸易局驻华办事处 Suite 1708, Cross Tower, No. 318 Fuzhou Road, Shanghai / 上海市福州路 318 号华设大厦 1708 室 Email: [email protected]

Business Matters: V4 – China / SLOVAKIA From innovative idea to global market – Your Choice of Quality provided by Consulate General of the Republic of Slovakia in Shanghai


In the first half of the nineteen nineties, two designers, Bartolomej Janek and Tibor Fecko, invented and built a unique high-precision reduction gear. The motivation for its development w s to limi t o tio l fici ci s of i st i l obots

I 997 t fi st o ctio l t w s b ilt o g fi l i P o Slo ki Si c it w s w o ct t com ’s priority was to set up optimal technological processes and also to win the trust of future customers.

Through intensive development and sales activities, in the course of several years, SPINEA started to succeed among other manufacturers of high-precision reduction gears and became the only manufacturer of small cycloidal robotic gear in the world.

From 2000, when serial production started, the sales volume grew systematically as a result of securing the first major contracts. SPINEA has successfully set up its own subsidiary in Shanghai to facilitate with the Chinese local distributors and customers and it has already developed new business segments in the local market, such as military, medical, semi- conductor, and look forward in developing more new distributor network for direct sales in China.




Business Matters: V4 – China / SLOVAKIA From innovative idea to global market – Your Choice of Quality provided by Consulate General of the Republic of Slovakia in Shanghai

新理念到全球市场: 从斯洛伐克到中国

19 世纪 90 年代上半叶, Bartolomej Janek 和 Tibor Fecko 两位设计师发明并制 造了一种独特的高精度减速 齿轮。其创始初衷是为了减 少工业机器人的操作缺陷。 1997 年,第一座生产工厂 在位于斯洛伐克普雷绍夫的 绿色广地上建成。由于这是 新产品,所以公司的首要任 务是精湛工艺技术以获得潜 在客户的信任。经过一系列 的开发和营销活动,在数年 的时间里,SPINEA 渐渐开 始在其他高精度减速齿轮生 产商中崭露头角并获得成功, 也成为了世界上唯一的小型摆线机 器人齿轮制造商。 自 2000 年批量生产开始, 因其签约了首批重要合同, 销量也实现了可观的增长。 目前,SPINEA 已在上海成功 建立了自己的子公司,以便 利中国本地的分销商和客 户。与此同时,该公司也已 经在本地市场开发了新的业 务部门,包括军事、医疗、 半导体等。未来其在中国建 立更多新分销商关系的日子 指日可待。


PLACE OF INSPIRATION: CHINA “CHINA THROUGH THE EYES OF V4 VISITOR” By Pavel Dvorak, Slovakia (residing in Shanghai, in China since 2009)

Y u n n a n 云 J a c k i e C h a n 南 谨 言 慎 行 F e n g Z i k a i T a o i s m 上 善 若 水 h a i r y c r a b s

FAMOUS PERSON / CATEGORY: JACKIE CHAN / Film Industry I saw Jackie Chans movie first time when I was around 8 years old. Since then I have developed a strong passion for China and Chinese culture, which later became my major and profession. During my professional carrier I was shortly interpreting for Jackie Chan on Shanghai International film festival, which was a great satisfaction to me.

MY FAVOURITE PLACE IN CHINA: YUNNAN - My best friends are from Yunnan province, I go there every year and I have traveled few very unique places in this province. It is one of the most versatile places not only in China, but also in the world.

R D R’ CORN R / OOK DAO DE JING, LAO ZI China roots deep in Taoism. If one wants to comprehend Chinese history and culture, one must comprehend Taoism first.

CHINESE PROVERB: The greatest virtue is like water. 谚语: 上善若水

CONFUCIUS QUOTES / QUATATION: Discreet in word and cautions in act. 引用: 谨言慎行

ON THE SCREEN / MOVIE: POLICE STORY One of the Hong Kong classic cinema pieces, which opened a new wave of the world cinema. Never before has world seen such an extraordinary physical acts. And it was also the first Chinese movie I have ever seen.

CULINARY JOURNEY / FOOD: HAIRY CRABS If I can choose just one dish, it must be Shanghainese hairy crabs dazhaxie. It remains me of Feng Zikai and his poetic essay about Fengs father eating nothing just crab meat and bowl of rice. Even-though I am not sure if he was describing dazhaxie, I can imagine no other kind of food worthy of becoming a subject to Feng Zikais essays. Eating steamed crab meat is one of my best moments in China.


V4 四国眼中的中国

著名人物/名录:成龙 / 影视行业 我第一次观看成龙的电影是在我 8 岁时,从那时候起便形成了我对中国与中国文化这 一未来将成为我主要发展方向和专业的强烈热爱。在我的专业领域中,我曾短暂触电 上海国际电影节并担任成龙的翻译,这一经历带给我极大的满足。

云南 (Yunnan) 我最好的朋友来自云南省,每年我都会去到那里并前往该省的多个独特景点旅行。那 里不仅是中国也是全球自然美景最丰富的地区之一。

阅读角/书籍: 道德经 , 老子 道教文化在中国根深蒂固。如果一个人想要理解中国历史和文化,那他必须首先理解 道德经。

荧屏/电影 : 警察故事 本片是香港电影史上的经典作品之一,开创了世界电影新浪潮。在本片 之前,世界上 从未有过如此优秀的动作电影。并且这也是我观看的第一 部中国电影。

美食之旅/ 美食:大闸蟹 如果我只能选择一种食物,那必须是上海的大闸蟹。因为它让我想起丰子恺和他的散 文,是一篇关于丰子恺的父亲除了蟹肉配白米饭之外,其他什么都不吃的故事。虽然 我不确定他描述的是否就是大闸蟹,但是我想象不出其他任何能够走入丰子恺散文中 的食物了。品尝清蒸大闸蟹是我在中国最棒的时刻之一。

„ D ” - 10

Mandarine č š n magyar polszczyzna nč n , ENGLISH Chinese Č ký j zyk nyelv Ję n ký jazyk 尾大衣 frak frakk frak frak tail-coat

白色 s ětlý ilágos jasny s tlý white

红 č ý piros czerwony č ý red

蓝色 mo ý kék niebieski mo ý blue

黄色 žl tý sá g żółt žltý yellow 黄金 zlato arany złoto zlato gold

信用卡 k it í it lká t karta ú o á credit card

karta; kredytowa karta kreditkarta 辣椒 paprika paprika papryka paprika pepper

必要 otř b ý s ükségt l niepotrzebny; ot b ý unnecessary zbyteczny

菜单 jí l í líst k étl j łos is; j ál menu

menu lístok

”TH GRÁD C L ND R” 维谢格拉德 4 国集团活动日程表

Č R N C / JÚLIUS / LIPIEC / JÚL / 7 月 V4

55th Karlovy Vary Film Festival (July 3rd to July 11th, 2020) CZ VOLT Festival / VOLT 伏特音乐节. CZ Open'er Music Festival: PL The folk festival Vý ná SK JULY Pohoda Festival (Jazz, rock, techno, hip-hop, folk and alternative music)

SRPEN / AUGUSZTUS / RP Ń / AUGUST / 8 月 V4 Moto Grand Prix Brno 2020 (motorcycling) - CZ m C R Z í (car rally, IRC) - CZ

National Day of Hungary: 20th August – St. Stephen's Day. HU

匈牙利国庆节: 8 月 20 日– 圣史蒂芬日。 Festival of Folk Arts/ 民间艺术节。in the Castle District of Budapest. HU More information: SZIGET – The Island of Freedom. Europe largest music festival organized in HU Budapest, Hungary. More information: SZIGET 布达佩斯岛节 – 自由岛。

匈牙利布达佩斯举办的欧洲最大音乐节。更多信息: AUGUST OFF FESTIVAL KATOWICE - 07.08.2020 - 09.08.2020 - PL The Cultural Summer and Castle Festival ( SK The H f sti l (H o ) SK

ZÁŘÍ / SZEPTEMBER / RZ Ń / SEPTEMBER / 9 月 V4 Znojmo Historic Vintage (Celebration of Wine in Znojemsko) - Sep 10 2021 - Sep 12 CZ 2021

Wizz Air Budapest Half Marathon HU More information: 本月活动:Wizz Air 布达佩斯半程马拉松 中欧最大型半程马拉松,在美丽的布达佩斯中心的一场观光跑步旅程。 更多信息

4 F stiw l Polskic Filmów F b l c – Gdynia - od 14-19.09.2020 PL – zmiana terminu na 8-12 grudnia 2020, 42. Maraton Warszawski - 27.09.2020, PL

SEPTEMBER the K š f in thr Eastern-Slovak region. SK Bratislava Music Festival which is the most important and most prestigious SK international festival in Slovakia with a long tradition (1965).


V4 - Relax Zone / 轻松一刻 Translate directly or think about the Chinese character 字谜游戏:直接从以下英文翻译理解成中文

1. Lifetime all one’s life ( characters) abbreviation of WTO in Chinese „enter the WTO” 2. Evening 3. prefecture level city in Jiangsu, a city between Changzou and Suzhou, a place with the Grand Buddha at Ling Shan statue and Lake Tai 4. difficult to deal with to handle a word in the sentence „mountain aths are hard to travel” (shanlu …… zou) 5. skill, ability ca ability or there can be another o tion fe „to have nothing to do be free” another related character is in ex ression „state affairs” ” matter” 6. Only, just, merely – like in the sentence „There is only one left” … sheng yi ge le 7. A verb „to be shy with strangers (about children)” 8. Someone 9. Center like in the sentence „at the center of the square” 10. Population Do you know the Chinese proverb now? :) – If NOT, p f n n f “E ” :) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


From Hungary: T f C T H K (C Henry) Gonda in 1932; Photo: Nicky Almasy; Source: SZENTMÁRT NI Lí i & KRIZSÁN A ás (E s ): Gonda – Shanghai’s Ultramodern Hungarian Architect, KKM/Consulate General of Hungary in Shanghai Budapest, 2019

来自匈牙利:匈牙利建筑师卡罗里(查尔斯·亨利)·鸿达于 1932 年设计美丽的国泰电影院; 照片:Nicky Almasy;来源:Lívia SZENTMÁRTONI 与 András KRIZSÁN 编辑:《鸿达—上海的 匈牙利超现代主义建筑师》,匈牙利对外经济和外交部/匈牙利驻上海总领事馆 布达佩斯 2019

„T h e V i s e g r d E c h o ” V4 Magazine in China

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