ORPHEUS ACADEMY INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP FOR YOUNG COMPOSERS First Edition Wien, July 28 - August 6th 2017 Deadline: March 15th 2017 Download the workshop information: English and German versions available Application forms: English version - German version Website:www.academyorpheus.org

1 - Up to six participants will be selected

2 - Tutors and teachers: Alessandro Solbiati (Italy) - Rainer Bishof (Austria) - Gheorghi Arnaudov (Bulgaria)

3 - Performers: four young, international musicians invited by Orpheus Academy

4 - Interested composers will apply no later than March 15th 2017

5 - Interested composers will have to send, together with the application form, the score of a piece of them whose duration must not exceed 8 minutes (an existing also already performed piece or a new one); it should be written for instruments from 1 to 4 amongst the following: - - -

6 - A jury composed by the three tutors will select the six admitted no later than April 15th 2017, and the communication will be immediately sent by email.

7 - The six admitted composers should send the instrumental parts no later than May 15th 2017.

8 - During the ten days of the workshop, participants will have individual lessons with the three tutors, to discuss their scores or other pieces of them, already composed or in progress, as well as they will have working sessions with the performers (together with the tutors); they shall listen to the rehearsals of their own piece and of all the other works

9 - All the six compositions will be performed and recorded in one concert of the Orpheus Academy at the end of the workshop, in Mariahilferkirche -Wien

10 - at the end of the concert the three tutors will choose one of the composers, who will have the possibility to compose a new piece with an instrumentation to be decided, to be performed in the Orpheus Academy Concerts 2018

Application fee: 50€ Participant: 350€ Observer: 100€