
WAMS Fall - Friday, October 25th

Dear Families, WAMS will be hosting the annual Harvest Festival on Friday, October 25th from 7:00 – 8:00 PM. The evening will start with the 4th grade storytelling from 6:00-7:00. The square dancing, crafts, Cornfield café ( and drinks) and Trading Post (trinkets for purchase) will take place and be open from 7:00-8:00 pm.

We would like to have another raffle table this year, but it will depend on YOU and the donations we get. If you would like to donate items (toys, crafts, gift cards, hats, mittens, gloves, etc. anything your kids might love…lol) please leave your items on the cart outside the Office. If we receive enough items by Monday, October 21st we will put together raffle baskets and I will post information regarding the raffle baskets on the WAMS PTG Facebook page. All proceeds from the raffle baskets will go to WAMS PTG.

We will have a 50/50 raffle as a fundraiser (Thanks Jody Gaucher) for the WAMS Special Chorus, “The Metronomes”. These proceeds will go to the Special Chorus, as a thanks to Mrs. Manual and Mrs. Taylor for providing the entertainment for our Annual Harvest Festival. You do not need to be present to win…you will be notified after the event if you won!

Please come join us for a night of fun and celebration! Remember the entrance is in the back of the school for this event in the gymnasium. However, in order to make this event successful we will need donations and volunteers from the WAMS community. We are looking for donations of food and drinks as well as help during the Festival. Please return the bottom half of this flyer in your child’s folder if you can help or donate or contact me at [email protected] or on WAMS PTG facebook page.

I will be happy to volunteer or donate the following peanut/nut free items. (These items should be delivered to the school by Wednesday, October 23rd and can be left outside the office on the donation cart). ___ Apple cider ___ Bottled Water ___ Donuts/Muffins/Candy

___ Cookies (snack size packages please) ___ Chips (snack size packages please) ____ Juice Boxes/Capri Sun

______Set up Friday, October 25th 4:00-7:00 pm (or ______Volunteering 10/25 7:00-7:30 pm whatever time you are available between 4-7 pm) _____ Volunteering 10/25 7:30-8:00 pm ______Clean up after the event 8:00-9:00

Child’s Name: Teacher: Grade______

Volunteer’s Name:

Phone: E-mail: Coordinator: Ann Cascanett ([email protected])