shap Calendar of Religious EDUCATION and CELEBRATION July to December 2021 The Calendar this year is dedicated to the memory of Peter Woodward (1933-2019)

FAITHS July August September October November December

6 The Birth of the 25 Day of the 9 Martyrdom of Bab Covenant BAHA’I the Bab 7 The Birth of 27 Ascension of Baha’u’llah Abdu’l-Bahá 14 Chokhor 19 Anapanasati Day* Duchen 12 Loy Kratong 8 Bodhi Day BUDDHIST 24/25 Asalha / 20 Pavarana Day* Dhamma Day 14 Herd Boy and 21 Rabbit in the 7 Climb a High Weaver Girl Moon Mountain Festival CHINESE 22 Hungry Ghost 28 Confucius’ 14 Double Ninth Festival Birthday Festival 6 The Transfiguration 15 Blessed Virgin Mary 15 Assumption of the 8 Immaculate Blessed Virgin Mary 1 All Saints’ Day Conception [RC] Festival Harvest Festival 2 All Souls’ Day [RC] CHRISTIAN 15 Dormition of the [Date Varies] [Date Varies] Mother of God [3] 28 Advent Sunday 24 Christmas Eve 19 The Transfiguration [3] 25 Christmas Day (Julian) 28 Dormition [3] (Julian)

21/22 Raksha 2 Bandhan 6-14 11 10 4 Divali / Deepavali HINDU 29/30Janmashtami / 11-15 Puja Jayanti 14-15 Dassehra

10 Samvatsari 4 Divali / Deepavali JAIN 11- 19 Paryushan 13 New Year Parva

13-15 O-Bon 20-26 Higan JAPANESE (Japan) 13-15 O-Bon (Tokyo) 22 Shuubun No Hi 15 Shichi-Go-San 31 Omisoka

7-8 Rosh Hashanah 16 Yom Kippur 18 Tisha B’Av 29-6 Dec Hanukah JEWISH [1] 21-28 29 Simchat Torah

Birthday of the 18–22 Hajj 10 Al-Hijra [622CE] Prophet Muhammad 19-22 Eid-Al-Adha [1443 AH] 19 Dhul al Hijja [10th [Milad un Nabi] MUSLIM [2] 28 Eid-ul-Ghadir day] 19 Sunni (Shi’a) 19 Ashura 24 Shi’a

23 Birthday of 2 Anniversary of the 11 Ethiopian New Emperor Haile Crowning of Haile RASTAFARIAN Year’s Day Selassie I Selassie I

4 Divali /Bandi 21 Martyrdom 1 Installation of the 20 Conferring of Sahibzada Ajit Chhor Divas Singh & Sahibzada Guru Granth Guruship on the Sahib in the 19 Birthday of Guru Jujhar Singh SIKH Guru Granth 26 Martyrdom Harmandir Sahib Nanak Sahib in 1708 CE Sahibzada Zorawar in Amritsar 24 Martyrdom of Guru Singh & Sahibzada Tegh Bahadur Fateh Singh 1 Jashn-e-Tirgan [IZ] 6-15 Fravardigan / ZOROASTRIAN 7-16 Fravardigan [K] Muktad [S] 3 Fravardin Mah 1 Jashn-e- 26 Zaratosht-no- [PARSEE] 17 Navroze [K] 16 Navroze [S] Parab [S] Mehergan [IZ] Diso [IZ] 22 Khordad Sal [K] 21 Khordad Sal [S]

31 Hallowe’en 21 Yule [Wiccan] PAGAN / 1 / 22 Equinox 31 Winter Nights 21 Winter Solstice DRUID [4] Lughnasadh [Mabon] 31 Samhain / Alban Arthan / Samhuinn Alban Arthuan

7-14 Interfaith Week 10-17 Interfaith Week 14 Remembrance 10 Human Rights Some Other 29 Michaelmas of for Sunday Day Notable Dates World Peace 31 Hogmanay 30 St Andrew’s Day

Zaha Mohammed Rosalind John BUCHAN Sarla Edwin HUBBLE Roger WILLIAMS People of Belief FRANKLIN CHAUDURANI HADID

(*) Indicates some uncertainty about the date. [1] Jewish Festivals commence, like Shabbat, at sunset on the evening of the day prior to the date shown. [2] Muslim Festivals begin in the evening before the Gregorian dates shown in this calendar. [3] Indicates a festival celebrated in the Orthodox tradition of the Christian church. [4] All Baha’i and certain Druid and Pagan festivals also commence in the evening. [5] IZ, K and S denote three Zoroastrian Calendars: Iranian Zoroastrian, Kadmi and Shahenshai.

(c) The Shap Calendar Group MMXXI [email protected]