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Taste of Travel Norwegian Velkommen to food is good Det er etter regn Little Norway in for the soul at fuglene synger! Wisconsin Read more on page 8 – Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson Read more on page 9 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 123 No. 18 May 4, 2012 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western Viking and Nordisk Tidende $1.50 per copy Norway.com News Find more at www.norway.com Joining voices for peace News The absence due to illness among Rose parade employees in the government of- fice buildings in downtown and children’s has shown a strong increase after the July 22 terrorist bombing. This song shows the is shown by fresh figures from the world Norway’s Ministry of Justice and the joint Government Service Center, Af- response to trial tenposten reports. In the Ministry of Justice, 7 percent of the staff were off sick in the first quarter of this year. This is twice as many as St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n in the same period last year. In the Norwegian American Weekly Service Center, 8.1 percent were off sick in the first quarter, an Norway is now two weeks into increase of 16 percent compared its biggest trial since World War II. to the same quarter last year. “I After hearing Anders Behring have never experienced anything like this,” says union representa- Breivik testify last week, emotion- tive Sylvia Peters in the Ministry less as he described killing 77 peo- of Justice. She believes working ple and injuring many more in his in temporary offices and an in- two terrorist attacks on July 22, the creased work load could be part conditions were right for the Nor- of the problem. wegian people to make their voices (blog.norway.com/category/ heard. news) Photo: Sjur Stølen / Aktivioslo.no Reaction, page 6 Culture See > Over 40,000 people gathered at Youngstorget in Oslo to sing “Barn av Regnbuen” (Children of the Rainbow) on April 26. California and the Pacific North- west may be the capital of electric cars in the U.S., but in Europe, that accolade is currently held by Visit to Washington Norway. Last week, Nissan Eu- On the island rope announced it had sold 1,000 Early Hawaiian Norwegians honored New Minister of its Leaf electric cars in just six months. Incentives for electric by a nearly invisible memorial on Maui of International car owners in Norway include exemptions from sales tax, road Development tax feeds, license fees and public makes D.C. visit parking fees. (blog.norway.com/category/ culture) Ha n n a Pi n c u s Gj e r t se n What’s inside? Royal Norwegian Embassy News 2-3 The Norwegian Minister of Business 4 Development Heikki Holmås vis- Research & Education 5 ited Washington, D.C., April 19 – Photo: Ragnhild H. Simenstad / UD Opinion 6-7 Norway’s new Minister of Development See > Visit, page 5 Taste of Norway 8 Heikki Holmås visited Washington. Travel 9 Roots & Connections 10 Ready for Olympics Obituaries & Religion 11 Arts & Style 12 Photo: Gary G. Erickson Swimmer Alexander In Your Neighborhood 13 A modest monument on Maui in Hawaii commemorates Norwegian immigrants Dale Oen prepares arriving there in 1882. Norwegian Heritage 14 for London 2012 17th of May Calendar 15 Ga r y G. Er i c k s o n Sunburg, Minn. $1 = NOK 5.7283 No r w a y Po s t updated 4/30/2012 “For now we see through a the saga of Norwegian immigra- Norway's swimming ace Al- glass dimly, then face to face.” A tion to America: On the Hawaiian In comparison exander Dale Oen who has been clause, written by the Apostle Paul island of Maui stands a small, ob- suffering from an infection in a 3/30/2012 5.6931 in his letter to the Corinthians, scure monument to Norwegian im- shoulder, is now back to near nor- 10/30/2011 5.4281 could be interpreted to apply meta- 4/30/2011 5.2383 phorically to an obscure passage in See > Hawaii, page 13 See > Dale Oen, page 11 Photo: Alexanderdaleoen.com 2 • may 4, 2012 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Ugleboom i nord Oljefondet tapte 10,6 milliarder på etikken Karl ove Knausgård i USa Beregningene er utført av Norges Bank, og beløpet går fram av stortingsmeldingen om Mannen bak den Smågnagerår gir forvaltningen av det såkalte Statens pen- kontroversielle «Min rekordstore menger med sjonsfond utland som ble lagt fram i mars, skriver Finansavisen. 55 selskaper er i dag kamp» har ingen ugle i Nord - Norge utestengt på grunn av brudd på fondets forventninger til etiske regelverk. – Kostnadene ved de etiske nRK retningslinjene har vært enorme. Hva har vi mottagelsen i verdens egentlig fått igjen? Er verden blitt et bedre største bokmarked Kenneth Pettersen, som denne uka ob- sted? Har de ekskluderte bedriftene sluttet serverte jordugla ved Skogvoll, er overras- med det som regjeringen misliker? Prakti- nRK ket over hvor mange ugler det har vært i år. seringen er selektiv og inkonsekvent, og helt Foto: Robin Linderborg – I fjor så vi bare en ugle, men i år har uten virkning, sier Frps Christian Tybring- – Jeg tar det som det kommer. Man må K.O. Knausgård vi allerede sett sju jordugler og en hornugle. Gjedde. Han mener staten er dobbeltmor- ha en veldig god bok og så må man ha flaks, Hornugla har jeg aldri sett her før, så det er alsk når den tjener store summer på salget sier Knausgård til NRK. både Tyskland, Nederland, Sverige og Dan- moro. av tobakk, mens det anses som umoralsk å – Får man en anmeldelse i New York mark. I USA får han denne uken drahjelp fra Pettersen lar seg fascinere av fuglen eie aksjer i de samme selskapene. Han er Times av en som ikke liker deg, kan det bli litteraturarrangementet Pen World Voices som svirrer rundt husveggene hans. også kritisk til utestengelsen av amerikan- vanskelig. Men får man en som synes boka her i New York. Festivaldirektør Laszlo – De flyr jo så vimsete, så jeg blir veldig ske Lockheed Martin. – Lockheed Martin Orsòs gleder seg til å presentere den norske fascinert av de. Ugla er jo en veldig dyktig er ekskludert, samtidig som regjeringen har er helt fantastisk, så begynner ting å hende, forfatteren – og hans livshistorie. Han mener jeger, så den holder i hvert fall smådyrene i besluttet å kjøpe jagerfly fra den samme tror forfatteren. Knausgård er en svært modig forfatter. sjakk, sier han. bedriften. Prislappen er beregnet til 100 mil- Den amerikanske lanseringen av Knaus- – Livet til en forfatter er jo ofte råma- Men myter rundt uglers ekle budskap, liarder dollar, så høyt at man har diskutert gårds bok tjuvstartet lørdag kveld i det nor- ske generalkonsulatets representasjonsbolig terialet for bøker. Men Knausgård forvalter tror han ikke på. å finansiere kjøpet utenfor statsbudsjettet. dette på sin helt særegne måte. Hans person- Med andre ord å hente penger direkte fra her i New York. Et femtitalls tilhørere fikk – Nei det er jeg ikke så redd for. Den lige livshistorie er fortalt på en fortettet og Oljefondet, sier Tybring-Gjedde. møte forfatteren i samtale med den kjente minner meg om Harry Potter, men skummel nådeløst ærlig måte. (NTB) norsk-amerikanske romanforfatteren Siri er den ikke, sier Kenneth Pettersen. Hustvedt. Hun er født i Minnesota av norske Hjemme i Norge er opplaget på de seks Det rekordstore smågnageråret i fjor har SAS selger eiendom for 1,5 mrd. foreldre. Som Knausgård er hennes romaner bindene i serien nå på 458.000. Her i USA fått bestanden av ugler til å skyte fart flere venter nå flere lanseringsarrangementer SAS har inngått avtale om å selge seks ei- oversatt til en rekke språk. Hun har latt seg steder i fylket. Og nå kan kalle seg endommer til det svenske statlige flyplassel- fascinere av Knausgårds bokprosjekt. både i New York og Washington. Og den et uglefylke. skapet Swedavia for 1,7 milliarder svenske – Jeg liker boken meget godt. Det er et beskjedne sørlandsforfatteren påstår han Ingar Jostein Øien viser først og fremst kroner (1,5 mrd. kr). Eiendommene – han- ekstraordinært verk. Jeg har aldri tidligere ikke vil bli skuffet dersom det første bindet til at Nordland har Norges tetteste bestand garer, verksteder, lagerbygninger og kon- lest en tilsvarende bok – den berører meg får dårlige kritikker i amerikanske medier. av hubro, på Sleneset i Lurøy. I fjor ble det torer – ligger ved Stockholms hovedflyplass og er samtidig en intelligent bok. Så jeg er – Jeg har jo noen flere bind å by på, sier registrert 13 hekkende hubro i dette svært Arlanda, Landvetter i Göteborg og Sturup imponert over Knausgård, sier Hustvedt til han med et lite smil. begrensede området, og at de 13 var det 11 i Malmö. Samtidig har SAS inngått en lei- NRK. som fikk fram unger. eavtale med Swedavia. Salget gir en gevinst USA er land nummer 15 som nå gir på 350 millioner svenske kroner (ca. 300 ut første bind av «Min kamp». Knausgård English Synopsis: Norwegian author Karl Ove English Synopsis: There has been a boom in North- mill. kr) som blir inntektsført i andre kvartal høstet nylig strålende kritikker i Storbritan- Knausgård has begun marketing his book in the ern Norway’s owl population. The birds have thrived i år. U.S.A. The book has been controversial in Norway, because it has been a good year for rodents. (Reuters) nia, og har tidligere fått svært god omtale i but Knausgård is not worried about criticism. Gatehunder fra utlandet tar med kjempeparasitt til Norge avviser klimakur Parasitten linguatula serrata (tungeorm) ble europas sunneste barn funnet på en gatehund som var hentet fra Senterpartiet vil plante fem Romania til Norge. Tungeormen, som lever millioner dekar granskog Norske barn beveger i nese, svelg og luftveier hos dyr, kan smitte både til mennesker og til andre hunder. I for å fange CO2. Voldsomt, seg mer og spiser tillegg kan parasitten etablere seg i norsk mener WWF Norge sunnere enn barn fauna. – Å ta med seg gatehunder hjem fra andre land, betyr en betydelig økt risiko for VG ellers i Europa, viser en at det kommer nye parasitter og sykdommer inn til landet, sier tilsynsdirektør Kristina Fem millioner dekar gran vil øke CO2- undersøkelse finansiert Landsverk i Mattilsynet. Folkehelseinsti- opptaket med opp til 12 millioner tonn år- av EU tuttet opplyser at parasitten ikke vil føre til lig, sa partileder forrige alvorlig sykdom, men en smittet person vil uke. Foto: Stein J. Bjørge likevel kunne føle ubehag, og parasitten må Fem millioner dekar skog tilsvarer ar- Aftenposten fjernes kirurgisk. Folk som tar med seg dyr ealet til hele fylke. Forsker i sk- hjem fra reiser, gjør det gjerne for å hjelpe ogproduksjon ved Norsk Institutt for skog Undersøkelsen ble gjennomført våren gode muligheter for kroppsøving og fysisk lidende dyr. – Men vi vil oppfordre dem til å og landskap, Kjersti Holt Hanssen, sier til 2010 og omfatter 7000 barn i aldersgruppen aktivitet både inne og ute sammenlignet med tenke over at de da utsetter andre dyr, både Bergens Tidende at det på god mark på Vest- 10–12 år i syv europeiske land. Funnene har skoler i andre land, sier Vik. kjæledyr og ville dyr, for smitte som vi ikke landet er vanlig å plante mellom 200 og 250 skapt voldsom oppsikt i europeiske medier – I de andre landene som deltok har har i landet – og som vi definitivt ikke øn- granplanter per dekar. denne uken. skolene kantiner med delvis ganske usunn sker å få hit, sier Landsverk. Dermed betyr planting av fem millioner Resultatene viser at barn i Europa er mat, samt brus og snacksautomater. Her (NTB) dekar skog 1 til 1,25 milliarder nye trær. fetere enn noensinne. Hellas topper listen – finner du ikke brusautomater på barneskoler. – Planting av ny skog er ikke bare et her var halvparten av barna overvektige. 21 I en annen norsk undersøkelse ser vi at nor- KrF vil lønne småbarnsforeldre for å prosent faller inn under kategorien fedme/ ske barn faktisk drikker mindre brus enn for jobbe mindre kontroversielt klimatiltak, det vil også gå på bekostning av naturmangfold, kultur- sykelig overvekt. Til sammenligning er to noen år siden. Det er blitt mer “kult” å drikke Kristelig Folkeparti foreslår at staten skal landskap, friluftsliv og turisme, sier gener- av ti norske barn overvektige, kun 4 prosent vann. I Nederland drikker barna tre ganger så betale småbarnsforeldre opptil 5.700 kroner alsekretær Nina Jensen i WWF Norge. lider av fedme. mye brus som i Norge, forteller Vik. i måneden dersom enten mor eller far job- – Overvekt er et stort problem også En annen grunn til at norske barn er min- ber deltid. KrFs nestleder Dagrun Eriksen Organisasjonen frykter klimatiltaket vil føre til nedplanting av norsk kystlandskap. i Norge, særlig blant voksne. Vi er ikke dre overvektige, er norske skoleveier, tror forklarer forslaget overfor NRK: – Dersom fornøyd med at to av ti av norske barn er Vik. – Vi har gjerne lokale skoler og relativt far eller mor går ned 20 prosent i stilling, vil Skogforskere ved Norsk Institutt for Skog og landskap deler imidlertid ikke bekymringen. overvektige, men sammenlignet med Hellas trygge skoleveier. De fleste norske barn kan vi dekke halvparten av lønnstapet. Eriksen blir det ikke så galt. Vi må ha gjort noe riktig gå eller sykle til skolen – i undersøkelsen så tror mange småbarnsforeldre har behov for – Det skjer allerede store endringer langs likevel, sier doktorgradsstipendiat Frøydis vi sogar noen som gikk ski. I Hellas sier for- å jobbe mindre. – Dette vil gi foreldrene en kysten, og spørsmålet er hva som er best eller Vik. Hun er en av to forskere som har stått skerne at det er livsfarlig å sykle til skolen. mulighet til å få tid og rom til å gjennomføre verst. La kystlandskapet gro igjen med bjørk småbarnsfasen. De får økonomisk mulighet og kratt, eller satse på brukbar skog i enkelte bak den norske delen av undersøkelsen. Greske skolebarn sykler i gjennomsnitt ett til det, og regnestykket går opp, sier KrF- arealer, sier Bernt-Håvard Øyen. – Hvorfor er norske barn sunnere enn minutt hver uke. nestlederen. barn ellers i Europa? (NTB) English Synopsis: Norway’s Center Party wants to – Vi har satset på både sunt kosthold i English Synopsis: A survey financed by the EU has increase the trees in Norway’s forests to reduce the skolen og barnehagen, blat annet med gratis shown that Norwegian children are the healthiest in Eu- rope; they excercise more and eat healthier on average. effects of climate change, but WWF rejected the plan. skolefrukt. Vi ser også at norske skoler har Ap har ikke de endelige tallene før om et par uker, men allerede ved utgan- gen av september meldte landsstyret at det var registrert 10.000 nye medlem- mer av rundt 60.000 totalt. AUF hadde på samme tidspunkt fått ca. 3.000 nye medlemmer, et tall som nok vil være større ved årsskiftet. Høyre fikk 5.000 nye betalende medlemmer i 2011 og slo sin interne mål- setting med ett år. Venstre fikk i underkant av 1.000 nye medlemmer. Norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/news May 4, 2012 • 3 News This week on Norway.com Day by day Inspirational role model Royal Court’s annual report for 2011 The annual report of the Royal Court was Summary of each day’s Gunnar “Kjakan” submitted to the Presidium of the , court developments of the Ministry of Government Administration, Sønsteby awarded Reform and Church Affairs, and the Office July 22 trial first-ever Honor Cross of the Auditor General of Norway, providing an overview of the official programme carried out by the Royal Family and presents Af t e n p o s t e n the Royal Court and its activities. It also o r w eg i a n r m e d o r ces N A F contains the accounts for the Civil List, the staff of Their Royal Highnesses The Crown Tuesday, April 24 (Day 7) Prince and Crown Princess, and the Section The first witnesses gave evidence in On April 27, Gunnar “Kjakan” Sønste- for Culture. The accounts for the Civil court. First it was Tor Inge Kristoffersen, by was awarded the military Honors Cross, List showed a surplus of NOK 11,046,053 who was on duty in the Government Service which was established Jan. 30 by the Norwe- (approximately USD 1.9 million). The tragic Center when the bomb exploded. He ex- gian Armed Forces to recognize individuals events on Utøya Island and the executive plained that he saw the car Breivik parked on for their valuable contribution to the mili- government quarter in Oslo on July 22 had the screen and was about to zoom in to take tary. a major impact on the activities of the Royal the registration number when it exploded. Sønsteby is the first in history to be Family, who gave priority to being present Svein Olav Christensen from the Nor- awarded this decoration, and he was chosen for those affected and to helping to ensure that the Norwegian people remained firmly wegian Defense Agency testified about the by Chief of Defense Harald Sunde for his united during a difficult period. In 2011, His 950-kilogram bomb Behring Breivik placed tireless, continuous efforts for the military. Majesty The King granted 103 audiences “With his fierce commitment, Sønsteby in a van outside the high-rise ministries. and conducted 28 formal audiences. During has been an inspiration through several gen- When asked directly whether it was realis- 2011, HM King Harald attended 204 official tic to expect that the high-rise building could erations to everyone in the military and a events in Norway and abroad, while HM model that has helped to create positive at- have collapsed in the explosion, he replied Photo: Norwegian Armed Forces Queen Sonja attended 99 official events, that he estimated that in this case the bomb titudes and sense of responsibility among the Gunnar “Kjakan” Sønsteby is Norway’s most HRH Crown Prince Haakon attended 183 highly decorated citizen for his efforts in the Re- official events and HRH Crown Princess See > Sønsteby, page 7 See > summary, page 6 sistance during World War II. Mette-Marit attended 63 official events. The Royal Family visited 42 municipalities in Norway, and paid 23 visits abroad. The King “Could have been done differently” and Queen carried out their annual county Off to London visit in County in June, while the Admits security Crown Prince and Crown Princess visited HH Princess Märtha County in August. The King and breach at government Queen conducted a State Visit to Slovenia headquarters on July 22 Louise moves family and in May and paid a visit to the American Midwest and New York, while the across the North Sea Crown Prince and Crown Princess traveled No r w a y Po s t to Ghana for a State Visit in April. (Kongehuset) St a f f Co m p i l a t i o n On the 10th day of the Breivik trial, Norwegian American Weekly Norwegian NGO worker detained in former Head of Security in the government Sudan headquarters, Ole Peder Nordheim, admitted A Norwegian de-mining expert working for that the security in and around the buildings Princess Märtha Louise, her husband the Norwegian People’s Aid, is one of four on July 22 was not good enough. Ari Behn and their three daughters are mov- foreigners detained by Sudanese forces in The security guards did not notice An- ing abroad to London, England for a time. the sensitive Heglig oilfield area, scene of ders Behring Breivik’s escape from the van Marianne Hagen, Head of Communica- recent fighting with South Sudanese forces. that he had parked outside the government tion at the Royal Palace, tells VG that Prin- This has been confirmed by a spokesman high rise, Nordheim explained. It took a few cess Märtha Louise and her family are mov- for the Norwegian People’s Aid (Norsk days after the trial before he was informed ing to London. No specific time has been set Folkehjelp), NRK reports. A South African that surveillance photos showing Breivik Photo: Marta B. Haga / Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the move, or how long they are staying. de-mining company said to BBC that two leaving the area in a police uniform had been of its employees, working under a U.N. de- On the streets of Oslo near the government quar- The couple's three children will attend released. mining contract, were among those detained. ter on July 23, 2011, one day after Breivik’s car school in England, and Märtha Louise will Nordheim was one of the witnesses who bombing killed eight people and caused consider- A Sudanese military spokesman said the four, continue to run her angel school Astarte Ed- testified in the 10th day of court on April 27, able structural damage. from Norway, the U.K., South Africa and ucation. along with two employees who were work- – were in an armoured vehicle However, the princess has no plans of ing in the building on July 22. logram bomb (approximately 2,090 pounds) and engaged in what he called “suspicious starting any commercial business abroad, Obviously, the security was not good outside the government quarter, he told re- activities.” (Norway Post) enough when somebody can place a 950-ki- See > security, page 11 See > London, page 7

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@norway. Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly com • Website: www.norway.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $59 domestic; USD $79 to Canada; USD $179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. 4 • May 4, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/business norwegian american weekly Business

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LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Ra s m u s Fa l c k Certified Public Accountant Small businesses Oslo, Norway (206)789-5433 Individuals 3824 18th Ave Specialized Assistance Seattle, WA 98119 Ålesund is the home of the annual event There are a number of pendulums operating of InnoTown. The town was rebuilt after the and each creates new business opportunities great fire in 1904 and given a distinctart nou- according to the futurist Patrick Dixon. His Norwegian- veau architectural style. Majestic mountains speech is entitled “Turning the Future into Always the owned constitute an impressive frame and beautiful History.” You have to take hold of the future best possible since 1963 contrast to the ocean. This is inspiring and or the future will take hold of you. Patrick prices! entrepreneurial country. has been ranked as one of the 20 most influ- InnoTown is an unusual business con- ential business thinkers alive today. He is the AIR – SEA – LAND SPECIALISTS ference for people who want to open up to author of “Futurewise – Six Faces of Global Contact us for all your travel needs, domestic and worldwide the new opportunities that lie beyond the Change” and 14 other books. He is passion- traditionally tried and tested. The idea is to ate and practical motivating people to seize 7906 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11209 move people’s minds, both rationally and growth opportunities and to change! emotionally. The concept is to help motivate One of the most profound trends of our Tel: (718) 748-7400 • Fax: (718) 238-3604 • [email protected] the participants to think new thoughts and time is the mass migration of the world’s dare to fail, and to succeed. population into urban areas. As of 2005, This year the conference is bringing in close to 70 million people were migrating to MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE ten different international speakers. Let me cities each year. By 2050, three billion will just mention a few. Brian Muir the Chief En- be living in shantytowns. A troubling trend? a t t o r n e y s a n d c o u n s e l o r s a t l a w gineer from NASA Jet Propulsion Laborato- Perhaps not argues Robert Neuwright an- ry will talk about High Velocity Leadership. other of the speakers. Looking at these areas Advice regarding maritime and civil claims, disputes, He is well known for leading the Pathfinder from inside brings a surprising perspective. team that was faced with an awesome chal- You will find thriving restaurants, markets, commercial transactions and estate planning. lenge. The goal was to deliver a scientific health clinics, an unconventional real-estate payload to the surface of Mars for less than market, and effective forms of self-organi- 24001 NW Sixty-fifth P.O. Box 70567 Seattle, WA 98107 200 million dollars. The only previously suc- zation. They are truly innovative. Our chal- cessful mission had cost 15 times more and lenge is to engage and empower the residents Telephone: (206) 789-2511 Fax: (206) 789-4484 taken twice as long. By evolving a powerful in these cities. Roberts has written the publi- set of management principles, Brian led his cation “Stealth of Nations – The Global Rise ream to accomplish their difficult mission. of the Informal Economy.” He is the author of the book “High Velocity It all takes place in early June. Last year LUNDE MARINE ELECTRONICS, INC. Leadership.” 500 people from 20 countries participated. Sales and Service To every trend there is a counter-trend. Truly inspiring! Business News & Notes Norway government proposes doubling CO2 provide companies with increased incentives tax on oil sector to use energy from land,” it said. Norway’s government is proposing to nearly (Reuters) Seattle,WA Tacoma,WA Dutch Harbor, AK double the carbon dioxide tax on the country’s phone (206) 789-3011 phone (253) 627-6968 phone (907) 581-1498 Statoil makes first foray into oil-rich Ghana fax (206)782-3188 fax (253)383-4965 fax (907) 581-1402 vast oil and gas sector to encourage companies to use more electricity from onshore source to Statoil made its first foray into oil-rich Ghana power oil platforms, the government said in a by farming into a deepwater license operated white paper. “To provide companies with in- by Hess Corp. on April 25. The acquisition un- creased incentives for electrification, the gov- derscores mounting appetite for Africa’s new- [email protected] ernment will increase the CO2 tax on petro- ly-emerging hydrocarbon provinces. 5415 24th Ave NW, Seattle 98107 leum activities of NOK 200 per ton... This will (Dow Jones) norwegian american weekly Online: blog.norway.com/category/research May 4, 2012 • 5 Research & Education < visit From page 1 visited the Royal Norwegian Embassy and Healthy lunch, healthy kid had bilateral meetings with other countries’ politicians in the margin of the World Bank Study covers school-day eating habits of 21 to participate in the World Bank’s spring meeting. The good cooperation between the meeting. During his time in Washington he USA and Norway was reiterated throughout 16,000 Norwegian students in 2011 also met with Dr. Rajiv Shah who serves as the Minister’s visit to Washington, as old and the 16th Administrator of the United States new plans of cooperation were discussed. Agency for International Development Sudan was high on the agenda, as well as (USAID). He met with State Department’s global health, energy and wealth distribu- Africa expert, Johnnie Carson and with the tion. Center for Global Development. Holmås The Scandinavian Hour Celebrating over 50 years on the air! KKNW – 1150 AM Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Streaming live on the internet at: www.1150kknw.com

Photo: Tine.no Four out of five Norwegian students bring lunch to school.

Rese a r ch Co u n c i l o f No r w a y

When Norwegian pupils leave home Of those who make their own lunch, 85 in the morning, the majority have a lunch percent eat all of their food. The percentage stowed away with their books. In the autumn falls to 72 if their lunch was prepared by of 2011, pupils across the country delved someone else. into their schoolbags to reveal the contents Student-Faculty of their lunches. Important information – The findings are important to future re- Politicians, too, are showing an interest search on the eating habits of children and in the results of the school-day food study. Research adolescents. “Now we know much more about what our children are eating every day. This is impor- At PLU, rigorous academics and a caring community Annual research campaign tant information for parents, researchers and, ensures challenge and support for every student The school-day food study was last not least, schools,” states , year’s research campaign for children and Norway’s Minister of Education and Re- adolescents under the auspices of the Re- search. search Council of Norway. The campaigns “I hope the pupils who were involved are held each year in connection with Na- have been bitten by the research bug. The tional Science Week and are designed to annual research campaign is an important promote interest in, and give young people means of showing children what research is a better understanding of, the ins and outs of really about and inspiring them to continue research. exploring the world around them to seek new The Center for Science Education at the knowledge,” continues Halvorsen. University of is a regular collabora- tion partner. Together with other contribu- Healthiest in Europe tors, they administer the Environmental Edu- A survey commissioned by the E.U. cation Network at www.sustain.no (or www. shows that Norwegian children are the miljolare.no in Norwegian). healthiest in Europe. The survey looked at the eating habits of 7,000 children between Traditional lunches still prevail the ages of 10 and 12 in seven countries in Professor Lene Frost Andersen at the Europe. According to the survey, 21 percent carries out research on of Norwegian kids are overweight, and only Chemistry Professor Neal Yakelis and Chelsea Berdahl in the Rieke Science Center laboratory. the eating habits of the younger generation. 4 percent suffer from obesity. She has analyzed the data collected during “We have invested in both healthy eat- the school-day food study. ing in schools and kindergartens, such as free According to Professor Andersen, the fruit. We also see that Norwegian schools CHALLENGE SUPPORT SUCCESS traditional Norwegian lunch remains the have opportunities for physical education standard: Most pupils bring lunch from home, and physical activity both inside and out and an impressive four of five eat a typical compared with schools in other countries,” sandwich-based meal at school – often with said Ph.D. student Frøydis Vik who was one PLU meat as the filling. Fruit and vegetables have of two Norwegian researchers behind the Tacoma, Washington www.plu.edu 800-274-6758 also made their way into the standard fare of Norwegian segment of the survey. many pupils. 6 • May 4, 2012 norwegian american weekly opinion

< Summary An opinion column about current issues in Norway From page 3 Join the conversation! may have had to be at least twice as power- On the EDGE ful. A call for understanding, not vengence Wednesday, April 25 (Day 8) By Sverre Melkstavik, Norwegian student at Columbia University Head doctor Arne Stray-Pedersen from the Norwegian Institute of Public Health Kristopher Schau is a contro- course can we learn. and the police superintendent Ole Morten versial Norwegian comedian, fa- Kristopher Schau, as it turns Størseth from Follo police went through mous not only from conventional out, is a man of many talents. the autopsy reports of Hanne Marie Orvik radio and TV, but provocative stunts He is doing an authentic, lucid Endresen, Kjersti Berg Sand, Kai Hauge such as investigating whether or not job referencing one of the most and Tove Åshill Knutsen – four of the eight a dog can distinguish the difference difficult trials in Norwegian his- people killed in the bomb explosion in the between a frankfurter and a man’s tory. Many people feel that the government ministries. genitalia. trial should be held behind closed Eivind Dahl Thoresen (26) testified As a result, Mr. Schau may doors, and that Mr. Breivik should about what he remembered from the mo- seem an inappropriate commentator be locked away and never spoken ment before the bomb went off, from the on the trial against Anders Behring of again. They are afraid that ex- explosion and afterwards. He described the Breivik, the man who murdered 77 posing the case to the public gives sight that met him, others injured in the area, Photo: Dagbladet people in Norway last year. Due to Mr. Breivik the platform he needs how he got help and how the injuries have Kristopher Schau, comedian-turned-commentator on the trial of Mr. Schau’s career as a notorious to spread his venom. Mr. Schau, changed his life. July 22 killer Anders Behring Breivik. joker, he has never been recognized however, puts it the other way as a legitimate reporter. The shock around. He feels that the unique Thursday, April 26 (Day 9) good idea after all. of the general public was imminent when chance to understand how a man like Mr. Five of those injured in the explosion of Norway is a small nation still in Morgenbladet, a humanistic, nationwide Breivik ticks is one of few bright aspects the Government buildings testified in court, mourning. On that beautiful summer day newspaper, chose to use Mr. Schau as their this case has to offer. Breivik provides in- including the “miracle girl,” a 24-year-old last year 77 lives were lost; 77 people, most weekly correspondent. However, Kristo- sight into another man’s ideology. Not ac- who had a summer job as a receptionist in of whom children, were taken before their pher Schau has proved that he has a deeper ceptance, but understanding. Consequent- the government quarter. Only seven feet sep- time. How can we justify number 78? quality of insight, a gentle pen and an at- ly, the next time a frustrated young man is arated her from the car bomb. Yet she sur- So what do we do? How should we tentive presence. He urges us to listen, and persuaded by the brown forces of fascism vived after lying in a coma for weeks. respond when ‘the devil’ comes knock- to listen closely. In the name of closure – or the ignorance of fundamentalism – we Around 40,000 people showed up to the ing? We must begin by shedding the tab- he calls for understanding, rather than for must be able to recognize the signs imme- singing of “Children of the Rainbow” with loid language. The actions of which Mr. vengeance. diately, and interfere resolutely. Lillebjørn Nilsen on Youngstorget in Oslo on Breivik is guilty are monstrous, but they After the first two weeks, commenta- Mr. Schau proclaims: “Never again!” Thursday. do not make him a monster. His precise tors in most Norwegian newspapers report All of us, who have lost a friend or a loved The action marked a protest after Beh- responses in the court room are perceived Mr. Breivik to be a deranged monster de- one to those that turn to violence, must ring Anders Breivik discussed the song as an as ice cold and emotionless, thus the fact prived of empathy and human emotion. unite. We must stand behind Mr. Schau example of Marxist indoctrination of chil- that he tries to cooperate soberly with the He has, with a steady voice and calculated and from the top of our lungs shout out dren. prosecutors is overlooked. language, explained in meticulous detail loud: “Never again!” what happened before, and during, the at- If we are ever to make this world bet- Friday, April 27 (Day 10) tack. How it was a mistake to bring diesel ter, we must grab our demon by the horns, Three more witnesses testified who fuel to the island rather than petrol; it does battle his ideas and learn from them. What Sverre Melkstavik, born 1981 in , were present during the bombing of the gov- not burn. How he justified the execution knowledge has been lost over the centuries Norway, is an undergraduate student at Co- ernment buildings. One woman testified that of innocent children for the cause of the to the justice of vengeance? What wisdom lumbia University. He spent the first decade she had been driving by with her child in greater good – his cause. The cruelty and might we have learned, had we been mer- of his adult life in the restaurant business as the car when the bomb exploded, and though a bartender, manager and owner. After be- details provided by the murderer have been ciful? Sun Tzu famously said in The Art they were not injured, the experience has coming a family man, he decided to pursue so overwhelming that respected journalists of War; “keep your friends close, but your provoked constant anxiety in both mother an academic career, and is currently work- even admit that they, if only for a second, enemies closer.” I say: keep your friends and child. ing on a bachelor of arts in financial eco- thought that the death penalty might be a close, and your enemies alive. Only by discourse can we understand. Only by dis- nomics.

< Trial The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is From page 1 not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor.

After Breivik in court described the folk good supply, as it was a rainy afternoon. Af- tacks. say, too. “Norway announced last year that song from the 1970s “Children of the Rain- ter singing together in Youngstorget, about “Where anger and violent attacks domi- it would respond to the attacks with more bow” as a Marxist song meant to indoctri- 25,000 members of the crowd moved to out- nated New York's streets the first weeks after openness and democracy and, amazingly, nate children into a multicultural view of the side the courthouse where the trial has been 9 / 11, Oslo and other cities were filled with has lived up to that pledge,” Dutch daily De world, an event was arranged via Facebook held. The goal was for Breivik to hear the roses and speeches about love, openness and Volkskrant said. “The trial is a demonstra- for Thursday, April 26. The event had about singing, although whether he did or not is up democracy,” said professor Victor Herbert, tion of the strength of democracy against 5,000 people as confirmed guests, but over for debate. of the City University of New York, to NRK. a violent loner who is so weak he feels the 40,000 people showed up in Youngstorget in All in all, over 16 Norwegian cities “In spite of the terrible events, Norway took need to take up arms.” Oslo to join folk singer Lillebjørn Nilsen in hosted peaceful gatherings to sing the song, its time to reflect over what happened and News programs and publications in the singing the song. including Bergen, and Tromsø. which values that should be utilized to face U.S., Britain, New Zealand, Germany and “It is we who win,” Nilsen told the as- There was even an event in Reykjavík, Ice- them.” The professor went on to suggest that even Cuba reported on the rose parade and sembled crowd. land. Americans can learn from the Norwegian sing-along. Many members of the crowd carried Norway has received praise from around example. roses. Umbrellas and rain jackets were in the world for its response to the terror at- The had good things to

Place a classified with us! and most Canadian provinces. The fine print toll-free at (800) 305-0217 or Call (800) 305-0217 or email Classified ads are prepaid email [email protected]. Ole’s List [email protected] for details. These ads work! advertisements, and are not Norwegian American Weekly Advertisers see the value and guaranteed to sell. The Nor- Scandinavian meet-up effectiveness of their ads in the wegian American Weekly staff classified ads reserves the right to turn down Looking to connect with fel- Norwegian American Weekly. any ads that are deemed inap- low Norwegians or Scandina- Call us today to see how we PRICING: $25 per ad, includes up to seven lines. propriate or not connected to vians in your area? We have can help you! Add-ons: $10 for photo and $5 to be included in our audience. For more infor- subscribers in every U.S. state online enewsletter. Call (800) 305-0217 or email mation and to place an ad, call [email protected] for details. UPDATE norwegian american weekly M may 4, 2012 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Send your letters to us! Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Publisher Norwegian American Foundation [email protected] Dear Editor, facility called the U.S. Army School of the Managing Editor Greetings from the Norwegian Christian Americas. These actions resulted in arrest Christy Olsen Field [email protected] Home and Health Center in Brooklyn, N.Y.! and incarceration on numerous occasions, Copy Editor and Subscriptions Manager The annual 17th of May Celebration will be including detention in the federal peniten- held at the Home in the Arthur Nilsen Hall tiary system. Kelsey Larson [email protected] on May 17 at 7 p.m. In his nomination essay, Flannigan Assistant Layout Editor As usual, it is anticipated that it will be wrote, “If you ask those who love Tacoma Harry Svenkerud [email protected] well attended. We expect to follow the tradi- who best represents the peace movement Intern tion of being seated at tables, and I believe here, most would respond, ‘Father Bichsel.’ Jess Larsen [email protected] The Greater Tacoma Peace Prize was created by you will enjoy a very pleasant evening. How appropriate and just plain right to honor members of the Norwegian-American community Contributing Editors As in the past, we are offering you the him while he still lives, acts, and defies con- in Tacoma, Wash. in 2005. Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. opportunity to support the Home by purchas- ventions that need defying.” Carla Danziger McLean, Va. ing raffle tickets. The drawing will be held Each year, the GTPP gives the recipient Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. during the evening, and the winner will have Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Laureate for a trip for two to Oslo, Norway, to participate Rasmus Falck Oslo, Norway Marit Fosse Geneva, Switzerland the choice of selecting a beautiful grandfa- 2012. The GTPP honors individuals in our in the events surrounding the Nobel Peace Judith Gabriel Vinje Burbank, Calif. ther clock or a 16 GB iPad, which has been community who work for peace and made Prize. The laureate also receives recogni- Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. this announcement on Saturday, April 28, Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. donated by a generous supporter. tion on the GTPP perpetual plaque, a spe- Heidi Håvan Grosch , Norway For more information about the event during the Norwegian Heritage Festival at cially designed medallion, a Certificate of Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. Pacific Lutheran University. Leslee Lane Hoyum Rockford, Minn. and to purchase raffle tickets, contact Fran- Commendation, and a unique piece of glass Else Hvistendahl New York, N.Y. cesca LaRosa at (718) 306-5645. The prize will be awarded on Saturday artwork created especially for the GTPP by Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. To make reservations for the 17th of evening, June 2, at the annual Spring Ban- Tacoma’s Hilltop Artists. Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. May Celebration, contact the Home at (718) quet in the Scandinavian Cultural Center The concept of a local peace prize came Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. 232-2322. at Pacific Lutheran University in Tacoma, from Tom Heavey, Founding Chair of the Solveig M. Lee S seattle, Wash. Wash. For reservations and further informa- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. GTPP and veteran of Operation Iraqi Free- Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. Sincerely, tion write to [email protected] or dom. In 2005, on the occasion of the 100th Berit T. Mesarick Williamsburg, Va. [email protected], or call (253) 535-7532. David Moe Juneau, Alaska George A. Jensen anniversary of Norway’s peaceful separa- Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Chairman, Board of Directors Potential laureates are nominated by tion from , and inspired by the Nobel Bill Osmundsen New York, N.Y. Norwegian Christian Home Foundation local residents, with the winner selected by Peace Prize, Tom and others in the Norwe- Sada Reed Woodbury, Minn. John Erik Stacy S seattle, Wash. Brooklyn, N.Y. unanimous agreement of GTPP committee gian-American community developed the Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. members. Dennis Flannigan nominated Bich- Greater Tacoma Peace Prize to honor those Kjell Olav Strømsli Trondheim, Norway Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. sel, who was also endorsed by Bill Baarsma, in our community who work for peace. Bruce Foreman, Lyle Quasim, Sen. Debbie Congratulations to Rev. Bichsel! Dear Editor, Regala, and Colleen Webster. Flannigan has CORRECTIONS: Norwegian American Weekly strives to make its news report fair and accurate. If you The Rev. William Bichsel, S.J. doesn’t known him for many years. Sincerely, have a question or comment about news coverage just talk about what’s wrong with the world. Bichsel was ordained in 1959. Then he Candace Brown call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Weekly Now in his 80s, he still dedicates his life to began to work with the homeless and down- Greater Tacoma Peace Prize Committee reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy and/or space, and the right the causes of peace and justice, even when trodden, and became well-known as a non- Tacoma, Wash. not to print submissions deemed libelous, in poor taking a stand means going to jail. Bichsel’s violent protestor and demonstrator against taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. lifelong activism led to his selection as the nuclear weapons and the military training • The opinions expressed by opinion writers and letter writers are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions < Sønsteby < London and complaints about the opinions expressed by From page 3 security force that the Norwegian special the paper’s editorials should be directed to the From page 3 publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published forces have trained, Crisis Response Unit, weekly except the first week of the calendar year, adopted his agent number 24. the last two weeks of July, and the first two weeks soldiers and military work,” said Sunde. Hagen informs. She will still have official “Both among those working in the of August by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • “He has been of crucial importance for duties back home, and she will commute to Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. agency and among our supporters around the the War Cross to be the nation’s lasting deco- Oslo when necessary, she says. NE Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription community there are individuals and their Cost: US$59 Domestic, US$79 to Canada, ration for bravery,” he added. This year is also the 40th anniversary of efforts throughout a long career, or for par- US$179 to Norway and all other foreign countries. Sønsteby, also known as “Number 24” the Princess’ Fund, which was established in ticularly meritorious activities in or for the SINCE MAY 17, 1889: is the only one who has been awarded the 1972 to award funds to projects that support Armed Forces deserve our visible recogni- Formerly Norway Times War Cross with three swords, making him disabled children under the age of 16 in Nor- tion. It is considered appropriate that Gunnar Western Viking & Washington Posten Norway’s most decorated citizen. way. She will continue her work with people Sonsteby awarded this decoration that even Until recently, he traveled around the with disabilities, and so it’s great timing that Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah- after his military career has made ​​a signifi- Posten og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, country giving talks about his experiences the Paralympics are taking place in London cant contribution to the military,” concluded Minnesota Posten, Norrona and Skandinaven as a resistance fighter from World War II. this year, Hagen adds. Sønsteby was delighted also that the Afghan Sunde. NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. Han Ola og Han Per 8 • may 4, 2012 norwegian american weekly TasTe of Norway Norwegian food for the soul Viking Soul Food in Portland, Ore. is a small food trailer that packs a big punch

Photos: Anjuli Brekke, Kristin Jokela Left: Viking Soul Food makes its home in a 1958 silver trailer named Gudrun. Right: The savory lefse wrap options include house smoked, wild caught salmon with dill sour cream, pick- led shallot, and watercress. Below: Happy customers Hope Martinson (left) and Anjuli Brekke enjoy a refreshing glass of lingonberry iced tea.

Kelsey larson Copy Editor

Viking Soul Food is buzzing with cus- goods, is garnering lots of attention. is underrepresented,” explains Walhood. She weren’t doing much in the way of advertis- tomers. This would make more sense if it Megan Walhood and Jeremy Daniels and Daniels aim to give it a bit more public- ing. Then, the Norwegian-Americans in town was actually the lunch or dinner hour, but met in the food service industry, and with ity. found out about it. “The Scandinavian com- instead it is 3 p.m. on a sunny Friday after- over 20 years in the food service industry Besides getting the word out about Scan- munity was like…whoa, this is awesome!” noon when it seems most people would want between them, they were ready to open their dinavian food in a creative way, Viking Soul says Walhood, describing the overwhelm- to be in their cars, heading out on a weekend own business; they only needed a concept. Food specializes in working with local farms ingly positive reaction. Since then, business getaway. One Christmas, as Jeremy – who doesn’t and businesses. After finding out that IKEA has boomed; especially around the holiday Instead, these would-be weekend vaca- come from a Norwegian food tradition – sat lingonberries are actually imported from season, Viking Soul Food pulls in giant lefse tioners chose Good Food Here in Portland, with Megan’s family making lefse and meat- China, for example, they checked out some orders. “We even had people calling up for Ore. as their destination, where the Viking balls, he took a piece of lefse, wrapped some local farms and stumbled across Friendship fattigman,” says Walhood. Not to mention Soul Food trailer is parked amongst other meatballs, surkål, and brown cheese inside, Farm in Rainier, Ore., which grows the tart that the 1958 silver trailer that Viking Soul trailers toting a wide variety of foods, in- and ate it like a Norwegian burrito. Scandinavian berry, and is the only farm in Food calls home (christened Gudrun, and ap- cluding Greek, barbeque, coffee, you name Concept found. Viking Soul Food spe- the Pacific Northwest to do so. The partner- propriately purchased on the 17th of May) is it. There is even a trailer that sells primar- cializes in sweet and savory “lefse wraps” ship has been great for both parties. Walhood now located at one of the poshest food trailer ily crème brulee. But amongst all these de- which are prepared in such a way that they and Daniels work with the freshest local pods in town. licious options, Viking Soul Food, which are easily consumed on the go. This is a new lingonberries, while Friendship Farm has So what should you order at Viking Soul boasts a tasty spread of Norwegian lefse, level of accessibility when it comes to Nor- increased their production to keep up with Food? With all the delicious options, it’s hard pickled herring, meatballs and other Nordic wegian specialty foods. “Scandinavian food Viking Soul Foods’ sales. “It’s a win-win,” to choose. Walhood’s favorite is the vegetar- says Walhood. They are even in conversa- ian lefse wrap, with savory mushroom ha- tion with local goat farmers, and eventually zelnut patties, blue cheese, beets and parsley would like to use locally produced gjetost, sauce. “We put a lot of work into that,” she Norwegian brown cheese, which hasn’t been says. “Most people add a vegetarian option produced in the U.S. before. “We like to sup- as an afterthought, and I didn’t want that.” port the local economy as much as we can,” Though Daniels doesn’t come from the says Walhood. Scandinavian food tradition, he feels it is Viking Soul Food also focuses on pro- the ultimate comfort food and has definitely ducing healthy products. They make their bonded with it. “I didn’t grow up with it, but lefse with extra-virgin olive oil rather than I feel like I should’ve,” he says. Daniels’ fa- butter. This may come as a shock to many vorite is the wrap that started it all: the pork champion lefse-flippers, who know that and beef meatball wrap. With meatballs, butter is a key ingredient. But the olive oil gjetost sauce, and surkål wrapped in deli- lefse is just as tasty, in addition to being bet- cious lefse, it’s no wonder this is Viking Soul ter for you. “We even had a blind taste test, Food’s best-selling item. “I still have it two and people couldn’t tell the difference,” says or three times a week,” he admits. Daniels. For more information about Viking Soul The community response since Viking Food, visit www.vikingsoulfood.com. Don’t Soul Food was founded in the spring of forget to check their website, Facebook or 2010 has been quite positive. At first, the Twitter before you go to visit; they will keep trailer was located in a quieter area, and they you updated on when they are closed.

Nordic delicacies The Little Viking “a taste of Norway iN the heart of BrooklyN!” Scandinavian GiftS a touch of Scandinavia in southern California 6909 Brooklyn, NY 11209 Phone: (718) 748-1874 • Fax: (718) 833-7519 We have combined our two stores 28465 Old Town Front St. #104 www.nordicdeli.com and moved – Temecula, CA 92590 stop in to have a look and say hi! (951) 676-6800 | [email protected] norwegian american weekly M may 4, 2012 • 9 Travel Velkommen to Little Norway Experience the magic of Little Norway in Blue Mounds, Wis., where the past is one family’s Norwegian-American present to visitors from North America, Norway and across the world

Photos courtesy of Little Norway Left: The Norway Building was originally built in Trondheim, Norway, for the 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Ill. It was relocated to Wisconsin in 1935, and contains several Norwegian arti- facts. Center: The Little Norway staff at Midsummer Celebration in 2011. Right: The Little Norway’s grounds have eight authentic, well-maintained Norwegian homestead buildings.

Ch r i s t y Ol se n Fi e l d Managing Editor

In the search for a piece of Norway in and lovingly restored Norwegian homestead it in the family,” says Winner. “From my and significance in its final season. America, Little Norway of Blue Mounds, buildings on the grounds. The most notewor- great-uncle to my grandparents to my par- Little Norway is now open for the sea- Wis., offers visitors a peek into the old world. thy is the Norway Building, which is mod- ents, Little Norway has been a labor of love son, and will close Oct. 29. Located just 20 miles west of Madison, Wis., eled after a 12th century stavkirke (wooden for us for more than 80 years.” “I want people to realize that we hope Little Norway is on the National Register of stave church). It was originally built in Winner’s decision to close Little Nor- this isn’t the last chapter for Little Norway,” Historic Places, and over 2 million people Trondheim, Norway, and transported to the way was supported by his family, but came said Winner. “We have such a wonderful col- have visited the place in its 75 years of ex- U.S. for the World’s Columbian Exposition as a shock to the local community. lection and fabulous history, and we want to istence. in Chicago, Ill., in 1893. It was relocated to “People assumed Little Norway is pro- see Little Norway start its next chapter.” On April 20, owner Scott Winner an- Wisconsin in 1935, and holds a treasure trove tected because it’s on the National Register Little Norway is located in Blue Mounds, nounced that the 2012 will be the final sea- of Norwegian artifacts, including the original of Historic Places, but it’s not,” said Winner. Wis., about 20 miles west of Madison. Open- son for Little Norway. manuscript of a composition by legendary “It’s privately owned by our family, not a ing hours are as follows: “It’s been a labor of love for our family, Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg. In addi- foundation or non-profit. The cost of upkeep May – June: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and we feel extremely lucky to keep it go- tion to the Norway Building, Little Norway is expensive.” July – August: 9 a.m. – 7 p.m. ing,” said Winner. has a stabbur (food storehouse), sod-roofed Starting out with mowing lawns and September – October: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. Little Norway was founded by Isak J. cabin, a stue (family home) and more. Each now the owner, Winner has invested 30 years Dahle in 1927. As a prominent Chicago busi- building is tastefully decorated with Norwe- of time, energy and money to keep Little For more information, call (608) 437- ness man, Dahle purchased the property near gian antiques – the largest private collection Norway open to the public. The impending 8211, email [email protected], or visit Blue Mounds, Wis., outside of Norway. closure has inspired Winner and the employ- www.littlenorway.com. Tickets can be pur- to use as a gathering Little Norway has ees to celebrate Little Norway’s rich history chased through the website. place for his family. “From my great-uncle been a Scandinavian After furnishing the to my grandparents, attraction in the Mid- buildings with Norwe- west, and the histori- gian antiques, Dahle parents and my family, cal place has hosted decided to open it up Little Norway has been several prominent to the public in 1937. visitors from Norway. Little Norway is now a labor of love for us for His Majesty King in its fourth generation more than 80 years.” Harald visited Little of family ownership. Norway in 1965 when Today, Scott Win- – Scott Winner he was the Crown ner, grand-nephew of Prince, and two Prime Dahle, owns and op- Owner of Little Norway Ministers have visited erates Little Norway Little Norway. Winner with his wife Jennifer and their children Ha- has visited Norway several times for tours of ley and Asher. some of Norway’s best museums. The strong “Over the past few years, we have fixed connection of Little Norway to Norway and the buildings and put out a lot of advertis- the Norwegian-American community has ing to market Little Norway,” said Winner. brought visitors from all over North America “I have been here for 30 years, and it looks and the world to see the special collection of Photo courtesy of Little Norway as good as I have ever seen it.” Norwegian artifacts. From left: Asher, Jennifer, Scott and Haley Winner, the family behind Little Norway. Said Scott, “Some- Little Norway features eight authentic “I’m proud that we’ve been able to keep times I blink and ask myself, ‘What am I going to do next?’ I have been here for 30 years with all these historic buildings. It’s been a dream in a lot of ways.” 10 • may 4, 2012 norwegian american weekly Roots & ConneCtions norwegian American Weekly norwegian shops in the U.s. Photo of the Week Puzzles with Sölvi Dolland

Photo courtesy of Berit Austen This picture was submitted to us by The Daughters of Norway, South Orange County, with the note: The Daughters of Norway, South Orange County, So. California presented a check for $1,000.00 to The Norwegian Seamen church in San Pedro, CA. April 14th at the Church’s fundraiser “Bergens Aften.” Seen here on the picture is D.O.N.’s represen- tative, Berit Austin Funnemark and Pastor Line Kvalvaag wearing (sydvest) like all the volunteers the church had for the event.

Want to be featured in our Photo of the Week? Email [email protected] or mail your photo with a caption.

Lena: Ole, vhen I vent to see da doctor, he told me I had da perfect body. Ole: Vait a minute, Lena. Da doc- Community Connections tor told you dat you had da perfect body? Vhat did he say about your big rear end? Gratulerer med dagen! Lena: Funny, he never mentioned you! A very happy birthday to What’s your favorite Ole and Lena joke? Send your jokes to [email protected]. Ole and Lena America’s favorite Norwegians! Lauraine Blaska 7. mai Aagot Irgens Bergen Norway of Oscar Larsen Mauston WI Marianne Christianson Sidney MT Pauline Glomen Tacoma WA Nora Gran Norway Anoka, Minnesota Nils Ronhovde Tacoma WA

4. mai 8. mai Anna Sveipe Fevang Norway Tillie Ellis Milan MN April 29th Victoria A. Sangrey Seattle WA Esther Bjornsen Plentywood MT Alfred Makebakken Cuyahoga Falls OH Mrs. Ole Nelson Pipestone MN Petter Dehli Tacoma WA Erik A. Tou Princeton MN John Tollefson Tacoma WA Ivar Gjølberg Williamsburg VA Do you have a new grandchild? Does your loved one have a milestone birth- Theresse Lundby Greenbush MN Edna Olsen Reid Fayetteville NY John Erik Stacy Seattle WA day coming up? Has your family recently celebrated a wedding or special anni- 5. mai versary? Share your news with the Norwegian-American community by printing Ruphane Leider Kent WA 9. mai an announcement with us for just $35. For more information, call us at (800) Oscar Erlandsen Seattle WA Hilda Helmerson Seattle WA 305-0217 or email [email protected]. Rolf Sollie San Francisco CA Margaret Landsem Chippewa Falls WI Arlene Watland Surprise AZ Ellen Jordheim Denver CO 10. mai Puzzle solution Dennis White Auburn WA Linda Tengesdal Bartlett IL Hans C. Grobstok Kirkland WA Gabriel K Ness Fordville ND 17th of May is Sanford Bergo Bellwood IL 6. mai Margaret Berg Seattle WA Olav K. Underdal Great Falls MT Kristin Jordheim Denver CO coming up! Hildur Erlandsen Mosjøen Norway Svein E. Strand Seattle WA Ms. S. Nelson La Crosse WI Want to see your birthday in the Petra J. Miller Minneapolis MN Norwegian American Weekly? Bernhard Westrom Elbow Lake MN Eiler B. Pederson Thunder Bay Ont Can Call at (800) 305-0217 or email naw@ Don’t forget to check Gunnar Presthus Vancouver WA norway.com. Birthdays must be submitted at out our special offer Erik Paul Løberg Edmonds WA least one month in advance. Evelyn Pedersen Gordon Baldwin NY NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed on page 3! away? Please notify us. norwegian american weekly M may 4, 2012 • 11 obituaries & Religion Pastor Larson’s Corner In Loving Memory Pastor Jerry Larson retired to his cabin in Zimmerman, Minn., after 39 years in parish ministry for the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In 2011 he Do you have a loved one or friend who has recently passed? published a book entitled “Speaking the Word Freely: Writing with purpose, Contact us at (206) 784-4617 or [email protected] to place an obituary. preaching with power.” Contact him at [email protected] John Norris Maakestad Died April 10, 2012 Bless this mess John Maakestad was returning home he wanted to re-create that same feeling at As I have lived my life, I have had a to clean it up completely. In fact, I could from a date late one night in 1950 on the home. He planted trees on the property ever tendency to make some very big messes. never leave the windows down after that campus of St. Olaf College in Northfield, since. Several years ago I decided to sit down or the car would fill up with bees of all Minn., when a girl clumsily twirling on the But Maakestad’s most passionate energy and make a list of my top ten messes. In kinds. ice rink caught his eye. went into his work in the art department at St. order to make the top ten they had to meet Fortunately, God does not keep a list “I fell down. He picked me up,” said Olaf College. After serving two years during certain criteria. 1. How hard was the mess of the messes we make in our personal Bobbie Maakestad, recalling the moment the Korean War, and earning a master’s de- to clean up? 2. How costly was it in dol- lives. He does not keep a record of our sins she fell in love with her husband. “I never let gree in fine arts from the University of Iowa, lars and cents. 3. Could it ever be cleaned and failures. When I think of what such a go of him and we never slowed down after he joined the St. Olaf staff in 1956 teaching up completely? The top three on my list list would look like in my own life I shud- that.” painting, drawing, design, printmaking and related to when I kept bees and had acci- der at the prospects. As the Apostle Paul The St. Olaf art professor, father, hus- sculpture as well as art history. dents in connection with the honey extrac- once said, “I do not do the good I want, but band, outdoor enthusiast and conservationist Right out of graduate school, Maakestad tion process. the evil I do not want is what I do.” During died of complications from pneumonia April was mostly a modernist, expressionist land- At the very top of my list is the time Holy Week and the first few Sundays of 10 at St. Vincent Hospital in Little Rock, scape painter. His work progressed through I took a corner too fast and a 5 gallon pail Easter we focus on the story of God’s for- Ark. He was 83. the 1960s and changed frequently, from of honey I was delivering tipped over in giving love and grace. Our messes remind From helping his wife to her feet, to sculpture to silk screening and printmaking, the back of my hatch-back car. The cover us of our failures and shortcomings in this mentoring his students and guiding fellow then back to large abstract paintings. His son came off, and the whole five gallons ran life. Easter reminds us that God forgives adventurers along many of his extreme hik- said he was “restless with his style ... he had all over the back seat and down onto the our every failure and blesses our messy ing, biking and cross-country skiing treks a lot of energy and didn’t like to do the same floor mats and carpeting. I never was able lives with divine and everlasting grace. throughout the United States, Maakestad be- thing over and over.” came known to those around him as a “reluc- He also exhibited widely in colleges and tant leader.” galleries throughout the Upper Midwest. “People navigated to him because he After 37 years, including an eight-year was a strong leader, but he didn’t necessarily stint as chair of the art department, Maakestad like that role,” said son Tom of his father’s retired in 1994. But he never stopped making humble yet “magnetic” personality. “I re- art or being involved with students. Bobbie 2709 SAN PABLO AVE — BERKELEY, CA 94702 member he always talked to everyone on the Maakestad said until the day he died, he con- Phone: (800) 854-6435 — Email: [email protected] trails. Anyone who traveled with him had to tinued to hear from students. That “gave him be patient, because he felt it was his respon- the most joy,” his wife said. “Knowing that Featuring great Nordic products sibility to make sure everyone he encoun- something he did enriched their lives.” tered was OK.” Joe Shaw, a longtime friend and profes- Books • Candy and Chocolates • Canned goods • Condiments John Norris Maakestad was born in sor emeritus of religion at St. Olaf, has one of Cooking wares • Dry Goods • Gift items • Specialty meats Whitehall, Wis. He was raised in Roches- Maakestad’s most recent paintings adorning and more! ter, where his father was pastor of Zumbro his living room wall. Shaw purchased it at Lutheran Church. After receiving bach- one of Maakestad’s final art shows last year. Visit us online: www.nordichouse.com elor’s degrees in art and English from St. Shaw will most remember Maakestad Olaf, Maakestad married Barbara (Bobbie) for two things: “He taught me to appreciate Shefveland in 1951. The couple raised four those things that are easily overlooked,” he Funeral Home sons on a farm near Nerstrand, Minn. said. “He was like a walking camera who SOlie and Crematory His love for the land around him in- captured everything around him. And he had spired Maakestad to put a conservation ease- an instinctively quiet, natural and unforced Honoring • Caring • Serving ment on his 80-acre property to make sure it way of helping people.” 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 could never be sold to developers. In a 2002 In addition to his wife and Tom, Maake- interview with the Star Tribune, Maakestad stad is survived by three other sons Erik, Jon said he considered the nearby Nerstrand-Big and Rolf; a sister, Solveig Beckmen and five Are your fi nancial strategies ready for 2012? Woods State Park his “playground” and that grandchildren. Put the strength and stability of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans to work for you with an annual review—it takes less than an hour. Schedule a review to: < Dale oen Maximize retirement contributions Consolidate IRAs and 401(k)s. He is now ready to participate in several From page 1 and review goals. Review protection coverage. competitions in May and June, in preparation Review estate strategy needs and Establish an emergency savings fund. for the London Olympic games. mal form after a high altitude training ses- update beneficiaries. sion in the U.S. Contact your financial representative and get started today!

< Security From page 3 good job when the terror attacks struck Oslo. Still, it would be arrogant to say that nothing porters after the testimony on April 27. “The could have been done differently, Nordheim Commission for July 22nd will have to study adds. and determine who could have done what, The levels of security practiced in the and what could have been done differently.” government headquarters rely on threat as- There was a plan in the works of clos- sessments done by the police. Meanwhile, ing the street where Breivik parked the van. each individual ministry decides the size of However, Nordheim thinks that the accused the security department’s budget. would have still set off the bomb, and simply NRK reports that Ivar Gammelmo, for- parked the car somewhere else. mer director of the service center for all the Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are After the terror attacks, Nordheim con- ministries, already warned back in 2008 that available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned tinued in his position as Head of Security, the security center at the government head- subsidiary of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of but left his position with immediate effect in quarters was way outdated. Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents of Thrivent Financial. March due to exhaustion. He is now on sick After a few days’ recess, the Brevik trial For additional important disclosure information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures. leave. He emphasizes that all his staff did a resumed on May 3. 27248NAW N1-12 Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) 201200239 12 • May 4, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/culture norwegian american weekly Arts & Style Portal into the oblivious Calendar of Events Tove S. Hellerud’s exhibit “Synesthesia” at What’s going on in your neighborhood? the Trygve Lie Gallery in

California Peace Initiative and Edvard Grieg Society. Norway Day Festival The celebration begins with at 5 p.m. with May 5 – 6 a cocktail reception and aquavit toast, fol- San Francisco, Calif. lowed by the dinner and awards program. Thousands of Norwegians, Norwegian- For more information, contact elizabeth@ Americans and non-Norwegian visitors norwayhouse.net. from and around the Bay Area visit the Norway Day Festival at Fort Mason Cen- New York ter every May, and we invite you to join Music from a Year in Norway us! Interested in volunteering? Email vol- May 31 [email protected]. For details about New York City, N.Y. the event, visit www.norwayday.org. “Allusions to Seasons and Weather: Music from a Year in Norway” with Former ASF Vinland Lodge’s Heritage Fair Fellow Michael Straus. Join us May 31 at May 5 7 p.m. at Scandinavia House in New York Temecula, Calif. City. Admission: $10 ($7 ASF Members) Sons of Norway Vinland Lodge #6-159 in Composer Peter V. Swendsen presents a Temecula, Calif., invites all Scandinavians full program of new and recent composi- and people interested in Scandinavian heri- tions for instruments, electronics, video, tage and culture to their annual Heritage and dance, performed by some of the fin- Fair on May 5 at 11 a.m., located at Temec- est young performers in contemporary ula City Library, 30600 Pauba Rd. Temec- music, including former ASF Fellow Mi- ula. There will be Rosemaling and Knitting chael Straus, saxophone; and demonstrations, maps, books, Royal fam- Sarah Biber, cello; Dana Jessen, bassoon; ily pictures, and national costumes. Short Terri Hron, recorders; and Jennifer Tor- movie and speech on why the Norwegians rence, percussion. Allusions to Seasons and celebrate 17th of May. Members will bring Weather: Music from a Year in Norway is a their own artifacts for display. Norwegian set of four pieces based on Swendsen’s ex- food for sale. Call (951) 678-2462 or (760) perience of seasonal transitions in Norway, 650-6281 or [email protected]. where he lived from 2006-2007 as a Ful- bright Fellow in residence at the NoTAM Minnesota Computer Music Studios in Oslo. Follow- A Taste of Syttende Mai 2012 ing the concert, Swendsen will discuss the May 19 locations and experiences that served as Milan, Minn. inspiration and material for these pieces, as The City of Milan, located approximately well as his process of working closely with Photo: Thor A. Larsen The piece “Impressions / Autumn” by Tove S. Hellerud evokes the colors of autumn trees in upstate New 150 miles west of Minneapolis, will cele- the performers during the composition pro- York, according to author Thor A. Larsen. brate Norwegian heritage from 9:30 a.m. to cess. For information call (212) 847-9740 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 19, with “A Taste or email [email protected]. of Syttende Mai 2012.” The event includes Visit www.scandinaviahouse.org. Th o r A. La r se n a program in downtown Milan at 1:30 p.m.; Fishkill, N.Y. the Uff-da Parade at 2 p.m.; musical perfor- Wisconsin mances from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; the Kvite- Beginning Norwegian Genealogy At the Trygve Lie Gallery in the Nor- mixed media and 15 works in oil. The mixed seid Smørgås Tea from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; June 20 – 21 wegian Seamen's Church in New York City, media paintings do offer more details and and the Little Norwegian Church service Madison, Wis. at 9:30 a.m. There will also be children’s If you are just beginning your family his- art enthusiasts can enjoy a very special, in- are more subtle, whereas the oil works, with activities; authors and book signings; and tory project, or have some experience with novative exhibit by artist Tove S. Hellerud, large strokes of thick paint provide stronger traditional Norwegian arts, crafts and food. family research, but have not worked with entitled “Synesthesia” until May 25. expressions. All use subdued colors such as For information, contact Nancy at (320) Norwegian records, this popular class is Synesthesia is a neurological condition blue, white, rust, deep yellow and deep gray 734-4736 or Marlys at (320) 734-4659. for you! Director of Research at the Nor- in which stimulation of one sensory or cogni- green. The shapes included in the oil works wegian American Genealogical Center tive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary dramatize the artist’s skills in fabric designs Norway House Midtsommer and Naeseth Library (NAGC&N)L, Jerry experiences in a second sensory or cognitive as some of the works stimulate you to think June 21 Paulson will conduct this two-day class. pathway. This explanation of the art exhib- of fabrics. One of my favorite of the exhibit St. Paul, Minn. He has extensive experience as a genea- it’s title serves well to introduce Hellerud’s was “Impressions / Autumn” with its beig- Save the date for the Norway House Midt- logical researcher and has taught courses painting style known as “abstract expres- es, subtle yellows, light yellow-greens and sommer Celebration! This annual tradi- in genealogical research and Norwegian sionism.” In laymen’s terms, the intent of the orange that made me think of the beautiful tion celebrates the “Going Viking” spirit cultural topics at Madison Area Technical artist is to stimulate feelings and imagination trees upstate N.Y. in their autumn colors, as by identifying and honoring individuals College. Jerry has also led research tours when viewing their art. well as some of the subtle colors of fabrics of Norwegian heritage that have, through to the Family History Library in Salt Lake A part-time artist and lover of realistic in our home. their extraordinary accomplishments and City. For additional information and de- and impressionistic art, abstract expression- “Let’s Get Lost,” a mixed media work tails about the class, please contact him at adventuresome spirit, significantly ad- istic art is new to me from appreciation point that conveys an image looking out a window [email protected] or call (608) 255- vanced the quality of life for others. This of view, although the movement started in to a backyard, and, in the distance, the ocean. year’s event will be held June 21 at the 2224. Session will be held June 20 and 21 New York City shortly after World War II. Perhaps we see some pets in the back yard Interlachen Country Club in Minneapolis. at the Ostby Education center at the NAGC Artists who helped define this movement in- playing, and in the distance, perhaps a large The 2012 Norway House Going Viking & NL in Madison. Admission: $120 for honorees are Jim Brandenburg, Tove Dahl NAGC members, $140 for non-members. cluded Willem de Kooning and Jackson Pol- fish or whale breaking the surface, scaring and Bob Bergland. The event raises mon- lack. away some seagulls (which is strictly my in- ey for Norway House programs, such as My net is that Tove S. Hellerud has been terpretation!). very effective in stimulating my imagination The other special treat at the Seamen's and feelings viewing her art, especially in the Church for art lovers, is that one can then essential privacy of the Trygve Lie’s Gallery. go back upstairs to the main level and enjoy The gallery has 22 works located on the four some coffee and waffles before, after, or in Looking for 17th of May events? walls of the gallery, nicely spaced to insure between viewing the fine works of art. the ability of the viewer to focus on one piece “Synesthesia” is on view through May See page 15 for our national calendar! of art a time. Unlike many galleries in New 25 at the Trygve Lie Gallery, located at the York, it is very seldom you can spend sig- Norwegian Seamen’s Church on 52nd Ave- Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 nificant time on your own, with no guards or nue in , between 1st and 2nd Ave- hosts nearby, and taking as much time as you nues. For details, visit www.sjomannskirken. to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! wish to focus and fully enjoy the works. no/exhibitions/2012/synesthesia or call (212) Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. The works include seven works in 319-0370. norwegian american weekly M Online: blog.norway.com/category/norway-in-the-us may 4, 2012 • 13 In your neighborhood East Coast update Review of Norwegian- American activities in the eastern US

Be r i t T. Mes a r i c k Williamsburg, Va.

After a mild, almost non-existent win- ter, spring arrived early along the East Coast, as it did in many other parts of the United States. Longer and brighter days encourage more activities, and in the Norwegian com- munities, planning for 17th of May celebra- tions are ongoing. In mid-April, the Consul General Sissel Breie in New York hosted a reception cel- Photo: Gary G. Erickson ebrating the members and friends of the Nor- The monument to the Norwegian immigrants who arrived in 1882 overlooks Ma’alaea Bay on Maui. wegian-American Historical Association. Photo: Berit T. Mesarick After remarks by the Consul General and by Steve Grinna, Director of Development at Vester- < Hawaii Brian D. Rude, the NAHA president, mem- heim Museum (left) with Arne Svindland, Presi- the same as Scandinavians would have seen dent of the Williamsburg, Va. Chapter of Norwe- From page 1 ber and author Siri Hustvedt read from her it at this same time of the year.. gians Worldwide. book: “Sorrows of an American,” relating it Additional conversation with local resi- migrants arriving there in 1882. The obscu- to NAHA and the immigrant experience. dents revealed some controversy within the rity of this immigration is eclipsed only by On April 27 at the Royal Norwegian story of Norwegian immigration. It was 17th of May family picnic at the Scandina- the obscurity of the memorialization itself. Embassy in Washington, D.C. at a noon thought of the Norwegians at that time that vian Living Center, with a parade, a speech Clarity, focus and knowledge began to gathering, Jan Gunnar Winther, Director of they were difficult workers; they worked in honor of the day, games for the children come to light when a native Hawaiian car the Norwegian Polar Institute, gave a talk hard, but were found to be not as compliant and good food. Continuing the festivities, rental clerk was overheard this spring to re- on “Climate Change and Sea Level Rise in as workers of other ethnicities. They resisted lodge members leave by bus on Sunday, May mark to an arriving mainland traveler: “Nor- Antarctica.” physical forms of intimidation by manage- 20 to participate in the 17th of May parade in wegians came here early on and worked in Each year, the six lodges in Sons of Nor- ment and owners. They formed and took part Brooklyn, New York. This year the parade is our sugar cane fields years and years ago. way’s Third District, Zone 2 hold a Memo- in organized labor strikes. Residents recom- “Honoring Norwegian Women.” There is a monument to them, too, some- rial Service to honor members in their lodges mended that the Alexander & Baldwin Sugar Several other lodges on the East Coast where on Maui.” It was a stunning off-hand who have died during the past year. Museum near Kahului, Maui, be visited for are also making plans for their 17th of May revelation. This year Sons of Norway Maine Nor- more information. celebrations and also participation in the Just as stunning as the statement was the dmenn lodge 3-664 hosted the service and At the museum, Ms. Roslyn Lightfoot, Brooklyn parade. clarity brought by another simple fact: The a luncheon meeting at Emmaus Lutheran Museum Director, provided a gracious and actual, obscure monument stood in full, di- Church in Falmouth, Maine. spontaneous interview. “No,” she said, “the minutive, unconscious view of all those who Steve Grinna, Director of Development Norwegians were not, as has been said by looked westward, at beautiful Maui sunsets, at Vesterheim Norwegian American Muse- some, treated like slaves. Slavery did not from anywhere along the southwest Makena um in Decorah, Iowa, was the speaker at the exist in the Hawaiian kingdom; it existed on NEW! Birkebeiner print to Kihei coastline. Visible, yet so invisible. April meeting of the Williamsburg Chapter the mainland.” She explained that the Scan- 9.75x12” + generous border A visit was made to the Pacific Whale in Virginia of Norwegians Worldwide (Nor- dinavian workers had been recruited by other Bergslien’s famous 1869 Norwegian painting of “Birchlegs” ski rescue Foundation’s facility in Ma’alaea Harbor, and dmanns-Forbundet). His theme was: “Pre- Norwegians [near Drammen, Norway], and • full-color, fade-proof this led to another conversation with a local. serving a Heritage, Connecting Us All.” that they came to Maui with the protection • quality paper The site of the monument was described as The Reading Circle in Sons of Norway • FREE shipping in of three year labor contracts written in two lying less than a mile and a half away, along Bernt Balchen Lodge #3-566 in Rowland, sturdy mailing tube to forms, one in English and the other in the US 48 states the western coast of Ma’alaea Bay and the Pa., is celebrating its 10th year. The mem- mother tongue of the laborers; they also had • $15 each, USD only; Honoapiilani Highway to Lahaina. bers have faithfully met seven times a year VISA/MasterCard a return trip ticket to their homeland. These The distance from the highway was and read a large number of books by Norwe- contracts, she said, were very specific in Order from short, but the access leading to an old light gian and Norwegian-American authors. language; they described responsibilities on NORWAY ART house was difficult to discern. The monu- The Ladies Auxiliary of Sons of Nor- the part of both parties, as well as the con- 1455 West Lake St, B-20 ment was sighted and a bronze, cast metal way Noreg Lodge #3-466 in Marlboro, N.J., Minneapolis, MN 55408 sequences for performance that didn’t match plaque, embedded in a large, natural rock hosts its annual Spring Tea at Solbakken on call 612.339.7829 or 612.871.2236, or the contract requirements. Lightfoot further base of about one meter in height, made up Saturday, May 12 from 1 – 4 p.m. email: [email protected] pointed out that the health care received by its form. In West Newton, Mass., Sons of Norway Why not order now for shipment to your home or business the Norwegians and their family members The plaque quickly provided many an- Norumbega Lodge #3-506 is sponsoringFull Service a Agencyand With have thisExperienced beautiful art waiting for you there?! swers. It read: “This monument commemo- was the best in that part of the world for Norwegian Speaking Consultants! rates the arrival of the Norwegian barque that time, and was better than that generally Full Service Agency WithOur Experienced daily specials Norwegian and regularly Speaking updated Consultants! available on the mainland. “They were the information will help you make wise travel Beta which dropped anchor near this spot Our daily specials and regularly updated information will help you make wise travel decisions in a constantly changing world! on February 18, 1881, and of her sister ship highest paid workers in the world. They held decisions in a constantly changing world! Sp e c i a l s t o Sc a n d i n a v i a , Musca, which arrived in Honolulu May 13, a return ticket home as part of the contract.” VERRAZANOSpecials to Scandinavia TRAVEL & LEISURE Eu r o p e & t h e Ca r i b b e a n 1881. They brought more than six hundred But, they did not return to Norway, she con- Europe & the1 Caribbean (718) 979-6641 Norwegian, Swedes and Danes to work in tinued. What did they do, where did they go Call us for details! [email protected] us for details! • [email protected] at the end of their three years, she was asked. the sugar cane fields and mills of the Hawai- Verrazano TraVel & leisure “Most of them continued on to the mainland, ian kingdom – the first and only mass migra- 1 (718) 979-6641 to the Midwest, to Minnesota, the Dakotas, tion of Scandinavians to these islands. For [email protected] Mai Dinner Iowa and Wisconsin,” she said, “although their contribution to the life of this land, as Karmøy Club of [email protected] and Nordmanns-Forbundet well as those of their countrymen who pro- some didn’t and their descendents remain in ceeded or followed, our mahalo and aloha.” Hawaii to this day.” Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. It stood about 40 feet from the light house, Readers having the opportunity to visit but high above the Pacific Ocean. Its van- Maui should consider a visit to the monu- at Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW (in Ballard) tage point afforded an expansive view of the ment and the museum. One can learn about Featuring guest speaker Consul Kim Nesselquist harbor in which the Beta dropped anchor. Its a lesser-known component that makes up the position captured the harbor and all the sea story of Norwegian immigration to Ameri- RSVP BY MAY 11 that lay beyond it, stretching to Tahiti. The ca. Homage can be paid to a small group On the Menu: Betty: (206) 542-8161 Door Donation: $25 harbor, now populated by migrating Hump- of Norwegians who experienced more than Stuffed Pork Loin Dinner Synnøve: (206) 229-9660 Students: $15 back Whales engaged in massive physical we may ever know in their unique path to an with Marzipan cake Berit: (206) 789-3011 Please wear your Bunad! displays of graceful breaching prowess, just improved life apart from Norway. 14 • May 4, 2012 Online: blog.norway.com/category/norwegian-americans norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Corner War Horse in Brenne The boys from Vangen: Memories of the Johansen family’s beloved horse who stood up to Nazis in

Written by Leif Halse

Vangsgutane, a classic series in Norway from 1941 to present, was used as curriculum material in Jo n Jo h a n se n Norwegian schools, as the series had easy-to-read text with pictures. Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri Gig Harbor, Wash. My Astri Publishing brings the copyrighted bilingual Norwegian/English serialization of “The Boys From Vangen: Vangsgutane” to the readers of the Norwegian American Weekly to practice their Norwegian reading skills, as well as enjoy a Norwegian classic! My 77-year-old dad Knut beams when Paul disappeared up the country lane on describing the beloved farm horse of his his bicycle. Back at home a slow day passed youth. Brown and black, “Lokka” was the with no sign of Far Far or Lokka. Far Mor’s first mount he recalls working their then- heart grew anxious. It may have been little remote land in Brenne, near the northern Odmund who finally called out that Daddy fjord town of Rognan in Nordland, northern was coming down the rough road. Suddenly Norway. Paul appeared... and he was leading Lokka!! Though she was something of a pet After quieting what must have been a NÅR STANGA FRAM? WILL THE ROD REACH HIM? to the Johansen kids, to at least one young cacophony of questions, Far Far relayed a Steinar og sunndalingen skynder seg Steinar and the Sunndal man hurry man, a fella who came calling for my Far Far witness’ tale of the event: nedover langs elva. Mannen har fiskestan- down along the river. The man has his fish- Paul’s daughter, the mare was terrifying. A worker from near Fauske watched ga med seg. «Vi får prøve på brua,» sier ing rod with him. “We’ll try the bridge,” While Tante Ragnhild’s nervous suitor while a Nazi soldier, fed up with Lokka’s han. «Kanskje får vi tak i guten der.» I det he says. “Maybe we’ll get hold of the boy leaned over the dining room table, awaiting a marked lack of obedience, pulled her off of samme de når brua, ser de Kåre kommer there.” As soon as they reach the bridge, glimpse of his potential girlfriend, out in the the rough road. But for some reason, rather drivende med strømmen vel hundre meter they see Kåre floating with the current a yard wee Knut formed an idea: maybe – just than shoot the non-compliant pony, he aban- ovafor. Ennå skulle det være tid. good hundred meters upstream. There is maybe – he could get Lokka into the house. doned her there. Shaking his helmeted head, Den gamle trebrua er så høg at det ikke still time. The stocky mare, urged forward by the he returned to the lane. er tale om å nå Kåre der de står. Steinar kla- The old wooden bridge is so high that snacks in Dad’s hand, faithfully followed As the story finished, Far Mor’s breath trer ned langs laftinga på det ene brukar- it is definitely not possible to reach Kåre him across the dirt drive and up to the front returned. With Lokka back, Far Far—quick- et. Han skraper opp de nakne leggene og from where they are standing. Steinar door. But would she go further? ly aging from stress—would once more have armene sine i det filsete treverket. Men litt climbs down along the notched logs of one Inside, the visitor, apparently engrossed equine help with the farm’s upkeep. In her oppskraping her og der har han ikke tid til å of the bridge piers. He scrapes up his bare in thoughts of love, never realized that the eyes, the fervent prayers of her scared family bry seg om. Nå gjelder det å redde Kåre. legs and arms on the rough woodwork. But hesitating clipetty-clop of footsteps ap- had made all the difference. Mannen på brua sender stanga ned til he doesn’t have time to worry about getting proaching from behind was not Ragnhild’s By the mid-1940s the Nazis retreated, Steinar. Nå er Kåre straks der. Med det ene a little scraped up here and there. Rescuing younger siblings. leaving poverty in their wake. But Lokka handa retter han stanga så langt ut som han Kåre is the important thing now. Lokka turned her baleful eyes toward was there to help make things better. Alas, in bare kan få til. Men han når ikke helt fram The man on the bridge sends the fish- the would-be boyfriend, reached out with time that crazy “steed’s” mischievous spirit til Kåre. «Steinar!» skriker broren med det ing rod down to Steinar. Now Kåre is al- soft lips, and nibbled the nape of his neck. was her undoing. samme han driver framom. Hva skal de nå most there. With the one hand, he reaches Some folks think that a brief smile crossed One morning a neighbor came by with finne på? the pole out as far as he can. But it doesn’t the fella’s lips as he decided, “This Johansen Lokka’s neck bell to prove that she was quite reach all the way to Kåre. “Steinar!” girl is the best!” But, as he swiveled his head gone. Allowed to wander and graze during Translated into English by Alexander Knud Huntrods his brother screams as he floats past. What toward the warm breath, thoughts of affec- the summer, she had apparently meandered Illustrated by Jens R. Nilssen will they do now? tion turned to horror. into a deep marsh. The man found her there, There, so-close-they-musta-been-blurry, already passed away. It broke the Johansen 5.NAW.Kings.22Dec2011_Layout 1 12/23/11 12:50 AM Page 1 Vangsgutane bilingual book available for $19.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. were the beast’s discolored teeth. Quick as kids’ hearts. a little boy’s laugh, the young man shot up. In the next few decades, Far Mor and Far www.astrimyastri.com Spinning and toppling, exclaiming and pant- Far would own other Nordland hester. As a ing, he “...tried to get out of there any way fitting tribute, each mare was named Lokka. Your #1 source of bilingual English Norwegian books! he could.” When Paul passed away, each child Deb Nelson Gourley presents: Quite possibly it was at this very mo- returned from afar to lay him to rest. Af- KINGS OF NORWAY By Anders Kvåle Rue ment that the youth decided this Johansen terwards, each got to pick one item to take gal was not worth the effort. I wonder if Rag- home with them. Uncle Jon, my namesake, • History of 57 Kings & 1 Queen • Both bilingual text and audio nhild’s future husband, Uncle Magne, ever chose Lokka’s ol’ bell. It is still with him • Full colored illustrations got a chance to thank ol’ Lokka or my dad. now, up in Alaska. • Hardcover 6”x9” book + 3CDs • = Was $39.95, now only $29.95 No one really recalls. My father Knut picked a battered violin • Plus FREE shipping in USA What they can say with certainty is that (but that is a story for a different time). Even Kings of Norway bilingual English Nor- the animal eventually became something of a so, a little piece of Lokka always stayed in wegian book includes 3 audio CDs. folk hero to at least a few of the residents of Dad’s heart. Appealing to readers of all ages on both sides of the Atlantic. Ideal for first- tiny Brenne, for Lokka would soon transition For over the years that once impish toe- year Norwegian language classes, from surprising local teens to stonewalling head immigrated to the United States, and heritage & culture programs. Includes the Third Reich. lived all across the western part of our great Astri My Astri and Astri Mi Astri songs. Call — send a check Soon World War II, in all its horror, nation, including Montana. In many of my or order from website Made in America! came to the quiet valley. Nazi occupation early memories, I see Dad approaching the Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com made every farm animal a treasured posses- fences at various ranches. Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] sion. It was then that Lokka’s spirited side Every time he did so, whether they be most benefitted her owners. skittish thoroughbreds or powerful quarter Norway.com Royal Norwegian Consulates Dad returned from school one day to horses, softly nickering steeds came to him; in North America find his father pulling a small horse wagon they always seemed to let Dad pet ‘em, if Organization of the Week by hand. Lokka was gone; sequestered by only for a little while. And just now it oc- Iowa the Germans. The family wondered, “How curred to me... Scandinavian Living can we get each day’s chores done without a I betcha that during those Big Sky mo- Center Honorary Consul horse?” Far Mor Anna gathered Dad and all ments, the Norwegian farm boy, all grown up his siblings. With palpable fear in her eyes and across the ocean, was able to lose him- West Newton, Mass. Quentin Boyken Royal Norwegian Consulate she urged the kids, “Get on your knees! We self in the past. You see, I think that those For more information, contact 666 Walnut, Suite 2000 gotta pray!” weren’t just Montana ponies he was patting 206 Waltham Street Des Moines, IA 50309 Roughly a week or two later, a rumor after all... West Newton, MA 02465 Tel: (515) 283-4628 found its way to Far Far. An unfamiliar, They were the bringers of memories. Phone: (617) 527-6566 Fax: (515) 558-0628 brown and black horse had been discovered http://http://www.slcenter.org [email protected] 40 kilometers up the vale. Could it be? Was This article is part of our “Storm of For the full list of organizations, For a listing of all consulates, it possible?! War” series of memories of Norway during visit noram.norway.com/organizations visit noram.norway.com/organizations World War II. norwegian american weekly M may 4, 2012 • 15 17th of May Calendar Gratulerer med dagen! Celebrate Norwegian Constitution Day in your neighborhood!

at Falls Park in Post Falls, Idaho. The event will tie, bunad encouraged, event. The event will take stand between 6th and 7th Avenue. The theme Alaska take place on May 17 at 11:30 a.m. Post Falls place at the Crowne Plaza in Baltimore. Cocktail this year is “Honoring Norwegian Women.” For May 17 – 20: Little Norway Festival in Pe- Mayor Clay Larkin will present a proclamation. hour with cash bar starts at 6:30 p.m. A three- information visit www.may17paradeny.com. tersburg. Petersburg celebrates our Norwegian Sponsored by Sons of Norway Harald Haarfager course dinner will follow at 7:30 p.m. with intro- heritage by honoring Norwegian Independence Lodge #2-011 in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. For more ductions, National Anthems, and Grace. Dancing Day, May 17. One of our biggest events, the en- Ohio information contact Barbara Rostad at (208) 777- to live music will take place after dinner. Guest May 20: Syttende Mai Fest in Lakewood, tire community celebrates with food and craft 1030 or [email protected]. speaker for the evening is Berit Enge, Minister booths downtown, parade, seafood feasts, danc- Ohio. Join us at the Lakewood Park Women’s Counselor for Political Affairs at the Norwegian Pavilion at Bunts and Lake Road in Lakewood es, and much more! Sponsored by the Chamber Embassy. Admission is $50 per person. For more of Commerce. Call (906) 772-3646. Illinois from 1 – 4 p.m. Admission: $5 for adults, free for May 17: Syttende Mai Celebration Concert information or to make reservations call Harald kids 10 and younger. Please bring a potluck dish at the Norwegian Memorial Lutheran Church, Jolle at (410) 666-7107 or Einar Skretting at to share. Hot dogs, beverages and tableware will Arizona located at 2614 N. Kedzie Boulevard, Chicago, (410) 667-6235 or email [email protected] be provided. Join us for a great day of activities! May 19: Syttende Mai Celebration in Ill. The concert starts at 7 p.m. and features the book.com. Call Caroline at (216) 226-7772 for details. Scottsdale. Join us at the McCormick-Stillman Church Choir, the Grieg Ladies Singing Society, Railroad Park, located at 7301 E Indian Bend the Bjornson Male Chorus, the Chicago Nordic Minnesota Oregon Rd., Scottsdale, Ariz., on May 19 at 9 a.m. A pa- Voices, and the Chicago Spelmanslag. For more May 15: Metropolitan Joint Committee of rade with music and flag waving will take place May 19: Syttende Mai Celebration with information call (773) 252-7335. the Sons of Norway Program in Minneapolis. Johan Vineyards. Join Johan Vineyards from 11 at 9:30 a.m. There will be a potluck at with cof- May 17 at the Old Muskego Church in St. Join us at Lutheran Church of the Good Shep- fee, lemonade, cups, plates, and plastic ware pro- a.m. to 5 p.m in celebrating founder Dag Sun- Paul: Celebrate your Norwegian heritage with herd, 4801 France Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN dby’s Norwegian heritage at their Norwegian vided. Sponsored by Norwegians Worldwide and us at 3 p.m. at the Old Muskego Church, located 55410. A donation of $7 is requested. Call Louise Sons of Norway in the Phoenix area. Constitution Day Celebration. They will have at Luther Seminary, 2481 Como Ave., St. Paul, Bakken at (763) 545-4827 by May 8. wine tasting, Norwegian foods, Fjord horses, tra- MN 55108. In 1844, the Old Muskego Church May 17: Syttende Mai Banquet in Bloom- ditional music, and fun. The fee is $10 per per- British Columbia was built near Racine, Wis. It was the first church ington, Minn. Join us at the Minnesota Valley son, which includes wine tasting and food. Show May 17: Syttende Mai Celebration at the building constructed by Norwegian Lutheran im- Country Club, located at 6300 Auto Club Rd. your membership in the Sons of Norway or the Scandinavian Community Centre, located at migrants in America. Coffee, lemonade, and lefse Bloomington, MN 55438. The evening will be- Daughters of Norway and receive $5 off tasting 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby, BC. Come cele- will be served on the lawn following the service. gin at 5 p.m. with a reception hosted by the Royal fee and 10 percent discount on wine purchases. brate Norway’s Constitution Day with a cocktail May 18: Norwegian Constitution Day Norwegian Consulate General, followed by din- and dinner event sponsored by the Norwegian Luncheon hosted by the Norwegian American ner at 6 p.m. Guest speaker is Brigadier General Texas House Society. A no-host bar opens at 6 p.m. fol- Chamber of Commerce at the Metropolitan Club Neal Loidolt, Director of the Minnesota National May 19: Syttende Mai Picnic with The Vi- lowed by dinner at 7 p.m. Cost for dinner is $35 in Willis Tower, Chicago, Ill. There is a wine re- Guard. Admission: $50 per person. Reservations king Chapter of the Norwegian Society of Texas. with children under 12, $15. Tickets may be pur- ception at 11:30 a.m. and lunch to follow at 12:15 required, so please RSVP by 5 p.m. on May 7. All “Norwegians” are welcome. The festivities chased by May 11. For information call Marsha p.m. Honored guests are Norwegian Ambassador Call the Consulate General at (612) 332-3338. will take place at 1129 S. Main St., Ferris, Texas at (604) 929-3972 or Berit at (604) 926-2164. to the United States H.E., Wegger Chr. Strøm- May 17: Celebrate Syttende Mai with a tra- at 1 p.m. Contact Mari-Anne for more informa- men and Rev. Dr. Cecilie Strømmen. Admission ditional Norwegian meal featuring all the trim- tion at [email protected]. California is $65 per person for members and guests. RSVP mings. Enjoy musical performances with din- May 13: Syttende Mai Celebration with the by May 11 to Liz Ahlgren at (312) 493-9074 or ner! Dinner starts at 4:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran House of Norway. The celebration starts at 12 [email protected]. Church in Spicer, Minn. Cost: $10 for adults, $4 Washington p.m. at the House of Norway in Balboa Park, San May 19: Banquet hosted by the Norwegian for ages 4 – 10, and ages 3 and under are free. May 17: Syttende Mai Celebration in Se- Diego, CA. Wear your bunad if you have one, National League at Chevy Chase Country Club, May 18: Syttende Mai Celebration with the attle! The festivities begin with the traditional and remember your Syttende Mai ribbons and located at 1000 N. Milwaukee Ave., Wheeling, Norway Lake Lutheran Historical Association. luncheon at Leif Erikson Hall, 2245 NW 57th flags. Special performances by singer and danc- IL. Honored guests are Norwegian Ambassador Kom alle nordmenn for å hjelpe oss å feirere St. Cost: $30 per person. Special Guests: Grand ers. Norwegian food and drinks are available at to the U.S., Wegger Chr. Strømmen and Rev. Dr. Syttende Mai! All Norwegians and Norwegians Marshal Sten Arne Rosnes, and honorary mar- the house. Mothers are provided recognition on Cecilie Strømmen. Social hour begins at 6 p.m., for-a-day are invited to First Lutheran Church shals Sissel Peterson and Kaare Ness. Parade this Mothers Day 2012. Children’s Parade starts dinner at 7 p.m., with dancing to the Dave Kyrk located at 6338 County Road 40 N.W., New Lon- begins at 6 p.m. near Adams School in Ballard, at 1:30 p.m. and the Lawn Program starts at 2:00 Trio. Admission is $50 per person. For reserva- don, Minn. There will be a fine suppermed veldig at the corner of NW 62nd and 24th Ave NW. For p.m. Refreshmnets and games for children are tions call Carol Hoidahl at (847) 358-1527. godt mat (with very good food) at 6:30 p.m. For more information, visit: www.17thofmay.org. provided until 4 p.m. May 20: Norwegian Constitution Day Pa- more information visit www.nllha.org. May 17: Constitution Day Ceremony at the rade in Park Ridge. Stepping off at 1 p.m. at May 18 – 19: Syttende Mai Concert with Washington, D.C. Norwegian Seamen’s Church. The formal cel- Talcott and Cumberland, ending at Hodges Park. the Oslo Travel Choir. Join the Oslo Travel Choir May 18: Syttende Mai Dinner to celebrate ebration will begin at 7 p.m. in the church. The Pre-parade festivities in Hodges Park beginning on May 18 at 6 p.m. at the Best Buy Rotunda the Norwegian Constitution Day with a Cock- ceremony will also include Norwegian song and at 12 p.m. will include activities for children, at Mall of America or on May 19 at 2 p.m. at tail Jazz Reception at the Key Bridge Marriott music by Peter Egge and Håkon Sødal. Refresh- vendors, refreshments, and entertainment by folk the Minnesota History Center Auditorium for a followed by dinner and live music by critically ments will follow. For more information email singers, Kyle Elsbernd and Dave Kirkeby. Grand performance of Scandinavian music and popular acclaimed jazz singer Sara Jones. The reception [email protected]. Marshal is Richard Fjeldheim. For more infor- world music. starts at 6:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 7:30 May 17: Syttende Mai Parade with the Nor- mation contact Barbra at (847) 823-7596. May 18-20: Norwegian-American Heritage p.m. The keynote speaker will be Lars Petter He- wegian Seaman’s Church in San Pedro / Los An- Celebration in Spring Grove, Minn. Each year, nie. Price ranges from $35 to $75 depending on geles. There will be hot dogs, ice cream, cakes, Iowa the city hosts a festive three-day celebration full dinner choice. Contact Storm Horncastle at (240) coffee, and Solo, as well as speeches, entertain- May 17: Syttende Mai Parade and celebra- of activities, featuring a lutefisk eating compe- 277-0420 or [email protected]. ment and games for everyone. All are welcome! tion at Vesterheim Museum! Children’s parade tition, to commemorate Syttende Mai. It’s well May 19: Syttende Mai Family Picnic at Car- May 17: Flag Raising at Sefton Plaza at Bal- through Decorah at 12:30 p.m. with Decorah’s worth a visit! For more information visit www. derock Park. Speaker of the day is Culture and boa Park, San Diego. The flag raising begins at 9 Nordic Dancers performing at the museum after sgsyttendemai.org. Communications Counselor Linken N. Berry- a.m. with breakfast at the Hall of Nations to fol- the parade. Free admission to the museum, 9 a.m. May 20: Syttende Mai Celebration with the man from the Royal Norwegian Embassy. There low. Wear your bunads and ribbons! – 5 p.m. For information visit vesterheim.org. City of Sunburg, Minn. There will be a full day will be music, a parade, food, drinks, and games May 19: Celebration with the Norwegian of activities including a tractor pull at 11 a.m., for the children, entertainment and hot dogs! For Seamen’s Church at West Fort Miley. Come join Maine a ballgame starting at 12:30 p.m., the Kaffestua more information call Lasse V. Syversen at (301) will be open from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m, and many oth- 641-7908 or email at [email protected]. us in celebrating our National day with a big fam- May 19: Syttende Mai Celebration with er events. The parade starts at 3:30 p.m. ily picnic with at 1 p.m. Fort Miley is not far form Maine Nordmenn at the Maine Wildlife Park, lo- May 20: Mindekirken Celebrates Syttende the Cliff House to the north of Ocean Beach. cated at 56 Game Farm Road, Gray, Maine. There Wisconsin Mai with several events. Prelude concert featur- will be a parade, cook out, and guided tour of the May 18 – 20: Syttende Mai Celebration of ing the Norwegian Glee Club of Minneapolis at Connecticut park at 11 am. Please bring a koltbord item or a Norway’s Constitution Day in Westby. Events 10:30 a.m. Syttende Mai Festival Service at 11 May 17: Syttende Mai Celebration with dessert and a lawn chair. Pølser and everything include arts and crafts, a troll hunt, horse drawn a.m. The parade and luncheon follow the service. Sons of Norway Hartford Lodge 3-474. Join us else is provided. The entrance cost to the park is trolley rides, bunad displays, delicious Norwe- Starting at Mindekirken, the parade will meander at the Masonic Hall, located at 80 Walsh Ave., $3.50 per person. Free parking for members and gian food, a half marathon run and a 5k run / through the neighborhood and will return to the Newington, Conn., at 2 p.m. There will be a guest of Maine Nordmenn. Everyone is welcome walk, and more. Don’t miss the Saturday night church. The day concludes with the celebration small parade led by the Newington High School to celebrate Constitution Day, spend time with show, the rømmegrøt eating contest, and more! of Heritage at 1 p.m. For information call (612) band, featuring Jennifer Egeberg, friends, and view Maine’s wild animals. For more Entrance to most events is a $4 button or $3 pin. 874-0716 or visit www.mindekirken.org. of Greater New York 2011, as well as members information contact Carolyn Browne at 207-622- For more information visit www.westbysyttende- wearing bunads and carrying Norwegian flags. 3096 or [email protected]. mai.com. After the Parade there will be hot dogs, soda, New York May 18 – 20: Syttende Mai Festival in chips, and ice cream, and more! Maryland May 20: Syttende Mai Parade in Bay Ridge, Stoughton. There are folk dancing performanc- Brooklyn , arranged by the Norwegian-American es by the world-famous Stoughton Norwegian May 16: Syttende Mai Celebration with 17th of May Committee of Greater New York. Dancers, exhibits of Norwegian rosemaling and Idaho The Norwegian American Club of Maryland. The parade steps off at 1:30 p.m. at 86th street hardanger, woodcarving and more. For details May 17: Flag raising ceremony and potluck Celebrate with dinner and dancing at this black- and Third Avenue and proceeds to the reviewing visit www.stoughtonwi.com/syttendemai. 2 1 COME TO BROOKLYN, 0 2


1 1 9 1 17th OF MAY 53 0 • • 2 GR Z ETE WAIT

On Sunday May 20th the Parade starts at 1:30PM on Third Avenue at 86th St and ends at the reviewing stand at 67th Street between 6th and 7th Avenues. The theme for 2012 is: Hipp hipp hurra for “Honoring Norwegian Women - Grete Waitz ” Our featured guest speaker will be Helle Aanesen, CEO, Active against Cancer Syttende Mai! Foundation which she created with her friend Grete Waitz. Visit us along the Syttende Mai parade route in Ballard on May 17 Our honorary Civic Marshall is: for pølse med lompe, Solo and other treats! Larry Morrish We have Syttende Mai pins, sløyfer, flags of many Our honorary Church Marshal different sizes and other Norwegian novelties George A. Jensen available at our store. Honorary Marshal for www.scanspecialties.com Sons of Norway John Hlivyak 6719 NW 15th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98117 Phone: (206) 784-7020 — Toll free: (866) 784-7020 www.may17paradeny.com We ship via UPS, Mastercard and Visa accepted. Call for product list.

A full day of celebration in Seattle, Washington

With a full day of activities on May Sten Arne Rosnes has served 17, the streets of Ballard come as Consul General of Norway in San Francisco since 2008. alive with music and celebration of Rosnes was a First Lieutenant from 1981-1985 and became Norwegian Constitution Day! a Captain in 1985. In 1985, he joined the Foreign Service and has since held positions at the Kids games at Nordic Museum – 10-2 p.m. Embassy in Bonn, Germany; Free admission all day at Nordic Heritage NATO in Brussels; and the UN in New York. In addition, Sten Arne Museum (3014 NW 68th St). Games for kids, Rosnes was Deputy Chief of Mis- Nordic Café and fjord horses! sion at an Embassy in Tel Aviv, Israel; Deputy Director General – 12 p.m. MFA in Oslo), and Representa- Luncheon at Leif Erikson Hall tive of Norway to the Palestinian Tickets: $30 / person. RSVP to 206-783-1274 Authority. We are honored to Grand Marshal have Mr. Sten Arne Rosnes as Honorary Marshals Entertainment at Bergen Place – 2-5 p.m. our Grand Marshal! Sissel Peterson Kaare Ness Live entertainment! Free admission Sten Arne Rosnes Open House at Leif Erikson Hall – 3-5 p.m. Purchase Scandinavian food and drink, and learn about Scandinavian groups in the area New, extended Parade Route – 6-8 p.m. Route starts at NW 62nd and 24th NW down to Market St, east to Bergen Place, down 22nd Ave NW and south on Ballard Ave NW, all the way to Dock St!

Learn more at www.17thofmay.org