
My Safety Activity Book

Severe Weather Safety & Emergency Preparedness

Today I learned….

• The importance of having an emergency plan in case of severe weather.

• How to assemble an emergency supply bag.

• How to select a safe room in my home.

• The importance of a family communication plan in case of a severe weather emergency.

• Ways to get information about severe weather.

• The purpose of Frisco’s Outdoor Warning Siren System.

• The difference between a watch and a warning.

• When ‘ Roars, Go Indoors.’ Information for Parents

Consider this….

Severe weather can happen any time of the year in Texas. One should be prepared to be safe.

• Make a family emergency plan, including communication plan.

• Pack an emergency supply bag and keep in your safe room.

• Insure the needs of those who take medications, have special needs, babies as well as your pets are Included in your planning.

• Understand weather alert systems in your area and terminology used by forecasters.

• Refresh your emergency supplies: batteries, food, water, medications, etc. periodically. Pick a time of year such as your birthday or when you change your clocks to do so.

• Check for the date of the Tax Free Shopping Day to purchase certain emergency supplies (2020 dates

were April 25-27.)


Ready.gov | KnoWhat2DO.org | Weather.gov

Visit Our Safety Educational Resources FriscoTexas.gov/safetyresources FriscoFireSafetyTown.com - (Programs —Kids At Home Activities)

Frisco Fire Safety Town is an educational facility that is part of the Community Education Division of the Fire Dept . We are a study trip destination for local schools. If you are interested in bringing your child back to visit Safety Town, we offer public tours (all year), public classes (spring and summer breaks) and evening events (four times per year.) Tours and classes must be scheduled in advance . All programming is free of charge. FirscoFireSafetyTown.com Signs of Severe Weather

Only 6” of water is all that is need- ed to knock a person down and 12” to move a vehicle. One never knows the true depth of the water covering a road. Don’t risk it. Turn around don’t drown.

If you hear thunder, that means - ning is nearby. Lightning can strike from as far away as 10-15 miles. Keep yourself and others safe. When Thun- der Roars Go Indoors.

In case of severe weather, seek shelter; If outside, seek a sturdy building to go into. If at home, go to your safe room. Duck and cover in your shelter to further protect yourself.

______kill more people each year than any other type of severe weather. Flash Floods Tornadoes Lightning Strikes Family Emergency Plan

1. Where will your family meet if you have to evacuate your home? List two meeting locations: one close to the house (like the school bus stop) and the other further away (like the local elementary school.)




2.Who are your emergency contacts? Write their names, phone numbers and emails here:

(Parent/Guardian) ______


(Parent/Friend) ______


(Out of Town family or friend) ______


3. Where will you shelter in place? Write down your safe room here:



4.Any other information your family might need in the event of an evacuation.



April offers tax free shopping in Texas for emergency supplies each year. September is National Preparedness Month! Fast Facts from Weather.gov/safety

Severe Lighting is hotter than are officially defined as the surface of the sun storms that are capable & can reach tempera- of producing hail that is tures of around an inch or larger or wind 50,000 degrees. gusts over 58 mph.

Each year, more deaths A is a violently occur due to flooding rotating column of air than any other thunder- extending from the base storm related hazard. of a down People underestimate to the ground. the force & power of water.


City of Frisco's Outdoor Warning Sirens

 40 sirens throughout the city.

 Two types of signals: Wail or Alert.

 Intended for those who are ‘outdoors’.

 Can be set off due to imminent severe weather.

>Tornado Warning

>Hail of 1.25” or larger

>Winds over 70mph

 Can be used for non-weather related emergencies, too. What are the three main criteria for selecting your safe room? Any bathroom will do In attic Lowest level of home No windows Center of home Must have a water supply Severe Weather Mad Libs

It was just another ______(1.Adjective)day for Allie, who loved to skip home from

school in the ______(2. Adjective)sunshine. After arriving home, she told her

mother and baby brother ______(3. Name) all about her day. Allie had learned

about snakes, played ______(4. Noun) at recess and aced her math quiz. Just as

she was ______(5. Verb ending in “ing”) to do her homework, the weather began

to ______(6. Verb). The sky became cloudy ______

(7. Adjective) and the wind began to blow. Allie’s mother turned on the TV and saw that

their area was under a tornado ______(8. Noun). The family followed their emer-

gency plan. They got their ______(9. Noun) kit and went to a safe room to

______(10. Verb). Allie’s mom turned on the ______(11. Noun) and lis-

tened to weather reports. Allie was a little ______(12. Adjective) but passed the

time reading one of her favorite______(13. Plural noun) that she had put in the

kit. It wasn’t long until the ______(14. Noun) improved and the

______(15. Verb-past tense). Allie, her brother and their mom could leave the safe

room continue the rest of their day. Although a tornado did not come near her house, Al-

lie was ______(16. Adjective) that her family had a(n) ______(17. Noun)

plan and was safe.

Outdoor Warning Sirens are meant to warn people who are ____ that something is happening. Inside the house Outdoors In their cars Emergency Supply Bag Packing List —Word Find






One should include ______of water per person per day when planning for emergency supplies in the safe room. 1 quart 1 gallon 6 bottles The Dr. Pink Family

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