Hang Tu 涂航 2 Peabody Terrace, #1703, Cambridge, MA, 02138 Email:
[email protected] Phone: +1-443-345-6628 Education: Harvard University 2015-Present East Asian Languages & Civilizations Ph.D. University of Washington June 2014 English Language and Literature M.A. Sun Yat-Sen University July 2012 English Language and Literature B.A. Dissertation: “Revolution Remains: Literature, Thought, and Memory Politics in Contemporary China” Committee: Professor David Der-wei Wang (Chair), Professor Elizabeth J. Perry, Professor Jie Li Publications: Book Chapters: “Cultural Imperialism Redux? Reassessing the Christian Colleges of Republican China,” co- authored with Elizabeth J. Perry, in China and the World—The World and China: A Transcultural Perspective, Vol. 3 (Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag, 2019). “Anticipatory Utopia and Redemptive Utopia in Post-revolutionary China,” in Utopia and Utopianism in the Contemporary Chinese Context: Texts, Ideas, Spaces, David Der-wei Wang eds. (Hong Kong University Press, forthcoming). English Journal Articles: “Pleasure and Sin, Li Zehou, Liu Zaifu, and the Political-Theological Motif in Post-Mao Cultural Reflections,” in Prism: Theory and Modern Chinese Literature, accepted. Chinese Journal Articles: “Le yu zui: Li Zehou, Liu Zaifu, yu wenhuafansi de liangzhonglujing” 樂與罪:李澤厚, 劉 再復, 與文化反思的兩種路徑” [Pleasure and sin: Li Zehou, Liu Zaifu, and the two routes of cultural reflection in post-Mao China], in Huawenwenxue 華文文學 [Sinophone Literature], Feb. 2019. (Peer-reviewed) “Meiyu dai zongjiao: houwusi shidai de meixue sichao” 美育代宗教:后五四時代的美學 思潮 [An aesthetic education with religious sentiments: notes on a political-theological motif in post-May Fourth aesthetics], in Nanfangwentan 南方文壇 [Southern Forum], Jan. 2019. (Peer-reviewed) “Huidao kangde: Li Zehou yu bashiniandai de qimeng sichao” 回到康德:李澤厚與八十 年代的啟蒙思潮 [Back to Kant: Li Zehou and the question of enlightenment in post-Mao China], in Sixiang 思想雜誌 [Reflexion] , Dec.