China Space Solutions for the Realization of the Sdgs

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China Space Solutions for the Realization of the Sdgs Qi Yu CNSA April, 2019 AGENDA Read more Space links SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Space links SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Land and Environmental Housing and Sanitary Water Science National Emergency resources protection urban-rural Traffic Agricultural inspection and Public security resources and technology security management administration management construction management management epidemic engineering prevention National Drug Surface water Crop dynamic network and Disaster monitoring; monitoring; Housing monitoring; National transportation monitoring, Public security Disaster risk Air quality construction Investigation security infrastructure assessment monitoring in investigation \ monitoring; monitoring; of agricultural Health reconnaissanc survey and and warning key areas ; monitoring \ National land Environmental Construction and fishery infrastructure e and update; of flood, Global change; Auxiliary warning \ survey \ pollution survey; resources; monitoring; protection; National drought and Earth system research and assessment; change survey; accidents and Dynamic Environmenta Environmental Border highway water safety science; judgment on Disaster Investigation environmental monitoring l monitoring monitoring of counter- environmental emergencies; Remote Disaster anti-terrorism emergency and detection emergency and evaluation; of agriculture, endemic terrorism; monitoring and Water mechanism; in important response; of geological monitoring; Monitoring animal diseases and sensing Global assessment; resources Smart earth; areas of public Rehabilitation mineral Rural and non- and evaluation husbandry chronic information Ports, channel monitoring; Person and security; planning and resources and point source of urban and and fishery, diseases; acquisition survey and Construction nature Traffic assessment; R geological pollution emission disaster Public health and analysis; monitoring, and management \ egional and environment monitoring; reduction; prevention emergencies Monitoring in ocean managemen fire protection urban disaster Environmental Disaster and reduction disaster/danger global monitoring, Law t of water \ security mitigation assessment reduction and in agriculture; sensitive area enforcement conservancy in important and planning prevention Precision and emergency projects area agriculture airport planning location- location- location- location- location- location- location- location- location-based location- Navigation based based based service based service based service based service based service based service service based service service service Communica tion Space links SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Earthquake Meteorological Regional Space Statistical Forest resources Energy Marine resource Surveying and monitoring and monitoring and comprehensive RS industry market environment management management management management mapping warning forecasting application Main function Disaster Global numerical zoning; Population Carbon prevention and weather forecast; Regional fine and monitoring; mitigation; Global management; economic Forest \ wetland Maritime rights precipitation Global geospatial Regional land Business RS census and resources Monitoring protection; intensity information and resources application survey; monitoring; and Marine monitoring; Petroleum and acquisition and management; requirements; Space weather Statistical Desertification forecasting; environmental Global three- petrochemical services; Regional modern Image and map monitoring; Remote zoning and monitoring; Earthquake protection; dimensional wind coal Geographical agricultural service; Space debris urban and Forest ecological disaster Island sensing field monitoring; Clean energy situation management; Travel, weather monitoring rural zoning; engineering prevention; management; Climate change; Nuclear energy monitoring; Regional services; Green monitoring; Emergency Marine Space weather Emergency ecological and Foreign markets economy Forest disaster rescue resources survey measurement; survey support environmental and resources and carbon monitoring; and services; Ionospheric protection; sink Economic forest Polar and anomaly Regional mineral statistics survey oceanic scientific monitoring resources expeditions monitoring location- location-based location-based location-based location-based location-based location-based location-based location-based location-based Navigation based service service service service service service service service service service Communica tion Space links SDGs Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Science technology √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Public security √ √ √ National security √ √ Emergency management √ √ √ √ Land and resources administration √ Environmental protection management √ √ √ √ √ √ Housing and urban-rural construction √ Traffic management √ √ √ Water resources and engineering √ √ √ Agricultural management √ √ √ √ √ Sanitary inspection and epidemic prevention √ √ √ √ √ √ √ Statistical management Forest resources management √ √ √ Earthquake monitoring and warning Meteorological monitoring and forecasting √ Energy management √ √ √ √ Marine resource management √ Surveying and mapping Regional comprehensive application √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ RS industry market √ √ √ Space environment Space links SDGs Through analysis of National civil space infrastructure planning,we found that space activities, technologies and applications play key role in helping countries achieving sustainable development goals, which can contribute 50%-55% of 169 targets directly. We should clearly see that the population of space technologies is unbalanced in the world. We hope that sustainable development of industry, science and technology in all countries will be promoted through this conference and the United Nations efforts. AGENDA Read more China Space Practice Development of China Space On October 8, 1956, the fifth academy of MND was established, marking the official establishment of China's space industry. Constraints for China to start its space programs • Economic difficulty • Underdeveloped space science & technology • Ineffective support from industry China Space Practice Development of China Space Industrial System Research Test Development & Manufacturing Design Manufacture China Space Practice Development of China Space Milestones Lunar Exploration Shenzhou-5 spaceship In the 60 years of development, China’s space has formed a comprehensive industrial system consisting of such components as research & development, design, DFH-1 manufacturing and testing, and formed the abilities to manufacture and research & develop the launch vehicle series products, satellite platforms, spacecraft platforms, full spectrum load products, ground receiving and processing system, satellite application system and products, and ground infrastructures for developing aircrafts. Telecommunications Remote Sensing Navigation Science Exploration Manned Spaceflight China Space Practice Advancing science and technology China Space Practice Advancing science and technology China Space Practice Serving the Belt & Road Initiate China Space Practice Serving the Belt & Road Initiate 服服服服 服服 服服服服 服服服服 服服 服服服服 服服服 服服 服服服服 服服服服 服服服 “服服服” 服服服服服 服服服服服 服服服 服服服服服服服服 服服服服服 服服服服服服服服服服服 服服服服服 服服服服服服服服 服服服服服服 服服服服 China Space Practice Eradicating poverty and hunger Practice in Agricultural Monitoring To reflect the To reflect the structure local differences characteristics of farmland of farmland crops in crops in harvest index distribution map monitoring area monitoring area More and more Long time observable continuous surface observation of biophysical monitoring area parameters China Space Practice Improving Social Security China Space Practice Promoting disaster prevention and mitigation Practice in Flood Flood monitoring of Yuyao city (China) using HJ data River floods • From winter and spring rains, coupled with snow melt, and torrential rains from decaying tropical storms and monsoons Coastal floods • Generated by winds from intense off-shore storms and Tsunamis. Urban floods • As urbanization increases runoff two to six times what would occur on natural terrain. Flash floods • Occur within minutes or hours of excessive rainfall or a dam or levee failure, or a sudden release of water. Flood evaluation map in Xincai County in Henan Province China Space Practice Promoting disaster prevention and mitigation Practice in Landslides Regional landslide disaster Single landslide hazard Remote sensing interpretation of geological disasters after the earthquake in Beichuan area Landslide Monitoring Landslide risk assessment Landslide hazard prediction analysis China Space Practice Promoting disaster prevention and mitigation Practice in Forest Fire Left: Before fire Right: fire disaster According to the calculation, about 70,000 hectares forest have been burned • Through the high temperature sensitive • For the outbreak of forest fires, satellite • Through the satellite remote sensing remote sensing platform equipped with remote sensing can be continuously track image analysis to extract the forest fire infrared sensors, we can quickly find high and monitor, in a timely manner to grasp area and other information for disaster temperature anomalies, to report to the the development of forest fires. assessment. relevant departments, so early detection, early save. Forest fire situation Forest fire warning Disaster assessment monitoring China Space Practice Promoting disaster prevention and mitigation Practice
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