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The Paducah Daily Sun, November 18, 1897

The Paducah Daily Sun

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Recommended Citation The Paducah Daily Sun, "The Paducah Daily Sun, November 18, 1897" (1897). The Paducah Daily Sun. 270.

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again nominated for that office, and will make a capable as well as popu-1 SPAIN POLITICAL Isr officer He difrated Dr. M. G.I LAST DAY IDISPATCHER'S tl, Milsrn aod Dr. LI lard Sanders. Mr. Feril Williams wss oomiusted *8. COMES DOWN AFTERMATH. for city weigber over s Isrge numlici ON EftRTH.i OFFICE MOVED," 3d of oppooeols Heating Mr. F'red Ingram the well koowu And Kclciucs All American A Its Soreheads Adorned tbe moulder, ws* nominsted for msrket (teorge W luktoil's Apatite Ue- The Old Broadway Office Was master. Ha I* Well kno*o io l**du- * '1 Street Corners Today.— Prisoner*. -(Hie A«-ailanf of ckb. where be has lived for yesrs. gerted Him Today.—The Form illy Closed Today.— Mrs. U lesson (Jets Dou t Know How it Sir. S. A. F'owler, the present in- Tlie Biir Transfer Boat, Stoves Murderer in Si ill iu cumbent waa nominated for wharf Twenty Year*. Ilap'iened. matter. Tbe place Is not very Incra- Good Spirits. '"Marion," Here. We have tbem in uiore than lire, hence there was no scramble for sixty size- and patterns, for It. Mr. Wee Cooksey, »bo wss chain T*dv« Toll Uatrs Ite.troycd In there Wcrw t-oitie UlsappolnUd gang overseer for aeveral The Kopc. Callow.-,Death Shroud, tithe: New* in It.dlrouil Circle*. COAL WOOD Jcuawiuo Ijmaty.-UtliM olid Inhuppy Applkaul*. years here was nom- Collin uud the Sheriff Are Oldeis Delivered at the inated over several contestants for < rime*. Dngau'a Sen- Tbey May Couiiclluieii All Ready for the t'nloii liepol.—l'ay the position I vat night. _GAS OIL Swapped Voles toiwo Caaflrnicd. It is obvioua. from casual contact Kx .-cut Ion. Train llcre. We are the only people who with whilom caodidatea aud appli- tan please you in every par- canla for the ofBos provided with ticular, as to style, quality nomine* - last nigbt by tbe Demo- Ilarana, No*. IM All Ibe Amer and price. tiik nominkf:S. erotic eouoeil-elect lbs', had tbe re- The only evidence of weskemng on .There was an air of looesomeueis I an piissieera confined in Cuba alll tbe eve of bis execution, ws- dis- and desolation aliout the Broadway! W. U. 1'ATTXS.OII. City Clerk. ault of the caucus eeu koowu liefore Iw rrlen»e speak, aod is u > | J. D. Ji*> Is, Licenae Inspec- HARDWARE AN3 STOVE CO. Sweet, a negro murderer wa* lyuched e»pe« ially couocil-men io geoeral. was delivered al the jail late yester- longer is oo indev of authority to the , tor today.while enroute to Jail. day afternoon aod was all ready lo vigilant engineer, as he passei by i 303-307 Broadway _ 109-117 North Third Hour. 8. M>MILS Lockup Keep- To analyse their objections would be put together. witboat even a friendly nod. Mora 1 oh lisks Uo. er. be Dexl to Impossible. But tbe most Winston hy climbing up oo the Beginning tml?y all orders are de- Nick laatille. Ky., Nov. IM.— Fusii lxuaaa, Msrket Master. frequent complaint raised sgsinst tbe liars of bis ce!I. could -ce Ihcm st livered to pa«scoger men nt tbe Cnion Twelve toll gates were dcatroyed in Fi.uu WILLISU", City Weigber. result of tbe cauco-. is that tlie list work aod speol some lime watching depot, where tbey _ are sent from litis couuly laat night. of officer, wss formulated by -swap- J. \ . Gmxr, Assessor. tlie progri -i of the constructioo. He Chief JiirgniM'o's b'eadquartirs by J. W. Co>a»*i. Overseer of Cbaio ping." That io ibe mad de-ire to Oilman'* Hvntenrs Affirmed. -sld lie was glsd tbey bsd given bim wire. 3'lie trains will oo longer stop Gang, push forward relativea or intimate Frankfort, Ky.. Nov. It).—The a cell where lie could get a glimpse ot at Broadway unless it he occasionally LET J. T. Mi Kiaaar, Keeper of Hoa- frieud- irrespective of their cspsbil- aeoteace again, t John Dugan, the tbe gallos-. to disiiharg" or take on stores. ulal. ity or snylbing else, s great desl of • urderer of Kx-Sberift Colson, ot The huge instrument of deatii did Trotomscler Klyno's office and that W. K. Atiii sri s, Assistant Fir* swsiping" was accoaop'iahed, tlie Bell county, who was sentenced toll not swe bim in the least sod there of Yordmssti r Ncl-on have also Chief. outcome being lhat bard-workei- iu years, w*s affirmed today by tbe the party aud man who wers really wad no uollceable depression in his moved to rooms oiljoiidng lbs dis- OCK&SONi Court of Aptieals. SXI sum- FOWLI.O, Wharf Maa- spirits. patcher's office, and iu a day or two ter. most coni|Ttenl and worthy hy every principle recogniied io polillca lohsve I'm glnd its comin' injA^i dose," ihe entbe building, that always been TUX txaxr(iTKi> sonXTmA* IIAT- the places were crowded out eolirtly. he remarked to snollier ptisimer. known ss the Broad*sv depot, will The scaffold ii located in €ie south '•e empty with tlie exception of the KILLED IN KANSAS. rxas. This msy l* true and it may not lie BOOTS AUD SHOES IRD true. This is what some of tbe de- jail yard, and the top Ucam [Volru.lcs freight Offi e snd shell near by. More thsu one Deaaocral today r^- two feet or more above the tur|s>sc of driving * lot of rallie throwing the candidate- off the catting 'off city engineer Wilcox's pote! of seven car« arrived last the He buried ws- ordered last night from artiw* tbe line, snd Will, with one uf trail. head is universally condemned, not Undertaker Nsnce sod i- live feel I igLt from tlie Louisville division. his friends—Jceph llslem— descend- Tlie meeting liegan somewhere because Mr. J. T. I'oellewaile, the nine inches ill length. There nss a larre number-of officials ed from tlie wsgon to see if they near 9 o'clock and adjourned shoul engineer-elec t, is oot competent, hut The suit of clothe*, black,was pur- aboard, and the train le.'t this morn- ....See display in outside Case.. eonld shoot a few qusd to eat along 11:30. Many spplicants remained because Mr. Wikxii i* so imlespenil- ing at 4 o'clock f.-r au inspection of sawos z cht*ed yr-t-rday by Sheriff Holland th* Journey. The boys bad got two up to a-certain the reeult of tbe ble assistant in the ••onstructioo of who announced at uoon today that the divisk'n between Fulton and or three birds snd IIsltiu lireke bis cauco-. the sewerage system, sod tbe city everything is io readiness f >r the hang- Grenada. n o gun. reloaded it snd wss in the act of caooot afford to do without bim. It WOAIA CTNSOXAL. ing. He wi I disclose the time to no raising lite hsmnicr. but bis thumb ia aaid that it will take Mr. l'ostle- Til" pay trai i arrived tilts foremv^ j 0 one. • Hon. R. T. Ughtfoot, the city at- Willie St. I,mis division, an-l the • Ui slipped and tlie gun »*• discharged. waite al least two to nibs to get his This morning aflcr the scaffold 77 The load took effect In W illie's chin, torney-elect. ia n Ulented young I'nl employes 'cere aU paid off. As . j bearings on tbe sewerage works, and was placed in iKiation. it was tested, rt aad tore tbe whole left side of hia lawyer who. although be baa lisen a result the Hon- will a'.l lie c CLUB TIES AND CLUB BOWS furthermore, I icing unused lo such and found to work admirably. _ a; face and a portion of his neck est. ildcnt of l'situch for only a few Sn work, it will lie that much more dif- Winston, from Ids celi witnessed pletil.v off. killing liim instantly. year*, ha- ».>n the good aill of all. ficult for him to fsll in line. Io sd- the trial. \ KS. The sad secilcut occured not far aod has tak*o * place lo the front ditioo, Mr. Wilcox's defeat was due "Heceriainly baa a vast amount In Stripes, front Uighland. ranka of Democracy as well ss his Cents I to to political apite, pure and simple. of nerve." remarked Sheriff Holland THE COURTS. '•p }«• profession. M Spots, Dots Tbe deceascl wss a grandson of this morning, ' lie stoisl tlieie and | No city trrssurvr was nominated. Mayor-elect Lang dkl not select hi* "D the late-1). -I. Cooper, of WoodvilSe, saw every nail driven io the scaf- and Figures, Each who wss killed by s fall from a Nome of the l*i \ was I. C. railrosil was remanded to the viding tor tbe improvement ol Jeffer- LET US HELP YOU ioo seems to be thai a mistake msy for Mr. Tandy partislly liecsuse it Fulton circuit court. son street to the corporate limits. Mr. Wm. E. Myers.the well kaowjj have been made in changing engin- wsnted to gel n go< <1 new*pa|>cr msn The case of Mrs. Addle Mooney vs Mayor Yeiser bsd already signed ago jnd popular freight [cleik al Nash- eer*. as Kngtneer Wikxjx ia familiar out of the business. the I. C. railroad was conliuucd. ville. Cbsltanooga sod St. Louis de", with the sewerage work snd baa been it before tbe oversight ws- discioeed The damage suit ofK: M. llrown |K)t died tills morning shortly liefore s great advantage to the city in its Msyor-elect Lsng's office was hot no contract will be let for the agstn»t the ?«'cws was continued, ami To h*ve a 11 m'. rta' le and handaome home. W e anan-e that it won't coal you much. noon of typhoid fever st his home on performance, and wb< a> services will thronged with men todsy. Some work *ben all bid" are in. under Ibis the defendant given twenty days iu You will be ilel'tihte I and surprised st our stock, with our low pricea, with our reaaon- he missed. were there lo llnil out how It bsp. ordinance, nt least. - li to file answ.r, a id the plain- Ailsms street. »!>lo teims. Our store is crowded ' villi His death Will prove a aad Mr. Robt. Menifee, the lockup peued, mine to ssccrtsln why it hap- Tlie matter will touight lie brought tiff Iw, ity in which lo flic de- Fir*« ^ well as a great surprise, tu a boat of keeper nominee, defeated severs! pened, snd otbrrs to satisfy litem up in tbe adjourned seasion of the murrer. -ri friends throughout the city. good men. lie wss not knowo In selves tlist it hsppened st all. I.oug couucil. and there Ihorou^li-v dis- The petit J l V was empsLcletl as A week sgo he «ss convalescent but few outsiders aa a caodldate soil fsces? In tlie words ot City Clerk cused. The defect ii that no provis- follow. J. G Clarke. Sidein: W Handsome Bedroom Hcts, Lounges, G1UIR from s four weeks' illoess from ty- consequently his nomination wss s Cole, "O, my Dod"' ion is made for tmprovlog tbe -llll" C. IU:: Iricks Bardw, II ;ltu!l Glenn phoid fev r. When sl>le to lie out surprise. over which tbe street csr trestle i- Arlington'. Bart Gray Kddwillr Ror kers and'Folding Beds, Latest IICIII j I IIIKOWN Of I, his doctor wsrnod him not to venture Another successful geotlemsn Mr l.oilL If Ibe city let the contrail J. ty. Itycr. H! Isille; F. Wi Ike- a**. lieyood a block or two. but be came Will H. Ctterback, nominated for it will hav* to stand tlie expense of Clinton J. E Ilrondberl. Walltnla Patterns of Carpets. Rugs, Mattings. all the way down tows to eoogrslii- street ln*|iecUir, wss not generally Painful Accident That Befell a llllin.t ihc rsiine uu-ler the circum- /.. T. I errv, Mound- ' l\. K litl stances. Iste Msyor-elect l.sng who is a par known ss s csndidate. Mr. Ctler- 'Country Boy. MIM.'O : Jas. Ki«her. WicklifTc; I. »t> m M O 1* FtOVOS (or both cooking and beating are unsurpassed for lieauty sod i|uality. ticular frieoil of hia. The folowing •sek is * *on of Deputy Sheriff R.C. C Sea' II l ion: J. W. Sloke-. ol A country hoy whose nsmc is un- day lie sgsin »*lkod lo town, snd tlie Ctterback, and ia most competent lo TUI.VL lOIIAY. I'll 1 ICIlll. Hco Our Ranges, our Trunks—iu fact, anything thai will furnish your house. known fell from s wagon al Fourth next day he was proslisted by a bold the position Dr. C. A. I.'ol was appoiu'.ed ft Uir promise* baic l«n fullillcl in the past, which inspired public conlidenoe io us. snd Urosd streets yeslenlsy sfter- |l,ill, snd liegsn to grow orae. For Mr. J. T. McKinoey wss noml- Mr. JuUo Dudley's Case nt lim- coinmii eo lo lake . l argo of Ihe | \\,. promi-e many astonishing bargains, and wo always live up to our promise*—wc noon soil wss badly hurt. Ilis fsll the pasl two or three days he bsl usteil for keeper of tbe city bospitsl sions i f .lane Jour«. the woman was occasioned by ilriviog too rapid ning. >, >11 never -lisn q oiut you. Rcmetnlier our stores sre open every evening until 9 oclock. hcen slmost s msmsc snd this niorn- defeating, among other-, two ladiea sent lo tbe asylum la-l wt, k. ly over s depression left io tbe street Mg I cgan to sink rspully. lie has for several years past been Tbe tiuil of Mr. Jake Dudley, st hy the wster works excavslions. roi'MV ' in in. To incrcaae the family's liereave- i-onnected with tlie lllloois Central lleni-iog. Tenn . cbsr^eil with ki l'UK D.. Winston hsppened lo l>c pas-ing County Judge Till y Ins sp|»>iotvd ineut Mrs. Myers formerly Miss bospitsl. s fjrmer st that | lace with whom Ii • and picked the lniy up. 'lie seemed tbo foKoslug aii|wrvison of tbe lax llsitic McMahsn. Is very low from Cspt J. V. Grief ws< nomlosted lis-l a difficulty, -eversl month, sgo, to be painfully hurt, and wss csrricd\ Uiok'. the hilar.I lo meet tbe IIrwt the s'-me liseese snd miy not re- for city assessor snd s more c*p«- is set lodsy snd Attorney IIsi Cor- on bo ue, ssld to lie nine miles troui Moudav in \ cover. hle genii men could not lisve br» licit, of the city, lias gooe down to KEN. the city. as-i-t in Ibe defer- • Messrs. .He I, \y I. It. K. Ash JONES INSTALLMENT COMPANY The deceased wss 32 yean pl.l selected. brook, I'. G. III*.! I .1 ase Ktielei I, and came here from Memphis a few Mr. I*. 1). Jarvis if tbe South .Mr. Dudley formerly nsi-lrd b -re. CCRNER THIRD AND COURT STR £T{> '•THE IIKAKTOK I II It: AGO" Frank Digel lt. XI A lieu au I II years sgo. Hide, wss oomioated for llceoae in- and is related lo Coun itusn-elect J. Auilerion. lie lesves liesides bis wife an 1 In- spector over a large Dumber of atrong M. Knell, At .Morton'* Opern House To- ii »t fsot child one brother In Florids. opjionenls. r Tbe funeral will toke place at 10 Mr. Jim Woods ngsin falls into Ni«hr. There was LUIL ON<» crsc hcfiin' o'clock tomorrow morning, interment line ss chief of the (Ire depsrtmeot Judge Sandi H tcnlav- Liocolo J. Carter's realistic scenic ••I ho Heart nl Cblcniro" nt tlie r l,lease ,t Oak drove. which p sillon lie held for several \ vuni|L man who gut 1-H> fU'I ( Tailor made suits to order (or lens niouey than ready - production, '-'Ihe Heart of Chii sgo" Dcil ton Mary, Hie pretty four-year-old years prior tothe present council's io- Opera House. mi-tn mliUky Inst nl/ht was ftnH I will lie the aitra tim at Ibe opera made ones of same (jualitviitiaity.. liver)liodI'.veryisioy 1ca n wear a tailor-, daughter of engineer George Tagg, s'sllslio-i to office. He sui ceeils nu*l castf for ilrnnkeoncM house too'ght. Get sta(a at V an • -The llrnrt of Chicago" company made Miit at the pi .nrged bv of the Illlaols Central, died st y: 16 Chief Chos. Voigbt. Cnlla's. srrive.1 this morning snd will np^iesr o'clock this morning of dlptharis, at Mr. W. K. Augustus succeeds ( liaijiV* Mnnniiomrn 1 niural. at Morion s opera bouse tonigbt. the family residence on lirohilwsj himself as assistant Cre chief. He /J'l mam Sail SB* la*i tsar lils l«if. TLThI e fi%rol of tlie later C'lim llam- iheTailor Seats csn l.e reserved at Van Co- Klcventh streil. She wss^-s baa beni In cbargc\w tbe South Side 11 *all u o aasltf ami loratar. be ma* mood»otl,, ^ I rtirtl in «ity li«M|»ilal DamLl\'i n'si Tailoring M % -11 ol Illsiwrts s»'l slsor. laka H»T» s Tail llu'aboiik store wilhnulextra charge. ivonie with ail who knew her, aod station since it wss built. Is. iw .-fcW .r-ri.r issl malisa waah aw* 'ook p.*r |al '.i o'clock Ihl- morning. death waa a sail blow Ui ber grin Dr. Horace T. Rivers, who wss Iron®. AU Ararrlsu, Mr or U. Cararaaran SSarsia ln.,r r,.,h IS ul. * asisissa^al KE*. C'W OiidnrtMt the funeral BROADWAY .SKI Wookkl aa* saiapla Ir,, AM rasa I'jndjr «>IHi»r?w, cue.' eoftannot.on 'Bir«if#a.i Establishment icken iiareoi*. oily physician (wo years sgo, waa Malllsf kssswly CW. tklcato e> New YarW. .33 f.b|. IIUC C til' JfUllilUrflutidlMMT I

1 i aj .MIMI.IU l'l luundea r tbs admialstfUi >n ol Uayor a d to destroy the sower sys'em of silver will t.rlng gold to this cour- I THE PAOJC/ H PAILY Sll. try, and that, loo. without tbe aid of Wearer The Louisv II* IMspstch nor Isy tbe cily liable lo* di syndicates " — [Speech at Syracuse, The Great Mystery Which fubltebad every alVerooon, except publishes s big kiok becaua* Ibe The city now has a good .'on N. Y., istiil. rounds lhelr l>isaapear. Sunday, by tyor seems o ab-iw a iluposilioa to with gcod bond, aud f the ark If tbet is Ilie effect of lhe free cola- asacc unsltVhat Become, recognise the old school Democrats »liaii not lie doue according to age of silver. «hv does il uolilosoiu \ The Most Fastidious ol l lieai. THE SUN PUBLISHING COMPANY. Tue Iliapstcb is laboring under tlie Iract. Ibeieu uo rn|uirciuebl lhalllbc ibe ctHintries which now have free hslluciuation that -we <11.1 II." tliat city shall psy lor it. There "Scarcely s day passes that we do Will b* pi is«d by an inspection ABU MABAfaSl. noinagc? The South American Vio.Pss.iu quest! »u but tliat the conlrsitor oould uut read iu tbe news|iepers ut some sacaarAMi il elected Weaver sud Shackclfonl, ol our fab .1 jdt o'__ »toti^ liaye bad free ouiusg- of silver mm or woman wbo Is reported miss- TaaAseaaa and feels indignsul ibst ihe Democra- psy a haudsome premium lot for m ui\ yisrs, yet gokl titles uul sp- ing an.l lu Ibe nwJ.Kiiy ot cases these cv ol Louisville don't recognise tbe s me citiscus lo enj iu 1'ie work. < r yearto b • iliiMug to then, lustesd pecple for.ske bappy homes without t fact sl«i. The new miyor has made have tbe count il take »os'e steps that III go'.l goiui lo them, or tbeir lieing any earthly leason for doing so and tbe mausglnf editor of lho KV.-UH g would lie tiiikeiing with the contract llirsr Isle often becomes a mystery." THE DAILY SU» all C I., keep lhe gold which tliey have Time- bis secretary at tlMM sud or wilb lhe contractor, so lhat l e "Tbe csuie o( these diaappear- WUl (ITS spKlal IWS1WH" ini:,e !. as Mr. Bri an says wi I hap|>cu col... J iat^mi lo l^ducaa ssd sMalsr an- es has excitetl widespread discua- tbe llispstcb sees • big slight sn I could have a uiore leisurely lime, snd • il iiTxl- Unji HHnl w.tcti will 111,1.1 ilie free eolssgc of silver, they siuu ul late, and a .me ut our best Just receivt-d—up to date, all the latest w rallr sTTJic Win p-.mli n..t only avoid Lis contract but enc llldtouii^sr. also cstcbcs on lo Ibe dircctiou of .1 e noveli*Is hsve founded thrilling ro- have I -'. their go d i.util they have styles ard novelties. wiud. the city for damages li* - le. Thr mance ou Ibis strange subject. But t nl ty bJt fill for each iadivid- uuncoi- - try attack ou Mr. Elliott Uss THE W£EKLY SUN uo one has y et been able to liud an We have studied the wauls ol the Padu- ual. M .a* LEWMU or oar room RR P • A yl F.HI ION IN LAW. some s'milituile to the fellow a bo answer to tlie question, 'What be- lien* .-d will si all nn»» cah people, and are ready lo supply their wJSoim white bssrtis li. rusMd would take Ids watch fr.nn a Jew- come. ot these tklssiug people?' l.,l"ik-sls«»lr» .oJ U lto walto,11 win An incident which happened in • lli oetallism is cutl.irscil by hit- - l'erba|M the best explanation of cvciy ncctl in shoes. connection with the trial ol Martiu eler, to have it repaired at a J^IWRIISTLJCAINA. OL IL. NATIONAL K.I UBU man In toi». The gold stands tl has tbo mystery msy ba found in Ibe Thorn, in Long Islsnd Cily, tbe oili- bla ksunt'i shop —-or lake a law cn.e uotllillJI t 1 t .ITS., il except tile tSurds ol a New York pk.,sK-iau wbo er day, for the murder ot William to a doctor's office lor a'tentioo. mistry sblch I. Ilows wherever il is a kecu obseirer. According lobts CORRESPONDENCE. liuldensup|>e, his raised s very inter- Mr. Kiliott is a civil engineer—a tan ties been tiicd. —[Clcvelaud s|ecch, tliery llieae (teople are sufferers Irom t A .racial luuir, Ol lb. W»»lj SdllMS esting question regarding ths ethical itary engineer—-I practical a-ser en- various disastrous maladies troiu T.VSRWLLI » IU aa.SMIII1.h~. DSTWV LARGE which tbey gain uo relief. Their st is wblrk II bot«. ahty lo SS* duty, under certain circums'succf, of gineer and has now io charge snd Tbe -oil of bimetallism which Mr Jy looalllj Wltslo sse llnnl. ol lis cUcw surrounelnigs eventually become uu- a lawyer wbo may I ho counsel fur • ipciiatending a sewer Mtcm. He is Urysft pro^ s s is that sort which ^ II. DIEHL& SON Iwa-able to them. In tbeir diseased prevails iu Mexico, South America, a murderer. not only scienliB •, but a tuai ol iiuagiuattons Ibey faucy every bosly is 0 510 BKOVBWAY—TKLRPUONR 310. • Central Ameli a and Chins, "lhe ADVEHTISING. Thorn was jointly indicted with practical every day *xpericuce. Mr. an enemy sltho'cgb surrouudesl by IU1M ol .dvjrvUln* will b» stsd. snows o» Wiltok is a civil engineer. B<s.ll; those of Ceutral A met ice STOCK whose remains were real Cored pro- else—which is very probable—oou.' ; those of South America $1 Oti miscuously about and ly comment and bounrable. $.1.66 mil suicide." (exc'u.ivc of thtir irredeemable tbe waters adjacent thereunto. Tbe "Any |ierson who is not in perfect Daily, per annum ..« 4.50 It seems that there is *r liai been a pajier m nev.) and ihiae td health is liable lo meet wilb llii. ter- t- Daily, Six months .. 2.25 state elected to try Thorn first, sud dispute betwce i the c lutractors and j 40 $2 OS. The gold standard countries rible late. Even those who faucy Daily, UDJ month be was, and still is, represented by •agiuecrs, sn.l our people are askc-1 10 cents lave a \>< r capita circulation ol from tbciuse ves strung, well sud uaeulally Daily, per week Mr. Ilowe, s somewhat celebrated to take si les against our own compe- sound may liecoiue uuliappy, inoruse Weekly, per annum in ad- $10 to each and include all the and decidedly s|iectacu!sr criminal . 1.00 tent employes Those fellows alio and despariug. Tbe aeii.'Uines. ut vance most enlightened su I prosperoas na- lawyer of New York City. Mrs. these tse is sliould csuse every mau Specimen copies free aland around tiie comers and Islk ti ns of tbe globe. aud wouiau lo slop, cousitler aud si Nack's counsel wss, and is, Emanuel about sewers, get tli. if information It a great help to a proper selection, if be or she is really well. There are Friend, slso of New Tork. ol lbs failure of the system sud the l.irge purchases by us mean better THURSDAY, NOV. 18, 18ST. so many dreadful tliseases that coins •The advocates of the gold slsnd- Now, the unessy conscience of bad work lieing dure from the CI n- ujH.n the system u swart-, thai show tt" upon this question, sud tbey Ibe uric acid is nut tliscliargetl it re- veil in politics. went upon the stand as a witness Si s would say auy one basbten paid mains in tbe bluod, )ioisons tbe body it, liul have it fixed tip We sre ready lo make repair* blue, brown and black shades. have never elected a majority of a against l'horn, and declared thst tbey to keep it up, hut it docs n t look snd often Uie mind sud causes di.- promptly ami ect.roain ally. We am ready to put a job of Congress in tsvor of reversing the esse aud loo frequently death." n« w plumbing Into your bouse that will giv* you more A raw Republicans can now repent were joiutly guilty uf Uuldensup|>e'o reasonable or pstriutic. The council 2 j cents—Strictly all-wool check and prc|M»it.ou of tbst set. Why does satisfaction ami less anoysnoe than you ever eii' of tbeir action iu tupp .rtiug tbe murder. will do we I enough, to sa'isfy Itself "Is it not plain sod .imp e then, novelty dresa goods, 3G inches dr. Brysu say that it lias n"l been before. Ibal in order lo avoid moruseuess. Democrslic ticket. by investigation, bat if it undertakis r.ida. Lswyer Ilowe thereupon declsrcd submitted to lhe "arliltramanl ut the psin and utber worse Ibiugs, it Is to tinker with tbe contract or tal e WE sympathise with Ibe detested thst Lawyer Friend's sction in per- ballot"? Tlie ailver-mine owners nee-esssry to gel ritl of Ibis uric scnl» *ED D. HRNNRN ^ 4 5 cents -All-wool snd sdk-snd-wool any action disturbing tbe relations This cau only be doue by belpiug tbe aa we bad s dose ourselves Ibis -sine mitting Mrs. Nack to confess in court hsve tor s quarter of a century l>cvn 132 boulh Fourth Slrtet-Ttlepkor* 201 -'•otcb mixtures, 40 inches wide. of the contractor and lhe city, it is kidneys, which may hav* l«es mouth and know bow it is. was a betrayal of bis duty toward his urging tbe people to submit lhe gukl certain to mcst with lawsuit sud dam- weakened, to throw it out ana thai I it stylish costumes. client, and he (lluwc) furthermore standard to ttic "aibitrament of the quickly. CAUCUS nominees bsvc not always declared ami thsnked Got! thst, in ages. The sewer aysteui sud contract ballot'' upon it. sud they have ex- •Yiu, reader, who se-au lbe»e 5 > ceats-rFine ladies' cloth, iu all been elected ; be caieful, boys, snd prsclicc ol thirty five yesrs, be hsd hss been the subject of too anucb pressed tbetnselv s st everv .-let tk.n | psgca may lie in precisely tnis ooudi- tbe fashionable shades. keep s strong hold on tbe line. never permitted s client to confess thought to be li^tilly handled and no of memliers of Cougresa by refusing lion and yet not realise il. bul il you hooi>-la action ou; h'. lo prevail. An HIGH-GRADE BICYCLES unless direct evidence existe I against are awakened and realise Ibe sense of r J cents—Hsnilsome satin finished IT looks very much like the A. P to i end to tbe House ot Rt presents- bim." earne.t, thcuglitful conMderati'in will these great Iru bs. yon must know AND BICYCL'S SUNDRIES. lives a majority favoring the tr«e broadcloths, in grsy, castor shades A.'s and Populists were in il" lsst be beneficial, but the rip suortcrs that til. re ia bul one great anil relia- The Cincinnati Commcrcisl-Tri coinage of silver, and last year by re- aud dsrk colors, S2 inches wide. night when tbe council made ^s nom S'lcul 1 a t lie listened to ble discovery ol Ilie present day tliat bune recounts the shove fscts and Agent (or the highest ura Is* ol llicycles aia"T tn c.ofwB to kor srguirri.t .luring his lui f tttwr In * • • Senator Sbenaaa said January not alone assisted but absolutely crime?" Ohio has rented iutrus*. iu I is theo- 25. 1MI0: 'If ou' prwent currency cured by Ibe use uf this grest modem Paducah Cycle Works, ries snd assertions of last-year's is estimated at »1,400.000.000, aud scientific remedy. Il is pure, and Kegistei bsd another one of Lswyer Friend, io silowing his our population increasing at the rate pleassnl to tske. it produces s prompt 1M and IIS North Filth street, near Palmer Hou-e Fi* and Feather client to confess, recognised tbe rela- csuipsign. Ti t re i-i e-|«M-ial enri- its blundering sewrt articles todsy of 3 |»r cent, per annum, it would aid agreeable effect, and il tion Le bears both lo bi» client and osily in seeing Is- tv t!;i-y bsve SUKMI Boas... indicating that irtic reporter has again take $12,000 000 increased circula- r lief whenever used bs*« ti'xing drinks with "someone society. This relationship is a very Ihe wear of s yesr. tion each year to keep pace with the increaseil pnpolation.' ' ' ' What C.rnM; SOY. So. interested in the contract." delicate one snd one Ibst seems of- Som. htsly has taken occasion, in Dr. Albert Bernheim A e pronounced fsvorites with dn pr. visum has the Republican parly Casesr-*t. Can.I, CsU,arl*e. tl»e most woo tentimes totally to be misunderstood view t f his Renaissance of llrtanism, Jerful umtica] diare.srv of sc., pt«.- p ipls. Ws sre showing them in all for the supply of the money at.l ana mlrrsbsi to the taste, s. t fwolty A councilman said no man wbi by the lawyers. It is reslly tbe Physician and Surgeon to ItKik up some of bis as^er ions of that weneed? None whatever."— snd |MM.U.-rly os kidneys, liter snd lwWr 1., tse popular varieties. rlranSlnic k, entire stslrm. dl.pel ro'.dv waa even suspected of voting for t Ii provise of tbe lswyer to see tbst bis la t yesr, snd comment ou 11 cm iu U Long blsck eoque feather boas Irceo'boro (N. C ) ^is-eeh. 1896. cum liMilMkr, fever, lisMtaal , o.i.tli»tisn Fitth Srni ri.. .. present Republican council need ap- client bss the benefit of sll doubts the light of present conditi ins. llete snd bl ion.MM Hlsaas Soy sad try s boa Ni \T DTN.S THI. I'M UXIT from »8c to 89c. There was added to the metillic of C C. O uwlsy; 10. a^. so.-eo-j. IK Id sad ply ; s perusal of tbe list will veiify sriung trim tlie evidence snd th:- sre s few of the extracts fr in lli- (uarsnUwd 10 csirs by aU dru«*l.U. Styliah gray feather boas—s new curre cy of the country lsst fi.csl 7 :.!0—9 :00 a Ul. tbe truthfulness of tbe a-aerlion. 3G4 benefi's of ss liliersl interprets!iou of sjieec'ies of |sy6, snd the couimrnt t car $'.i«.9J9,001, or 112 |»r cent HUl RS 1 :00 — 3:OOp lu. i lea—at Il.tO. Tiltphoms { 144 the Is w aa possible. It is not his upon tbcm i more than suftl-ient to "keep pace 7 :00— 8 SO p m All tbe fsshionable lengths in line Tnx Democrats are still going to duty to procisim the innoccuce of bis '•This conspiracy which we bare with the increase of ti e |Kipulation." cstriah festher boas. defeating Senator Hanna fur re elec- client snd endesvor to bsve him s,t to meet is a conspiracy which has for Cloaks Serviceable black coney fur col tion. Tbe Senator's esse, however l)n the whole, it would lhat ita ultimate object the striking down free whatever the evidence in tbe case most o! Mr. Bryao's statem* uta are lira, with ornamental bead snd tsi will be trested sll right alien tlie Re- of silver ss one of the simidtrd may be. A lswyer bss a duty to Plush and OBERTS BEER lit. Mi, at 11.98. public aa caucus is held, snd he will moneys of the world."—Syracu c auswerable. perform towards society as well liegulsr $4.00 style Thibet far get s six year term in Washington ss specch, 181*i'». Cloth Capes la rapidly becoming Ibe fan rile with the p- ople of Ihi* city. It all his elien*. In genersl, however li ia st W.»». s reward for services to his psrty Mr. Bryan assumes thst th s' eon- taher-t, for tbe reason that it Is Iswver must relsin his esse even if he Hsndsome stone marten fur collar- rendered. spirscy' has licen lu active o|K*rstl in Why becomes convinced thst his client Up-to-Date files st $3.00. since 187^. Yet, according to the guilty. By throwing up the case r ABSOLUTELY PURE TBS CSUCUS baa nominated. Now direetor of Ibe L'uite.1 States Mini, Doiit Youtakel by eipofing bis client lie would le whst are you going to do with tbe there is more than double lhe amount Jackcts ajting ss finsl judge, when the Is .Browns'lron, sewerage- Look up tbe statistics, of ailver money in use in the world ssys every msn is entitled to a trial ii\si>i.rn is IM>TTLR« AKI» IIT THK KRI; H> compare tbe death rate of cities the today than there wss in an I Fine... by a jury ol his fieers ; furthermore. litters L sine of Psducsh, thst bsve no sewer- prsclicslly all of it is a full legal len- Ibe confessions of s client sre confl- age, with Ibe rste our own cily; der. Director Preston estimate*, tbe Our garments are of good mate Millinery Goods deutisl, snd must lie so considered PADUCAH B0TTL1NU CO. then do ss you will. But be csreful amount of silver mooey in the world STARR BROS. rial, well made, and you will cer unless Ibe client wishes Ibcin made F. J. Borgdoil, PnipiieUir. Tenth and Ma,ch"' tainly save money when you trade —Not tbe ordinary styles to be found public. In Ibis esse Mrs. Nack re- Tekpbone 101. Offlert fillcl until U p m, of a hot potato snd wants to drop it: p 2 Cuns. Umbrellas, with us. in sav store—up to dste in styles, day it is $1,200,000,000. If this ii hndi r \V»Ur and a'l kind* i»f Temj'erauei' Driuka. leased ber lawyer from the silence en- ^ Locks. Etc. be careful of any cbsnges ; ss you lhe result of a "c»ufpiracy" i f r slispei snd mslerisls, wills prices to joined by tbe ethics of the profession. Corner Ninth and Trimble, next door $1.95 sssume all responsibility when tbe twenty-four years, would il not I • satisfy tbe most economical buyers. His duly then lo society st once to Breeden s Drug 8,ore. lesst cbsnge is made. well to let the- conspiracy" gi o i '< For ladies' Idack lieaver cloth cspes oomptll •T ami. .e* narrow braid. meeting was strictly private and no LIFE and tem and work will do no hsrm. snd paper money ss well as bank ex- RUDY & PHILLIPS ooe was admitted except tbe hoard may lie of benefit by giving some changes have Incresse-I much more and mayor-elect." was given it by TORNADO stupid fellow correct idea-. Every rapidly than the populsti in in the *2I9 BROADWAY 221 members of the council-elect, sent to Office over Citizen's Saving Bank. one is interested in bsving Ur work past few years? Tbe increased esse BLANKETS nsurance tbe office fur the express purjtime of dune pro|ierly. The Sis has no of producing bolli gold snd silver has giving tbe people the entire proceed- Cray or flcecy double blankets, greater interest than auy other ci Li- enormonsly increased the quantity i f SCIENTIFIC AND FIRVT CLASS ings. Thii is what calls "eater- with colored liorders. large sire, PERSONAL. te n in tlie mslter, but is sstiafieil thst Ibem t ffered to the public. Accord- prise." however. per pair, $145- the best system wbicb tbe |ieople can ing to Mulhall snd l'reaton. there is II suffering from early indiscre A beautiful 11-4 all-wool white BLftCKSMlTHING have has been adopted. nesrly six times as much gold sud lions er later excesses, power snd Da. TH"K AS W. Kv ASS, the fa- double blanket, woven Irom select vitality gone, we are jnat the par- twice ss much silver iu the world to- KEPftlffING N mous American dentist who died Sun Just exsclly the msnner in which ool snd having sttractive borders tis* you are looking lor. We hsve dsy as there was fifty years ago. lay in Psris, hsd attended th; teeth the work is being done, it hss no in- a remedy which we guarantee to Does this look as though there wsa 95- ot nearly al tbe crowned heads in dividusl knowledge, but from best, AI,wo«SESH0EING de prompt werk snd give perfect "sn increase demand for gold which Sound Lungs Good sized comforts, red 9H e trom Psrii after thsn snticipsted, snd while this isde- "Our opponents cannot Ignore the efEcncy in nil lung aflccttonn. Court Street bet. id ,nd 3d. msnhood. lack of vitslity snd im- A j • at ac'i I hwl a lrm« np^ll of t*vrr side and plain oil red calico on the tbe liettle of Sedan. He .n a Isy only, to tbe people.if thecontrsc'- fai l that gold is now going nlirond in ••• it's <1 11' 111 v lnn$r» *rn1 CAUARR! » potence sre things of tbe psst when pite of all li-gislslion Intended lo r«-n» «-owBTh, Mv phywirlanh thought I other, extra large sire, fi.50. U-NO is so easily obtained. One atsunch friend of the I nion dining or can stsnd it, why the people can •• ' Hill ri ll rwnvr r Mil l»R. BILL'S PlNB- prevent il, and thst no silver Is coined X . A 11 H« • »v NTNPISM IH«» RRHM^H «L OIK* dollsr s bottle; six liottles for (j. tb* civil war snd emphasiz-il hia pa- dut it may lie distinctly slflrmed that WIK IT w I rMf tn limitb. to tak" Its plice." — Ms lis in Square wWi. A. AlV-fcN.CImi Spring*, Ky. lvnclose >1 snd receive U-NO by triotism by buying very heavily if any comaiiltee shall commence Garden speech. 1*1)11. DR. BELL'S Wall Paper privste delivery st your sddreas American securities when they hsd tsmperinj_*ilh tne contract snd in- ...SILKS... MDI( dsy. Address postoffice box Io '.be fiscal year 18!>7 tbe imports fsllea very low. lis also invented terfere with ita terms, the contract- Cape Girardeau. Mo. of gold were $14.1143.200 in excess We have just received s line of tbe gold filling process. H» went to or, who is now evidently losing money P?r^iE TAR- Dt. H. Fiun of the Imports of that metsl, snd the plaid and striped silks in the very Window Shades. Paria|wbcn a young man.and became on bis Job, will mske hia profit in the w of gold from Kuro|ic to the newest styles. They sre beauties. N THE LATEST PATTERNS. a mulli-millionair* way of s suit for damages sgsinst the HONEY t'nited Ststes recently J is n ccrtnin ppeeific for cougha, PROMPT ATTENTION QIVF.N TO ALL ORDERS. Hfeoarders Wanted cily. In tbe present meddlesome great as to slsrin the Ilnrf > co]». *»rr thrwt, t.roneliitis, natli< «*• f'oi-jT fl-raaa-r. » ma, wh<*>|>intf cmiuli nml croup. tem|.er of aome cilisetta, who a that part of the World. Good Koom^GownTaWe, Best of Ta* setting up of ths pie counter * Vt\f T* kOf.. nml »t II tMrftli>. A • nil ing tbs incoming council to <1< r>*att» It lent U|s .11 rs-oH |I< of |irkv hf loo often msrka sn end ol harmony. ... W. S. GREIF ' MINM MW** fsd—k. By. radical act muck ear* ia In L. B. OOILVIE & CO. No , 18i S. Third Strset. Tnlephona NoTTi This is lieinf illustrated in Lnnisrlll* W* believe thst Ibe mmmmmm intlrzi* llag to those who Hi..I a delight RAIL HOAJ>: l*fc, that iu it, they may hud a J. Nashville, Ch Ttw-uias Fitzgerald, of North SHOES Hallway Tfia* Cart. Wedding lb at'eef, met wiili a .tiere acci- i iS^seUv, saasar BOCSISS SIIIW The Comforts of ilfcit la-t '•aturduy by getting hisf-iie aivI bauds severely '-aide I. FOR ALL CLAS3ES, Lvnulaesk +..„.. ;«.a IS* It was Mr. West Icy Kd sards not SrPsn. X i IS JE Presents Hollow Koea Jaacstow. IS9 mm present. Th* |. - i r an I Mr. Win- Lsxlactoa 11 Ml am ?sE v so mm Lull tri.ui preitu'. The sceouat in t,' VIM, 1:1 a mSS. Home... yesterday's Si v was inci rrect. Jr W.nvS.. « Good Working Shoe, Sl.00 .Nssbvllle i All membeis i.f Ml. M.lsregoi < biii*ao(«s • «)pa jss1 una Ailaau I OS am • Man Can be found at our house. We have Lodge No. -1* ai>- rio » so pm S«» *m Wtien tLe sou weut iluwn thi> Ar Hollow Hock Junction. * l* pm < Ift v" Parta xs pro 7 IS An evening it brouuht to n close the last 1.-:e«p all binds. I can soil you low price Ar I' xia whatever degree w.c feel bound to Lv Paducah 2 « pm 2 48 am il 77 am cost. Now is the time for Ar Princetoa t w pm forgive this man. we must decide. by POWER ANIl LIGHT. IS 40 am Rockers Ar KraasvlUe I»pm big bargains. lotally different considerations,' Ar Hopklasrill*.,. w mi pm 11 W am Reasonable Prices Ar Nortonrllie. ... » » pm 3 38 am 10 54 am sbetber it is excusable in the sight of Ar Ontral City A 30 pa 4 IV a in 11 66 am ft tl am God aud man. tine thing is certain, Ar Horse Branch .. 7 40 pm I 25 pai ArOwenaboro. ... 9 40 pm 6 IS put hi* taking off will be a lesson wasted, and Chairs Kr Louisville 10 56 pm fc.CMan ft lit** Folding as all examples of such character are. i:STABLI^tltD 1864, o rtnelanati «Mim 1166am Death has never reformed a single SOUTH Botrirr>— No vn No M3 No Beds... Lvrtncinnau 7 &) pm 156 pm ....In all the latest finishes mahogany, soul, and will not do to aay lhat llie LoulsM S so am • 4i. m execution of Winston will be a benelit Miss Mary 6. E. Greif & Co LT Owennboro .... 10 65 atu oak, malachite, oxblood and forest green, In upright^ chiffonier, guar- lo the cause of pi-ace and order iu Ar Paducah 1* 10 pm 1 62 am pm Lv Paducah 113) pm 1 67 am « l» , /n upholstered in carved leather, damask anteed not to give you any Ibis cily. If Ibis man and ibe victim Ar MaySeld 1 10 pm 2 40ain 7 12 pm Fultoc 2 06 pm 3 15 am x t»> t-m ot his brutality, when young, bad GENERAL INSURANCE ^ silk velour and kaiser plush, all new and trouble. There are many Ar Cairo . 4 HO pm 1 ih MIX have had the |>ro[ier trnlnlng, or bet a i 40 pia 6 23 pm Ar Jackaon, Tenn. 7 06 pm styles from which to make placed iu a reformatory, all of tins 7 20 am nobby styles, suitable for holiday or « 18 an 1 jmi might have been averted; but as il is AGENTS Ar New Orleans . * 10 am 7 On pui wedding presents. a selection. Ibey w ere left lo cbooee tbeir o« u Ar I; r nvllle Miss 3 30 pm course iu life, and everybody knows Ar Vlckttburg • »» ptn Telephone 174. •:- PADtfCAH, KY. Ar Natchez — . 0 au am with what result. Now who is re- All trains run ually r sponsible for these two lives t The NIMM and S04 carry Pullman biiffet .slapping :ar» and free recllnluu chair earn betw»«;u fla- answer is plain : Iheir parents, asso- G R. DHVIS, clnn tl and N«w OrTean-s. Nua801 and iM3 ran aoild between^lnclnnaU ciates and Uietutelvrs. la conclu- A<;KST kow »nd New txleana. carrying Pullman budet sion, aud with au unbiased pea, we A. S. DABNEY, ileep»»r8 Jas. W. Gleaves Train AM carrlea Padacab-Loniavlile deeper, say Farewell! Wiustot, aud God be, pen lu Padncah union depot at 0 p. m f with you, and in i ut fivps&A Wi Direct connectlomi for all polMa e«»t. weat, Front Rank aortb and aooth. lick ft oAlces. Hroadway our children, may the lily: never occur • DENTIST. "inder the Palmer, and at tbe anion detw.v. again- •T. LOti:a Division. VOBTB BOCRD 3U2 304 and Triumph Rev. I>. M. Kctlde of"NOahs'tie Ltave Faducab— 12:10pm, 6.16pm and Sons Arrive Metropolis l.UOpm, 7.40 pm wbo has been in the city for two 406 ROADWAY. " Grantabnrg I 42 pm. 8:40 pm Furnaces. Parker .City 2 16 p m, 10 p m weeks conducting » revival al the " Marlon 2:45 pm, 11.04 pm " Carbondala 1:29 p a, Trimble street Christian church for Call on him and get estimates '» HlnckneyvUle _45opm, iMam St. 7:16pm, 7:16 TELEPHONE 217 416 BROADWAY Kev. Cotter, left yesterday lor bis for beating your residence. DR. W. C. EUBANKS, Louis a a aoirrd nocan. 3W ma home after v successful stay, lie Leave St. Loula 8:00 am, S CMpin sat "stormed" the night before aud Tin, Slate and Iron Roofer. 11011 (E0PATII1ST, Kant St. Louts 8:18 am, 8:18 pm PlaekneyTllle LOCUM 11 00 p m IM 8. Thid St. —•» received msnv article* of value. Ofr.c* —;*«5 Broadway. Telephone 120. Carbondale 11:45 am, Resident e. 1UU0 Je-fliTbt'U St. Telephone kJarion 12:24 pm, 2:40 a ra first omc* Hours HO, I a. T-«. Parker City lt:Mpm, 8 46 am life see such a [silice force' lien All news for this department must (JratiUibiirs 1:20 pm, S 00 a OQ MITTEN AT RANDOM. BROADWAY HOUSE. I'm a poor woman aud have to make the second, tbe fourth better than the COLORED be in not later tbau 10 o'clock in the Metropolis S:»pm, 4:68 am Best hotel in the city- ArTlve Paducah * Wpm, 7 ® a m an honest living acd every few night, third, an.l llie llfth better than the morning, if intended for thai day's Stop for meala-All trains ran dally. Best accommodation.*, nicest rooms. HJRRY F. WILLIAMSON, M.D. This Is the popular line to St, Louis and somebody burglarizes my bouse and fourth. He must never give it up. DEPARTMENT. issue. Ml US 23<- $1.00 Pit DAY. Chicago and ail points north and west " I >o yoo know,' remarket • take- my goods away, I'm getting but must work hard and unceasingly. I Kev. sim». !'. K. returned yester- Corner Broadway ami Hffihtb street Train leaving Paducah dally at « 16 p m. JMAYKIKleD. KY Physician and aa» through Pullman Palace Bleeping aod (imminent lawyer yesterday aa Ire »a> tired uf It, lhat wbst Ism! It looks Success is sometimes due to oppor- All rouiiiinniratioDN and mat- day from I'oion City where he has Parlor Car for »t. Louie. Donble terth rai*s, J. R. IIKSTFR, Pro. 11 50. cbalr riktea, 7ft cents. t«-forr hit oAlce Are, burning r>M lei. like those police cau't catch any- tunity. but I am oa* of those people ters of netvg pertaining to this lieen in attendance u|«.n the confer- Surgeon For farther information, reservations, ter. one by ooe. "tbat some of the at all. unless lie's dead or down wbo lielieve .that peotile e*n make ence held at that place lie reports tlckfta, etc . call on or add res* J. T.Donovan column should lie addressed tu Ofljce Honrs: C. T. A., calmer House, Paducah, or A. H. biggest tool, in existence are atnoag Willi rheumatism!" their own opportumca if tbey work s splendid meeting notwithstanding 1 to t a. m., 1 to 3 p m Hanson. General Passenger Agent Chicago. aW. Meniweather. 221 South KLUNDYKE REPAIR CO. the American |>o>!>le." Madam, I'm very sorry—what ia hard enough. tbe yellow fevrr scarc. Office, No 419/4 Broadway. '•Well, here s a letter from one your name—' Seventh street. "In all my writings, I have en- W«.ii Fletcher, Jesse ltrown and Repairs on Guns and Bieycles thai doesn't live in America,'' be "Vee, I gneas you are sorry, liut deavored lo use aimptw words that George Winston; rcqaicscat iu a Sptciilty. ssnrinusd holding up a peculiar what gooyou are ssaily understood, and lhat bsve Colored |>eople are no more of tbe pace." MISSOURI Pwftui* looking letter with a I .on,Iou post- snd the |iolice draw ywur salaries for but onr messiog, 1 essay lo employ same class when il comes lo morals Chas. A, Fisk - 128 Broadway G. A. ISBELL, M.D. bell The #3re*t TL mark on tbe cnvelo|ie. nothing—don't you sever eetvh hoy- language that is so simnle tbat it and iutelligeiice than tlie people of JMk Prom street, has been ou the sick list for a Physician ami Snrgeon. Tbe letter proved to be ooe con- body '" means Ihe same Ibing to one man as any other race. They have their dis- KANSAS crrr. HT JOI, • veying the .tarlltng intelligence that few days, although a Me to be up anil Office 502 1-2 S. Seventh St -•»- UAAHS, PCCBLO, USJIV TW "Hnt where do yoo live >" another, aod the same lo everybody ciimlnations toil preferences like tbe St. lotiis Aar^d SALT- LAKE. there was a 11 f00,000 eatatc over • Whst difference dues Ibat make out Residence 723 8. Sixth. else I Ond Ibat Ibe simpler tbe |ieople ol other race-, aud the failure Matil-FJnger&Co an I advertising. Office Honrs 7:30 to 9 a. m., 1:30 to I there in Kngland awaiting a claimant, where 1 live, ll looks like tbe police style, the more easily and extensively of a great many of them to attcQil For job-print in; p. ED., 0 to 8 p. M. Undirtaker. and cnbalmen 1ST THE »£W FAST TRAIN an.l tome of the heir, are )>elicved to could find my bouse as easy as tbe resit, and tlie more extensively read, lectures and other entertainments in call on the writer utI tlie above ad- Si'.r', nlis . i^1*1j _ ,,0 g Thln) l»e in thia section of tbe couutrv. luirglara do!" tbe lielter for Ibe sutbor.'' tbe role of Ihe legitimate at the ojiera ispfceos 150 KANSAS ADD NEBRASKA LIMITED. on ''It', a' fact." continued tbe law- "Madam, I'll send a man out al These words coming from a mao bouse is due to thi- fact, which, ere Subscribe through tlio writer for ycr, "that Iht. 'big estate' racket is once if you'll give me your address." who has attaiucl the success of Prof. thi-. ought to hsve been recognized. the Si N. practiced extensively all over the "It won't do any good lo send a REMOVED! Lloyd, .si, nut but have great weight Mis- Salens Moody .s on ihe -ick SfKjucr or later prul sure to Brinton B. Davis, IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE. country by frauds claiming to W msn out uow, Ibe t.urglars have gone 9tep on dynamite. list with a very severe cold. to lawyers. Tbey floisl llie country j long s go—and carried "If nearly The most direct line via Memphis Now that the campaign is over, The auli cct for discufsion by the ARCHITECT, with those sort of letters, aud never every tl ing I had." Society remains practically as it all points in county judge Tulley relates one of Epwurth Ix-ngue, which will meet fail to find people in evarv state whoI "Wemsy'-e able lo lin t your has lieen for several weeks. Not a ARKANSAS AND TEXAS the cam|iaigD y arns tbat was started Sun<)ay nflernon at 3 o'oclock. is Office Am.-German Nat. Ha> k ^ STEAM 1 pull tbe cork uuder with lieauliful goods for you if you'll tell me your part v or a wedding dated : notbiug WEST AND SOUTHWB€T. oo him before tbe election. • i'rai«e " All meniNers are t-xpci ted conli.lvuiT aud allow themselves to uainc— but tbe dull, monotonous giiud of Judge Tullr. it will doubtless lie to be pre>eut anti nil friends ecrliiUy Free UecliningChaln oa All Trmins. be fleeced out of from l-» to |.'>0. "1 don't see any uae in telling tbe usual routioc. Cupid must be Tnaouaa OACUU Miurms' TO remembered, was a |ng the police. The , 3 * make such remarks seldom, it Manager at tbe illy hall and iculured into tbe on gravel. tl'C> ,rr 114.1: •tit, re i<. the Line. tuanthal woro a deeply worrietl coun- ever as good as those a'.jut whom TELEPHONE Of course there was no truth in it. r ear well a 't io't * to hro\ Owned and Operated by tb big vault where Marshal Collins tenancc. They talked about it foi a such remark - are made. and tbe Judge now enjoys it as uiuch ai d i .kl i »i n^n f'hr>>nic1e. keep Ins valuables stored. The mar- week, ami one day Attorney Light- Tenneasee and Ohio River Trausi**^" as anybody. \o 1>h i»jcer. shal. r.s a joko, locked him in, and foot hap|>cued iu when the marshal Alr. Los Procter, who has been tatioa Co. slowly recovering froin a severe at- Mr jtirad (nl: • h;ites lo say any- kept bun conllncd some little lime. was relating the caae to a friend. st. m pel j Wi Moore; \|rs. Kelly, the way your -—ST. LOUIS. When the attorney was released he »«><*•* >rw Silver IrkrMf. tack of fevir will be able tot'po to thine- h'H •Yea." m iui feed the lawyer, rjr tlint pianney av yours Rntns OO Per Dav ,#l 1,1 Ireets. declares! be would have revenge an.l To coTer hi# complete abaoJoniuent work atKKil tbe first uf the month. kinphfcr" b. Rates, $2.00 Per Day "here my bouse has been burglarizctl of the failing ratiae of free i^ilrer coim fnim morni ^ ti!! nicht is i»om»'ihir»r Ill.ll.IIl IS I p.m. prurrrsled to his cBlcc to concoct a Koorn and Breaktait, $1 00 three times, antl the police haven't rx-TiOV. Itoies, of Iowa, lias pushed No form of speecii cau lw made outra reous' scheme for securing it. European Plan. $1.00 Per Day. found it out yet!" to the front the atornjre warehou>e lutcnac enough to express the o'<- Mr Kelh Ucsht ai- \. Mrs. Cn ly! Staple and Fancy Groceries. lie linally bit ujion a plan, step- The marshal stoppe<1, looked at the aetie-me of ipovernnient silver purchases gusl at certain persous who make a T*r< an ol.l w an. and they JOOD Hoous GOOD MKALS evolved by Secretary Windom in if amy! Puck. h vans villa and P»dueahPackeis Dally (e*c.-p ping to the telephone he rang up llic lawyer in mingled amusement and of es|»oct..rating tobacco juice CLOOD SLBVKK bot quickly abardonetl ** purp»»s.ele*s Canned G;cds o( All Kinds. Sunday.) ritv ball. chagrin, aud. as the truth dawned on •Vhen roa St. [.oals stop .1 Strs. JOK row LEU aud JLlIN S. HOPKINS audi impracticable b> U>th friends a»:tl oo tbe tloora of our cburcbc9; like wis Mnrdial Collins there be ST. JAMES HOTEL I^eav* l'adurab at tf SUo (lc :1a. m. him, what he said wouldn't look well enemies of silver ct»'.i»ii»re in conjrre^" that other class of young folks win free delivery to all parts ol tbe city asked in well simulated female tone. Pa.iocab and calm FarWet Line (L'ally exaep (tainted on the pearly gates. By thia nirmf silver bullion is to be wake a of di-turbing all pu'.'i cars direct to Cor. Ttb atd A1, .ins "Yes, mom." came back Ibe re- deposited, in the treasury ami market meetings, they are destined to be * Why steamer oSS?A)w .Ei», Lraves Paducah j. tf * in ply. value certificates iMiicd on it, re«!eem oases and what's more they arc de- . EH, inrt — "I have found," sii«| Prof. John able on presentation in bullion at the 'DoiitYoutake^ J.J The Ardniore, '••Well tell him I'd like to speak to termined lo sec their cslliug aod elec- PURSLEY I'ri Lloyd, the celebrated scient- latex market rate No silver i« to 1-e Iion sore. Au outraged community hiirf. ' ist and author who wat a diatin- cotneil, anti the bullion is,mere:y to be .Browns'Iron, All Kinds Upholstering and Repairs Thirteenth street, between "This is Marshal Collins," was hss indulged these things too l iug • ttr>ll4'isl I gui-died gue»t of honor from Cincin- tlealt lit specu'.nthc'y a* mi out nrd out ON FL'KN'ITL RK. Pennsylvania avenue and F street the urbane rejoinder. rocrmoditr. To what a trivial and Patience has ceased to l .c a virtue Northwest, nati at the Eclectic Association Con- Mirrors replatcd nud made co.-d as •Well Mr. Collins, my house has shrunken eompnsa has Ibe ex->ro*ernor Now for the courts and the lis. WASHINGTON, I). C. vention just cloaed, 4'that the secret new . Mattresses made to order. Old INCH burglarised again!" of Iowa redm-etl tlie all-enibracirir sil- stoves and second-hand furniture of literary success is perseverance. A There are eomc who desire '• jQhnson •ll ha«?" ver proirramine of Such heresy TAKEN IN E.TCH A Nt IK IOR WORK European $1.00 and ip know ooly that they may know, and' If "Yes, U has Now this is the |ierson aspiring lo literary recogni- can be little let=% otlioim in the eyes of Send word, and 1 will call and make American. SI.50 to;2.50 Ibis hears Ibe taint of curiosity: t> > I 0 TO AMY MAN, third time, nn.t I'm gelling tired of lion must learn to wilts s story or sn the true believer than fl'i actual con- estimaten 011 work Charges very donnation of the ".-rime of ' know that thev may l.e known, anil \\ in 1 reasonable. No. 712 South Fifth. Foundrv and it. 1 never-1 I-never did in all my article the second lime letter than Pav ?LTNI IOI: A v ifc - First-class family hotel. No liquors this ft but voully lo sell tlicir kn"w'-1,,( akness in Men They TteSt and Convenient to cars and places c! iric- jslge. an I this is n shameful trade 1 V. LL Tt.bT THE BOAT est. Most central location, and piea-. Kail to t.'nre. but some thai thi y may IK- liuill u| • j ant home for tourists and sight- er Machine Co. in the love aud fear of Gul .... imah.i t'onnty.."places f.vr the n the city. T. 31. H.\' ' . J'r and lhat jft|-„t e before Ihe "public a M sine\i. M sLufac-urtrs and Dealer* !r is wisilom -—ST. Iletuird. , TRI VTMI V r tor II oiire of l.jst Xiuli There's a Hot Time in i. i i , i . , lv. Nervous and Serual Weakness, and SteaGi Engines, Boilers, It hss leaked out in a cork-screw-. Restoration ol 1 .le 1 orce in old and CITIZENS' isb sort of way tlist two of our young men. No worn out French House Fronts, Mill Machinery iMiung men. WIHJ have l> I n'e. rT KHATMharmfnI l NdrugT magicas l in itdeffects And Tobacco Screws, Hross llod out that thev will not fall due MQ the Old Town . positive in its curt . .\'l readers, BANK, and Iron Filings. Castings until after the social death of one or who are suffering from a weakness of all kind*. the other. So now tbey do not speak ' that blights thMr iif«\ ea nlng that 2*26 Broadway, Paducah. Ky. thty psss l»v. It is all a'-JUt :t ni ntal and nhysical suffering p.»cu!iar , i , " t i . , , to l.ost Manhood, >houhl v.-r lo to in, , I'ADCCA II , K«*TLCST. ipccially down al i.antner llros. Furniture Store, where tbey are continuing the special saloon Rocaers tin ring uhich ooe had taken fnnn n SA,.,. MKi»:r\J. COMPANY, sn't week. Just think of it—solid oak and imitation mahogany, leather and upholstered scat yt ung lady, which llie other had j wis Range llu'.din/. < »m iha. Neb , n-n! | « Capital and Surplus, $120,000.00 { > I given her. And the young man • they will send you absolutely PHI'l'. j should have kuo«n that a man wo ild « valnable paper on these di* i Open from • a m. to 3 p. m. On'Sat- , , ,. ai s tt m and positive pr> vi of their trii.\ I urday nights from 7 to 8. Clarence Dallam •itnn.l Mitblog sate tin lie «ill j M TR ' > i uI. w. Tlioujandi .it ' Formerly of < r.f ..', nrir.ed 1 %%v% %%%% endure slight* criticism and cru l'y . men. who hive t<»t nil cl a s-.irs Bl'KNK IT A DALLAM. Paducah, Ky. all these are torgivco and coDilitioacl. aie bs-lnir restoroil by tliein to a p-r f. i dt d for . r i' in for iiiivnl hill wbcu Ins nose is knocked o it rf lect condition. Inlerest Paid on Tims Deposits AltorneyatLaw . , , , This \I sine M. TSRSTMI VT mi. L» ep.n t men t n it h t« prorsnt elas«l- Kvl'ITABI> Bt ILWM n ull arm', from 11.50 to 11.50. Soli I leather, upholstered seat, tufted leather back Rockers for t:< 50. Re jclDl l.yaiase like this, he kicks. at hmoe under tl..-lr directions, OFFICERS. sn.t tbe devil is to |isy. The failui.- or tli-y »ill pay r .ilrosd lar.--nd h,.t, I! • • '1 be nrnMe to FMARCN BT MAIMO*ITN memlwr, we can larnlah yoor bouse from cellar to garret, cheap for caab or Ja«. A RrnT I*resii1ent ol the y,.un|i man stlo took the r njj. hills (.all who pr^li r t., it" tor j LOU i aVI LLC 5. W. P, PAZToa . Cashier tf.tvmy an.l I asnalty Oo. on easy weekly or monthly payments. In understand this fact, »a- Ins treating, It they fall t ptiy reiiahh II. Rctir Ais't Cashier J an i te«. V rWeliiy Tru«l «si 8. \ . C». • nulla Life A ««tir»ni Sortety, Hi and stand mistake, and here he nJLE. Ions, l re - Cure, i'n-o A • .It ITS dr.ltred lhat. if only niRECTOK». \ *on >.uiiifhrey A .»a»>e. 1K.KS. struck a siing. The ft|i]iearance i,t pie!,. O l> fak« They have >•*• ir.i-. tc« .. dn\ uere id ir | .«ifal MeM. Malt * Mat/ aar>wcaM cure JAS. A. HUUT, JAS. II. 8«lTU, this ainnsii g story io print, which Lp.: •). antl f,i..'r ut< ' rv,.r, 1-e .11, .a>j. il l til ntcntul cduea- Paducah St re. i Kailway Co. F. M. nam, liso. v. WALI.ACS. PadiM-ab Wsier Co. GABDHER .BROS. & CO. i-aine neoi I cing a tragedy, is not in- ^''/V I tre »t or rcfun every tlor, •«• people might live to 70 wHti- Aiatier National llank kh ii ch trges may be di poa F. K A H T-KITK A, W.JFRTAXTOW, rtit n" ili>> Illness, and perhaps prf»!onjf ten. led to stir tho smoldering ashes i kriU to he psid tbem when a (l*0. O. ItAltT. jrTA»UtV, their 11* cs to tWyaats. iHJ Telephone 396- 203-205 SOUTH THIRD da J5i3SS2?«

\ J PERSONAI Awarded Highest Honors-World's Fal Rains FOR BARGAIN SEEKERS Gold Medal. Midwinter l airj r Usyor John Lander returned to FJR ONI WEEK ONLY Ca vert City IMS mormog DR. Cold wave Coroner Krve Jobnsoo, of May- Three huu.Ire.1 yard. of I) ai.litul taffeta ailk*. in Roman *tri|MS uJ But It Pours field, is in lb* ci'y today. T ,-VUD I fleets, (Iff 200 }»•«!» of Uagaat satin rbadamea, b*autiful effect*— Judge 1). G. Park, of M-i)field, Is fl. , goudt sou Id IM . heap ai (1.00 aod 11.60—oar price tor IA. neli. only 50 aotl 75 iu the city stteuding court coming Onu baadrnl r.ew staple dr. aa a' irU. ia all ot tha Dew 0oo< hre Mr Arch House and Misa Mary THREE HJ'NDRED PAIRS of men's and boys' boots received w i blacks, will worth Si .50 au.1 $3.00, oar prim 11.50. Another l> t ia Carutber a ill lie married louight. f CREAM „N consignment to bc closed out at once. TH^Boston Shoe Manulac- i ..«! -erges, t ITini sail fsarjr fl: red t Ik, troiUi W OO, 00 ami f 12 00, Mis* Litis Robertson^ of Msyilel l, tory Company guarantee every pair to be equsl "^O any <«i tiros $2 50 (4 00 SL.I fci.aO. arrived this morning 00 a visit. f;.oo or F-'.jo Iniot on the market. We will cloae these Uaotlscmc rlk wiist* aalt lo onler, 12.00, 12.50 aod (3.00, worth SI OQ Cbas. Brand and W. C. Pitman, of I tools out at the ridiculously low prices of LfOtfk out for it Heating stoves fi iubie tiie priea. Mai livid, ae.e si Hotel Gilberlo to- BAKING We have also received J50 pairs ol men's, ladies' 25 A new lot of sample capes, all styles and colors. dsy'. and children's shoes, suitable for this rainy weather, to in endless variety—hard coal, bc >old at prices from 50c to fi-Jj. f< 5° and fl 00. 75 MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Mr George L'gon, a well known soft coal; gas and oil heaters. Ma>field tohacconiat, was iu Uie ell} POWDfR Alieautiful lot of black velvet pattern bats, profuse!r trimmed wilh rich Uxlty. A Pm Orape Crsaa st Itrtsr fVsrtcr Sole agents for the celebrated r '. h 'l fevkera, tiie moat stylish baU of the aeasoi, These hsU ore well Traveling Auditor K 11 Teachout.' 40 YEARS THE STANDARD- - L> $7 00 ANIL 00—oar prioea I3.U and 14 00. r ot tbe N. C. A St. L , was lo the city I Moore's Air - Tight Heaters— Aootlitr lot of tiaadaoaiely trimmed bats, twenty-five d.fferent styles | today. t- - lect from That* haU are wall worth |4 00 and »4.50—our pri es every stove guaranteed. Rev. J. W. Peoley. of Sharpe. FI OO and $2.50. SHOW BBRTS OUR CLOTHING »> Marshall county, was ta the city to- Anotbir lot if oew rimmed bate, all colors. These bats, while they day. Still goes at low prices. Come aud examine our goods aud prices and sat, go for $1 00. Mis Rickbartl Woolfotk and In, convince yourself. You will bud a full stock ol fall and winter uuder- A new lot of Has hair sw td?s«, ieg dar price 13.00 and $4.00, while LEAVE. son left at nooo for Ma\ field wear, overshirts, and pretty ucar everything a family needs. laat our pike $i.00 nnd |2.50. * on a Big inducements iu boys' and Children's suits. Boys heavy knee viait. pants, Jjc, 3JC and JOC. SCOTT HARDWARE CO. Misa Mailge Tucker and Mr*. Price's uud French's Kiver THE BAZAAR George Flournoy left at aooh for Palaces Make for Green S ••. W STORE 215 BROADWAY .VliW STORB Ma) flekl. Mr. K. L. Miller and Hist Annie lliver. B.ata 10 to I. It. Dell worth, ot the county, weie HENRY MAMMEN, Jr. l'roctor A Gn»ham married yesterday. PADUCAH AUCTION CO. w.ite: "We have told Mtuabal McNutt aad Officer Wro. » Eastman •'Heart of I liioago" at Morton's h t lea of Dr. MtiilcnballenhaU'l s Chill | f Uedg*, ot Ma)field, came up today SOUTHEAST CORNER BOOKBINDER I uia to one of any other aince ws to attend L'. 8 court. Tanljthi.—Other Amuse- THIRD ANO COURT STREETS A thoroughly equipped Book-making plant. hare hsd it is slock, snd we bare Ave Miss Luti* Pate, ol Newbern, ment Notes, 0 • u r JuaBds.'".. If tris not tbe best Teno.. is visiting her ti»t«, sirs. u You need send nothinliing 1ou t ol town. Kodaks Open daily till 10 p.M. 1 utedy for mslsiisl complaints yoa Hsmi.toa. of Waat Jackson street. 126 BROADWAY It v* ever tried. Uu Bois A Co. sill The opening geru an of Ibe season Patent Flat-Opening Books... refund the money. Price 50c. tf Price't Floating Pal ice, and took place last night at tbe Palmer fifties she UrseskssU French's New Sensation boat, both clslmed that ti* defendant 1 harvrd kin House, and was sttended by a large Oa* of tk* subeommlttee* of Itie of wlii. b were over at the Island, left (Miller) falsely srith for^ng his (Mil crowd. moustsrv eommission uew sitting In We are exclusive agents yesterday for Oreen River lo ra-ume ler's) mot Iter's nsme lo s note for $1,000, Tlte largest, finest Defeated Miss Hattie Nail, dsngbtar of Rep. sriitch note tins gtrea to rinrmer. MlOes Washington will insastigata ths aever- business tbey started South, but Aad eheapaat for thia renowned instru- resentative J. J. Nail, ot Kultaws claiming ilarasgesi to the amonatWIJO,- al elaases ef t'niled 8UI<* notes with were farced north by tbe yellow fe- waa married last Dight lo Mr. Jobo 000. Th s has been compromised by siese sf HltUsf a plan for Ihe retire:- Pipes Asaortmeut of ment, from pocket sixe— ver epidemic, and alopp«l here to ment of Ike gissabark* without ea Candidates Robertson, a well known young man r.immer releasing Miller of (he pay awsil a rise in llie river. lng a contraction or Other iialsrbaa** iKti—to No. 4 Kodak, of the tame place. meat of tbe note and interest aad pay ing Miller's attorneys »I50 fees and Mic of tbe cumaey. .9. 4x5. Films for same in Imported French Briar and Notice to the Public. Gross aod Burkirk, comedians re- court all the coats iu the ease. This Is ons of Ike most important And partisans whose favorites suL'jeeit lhat th* eommissioa will haie stock. LOST—Th ee notes, given by cently witb l.a l'earl'a circus, sre in j The other standee suit ia that of W 10 ileal whh. II h*s eagmgetl the alien- , Rosewood Pipes were elected to stay ct home Giab. drawn in favor of ei'.her W.W ibe city to tpend a few dsys. smsl'Klngabes-ry veratia John Zimmet tion of our beat financier* for Staa; can 6nd balm for their wound- for Sin.OOO damage*. Edward Kintrs lo tbe dty. Ami** hits a specially. Kimball Co., or Mr. J. I. Langatou \ ears past, lnclwdisg several ae^^iarls* Prof Murray Gilbert, the clsrioo- berry aela out ia bla petition that the ed feelings and consolation in ** given about Ibe middle of Oot . 1897 de/eniLnit Z.miner called Kblgabrrry a of the treasury, and it laths aaaaimous Call earn ua etist. did oot go wilh Price's Flost defeat by indulging in the payable as follows! First note Mar, hog thief, etr.. In the presence of opinion of those best quslified lo Judge I drawn for s'x months ; second note ing 0|*ra yesterday, but may Join other parties, and that his ers House msy b - WILLIAM NAGEL KILL A CANADIAN LYNX. they were to remsln permanently out- $50 each, drawing interest al 4 per dark during next week. I'ber* is s cent. Tbe said notes sre tbe prop- rsMS«rs Isdlsss Ua, * aw Xtrlllss standing. Ths fact that Ihey were aa CASA NON A possibility, however, that at least one their fare gu.eraasent promise* to pay Jeweler and erty of W. W. Kimbsll Co., given Mabl Ksesssltr. good attraction may he presented. Ssserol Belffisos who hsve bees waa mnstroed as meaning that Ikey for tbe tale of a Kimball piano. No. CIGARS esmpiug near Sr!ma. Ind., were awak were to be redeemed and retired wbep Optician 30.710. We hereby notify the pub* Prof. T J. Locke, of Newport, en- 3>ld only at eccd a couple ef nighta ago by tbe bark they had served their purpoaa at the Everything in Its lie tbat said bote* belong 10 W. W tertained s lsrse crowd st Klks' Hall Ing of their honnda. Tbey fouud t&« earliest convenience of thegnteenmewt Kimball Co., aod forbid aay negotia- last night with his lecture, "Sense tloga barking near a tre*. In the This process of redemption and retire- THIRD AND BROADWAY tions of said Dotes. end Nonsense io Medicine." Prof. branches of which thry could see ths ment b*gan soaa after the war, hot II IS THE RECORD ltfnS W. W. KIMBALL CO DRUG STORE Season WE MAKE. Winter Tourist Kates. T.M A- RpfiAnwAV Tbe Illinois Central Railroad com- 4 Does your watch run correctly? UR Mock ot staple and lancy groceries is pany bas now on sale tickets to prom II not. bring it to where you incut winter resorts in Florida, Geor- complete and up-to-date. Splendid line canned goods. Our meat market know it will be properly re- gia, South Carolina, Texaa, Naw 0 of is nnexcdled, having everything in the line of Ixpert paired. Mexico sod Mexico at reduced rale*, COCHRAN & OWEN Iresb and salt meats. Foe further information apply to J. T. Donovan, C. A., Biacksmithing 331 BRQHDWHY Telephone 118. Paducah, Ky. LOCAL MENTION. Cor. 9th and Trimble. P. F. LALLY. Aad ail kinds of Campbeli-Mulvlftill Coal Com Our subscribers are requested pany will fill yoo' coal house now to report any neglect on part ol Nevy Work cheaper t ban at .one. Call and carrier or any other employe of make contract.^ $35° Buys Winter Tan Calf Lined Shoe. this office. -Should yoa (ail to Home Seskers* F.xcursiona. 00 ^pone on short notice and get your paper we will consider $3 Buys Genuine Calfskin Double Sole Shoe. On Nov. 2. Nor. 1C. De*. 7 and Our line of Boys' and Chil- GREAT* CJESAR it a great favor il yoo will re- Sat- Dec. 21 tbe Illinois Central Railroad dren's Shoes arc the but values $299 Buys Genuine Satin Calf Double Sole Shoe. ps ifl to tbe business' office or company will sell first class round isfaction guaranteed. in the city. HAD HIS BRUTUS ria^Tc^'^aone 358. tx-if tickets 10 certain points in Als- bama, Arizona, Colorado, Dakota . ..Shoes bought of us polished Iree. itae;f But tbe "boys" are *LILL in busiaes* at tha Medical Convention Over. Iowa, Idaho, Kaotas, Louisiana, old stands, and so ia Tbe itate convention of Ihe Kclec Missouri, Mississippi, Minnesota, tic Medical Association adjourned Nebraska, New Mexico, Oregon.Ten- Greif & Christy lsat night. after a two days' enter- nessee. Utah, Wisconsin snd Wy. Locke in uot ooly a good speaker aod $19 C'oeav STutar. taioing and lostroctive meeliug at dim outtloe ot some animal. Thiukingi oming at one fsre. plus $2, for tbe an able scientist, but a humorUt of uo was stopped by congreoa and a law was Blk's ball. Tbe meeting was con it a coon, one of the men by the name DOR1HN round trip, good for twenty-one dsys mean ability, as well. paased thst when redeemed they abould eluded last night by a delightful lec of Mei jer shot at It. Xo sooner had be ha relaaued From that time, to tha to return. For tickets or further in WC base all b*«A knifed. Now, fust to £*t even, we are kniSng tare, entitled Sense snd Nonsense Ared than tbe wouuded animal, with a present they have bean a troablebreed formation apply to tbe prices oa HARBOUR'S io Medicine." by Prof T.J. Locke The "Heart of Chicago*' will acreech. sprang from the tree atMeijer ing factor in snr currency ayatem, a J. T. Dovovaa, C. A., I* witnessed by a large crowd fi striking him in tbe breairt With Ita of Newport. Most of the visiting conatant source of anxiety to every Padurak. Ky Morton's Opera Huntetonight. Tie »h«rP c,aw« 11 tor« Mk clotbea into secretary of the treasury and a dis- doctors have returned home. Tiie Birthplace of Low Prices company played at Jackson, Tent)*, shreds and lacerated his flesh. It at turbing element in business. They How long have ytu been coughing tempted to reach his throat, when it should be retired. % DRY GOODS AND FURNISHINGS: —a day. a week, a month, s yesr la-1 mglit. was seized by one of the hounds, which Here's s store filled witb fresh nil How's This? No doubt Secretary Cage will recom- drew it to the ground. Ail the dogs a le merchandise, bought to fit your Ws off«r i me Hundred Dollars Seward rnr Dr. Bell's Pine Tsr Hooey will cure mend this in hi* flrst annual report ta SIlUKS, Men'* SHUK.S. UUsoa' SIIOKS, Boys' KHOKS. 3 ds to your entire satisfaction. Not MJ rase ol Catarrh tksl tsssol rnred I Wby buy trash? When llmk then attacked it and after an exciting IM thst cough. There csn be no doubt congress, nnd he may suggest a definite snd all sorts of shoe*. K*ery prioe in our store will be "cnt tn S ashy makeshift in the stock. Tbe tail's Oatarrk Cera. Bros <& Jonea will a«ll jcu gootl coal struggle in which jne of the hounds F. J. CHKNKY A CO.. Props .Toledo, o of it, because it baa curesl many otb plan fcftr accomplishing it. Between his tbe core," so all may feel glad tbat the campaign Is o'er. Ws yet go ida were boughl right, and-you We.lSe uadersiswed.kaTe kisows rj riwi, waa killed and two more were crippled era eqoslly severe. Everyone should iiodaat the same price. 17u3 plan and the one the monetary commis- n 1 depend upon it—will be sold right. for Us Ml Ik rssrs, sad believe Sim pertsetlr tbe men and remaining dogs succeeded hate a few free rocking chairs for yon. W-'re making dry goods history by hooorsi.i. in al IIMISSW irwnMciloss, ana invesligste the merits of Ibis great sion will offer congreas will have no Saaaelsilr able toearrr oul anv i^tliasUoo HOG HAS COST M.00U. ia killing It. sa iin« reliable goods at honestly low tbeir Arm remedy. 18o3. difficult}- In formulating one that will pr oa*. There's many a helpful hint WasrA laesz. Wkolasals Urusxlsw, T. I. Tha animal w as taken* to the camp, be aafe .-.nd feaaible and that can be car- JOHN J DORIAN, sw siting you ber* now. SO.O. but none could tell what it was. The Notice to shippers. Vaet Amount of Litigation Over a ried out without causing any diatnrb- 206 Broadway, Paducah, Ky. WarjitM. Kfapas a Maaris, Wbol.s.1 next morning they took it to an old I iruasuui. Toledo, O. The Illinois Central Railrosd com- Porker Worth Only tlO. snce in our currency system. — In- nail . Cstttrrb I'nr. ts lakes Interssllf. art hunter and trapper that lired near bj Choice Dress Goods. pany ia now prepared to handle all dianapolis Journal. la< directly upon the blood snd maeooun .ar who aaid it was a Canadian lynx aad Thlrty-atx inch wide wool, In "irea ot lbs sjrslem. Price 7V ner Imllle. shipments through Memphis lo Illi- Case In Paint Which forcibly Ii- one of the largest kind. This is the first be mtlful new combination -me old by sll drorflsu. T.sunonlals rrse. Oar laelaatle i areeaer. _ •alt s Pamir Pulsate Ik* best. nois Central snd Yszoo snd Missis- lutratfi the I ..iu of G«l*c uir regular value — yoo can have animal of that epecies that has been No government pa per money system ' f a for only 26c a yard this week. sippi Valley stations, Arkansas, to Uw Over Petty killed in this locality for 30 years, sad DR. A. IN. COVINGTON. MORTOI'S OPERA HOUSE• OliMtM. cau possess the element of elmatjcit\ iHMy-ki Inch all-wool di L'aatbai the Hoapital. Texas snd western points; elso how it came to l>e there is a mystery. which is needed in a thoroughly sound OF MKTBGPoLIH, ILL. li stcaaa TsaasLL. M.i I els In a I desirsbie fall colors, should Frank Carroll, a young man of Me through New Orleans vis Southern and sufficient national currency. Un- Tender* ht« prufeaolot it MVvkes to sil saf"r rring 40c: come sndgettbem for only There ia a hog in Missouri that hal Paciflc or Texas aod Pacific railroad der our present system currency ac- tog from dtiruw of thr »«- a yard The priea msy be higher c'lsniosbarg. wbo hsd been confined cosrt one ineu f4,0. Yet the animal i% CLEANING THE TREASURY. cumulates and »tagnates for the great- EYE. EAU, .NOSE ANI> TIIKOAT latar. In tbe city hospital for tbe past two to Louttitna. Tex-s and western not worth ten dollars. The porker has Work la Done Itnll* by m Kmall iray er part of the year in New York. At With wootkrfal shlU an t » -jw-eUU gnArSQiee 18 THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 18 Mity-two inch ladies' cloths at Me weeks from catarrh of tbe heiul. died point*. J. T. DOSOVAK, been ttoe subject of litigation between a id broadcloths for S6c thsl ar* very Soot KJngabcrrj and Mn Zimmer, of tliarHSMri. last it is demanded to move t he crops in lait B'gbt. He wan 14 years of sge. 17nI Com'l Agent. Lincoln J. Carter's. .. -.1 eh below value tbat merit your ind will cost tbe latter, the defendant, There are something like IV* miles tbei west snd many millions of dollars Great Spectacular Production. C-srly inspection of corridors in tbe great treasury build- sre shij>ped out to western banks to be Mpedal Sale. Cures to Stav Cored. The question Is asked, wby are not less than $4,00.7. The oe>brate4 Black dress goods at prices sstound ease of Howard county: was decided in ing at tVahhiugton. with hundreds upon used for this purpose. Under a correct Orapes, |ier l«sk*t, 10c. Thousand* of voluntary certificates Hank Bros. A Jones selling to maoy ing .y low. Come finger and prioe them tbe Randolph circuit court the othet bund red* of rooms, large and small. system tbe western banks would be 1 qt cranburrm, 10c. received during tba past fifteen years ttoves, both healing snd cookioir? It requires a *miill army to keep these sblp to increase fhelr note issues in the The Heart of day. Tbe jury warded a verdict ia "JLV«*"" T I < - 1 t|t. chow-chow. JOc. Jackets—Capes. oertify with no uneartsiu sound, that Becsuse sll tbe goods sre new, noDe * L— trt • • I corridors and rooms clean and in or- fall when there is sn imperative need favor of the plaintiff, hingsberry, foi . ... _ . . ... 1 gal. Dill pickle*. SSc. Another Rare novelties and great values Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) will carried over from latl vesr. 17n3 * , .ner. floors must be scrubbed.carpets for more money scd would not be one dollar damages, which leaves Zim- Choice Northern Potato, s, 70.i. BMJ Svcceaa Chicago await vou in onr cloak room A great cure to stay cured, Rheumatism, Ca- swept, baseboards and windows cleaned forced to borrow so heavily from the Una of handaome new jackets expect- mer, the defendant, to pay the cosrts, ar.d the debris of a busy day removed. east. After tbe crops had been mar- New crop N. O. Molasses, FTOC. tarrh, Uloet*. Sorea, Blotches, acd Fnrniarsl Yonr Attention! -d this week To miss seeing our mounting to over f 1,000. TTiffre are This work is done by women, who re- keted this extra ctirrency would flow 21 His. choice flour, 45c Owing to th* long drought trade l»o two slander cases growing out ot Jiirments before yon boy is to miss the most msligosnt blood sod skin ceive a compensation of f2i> n month. into the banks issuing it for redemption 24 lla. be*t patent flour, lie. Hlcgant Special Scenery. baa lieen a little backward, and as we • "lag the correct thing No store ses. Botanic Blood llalm is UM ahe bog case. One of them bus lieen |f*bp duties are luboriou*. tmck-bresk- in gold. Wonderful Mechanical Devicc^. t 'I match tbe perfect fit, the superb ^ Mysteriou« Hlectrical FBeets. result of forty jesrs ex|ierieoce of sn have a big stock will sell you Ihe cheap compromised aud tho other probably | ing. joint-craeking and conducive to I. L. RANnoLTII, • islity snd Up-to-date style we give wil be. The full amount of the co«t« in In Canada, which hsa sn elsstio cur- N ivid Picture of thr Great Fire. eminent, scientific and conscienliout it clothing ever offered in this cit) rheumatism, 'yet there is actually as Telephone M. 123 South Sarond St. yoa for our prices. It's not talk, but Use rtwee ca*cs, including attorney's rency, the volume of money In circula- keen nnd spirited demand for places on J" Ire's. Come and figure with us. physicisn. Send stamp for book of We don't ask you lo buy, but come to be paid by the defendant, will tion always depends on the demand for wonderful cures, and learn which is and look, and tee our priest. See our i the charwomen list by people in that aggregate $4,000. | class as there is for clerical positions by the use of currency for business pur- I SE M WRVFLFLUS VMCHIK TRJI'N New Ideas in Millinery. th* best remedy. Ileware of substi- 75c Alpine Hat, sells for$l 50 every Tha hog case Is kno^ n on the docket I people of another class. poses. With us there ts no way of meet- O ^ DAKIRO The grestest values j ou evsr saw tutes stud to be "Just as good" and • here. A handsome line of l'liid as that of Noah Kingaberry versus John ing a temporary demand except by the a-e lo be had here. The most elegant It is an interesting sight to watch A powerful Compsse, iiilro.lneln* a buy the long-tested and old reliable Caaaimere suits tor $r> snd $6 50. sell John Zimmer. Tbe court history of tht ' start!ug of new banks or by sn act of erfcct POWDER spleniliil line of lliKh-rlass • p to-date eflecta real bargains of these wore* of ebarv. omen when they congress increasing tbe volume of Balomc Blood Balm (B. B. II ) elsewhere for $10 to $19. Give ua a ca*e would'fill a book, and among Specialties. 1 rest III swell styles, others can't ** JfJ ( report for duty In the afternoon just greenbacks. Ws are a pretty smart the styles, snd rail flat on the Price only $1.00 per large liottle. all aod he coovinced. lawyer, it is regarded aa one of Jpl^fore the cKe of o®ee hours filial Ac- people, but in some things we are far PURE : HIGHEST GRADE. p.-ice A great mile of higb-elaaa stuff arracTKti AS KNTIKK CI'HR. M. KPSTKIS A Co., ions are provided for them II >lt and bonnets msdi' to '>rder on T0? ^ eommodai behind other nations —.Sound Money. If. „ f''" 1U" V« Ui TV mis state of Miasourf. It w«s a stiit for po* upon a long line of wooden benches " .1 vs. Culiu . n™*.i,„7 sh .rt notice Klnndyke and cowboy For over two jesrs I lisvc lieen a Stsr Clothing House, scasion of a hog valued at ten doliart-- In the basement of the building. They POtriCT BAKING POWDER CO., St La*l* 11.1* and fell nnd c otb triors in all Teat soflerer from Rheumatiam. af- lOnl 212 Brosdwsy Xoah Kingsberr>* ami John Zimmer live gather hslf an hour before the re- 1 nlora are being received from day to : ecting both shoulders to tucb an ex- on adjoining farma in Framkhn town iiv, and prices marie that will please quired time, nnd find opportunity Masonic Notice. nkip, Howard oounty, near New iVank yoa. Wbi pay »t 00 on Broadway for tant that I could not put my coal on thereby for gossip. At least thst is Tba Grand Lodge of Ken- lin. About a year and a half ago a hog our 49c cosrbow l.y list? B- without help. The use of six bottles supposed to l>e the reasoii why they tucky will convene in *|iecisl strayed onto Zimmcr'a farm. Kings of Botanic Blood Balm. B. B. B., ef- 1 coma before their time. Their ease is Great Sale of Hosiery. /VA v communicstioo tomorrow at berry klentidml tha hog as one of his unique in this re«pecf. They are the fected sn entire cure. 1 refer to nd sent to Zimmer for it Zimmer re Men's gray mixed sox. two pairs for 1:30 p. m in Ibe Masonic Hall in the only employes of the government in Rev. W. W. Wsdsworth, proprietor fused to give it up, when Kingaberr\ wood IP worth double Leecb building on North Fourth Washington who are anxious to get to Linn Cigar. Coweta Advertiser, snd to all mer- began suit /or its pooaeatlon, giving n Men's mixed cotton so*, four pairs street, for tb* purpoae of laying tbe tbeir offices before the time for go- lo.- Mc. sold everywhere st three pairs chants of Newnan. neplevin bond. The court ordered the corner-s'.one of tbe public school ing to work. Their labors are finished A GENEROUSLY GOOD NICKEL CIGAR for that price. JACOB F\ SPOSCLCB, constable to take the hog from Zimmci in two or three hours. building on West Broadway. All nd restore it to Kingaberry. ONCE TRIED, ALWAYS TAKEN. Women's Hermadorf hose, double Newnan, GS. ocels an-l toes, a good SOt- value, our Maater Masons fraternally Invited. In the flrst trial of the caso, before r. The greater nnmlier of these women For ts'a by Druggists. are past middle life. mo*t of them are pr oa lltyc. Hy order of Juatice of tbe pence .there waa a mi« If yoa want the best mad* for • trial, and a new trial was ordered. The fnt and the majority have an accent. R. H. Tnowrsoii. quarter, In qaality and dye, It will be Yellow Fever Kntirel) Iliaap- second reaiilted in a verdict h» favor ol The little stipend of f20 a month Is I found bar*-TUB OKVX. paarsd. t.rand Maater. Kingaberry. An appeal waa token b\ the principal support of a family In Quarantine having U-en iaise dispense with the et* to all locsl snd foreign | oints. gab s•o situatesite d irvill pay Judges to .the Judgment wns set o*tde nnd a ferviees of » 91.S00 clerk, for in the re before baying elsewhere Why three B-cent cigars for 10 cents. You can pick F. B. Taacnoi-T, C. P. * T A., trial ordered. Zimmen-'s attorney,' !>oe case, while he haa to stand off a ntee thst j oirll not 425 Hrosdway, ritYoytake^ once entered a motion for a chat»y congress mo n or a politician, in the oth- ' your choice of the brands. Call on us at our ven ue, w hi Hi w aa grn irted t>» Ita* *r he has to meet the w eeping nnd wall- Yours for 1 P.iditcsh, Ky. county, with tha result as given./ log of a poverty -stricken woman, who new drug store if you want a good cigar. .Browns'Iron, possess** a wealth of tear-bedewed HARBOUR*, iBoaodeacent Ismp glolies suitable One of the slander ease* gro pleadings that would more a heart M J. D. BACON & CO., On N. Third si raai. for system for sale st McPberson's litters?. of the alx>va was t*int of 1'xVvv stone to pity. Y. Press. ^.lust baik of allarstria-s. •tore. • tl . ler vernua John Zimmer. Tlic Seventh and Jackson streets. Pharmacist* ' jjf aaF i