Case No. 09-1294



Relators, V.



Original Action In Mandamus and Under CLERK OF COURT Section Ig, Article II, of the Ohio Constitutio „ SUPREME COURT OF 0110 I


LUTHER L. LIGGETT, JR. (0004683) (0055501) ANNE MARIE SFERRA (0030855) VLADIMIR P. BELO (0071334) 30 East Broad Street, 17th Floor BRICKER & ECKLER LLP Columbus, Ohio 43215 100 S. Third Street Tel: (614) 644-7520 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Fax: (614) 728-7592 Tel: (614) 227-2300 Fax: (614) 227-2390 ELEANOR SPEELMAN (00 13590) [email protected] GENERAL COUNSEL Attorneys for Relators 180 East Broad Street, 16th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 D. MICHAEL HADDOX (0004913) Tel: (614) 767-6446 MUSKINGUM COUNTY PROSECUTOR Fax: (614) 644-0649 27 N. Fifth Street, P.O. Box 189 Zanesville, Ohio 43702 Attorneys for Respondent Jennifer L. Tel: (740) 455-7123 Brunner, Ohio Secretary of State Fax: (740) 455-7141

Attorneys for Respondent Muskingum County Board of Elections

{H1594436.1 ) ALAN G. STARKOFF (0003286) DONALD J. MCTiGUE (0022849) COUNSEL OF RECORD MARK A. McGwNiS (0076275) MATTHEW L. FORNSHELL (0062101) J. COREY COLOMBO (0072398) MATTHEW T. GREEN (0075408) MCTiGUE & MCGuvNis LLC SCHOTTENSTEIN, ZOX & DUNN CO., L.P.A. 550 East Walnut Street 250 West Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Tel: (614) 263-7000 Tel: (614) 462-2700 Fax: (614) 263-7078 Fax: (614) 462-5135 [email protected] [email protected] Attorneys forlntervenors Ohio Jobs & Growth Committee, William J. Curlis, John T. Campbell, Matthew Hammond, and Charles J. Luken

;H1594436.1 ) Case No. 09-1294



Relators, V.



Original Action In Mandamus and Under Section ig, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution


Affidavit of Matthew T. Green ...... Tab 1

Exhibit A: Secretary of State Directive 2009-10, June 29, 2009

Exhibit B: Secretary of State Advisory 2009-04, May 18, 2009

Exhibit C: Secretary of State Advisory 2009-06, July 8, 2009

Exhibit D: Secretary of State Advisory 2009-07, July 9, 2009

Exhibit E: Secretary of State Advisory 2009-08, July 20, 2009

Exhibit F: Secretary of State Press Release, July 20, 2009

Exhibit G: Secretary of State, Final County By County Tally of Part- Petitions and Signatures

Miscellaneous Affidavits by part-petition circulators regarding pennanent address ...... Tab 2

Exhibit A: Victoria L. Byrd Affidavit

Exhibit B: Sabrina L. Hartfield Affidavit

Exhibit C: Matthew M. Hanis Affidavit

Exhibit D: Heather Hennessey Affidavit

{HI594436., ) 1 Exhibit E: Ronald King Affidavit

Exhibit F: Robert Musito Affidavit

Affidavit of Jamar Owens ...... Tab 3

Exhibit A: Copies of initiative part-petitions circulated by Jamar Owens

Affidavit of Alison Stanley ...... Tab 4

Exhibit A: Copy of initiative part-petition circulated by Melissa Smith

Affidavit of Corey Colombo ...... Tab 5

Exhibit A: Chart summarizing factual errors with evidence presented by Relators

Exhibit B: Supporting part-petitions for Exhibit A

Exhibit C: Chart summarizing part-petitions cited by Relators that were already rejected by boards of elections

Exhibit D: Supporting part-petitions for Exhibit C

Respectfully submitted,

7,_,^ Alan G. Starkoff (0003286) Counsel of Record Matthew L. Fomshell (0062101) Matthew T. Green (0075408) SCHOTTENSTEIN, ZOX & DUNN, CO., L.P.A. 250 West Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Tel: (614) 462-2700 Fax: (614) 462-5135 [email protected]

Donald J. McTYgue (0022849) Mark A. McGinnis (0076275) J. Corey Colombo (0072398) MCTIGUE & MCGINNIS LLC 550 East Walnut Street Columbus, OH 43215

{H1594436.1 ) 2 Tel: (614) 263-7000 Fax: (614) 263-7078 [email protected]

Counsel for Intervenors Ohio Jobs & Growth Committee, William J. Curlis, John T. Campbell, Matthew Hammond, and Charles J. Luken


I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing was served, via electronic mail and/or facsimile, this 28th day of July, 2009, upon:

Luther L. Liggett, Jr. BRICKER & ECKLER LLP 100 South Third Street Columbus, Ohio 43215 Attorney for Relators

Richard Cordray ATTORNEY GENERAL OF OHIO 30 East Broad Street, 17th Floor Columbus, Ohio 43215 Attomey for Respondent Jennifer L. Brunner, Ohio Secretary of State

D. MICHAEL HADDOX MUSKINGUM COUNTY PROSECUTOR 27 N. Fifth Street, P.O. Box 189 Zanesville, Ohio 43702 Attorney for Muskingum County Board of Elections

Attorney at Law

{H1394436.11 3 Case No. 09-1294



Relators, V.



Original Action In Mandamus and Under Section ig, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution



I, Matthew T. Green, being first duly sworn and cautioned under oath, do hereby depose and state as follows:

1. I am an attorney with the law firm Schottenstein, Zox & Dunn Co., LPA, which is co-counsel for Intervenors Ohio Jobs & Growth Connnittee, William J. Curlis, John T.

Campbell, Matthew Hammond, and Charles J. Luken in the above-captioned case. I make this affidavit based on my personal knowledge.

2. Attached hereto as Exhibit A is a true and accurate copy of Directive 2009-10, issued by the Secretary of State's Office on June 29, 2009.

3. Attached hereto as Exhibit B is a true and accurate of Advisory 2009-04, issued by the Secretary of State's Office on May 18, 2009.

jH1593621.1 } 4. Attached hereto as Exhibit C is a tnie and accurate of Advisory 2009-06, issued by the Secretary of State's Office on July 8, 2009.

5. Attached hereto as Exhibit D is a true and accurate of Advisory 2009-07, issued by the Secretary of State's Office on July 9, 2009.

6. Attached hereto as Exhibit E is a true and accurate of Advisory 2009-08, issued by the Secretary of State's Office on July 20, 2009.

7. Attached hereto as Exhibit F is a true and accurate copy of a press release issued

by the Secretary of State's Office on July 20, 2009, discussing Advisory 2009-08.

8. Attached hereto as Exhibit G is a true and accurate copy of the final county-by-

county tally of part-petitions and signatures compiled by the Secretary of State's Office

regarding the Ohio Jobs and Growth Plan (Multi-City Casinos) initiative.

Affiant further sayeth naught.

Matthew T. Green

Sworn to before me and subscribed in my p,r-esence this _^/^day of July, 2009.

Pawism aGhgtisbtl PJOTARYMm^ P0^8l.^^in ^^ 00 801 b0 oD 11



TEL: 1-877-767-6446 FAX: 1-61 4-644-0649 WWW. SOS.STATE.ON. US

DIRECTIVE 2009-10 June 29, 2009


RE: State Issue Petition Proposing a Constitutional Ainendment - Ohio Jobs and Growth Plan

An initiative petitiou was filed in the Secretary of State's office on June 25, 2009, to place on the statewide ballot a constitutional amendinent autliorizing the construction of a casino facility in each of the following four Ohio cities: , , Columbus and Toledo.

Enclosed for review and certiiication by your office are the part-petitions that were circulated in your county. You must examine each part-petition in accordance 4vdth the enclosed instructions. Please carefully read this directive and the accompanying instructions before you start your exaniination of the part petitions and signatures.

Reminders • A federal court has ruled unconstitutional the provision of R.C. 35o3.o6(B)(1) that required a circulator of any initiative and referendum petition to be a resident of Ohio. Therefore, you shall not invalidate a part-petition for the reason that the circulator's address as set forth in the circulator's statement is outside Ohio. • Ohio law bars persons ivho have been comActed of any under the laivs of this state, another state or the United States from circulating initiative petitions. (see R.C. 2961.oi(B) and R.C. 2967.17(B)). You must invalidate any part-petition which was circulated by a person who has been convicted of a felony whose right to serve as a circulator has not been restored by a court of record. To verify whedier a circulator has been convicted of a felony, you may seelc the assistance of your county clerlc of courts. If you determine that a felon circulated any part-petition you are examining, please provide the felon's name and address to the Elections Division promptly, so that the Elections Di-vision niav share that inforn-iation tivith the other boards of elections examining parts of the petition. • Any part of a petition to amend the Oluo Constitution is invalid if the board deterniines that one individual has affixed the signature of another to the part petition, except wlien the individual who signed the name of another elector did so as that elector's duly- appointed attorney infact in accordance witli R.C. 3501.382. (R.C. 3601.38(D)). • Please note that if a circulator who is an Oliio elector signed, as an elector, any part- petition that he or she circulated, the board niust invalidate the circulator's signature as an elector. However, this is not a reason for invalidating the entire part-petition. • You must verify the validity of each part-petition in addition to verifying the validity of the individual signatures contained on the part-petition. Check each part-petition to determine that the circulator's statement on the last page of the part-petition has been properly completed; a part-petition is invalid if the circulator's statement is not completed as required by law. Directive 2ooA-1o State Initiative Petition - Foar Casinos Page2 of 2

Important - Because no person may sign a petition more than once, it is i►nperative that boards niaintain the names of those persons who signed the original part-petitions in order to properly verify the signatures on any potential supplemental part-petitions. It may be prudent to create a database list of the petition signers (both valid and invalid signatures), creating the following fields: i. Last name. 2. First name and middle initial (if any). 3. Street address (house number and street nalne). 4. City, village or township. 5. Date of signing.

Challenges/Protests Article II, Section i of the Ohio Constitution was amended in 2008 to give the Ohio Supreme Court original, exclusive jurisdiction over all challenges to state issue petitions and tbe signatures on the petitions. Any challenge to a petition or a signature on a petition shall be filed with Ohio Supreme Court not later than ninety-five days before the day of the election. With respect to this petition, that deadline is July 31, 2009.

No protests inay be filed with county boards of elections concerning state issue petitions. However, the boards still have the statutory authority to investigate irregularities, nonperformance of duties, or violations of the election laws relative to this petition; adniinister oaths, issue subpoenas, summon witnesses, and compel the production evidence in connection Mth any such investigation; and report the facts to the prosecuting attorney or the secretary of state. R.C. 3501.11(J). Returning Certification and Petitions You must determine the validity and sufficiency of these part-petitions and submit a copy of your certification form to Denise Sherrod no later tlian July i6, 2oo9, via one of the folloHring hvo methods: Fax: 614-485-7697 Eniail:

You then must return the part-petitions and original certification forni to the Secretary of State's office no later than July 20, 2009 eitlier in person or by using a traclcable, third-party delivery service such as certified U.S. Mail, U.S. Post Office Express Mail, UPS or FedEx.

If you have any questions concerning the handluig of part petitions or the procedures set forth in this directive, please contact the elections attorney assigned to your county at (614) 466-2585. Tliank you for your prompt assistance.


Jennifer Brunner Ohio Secretary of State's Instructions to County Boards of Elections regarding Examiuation of State Issue Petitions (Ohio Constitution Art. II §§ 1-ig; Revised Code Chapters 3501, 3503, and 3519.)


A. Qualifications A federal court has ruled that the circulator residency requirement set fortli in R.C. 3503.o6(B) is tmconstitu6onal. Consequently, a circulator of an initiative or referendum petition governed by state law need not be either an Ohio elector or an Ohio resident. No individual who has been convicted of a felony under the laws of this state, any other state or the United States may circulate a declaration of candidacy and petition or a nominating; initiative, referendum or recall petition. (see R.C. 2961.oi(B), 2967.17(B)). To verify whether a circulator has been convicted of a felony, you may seek the assistance of your county clerk of courts. If you deterniine that a felon circulated any part-petition you are examining, please provide the felon's natne and address to the Elections Division promptly, so that the Elections Division may share that infortnation with the other boards of elections examining parts of the petition.

B. Circulator's Statement Each part-petition must contain circulator's statement that is completed as required by law. (Tlie circulator's statetnent may be identified on the part-petition as the "statement of the solicitor.") The circulator's statement must include the following information: 1. The number of signatures witnessed by that circulator, 2. The signature of the circulator, 3. The circulator's permanent residence address (does not have to be an address in Ohio), and 4. The name and address -- e.g., street name and number, city, and state; or post office box number, city, and state; or street uame and number, and zip code; or post office box number and zip code -- of the employer of the circulator who has employed the circulator to circulate the part-petition, but only if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition. In the absence of inconsistencies on the circulator statenients circulated by the same individual or a protest being filed regarding paid circulators, the board accepts the part-petition at face value.

When the number of signatures on a part-petition appears to differ froni the number reported in the circulator's statement, ihe board must examine that part-petition to determine the nature of the inconsistency. If the number of signatures reported as being Nftnessed by the circulator in the circulator's statement is: • Equal to or greater than the total number of siguatures not crossed out on the part-petition, do not reject the part-petition because of the inconsistent signature numbers. Example: The circulator's statement indicates that the circulator witnessed 22 signatures, but there are only 20 signatures on the petition. + Less tlian the total ntiniber of uncrossed out signatures submitted on the part- petition, reject the entire part-petition. Example: The circulator's statement inclicates 20 signatures witnessed, but there are 22 signatures on the petition, none of which were crossed out prior to the petition being filed. SIGNERS

A. Generally Signersof a state issue petition must satisfy the requirenients R.C. 3519.10: Each signer of any initiative or referenduni petition must be a qualified elector of the state. He shall place on sucll petition after his name the date of signing and the location of his voting residence, including the street and number in tivhich sucli voting residence is located, ... .*** Each signer may also print his name so as to clearly identify his signature. ***

It is acceptable for a signer to alloiv another person to complete the date of signing and the location of the signer's voting residence on the petition. However, one individual may not sign anotlier person's name to a petition without having first been designated that persoti's attorney in fact in accordance with the provisions of R.C. 35or.382. If a person who has not been designated the attorney in fact signs another person's name to a petition, the entire part-petition must be invalidated, because the circulator's statcment is untrue.

B. QualiCications Each person wlio signs a peti tion must be: • A qualified elector of Ohio, and • Registered to vote at the address provided on the petition as of the date the state issue part-petition is exanlined by the board. NOTE WELL: New voter registrations or changes of name or address filed with the Secretary of State at the time of the filing of the petition are enclosed ,^vith the petitions. These registrations are effective as of the date filed with the Secretary of State, and you must process all ofthem before you verify signatures on the petitions. (R.C. 3501.38(A), 3519.10, and 3519•15)

C. Signatures Except as provided in R.C. 3501.382 (elector's uame signed by an attorney in fact), each signature of an elector who signs an initiative or referendtun petition must be an original signature of that voter and must be written in inlc. (R.C. 3801.38(B), 3519.051)

Authority to Appoint an Attorney in Fact - R.C. 3501.382: A registered elector, wlio, by reason of disability, is unable to pliysically sign his or her natne to a petition, tnay autliorize a qualified individual as an attorney in fact to sign that elector's name to a petition, in accordance with the specific procedures required by that statute.

1. One county per part-petition: Each part-petition should contain signatures of electors of only one county. If any part-petition contains signatures froni more than one county, the Secretary of State determines the county froni ivliich the majority of signatures catne, and otily signatures from that county are to be counted; signatures froiu any other county are invalid. (R.C. 35r9.1o) Vdheu certifying the signatures, please include the out-of- county signatures in the list of invalid signatures for a petition that you are certifying as valid.

2. Signature requirements:

Instructions for Examining State Issue Petition Papers (Dir 2oo9-i0) Page 2 of 5 a. The signature must matcb the signature on file with the board of elections. A board should not invalidate a signature because an elector signed using a derivative of ltis/her first natne, if the board can confirm the identity of the elector. For identification purposes, the elector may print Iiis/her natne on the petition in addition to signing in cursive his/lier name to the petition. A printed signature alone, ivith no cursive signature, is allowed only if the elector's signature on file 1kvith the board is also printed. (R.C. 3501.011, 3501.38) b. The signature must be ivritten in inlc. (R.C 3519•05; 3519•051) c. The petition must contain the location of the elector's voting residence, which must: • Include the house number and street naine or RP'D, and the appropriate city, village, or township. A post office box does NOT qualify as an elector's residence address. • Match the elector's voting residence address on file with the board wlten the board examines the part-petition. If an elector's address given on the petition differs froni that on file with the board, then the board must invalidate the signature. Note: The boards must process all new, valid voter registrations and ehanges of names and/or address to existing rebdstrations before verifying the signatures on the part-petitions.) • The petition should indicate the county in which the elector's address is located, but an elector's signature Mll not be invalidated if election officials can determine the proper county from other information provided on the petition paper. The elector's ward and preciuct are not required.

3. Dates R.C. 3501.38(C) and require that each signature be followed by the date it ivas affixed to the petition paper. Do not invalidate a signature solely because its date is out of sequence with otlier signatures.

4. Illegible Signature A signature is illegible only if both the signature and address are unreadable, such that it is impossible for board personnel to check the signature against a record.

S. Restrictions on signing the name of another person a. Although a person liaving an elector's standard power of attorney cannot sign the elector's name to a petition, a qualified person who has been appointed as an elector's attorney infact under R.C. 3501.382 may sign that elector's name to the petition paper in the elector's presence and at the elector's direction. You must compare the nanie signed on the petition by the attorney in fact to the docuinent evidencing the attorney in fact status on file with your office. b. In eacli case where a person, other than a duly-authorized attorney in fact under R.C. 3501.382, signs a name other tlian his or ccr own to a petition, the board inust invalidate the entire part-petition. c. An elector's "non-signature information" - e.g., the elector's address, county, or the date of signing - may be added by a petson other than the elector, tkith the elector's pecinission. 6. Ditto marks

Instractions for Lxa nining State Issue Petition Papers (Dir 2009-10) Page 3 of 5 Ditto marks may be used to indicate duplicate information (e.g., date, address or county).

7• Marlcing valid signatures: a. If a signature is valid, please place a red check mark in the lnargin to the left of the signaturenn the petition paper. b. If a signature is invalid, please indicate why it is invalid, using the appropriate code symbol contained in these instructions (see belocv). c. No one may sign a petition more than once. Please place an identifying mark or insert a computer code on the elector's registration record to ensure that the elector's signature is not counted toward t11e same petition (such as a supplemental petition) more than once. d. It nlay be prudent for you to create a database list of the petition signers (both valid and invalid signatures), creatiug the following fields: • Last name • First name and nliddle initial • Street address (house number and street name) • City, village or towuship • Date of signing


After the board staff has examined all the parts of the state issue petition circulated in your county, you nlust certify your findings to tlle Secretary of State using the enclosed certification form.

Please return the original completed certification form and part-petitions to this office by a traelcable metllod; e.g., in person or by certified U.S. Mail, U.S. Post Office Express Mail, UPS, or Fed EX. Please return the documents no later than July 20, 2009, to: Ohio Secretary of State Elections Division 18o E Broad St -15l" Floor Columbus OH 43215

Once all certification forms have been transnlitted by boards of elections, t11c Secretary of State will determine the validity and sufficiency of the petition and provide the constitutionally and statutorily required notices to the committee for the petitioners. If the Secretary of State deterniines that the petition is insufficient, the conunittee wi1111ave ten (io) additional days after notification to file additional signatures.


The Ohio Constitution as amended in 2oo8 provides that the Ol1io Supreme Court has original, exclusive juriscliction over all cliallenges to state issue petitions and signatures on those petitions. Any challenge to a petition or signature shall be filed wzith Ohio supreme court not later than ninety-five days before the day of the election; Mth respect to this petition, the deadline is .)uly 31, 2009.

No protests may be filed irith county boards of elections concerning state issue petitions.

Instructions for Gxamining State Issue Petition Papers (Dir 2009-10) Page 4 of 5 CODE SYMBOLS FOR VALIDATING SIGNATURES ON PETITIONS

Each signature must be individually examined. If a signature is valid, please place a red check mark at the left margin beside it. After checking an entire part-petition, please write on the right side of the front page of each part-petition both the number of valid signers and the initials of the board employee who checked the part-petition under the number.

If a signature is not valid, please indicate the problem with it by using the following initials or, if no set of initials applies, an explanatory notation:

CIR Circulator signed as an elector the part-petition he or she was circulating. (This invalidates the circulator's signature as a signer, but not the entire part-petition.)

DUP "Duplication." The person lias sigued more than one part-petition or twice on the same part-petition.

ILL "Illegible" applies only if both the signature and address are unreadable, so that it is impossible to checlc the signature against a voter registration record.

NA "No address." The signer must have provided his/her complete address: house number and street name or RFD, and the appropriate city, village, or township. Failure to provide the name of the county of residence is not fatal ifboard officials can determine the county from the other information given. Vdard and precinct inforniation is not required.

ND "No Date." The petition does not indicate the date on which the signature was affixed. (However, acceptable are: month-date-year, month-date, date out of sequence witli other signers' dates, ditto marks.)

NG "Not Genuine." The siguature on the petition does not appear to be the genuine signature of the person whose signature it purports to be, compared to the signature on file with the board of elections as of the date the board checl(s the petition.

NR "Not Registered." The signer is not registered to vote. Each person who signs a petition paper tnust be a qualified elector as of the date the board examines the petition.

NRA "Not Registered Address." The address provided on the petition paper is not the address on file ivith the board of electious as of the date the board examines the petition.

OC "Other County." The signer is a resident of some other county. Do not cross out signature or address; ntstead, place code at left margin.

P "Pencil." The signature was written using a pencil.

If the nuinber of signatures on a part-petition is inore than tlie number indicated by the circulator, the entire part-petition is invalid.

When invalidating an entire part-petition, please indicate the reason for rejection on the front of that part-petition and separate it from any valid part-petition. Do not invalidate a part- petition for the sole reason that it does not contain any valid signatures; it is a valid part-petition, but it contains no ("zero") valid signatures.

Instructions for Examining State Issue Petition Papers (Dir 2oog-io) Page 5 of 5 CERTIFICATION FORM Ohio Jobs and Growth Plan

Initiative Petition Filed June 25, 2009

Proposing a Constitutional Amendment

On behalf of the County Board of Elections, I hereby certify that the board has examined the enclosed part-petitions. Tlie nuinbers of valid and invalid signatures on the part-petitions for the proposed referendum are as follows:


1. Number of valid part-petitions ......

Number of valid signatures ......

Number of invalid signatures ......

2. Nuniber of invalid part-petitions ......

Number of signatures on invalid part-petitions ......

3. Total number ofparipetitions received (valid and invalid) ......

4. Total number of signatures on part-petitions (valid and invalid)......

Signed: Director


Certification forms must be submitted via fax or email to the Secretary of State's office no later than July 16, 2009.

Original signed certification form must accompany part-petitions returned to the Secretary of State's office.

Please keep a copy ofyour contpleted Certifica(ion Formfor your•files. PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT Ohio Jobs and Growth Plan (Multi-City Casinos) Received by the Secretary of State on June 25, 2009

Number of Part PeBtions Number of Signatures Being County Being Sent to BOE Sent to BOE Adams 137 1,259 Allen 445 5,411 Ashland 236 2,005 Ashtabula 205 1,488 Athens 324 4,622 Auglaize 290 2,245 Belmont 75 201 Brown 226 2,661 Butler 1,336 23,150 Carroll 97 523 Champaign 305 1,907 Clark 784 12,152 Clermont 682 9,121 Clinton 248 2,144 Columbiana 134 587 Coshocton 96 1,087 Crawford 272 1,973 Cu aho a 6,116 160,958 Darke 333 2,384 Defiance 158 1,568 Delaware 847 8,053 Erie 1,059 17,735 Fairfield 716 5,862 Fayette 182 1,695 Franklin 4,848 117,496 Fulton 324 2,003 Gallia 83 1,105 Geauga 462 3,633 Greene 934 11,976 Guemse 149 1,775 Hamilton 4,474 133,198 Hancock 351 2,785 Hardin 155 1,197 Harrison 47 814 Henry 223 1,401 Highland 171 1,989 Hocking 172 1,161 Holmes 48 256 Huron 527 4,590 Jackson 130 1,286 Jefferson 80 222 Knox 236 2,447 Lake 906 12,652 Number of Part Petitions Being Number of Signatures Being County Sent to BOE Sent to BOE Lawrence 97 2,014 Licking 734 8,955 Logan 229 2,072 Lorain 1,526 29,755 Lucas 3,193 90,574 Madison 269 1,837 Mahoning 583 11,656 Marion 344 2,330 Medina 641 6,705 Meigs 87 1,268 Mercer 169 1,790 Miami 562 4,905 Monroe 40 704 Mon ome 3,258 83,187 Morgan 105 745 Morrow 297 1,563 Muskingum 297 3,131 Noble 87 665 Oftawa 513 3,205 Paulding 74 893 Perry 231 1,620 Pickaway 368 2,864 Pike 133 911 Portage 724 6,159 Preble 266 1,974 Putnam 148 1,805 Richland 589 8,829 Ross 362 3,312 Sandusky 539 4,554 Scioto 196 2,854 Seneca 414 3,919 Shelby 226 2,168 Stark 900 14,557 Summit 1,554 21,678 Trumbull 574 10,955 Tuscarawas 151 1,167 Union 299 2,346 Van Wert 104 1,060 Vinton 90 769 Warren 868 11,237 Washington 230 3,552 Wayne 215 1,056 Williams 88 456 Wood 1,034 6,675 W andot 155 1,045 Grand Total 53,186 948,253 JENNIFER BRUNNER OHIO SECRETARY OF STATE

180 EAST BROAD STREET, 16TH FLOOR COLUOneus.ONto 43215 USA TeL: 1-877-767-6446 FAX: 1-614-644-0649 WWIn'.SOS.STATE.OH, US

ADVISORY 2009-04 May i8, 2009

To: All County Boards of Elections

Re: Circulator Requirements & New Forms

The purpose of this advisory is to inform the Ohio boards of elections of changes to Ohio concerning requirements for circulators of candidate petitions. These changes liave resulted from the rulings of federal courts. These rulings also impact Ohio election law requirements for circulators of initiative and referendum petitions.

The federal court rulings inipact the enforceability of several Ohio statutes. Under R.C. 3503.o6(A), circulators of candidate petitions must be Ohio electors atid Oliio residents. R.C. 3503,o6(B)(1) requires circulators of initiative and referendum petitions to be Ohio residents. However, Ohio law does not require the circulators of local question petitions (such as local liquor options) to be Ohio electors or Ohio residents.

In a case last year concerning presidential candidates, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the enforcement of the registration and residency requirements for circulators in R.C. 3503.o6(A).1 On October 29, 2oo8, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixtli Circuit also ruled that both the registration and the residency requirements for circulatots of candidate petitions in R.C. 3503.o6(A) are unconstitutional.2 The U.S. Supreme Court recently declined to review a similar liolding of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit invalidating Arizona's residency requirement for candidate petition circulators.3

Because the Sixth Circuit found that the residency requirement of R.C. 3503.o6(A) for the circulators of candidate petitions is unconstitutional, the residency requirement for the circulators of initiative and referendum petitions in R.C. 3503.o6(B)(1) is constitutionally suspect. The Sixth Circuit indicated that there is no legally significant difference between the circulators of candidate and issue petitions since the circulation of both types of petitions constitutes political speech 4

Moreover, other federal courts have concluded that similar bans on non-resident circulators of initiative and referendum petitions in other states are unconstitutional5

'Moore u. Brunner, No. 2:08-cv-224, 2008 WL 232353o, at *5 (S.D. Oltio Jun. 2, 2oo8). -' Nader v. Blackwell, 5451'-3d 459 (C.A.6 2oo8). ^ Brewer v. ATader, 129 S.Ct. 158o, 2009 NTL 578703, 77 USI.W 3308 (U.S. Mar. 9, 2009). 4 Nader, 545 F.3d at 475-476• r, See, e.g., Yes on Term Limits, Inc. v. Savage, 55o F.3d 1023 (C.A.lo 2008) (finding that Oklallolna's residency requirement for circulators of initiative antl refereudum petitions violated the First and Fourteenth Atnendments to the U.S. Constittttion). Advisory 2009-04 Circulator Requirements & New Forms Page 2 of 2

Consequently, I conclude that the residency requirerncnt for circulators of initiative and referendum petitions in R.C. 3503.o6(B)(1) is unenforceable.6

Due to these clianges to Ohio election law, the Secretary of State's office lias revised the circulator statements in all Secretary of State prescribed forms to on-iit any requirement that the circulator be aii Ohio elector or an Oliio resident. However, circulators still must provide their address so that they may be contacted regarding any issues concerning the petition.

Boards of elections should begin using the new prescribed forms immediately. The new forms maybe found on the BOE Extranet at:

However, any candidates or petitioners who are currently circulating candidate or issue petitions may continue using the prior Secretary of State prescribed fornis for filing for any race or issue for the 20o9 General Election. Additionally, no Ohio board of elections may invalidate a candidate or issue petition for the sole reason that the circulator of the petition is not an Ohio elector or an Ohio resident.

Ifyou have any questions please contact your assigned elections attorney at 614-466-2585•



6 Any similar provisions of any Ohio nwnicipal charter requiring circulators of candidate or issue petitions to be residents or electors of the municipality are also constitutionally suspect. However, I defer to the municipal legal authorities regarding the interpretation of their municipal charters. EXHIBIT



CoLUMDUS.OI+ro 43215 USA

TEl.: 1-877-767-6446 FAX: 1-6 14-544-0649

N94'Nl 505. 5TA'I'E. OH. US

ADVISORY 2oo9-o6 July 8, 2009

To: All County Boards of Elections

Re: Circulator Requirements for State Initiative Petitions

The purpose of this advisory is to address questions that have been raised by Ohio boards of elections regarding (r) whether a person wltose permanent address is outside of Ohio may circulate part-petitions for a state initiative petition and (2) actions that the boards of elections tnust take in reviewing circulator statements.

(r) Out-of-State Circulators. In Nader v. Blackwell, 545 N-3d 459 (C.A.6 20o8), the U.S. Court of Appeals for tlle Sixth Circuit held that the requirements of R.C. 3503.o6 that circulators of candidate petitions be Ohio electors atid Ohio residents were unconsfitutional. In Advisory 2009-04, the Secretary of State applied the Nader decision to R.C. 3503.o6(B) and concluded that the requirement that circulators of initiative and referendum petitions be Ohio residents is also unconstitutional. Thus, in Directive 2oo9-lo and in the instructions provided with the directive, Ohio boards of elections were instructed not to invalidate any part-petition because a circulator listed a perntanent residence address outside the state of Ohio.

The form for a constitutional amendnzent initiative petition is provided in R.C. 3519.05. That form instructs circulators to provide their "permanent residence in this state." However, given the Nader decision, Advisory 2009-04, and the instructions given with Directive 2009-10, circulators nray list on a part-petition a permanent residence outside of the state of Ohio.

(2) Issues Concerning A Circulator's Address. Several boards have sought advice from this office concerning a letter received by them fronl the law firm of Bricker and Eclder, a law firm that represents opponents of the proposed constitutional amendment. The letter suggests that certain casino issue part-petition circulators, wl7ose names are included on lists attached to the letter, did not provide on the circulator statement their actual permanent residence addresses.

Clearly, if the board of elections discovers as part of its process of determining validity of a part- petition as provided in R.C. 3519.05 that it is facially invalid, the board must not verify that the part-petition is valid. Similarly, if the board determines as part of its process of determining validity that fraud exists in connection with a part-petition (sucli as a circulator listing a permanent address in your county that does not exist) the board must not verify that the part- petition is valid.

R.C. 3519.o6 identifies circumstances that preclude verification of validity for an initiative or referendum part-petition (including part-petitions to place a constitutional amendment on the ballot). Under R.C. 3519.o6(D), a Uoard of electioiis may not verify the validity of a part-petition if "satisfactory evidence" is presented to the board of elections "[t]hat the statement is false in any respect." Advisory 2009-06 Circulator Requirements for State Initiative Petitions Page 2 of 2

In Ohio all circulator statements are signed under penalty of election falsification. In accordance with R.C. 3519.05 the statement "Whoever commits election falsification is guilty of a felony of the fifth degree" appears prominently on the casino issue part-petitions directly below the circulator statement signature line. Under R.C. 3519.o6 and the instructions provided with Directive 2oo9-1o, and in light of the fact that circulators provide their permanent resideuce address under penalty of law for misrepresenting their address, a board of elections may generally presume that the permanent residence address provided by a circulator is valid if such an address exists in the county. This presumption of validity is overcome where "satisfactory evidence" exists that a circulator falsely represented his or her permanent address. To overcome the presumption of validity, an individual questioiung the validity of the permanent residence address of a circulator has the burden of providing to the board "satisfactory evidence" that the listed address is false.

An example of "satisfactory evidence" of a false address includes (but is not limited to) an affidavit of an individual iaitli personal knowledge that the circulator did not live at the residence address listed on the part-petition. An tmsworn document or written assertion that speculates that a circulator may have listed a false permanent address does not, standing alone, constitute "satisfactory evidence" of a false perlnanent address precluding verification by a board.

Of course, the board is fully empoivered, pursuant to R.C. 35o1.11 (J) to investigate irregularities or violations of Title XXXV of the Revised Code and report its findings to the prosecuting attorney or the secretary of state. Pursuant to Directive 2oo9-io, however, every Ohio board must complete its review of the part-petitions according to the instructions given with Directive 2oog-io and subrnit a copy of its certification form to this office no later than July 16, 2oo9. This deadline is necessary to enable the secretazy to meet her July 21 coustitutional deadline for determining the sufficiency of part-petition signatures.

Boards are also reminded that, pursuant to fu•ticle 11, Section i of the Ohio Constitution, as amended in 2oo8, the Supreme Court of Ohio has original and exclusive jurisdiction over all challenges to state issue petitions and the signatures on the petitions.

If you have any questions, please contact your assigned elections attorney at 614-466-2585•


Jennifer Brunner EXHIBIT



CoLUm9u5, OHIO 43215 USA TEL: 1-877-767-6446 FAx:1-614-644-0649 WW\N.SO5.5TATE.ON. U5

ADVISORY 2009-07 July 9, 2009

TO: All Coutrty Boards of Elections

RE: Clarification of Instructions in Directive 2oo9-io re: Verification of a State Issue Petition; Invalidation of Entire Part-petitions versus Invalidation of Particular Signatures on Part- petitions

The purpose of this Advisory is to clarify the instructions contained in Directive 2009-10 for verifying the parts of a state issue petition and the individual signatures contained thereon. In determining the validity and safficiency of these signatures and part-petitions, a board of elections applies the general provisions of R.C. 3501.38, in addition to the specific provisions for state issue petitions forth in Revised Code Chapter 3519.

R.C. 3501.38(D) provides in pertinent part that, except as autliorized by R.C. 3501.382 (the attorney in fact statute), no person shall write any name other than the person's own on any petition, nor autliorize another to sign for the person.

RC 3501.38(F) provides that, except as authorized by R.C. 3501.382, "if a cir•culator knowingly permits an unqualified person to sign a petition paper orperntits a persort to write a name other than the pe•son's own orz a petitiott paper, that petition paper is inualid; otlterwise, the sigrtature of a person not qttalified to sign shall be rejected but sliall not invalidate the otlrer valid signaittr•es on the paper."

Thus, a board of elections will reject an eritir•e part-petition if the circulator either krtowinglg permitted an unqualified person to sigu or loiowingly permitted a person to sign a name other than the person's own, except as permitted by law.

Examples: • A circulator allocvs a woman to sign both the woman's own natne and her lrusband's natne to the petition paper. The woman does not have attorney in fact authority to sign for her husband. Because the circulator knovvingly allowed one person to sign the names of two people to the part-petition, the board must invalidate the entire part-petition.

• A circulator allows a t ronian to sign the ivoman's own name to one petition paper and then to sign her husband's name to a different petition paper. The woman does not have attorney in fact authority to sign for her husband. Because the circulator laiowingly allowed the rvoman to sign a name not her own to the second part-petition, the board must invalidate the entire second part-petition. Advisorv 2009-07 Clarification of Instructions in Directive 2009-10 Paee 2 of 2

• A circulator is ivitnessing a man sign the petition paper. A friend of the man signing the petition tells the man to sign the friend's name to the petition, too, and the mau does so. The nian does not have attorney in fact autltority to sign for his friend. Again, the board must invalidate the entire part-petition because the circulator knowingly allowed one person to sign the names of two people to the petition paper.

It is possible, however, that a person may inlproperly sign only one name - another person's name - in violaation of R.C. 3501•38(D), without the circulator lmowing that the name signed to the petition was not the name of the person ivho signed it. A violation of this nature may not be discovered until a board of elections determines that the signature on the petition paper does not comport ivith the signature the board has on file for the elector. The circulator may therefore have signed in good faith the circulator statement declaring that the signatures on the part-petition "are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be." In the situation ivhere a circulator did not have knocvledge of the improper signing by another, R.C. 35081.38(F) instructs the board of elections to reject the non-genuine signature, bitt not to reject the entire part-petition.

Example: • A circulator witnesses a man signing one name to the petition paper. Unknown to the circulator, the man is signing the name of a friend, instead of his ov,m name, to the petition paper. The man does not have attorney in fact authority to sign for his friend. The circulator does not know either the man who signed the petition paper or ttie man's friend. If a board of elections examining that petition paper determines that the signature is not genuine, the board rejects only the invalid signature in the absence of additional evidence that the circulator knowingly allowed the man to sign someone else's name to the petition paper.

Further, the fact that there is some difference in handwriting between an elector's signature on the petition and the signature on file with the board does not necessarily prove that someone other than the elector signed the elector's name, let alone that the circulator knew it. A board must have evidence that indicates the circulator knowingly perinitted a person to sign the nanie of another person in violation of R.C. 3501.38(F) before it invalidates the entire part-petition under that section of la-v.

If you have any questions, please contact your assigned elections attorney at 614-466-2585•




COLUMBUS. OHIO 43215 USA TEL:1-877-767-6446 FAX:1-614-044-0649

19'1I'4V. 505. STATE.O N. US

ADVISORY 2009-08 July 20, 2009

To: All County Boards of Elections

RE: Investigation pursuant to R.C. 3501.05(N)(1)

During the recent signature verification process conducted by Ohio Boards of Elections on the Ohio Jobs and GrowAh Plan constitutional amendment petition, attorneys representing a racetrack owner opposed to the constittttional amendment raised questions concerning alleged fraud conimitted by sonle petition circulators. Attorneys for and against the constitutional amendment may have contacted your lioard concerning these allegations.

The Secretary of State's office provided boards of elections with instructions for verifying the validity of signatures and circulator statements on the petition in Directive 2009-10 issued June 29, 20og, and tllereafter provided furtlier clarification regarding issues relating to circulators in Advisory 20o9-o6 issued July 8, 2009, and in Advisory 2009-07 issued July 9, 2009. Under Article II Section ig of the Ohio Constitution and R.C. 3501.o5(K), the Secretary of State's role in the statetiN'ide petition process is limited to determining the overall sufficiency of the petition by calculating the number of valid signatures determined by Ohio boards of elections.

While the Secretary of State has no legal authority to determine the validity of signatures on petitions or to invalidate part petitions, the Secretary of State has the independent statutory authority under R.C. 35o1.05(N)(1) to "investigate the administration of election laws, frauds, and irregularities in elections in any county, and report violations of election laxvs to the attorney general or prosecuting attorney, or both, for prosecution." Consequently, I have directed my legal staff to investigate alleged violations of Oliio election law, fraud, and irregularities related to the Ohio Jobs and Growth Plan petition, which, if appearing to exist, are intended to be referred for criminal prosecution. Elections Counsel Joshua Kimsey will be overseeing the investigation. I respectfully request your cooperation as we engage in this process if information or documents are needed.

Further, if your board of elections or your county prosecutor has already commenced or con>.pleted an investigation regarding the petition in question, we rvould appreciate knowing about it so as to work cooperatively and,,vithout redundancy. Finally, please report the results of any such investigation when completed to the Secreta>.y of State's office pursuant to R.C. 35o1J1(J) and Directive 2oo8-96. Advisorv 2ooA-o8 Investigation pursuant to IZC. ssor.o5(N)(i) Pa_ge 2 of 2

Thank you in advance for your cooperation. If you have any questions, please contact the elections attorney assigned to your county at 614-466-2585•

Sincerely, ^^

^^ Jennifer Brunner EXHIBIT F


C I30 EA.b'T k3RC3A73 S7'fl:rL-F', 1STH FLba2€i Caz.uiaaus, OHvsa43215 USA TEL; 1-6t4-4156-2695 FAX: 1-6t 4-Bd4-Q6A9 p„i1KW.S9^,,,¢T^„4T^s}tI-.u*^

July 20, 2009

For Immediate Release


COLUMBUS, Ohio - Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner's office on Monday announced an investigation into alleged irregularities involving circulators of petitions to place on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment to allow casino gambling in Ohio.

Under new constitutional provisions, the secretary of state's role in statewide initiatives has become more administrative in nature. Now the authority to invalidate petitions or signatures found valid by boards of elections has been assigned by the vote on last year's State Issue 1, to the state's highest court, the Ohio Supreme Court. The secretary of state retains the independent authority to investigate allegations of election irregularities or fraud for referral for criminal prosecution, which do not affect the determination of whether the petition has sufficient signatures.

After reviewing petitions as they are being returned to Columbus by the various county boards of elections, the secretary has determined that an investigation should go forward. An advisory is being issued to boards of elections to coordinate any local investigations that may be underway or completed and to obtani the cooperation of boards in the effort. Any findings that suggest violations,

7/21/2009 Page 3 of 4

irregularities or fraud that rise to criminal conduct will be referred to the Ohio Attorney General or the local county prosecutor or both. Boards are required to report to the secretary of state the results of any investigation for fraud that is conducted locally.

"As we have examined the petitions in question when they are returned by the boards of elections, we believe it prudent to further investigate particular situations involving particular circulators to ensure that any issue that makes it to the ballot does so under conditions that are honest. While I no longer have the ability to invalidate individual signatures, I still can investigate to ensure the integrity of the process and prevent problems in the future," Brunner said.

"In the end, it is likely to be the Ohio Supreme Court that will determine whether this issue is one submitted to the voters this fall," Brunner said.


Media Contact:

Jeff Ortega, Assistant Director of Communications, Media (614) 466-0473

Kevin Kidder, Media Relations Coordinator (614) 995-2168

7/21/2009 PROPOSED CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT OHIO JOBS AND GROWTH PLAN (MULTI•CITY CASINOS) Final Worklog Received by the Secretary of State June 25, 2009 Sent to the Boards of Elections June 29, 2009 .^

Number^^ Number of Fart «^ Signatures PebBons. Number of umber of umberof umber of on Invalid umber of 5qo of 2006 $entfmk^ Valid Part Valid Invalid Invalid Part Part -s igriaturey^ Vote for ounty PetlOons Signatures Sfgnatures Pe6tons Pehbons S@nkGovernor % Adams 135 § 133 500 517 2 41 1A8, 434 X Allen A „4 444 2,814 2,320 1 1 1,811 X Ashland 2374 236 729 1,077 1 12 1;&18 ? 968 Ashiabula 206 204 1,038 452 2 4 1.0-94 + 1,693 Athens 324, 323 2,709 1,630 1 5 992 X Auglalze 289,' 287 1,094 996 2 9 845 X Belmont 75 75 130 59 0 0 189.11 ' 1,200 Brown 227 5^1 226 1,456 563 1 1 2;020,H 702 X BuOer 1,3t)b 1,297 11,486 9,948 9 141 2135MhJ` 5,795 X Carroll 97 95 247 138 2 7 392 l'"; 558 Champaign ; 305'i1; 304 936 633 1 12 =1;581N;; 713 X Clark ; 7$3. i';^ 677 3,941 5,362 106 1,732 111;p36 4 2,453 X Clermont 685rj 682 5,153 3,565 4 65 3,251 X Clinton * 250 1,278 637 0 0 1,915 632 x Columblana 1 1; 134 357 180 0 0 ='537 i; 1,811 Coshocton 97 544 220. 0 0 7&4 t;' 670 Crawford 27 ¢;1 258 701 987 15 231 yt919:g` 837 Cu ah a 5102 , 6,081 80,730 76,357 21 613 157;7tfQ;" 22,705 X Darke 319 999 1,078 16 237 ,814 1 1,011 DeOance 160. 997 491 0 0 1;488 112 682 X Delaware 8A8 4's 834 4,110 2,867 14 202 79;79 a 3,239 X Erie 1059:, 1,014 5,921 8,979 45 538 M43 1,505 X Fairfield 713 3,490 2,008 1 2 2,700 X Fayette 181!'^^ 181 . 886 516 0 0 1-,402 ;:*„3 420 X Franklin 4850" 4,826 51,208 59,621 24 707 1.1;1'i536 ) 18,663 X Fulton 344 1,101 734 0 0 807 X Gallia 85 ? 85 706 346 0 0 4,D52'^ 508 X Geauga 1446440 2,488 850. 6 74 1,957 X Greene 83A'°;', 926 6,216 5,063 8 55 11;334 s 2,956 X Guemsey 153 "! 152 676 809 1 .2 1;487 ^i" 669 X Hamilton :445^ ;, 4,424 55,228 70,280 32 768 126;2783 14,375 X Hancoek 355 ;^ 351 1,129 1,422 . 4 188 ^;739 ';; 1,284 Hardin 157 152 515 570 5 36 1;121 ,.,; 486 X

^ Provided by ^ GONG"WER I00 wwwNEWS.aonower-oh.can SERVICE, lNC. 17AAr OF78RYIC! I^ b Numberv^ Numberof Part a Signaiures Petiqps . Number of umber of umber of umber of on Invalid Numtier ofi 5% of 2006 Senttdy^ Valid Part Valid Invalid Invalid Part Part Slgnaturerl Vote for % ounty BCE ,^ Patitions Signatures Signatures Petitions Petihons Sent, r^ Govarnor Hardson °- 47 4 45 327 277 2 108 712 305 X Henry 222 A 222 760 579 0 0 1;339 N574 X Highland 1 7T 171 1,282 492 0 0 1iZ74

^ Prov3rfed by ^ GONGWER 1(^ NEWS SER^HCE, MIC. LJ O www.gongwer-oh,ww► Y►MU of mnncc Number+'^ Numberof r^ Part Signatures P9t184q Number of Number of Number of Number of on Envahd Numher oi 5%af 20D6 SenLtb Valid Part Valid Envalid Invalid Part Part Blgnafurek Vote for % ounty Pelitions Signatures Signatures Petltions Petklons $tjnt f,R Governor Ross 802 x'^ 360 1,932 1,198 2 4 1,192 X Sandusky !r' AM 532 2,122 2,168 1 36 14;32fi,',k^ 1,137 X Scioto ^ 1952 194 972 1,662 1 36 ;^,670l 1,318 Seneca 413- 409 1,556 2,038 4 69 3-,663°' 1,003 X Shelby "224011 221 854 1,267 3 6 ^=927i^ 851 X Stark 905 7,305 3,751 5 178 6,971 X Summit 1'$725^ 1,556 11,840 8,821 16 735 2M 9,887 X Trumbull 572 8,132 2,598 1 48 v 1.;:7^H; 4,056 X Tuscarawas ^0452k 150 680 330 2 8 1,579

Union 297 1 1 136 720 3 60 844 X Van Wert =;;_ a.tts w f^; 98 693 434 8 13 1 ;_401g 520 X 221 Vinion .Ar 90 515 192 0 0 s7 .. X Warren 4 67 k; 868 6,536 2,802 6 49 3,405 X Washington 196 1,340 1,126 0 0 IeZi^k^ 1,139 X Wayne 211 517 529 2 8 64=i 1,927 Williams nN,'t^ 120 877 498 0 0 652 X Wood 103 1,030 3,864 2,273 5 87 i612U " 2,281 X Wyandot 154 517 403 2 28 %13;'i-M 408 X GrandTotal 53323,;,; 52,638 452,956 436,409 585 13,085 201,138 73

•Number of signatures required 402,275 *Number of countles to meet or exceed 5% is 44

^ Providod by ^ GONGWER

^^^0 ovww.gongwer-oh.coa4 Case No. 09-1294


STATE EX REL. SCIOTO DOWNS, INC., ET AL., Relators, V. JENNIFER L. BRUNNER, ET AL., Respondents. Original Action Under Section lg, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution

AFFIDAVIT OF 1^^^ +t„ `'-=L' J^yf^l

County /ss State of Ohio

I, 1tj•^iVr^q -%rd, having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. I was employed by Professional Petition Management, LLC to circulate part petitions for the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee.

2. During 2009, I have resided at more than one address in Ohio, including durin the time that I was employed by Professional Petition Management. My addresses have been ^^.> and - y3l^Io

3. 1 considered each address stated above to be my residence for the time I resided at the address, each was my one and only place of fixed habitation in Ohio, the place where I conducted my personal dealings and slept at night and the place that when away from I intended to return. At no time did I have more than one residence in Ohio at the same time and, therefore, each was my place of permanent residence in Ohio.


^a^gn name^

(Printed name) ^ ci

Sworn to and subscribed before me this ^ day of July, 2009.


I Case No. 09-1294


STATE EX REL. SCIOTO DOWNS, INC., ET AL., Relators, V. JENNIFER L. BRUNNER, ET AL., Respondents. Original Action Under Section Ig, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution


County /ss State of Ohio

I, SAtorrn a k^urtl 14 having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. I was employed by Professional Petition Management, LLC to circulate part petitions for the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee.

2. During 2009, I have resided at more than one address in Ohio, including durin the time that I was employed by Professional Petition Management. My addresses have been ^^^r^'^t and 3r,a_ta1U4•^Ok^ I'w lt'tl^a off 14 9 & r1 3. 1 considered each address stated above to be my residence for the time I resided at the address, each was my one and only place of fixed habitation in Ohio, the place where I conducted my personal dealings and slept at night and the place that when away from I intended to return. At no time did I have more than one residence in Ohio at the same time and, therefore, each was my place of permanent residence in Ohio.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this _ar-' day of July, 2009.

^I ^ t^ lAvtn ^e^ EXHIBIT Notary Public &. i--&s^on -^Prre3 1^aqlaoha..

I Case No. 09-1294


STATE EX REL. SCIOTO DOWNS, INC., ET AL., Relators, V. JENNIFER L. BRUNNER, ET AL., Respondents. Original Action Under Section Ig, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution

County /ss State of Ohio

^q171^ having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. I was employed by Professional Petition Management, LLC to circulate part petitions for the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee.

2 . During 2009, I have resided at more than one address in Ohio, including during the time that I was employed by Professional Petition Management. My addresses have been E`^y^CG^ ^ ^i/- .^• ^. , and ^ ma^^22 oN N3S3 I

3. I considered each address stated above to be my residence for the time I resided at the address, each was my one and only place of fixed habitation in Ohio, the place where I conducted my personal dealings and slept at night and the place that when away from I intended to return. At no time did I have more than one residence in Ohio at the same time and, therefore, each was my place of permanent residence in Ohio.


(Signed name)

/t'rA IfN-tw M ^^i r3 ; ^ (Printed name)

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2,S day of July, 2009.

EXHIBIT filY^is9ian^r¢Sl- ► IaRlaai^.

I Case No. 09-1294


STATE EX REL. SCIOTO DOWNS, INC., ET AL., Relators, V. JENNIFER L. BRUNNER, ET AL., Respondents. Original Action Under Section lg, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution

AFFIDAVIT OF 34M-0-Ae ss ey

r County /ss State of Ohio

I, #^:^i^}_kt._-^^ in¢SSey , having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. 1 was employed by Professional Petition Management, LLC to circulate part petitions for the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee.

2. During 2009, I have resided at more than one address in Ohio, including during the time that I was employed by Professional Petition Management. My addresses have been and OH y3^`1

3. I considered each address stated above to be my residence for the time I resided at the address, each was my one and only plaoe of fixed habitation in Ohio, the place where I conducted my personal dealings and slept at night and the place that when away from I intended to retum. At no time did I have more than one residence in Ohio at the same time and, therefore, each was my place of permanent residence in Ohio.


ed name)

(Printed name)

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 2Q ^5_ day of July, 2009.

EXHIBIT Notary Public U '(^mmission tlag laola.

1 Case No. 09-1294


STATE EX REL. SCIOTO DOWNS, INC., ET AL., Relators, V. JENNIFER L. BRUNNER, ET AL., Respondents. Original Action Under Section 1g, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution


^L County /ss State of Ohio

having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and a competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. 1 was employed by Professional Petition Management, LLC to circulate part petitions for the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee.

2. During 2009, 1 have resided at more than one address in Ohio, including during the time that I w^s employed by Professional Petition Management. My addresses have been t i^i*n ^-i' and '1-ol'^TNa o!f zt i:^co8

3. I considered each address stated above to be my residence for the time I resided at the address, each was my one and only place of fixed habitation in Ohio, the place where I conducted my personal dealings and slept at night and the place that when away from I intended to return. At no time did I have more than one residence in Ohio at the same time and, therefore, each was my place of permanent residence in Ohio.


Swont to and subscribed before me thisv^,S day of July, 2009.

EXHIBIT Notary Public ^J V ^.c3m ^'l isslo^ CkPirCs I c a61a,

1 Case No. 09-1294


STATE EX REL. SCIOTO DOWNS, INC., ET AL., Relators, V. JENNIFER L. BRUNNER, ET AL., Respondents. Original Action Under Section Ig, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution

= County /ss State of Ohio

I, 4^ ^SuSi t , having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. I was employed by Professional Petition Management, LLC to circulate part petitions for the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee.

2. During 2009, I have resided at more than one address in Ohio, including duri'^ the time that I was employed by Professional Petition Management. My addresses have been ?a2^ and 3 'Tole,Qo oi-} rf3(ot4 °Ivl^^no. c, N- q 3(01 q 3. I considered each address stated above to be my residence for the time I resided at the address, each was my one and only place of fixed habitation in Ohio, the place where I conducted my personal dealings and slept at night and the place that when away from I intended to return. At no time did I have more than one residence in Ohio at the same time and, therefore, each was my place of permanent residence in Ohio.



WwSI'C-D (Printed name)

Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9' day of July, 2009.


Notary Public u ^0'nmi5sPcw1 C^^^JlfPS I p ^ I aq i aoia

1 Case No. 09-1294



Relators, V.



Original Action Under Section lg, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution


Erie County /ss State of Ohio

I, JAMAR OWENS, having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. I was hired by Professional Petition Management, LLC, to circulate part petitions for the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee.

2. I have reviewed all the "Jamar Owens" signatures on the Circulator Statements attached as Exhibit "E" to Relators' Petition and Complaint and attached as Exhibit "H" to Relators' evidence filed herein. This includes the following part petition numbers in the following counties:

Part Petition # County 754285 Crawford 754378 Crawford 754338 Crawford 754344 Crawford 754345 Crawford

1 754351 Crawford 754321 Crawford 754322 Crawford 754326 Crawford 754327 Crawford 754328 Crawford 754302 Crawford 754306 Crawford 754318 Crawford 754319 Crawford 754320 Crawford 754297 Crawford 754259 Crawford 754216 Crawford 754199 Crawford 754201 Crawford 754111 Crawford 501030 Defiance 453001 Gallia 014321 Hardin 014316 Hardin 754926 Lake 551779 Marion 551790 Marion 551775 Marion 551600 Marion 551803 Marion 551804 Marion 551801 Marion 551941 Marion 551843 Marion 551942 Marion 551943 Marion 551862 Marion 754402 Noble 754401 Noble 902579 Scioto 651633 Wyandot 651667 Wyandot 651663 W andot 651586 Wyandot 651648 Wyandot 651613 Wyandot

2 3. Although my handwriting and signature may not be completely consistent on every part petition, I in fact personally signed the Circulator Statements by my own hand on each of the part petitions referenced herein, and true and accurate copies of the cover sheet and Circulator Statement of said part petitions are attached hereto.


Sworn to and subscribed before me thi^ ^^ day of July, 2009.


3 Nnmbe ^ STATEMBhT OF CIRCULATOR ismed to s^ (Nwu of Circulator) aI 1, ^ty

I fonber daclare under penalty of elcedon felslflceden lo ecccordance wlth reCGon 350198 of d:e Amendment Revlsed Code tnet I witneaaed the afflzing of every signnture to the famgolag peddon paper, that al I signern were to the bert of my lmowledge and beief qualified to algo, and that every aigna.'tue aw....mnaur.wa,oa:ec<,rwadua.ue..xw..mxa,cl.erc<,.w:,cmvaaa,ce u^ e,em neueu wn >. vue az we.e ovet .munr. aa.w. weus ra^^t eau mn v„,qer.A. I+wuv^adabsw^J.arucNe..ehrwu.3fa..+ta.^+.t,e


7haAmendmanttobernaaedby InondlneA.71c1eXV,SecUon6efNe0htoCorudtudonrlV:

AWwr(m a,inple uslno t a Vndc:xefned locedon, u deelseued in thu Anundmant, io uch ef Ne ddu (Addmrsofcirculator'epermanenomldeneeInttdsaute) ^SOy1 ^UM1^I.^t W e!: . o Cipd3irati (!lw eulao In ClodoaaA, ONa+ll1 be loaele.t ooappnalrneloly 20.4 ouu of properry locr+dwu•L+utefRudlaL Read, eutaf Braadway, oerl of Ceun sueeL eouNwv.t (City, Stue ana2 p C udpedillynuWu:efske1{ 1lnapr.dnerchwertot0116crtAVrr.a,IncluWnp405indlot Rord,415 ReWL+.t Road,431 Rudlee Road, 521 Rutiny R>od,5I3 Ratbfn6 Rocd. 1002 3vcadweY,AD56IBroedw.y,t00d Bmadway,17t0 8roedwry, I021 Erordwri 416j3ut 4tun Sveei, 4308eaeCsun9uaet. )OC9 Ollben Aver,w aM 1J] I flpAia SveK a:slnnW!Ohta7' o C1erTlaed euino In C9aveLnd, OSio wtfl be loouad enote et aura of tad fe9nw{ne qrepekeu p) e pnpenyrtwmdmuN o!?uolle Squara,eulofSCpedor Aveay0.wut of Ontuto Sneet d acdh of W. Roapmt Avenue; lb) the propeny,inu:m eoud, cf'{I. Ftarpea Avanue,eutef Wea Ud Seeet,naMCf W.Huron3oed md wutof Omu[e Sneel:(c)ePPro taiY7.91actqo!propcnYtoc>IMwu[ba[W,HuronRo.d,wwlof0oud> Bnttl, narth of I Racd wd tyIn1 un Of aee prctonduton cf :Le aenurUne ef tU', BridSC e! W23ORVER COIvIhIITS ELECIION BALSTRTCATION WutdrbStrut; d)app,uxloelety113]acuotpiope+tyuAwakrlylnaun>fd,aprolonpdao (9 GtI1LTY OR A FELORY OF TEIEFIbTB DEGREE. or s'^a eauerlLnd Of Ne HAdae o! Weat 9rd Steet, soeel Of Cenel Ro.d, netLywoal uf W. &Ple Roed and boun8ad by, and Includine A Pe,lan of, r.L• GLyahese Rivee to ihs re4tt tad ihe rnuNwou: (e) yl afrriah^ abave theappeoalmudy 6.St eorc puu4 of pmqry, Aivaud aloPt end rocsE of O^eula Sntet In eleae peosimtty In Ne Interrentituawy 1.55 uru afaroyenylooetad ar i6onumeeeteo:e

Ini»baai 16 I i NOTICe Whoevcr fulawingly r[gea thiv peNLLOC mon fhan enca; except ss provided la seeUoL 350IJ82 or the Rerlerd Codc, alyla v natae uth er thvo oaeb uwrt un tnls petition; or rlgru thlr patl'Jen who not a quvllGed vmeq la W ble to Fresecutlun. Btla¢ en o -m'm c K6 f ^ h • ty Viio, b'ng th i na ]'dt Cfi d 4Y MUST USE MOST RECEINT AllDIIESS ON BILE Wl'1'H BOARD OP ELECTIONS the uvehoar Co +tv A 8'to^ of rnYi7109 * c ^ 1 mbe- t01-21•nP - =nd L I nde (5tan ,rtrR rnR. Yuur r.amy reddeneq and deu o/rlpning musrdr a7venJ s v: ' 7n ^ zv 1e oub3ic dahts of wev syjyocmc to xn

S.SIUa1Yn Cnn '11 G iyln]ue Beins a't d Droxl 1 I 5 e r a' C Ilo a t Oh'o id i t' d h th '•uwho-a (•GUnlv Aud't r pg rt72/21/09 t o 1 nu ber 122-18•0 0'22-IS 011 'a 122IA n o sln o ne pgd II I I•ds d''r ri ht I Ivr 'Ih'n d/ r ab h bl' ' h' Y vydjlcnl to 3uch tly/ViYte C W l UusMSlytin2 qikNllfmCrttebiWl.n 11 =els `Y°lrn „^ r r,mnl,m.n, :J pn Nw Jal A1nIlAu B I an orozim t t d3 r ' C lyozz Cgu v, Sjh'a'd IPed by ih tyh+^ SIrtTYLL ibf(MIGnJ CounOV Andllor, a< ofpyyp/09 ae t x m 1 'n' 101-30-002 d t0L3r1-OOJ'a1d aII1rA5 ' >i^ y n o I r1IIh:S bf WdY 9^3Cen,l to such Dafcet5. 1 r msi cv:al 1 wv'JPrttln[t 0. ats N 3 CLUtln.un[.n i vauw I1^tL^^Qj^Q,^_PtIb:IC y ^.Gw r ' .M1 <•0'Y «.ee,enehlve [ q l.Slpn•m,e u FAntPmNune InIIIJ PIInLL3nN[me 3 miiib f• mmanine, b s m e s b-b nl P rc l No 36 d. [um V. Parctl A . und '.te Svt

hrcl vJ I.Ln,Rr IAJJItu) (bl Cohlmbag Cliy/ CWnn wJ^N`.eln.l uwUSirvm3 I o^ar b+irvewlell+lrulw a f =e.,we=.en.n e l.SiN.lw PnnlRnlMnle Il,ilyl PACIWINUnr ud w tvgudltor, ns of 03/05709 ae tsx oa e^pu b rc 010-005518-80 Sem nW N+xllm!/.uJw.1 Oig•Op5518-90 010-0202f$-R0010-020215•9001100443 8U d 0I0•00W447 90 Glvrvlil.s. aw,l[ ><'uvnnillel guo siralry n,.e1>v:rn..wts.uww^ ^ uvWttucnvn e 1.SIYntlun PdntFlnlNr+u WJY Mdut^eNUr[

R,m uW Ml ll ber IAJJn r.l BeIna an nOprbXimate 20.4 q rel'nH milt nC u Oh' b'n jp r'f^dbYt^l Ham'Iton rnY/Nmee Cwuly wtN'P,n4r.'l o.I,wSlydnj . e4eekM+lrll..nlnvllwn ^ avalts or D2n 9 as tnx m 6ibern 074-(p(g_r.xxf5 0"74-p00t •Dn01 WJt ..e.JJrtn.l..n 074•0001-0002-00 074-OOOj_Q 074•000I-GC04•00. 074•C001•0006-00 Y."'Vpn. Po,uRiuVUm aJYa H1NLnNYrv mQl--m 90074-000] --CU 07d-I,j10'6•00 7l 07a-OD01-CMJ3+-00 C»4-0UOL•0039- 00 074-0001g n..,uo- tAaen.l 4- • Iprylllw.' Cany w.NM[vl.n^ uneurY{lalrv Cnntbu+l n,a«[hL.Jm ^ 2904^Q202-fQ, (4• ud04• I wNJw.eMn e 9.SISnYV,e R^n,FWn.+.x nuYJ Pnn,4xNV.a fd+ Toledo'

sIY1.nJ Mu,IM, IAJJn„)

ClUrVluy wll .rdhnlul u.ItVlYiWln1 CpyiW}Itne4rerNNtllEn ^ I il aWnn {hfn e

IXIA[IC31 4 t3 Number 754378 STATEGITNT OF CIRCIJLATOR Istutdlo- 5r+nnAr O.NI

I futther deelue ueder peaatty of eleetian feLlfieadoa in aceocdanee with eecden 31Ot,2S of tha Ravlsed Code thet I wheoaced thc aHixtng of every aigauur0 to hW forogoLig pedttun paper, ISat Amendmer,t all slgnen wero to the txst of my knowladge aad beHef quailf)ed to sign, aad that every eigoaran nYi MM,ntrnA,cJ,aLer^I .Wtlmu.uu,yy„te.GU.YnHNb,r^cteaMY..NeL^J„4a^.^WA^'MA+^+n Is to the hest of my knowledge and belief the t)gnatute of the pereoa wbosa aignantte it purpora ,m 1twe. tt4 eu n,nua na. wne `,eee uaro newd..w s ue^f ,> bniwe ohlc•e reneey. rdde t.eAUa b.;nxK )a,t mxwnm,r,.N,sea:^meu.xu ne Iwr pnae.lm wMt te wi, wYamw lev,afmcmmr, w peeae r.wnr m,vvwa to be or of aa attomey In fect acting pursuant to sect:oo 3501382 of the R6Hncd Code. ^^s»o„rnt..e,.N.uau ,


TEO Are.sndnenl to ba anarmd by (SlBned)O ndlnt Anfcla XY, SmUOn 6 at Ne Ohlo Cemtltvtlon WIL' Awl3dmu3n81eeWno taprtdnumulnedtemEon,udnil8mtadinAeAmendrtsnt,In:aeYofWe4'Ja (Addreis of cireulator'a petmenant residence In thta etate) 2 16U e.fatvu a srf on a C[d^^ (The eulne ?n Cmeinnall, Otdn wlll be ! on appn8muely 20./ rcv ef. ^j,..Je,r4^ 6HrU 44310 propeny Iaated udauto[Rea3(o6 Road, ow or Bmadway, noM of Coun Sueat,irooNwe^t . (Ctry,Se>teend2lpCode) end puilaBy eor eut of^ba 1ill nmp and ra.+aweee of 611bert Avenue, Ir.eWNnE e0^ Re.dlne Read4US Readlp ( Road,421 Radinf Read, S31 Radlay Raxd,6]5 Rudlap Ro.d, f002 Bn.3vay, ]006 preadwy,1005 Brordway, IP36 Bnadway, 1024 Bmadway, 418 Stet Coun StuW, 436But Cecn Saeey 1039/111bert Arenue md 1031 S.Maa Stees, tlnefonW, b1o); o Clevelad (ihe eWeo Irt C]evelaad, OHo wtll be lexued onene er mon ef thejfOBOwinq .prOpetttnr (a) tr,a pmpeefys4uuadsauU ef Pablle Sqneoe,eanofSlWelor Ave6t(e,x'ert of Deluto SVeet e qd nen! of W. Pnapen Arauc•, (b) the proparty dnued rnuN e!V'{. Pmapaat Avenm,eutof Wut 6,6 Svvt ef propery . beamd reut.i af W. Hueon Rosd, wfou1h and Iht aouthwes4 (e) all aly dfbu sbeve the epprosimamly 017 aeee peseel of propeny slriated s)onS tnd rnxh of Onyrto Sueet In etate pre74eUy to tL• L-trneltloo or W. Nuren RoW abd OeaAo Sheel; (!) appmr^nsYly 147 aeret of prePerq loeav.6 .t uw raathaul mmer of the ^nluaeedeo of W. 3rd Svee{ and W. B.gla Avenue ard Lho noMeut eorner of a`n Inrcneedenof W. 3r{ Smetand L`areelllle Avrnua and wwt or tba femoe 9dtcmote md Ohlo r>Woad dqht 4 wap {g) appmiu0alely ISS uee of properry Ima^cd u u,e reudxut eararr of tha Interuuiwj of W. 3tA Sewt apd Cvne^ Avanue ted uvu ef e1u remmr BJUmen.nd Oblo [diroad Aehe uf vny; (h) Aaort eu kleugk four, morserMe, bucment sr,d nfrbwmeat of tEat eetuln propenj tocaled at

11 ]d t 7543'38',

STATEDffiNT OF CIRCULATOR Ife:redta ^f1M^^^^+PnZ (NscneofCkoulator) IMrrlnr. or,Jens , declere under penalty of eleetion filsitl tior. that I am the eireWetor of the fateEoing petidon paper coolalaing the llgtuturet of atteoflrae /en^e< ^1-28•oA electan, tbat Ihe atgna:utea appended hereto wera mede and sppeoded in my preseoee on the eate set oppeslre each respecdve nema s.nd a:e the sigrratu.rot of the penons whese nemea thny Couny ( .f'Cslw^S(inp purpott to be or of ettomeys In fset sedng putsunnt to secdon 3501382 of the Revlted Code, snd tbat Cie eleeton signing th4 peJdon did ro wltb know3edge, of the tontenl; of tnne. I em INIf1ATNB PETITION employed to eireulete thU petldon by p/ ten I p dH M nevement f t C 04 Pet poel r Aye„ C lumbus. OH 42219 wlth tLndlnc o-ovEded th!QUd tlte Ohlo Iohs end GrowN Amendment to Na Consdtudoc t•..,,.,ntu.n (855 M o AI1e luMh rs OH 432M (Name and lddrose of emplayer). (Ilm Prcposed by iaitfetlve Peddon ptccedtng saetence shall ba completed Sn required by swtlon 350138 of the Revised Code if the So be Submitted D!ractly to dmBlecton clrculetot it being etnployed to circulate tha petitlon.)

1 further deelara under penLL,y of elecdoo Wleiflcat3an In accordance with mcdon 3301.38 of;be Amendment Revised Code that t wltnessrd the afHxing of every slgaatum to the fotego!ng petidon pape;, tSat all etgnen weee ro the besc o5my kr.owledge sad belinf quali0ed nv algo, .nd dut every slgnatnre i^.4 ^-+^: Pn.lGe tw9nt Id tvrPen l^r+^ )a to the beat of my Rnowledge and beLef tha eignature of the penon whnse signatuce 4 purpotta euu.,duu M Mc3aI,NU,e,a ILe.v^ To.lala Nife fct oLwa.ahfcaau3 ^+waasn+c ue prnja. Nahw lav.apn tu be or of en attorney in fact actinB ptusuant ta eeetlon 3501.382 of the Revlssd Code, •wye.^6ec,nlalaMnNl.ea SllMMARY

ilnAmendmantebeavicedbyltmaadln;ArddeXY,Secdan6aftne0.tloComYtullenwttlt (Sigecd) l 1 n.d ^l, , eE,[^^ • AutFarlssaalnaIeeublataprcacrnNVCelorWon,uaulpntdlnlheAnandmem,IneaMatweettlm (Adt7ress of clrculetor's petmznent «aldcnco In this eule) ^)^ `/ h>a.Y.I! ^ of: earlShlsti (+rlo auLe In CGClvnad, Ohlortll ba leeued enapp9J:nlely }D.4 v:ron Read^vA Onudo S:nc¢ (papproxlltuely 1.63 teaea ef prep.try (xaud at cL tauehecrt at tha InuneeLLee of W. 3N Sueet sxd W. Fi;le Avenua aed thi ®ir•beru cematr of J,e latene



STATEMNTOFCIRCLZATOR Issuedto (NemeofCireuJator) 0....+t+1S declsro under penaLy of eieetion fa6f atlon 754349! •;6q14 am the circulator of 1he tofagoing petition papec eontatning the efgnttutes of Dnle of'stcuaqce cleetors, thet the signatures append:d hetelo wete made snd appended ln my ptceenee on tho dete tet oppotito caeh retpect(ve name. •ad sro the Jgnauret of the panens whose oaaer tbry CouoryGr.c purpoa to be or of attoraeys In act ittingpursuanl eo seetion 3501382 otthe Re.kand Code, end that the etecmn rfgning Ihis peddon did so with knowledge of the aonients of seme. I am LNITIATNSP-zTITION • employed to cl:culaw thts patttlor, by Pryfes9ona PE^(j(qn M^i*aPement tf C {F4 ?st Pant r Avc Columbut oH 432151 w(Ih fVnGna omvlded Lhrou¢h the Ohlo 7obs md OmwLb Amcndment to the Conetltutlon r'oln ittee f965 Macon Allev. Cnlembus OH 432M), (Hupe and eddresa of emptoyer). (Ihe P:nponed by In(detSve Pesttten preceding sentence shall be completed as requtredby er.rtoa 330:.38 of tho Revlted Code If the circulator it bcLig employed to e(rculate the petltion.) To be Submitted. D3teetly to the Elstars

I further declve under penalty of electloo falsLSetdon In uaordwce wlth eecefon 350138 of the RcvisedCode that I wktnened the afffxfng of every eignarvre to the foregoing petlldon paper, that Atnendment all elgnere wero to tha bcst of my lmowfedge end oellef quallfied ro slgn, +nd tbat every 1W^MMU„M,•t,etaepb e.YNJUUUrAaiu.,pt^•u,IxM,M•uedef,d.eLLlµerL.•NU,^eolu,NV.Cbt:m,A^ is lo the best of myknowled gd and beilef Ihe slgnature of the panon whote efgnerurc It putports N teMa. 'Ra lu nrnva naan e/9 ro.Y tul.n rullltu •ta e< .a1 ta: Sa1L'C l1nIM. •cmanyt pvAd, hMine ,e!avl0en i-t


(Sign Thn Atnndneet oo bt enteted by vni, rauNwen (C1ty, 81ate and 7Jp Cede) .4p.nJly eo:tAntt ef Ne t^tl nsP and noMwert of 011ben Avmw, Inctuding 443 Raaei+g Reuv,410 Readlnr Read,421 Readluf Ruad, 321 Aeadlnr Read,575 Reeetna R eed, IOCe Brctd.wy, 1006 l&aadwsy.l60g Bmedw.y,1020 Brotdwty. 1024 Braadw

16 Number

/'STAT5'.MEYT OF CIRCULATOR Iasued (Name of Circulator) I, S s\ Y1S declero underpenaty of electloo filelfleetlan that t:m the clmulatof Of the foregofog peLLtfon paper conta3nL'tg the cigaenuea of I, Dete of lsauence clectora t5at the slgnatures appGnded hereto were mede end appended in my preaence en the date act apposlte eech tospoctive nnmo, end ate the sigoaturu of 4`e penoqs whoae names they coJnty i(,{ a ^Fn ^ purpoa to be or Of eaomeys En ftct eafng putauent to aectlon 3501.382 of the Revlsed CDde, and that tha elelaore algning Ihis peAUon d1d so with knowledga of the eontenta V. aame. I am INiT3ATIVE PETTION amploycd to olrculate thle petltlon by Proeesalonel PeOQon MnnpgMent f.7 r(1g Pon1t Me-_SelumM:s DH 43215) wtih hndtna eMtded mmueb lbE Oh1e Jotis nZd Oiawab Amendaent to the Consttmtion Commlttee (g65 Macon u{IjQy. Columbue. O(t 432061. ( Name and addtesg of employer). ('Itte peoposed bylnhiaeive Petitlon preeeding tentence shall be completed as requtccdby aecdon 3101.33 of tIIe Revlscd Code If the citculotoris being employed to cireul a1e th e pcdUon.) o heSebtnitl

I furthtr declue undecpenalty of el5etion falsificatlon i'r acaordance wllh sectlon 350i.38 of the Revlsed Cede that 1 witneesed ISe efCuing of every slgrmtu- to tho farogcing peddon paptt, that J Amendment all tignut were to tha bect ot my knowlydge nnd bellaf quallGcd to aign, aCd that eYOry signGtute T4y A. m.aGm.u w m. qJc.p..awm u.v¢alua,ine'e aWns eMLe rN ef ev edY ef Ce.tlLn4 Celveb^al. Ck[11+111 le to tne teat of my knowlcdgc+'ad bcllct the t[gnatu.'e of the peuon whope stgtuturo it pttrpons wA LdrlA M ut rtwt.W M1enl Pv5'rxy eulu (.ylldu ,rlll n wd rx tMrtr o\h1 rtmumY: px»leo Ne:ln3 wiHYAn tx+i ¢mmv:LaiM4Y.a0Yi3ce tew aMi `wy pvNNfM NIuL, raP]Iel^e,VUe vd nw,nhrtveeµ,n6 p.eNNf+rtnr w npM lo be or of an attomey In faet act(ng puauanc co utHoa 350E.382 of the Ra9fied Code. ,^r V-'J^f ervnllMaY xpnE^


(8land ' n: Am;ndmentlo be amclyd by Jmeedlna ArJck XV, Seedon 6 af the Ohio ComdtuUon wl[L AIIEe.'Se t rlntle ndno II t a preSuermined laeatlan, ar dmlyuee6 tn the Amendnn. t, in eaeh Drlhe elttu (Addreesofclrculatot'spermanentlestdenoa;nthiertele) oE o^pag(! (1'N esUno In 640nnaU, Ohlewll be leeaUE enepproslmslUy 20A acroe of vUv.Ql\^Y , (^{k pm,xny laxo-A vlhnel ofReedioe Read, eut af Breufwry, north of CeYn Strcet,aeuthwal (Ckty,Stetaand uM pu*ttlly na+t^eatt uf Jte 1i71 nr+_P'nd nolP.wutaf Ollberl Avenue, leelueln8lU.5 Rndina p o e) t-^7 o Aotd,dl! Readl.a Awe,@I Raaelnj Read, 521 Readnl Rcad,375 Rndina Aqad, 1(IDI 8nad.ry,11#6 ^nedway.IMa glerdway, tble BrelWwan 1024 B;vadwey, 416 &et Coart gnxy 430 BaN Ceuq Sverl, lOM pllfen Avenue eM IOIf 9prtrtd Secev, Clacliuvd, Ohla); a Clereland (IY,a enlrp 1n Clevdand, Olde wllt be lotaled ortune ur M.I. of 11oi faBowln; pmpenlrr, (e) tLe qopenydtcnedrewh Of PabUa Squue,eutaf5upador Avenus,wru cf Onudo Seea srd xn3 of W. Prospxt AY:nue', (b) oTe propertY dwattl wu:h etW. Pnrpe

1d t

I ^^^1^^^111X1 O I.y


STATEMENT OF C[RCt1LATOR Ileued to c-^ I3t,[. l- ^A •^ 1 n (Name of Cirrllator) d«lere mdcr pertelty oL el:cdon felsifica:icn 7^5Q"351 that 1 em the :lrtulator of the forogoing ped'_on peper eoncaintng the signaturot of ^1_ Dam of Istuante ^-SQ-oc^ elettors, that the +Igtentru +ppendod hcrato were madt acd appendra! [n my pruenca an tbe dnca eet oppesite each r

1 funhetdeeiua ucd:1 penalty of eieetlon faisL9cedon In ecrordar,m wilh aeerioa 350138 of tha Arnendmcnt BevGad Code that I wltnesaad the afflxing of every sigsature to tba foregoing paddan paper, d:at all sl;nen wero to tho best of lny knowlcdge and bellef cuaHfred :o Cpp, rtjtl thag every llgnalufe n14 NF^vaYea3be.oNdLSn,`v^':Laut!>rtblLtuarel..eueqCWiNU,.eYM,unl Is to fhe bul of my kiowledge and beltef the riguature af the penon whore rignul:r9lt ptnpo¢3 vA .aen 'lha rea mww nw me• Aur uAw frnwu .Iq b..,ee ea: aatec Oe'w'. envrnY. p^"+tea Nellnr,u wrqn Iwl ewra.WJU W vlay @,NaaLw iL+aue pmlealnD vYHnl tn qJei MI>'ee ud law NfenMnV eM pMG•rveeelb fYppee to be or of an aaarney (n fa:t anlag ptd+uehtto tactloo 3501,382 of theRavlled Coda. amr rmt s a•nfs,,,l.a nrwuwa .


ILaAmcapmceftobeoetctedbyamandSngAnlcle%Y,Sa=Jon3of:AeOhAoConrnludonvHil: (Slgaed 5'Y • AmSedwtdnpYCUNbatapredercr,ludloc.JOn,udeti3aatedloUeA^.enCment,lnuebaffndoltln (Addns ot Wrcul ator's pennanant rsldenee In 1hlr emto) V et: o Cr•Ie•+11 M . eulno tn Clnalnant[ Oh{a W,ll !e Ixabd oaappeoalmamly 10.4 aerae af (1H pmpetty loner'd eauJsnle[Redlee Read, eaatof BroMVay, nonh er Ceuz SYia6 aemAwe•t S ngle nndZfpCode) aM p,N>Ily eon:,eut of .L 1-I11 runp ^+d notthwauef O:Ibe.tAraava, Ineludina AG! Radlni i Roed,413 InS Rosd,421 R4din3 Rord, 521 Re3dInS Ratd,173 RaedAglRoed, ID]2 Broadwry,190 Bmadway. 1008 Bnadivty, 1020 Btaidwiy, 1024 erea7way clg Fsst C3wt guet4 430EytCovngnee430090116eetAranwuxl07lSpdagSarae4 CinelmnQOhio); clari1+C1 (•[^e eulae b Mnl.n4 OhlewN bs tacated aaona a tmn of J< faliowing p:epemu; pY me pmpenyaitwted aeuth e1 Pub11e Syuve, eaat or3opauor Arcnv0.xett of Onuda Svee11 M nottb of W. Prupmt kwnaa; (b) Ihe ptapmYafmtled •mN of W. Prcrpau AranYaeuta Wtu dLh Slteat,nonhof W.]LueoRoad ara wueif Oewlo S4u.n (a) a :ur 7.91 tetu of pmpatty Wuud mulh ef W, Huron Read, we'}I or Ontarie Sasa'. nenb afGaat Resd rM lying eut cf Nn prolayatWa ef,ha eenfulFm of shn BAdae c1 R71OSV6A CObI1+IIT8 SLECTION k'ALSIBLCATfON wemdslt giro'e'l1(d) appteztmud.y 1:21 teee+of prapenY+nd x+ur IY1n9 eut o[rbnpraleegaJon IS GUILTY OF A ItSLONY OF THE FIl'+TTI DEGREE, et te+ ^u^• a1 cie BtlOie of Wen 3fd SoceL rewS JL Gael Rod, no;Nwul o( W. 9agl+ ^Read aed Len6de6 by, eadlneluding a pordon of,Uro CuyaAOyr Rlvnr te u,atdntb aad nw iwAwur, p)'sll +Ir Agyu, ahew We apprapewYy O.e7 ane puai o1 F:cpeny dmatW alan5 and aeulA OL On WSo Seteee Lr ilne prextmtty te Ihe Uten ^a er W, Etveon Reaa aed ONUfo gteaeG U) approsim.ulY 3.83 u^na o[ prapenY lxued at Ne aeueTen.t eomee ef tha lnten;ta{on of W. 3N g¢?ct and W. Pagfe Arenue and ehe CoREeeu ea•nu of fAa tr.o:neetloa a1 W. 7rd Saaot uM Cxneltc M'sua ar4wmt of aY farmcr3al•?moro+td ONo dhoe.l riar^ ot wty; (g) upen„!:na^c:y f 33 icM arpmpeny laeat4d et ehe iWlnJereoRer ef :hC tRlc.teellen a( W. 3N Saau u;i Csst^cy'a Av tue yvd w


-` ^STATEhSFNT OF CIRCULATOR Iasued to r^ . (Nstnc of Circuteto:) L^,^^.^,! 7_,j* ^^^'5,^:.deelare unde( peaelty of e!e

I fu[`Set declare undet penally of elcetion felsiAcatlon !n tero(dance w):h seellan 3501.33 of the Amendment Rev)sed Code thac I witoecsed tbe af5.+,iag of every aigeanL•e to 1bn tolegoinP poddon papnr, thet eif slgnors wcce to the bert of my k.iow)edge snd beilef quelL4ed to sign, s,nd thet every sigaature n>tMAwti^., taeuwlde,Lndn;eerefpntben etnaWCUVq 1mi

(Sign IheAmendmevtmbeenntteeb i nnwndloEArtlaaXV,4ecdon6afCeONOCmurltudenwllt: Aulv`onu e

.NU,p1)1 1XIR,eXI! id humbar

STATEhfEhT OP CtRCOLATOR Issutd to_^ ^^t Qlame ofCL-culatcr) dcdtto uedet peavty of oiection faltifleatlon Nac i am 01e ctrculatot of Ne totegeleg peddon paper rantelaing the aignam.rot of '7' Deteoflsauence (2) ^ 11-PIMM electon, that Ne tlanaturm appeuded hereto wete faede and appeaded In my preeenee on the date ret oppeelte each m>peedve narea, ar1 aro tAe 6gdautxat of the peraqef whoae oemd Ney County^y`fd ty} Tn C CS purport to be or of anomeye (n feet aeting pursuant to «ctfon 3301.782 0! thaRevtaed Coda, an3 Net the elactore slgning tlila pettdon dld so with knowledge of 1ho cootmto, of tama. I nm 1HITIATIVEPBTIftON . employed to clrculata this per?don by Prefeselorol Peddon Ma.aeemerl !,j,C tla fi^e pooter Ava C 1 6 e OH 432755 wlth Iti di r crovided thrcuah th Ohio fobt tad Orour,h .4mendment lo Ihe Ctinstlmtlon ( () Committee 865 Macon AIeY GoJ,p>h7'¢t OH 43206) . i•me tnd eddreet of omployc), ('Che Propceed by loEtlat{ve Petitlon pfecedfng sentenee dhell be eomp;eted ss teqvlted by dection 3301.38 ofthe Rpvited Code I[ Ne clr:ulator I. baing emptoyed tc ct,rculute L4c Feti@on.) To Se SubtNttad Directly to the Electore

Nnher declaze nnQeC ` e.RCtloc falt(f:eatlon In actordance with tecdon 3501.38 of Ne Araendment Revledd Code Net7wldC aClting of every aigmRVe te v:e fo:egoing petitlon ppe[e, Nat all aigneawere te the beat eknowlelga,and bellef qlrallRed [o dpL md rlut every tip:eo-,tre TI'a M MnW.MI 4 Cu (N. Cee,tlr.lm ^o wuMU • e•1k:uW +tLln ^'e ^ M[LW M tl.r.u^:d.rueS,t CNdr/A .ae ieWa b na rmmc• nae inui lerr.utee :wsuu «x u. t: eanv a>a'a •eer


IT.e Amadmant tele enattr4 by anwldnl Ank1e XY, Sxilon 6 of Y:o O1le Cenr.hmion w01: (Slgned)q^q ^ $b 4^ l^'L•15 • Auilwduednttauunoi4eprtleeele,laedto:eden,udeJ;ne• In Clnclwd, Ohtewlll be buted enepprodmouly 20;4 aelat of ^ prepe.,y loensd rwtraul of Rqdfn{ Read, enu or Bmadway, nom ef Coun S•.nei, reu0.en ^^usK^ t at^r ^^^ra md pmlally nori8etn of Ne f4T1 amp and mahwael ef Olleert Arenae, Inelud!ng 405 8etding (City, Swe fndl7lp Code) Road,at5 Rrading Rcu1,441 Reading Road, 521 Readieg Rad,l]] Reeding Raad, IDCl Sttadwq, 10061 9mrAmy,1006 3roroway, 1020 9medway, 7024 Rlncdwer, 41a{Fin Cemt Strul. 430 Fn11Gun9rtea41o09010on Arenlr u6 te'it spriny eveey Clnclnn.JlOhln); (,]tytlgyQ ('Ii^ eules In CNve:arA, Obie ivlll I. beaVd enena er owrn nf r4k tellow(nf prepeNec (e) iihe prnpereytltvtodwuH of Puhtic equtrv,wtof3uprrler Avre rnd tklo ra1Y•ead r!ih( of rreyt (y) approalmexty 135 wu of pmparly laetmd at N• touulcut aemer of ihe In'vucetoe ef W.3;d Sesereo4GmefleArenuevQwerIofR,a[ormaf8ddmenvbOhlan.llroedAEhtolwey;(4) neen ene dtmith feue, russs,dne, eui,r:ra'ena r.,G^ewmsnr>f uut anJn prepeny lecued Et

IxIW IaUI 1NIW1rY1 16 NumUer â STATE >ENi' OF CtRCtJLATOR I9BYedto vf{lMU ^ ` ^ i !A ^ '^5430`L (NatneofCneuiatof). decisse under penilty ot eleedan talriAcadon t.hai I ant the ctrc•iletar of tha fotngorog peddon pape eoetelning the aignaP.lroe of Dateofissuanee O ^ e `3(S^ C `[a eleemrs, that the eignatures appended hereto were made and appended In my presence on tSe daro aet apposita each re1pec5ve nsme, end are tSe algnaturea n!tba peaaoa whoee riatnds they County C^ (1 Ca v-O !' O\.^ po,yact to ba or af etrameya In tea aeting punuaat to eaetlon 3301362 0! tIle Revtsed Code, s^d thar the e:ectera rl3oing th(s pedtiau dld ao with knawtedge of the eontan.s of same. I ant .. , 2ffP1AYIVHPET1TiON employed to cir:ulate Ihis peadon by f'rofmsiodel -yddon Msnneemcnt,,(6 (14 Eest Peolsr A^ Colembus OH 43215) wllh fcedlap„provlded thmvth the Ohio Jobs end Otowt.h ^'. AmaRdmenttoLh6CoNNNeltfn r'om.mltte. (865 Meco+ A?Iqv, C!ql+ymt,u•.'OH A1206). (Yeme aod nddmss of employer), (The PropotadbylnidaflvePeddoa are:.eding arnteneo shelE be eomFU'Lad as tWulttdby teedon 350138 of Ihe RcHsed Code if the elfculatoat beln3 employed to cL2u)ete the peddan.) Td Le Subnined Dlreetly to the F1cc:ors

t further deelare undtt penslty of electfon fz)e:ISeadon fa eceorda_tce with recC'on 3501.59 of the , Amendment , Revleed Code tLet I wltoessed the effixing of eve.y signatam to tSe foregdng peddcnpapa6 that nll signern we:e to tha best of my Imowledge and be$ef qwLf)ed to s[gn, and'Sat nvery, slgaawre `f W. M Mnuwra,e b CNC CwiJU4n u ^aw,W I ,baL,uW vllNn rq N J„ aivW a( CqwIN4 CN+,w,.^Cxu.ud ud Tebta Pw Yi nneu• n>' dw t^r ^Ine fulndu .III e• utw ^s evur oNa•e .ewany, ymtu' tutdnt u wjpart be.t is to tbe best of my knowledge and bellef tFa siittaturc of thc per5on whose aignsm:a it purpcrte tlaW,9mlLMbv>,M „Iu,µwil•^M,Nn4eMOMefw}fam,edp^aefem,awle^Ap?,IGafMNI'ae+pNn to be or of sn atlorr,eyin faet neting ptueuest to eectton 3501382 of Ihe RevisedCode. `wn e r^Y c.eti{!t ud ,anAdee.

'^. S^MMA3Y

tbeAn¢admezltobaanadot bytmend1ntMlclc%Y,estlon6afNeOKoConeLLwlonw114 (SIgned) ^^rclv,.eil • AutACdeeaalneleenlocnl peedettmdnNleufinn,udeelgxrtedin:hvAmendnem.iaue.ofiAeep4t (Addressotclrculntor'spetmmentresideoceinlhieetnee)'F._ er. rjOrloDtll (17Ce adne th CJncinnut, Ohtn wttl be loNled oa appwximately 10.4 ^s:res nl prapary laeeted tbulhetrl of Reedina Road, eut ef 13rovlway, ndnh ef Cctj Slreoy eanTwaet (Clty, Sutc and p o e.+d pe.Nallr nnnTdut or IM 1471 nmp s16 no:lhwest of OIIbeR Avencc. ireludfny 46f RudlnS Rea6,415 RetGtn{ Raed,42t Readlaj Rold, 521 Aee]Inj Reed.S',5 Racdlnt Road, 1N: Bmaawr, t005 9'n.Gway.100! 8n,dway, t010 Bmedwey, 10't4 8lowaray. lte t:ut Ca,:rt Srteet, 410 Cut Co•.ut SReel, I009 Oliben Aveave And tnll SpAnt 9nce4 CllminnW, Olilo); e f',7t31t6Q flS>cy Ln le Clewlan4 CDic •Wn we leeued mone a xr. ef IAe (oltcwtna pmpntiac

m,KYnell t6 I Numbet TZ-q--jos ^` STATBhMEfiT OF CIRCULATOR Istued to e. C1zmc of Citculator) , . `^ aJ.•.e.r flta 14..n S. , dccla:a undet peaaUy of eleclien falelftcee'on that I aut tho cltculetot of the foregoing pet8lon papet coatsL^Ing the tigeettvet oE 4'L Dnte ofiuuence fl "^ZL'J" bCh, electo:a, thnt ILe algr.anrret appended hetato wem mede sed *ppnded L, my presence on the date sec opposite each reepacHve naae, snd s.a thn rignatut

I fu.'ther dwlate undee penslry of alectlon talsiflmtlen tn socotdaace with seetion 3501.38 nF the Revjeed Codn that I witnaased the a@lx•1,g of every d;uanve to the Coreioing peirion papor, that Amentiment all slgnera were to [he best of my Smowledga sad betlef quallfted to sigu, and that eve.y signet= nJ,. An NyrA.^e S eu MYC CV}TMm u evACeu a tlerM [Wee nL^:a uN [t 4a d,tq urCntluk, Cek,WV•, CcrtMCi ls to the bast of my knowledge sGd beHef the slgnatttre of the person whosa alanatnre lt purpo:ts H Tn4ea tsa ua rsr•aua a.n q.. r•W f..ale..N n..,.d ,q aawr O;Ja'• rmann P^tu a„wme n.uyps rsv ea++uddaua tded e1Me• esuala r^ut p.He,1=x e.u^nt r.D.u>, rat:u.awt.. nr^,no, p,.ne• rvroLi

' , 4U.'AcARY

(SlSned^.^ •c (^y,^^ SLe Amendment to be enaeud by a^cenalne AnkU XV, Senian 6>f tbe OM1Io ^ertl,u^.on win: A,u@edes vLgle euloo at s predeten•Jnedlaeetler., as desFSUCad In tba Ameniment la e.ah uf 4m oltla (Add:es.s of circulator's cemlfnent meideoee la Lnia atnto) oL o Cfoemn!A (lho cu7cn ln C!aclensd. OMa wi!I be locned ao sppmxie^lcly 7G41 scros ef pnpa;sy,oaud ioutlvuto[AaEfa6 Rasd, aw of 3msdwey, nor5 of Covrt SrrecL ieuchwen (Clq,Smtaaud M p^Ually r.arth'ca.n af Ne 1471 ramp u4 eorA+roa[ ef Ollbs.l Arenue, lucluding 405 Reading Rnad,a15 Readlnj Rad,421 ReWing Rod, SIL Rcadini Roat,SlS Read{np tvl, t001 • ode) '-^ 14A &adaay,1005 Jmadway,1006 2ma3way, t016 RroWway, 1024 3rcadwry, 41e Fart Coun $C:ei 430Ert Cau.Z Sueet.1009 Qllbce Avenva ut 1037 3pd4t, Snccc, CSrdmW, Ol,lo); e .lerd nd (Uts istno in CfeveLrd. Oh{e wLU bn laested eoena er me:a of 4a fcllewlnS pmpenln: (s) Lte pNpartysltualedseuth of PobYe gqmr4aueof5upufar Aves:4weu at onuoa Sueet a north af W. Ptet_xu Avenv:t (b) the prop.ny sLLvevA south of W^ Protpe:t Avrnvqutwf Wnt dN 9ven,nonhaC W,HvranROad sM wennf i Onudc 3xar, (e) fppmx(Qvmly'l.4t acacs af prapeny loened soutb of W, Ho.•an Aerd, west cf Ontulo Srne^ mreh ot Rwe vllylnd •au of No polongadoo oI t!a «atetifm af [Ra 8rldp ef VPBOSYER COtlIl)SITS ELECTION FALSIBICATIOY WenSthgkmkt sppnz5matatr1112 ruuctproparyaodwsterly4ny6trto7tLeprotoeluton IS GUILTX OF A FE9ANY OF THS FIFPK DEGREE. nf Ox aamttlne qe. t!a HddSe of Wut 3rd Sneey south ef Csnil Roal, aottWcrt of W. &ple Ros.d sod bau.Mrd by, sM leeludtal e ponton of, [he Clryshegs Rlver n Nasouati .ad 'ka sauhnmlf A) atl'ffr rlthu above Ne sppro.elmav]y 017 aera punl of propeny spua5ed aley uW anum at OnrWu Svem in cbn prexinJq oi ehs intenuYOn of W. Huron Resd sn6 Oroc.1C SunR It/ s2Prox^1cty I.81 aema nr praprny leaated st the sovileut coxnr of C. ininacJon of W. 1re Sxat sM W. gyt• Avmve ar,d J,> not•Asast eomar af tGe Intersce[lon of W. 7c/ Street a,x5 CueeSl'e Avenua and weu ef tA: Larcer Bd6nnn t.•W Ohle niload tly.e ol vny; (p) spproslautely 1.5; sosas of pmpet,y leested at n[a af Na L•uuedlen ef W. ]rd Smat srd Cseaglt Avmua u+d wmt etNe !emur SLLtlmoee sed Ohle rdlteaG dgAt et weyt (b) nocn aes emvrnlllcur, nwaufna, buenvet aed su?buemeet af e6u a[hin praputy loutcd u

:5 in^amat Nur.tbe( ATPS. OF CIRCVLATOR Issued to (NameofCirculetor) I^ declare undet pena7ry of eice.for. fntst eadoa /' Lhet 1. the cimulttor of the fo;egoing petition paper eonte1ning the sfgna'.u:u ef eleoton, t.hct tha slgnaTdrss appsrded berc:e were made attd appeedrd in my peesence on Ihe Dueoflssunnce data set opposiro aach respee6ve natne, md a;e the elgneeums of thapenooe whote names tsey Counq 41 puepon to be.x of ettetneys In fecta,:dog panuant to eecdan 9501382 of tSe Ravls


(Signed) T,emmnd.zenttobeenremdbyM•,endlotANdeX1',Srcden6atqeOD7oCOnfWUllaawllL

e AutbeAvadat:eauinnsiaprrdermdn:dlocelle0.atdeeltratrdlnV,eAe.cndmen6knetchafNCejliu (Adc1rcte of circufatoi s permnnent reetdenee 1n this rtate) er. e Matt (fheeu'm lo Cixlnnxl, OYuwltt be locrled enapâroaleutely 20,4jeens of propeny lonud S vu'rut efRudiat Aead, eutof 81.edwsy, ooM of Csen Saup ieuolwut tad paltle4yno^i1cu: ef ve lill amp and ra+hwut otOdkn Artouq IneludLst 405 Reudlnt Rosd./11 Ret9n2 Rord,421 3ndlcl Rord,521 Rudinl Rasd,S75 Reudlnl ReLd lW1 3medwry,1006 Brmlvay, tf08 Bnsdway,1010 Brosdwry, 1024 0toeadwey, 419 B'sst Cburt 9rtsst 4:0 East C.ourt3vret.1009 Olkban Averms md 1031 Spdnt SttecC Qar[uud, OM1io); 9fida:1 (1'ne Qutne in Cbwlrnd. Ohlo wIC bc larusd eoam er nore of the furlowlnt e propenlar: (a) dp pypqrysltwv6souW of 7ubde Squua,eutcfguperlor Aveeue;wex of Onudo Serst md oonh ot W, ptoepces Avonue; (b) tRe propcay duuua [outb af W.;Pro[pat AvenUe, etat nf W est do[ Besu, ncrtL of W. Hurea Amd end w.n ef Oendc Smte (c) spproxi tefy 7.91 acat of pnpetty lxued seuth of W. Humn Re.d, weet of Oauno Stntt, eartA of CrInd Rosd ud 1yinS eut of the prolen8nlm ef tlle ceetetCne of the 6t(dte of WHOBVER COMMSSS EL&CL1ON FALSIFICATION wnt 6d.saui (d) aptrcshe¢ety I i,22.ctu e(pmpaty snd ws+er tNat csttof tAe pte)onlat[oe IS OVQ.TY OF A FELONY OF THE FIRTH D3GRE8, af Ihe eeMttllnu di tha BAdgb ef Weet 3rd 3vevy tcuN ofGntl Amd, aor_hurn of ,W, BrBb Rord aad bound^d by, nd Includint e porden 4 t1w CLyeboy wvet In the teotli nd tAe aaulhwun (s) e11a[r rldw abeve tTa apprcxlnntrly 0,87 eCe pv:rl of pnpeny, drulud ilon; aed seuth ef Oat J(faa Suxt In elou pecsl,^tty te d+e inteneedoe of W. Humn 6oed sad Oetuic Satet; fjl pplesS a«ly 133 auust ef propeAy locved u dte wudeu:

yilwlptlj 16 1 OWN

ST $MEWT OF CIItCULATOR Isaued to cL .^_(^ 7 4319 (Nsme of Circulator) t^\ a " Q4' L-kL^^ocbtxa oeder pene]ty of eleetlon fe]si$:atlo thct I on ttw olrmrlacor ot the-Mm-goLng poddon paper eonra{oing the signentru of t- Dueof!nsuanee eletton, that the signecutee appendad hasto wosa mxdo ,Ind eppended in my proeeaco on Iho date eet opporite eaeh respeetivn mme, xnd ue Se aigeamree of C*.a paraons whoxe nuan they Couaty. purpoot to be or of cttorneys In faet acdng pveaent to seccdon 3501382 of tha Reiieod Code, and that the eleetora clgning thJe peddon did aa widt tsowledge of the centevu of aame. I am INITIAT1VcPETl'IYON employed to alrculate this petklon by $ofcsslonai PetlOon Mmasemenc. LC {14 &tt Poolar Ave.. Cotumbus. OH 43715) wit.n fundingvroyitld LI?.oueh L)e Gblo Jabs +d Gsowh Amendment to tneCoasti(u4on ^, Commnee f865 Macon A lev. Coturobut, OH 43106 1. (MUae md addnst of employer). (She ProposedhylnltietlvePed•JOn preeeding aentence thall be coaplcted n reqldred by scctfon 3501,3B of the Revised Code lf the onWetor II being employed to cL.utatethe peddon.) To be Submitted Directly to Ltie Elr.tars

I fttt,les dcclua under pena6y of elecdon felsifEeation ln eeeeedeeeo with xeetdon3501.38 of Ihe Revlsed Coda tSat I wltressed the affizing of every stgr.anue to tbe foeega(cg petltlon papet, that Amendment

ell dqners were to the baat of my knewledge and belief qusBFird to algv, and thet every xlpuuro ILIA M M,nlnnl N e, ONs Omy,YV, b rvYUtu v,4rY,,,hn NJ,IS v,ea+l J4 tIW, a( CL.,I,M, Cal 1:,. L1,ba„I ie to the Ixst of my knowledge snd belkt the slgneture of the person wF.oro rlg,vtare It pvrpom C 1YINA R, W nrwt Gax 6ea1f.v tuW (vaWdu ylll Le t,e.' ,e: Aeblel UAIa'v .afemr; pee.14 M1eYµ blwpyf lay to be or ef an anorney (n faet acdng plveuant te seetten 330t.322 oftheRevhei Code. enaweya,Y r,Mt PiNtlasml NtIIIW;Lnvl1elo11nLtff rn'JAb', vk'vn yd Irv wrmnm,ec,ed,naAlNMlnt b npaen t`^°^e t`a^e e+wtleN W nrvl,efA


(SIg ;hoAmeodmenuabemmtedby al mmtlferA61e1eXV.Seouon5af11vOhioCenetlluM1enwllt:

Au1LerMs a do5le rulto ^.I a â^elermLv:d laeaden. u dutrnued la ahe M^erde,enl.le uch if Ih:.

IM,b,luial . . ^ InlMlill 16 IN illXld6'lxR6tl'U


1s,uedlo ^-7n.y"L1Q- NIfeYLS (tiame of Cittulator'j declun under ponzl.y ef dectlon fa1tlF.^eden 75'43;20 3rat I un ihe ci•coletor of the foregoL^.g pet?hon . ne.alulny the ttgnahtter of --L- DaL•Of155lllRte f? F:^-23-69 eleeton, that the algnaturet appeoded hereto were nade aad eppeoded In my prerence on Lhe date aet oppoeite each rrapecdve natne, and ara the dgnehue: of the pe[xonN wbeee nemee Lhey Co•mty purpon to be o: df aaornoyt fn fan eedng purauant to aeettaa 350t.382 of the Revieed Coda, and that the electon elgtung thi{ petitian did so wlth knowledge of the wntenta of a{mm I un INfItATtVR PSTCIION employed to eiroulate thie petttion by Proft•.aiana! PcfiHon Menetefne^ J LLC (14 Eadt Poole* Ave.. roiy bw OK 4'»151 witb A+dlez er vided t_F ceh ehe Otu 7 bt edOrowb Amendmeot to the Con{[imbn ;Omrn3tt^_e f865 n!ec (Vanne and addresr of employer). (The Pcopoeed by LSdadve Petition preceding .entence ehell be completed es mqulred by extlon 350138 of the Revl+ed Code If the eIreulator Is beLng ecployed to circ^lare tje pedtion.) To be Submitted Dirxtly to the Elee:cre

I funber declsre u>dcr penalty Of elecdon felalficacon In aceardanee wah rcc!on 3501.38 of the Amendment Revlted Coae that I wltnef{ed thn affrxing of ercy rlgaa:ure to the faregoing peldoc y+?nr, that ef1 algnen were to the bert of rny kaowledge end balief qczllfied to sign, {nd tLat every rignatura w ixde M u. ^wnu, bm W H fw a'uW M1e4tlr Mn e.'..ea w eaLir Oet+', seeenY MeNU h,alnr w rtryprt qvl Is to the best of my knowledge so5 bollef the r:gnaturn of dte penar. whose algnature it purports eenCIY4ud•?a•1JLL5V.[Po,Ip(.IeGe^'a1mYYNnrfifaRldrnelYfIX3Y21,xMfav[?.cintb9R,^AeN]9a(Ifnp?, to be o: Of Yn ettom:y In fact aetin.g;.vnuant to eectlon 3501 L282 Of theRovSted Code, (+'^^IlNnjetmltAlWnr+LYm . i


TheA,,cndneo(te`xu(ctedbyin^inSAr3dc$V,Se,loe6oR1eOF7aCOnfetutleewlP: (Slgn • AuLledaCtlnSteeulnls[apndetemleedlocWon,ucerltnnWlxlheL.ror^dmenClneret7ofineCkle( (Addraf of dmulator's pnrnfnnent roeldenar in thit {ta of: -I e^,fRelnptl (1N eulno In Claelnnzn, ORO will S. locued eeapprozv.uuly 20.4 ceru ef pmpery . meueedii wu6nucofRa.dlne Razd, euuf 9nad.nri o.onh ar Cocrt 9ect,nedweu znG putIaLLy neNnul at cho Ntt rxmp aad nortlwefl ef Gllbert Arenue• ieeiudln{ a03 RnElet Stule 6ad Rnd,415 1Ier:Lit Road,411 Rn61ni Road, 521 Rudlaf Rerd,575 Reeding!Rmd. 1002 Hrosdwzy,1o05 Smsdwy, tOQt Hmedwsy,'.ttr20 nrosdway, I034 SreadwsY, 418 &u Caun S4eC 4J0Fu(COURS1erL1009(1Ubenwvenuernd1631SpdnEUreclClnelnnul.OC1o1; a^{ C11d pazine tn Qevelae4 Ohle .w111 S. bc+tM en oeo er c,me af •de foifaW,ey pfepetder. (at pe+purydm(tedrouth of Pubtb SyuCn,wtofSupeRor Avea^m,wut or OntrAu Bueet I•^L4e wna of W. Prorpmt Arenoe; (b) LM pnp rty cau.co3 tevth efiW. Pmpocl AveaMwta Wul 61A Slrru.aonhaf W.HuronRcad ud w>uof Unto6e 5>eel; (e) rppmxl:eCtdy 7,91 aens ufpropaty Ixe•id muth ef W. Haren Fad, wril af Oeuho 8ceel,mM of Cwl Road snd I>int c•K ef Su proleneCdan ef tAc enterRtm of tk Hddte et 1YHO&YER COMhATB EI,ECIION FAI.SIH'ICATION Wu16N Su

h,^uaq 16 Number

STATSMENT OF CIRCULATOR Iesuedro ^Sum:.R Pns_ 754297 '•: (NerocofCl.:ulato:) I, $t.n'to,lL 6 NaJt - declare under pr:nally of cleetlan feltificndon that : am d:e cltculator of tbe fomgotng pcd9oc ppper alntelnng tha tlgnea:res Of ^ Dateoflsweace elcetor4 thet the signavrn aopended heroto wem mndo end appanded itt my preaenee on the date set oppoetle each reep

I furrnet declare under penalry of eleation faleiflcadon In accordmce with eenion 3501,38 of rhhe Amcadment Revised Code Qtat I wimee6ed'he nCizing of everys3gnamte to the foragoing petttlon pepcr, that elt s!gne's wem to the best of my itnowl-dge end betlef qualifle5 to sigq t+d t_hnt every rz3gnaane 11Y• M Mud^M,e?a eCb C^JeMm M MAeRv,.4,I, v,I.^ NJ:n ^.A •r J^.lOS J Cn^W Cn'w•4'C. Wm^' is to 'ue bcst of my knowtedge end belief the signature of the perxon w9osa siqnature It putpo:u ud Tdtla buernrw,MmNwta.etuin>f.111tluNltb.wtl,e:teW+nab'a.®u.nY•P^rl[•ryeSnae.+lienkeJ emwnNnua, a.,,.i'•;v'^•u,1W wwnerx Grlat.wk(..u.Mt.v,n/uc,mun,.! Newm wimaw no


(Sig TSe Anrsdment to be cnactd by vqhndN( Artlek. XY. Smti)n 6 Of Na Ohlo Cendmllas wpl: • AvenAS uingte euino xt a ?xdner,nlnea leutdn, u EaQrynd la tne Ameedmea6ln ewn Of Ihe c39u (Addrosaofc4eulator'epermanentresldencelnthfsatea) ^1,iU W¢VNP ^i afe = CLyfve abeve Ilw app,oaimatefy 0.117 ene pucel of pmputr airvatad along end aouah of Samt {n efnte pmxElnhy tq ux lerenettton of W. 8wn Rcad eed Onmdo gtreeq (0 app.rode^aulr I,13 aeru ef Prepeny loe.ted at L`te aoudwn e>)eer of )Ae Inenanten of W. 3n1 Avmt ar1 W. Bagle Avmut and Iba ce:lbwl eetna Of the letuuetien ak W. 3ed g¢ect ud Cumsl♦ Awnue aed weu ef Ihe fennu 9Jdeme uA OMe rallrssd A6nt of!wq, (e) a7pmtleately 15$ syer of9roDett9 teested at tlw sasthesn ootner ef'5e lnrnectten of W.3rd a:eet aed Csrncgfe Aronae and wvt of C+e fe.-ner Baldmo:e and OAIo ul)rmd 6p1t efwey;!b) nwn ma Wmrab fon, rmexeMnn, buancot urE aub-bw•.xot efNU rsnato propertr lowted u

16 Number

\ r1 STAYEMENT 0F CIRCULATOR bsuedta `1tit^'lA(^I e) • ..d (y-, (NvneofC!rculatcr) , I, t^Ar..0.f `] ^., dceL+ra under peaclty of elecnen fal.slfieeticn 754259 t.hat Iant the cirexiator of the forogoing potition pap

wl•,h aecdon 3501.38 of the I funttor declsre under penalty of alecdon fn!slfieztioa L•t aeaa.dence Amendment Rev[scd Codo that 1 wltneescd the arf3x[ng of every s3gnatureto theforG¢Cing pedLon paper, t.het all slgners wen to se beat of ny iatowtodge eod betief qualifled to d,gn, end tbss ovcty signsture TU. MM•,L,un„^UVeppCOinN•Ywu.euaUe.rlntl•^.UVw,t^l+•r4dw[IJUdGnJu4Gdumd.•;Clwlnnvl .mram tvwn.o,,.rmnw.:de. Menlua..rue.wduxi,m.a.+e•1^eanr^w=•^e.r..umennrr+nwt is w the bese of my knowledge end beilef the dgoature of Ihe pereon rlnose eigaeture tl pu.•pena mm^wnio. Me xvw suetu.,nwlm„iu.. rm, ntnt,s r.,om:..nv^e. w h...reunue •ra v,=,m tvmui le,+ppn ro'x er of an tttorney in fact acdng punuuat eo tecdoo 3501.382 of the Revised Code. .w,tneta...veuwRr.ka^ ^ .


TbeA.idndmenlloEe«acsdlyvmndlnjANdeXV,9mden6otthe0ldnCootdwdnnwpl7 (Stgaed} L `1 • AmMrlneJnsieml.wtl+pr.deumdw41oea0on,¢duirnstod InteeAmr.Wment,laetehetrheebiu (ALdrassoftirculator'sperananenlresldrncainthlsnta:¢)A t,^^l ^46t^4,nL ` eR n r„rlneat ([hejcuL%e In Cvttnutl. OL!owp; be Ieazd onappmxlmemly :0.1 utee ef praye6y Ixaed wutheuu of Aeaaln= Rud, e•n af Srarndrway, naM uf Court Stnm,teuNwut snd pscJany mtt?uuc of dn 1'47l rrmp end nonllwut Of 611h.rtAvenve. IncludlnS 405 Andins (City, Stete Md p Code) Aaa4.415 Aadtda Aod,@I Aeedina Aacd,' 22t Reullat Reed, 595 Ru91ttp ReeJ, 107t 8mrdw+y,lood 8rudwry, SOOe 8ee+dwty,:D10 groedw+y, 024 &oedwry. 4 " Hul Ceun au.el, 413 6w OovnSwa,10Dp OISy.n Aweve srul 1051 Spdn 9trad, QndnnsJ, OMe): C[sydlayl Zhssde¢ In Clevelvd, Ohle wtll be loceted onone ar mu:e af rM-.fellawind ptepeHu: (a) rho plopntrldtuWdeewh efpubllo Sqau;.utofSUpc•Lar AremiSwut of Onuda Strmt e' eerd ef W. Pronp¢t Avenua: (e) the ptopeny dtutted south ef W, Prespee< Armvteutef Wnr 6J1 9uen,mnhef W.HmonAord and wertofi Onurte auttY{nj+ mttely7.91+eecrorpmp.erytoeaadroulhefW.Hunr.Rad,nertnfOnWo Sc+sq:mr5 Of Canal Ro+d ud ly{n= eut of Nr ptolmtaaden Of tAn eeMeNno ef nu 6rM6e of W HOSYER CONf2.IIT8 ELECCION FAL84RCATION weuNhSeenh dleppm.IuWy11.23sarcaefpmpanyandwsutlyOic+nof@apl:tootsdan IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF T68 FIPfIi AEGREE. o[ hn eenweRee of 4s gAdSe ef W eet 7rd Stn.ey rowh of 6nr1 Aosd, amthwut al W. Hyle Aotd ud belm ed by, snd Inetudlns t âatJee ef, ene C'aysinge River lo aeaaitL .nd die uWhwt; (Q+II Jr rfteu abava ebs a?prexhruecSy 0.31 tore pued of pnpeny tfd+rod slen{ rnd tmuh of Onatia Stmet In etm+pwalmieyte tN. L+tmt

IM,%ilUJl 16 II.U111PJ1 STATEMENT OF CIRCIILITOR lsenedto ^C(tVl/aC ( )C+, IP.YI `9 '?54216 (NbmeofClrnulrtor) n I, t. M+ c, 1 l F--f( L. dcclnte under peotlty of eleetlon fe!al&adon that I am the clrculator of the fottgo!ng pedfion paper con•ainLng the tigean:mt of -& I Dete of ledunnce electon, thnt the signaturee appended hereto were mtde md appanded preaence on LRa date tel opposlta each reepxliva neme, and ue the tlgnaturel of the penon5 whose nnmw they t CovntY C (ws- purpoe to be or of etlo:aeya In fact a:tin; pursueal to tection 3501.382 of the Revl3ed Code, aad that tha electon atgning this pettdon did so witA keowlod;e of Ihe eontcnts of saame. i em , INiTtATfVE PETiTlDN employed to el,roulete aft petEdon by P+ofo551onffi PotiIjoyyM.eneaement. L[lC14 Ce•!t Pooler Ave Columbus OH 43215) whh lUndve nravidrd thmesh the OhJa fob md Orawdt Amendment to the Constitodon Commlaee /865 Meean Allev. Cotumbue. OH 432061, ( Name md addmss of employer^ (Cha PropnSed by Initiative Petition pteeeding sentence ehafl be complued sa requl:ed by tation 3501.38 of the Revised Code lf tho clrcuittot it being emp!oyed to cimulxta the petidoc.) To be Submitted Directly to thcElettora

! funher declue under peneity of election fa!elRatlon In aecordanee with action 3591.33 of Ihe Amend:nent ?,evl.sed Code thae 1 wirneecad the af5xing of every atgneture to tbe fote;otnp petidon peper, thet att aignen we:o to tha bcet of myknowledga md bellaequa)iflad te dgn, aad that every eig'u:urc ^ TnhASMV.M.n„IaMMMrYUhwlrnarW..JaeLaWne+t,en.dldwCJ.,drtlmL.vLeal,rttµCwNUn Is to me beat of knowledge e.nd belief the nlgnaiurc of tl:a ptrson whoae a:gnatur It purpom vd t^i,de, iM ua nvun ne.s Y,s Imr wlna h:lYtlu wl4 Y tu1 w; edux t1YSY >nnona: p.<.Ie. haLel ^o ueien+^ my .mmmvnlnqad.tha>1d1r^IHlLfu, i eunpv,ld.felaHNnirrCAlo'eW1WUVAY+tNx..+.swtWFewte.Nidnivr.pan to be or of en ettorxy in fact act(ng punuaet to acdoa 3501.382 of Ihe Revited Code. .^ e d.a't+e erw Nr ed n t, W I<. .


Ar.leie XV, Svdon S of ttu Db14 Concthutlon wln: (Signed)s, 10.e.i4C n41i-+n 5 Th. A.xr.Anant to be anretad by unet'dlnt . AulboavulnploeuineataprNetr.miaedl«alen,,lnueha[itaeitlea I (Addreanofclmularor'eparmanentresJdeocalxth)attata) n +-\04^-^ 'L4 of: e2; elnriN ([L eaelvo In ClnelnnatL Oio wlll be Ixatad en tpamxlaately 2 1 0.4 .c.v ef ^.ra ,f,Kv,f;FF_T6Nf p:ope .ry leeawd re^Wraetef Readint Rotd,eaaof BmWway, uonh of Court Suset, eouNwel: S7b anf paNapy eonluut ef iM 14I1 ra:np end ieabweti ef Oi6en Avenx, In:luetnt:/05 Reatlnl (City, Stax md 21p Code) Road,413 Releiai Reed,421 R.rdlna Road, $21 Readlat Roed,315 R.adi,^ Rcte, 100] BroadMy, 1006 Broadway, 1006 Sroadway: rC20 Broedway, M14 Bn.dway, 41! 9ul Cwn Sonet, 4to ealt Cmet Sxerr, lcop bllben Avcnue md I031 SpRnt Stent, qndemil, Ol,le); e C7pjlapg (Ifje aaLn In do+aun0. Ohl> wlll ba kcemd on one er rsro of ihe folfewUt pmperCec (a) Pa propertyu:un_nedaouth af Publle iquar;eeete[Supvior Arenue,wvn er Ont.r!e iu+SIe Read and bod+dH by. tnd'LwWdlni a portion ef, t[w GLyt6oR RIror tn the^outA ud lee tauthwmt; (e)1a11 alr r12hu abeva Ihe approitmauly 0.v aeee ptreu of ptopeNy eituated Jona and .cuth ef Oaurfn Stnel le eton praximlty to d1e Inletrnerbn or W, Hvren Rnai uW OnuM1o Suedn (fJ tp6x3ntately 1,e3 tmrn of propeny looaud n t5d eouthevl eocmr of tlie Inurmetlun cf W. 3:d $*e md W. Batla Aranue and the detehetet eareae ef the 1nte:reetten of W. 3M Steul ud Carbale Avaeua and nen ur We farmarBalJmata ard O1Ja nilnad dL'a uf w.yl (41 approaLmuilY .55 aeu et p,oY^yteueed ae Wa uuWUn eotncr

IniknNt u^•n^>ul. 16 Nnmbn

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Isaucdto ^S^r!+a.-^w^ens 754199 '': (NaauofCirculater) ''. I7e...... - n.ZfyL decian under peaa?ty of electlan falaLl`Lca^on 3 that I am the citculato: of the foregofng pacdon paper eootainlog 113 cign..,,.s of e, ^4 D0'e0flseoaltee 5,79-04 elecloa, 6at the signatutea nppended haieto were made sad al pended Ic my pmence on the daa eat oppoaite eaoh nspective rame, and ue the ttgnamrea of the penoos whasa nemes Lhey Couamy Graw4 rrV pucpor: to be cr of sttomeys In faet acdog putsueot to se;tidn 3561382 of the Revlu.d Code, and Ihat Ille eleetors slgning thla peddoB dld ao with Imowiedee of aYe aerdenn of esme, I tel INPIfATIVHPHI'IftON ' employed to eireuiate thEa pNltlon by Prore sfooA Petiden M4nspemenr Lt rv f14 Re,t 96pltlr AC 1 b^• OH 4321e}_Vdth A dL- orovidtd- Lkroueh ffe Oko Jobs Zd Orov2h ^ Amendment:o rhe Cevttntdoa .. Comminee f865 MacgftpJj{y. Cotumbua. OH 432061. (lYamn and addrm of employer). (P.te Pmposedbyt:idattvePetition precadlag aentence shell be completed u requlxd by aredoa 3501,38 of the Rev!xd Codn If the :7culnsor ia belag en, ployed to dmulele the pedeton.) To'be Submlt[ed Dlrec:ty to t,Se Electoca

1n aeeordaoce wlth xxtloa 3501.38 of the ; fuChar deciare under penatty of efetlloe faLiftcallon Ameadment Ravlaed Code tbat I w3ttwted the sLqxing of every e[ to thafor6golag petidanpaprr, that a!l .igner. wern tc the be,t of my knowtrdge mod bellef quellfled te elge, and that every atgnatute cnba ru1^Ja, W u,w ul e,lw: oa1C,.znomn Ntle, (uemna w t.pâ^ Iml It te thc best nf my bv+aaWU 1ee vM+l tl,Mm,4a, M.WS, ye,ihfAV^l.ln[rw O^iaS.e.Mrt„,ee nrec(uunue,.M peNC, ruvMt b ^vita to be of of aa attorGey [o fact acdng punuant to aeedon 3501.382 ofthe Revtaed Code. ,>


'ITeAmodvenrteLeenutedby,ciSnaLtAroENeXV,Secden6of:l,eOTleCem1lwtionvllL (Slgced)y,.^l,y^q Aelherl:e, dna^et,tno ,tptrdel fonier BJtla•efa,nd OMa nBmW dOt ef way; (h) A. aae tteeuaTi fom, aeuulee,lcxmem ud tsb-barcment of dvt

w,w,mxtl 16 Nvmber 754201 STAT%kI6NT OF CIRCIILATOR ISilledt0 ^dy^ hCli l")Aa ^^^ (Nemn of Clrcvluoc) ,, y^ d,.w.4C doclera undcr penalty of e:ccdon filaidtttton that t'Sm tha elrculetor of the forego!ng Peddon papu ad addcua of employar). (Itte Proposdbylnltiadve•peUiloC ?teceding tmtence shall be eottsple:ed as :equired by eeCdon 3501,38 of the Reylsed Codt If the ckc¢lator f t beteg employed m cLcuL.te tho peddoa) To'be SubnilDed Directly to the 5leetorn

1 fur.hor declsr,e under penalry of el_-et4on [ilriflcetlo0 a a:cotdtnee wtth t6etioa 330:,38 of the Amendment Rcvtsed Coda wae t wlmosted _he effixing of every atgnatum to the fo[e¢oSBg patitlst pape, that all elgnrlt were to the beat of my kaowledge aad bellef quatiHed tL dgG, and qta: every elgaetue e•r.t.e. n.m,r.v,rnu, we kurn.tut..unxwua.,.a,aevwaa>•, is tothe bestof my knowlydge and ba)Inf thd tlgnatute of the puwnwhose t)gnunm It purpotn mcUally ma%EWtelYJnv refaW u4iPnNNfm,nlNn1 ftt CA:oS.^ae. u,C 4w n:as'. l' W pe.IMNCa14 ^aru>p•, to ba or of ea ettoraey ln fect acdng pursuant to eect)on 330I,382 of the Revlted Code. .>^tAemte.dw.Nnne

',, e(JMAARY

TheAmendmest+btm.nedDyanarLJotAnlcteXV,9eedan6efu,eCe!oCOntdmAonwll: (Slgned) /^t]r,^ A C t't?' 3iS Authodse a t!nqL CstlCe al a preCettr:Nete laeulea, u ealylatcd tn e4e Arnendxen^ fa e.


4 STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR luueito r'^Ar+vA(' L ).-ntn^ (I4amc of Circulator) !, W+ti=.C n.,,yr. n S dea4nlneul.w•fqln^ceorLtltiua(ocra'u2,COlu:Ay:Ynnw,1 aM ietaa Tu 4t msu nan 0a. lw^ W.u nnu^ vN M utl w YJUr hlo'..vcmer, paNa Runee b^V(Mn aen Is to the best of my kaowledge and bollaf the slgnaa+re af tha per[cn whou slgnature lt putporta em,r.dauea,er,at axx,v+m.( w.wlt P


7T•eAmtndmenunbCanretWeYu.;etdingA•tidoXV,EartanSCENeOh!cCOnuR•+tlonrlIIt " (Signed) Mn r • Au(Swiuutn[kvulnoua^µvdnkrtrinWtend>,;[•uha!:Melnu (Addrae of circula!ePs pennenent residcnce In t.his [ure)`^y,(^^y ^^ uxb ^ ar. o rd[tly nonbeut of fhe t•d7l nmP [nd noM!rat erfluben Axauq fneludln[ e03 Re[dlnd (City,Sntee••(d7apCcde) - Raaq471 R¢ufv[ Rosa,421 RaG!ng Ra[d, 32i And;i{ Reee,595 Rudin[ Ro[d, 1=2 BtaWvny, 4006 B[dwq, tOOE gnadway, IlCO Hm+dw[y, 1014 &ce6vay, dld Pait Covr. Sexa4 4108u[ Cast Stroet, 1009 OllbenAVnnua and [trll Spdn[ gtnx, ClrNneeQ. OnIO1; o ClnAne (1T[ culrte ta CJveehad, O61o , IaesW onona er mo:e et tAe [ik.lnE pnpaWf (n) p=Ip+qurqeuvncl(outh er puDlk Siuueeadaf5upedar Avenue,wa[t of Onwte Stnel W der.h ef W. Pm[peot Avmuet (6) tg¢ prepenY awaW [euA e! W. Protpect Aremqeutof '.Vent dih 9+ea,,wnho( W.!(unnAo[d and ee[to[ i0ntufe Stra¢t; (e) appmilm+telY ^•91 nrer e( ynpcnY louted ¢euth et W, H•+mo Ro[a, wert ¢fjOntule Seac1, noMaf Gvl RocA tnd Ipin[ ^t a( tha p(vlondallon ef t!a ceowllna ot the e'ddee of WHOEVER CO.MvfITS EtECTION FALSIFICATION 8'at 608mt; (!)^approalaaklY Ild2 a:m[ af prcpeny and wakr IYlal eat ct the pnloed.von 1S GIIII,TY OF A FELONY OHTHE F12SH DEGREE. at tTe nnrergn¢ olj tM Endba of Wat ]rn g=, rwte ar Cuo! ¢aw, amn»wt or v^, 2apa 6cta [rd Sr+odeG by, and laelualn{ a pontonc( t5e Nyalop It(ver to Ne routC pnd An aoutDwnC (s) aIl [lr 4Nts [bow Pe [pprozimsinty 0.17 acte Pnae1 of PnPnnY tlnusd lenr and nutA of Ont[^ Sumt In elose pnr!mlly ho. Ihe totenwdon e( W. Hwon Read-a Onkria grreaq (n appnxima!dY 1.61 [ott[ of ProPenY 1xs:M u ttc [cutLeut eomer of tFx in:ut[qion oI W. 1n1 Scxt ¢^d W. 6[gk Ar¢r,u¢ rnd (!n'nmtAeut eomv o[ Wa levtcc9an a[W, lzt 3wa uk G1ped¢^AVnoue eadwat ef trte lermer 8[lllsaa ud Ohb tWnad n[bt a(May; (t) sppmum¢uly L]f^wa e( pnperq taaua LL tnc wuthesstaane: af eu In^vrmtfon v} W. ]rs dneet ud f^r.fedla Armvn aM wut or tha [wme: 9^dxarc W Oble nl1mM drb: o(4rry: (h) Reenenu,reusA)'eur,menzuln4^un vnnd.ub-buenee[otdueevainpropaaYleettadu

IMUN,bJt Nu1„tt+l !6 I 0

NumSer STATEMENTOFCDtCULATOR Issuedto S (Name of Circulator) 1, ^r,rv^f Otr.xzf^S , dccln:a under pen6lty ot alcctlon fnhiFeetfon that I ern the circulator of the fottgoing peddon pape: eoetaiaint tha signatu!ee of Daie of laauenee fe -5 `Ul etcaten, tbec dse slgnetums appesdr.i bereto were made and eppended In my ptaaence on tho data set oppoaite each reapeative neme, ar.d ue Ihe slgnatures of tho penone whoro names they ptupoa to be or of axorneys tn fedt acOng petsuanl to sccdon 3541382 of thn Revlsed Code, aad that the electore slgntng t}ds pedUon dld so with knowledge of t.he eontenu of same. I am INITIATIVEPssTfplON employed to ettcWaaa ohts peNtlon by P^fesslo ) P tfdon Msne¢em nt LLC e14 13M Poolar Ave ('oiqmbu• OH 4521e1 wi b fur isay Ndcd LF• tah th Ohl t ta, nd O^,t; Amcndment tn tbe Cnn¢titudon l`ortmleteo (R65 Maron Atlev. Columbm ON 4320R1. (Name eed addteee of eaployer). (;he ptrceding aentenee sbell be c.otnpleted as trqulred by secdon 3$01.38 of the RevSsed Code if the 2mpe•ed by lehiedvePeddon c3reulatorie being empleyed to cJrculatc thepellticn.) To belSubmitted Direetly to the Etetton

I ful.he: dec7ste ucder pen60.y of election Feisti icaaon le eccaclence wltheestion 3S01.3g of the Rev!teL Code that I witnessed the efelxing of every slgne:uro to the :omgoieg petltlon p.pcv, that Amendmen: all s!gnen wem to the beet of ny knowiedge ettd baltef quallfied :o slgn, aad tba: arecy algaature na. .e n..,..aa...,,. a. ow c=o.w.nw,. w.e,.., mw.,•w.,w.,.a xw no..rc..a,.a u.^..,, is to Ihe bast of my knaw)edge and batlef the slg.wux ef thepenoa wSaaa 6gnmore It purports •M Td3v T• W m,e.. e.oa ^Mu (avr tiEw r.eiW:y wn N,,.m tx Leuln aek•s e.-.,,ae.R t^+'-*• MYrne is •s^pod Iml tanonYJYPV4rAvJ W vteu me Ne,u,/.9,^wla,)a! uWlee fR Onta1 mYm.• ui Yn rtYwe,mun: udT^It.WdNe'n r('y^n te be or of s. actomey In fact aetlug puruant to scedcu 3501.3g2 of :be Ravt.eed Code. w'mn^ba•+^•tsa^•^ana.l•uw.


,.l'% (Slgned) TAeAmendmenttebeaasotedbysnxndletA.NdoXV,Sadan6efu5eOReConumdmwltl: • Ae:hef.enaslnElaaulnostepriedeumdnedlceWCn,ude•ISnaudlnAaAnundmeet,lnesenoftbeeitles (Add:eee of dreutator's pennanant reeidence In thda /dhnJ! 6f oC ec,(pglnylj (R,e u•Ino tn CYecWd, Oke..Vl ot taeeld enappeeatm•tsly 2D.4 ecrts nf ^'i^ e5^!/ Of^d $^870 pmpery. Iceabd wvta)ut af Rasdlnt Ro•d, eul ef 8wdwsy, naM af Coun Seeet, rc^,liwqt (cety, s ta aad zha Coda) end paNs^y mrleaul pf tM. i171 tsa,p•so2 naehwut of OBban Avenue, )n^3udfo5

,u,•,,,a^r 15 ©


STATEt+ffi"IT OF CIRCULATOR Iscuedta T6rnar' C:^t +^,ee (NametfCirculator) '^, L^Ny)ciY 6, v+, ti dcdere ucder penelty of electlon .`eleificedcn tnet I em the circulator of the fongoing peNtton paper conraloing the slgnetufee of I_ Date of iuama elcr.ora, thac the aVgnaturec appanded harxo were mede and dppended In my presence on the dste su opposi[a each «speetive nama, uid L1a elgutu:ea of the perene whoae oamd Ihey Cavnty I purport to he or of attoneya in faat acting purtuant to aeetion 3501.382 af the RePtad Ccde, and n,at the clce

I further deolere under penaIDy of eleetion falsSf[catlon in accordenca with tecdon 350138 of!he Rav(eed Ccde that 7 wlLV-vted tha a°nxfng of evary signeture to the foregoing petltton paper, tu: '. Ameadment si] aSgners Wcte oo :be best of my 4nowtcdga and betlef qualSHed te sign, and th.tevery elgmture 'MI,, w+N.^+,i n,4u.GNetb'nulvWlmtervum{ul,IneY[Wro^PdIG


(Slgned Tha A.mendmu:t ta be eMeted bY a+^ndint Aniele XV. Saednn 6 of e1• ONu Con.tltutlan w1V: • AvtherieudvakculnaatapeedaronNnedlee^rtbn,uJealW!edlntheAmenduun^lae.ehdithealdea (Addrns of eirn:letor'e pcrmsnent realdcnce Li this state) O 5 oA o L(GS1eYC{ (f1e;entrro tn 0x1nnat4 OhlnMfl b. Wnted oneppntiLVUly 10.4 ecee ef ^^y.'-'3^; [+J7yie r/(/87Cf pmpmy lont•d ieeihuctofRadin) Rod, eutof Hme^wey, ean1^ of Coun SueeUrauVwen (City, S^ri and Zip Code) .ad prtlilty:uNiear. ef rbe liit racp and mrJ+wen af Oltberc wrenw, lncludina e115 Reaelna Ra4115 Reedic{ Rat4e11 ReadlnS Rwd. 521 Ite.dlnl RaW,S75 Rnaiht R?W, 1CP2 Amrdwxy, ICCd Broadvay, 2[06 Amodwy, 1020 H.roNw+y, 10]4 grcadway, Sl! B.rt Ceurc 3uay I102s1 Cra25inet, IC0300een Avenue snd 1031 Spdep 6!ee SVeet, nett.h of Oinal Read uJ lyla) eut of drt pmWnâ>Oee of ths aeEterline of thnl gfdae af WHOBVER COMMITS ELECTION FAL82It'1CAT10N W.q oU Strea; (q)approe.L:ntely 1 L22.eta cfpnpaq md+vatirlytnA out of the prolon;adcn IS GUILTV OF A FELONY OFTHE FIPTR DEGREB. ef u:a pMsrt:nt ef u,e Sn6ee of Wsrt Srd Sbnel, rouN af Cmd Rad, eartnwcet ef W. Etgla Rae4 .nd beundid by, sed !n:{u34yt a peNen af, 2e CuyaMga R}ver to thetauih end che nwhrwr, (e) Wdr La:w alere +Ee.aproaimemty 0.61 eaa pueel of prtpany etluated.lcne ud .evA of Oaurio Swcr In olcw prahn4y to thn In,.natlon of W. Hwron Reud and Onurlo Sur


Numhe[ % - p ^STATEMENT OF CiRCULATOR Itaued to (NcneefCirculator) t "^1 O.>,tutt . ( ^ 1 t t>p l../S.- declare under penelty of elecdon falai:?cedon thst t the :Imuletcf oi tAe foragoini pe!ition peper aonufdnp the tCgnatu:at of q Doteoflaauenoe ^^^f^^^ '. oleators, that :ia eignncuret appended harato ware mode end tppended fn:ety prttenee on the date eet oppoe:te eeett teepettlre name, and ere the signaturef of the parsona wbose namea Ihey caw,ty ^1n ^- a', purpott to be or cf attomays in fact actlng puauant to aec$an 3501382 ef 1m Revlaed Codo, end tLxt the cleeton algning this pc:ldon did ao with Iaowledge of the oommats of seme, I em 241TIA71YE Pc'TIffON etnployed m citcWete hkt peddon by Profanlonat Petldnn Menatetneet LtP [14 Baat pn )y AY4„solun6ve. OH 43215) wlth A,Indlne provlded tl!rM!eh the Ohtojiye end Orowth ! AfecndmenttotheCondtulon ( Cammtttee t865 Msqyn A1)av Cultttrt3ua. Ol( 43206 Neme and adPsest of cmployer). (fie PIDp

I tLrther dnclete undu penahy of elecdan fe


(Signed) 1^ C'!_ •`,.^ tw, .,_ ^ /ans^ ThcNaendneattalaanctWbjuoand(n]MddeXV,SazYVO6v!N.h!eetau)9 "f \t.SQI.r_. }lE^r oC o S'.'8dWf11 (rhe avelno In axlm.y, Onl

16 Numbar STATEMfENT OF CL4CULATOR Issuedro ntH.O,C 1^.1>Si1^ (Nenc of Clrculst^ : under peoa:ty of elecdoa falr{flcedon that I sm the clrculate: of thc foregoing pedtloa papcr contniaicg thc clgoatutee of Ceta of Issuancc a eleetora, that tSe eibnaturee appended hereto wcre onda and appeeded 1n my preteoce aa the data ect opposlto each respective neme, and are dve e{geetutrs ef the pmoos whore natnet they County f .1G^^cG purport to be or of attorneys In fect ectLig puracmt to sectioe3501.3g2 of+lte Revlsed Code, and that the ele

I deolare undar penetsy of etectioc LJetfl:attoa in accordance wtth seedon 350;.38 of Na Rcvieed Code that I wltneased LYe affixing of evcry signeture to rhe foregoing pettt€on 2apu, that Amendment all figaan wcte to the best of my knowledge and bellef quelified to dgn, md thet evary c5eetu;e ILLL M M.zinev ^^ ea OCb rbuNnM bruvW , Jol'. nWn NaL. W ef Or C,ka et elne4W,CdxiB,L^QMV,e is to the hmt of my knowledge md belief tlte rlgnature of tha pencn whora s3gnemre!tputpo.^.s W lze1A Tw w nltlM Lew a- rae W. Ld.fn MY e, u W KK b^ Cditl. tvaeler n eFyrm Izn mx,w}y uaapm+el,, e^x4:1^'^'M1e•?^ al Wt rxOAlh aaerau am ns.a(mmeeq W psvWe.4tilµla upyn to be or of an attomey L1 fact acting pusuant to ee


(Sie^ned) ^(eNJ O^t 1Q W 'tMAmendmantbhrenunedCyamndlnfMlelakYo Seeaea6vfiheOh10 C.oru:ltvdavvl.:l: AaNOAxe a e3n6ItheiibnecdenelW.IfcvnRwdae4Owela gttten (N sppresi{namly t.d3 seres ef prepenyleeud sl ka seutbust eamer ef Ihe Wierunlcn ef W. 9d Sueet t+,a W. Eafle Areaue ant Me nanLeaa e6mer of Ne INarsecllon 5f 5Y. ird Sves[ end CunedP Arer.ue rae rxri of Ne fasmer Hs:tlmob md Ohio tillmd rtgat e; wsY (E) epp:yxleubaly I.fS aerea or groputp I«arca at d,v aouatmn rmur af the :etazeeNOa cf W. ird 9veet 1Gcnari.ArenueaadwqtoftLelafrn[{bpaelwl T^ lri1 Gaox oaa davurh fam, mes:evLx, buemenr.nb rebb.teerst atiLU eenaln pmpeny loened u

lelkilm]t 16 Illlbl,erJl NO'1'1CE

Whueyer tnowinglp xl;ne dVa pedtlon more than oucry exeept u pruvlded In derdon 3301362 uf tht Revied Code, elgnt a name other than m,e4 own on cNe pe0tlcni ar nlgru ebb patllion wheu not a quall(led voter, li llallt to ptodecut:ot:.

MUST USE MO!`L RBC"J.'TAUU726SS ON FSLE WI.Tl[ iSOARD O: 1tLEC'TtONS th Cu hoex C t tv AudHor s of 02n7/09 ta o•c 1 nu m0 r 101 21-002 Y d II li ds (57gn w4A pik. Yournamr, nddrr.rq cnd defe oJagnin8 mua Lr gfvrn.J and ui•ri htslvhe w"thln ar'd/Qr ba Lh- I•Zbl'^ '¢hts of w v adixcgnt to such oar' I Munthl kur^1 Huuce ur Olhur E'uet On1u•. 156 Icre a_rca in Cuvah p•I County. Qh'% bsine th t r'd_r •el dert fied by U.yl Ba i re un aoo-oximatc S)CNA1'URE ♦ Townrhtp cvlmty derte. Yevr e Cuvahu¢x Couatv AutG!ar. as of `J2l27/02-uf tes oufccl aum^cclD1•21942_i;d y a ds (Vmals »Lu uo uu; live L, u mu:driy:! cu.yurndua ehuuld ful ie Ne tufaru:uuau r.llcd (er ey xeJingr prLiL-G ubore•) a d Ir'ehtslvl 'Ith'nadNo ab v(h P&ic d¢ht ofw vsdla••nttesuch pamit]. vmrrr aha rce!de lu muulclod eur^oruLlom Ilhuuld nt! lo,he In:on:uaun eWfeJ rur o henll.i d dnled brluw. Cuur.tY! MmtN 3°r¢ an oon' xlm re 791 z-re re•a la Cuvnhoea ot t Ohfo b ine that o c•I ctrd%ed bv Clty w yt(:YATU}tE { SrreeeLlndNumbur W.N! lley/ YIRag{ preelect Yar and nir rig^h g-lyine wltHln and/or ubove thc oublic rlehts of wav adinccnt Ic such oarcrl.

All elr rights ubove the oerdel located in Cuvehuee' Cauntv Ohio identified bv th'e Cuvahoea t rc Sueg.uWNwleer r4J..L Counlv Aud'ttor. as of 02t27104. as tax na0cel number101 •22003. aly v W pntlmm ^utur5lrnn CnvFWAlfurxrc{Iw,JUn ^ e- ..,^ur•.,tn,nt ,NF ' ; c LI 1 ' I Rc'np eoomXlm •c' S5 ¢- • ama.jj Cuvaho¢ Cocn'v Ohio u'dr1Cf-d bj th- ^• vahoe ).91emW V rMIr9nINYZe Irlnrl YrInIW,NrTc f'oultv A ditor as of 02l27/09 ss rax oarel numbcr 122-IB_010 122-18-O1 1 ard' 122-18•012 t iveel wJ Numkte (wJJ.v,I ^,1 all lands and I` oehts I 'ne wiihin tV - above t he Public '¢hts of way ad[A4tnt ca su-h 3^I•u, QuLC1z. . . 7hrrvin. 6 t^Yr wn.LP.>uKl oY:anlvniar I a^w,unt .d r-r J.Slpn.w:, Y,iieRnlNm¢ I WIIIA I PoIdWINu:c lJ' • B i e ar, uprox'm t• 1 .81 +c e am in Cw' ho C nty ^h'a us % 1 i f- L h th' Cyipyptpgp r 1 a hor as or()2mPo9 as ex urc 1 t ,bc f01 30-002 d 101 30 W3 c6d aH i d 5u¢I am1 Nutlisr IAW rcul I and 'r d hts lying th' d/ 'o v th bCc ri ht Qf l.v d' C E. +fl CIIr1V111.Yt L'unl'r WvWV,nivl Ucicuralyalnp CMixLY.IrnewrtrLl,Wwl ^ 1 I us<=n then e minNn:NU„r h^IJW P.W(bcHun. Co 'sf ,f Fl 3c Ihroueh fp r 11=unimo, h m•nt cub-b 5; nl p rd N 36-2 +.SIW^uun Item tT[ Pu'citl Fir-2 snd Se^ortd Iten V Paree; 4 and iten VI Perce Gne or:"tie Hiebee Swi uL Nu:nsu Vdunr,) Sujldlne in Cuvahoea Courisv Ohlo ns identificd bv the Cevahovn Cuun•.v Au'dtor. as.or CYII/wlby CwMr WuLIRaLw( 'J:aurSip^in4 GYrxWFlrn

SIlu1,^ Nl,uilv IAdLn„) (b) CaluTbus• ellyr 'Jye Cewny W'bA¢Imp Dµa•+rYl{NOt CbatCCAI(oewrc(Jn,.Yql q n-.ddrt..t1.N e GSlqnlnre exnlFzdNwe L1ut ?AntWlNvu 92 ¢ an acnroxlmate 18312 a M r• he "'t of Cdumb^ F kT C t^v Ohio = identi%ted py-the Franki'n Co6ntv Auditoe as of 03/OSl04 as tax oarcef numbe OlU-'065519-60 SI,rnW Nunder (AtlLVU 010-^5$l8-90 010-020215 ^&0 010.0202[5-90. 010-008443•80 end 01Q-0084C3-90' ChylYW.LC eunlY WuLPreelna UFttnfSlrrtlnt chuM1Wai(newn5l.nWw ^ a.Wm, e (a) C11chmutP 9.51{nlrvn NU.tNVVN,n,e WJY T1nILnHUae

uml uk ilwnper Ualrtr{) Beine nn nrorox'male 204 eEe^r,e In WrmJltnn Countv Ohio beine'deltified bv'lie Hamillon

CnyfYllaye CtuuLy Wvar rNna Ue,nrSy.ln{ Cba[iWFlrnew:athVtllaL ^ County Aud'tor s of 02/27709 as tax vorcc) numbers 074-0002•0009-00 074-000]•On01•00 wu{ • 074 000{ OOQ'2-00 074 0001 0(X13 00 074 OC91 OOCs1-00 074 0^1 OOOfi-00 0740001 0003 6.SIr0YVre TideiNNeme INW J6nLLUNuw 00 074-0001•0014•00 074=0001•0016-00 074-0001•6031-00 074•0001•0019-Opi 074-OC-01• suvlusnunbeNddreal 0041-00 074-0001-0042-00: 074-0001j0043-00 074-0002•0001-00 074-0-004-0301 -00 074

Cry/VLLLyIa oury WeNPmlmt IearSiey'nr CtsptbeJmwpkwuJU ^ 0U04-CCU2-04 074•0004•OOU3-00 sttd 074-IX;^S•0003-00 urr6fanRen 9.SIyn•un hbnflnlNUro peu^l irtnll^uN.^e Sc.a Nwbml^rw,l

IyrVLll,p Coww:r WuNI•rtN,lu ,lenr9l(nue C 1o,t n,vrtll,W ^^ a WJrtndwn {

IMnullel.l! LnlYl.nal 4 11 152926

Number, STATEN,ENT OF CIRCULATOR (NameofClrculntor) i, kx •^4^ ^- dcclue ender peneky of olcction falaSBcetion mat I am the cireulator of tho foregoing pedtlon paper contnlning tho s]gnntures of L•_^ Dntn or eleelors, Ihat tha slgfut9re5 apparlde] herto were made s'td appended lo my p:eeence on Iha date 6et oppoaL'o eaol rcapecdve name, and are tha stgnaturs ot the parrons whou names they County L'?,Cta purpOrt to be or of altomaya In fa,r acting pursuaaao seodon 350t.3g2 of the Rev:ard Code, and ihe( Ihe olcetnts algning NIs poAiloo dld to wlth knowledge of Na conteots of sarnc, f e.m LVITfATIVEPSTI•'ION employed to dreulate ihit paSton by Proseseio e Petkfon MansFl l11` f14'extt Bao'er Ay Cnltmb• ON 43215) with f• d' 'dd •hmzygh the Ohio lobs and 47•owth Amendment to the Cmsdmtlon 31 061, ( Conmit•ee (g65 MepypA{G v oi um ps. Qjf 4 Nama rnd sddreas of employer). (T?te Proposed by Inidetive Petition prettding aentenca ehall be oanpleted aa requircd by section 350t,38 of the Revhed Coda IRhe circulator Is being empioyed Lo cireuinte the pedtion.) To be Submltted Dtrecty to tho Eloators

I further declare undcr penaity of electlon falslGculon In aecvManee with sacttoz 3J01.38 et tho Amendment Revised Code thot I wkNeatcd the sfflxing of overy signature to tho famgoing petltlon paper, LI;at ali cig.nen were to :he best of myknowled¢e and bellef qualiflbd to eign, and tha: every slgnature nlu, w. aaeeen,u e r, oet.'n.^a,ru4 e.,uwn^. ,xru <, xu. m,. era,wm, tel+^e`e^., a.eacw Ie to the best of my knowledge snd belief the sig•lntvm of the perroa whotn Ligr.atere it puxorta .n! Td W> 11. ua ,.euu Mn rAue M1'r wuc r,elrulY Hlt Y xd iv. e9tlp CAb^t.ert4nr. pnAdk ruMlaete wf Wl I¢[I mww,,,.1,.tml vMeu w^a.,]ri,J^iwL^ne reroVal ve,Vant.^! h. ulws.m,..u we C^^.w niwnt,> rvvY^ lo bc or of an auorney In fxct acting pursuent to ecc9on 350t,382 of the Revlsed Code. 9renr Ye`et arvdlM tne nrylNw. '


RTe Amrndmant te ie en,oud b'y.nxndlea Anlele XY, 8ectle¢ 6 of Lke Ohio CCN411Ytlon will: (Signed) ^fn,..,ptC QWGHS h Amhedxe t tingls tulr^ el . prede¢rMnN Ioceden. ar dmipnated In Ne Amendmenf,!n eaih of Lhe eNas (Address aEclmuletor'spermnnent mddcneeinLkissta!e)^^^^ - [. UP^ oC o C7dtly.jg4 (t^.e :nlno In Clnelnnat3, ONowill be lorned onrppmxlcatr.fy 20.4 ^hac or praperty loceled to¢a.eule(R Streef aad notuY al w• Prespwt Arem:e; (tr) u,e (eopmy JtuaW soulhqr W. Prospeet Aronusaulbf Wul 6N Seroeynoahef W.[{vrevRmd uW wm:at Onwlo 'SVad1(e.1 WpkozLmaulr 1.9f s:res of preperry toctlei awlfi ofW, Huron Reed, hn at Oet.da Srtae; mrd of GnJ Re.d uk 1y1t3 aul ol Na ploloeiWon qr the aanlMlne o^ lhe dddae or WltOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSFFICATION Weu 6eh 6Ye4 (d).ppemlrvmiy It11 acrta ef propeatl' end wa'ximutly I.E7 aaet nf ptepeny bumd at tlro wmbe.n eon:er er iA. lawseallan of W. 4A 9unt w,d W. 8a11e Arenue nd ba. vorthaut emc

q1IDn0)t 16 Numbet STATEMENT OF CSRCULATOR IssuedYS - ^a Q\'^C? r (NemecfCircjletor) i [^• a.'l.tiC.t( (^ . l" Y1 . declere uoder pena?ty of election faleificgtion lhst I an.the clrcu(ato: oC t11: forogoing. petltlon pcper contglr.tng tLe tlgnetu..s of 779 Date of tssuence_ Cll i; ^-2'(_l_ - elxtos, c9at the slgnatures eppended herato wern made snd appended l1 my pregen:e en s 3ata ret oppoaite each reepeclEve nsme, and are tbe g?5eatuns of the pernonr whore neater they Cocnry, M c.(•,, p^ purport to he or of gttotmyg in fact aettng puauant to eecl3en 3561382 of tha Revised Code, end that sua electors rigning thfs pedtlan dtd ro wlth knowledge of the contenu of raee. I an INIf7ATNB PBT: CION employed to circulate t61s petltlon by Pref s• t p 11 MM AIMUL t f` f14 = t P t. Ave Co4 tnbus OH 4320) wlth fu dL gp vidad th h the Qjljp^6} d[' h Amendment to the ConstL^.ttion Cotn:ltteaf865 Marsyaklev Columbue 08 432081, (Name and eddmss of emp;oyer), (The precediag. sentenw sball be comple:cd at tequred by reclion 3501.3g of the Revised Code If t.ho Aroposed by jnitlatlve Petition eL•outotor IS b

t furth:er declare uader penalty of elecEon fala.flca[ion in aecotdanco with gaetion 3501.38 of tha Rnvisrd Code thet I witnacsed tho a.°Cizing oC evcry dignaturo to tbo foregoing pe:iJaa paper, that Amendment all elgnete wera to t,1e begt of my knowledye and belief queli(?ed to slgn, end tbat every aignetlre na,. AnM'Wmsi'allolr:GdaNlSe..uuvMa.arYwl.»+1^e,ul.r(.vilu„ertl+NU4 av:NVL 6feCn•d !s to t.he bett of ny Imowledge nnd bollef the vgnaturn of tGa parson whose elgnnmte It pa:potts u.! Talab. 1b'.u Mvea ]er1 ^ feu• auYp hNI:M W t b Ywf ,r. Y^'a^e Celn'..amavY .aHYa NWIGf• pp.rt I :+1 e^b]LL1Yu eAl.rtql enrlr4 eaue N• n.el PT•If )Mwnl.r tw W,N. vs+fiu W uv Wrvttleeeu e.W pnYqenYqnr .stapyn to be or of aa aaomey In fact acting punusnt to secllon 3501352 of the Redt ed Code. un+•r eurel er.Nrv-e „ruuem,


(91gne^f--^I ^ Vu ea ^ ,^^ TneAmeWm2nttoleenraedby+mendingAnleleBV,SStlnn5ofhleOnlnConttltulienwnl:

(Addmss of c3rculator'e pttmanen; xaidonca ie thla state)^,{ 1. ^ ,Q ^• ^ • Amlwdttoelrt8le<+claq+upeedeunnfn:dlowJon,uao!gerlWlntLaAmendmeat,lneidNlRecities uC o Llnctneatl (STa cnino in Clndnnatl, Onbwlll b< Iaea:W onappmzlroatetyi20,4 eerm ef yeperry k

INlnnil.ll etmuul 16 Numbe:

STATEtriTNT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to -T4rYt4/" OW an 3 (MameofCrcalatox) I CtfYlaL D+iJ! nS declere under penLlty Of eteetien felslflc tion that 1 em the clrculator of the foregoing ;adtion paper conta!dag the algnanuea of, Dateofleauance `J'ZS'b9 e:laetors, thae tho siylatures appended hereto were atade and appended in my prxeeaco on the date set opposlte each respectlva aame, and an the slgnatva of the penons,whose namee they County 'Tnrr'()Lt purpon to bo or of atlameys in faot acting pu.^suant to section 3501392 of the Ravieed Code, anC that rhe elector: rlgrdng Ihla petl;loa did no wlth lnowledga of the cooteatf of aame. I etn I.NITIATIVB P21T[i0N employed to clrculale this peddon by Profclslona Ped80n M++seemer 'tn (14 2Paa oi r Ave..Gqlumbus. OH 43235) wlth fun5ingrrovlded thtoughjhe Oh3o Jobs and Oma•.h Ame.idment to ;he Conctltutlon f'ynminee (865 Macon 1206). ( A!'dv. Calumbu; OH 4 Name and addrearof amployer), (Tna Propmed by Initiadve Petidon pfeeeding seotante shall be completed ni cequlted by section 3501.38 of the Rcvlsad Code If tho clrculatorls being employed to cifcufate the petitioa.) Tobe Submltted Directly to tha 8lectors

I 1Lnher declare under penalty o° elecNon falaifica4on in accordacco wlth secdan 330138 of the Revieed Codc thst I witne«a1 thn affixing of eveq slgaatum to the foregoing peddon paper, that atl cignon were to tbo beat of my knowledga and baHef quelified to sign, and tbec avery s12nature :w. r..kawn,n u :r cva cenmwn NNnuaLuraa4Y„a!CY..^wC.CeiamY.,C6•i oo^u ie to ^ho best of my knowledge and bellef the slgnature of lha pmon whosesignacue It prrpotta w ni^, m. w e.a^ na, ,.;.• rw. u h'S'n' oMc4 uasnY• P be H.dye m tM?et ImJ mTac-01., wlkitd dL,M, IcnaN, fun, y, t(m.ea W Itr,nfa,omntl^vt Pn.lef hnElet le wq+t.1 tobeorefanattomeyinfactuedngpusuactmsecdon3501.382oftheReviaedCode. tw nt r..wn nNp, .etl xrN W ea''.

(Slgaed) 7t,e.l.-ne,Mlmenttobeen.aadbyvnendtt 'deuONeConaUUUtonvnl: • AuNottuastapecuiSeuaprn ignnledln!¢An:endmea4ineicbalt.heeilne (Addrcss of ctrculater'a pemvnenttasldence I¢ Ibis late)_ „!'!OS^ Ltr0.VrtE'^ o^. 0 0ti3M311 (Te eodnn I bo ;aemm an appottnu:ely; 20.4 aetes of ^ sky 0.5rio pmpeny foenA aauWy f aresdway, noM of Caun Soxc4reumwnn eSanCtty,{ Code) S te end ZIP an.dpan!.IIYrAnheutof psletCltMnArenve,lndull4403Retdla; Rc.d,415 Rozdlna Ren I Readina Rnnd,S75 Readln{ kaad, 1001 Brosdxsy, t00$ 6nadw, 6rotdwoy, 1024 Rrcadway, Ilc gut Co 2 auto4 430 Seit CouC PL ad 1031 Spri.+y Street, Clndrvµ8, ONay, 0 "•Isnd (tM rsstaa I:. vP; 4) ssrrnUw:_iY ISS r..rte of p:.pvp i :a:^ u Ce soemmx:ox Of tAe ica_wax^a :i Vf. Sate, :.+..i C::-.bye x.c::.e am wn,. of e^• [o.mer Bwtma^ a:^ r2_`

I Stcther declaro ucdor ponatty ef eleodonfsAIlcatfon in g.etotdsnce wIN ar-tlon 3501.Jg of the Amendment Revlsed CodG that I wttnessed mo afllsing ef every a(gnatara to the foregoing paRtlon paper, that all signere wete to tha beet of my knowlcdge andbellef quatlAcd to dgn, aod thet avery signstu:e n[e^4:0UOCmu4WmnuWe,wallnylru{NU1,elneeSdvuew,,nyCo^.lw.c^a«vt whore gfgostute it purpocts ,eA TtlNq :fu tu Mw. !.'.^ 1rw btt eulw LdLJU MII b W u: laW+ Gtk'1 .ommY. ^ tio+at>•t 1<,arpen fnm.l is to the best of tny fmowledge and baSef the s?gnanua of the panon Ie.xeuWu uG WmmrMs wul n.u+.mrle:)oa'adn:•r raa1I.ant^e.,na le. m(ucue:w;+.+t pm.We ruedtnt m ppxl :obe or ofananomeytnteecaningpunuea:tuecctlan3501382ofcha Revlerd Code. Ivm{ tvL'^t ^'n^fN+aY Iqu1Nm! S(IDIMARY

fieAmeaLremtobeeroetedbysm.end!ntAnkleXY,Seeliea6oftAe0liloCemLLrulton..4t(1 (S!go;A),^r 67 AulhAdxA t dngle tulM tl+ predelCrWeeG (ounan, u dudgnatcd lo-he Maeodment L;ueh of tlm citlcr (Ad.dtme of ckcu)etoc's petmsnaot mldence ia thit stete) (d( WavN 6 oC o Clndna0 ('nle cvlna In Clrcinn>IL 6Norill !e leuled enapprnxi..lrtely :0.4 attee of pnpeny laired 10udaxtef0.eWlnq Road, uuof Broalwav, aqN of Cen[tj5l,ror,toulhve¢ sne psnleltyi no.^.hen of IM 4471 rusp end:sfiwen of Oniiert Avaous, Inelud11 3os Ratamg (Clty, Sr6M and Tlp Code) Ro+d.+15 Raadlol Rotd,Ui getdlogRotd, 121 &eadint RnC,5'15 Ruling Raeq 10]2 BrceEw+P,t;006 &esdway,l00g B09dtixy,1030 BmsG,rey, 1a33 ero.dwvy, ats 8su Cnun Slxd, 410FutCourt3urst, 100912ibenAreaue+ad,10313?dn191aet,Clydmun,OSle)t o'({tp]gpa M. :utna )a Cleveland, oSln wSLL e. :oaeue oe one or matt; of lae fallowtng propertter. I(.) ahe preperqell,uudaauth ef Pubite 9quve,uuofSupoelor Aveave,vut of OnteAo Stnat snG ncnh af W, Pntprci Aveow; (b) Na Pmparq'+inucd re5th of W. Pnrpret Avanva.e.itof Wat Hh aven,tcrrhof tt'.HmmxRoed ard Sw+lef Ortusla BtreeK(e)i razlm+alyid) e+vnetPpPerty)msrWUUrhnfW.Hutonlteid,wanorOnu.ia 4treat nor^i of Cond Aoad md lylag eoit of the pnlaog+don of tha eeaterAra of Ne Bddge of YiHOBVER COhMSTS ELECTION $AISSFZCATiON 5Yett61h Snag (d)+ppms)nflue)y U71•+cnt afyepeny lnd wstdr ly)ae evt btlha pn)ooyBOa TH6 FIF'1'FI D8GR8fi, of 6e amwrnne of IM Bddga ot Wee'Jtd Srtwt, wuth o[ Csnd Raed, nonLwertof W. Beg1a IS GUILTY OF AFELONY OF Bo+d uk boundW by, utd ladua(eg t y.lydon a4 du CuY+boga Rt+nr D^ -A Iha sau0waakl(d all +1r dghn sborc tee apprailrtutety 0.37 eere pvice) of proQelrf +4uued tlong aed sevlh Pf Cktule Streat )e Wu pmxlmiry to dle lomnecdon ot W.1lwen Roed und t?srvde 3urat; (Q sppmltnnkb' 1.11 safts at prepe:ry Iecereed st tne+wtbeut menu af ine Eoremedon of W. 76' 9omt lne W. Balto Avenua an3 tea oorthwt comer et tha Lu6secdae at1Y, kd Slecct u1d'CUneg)e Aveeue ua weu of 16o farmu 9tlt[meee u'6 MSe ralterd dgbt of rlay, (y appraic^te(y ).SS euea of pnpenylxued u nLa aotbtlueemet af the Litanaadao of W, 3N aaaer .cd c.m.lle i.venve Md wt ef qe fe®u StiWaen..d Orde r>:Itued dlhl of vny; 00 Aaan ooel t.4ough tour. mesuNno, buamem ud suAbuament of ihft evufn pnperty locavd u

16 ^,^i^[I^^ Number

STATEMENT OF CD2CLILATOR Issued to (NameofCircvlatar`, L>r •^ , dec)ere under penalty of elecdon fa!s[ficaton thet I am tha cIrcula•.or o° . the foregoing pettdon papef contafning the tdgnatMet of 1A ^S l^k ctectors, that the stgoetures appcnded hereto wete mada and appended in my ptesene> on lhe dato set opposite ench rapeadvo nemn, and era the signaturet of the peaon] whose nuoet they County. pucpor, to be or of attorneys 13 fLet acting putausnt to seodon 3501.382 of 114;i RavGed Code, ond thct the electors Ilgning thls pedtfvn did to with knowledge of tbe contents of eatne. I am INLIIATIVS PETti tO:Y employed to cirCulate thts peddon by PI24aelcnal Petftinn Mepaaement. LLC ( 14 8_t Peel9t Ave Co:umbns O H 43215) with Ittndina etevided Ihrourh the Ohlo FcSs and CrowA Amendment to the Consdtution Du a32061, ( Commtrtee fS65Macon Altov. Colnmb,qs ,Nune and addiea of employar). (The Proposed by lntdative Pedtton pteceding tentenee thall ba compleled el required by secdon 3!0L.38 of the Revtsed Code If thc c(rculetor is being employed to etreulate the peddoa,) To be SuSrnined Diraetly to the Eectots

1 fnrther declare under penalty of eleedon fdtlfication ?o aecordeoee with seedoa 3501.38 of the Amendment ' Rev{sed Coda that I witnessed tho anlxing of eywr'y eignature to tha foregoing peduon paper, that all tiynera wete to the best of my knawledge and belief quaJ+,Sed to sSVy aad tbutavery eigneture r,a4 .N.w«wuwt u n, ollnlGf,,,n,acn,e,ru.,L.rt. ovim.l,Ne u.h xa. d,L. nr b.,viem. ('nTtueu4 r1.w.a !s to the best of my knowledge and belief the signatura of tha petton whote tigrtature it purports r1'Ibads 'M ux nwaw hrm V,.ze feur mao tteitlde, wl er vu1 ^a Whur oAld. wxnnr. µ 4k veune u aera. ^o wemu,ItW .na uMvlCttul.aeae,. b,n+,^ ymUe)neeNrlnt tarOFlet'rlrxc:iu Lw tnrpnmmt .M Fte.i46 hedte{ arvppxt to bo orof en suomey in fect acting punueat to eeetien 350i3g2 of the Ravlscd Code. a^enll.TN1"'mlfateNrtrul„W<.'i I


(S)gned)j0.. ^ ^ '13e Amend.^+en: n be enaded by amendlna Ardelc XV,Saction 6 ofthe OLEe Conrllr+dan w16: AutAorlu a lingle culne au predeterm3ned Iwdon,se duleeated Ir. Iha Amendment, In evh a 4e onlae (Add[ess df Circulator's permanent reaidea:oln chls uateQ161 S3 of. Ctndnneet (fie eulne:n ClneinnW. Odjewtll be toeabd an.ppfo[InPtlyl 120A ae'e+of pnpnrty locued sauthautofReulns Re.d; een af Btoedway, ne:[h ef Ceu.t Stteet, sou2.west ♦ (C4t^Zip Code) ad pud,p.y n+Mevt af the 1471 rvnp acq nuMwnt cf Ofthen Avenue, Indudfna 4 05 Rdding Re.d,415 Re.dint 3oed,421 Reeding Re.d, 3I1 Re.dlry Rov3,375 Readln6 Ro.d, IC112 Eroed.y.10o5 Srcadwxy, ICOS BrotdwsY, 1030 3roedw7, lOM Bmed»ar. }lt Eut Court Sueet, 430Ba1tCourtBvxet 1009017bmArenue.nd le]13pr1esStreer,ClnnindW,ohlo); o Qevelend (f). eaimo la CJeod.nd, Chlo wilt be taeeted en one or more af the fellawins QropeNxr, (a) Ihe propertysiWatedsamh pf Pubtle Seasm,etnofSUpedo: Aveeue,wett of Oaur:u Oveet aed nnnh ef W. Prasptct Aven41; (b) Ute ptepanY situutl aoudt'ef W. Pmapect Avanve,eatof Waat 6tT Stteet,nanhcf W.HumoRaad snd weitcf OnNdo Slree ;(e) apProalnamty 7.91 Ierv ef Propeny lonted muth ef W. Humn Road, vrest of Oeurio Siuet, ranhof^Cenel Road and lytat eelt erthe prdtanytion of ttw ce2sent of Inet ttRalp prapeny touted el

Ix,xnuit ' tx,wumot 16 ^^^^I1k^^l) Nunber

STATEMPINT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedto yKa....rC A' (JameofCir=ulntor) 1, `"tZ e W„ e s deelare under peaelty of eteetien A1sifiPvion i`?•r•^^Q`^ t4at I am tbe clnuletor af tha fomgoln8 pe4tion pape: toatelning tkle alpfaNrst of Date of issueven (Q-5 y 3 eleelan, that tbe eignaeutes appended heratn were made and gppendad In. my ptetence on the date set opoostte ench rnapccefve neme, and ero the eignetures of the penoot whore nemet they Ccunty &^^ purpott to6e or of anoncys in fset ncdng Wrsuaot to tectioa 350t.382 of the Revtsod Code, and that the eleetors cignlag thit peti(ian did so wlth knowl

I nurther daolerc under penalty of eteceion faldfleadon In accotdvnce with tec3on 3501.38 of the Amenliment Aeviaed Codethet I witneseed the efflging of ave:y signature to tha foregolnq petldon p92er. that all alinera were to the best of my knowledge and beLLef qualifled to sign, ar.d tttat ovrry rlgnetura nu. A:,t.w,m,mlue.omet5,^nbwe,ien.Nn>,a,saawMw,.Knota.elundn.wem.ea^:wl,autenat YN TNmn T1e Ut mv0^+ 11aa Nae'ar u,W hauee .in te aW ss edys oe)e•, .eer.:e,n P,•n,e, NneNt •ai,uppu,e •.a.t is to the best of my knewledge aod beUef the aignntttn of the pettoc whoro tianature it purports xneunYlw Mt6 W>YenWf,nneN, Ml,r prnK,lduJrlneraCNd, reNve. MeJ Yx atomwnC,M ryndd, fwAlne le,vatta to be or of an attomey 1n f%c: eeting pursuant to aection 3501982 of the Revlsed Code. ,!'+r.r.WnewartlrNMneuWlm. .


Tha Amendmrat te bt a.+eaed by acrnding At'Jele XV; Se

InlYfbll.ll IMINInl.11 l6 Nur,.ber

STAT&YfENT OF CIRCULATOR issuedto yTru.,x^ n,,,e:,5 (Name of Cirnllator) I, t 1nr»n ^ Orye^ts . deciere undcr penalty of Nection felsltleazloa tha< 1 am Ihe circuletor of thc fordgoing pclition pepor conleining the gSgcerytm ef _,L_ De¢of3esuunec electors, that the signatures Appended hereto we:a made and appeoded'.n my preteuca on :ha data aet apporlte each reepec[ive name, end are the alpnabues of the penane whose n¢ntet they County M2Ii4V ^^' putport to be or nf attorneys In faG anting pursuant to aection 350F 392 of the Revieed Code, and that the electon aignlug thSa petitlor. did ao wlth know:edge of the eontenta oF ! am iNfCIAT1VR P6T(T1Ori' employed tc eLroulete thSe pedtton by Piofeeeirms! Pelitlon Ms^.eeemenr LIP_ (14 Eaet Poplar Ave.. Columbut. OH 432151 with tLndlne orovided thrauah tha Ohle Snbe nnd CknwLS Amendment to the Constitution Commkttee fA6t Mecon A11eyf_oiumbua OH 43206) , (Vame and eddeeeg of emp(oyer). (The y'mposedby In16at!ve Petitlou prceedSng eentenee ahall be completed ss required by needoa 350139 of the Revieed Coda If Ihe clrculator Is beSng employcd to citcutate the petitlon.) To be Submltted Dlreetly to tha Electors i f'ir.hat declsre under pena)ty of electfon!alsiticatton LT aoceriance with rxt?on 3501.38 of the Revised Coda that 1 witnaated tha efAxing of evory signuturo to the foregcingpetitton paper, thet Arnendment all elgnera we.::o Ne bast of tay I;aowledgeend betlef quiliBed to sign, gnd L1ar eva.ytignnure 114 MAesMnrtt,a^lrOtb:miJw)wuaialq••n,au^WL^•.aaardrrt,lu•rChrwnJ,COWmF,yOnEro,il it to the best of my knowledge ar.d belie: the slgnarue of the person wnoan cignetum ir purpotn vtltsttla }M•unrvu•nem^GSfa pv.te•khNw,t heoAtaY ^.eM1/aa l,d Irw enfw;en^: rnl;n^iae fuw.Mt ^nwrne+ to be or of an atcemey in faet acttng purauant to teoticn 3501.382 of t}te Revised Cede. ^eTnrsuat+roranlehtr+dnlrlx'w.


(Signed), r TAeAmsndmeneiobeentetedbya,nernl1nyAtcfvteXV,Seeuan6oftheOhtaCa,udtu6avwlu: • Amho6ceuln¢laeatlnly 20i4 eares of yfpey K aea' g7D propnrty toeaW seuNoutot Reeding Rord, rut of 8mvlway. a>nn ef Coun gueei, roetAwea (Ctty, tate d Zlp Code) . a.^dprnldlyearth6ufottheS.Y(Inmpendnaithwatef0ilbeRAVrnuatnetu41ntw3Resdlnd Rmd,415 RoNdg Am4421 8r4dtag Raed: 521 Rssdteg Road.575 RaWing Roed, 1002 9retdway, E005 BroedWay, 100g BnMwsy, IO?0 Bnrdway, 1024 Bnedway, 41Elflett Gvn StreI ef pro âe•tr shwtd dena rrd mu,h et On^y Svsu Lt etale pmxtmlty 1a ibe Inteneedcn of W. Horua Radi•nd Omr,ie S4u4 (f) apyroale.ruly 1.93 eaev e2 peoputy lae.ted et the rcvtheut eemer eC thd Inronnden of W, 3rd SaatandW, beQle Avenue and (}eaanhear[ co.rer af Ihe iom.zectloti otW.?td 8treet rnd Cunarle Aronue tnd vnlt of tht fottnsr BeLLlnwre rnd Ohlo rellrotd righL of wey; (g) eppmxlavtely 135 ssrce ef pmpetty lonted ei nu sornheut cemer of ine latenectlon et W. 3rd Beeet ud Crmeye Avenue end wat ef tln fomer BJd:nom and OtJc ulROCd nyli of way; (b) noorl one Nrouah four, mraenlne, aunment vA aub•buematt artFat e•nr[n propurr Ixrud at

uit>um, n^,numr '.. 16 V


STATEMENT 0F CIRCULATOR Iddued to. M Mnr n...,_: (4sr.teofCirculator) I7^etmr_it aunn% , deeia:e under peneRy of etettlon falsificatfon thal 1 em the clreularor of the foregoing pctitton pnper contain!ng the eignaturci of / De:ooftssuence 'S" 9^ eleclore, thet the aignatums appended hereto wer< mtdo and 4ppended tn my presento on the date set opposla ench respeelive name, and 9ta aignerures of th.e pasons whosa nlmv they Counry Mnr^'y,n purpon to be or of attomeys (n fact acting pursuant to sectlon 3501.392 of the Revised Code, end Ihat the electoa dgning Nin peti5on dld so with Vaowledge of tbe contents of suce. I am INITIATNE?6TiTI0N employed to dltculntd thlA pet.'tion by Professfonet Petition M&ogP=On L J LC !I4 Ssst Poeler Ave.. CplWAaHpCj'j432151 with fundine orovided thn:ugh the t)hio Iybs e.nd Orovrth Amer.dment to the Constitution Covlmltta 865. Mecon A6ov,f,qjuQybus, OH 432061. (Nama ar,d eddmn vf omplvycr). (I'ho Propoged by Inltiativa PedUo^ proeoding sentonee ghall be eomp)eted u rcquired by secdon 3501,33 of the Revised Codo If the cireWetorls being employed to cir:uiate the petition.) Tobn Submlttcd Directly to the Electors i further declare undcr pandity of eleet,'on falsiHeadon In accoMmee wkh acetlen 3501.38 of thc Amendment Revlsed Code thet I wltnessed the efHaing of evety signotvn to d:a fottgolog pettt(on paper, that ali signen were to tbe best ofmy knowledge end belefquallfledto slgn, and that every cignature SNIt. AeAfMYTenIU41CMeCenlllliltlliN'AMl1el11ntltetllM'IIIlI]YN•iNIekWN(YtMM:,fSn:nGU;!],mMY1 it to the beatof my knowledge md belief the signature of the penon wbote stgnattue It purports ,a rm'aa :n. u. ,"e nw, Tc. fuv onno (rY1Ja wlll b atN n tden oMi t eo,ann r+"le. Nnnns p'upi^^ .w,,tma n,ttw..^t m+'.o:>,w^a n. n. ve,,..,,,.,c.w c„'•IJt twwt w•wv-++ to be or ef sn aCorney In fact acdng punuant to teccinn 350 t.3g2 of the Revlaed Code. l uwte Y*Ul a„Mdt+utltc'^Jee.


(Signed) itnAmendoenttoberamudbyammdln;.Uiels%V,SeedvnLoflheOhloCouWtmlo„wtll: ^ AmherlesaslnalaeuieoaiepmAnemancileeetloa,udotSgnetcdlnthcAmeodnunbinetch!orlheclnm (Address olcircu?ator's pcrmanent resldence In tbls etate) cB o (2jngipgg;j (ihe euL» In CL^ni:mad, Ud{nwlll be Ipealed anappnxlr.ulely 20.4 aeru o! aHio e/VtTo µropeny tecaad tautLealtaE Readlny Retd, uet of Brmdway, neN+ of Cautt Sxi[, muNwa,c (City, rata and 21p Code) md ptnldiy:,onP^eut of tbn Id71 nmp sad ncnhwast ef Dllhen Avmue, Lsdudln1405 Aeadlns Rasd,415 Rcsdlnt Read,421 Reeding Road; 521 Resding Rmd,375 Reading Raad, 1002 BnedwaR 1005 Brdadwey,100g BteedwaY. 1020 BroNwsy. 1024 Bresdway, 4:6.'ul Caun Suxl, 430 Eap Coun Sveet, 1009 Cilben Avewa and 1031 SpinB Street, CIxIMSJr 0*S0); o CYeveiand (She culne In Clnvefend, Ohte wlfl be tonted anm:a er mme af up tollowtaj propeNn: (q Na prepenymumalaulh efPUeCr Squwe,easlofSupWOr Avenua,wut of Onlatlc Sueet aM north cf W. Proepeu Aranuq (b) vu propeny suunted emnh ef W. Proepmt Avenve,emtar W. ds Sltm^nonhof W.}1.wnRoad ond waetcf Stneh (a aPProxlmntet97.91 aeme of paapany Ieoued tbxN ef W. ttumn RorJ, weit of Onotto Seeet, nonhef Cw! Rmd aed tylnp eut of Ihe prolengatieo ef the centmBne of 164 &id;n of WH08VER COb1MT18 RLECTION FALSIFICAT10N West dl& guelt; (4) sppeoslnauly 11.21 sseu cf mapnty snd wuariyNg evtuf Iho yrolangktcn IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTK DSGREB. • ef tM antedinn iE Ihe BAdge af Wne 3rd geea;lcauY of C'ensS flned, nanhwut p! W. PagU Road md boundad by, uM Llduding n pmllon a[ Ilu Cuyabeg¢ Rlver tn the tiulD and tlu wutbwesr (e) s11air e1gfiY ahove 0a spptosLiiste(y O.M rA:e putei af prapeny tituted tlcag aud leolh efOntiADS•fia Ieearc proxlmfty:te the lotatmtlanof W.Hlyoo Aoldisod Olrtulo SaseC (0 appmillmtetY 1.83 seees of proyorq lmted at dm aoathout etour of the Ietetuttloa of W. 3rd Saetl and W. Fagte Avenue md Na nathrzn corcer ef the immceenw c! W. 3ns Steeet md Cenxgie Avawe nnd weet of IM foimee Bddnwn eoL Oble rHtrcad fight ef wly; (g) appnAlmnety 13f aecea af property looled at th.eou!Lent cerear, nf Ne Snut'uadan ef W.3cd SueM md CYmesle Aveeue md wut nf tha former Btldmen nd Dyc ranrotd :leh.t af wnri (h) nxen oce Ouvugh four, meuaNnr, beumenl ieA wbbammeot nr ^uet earuin Ptopeny looued n

w,tlu,u, 16 Nu[aber

STATEMIi,NT OF CIRCULATOR Ueuodto ^"d.^d %e n. •^n< 'Npme ofCfrculator) 1. 'Zp...on_ 6w r'% dr.cla[e under penalty of electiaa falsille on that I ent the circutetor of G1e foregoing pclaon peper cot:slcing tSa elgna[trtW of Dateoflssusnce (4 -S••D4. elec.on, that 'he elgnnnuee eppendod huete we[c afado eud eapendad Li tfly pMsonco on Ibe dat> set oppoeite eech respecavo ngae, aed sre the elgntq:r.s cf Rte penong whote n=es they County Me^rtnon 'i putpon w be or of enomeya la fact act3ng pwausnt to sectlon 3501332 of tte Revtsed Cod:, nnd that the efectors slgning thfe pctlston dId ao with lmowledge of the contentg of egme. I artr. INP17A T IYE PaffPION a.-nployat to citcule[a this petltlan by Proknton^ P^ttUon M^ne¢etaent LLC (14 aau Pontar Avp„(`olambus. 09 .43215) wr.thifN tns orovlded' thropah the Otio Iobe d d Orowth Amendment to the Cons[Itvtlon Com[Nrtea ( 865 Mamn Alley, j;gl+my6431061, ts, ( Name snd add[eas Df employer). (R!e Proposed by tnlliative PeGtion pncedJng ser.knaa sbaIl ba comple:ted aa leqv3rad by section 3501.38 af the Rerlsed Coda if ttre cIrculatorit befng emplayed to c3rculete the petidan.) ;o be Subm(etcd Directly to tlx Elxtorg

I Pjrthe: declare uader peaelty of electioq faUifueutlon in aecordaace with section 350138 of the Revfsed Code that I wlmes[ed the a.'fixing of every slgnenue to L4e focegoinY peddCn peper. that Amendment . zl! signers wefe to the best of n:y knowlydge and bcllef qualLL'3cd to si;e, and that every elgnamre mt. Aa,>,xamwr,meoewceeweenn,eeemwv..euatarw,awa^a...earo,,d^ is to the trseof my knowledge and beilesthe sEgeeture of the penor whoee algnature ltpurpe:v W TYd.. T., ua r,.,,y am e.L, Nv,Weu rdL'a. Nn a, wet ,.e M,ye a4e^. mewinq rm,a, ba9n. u np^, Lc,l exA.vrlVlv4,d Iel,vtNau.iu,wqrn.kcfee,r,:nmlrerobbyreA(eee,nal.renromm,ene+dpe.5ailwAyiewppe+ to be et of an attomey In fact ectLi; pursunnt to [ecaon 3501.382 oe the Revised Coda. ^umt[emtnre+enlrhterG,.r^rLw.'I

TlxMendmenteobeenKtadLyamendlnBMidcXV,SmUcn6uftheOhloCOnttiwtlonwtll: i (Signcd)a,..nns Auptoim e ainyle eadna .u a prv'ewMnad Iev W an; u le,fgnabd in us Amcndmene Fn eiex ef4,e cftlu (AddressofcirculatoYsparnanen[:[aSdencelnthisetate) 7'OeLWAyr3 Sf- oL• o ^1pSlaqatl ('I^e eaJno le ClnelnnJ, Otde wlll Se loaeted on.ppeoxlrryety,20.4 aeru of r5^rnrl,=ONin yYa^O i'apary Ixale! seulheut e! Rudlr.8 Read, eeu of Hre Wwsy, nanh ef Ceurt Sirc:, aeutl..reet (Clty, State andpCo Ztde) and p[nWty nettheut of tye 7^471 nmp md ronXwul oE 01^3ert Ave:u:e, InctudLia 4n3 RudL^g Aaad,tlS Reedine Roai,42t Reedlny RaW, 52( Read!ng Rood,St3 ResdL'yg Rotd, 1001 Broadway, i006 9toedw4y, t008 SmadwaY, k030 3:asGwey, It)S4 Hreadway, 418 Esrc C"t 31reeS 4lo8aitCeunSerm41W90tlbenAVenueandlo3l Spdn;E¢eeLCleclnp4U,OhIe); Si2[y31{ed CS. ¢ euL-o In Clorelnnd, Obto wll! Ce larted an ene ur mora af Na fallowing e pregsntess p^ Ne propenYalwaua» PuEfle Yqunre.aaµof5uperler Arcnu4weat of OntuW Stree^.and rath et W. ProepN Avsnuq (e) :ea pro'yery rltuated rourhbE W. prmpact . Areaua,eutof Wut 6th Slttet,mi4,of W.HuroaReed .od wcirnf Onruto Slte6t; (e) aPP^%tme[ely 7.91 aetu o( p[opeRY]ocatad wulh o[ W. Haton Rout, we[t af Oaroe(e Svrat, nonh o(CSnN Rosd and lylnt eut et the prolo.ryettoa et rhe eerttarttne of e>o Badte af WHOEVER CObA=S BLECPION FAIBIFICATION Wett eN Seeci; (d) aPproatmmety 11321ttu ef p.roper•y md waruly{ng avt of Iba prolongenon IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE P'IFTH DEGREE. of L^e ce:uert(ne of Ihe B:ldte of Wot 3rd Sucet, tamh o1 C7rul Ansd, nerJtwesl er W, p,a81e Raad aaC Do¢'nt!M by, aed Includfnq a patden oL dn Cnyehcge R3vtt to miroutn acd 0e roumwen; (e)jy( a!r rS;hu abere IEa approrlmatefy 0•87 aen perml eE propen f sitavad alang erA .ee2 of Ontarte Sr.xer le clore prea(mity ta rbn (ntenettiao af W. Huron RcW an6 On:ulo Susak (Q epproxlmamly 1.83 .ette er pro?ery. leca:ad ao u' a enuutcau eemer e/^.he totaneedan .sf W. kd Svier v,d W. pAgte Aveauc md tbe nonheul exnu of cM lntencedon of W, Srd Smu andCuiegie nvenm vne wet of mcformer 9dtlman ena Ohio rallroad rlght of mY (f) ;.D9resimi<=!y ^f .55 :cme e: qruxny Iccated a::e routhaut eorsr ef ;he ^nxoeitlon of S1. 3:6 mt s.^' CeMegi: n•:r:oe uC +'e,[ c: Vw::.^:^> Pc!tiram iIl ^?ie niL tl rlgtn etl r_p :n) ti:^,,(y 9rt iJl(C:3);1 fiV:,'i,.'v'tr1 ne. C:s:kKn: Nn rVi i'/Semr..`.tryf'.i:te:9"' :Y i 4ee;ed u m ^I^f^^1[i ^

STATPsMfiNT OF C[I2CGLATOR taaued to ^rtpy= r^..e n r (Ne:ne of Circulator) I T-,_, r rknen^ . dectero under ponslty of eloctlon falsificatton that 1 am LLto circulator of tho fotegoing petidon pepe: coctai.vng the tigne:um of -Z-7- Dato of issuance 7• U Q clectore, that tha aignatures eppendcd he.-ato wero made and eppended in my prseoce on the dtlo aet opposlto eaeh sceecctlve namo, and efe tho algontuma of L4o penona whose ontoee they County M ^ eni pufpott to be oc of ettorneys In fact aettag punuent to scctlon 3301.382 of the Revlsad Code, and that thn electofs slgning tMe petltton did 6o wl•,S knowlcdgo of tlte cantrntt of aamo, 1 am • 1NTTIATIVEPETfL10N emp:oyed to cltculatn thia petUlon by lergFetsions! e Ave Columbus . OH 432151 with Nndlns c•ovlded throu¢h the O lo fobs end Orowth Amcndmcnt to thc Lenetttutlon ( Commlttee 865 Mgqon Atfpy Qylumbut. O8 43206L (Nsme tad addreft ef employar). (The Propcsed by InitintVve Petidoo preceding sentence ahell ba comp[eted u requlred by sectlon 3501.38 of the Revlsed Code if the e4rcutatot•it being employei to cimulate the petttion.) To be S•dbmltted Di:nctly to the Electors

1 funher decl2re under penalty of elecdon fs!alt]cadon In accotidance with recdon 3501.38 c: the Atmendtnent Rcvlsed Code that I wlmeeced the affixing of avery elgnature to tha foregoldg pctldon paper, that all slgneta wer< to t8a best of my krwwtedgo ead beBcf quali8ed to dgn, aed that evary signatuee T,A bAmn!'nrIYY+OMnGi,uiyJ,wuwluAa„M„YU.LC^Vnln..efnl,Ma41u.SCJwleulvnlavLChaL,MJ Is to the best of my knowledge and bdiof the signatute of uha person whoae dgnamre it pucporte .nt ta1NS Tu W nvlew han IAw,I.e.W un.q MII'sMl.lit 4 aW b: teLne 0!!p'a ^ane.nn f.


TheAmend.aanuotvecanW bylrsndtxaAntel.XV,Saaqea6ofNaOhlaCemdtvnlonwilh (Signcd' Authodu a Onale n41no it a prelucmtned loeaCan, u daslb+stmi In the Amf he 1471 nmp tnd noMwart of Onnett Avanve, IneluCloy 40t Re.dina (Ctty, S^ Rcad.415 Rudini Raad,/2t Raadint Rad. 52t Reidlnt Rord, 575 Redtotj Rcad L002 Emadwy,lM6 9eaadway+L006 Sturtvny,10y0 drmdwaY, 1Q21 3rodury, 419 gatt Court S.t, 490 Satt t^eurt Suem, t099 011bett Avieue r.d 1031 Spdnt gtraat, Claeinnajl. Oalo);. e CLevetend (Ibecatlne In Clevelend, Oh(e wN ba Ieeatcd onone or more of the fotlawlnt tsapenlas: (e) Ihe propettytltvatdtoutlt of?ubllc S9u5re,anslofSupedor Avvinua,west of Ontada Sued notth of W. Pto.pect Avenue; (b) toe prape,:y tltualed sauthef W. Ptoepett Aveoue,asltefwdWeet 6th SLroe4cc:thof W.NorenROad enp wmt'of OaYrlo SttaC (o) apptustmne(y 7.91 easa ef propuiy taatW southof W, Humn RoaC reat af Omarlo SaeR wnh af Gml Raad uk lyfnt eaer nf iLe prolenµ:bn of rta ae•arllFn of iha e:ldie of WHOEVER COMMITS BLECTION FAL4IFICAITON Weeeeth?treeq'(d) appmtlmelaly 11.22 9=9 ef propeny aed waxr tylet eau ef ME pmlaniaBaa IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFf$ D%GR&S. af the cented{ee of d,a Bndte of Wat 7rd aVwt, wuN of Cmil Reed, notIDwesl of W. Haya Road aed baunded by. md lncludtnt . potdua eG :ha Cuynhoga Rlrer m theiouth and tM aeethwuC (a) alt dr righte alzve the tpproc3nmely 0,61 aere pateel of pnpeny i4uatd aleng snd scuW of OgtWo So-eet In etote proAlmlty to tbe lnrorsaedtLt at W. Huteo RaaE and Onude Streat; (f).pprefânauly L.b3 acres of propany laated st ttu souteaut mtnat ef tlie Internetteu of W, 3n1 Sueet and W. Eet3e Avanue and tha nenhaut ronxr of the latermsden ef W, 3rd Sqeet and Cune^le Avenua tnd wert of the fanner Raldmare and Ohb nliraad d(St of wey; (y) eppro4mooty t65 actm af peapany loeatod u me eaumeut eereer of tlu tateraxtian of W. 3rd Street and Cametie Avenue and af tha farmet gtldnate sad Ohla rJlred rltlbt of way; (h) noon oaa threutt foue, messanine, be¢ment e+d anbSuement eftllot eoneL-, properry Ioeated at


m,wuavl . ;xUfu4yt 16 ] I®


Numbar STATEMfiNTOFCIRC22ATOR Icsuedto ^n^^nr nt,arnc (Name of Circulator) I SCW1af ^.. .v nr\s deelerr, uader iknalty of ala^tloa falaLiaa.jon that I am the olcculator of the fongo!ng petition paper contalong tba a(gnanuea of y'2_ Dat6 0: brnenee ^ ' ^"O G' elactots, that the eignatnres appended hceto wefe meda and appended in my prmence or. the date aet opposite eseh tnspettive name, uid ere the aignettuea of tl:e panoecwhor< ttamee rhey County_}'^}^ nn/! purpott to be or of attomey3 In fact a_^dng pursuant to rectlon 3501.382 of t7:e Revised Code, and that the eler.ora signing this pctltion did so with laowledge of tha wnteara of seme. I em INITIATIVEPEfffION employed to circulate this peddoo by Profeseioatt Petltion M eaee • ir r(I4 2. t?oo1 Avc.. Columbns OH 432151 wlth Pindina orovfded throu h the 0blo lobt and t7rowth Amendment to Ne Constitution ( Comr.utme (863 Maeon Attev. Calumbus OH 43206>. Name aSd addreaa of employr.). (Che Propesed by fnitlatEva?etldon prcceding sentenee ahe11 bncompleted a requlmd by acction 3501.38 of the Revleed Code If tke circulator is befng employed to c3raulete tba peddon.) ''. To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I further dectere under peJtelty of etectlon faWHcadon In eceeadnnea wlds sect3on 3501.3g uf tha Amendment Revleed Code that i w(tneefed the afEzing ef evcry algnnture to the fomgoing peddon paper, that al1 tignen wen to the beet of ny knowladge and batlef que>;qed to atgn, and tLat avery algnatu.: Tak. AeAmaeetraNUeeOh:a!Caw^dmiearSMVadnekndm.Yeinucio(iAad?nNG.rLe;etiumnr.Gdmul le to the beat of ny knowledge ezd ballef the algna:ure of tha penon whoee tignatura Itpurpoee .ee Tdme ;n, ua nrau rma ^.m' a rwr nileo ^eWe wY ee we0 sc bolur Owa't .mcenr piarlde lwJj m ruepet rmi,xnpJUeYaea6dintru.erm,tXruv,:peS+t a+mim ut MiLdx. S1IMMARY ' -

T6eAm;edmenttobaerAecedbqarsndlnjANele$V,Smt1a16ufthe0lile^onnitutionwlll: '

Aunod're a slntle rulno at a pr.dnermined loeeticn, u dulyna:ed ln tna Amandmant. In eieh e(lie cltln (Addmst of clrcUlatode pelmaneot residence In this 6tnte) af: a Indnnatl (r)^w eulno la Clnel.•,ntd, 01daw111 be [oca:ed oLtppmxlmate:y;20.4 pe.•er ef Ott•o 4uc70 pmpe .ry tecned auheutefAuding Rotd; eettef H:oedwey, nenh of Caun SirxL teushwut (LYry, Sta a,nd Zlp Code) end putldly ne'nteut nttho 1.411 eaq,p mdvnhwut o( Oilbett Avnnve, loc.tudlnt 1 en one or moro efi ihe foHoMng propeNm (illQu prnpenydNitodwmb af Pueâo Squa,ro,> Ayeouqwett of Onterta S¢cu eod nonb af W^ Avonor, (b) ae ptopery. tltuaud tovN at W. Proepeu A.enue,euiaf Wu, 6rh StneLcoer},of W,)SUroaROed ue ueitof Ontartc Sem4 (e) app+eafmntely 7.91 auw at ptoperty lont

n,m,un i 16 0 P111191! Number BTATZIFSVT OF CIRCULATOR Iinleltd -XLmar (^.^en3 (NOme ofCireulator) 7&tx,..r ^u^erx , dee!re undd: penalty of elecdoa frlsiflee'3on Lhat I am the clrculator of tne foxgoing petition paper oontaining the tigmture! of ^ Dato of ismancc ^-^ electott, that Ehe slg:lemma eppended hereto were raade s1d appended In my preaenen on the date let nppogSta eech respeetive, and are tha dgntturu of the panona whose nsmee thcy County rNnnon purport to be or of attomeys In fact ec'tlag purnuant to section 1101.382 of t;x Ravlt:d Code, aod that the eleetors tlgsdng thlt peAtion dld to wlt.h koowledge of the contents of taam.'1 u.s ENITIATIVE FF.1Tf ION employed to cireulate tttis petldon by Profe••lonet Poddon M=eneement. df` (14 Gaet Poplar Ava QglumQus OH 43215) wlth fund ne nrovtdM hmugh Q'lQhlo )obs utd OraW'Lh A,'nondmentsothcCoasCtudan Commfttae (865 Mecon nev al Lmh ta 0.4 412061. (Neme and address of employer). (Thn Proposed by Gslllulve Petition ptxeding eentence s6ell be completed as raqutred by section 350138 of tha Revlsed Code tf 4se circulator Is being employed to eirenlate the pedtion,) '^To be Subrrutted Directly to tho Electots

1 further deoisre undupenalny o( etectlon falelilcadon Sn accordanee wtth aecaon 3501,38 of the Rovieed Code that I witnessed the effiaing of every eignature to the foregofng pet5tien papef, that Amendment all


(Slgned 7be Anxndment to 8e e:xled by emending AtLLete XV, Seetlon 6 of the Ohle ConrWmEon will: AuNo6ge A aingle :ulnb m e pred^.erminrd IouOOn, ss dulgn•ced 1n Wa Amenameal, Sn ridc ot:he ehln (Addrass of clroulntor's permarsont rvidonce in thts rtste) o.^. a CIc!nnul (p6a eulna ht Ctnelmqtl, Ohtevni Le ?oeuad enspp^^relyi2].e acrcs af S, "sr„ oHra 4yrra pmpenY lceaud reutMutofRCedlny Rosd, wtof Hmadway, norr.l o( Coun Sveet,mumwnu (City, tara m5 2ip Codc) and pushliy nonheut of de 1.471 tamp and ece4breel ef Oliban Avenue, Ineluding 405 Reeding Rced,415 Reedlr; Raed,421 Readiet Rdsd, 521 Readlnp Rcad,575 Recdin'g Road, t072 Hroadwari 1006 8roadway.IOS Broadtny. 1020 Broedw:y. 1024 Broedway. 4l8 Hut Coun Sltu; 430 Hut Coun Slttat, 1009 Ollbea A+tma eea 1031 Spdng S42e4 CledntiuL Ohin); o qevelond ('fhie aeaine la CleveLnd, Ohle- wW ba Ien?ed onone or mom el We follovAny properUn: (a) Ne propenysltuaredanuth of [VIHe Squam,amtofSupetlot AYeoue,wett of On:arla dnet'u,d non.l of W. Prospe[v A.anuo; (b) No pnpenyaltvutee couuN of W. Pmrpecs Arenue,eutof Wen 6th 54ree4aoMOf W.HuronRatd wd reitof Ontule Svecr, (e) approxlmimiy t91 acrte of propeny teewed gouW of W. Hwee Read, Sren or Onluso Streat. ncrN eflCanel Roed und lylaat eul of the pra?ongatica nf 44a eerdedine of 5e Bddea of 4VHOEYE4t COMNfiTS ELECTION FAISIFICATSON Weat 6th Slreet• (d) appraxinutely 11.22 nette ef property and weter ls4nY aut of i)e prolongadnn IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OFTHE FIFTH DEGREE, of Na eeetern^^e o( the Hddge er West Ird Snre4 rautb o! Canal Roed, aenbwut ef W. Ha.le Roa6 snd Sounded by, tnd inetu^nL a Pdrtian e[, Un Cuythnga Rirer N'Neeeulh uA the - souNweaL• (e) ^,r11 d: 114, beva sfia ap proxlswr.lY t1.S; aera prrecl ef ptaecn)^ t WnIM aloag and sowh of Oputfo Strtet In e4ote proxlmfry to Ne lntenerAon of W. Hurcn Ror! and Qn1aAo SuzC appracirrmuy 1.61 aeres er pmperty laeted tt Ne mutMan eerr>

rx,aumal glwltm]1 ?6 p

Numbar ,rw

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Ilguedto-^.L•lAn . 1 Al}?In^ (Nama of Circuletor) . r I, ( J.-lt t-Q LA A). dxlare undcr penely of election faleifl etlon Ihzt F m the cltculetorof the ferogoing petition paper coataining the Agoaturet of Deta of issuance electo:s, that the clgnstures appended hereta wera made end appended In tny presanca oa the dece set oppoette each:capeetive neme, md are th.e sfgnetums of the personr whase namee they Coun:y M O.t", p putport to be or of attomeye in fact actUtg punuant to sectton 3501.312 of the Revised Coda, mnd Ihat rho electotv etgning thfe pctltlon d[d so witb knowtedge of the contents of reme. I am L4ITIATIVE PETLTION emptoyed to clteuiate this pedtlon by Profnxtonel Pet6lon M>^acemenm. t1C' ( 14 Fast Penl_• Ava Coltmbae. ON 432 15) wttb •ndlrg erovided eb!ouch the Ohio ldba end Oraw^h Amendmear to the Constitut3on Cottunltrea (865 Mecon Altev.Columblye. OH 43206) . (Nama and sddrera cf employl). (The Propoeed by Initiative pettdon pteceding sentence sbetl be romplcted ee re•aulred by seatloit 3501.35 of the Revlaed Code if the clrcufator {s bcing employed ta dtcuVate the petltion.) To be Submitted Directly to the H)ecton

I furlor declare enderpenalty of electfon fe',slflca:?on 0t accordance w(th aectlon 3501.38 of Lhe Amendment Rev3sed Code that I witnegsed :ha afnaing of evecy signature to dta foregoing pedtlon paper, t_et 211 algnara wc:e:o the beat Of my knowlcdge and belief qualified tn tig;t, and that avery signature Tna AaNVdm.n,,aG»atkCxvl,N4nu W.dux,lnrl.eWxnNJde,..r eu'^a r.dl5v .NI M wM te xhnf Jeia't ,cmenY rym1a. r.eant;^r w^âat M.+t eeme„wn res e^mt auuleasave uu ue<; o^a• k•uNnint fx onwc vaRte,c. aee n^ eerwevwnu em rASm. r:nsna w,avwn to be or of nn attorney In fect acdng purraua,a te tection 3501.3g2 of 3e Revited Code, ^nqtuntnrn^nlrlMVdwrylYlm. , ,


'rbe Amendment ro he enetted br 4nending Aniele XV, Secnon & Of ehr Ohlo Cenaitudon wll l: 1 (Slgned) N f ( (f1!, AuWodee a single eeslnoiu a prvtc,envtncd looetion, cs deilgnereL tn ka Amcndnwat, In ee2h ef Jrt elJa (Add¢asofdreulator'epermanentresfdenceintF.brteto) \t1^1 ^r.^aunE.Si of: e CIr.rFnr.atl (fhe eulne L, Cin.:neW, OPlewlll ba taulyd onopproztma^ly 10A aeree of pmpeny bnted tovtlautofAndina Road, 09 0116rn Avenue art51031 Spdvg Steet, Ciaanniti, OtJa); e Lte•rlend fITE ceelw fn Cleve74nd, OtJdwla be tottted enone oc roro of;the fotlow{ng ptopertln: (a) ahu propenythuavdtoum ef publte SquuqeutafSuperiot Alenue,were ef Ooleriu Sasat iA nertt, of W. Prospeet Avenee; (e) 04 propmy Atuv41 xaunl of W. Prmpe_ Avewa,eartnf Wus 60 SueeOnathof W.ElurooRoed md wcr! of Oande Suue (c) appnaUnate7y?.91 teeee of prowny beeted wuih of W. Hurnn Rea3, s4axtof Ontario Suaet, nor.h ef C+.i.t Road rnd tytnd tut nf tg. protongu:ea of the cerAe.^Jno ofi d,e Bddge of VfHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FAL.qIF1CATION Wett 6th gneed (6) appro.Lnualy 11.21 aeek of praperty and wuee IYing esst Of tlia prolengxQon IS GllILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FfFTH DEGREE, of Ue cantar4tyb of thd Bddga of Wex 3rdgtne6 reuW of Caaxt Road, nrhweat of W. gtor of the ferxgoln3 peddeo papcr coaWLNng the atg;utuxca of e ^2 -20'0 2 electert, thtt the tignaturet eppcnded Sereeo wwa mada md tppended !n Hty pretence n Se De(eoflrtuance da:e set opposite eac.h raspecdve ntmq md tte the signant.'ct of the pertont whote ne,•ttes they purpete eo be or of attoraeyt!n faet actiag puctuent to ucdoo 350L182 of the Revided Cede, md Coenty 4jL ^tL ehet tba electon tigning this pettdoa did to w1•,h knowledge of tho contenu of sacte. I em f employed to ettcutem eblt pedt:oe by ppfas(ann! Peddao Mt eaomenL t rC_ (14 P..P p+ye LKSTIAIIYBPeTLTtON Ave Columbu. OH 43215) wlth f, In ,.,.. ided Nr«• h t. n6iyftogJnd Om^b A:nendaunt to the Conedtutlon (',emmlttee (865 Mecon Allav. oluOJyu6 O H 4310A), (Nama tnd addmu of ampteyer), (Tne Pcaposed p:ecedtng setttence alfy.ll ba eontpleted at ieqvired by neet(on 350119 of du Rtvlyed Code 3f 1be by inidadva Petitbn alrn:lamr (s boing employed ta cireulete the r ddon.) . To be Submitted Ditectly to the Blcctots

I Nr•.6er dcelere underpenalty of ateeSon falatl!cation In tecordixs with teeHaeNeetnr v.up>;n an sttorney ln fact ecdng pureueat ta seadon 3501.382 of the Revfted C'otle• +^tr..Nnt^'^rd4\ta.dlerihtlm . , ,

(5(gned,),, AA-I'sLt- The nlc=namem to be

(Address of etrcutarot't A•nhr.tx ulnVe cufrp al a pttd:kcmined locatEen, it duirntte4 (a fM AnamLU14 In ucb er the dQet petmanen:resldance In atnte) ^rAI! Lb.n.. e Sf cP. o Clnrtnnttt ([be eufw i^ Clne4w.¢, Ohlo wltl be lented an tppmxl.mtely IO.a^ acnet af 'nNrlusRV o,rid ^lyo prepenY taa+red ^ecWeut afRea¢tay Rot4 eui o[ Heddwty, mnq of Caun Ht;u1, eevWwnt ^ (City, taand7lpCode) mG 9udJ1Y nonLuet efw+y, eh s F{lt nmp and vonhwui of ^Ilhen Arenua, Ineludint ^OS RoWrg Re+6,itf Re.d1^S Re.d.a21 Ru dlnt Rotd,$Sl ReNtns Rvd,515 RualnE R; t. iM1 0madwtX 1^6 Bmed t00C 3 m.dwty, 1020of BroadwaY. IPIt Hm.dwry, I1t Rut Caun $l•eat, a30BLt Ceep Stresy 1009 t3116ert Awnue rnd 3a113piee Snee4 U' edeeut CSe); o$ILtyt(!nQ (Ihe tt&q In deroLnd, 0hin will be ioestsd eneaa m men of 4s fotfowlnt prapeNe.; (q O^t propnyrlwledtenth ?ubtle, wterSSxtlet Avanud,nttt of Onwfa Street tM nmtq e[ W. pmrpat Arwup (b) dla propercy dwsd routb af'NJ Prapxt Awnae,autof Weet 6'A S:eµnoMof W.!furonRetd arG wauef de.Ae SI[taC (e) tppmileuuly t51 +nat of prayaq tora,ed wuyl e! W. Huecn Ro+G, wartdl0cu.•lo Stred ootteof U' ail Ratd tM yin4 tut ar tha P:olontalla e! 5e ewudee ef rAa hddta of WHO&PER COhSM4T6 ELECrtON FALSIFICA220N Wert 6L1 Saer; (d) tppraalmauty t:11 teeet ofpenpety tad waterlyLng eul artAt prolonytdae 18 GUILTY OF A FELO.YY OF THEFIFTH DEGRER, o( Wa «nteegne o! t6e HhdSe c[ Wut ]rd SaeLta+tq ot (9at Rad. nanhwert af;B'. Heple Road md bauadid by, azd Indudin6 a ponlon of, the OtyahoEt Atver to ;Leromh toi the teothwert; (e) 1111112 d9u tbow Lqa appm]niuty 0497 sat pueel of pmparty rbu(ted LLota tM routA ef Onuito Sneet in eloto ptoxLolty to thelnunet4an of W. Huna Rotd u'6 Oaue'a Sreep(f)appmgl'mrtely1.11teeetetpmpmY7xttadattSatam.leanoom[rotthaLW' .naedon o[ W. S:d S4est'tnd W. PaSle Aveew rr! the aoMeut eamer nf i!e Lvttaavlen 6r W. ]rd Slnet.nd (:ueett. Aranve md west orRe foraer Ha(dmro md DMe NW.d dght of wy; (t) ippreilnttety i,lf tetca af pmpea.y wetted.t Ne uwhettt eqtnar ef the lnwt

^NIPIIOfJJ ' 16 . 1MIW1111 g1Flafi9iN`llMSlaW 754401 Number

STATEhffiNTOF CIRCULATOR Iseued to Ap^"p'f OuXrs (Name of Cifculafor) I,_:yn^rr owbrZ . deciaro ue"_ar pnnetty of election tJaifl on that I em he cLtculmer o: No foregoing ptdtlon pa?ei c'ontaWag tha signaturw of Dato otltfuenn eleotore, that the [ignetn[e[ [ppended heeeto weta made utd appeedod In my ptwcnca en tCa date set opposito eacb respe.dve name, and a:e tha signatures of the pecsor.e who[e nunaa thcy I I County purport to be or of netomeys in fact acdng putsuant to eecdon 3507382 of the Ravt[ed Code, at+d thet the electo:n alyning thi[ peddon did eo with knowltdga of t)te coetanta of eame, I[m E:ITL.TSVSPETITION employcd lo dreulate th1[ patltlon by °^f^• {onal P1 bn MenesemenL LC (14 Faet Poo^ Ameadmeat to the Cor.adtudon ey. r.,u,oa„„ nH 4'+ni5) wf h fundirt¢ nrovlded t_h«+eeh the Ohto fobe end Ocow'.h ,^ ht e fg65 M1 on Alfey^'4or+be+ OH 432061, (Nacne and eddreasof employe:), fLhe Prapoeed by Initledve Ped3on p:eceding [entenee ihall be eamptaled a; tequlad by eee•Jee 350139 of the Revl[ed Code if tbe a be Submitted Dl:ecdy le theElrxtoce circulator Is lxing employed to e(rculake the pet{3on,)

I f,u'.her deelue underpeeatty ofeleedon feblflenden L't acr.'ordance with [ec$on 350(,3g of rhe . ', Amendmeat Aevls>d Coda that I wltneaoad the af4x!ag of eve.y alineture to the foregoing pefltion paper, that all rigners wete to the best of my imowledge end b¢ilef qtuallHed to sign, and tb[t every tignature nu. Ani.e.mmw,ne.CUe t,vnnWm,ewweu,.uee•w.v.l,w•.ra aJ.eoaefC.nlu.iGwxnt.nweva ,K iXda tTO ut m•ne• M, ewt fv, wdm I,ett2u au1 b. „w e: ed„e atr'r «aw,nY P^taa Nerbi b;rappe+m,t is to the best o: my knowledge end bellef Pie [ignatute of the person whoea [(gn[tuce It pctpom m,.wa. va,oal6ann..uzHe. rwmp,c w^par. ta be or nf sn attamey in faet aeting punuent to [ecdon 3S01.332 of tbe Aevieed Code. ,•^tr:.R^teu.b^.ravus SUMMARY

lbeA,mndr.unttaNauekdLyinndle[MI`IeXV,9eeden6efNe0nloCewltuCovw0lt (Slgned^^^^ • AuNWn[Jn[Ieeadno'atapredcmm,Ir.Wlaedea,udulgnuedlnWeA.-tmdmea4teeaeAOfP.adtlu 3 (Addessofclreulerot'[petmeneatrecldendt( ([LS cnlae tn Clne3uu+1, Oh1ovllt I. Iecued oaappcaaLmtaly Se'A avea of eaun 3uw1t rouut`.sn S ndu^OfiC'^!^^10 pnputyfoeued weLeut efRUdLrt{ Road, eut of BeeNrry, ve:N et and p.rtLlly eaiheut ef Ne 1471 ney and nanAwett o( Ollben Awevw, IaduEinp 405 Aaebit[ (Ciry, State [ndL'p Code) Aoad.U3 Aeadla[ Aead.44t Rudln[ Acai, 111 Rardiat Rmd,573 RauWLiS aatd, 1002 Bmadwqr1003 Bmadrny.1006 Bmadmy,1030 8ntlwaY, 1024 Bmadway, 46j&+t Cout. 91net S30 HujCowt3aroL Ib09 OfILatAVCnee [nd ;031 Hpd.^.t 9^'c; C4nlerud^ O!Ja); . eCjg•jIa¢b (IIIe auLU In Clc.etaM, oLle wtli be beuee oa eoe z rswrc ot Ne fdlovina praperJCe•. ([)Itee 9topenYdtueW rouN of peDLLe Sqouqeutof9upafer Averive,wen ef Oeurte Sa

^ix,w,mut . tx,wnasi 16 Number

STATSPrTFdiTOFCIRCULA'IOR Isauedto (NemeofCltrdator) ' , declace und--r penmlty of elecdnn fa?t(ftcedon that l am^he euculator of the forogoing pcuidon paper eon•.xining ISe algoataru of IJite of laallarlce v ei elcctors, G at Iho cignetutoa appended hereto were made and tppended le my pnesenee on thc date sct oppotite eaehrespoedve name, end ue the signauures of the persou whose naaea I.hey County ^!^','_ylpT^ p^uport to be ot of attorneya In facc acdng punucnt ta section 3501.392 ef the RevBed Code, and that tha eloctorr signing thL pedtion did so wi `u kaowledge of C§e comenta of teme. I atr. INITIA71V5 PETITION nmployed to elreulnte abts pet[don by Pro4-eilonl Petitlon'.!c:fement: I1 C(t0. Paet Popla: Ave Columbus OH 43215) whh fundi7c otoyidea the*ceb tbe Oblqlobj and Orowyb Amendment to the Conadcutlan Porninig5e (965 Mecon A1lev. Columbus OH 43206). (Nerne ^nd addrest of employer). (2Ta Preposed by Inidadve Pedtlon xeceding eenteneo shell be-.ompfeted es requtred by secdon 3501.35 of he Ravised Code if tha oirculator ) s bc;ng anployeC to nlmulace the petillon.) To be Submt::ed Directly to the Electors

I funher declare undar ponat.ty of elecdoa faleltication in tecosdence wlth eecdon 3501.38 of the Amendment Rev3sed Code thet I w(tneseed the effixing of every slgiature to the foregoing per(doa peper, che- all Plgaers wete to th4 beat of my knowledge and be)tef quatifled to stgn, end thet cvcry rignaturo nik^.,.k.aemmleaoe^„Mxlnadws^' wa:.srner,,.era.w.acdwrtrn.yanaenW thm algneture of tSn penon whote tlgeevre It pwpors ,N T.I.Ee. ..L at mrw I,an 4a^ rev wlw rurYe^ MII G w! at LaLw fGk^^ .[[uwY i^^rllt Netlie u xy{en eeY Is to the best of my knowtedga and belle! nnexefJtsw aLZtnu4e uw u.uer. µcrlfr)w uYNnr rw 0]bv mverv ^et In' m'mwmc5 ua Wa.ll::unqne:e raypxt m be or of an a:tomey In fect eettng punuant to section 3501.382 of theRevlsed Coda. iwly rW+bre.mtamwntvltlv.


:ne wn:eetmeat tu be eyasd;by sm.nEln¢ Aalelo XV, SeeAen 6 of tM Oh!e ConrSMdan will: (SIgnW) ^idL It, ` "-, AuNqnra t tU¢le crilae st a padetetnJned leesdey u du[yned in ma Amendmenl, ka etch of the cWrs (Addrets of c)rculecor`s pertnenent residence In thls state) '^.^t^k4 W&q I A44'^ or. L'ia^,lnp¢SI (Sba uilea 3n ClaclnnaJ, Obloklll Le ycusd oesypndnuWy 2oA acrac of e ptepetty teelue tootheutefRnailn¢ Rosd, nstor&es4MaY. rarE of Cevn Straac rwtA.nrt -ttRmt9m S{' L and petfHAY:.nanneatr nr Ibe;d'/l n.vp ud nanhwxt of OLLben AvE BfFTH DEGREE. of tha aereeiVat of tbs HAdje of Wait 3rd Straµ seutls of Getr Aead, eenhv.4st of W. Htde Rotd snd bbimdcd by, toa Itclullnt a panlon of, lyt Llythe¢e Alvar to dc sauN snd Ne eombwuq Iq atl At rtlen sbow the appmalrnsWy 0.57 sem pervd ef Peopq}y dnsled sloa; uN somh of CwM &somle atese Prealmlty tn IM teursecdon of W. Haroe RoW cnd Onufta 5treen (0apqaxlessalY 1.a5 wres atprepvlYlatwd at Ibe aaulSoatt eerner of thc IntenecSm of W. 1rd So-rct sod W. fYSls Avsees tee Ne eeMeest msne ef P,e Ineusktton of W. ¢H llreet snd C,4ateetEe Avenue sn4 wen af 17n formee SsrJa:me u:d Ohlo rsllmM ^dt,t of vnY; (e) tppsxleutaly 1.33 sens er P.ropertyteeakd at Ibe eeuWatt eemee er Ghe Imeneedea of W.3ad Steet tnd thtuslle Avenue s,ed veu of e6e fxmerHdBlnae snd Ohio n1LrotE4laLt of wayt lU Iloan ona Iheo¢¢h faw, mauainlrs, buemant and rub-buement o[tlut cetWnpipperty 1ttatM tt

ixlre,uui ^ 1•ira,aui t NQTlCB

Whutver hnowingly Ylyna Ih<+ p.letlun mare qmn vtrcel excepl a pruvtded En rsdlon 3501d52 of Lhe Rerlsed Cade, Ayns a r.vme uther rhsn ene's own nn tYle pa13tlun; or.l8. tlils petNlon wbea r.ot e quallfled rmer, k l6bla b Ffwecullon.

MUST U36 MOST R&CRNTAllDREiS ON RILE WITH 30ARD OB ELECTIONS hc uvshoxa Coonty A ditor s o[Q2+77/09 as ^ va et umbcr 10( 2l 002 e-d tl I d (S/guv(rhrnk. YonrnamqnNdencqanddete IrfBnfngr.u+rDeRlven.) and Air -ichls Iv'7¢ with'n enNor bo d,- wbitic rf nt of aygQ' t ro such cr' I Mcn1N Rurm ioute o: other Pnrr omee fow:uhlp SICNATURE Cuunly Day/ a tn¢ a o royinat- 2 56a r eca ;7 Cuv4pga ol. tv Oh'o S ine th F a^yl Iden•'f i 5v Addrev I! Year Ih CLv hoea CoLnry Aud'kor as of 02127l09 es t D cal nL ber 101 1 002 a_ d all I d (Votre whe donco Ilv

^^^ tl, vi N e l,Wlnut r\P e r d ht ubov t^az-ttl locater C tvehoggC tv Ofilo'd n IfM by tHe Crvaho¢a ^ -..•1J Coontv Audltor. zc of 02n7/O9. ac^•ra.; rtumber 101-22-903. ^ wwYRadxl Jnn,cr Ints^a^^^ ^ nir. YW Y ^R^W,cnN.retlwWm ^ 1311mure PAiFx..YUr< b.l' pneLL,aN,ma xho e oitnFY^O^LO. zaident;

9vmiu^aNwnber311 r CMdewlte

191Ynnwrt ânntFiqNUne W¢a PnniWtNmu C i t ¢ of floorx onc throush f ur b e-nen( N- ement Po'l Y 6 2 tam lu Par^els alrat end Second Itnrn V Parcel A cd I• m VI a+ e, One ofLSe H' be suee^ uJ Nwnev<•W a.a.) Huildln¢ In Cuvahoca CQUntv Ohio, as IdentkF•d'9v •he Cuvahova C untv AnB4tor as of cliyrviun eun,r w,N'P>F,el Y.,

su.el +ad Numbu (.W Jna) (51 COIUTb:I3' Clir/vlneY. Con,ir w.nVPesNn Uvaaraiµlee h{Eatlfnrwntl^rWen e

sueeruJN.nikr(uMent Bcneana oroz'mdt-204e1 AMa ' HaaIjfon u t Oh'o I -d 'r ns,,,h' H'I• n c'ly)vln.y. . Cou+n weqR,aLxl D6,1'^+^'n nlniF ,nwr NL>1 ânMWrNU.i< (dl Toledo: 9,nel we Xuv%r t..=^1*u)

l-arrvJl.yr eunp w,wrv

STATE:vtENT OF CIRC[)LATOR Isaued to ..- p^x (' ^f . '^.1'\ ^ (Nemc of C[ro,lator) Tr . (1 I V n.-e r ^„^.y^4 darlare undu penelty ef e)ection fahifieatlon that t em the dreulatoe of the foreEolnB padLLon paper ronntning Ne algnatutre of t Dateeflsfuunce t AA"^^ " ^ `1 e)eetots, that the s)gnatures apperAed hueto wer made nnd np,xoded ta nty ptesenee on the date sst opposite eech nspeetive name, end sm the s)gnuum ofthe penone wheae narttos ttley County \t^^eICk ourpoR lo be or Bf attorneys In Ace aedng pvnunm to eccdon 3501.382 of t.he Rev)ted Code, and I that the eleetots eigdag Ih3e petit)on dld so wlth kno.Yledge of tbe con'.aaJU of Lsetn, I aln IN)T)ATIYEP8TIF10N employed to drntlate thls petlden by p featonet e tlcE Mena2emenL 'Lr t14 He•' Peoter Ave._ Columbee. OH 432151 wiLh Amdlne^+..yided Lhr+a h he Ohio 'Cbs md OrowtS Amendment to the Constitue)on CemMhiee <865 Ma AJ vCe1nmae OH 432061, (Neme and addreet of emp)oyer), (I'he Proposed byIridadve Peddoa preceding ennteace shall be eorap!oted ae reqtdred by section 3501.38 of tha Rerlsed Coda If the dreulatet it being employed to c@culete t8e perltlonJ To be Subattucd Dtreedy to the 6lcaan I I funher dae)ate under petvlty of eiecdan falel$catten In meo:danee wluti settlon 3501.33 of L4e Ameudment Revlsed Code Ihat 1 witn.eed tba a111xtng oC cyery eignaturo to t1:e forngoing pedtion paper, that ae'q+JeninwWUbAu•we^uA,aMUlnueldU,••IJu•fW.J•.4G.himN•. It purportt _ v4 tdda tM u, n.,e.• l^ Jue (np ey1in nd6eu n1n t. u.q W. Ec4


1.leAn+<.-AmmetaMonaeuGSy•,mendinsANNe%`/,SeeJae6e1ur0nloCmNwJeaw116 ; (S)gea3) ^i.^Af.s,-^^ ` 1 liP>,^ Autnotia axlnyle eulm 4 a pndatemdeed loenden, u dW psmdln the Ameadmern, Iv cach of Ne ddu (Addrefs of elreJator'e permanent rnidence In dila sate) ^„_ ac e ClnetneeM (iM!mlao le tlaUmaJ, Oh1eMll Da leeemd onappne'wte{y 24.4, acief of propeny leesu4 rauJwn ef AvelnS geay aait of BraGway, rort ef Ccutt 6^ icuthweK (City, State end Zlp Cade) aMPan?aByea,^Fe. neftbetA'11nmp+MnenhweftetOliNmiAVCOUa,lcdWIn64UfReaelnl Rod,be feutbeveeomer of Lla tmcsmhn of 9/,1rd Suee wd bmeele Arenue sM vess of the fenmt Bsldevts ud Ohta nikae tl3ht of wayt (h) Dcan anetbewgh (uur, ;euaNn4 buemeet aeE aub•bunmmt af Uut ttnala p-ipenY)ee•uE at

^n,wnaa . Inirimtll t6 t Number

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedto ^dneal 4 ;N:IneofCitculator) I I '-A Arne.C l^I.18..lvyi , dectere cndet pena:ty of eleclton fatslfi tloa that I am the circulator of tye foragaing paddon paper eonta(nL•g the rigxantta of Da:eof7eeuanee OGi ^)1'Dal ele.:torr, thae Ihe algnaturea appended her:to Wera nade tnd nppeadtd In my preaence on ;he dete set opposite cach respecttve nacte, and ua the elgnaturee oCthe peteona whoee namea tAey County a. f ^t n^, r^ ^{- - - _ purport to be or of onomeys In fac: eetiny pursuent to serlon 3301,382 of tbe Revterd Code, aad thu the electora signing thin peti5on d(d so with (tnowledge nf the co, ntent3 of eame I tn INITIATNH P5TLfI0N ef;lployed Co :itcWste this petldon by PoIF76if)ayP dd ,. MingtomOnt. r` 04 Heat P oI AvL.,_,.Cg({tmbue. OH 432151 with hndinzprovidM lhmueh the Ohio 1ab and Orawth Ameadmeat w the Conedtution ol.mti us.OH 45200. ( Co'n_;it!t (&3 MicO'IAISv. Neme end addteoofeyployer). (itle proporedbylnlt4tttvePetllon preceding aentertce ehall be completed as requ(ccd by eectlon 3301.38 of tha Reylaed Code If the circulatof ia being employed W eiteulate the petidoa) To be Submittcd Dlrsdy tn Ihe Electoa

f futther decfvte under of elecllan falrificallon In aceerdence with section 3501„38 of the penalty Amendment Ravlaed Code thct I witneased the afftxLag of every dgnatnre to tha fo mgoing petidan papet that ett .Igar, z wr.e :o V:e Sext of oy klowledga end balicf qualified to sign, tnd that


TTe Amendment to beenaoted by itnendlnt Artlela Xy, Sacdon 6 nf,Se Ohlo CoeedwVon+iLLt (Signed) C)fa ^6tvS 1 S^ • AntfedteaJnticeulnaiuptedeunNned)xeVee,uduiqoated^WeAmendmen,!amehuhbaelti•r (AddrneofclrcWetor'epartnanentrpideneelnWaetnte)1\0A ^+.Y(!,, oE o S'jp,yppaR (nei f, the Cuyrhny RWer b tM uuN ud me eautLwcstl (a)+I^^ ^U rlgMt abore 0a approumataly 0,51 +ote qtW ef prapaty rEhiatad elcel sed nu,A at Onurw S4ere )a e:o+n pmrleflly to IEe Immaea[en of W,1{wea R6erl aj.d Ootr.M Suert: (0 epprox uly 1.93 aa.z of at ua souNUrt ntnet Of t5e lavvsecaen of A'. iM Sueel ud W. Eaeb Avem,e ave emnonnuzr eemrr ef IAa leiuueqon(of W. Srd S•nel an! Cznrt e Ava.wa eM wert Of Vee fomn SJtlexe end OMn Idmad r1tLt of wyy qy aPPaa+lmaWy ).25 ux at prepeny lonsd rt eM auLLvueeeraar ef da )eummtonlef W. Srd Slmet and Cametfe Avenu• u•A werl Of nu femer Bddmae rnd Ohb nt4red rieM ^ wan (A) floen one Ihwuali fow, meexuia, ouomeal ted cub.benmrel e{ Ntt een+lnpm{enyl loureG u

1,,,'nI,OAI I I,n#.Iwal l6 Y A

Numbe( ^ STATEMENT OF CIRCL2ATOR lbsued m `l O.rn (',^ (^ I ^\^^,di (NameofCLcutatof) 1. , dectete under penaity of etectlon filslIICedon that l am t. clxulator of : a foregoing Pedtlon paper contalning the algna;uret of I elacmn, tb tha signatures appendcd bereto wefe made end IppeIldad r.n my pxs:noe on the na:¢oft,¢uan-e d^- 0 3- °1t date set opposl¢ eac;t roepective namq aad ere t1e algnetures of the penoni whoea oamw they Couty ^tir^^\(rr pu.-pon to be on of atmmeys In fect aeting pu:auant to seedon 3501.392 af the R¢vlded Codc, and Licl tAe eleetor, ugning Ntt pedcton did so with )rnawtedge of tAe eontenla of eeme. i am employrd to cimulate tb4 pedtion by P f aro el Pedtlon M aecm rr Q (14 at Po ter fNITIATIY3 PELTION Av •a b n oH 43215 7 h e, d' vtd " ta,ro h tbe O41o fuba nd 0• th Amondmant to the Conatltudon {'omm'nee 1865 tdacnn All4y Colvmbua OH 41206) (Name and addrest of employer), (TAa preeeding aentenc¢ ehall be oompLeted u requ3(ed by aeadon 3501.39 of the Revised Cade lf the Peopoud by lnPatlre Petitlon cirrulator Is betng employed to clr

I fu.thar declare unde: penatty of eleetlon tabiftcadon In ettordanoe with IeMon 3501.38 of tbe Revlned Code thut ( witneved the afSxing of evety elgnamrn to tlta foregoing petition paper, that Amendmeat alt dgners wcm to oh¢ beat of ny knowledge tnd bellef quri{pcd to dgn, end tbu every signature fle, K,wmLn.rn,bryaNSdmrlnemKUrNSiuaderw-Ma,ridiarl•rih,Alwaltlw.LeLCat Lw.mada,.d Is lo the best of my klowledge and bel!ef the elgnatu.° of the perenn whoaa tlgnatura Itpurporte ,M To:aw Tu ,- frm a,i, Av uYna neit,eu hf, t..rat^,a mute o:b', ewam(! ReMar RMIrI b rvCFl keY to be or of an attoraey ln f6etacting punua:.t to teetton 3501382 .wNrvelllu ak,Nttl e'.Mq VL yll unY M`^,.)m InleFnt rua]eii.eUpu W Y„ stauam: W qm11. r'.¢I{ry h,uypil of the Revfsed Cod<. rwnpµwta•+ISMrndnyWlro I,


(Signed) th

te ^^^^^^I^^ Number STATSMENT OF CiRCULATOR fssued to q.--.. r '. ^(wL S /fdemeoECirculetor) ., , 1„^u e-r <-^ , dealbre undet pendty of electlan frkltcatla. Ihat 1 crrt :hD clreulctor of rhe toragoing ped¢or, plp:r contalNng the algRatoret of ^L- Dnteofiuvence 6o'\ Nectors, Lhat I!a signaturn appcndcd hcrelo were made and eppended In my presence on the date eet eppus11e aach raapeeriva natne, nrA era thc cfgnalLLtee of the ptrtone whose nantes dtey County- ia nA^L•^^ purport to be or of ettotneysln fact acdngpunuent to trcdon 350L382 of the Revieed Code, and th91 the electofs eigning Ihls petidon did so with knowiedge ot the eantents of aeme, I am (ON cmployed le eltculate thls petitlon by Pro`en3lonat petifon Manope e L LI f' / 14 " e P oler o^;i5S6 Ave ('alumb OH 45215) with furtdln9 nfov'd d thro, h tl•• DhOjjpjc and O^th .dtudon f'ommtttce 1865 !.teton AlleY. Alemb a OH 43206). (Neme end tddrefr of employer). ('[7te leddon pteced[r.g sentetme thall kcompleted as;squired by aeedon 350t.38 of rha Rerleed Cade If t.he eirculetot Is being employed to clrculate Lha peSdon.) the Hlectora

I fucther dee!ate undet penslty of e)ection ftlslfietdon in acoordcnce wlth seedon 3502,38 of the Revlsed Code that i witnessed tho eflkxing of every dgnjtute to @te foragoing pedunn papeq that all slgnrtrs were to tho best of my knCwledgo sRd bellef qonllfled to algn, and that crery stgnatuca i1,L M wmndn,w N Y,l OMG'^.^11N NNr - •IMIn un a'xe ce:a ef Cn,w,ee, Gewmq.o, Cyyx.u Is to the bcet of my Knowledg: v-d betief the signatura of dx pcrson whocv slgnuutc it purporta nrt h1NC 2a u. n,w., rroa v..,( ra, , aww cnb'r aen•np; ),u.v. ru,xu w.,.ywn kn^ mn19r/lUtl /rq,aml NYf.W enue 41.^lY W wv uq Y• nfuCMrt wE p,Mfr MGltj b[ryp+ to be or of cn attomey In fact acling purwant lo secdon 350l.382 of the Ravleed Coda. iw,u,M^t>•.«+ta.9arss•wros, I

(S(gned) ^....r.r Qwe.ns ThaAmandmenttoboeeudedly++nn^dlnaAmcieA•,umw,.JO(tluONaCannite(IonwilR . AmAa,ieestlnpiaeutneittp^rdnemdnedloculomudcdjmrndlnd^eAmendmeuh[ne¢ecfthea(ulrs (Addrestofcirculator'tpetmanentresidenceinthicslDtc) \AA.( !tE ^ aC i e CIrtcl+nsti (LLajeulno In Cinelavd. Ohlo.{ll he loceted eneppvrcfsnnly 20A aau of e ^^yky 6«'a V^E&^fo propaiy torurd tautAatt af RuainS Rotd, eyl e! BmaGway, aonL of Ca^rt svxt,vauareY (CJty, State aod 71p Codc) .nA psntiliy nen^cut DI the 1.471 rsmp rrq nmbwett o( Ollbett Arenuo, ta4udtn1 403 Rydl:J 201441S Rudln= Rmd,121 Radfnf Rad, 121 Ltenrling Road,575 Rudfn, Read, I002 6roadray,lCOa Btwdway. ICOS Btotdr+H 1020 9roadway, 1024 Broad.dy, 41a Ms: Gun SMrL 430 But CourtSVeet,1009 0]En Arenue srd i031 Sptlaj Srcae4 ClmYnnal Obleh o S,}i,7t!pn1 CtTO eerino Irt Clewlfnd, Onlo wlil Lb loaleJ Ononc or nste of Ihe Toltewlnj pnpanlea (a) N^e pmputy nmuW wurA ot Puene Sq•Lre, eut DtSUpedet Aviceue, weR a OnurSo Stxk e'^ Dd+h oF W.?raepeat Arenue: (b) u^d p:openyritua.aSmiidY Od7 eew Pc+ed o! ProPenY dtuµed tlane md somA ef Onurla svat le ataa pmSMry td IIu Icteneeden ef W. Honn Ro.Q an! Oevrlo 51nee, (t)4pprounumly l23 ecet ofpt97eny (xued u rte toutLwt cotna or Ae inlerfeetlea af W, ]r2 Sueet ind W, Ba`le Awnue an! L`e nattheut eenxt ot the Intereedee qf W. ]rd Sueet end 4eneyti wan attne pxmv Bsldnnta and Otdo tWrad dald a( wsyt (1) tppnelnv Wr 1551 ¢tas of propeny IeaieJ u Pa swohwlterner of Ge laxnenlan ^ W. 3H 5 W et and Gaed^I Aweua tnd wat Of t!u fanner HUdaan ud ekde nI1nW nFht cflvayt (h) doen ona 6reu1h faur, mev.r.Nne, buement ind rvh.bawm'st DtNU analo propettyjaated at : i

i rmmst 16 Number

STATEMENTOFCIRCULATOR Issucdto (NemeofClrculstor) I, yw_e r ^.^^ dcolere uader pena3ty of efec9on fnlsiLta'don that 1 em the cireulator of the foregoing patitlon paper CCntaining tha ilgnnn!ra of A Date of issuance(y 0Gt eleetore, that the afgnaourea appended hereto wer6 made Ltd appended in my presence on the date fet oppoalte aach reapccrlve name, ud ate the signatures of the peno,•v whAfe namer they Counly - pun, ort to be or of ettomeys :n fact eadng pursuant:o section 3501.382 of tha Revlsed Code, and thatthe eleeton s3gning th{s petition dtd to with knowledge of the cnatenta of gune. I e:n IIifr'aTIVE PETITION L..•fi43 employ

I fnrtber dedsre under panalty Of elecrion felsi eeatlon in adeordaaee with seedon 930g38 of tha Revised Code Iht1t I wLt116aSed:he afP%iog of every eigneture n the foregoingpctitlon pa.pcq that Amendmenl signets were to the beat ofmy knowledge and belletqueVGed te JSv, nnd ohat evary elgnatum Tna Ae.e.e.dv.,t,ee.ewGO.,urxtnuwnanu..u.ytewne,4Cxvr_uu,Cptlneen it tq the best of my knowledge aed belief the 6lgoetufe of the pcaon whoce dgnatun It pcrporn wd telae. 'Ih, ua nnnu Lep aex:(se ruMe luleUu W11 w vvi ,a >elrr nJ.•• wsnp^ pa,W Naa,. ,a'+vppon kN wmaWdn,ea wlcN WMn eavu,e.. u,u; r.ronu)e! x,tn:nerx CAInS mtlenr.nt lee eMaeemn.u ue pcrlC,:.s:p.,a..p^o, tobaoro:anattomeyInfaNasingpunuenltoaectlon7301.982oCLtieReNaedCadc• eAlrreMereeenlrkmlrtrW,tm.


Slgn d TlsAmcadmtettabeerdeledby.ieadtnaAttbleXY,Seeyon6e!d+eChleCamnwUeawllL • Awho,ireur, (b) :)n peepeoy dtwied autE of W Pro.peet ' A.eow,eutof ^Wen 6th Sxe,,noMer W.HCroeRmd aed wrrtef ! Onudo SueeL (e) aPprealynsnty 7.91 ¢ns er prapeny laeatee eouN af W, Huton Raad, vnstof Oaude 3Yeet nanA e! Capil Aced vd lylet .t of Ua pte!enesMee of eM nnu,ttns of tM'HAdge of WHOEVER COh]MITB ELECTION FALSIFICATION WW 6t7 Seeeg (d, ePârealautdY 1112 acrce of propmY+nd weur l ying t ntr5lo Srzea le dau p»WCry b ny IatueqUOn at W. Hmea Roed 'd paado SumV (D app+eeLnetely I.t3 aeen or prapettYrmsd u Pa putbrut aotner etlha Llf+etlon or W, Ld 6tnet irW W. FafV Avenue aod tbenefewut eamer or Na IauneeQon Of W. 3N Suaet rrd Gune(le Avuus sed wut ef Wc famier 8^d,vae se4 OLIe NfnW t4ht e! way; (tl n2proz4aaxrY t.S1 a,^tea o! PtoPUy Ixnei et the wutheaeteerou ef thelnbMCltoa b[ W. 3.d Suce u6 Cuae;le Avaiw uA roae of ee lermer Sa:yynen sad Oble Nkoa6 Mt6t o! A) nee-^ ew tbrou6h feur, muu^AM, buemcnt snd eub.6awment af Ib.t oeR+lnproperty Iau^eE u 0

16 1 Nu;nbe(

STATBMENT OP C7RCIILATOR lswedto ^-.rMAr- (NemeofCireulstor) 1" `n I t,p L deelue under penahy Of election feftlftcadon Ihnt I cnt Ihe clrculatar of thc faregoing petltion pap

1 further declue under peaelty of election fal6ificatloc in accottfance with sectica 350t.38 of the it Revlsed Code that I whessed the af£u1n¢ of every nignatu:a to the foregoing pettrien paper, that all tlgears were to the bes: ef my knowledge aod beilef qualiled ta aign, ned t.1nt every aignature nw MAU+d.xe,man•oike>Wt 1 .w4Atse,ertnrY,.ttJtlNOa,A•sa.ect,:Min,C4duW w raeJa Re .., rms ue,^'fwa e: sa,m cuel .emmn >erlee rcw

TRaAmendreeotuNeaxtedbyimmt iefthaONoCouGtuuanwill; (Slgned) AM41(- L y"A-s1^ • Ani:orlj

NikllClll t6 r Case No. 09-1294



Relators, V.



Original Action Under Section lg, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution


!% . i e County /ss State of California

1, ALISON STANLEY, having been duly sworn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I am over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal knowledge, further state as follows:

1. I am the Executive Assistant of Arno Political Consultants, a professional petition management firm, which was retained by the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee to circulate part petitions for a proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would allow four casinos to be located in the State of Ohio.

2. Arno Political Consultants retained a number of other firms, including D►SGt7ve^y LI0 -1 {p / 3SM/NIdf4to with individuals as independent contractors to circulate said part petitions.

3. LI f1- q 'CO retained the services of Melissa M. Smith, 5081 Southview Drive, Fairfield, Ohio 45014, to circulate said part petitions and her background check did not reveal that she had been convicted of any felony. However, it now appears that she had been convicted of a felony in the past.

1 4. Melissa M. Smith only circulated one part petition, containing nineteen signatures, which was submitted to the Secretary of State's Office and reviewed by the Butler County Board of Elections.

5. I have reviewed said part petition, a true and accurate copy is attached hereto, which part petition indicates that the Butler County Board of Elections notated "Invalid convicted felon" and therefore presumably said part petition was rejected by the Butler County Board of Elections.


Alison Stanley ^

Sworn to and subscribed before me this day of July, 2009. ^ ,1,l,t,rh

Notary Public


^ee Attached Document (Notary to cross out lines 1-6 below) See Statement Below (Lines 1-5 to be completed only by document signer[s], not Notary)

' ?1.4Y/ o^-rzq

Signature of Document Signer No. 2 (if any)

State of California

County of -56wn Subscribed and sworn to (or affirmed) before me on this

Z^' day of^ 2f^, by Date Mo fir

Name of S gner proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person who appeared before me (and (2)

proved to me on the basis ot`sa4isf^ctory evidence to be the person who appeared

Place No[ary Seal Above OPTIONAL - Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove RIGHTTHUMBPRINT valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent ')F SIGNER #2 fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Top f thumb h Further Description of Any Attached Document

X+ i'v ` a 14 ^J^ B^ "'/^> " • Tllle or Type of Document:

Document Date: ^WY{^ Number of Pages: 7-.

Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: e

02001Na1ionalNolaryAs.sociation•9350DeSo[oAve.,P.O.6ox2402•Chalsworlh,CA 91 31 3-24 02• ItemN5910 HeoMer.CellToll-Free1-900-e'l6692] , 07/13/09 17:19 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS lgj U18 ayw U^Qldi cErv^ ^ ^ ckc4 C0 0-yi •`yy1S6 ° 1 s0,2.i47 Number

Issued to 1! r/^ri 5 Q ,^ • 5 I'YZ f F^ Page 1143 valid (Name of Circulator) invalid total checked by NE Date of issuance

CountyGf .i^ IiQ ^

INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


TiUe. An Amendment to the Ohio Constimtion to authorfrE a single casino within each of the cities of Cleveland, Catumhus, Cincinnati and Toledo. The tax revenue from these four casino facilities will be used lo: bolster Ohio's economy; provide funding to support local cutntnunities and school districts across the state; provide job training for Ohie's workforce and law enfmcement; and provide funding to suppnrt strong gaming oversight and regulalion.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetetntined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of: o Cincinnati (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, soutltwest and partially northeast of the 1-471 ramp and nortbwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenne and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more of tbe following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) ehe property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, norl.h of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proxinvty to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Ralnimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltlmore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) flnnrs nne throngh four. mezzanine. basement and suh-basement of that certain nrouertv located at


(H1501103.3) 1 •. 07/13/09 17:20 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO Bb/SLEC'P1l7NS 1QJ019


Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once; except as provided in section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, signs a name other than one's own on this petition; or signs this petition when not a qualified voter, is tiable to prosecution.

MUST USE MOST RECENT ADDRESS ON FILE WITH BOARD OF ELECTIONS (Sign with ink. Your name, residence, and date oJ'signing must be given.)

Month/Ma^W RuRuralral RoRouteuteor Ot Otherher Post Office SSIGNATURE^GNA Township County DayDay// TU &E AddressAddress YeYearar (Voters who do not live in a municipal corporation should fill in the information called for by headings printed above.) (Voters who reside in municipal coorations should fill in the information called for by headings printed below.) County / Month/ City or Street and Number Ward / Dayl SIGNATURE Village Precinct Year Signature PrintFirstName Initial ' tiastNZame

Streer n Nu bcr(Ad ress) WWW ^ ^r../ f Ci/Village unty^ r Ward/Precinet Deteof8ignin Chackboxifnewregistration t O•r l (pq or address chan e 2. Signature Pri i 1 Name Ini al Print t e

ey(.^p m e dres%} (^ i v^

City VII ty SvJU ard/Precinct Date Si ing Checktroxifnewrcgis[ration ()^, .^. ^- -^ oraddresschan e 3. Signature PrintFirs fk'a^ae Iniial Printlas[N&m

Strcet eqdOlTNyU^6gt•(Addrpss) r• , t^ 7 t5 JUV^ >lLw Ci t/ Aifaplo-Z Coun[y Ward/Precinc},, Date q[9i ning Check box if new registration ^ ^ ^e! p` .^ ^ " O or address change 4 SignaNre Print Fi t Name Initial Print Last Name lA uN [.€L Street and Number (Add ess ^ 3_r.-^, City / Ilage i nly War Cinct Dat f Sjni gd Check box if new regis[ra[ion q F or uddress chnn e 5. Sign re Print First Name Ini'al P nt^ 5 ame ay ^

Street7 ^ NumS Q(Ad ress) r d City / Vill e ^ Coupty ^^ Ward/Prec'i,c[ Date`gn^g 7 Check box if new registration tS d•. "^^ or address chan e 6. Signature ri t First Name Initial ' t Las[ ^Iame I ^ QlllC 5 e[Sa4d Numher (Ad ress 1 ^ l City illagc Counly^r yp ,`., War recinct ba[e of Sig9}ng Check bux if new registratiun urzddresschan e 7. Signature Prin [ me Inid Prin[ tNa e ar aei e A4 StrcetendNumber(Address) 5 ^ 5Ov7) w r / City / Villa e County Werd/Precinct Dare]of^signi w't Check box if new registration U 9 or address chan e .. 8.3ignanue 41 Prln stONe A Ini6a1 P' tl.astNaefe`^^$

S[reet and Nuber ddres^1 _,J `1 lAw`^^)Ill^ ^ '^ Gtv Vage Cou Ward/Precinct Dete of Sigllin$, rp Check box if new registra[ion ^ Q^ ^j ^' ^J''1^-t or address chan c 9. Signature First N m^ W + Initial Print l.est Nam^^

Street and ber {Add ss) 4 p kci t7r. City / Village Coun a ^ Ward/Precinet Date of Signing Check box if new registration or address chan e

III1SO11mi1 ^9 4 .07/13/09 17:20 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BB/ELEC'1'10NS w^ ozu


Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once; except as provided in section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, signs a nante other than one's own on this petidon; or signs this petition when not a qnalitied voter, is liable to prosecution.

MUST USE MOST RECENT ADDRESS ON FILE WITH BOARD OF ELECTIONS (Sign wirh ink Your name, residence, and date ofsigning musd be given.)

Month/ Rural Route or Other Post Office SIGNATURE T Township County Day/ Address Year (Voters who do not live in a municipal corporation should fill in the information called for by headings printed above.) (Voters who reside in municipal corporations should fill in the infonnation called for by headings printed below.) County I Month/ City or Street and Number Day/ SIGNATURE Village Ward / Precinct Year IOSignantre Pri tPirstName In' Ptin[Last^'ame lr a ° ^ an N er (Address)

Cit illage C ty Ward/Precinc[ aNof Signt Check box if new registraliort -^ 'j -^ O or address chan e II.Signatu Pri ust,Nype fnitiPl Prin[La

Wt ^ w S and Nu ber (A drese) 4/ r Gl• City / Vil4a Co '' WardlA'ecinct D f i Check box if new rogistretion or address chan e 12.Signature, PrintFirstName Initial PrintLastName

Street an u er (Address) `^^

C'ity ! Vi jla gc Count Ward/Precinct e•T Date nf Signing Check box if new registration ^ rg^ ,tiG ?^y or address chonge 19.Slgnature PrintFirstName [nitiat 'ntl,astName a4. 1^^a y. T rc^ i. tz i StreetandNumber(Address) e-7g7 D(^vE

City / Village 1 County Ward/Precinct D of Si ning Check box if new registration ht^; r^'1 ^^Q t7 t or address chan e O ^/' P ynt Firat N^e /^ ^ l Inittal Print Last Nnme LazreJ fj" ^,^ ^ CoS•treetendNumber(Ad 21,04),le Ci VillagE, CC Cou WardlPrecincl D,PteoF,Sig' Checkboxifnewregis[ration ^ ^^^ (^ { J.S or address change 1.5. Signamre Pri t First me t p 1^^ Initlal Print Last Name p J r ^ /^/JdCMc.t Street and Nu erf^Addr^ss) i% ^-' E t°0. c^ O17 /'^ La't'r City! Vi]]age r'^. ^ Coun y( Ward/Precinct Date of Signing Check box if new registration '" i L-^ f^ t-'e- b ^j- f. Aq or address chan e El 16.Signature 1'(int^^^^^ Initial Ppnt tNt e^ tJ^ r^ C G^^ (r,cysspre' tt a d N ber (Add ^ ity Villagc Cwgry^ ^'j^"1^ WardlPrecinct Date of Slgning Check box if new registration © NJ,^1ytdlt.i ^/O^'O oraddresschange 17 ignature PrnntF^itst^e sl Print st a

^^^ en Nuq^er( ddres )

Cit^^^JJJ Vi]la e Co ty ` Ward/Precinct DareofSigning Checkboxifnewregistration E:1 j' L) 09 or address change 18.Sigiiatu PrintPir a lni' PrinlLastName

Strcet and Number (Address) e-i 71 d City/Village r County ^t"r 1r^r Ward/Pmcinct DateofSi 7 eckboxifnewregistr ation t-^r 3 ^.K^"^ f^ ^^ /^y^7 orsddresschnne ^ i11^5nn0]3 i 5 • 07/13/09 17:21 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS 1o 021


Whoever knowingly signs this petition more than once; except as provided in section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, signs a name other than one's own on this petition; or signs this petition when not a qualified voter, is liable to prosecution.

MUST USE MOST RECENT ADDRESS ON FILE WITH BOARD OF ELECTIONS (Sign with ink. Your name, residence, and date of signing must be giveu.)

Month/ Rural Route or Other Post Offlce SIGNATURE Township County Day/ Address Year L( Voters______who do not live in a mutticipal corporation should fill in the information called for by headings printed above.) _(Voters who reside in municipal cor^orations should fill in the information called for by headings printed below.) County / Month/ City or Ward / Day/ SIGNATURE Street and Number Village Precinct Year 19Signature ntPirstName Initial PrintleslN me , A ^ $lr t d ber (Address) CM

^/J. s'tl^ (^ C nt f Ward/Precinet D te of Signut Cheekbox if new registration 1'et^I I`((, ' f. s{' ^'} oraddressehan e O,SI@nature PrintFirstName Initial PrimLsstName

Street and Number(Address)

City/Village County WardlPrecinct DateoSSigning Checkboxifnewregistration or address change 21. Signamre Print First Name Wdal Print Last Name

Street and Number (Addreas)

City/Villsge County Ward/Precinct Date of Signing Checkbozifnewregistration O araddresschsn e 22.Signamre PrintFirstNsme Initial PrinlLaslName

Street and Number (Address)

Clry / Village County Ward/Precinet Date of Signing Check bux if new regisaation O or eddress change 33.Signature PrintFireWame Initial PrinlLssaNzme

Street and Number (Addmss)

City / Village Couory Ward/Precinct Date of Signing Check box if new registradon ^ ' or address chan e 24, Signature Print First Name lnitial Print Last Name

Street and Number (Address)

City / Village County Ward/Precinct Date of Signing Check box if new registration or address chan e 25.Signatiue PrintFrstName Initial PrintLas[Nume

Street and Number (Address)

City/Vilinge County Ward/Precinet Date of Signing Chcckboxifnewregistration or address chnn e 26. 3ignamre Print First Name Initial Print Last Name

Street and Number (Address)

City / Village County Ward/Precinct Date of Signing Clreck box if new registretion aruddresschange 27.Signamre PrintPirstName Initial PrineLastNeme

Street and Number (Address)

City / Village County Ward/Precinct Date trf Signing Check box if new registration ur address chan e

6 •07/13/09 17:21 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS l¢1022


I, tl^^^r^5 /^• S/^2 6qA , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 1^ electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors siQning this netition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am employed to circulate thisgey'tio by - - C.' ^ h7 ' 793 O z 444 .Ia tJ with i e r{^dl^ed through the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon 11 y. olumbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) ,5 V C31 uul^ ' 3"r • C7Y2 4o ^^J ^ cyo (City, tate and Zip Code)


IH15011U3.31 16 ' ui l:f/u9 17:22 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS




Plaintiff PATER, J.




On January 10, 2006 defendant's sentencing hearing was held pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Sectlon 2929.19. Defense attorney, Heather Felareki and the defendant were present and delendent wes edvised of and afforded all rights pursuant to Crim. R. 32. The Court has eoneidered the record, the ohargea, the defentlant's Guilty Plee, and findings es set fonh on the record and herein, oral statements, any victim Impaet etetement and pre- sentence report, as well as the principles and purposes of sentencing under Dhio Revised Code Section 2929.11, and has balanced the serlousnese and recidivism factors of Ohio Revised Code Section 2929.12 end whether or not community eontrol is appropriate pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 2929.13. and finde that the defendant is not ameneble to an available community control sanction• Further, the Court has considered the defendant's present and future ability to pay the amount of eny sanction, fine or attorney's fees.

The Caurt has conaidered the faBtors under R.C. 42928.13181 and firds the following: • Under community control or violated prior community control;

Ttte Court fkMs that IM defendeM has been found guilty of:

ATTEMPTED RECEIVING STOLEN PROPERTY es to Count One, a vialation of Revised Code Section 2923.02-2913.51 a fifth dagree felony. Wlth respeet to this Count, the defendant is hereby senteneed to:

Prison for a period of 6 months.

Pay a fine in the amount of $1,000.00 to the Butler County Clerk of Couns. CLf Sr Credit for id deys served is grented as of this date.

As to Countisi One: The Court has notlfied thu defendant that post release control is optional in this case up to a maximum of three (3) years, as well as the consequences for violalin9 conditions of post release control imposed by the Parole Board under Reviaed Code Section 2987.28. The defendant is ordered to serve as pert of this sentence any term of post release control Imposed by the Parale Board, end any prison term for violation of that post release control.

Fl®ecVNele ATNXNiy, auPB OUOXrr, On1O P.O.euxelS,lpunateN,ON4eet2-0515 1 07/13/09 17:22 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS lQ 024 07/13/09 17:24 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS t¢J025 Publio Access - Case Summary Page 1 ot I

General Inquiry

Naw 8eoroh.. ® Suntioay partias f:esnts OoGketa Flolds Nines 1 Otspositiun' Ciistu. u


Prelim Case Nbr 2005CRA00334 Jurisdictinn FAIRFIELD MUNICIPAL Defendant CaseInformaUon Full Name SMITH, MELISSA MARIE Action Code 2913.51(A) Description RECEIVING STOLEN PRO D.O.B 07/10/1973 Degree of OEP. 5TH DEGREE FELONY Charge Dscr Address OtieaseDate 02/08/2005 5051 SOUTHVIEW DR ArrestDate 02/08/2005 POLICE DEPT OFFICER, 45014 Officer City/etatelzip FAIRFIELD OH FAIRFIELD Complainant Attorney(s) FELERSIQ,HEATHER Prusecutor ROSSI, GLENN J Judge PATER, HON CHARLES L


Case Comments Case Attributes Number CR 2005 02 0281 Fiied 02/18/2005 Statne Closed Incomplete r1 07/08/2009 Case No. 09-1294



Relators, V.



Original Action Under Section lg, Article II, of the Ohio Constitution


Franklin Cotmty /ss State of Ohio

I, J. COREY COLOMBO, having been duly swonn and cautioned according to law, hereby state that I ani over the age of eighteen years and am competent to testify as to the facts set forth below based on my personal laiowledge, further state as follows:

1. I am an attorney with the law firm of Me"1'igue and McGinnis, LLC, which is counsel to the Ohioans for Jobs and Growth Committee (Intei-venors) which seeks to place a ballot issue on the November ballot to allow four casinos in the State of Ohio.

2. This Affidavit is submitted with and in support of the above-titled action filed in the Supreme Cotut of Ohio.

3. On July 27 and 28, 2009, 1 personally reviewed the charts identified as "Petition Circulators and Data for Suspect Addresses" that Relators Scioto Downs, Inc. and Stacy Cahill submitted into evidence with their Merit Brief, which was tiled with the Supreme Cout-t of Ohio on July 24, 2009. 4. I randomly selected and reviewed three hundred and thirty (330) part petitions from twelve (12) counties that were referenced on the "Petition Circulators and Data for Suspect Addresses" chart.

5. 1 determined througl2 the course of my review that Relators incoi-rectly reported information on forty-four (44) out of the randomly selected three hundred and thirty (330) part petitions, which included the name of the circulator or address of the circulator.

6. I prepared a chart to sunimarize the forty-four (44) inaccLu-acies and attached the chart and referenced part petitions to this Affidavit.

7. 1 determined through the course of my review that Relators cited to several part petitions with alleged problems that have already been dealt witll by Board of Elections and in some cases have already been rejected in full.

8. 1 prepared a chart to summarize nineteen (19) part petitions identified by Relators that have already been rejected in fLill by Boards of Elections and attached the chart and referenced part petitions to this Affidavit.


Sworn to and subscribed before me this ^ day of July, 2009.

NotaCy-ptitA"ic ^laF^ J. P^cTtGl1F; Rsinrn 9^S t^:+ 11ufy 11VrJi1G- fi GI'. . Mi.SsioR ha, co eu:r^?tlea deiw- S'^:.i(iili I4J ^ir li G

2 Sampling of Part Petitions cited by Relators that had Incorrect Information on their charts

44 out of 330 reviewed at random

County Part petition Incorrect Relators' Correct Relators' Number iuformation on charts information on charts

Wood 101286 Michael Rice Brian Wilkin

Wood 101283 Michael Rice Brian Wilkin

Wood 101248 Lawrence Liaffome Brian Wilkin

Lucas 600595 Michael Rice Michael Wilson

Hamilton 036088 Jeremy Carlson Jaymar Marasigan

Hamilton 035799 Randy Morris Gabrielle Belser

Clinton 019291 David Day Richard Riscol

Clinton 019324 David Day Micliael Parker

Clinton 019325 David Day Michael Parker

Clinton 019297 David Day Doug David

Clititon 019293 David Day Chartes Bonner

Clinton 019295 David Day Andrew Barker

C l inton 019271 Eugene Hawkins Marilyn Adams

Clinton 019352 Jayniar Marasigan Carmine Alessandro

Clinton 019275 Eugene Hawkins Howell Clemons

Clinton 019338 Eugene Hawkins Doug David

Clinton 019226 Eugene Hawkins Rochelle Hamilton

Clinton 019294 David Day Kenneth Harmon

Clinton 019304 David Day Kenneth Ilarmon

C l inton 019314 David Day Kenneth Harmon

EXHIBIT ^^ ^ Clintou 019313 David Day Kennetli Harmon

Clinton 019276 I;ugene Hawkins Thomas Ott

Clinton 019309 Kevin Rolecki Michael Parker

Clinton 019290 David Day Michael Parker

Clinton 019292 David Day Michael Parker

Clinton 019347 David Day Michael Parker

Van Wert 026616 Lawrence Ciaffone Harold Edmonds

Madison 038086 Williain Shirley Ricl ard Shirley

Monroe 037873 Betty Lowair Betty Cowart

Allen 101134 Zivojin Velkovich Andrew Barker

Pickaway 104050 MichaelParker Cfn-istoplierMiler

Adams 400400 Apt. #412 Apt. #410

Mercer 102236 Rafael Pinoks Rafael Pinales

Adams 400412 Charles Boutwell Chaadra Boutwell

Huron 033437 Harold Edmonds Dustin Wetel

Huron 033442 David Day Waco Day

Huron 033443 Harold Edmonds Lawrence Ciaffone

Huro n 033456 Harold Edmonds Zivojin Velkovich

Huron 033457 Harold Edinonds Zivojin Velkovich

Huron 033458 Harold Edmonds Earl Stacey

Huron 033463 Harold Edmonds Zivojin Velkovich

Huron 033469 Harold Edmonds Lawrence Ciaffone

Huron 033485 Harold Edinonds Zivojin Velkovich

Huron 802575 Harold Edmonds Rainbeau Darden Nurnbe st W Issued to 157M1.A.1 ( (,,L.(VI (Name of Circulator) salaoni Date of issuance

INITIATIVE PETI'CION Amendment to the Constftution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

TiJc qn AnWnnnt to Ne neio Cootiam ta nnhmix a oryle cwro wiNin m3, of Nc unu of Cleveim4 Cdumbas, Cinrinwti a,E Tnkdo. The as reveme 4om dsx km asino farilides will be usM to: CnWa nhio s ccmnmy: pmvide funding to snppnrt Incd. uommuninc aM tebnnl diadcu xmss We suve: provi,lejob inddng fw Ohia'a wwkface md law rnforcnoent: wd pmride fundiny m zuppon sa®ggvmngoveaigNandregulmiun.

The Amendment to be enacted by amending Anicle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Consdtution wBl:

• Authorize a single casino:u a predetermifed location, as designated in the Amendment. in each of the cities of: o Cincinnati ('Cbe casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be loated onappmximately 20.4 ames of property Iocated somheau of Reading Road, east of Broadway, oofih of Coutt Stred, southwest and_partially northeast of the 1-071 mmp and northwest of Gilben Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Raad, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East Coun Street, 1009 Gilbert Avmue and 1031 Spring Sireet, Cincinnati, Ohio); a C veland (Tbe casino in Clevehand, Ohio will be located onone or more of the following propenies: (a) the propenysimatedsuulh of Public Square,castofSuperior Avenue,west of Ontario Sareet and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the proper ty situated suuth of W, ptospect Avmue, east of West 6th Stteet, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Sfreet; (c) appmximately 7.91 acres of pmperty located soulh of W. Hmon Road. west of Ontario Street. north of Canal Road nod lying easc of the pmlongation of the centuline of the Bridge of West 6th Streel; (d) appmxinvuely 11.22 acres of property and warer lying east of the prolongation of the renter6ne of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Cafml Road, nodhwest of W. Eagle Road and bouoded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to thesoutA and the southwest; (e) all air righls above the approximmely 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and suuth of Ontario Stred in close pmximity to the interseclion of W. Humn Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property locared at ihe southeast coroer of the idersection of W. 3rd Sireet and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and wesf of the former Baldtnorc and Ohio railroad right of waT, (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property locamd at the southenst comer of the intersection of W. 3rd S1reet and Camegie Avenue and wese of the former Baltimore and Ohio raiMad right o6wvy: (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basemcnt of that certain property locared at STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR

I, 1S Y^R++ W31^ declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signamres of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to secuon 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with owledge oflhe contents of s^me I am employed to circulate this petition ^Wf-k ^'i'B7,11 with fundingprovided thmueh th hio Jobs and Gtowth Committee (865 Macon Allev. Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.39 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circutate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signamre to the fomgoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) c%t.4" o/ ^tts, o ff Y`//^^ (City, State and Zip C )


16 UV-)t 1012^3 Number v4 ke• ^^ c^? V . Issued to ^'1^1 ^ 1011 ^,,t^ t, ^^^ (Name of Circulator)

INI7TATIVE PSfITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electars

Tine. M Nnuu♦oens m the Ohio Camuwtian m mnhvGea sinyle cosioo ciWin exh cf ns dria of Ckveland. CWumbm. Cacimasi and Toledo: lTe ms «.enue fmm fihae fnur casinn faciliiie oUl be used m: holwar lMb'e aoonmy: provi,k fYO6eg m suppmt bcaf mmmunbiaundrehoWSlvnicisacrosstM1

The Amendment to be enacted by amending Ar6cle XV, SecUon 6 of the Ohio Constitation will:

• Authorizea single casino at a predetermined location, a.s designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of: o Cineinnati (The cosinu in Cincinnuti, Ohio will be Wcated onappraximztely 20.4 arnes of pmpeny located southeaxt of Reading Road, east of Broadway, norW of Coott Street, southwesl and partialty northeut of the 1-471 mmp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue- inoluding 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Ruad, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 Frst Court Sbeet, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Streel, Cincinnati, OLio); o Clcwlznd (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio wBl be located on one or rmre of the following properties: (a) the p+operty silunted sou[h of Public Square-egst of Superior Avenoe, west of Ontario Street and nonh of W. prospect Avenue; (b) the pmpeny situated soudt of W. Ptuspecl Avenue, east of Wot 6th Streew, north of W. Hurun Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of pmpeny located srmth of W. Hufon Road, west of Ontario Sfreet, nonh of Canal Road and lying easf of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of pmperty and water lying east of the prolongaUon of the centedine of the Bridge of West 3rd Street. south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagk Road and bounded by, and iocluding a portion of, the CSfyahoga River to thesouth and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.97 aae parcel of pmpeny situated along and south of Omario Street in close proximity m the interseaion of W. Huron Road and Ontatio Sueet; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of propeny located at the sautheasf corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and Ihennrthegst comer of the intersealon of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the fmmer Baltimore and Ohio railroad rightof way; (g) approximately t 55 acres of pmpeny located at the southeast comer of dw intersection of W. 3rd Sfreet and Camegk Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad fight of way, (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basement of that cenain property located 9 STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR

I, I.wl7aiyt (.Jlare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatun:s of 1 Z electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this pedt^ipn did so with knowledge ,of the coptents gf ame. I am employed to circulate thispetitionby!//r g .^4/O^ertb/roarX3d.^jernaG'^987/! with fundine orovided through tKe Ohio Jobs and Orowth Committee (865 Macon Allev. Columbus. OH 43206): (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declzre under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I. wimessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Signed) !l^

(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) 3Y r(5- $'!tp^ia.. Q G(e .Y."ql ft7'.^ Q;'f `ff G! V (City, State and Zip Codi)


Date of issuance

INITIATIVE PHf1T[ON Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

TiOe, M Anaedmem m ike tMiu Owniau6on m emhmlae o single cuuo vitao, euch of es ci4esaf Ckrelana, CclumCUt Cinrinnan mW 1LIMU lTe ux reruwe finm Nese fau easinn farilids ll Ee uxd lu hnlnn mda'f ecmomY: prm'i4e runain6 m vppm lucd muniiitl A1 Y9,tl1t 3ndms an0f dle na1G IaNldefl.'b IoiNna kw Mia% WOkfqee and tfY [nfM[a,mf mN ar4ai4efwldlnj MI AaaAt soong gamine nrnrieht and rzgulaliw,. .

The Amendment m be enzcted by amending Article XV, Seeuon 6 of thq Ohio Constitmion will:

Authorize a singk easino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendmem. in eneh of the cilies • of: . . . . , . o Cineinnati f17sc casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located onapproximately 20.4 acres of propeny lucared sousheustof Reading Road, east of Broadway,: nonh of Cour1 Strcet, southwest and pamially nonheast of rhe 1-071 mmp and nunhwest of Cilben Avenuw ineinding 405 Reading Road,415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road,575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway,1008 Bmadway, 1020 Broadway. 1024 Bmadway, 418 East Coun Strea, 430 East Court Street, 10090ilberl Avenue and 1031 Spring Sueet, Cfnrinna0, Ohio); a Clevehnd (The casino in Cleveland. Ohio will be toczted on one or irwre of the following propehies: (a) the pmpenysituxredsouth of Public.Square,eastofSuperior Avenue,wesl of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property s¢uared somh of W. Prospect Avenue,eastof West 61h Srreet,nonhof W.HwonRoad and westof Onrzrio Slreet; (c) approximmely 7.91 acres of property lacated suuW of W. Humn Road west of Ontario Street, nnrth of Canal Road and lying east of tbe prolongation of the cenledioe of the Bridge of West 6th Sueer; (d) approximate)y 1122 acres of property and water lying east of thc.proloagatiun of the cenla)ine of the Bridge of West 3rd Srree4 south of Cmm) Road, ooMwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, aml including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River Io thesouth and the snothwest; (e) all air rights above the approxitnarely 0.87 ave parcel of property situated along and sooth of Ontario Street in close ptoximity to the intersedion of W. Huron Road aad Ontario Strea; (O approximaely 683 acres of property Iacsaxf at the soulbeaa corna of the intersection of W. 3rd Sueet and W. Eagle Avenue and ihe northeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd St®a and Carnegie Avenue and west of the farmer Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way, (g) approximately 155 xres of property Iocated a the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Slreel and Carnegie Avedue and west of the fonner Baltintore and Ohio raihoad dght of way; (h) Boors one thmugh four, mezvnine, basetnent and sub-basement of that certein propeny lucated at STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR

I, declare under penalty of election fal q'" on that I am the circulatw of [he foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of fI electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite eaoh respet,tive name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition didwith knowledge ofthecontent^s of same. I am ^emp1oyedto circulate iff this petition by^m l CIMSRNI ftdJ FJ B^ f WA^Ot ^ l32 { t^or(A C^ with fundinp tuovtded thmueh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Allev Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circalate)he petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affi:ing of every signatme to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) pv' 4f^-V ( f

L /er^t^(a^.dl fft`f p^/ (/ef/!^ (City, State and Zip Code)


-r6D0555 '

Number / STATEMF,NT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to M^ c^,9^- __ 63 GI/ ;;[^g^..^ (Name of Circulator) ,^tCff^9'CG W L3rLSON , declarc under penalty of election fatsificatton that 1 am the circulator of the foregoing petitiun paper containing the signatures of S"t_ 3 . Q•QQ'ALIDSIGPIATURES"('' Da[Cofi3auanee clectorg,that the signatures appended hereto were made and appcnded in my presence lm the WALtLT31GPA'I tlRC3 date set upposite each respective name, and are rhe signatures of the persons whose oamcs they Caunty &l/C,R'^ 9 wn purport tu be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to seetion 350I.382 of the Revi d Code, and N^DUR fAA (P CIR that the electura signing this petition dj,digo, w^knoyf^qdgei 'j}3e,cot^its^f sp.f4yI am INITIATTVEPETITIOBII^, -- ND CAN_ erqpN^cd tu^7c^ tlys petition by TALIPNALIDS13tJATURE.S '^f ith fund Amendment[olheCons' SIGMATURES_.,J=! (865 Macon Allev. Columbus. 037 432061. (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Ptvposcd by Initiative Petition sentenee shall be completed aa requircd by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electoxs

I further declare undcr peoalty nf election falsification in acenrdance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the aftixing of every signature to the foregoing petitilm paper, that a71 signers wcre to the best of my knowledge and belief qualificd to sign, and that every signattuc 'n,k Au Amv Jmc,t m Jw nFin tqnWMlm w eWhmiu e doUe e,niw wntin eeeh ut We ci11m, of t'leveLdl, n,Jumbun. Clenunna is tu the best of my lcnuwtedge and belief the signature of the pcrson whose signature it putportv ervl ToIWn 'Ifie tu meuvu Ire,n ehe.e Awr msiuu rxJaks w,ll Ip u i to^ bobw eMu'e ewmmmY pmrlEe tuminq tu suppan becl cw,munitiu uvl uhnW 4Win> unnn LLw Nne;>m'ide "rybttdNng fm'nbl,in unrNPortean,l'nrv rnfinecment: wCpnrvWnLm,tinBto ruppm W be or of an attomey in fuct acUng pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. rym6 pnnMy nrmlpM1l NW ,vy,inm.


(Signed) t't"j !Ir a, The Amendment to be enac.led by amendin6 Article XV, 5eclion 6 oYnw Ohiu Csmsatutlon mill:

3 3 • Authoriae a xingle casino et a predetrrmined locatinn, as dcxignated ie the Ammdmeot, in euch of nte aLies (Addrebs of circulator's petmanent residence in this state) I YOS_ fp,i+'1- ?wi A F- o: Iicjp^gp' (The czainn In Clncimmd. Ghiowill he Incxu;d nnappmzirnutety 20.4 acrra of jnt,^Au ,olN h'3^o^7 peoperry lncaled suuthcest ofttceding Road, east of Breedway, nnrch of Coun Slrecl, x,a,thwesY (eityata andZipCtftlc) and peetioRyaottheasl ofthc M471 rnmp und northxest uf Gilbon Avenue, inchaling 405 Reedtrtg"'° Road,415 Retding Road,421 Reading Read. 521 Iteading Road,573 Reeding Ruad, 1002 Bmedwey,1006 Brwd.vey, 1008 Sroudwny, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Braedway, 418 Fael Cam. Stroet, 430 Yast Cbun Sueet, 1009 GBben Avcnue md 11A41 Sptiag Street, Cindnnxti, Ohio); n Upyerhgg (The easPnd in CleveWnd. Uhlo w1B bc loca[al ontme or morc ofthe follnxing propertles: (x) the propetysituetedsnwh af publlc Squarc,cualofSuperu,r Avenue,wcet of Gnteriu Street and north of W. Proapect Avonve; (b) the property situated south uf W. prwpccc Avcnue.esxt,>F Weat Mh Sen^.rmrthof W.RumnRnad aod westof Onlario Sneel; (c) appfoximamly 7.91 acres of propeny louuted xounl MW. 31umn Read. we.t of OnLyio Seren, north of Caoal Road wd lying eua of the p[alotlgaduv of the cerlterGne of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION W ent 6th Street; (d) approximarely 17.22 aass of prvperty and wator lying east ofshe prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF TIIE FIFTH DEGREE. of Lhe tmnter6uc of the Bridge of West 3rd St[eel, xnulh of Caaal Roed, nnnhwen of W. Eagle Roed md bnundel by, aod including n ponion of, tbe Cuyalwga River to the south und the wxnhwer (c) all air dght_w aho.x the approximelely 0.87 scre parccl of property simated atoag and soulh of OntadO.Strat in cloge pmxlmity to thc jnterFCLlion of W. Bu100 Roed aod Omurtn Street: (t) appmximntely 1.83 ecna, of pmpetty located at the sautheeat romer of the Ivtersection of W. 3rd 3trat anA W. Eagle Avenue and the nonheuxt cnrnu of the inlerx tion of W. 3rd Strcd and Cemegia Avcnue and west of the forma' Baltimore and Ohin railmsd right of way; (g) approximately 155 aorex of pmpeny locared al the southeast carner of the intetsection of W. 3rd g¢u[ and Camegie Avenuc nnd wesl of Nc famer Bultimnre aod Ohio railroad right of way (h) Bnorx onc tbraugh four, me.senice, bascment aml auh^basemcnt of that tcrGin property located at

p,iwuu+l) 1x1ID,uA}I 16 036058 Number Pet%09-6W0 VALR)- STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued m,1oyv^'rvvr?^Y INVAl10 _ (Neme of Circulator) Pags3364 I ^^oa^ens-t( rnccYP.sl3yvv declare under pen•alty of election falsification x 1 CHECKER^Z TOTAI that 1 am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper conmining the signatures of t?- Dateofissuancx ^^Y V1 3Gzon °I electors.tbat the signaluras appended hcreto were made ond appendod in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the pessons wbose names they County kI.amn t 1'mv\ purpon to be or of attorneys in fact acting putauant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and thm fhe electors signing this petition(lid so with knowledge of the coments of same. I atu INITIATIVE PETITION employed to circulate tlus petition by ro1.VD Snc(CW 959^.^ wi Amendment tn the Constitution , Columbos. OH 43206). (Name atld address of employer). (Thc preceding Proposed by Initiativc Petition sentence sha11 be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revisod Code if the eirculator is being employed to cireulate the pctition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electws

I further declare under penalty of eleetion falsificatiqn in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing pelition paper, that all sigtlera were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signentre Tee An ne4admerl m the Ohle Covudutluu lo wP.^a'rµ a rlvyle enYw wnltle tttA oY Ih cmn af ChrtlanC. CWUmbua CNCLmaa pn4 To1tVn TM mx Rwnus fmm aase k,ur eumn fesAlew wNl In aad ro: buMp qluol eomam,^ pm'ide nmEicr 10 5vnn+1 bvrel is to the best of my knowledge and betief the signatum of thc person wlwge signature it ptuports lU".wwldu M CWpI Nrmcls aavurbesNm4 t/.nxldel^rm^mp ®r


The Ansndmunt to be cnw:led by umending ANcle XV, Seetion 6 ot'the Ohio Constitution will: (5ignerl _. -.. _... rr:^.^ Author've n single casafao at a pledeterntfied location, as do+ipatvl in thc Amcndment, !n auch of the citics (Address of circulatoi s permanent residence in this euue) S4'Zy 5 tne)^afr P^\^ of: aLlncinmd (T7m eeeiev in Cinchmati. Obiowill be located cmappnrximately 204 ucmx of caIcansbvs erl 93uq Pmperty tacated eoutberst of Reading Road, eaet of 9roadwaye north of Corut Street. aauthweu and partially mnheuxl nfthe I471 rsmp and northwest rd Glibett Avenue, including 405 Reading (City. State and Zip Code) Ruad,415 Ro3ding Roed,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Rervd,375 Reading Rwld, 1(102 HmWway, IWR Bmadway, 100g Bmedway.102O liroadway, 1024 Bmadwey, 418 Leet Coun Strcet, 430 Eet Coue Srccet, 1009 CnlbenAvenue and 1031 Spring Sueet. Cindtulan, Ohio); nCIgy*qQ frhe caxinn in C'leveland. Ohio wRl be located on one or more of tlz following propcrdes: (a) Ihe propenysitumedxamh of public Snuure.eastafSaperiar Avenue,west of Ontario Stmm and norlh of W. Pmspect Avenue; (b) Ihe propeny rfisuaed south nf W. Proxpecr Avenue,ecatof Weet 6th Street,nonhof W.tWronkoad alei wptuf Or.tario Sneet: (c) appro.imatdy 7.91 aa[tS of pnpny lecakd aulah uf W. Huruo Ruust, west of Ontario Strect r.orth of Cunal Rtmd und lying east of the prolongation of the cenL-rline of the Brirlge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION Wcet 6th Satea; (d) approximmely 11.22 aete.e of pnspelty arld wurer lying eart of the prolongatinn IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIF77i DR(;RF.F. of the centerline of the Bridge af Wett 3rd Strecr, south of Canal Road, northwnt of W. Eagle Road and bmmded by, zad including a pornon of, the Cby+boga Rive ta thosoath and the southweel; (e) a1 air nghu nbirve tlte appmximately 0.87 ncle pamel of pmperty situnted along and south of Ontario Street in close pmximity to thc inlcrecetion of W. }luron Roed aand Omarlo Strect; (f) appmvmarNy 1.83 acree of propeny loueeaf at Ihc avutheaK coruer of the interxe tian of W. 3rd Slnst and W. Fagle Avenec amd the aorebenst coron' of the intera>.-tion ofw. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue aud west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of wey; (g) apProwomrely 155 acees of pmpcrty luzted m the a

ixupy6V , wi W ^iVl.] I 16 Number Petp086000 VAIJD ^ STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR lcsuedto^;sy^i (lr . &or--- (Nsme of Circtilatur) PBge875 INVALID-' („ B?rlar . declare under pe+talty of election falsification L r,•&irl^C CHECKER ^ TCTAL ^ that I am the circulator af the foregoing petitttm paper ceataining the signatures of Date of issuatcee electors, that the signatsu'es appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date sat upposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the petsons whose ttames they • County-ttawH (^= purport to be nr of anorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and tbat the electors signing this peti.tion did so with knowledge of the contents of seme. I am IN1TlAT1VE PETITION employedtocirculatethispetitionby t§^^Wl., Id e A 9xo^• with fuu^n¢ orov'ded hr h the Ohio ]obs and Growth Commiuee ^I C J•. Amendment to the Consfitution (865 Mscon Alley, ^lumbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by lnidative Pe,tition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the cirnulator i, being employed to circulate (he petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I further daciare «nder penalty of election fal5ificalion in accordam;e with seotion 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Cade that I witnessed the aflixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all sigmxs wete to the best of my knowledge and belief qnaiifred to sign, and that every signeture rwe m.ommae,.wn,ax^ovac nmeonmwu.n;sa.inss:wmn.imMeeaars^at^,ecnvd.ntcdammacmm,•,^a u4'tekEa. 'tae vu ,v.mva Irvm McYC &u ceum frdWm aID1x uW ia Msx otlo s rtommy: prnide ttvCbg tu vuppal loral is to thu best of my knowledge and beliof the signature of the person whose signature it purports wms,wtw ma rLOOI elurias,aw, the win4nn:e.ndluw cnN^: mam^ nmump o,.yqx to be or of an altwney in fact auting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. em'a eaml+e ueerstqh, md rtpuww.


Tbe Arva^"^-m to bo enected by uocndiug ANde XV, Saetinn 6 of the Ohio Cenetilwinn wfll: (Signed) hes=-v^A -ZA - • Aulborixeaxinglecaeinoatupsedetemdnedlocmion,asdeilgnattdindteAmeadmentlaeeaaoftbesides (Addressofcircalator'spartoaneutresideuc;einthisstate) 13,^( d1K--+^^w/ or o .^ (Tbe oasoso in Cincimmfi, Ohio will be ]oeated on approximately 20.4 ecres of . ks^a^ property luemed nuutheusY af Raultng Road, exst of Breudwpy, nonh of Coart Street, southwest CLac., n(^ and partially nMbeeat of Ihol-071 temp end northwest of Gilbert Avenue, inatuding 405 Reeding (City, State tip Code) RoaL415 Reading Reed,421 Reading Road, 521 Rewling Roed,575 Reading Roed, 1002 Broudway,1006 Brondwoy,1f10R Brundway,1020 Brouhvay, 1024 Broadway. 418 Eant Cuun Street, 430 Eess Cotut Strea,1009 Avenue and 1031 Spring Stren, Cincinnati, OIUo); o$ e^ (The cvxtnn in Cleve4md, Ohio wlll be lowtM onone or morc of the follouing prCpardes: (n) tbc property siWated eoulh of PubHe Square, east of Superlor Avenue, wexl of Ontario Sueet and nanh of W. Praspect Avmuq (b) the propeny altuated soWh of W. Prospect Avenuc,raNnf Went 6tb Street,nortbM W.HutoaRoW and westof Ontada S[rtet: (c) appmxinwely 7.91 ecrea of propnylocahd south ot' W. Hmon Road, west ef Ontario SneM. north of Canal Road aml lying ewt of the pmlongation of the cemerline of the Hridge of WHOEVER CONllN1TS ELECTION FALSIR7CAT7ON Weat 6th Street; (d) appmumaWy 11.22 eorra of pmpeny aud weter lying east of Wepmlovgution of the cmterline of the Bridge of West 3rd Strat, somh of CanN Rond, nostbwest of W. Fagle IS Gt7ILTY OP A FELONY OF THE FlFTH bEGREE. Roed and buundul by, and including a porntim ot tbe Cuyahoga Riva ro tlueouth and the sounswcsn (e) all atr dgbts abore Ne approximately 0.87 oue parcel of pmtxnry xilumed along and mmh of Omado Street in ctuse pmximity to the Inknection of W. Husan Road and OGeriu gtreet; (f) eppmakngMty 1.83 atcs of ptopetry iaeted m the southeess eorar of the intersection of W. 3rd Snret ®d W. P.Qgle Avenue and tLe nptheeet eomer of the intersecGon of W, 3rd Streetand Carnegie Avenue and wext of the fonner gattieorc end Ohio tailroed dgbt of way; (g) approximamly 1.55 eares of pruperly laamed at the southeaxl puner of the internecuon of W. 3rd S4eet and Camegie Avenue aad wcet of the focmer Balnmae and Obio railtoad nght of way; (h) flooro one tluough four, mczeaoine, baaevswt md aubbasement of aul cenaiv propeny locald at

16 I Inwra^ Name o.90'7oo - 191 of) ^I'eqdyG^e^ V-Pltd :r C) ^nVali^}%^ (


Lssued to tpj (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuance


INITTA4'!VE PETTITON Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Blectors


TSae. An Amendmeni to em Osio Cmnitwko to aaAoline a dngk caainn witlrin eaeA of the ciaes of Ckrelanl. Colombos. Ctocima8 and Toledo. The tsx mmue fmm these four cauino faciGiies will be uwd to: eoakr O§io's ecoapoy, pnwide fwdio6 to suppwt luai comnwnuia andtchool dinriele acnm thcslmc proWdejo6 uoioins forOhioY wmkfaee aad IswmfwceamnE nnd poride fun6oi 1o urypat enung gaNdn8 ovaaight md ngulatinn.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Aeticle XV. Section 6 of dte Ohio Constitution wiB:

• Autlwtize a single casino at a predeternrined location, as desigoated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of•. o Cineinosti (Che casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Coun Street, southwest and partially northeau of the 1-471 ramp md northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway,1006 Broadway, 1008 Btoadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Basr Court Street. 430 East Court Sbeet, 10D9 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Sareet, Cincinnati, Ohio); oCleveland ('fhe casino in Cleveland, Ohio wil( be located on one or mote of the follnwing properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and aorth of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Stred, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) apptoximately 7.91 ecres of property.located south of W. Huron Road, weat of Ontatfo Street, north of Canel Road an8lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street (d) apptoximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of the centedine of the Bridge of West 3rd Stteet, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a pornon of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) afl air rights above theapjxoximately 0.87 acne parcxl of ptopeRy sipmtedalong and south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intersection of W. Humn Road and Oatmio Sgreet; (f) approxinunely 1.83 acees of property located at the soutlteast corner of the intetsection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the nurtheest canxr of the intersection of W. 3rd Street aad Catnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltinwre and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 actes of property located at the soutAesatcomer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of dte formef Baltinurre and Ohio raihoad right of way; (h) floors one through four, tnezzanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain property located at

(HIJw Iats 1 I STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR tdeclare under penalty of election falsificadon that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of Lb-- electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport tv be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to tion 501.382 of the Re^ ised and that the electors si n this P^tiiond.,,id o ^+ th Jc ^ow the conten ^ f I iue. y^p this Detition bt1_!__{ S^oY^ `,DY11 V11 11"9 ith fundi rovided rouah the io Jobs and wth Committee (865 Macon All Columbus. OH 43206). (ISame and address of employer). (17u: preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attomey in fact acting puisuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

^,^ k2_.i (Signed) 1

(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state^^ ^'T1 r`

C-- ► nfJnA6^ (Ciry, State and Zip Code)


(xroum.2i 16 t 90;P0 - [02


Issued to .f/'^ ^Ef^ ^' L1 /C l e^- - \IK1NL1/ (Name o Circulator)

Date of issuance I r1 QaZ4 County UA1 0

INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to tlw Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Tide. Aa Amendnwt to the Ohio Coenilmim m awhuriu a aingk wvno wnhi1 weh of the edlm of Ckvelaod. Cdambn, C'anciomY and Toledo. The laa nwwue fi®o dwe twa wsioo tacilides waa be umd m: holm Oluo•s xoaomr. pmvide hndin` m wppart tacal commonifies and rehool dindns xioss We slete; lxuvidejnb uaiouq forOhios wowkface and law wion:wnnc wd poviAe fuWina b wqrpwt awa; aaming ovasight and Icgola6no.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Artlcle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Cottrtiwtmn will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetennined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of: o Cindnmfl (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximaoely 20.4 acres of propetty located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, nonh of Cmat Street, southwest and partially northeast of the I-071 ratt4l and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, I002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Btoadway, 1020 Btoadway, 1024 Broadway. 418 Bast Court Sueer, 430 P.ast Court Soceet,1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cinoinnatl, Ohio); oCley dgQd (71m casino in Cleveland, Obio will be located on one or more of the following properties: (a) the pmperty situated south of Public Square, east of Supetior Avenue, wed of Ontario Stn:et and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the p®perty situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Stnet; (c) approximately 7.91 aores of pmperty located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of propeny and water lying east of the prolongatan of the centerlirc of the Btidge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, notthwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre pared of property situated along and snuth of Omorio Street in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road aw Ontatio Stred; (t) approximately 1.83 acres of property loeated at the southeact eotner of the iNetsection of W. 3rd Stoeu and W. Eugte Avenue and the nonheast corner of the interaection of W. 3rd Sheet and Catnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio raiWad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intersectionlof W. 3ad Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) Ooors one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain propeny located at

Ixnoualsl t d jq3aq


.^^i4^^^ r^-'^`^` '3eclare under penalty of eleUion falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 9 electors, that the signatturs appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition di so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am employed to circulate this petition by i^c7o ^ foC?it^1 /NG 5773 STCGi,.i^^s fd. with funding12rovided rough the Ohio .[obs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Allev. f'oo/F Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence sha11 be completed as required by swtion 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the citeulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Signed) c ^Z4"."

(Address of citculator's permanent residence in this state) "^'^Yke 14` Fi'' I-•#Z1

^s^/4i3,3,F^t" QN^o ^fi?Q (City, S and Zip Code)


ix^smims i 16 %I • 090-'700 - 16-7 lororl?^61 Name of) 52f^hee^ 1^ct0^^ ^I


Issued to trYr ^ Cld^^ ti ^^n ^^ ^ , ^. (Name of Circulator) ►

Date of issuance_

County L4-)lvj(5 ►'V IIVITIATIVE PETFPION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Tine. An Amendmeot tn sie Ohio CoaaiWtiun to atithaize a single emino wnA6, esch of the aiaes or CtereWd. Colam6us. r'°^•ti and Toledu. The tas aveaue from diese faut casino facilitia will be used to: 6oNkr nhia's etonnmY. Pre'dde fundina to suppwt loeal cunmunilirs and school dlsuiets across the suoe; pnride job uainis6 for OhiuY warkraceand law aufacanou; sod Ferv7ds Lwdma b wmut -6 tamm8 oversight and segu4fioa.


The Ameadmem to be eoacted by amending Article XV. Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities o@ o Cincinnati (fhe casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approxinmtely 20.4 acres of property located soutteast of Reading Roa(L east of Broadway, notth of Court Steet; soulhwes< and partially northeast of the I-471 rrmp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Readiog Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road,- 521 Reading Road.575 Reading Road, 1002 Bmadway, 1006 Broadway. 1008 Broadway. 1020 Btoadway. 10I4 Broadway. 418 Bast Court Street. 430 East Court Stred,1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Sueet, Cincimmfi. Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or moae of the following propetttes: (a) the property situated south of Public Squarc, east of Superior Avenue. weat of Ontario Street and north of W. Prmpect Avenue; (b) the property situated inuth of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, no»h of W. Huron Road and west of Ontatio Street: (c) approxinuuely 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Humn Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centedine of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) appmximately 11.22 acres of property aad water lyiag east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Stteet. south of Caoal Road, northwestof W. Eagle Road and bounded by, und including a portion of, the CuyahagaRiver to thesoath and the southwest (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of properly situated along and south of Ontario Street in close ptoximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approxinmuly 1.83 acros of property located at the souduast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Strea and W. Eagle Avenue and the nartheast coma of the intersection of W. 3rd Sueet and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad tight of way; (g) upproximately 1.55 acres of property locuted at the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio raitroad right of way; (h) floors one through fonr, mezzanine, basement and sub-basemem of that certain property located at

laiwnos I . 1 o03a^


I M 1 c e 1 aF ► ^^otleclaro under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the fomgoing petition paper containing the sigttatures of Lg-_ electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petitiop did so with knowled e of the contents f same. I am employed to circulate this petition by ^/ic sR y e^NcT^p l/y e- 5t"il3S.^iYGi^tdaAif'sK4 60,141 CA_ with fundin¢ provided th uah the Ohio Jobs and Growth Co nmittee (865 Macon All v_ `^ot4 Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and beGef qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Signed) cUt^ 'A (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) :fh`7 w^ ^^ t^ Z t Z CtWC-tvJUtRi \ O\^lb^}^2-ZQ (City, State and Zip Code)


^xisnuax: i l6 I ocvrp@cl' None ^?o7©G- S(o on Spreud^


Issued to -&& (Name of Circu

Date of issuance ^ 44"


INiTIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Title. An Amendment to the Ohio Cunstuolian to aullwsiu a singk casino within eauh of the cities of Cbvetand, olumbus, Cintinnau and Toledo. The lax revenue from du:se fous casino facifiGes will be used to: bolsler Ohio s ecawmy; paovide fu 'ng to suppon local communities and school dis[ricls acmss Ihe slnte-, psuvidejob ttaining for Ohio's woukface and law enforcemenl: and pmri funding 1o suppnn strong gaming oversight and segutation.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize a single casino at a ptedetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in ach of the cities of: o Cincinnati (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximate 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court treet, southwest and partially northeast of theI-47t mmp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, inclu 'ng 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Ruad, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 R 'ng Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway. 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cinci 0, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more f the following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated suu h of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and est of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of praperty located south of W. Huron Roa . west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) appmximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east o the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, north est pf. W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to t e south and the somhwest;(e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of ptope y situated along and snuth of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron oad and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at lhe southeast cotner f the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast comer of the i nters tion of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast comer of the inte ection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenuc and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroa right of way; (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain p operty located at

Intsaitoul o9o-7 O0- 32^ Incorm^ Ndhe ` l^a i.Cct - C On 5p%r^d5hee^' n - I


Issued to ( r ~/`-C' .4 Drtln! .P (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuanc li CountyG AO' INITIATIVE PEfPPION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Subtnitted Directly to the Electors


Tide. An Amendaum to aa: OAao Comitwiaa m audwriu a singlo eesiro whhia od, of dw eian of t•k•eWid, and Taledn. The wc mvrnoe fmm amde faar casinn fxcialias will be used to: bnlmler Ohio's eoaoomy, po•ide _ comnwnilin aed sehnnl dipdas across the aaG poride job tafniag for tMi6s wo,kfonx md 4w enfmcemer; and saong ganing ovmight aod ¢gola6on.


The Anaendnant to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constimt(on wi6:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetemdned lacation, as designated in the Amendment, in of: oClneinmti ('l7w casino in Cincinna6, Ohio will be located on approximatel 20.4aeresof property located sou0maastof Reading Road, eastof Broadway, noeh of Court Hf^, southwest and partially northeast of the 1-471 nmp and notthwest of Gilbert Avenae. includ ng 405 Reading Road,415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road,575 ng Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Bcoadway, t008 Broadway. 1020 Broadway, 1024 Btoadway, 418 Bast Court Street, 430 East Court Stnxt,1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Stn:et. C'mc1 nati. Ohio); o Clovelend (The caano ia Clevaland, Ohio wBl be located on oce or mote f the following propeeies: (a) the property situated south of Public Squate, east of Sbpetior hvenue, west of Ontario Stteet and north of W_ Praspea Avenue; (b) the propetty sitoated sou of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Stnxt, north of W. Huron Road and wj bst of Outario Sucet; (c) approxinmtely 7.91 acrcs of property located south of W. Huron west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of ,he centerline Of the Bridge of West 6th Street: (d) approxinudely 11.22 acres of property and water lying easl of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, nocth rcstof W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to b south and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of ty situated along and south of Ontarlo Street in close proxintity to the interseetion of W. Huron uad pnd Ontat(o Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner o F the'imetsection of W. 3rd Stnxt aud W. Engle Avenue and the notthmat comer of the in xtion of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio raBroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of propetty located at the southeast corner of the i ection of W. 3rd Street and Catnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio milmad right of way; (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basement of that cettain p operty located at

tmwno^ t olaaG3


' RtLS )aAwEQ _ declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator o the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of _„1` electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this pef " n did so kaowledge of the contents of spe. I apt employed to circul^j this petition by^ bL v(Y^^ r.^r_ 5-f77.P-hWe-eD.r nAkl ^Ll &L'wcrw'I d- with fundingprovtded throuah the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Allev Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) -a 7 6). /O*t+r.•.,a

%te[8[iJid.yr^, l/[d ^/So^d (City, Stat and Zip Code)


IN,lUllU13I 16

b . I rcorre(,+ NaMe on y*Oei; tn^


Issued to {.r¢w i • 3.3a.kov (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuance

County CI .4031 1)

INITIATIVE PEITTION Amendment to the Ctmstitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directty to the Electors


Tiae. An Amendneut m the Ohio Coepilution w audmtise a single uasino amhi" ead, uf the ciGes of Ckvdasd, C umbw. Ctaciuoni and Toledo. 7be Ins. «venue frum au•se fau aawa tarililin will be used w: 6ldslv Ohiu's aronamlc provide fn T g to'mppott laul commuoiliesaodxchouldisuictsacrosslheaml^tuovidelubaailingfarOhiosuptfomewdlawenfacenleal;aedpovi fued{eglowppon stroeg gamme oveniglu and regnWtion.


The Anendmem to be enacted by amending Article XV. Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution wi11:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined lacation, as designated in the Amendment, in of the cities of. o Clndonatl Cfhe easino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on appmxinuael 20:4 acres of property located southeavt of Reading Road, eust of Broadway, north of Court trxt, southwest and pattially northeast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Aventu:, incl ng 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 515 Read Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway.100S Btodway.1o2o Btoadway, 1024.Bmadway, 4t8 Fast Court Street. 430 East Court Streu,1009 GilbeR Avenue and 1031 Spring Sneet, (Snci nati, Ohio); o Cleveland ffhe casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be looated on olle or more the following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior venne, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated so of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and st of Ontario SUeet; (c) apptoximetely 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron R west of Ontario Street, noAh of Caaal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline f the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of pmlmlgation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Sneet, south of Canal Road, north t of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, ate Cuyahoga River to south and the southwest; (e) aB air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre pattxl of pm sittutted along and south of Ontario Street in close ploxinlity to the intersection of W. Humn and Ontario Stmt; (t) approximately 1.83 aema of property located at the southeast cortler o the intetseetion of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the nurtheast corner of the intenisi tion of W. 3rd Stut and Camegie Avenue and wea of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad ight of way; (g) approximately 1.55 actes of property located at the southeast coma of the intc un of W. 3rd Street and Cudegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad 'ght of way; (h) fbors one through four, mezzanine, bascment and sub-basement of that certain p perty located at

1Nlsoum.t 1 r

Q jQ 2q5


I. A4raJ L Awdc*P' . declare under penalty of election falsificatjQn that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signaturms of W:Ap Ntctors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am employed to circulate this petition byLl.x! W 17i4.' nga6;&1 33oe pt 4w.+ :w, A,re_ 3an r 3i. ay, 4u RSW with funding provided throueh the Ohio -Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Allev. Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affizing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) ^ -7V-7 rVidr" (_..u46ey k^ &4+1 t

C-'!nc`Yirta 4j` (5hl U S^arn (City, State and Zip Code)


jHIlD11W31 i 16 090'700-[ I fco/r&4 NuAa ©n 5p&d5Yee,4 1s,v^ lia', q


STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to ^ (Name of Circulator) J//4r--S , declare under penalty of election falsi c tion tliat I am e circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended beteto were madc and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County purportto be or of atmtneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors siglring this petitiop did so with knowledge of the contents of spme. I am INITIATIVE PETrfION this petition by ^i. ! P4440414t^.. mployed to,circulate Amendment to the Constitution _ 33Pat/_ with furtdi (85 Iviacon Allev Columbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by tnitiative Petition sentence shatl be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the citculator To be Submitted Ditectly to the Electors is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penahy of election falsification in accordance with section 3501,38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I wimessed the affixing of every signature to the faregoing petition paper, that aU signers were to the best of my ]mowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every sigtlature Tlsle. An AmeMmenl m Me Ohb CoostltuEOn to eullwtisn e sinplc cauno wiNN euh of tlle d4e9 of Cleeelnrd, Cdumtrus, Clocilmeti arA Taledn The lu menue fivm Nese fmn rsdno fuuliYee wla be used te: EWAm Ohio's Krmooty'. pmMs twdinB u' nlWon loral is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signamre of the petson whose signature it purports cnmm,miue9 ond vtllael dielridx aewae Uc ne-e: provldeJub neining fw OEiot wmkface and law enfomcemcnS ud peeulde Noeing to suppart to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. Inmg samin6 o.vsl®M rmd nBUleEan. St'MMARY

The Amendment W be enacted by amending Arsicle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution wW: (Signed • Authorize a single casino at a predetemdned location, ns designated in the Amendment, in each of the cines (Address of circulator's pefmanent residence in this state) of; e is a t(The casino in Cincinnari, Ohio wBl be located on approximaseely 20.4 acres of property located southeaaz of Iteading Road, east of Broadway, north of Coun Streec, southwest and partiaây nortlseast of the 1471 lamp and narsbwesc of Oilben Avenue, including 405 Reading (City, State and Zip Code) Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reeding Road, 1002 Blnadway,1006 Beoadwey, 1008 Bmadway. 1020 Broaiway. 1024 Broadway, 418 Eest Coucc Slreet, 430 East Court Street, 1009 tAlbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincionet(, Ohio); o eveland (The casino in Cleveland. Ohio wi6 be located on one oc more of the fttllowing properlies: (a) the properry situated soutb of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Sneet and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situate9 south ofW. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Steeet uonh of W. Huron Road srd west of Onuvic Street; (c) approxirllazely 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, weso of Ontario Street, north of Cannl Road and lying east of the prolongetion of the centerline of tlre Bridge of West 6th Sueet; (d) approximataly 11.22 acces of property and water lying eest of the prolongation WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION of the centerbne of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Roed, narthwest of W. Eagle IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. Ruad and bounded by, end including a poluon of, the Cuyahoge River ta the south end the southwest; (e) eB air righb above the approximmely 0.87 acre psrcel of propetry situevd alang end south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intelseedon of W. Huron Road end Ontario Slreet; (f) approximakly 1.93 acres of propemy located ar the southeast comer of the inrersection of W. 3rd Strat and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast corner of the intersxtion of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue aM west of the forsuer Baltimore and Ohio railrosd right of way; (8) approximntely 1.55 acres of propeny laceted at the southeast camer of she intteeseedon of W. 3rd Ssseet and Carnegie Avenue and west of the Forsner Balnmure and Ohio raiWad right of way; (h) floors one through four, mezeanine, basemeut and sub-basement of that cesmin propesty located at

^^ . (nI,41,e9.91 (MIIn11Y991 ' 16 1 a o9a-7oo - 3 l1^tUC0.W, 0 r


STATEMENT OF CIRCL*LATOR Issued to ^a^h^+^^t FJJC9j°^dro^ (Name of Circulator) 1 COrl.+ivb AIefSaixh . declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 4 Date of issuance. ^3y,lf 3^ Zeo4 electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they Countv cI; nh, purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am INITIATIVE PETITION employed to circulate this petition by F1 »ef^ 9Q ...e w'th fundine orovided throueh 7he Ohia 7obs od Gmwth Commit[een the Constitution (865 Macon Alley. Columbus, OH 43206). (Name md address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence sltall be completed as reqttired by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator To be Submitted Directly to the Plectors is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I futther declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signatute Tifk. An An,entlmem lo Ne nWO Canrtitutlon ro u¢Farim a single Cas'vn wilNn eeeb afYZ utier af CJerclaad Coiumbea Clncienaii end'Ibktln. Tla tux cevrnue from ,bese [our ceuna fecilitim witl be usc6 ee: boYte oMC'C awnaaY; p,avitle 4uaEiue ta euppoR locel is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports munlum end eclwol dievicts xmssllfe smlr, pmvLbjob treinint fa Ohia'r wn,kkrte end leww mfwCarem: end provblefamang m rvppmt to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to seetion 3501.382 of the Revised Code. evong g.wing wenigh[ erA muhEOa SUkNfARY

'CM Amendment to be enacted by emending Ardcle XV, Secdon 6 of the Ohio Consumdon will: (Signed) ( A/.hw 44Ntt`W AutAorize a single casino at a ptedemrmined location, as designated in the Amendment, in eech of Ihe cidea (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) 91/ZI Si lnCle, / of: e Cineinnad (The casina in CSncinnsti. Ohio will be located on appmximetely 20.4 acros of property lacaeed southeast of Reading Road, eest of Broadway, north of Coun Street, southwest ro1^t~k, o# y3229 and palGelly northeast of the 1-071 ramp and oortbwest of Gilbart Avenue, Including 405 Reading (City, State md Zip Code) Road. 415 Reading Road, 421 Reeding Road, 521 Reading Roed,575 Resding Road, 1002 Broedway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broedway, 418 East Coun Sueet, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Onbert Avenue md 1031 Spring Street Cindnnati, Ohio); o Clevelend (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio wiR be located on one or more of the following propenies: (a) the propertysiwatedsouth of PubBc Square,eestofSuperior Avenue,west of Ontario Sveet and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the propeny shuated sauth of W. PAUspect Avenue, east of West 6th Strcet, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontatia Stre

Ixienawel Ix11o11031 16 I ^cor^c^' /^artt^ ©9o-7eo - y -7 61 Srpadsheej' Number

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to (Name of Clrcu ator) declare under penalty of election falsiftcation that I& the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatutes of -4-- Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposire each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County .1 Q'i'""`G purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing thls petition d so tth totowledge of the tents of satne. I am INITIATIVE PETITION loyed petitioahy . ?s^'_^^ ^,gA^ with fundingIyrovided throueh the Ohio Jobs and Orowth Cnmmittee Amendment to the Constitution ( Ma n Alley. Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employerl. (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence sball be completed as reqtdred by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I fttnher declare under penalty of election falsifrcation in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I wimessed the affixing of every signattue to the fofegoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Tiae. An AmeaGawr ro Ne nFio Camliludon te auNmim e nin4n czvno wid^in eech of rhe dtles of Cle.elenE. CoWrrbus. Cincinwu is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it putports enE Toleda. The ux mronue from awre Ieur meine fecililim wlll be usW tu. bolnar Ohlo's ecovomy, pmr,de Nntling to eulFml lacei ommunilw anL school tlietrica sc,nee Ne ssa; provMejob oainingfor OFdo's wor4Panx mtl law enforcernmt; erA pmviCe tuntliog lo support to be or of an attomey in fact acting ptusuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. stran e gernin6 overslght m1 re8ulmMn.


(Signed) The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitudon will: • Authorize a single casino at a predetarmined location, as designated in the Amendmat, in each of the cities (Address of circulatar's perrnanent residence in this state) tw '/v^XGl^f^G ^Z of: o Clothing (Lhe cesino in Cincinnazi, Ohiowill be located onappmximakly 20.4 acres of .J^.t ^®.lis/ c.lf Q's'3^^r property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Saed, southwest ^^ (City, State and Zip Cade) ^ and partially norNeaat uf the 1471 ramp and northwest of Gi36ert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road,415 Reading Roed,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road,575 Reading Road, 1002 Bruadway,1006 Broadway,10t18 Broadway102n BroadwaX 1024 Broadway, 418 East Cnurt Street, 430 East Court Street, IOU9 Gflbett Avenue and 101 Spring Street, Gntinnati. Ohio): o Ckveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be loeated onone or more of the following properties: (a) the properry simeted south of Public Square, eest of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenuet (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Srceet, nonh of W. Huron Road end west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 eeces of prol>erty locaeed souN of W. Hutun Road, west of Onterio Serxt, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolonganon of the centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Street: (d) upproximately 11.22 acres ofpruperty and weter lying east of the prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centedine of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, soutA of Canal Road, nonhwest of W. Eaglc Road and bounded by, and indudiog a ponion o£ the qryahuge River to the south and the southwest; (e) all nir rights above the approximately 0.87 acre peml of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in Gose proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Strmt; (h approximately 1.83 acres of property loeated at the southeast cumee of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue end the ourWeast wmer of the intersec6on of W. 3rd gtreet and Camegie Avenue and west of the furmer Baltimore and Ohio railroad rigbt of way; (g) approxinmtely 1.55 acres of propeTty lowed at the southeast cotner of the interseMion of W. 3rd Sneet and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio raihoed tight of way; (L) Hoors one tluuugh four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basemcu of that artain property located at

Ixlwuwal ie',wnm.^; 16 1.r(om^ 1V^ ogC-7oo - Sy cn ^oWOw-l'

Number ^ FRT" STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedta Dflllb ^ 3tr^ (Name of Circulator)/ ` I, 6t/tl l^a.yi , declare under penalty of election falsifrcation that I-am th circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appeoded hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose riames they County `-•Zrn^nN1 ri79338 purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this pefitio did . so with lmowled e of the conten qf same I INITIATIVE PETTTION em lo^edioc}'tnulatethis etition.b hl/ ^.Oi NC. ^J. ^a.f Pq tI^ l^ol! T^.- ^ 507.1 p'th f d^ g_p ovided throu¢h the Ohio Jobs an^ Growth Amendment to the Constitution L865 Macon ley. Columbus. OH 432061. (Name and address of employeT), (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I wimeased the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment

all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Tltk. An AmeaGment to Ibe Obla conatirvtlon m wtAmi[e a ainsle muno winlln each of the udes of cmveIDM, eolumEas. Cmelnnril is m the best of my Imowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signanue it purports e,W Toleio. The iax «vanu< 4om tLeae faur wino facilides wJl be uxed b: bWsta OMo's economy, pmvide Nr.ding m suppor laeal munitie snd eelwol dieYicle awa IM1e snlr prvJWe)ob VeiNng forOtin4 woekkme end law enforc


(Signed) Q41.1, ckdjd The Atmndman[ to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohia Cons6tuaon w8l: • Autborize a single casino at a predelermined Iecalion, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cides (Address of circulator's pennanent residence in this state) d Sq W. FuevlP,! Cf^- of: o C nnatl (The casino in Cinaennti, Ohio will be locat

Wmum.o i ix,eoum.t;. Id o9e^nc-go In(o11^c^' ^^M^ Val'lo^; 9 on 5pmalsh^ nva Number STATEMENT OF CHdCULATOR ^^ '^"l ^i Issued to _ ^^e - V, `1 6 11 (Name of Cirwlator) I , dectare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulamr bf`+he foregoing petinon paper containing the signatures of 17- Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and ere the signatures of the persons whose names they u19s2,ti purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signinE this netitloa did so with Imowledae of the contents of sssne. I an INTTIATTVE,.PETITION .. .. ispetition4y . - uT .. with ftmdina nrovided tltroueh the Ohio Iobs and Gro th Cora ' Amendment to the Coastimtion (865 Macon Alley, Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and addxess of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed es required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code ifthe cimulamr is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I furthec declere under penalty of elec[ion falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment

all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature, 'Iitln An AmeMment lo uw OWU ennatiutlm a aeWOnss e wnglc neao within each MOw dHar nP Clewlend CaNmbue, Gxlwud is to ttie best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports nod idetla 'ITe ux rtvenue fiom Npc twe ra+ine teci!ities wlu bc wud to; Eolelv ()Ido'e ecovom, Wovltle Nntling ro svrpun lucel ommuoltlec md seM1Oal EINim ccas the vue; pwiAnjuh pmning fmoMok woMuceuAkw mtm'cemenp ent provia fuuding m wtpM to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. eumg g,cnng ovealgk w+^cguLdon.


The Amendment to be enected by amendiug Artlcle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Consntution will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cides (Address of cimulator's permanent residence in tltis state) of: o CUdmad (The eesino in Cincinnati, OhiowiB be located onapptnxitm¢ly 20.4 eeres of property toceted soutbeast of Reading Roed, east of Broadway, nortlr of Court SrceeC southweet and paroany nortlwast of the I.471 ramp and norOtwest af Oilben Avenue, iwluding 405 Reming Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Rosd, 521 Reading Raad, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Eset Cout Steet. 430 East Coun Street,10090dbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Strtet, Cincinoati, Ohio); o Cfeveleod (The ccasinn in Ckvelaod, Ohio wIB be locate9 on one or more. of the following properdes: (a) the property situst

m woo" l ixuouu sl 16 1 lnColft+ I ^bMvn O9o7ee - 8^. ^ on sp-Wshe,+ Number ^'. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued ro K^n+^e ar^t^ (Name of Circulator) I,Ketn f" )^61 MC7f) , declare under penalty of election falsiff, that I am the circulator of the foregoing petiUon paper containing the signattues of z-9^- Date of issuance electors, that the signattues appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County i19294 purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors si nin Ihis etiti^ot^^^^t{tso with ]mowl e the conte^ ts f s1a^t^e. I am INITIATIVE PETTTION e th4petitlonbttiyl/t!'L[Ox^111]f1gL^t^^ aJY/Je ^ f.ll^l/).alRS,T.b-. ___ Jobs and Growth C Amendment to the Constituuon (865 Macon Alley, Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). ('llte pn:ceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to citculate the petition.) To be Subndtted Directly to the Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsi5cation in accordance with secdon 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I wimesscd the affixing of every signature m the foregoing petition paper, that all signets were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature 'n14.. M AmeMmmt n Ne lNtio Cannlitution W euNOeix a single rsilno widln euh ul tl,e dtlm of Clevelend, Calubve, Cintinnetl and Tolede. lTe lax menue 9nn Ihue Pav memo fualtim will be used ro: bolsler Ohlo'e xonw,; pmvidc fuvdin8 to suppwt bpl is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports wmmunakx ene uhoel dicMUe eemrs Ne nsa; providelob tleiN,it tmOltio'e workfinen rmd Nw entartemml; uM pmvidefunding ro euppon to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to secdon 3501.382 of the Revised Code. eanng gaming ovavgFn and rcpulmbn.


The Armndment to be eneUed by amending Ardcle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitmion will: (Signed • Authariu a single eesino at a predetemilned location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of rhe cilies (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) ^N L'Co R- of: oCindnpgQ (The casino in Cincinneti, Ohiowill be located onapproxinlately 20.4 a

INIM110191 .. IXIf0110]JI 16 In01P6+- Nlol^ yod 2s" „i,I^ 3,^/ Number Yyi^ I),/^ I STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to f:no1ek a NpN (Neme of Circulataa) ^C (1` IC4 ^ILt t t`YJ, I . declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signamresof;2.9- Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto wcre made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite escb respeotive naute, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they Counry diN 1J:1`-^313 purport m be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition 0 fthe c tentg of sz e I INITIATIVE PET1TfON _ s fa.thispetitioolu ^^""^r1O+e-u!?- '^i_^U,^i7 w'th fundingprovide through the Ohio 7obs and Gtrowth Committee Amendment to the Constitlttion 0Macon A1lev. Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Slectors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I wimessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature TVIa An Amendmem m de Otlo CaneNwtion to euNOnu n unple cWUU viaen mch o( de E.eks of Ckvelxnd, Columbua Cbdnund is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports und TaMO. TAe ru rcvmue ftnm Nesc (mvi ceem fetln5ta wilt be uwA ,a: bolem, OLW'e «nnnnry; ymuide fenllnC tu aupâen loeel mn,mvnnlee evtl etl,ool Lisulne nvocs the suk; µwlJClob xaiWng for nMO'e wmkfde>znd lawmrfmsa,oen4 eN ryeHde Awtlinp io wpput to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. eucuggeminB^ahlentlmgulsHm,.


(Signed) ,wvnaR' /^ ^t The Amendsuent to be essaoted by amendiog Anicie XV, Section6 of the Ohio Constituuon will: • Authorize a single ca.v(no at a psetletermined location, as designeted in tbe Asuendment in each of the cides (Address of circulator's permenent residence in this state) /^^`^{L. ^4 ^l f^K of: o nti 1775e cestno in GSncinnatl, Ohiowill be leceted onappsoximetety 20.4 aeres of pmperty located soutlseast of R=ftg Road, eest of Broadway, north of Court Sveet, eouthwest (City, State and Zip Code) and passiuDy nosthesst of the I471 remp and northwest of GRben Avenue, inUuding 405 Reeding Road,415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road,575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Bcoadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Eest Coun Stteet, 430 East Court Sireet,1009 rRlben Avenue and 1031 Spring Sueet. Cincinoati, Ohio); oCkv (Tlse casiao in Cleveland. Ohio wi]l be located on one or twre of the following properties: (a) the psupesty simated soutA of Public Square, eaat of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Pmspect Avenue; (b) the property situeted souds of W. Prospect Aveoae, east of West 6th Street, notth of W. Hsaoo Road and west of Ontarin Street; (c) approximately 7.91 attes of property located south of W. Hucun Road, west of Onsesio Street, nonh of Canal Road and lying eest of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bddge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION Weet 6th Street; (d) epproximasely 11.22 acres of propesty and water lying eest ofthe pmlongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of We cenrerlioe of the Bridge of West 35d Street, soutb ef Cenel Road, northwest of W. fisgk Road end bounded by, md including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to Ibesouth and Ihe southwest; (e) all air dghts above the approximately 0.87 acre psrael of property situated along md south of Omerio Stmet in close proximhy to the intersection of W. Huson Road and Ontario Sneet; (f) approxisnately 1.83 acres of property located et ehe seutheest comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Sveet and W. P.egle Avenue and ase notdseast comer of the Intescection of W. 3rd Sneet and Carnegie Avenue and weat of the farmer Baltsaure end Ohio taBroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of psoperty loceted az dte soutbeast coma of the inmrsectian of W. 3rd Snset md Carnegie Avenue end west of the former Baltimore and Ohio rai4road efght of way; (h) floosx ooe through four, nuzzanitre, basemeat md sub-baeemant of that cettain preperty locarod at

^x,wuaa>I Ixunumt1 16 I Incro^ct Nai^ e4f,-7eO - 90


STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued tn (), EIV L .l(`{qn&^ 'yN (Name of Circulator) 11]^,J^J^' t1 1 I declare under penalty of election falsifi oa that I am the c'uculator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of ^ Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hen:to were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective neme, and ate the signatures of the persons whose names they Coumy purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to seotion 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and •hat the electors signing this petitt`oryd^d so wlth Iv^pwl ge lth^^eqtg qfl satqe. I am INITIATIVEPETITfON r^lgtg,ShLS,ppytjmibnvu?tIA"4-1 i 4b71 Il 1(>^ ^ n ^ ith fu h the Ohio Iobs'znd OrowthCommittee Amendment to the Constitution ^i^)^Saa (865 Macon`Allev. Coluhtbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by hdtiative Petition aentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circvlator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I fsttther declere under penalty of election falsificatian in accordence with section 3501.38 of the Alnendment Revised Code that I wimessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing peti[ion paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature T'ule An Anvneteeoi N a,c Ohio ConBtiwtian b Bmbmlm n singb cBeiw wlNiv secfi of We dtlev ef Clcvelu,4 CulumW4 CincwN is to the best of my ]mowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports end Toletln. Rbe uz nvmm finm cYeee fmu cui,w fad4eee wia ba umtl m: beluv eltio'B em,wmy, porMe faumnr m evpyoM1 IaW CJ,O


The Amesdrnesu to be enacted by amending Article XV, Secuon 6 of the Ohio Coasfltutfon will:

• Auamrize a single ceafno at a predeimmined ]neation, ss designated in the AmmWmea4 in eeeh of the cines (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) of: o CNe nypfl (The casino in Cincinnati, Otio win be locaxd on approximately 20.4 aores of property tacated southeast of Reeding Roed, eeaz of Broadway, north of Coutt Slreet, soatbwest and pertially northeast of the 1.471 mmp and northwert of GBbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road,421 Reeding Road, 521 Reading Road,575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadwsy, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Bmadway, 1024 Brvadway, 418 Bast Court Sueet, 430 East Court Sareet 1009011bert Avenue end 1031 Spring So-e

Ixuoamal Meeuox11 16 lncoM^^ 1J 090-20o - 91 Dn s -^- ^j )e2- Number

I^ ^ )-L J1X11i1Y1G:^1! Vl l.lR^ULfl1U1C ISaned m 2x ) rt ^ ^hA©" (Name of Circulator) I (^ I LM aN , declare under penalty of elecdon falsific that I am the circWator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signautres of electors, that the signatures appended hereW were made and appended in my presence on tlte date set opposite each tespecdve name, and are the signatures of the persons whose uames they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting Q^uam to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the elcctors signing this petiflqn,t3idlso_with.67aowledgg of ^p contents of same. I am 1 r. . u. l^I.I4L1L.^.-^ '+?^ C^ !_ INITIATIVEPETITION o'l anr.v C1%^.^^".^fwith r ommittee Amendment to the Constimtion 5 Macon AIIey. Columbus, OH 43206). ('Vame and address of employer). (The pmceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I fmfher declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every aignature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment

all signers were to the best of my Imowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signamre Lrtln An Anmdmevt ta 0c OLie CensdNtlao lo enNmlae e rbwle earim wlWn exh et i4 alies of Ckveland. Columbua, CNeinne4 is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports und Tolaa '/he mn m'enue fiem Nax fuur cuhw fsilitio wln be ,m1 w: bohw ohio's ewnomy; pmvide Nnd;ng W srpport lael mmnntYes aed eeboddiWicb eamatbe atue; providejob tr®ning [or lNuNx woMOrco end law eofmcfu,enG and pmride amtllog m nppon to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. aNmg gemlog ovmsfght nod rcNlaSOn.


(Signed)KPn1,C !1 T'fZ.l^'^(]N The Amendment to be enacted by emending Ar6cle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Consetution wil1:

• Authoxize a aingle eatino az a predeterminei location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of tbe cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state)^ L!\^ /`7 ^b ^ of: o CloelnnuB (Tne casino in Cincionad, Oldaw)8 be laceud anappro.dmately 20.4 acres of G/'r^t' n^ ^F^S'991s property lacated southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, nottb of Court Street, southwest (City, State and Zip Code) and partially northeast of the 1471 rernp and nmthwest of GRbetl Avenue, including 405 Reeding Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway,1006 Broadway,1008 Broadway,1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Eest Court Stnet, 430 East Court 8treet, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio): oCIgy]ov^ (Tha casino in Clevelend, Ohio will be located an one m rnore of the following properties: (a) the property s)tuated south of Pubfic Square, east of Superior Avenue, wesc of Ontario Steeet and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property sitoated south of W. Pros^pect Avenue, of West 6th Street, nonh of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approwmataty 7.91 acres of praperty located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying egat of the prolongation of the cen[erlfne of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMhIITS ELECTION FALSIFICATiON West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 aexs of pmpeny and water lying eact of the prolongetion IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centerline of the Bridge ofWest 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, nonhwest of W. Bagle Road and bounded by, adl including n poNon of, the Cuyahoge River to the south and dse southwest; (e) all air dghrs above tbe approzimskly 0.87 acre parcel of properM1y situated along and south of Ontario Steet in close praxirnity to the intersecnon of W. Huron Road and Ontado street; (f) approxirmtely 1.83 acres of property located az the eouthcasr comer of the intereecdon of W. 3rd Sweet and W. Eagle Avenue end the nortLeast cor'ner of the intersection of W. 3rd SIIeet and Cemegie Avenue and weet of the former BaltGuote and Ohio raltroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeesr cmner of the intessa^tion of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue end west of the former B3ltimore and Ohio railroad rigbt of way; (h) Baars oee duough four, nr.z?anin% basemrnt and aub-basement of t6et certain properd tocated at

Imw1,0]I INIa) 16 lncoln'c^ IUow/ oso^oo- li^(o on ^Xwg)ogll •^^oP.6' Number YV- ^,/^ STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to (Name of Circulator) I, -/lY/J^QS --i , declare under penalty of election falsification thar I am the cireolator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 0_7 Date of issuance electors, that the signamres appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respecdve name, and are the signamres of the persons whose names they County purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and -;19;G'> ti that the electors signing this petition did so with knowle^ d^e of the contents of same. I am INITIATIVE PETITION e loyed to circulate this petidon by L/ j/^ (.'^1^Z^C / f%tsP&2n/.l°j'e7 /O ^ with funding provided throueh the Otdo Jobs and Cnowth C ttee Amendmedt to the Constimtion (86 ( ( 5 Macon Allevmbus. OH 43206), Name and address of employer). The preceding Proposed by Initiative Pctition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I further declere under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every siguamre to the foregoing petition paper, that all siguots were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature l5tle, An Ammdment to+Le OWn Couuiwtim m mrthonu u elnele cesina witMn eech of the cities oF Ckvdevd. CoHmbue. Cinounni is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signamre it purports md Toteda. The mx terenue fbm tlase faue cuvino feciGaa will be um] m. baktm OGIo's eanomy; pmvide flwd'aa m supwn loul mmmunmev and shool diettlets eaucv the sute; yrovitleiob ttnivlnG for onio's wvdSwee and law mtmeemmt: md pmWdefunding u wpyrel to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. mmqgemingovaelpM1tandreeuieunn.


The Ameodment to be enected by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Audwriee a siogle cesino at a prMetwmined locatlon, es designated in the Amendmen6 in each of the citicx (Addtess of circulator's petmaneat residence in this state) of: o Ctn natt (Tbe casivo in Cincinnati, Oldowill be located onapproximately 20.4 acres of property located soutbeeat of Reading Road. eest of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest (City, State and Zip Code) and pardally oortheast of the 1-471 ramp md notthwest of Gilben Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Readiug Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Bmadway, 418 Best Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue end 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnali, Ohio); o O v d(The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or snere of the fanowing pruperdes: (a) the property situatedsouth of Public Squere,eastofSuperior Avenue,weet of Ontatia Street md norN of W. Prospect Avenue; () the property situeted south of W. Proepect Avenue, east of Wen 6th Saeet, nonh of W. Humn Road md weat of Ontarlo Street; (c) apptoximately 7.91 acree of property located suuth of W. Huron Road, weet of Onteno Srteet north of Canal Road and lying east of the protongation of the centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Stteet; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property md water lying east ef the prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centerline of the Bridge of W'est 3rd Sueet, south of Canal Road, narlhwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a porrton of, the Cuyaboga River to fiesouth and the southwest; (e) eIl air rights above the approximetely 0,87 aore percel of pmperty situarod along and south of Onrerio Sneet in close proximiry to the intersection of W. Humn Road and Ontzrio Street; (t) approximatdy 1.83 acres of property located at the southeest comer of the intereecean of W. 3rd Streer md W. Eagle Avenu md the nottheast comtt of the vrtetsection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baldmoee md Ohio railraad right of way; (g) appmximatelv 1.55 acres of pmperty located at the soutAeast corner of the intersectinn of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the farmer Baltimore and Ohio railmad right of way; QO flours one duough four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basemem of that certain propetty located at

(xiwumni wuaumsi 16 I nc©rre+ Tla^ 0907W- i679 (on Number , 4 , STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued W 4t^ (Name of Ciroulator) [^r^L /.IF^(ec- declare under penalty of electiou falsification thvat I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of &44lf Date of issuance electors, thzt the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County f- purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting putsuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the elecmrs sigoing this petilion'{^d so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am INITIATIVE PETITION employed to circulate this petition by^rcT^ 4^ ^ nJ4 Q.^'F^ .EZG^^ ei'l. ^SrIJ/^' with fundine n ided through the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee Amendment to the Constitution ( ( (865 Macon Altev Columbus. OH 43206). Name and address of employer). The preceding Pioposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circetlator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I further declsre under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I wimessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Ttle, qpAmcnNnenrteNeOFlo^nrtlWtlanloaWllo[imasingl suowilhinMChMtheriueecfCles'clendCOW,MYi,Clmnnoti end TNe1o. Tne ma rcvenue from Mue four e¢um feutirtm will he useE Ic Eolel<, Ohio's aonomy: pravide ruMing m suppon laml is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports nunw.nies e,W vc6oW tlisvice ec,ase cia suis; pmvitlejab mMVing Ibr Ohio's warkfarcemd lew aMpcemean erd provide funtling m suppon to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. ewva qeming oveniphs end agabM on.


The Amendmem to be enacted by amending Anicle XV, Section 6 of tM Ohio Constitudon will: (Signed K ^ • Authorize a single casina at a predetennined locanon, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the eirtes (Addressofcirculator'spermanentresidenceinthisstate) of: QdBW (The casinn in Cincinna6, Ohio will be located on approximxrely 20.4 acres of Cr^t•N^ Dfic rf5^w property located soutbeest of Reading Road, eest of Broadway, norrh of Courc Sven, sautlewest end partially northeast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading (City, Sta and Zip Code) Road, 415 Reeding Road,421 Reading Ruad. 521 Reading Raad,575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Bruadway, 1008 Braadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Coutt Street 430 Bast Court S[reet, 1009 Gilbart Aveoue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio wiIl be located onone or nwre of the following propcrries: (a) the propenysituatedsouth of Public Square,esaofSupeior Avenue,west of Ontario Sneet and north of W. Pmspect Avenue; (b) the property situamd soutL of W. Ikospeca Avenue, eest of West '6W Street, nonh of W. Huron 8oad and west of Omerio Sveet; (c) approxinmreely 7.91 acres of praperty located souW of W. Humn Rood, west of Onterio Street, nonh of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Strxa; (d) approximmely 11,22 acres of pmperty und water lying east ofthe prolongaeon IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street. soath of Canal Road, notthwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and lncluding a poaion of, the Cuyalwga River to thesouth and the southwest: (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proximity w the inrerscetian nf W. Humn Road and Ontario Street; (f) approxlmately 1.83 acres of property located at the sautheast comer of the imersection of W. 3rd Street andW-. Eagle Avenue and tbermrdrcast corner of the intersection ofW. 3rd Sueet and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Beltimore end Ohio reilroad »ght of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of propeny located at the southeau comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Caruegie Avenue end west of the former Baltimote end Ohio railroad right of way; (h) floors ane through four, measnine, basement and sub-basement of that certain property located at

(NIS0114).31 16 c9c7Of>- (79 "^- intd(I^ ^ l^IG^Me ^(z. Gn ^ndyhe2^' Number :;V^ STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to ^L eA+ (Name of Circulatar) 4" I f7 ti,*'re 44,e4- declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of _7 Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County C^NT ,. c • ti purpott to be or of attorncys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge o£ the contents of sam- g. I am INITIATIVE PETPPION employed to circulate this petition byas r-e/ra. JYTYSI,1{GE/a^keFK^'.EC e.y4J -CA. 9 L4l4 with fundina orovided through the Ohio Jobs and Orowth Committee Amendment to the Constitution ( ( (865 Macon Al1ev, Columbus, OH 43206). Name and address of employer). Tbe preceding Proposed by Itdtiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulamr is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Direcdy to the Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signatore to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Tltle. Ao M ament W aw Ohio ConstiNlion W autLanm a nfngk cesino vnthin eazM1 of Ne etlu' of CleveloM. CUlumhur. Oncinnui knowledge end bellef the signamre of the person whose signature it purports ana iole]o. The ux eeveuue eam 0ee four cauno (acilities Mn be usel m: hdatt, oM1lda ecmnmY. Pnrvide runding to suppo¢ loeel is to the best of my eammaniursanaechaolalsmauacsassunesm[e;pmNLelobnalMVerorO.vesworkfmceevdlawcakrt mt;endpm,;aefundiasbrvppon to be or of an attoatey in fact acting plusuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. w,eg gn W ng ov„ight ard reguln6oa


Tae Amendment tu be enected by amending Anicle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Consdtufion will: (Signed) • Authodu a single casino at a pteddermined looation, as designazed in the Amendment, m eech of t.he cides (Address of c'uculator's permanent residence in this state) 707 af: oChig}BBgg (The casino in Cincinnati, Oldo will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of ea^•1"yi^'!

A ix.w^^wn i iniwoma i 16 090-7Ce- ^l75 (l'ww )^&/y 0 ©n ^^rpad5&4 ^^'.1^ Vumber

/^ ,/ STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued ta f4'A G 4^^ 0 (Name of Circulator) 1. /Yi 4f7Af L A'r '(5en-- . declare under penalty of election falsificatiin ffiat I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 0 N Date of issuance electors, that the signawres appended herew were made and appended in my ptesence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County C/.UlO^ c+.'a+ purport to beor of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and ^ " that the electors signing this petition^/^td so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am INITIATIVE PETITION loyed to circulate tluspetition by U Ca/SeL^.s^1%OC59'73 S'G iN OA/O'^v Amendment to the Constiwtion Z dA.?A^ C°!.S'ie f'hvith funding orovrded throuah the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Allev. Columbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shaB be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator Submitted Directly to the Electors is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordanee with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my lmowledge and br.lief qualified tc sign, and that every signature nde. As AmclWnmt:o Ne Ohio (bnsntutioc :o au0unme a single eeuno rnNiu eech of Ne cldee of Clevelsnd. Ceiumbus, CYnclrean end Tdedn The In: mvenua fiam nvee four canino faciliua w1114e ued m: bdsur Ohlo'x acnomY pon,dde funding io mppon loeal is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports mmunitks and school tlisular ecwes Aa sWe; pmvidclab ueining fm Ohltis wni:foc¢ ond Ww erainsoment; m,d pm,+defund'mgto suPfon to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. sunnggemingo.xcalglnund«gulatlon.


The Amendment tn be enatted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of arc Ohio Conafitution will: (Signed) ^ C43' X2^S • Authorlu a single casino at a predelermined locanoo, us designated in the Amendment, in each of the cides (Address of citculator's permanent residence in this state)709 Aele-* oL/'s-- of. o Clnrinnnti (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio wBl be located on approximately 20.4 acres of G-iW,i:l.J/T ^^1'• ^jtt w propeny located southeast of Reading Raad, east of Broadway, norah of Coun Street, southwest and partially nonheast of the 1.471 remo end northwest of Gilben Avenue, including 405 Reeding (City, Star'e and Zip Code) Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Rasd, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Braadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Bmadway, 418 East Court Streeq 430 East Coun Sncet,1009 Gnben Avenue end 1031 Spring Streel, Cintinnati, Ohio); oCLd (The casiuo in Cleveland, Ohio will be locnted on one or mare of the fotlowing pmpertes: (a) the pmpenysimatedsouth of Publlc Square,eastofSuperiur Avenue, west of Otaario Street and nosth of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated souN of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Sueet, oorth of W. Hmoo Road end west of Onterio Screet; (c) approximately 7.91 ucres of proper ty loeated south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontado Stree4 north of Canal Road aud lying east of the pmlongadon of the cenrerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Srrex; (d) approximately 11.22 ecres of pruperty and water lying eest of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, nonhwxet of W. Eagle IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. Road and bounded by, and including a postlon of, the Cuyahoga River [o tbesouth and the southwest; (e) all ab rlgbts above the approx'nnately 0.$7 acre parttl of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in tloae proxisnity ta ax lntersectiun of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approxirsnttely 1.83 aares of property located et the cosner of the intersecdon of W. 3rd Street and W. Bagle Avenue and the nonheest corner of the intersec5on ofW. 3rd Street and Camegic Avenue end west of the fosmer Baltimore and Ohio railroad rigbt of way; (g) approximately 1.55 aaes of property located az nse seutheast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Sv

IN,eo,lei31 m11et1n3J1 16 Iwlr& l^ 0907oo- 17(0-:. -a^; a or) ^%^ Number Y t^ -1' STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedto ^ \ C \-tA^C..It (Name of Cfrculator) t Ml f.LSbE ^ pttM`CiG (Q , declare under penalty of election falsifc tion that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper contairdng the signatures of Date of issuance electors, that the signamres appended bereto were made and appended in my presence o the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signattues of the persons whoae names they County CL1 tjT-bU aJ347 purport to be or of attomeys in fact aming pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and t3 that the electors signing this petition did so with Irnowledge of.^qn[en[s of same. I am INITIATIVE PETITION emplo d m circufate this eGtion by h^ io2r^ uJCt. ^ ^}e. {4'Z^ rt i pk.2t S^ PeS ^a^M7t-Itl41e1 ^ith fundine nrovided throuvb the Ohio Jobs and Growth Comndttee Amendment to the Constitution (865 Macon Allev. Columbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by lnitiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Subnutted Directly to the Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every sigrtature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment

all signets were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified m sign, and that every signature Titk. An A,ratlment n the Obio Con.titutim b nu0otie a rsgle ce¢hw x WN erch orthe citlu of Ck.elend Columbue, Circinnutl is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signamte of the person whose signature it purports ua,r TolMa. Tle :ux revrnue M1om theee ron eavno feeilifies xill be used u: bokter Ohlo's xommy; pmriEC fwding ro wppwt IuW communiticF xnd scllod diWicu semtt tbe etNe; pnwidejob aalaing Por Ohio'e warlTOrcezM Isw enfon:emene and provide funding to support to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant [o section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. atrong B=ming m'enight anE mgul ntl®.


(Signed) The Ameodmcm to be enacted by amending Ar ck XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authodze a singie casioo m a predetermined tocatian, as designated in the Ammdment. in eaeh of aee cides (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) 161 N.\.1C. LO ° 232. of; o Cludnnati (The casino in Cincinnac, OhiowRl be located onapproximarely 20.4 acrm of (.\w C1rv 4 22 propecty located southeest of Reading Road, east of Broadway, norrh of Court street, southwest (City, State and Zip Code) end partlaBy norlheest of the I471 mmp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway,1008 Brcadway,1020 Broadway, 1024 Broedway, 418 Eav Court Street, 430 Fast Court Steet, 1009 Gilberr Avenue and 1031 Spdng Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o ClevelarW (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more of tAe following proper4es: (a) the property simated south of Public Square, eaat of Superjor Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. prospect Avenue, eest of West 6th Sneet, narW of W. Huran Raed and west of Ontario Screet; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of propevty located south of W. Huron Road, wxst of Ontario Strem, oonb of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of tM centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Sacet; (d) approximately 11.22 acrea of property and water lying easu of the protongadon IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of tde centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Rosd, nordrwest of W. Eagle Road end bounded by, and including a portlon of, the C1ryaAoga River to the south and the - southwest; (e) a6 air tights above Ne approximstely 0.87 aare parcel of property situated along and sauth of Onterio Stmet In cloae proximity to the intersecdon of W. Huron Road end Onterio Street; (fl approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intetsectien of W. 3rd Sneet and W. Eagle Avevue and the northeast cotner of the inkrsection of W. 3rd Street and Catnegie Avenue end west of the fomler Baltimore eod Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximmely 1.55 aaes of property ]ocazed at the southeast comer of the imenectlon of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avmue end west of tlx former Baltimore and Ohio railroad rig[rt nf way; (h) Iloors one through four, mezzanine, basemem and eub-basement of that cerrain propety loceted ut

INIfaI:UlJI IxlSallae,ll 16 uassisS

Number 2^Lj CNtC,

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to J'^LCwO^a( eC604j, S (Neme of Circulator) I, / t AYO^d C^LMo Ytf , declare under penalty of election falsific on s JSq -o ther I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of ^ Dam of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my ptesence on the date set opposite each respective name, and at'e the signatures of the persons whose names they County f/luurl, pnrpon m be or of attomeys in fact acting pm'suunt to sectton 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that tliti the electors signing this petition so with knowledge of^the contents,of same, I am INITIAT'IVEPETITION e ptoyyedtocirculatethispetitionby /11/'l3 rawr_r-L!R'a• S^,^L1'd1'6CAr'drdo7", 0^ y d L/ 2 LJ SZ with fundingprovided through the Ohio Sobs md Growth Committee Amendment to the Constimtion (865 Macon Allev. Columbus. OH 43206). ( ( Name and adrlmss of employer). The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be campleted as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly W the Filectors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every sigoature to the foregoing petition paper, that all siglws were to the best of my knowledge and belief quaGfled to sign, and that every signature Tlik. M Rmeodn^t to te Ohiu Conedmtlm, w euNmim a 6ingte cavlno wabin eecL of We ddm orClevelend, Cohmbur. Cu,chmed is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signanue of the person whose signahu'e it purports und'rukdo. The ian,eveeuc fimn tlmse fum emino fecillEes will Ix veN w: bolemr OAb'e xoownY• Pmhde PonNng to eupport kcal e>mmuoltlm end eehool disWcn umss tLe ama pootidejoM1 curdog fin ebbk waCfttee and lew mkrcenem; and provide GuWing m supyon to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. elmnggamingovenighleolm;uat


7he Ameadment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Secdon 6 of the Ohio Constitunon wlll:

• Authorize a single cesioo at a predetermined locarion, as designated in the Ameodment, in eaeh ofthe cides (Address of circulator's permanem residence in this state) L I3 ^^ I9.2'TA^^4,t.ll- oC: o Cistrlnuee (The casino ie t]v:innati, Ohio win be located on approximetely 20.4 acres of ^-^[...,J..o.d,OM^^ ^IZtz properry locuted soutbeast of Reeding Road, east of Broadway, notth of Court Stmet, southwest (City, State^and Zip Code) and panially northeozt of the 1471 ramp and narlhweu of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road,415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Roud.575 Reading Road, 1002 Brosdway, 1006 Brcadway,1008 Bmadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Brosdway. 418 East Coun Strees, 430 East Court Street. 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Sueet, Cincinnati, Ohio); o f^Yq^lup$ (The cesiaa in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more of the following properdes; (a) the propvty situated south of Pubtlc Squate, eest of Supe[ior Avenue, west of Ontario Street md nonh of W. PRUspect Avenue; (b) the ptnperry situated south of W. lhospect Avenue,eastof West 6th Street,notNof W.HmoeRoad and westof Onvuio Sneat (c) approximatety 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Humn Road, west of Ontaria Sneot, north of Canel Road and lying east of the prolangation of the centerEne of tbe Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Street; (d) approximdtely 11.22 acres of prapetty and wata lying eset of the prolonganon IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE PTFITi DEGREE. of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Stmet, south of Canal Road,northwestof W. Eagle Road end bounded by, md including a portion of, dte Cuyahoga River to Ihesouth and the southwest; (e) all eir rights above the approzimately 0.87 aue percel of propaty sirueted along eod south of Omeeio Street in close proximity fa the intersecdoo of W. Hmon Roed md Outerio StmeC (f) approxiuwtely 1.83 acres of property lacated at the southeast comer of the interseetion of W. 3rd Street end W. Eagle Awnue and the nonheest comer of the inetention of W, 3rd Street and Cacnegie Avenue md west of the forma Baltimore md Ohio raiWad right of way; (g) approsimerely 1.55 acres of propaly loaazed at the sautheast coma of the int

19oaOm21 Ixtw,1W ], 16 t U Y V 4(r'iqt PKT 038086 Number

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedto (Name of Circulamr) L r t. c hA r^ J/T )^^V t/ , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulacor of ehe foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of -4- Date of issuance APr) ^ 3 z fl^ l electors, that the signamtes appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County rAJICD purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting ptusuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of samg. I am INITIATIVE PETITION em loyed to circulate this petition by e1L90}eC/' /,Td.^" A C L sa NI /r^A- /+fs^e.f f0, Amendment to the Constitution r Ap . y,^3ss with f di g orovided tbiou¢h the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Alley, Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as reqttired by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator To be Submitted Directly to the Electors is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Tine. An Amendment ra Ne Ohio Cansiierion m aurhonu a single eaine wiU,in eerh of tlre rifirs of ClevelanS CaNmEus, CYncinnsti aod To1Wo. Tne ux eevenue from Jese fnur cesmo ra6Gtia wilt M1e usM ro: telster Obios ceauomy: provlde runNng ro suppon lwel is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports muuti¢ an1 scM1ool distrlers acrass Ne nab; prohdeiob tninin6 rw Ohio'e wortforee znd law enfmcemcW: andpo•ide (undin6 10 suppon to be or of an attomey in fact acGng pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. suonasaminso.eaisluandre8u>Anoo.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Seclioo 6 of LLce Ohio Cuusntution wilL (Signed) • Autharize a single casino at a predetetmined loceeon, as designated in the Amcadmenq in enuh of the cities (Addressofcuculator'spermanentresidenceinthisstate),^^^ 16rGA 4 ot. o inarmnti (Tbe casino in Cincinuati. Ohio will be located onapproxlmately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Bmadway, uod of Coun Stree4 southwest C7)4^1^`3d9/^ ^^{- HiJ ^f 0 and parlially northeast of the 1-471 ramp and notlhwest of Gilben Avenue, including 405 Reading (City, State and Zip Code) Road,415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Hroadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Coort Stmet, 430 East Coua Stree41009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Otiu); o©esetnnd (The cssino in Cleveland, Ohio will be laca[ed on one or mare of tbe following pLoperiies: (a) the propcrty siruated sauth of Public Square, eeet of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, norlh of W. Huron Road and wtst of Ontario Street; (c) appraximztely 7.91 acres of proper[y locaad swth of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Ruad and lying east of tlre prolongation of the centecline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMbIITS EI.ECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Sucet; (d) approximately 11.22 scres of property and warer lying east of the pralongadon of the cenu:rline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, narthwest of W. Eagle IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFI'A DEGREE. Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River ta the south and the southweA; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acte parcel of property sltuated along and souh of Ontaio Street in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approdnately 1.83 acres of property located at the soutbeaet comer of the intereection of W. 3rd Sneet and W. Eagle Aveoue and the norcbeast comer of the inrersecfion of W. 3rd Sereet and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximaYely 1.55 actes of property located at tlte suutheast covner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Caroegie Avenue and west of the form¢ Baltimore and Ohio raihnad right of way; (h) iloon one through four, mexzanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain property located at

mom'.mt I ia,.ta,mf'f i 16 t STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR (Name of Circul U^-t a^ ^6tU6-It^ , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am th circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of I Date of issuance eleornrs, that the signattues appended hereto were made and appended in my presenrs on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the pexsons whose names they CountyaohYO'C-, purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with lmo ^}'ledge^ of the contents of. sam . I am t NITIATIVE PETITION emgloye^ d to circulate this petition by Vf^ C6N.5ieltun(3 .59^3 .S{R.Pltdrd ^^ ^(dttN C4 490l9 with fundina nrovided throueh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee Amendment to the Constitution ( ( (865lolumbus, da OH 43206). Name and address of employer). The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to tbe Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signatlue to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Tnk. Aa AmeoEmeat w Cae ohio Cueauwuon rp entiwve sinqk casino vnthin euG nf rAe ducv af (]evdaod. Comnbus. Clndm,aG is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signatme of the person whose signamre it purpotts aN Toktlo. The wx meove Gw Nex fou casirm fociliun tWll te usei w: Dolsler Obio's xanumy: pmviLe fuxda.g b support loul muoitis arW sAool dulriar avmr Nc fwu; {voritleiob umining forOhiov workforre nua law enlo¢emees, and Prwide fimdinE to suppmr to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. .ammg gemmg ovvvgnt und agulenm,.


9"ne Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitunon will: (Signed) ^ J lDl.t) • Authorae a single casino at a predetermined locatian, as designated in tbe Amendment, in each of the cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state)^" I^0.Y}In ^t^N' 1+tY10^ bT W+1107 of: o ineinneti (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located od approximately 20.4 acres of (!^uy c;n^ oN 452za property located southeast of Reading Road, eest of Broadway, north of Coutt Street. sauthwest and partially northeast of the I-071 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading (City, State and Zip Code) Road, 415 Resding Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Rosd, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Braadway, ]008 Bmzdway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Coun Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnali, Ohio); o levelend (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be (ocated on one m mote of the following properties: (a) the property situated south of Poblic Square, east of Superior Avenne, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. prospect Avenve, east of West 6th Street nonh of W. Huroa Road sod west of Ontario Strat; (c) approximately 7.91 ac®s of proper[y locamd aouth of W. Huron Road, west of Onturio Street, nortb of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the ce.Merline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th StrG; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and wata lying eau of the prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTII DEGREE. e of the centertlne of the Bridge of W est 3rd street, soudl of Canat Road, northwest of W. Bagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the soulh and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in clost proximity to the intersecdon of W. Huron Road and Ontario Streer (1) appmximstely 1.83 aaes of property loca[ed at the southeast comer of the intersemion of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast comer of the intetsection of W. 3rd Sireet and Camegie Avenue and wast of Ne farmm Balnmore and Ohio tailroad right of way; (g) approximamly 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast corn¢ uf the intersection of W. 3rd Sheet and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore md Ohio ra6road right of way; (h) floors oae through four, merrunine, basement and sub-basement of that certain propexty located at

ix,w„mni ' ixisoumai 16 Number

Issued to ^►K••l f . ^So..^e+/ (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuance.

County ^

INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Title. An Amendment to the Ohio Conslitutian to auihorim a single ensino within ea:h of the caies d Ckrelaad. Columbus. Cineionad and Tokda Tlx rex xevenue from these four casina faciGties vNl be used W. bolster Obiob ecanoesy: provide fanding m suppan bcal communltiea and achaul distriws acrnss the state; proride job Iruining for Ohie's wortfwce ead law enfwcement; and provide funding to soppon sanng gzming oversight und xegulaGun.


The Amendmem to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of•. o C cinnatf (The casino in Cincinnatl, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, eastof Broadway, north of Court Street, suuthwest and partially northeast of tha 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbett Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway. 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue end 103 t Spring Stceet, Cincinnati, Ohio)t o. e nd (The casino in Clevelund, Ohio will be located on one or rrwrn ofthe following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, cast of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the propeny situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, noRh of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Stnet; (c) appmximately 7.91 acres of property located soutb of W. Humn Road, west of Ontarfo Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of dm centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Strcet: (d) approximmely 11.22 acres of property and water lying cast of the prolongation of the canterline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, nonhwest of W. Eagle Roud and bounded by, und including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) all uir rights above the upproximateiy 0.87 acre parcel of properly situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intersemion of W. Huron Road arrd Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acrea of property tacated at the southeast comer of the intereection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegic Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximutely 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast cornr.r of the intersection of W. 3rd Street atW Carnegie Avenue and west of the former B;dtimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, busement and sub-busement of that certain property located at


I, t^0i L, -tav , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of Ll electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this peti ' o ^d ^o ^ith kno^ledge of the contents of same. I am employed to circulate this petition by^ t^ed i'} aM1 Vlla ^^ 1^d FI Are ^as^}3^ Sz^_ Ca 9 fo $f with funding orovided throueh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Alley. Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the afftxing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, thai all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sige, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state)

Cncuw,.H OF1 4Lvn (City, State and Zip Code)


[11I1UIIU)]J 16 io 113q ` py4450 ^ ^rd

Number I ^^-

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedto(,hs^S^^)Tr!f /1^IL°r (Name of Circulator) ^I'er declare under ponalty of election falsificaCion that I am the iTCUlator of the foregoing petition paper contuining the signzturea of Dace of issuance-^t'.^'ClR electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made aod appended in my presence on the date set opposik° each respective name, and are the xignatures of the persona whose names they I County f iPKLCWaN purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pnrsuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and ^^^-- that the electors signing this pctitiun dW so with knowtedge opthe umtertts ofxame. I am L'VH7ATIVE PETITION employed to circulate this petition by E'loi Ytra^ Amendment m the Constitution with f nd'ne uroid d throush the Ohio 7obs and Growth Committen (865 Macon Allev Columbac. OH 43206). (Name and ad(hess of employer), (Ihc pn.ccrlirlE Proposed by Inidative Petition scntcnce shaE be completed as required by seclion 3501.38 of the Revised Code if'the cimulator To be Submitted Directly to Ihe Electots is being employed to circulate tho petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsitication in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that i wimessed the affixing of every signatuce to the f'urcgoing petition paper, tlmt were to the best of my knowledge and helief qualified to sign, and that every signature Tia. AndmenJmemralh^.OiauCws.$uuunlonu6afxca.+la8rea^nnwW,inaW ^dNU^waofC6vulnml,CONll^bnr.Ci+¢^ all signets

The Amnndnwnt to bc arlamedtry amending Arfide XV, Sstian 6 of the Ohio Conviwtioa will: (Signed) !,r''^' • /od • AuthorisasmglccwairwatapmAUerlniaedlocation,asde.dgnanWindtcAmendtrxW,iaeachofdteciees (Address of circulztor's pennanent residence in this state) 30l Hi ek)e JL Lot 2 uf: c Chadmeati (7be casino In Cincinnao, Ohinwili be located onappooxilrwcly 204 xcles of Monto^iier 0ll N?.y1i propeny Iocntei xoutleastof Readiug Road, castof Amadwxy, nunh of G)url Street.sonthwcst nrd partially Itmtbeast of the 1471 remp and nunhweat ol' Gilnert Aveone, including 405 Reading ( tty, Statc and Zip Cude) Bond, 415 Reudiny Rnud, 421 Reading Road, 521 Rending lioad, 5]5 Rcading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, l(P8 1lroadwuy, 1020 limadwa}, 1024 Hruadway. 418 F.ast Court Street, 430 E w Court Sueet, 1009 Gilbpt Avcnuc nnd 1l)31 Spring Strn1 Cincinnati, Ohio); o Gl{ryl@pQ (The casino in Gevelund, Ohia w-11 be lorar

fPI5n1^U}.II IX^IO^^v^J) 16 l5 eD


^y- STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued ro(A ) (^ r NJVIM t V-r (Name of Circulator) I,^1 Ut^ ri• C)ym te--P , declare under penalty of election falsific tion that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signamres of _ Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County- --^ a a rnns purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so v+^th ^cq o ledg^'o t}^etcpnt9apte. I am INITIATIVE PETITION employed to circulate this petition byz,g,^,_,e V 1^ 1a. Id I t-fj^i^^_UTF d?e-^s5-r3 SaOw, ' 6:4 4w,K with funding nro 'ded through the Ohio Jobs and GrowLh Conm+'ttx oste rd Amendment to the Constitution (8C514acon Al1ey, Columbus OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (Tbe preceding ff`°J°` Proposed by Initiative Petitioa sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I further declere under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I wimessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment all signera were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, end that every signature 'lftle. A. Amendmenl In the Olua Coastirunav ro a,W,anee e®ngk caelee wieWn caeh of We cluee of Clevelenq Cahmlur. Cincimmtl is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signatme of the person whose signature it purports vM TWado. The t®r revenue hom these fnx eaunn realllYec will be useL w: bolster nMo's ecu,omy; P.M. fundinr lo rvppan loael uvitiee end schod dlarkn xrues e,e ew<; pro,iCCjob neiningfrr oLloe warkfmctt end law en6rcemwl enL prm'itle fimding to euppan to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501,382 of the Revised Code. eVOeggunb,govenlgbeandeegWedoa.


The Amendment to be enected by emending Ardcle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authmize a siogle casino at a predeternvned location, as designated in the Ameadment. in eaeh of the dties (Address of cimulator s permanent residence in this sta of: oClnrtmatl . ('FLe cesinu in Cincinnari, Ohio wnl be locazM on apprnximnteJy, 20.4 acres of ( 1MQl1N . 1 V M^ propery Iecated sautLeest of Resding Road, east of Broadway, north of Coun` Stret, southwest (City, Smt^ and Code) 2ip and pardelly northeast of the 1473 ramp and northwect of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Readiug Road,4l5 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Braadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbea Avenue and 1031 Spring Str'eet, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Clevdand (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio w111 be located on one or more of the foEowing propartlea: (a) the pmpertysimatedsouth of Publie Square,eastofSaperior Avenue,west of Oatario Street and north uf W. pRospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W, Prospect Avenue, easo of West 6th Street, north of W. Hurun Road and wnst of Ontario Street; (c) appmxfinetely 7.91 nores of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontelio Slreet, north of Cana] Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Slreet; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of propeny and water lying east of the prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FWTH DEGREE, of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Stteet, soutd of Canal Roed, nonhwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a pmnon of, the Cuyahoga River m the south and the southwest; (e) aB air zighu above the approximarely 0.87 mne parcel of pmperty sitoated along and south of Onterio Street in oluse proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Stmet; (t) approximately 1.83 acres of property locatd az the southeast conser of the intersecfion of W. 3rd Strcet andW, Eagle Avenue and thenonheast comer of the intereection ofW. 3rd So:eet and Carnegie Avenue and west of ttu fonner Baltimore end Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property loeated az the soutlwest comer of the iu5ersettion of W. 3rd Strect and Carneg7e Avenue and wast of the forseard, Baltimore and Oldo railroad right of way; (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, basemant and sub-basement of that cectain property loceted et

ixsouma i Ix,mamo ^ 16 1 10,'.23fi

Valid i' n STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Invalid Tota 7` CheckedBy. I,I&^ C y.19^ , declare under penalty of election falstfi ation '1 `Z I UOC, that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of , Date of issuance I,111 { electors, that the signamres appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they s County rnnRCe (L purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting putsuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so witb knowled e o tbe^opten ts uf s e. I am C INITIATIVE PETITION gfnployed ta circulatetlvsrpetition by ^ i SCt2V O^^• (f' ^^ `f O"t^ V D^ ^^a {z funding urovided tbro nh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Cownittee Amendment to the Constitution v Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as reqtrired by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Subndtted Directly to the Electots

I further declare under penalty of election falsifieation in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signamre Tislu AnAmeMmeoswNeObiaComtiwtioomuM.oriuvxinglemanowishioeechofa+eciiksoPCk•clundCeluvSUS.qnnwnti is ro the best of my knowledge and belief the siguature of the person whose signamre it purports vtl Teledo. The uu meoue fmm Nese fuvr cuVw fecilllles will be „eed To! bdskr Ohia's sunomy: provMe funEiug so suppwt bul commwides md ecchuol dirviou xrtvs tbe ewe. P^wiJelob uffinmg tmOAiokwoclderceand Inw mfmcemenc: end P-+de fuoJingw suppon to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. stlong g¢an8 oveniebs end rtgulmon


The Amendroent to be eoacted by amending Ariicle XV, Seation 6 of the Ohio Constitudon wiB: (Signed) / Authorize a single caslno at a predeterrtdned location, as designated in the Amendment. in eacb of tlse cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) A^ S• of: Ctindnneti (Tbe easino in Cincinnati, Ohiowill be located onapproximately 20.4 acn:s of GaLlownti . Wia '1311q propetty located southeast of Reuding Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, sootbwest and pvtlally aurtheast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Oilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading (City, State d 'p Code) Road,415 Reading Road,421 Readieg Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Bmadway,1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway,1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 419 East Court Street, 430 East Coutt Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenueand 1031 Spring Sneet, Cincinuxti, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in ClevBand, Ohio will be located on one or nwte of ft following properlies: (a) ft propertysituatedsouth of Public Square,esstofSuperior Avenue,west of Ontsrio Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property sinuted south of W. Pro speet Avenue, east of West 6th Street, notth of W. Huron Road aad west of Ontario Snxet; (c) appmximaxly 7.91 eaes of property locared south of W. Huron Road, west of thnario Sneer, nortb of Csnal Road end lying east of tbe prolongadon of the centerline of tbe Bridge of WHOEVER COMNHTS ELECTIONFALSIFICATION Weat 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 actrs of property and wacet lying east of the prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centerGne of Ne Bridge of West 3rd Sneet, south of Canal Road, nonhweu of W. Eegle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the soulh sod the sounsweat; (e) all a(r rights above the approxivlarely 0.87 acce pafcel of property aitua[ed along and south of Ourario Street in close proaimity to dle iotersection of W. Huron Road and Ontnio Stmet; (f) approxmmtely 1.83 actes of property lacated at the suutheast comet of the ivcetsa^tion of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and tAenanbeast corner of lhe intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of nle former Baltiuwre and Ohio reilroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 scres of propecty lacated at ft southeast comer of the intetsecdon of W. 3rd Street andCarnegie Avenue and west of the farmer Baltimme and Ohio railroad xigbt of way; (h) Boms one tbrough four, mezzanfne, besement and sub-basement Of tbal certein propetty ]omted at

w^emim]) . Ix,.19iW]^ 16 Number

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to (Nnme of Circulator) 1, oO(i 1}tyo 1.j , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of K-U Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County---CUL^ purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with lmowledge of the contents of sanu. I am INTTIATIVE PETITION employedmcitculatethispetitionby')nro 1A44^plQ,k^lsp,^;,drr:,,w^Sq`'LHnII â.enr^0-asl Amendment to the Constitution f P. q. o l m with funding rovi d tbxough the Ohio Jobs and Gmwth m ittee (865 acan Allev. Columbus. OH 43206). (.Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator To be Submitted I7irectly to the Electors is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalTy of election falsification in accordance with seetion 3501.38 of the Amendment Rcvised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the fesegoing petition paper, that all signers were to rhe best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Ta10. An Arnendrllmt In Ihe nM10 COfutirunam m ^MLORiet a AlCgle weino wirllin aMh 0(1he elnd O(CICVplend. CuIOmFNS. GOrilmeu wd ToleEa. '1Te ,u revmue fiom dese fmu euine Poeilitlav wal ba veed tn. bolslu Otio', aovumy; provide faMmg b empwt locxl is to the best uf my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports mdYes md sehaW dismc4 xmss Ma ateu; providepb ureiuwg faotios wadfora endlew mfineemeot uW provWe Nndlaq lo snppan to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revi smmggeminguvelslgNendregulaEOn. SOMMARY

The Amendraent to be enacted by amending.9eticle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio ConatiNtion will: (Si • Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of Ne cines (Address of circulator's permatient residence in this state) 301,Wrp1„Oy ^ 1>&n ,) ; PlU uf: o Cbechu sid (The casino in Clncirlnati, Ohiowiâ be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeestofReading Road, eaat of Broadway, north of Court Sveet, southwest l'^Aa.AnOf^' NtAOm°4^^9'f' and pattially northeast of the 1.471 ramp and noMwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading (City, State and Zip Code) Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Eaat Court Soset. 430 Best Court Street,1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1D31 Spring Street, Cincinonti, Ohio); o leve d(The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or mote of the following properties; (a) the propeny simated souds of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Outario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situnred south of W. Prospect Averme, east of Weat 6th Sveet, nasfh of W. Huron Road eod urat of Ontatio Streer, (c) approximately 7.91 neres of pruperty, tacated south of W. Huron Road, west of Onterio Street, oorth of Canal Road aod lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bzidge of WHOEVER COIVIMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of properry and wazer lying eaaz of the prolongation of the centerlme of the Bridge of West 3rd Steet, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle IS GIJII.TY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. Road end bounded by, end including a ponion of, the Cuyahoga River to tlxsouth and tha aouthwest; (e) all eir righu above the approximately 0.87 acm parcel of propetty situated along and south of Onwio Street in close prosintity to the intersecton of W. Huron Road and Ontario Sveet; (f) approximately 1.83 acr

INI]e114131 N,fiiof]I 16 Number STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to INkS n [kl (Name of Cir(Uator) ^e'^ , declare under penalty of election falsification "-14gy that I am [he cimulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signamres of I Date of issuance K- (17 A s/ electors, that the signamres appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the petsons whose names they County Ii4an purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did s q }vii^y knowledge of the contents of same.^l am ^ INITIATIVE PETITION em^Ip^ [o. rculatetldspetitionby jyI'I11"I^ lmr- LHSC^n `^y[l-s 1)lVd FF3o1 _ fyI ^ A(.SZSwith fundinc provided thmueh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee Amendment to the Constitution (R65 Macon Allev. Columbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentcnce shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I fulther declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 350138 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were lo the best of my knowledge and belief quaGfied to sign, and that every signature Tilk M Amendmenl m Ne nM1q ConsYtuTn W autlwriu a.,ingle r witnln enen nr EM ciriea ul CleeleM, Columtus, einci,mati is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports and TokLo. lM lax ,evenue rtem Nme four casino fadllum will be umia: boL nbio's sovmy; pmviJe fiod g b suppon local m aM fcnool disuicls umis Ne nme: provideiab valning Pof Ohitis wmklnce aM lew v,roanenG snd p,ov,de fundinC ro euppon to be or of ati attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. sYOn88nmmgoversi8hlanGrtgulatioo.


(Signed) The Amendment ro be enaeted by amending Ardck XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Con stitution will: s, • Authoriu a single casino at a prrdeterntined location, as designated in dw Amendrnent, in each of the cities (Address of circulator's pemwtent residence in this state) ^j a L.'S/ 5^ 1` CI of: o rncinna' (The casino in Cincinwi, OhiowiB be located onapproximately 20.4 acres of cc*Li3^rs>- property located southeast of l2eading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest (City, State and Zip Code) and parGally northeast of the 1471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway,1006 Broadway,l00S Bmzdway,1020 Broadway. 1024 Broadway, 418 East Coun Sneet. 430 Bast Court Strcet, 1009 GiWat Avenue and 1031 Spring Sveet, Cincinnati, Ohio)1 o Ckveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or rnore of the following pmperties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, weat of Ontario Street and nonh of W. Prospact Avenue; (b) the propeny situated south of W. Prospact Avenue,eastof Wesl 6dt Srrreet,norNof W.HuronRoad and westof Ontano Sveer, (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located eouth of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, norlh of Canal Road and lying east of the probngatiou of the centerlice of the Bridge of WHOEVER COfvIMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Svecu: (d) approximately 11.22 attes of property and water lying east ofdre prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of ehe oenterlinc of the Bridge of West 3rd Srreet, south of Canal Road, northwev of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a ponion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and tbe southwest: (e) all air rights above Ihe approxirnazely 0.87 acre parcel of property situateA along and south of Ontario Streel in close proximity to the inteneotian of W. H. Road and Ontario StreeC (f) appmximateJy 1.93 acres of property located az the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Sveet and W. Eagle Avenue and the nonheast comer of the intetseaion of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio raiLoad righr of way: (g) approximately 1.55 aaes of property located az the southeast comer of Ihe iruersa.tion of W. 3nf Street and Camegie Avenue aod west of the farmer Baltimore aW Ohio railroad right of way; (h) floors one thraugh four, mezzanine, basement and sub.basement of that certain property located at

16 q

Number STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to Uc (Nzme of Circulator) l, ^+re t^(. , declare under penalty of election falsification that 1 am the ci ator of the foregoing petition paper contaitting the signatures of S Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County 1 r 1 puryort to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am eoy^edrrto e circulate this petition by Vpf^^^{Y}er,rl, I^ Jtyq . n^r Iww INTfIATIVE PETITION •I^,rn12^Z with fundingp o'ded throueh th e Ohio Jobs and Gro^Ah Co 'tt Amendment to the Constitution (865 Macon Allev Columbus. OH 43206). (Name aod address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator Proposed by Initiative Petition is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification io accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing pedtion paper, that Amendment all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Tilk. PnAmmtlnim^wWeOM1ioCovniswionWaWM1wv


(Signed) ^O"V-- The Amendment to be enacted by amending ArBcle XV, Secfon 6 of the Ohto Conanimtion will: • Authoriz< a single cssino at a predetermined location. aa designated in the Amendmem, in each of Ne cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in Ihis state) ^ l, p+4.1C 4 of: o incinnati ('Rie easino in Cincinnati, Ohiowill be located on approximately 20.4 acres of Clnun_e-^-' O/4 /{547 ff property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, nonh of Courr Streer, southwest (City, State and Zip Code) and partially northeast of the 1471 ramp and northwest of Gitbett Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road. 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, I024 Broadway, 418 East Coun Sueet, 430 East Coun Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, C3ndnnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (ILe casino in Cleveland, Ohio wi0 be lacated on ane or more of the following properties: (a) the pruperty sltusted south of Public Square, cast of Superior Aveaue, weu of Ontario Street and nwth of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the prolxrty situmed south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of We.u 6th Street, nnrth of W. Huron Road and west of Ontlido Stree4 (c) approxinqtely 7.91 acres of prol>ary located south of W. Hmon Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road aud lying east of the pmlongmlan of the centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and wsrer lying esnt of the prolongmion IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centerline of tbe Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Roart omthweat of W. Eagle Road nnd houoded by, and iududing a portion of, Ne Cuyalwga River m thesouth and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and soutb of Ontario Saeet in close prnu'mity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property locatai at the suutheast cmner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the noNteaet comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Sneer and Caruegie Avenue and west of the fomier Baltimeve and Ohio ru'Iroad right of way; (g) approxitvately 1.55 acres of property Iacated at the southeast comes of the intersectioo of W. 3rd Stcent and Camegie Avenne and west of the former Baltimorc and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) tloocs one (hrough fom, mezzanine, basemem and sub-baaement of that certain property located a[

16 misWlmnl Number STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedto LA4cCt,N1-C^ ^.1wh^Ot^ (Name of Circulator) I,^fI(WCC ^,yy^w , declare under penalty of election falsification G°^4443 that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of I Date of issuance 4l\bW electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whnse names they County 1^*U(lOt4 purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am INTPIATIVE PETtCION employed to circulme this petition by "th fund" provided thro Ph the Ohio Jobs d Gra th C m it[ee Amendment W the Constitution (865 Macon Allev. Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The prece,ding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as tequired by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submiued Directly to the Blecrors

I fluther declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every sigrlature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualifred to sign, and tlrat every signature Tn:.^«ixa.vnqteeu w;mineacnorme


(Signed)^y The Amendment to be enacted by amending Anicle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Contitiwlion will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetennined location, as designated in the Amendmen4 in each ofthe cides (Address of circulator's permallent residence in this state) 141N of: o Cinannati ('Lhe casino in Cincinnati, Ohiowill be located onapproximaroly 20.4 acres of ^ (,Ita^^a.rt, p^ 1y9} property lacamd southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, nonh of Court Street, somhwest (City, Smte and Zip Code) and pattially nonhean of the I-071 tamp and narlhwe.u nf Gilbett Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 4l5 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Bavt Court Strxt, 430 East Court Street. 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, OWo); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more of rhe following properties: (a) the prope¢y siwaled south of Public Square, east of Supenor Avenue, west of Ontario Street aod north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Strct, notth of W. Huron Road and west of Onuaio Street; (c) approxirnslely 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Hwon Road, weu of Ontario Street. north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the ceuterline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th StreeC (d) approximately 11.22 zcrrs of propeny tad water lying east of the prolongetion IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centertine of the Bridge of \Vest 3rd Stteet, south of Canal Road, norNwest of W. Eagle Road aad bounded by, and including a ponion of, the Cuyahoga River to thesouth and the southwest; (e) al] air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre patcel of propeny situated along and south of Onurio Slreet in close proximity to the inter3ec4on of W. Hwon Road and Ontario SueeC (t) approxirnazely 1.g3 acre;c of property ]ocated az the southeast comer of the intersectiun of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and dle northeast comer of the interse.tion of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue aod west of the former Balfimore and Ohia rvlroad righr of way; (g) approximamly 1.55 acres of propetty located at the sourheast cmner of Ibe intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegle Avenue and west of the forma Baltimore and Ohio raBroad righi of way; (h) floors one nrrough four, roezmnine, basement and sub-basement of that cerlain propcrry located at

Iauunws i i 16 v


STATEMENT OF CIRCL'LATOR Issued to 9 (Name of Circulator) I, z I^/C I n ^y.^' IYJ,' 6')/ I E,^. , declare under penalty of election falsif tion a:;34bg that I am the^ dP the foregoing peotion paper containing the signatures of Date of issuance lG electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on e - _Iu date set opposite each respective name, and are the signantres of the petssons whose names they County purport to be or of attomeys in faM acting pursuant to section 3501,382 of the Revised Code, and Of that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am INITIATIVE PETTTION employedtocirculatedtispetitionby srw. d xxrne.e•n with funding provided throu¢h the Ohio Jobs and Growth Commi[tee Amendment to the Coustitution (865 Macon Allev Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Pmposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Subnutted Directly to the Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the atI"Ixing of every signamre to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature rJe An Ammdmcn lo we onlu Cansriatian w vnhmb


The Amendmem to be enacted by amending Arucle XV, Becfion 6 of the Ohio ConstrtuUon will:

• Authorize a single casino at a pzddenrdned locadon, as desfgnatd in the Amendmeot, in each of the cilies (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) oF. 0 Cineirum (]Te casino in Cincinnati, Ohiowill be located onappruximetely 20.4 aotes of property lowted southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Comi Street, soathwest aod partially nonheast of the I471 ramp and nonhwest of Cilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Fast Coun Slreet 430 East Cout Stceet, 1009 Gilbert Avcoue and 1031 gpring Street, Cincinnati.Ohio); o Ieveland ffbe casiuo in Cleveland, Ohio will be lacated on one or more of the fullowing propenies: (a) tLe propertysiNatedsouth of Public Squate,eastofSuperior Avenue,west of Ontario Saeet and nonh of W. PROspect Avenue; (b) rhe property situated south of W. Prospeot Aveuue,eastof West 6th Strrz4nonhof W.HuronRoad and wevtof Omario Street; (c) approximemly 7.91 acres of property locmed south of W. Huron Road, west of Onrario Street, north of Canal Rozd and lying east of the prolangation of the centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 60r Slreet; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of prnpetty and water lying east of the prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd BtreeS sautL of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and hounded by, and including a poruon of, the Oiyahoga River m the south and the soutllwrat (e) all air rights abovc tbe approximately 0.87 acre parcel of pmperty situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the'vuersection of W. Hman Road and Ontado Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the soutbeast cotne of the intersecdon of W. 3rd Strea and W. Eagle Avenue and the norduast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue antl west of the fonner Balemore antl Ohio railroad right of way: (g) approximaoely 1.55 aores of property located at the southeaat comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street end Camegie Avenue and west of the former Balt'unore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) Boors one tlrrough four, meuanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain property loeamd at

xiwiiml i ixisouaxsl 16 IV


STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to 7!^Cdyg ^- ♦^^O 1/i rs ^. (Name of C'vculator) J , I 2-1 VG 1) ^ VC4/tG )ll G^ declare under penalty of election fa]s' on 033457 that I am the c' Iator of e foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of _ Date of issuance electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to secflon 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the cqn[ents of same. I am INITIATIVE PETITION employedtoc'uculatethispetitionby 1sbt11.tee.uxsewe.spmnewagvnrve.wn111ehrr,Fl,rr55 wi[b funding urovided duoupb the Ohio Jobs and Growdt Committee Amendment to the Constimtion (865 Macon Alley. Columbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Direcdy to the Electors

I further declare under penalry of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signacure to the foregoing pedtion paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief quahfied to sign, and that every signamre rim ne nmmamex^ m u,^ omo cw,aa,,,aan ^o awwax .®ede unm wmm eaen orti,e aue or cieveme4 cawows. cmci,o,ui is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signamre it purports enE ToIeM 1ne Oa reve,ue fmm ILc< faw cazino fxalum w5n be uvE m: Eoln¢ Onio's e.mvemy: Ww'iEe ru^Ang so nqfpen iaai mmwitievandecnoYdevienreemsWCnmaprovidelrLwio'^gfwokoSwoht vdlawenloseemeneuMpmvidef,mtlm8rosuppnrt to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to seotion 3501382 of the Revised Code. eNmggamivg owrsighsanJ rtg,Jatiw.


(Signed) The Amendmeut to be enactai by amending Ar6cle XV, Secdon 6 of the Ohio Consutution will: • AuUwtize a singlee casino at a praderermined lowtion, as desigoated iu the Ameodnwnt, in each of thc cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) of: o Cindnnoti (The casino in Cincinnati, OhiowiU be lacated onapproximarely 20.4 acres of Llo)'r"b^d al, -44L1) property located southenu of Reading Road, exst uf Broadway, notth of Comt Sereet, aouthwest (City, State and Zip Code) aod partiaUy northeast of the 5471 remp and nosthwest of Gilben Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Rea(Eng Road,575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Bmadway,1008 Bsoadway,1020 Broadway, 10]A Broadway, 419 East Comt Street. 430 East Court Strxt, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnat4 Oluu); o kve nd (7be casino in Cleveland, Ohio wiU be located on one or morc aS the following properties: (a) the propeny situarad somh of t'ubGe Squase, exst of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Sueex end noM of W. Prospcat Avenue; (b) tlu propesty situated south of W. Prospeet Aveuue, east of WeN 6th Sneet, north of W. Hurun Road and west af lAtsrio Stteet; (c) approximately 7.91 acres nf property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Oatano Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolangation of the centerGne of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres ofprapetry and water lyiug east of the prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centerlioc of the Bridge of West 3rd Snee4 south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyaboga River ta thesouth and the soutUwest; (e) aU air rights above the approxinvtely 0.87 aere percel of pmperty situarod along and south of Onurio Street in close proximity to the inrersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Sneet; (1) apptoximarely 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the nonheast comer of the intetsection of W. 3rd SCeet and Camegie Avevue and west of the formes Baldmore and Ohio ruitmad right of way; (g) approximately 155 acres of propeny located ut the southeast coma of the interaxlion of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Balrlmore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) Baots one through four, meuanine, basermm end sub-basoment of dmt oertsw propeny located at

ix,eo„oasi ixsouw^i 16 Number STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to -"ii! f G^etft (Name of Circulator) i. &KI 54e, declare under penalty of election falsifrcation that I am the circulator of rhe foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 3 Gj3458 Date of issuance ^09 electors, that the signatures appended hereto were rnade and appended in my presence on the date set upposite each respective name, and are the signature.c of the persons whose names they County_^- fi purpon to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contenta of same. I atn employed to circulate this petition by IsHI+^,;ayeoe.xamn<.SynRwn,n,afsss INITIATIVE PETITION with fundine provided throueh the Ohio Jobs d Growth Co mittee Amendment to the Coostimtion (865 Macon Alley, Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator Proposed by Initiative Petition is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Electors

I funher declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing pctition paper, that Amendment all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature 'nnc An qmmamem m,M1e Oh;n Cons^iwiimi b wuw^ize a singm wnhm u^h of N«N


(Signed) !^;;e 456^- The Amendment to he enacted by amending Arficle XV, S.U. 6 of rhe Obio Consdmtion will: • Aurhorize a single cxsino az a predeWmined location, as designated in tbe Amendmen4 in cach of the cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) tgZ-Y Z05-aa/..d lFh..o of: o Cinefnna6 (fhe casino in Cincinneti, Olvowi6 be located onappmximately 20.4 aQes of YtfR2.- property located southeasr of R

16 Ixinum.e I Number , 1/ STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR 2iVtl /, Ve 1,f-"t<- • Issued to 0 (Name of Circulator UeIl/lnVlrl.^ , declare under penalty of election falsification that I amt^of circula the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of i / ^GtO -I 6.°.3463 electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the Date of issuance^_.4 date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County {- l C/ L04 puryort to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501-382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this pedtio did so,.with larow^5dge of [he con[en[s of s^^ n^t e.ptpl yed to ir4plate this petition by^/h t!c! tnc - 7SZ4 Y'l,t^n 4^i; ^t-'6fY1 f INITIATIVE PEl'ITION f^ 5^/^ with fund'ne ro ided thro eh the iio Jobs daGr[- 'r Amendment m the Constitution (865 Macun Alley. Columbus. OH 432061. (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator Proposed by Initiative Petition is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Subnutted Directly to the Electors

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment all signers wen: to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signantre Ttla AnA,raEmrnr^ou,eonioConstitutlnn^ozutl,orissnanglee xiam,exnoPNeeflluaClrclaoa.COlumEUtC'nenuuti is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports znd'Nta]a lne mx ,errnuc fiom Nce fur msinu rxlliries uill to uxefm: EoWa oLiu•x eronnmy; yru.ide fundm6 to sWport locel •• nnaxhnolaiau;aa xm.ume .^re:vn.saeia rninindrmonio's.rwtrarcevnamw enraamr.ncanaorm+aemnainemsuppmt to Ae or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. suongs^^C^Be'krctln zM 2gmeaan


(Signed) / /6C^^ LSYLf The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Secrion 6 of the Ohio Conssitudon will:

• Authoriu a single casino at a predetermined loention, as designated in the Antevdment, in each of the cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in tlris state) ^^^/ 7 al rU/C% of: o Cincinnati (TGe casino in Cinciunari, Ohiowill be located onappmximately 20.4 acres uf ^^a B oA ^4^SS prnperty located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, nurth of Courx Stlcet, southwest (City, State and Zip Code) and partlally uurtbeast of the 1-471 ramp and norrhwest of Gilbert Avenue, includiag 405 Reading Road.415 Rcading Roed,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Rozd,575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway.1006 Broadway.1008 Broadwav,1020 Bruadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Caurt Stree4 430 East Coun Street, 1009 Gilben Aveoue and 1031 Spring Strex, Cincinoati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located noone or more of the following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, wcst of Ontario Street and north of W. Pruspect Avenue; (b) the property siNated souN of W. Prospect Aveuuc, east of West 6th Sneer, nonh of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Suxl; (c) approxirnately 7.91 scres of properry locared south of W. Huron Road, west of Omario Streer, oornh of Canal Road and lyiog easr of the pmlongation of the centertine of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION Wcst 6W Stmet; (d) approxirnetely 11.22 acres of pmperty and water lying eavt of the prolongadon IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the centaline of the Bridge of West 3rd Saeet soutlr of Canal Road. norNwat of W. Eagle Road aod bounded by, and inoluding a portion of, the Cuyaboga River to the south xnd the sauthwest; (e) all air rights above the approximxrely 0.87 acre patcel of property situated along and snuth of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intersecdon of W. Humn Road and Otnerio Sneet; (f) approxirrutely 1.83 ames of pmperty located at the southeast cumer of the intersecrion of W. 3rd Streer and W. Fagle Avenue atrd the northeast comer of rhe lmersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the forrmr Baldmore and Ohio raalroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of pmperty lowted at the amnheast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Srreet and Camegie Aveoue and west of the forruer Baltimore and Ohio railroad rigbt of way; (h) floas one through fnur, mezmoioe, basement and sub-basemeot of that cerrain property located at

wum.n i ixismin 16 1 Ntunber

STATEMENTOFCIRCULATOR Issued to ^hltfctrrCP (tqLkOeR. (Name of Circulator) I. \^^pt('QinSUt. `t %:vt, declare under penalty of eleclion falsification that I am the circularor of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of ,I^ 633469 Date of issuance '1 o ) electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signamres of the persons whose names they County_ NRD ry purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contenrs of same. I am employed to circulate this petition by]IrMewpanRkher FL3lr6.SS INITIATTVE PETITION with fundine pro 'ded throueh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committe Amendment to the Constitution (865 Macon Alley, Columbue OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of,the Revised Code if the circularor Proposed by Initiative Petition is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Subndtted Direotly to the Electors

I funhcr declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with secdon 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that Amendment all signets were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Title. M nme,aL,sot m Me Oluo Canvtiauon 10 ouNUnu a sngk ca sim wiNin escn or We citia nf Ck.eVrA. ColumLUs, Cintln,mn is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purpons and Tole,lo. The ux ee+ex,e fimn Ihex fcur auinn rvcililio will be u.w1 Me Mlwer qtio's .l; pm.ide fuMing ro supqn Iml to be or of an 'upad ecMwl Cisui[6 aerrae Me sraie; µwide)nU uainins fur Poio's wahroeee vul IDv rnrn,¢mmn anL preNde (un,lin8 ta cuppan attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. svong geuua8a.e,rlCM1tend «gula,ion.


(Signed) The Aramdment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Consritunon will:

• Autlwtirs a single caslno at a predetennined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the dues (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) Aofw-/,rep Ae.^ oe o Cineinnnti (The casino in Cincinnati, Obiowill be localed onappmximately 20.4 acrrs of ^ &ee' ^.Q,.j v^ ^/^= property located soutbeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, nortb of Coun Street, smnhwest (City, State and Zip Code) sod partially northeast of the I-471 ramp and nonhwest of Gilbert Avenuc, iucluding 405 Reading Road,4l5 Reading Road,421 Read'utg Road, 521 Reading Road,575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 416 East Coun Saeet, 430 Past Court Streel, 1009 (97bert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio): o Cteverand (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more of the following properties: (a) the property situated south of PubGc Square, east of Superior Avenue, wesr of Ontario Sueet and north of W. prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated suuth of W. Prospea Avenue,eastof West fith Street,norihuf W.HuronRoad and westof Onmrio Street: (c) approximately 7.91 anes of pmperty located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, nonh of Canal Road and lying east of the prolougation of the centaline of the Bridge of WHOEVER CObIMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Street: (d) approximaleely 11.22 acres of propeny and water lying east of rhe prolongauon IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIf TH DEGREE. of dre centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Sucet, suunt of Canal Road, norNwest of W. Eagle Road aad bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to dte suulfl and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parrzl of property snuated alang ard routh of Onrario Streei in close proximity to the intersecrion of W. Huron Road and Ontario Sueat; (t) approximately 1.83 actes of property located at the sonrbeast colner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast comer of the intersecdon of W. 3rd Street and Carrlegie Avenue and weu of dle fnrma Balfimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 actes of pmperty located at the southeast comer of the inleersction of W. 3rd Slreet aa>d Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baldonae and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) Boots ooe ttuaugh four, meazanine, basement and sub-basement of that cenain property located at

a,eouma i In,sm,o>.; i 16 I S. 3

Number r r S'PATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issuedto l/ q pl /l/i^.- (Name of Circulator) I, 2^L/ I1^ ^,^` ^!/I/Vt6- N , declare under penalty of election falsification 633485 Ihat I^am t^ circulat of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 3 Date of issuance41` 61e- electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respecuve name, and are the signamres of the persons whose names they County "11 purpon to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the cuntents of same. I am INTTIATIVE PETTTION employedtocirculatethispetitionby ^ rwr•cuxas•w<•smunelwumx•,.tantm•r.m.sass with fundine nrovided throueh the Ohio Jobs and GroWComtnitree Amendment to the Constitution (865 Macon Alley. Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding Proposed by Initiative Petition sentence shall be completad as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.) To be Submitted Directly to the Eleccors

I furtber declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Amendment Revised Code that I wimessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge znd belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Title. M Amendmen, ,o IDe Ohio Cnviomion to auNoriu a eingle mino wssNn each uf Ne ciria of Clevelanq ColuaEUs. Cindnnau is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports ard I'olMO. The ux revenue hum ,Fese fnur casinu faoaues ll be usM to: tW sler Ohia's xa,mny: pmvWe furding tu a,ppnrt Ic®I ,orornoreras and scllwl Nslsics aeravs the suK prwideiob vaivins fn Oluo'e vakfnrte and bw enfo,amme and Ina'oaa funJing tn [appan to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. svmggerttiugavasigh[aneregaleuoa.


The Amendment to be enamed by afueoding Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Consnmtion will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predeternuned loration, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) of: o Charinnati (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohiowi6 be located onapproximarely 20.4 acres of property located southeasr of Reading Road, east of Hroadway, north of Coun Street, southwest and parually northeast of the 1-471 ramp and norlhweu of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road,415 Reading Road,421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road.575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Coun Street 430 East Caun Street 1009 Gllbert Avenue and 1031 Spzivg Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casioo in Cleveland, Ohio will be located onoue or more of the following properties: (a) the propmty simated sourh of Public Square, ean of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and nnrth of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the prapeny situeted south of W. Prospect Avenue,eastof West 6th Street, north of W.HuronRlud and west of Ontario Streetl (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Hurun Road, west of Ontario Su'eet. north of Canat Road and lying east of the proloMation of the cenrerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMbIITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Sveet; (d) approximately 11.22 asrea of property and water lying east ofthe prolongation IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of the cemetfine of the Bridge of Wc.n 3rd Street, aouth of Canai Roed, northwest of W. Pagle Road and boundad by, and including a portion of, rhe Cuyahoga River ta the south and the sauthwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parczt of propeny situated along and south of Ontario Srreet in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Srreee (f) approximazely 1.83 acrea of propeny located az the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd So-eet and W. Psgle Avevue and the nonheast corner of the interaeaion of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the formef Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) appraximately 1.55 anes of property lacared at the southeaat corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Sheet and Cernegie Avenue and west of the former BafSrnore and Ohio railroad right of way, (h) floors one through fom, mezaanlne, basement and sub-basemmt of that cerrain property located at

Ixlsnoo.ul 16 3,^ ? ^^ ^^^^itl 80'L575 ^^^^^


STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR Issued to (Name of Circulator) I 2Alhll3t-lyll 1 YAQPYI.1 , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signamres of ',S Date of issuance_^ dectors, that the signamtes appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they County 1)fP;ri putport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501-382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am 1 INfC[ATIVE PETITION employed W circulate this petition by 1'rofessional Petition Manz¢ement, LLC (14 East Poolar A Columbus. OH 43215) with fundine ormded throueh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Amendment to the Constitution Comminee (865 VIacon Alley. Columb s. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The Proposed t preceding sentence shall be completed as requimd by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed m circulate the petition.) To be Subminr

I further deolare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signamre to rhe foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature Title.MAmrnGnent,oNeGhioCanLimtionto. sofCk^elanl,Codumbl^,Cinc ' and ToIMo, Trc wx ae fmm Nex fan canno JNUa erallomy: pravide fwWiny w wpyon Ittal is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports ei aaal ehwl d'ulliax avmr Ne nate; pmsiECj, .,oae and lax efwcemene md p,evide fanding m suppon to be or of an attomey in fact acting putsuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. .wmg Saming o"ersirft and rtgulatiml.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution w61: (Signed)Pn,xLIBL. JLccvA. • AuNUrize a single czsino at a predetemtined location, as designzted in de Amendment, In cach of the dnes (Addressofcirculator'spertnanentresidenceinthisstate) I CI /L Nk+ 036rne CI, of: o inC dnnati (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of ^,_f^^tic^ C^ property located soufheast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest and pardatly nlMheast of the 1-071 ramp and nortbwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading (City, S and Zip Code) Road, 415 Reading Road 421 Reading Road, 521 Read'mg Road, 575 Reading Road 1002 Broadway. 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway. 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadwav, 418 East Coun Street. 430 PzA Comt Street, 1009 Gilbett Avenue and 1031 Spring StreeC Cincinnati. Ohio); a Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland. Ohio will be located on one or mme of the following pmperties: (a) the property situated aouth of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue. west of Ontario Street and nonh of W. Prospect Avenuel (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Sveac wnh of W. Huron Road avd west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property loczted south of W. Hwon Road, west of Ontario Strest, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of WHOEVER COMMITS ELECTION FALSIFICATION West 6th Street; (d) approximarzly 11.22 acres of property and water lying cast of the prolonga5on IS GUILTY OF A FELONY OF THE FIFTH DEGREE. of thc center)ine of the Bridge of West 3rd StreeC south of Canal RoaIL nonhwest of W. Fagle Road aod bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwesq (e) all air rights above the approximarely 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intetseNon of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (t) approximately 1.93 acres of property located at thc southeav carner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and Ne nartheast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Strcu and Carnegie Avenue and w'est of the fotmer Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way: (d approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the interseclion of W. 3rd Sveet and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad righl of way; (h) Boon one duough foor. mezvanine, basement and sub-basement of that cenain property located at

IXIW^IW]1 . IN150110]I 16 Sampling of Part Petitions cited by Relators that were already rejected by Board of Elections

County Part petition Circulator Number of Reason rejected Number Signatures im acted Butler 802147 Melissa Smith 19 Convicted felon

Butler 802188 Clay Gary 5 Signature tally

Champaign 004090 Andrew Barker 12 Signattu'e tally

Greene 036697 Eugene Hawkins 19 One signature not genuine

Greene 010415 S. Nicholson 24 One signature not genuine

Lake 752847 Michael Rice 54 Signahu-e tally

Licking 400615 Dinyal New 3 Signature tally

Marion 551901 Waco Day I No Date of Issuance

Marion 551875 Betty Cowart 13 No Date of Issuance

Marion 551898 Andrew Barker 5 No Date of Issuance

Marion 551867 Rodney Witten 4 No Date of Issuance

Marion 551900 Michael Parker I No Date of Issuance

Montgoinery 001774 N. Koliboski 49 Signature tally

Morgan 014682 Betty Cowart 14 One signature not genuine

Noble 754385 William Burnes 6 Signature tally

Pickaway 014146 Dinyal New 4 One signature not genuine

Stark 025208 Waco Day 17 Signature tally

Stark 025142 Gordon Felton 50 Signature tally

Stark 025138 Gordon Felton 52 Signature tally


^ do 07/13/09 17:19 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS 10018 ^))^^^ C-eve u Et;^d P cryl ._^^n^s4s i. 5ugl47 Number, Page 1143 valid Issued to (Name of Circulator) invalid total checked by NE Date of issuance

County_ lA ^ l10 [z

INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Subniitted Directly to the Electors


TiUe. An Amendment to the Ohio Constitufion to authorize a single casina within each of the cities of Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Toledo. The tax revenue from the3e four casino facilities will be used to: holster Ohio's economy; provide funding to suppon local colnmunities and school dislricts across the state; provide job tmining for Ohio's workforce and law enforcemenl; and provide funding to suppon strong gaming oversight and regulation.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Ariicle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of: o Cineinnatf (Tbe casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property locatsd southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest and partially northeast of the 1-471 ramp aud northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more of the following properties: (a)thepropertysituatedsonth-of-PublicSquare, easfofSuperior-Aveaue;west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along andsoutb ofDntario Street in close proxintity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore- and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Bal[amore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) floors one throughfour, mezzanine, basement and sub-basementofthat certainproperty located at

1HI501103.3 1 I 07/13/09 17:21 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS fa 022


+2'r SS M. Sn 6qA , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am tkte circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of ^^ electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting porsuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am einployed to circulate thise 'tio by ^ -- [' n 1 0.7 z l ;erJ l 64456P4 t.j with fu i rW%ed through the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (86S Macon Allev.tolumbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my Imowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) 50-`4'h UZL)Q1-

(City, tate and Zip Code)


j H1501103.3 1 16 07/13/09 17:30 PA$ 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELGCT10N8 [a 035

Page 216 valid invalid total checkedbyLK=2 NE

Number ar6^0,.^.t-,1 €$

Issued to " (Name of Circulator)

Date of issu ce^^/^ ^

County,^ f J^__ V

INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Tdle. An Amendment to the Ohio Constilution to authorize a single casino within each of the ci5es of Cteverand, Colutnbus, Cincinnati and Toledo. The tax revenue from these four cesino facillues vrilt be used to: bolster Ohio's econnmyt provide funding to support local communitfes and school dishicts aeross rhe state; providejob training for 0hio's workfarce and law enforcement: and provide funding to support strong gaming oversight and regulation.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predeterrtvned location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of, o Clncinnatl (The casino in CSncinnati, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of properly located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest and partially northeast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway,I008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Fast Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more _of the following propefltes: (a) ihe^ properfysiiuated sotilfi of PubGc $quare, east of Superior Avtonue, west of Ontario Street and north of W, Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of . West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of the centerBne of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, nortbwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south attd the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast corner of tlre intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) floorsonethroughfour,mezzanine,basement.and.sub-basementof-thatcertain-propertylocatedat ---- 1 07/13/09 17:31 FAX 513 887 5535 BUTLER CO BD/ELECTIONS a 037

STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR (SD I, I , declare under penalty of election falsifiga'on that I am the circulator of"the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of (a electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition td so with knowledge of the contents of sa e. I am e^m^l^y ^o circulate this petition by^dti^`^y.^1^ ^^r5^ (^^(A ^CrC2f^ i^^ with fundin provided through the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Allev. Columbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualifled to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my Icnowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Siened) l ie V (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) ^JGI^e ^^

(City, State and Zip Code)


iniwiioi.3 i 16 004090


Issued to "tL.l l.^^cw (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuance County, e40.rhn6Li&..

Tale. An A eYi and Tolydo. 719 xal cumraunltiaand: Pan sunu88+miugm'e


• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of. o Clncinua8 (SLe casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on apptoximately 20A acres of property ioceted southeast of Readiog Road, east of Broadway, notth of Cautt Stteet, southwest and patiatly noctheast of the 1471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue. including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Raed, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Btoadway, 1008 Bmadway, 1020 Broadway. 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Strcet, 430 East Court Sueet, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Stn:et, Ciacinnati, Oleok o Ckveland (The casino in Clevelatd, Ohio will be lacated on one or mote of the following propaties: (a) the property situnted south of Publlc Syuare, east of Superior Aventp7 weat of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospeet Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Stteeti (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property lacated south of W. Humn Road, west of Ontetio Street, aonh of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centedina of the Bridge of West 6th Strca; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongatan of the ceoterline of the Bridge of West 3rd Strce4 south of Canal Road, nocthwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the sautt and the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of ptoperty situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proxinuty to the interaectian of W._Huton Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximmely 1.83 acrea of prolmty lacated at the soutlteast cotner of the intessaction of W. 3rd Stroet and W. Eegle Avenue and the nmtheast cmna of Ote intetsectioa of W. 3rd Street and Catnegie Avenue and west of the former Bahitnore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of proporty locatcd at the southeast cotner of [ho interscctiou of W. 3rd Street and Cornegie Avenue and west of the former Bahimore and Ohio railroad tight of way; (h) tloors one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basettient of that ccatain property lo¢azed at

Ix:mau)s 1 I ocyoqo


I. AAra., L-90At. , declare under penalty of el ",on^at I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatu ^ of -it-' 41 elec that the signatttres appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the perso whose names y purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of ode, and that the electors signing.this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am employed to circulate this petition by iLmkA Pa{;^ mn ^e^ ucrit y3pq t l^^ ,w g„^ 33n 4,32 5, ya., ./s !^ q,SH with fundingprovided throuah the Ohio Jobs and Growth omnrittee (865 Macon Allev Columbus. OH 43206). (Nann; and address of employer). (17ie preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, tltat all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) '76T 7Me-U L,. „ k9 lk, Ht'L

ytl 4^7Ao (City, State and Zip Code)


INISIIIa).t I 16 JUL/16/2009/THU 11:04 AM Greene Co BOE RAX 10,937 562 7477 P.027

^ - , Number ^,G^u,.,._ Ec.^c .e^^ ,^:.d. . a 03sss,p Issued to t`ceyF!-ulLr/.S (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuance

Connty f^,PCnp,

INITIATIV;~p) TTTTON" Ameadment to tha Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


1SlIc. An AmendmEnt to the Ohin Conslitulion lo auwhoriza o single casinn tviihin esch of ihe eiue5 Of Cleveland, Columbus. Cincinnuti ard 7nledo. Tne N.v rcoenue f(em iheso four caeino facnVde, wil) be uscd to: bolsler Oh1o's eeonomyt pmvide funding te suppon locd Sommuniiies end [chcul disnicas across ihe sratet providejob training for Ohiak warAfaree and lawcnforcement; nnd provide funding lo wppnn nrong gaming ovcrsight und regulalton.


The Amendment to be enacted by nmending Aniele XV, Scetion 6 of the Ohio Constitution wilt:

• Authorize u single casino at a predetermined locution, as designated in the Amendmcnt, in each of the cities oF o Ctnctnnatl (The casino in Cincinnuti, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeastof Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Strcet, southwcst und partially narthenst of the 1-471 rump and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reuding Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Brondway, 1020 Sroadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Coun ------Strcct,--480-EustCourt-Strcot,-1009CilbcnAvcnucnnd 1031Spdng Street-, CincCnnaty-Ohio); ----- o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will bc locatcd on onc or more of the following properties: (a) rhe propertysituatedsourh of Public Square,eastofSupcrior Avonue,west of Ontario Street and north of W. prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated sudth of W. Prospect Avcnoc, cast of West 6111 Street, nurth of W. Huron Rond and we4t oF Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 ucres of property locatcd south of W, Huron Road, west of Onlario Street, north of Canal Road and lying cast of the prolongatioln of [he centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) appraximutely 11.22 ucres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of thn centertine of the Bridge of Wcst 3rd Strcct, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, und including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to thesouih ond the southwest; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property aituated along and south of Ontano Siroei in close proximity to the interscetioa of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eugle Avenue and the nonheast corner of the interseclian of W. 3rd Street and Carncgit Avenue and west of the former t3altimorc and Ohio milroad rigltt of way; (g) upproximarely 1.55 acres of propeny located at the southeast comer of the inrersection of W. 3rd Street and C,u-nele Avenue und tivest of thet'p(mer wuy;_(h)_ floors one through four, mezzanine, basentent and sub-bnsement of thut ccriain property locaicd at

IffIWUN.Jt IUL/16/2009/THU 11:06 AM Greene Co BOE FAX No, 937 562 7477 P. 031


I TuGcn, ^^^'k xJ , declare under penalty of election ^ tfication that I am the circulator of the foregoing peti[ion paper containing the signatures of electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persoas whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petitco did so with knowledge of the conte ts of same. am employed to c7rculate 1 thispetitionby 1."" y`('1(k^ ^(^^(151^ ^(.{^^ wenr^ ^ ^0 33 ;al 6 with ftindin^ RS^vtded throu¢h the hio Jobs an d Growth C^ommittee (8fi5 Macon Alt° Columbus, OH 432061, (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall bc completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I futther declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code ihat I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attomey in fact acting pttrsuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) i ei t l• ^, n^ ^' ^E^

(City, State and Zip Code)


IIII IVI IV\.^ I 16 i0L/16/2009/THU 10:56 AM Greene Co BOE FAX No,937 562 7477 P. 003

Issued to (Name of Circulator) !110^i5 Date of issuance._ V Y.l INl%I


1NTTIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constittttion Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Tidc. An Amendment to dte Ohio Consdnl[ion to authodTe a single caSinD Withfn cach of the c¢Ges of Ckvciand, Columbus, Cincinnn[i and TOledo. The tax revenue from these four casino fucllfdee will be used ro: 6olster Ohio's economy; provide funding to support local comniunitirs and sohool disuiets acrtss [he sW[e; provide job trttining for Ohio's tvorkPorcc und [nw cnforcemcnt; and pmvidc funding to snppott srrong gaming ovetsigh[ and regulauon.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Scetiion 6 of the Ohio Coastitn[ion will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined locauon, as desionated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of: o CineinnaH ('1'he casino in Cincinnati, ptrio will be located on approximatety 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest and partially novheast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbett Hvenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway,_l t]06 .)Jraidway,..LOQ8._&raadcuay,..1.020..Broadway, _.1023...B road way,--418--Eas t-Co un--- -.- Street, 430 East Court Strcet, 1009 Gilbert Avenuc an(1 1031 Spring Street, Cncinnad, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located on one or more of the following properties: (a) the ptoperty situated south of ptlblic Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property sittiated sotlth of W. Prospect Aveliue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road ar[d west of Ontario Street; (c) approxitnately 7.91 acres of property looated sonth of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the ptolongatioo of the centerline of the Bridge of '4Vest 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the p•olongation of the centerline of [he Bridge of West 3rd Sheet, soutb of Canal Rozd, northwest of W. Eagle Road and b'otmded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga Rivcr to the south and the soutltwest; (e) all air rights above the approximatcly 0.37 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Strect in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of prnperty located at the southeast eomer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the nor[heas[ comer of ehe intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnesie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of wayt (g) appi•oximatelyT:55 aeres of property located at the southeast comer of the intersectton of W, 3fcl Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right oF way; (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain properry located at

I NISU1n13.31 JUL/16/2009/THO 10:58 AM Greene Co BOE FAX No.937 562 7477 P. 007


I •1^^0 under penalty of election fatsi^catjo that 1 am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of electors, that the sigrtatures appended hereto were made ancl appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the sienatttres of the persons whose names they putport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code. and that tiie electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of satne. I an employed to circulate this petition by Professional Petition NI1n8°.ement LLC (14 East Poplar Ave., Columbus. OH 43215) with funding provided through the Ohio Jobs and Growth Conunittee (865 Macon Alley. Columbus. OH =43206)_ (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Cocle if the circtdator is bein^ employed to circulate the petition.)

I furtl er decltire under penalty of election fttisitication in accordance with section 3501.38 of [lte Revised Code that I witnessecl the affixing of every si.anatttre to the foregoing petition paper. that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sien, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledze and belief the sianature of the person whose siQnattIre it puiports to be or of an attomey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Si^ned)IN^4^''^^^ I^J

(Address of circulator's pennnnent residence in this state) KuU(/1 ^ I^CYI, dUD (_L1^ ^ State and Zip Code)


Nuinber Sv Issued to (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuance J:

County L^ _'P

INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Tide. An Amendment to the Ohio Cons6tuwion to authorize a single casino within exh of the cities of Cleveland, Culuntbus, Cincinnati and Toledo. The eu revenue from these four casino facifities witl be used to: bolaer Ohio'i economy; provide funding )o suppon tocal communities and uhool disvicns across the state; providejob training for Ohios workforce nnd law enforcement; and provide funding ro suppon strong gaming oversight and regulation.


The Amendment to be enacled by amending Articte XV, Section 6 of Ihe Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize asingle casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each bf the cities of: oCincinnati (The casino in Cincinnati. Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest and partially northeast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Roud, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 -----Broadway,-1006 BroaHway- T008-Bioadway'T020Broadway,1024Broadway-,478 EastCouit Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohio will be iocated on one or more of the following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Saperior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and norih of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Streel, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located sotnb of W. Huron Itoad, west of Ontario Slreet, north of Canal Road and lying cast of Ihe prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approxintately 11,22 acres of property and water lying east of theprolongafion of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, northwest of W, Eagle Roud and bounded by, and including a ponion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the somhwesl; (e) all air rights above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along und south of Ontario Street in closc proximity to the intersection of W. }luron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of propeny located at thn southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Strcet and Carnegic Avenue and wesl of Ihe former Bahimore and 01 io railroad rightof way;(g)__ -- approximately 1.55 acres of property (ocated at the soulheast corner of Itte intersection of W. 3rd Street and Caunegie Avenue and west ol' the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) floors one through four, me2zanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain property locuted at


declare under penalty of election falsification I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of :5 / ectors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501:382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petiti d s 'with ^k }9wleg^e- f theFonte s,^f s Iam e plo ed to c rculate this petition by ^/.OhI ^%/G d//^^/^um^jy^ Sh/9 G? with fundingprovided throue.h the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Alley, Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsi5catiort in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the afGxing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code,


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state)-:^L

(City, State and Zip Code)


tH15uIID1l t 16 .=r

^lRc^lr^^taQ Is Uel ltl I L,C-, - S tA7ErOEat (Nanle of C'irculaturl t ,^ r.^g ^- p e.r T?rie6f issuat-tcc_._

1N[Tl^'11\'L`. 1'FiTlTION .Atricn


ltl:. An:va.uAmrm Iu thr Uhit.lom:anah:.:, , : audnnvr : I .Ilql^ ,.•i I •.\'nhVn racP : Gr: .:iIi., o: ('I.\- lanc. C% ) iun,Uu>. lanalnn:n: :mit 7-olui0 lh: tad rC)illU' IrOn1111cSC luur :':, Ci9, , Ill:iIil,ca N111 l„J ll•etl Ii[ Dul\C, f11,i:i. e,nl:un*C. I4Uphlr Ii,OCiuC I.: pUl'llail in:;:i cu,hnmei!ie: und .clnwl J4siu_b orl'n., l6u >:1r:j pr,: ir 1.A6 Irynwq• I;u t,Liii , n'ork,.•re^ xm: :u 4•niur:cnla,:: anJ I:R^, ql; li,nllin_y l^..vpp..:: >unn^• ^_al`,i0} ^wrrii^hl ylti rC:tlllilian.


'I'he Amendnlenl tn hc er,acte

• Aulhorii.e a>inclc' e.nini, nr n Ilrod\:Itriuined lucntion. :u clexi<,.nr!ud in thc :11ni•ndlnenl. in c:trh uf tllr rilicn oi: Cine•innati fTlle cnsiuo fu C.incinnali. E)hio will be lorated on appro+:inuuel}' 20.4 ,,cre^ ni prnperlv located suulhca,l of R`tlJio^_ Ru:ld, c:isl ol linald\\1N. nclrth of Cnuri Str<•cl. southwc•il and parti(dly nim!Ilc;ul t\f he 1-a'. I ralup luld nnrllltrc,! c,f (iilbert A,enue. incluiiing 405 Rcading Ruad.--fl? Rea Readiti^_ Rond. I0112 ISI'oitlh,lf W. Prn,,pect Alrenoe. enst of N'est Gth Street. norlh ufvd. liurnn Rrnad unJ wcsl uf Onuu'in Streec (c) approxi»wtelp ?.g I acre, ol prnpen^ll,ell!ed .;l)t!m nr W. llt,r<,1, Ttuad. ^\:esl of Clntarin Sn'eel, north ol Canal Ruad il!1rmer 13alunlnm Ind[)hirrnilrond'ngne-uf'w„y: lh) --- Elonrs one throu0 f'nur, luezzanine. ba.cemenl ;md suh-hasemcnl of Ihnl cenain proFferty locsucd al 5'C^'i'1;^4i;^'1^ OF'CIItC:ULATOR

----._,.. 1r 1^^ N^ dccl irc undcr hen;dl nf rlrctiun (ltlsificnticm that l arrr thc circ lator esf thC forc`^<,ing I,etitiun pay>er coiitaining the tiiC,naurc^ <,f ^- __ elcc.tor.ti. that the ,i nsuurc ap} en,lrel licrctu eccrc mat the^ }xupurt to be or u1 Suorne_yx in fact ,tiain L, hur.tiuunt tn .^ectinn ;i(l I.S,C? <,f tlrc ReA'l.ticrl Coclc ni,Ct thal tl,i• elcctur^ stemn (]tis petitiot did tio ^titfa knu<+Ir,d"r ol tfi;^•;nuutis nf tiuUe. I arn c+itplave(I tn Cucula(t^ Ilttti pecitictn h) ^ •^ ( ^^ c --•.^^^C^^ii n ith fiutzdin _^rc, uiecl ll'fl u h_Ihe C)Int luhs nncl ( tit, th C'onmuttec ($05 Macon Alle^. Colunhuti, C)II_.{i 0fi). ( hame and acldre^s ol ernpinye.ri. ('fite. prececlinp sciitenec Shall be ci,nil ietecl as required bx scctiun a501.3s ttf thc Revi^,eel Code if thw eirrulator c heine eniplovcif ta circui;ite Ihc pciiiiro.t.i

( furihci dr.rl,irr un 1Gr ( cnalt%' ul' cl rtiuri falsil'ication in accurclancc %\itli >ecti tu tht betit of m)' knoHled^!e mid hcliel'tltc si_nature ol• ttte l,e1so0 ++hntie signature it I)kJrpnrts tn bo or qf an sutorn0• in C;te aciin, pur.,uunt tu 5ec6011 :M1. '8' of the Rcvi.sed Code.

(Si amcl l ^

(A suncl ^^^a_^c^f_^_: u`wU_,

w<. , (Cit\_ .State and Zip Cociel


;I,IV)^^P11 I 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234099 PAGE 29

^ tss^,.ee i 9 t.' 1 / l)¢p...fl


Issued to (/?rAt.dOit„ (Naine of Circulator) ; ^ Date of issuance

s ^^twaro^ (TI.A.TNE PETITION rn^- Amendment to the Constitutiorl 7-^nr Proposed by Initiative Petition

To be Submitted Directly to the Electors QIA1130-17RI


Title. An Amendment to the Obio ConStlturion to authorize a 9ingle cnsino wiihin ench of the cities of Clevclund, Colutnbus, Ciucinnot i and 'roleda. Tbe tax revenue from these four eusino facilities will be used to: bolster Ohio'c econoNy; provide funding ro support IocN comnmuniUos and schaol district9 aerose the alare; pmvidefub trnining for Ohio'.5 workforce ond law enforcementt and providc funding lo;uppo*1 strong pming oversight mrd regulatioe.


The Amendinent to be enactcd by amepdirlg Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authozize a single casiuo at a predetertrtined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of; o Ciacinnati (Thc casino in Cincinnati. Ohio will be located on approximately 70,4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwcst and partially nonheast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Rcading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 13roadway, 1024 Broadway,. 418 East Court Street, 430 Bast Court Strcet, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino tn Cleveland, Ohio will be tocated onone or_. rnore of the following pxopeities: (a) the properry s1[nated sonth of Public Square, east of Supezior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and oonh of W, Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenuc, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7,91 acres of property located soutlt of W. Fiaron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Strect, south of Canal Road, northweyt of W. Eagle Road and bouoded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the soutb and the southwest; (e) all air rigbts above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated a]ong and south of Ontario Street in close proxirnity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximatcly 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avense and the northeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Strcet and Carncgie Avenue and wcst of the formcr Baltimore itnd Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1,55 acres of property located at the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegic Avenue and wcst of the fornier Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) tloors one through four, tnezzanine, basement-and-sub-basement of that certain pxopcrty-located at

^N1501101.3 1 1 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234099 PAGE 30


^)4LO & , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the ci ulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of ) electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they puzpo.rt to be or of attoxtzeys in fact acting puxsuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with lcxxowledge of the contents of same. I am employed to circulate this petition by V a^1r n u-rei,,,5, 3 tS t_ox,d^ ^a^_^__1. r /^ la lk 3 b"5v2.,. PrAk(±na'r with fundin^ prflvided thxou^h the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (865 Macon Alley Columbus OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as requised by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accoxdance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that nll signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purpoRs to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

(Signed) Vti`G*^w ,rt^ ^

(Address of circulator's permanent residence in thfs state) 1 L' 1^)I 15^ ^ ^^

(City, State and Zip Code)


:x^souu,.^ i 16 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234099 PAGE 27

//"'V_A__'._ ` _6^ (/2An. !


issued to_'KM^LI (Namt of Circulator) J

Date of issuance County marifrn REC^ED INITIATIVE PETiTION Amendment to the Constitution JUL Q ^^^9 Proposed by Initiative Petition MARION COUNTy To be SubrnStted Aireotly to the Electors BOARD OF ELEOTIONS


Thle An Arnendn>ent to thc Ohle CoiWilution ro m,horiu e 3ingle cmhm wilhio eoch of dw ehlea of Ckvcbnd. Columbur. Clndnnan wd Toledv, Tnr lux ievrnue (rorn tbCSC fuur cuino fxUltlee will be occd to: bntycr Ohin's eronomyt provide fuMing ro wpporr Iecal cnmrnunilier and fchool diatricu eeraxe the a1ntC p,ovide joh Ir.+ldng for l7hioa wahforec anC Ir,w enfaeemrni; erd pmride funding tu aepprxt nlonz {otniny uvenlyht and requlnJon.


The Amendtnent to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6of the Ohio Constitution wiii:

• Authorize a aingle casino at u predetermincd locatiou, as designated in the Amendmant, in each of the cities of: o C1Refnnatl (The cusino in Cineinnati, Qhio will bo located on approxlmutely 20.4 acres of property tocated southeurt of Reading Road, east of Itroadway, north of Court Speet, southwest and partially norihcast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of CilbetS Avenue, inc(uding 405 Rcading Roud,415 Reading 12oud,42i Reading Road, S21 Rcadiug Rond,575 Rcading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, f008 eroadway, 1020 Broadway. 1024 Broadway, 418 E,nst Court Street, 430 East Cvurt Strect, 1009 flilbcrt Avenue and 1031 Spriog Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleyglund (The casiuo in Cleveland, Ohio will be locatcd on one or owre of the following _--yropferttea;---(a)-the-propertysituatad-soutt-of-Public--Sqoare, eait-oCSuperiOr-Avenue,-west_pf Ontario Street nnd north of W. Prorpeet Avenuc; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenuc, east of West 6th Strcet, nonh of W. Huroa Road nnd west of Ontariu Street; (c) approximatcly 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Siroet, north of Canal Road und lying oust of the prolongation of the centedine of the Bridge of West 6th Strcett (d) approxirnatciy 11.22 acres of properiy und water lying of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Strcct, south of Canal Road,northwastof W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a poftion of, thc Cuyahogu River to thesouth and the southwest; (e) eli air righu abovc tho upproxinwtely 0.87 acre pan:el of property situated along and south of Ontario Stroet in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Strect; (f) approximatcly 1.83 acrea of property locatcd at the southeast corner of tho intersection of W. 3rd Strtct and W. l:agle Avenue und lhe nonhcast comcr of tho intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegic Avenuc and west 0f the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) upproximntely 1.55 acres of property located at thc sauthcast comcr of the intcrsection of W, 3rd Street and Carnegie Avence and wett of the formcr Bultimure nnd Ohio raihr,ud right of way; (h) fioors one through four, mezzunino, baucmant and sub-busemcnt of r6ar eertuin propecty loeatod nt

l 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234099 PAGE 28


I. beAj 'J(MAO under penalty of election fal ' tcation that I am the circulator of the for going petition paper containing the signatures of J'j electors, that the signatures appended hereto wcre made and appended in my presence on thc date set opposite each respeetlve name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attomeys. in fact'acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petiti did so with knpwl^ge of1 cont nts of sa ^ I ant^em loyed tr^ ^^ulate ^ tttis petition by ^ W with fundin rovide h the Ohio Jobs d Gr wth ittee g65 Mac 1 9?1>^9 Colambus OH 4320.6 z. (Name and address of employer). (Thc preceding sentence shall be cornpleted as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if tlte circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in uccordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed dte affixing of every signaturc to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowlodgc and belic:f qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of roy knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorttey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

^ (Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state)

(City, State and Zip Code)


iH^wi^ma I 16 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234099 PAGE 25 ^►nvad Na "7-.^•p9 ^d.ez Number

Issuedto^lg^W L ,go,^ (Namc of Circufator)


County fuo-+:on SNbllORl3 d0 OU.NO© INI'17AT7VE PETITTON eU.NflOO NOtdVW Amendment to the Constitution E0iC Z 7nr Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors aDn1303U Amendment

lYde. An Mlendrncnt to Lhc Obio Cuuuitunon m pqiheriu a ringk en.lnu wiihln eeefi af dre ci4u of CkveWd. Calurc,dq. Clneion.4 und Toledo. The 4u revrnuc from IAnt four pJinC fac;lidn wJl be uiSd tu: (MhNM ta5io's rsomny: provide funding IG wypwt Iac.i rantnunfnu end echool dlnrlcµ rq,qr dF nWC pruvide job IrniNn; far Ohioa »erYforea 2nd bw eefacnnlMl: Gad pNViGC luqdin6 w wyryatl rlrony euming ovuugh141W feeutcdan.


The Amondn7ent to be enacted by amending Ardcle XV, Secdon 6 of the Ohio ConsGtution wilL

Authori se a single cusino at a predetermined Ivcution, ux deslgnated in the Amcndment, in eaeh of the cines of: e Ctpelnnatl (rhe cusino in Cincinnuti, Ohio will tx located on approxlrnately 20,4 acren of property loeuted nouthrust of Reading Roqd, cast of Brvadway, nonh of Court Strect, sopthwcst und paniqlly nonheau ofthc 1-471 rqmp nnd northwcst of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reuding Rood, 421 Reuding Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broudway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 BroadwaR 1024 Broadway, 418 Baet Cvutt Street, 430 East Court Shcet, 1009 0libcrt Avenue and 1031 Spring Streal, CincinnaU, Ohio); oQEpSlund ('Ihe cagino in Cleveland, Ohio will be located onane or more of Ute following properiies: (g) the proporty siludted sauth of Pubtic Square, cast of Suporiar Avenue, wat of Ontario Street and north of W. Praapect Avenue; (b) the property situated svuth of W. Prospect Avenue, east of WeSt 6th Strcet, north of W. Huran Road and wesr of Ootario Stmet; (c) approximately 7.91 ycres- af property loc.:ged c¢ulhaf. W.-Hwon-Road,weseof ontnrio------Stxee4 nortA vfCqnql Ro3tl 3ndlying cast of the prolongation of the ccntoAinu of the Bridge of West 6th Street: (d) approxiniately 11.22 neres of praperty und water lying eqst of thc prolongation of the centerline of the Bddgc of Wast 3rd Strect, somb of Cunal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, nnd inetuding u ponion of. the Cuyahoga River to Ux south uid the southwest; (e) uil air rights nbove the approximntely 0.87 acre parcel of property situated elong and south of Ont,1rio Street in close pro%Imlty to the intersenion of W, yu.ron Road and Ontario Street! (f) apptoxirnately 1,83 acres of property located at the southeast eorner of the intersectfon of W. 3rd Strect and W. Bugle Avenue and the nunheaze aomer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Ctunegic Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) upproximatoly 1.55 acres of properiy loeAted ut the southeast comer of the intersccdon of W, 3rd Streel and Cunegia Avonue and west of the fonncr BWtimore and Ohio railroad right of wny; (h) floors one dlroueh four. mezzanine, basement and sub-bnsemcnt of that certain propeny locnred ar

Innuimn.¢i 1 07 / 16/ 28 09 13:51 7402234099,^^ euLl^^,


(Naxne of Circulator) at ^ - \

Date of i^suance

County GL!/ / nl

INITIATIVE PETrI'ION Amendzn.ent to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors MAPION COUNTY gOARD OF ELECTIONS .Amendment

Tnle. An Arnendment to the Ohio Constitution to awhodze a single cayino within eacb of ihe tities of Cleveland, Colutnbu5. Cincinnan and '1'aledo. 'flte taz revenue from these tour casino facilirics will to used tp: bolster Ohio's ccenomy; provide funding to suppon local communities and sehoot distriets acral6 the stntc; pmvidejob training for Ohiv's workforee nnd law enforcement; and provlde funding to support strong gaming ovenight aod regulation.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending A.fucle XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• Authorize a singte casino at a predetertnined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of: o i cin ati (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio wUl be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property locatod southeast of Reading Road, aast of Broadway, north of Court Street, aouthwest and partially northeast of tbe I-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway,1008 Broadway,1020 Broadway, 1024 Brnadway,.418 East Courr Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenuc and 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); ...._._ o C eveland (The casano tn Clevelartd, Ohio.wi1l.-be]ocatedon-one--or-n,ore-of--thefollowing properties; (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Supcrior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, nocth of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying east of the pcolongation of the centerline of the B.ridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the $ridge of West 3rd Stseet, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and irtciuding a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the soutlt and the southwest; (e) all air sights above the approximately 0,87 acre parccl of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the interscction of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (t] approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the iutersection of W. 3rd Stre.ct and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carncgie Avenue and west of the forrucr Baltimore and Ohio railroad rigld of way; (g) approximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the intelsection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and weat of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way_ (h) -----floorsoneahroughfour, mezzanine; basementund sub-baSement of [ha[ certainpruperty located at

IHISOiM-11 1 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234099 PAGE 18


I,uiiWra.^, declare under penalty of electiott falsification that I am the " culator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of 4.._ electors,thatthe signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose narnes they purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to sectiou 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did o with know ed e of the contents of same.^1,^ar,n'/ employed to circulate this petition by ^D-^ ^V 4 w^ funding provided throuah the Ohio Jobs and Growth Committee (b58 Macon Alley. Colurztbus. OH 43206^. (Natne and addzess of employer). ('1'he preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulatoi is being eznployed to circulate the petition.)

I funhez declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501,38 of the Revised Code that J witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of cny knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the petson whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permatient residence in this state) N-4^-

(City, State and Zip Code)


X501 i05.) ) 16 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234099 PAGE 31 T c^^C..Q sz ^\o ^-.^. Number

Issued to 4 (Name of Circulator) Dtitof issuance


TNITI,A,T1VE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution .riEIvED RM Proposed by Irtitiative Petition To be 5ubmitied Directly to the Electors JUL L ..

t./iAR10N COUNN Amendment aO;t,Iro pt ELECSIONS

TiUe. An Amendment to the Ohio Cbastitution to authorize a single caaino witlda each of the chicr of Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Toledo- TAe tax revenue from thase four cnsino facilities will be used to: bolster Ohio's economyl provide funding to suppon local CotnYfiunitie3 3nd schonldistrictg acrOs9 the state; providc job training for Oftio's woYkforce 5âd law enforcement; and provide funding t0 5upport sunng gartytne vvcreight wtd tegulalion.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

• A,ulhodze a single casino at a prmdetetmined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of tlte cities of: o Cinclnnati ('1'ht casinc in Ciacitinati, Ohlowill be located onapproximately 20.4 acies of property located southeast of Readiag Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest and partially nortbeast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East Cdurt Street, 1009 Giabert Avenue and.. 1031 Spring Street, Cincinnati, Oluo); o CterelanH (T! c caszno iuClevelan d, Olrio will t e Tocated on one or more of the following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Stract and no.rth of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W, Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontado Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lying cast of the prolongation of the centetrline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property apd wate,r lying east of the prolongation of the centorline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) all air rights above theapproxitnately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proxiznzty to the intersection of W. Iluron Road and Ontario ,$treet; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast corrrer of the intersnction of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenuc and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) approximately 1-55 acres of propeny located at the southeast con er of ehe Sntersection of W. 3rd Street and Camegte Avenue__ andwest of theform,erEalta.moleand_Ohio railroad_right..of.way;.(lx)_. floors oncthrough four, rnezzanine, basement and Sub-basement of that cenain property located at

(N4DPOJ.) 1 1 07/16/2009 13:51 7402234095 PAGE 32


I„/•riL^ilk'L P"^ clteti , declare under penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signatures of electors, that the signatures appended hereto were made and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each zespective name, and are the sigiiatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attomeys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petitio q Aid so with knowledge of the conteuts of same. I am ctnployed to circulate this petition by USU^N,vc, vy4Cl.%k^6'mr /e L ^ni3 LIA• 4tW`7 with funding ped thTou p-h the Ohio Jobs and Growth Comr^tttee (SGS Macon A11ey^Columbus. OH 43206). (Name and addzess of entployer). (Tbe preceding sentence s1ta11 be completed as requi,red by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code tllat I witztessed the affzxing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief tlGe signature of the person whose sigaiature it purports to be or of an attom.ey in fact acting pursuant to seccion 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) 707 A GJ ,.^Z( ^°,^'^ lzz a (City, Stafe and Zip Code)


IHI5VIIU}9 1 16 Nurnber

Issued to (Name of Circulator)


Amendment to the Constitution

Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Aifectly to the Electors


Title. An Amendment to the Ohio Constitution to aulhorize a single casino within each of the cities of Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Toledo. The tax revenuefrnm these four casino facilities will be used to: bolster Ohio's economy; provide funding to support local communities and school distrtcts across Ute state; providejob training for Ohio's workforce and law enforceinent; and provide funding to suppon strong ganung oversight and reguladon.

The Amendment to be enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution will:

•-. Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the cities of: o Cincinnati (The casino in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Court Street, southwest and partially nortbeast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway,1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 East Court Street, 430 East CoOrt Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and 1031 Sliring Street, Cincinnati, Ohio); o Cleveland (The casino in Cleveland,... Oltio...... will be located ..._..... on one ot more of the following properties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) the property sitttated south of W. Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road and west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres ofproperty located southof W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street,north of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property and water lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Street, soudt of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagte Road and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southw.est; (e) alt.air rights above the approximately 0.87- acre parcelof-property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proximity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the soutlteast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Eagle Avenue and the not2heast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Camegie Avenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g) appr^oximately 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Streetand_Carnegie.Avenue_artdwest of the former Baltimore.and..Ohio raiiroad right.of.way;_(h)-. floors one through four, mezzanine, basentent and sub-basement of that certain property located at

(nuU11o3.3 1 STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR A- A declare under penalty of election falsifcation that I am the circulator of the foregoingpetition papet containing the signatures of electors, that the signatures. appended hereto were made and.appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they putport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of same. I am employed to circulate this petition by t'=* Los-ce,jrc 36{ C.ra.^v3 with funding rov de a throu h the Ohio bs and Growt Comniit cc (86 5 Macon Alley, Columbus, OH 43206). (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty of election falsification in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that. all siguers were to the best of rny knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it putports to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

r t

(Sigrte^ ^

(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state)

(City, State and Zip Code)


IN15a11(0.3 1 16 K eseC-rea . part Pe-I;+-f c)n (YIAF ..b.14682 t.( rc +O ) 1USbRnG^ SqninC A J J t,(^^f7C^5 S^r1^U/'P.-

Number issued ta _^ettu ^ Cneur^^ (Name of Circulator)'

Date of issuance

County M nKP.Yt

INITIATIVE PETITION Amendment to the Constitution

Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Tiue. An Amendment to tho tMiu Consuation to yiihori2e a single casino within cach of the cities of Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnatt and Tolcdo. 1Te cax revenue from these tour catiinn facllidcg wpl be used to: bol•uu Ohio's oconomy; provide flioding to support local iommunide5 and school disttitrs a^.`[oac theswm; pmvidejob naining forOhios workfoacc:md law enforcemetit; .1nd provide funding to suppun stmng ganilng ovc,slght and tegu]aCGon.


The Amendment to be enactcd by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio ConstituGon will:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Anfend,nent, in each o£ the cities of: o Cincinnati (Che casino in Cincinnad, Ohio will be located on approxinrately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Cotut Street, southwust and partially nonheast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road. 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, 1024 Broadway, 4 18 East Court Street, 430 East Court Strect, 1009 (jilbert Avenue and 1031 Spcing Street, Cinciunati, Ohio); o--Clevelaud (Tlie casiiib raCleveland,phio^ wrll b6Toca[ed on one or more of tfie.. follovnn^.-•-- propetlics: (a) the property situated south of Ptiblic Square, east of Superior Avenue, west of Ontario Street and north of W. Prospect Avenue; (b) tbe property situatcd south of W. Prospect Avenue, cast of West 6th Street, north of W, Huron Road artd west of Ontarin Street; (e) approximately 7.91 acres of property located south of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, notttt of Canal Road and lying east of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of We,st 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of proptrty and water lying east of the pxolongation of the centerlinn of thc Sridge of West 3rd Street, south of <:annl Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road and bounded by, and including a pottion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) all air rigltts above the approximately 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and south of Ontario Street in close proxunity to the iutersectlon of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f) approxiinau)y 1.83 acres of property located at the southeast comer of the intcrsection of W. 3rd Strrxt and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeast corimer of the intersection of W. 3rd Stteet and Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Baitimore and Ohio railroad right of way; (g.) approximately 1.55 acres of property localed at the southeast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street apd Camegie Avenne and-west of the former Baitimorc and-Oluo railroad right of way; (h) tltx,rs one through four, mezzanine, basement and sub-basement of that certain property looatcd at

tnisoiwsa I 1 900/ZOOd tSUOA 308 hINf100 N7980Yt 660CZ9606L pZ:9l 600Z/bl/^0 JUL-10-2009 03:57 Pfl NOBLECOELECTIONS 7326577 P. 10/16



IssuedtA,_^Q. e, t1Qt^S ( Nan>.e of C'irrulator' .^L ^ ) G/6/ / Ur3 Date of issuance

county N"L e

INITIAT.IVE PETITION Amertdtnent to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the F.iectors


s:onslitabm to authurite u sinplc caSino within each of thc ddcs of Clcvcland, Columbus, Cinclnnati iv pgJ. t6eUi'rcvenue frnm these four casinn fucililic5 wiil be uned tof bohtcr Ohira economy: provide funding to snpport tocnl cummunilies end school divuicts ncrou ttm statc; pn,vidcjob truining fnrOhio'x workfnmc und law onfortcincnC and provide fundina In cupport strong gaming oversight and regutation.


The Amendment to be enacted by amending Articte XV, Sectiorl6 of the Ohio Constitutioo wilt:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetcrmined loeation, as designated in the Amendment, in each of the citics of: o C nei n'(The casitio in Cincinnati, Ohio will be located on approximately 20,4 acrca of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, north of Cotlrf. Street,.eouthwext and partially northeast of the 1-471 ramp and northwest of Gilbert Avenuc, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Rending Road, 1002 Broadwny, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 t3roadway, 1024 Broadway, 418 Fast Court Street, 430FastCourt Strect,l(1090itbenAvenueand 1031SpringSfreet,.CSnci.nnati,.Uhio); ---- o Claelsto (The casino in Cteveland Ohio will be toca[ed on one or morc of the follnwing pr'operties: (a) the property situated south of Public Square, cast of Superior Avenue, west of Untario Strect and uorth of W. Prospcet Avenue; (b) the property situated south of W. Yraspect Avenue, cast of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road anit west of Oatario Street; (c) approximately 7.91 acres of property located sooth of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, nurih of Canal R.oad and lying east of the pmlongation of the centertinc of the Bridge of West 61h Street; (d) approxitnately 11.22 acres of property and water lying cast of the prolongation of the centerline of ihe Bridge of West 3rd Street, south of Canal Roud, notthwestat W. Fagle Roud and bounded by, and including a portion of, the Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (c) all air right.s above the approximately 0.87 acre p.arcel of propcrty situated along and south of Ontario Stmct in close proxi,nity to the intersection of W. Huron Road and Onmrio Street; (t) approximately 1.83 acres of property located at the snutheast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and W. Baglc Avenue and the nonhcast corner of the intcrsection of W. 3rd Street and Caruegic Avenue and west of the former Baltitnore and Ohio railroad right of way: (g) approximately 1.55 5eres of property located at the southeast cornar of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avcnue atid.west_ofthe. foinerDaltiinoreand-0hiorailroadrigfltofway;(h) --- floors onc tfu'ough four; mezxanine, basamcnt and sub-bnsement of that certsin property located at

Ixitnunl.lI Jul 10,09 08s43a p.4

014146 ^'ime

I^umbcr__.. _

[ssueti to (Name of CirctQator)

llatc of issuancc__,,,,_,,_____^ (I C^ _

INTI'1ATIVE PE'I'1'1'ION An2t;ndn3ent to ttie Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petition To bc Subniitted Directly to th® L"lectozii


Titk. An AmClldntm0 rn the t7hio Coil>'tilUtiun to a,qhoriEC a Siugte cusino within each ul'thc citles of Uereland, 0,AUntbuS, Cincinuuti unti i'oletlo. Thc lax rttvellae frum thc"u: tour CJsino raciliiies will Ik used In: holeicr Ohio's m:annnry; pluvidt fandi ig tu nupporl Incal conuu6lptlCs'mW schnDt 11i1trittY 16nmR thC sCHo; Nrovidu juh tr3i0jnt; rol' ohitix wodcrorta ilid 1p W cnfbscment( :nJ prJvidv funding tp sUQQUrI suttng guLnitg ovenioht and tegutatiun-


'I'hc Atnendnlcnt to be enacled by amending Articlc XV, Section 6 uf, the Ohio Constitution will;

AuthofiZe a single t>nsino at a prcdctcrntiaed Iocatiun, ns dosignrtted in the Amendtnent, in each of lGe citics ol': o Cincinnt"i (Tilc casino in Cincinnati, Ohiu will hc luCatc.d otl appruximutely 211.4 acres ol proparty located xuutheast of Reading Road, cast nl Bmadway, north oF Cotut Slrect, soulhwest :rnd partially nnrthe,tst of lite 1-471 r»mp amtd ruirthwest of Cilbert !tv®nue, inclnding 405 Ri.,tditig Rond, 415 Rutliug Road, 421 Reading lion,i, 52) ftcading Rvutl, 57, Reucling Rodd, 1002 Rroatdway, IW6 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, I020 Broadway, 1024 $tolidway,. 41}i„East_Court --- StteeL 43t1 Faet"^'.o.utt.St[^t; !(lU9Gi16er[kvanue^ zukYtU)1 Sprutg Street, Cinclmiuti, phio); _.__...._ --l' ... :m . . .. ^Ionved (The. c;tsiao ,n CtevetnnA, Ohio will be located on ouJ Jr utorL vl' the 1'ollowing l)roperlicx: (a) the property sitaated south ol' Public Squure, eagt of Superior Avenuo, west of Ontario Strert and north ot' W. )?rospect Avenue; (b) lhe propeny situaled soutlt o( W. Prospect Avenue, Bflst of Wcxt 611h Strr.r.t, nunh nf W. Huron Road and ve.a of pnWr;n Street; (c) a)>pfoximalely 7.9t acres of propeny iocued south of W. IIuron Road, Hest ol' Ontario Street, nUfth of Canal Rozd and lying cast of the prolongation of thc ctinterliqe ol the Bridgc of Wcxt (jth StrCet; (d) approxilliately 1 1.22 pcl'es oP propaiy nnrl walrr lyinLl r, ast ot the pminno:uion nf the cetrterline uf the Bridge of Wcvt 3rd Strect, south of Canal Road, ltorthwt,,t of W. i:nrle. Rontl and Dounded hy, aad inelutiing 1Oortiotl uf, the Cuyahoga River to Utesoulh ,totl the xonthwest; (c) ali air rights above the approxirnaraly O.S7 acre p,vicel of prutx:rt) xi[u;lred nlnue. und soutlt of (h,tnrio Street in close pfoxintity to the intersection of W. Hnron Roid and Ontario; (1) upproxituately t.R3 acros of propcrty located at the .southea3t Cornar ol' Ihe itttel'sectiou of W. 3rd SnYet and W. Eaglc Avenuc and the nonhaaxl oonier of the intcrsertion of W. 3rd Stt'eet and Cznte;ie Avonuc mtd west of the f"ormer llaltirhore and Ohio railroad ri:;ht of way; (g) approximatcly1,55acrosofpropertylocatedatlhe,oulhc:,^tc0anarorlhcintenertionof-w:3r(1 _SttLetantlCa[negie-Avcnuelstfdwest of the. fo) tnee 13altitnore uttd ottit> r,rilload nehl of way; (h) fioorS t>no thronyh folu', 1nCrZanYJlt, hasCtn¢nt nnd 5ctb-ba%cmuul of lhfft CCrtuin property localed :1t

pA.WIWS!I Jul 10 .. 08 08:44a p.6


t, declare under penalty of election 1'alsilicat'.ion that I atn the rculator of the foregoing petition paper containing the signafure:, of _q___ electors, that tho signatures appencied heretn were rn.tde aAid appended in my prc.cnce on the date set opposite each respectivc name, and are the signatures of the persons whosz lrames thcy purport to be or of attorneys in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the 12eviscd Code, and that Q1e eloctors signing this petition did so with lmowledge of ttlc contents ot I same. I au1 cmploye to cnculate this petition by^c^.tM ^^_ _^4 1k>A, with fundine prQvidA through the Qhio Jabs and (.Frowtlt Cornmittee 865 Maeon Alley, Colunlbtlg OH 432061. (Name and addross of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be cotnpleted as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if fhe circulator is being en ployed to circulatc thc pctition.)

I further declare under penalty of clectioit falsificatiou in accordance with section 3501.38 of the Rcvis'ed Code that 1 wiulessed the affixing of evelry signature to the fore;oing petitiOn paper, that all signers woiv, to the best of nty kuowlcdgc and belief qualified to sign, attd that c\ ery siguature is to thr, hctit of my knowledge and beliel' the sign:rture of the person whoae Git;nalure it purpats to be or of an attorney in fact acting pursuant to seclion 350 ] .382 of the Revised Code.

(Sigued) ^^ s^w

(Address of circulator's pennanent residenee in this s(ate) 5^ LI.

<,•^ cn _m (City, State and Zip Code) ., ht .^"..


(HIA) ult,I 16 ,, Fi^ oAA C(K(v t`C.6(dva (deiijte (^O) y5 ^,"/^n,, P -- A ^ ^ `^,^ . 025208 (^^ I?Gt^^(+^F^^` 15 m- Number

Issued to ^^ (Name of Circulritor)

Date of issuance__._


INITIATIVE PETLTION Amendment to the Constitution Proposed.byInitiative Petition To be Submitted Diiectly to the Hlectors


Tine. An Amendment-IO Ihe-0hio Conslim^ion sa emhoriu a singlc casirp wilhiu each of Ihe citics a( Clevqtend. Cplumbus. Cincinnad nnd Toledo. The tax revenue from these four casina (ucilities will be used w: 4olsier Ohio's econoiny', provide Nnding:fo suppon ICee1 eommunities and school di5uiatsutoss the sime;provide jo0lrnining for Ohios workrurce ond law enforcemam; and provldc fuoding to support enonggamingoversighta,id4egut9don:


The Amendment to be enactedby umending Aiticte XV, Section 6of the Olhio Consthution will: .

• Authorize a singlecaeino at a predete'rntined location, ae designatedin the Amendment, in each of the cities

oE -^ o Ctn inna i (The casino idCincimtmi, Ohio will be loeated onapproxirnately 20.4 acres of properYy located, soudteast of Reading Road,easc:ofBroadway, north of Court Street, southwest a»d puitially northeast of dte 1-471 rampand northwest of-0ilbert Avenue,including 405 Reading Road, 4.15 Reading %Roud, 421 Rcudrng Ropd, 523 ' Reading Road, 575 Reading, Road, 1002 Broadway,t006Rroadway, 1008 Broadwuy, 1020Broadwayr 1024Broadway,.:418 East Court Street, 430Eust Court Strect, 1009 Gilbcn Avenuc and 1031 Spring Sttqet, Cincinnati, Ohio); o CicLeland (The cusino in Cleveland, Ohio will be locateli on one or^morc ofrthe following propenics: (a) the propertysimatedsouthof Public Square,castofSuperiot Avenue,west of ...... _Ontario Strect and._..-._ northof W._ProspectAvenue;(b)theproperty-situated-south-ofWr-Prospcct^'- --- Avenue, east of Wes[ 6th Strcet, north of W. Huron Roatl and wcst of Oinario Street;(c) approximately 7.91 acres of propedy located south'of W. Huron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canul Road und lying eust of the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of Weit 6th Street; (d) approximately 11.22 acres of property und water lying castof the prolongation of the centerline of the Bridge of West 3rd Strcer, south of Canal Road, northwest of W. Eagle Road und bounded by, and lhcludinga portion of, tite Cuyahoga River to theaouth and dte southa+est; (e) all-uir rights abova the upproximately 0.87 acre parcel of pmperty situated along and south ofOntario Street in closeproximity to the inrerscction of W. Huron Roadand Ontario Street;(f) approximately 1.83 acres of property,locatedat the southeast corner of the.intersection of W. 3rd Sfreet and W. Eagle Avenue and thenonheast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and CamegieAvenue and west of the former Baltimore and Ohio railroadright of way; (g) approximately 1.55 ucres of property locatcd at the soulheast comer of the intersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of ehe formerBaltimore and 9hlq railroad right, of way; (h) floors one through four, mezzanine, basement und sub-tiasement of that certaio property located at


I, ^ Juco ^la declare under penalty of election falsificadon that I am the circulator of the foregoing p ition paper containingthe signatures of 15 elec.tors, that the signatures appended hereto were niade and appended in my presence on the date set opposite each respective: name, and are the signatures of the persons whose narrtes they purpoit to be or of attorneys in fact acting.pursuant. to section 3501.382 of the Revised-Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowled $e of the contelrits' of sa e. ^ am emg1oyed to circulate this petition b^`.ii y^}} t f_Qu^f ri^ . 3^ 5 l r, dri^ y^w ,^^ lr.v`'bcn4 (+-/F, 3 ^Z with f nding proJided through t he Ohio Jobs and Gro-Ah CoWmittee (865 Macon Alley. Columbus. OH 43206).. (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence sltall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate the petition.)

I further declare under penalty.of election falsification iu accordance with section 3501.38 of tile Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my ktiowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my knowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attorney in fact acting.pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.


(Address of ciYculator's permanent residence in this state). 12J Q Muh Vf -7L C) (4."Ocr^ 0 1^,'^t, ..1^ (City, State and Zip Code)


uuwuu^n i 16 l I^1V F^'l -1^ -PAKT ^ Tl°f3bh^


Number r0/4 0 _. (Name of Circulator)

Date of issuance


INITdATIVE PETITION Ainendment to the Constitiition Proposed by Initiative Petition To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


75t1e. An Amendment to die Ohio Constitution to authoriie a sing]ecnsinowithin each of the cities of Cleveland, Co]um0us,Cincinnati and'Foledo. The tax revetiue from thesefour sasinpfacilitieg will Ue osed'to bolsler.C3hitis econonr};.pro3inefundiagto'support local communities andsehool distnets aetogs the state; piovida^Dbxraining for,Olud'S ^worhforcE andlxw enforeemen[ ahd'provide:funding.lo suppoa suonggamingoverstghcandregulattoa. , . _

The Amendment to be enacted by antending Areicle XV, Section 6. of the.Oluo Constitution willi

• Authorize a singlecasino at apredetermined location, as designated iti the Atnendmeitt, in each of the cities of: o Cindinoati (The casino in Cincinnati, Ollio will be located on approximately 20.4acres of property focated southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway,^tiorth of Cpurt Street,:southwest and partially norcheast of the I-471 rainp and aorthwest o(Gilbctt Ayenue, including 405 Reading Road, 4.15. Reading Road, 421. Reading Road, ,.521 Reading -Road; 575 ReadingRoad, 1002 $roadway; 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway;.1020 Bwadw.ay, 1024 Broadway; 418 Bast Court Street, 430 East Court Street, 1009 Gilbert Avenue and1031 Spring. Sireet, Ciiicinnati, Ohio); o Cfeveland (The casino in Cleveland, Ohiowilltie looated...._.... onone.or mote of the_follosving ------properties:- (a)the,^property situated soutlt of. Pubhc Square easl of.Superim' Avcnue, west of Ontario Street andnorth of W. Peospect Avenue; (b)tfieproper,[ysitpated.southof W,Prospect Avenue, east of West 6th Street, riorthof W. l-Iurori Road apd west of Ontario Street; (c) approximatefy 7,91 acres of property located south of W.,;HuronRoad, west of Ontario Street, northof Canal Road andlying east of {he polongation of [baceti{ecline of the Bridge of West 6th Street; (d) approximately 1(.22.acres o€property,and,tvaielslying easi of the prolongation of the centerline of the.Bridge.of West 3rdStreet, southof.Canaf Road, norttiwest ofW. Eagle Roadand bounded by,and includtng a poi¢ion of, die CuyahogaRiverto. thesouth and tfte southwest; (e) all aic rights above the approxiinately 0.87 acre parcal 'of property situated along and south.of 9ntarioStreet in close ptoxinutyto the intersechon of W. Huron Road and Ontario Street; (f),appror,inlately 1.83 acres of p?operty located at the southeast eorner'of ttle intersection of W. 3rd Street. and W. Eagle Aveitue and the northeast corner of Eh^ infct:sec[ion of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue aild west of die former Baliintore and Ohiorailroad right of way; (g) approziinately 1,55 aores of propetTy-located at thesoiuheastcorner of theintersection of W. 3rd Street and Carnegie Avenue and west of the foriner Baltimore-and Ohio railroad right of way; (h) __-_al2oa^s-9ne_throttghfour,niezzanine,basementand-sub-basetnentofthatcertainproperty locatedai STATEMENT OF CIRCULATOR

I, declare under penalty of election falsifacation that I ain the cnculator of theforegoing:petition.paper containing the signatures of electors, that the signatuXes appended hereto were made and appetided in my presence on the dat.e,set;opposite each respective naine, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to'be or ofattorrZeys in fact acting pursuarit to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petitiondid so with knowledgeof11 the contentsof same. I am employed to circulate this petition by H«abt+IPWO r,t QoE,46^0 4n saracN A with fundingprovided through ttie:Qbio Jobs andGrowthCommittee (865 Macon Alley. Colum.bus..OH 43206) (Nante and ad'dt;ess of einployer): (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required :by section 3501 38`of ahe Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to,circulate:the petition:)

I further declare under penalty;of electioii falsification in accordance with sectioi 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and belief qualified to sign, and that every signature is to the best of my lFnowledge and belief the signature of the person whose signature it purports to be or of an attoi-iiey in fact acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code.

.4 v P (Address of circulator's pei'manent residence in.this siate)

flZ, (Crty, State and Zip Code)


IH15oum.a 1 16 -:v:; 30

Number _

Issued to p /)o r- C h^-- ^Y- (Natne of Circulator) NK Dateotissuance S ^3^ y


INITIATIVE PETITION Amendnient to the Constitution Proposed by Initiative Petitioti To be Submitted Directly to the Electors


Tine. An Mrendrnent to the Ohio Constitmion tu aurhorize a single cnsino within cacn of Ihe cities of Clevetand, Columbus, Cincinnad and'roledo. The tax revenue from these four cacinofncilities will be used to: holxer phio's economyt pruvidc funding to suppou local conununlties and school distriets aeross the state; piovide joh training f'or 0hio'S workforce aod latv enforcemmat; and provide tunding lo support strong ganling oversight aud regrdation. -


The Aniendment to be-enacted by amending Article XV, Section 6 of the Ohio Constitution w•ill:

• Authorize a single casino at a predetermined location, as designated in the Atnendtneot, ili each of the cities of: o Cincinnati (Tfle casino in Cincinnati., Ohio-wiil be located oq approximately 20.4 acres of property located southeast of Reading Road, east of Broadway, norlh of Court Street, southwest . and partially northeast oP thc 1-471 rampan(I nortltwestof Gilbert Avenue, including 405 Reading Road, 415 Reading Road, 421 Reading Road, 521 Reading Road, 575 Reading Road, 1002 Broadway, 1006 Broadway, 1008 Broadway, 1020 Broadway, .1024 Broadway, 418 C:as( Cotu't Street, 430 East Court Street, ]009 Gilbert Avenue and 103] Spring Street, Ciocinnati, Ohio); o Clevelarrd (The ._casino in Cleveland,....4hio_willba-located ononeor more ofthe fol]owilSg------"props:----....crue------,(a) the property snuatedsouth of Public Square, east of. Supertur . Avenue, west of Ontarip Street and_ north of W. Prospect Avenoe; (b) the property situated souih of W. Prospect Avenuc, east of West 6th Street, north of W. Huron Road aud % west of Ontario Street; (c) approximately 7.9t acres of property located south of W. 11uron Road, west of Ontario Street, north of Canal Road and lyiltg east of the prolongation of the centedine of the Bridge of West 6th Street;. (d)-approximately 11.22 acres of propertyan<1,4yater lying east of the prolongalion ofthe centerliue of the Bridge of West 3rd S,trcet;soutliofCanal Road,northweslof W, Eagle Road .and bounded by, and including, a: portiqn tif,. dte Cuyahoga River to the south and the southwest; (e) all air rights above:{1ie:aproximatety 0.87 acre parcel of property situated along and sou[h of'Ontario Streetin closcproxinpty to the intersection of W. Htnon Road and Ontario Street; (f) approximately 1,83 acres of ]>roperty located at the southe.ast corner of the intersection of W. 3rd Stteet and W. Eagle Avenue and the northeasl corner ofthe intersection of W. 3rd Street ancl Carnegie Avenue and west of the former Btdtiniore and Ohio railroacl right of way; (g) approxilnatcly 1.55 acres of property located at the southeast corner of the inlelsection of W. 3rd Streerand Carnegie Avenue and west of the t'ormer Baltimoie aqdQhio_raib:oadright-of-way;(h) floorsoneihrough four; tnezianifie^ basenieniand sub-bnsement of that certain properly located at


'!"C^(^o , declare under.penalty of election falsification that I am the circulator. of the foregoing petition paper containing the- signatures of electors, that the sighatures appended hereto were made and appended in niy presence on tttc date set opposite each respective name, and are the signatures of the persons whose names they purport to be or of attomeys in fact.acting pursuant to section 3501.382 of the Revised Code, and that the electors signing this petition did so with knowledge of the contents of sante. I am employed to circulate4his petition by n.,,.toa with fundinLy grovided throuRh the Ohio Jobs and Growth Comntittee (865 Macon Alley, Columbus. OH 43206).. (Name and address of employer). (The preceding sentence shall be completed as required by section 3501.38 of the Revised Code if the circulator is being employed to circulate tl}e petition.)

I further declare under penalty of alecdon falsification in accordance^ wilh section 3501.38 of the Revised Code that I witnessed the affixing of every signature to the foregoing petition paper, that all signers were to the best of my knowledge and.belief qnalified to sign, and th


(Address of circulator's permanent residence in this state) / >y QZ 142rL'

^..-.:GlC'ycI/I'.,.) 04 ^l /Il (City, State atid Zip Code)


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