CllLittwtli merfcan. — —1 —-* _ t You XLVHI. 1 gTffT&SSa.'VA.” ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 14, 1902. j! No. 20. j muuHiiiiuiimj, excursion from Ellsworth by steamer, SbfacttfcfmmU. " LOCAL AFFAIRS. leaving here about noon Monday, and re- turning at noon Tuesday. Esoteric lodge 0. 0. BIJ KRILL & NEW ADVKKTIHKMKNTN THIS WEEK. SON, has also been informally invited to work Probate notice-Kst HI las K Trtbou. tbe third degree in East port in Jane. Joseph A Retorts— Notice of foreclosure. INSURANCE Probate notice—Kst Mar? Shannon. Miss Berths H. Lancaster, of Ellsworth, John Mum! i> (JENERAL AGENTS, shy—Sheriff's sale and D Lear, of Mt. were Kxec Harvey Desert, Bitbriu. Bank notice—Est May W Howler. Bldo., ELL8WORTH, ME. N P Culler, Jr—Girl wanted. married at the Methodist parsonage in Pro tote notice —Kst KMzntoth Sumlnsb? etals. Ellsworth this Rev. J. P. Kxec morning by WE REPRESENT THE notice—Kst Mary G Dorr Rank statement—Condition of First national Simonton. They left on the 11 18 train bank. for Northeast Harbor, where they will Most Reliable Home and Foreign M A Clark—Greenhouse. Companies. E J Walsh—Shoe store. live. Rates Fa sent A Rami— Lowest with Photographers. son of Compatible Safety. D FTrlbou—Household goods. Carlton, tb# two-year-old Mr. W R Parker Clothing l.'o-Clothlng. and Mrs. Charles Brooks, died Thursday A Japan Tea coffee and 1 *D l,n,n, *° »<>lt on Improved real eatata and Co—Tea, spice. morning of Much BakingPoWde*^, IfOVUTY TO LOAN Giles A Burrlil—New market. pneumonia. sympathy ^ MO*’-—i Buckspobt: is expressed for the parents. Funeral services Bank statement—Condition of Bucksport na- were held at tbe house Saturday, tional bank. Rev. A. H. Coar, of the Unitarian church, Makes delicious hot The GEO. H. GRANT CO., Portland: officiating. biscuit, rolls, Abner Lowell—Stationer and engraver. Until can Boston : arrangements be made, there crusts, griddle cakes and muffins. General Insurance and Real Estate. Mechanics fair. will be no stage connections between 8hepard, Norwell Co—Historic Boston. Ellsworth and the landing at Surry of the Aberdeen, Wash: ELLSWORTH and BAR ME. Rockland,Bluehlll & Ellsworth Steamboat HARBOR, Western Cooperage Co—A flier wanted. cream of Co. Capt. Crockett writes that he hopes A tartar powder, absolutely pure. to have a soon but cannot 8CHKDULB OF MAILS stage running name a date. AT KLL8WORTII POST-OFFICE. ROYAL BAK1NQ POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. From now until tbe close of tbe In effect Oct 14, 1901. season, the rehearsals of the Ellsworth festival various cemeteries. In the afternoon DROWNED AT TUNK POND. Going East—7.18 a. tn., 6.CS p. m. chorus will be held at tbe homes of mem- Men's Suits From $4 00 there will be services at the soldiers’ ]! up Going West—luo a. m., 6.». p. m. bers Instead of at hall. Tbe | Manning monament, followed by exercises at the Two Young Men Lost Their Lives MAIL CLOSES AT TOST-OFFICE. rehearsal this week will be held to-mor- I Youths’ Suits From hall. George E. Googins, of Bar Harbor, There Sunday. $3.00 up Going East—6JO a. m., 5 30 m. row evening with Mrs. B. J. <[ p. Thompson, will be the orator of the day. Richmond Conners, of Bar Harbor, and Going West—11.20 a. m., & and «.30 p. m. on Bridge hill. Water street stuck Truman Tracy, of Franklin, were drowned I ^ Suits From SUNDAY. eyes out last Friday | Boys’ $2.00 up Justice L. A. Emery delivered bis first at Tunk about 3 o’clock ]| ][ Train from the west arrives at 7.18 a. m., de noon when they saw the schoner “La* pond Sunday have imen lecture bt-fere the University of Maine tbe of the boat I1 These goods just received; are of the latest ([ parts for the west atS.Oi p. m. Mail closes for volts” rushing up the river before a ten- afternoon, by overturning mid and cannot be for <’ the west at law school in Bangor Monday afternoon, from which were 11 styles patterns, duplicated the 5.80 p. m. knot breeze. They expected to see her jab they fishing. In the on tbe subject of “Probate Law and The two with Solomon 11 money city. (j big holes in the dredger “Neponset’^dig a young men, Miss Mabel is Practice”. He will deliver lectures on a brother of were FANCY SHIRTS, from NECKWEAR- Monaghan to sing at new channel through the slabs or carry Tracy, Trptnan, fishing Camden on 23. the same subject every afternoon this from one boat. The wind whs j[ pyp||||SH> \\ Friday, May away one or two wharves. They were blowing to the week, and on Monday afternoon next almost a and but few boats had ven- 50c $1.00 latest Styles :e. Maritime Provinces. Dw« If ianaetl. mat Hooker ... .Wt,.ao(1„ *t Toem—Practical consecration. Rom. industrial Jomrnal ibb ««k malcontent. hot he Mid * IU Motto: “Uettf*1 and BapefnL"' "TO MOTHERS Tbs print* to him , stu. i-a. rtra* uf the Lrwi*u»s Jocmai l b* o,oet o.otrd ... t h. a general jar*.baring operation* (Treat m.n „h It all He did not rtaa a of la to bare beeu food attached auper'or ^ positor or a more courageous defender, mo» are—a pahlk •errant, penrerer Ham la said y ..roofOf hie- " medium for the la Childbirth. eon. Tbe tolloulng la extracted from tb* oflire H» ... f..rm»iu*n »mt ftgfhdou, a j and Adam U ,uil v, at time Paul believed in > to hte do* Snyder reported yet the same tercbaagc of Mean la tht« capacity ft no tcH* article: hot .11 of It ... not ecaloat of lb. made faith .fi B40. kwtlu* #, and lb -arm* large- to here bad a Up-oag to tbe Garden r~ applied Chr'siianity. He “As Indicative ot tb* brar. and fe.rl„, a, h. ... »m ft In «bt* Com ••Da** Mbs. I*ituuii—Mother* magnitude i ly «he *wi port «lre» ii»»*d Tremble. To0 m the foundation of works acd theory maalratte** a«>i be *tga«d. »*ai the name of need not dpea.1 chi Idhrarhur after ot this industry throughout tbe North- of It •>.« tgilnat other tbejr | de- nlTIc.,, ,nd the of This la writer «UfeWlir printed except **y **er«l^h>a I think that I once owned tbe lineal h“* foundation practice. know the mine of l,y tbat tb* ed ml. let nation. In the CommaMeatk’** writ to >e* t«> approra) or daring | day, to 1( Illustrated In the to li,»n'« scendant of tbe do* of tbe Ara. He was •tritrlngiy epistle tvjrcdutt by the editor of th» tv? v»», hat aoae Vegetable Compound. part a inter tbe lo;a cat iu Maine, Naur hoeerer. U >d tred a man «t,o wttt wfthtHit reason Addrew* While I lored children I dreaded *he a and be loved the lonesome could the Rumens. The first eleven chapters he r»;*-«#'» good Neu Brunaalck yellow do*, and .till «ho all coMBnohHChdoaa id H*t»p»htra, Vermont, j keep coo'd light ,nd ordeal, for it Icit me weak and tick of earth—tbe the upper •f the ep>'t)e logieaIly%nd elaborately The Aitxictl, and Nova Scotia 000 place* housetop*, eere whether tbe aggregate 1.175,066 «or'd Mood on the do-trine that the la IU i# worth. If a toe gray hours, the wi o ,. * develop g «pe! leer, and tbat an army ol £5,000 men and porches, Mrwt rernrr end a.Id "*h„ ! the of God unto sa'vation to all stretches, tba strange and mysterious power 21.175 borne* bare been kept buatly etn- d >«.” A .(lent man. a mao of was eteM wrbo betleve. Then on the basis of this iv the evd. vacancies of tbe Nowhere. And that ,„d vo vvtrr ployed, ubila la tb* viciuily ot ftC.OOO,- b'ood. a man .bo .a. where he was to be found. bull-do* (great truth he appeals to all to conse- Of all the re Eat low* and worries-- been generally 000 ba* paid out tor wage* trout tbe w.leb do*—old P.ithfu),, „( crate themselves to God. to separate Tae Mi owe*, I am*, that Ufa bring* Whenever night came, (be do* was there, rt()k time tbe tree* are felled la tb* tore*! nr ..niority, tboughlfut only of themselves from the world and to To a wcrw.«a-lad half of cheat coating till] •ad there Is where I failed to find biro. doing bi. reach the boom. AnI but be ... a Inanimate they duty. man—out of the duties From Impish. thing*, Cue can locate by tbeir rousing*. lkt faithfully discharge they “Maine la in the lead in tb* volant* ot i you bonct that would Such n», iMn n batten. pedigree die •we to each other. The consecration prerio’ D'gs that wander from tbeir own fire- doing tu Or off goe* an ©el pta*» bend, lamberlng operation*, tbe log cut being! doty. demanded In lieu of the previously aide are different. They And the Inlet- I think that the w r*4 L* the fading estimated at 750 000 000 feet, divided a* D.d you erer know bow Scott and is certain- of matter and bask in them. loved in, presented argued truths la the thread. spaces they So knot the end of folio us: Penobscot, 210.000000; Aroos- do*? Have you read “Bob. Son ot a consecration. “I beseech A do* can ioac himself so be Het- ly practical took tbe St. utterly—If tie?” Did ever read Too hare carefully takes none tittcbea. county including Upper j you Phil you, therefore, brethren, that ye pre- knows bow—that, while you are looking Koblnaaa* Tear work tightly held In It* place. John (Maine), 125.000 000; Southeastern tribute to lb* dog* o( btetory? mo sent your bodies a living sacrifice, at your watch to see if It la time to take a When tow needle, released on a redden Maine, Including St. Croix, Macblua, Nar- know I bet they mark a certain holy, acceptable unto God. which la pill, be has transmuted blmseif into at- advene* Frooi Us tore, Ire re* a •cratch on your face. raguagua and Colon river*, M,OO0OO«; la civilisation? Savage* don’t breed your reasonable service." and gone to tbe hence, taking my. Then again 70a bon make a beginning. Kennebec, 140 000,000; mosphere bat cura. Androacoggtn thing eavege Tb* world a( t, Practical consecration as act forth Which do with word# best left uo«aSd, tbe whither with him. Wherefore, U la yon %/ 7 *~7 (Maine), I3S,0W)«J0; s*co river, 17.000,- gore od breed# each Intellectual here Involves a number of character- But an naeel coaid scarce keep her temper *•*^ usually useless to search. helnp ; 000; and hard wood for wood novelliee, ea ecrew-tailed puga, long haired la end thread. 7 poodlw istics which It is well for us to remem- With no knot the of the n e iuic uvhw—«1i ui ur-uu|i ■ uu imr HU. t. H. HASKINS. •poolwood, fruit box sbooka, last block*, ■nd French bull-doge. ber. dren. man who sees either, Still, there’* a way to get rid of this bother. etc oof otherwise accounted 59 000,- Every says, Did read Richard for mnntlt* after, au«! mi tbe lime I for, you Harding !>«)*’ ; 1. consecration should be gratertu. A that ta and tight. i» a sort of superior dog way pleasant was a 000 of which 17 500 000 is white birch way, “Every little ‘The thought death welcome rrlief; feet, elory Bar Slnleter?” All ol "I beseech you, brethren, by the mer- A ad 'twill serve u a r*i« for year life work— and cbitd will come to me at bat before mr last child was born a for wood sad for every any llnro of spool 27.500.000 poplar three reading tend to conv'nce I cies of God.” Gratitude to God for His Be sure when you Mart to Mart right, adriseu time." pood n*-iphhor LvitiaK.Pink* wood and excelsior, tbe hardwood Ihel were **nt Into the ad the* a* voa l«d that pulp yoa dog* world to mercies Id Jesus Christ should lead u* A go yoaTI and In this, the man shows tala self- hamS Vegetable Coinpound, for the entire Mying be the friend* end umBo# will a«*K instead figure* being State. Of tbe companion* ot man. I to consecrate ourselves to God and Bright you. I used that, with Pills for be knows that It U written blether your in Maine conceit; e Of the frowning* and fretting* that com with timber cut about 300 000,000 feet know good many doge who In thia role should be a constant e.ement In the and Sanative Wash for four months in t be book of dogs that a canine can tall Ni knot In the end of the thread- before the child's birth: —it of all kinds are required annually to are aupcrior to moat men. A Jug witht,. performance of our vows of consecra- brought a bad man tba smell of bia boots and in Bazar. the mills located in by on lit* maaler and —Margaret Eytxng* Harper's me wonderful relief. I hardlv had an •npply pulp tbe State eye# hleaou! in h a love, tion. that be can distinguish a base action In j of Maine. Urea I o t he end without ache or and when the child was thought of any. 2. Consecration should be voluntary. pain, tbe bean of a man, before tbe mao can Dear M. B. Friends: ten days old 1 left my bed strong in “On tbe West Branch of tbe Panobacot thing but the attachment. See him “Present jodies,” the epos- feel it to ferment him. leg- your says of tent the health. no 7 II I now take begin within In my treasury clipping* by Every sprin™ the paat winter surpasses all previous re- ging at the been ol the broken down and tie. This expression suggests voluntari- I recall an instance of this in tbe life of different contributors I have found abot’leof Lydia L.Pink linin'* Veg- me He just cords In the volume of lumbering opera- dtereputable! turne not away ness. It has about it the of t a friend of mine. He was about a atmosphere and as it is not an uncommon etable (.'mo~t will •Biount to but little more prints pin# wnose names were sent There was tbe panties parted on tbe silent was 6. Consecration should be sincere. them. eastern Maine. have In a night (ban *re bow for aiway# there- A friend of mine whom 1 value They single you paying also an sheet blanks as follows: a beautiful sight to see. rent, aad la about 10 consecrated ourselves to order with season bandied as as 23 000 000 year« you Having God. very highly as id one day a* 1 waa complaining, high will Tbie is no “Black Beauty" story, but s iwe should not be conformed to this why, 1 aiway# take a good day and »pread them Order. stave*. Tbe most of these go to cement Maw. true anecdote of tbe affair for, as a matter OWN YOUR OWN HOME. World, but be transformed. Instead of on the gras*, and 1 have tried it tbi# year and ..Boston, manufacturers on the Hudson river iu Enclosed And.dollars.cent*. Send me of fact, as soon ss tbe bsd secured bis our live# the of find it work* to a charm. New York. dog fashioning by patterns For particular* inquire of Another Idea this friend also that I think by.the following goods. testimony be dashed into the stable and ; the world, they shoutd be fashioned gave “Pierce & Watters, of Ellsworth, arc HtMi w. Cl'*hmab, See**. our “men folk*” will that when Gallon around by tbe back porch as tbe door Flm Nat’S Bank Bid*. after divine ideals by the gracious in- appreciate; is, extensive manufacturers of hardwood and, A. W. Kiso, Preakteot. ! sewing on button# of small size to always sew Tbe order was filled out as was opened for blm, be closed bia teeth fluence of the Holy Ghost oo our inner returned, staves They have equipped their mill over a pin, and on larger one*, she said «he had fol’ows: more on the dome of tbe lives. with tbe latest for tightly young a that it improved machinery often used small.nal! make# very easy man’s trousers that be carried iu bis 7. Consecration should lie .....Boston, Mas*. tbe manufacture of and now bave humanly t> button. 1 only wl-lw d 1 had known U before staves, (directed. We Enclosed And neither dollar* nor cent*. mouth, and jumping into tbe midst of tbe should serve God by for I made a ve#t for my “John” and h called contracts for several millions. These will JOHN F1LKINS & Send me the following good* A 11*4 of suffer faintly circle waved them triumphantly CO., faithfully performing the mutual du- out the whole family to fasten it, then at first go to Bayonne, N J., for the Standard Batikerx anti Broken. i Ing children, caused by each gallon of your before tbe face* of the family, in ties that devolve upon us as the people o ly by the use of a boot buttoner. There sug Oil The staves are to be used spying vile at of all of it* con company. 02 STATE ST., BOSTON. polaon price decency ao many words, “I have laid bare a bad Of God. gestions may help some one a# they dhl myself K ...... *3. I turner*. Send an for glucose, parafine and oil barrel* and XI, XX, also apology for daring to rn BinLX BE.VDI.VGS. Auk. ««." Ji*w York Office, .14 eKOADWAY. I Intuit any decent woman in Maine by sending the lumber used will be bircb, maple and It is that Ecct. lx, Matt. v. 16; xxv, Your bints and are unnecessary tossy Lucy fainted 10; 31-46; suggestions good, Invitation* to break tbe law» of her State. Send beech. Pierce & Watters own several ■««>•. Grain »mi i on the spot. Bo it is that I have C*nr l, o John II. 1-11; xxl, 1-6; Acts xiil, 1-3; 1 “Ann”, and 1 can easily imagine the amus- food and clothing for the destitute, made »o by townships of hardwood forest iu the great OlULKb Colton thought j faith in tbe and M>tii far cask, or carried un Cor. x, 31; xv. Gal. CoL 111. of that vest. your unholy traffic. clairvoyance of a dog. 58; vl, 1-9; ing process buttoning vicinity of Union river and have estah j moderate margin. b&o a It is safe to that moat of us 17. Mrs. Kf S Wakrkh, sty have tbe _ tithed a portable mill at Mariaville for j | l» partmrflt devot- The ha# been used South Deer Isle, same faftb. This is we so far S-_'6Clctl e«l totneexjndbluu* following recipe Ibis season's business. why keep ! Maine. handling of out-of town accounts A Hnrmonloat I'nloB. fifteen an E lsmorth away from a freab sample. years by housekeeper, “On the Narraguagua river tbe cut Corrc*|^’Ddcncc Invited. I would like all such c sent I was amused at tbe of _ are roust* mD receiving Life In Its perfect expression Is the so it need# no atroi ger recommendation rcuUrs only 7 story five brave j \ai •ggregatea 000,000. Owing to a breach YV C over our private art «** a» *1 harmonious union of the to white ribboners. men in Auburn who were in from physical,* CaKK—One cup sugar, 2 egg# beaten in one of tbe dama fears were entertained coming from other »ouk*> » the latest mental and and man separately, 3 tabieepooxful* meUed butter not a visit to tbe woods tbe other As financial new- of thedar spiritual, attains for tbe but tbe recent rslns day. hot), 1 cup mbk, 2 cup# flour with even uy»*jK>on drives, have N>’, his highest attribute when he The National W. C. T. U. Las officially they were coming past a recog- *oda and 2 even u-aspoon# cream tartar; nlft been helpful and tbe logs are expected door-yard, they Private Ti7.u,r'“lu nizes himself as an together flour, aoda and cream tartar. 1 slfi announc' d that Somerset, beard a growl and out of tbe moulb of to hanks and mercan- equal trinity of Lady president to come. n.f.. them four times Flavor with Tamila. Also generally Tbe most extensive nClCi tile agencies. these three parts— master of all below, of tbe World’s Woman’a Christian Temper tbe yard came eigbty-five pounds of j very nice for cream cake* or cottage pudding manufactarers at Cherryfieid are G. R. dog, to God. the all “In ance union, will bean honored guest of teeth ou edge. The five meu Interest vs. Accounts sul>- H subject only good, & Wm. M. collectively Campbell Co., Nasb & Sons and Jed to check on demand \ whom be lives and moves and has his Dear Aunt Madge: tbe national convention of tbe W. C T. U ran leu miles before they The E. K. Wilson, the latter having a large stopped. Ifttor mailed Have any of tbe sisters had plants bloom yet? to be held in Portland, October next dog was, all of tbe tied to tbe lYl^rKCt weekly, contain- being." box mill. The ooliook is considered while, Here U a for Aunt good ing the very essence of the wrvuK ran result ween ioi» pansy Madge. My pansies Another guest of distinction from across clotbes-reei. This iu the field manufacturers. proves that tbe Fiuauciai situation. are out and were about by Cherry Is understood always early opening the seas will be tbe Kev. 8. crowd were five men with knowledge thoroughly Henry Sanders, “On the bad con- April 20. Daffodils are budded and dandelions Machiss river tbe cat aggre- and established, for the human has formerly rector of Estnor, tbe favorite sciences—consciences that need to take opening. Do you work in the garden? If your gates about 14 000 000. The most eaten- united with the divine. Its source, its residence of Lady Henry Somerset, and pepsin and to baked bsaos. hands get soiled, don't forget that vinegar la tbe slve operators are tbe Machias lumber slop ealiug now in of tbe East London church Tbe knew Car&*. Strength, and. like a mighty stream, it to charge dog it and lay down $3rofrfl*tonal | thing wash them In, not soap. Rub a tea company, oi macnias, tneir cut the past probably forces it which numbers its on tbe grass and way throng!) every obstacle spoonful over the hands, then rinse in clear 20,000 among par- winter isugbed at tbe adventure ishioners. being approximately 2,750,000 EL (iKKKLV, to the sea of the Infinite. The mortal water and they will be soft and nice. Ego. of tbe five bad swift men, when L)K. spruce, 5,000 000 hemlock, 1,500,000 pint fleeing has donned Immortality." “the natural none pursued. Many thanks for tbe pansy, which looks and 500000 cedar, a total of 8,991,215 DENTIST. has become the Ad- 8paitl*h Proverbs to supernatural,” the at me fresh and (his Doga delight bark and blta, but doga ap bright morning Cornelius Sullivan, of Wbltneyviile, also, Xever ror Uraduate of the Philadelphia Denial 1 am has been subjugated by the Christ 1 understand tbe it quit certainty nope. are, after all, only advertlatng when message conveys. lumbered extensively, and bis cut aggrv- they daaa of *7& Loser* are and henceforth love becomes a divii always in the wrong. dotbta. Some doga are like some men — gates 3 500.000. There were other •f-orrtca m tiiLaa' Block. Ellsworth. The book of is opera- j. conception, “thinketh no evil,” because In a letter “8. J. Y.” writes as maybes very broad. eternally running around a Closed until further private tions, but not of any large the maltlug nolac, Wednesday afternoons Who robs a amount, notice. it can do none.—Philadelphia Ledger. follows: scholar robs the public. a NOISE!—nothing elae. Theee men and total of the several small operations being He who ha* but one coat cannot lend It. theae are ever in the The rook book was a unique idea, and f am 1,500 000. doga trout—claiming Better about than F. BURNHAM, Salvation. go fall into the ditch. (B e by divine right of their or very pleased wtin it. Jt occupies a place In a “Tbe Machias logs are being driven this pedigree j The disease a man dreads that be ATTORNEY Salvation Is not secured by obedi- cute little drawer in my new kitchen that I have dies by the amount of barking they can do. of. spring by Fields & Gardner. On Crooked ence to a moved and as 1 discovered a Shallow-wilted AJfD rite. l>y the observance of a just Into, quite a of tbe aomettmea, ahallow In ed- Plow or not must river, tributary Machias, the AT LAW. code of rules or even obedience to number of recipes of my own contribution in plow, you pay your ucation, ahallow In moral COUNSELLOR by third day after starting the drive the atreugtb, yet ot tne of course 1 claim a Interest rent. Also attorney for all classes a creed orthodox. A man book, personal Bland on the atreet corner prosecuting pronounced dam went out. they and If pensions the United States. in it. A good companion makes good com- Pope They rebuilt tbi- against may he praised in all these and he there ia an opportunity for the town to Business solicited. yet pany. dam in two days and one night, and made In me of a she took she MaIHA under the wrath of God. and bis char- telling journey Uke note, out they daeb and, aa Ellswokth, Many go out for wool and come home a clean drive into the main river, the yelling acter be ecarred and seif says: they go, draivlug out the by passioD shorn. total time from home being less tbau two commendation, Indulgence. Tbe condition of sal- 1 was charmed with everything but tbe steep “There ia a lively fellow.” K. BUNKER. JR., only For a flying enemy make a silver wteks. As tbe water up-river is holding JOHN tation Is faith which believes in Him hills we had to climb, but 1 was delighted with On the other baud here la the reei-eetate bridge. up well ou account of tbe frequent rains, ATTORNEY AT LAW. that the the natural scenery along tbe way and I couldn't dog, the dog who minds his justifies ungodly and receives The submitting to one wrong brings on and S9 excellent Ib* bualneea, doea drawing similitudes as 1 would near one of progress being made Into the heart tbe nature help another. hla work, lenda to hla own omen *T very of Jesus by the river drivers, the outlook is fsvor- front door those hills, which at a short distance to view BAR ME. to become the power of the new life. When a friend asketb, there is no to- and la faithful. He hasn't time to bark. HARBOR AN1) BLUBHIIX, would seem almost insurmountable. As we ■ ble for getting the logs in this spring. morrow. He “He that hath the Son hath life.”—f, doeeu't ahow iff much, but If you leave persevered, step by step, ere we were it ware “The Machias lumber company in Bar Harbor offices tTikI » Ml. Dt^rlBIci- He who sows him with a B. Meyer. almost we had reached the summit. So is it brambles must not go job of watching to do be doea BlnehlllcfBce ooen Saturdava. barefoot. busily engaged taking tbe machinery out often in we come in our to It, if be dies in It. life; experience of the old mill on the Harwood dam. doing Ci Beware of enemies reconciled By CLOSED Always Remember. places that seem almost insurmountable, vkw and meat I had a little dog once— a quiet little fel- twice boiled. the time that tbe summer drought sets in, Let us always remember that God tng them from afar, but somehow when we low who never troubled WEDNESDAY all will he for the removal of anything except AFTERNOONS. Fools make and wise men ready hasty can modify our severe situations In reach them and really tiegln to climb step b> fashions, hla own tleaa. He waa a the mill from the where tbe sweet dog and lose much of their and we follow them. spot new mill life, that lie can move those step, they hugeness honeet. He w aa left one favorably will day at Lake Urove Du. over them much easier than we ever A blow from a be put up. The gang and single saw H. W. Hatne. I*-*. to ivoUfT Dl.|*tr«»* who us get thought frying pan, though it vex. perplex and try and that with an old overcoat to care for, and the and uotlo** 1*1* dcatal does not it sullies. In the adjoining mill and both mills on others that until further He eari raise for our possible. hurt, up helpers benefit man who left him went off tu tbe car and rooms will he closed op Wednewiav afternoons the lower dam are being oi'erated at their offered In Christ’s nsme I am sure you will take comfort in that Prayer up by full forgot. Tbe night ceme and tbe little dog Ellsworth. Oct. 2S. h&J. kiteben. Modern make capacity.” His and trustful serv- new conveniences The Miner’s Dollars. did come faithful, loving not borne. Tbe next day he waa work much easier. One said to me ants brines timely and adequate re- lady Bill—Old Skinflint says his first dollar mlealng. That next he waa A Bargain. night found Publishers and Printers. turns.— after I bad moved into a new was the hardest to get. Advertisers, Piesbytcrian. just pantry atill lying on the coet, and no one could and "I should think it would be to "Charley." said the affectionate wife kiteben: Jill—Yes. and the last Is the hardest drive him off. He had beeu "didn’t yon tell me those blue cbipa cost faithful. He QAWF TIME and nothing bat play to do your work, every- give up.—Yonkers Statesman. t What 1* Really Good. a dollar apiece?” '«» reliable. Such e dog aa that would MONEY BT muo thing is so convenient.” Aktf the Lord give me such an In- "Yes." akea good candidate for aberiCf of An- Rooks, 1 have received a number of “re- CIui lien’s Record into what is that I already "Well, here’s a whole box full of all iroecoggtn and a belter L sight really good county aberift .Subscription Advertiser’* Rcc**: membrances” of “Flossie”. Will the colors conn- : Record, may not rest contented with making that I bought fit the bargain han a candidate; for he would do—rather akilvertlslng fta.otd, Job Prli>iwr*a lut'orm others who would like to • ffer a few' line* trr for 'tfVfnir "-Htrlrtn Life. e Record- _ a mere addendum to ftrr rgifs ’ban protest by Otresp*i»kde«< Christianity my barking. ano lnd» ted for qu <*fe cr a send them Ruled, printed or with it ns a fitting quotation please This is on bo* of the Such were the men for whom and reference Descriptive circular ami ,Kt pursuits tacking fringe signature every genuine ftfop* the Cough and Work* off lh« told President soon that be al the same list on Publi bed to Eliot. they may printed **!«*• | Lincoln In the dark hours of tbe application. my garments.—George Laxative Broirio Laxative Bros o Quinine Tablets cure a cold prayed time. Aunt Madge. Quinine j K. A, W. K. CHILD, the that cures :% cold in one In one Ko no Price 25 cents Civil war—men wbo barked 0 remedy day day. Cure, Pay. J leas and 14 Dover hired, I'<* TlxIbW. Tlian. near at hand, the Kiri’KJHI ro OAKIHift. Sttbrrtiarmtnta. heard , biBf shadow*. seeming nue of them, she 1 On© Week’s Winnowing* of News, J aw n .m, Fa pla?t appeared to he a human form, Novelty ami Nonsense. ,1 ihe next moment the dark form slowly ITS FUNCTION IN THE MECHAN- ftu Etory *-.ln« watched tbi. shadow. 1C6 ) ears. Former a. 2 t»it the Indian* In Day least noise it drew near. COLOR EFFECTS OF THE MICROSCOPIC the Finally Patents have been granted to Maine trembling, excited was F ; girl enabled to PARTICLES THAT IMPROGNATE Inventors recently as follows; T. J. Bas- ,sf^r that It "as u white man. THE towa rd the Without ATMOSPHERE. ket, Dexler, cooking crane; Draper Co., pud wa» slowly sinking disturbing the In- Tbe sleeping loom. when one day. dosfdte an ai.uis, the daring intruder Portland, tilling replenishing s.rrn borfmon reached the captive s side. warning from the 'derail guide, The dull light from the Most people if they were asked to state Col. James F. Maloney, for sixteen -„iu,,ua embers Hashed and Edna Fenton/rode In upon tile bared blade of a the color of the sun would say that it years a deputy sheriff in Penobscot county, iron Blake knife. ja, The next moment tbe s bonds was orange, and would as confident- of the train. Ride by side they girl they and a man widely known in military .(Stance Were severed. ly assert that the color of the atmosphere oeer the rolling prairie, Ut- In afftlrs throughout the State, died at his talFped away ber ear the stranger breathed the was blue. Recent researches and inves- fast or how f ir home In Bangor Friday, after an illness of heeding bow they very softest of whispers, enjoining the tigations, however, point to the conclu- £ two week? from He was In tbe greatest caution. '1 hen he lifted her to sion that the real color of the sun is blue, paralysis. w*» *n excellent borarwoman, cer feet. She would have fled from the while that of the atmosphere surrounding fifty-fifth year of his age. *Eina •pot. but ho jjjj the rich color upon her cheeks told detained her. the earth is orange. Commonly the The new Barbour steamer “Verona” the of • Cautiously they crept away and, with- earth’s atmosphere appears so transpar- was lew well she enjoyed pleasure successfully launched Saturday out disturbiug an Indian, reached ent and re- across the open prelrfe. At a the translucent that it is hard to from tbe Barbour in Brewer. Tbe Me dash shadows that yard bet hones lay just beyond the gradu- alize the fact that it has as much effect Siilicage from companion tj.e ally “Verona” la 124 feet long on top, 28 feet utmost »nd diminishing circle of light. In an- on the light and heat coming from the to their speed, away wide across her and were put other moment were sun guards eight feet neck and neck. they hastening away as if it were a roof of thick glass. Her arw, through the She is 149 tons gross and 101 tons far had cottonwoods. But the atmosphere is very far from be- deep. 5Vy knew not how they gone Suddenly the sound of voices near at ing as colorless as it seem* to and the net. She will be used as an excursion they drew rein and. wb le their be, when band arrested their fleeing The best of its true tint Is steamer. regained their wind, looked back footsteps. way discovering kerscs unknown rescuer sank to not to to had come. quickly the gaze immediately overhead, but Sabastian S. ercr the course they Ex-Gov. Marble died Sat- ground, drawing the girl down with him. look away toward the horizon. By so An exclamation burst from Blake’s lips, urday night, at the home of his They were near the edge of the timber, the will be seen, as it daughter train was not in sight, but away doing atmosphere fer the and a ahort distance In Waldoboro. He was eighty-five years a doxen dark away they could see were, In bulk, f»ik overhead there is only the distance came horse- old. la a dark form outlined tbe a small accumulation of it He was president of the State Sen ate and eren as the young man looker! against sky. compared men. The man wns and with the miles of In 1887, and upon the death of Gov. Bod- shout came speaking, evidently many thickness through hack an exultant faintly to others were litting on the ground near at which the vision travels when the eye well, Dec. 15 of that year, became acting ears. Almost through his clinched hl> hand listening. looks the hissed: toward horizon. governor, in which position be served teeth Blake u- ... .1 %r:_—_ im* gin m our nanus, me ; Ul' HllUUnpUCTl* BUITUUUUIUK HIP ruriu until the election of Gov. In -lirtcMu-’. .... ----• rest will Burleigh be easy. We will drop on the j then may be likened to a Bcrcen of an mud fly for our lire*!” 1889. train and wipe it out. Then I will turn orange color, and it will be readily under- Edna uttered » little fry of alarm, and. up and pretend to rescue the girl from the stood that light through this Lsvi 15. Fatten, one or Bangor's oldest their horses, they dashed away any pansing wheeling reds. She will never me died Mr. Patten in suspect and will screen will experience some remarkable residents, Thursday. to escape the red demons pursuit. naturally look upon me as n hero. Of modifications. Now. as already stated, was born in Hermon, April 5, 1817. He Already were their horses breathing course she will fall iu love with me, hav- it appears that was elected to tbe Senate on the from their race a short time highly probably supposing green- heavily rapid no other friend ing and protector. Thus liny one could see the sun from a position back and democratic and fusion ticket before, and now they were fleeing before In I shall win the only woman I ever loved outside the earth’s the light red Bedouins of the plains, every one atmosphere 1879 and 1880. lu 1886, under Cleveland’s the —and I loved her at first sight—without coming from this central luminary would of whom was mounted upon a fleet horse. administration, be was appointed to tbe letting her become aware of the disagree- be seen to be not white, but blue. This Far away, directly In the path of the of collector of internal able fact that I am Black the out- blue is of course not n monochromat- position deputy the sun, s Jack, pure fug;: ves. It seemed, hung huge revenue which he law. Eh. boys?”* ic blue, and the expression really means in Bangor, held for two tmmd ball of lire suspended but ■ short “Good plan, cap. and under your man- that it sums up the dominant note in the years. Two children, Solon L. Patten, distance above the horizon. agement it can’t fail to work," observed color scheme. What, therefore, the at- of Hartford, Ct., and a daughter, Miss -Oh. sir. do you think we can escape an unseen speaker. be considered to do is to terrible creatures?- anxiously in- mosphere may Luella Patten, of Bangor, survive him, those Then, while the outlaws were out or absorb all the colors at the the frightened maiden. talking stop together with his wife. quired and planning, the rescued girl and her blue end of the spectrum, the residue fil- Before replying Jackson Blake took one Prof. Levi Leonard D. dean rescuer crept away. tering through to the earth as white light. Paine, D., Jong look back over his shoulder. of the of the Edna bad recognized the voice of the When the rays of light first left the sun, faculty Bangor theological "I think we can." he answered. “We first and was stricken were but and known in speaker nearly the bine rays the strongest, seminary, widely theologi- — hire a fair start, and the suu Is low. If The Ellsworth American only COUNTY paper. helpless by amazement and horror. Jack- ▼ery soon after they entered the earth’s cal circles throughout the country as the our horses hold out till It becomes dsrk, son Blake had not been killed. He was atmosphere their progress was impeded, author of recent works, died Saturday. we may succeed in eluding them.” alive and unharmed, and not only that, and of all the rays journeying from the “Heaven grant we may!” was the Prof. Paine was born in Holbrook, Mass ELLSWORTH MARKETS. aijbfrlicnnmts. but he was an outlaw—a false, black sun they quickly became the weakest. that Edna softly repeated. Oct. 10, 1832, and was educated at Yale prsver hearted traitor. While apparently at- On the other hand, the red rays, which at Wednesday, May 14. 1902. across the plain raced pursued college, in tbe class of ’56. He Away t*» from the Indians he were graduating tempting escape first inconspicuous, had the facility ■AINK LAW BKGARD1NO WK10HT8 AND MKASCRRS and pursuers, and slowly the sun sank. afterward took a course in tbe Yale had carried her into their very midst. of penetrating the earth’s atmosphere A bushel of Liverpool salt shall weigh 60 Every minute seemed nn hour to the fa- Nearly half a mile away, iu the midst and were the most in evidence at the end theological seminary, graduating in tbe poup'is, and a bushel of Turks Island salt shall and terrified maiden. weigh 70 pounds. tigued of some thick cottonwoods, a horse was of their long journey. class of ’61. He was at once ordained and Olancing hack occasionally. Jackson The standard weight of a hushei of potatoes, hitched. His feet were muffled, so that The first step, accordingly, to be taken in from Oct. 9 In good order and (It for shipping, Is P0 poutds; could see that the savages were preached Farmington, Ct., Blake even at of 44 if driven full gallop they would j when investigating a sunset is to realize of that until 1870. He was apples, pounds. but surely gaining. year president Tne standard weight of a bushel of oeans in slowly give out little sound. that the white light from the sun which Finally the sun reached the horizon and of the Maine missionary society from 1888 good order and tit for shipping, is 62 pouuds. The escaped captive and her rescuer is commonly supposed to be composed of Of wheat, beets, ruta and 60 sank from view. until 1894. baga turnips peas, MECHANICS FAIR grsduaily had reached the place where the animal the seven primary colors should rather be pounds; of corn, 56 pounds; of onions. 52 “We shall elude them. Miss Fenton." pounds; of carrots, EngMsn and BOSTON. was bitched when a drawn came of a residue of the Jacob 8. of the Arm of turnips, rye long yell thought as original Capt. Winslow, Indian 50 of 45 were the encouraging words that the dark meal, pounds; parsnips, pounds; the from the Indian radiations. A further is J. S. Winslow & owners of the ana “In the dark- through night camp. important point Co., largest of barley buckwheat, 48 pouuds; of oats, 22 to Nov. 1902 muatached man uttered. as Sept. 1, Immediately a wild chorus of similar to bear in mind that all radiatious of Aeet of sailing vessels on tbe Atlantic 82 pounds, or even measure by agreement. ness we can circle and strike hack for the The prices below are the retail First Fair Held in Four Years. cries followed the first. are of different wave lengths. This quoted prices light coast, died suddenly of bright’s disease, at Ellsworth. Fanners can easily reckon from traia." The man as he unhitched fact at its so laughed deftly indeed is very foundation, at Portland was these what they are likely to receive in trade CHARGE FOR SPACE. a gloom gathered over Friday. Capt. Winslow fNO | Slowly dusky the horse. to speak, of all sunsets, and it is the or cash for their products. the Looking upward. Jackson born at Pembroke in 1827, and at tbe age plains. “Hear them howl,** he muttered. ”1 prime agency by which their flaming, Country Produce. ADMISSION, 25c. Blake laughed with satisfaction. of fourteen went to sea as a common Butter. reckon they have just missed something." gorgeous tifits and colors are produced. “There will be no moon the first sailor. After more than of ! Creamery per ft.80 It was near sunrise when a double bur- It is due to this fact* for instance, that in twenty years Special Attractions. Clean, Educational. the he observed, "and Dairy.22 s 25 part of night,” dened horse entered the of towns the sun marine life he retired and engaged in Application* for *p.icaanetite: may direct res- wave served in tbe State in 1876 77. Browutop, bard and full oc- claimed as his gaze rested on Edna's lengths. legislature Red ft i5 Canada, bu 2 00 M breath; belly with breathed a clover, and y|| Softly the maiden prayer m iui- uo u PI casional about ■ cuer. “No—'tain’t—yes, ’tis Nebraska iiuw, iuc loiur um>, grfpings pains direct them Vegetables. the navel; eves heavy and dull; that the kind Father might be on the clouds, or on the y JJ|| Nat. I swar!" were, painted MG V1GILENCE There has been a In on B of the nose; and. trusting all to her companion, rwc BAN drop prices green itching short, dry |H aright, The next moment the old guide and hazy air, or on the open sky itself. As stuff IM cough; grinding of the teeth; start- B she followed him through the darkuesa. Potatoes, 30 bunch 20 ing during slow and the handsome young and scout regards the latter, the color that Is most pk Asparagus, B sleep; fever; [Hll horses plainsman Sweet ft 05 Toms toes, ft 15 B often convulsions. Slowly the panting, foam flecked is of course the nnd in The Way the Subtreaaury la New potatoes, Ij^children, || dusped hands. conspicuous blue, 05 ft walktd onward, guided by their riders. York la Guarded. Onions. Turnips, 0l>i “Hyar, folks," cried the guide as soon seeking for the origin of this tint it will Bermuda onions, <8 Beets, ft Ols The poor animals were nearly exhausted, to ex- 10 New bunch lb I TRUE’S I as he could make himself heard. “Let be found that the search leads an It was a sharp faced guard in the sub- Lettuce, heels, hat It do to them a breath Radii-hes, 05 Cabbage. (4 I PIN WORM i wouldn’t give to Nebraska the of many of the other colors. in Wall street who got his eye me Interjuce ye Nat, planation treasury Cucumbers, iO Carrots, ft 0I>% iag spell even now. First they must be on a cloudless dingdest whitest boy this side of ther On looking up into the sky on the visitor and watched him closely to spinach, pk 20 Parsnips, ft 05 ELIXIR 1 sure that were out of danger. 25 ! they Mississippi!" sunny day. when the swallows, perhaps, the point of annoyance. The visitor, who Celery, hunch Beans—perqt— B is the best worm remedy made. It has been |m] i. ii M'finru mai ror noun* luvy iiaravu String beans, qt 12 Yellow-eye I0§l2 ml n use since! H5 1,1s vegetable.h&nn- H AHu Drave rescuer, sum t.uu« are Hying so high that they appear but was there on business, had occasion to purely Illy Rhubarb, ft 05 Pea, 10 ||N less and effectual. Where no wormsare pres- W onward. Edna was bewildered; of it ■ acts as a corrects the completely Fenton, a warm blush suffusing her beau- as tiny specks in the dome blue, wait in the corridors of the building, and, ent it Tonic,and condl- 8 She could not where she was Fruit. lion of tlie mucous membrane of tlie stom- tell going. seems almost to think of the not a caller there, he was IJlj] ||j| tiful face. impossible being frequent Strawberries have touched 15 cents this week, y acli and bowels. A posit!ye cure for Constl- H she to feel that their and and a •u* However, began can what followed. as being otherwise than unused to the customs of the B patlon Hllionsness. valuable rem- The render Imagine atmosphere employees. and "two-for a-quu:ter” will be the price within in all the were was Inn edy common complaints of chil- framers eluded and mentally and translucent. It is. s week. From this time till they reached their perfectly clear “Waiting for anybody?” asked the y dreu. I*rice3Ti cts. Ask your druggist for it. B the all wise Being who had 40 Oranges, doz .353.45 Or. J. F. TRI'E A Me. thanking destination the emigrants were constantly however, in reality charged with minute guard, walking up to the stranger in a Apples, pk CO., Aiiliurii, M mum'Tries, qt 10§I2 Lemons, doz 25§30 Special treatment for Taj>e Worms. Free pamphlet. Ml allowed them to escape when suddenly, at- which have been wav. pi on their guard. One uight they were dusty particles, always businesslike Strawberries, I5§l6 all around them, a number of dark forms atmos- tacked. but succeeded in repulsing the foe. found in myriads whenever the “Yes. Why?” Groceries. ■seined to up out of the very earth been either over the spring As the Indians retreated they carried phere has tested “Who. please? It is n.y business to ft Rice, per lb .06 §.08 Then out a Codec—per through the night rang yell bodies of sea or at the of high moun- am one of the here.” .16 .45 away their dead warriors. The open top ask. I guards Rio, §.25 Pickles, per gal §.65 Dr. Emmons’ of from the throats of a dozen be .40 Olives, bottle .25§.75 triumph men were found, however. tains. These particles of dust, it will The strang' r his ears and told ; Mocha, has brought happiness to two white pricked .37 gal— Monthly Regulator Sioux, and ere could resist both man Java, Vinegar—per hundreds of anxious women. T here is positive, they Out* was instantly recoguized as Jackson seen, are the agents principally responsi- his business and occupation. ft— Pure cider, .20 and from their Tea—per no other retuef Granulated meal,ft 02S notice: the coarser particles dust only partment or is it pure vigilance?” Yellow, cases whore others have failed. The mostdilli- her ipg OH—per gal— ben- lying upon the ground with both scatter the waves of light, but they also j the Molasses—per gal— cultcases successfully treated by mail,and \ Married.—In this on Nov., 13—, by “No” said the guard, sweeping .35 .65 §.60 hands at band a city j Havana, Linseed, eii< ial results in instance. No tightly bound. Near to Mias Edna them, so that at these lower levels between the latticed office .50 12 guaranteed every the- Rev. -——, Nathaniel Norton reflect broad floor Porto Rico, Kerosene, risk whatsoever. We treat hundreds of ladies campfire was burning, and by its white and .60 Astral oil, 15 feebly Frntoo. the blue tint is diluted by light windows: “it is not exactly a rule, but it Syrup, whom we neversec. Write bo*further particu- hght she saw that she was surrounded by _ as JLumber autl Materials. advice. Ho notputolf | is accordingly not so iutense when is a commou sense precaution.” Building lars and free contldentlal the too All letters truthfully answered. Re- forms of many sleeping Indians. They from the of a high moun- one to in here Lumber—per M— Spruce, 1 25 long. What Geolosry Reveal*. seen, say. top “Do you expect any poke this remedy is absolutely safe under were in a Hemlock, 11313 Hemlock, 125 member, little cottonwood grove upon fact that tain. At this elevation only the finer va- somehow and be fool enough to to rob condition and positively leaves reveals to us the try Hemlock boards, U a IS Clapboards— per M— every possible *be bank of a stream. Geology there is ill effect the health. Sent by mail, j rise and are ex rieties of dust are floating, and this place, with half a dozen armed 12 gift Extra spruce, 24 826 no alter upon classes of animals fall, Spruce, Money letters should be A realizing sense of the full horror of j of the but much No. 17 *} US securely sealed, $2.00. [ low. just as em- little reflection light, guards sitting about?” Spruee floor, 16320 Spruce, 1, l>lt. J. W. EMMONS CO., 170 Tre her alted and then brought | 12 Clear 35g60 registered. position caused a sickening sensation here that the Pine, 316 pine, ... »* dinosaurs were \ scattering, and hence it is The seemed to please the ,r ton. Mass. to pires among men. The question Matched pine, 16320 Extra pine, 35g60 creep over her. aud for a moment she blue attains its greatest intensity. In and unbent. not destined to remain for more than a guard, he Shingles—per M— Laths-per M— came near She was a sun the 2.00 | fainting again. in their exalted that part of the sky nearest the “I’ll tell you how it Is. I have been in Cetlar, extra 2 75 Spruce, certain time position, j ** 2 85 lb .04 capt.vo in tin. hands of the bloodthirsty come in a direct line to the clear, Nalls, per 8-06 sandstone rays of light this just six years now and never " Already in the new red period place 2d clear, 1 So Cement, per cask 1 50 I Kdskins. j and the scattering of morn- have appeared oo the scene eye of the observer, yet have I gone to my post in the extra one, 105 Lime, per cask 95 But where was Jackson usurpers her companion. little the light does not appear so great as ing without saying to myself, ‘Today, No. 1. 126 Brick, per M 73111 in the shape of humble quadrupeds, | •* -•lake? She asked herself the the of the scoots, .75 W lilte lead, pr lb .05 g .Ob question, unable to cope with when one looks across path maybe, something big will happen.* That, and an an- creatures apparently Provisions. then shuddered with horror as and it is due to this circumstance we all feel their rivals of the reptile class, but des- beams, I think, is the way down here, swer arose in her mind. He had been I so Pork, lb. to iu that the sky near the sun is not of in- and there is no reason why we should Beef,lb: tined. as ages rolled on, grow power Steak. .158.35 Steak, !b 16 ttnrUered! As she looked upon the sleep- as of the far- and so to attain the tense a blue portions sky feel otherwise. In all the schemes that .12 30 15 ing forms and strength, proud Roa.'ts, 3 Chop, she half to see Jackson A similar kind of thing hap- an honest man. can Pigs’ feet, .(8 expected they now occupy. ther away. you, presumably sug- Corned, .083-12 Blake's attached to a savage’s gir- position to the clouds, where dust Tongues, 18 Ham, per lb 14 3 18 scalp canuot wondering how the pens in respect gest there is not one that would hold wa- But her One help Tripe, .05 308 Shoulder, .10 although no eight met gaze. had accumulates and. reflecting the ter in the proper looting of this | was accomplished. But they readily place; Veal. n Bacon, .16318' *he still had < victory felt sure that her companion than produces their brilliant whiteness. with a million other people. Steak, .18 Salt 113.12 been n more developed brain reptiles. light, similarly slain. moreover, the Roasts, .10812 Lard, llg.14 them au immense advan- At the edges of the clouds, “But it is the next fellow we need to By the she That would give Lamb: Sausage, 10 tlaring light of the campfire for existence.” atoms of dust are busily engaged in re- watch for. The impossible has happened j ««w tage in the “struggle Lamb, 10320 that beneath the rude rawhide beams of light, and to this can it would seem that brains carried fracting the too often before. It happen again. Tongues, each Co a Thus thongs that held her wrists together is due that brilliant fringe of a not even and so mammals now “hold the cause There is not point, the contin- Fresh Flah. i *uk the day. handkerchief bad been placed, evi- which so often adorns many sudden mob which has a field” against all their enemies.—Cham- brightness gency of violence, Fish are little higher, wholesalers taking dently to keep the bands from cutting of the largest clouds. Not only therefore been overlooked in the guarding of the advantage of “beef trust” prices. ■nd hand* bers’ Journal. Cod, 05 Haddock, 06 chafing her tender flesh. The does the atmospheric dust filter out of treasury here. But what we do fear is she Halibut, 16 Clams, qt 20 “r kerchief, thought, had been taken the blue light that tints the sky, but it the one single that has been over- each 25 lb 15 g||| | rrom Ready to Sell. project Mackerel, Lobsters, l the body of her but such the that color tb 14 Salmon, tb 25 companion, known also fabricates pigments looked, the ‘impossible.* Rluellsh, care for her of a the grocer, was never Fresh alewlvcs, doz 30 | feelings upon the part McPmne. the clouds, effects which ran most readily “Here and there when strangers are *as that be was out of any Fuel. a great surprise. to acknowledge be observed in contemplating the glories asked their business in case show a r*jLInaD to some they Indians were without calling attention cord Coal—per ton— fhe all sleeping soundly, article of the setting sun.—Arthur £1. Bell in disposition to loiter they become angry. Wood—per that he did have. Dry hard, 3 00 3 5 00 Broken, 6 50 little fearing the approach of other article that case are dealt with fluently that be In they promptly Dry soft, 2 0083 00 Stove, 6 50 or the bet was made by Johnson Knowledge._ escape of their captive. Edna j A unless they explain in time, but most men Roundings per load Egg, 6 50 to McPrune a that would A Plea For Parity. 25 6 50 •tniggled break her bonds, but one at- j could ask question see, as did, that this is an extraordi- 10081 Nut, you Blacksmith’s 6 0* was her cause him to omit the usual addendum. we said the first ffnii)t sufficient, for it showed “Whnt want.” patriot, nary place and that when we inquire of 8ncb s as he entered the shop Flour, Grain and Feed. ■a* thing was impossible. Then Said Johnson “is honest elections.” people their business it is not done for e had already gath- the second Flour and feed prices remain unchanged. ’bought that she might arise aDd steal where the conspirators “I should say so.” agreed our own edification.’* bbl— bu 60 but she became aware that a lariat Heeler promised me fifty Flour—per Oats, JJay* patriot. “Why. And the guard excused himself to make 4 50 25 Shorts—bag— 125 aa fastened do think it will be Liberals in ward, aud *5 around her waist and at* €I“Mack. you dollars for my influence my the tour across the open floor space, ev- Corn, bag 160 Mixed feed,bag cned to the at the next election? he never to me 160 1 25 35 wrist of an Indian near by. or Conservatives now he says agreed give ery Inch of which he could see from Corn meal, bag 31 **ie with some iay there, to think of Mack replied more than ten dollars.”—Baltimore Sun. — Middlings, ba.g Bom trying j asperity^ where he was standing. New York 1.40 1.50 means I am out of g of escape, she fancied she “Oh. bother, politics!” Times. Hides and Tallow. of giving ______a tftlnt near Johnson was on the verge sound In the darkness •“•r crnt unfilife to attend to lb— aand. when Mack added: Scratch, ucit, ‘>; Hides—per Lambskins, .250.50 _ She strained her eyes in that di- vent to his delight and down to the border- — cheese u-inet-ft during the day or *leep 'luring the Coughs colds, very Ox, .05* Tallow—peril but I’ve some of the best .06* .02 r»*°D' for a time could see nothing, “But got horrible plague Doan's land of consumption, yield to the soothing, Cow, Rough, he fire teeth into.”—London Ml*hi Itching pile-, Bull, .06 Tried, 04 sank lower, till a dull red glow you ever put your Never falls. At Influences of Dr. Wood’s Pine eo Ointment cures. any drug healing Norway Calf skins, green vn out by the embers was about all the Tit-Bits. Subscribe for Thb Amebic •tore, &u cents —Advt. Syrup.—Advt. .25875 and the The United State* was quick to ex- Xational Bank Sutrmnita. '■ place of J. P. Eldridge; a clerk of longer require* protection € 41 etu ort 21m cru an. served its tend aid to the stricken inhabitants l)c ti courts in place of J. F Knowlton; a tariff on steel, having pur- REPORT OP THE V NTATK or ■■■■■ — President Roosevelt CT-- --—-- treasurer in of O. W. and built up the industry, should of Martinique. SUvCWCK ns.-At a ., ohti. county place pose In *'• JOURNAL a CONDITION B&.pvll. an,l |,„ « A !C POLITICAL In of be out. It has become wor*e on Monday sent to Congress special *',l» •3S£!.tS?Bb*W* Tapley; a county attorney place wiped on IK' ">*» ol Mat la ... l,*u'-ock nTUMBi trn# of the aid. Before , .,*■ nr .haa.:nd ” «i B. E. a of in than useless. The same is message recommending „"VUll4!i IfV OTSJtt WLPM^DAY AFTERNOOS. Tracy; jndge probate * l.HlAi.N larlruBent ! * had \ on to a night Mil #200,000 »l 'ht laal purybrtfA'*?*to * AT or O. P. Cunningham; a regis- tariff Inmber, wood-palp and, appropriating -A* .01 ind^ei f place “• l»l" “I ',l'< ! of the tariff on 'd both Senate and House and First National at ;’■* *e.l.,n in u FT WORTH, MAINE, ter of deeds in of W. B. Camp- great extend, glafs Bank, r.l «»'■! >"ev ai d ■'»«» place at Ellsworth, fa the State of Maine, • (.'onimtinaaniik ,;, NT -W* should fsce to the President for his J *«»••««. and of I hr and a committee. I The friends of protection gone signa- at the clove of basin#**, clone,-** p,„b OO. bell, county in «*'• Cvmm in..alt h of b'rw* i»A5 'M L CO<-*if PUBLISHING ture. *0, IMtt- Jla7,^v The committee is made the issue and revise the tariff along April ti»i,n* F. w. EoLLitm. Editor and Manager. county up duly^ithcnUcatcd. nc«n*i,r?JV'i'.l1U- | RK800BCKH. lha Hk‘«* of prnoaic f„, ..Id O. Sul lines. Failure to do so is 71 as follows: William Emery, progressive «tat* or own. ittt «»r T*il*do. f Loan* and discount*. fSW.Sti ll.i.t'dr. for trie anrper of baiar °* non pri.x—#tAO a year; »l-00 for 15 «0wb*r.i to a revulsion of LDCOlUOiyi l Overdraft*, secured and onwrured I ,*17 #!*•> •«’ rccordrd ill tar rMf for three month*; ‘f A. P. Brooklin, R. L. apt produce feeling probate c*u'lofcfurl io’^' •Us iivan, Kane, FRkSft CHRNEV make* oath ik«t he t* the U. S. Bond* in secure circulation 9O.SOO0O •nod c*nty of Hancock n„ * and 3* cents > 11 !vance, ll -W, 75 of the voters which on S. bond*. t.Uf? SO • pa?-! Grindle. Mt. Desert, Nahum Hinck- ! on the part might *eator » * riser «*f the Irm of ¥ 4. Cheney A Premium* U.!. That oolicr thereof > ir# reckoned at hr ri,.» re*}*-* il rearage* bo*l»eM to the Cttv of Stock*. securities, etc. 173,»f* 42 all rrpn. ntarcatcd ** * ore 10. dun* Toledo, pi thrrrln, hr tne ra*» of M. P. Bucka- result in democratic and liuBiifJi j' ley, Bluehill, P. Gilmore, gains, «oust* a* d 9-ate -*fore*«td, »ml that said irm Banking-house, furniture and fix- a copy Ihto order three .eek. Kate*-A re and will #f Advert.* mg reasonable, »v for ture*. 11,000 Ofl m tlie Kli.worth «P<5£2£!« Elmer of tariff revision the wil« | the sum of One t»omir*»t Dollar* American, a uVI elj m& < too* n oa W. A. Walker, Caetine, experience by he application port, each » *1 every «a*e of Catarrh that cannot be Due from National bank* (not re- printed it Klla.ortb.ia has been sufficient to count. „tl'uP" E. Charles P. democrats quite curvd b» the use of Hall's C«Tta*H eras. serve agents). ***•} cock. |Aior tv the third oar ut Ba»in*;«'bcommuni* AtloD* should benddreneed SpofTord, Stonington, W iu"! .*"• PK VK 4 chunky. Due from approved reserve agents 1«J. tH-t the, may appear oi. rur' vrl^r* made to, Tki Ells- demonstrate how disastrous their lo, and -*11 payable Aurora, Henry Whiting, Swom to before me awl subscribed ta Checks and other cash Item*. »tl M court tht n to be held al ■ Ell* Silsby, my KiiV.orth in —nb!** 8a*CO. COUNTY PCBL18N1NO CO., bank*. 420 00 of worth. R. L. Grindle is chair- would prove to the coun- pre»e* c*\ this Sift day of December, A D. 1886. Notes of other National •aid cou* t> Hancock, at ten Worth. Maine. | legislation nickels forenooa. and .ho. o-c'wmJ £* _ Fractional paper currency, can—. If j a- w gleaaow. ,n,7 theVhJf* and try.” I.TrN and cents...»••• 12140 against t*»e same. 04?*» man, Henry Whiting, secretary, _ Public. j j .Voter* Lawful money reserve In bank, vta.: O P- CUNNINGHAM. WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 1902. theee with W. O. are the j Judge of Proh_t. two, Emery, Mal>*# Catarrh Care U taken Internally and Specie.SM»» A true co >y, Attest:-€■**. p !*>■», There it no hing of consequence 00 executive committee. art* dlrvctly on the Mood nod mono us surfaces legal-tender notes-14,177 5MM90 matter of the of tbs Send for t» free. fund with U. 8 Treas- yet to report in the system stawntelt, Redemption To all persona Interested in either All the officers are F 4. CMKN BY A O. urer cent, of circulation). LVX) 00 of 'kTI?M present connty Yester- CO-, Toledo, (1 per tAtes bt rein After named. A State Convention water power development. Sold hr draiiUt*, 7 e- Republican At a p rotate court held At U candidates for renomination, except Pills are the best. Total. *«*,!» 2T Bncksport, W ILL BE HELD IS Mr. a of I)slth* Family for the county of day Burlen, representative Hancock. on the ***si?f H. E. senator from the LIABILITIES. of a. d. 1902. Hamlin, was in day May. Portland, the Boston Reduction Co., stock in. fSO.OOOOO ri^HB matters City Hull, Capital paid following having ho#D nr. eastern district. Ktantrt). fond. M^OOOO sen ed for the action town, and held a conference with the Surplus X thereupon k#pliT Owing to the early date of the con- Undivided profits, less expense* after indicated, it ia hereby ordered that* June 11, 1902, interested in the deal. No IRL—For genera! housework in n family and taxes paid- ./♦. 6,152 » lice thereof be given to all Wednesday, parties 00 persons interests* there will be some f of two. between SJt and • p. m National bank note# outstanding- 80,000 causing a copy of this order AT 1-30 O’CLOCK P. M-. vention, lively was reached. The rail- C'l Apply by to t»e 07k dednite result to N. P cor. Fine and Franklin Due to trust companies and saving* Ushed three weeks I work the CcTt-an, J*-, successively Id (he Xu* of nominating n candidate for throughout county daring Sta., Ellsworth. banks. 44»« worth American, a newspaper for the purpose road surveying party is still working 5 00 published u to be supiKMied at the September elec the next two weeks in del- Dividends an paid. Ellsworth, iu said county, that ml* governor choosing capable girl for general housework to check 507,228 81 they a»«d »w«-iM*trng any other buttne*a that Caatine-ward. Individual deposits subject pear at a probate court to be held «( Son, line for in family of two. Reference* required. of T9 gnT $ come before U. and things into GIRL.-A Demand certificate* deposit. 157,071 worth, in said count;, on the may pr«*i*r!> egatee, getting Mas. L. F. Watsut, South third da* a# Tbt bn»b of repre*- fetation will be a* follow* BrewerJRe^^_ Certified checks. June, a. d. I90i, at too of the clock in convention Cashier’s checks TM 99 thl EncbcH} t wii ■ -1 plantation wilt tie entitled day. COUNTY GOSSIP. 5TAV E- 9 a w FI L Eft—A n ex pert. Steady outstanding. forenoon, and be heard ibereoa if the* .J 8 for 7 toonedc ; *r»d for each 75 votr* cast It is the duty not only of Ellsworth k^ « mpiojmrnt the year round. Young or cause. for la Total.i. 9098,198 27 Elizabeth late the rep* thorn ia**th»»te governor I90». middle aged married eqan preferred. Address Suminsby, of Eden, ia ttt<* 40 bat also of sll the towns of the deceased. an adtfc d* j»**e; and for a fraction of county It look* as if the quarry men would get Wmtkm CoornaaoB Co., Aberdeen. Wash- STATE OF MAINE. county, A certain Instrument Par. a further additions! — W. to be the last will vole* In ex*-*** o‘ 75 v<*te*. to send to this convention their ington. Cotnrrr or IIautoc* *S: I. Henry porting and lestsmentot In the of rep- their eight-hour day. **id deceased. wuh delfgac* Vacaneb* delegation any Cushman, cashier of the above-named bank, t*.get».er petition for pm- be Ailed — IlOOSS-We will for cash the following bale aud »or city, town or tsiui lation can only hy resentative men not delegates buy do solemnly swear that the above statement thereof, appointment of Kdwxrd vacancies 1 > volume* of Maine Court Re- resident* of the county In which the bus that a 009 Supreme Is true to the best of my knowledge and be- E guminsby administrator with t he will an- in the interest of ibis or Bar Harbor deeded $5 No*. *1, 21, ». *L 31. », 3*, 33, «*. VI, exlat elected solely port*: lief. HENRY W. CUSHM AN,Cashier nexed (said deceased having omitted to la '• fiO and 61 Seed for ll*t of other books sp- The State comn>Mt»« will be In session In the school building on a $39,000 lot poor Subscribed ami sworn to before me this Sth an executor in her said will), that candidate for this or that office, want'd Htrsron's Boox-Sronn, Rockland, ure.enu* reception rrw,m of the hall at 11JB p. m., on the economy. day of May. 1902. foiuty Edward K. duminsby, a »<.q of said de- _ Maine. da. of the ro»«< niloi*. for the purpose of re- hot delegates who hy their presence, EDMOND J. WALSH. ceased. j th. * r.«h! tt 4»s of delegate*. Deb-gat *, ice Public. '-•mu m*s*iu», ia<* oi in ceiving and voice be Heavy froat and ball-inch Sunday (Seat) Notary ismottif, «*I4 In ord. r to be i*tl,c!b»e to participate In the eon influence may depended Correct—Attest: couc-y. deceased. A certain instrument ore from various of pur- ruu-t ><• cted subsequent to the da e nigbt reported parts jfcr 5a!t. U A. porting to be the last will and vnntior., upon to act for the best interests of EMERY, ) testament of cal! »or thU co»-*« niton. the county. A. W. KINO. Director*. **id deceased, together with f .r of _ J petition pro- All elector* of it dne. without regard to past the county. rRIS^PLACEt^JO acre* J. A. PETERS. J*.,' bale thereof, presented by Clarrivaa toe- °tl fefRhr.'lofe-*. who believe In Reputdlcm Willie the eleven ion YirifiTwANTS the executrix therein named. polltb the Emery, -year-old f f on Penobacot river,on dead water flow gins, al and endorse the of the repub The caucus is, of course, place H. Ufhngwell. isie princip poUcr of Dr. William E. Emery, of Surry, killed to boom Plenty work, near Old Town. Good REPORT OP THE Christopher of F.den, ix flcan (-arty, are cor titlljr Invited to unite under for this work, and this market, neardenot, postoffice, etc. For farther said county, deceased. A certain Irmrumext < preliminary this cab n e.- ting d*-l< gates to chi* convention. s large tarantula in J. F. Stso’ea’ store information address ••Place”, Amiuca* Or- CONDITION purporting to be the last will and testament Per ord*-r, » ui*dc*»» State Committee, the voters should faithfully attend. last Thursday evening It la thought ti e rrcit, Bllaeortk. of *a»d deceased, together with petition for Chairman. -OP THE- rebate Y M SiKiwost, tarantala had escaped from a bunch of thereof, presented by Doug a* Lef. The time is but still band raw machine 1 bur* 1 and Lorre B. Btrox Born. Secretary. necessarily short, and bad been pliner. S ugwill Deaay. two of ihe exec, baoatias some time ago, surface 1 and 1 am *11 wood 901. to do effective aDd ONE pUner. large atom therein named. Bangor, Apr# 10, long enough work, secreted in the store umII that I *aw 1 saw night, turning lathe. ripping machine. Calvin P. Hayoe*. late of Trenton, in s*i4 was seen acroas the make this convention the equal in in- when he running bench (all Iron). I awing ww, 7*e ti. P. gaso- county, deceased. Petition that Irving P floor, and was killed by Willie. line engine. All in good working order. Alao Hay new may be appointed administrator of and of ita at in the State of The Thinl District terest importance many hangsr*. abaft*, pulley*, etc. Isaac L. Hooo- Buck#port, Maine, tbe estate of saiu deceased, presented Republican at the off bj Ktm. Ellsworth, Me. ctoae busineas, Irving P. Haynes, a son of said deceased. famous predecessors. Lsmolne seems to abound with natural Convention April an, 1902. .Samuel P. Blaisdelt, late of Franklin, is WILL UK HELD IN curiosities this A few wteka ago RESOURCES. said county, dec eased Petition that Milllaa spring. Co 2.rt. B be “tlone Loans and discount*. #107.MO 01 Campbell may appointed administrator Another Wrong”, Sanford captured three fox^a the estate ot City Mali, Waterville, Tripp baby Overdraft*. *ecnred and unsecured. 717 72 of said deceased, preseuted b» Truman M. a W. O. Fuller, jr., editorof the Rock- bringing them home. It so happened that flmt floor and basement— T. 8. bond* to secure circulation 80.000 00 Btai«del), brother of said dr- STORE—Room*in Masonic block on State street, until U. 8 bond* on hand. W0 00 ceased June laud Courier bag been the family cat bad recently been bereaved Roswell late of Tuesday, 10,1902. Gnzftte, ap- recently occupied by the Hancock County Block*, aecurities, etc. WUfJflO Silsby, Aonra, in sai coun- AT O’CLOCK A. of her kittens so she took deceased. Final account of 11 M. of Rockland. Immediately Publishing Co. inquire of John B. Rkdmas, Other real estate owned. 10.975«> ty, Charles p. pointed postmaster entire of the foxes and ia filed for settlement. for tbe purpose of nominating a candidate for charge young agent, la he same building. j Due from reserve a teats S -0; #1 BHsby. administrator, approved C. late Congr«:*»io la* voted for al tbe State election. “What to Fuller” ia likely playing the part of mother and nurse. Check* ami other caah item*. 2 M3i George Abbott, of Hancock, in tai4 happened deceased. Firm account P, MW are thriving well under her rare. Note* of other national bank*-- 3,0.30 00 county, of A leak L Monday, September to be the title of this They filed for Tbe twsU ot representation will be aa fol- editor-postmas- Fractional paper cnrrency, nickel* Abbott. administrator, settlement. Isaac late of in said lows h»< ii city, town and will be ter’s next book. and cents. 99 84 Mace, Aurora, county, plantation “Wlgglesworth” sU^ntTnuntt. | deceased. First account ot Albert K. entitled to one delegate, and for each *eventy- The KnglUh *'Sorlety for the Prevention of Lawful money reserve in bank, vU.: Mace, candidate for won't be “in it”. executor, filed for srtilemeut. five vote- ca*i for tbe rei««Ucia over t#f the Prince of Hpecie...7 .Will deb and for Consumption**, presided Walter B. Blalsdell. late off is governor In an additional gate, I Wales was addressed t»v Sir William Redemption fund with U- 8. Treas- Franklin, | recently said deceased First account of a fraction «>f forty v«e* in excess of neveoty Broadbent who »u:ed that U ws* deft .lie!y urer (5 per cent, of circulation) 2JMXMX) county, f j 1 BEDSTEADS,y Frank E. filed lor five fo's* an a a Biaisdell, executor, settle- aodlllonal delegate. The bill, with variations, I known that every ease of consumption I* gsn f { Philippine ment. uDt wot mb tee will be In session In ) ... The rift with a germ communicated from some outer * Brass anti Iron ( Total. #201.05? 70 of the hall at 9o'clock on is still the motif in elaboration of Mary F. Davis, mloor of Ellsworth, in said the reception room ca-e. There I-n*i such ihina as Inh iUol cor. LIABILITIES. F»na. account of Busan i>. Hied man. tbe men it-g of the convention for the purpose Toe re be local weakness which * — county. which the democratic senators con- sumption may J Capital slock paid in #50.00000 filed lor settlement. of rocelv‘Mg the credential* of oeiega'.e#. I>e*e to but the has *b«o- guardian, f tends OM«Qmptioa, germ fund... lo.otkMW Beth in .,** er t« be to In Burpln* Tisdale, late of F.ilswoith, in said gates eligible participate tinue to chant their weary dirges, to lately to l*e planted in that weak spot before Undivided profits, less expense* tbe convention, mutt be elected to j county, deceased. First snd final account of subsequent consumption esn en-ue This uofht to cou* FANCY ♦ and taxes paid. 24,771 30 tbe date of the call f**r this convention. the infinite ennui oi the ROCKERS, Kufua Henn Hinkiey, Jr., administrator dt republicans fort thou-and* of people who luive "weak National bank notes outstanding 47.4.V) 00 .1 w. Black, Chairman. WALL PAPERS- Z boms nun with the will aunexed. filed for set- the the che«t»” or "weak 1ung»”. They are rot foreor- J Dividends 242 00 P. O- Vickkkt, and country. Daring past unpaid. tlement. dained victim* of this dread di*HM*. AH that Individual to check 59,37094 w. H. deposits subject John K. Booth, late of Amboy. Illinois,de- Wildes, week Senator Tillman took occasion i» needed to bid abso'ute defiance to ihl* deadly Demand certificates of 7.773 50 O. W. 1 I deposit. ceased. Petition filed by htepnen W. Dan- Taplet, *courr i*W*ree*s Golden public private full of defiance to any ♦ CARP RTS ♦' STATE OP MAINE. deceased, as described in said harangues, Medical IHseovery. It so lie* the blood petition. THE REPUBLICAN pari Covsty or Hancock ns.—I, John N. Joseph Thomas minor, of Blue- senator who should care to and increases the btooi supply, that di»aaae Is Bsraxey, Hinckley, challenge j cashier of the above-named bank, do sol- hill, in said county. Petition filed Nahum thrown off. an.I the weak onrn*>a ar«* nou»l-bed by the of South Carolina to dis- emnly swear that the above statement is true guardian, for license to «e 1 at pri- right into nealth, which rfrfie* of every Hinckley, COUNT* CONVENTION perfect g«-rms to the best of knowledge and belief. vate aate the real estate of aaid minor, asde- kind. uoct E.J.DAVIS. my franchise the negro, etc. The People, given u»* by >rs, emaeUied, t JOHN N. SWAZKY, Cashier. acribed in said repub- at i»oooc>oooocM>>>ooor. O. P. FELLOWS. ty Petition filed by K. Kayu nd. guar- COUNTY HANCOCK, democrats, temi*ranee me*Heine containing no alcohol, Mary (Beal.) Notary Public, j dian, for lice use to sell at sale tbe real the Senate whisky or other Intoxicant. private WILL Bit ItELD AT be it said, left chamber, Correct—Attest: estate of saiu minors as described >u said pe- * UNDERTAKING PASCAL P. tition. evidently mortified at the vulgar ex- GILMORE.) HANCOCK HAUL, IN ELLSWORTH. Xotircs. j O. P. CUNNINGHAM. [Directors. ioviab B. Cooiidge, late of Lamoine. in said travagance of their colleague. On Special EDW SWAZKY. \ | county, deceastd. Petition for allowance out 2 All aces of the recent (lisas- y I of the personal estate, presented by Mary Thursday, May 29, 1902, Thursday Senator Carmack indulged NOTICK. Cooiidge, widow of said deceased. ! trous fire have been removed, 6 Xoticre. o. P. of aaid Court. in his third on the and contracted to care for the poor 9 lr3.1l CUNNINGHAM, Judge 10 A. M speech subject, A true Attest —Ib*«. P. lb»RR. Regular. AT O'CLOCK HAVINGof Orland for a term of three years. I ft and I am now in shape to meet X cop). was guilty of personalities which ! strictly forbid all persons barb .nog or in TTvIlK subscribers Robert Bonner Bowler.of for the purpose of nominating candidate* for demand. in the Hoar to call him to any way trusting any one on my account, X every y X Cincinnati, county of Hamilton, NOTICK. two clerk of of caused Senator snd senator*, court*, judge probate, witbout a written order from me, as I have state of Ohio. Robert Pendleton Bowler, FI1HB Southwest Harbor Water tom pant j, sheriff, coun y attorney, one eounty com ml* order, but for which be provided a proper place for them. of New York, in the state uf New York, and | X notice that in of subsequently V REPAIRING FURNITURE 9, Richard W. hereby give* pursoaocs Elias Bowden. Hale, off Dover, in the county of a vote of satd and of its director* os sloner, register of deed* ami county treasurer. No new haa been and cotnpanv apologized. light Orland. Me.. April 28, 1902. X A SPECIALTY. Norfolk, Commonwealth of Massachu- j A. snd virtoe d the 1888 April », D t&t by powers At the convention of 18*4 and tbe follow | setts, notice that have been 1 thrown on the but it is evident hereby give they conferred upon It its acts of incorporation subject, NOTICE. executor* of last by tng resolution* were adopted duly appointed the wilt and under special acts of the legislature of Maine, that the democrats are determined to test*ment of W. Bowler, late of Kden, Jor Beso’ ted, lure after the In all To official for the State of Maine, May it has entered upon and located and taken That delegatee authority In the county of Hancock and State of Maine. cases -hall be voters In the town which county of Hancock, of X L. W. its corporate tbe following water* they the debate On townships Lnnvine, JORDAN, X no bonds purpose*, prolong interminably. Hancock, Franklin and .Vo 8: deceased, being required by the and estate therein, via.: tsprvaeni. plantation ■ V Holme* Building, Ellsworth.. V terms of said will, and being residents with- in the Bemlvtd, That a nomination to any office to Friday Senator Lodge attempted to three thousand acres in Cuniculo* The water* of Long Pond, so called, oat the State of Maine, have appointed L. B. Htate of which in) may nave been elected can cos Park have been burned to 0 »ooooooooochx>ck>>.*- :*oox>oX town of Tremont. Hancock county. have a set for a vote on the OVER glacial of said F.den. their lu said State not lie claimed a* a matt* of custom and day bill, Deasy. agent Maine, and the same waters snd pond usage, ! deposits, clsy strata or rock bottom. I de- off Maine. All demand* being flint**** aiu»*« the teat. persons having menttoued in said charter, said water tu be persons! itcini but was Senator Dubois. mand exemption from Lave* on this Austin the estate opposed by against of said deceased are de- taken or the of said Rtmoivrd, Thai i*. future calls for County tor one hundred year*. at uear «oot pond by pipe j property sired to present the smte for settlement, snd ot said Convention*. tbe Committee I* requited to The senator from Massachusetts then Mvrv C Fr»ttz Acanw. CREAM or pipe* reach og the wafer* pond, t all Indebted thereto are requested to make for a make the foregoing resolutions a part of ll>e | through or over the lot of land located ! notice that unless there were SWEET^ payment located same. gave xFBflAL NOTICE. immediately. pumping stati >n and a strip of land I have 'A ‘< t. paat-u: /<-d cream Komkrt B. Uoftivk. extend tag soon debate w»s | n poii and taken lor a pip- line, Tbe bads of representation will be a* follows signs that the being T not in Cuniculocus Park. I Honvst PeN»irmu« Bou Li * 40 trespass T. fresh evei from Uu* 4* from the county road uear the dwelling boas* * demand to life and y day. Kirmau VV. IIvlk. Each city, town and ; daotatlon will be entitl'd bt to a he would insist protection property of Rose K L*. to said *tat ion. ought close, from the of the State of a. d. MU retry pumping county Hancock, Cream BANCOR May 10, Raid has caused and !oca- to one delegate; for each forty votes cast for in for and the Coiled Staie* of America. Hdmpden *ry, X company survey* j that the. Senate remain session Maine, j ^ tion taken and a to he catulldate for for h For w hole*a!f and retail trade. sub-criber hereby give* notice ihsi showing property plan the republican governor 1980, Maky C. Fr&tz A cart!*. rpilK made of deed* for hours each The A he ha* teen duly execu- and nled i.i the registry an additional and for a fraction of longer day. speeches uppoitucd the same i* fully delegate; ♦ tor of the last will and testament of Hancock conn-y, Maine; and j P. E. MOHAX(J. at * twenty five votes iu excess of forty votes an ! of Senators Lodge. Beveridge and Mc- NOTICK. X Mary o. Dorr, late of Boston, Suffolk described as follows: Commencing point j in tne road near tne oou»r a>. addition ;d d»* ate. New England Telephone and Tele + W ater Street Ellsworth. Me. ♦ j county, Common wealth of MAviachu- county leg ; Comas, made early in the week, were j r|^HK north M* wrst &W tee* X graph Company respectfully petition* srii*. deceased, no bond* twin* re- Lorvey. tbeuce ruuuiug Tbe following list shows tbe number of l indebted th* reto are re- Lorvey, tueuce uvitb 25 Amherst, Orland, 4 ator from Massachusetts that be will ORIENTAL m WORKS thence wires, in the following named Jtreets aud que ted to make payment •aid ©eth W. Lurvey, tan.7 feel, Auru a, I Otis, of immediately. of **>« secure the passage the hill about of said Water St., Maiu to made from ohl Ukokoe K ninth t* 3o min. ea*V on land 6 Penobscot, I highways city: Bvrtutifei.curly, il.iCTy Run*. Dorr. oa Biuehill, the first of the month. Ftanklin St., Pine St.. Wa'er to High St-, Mai 12. '9(n. Bar Me. ©eth W. Lurvey, **.7 feet, thence Brook I in, 8 it j Wooten, Tapestry, It ua el* «r Velvet carpet*. Harbor. *»***ey .Sedgwick, High St Maple to Mam St Oak St., Main to same course on land of Stephen Brook 3 Sorrento, 1 land vil!e, Church St School St., Main to State St., ] Carpet* cleaned cban. jo feet, tbeuce on said Gilley's by y 3 HiiKKirrf half:. Bucksport, Stoulngton. Birch Ave Oak to State St., Main St M. C. the follow lug course* and distances, C&sib.r, t Nulllvao, 3 On the House the NKDWHHi.tM, UK, II.tltHt!, >1 %*S. State or Maine. Hancock is. 37namely^ Friday passed > K. to Stale St.. Main St from the Hridge to north 12*30 min. west 99 feet, north I J ». Cranberry Isles, Hurry, bill Arizona and Methodist eburch, 3 poles, for the of Send for circular. fPAKEN on execution wherein John Madi 81 feet, north «#*, west 179 2 feet, north 1 Swan’s I admitting Oklahoma, | purpose Dedhnm, Island, relocating and the Hue now j I »<>n Taylor, of the city and county of west 178-3 fe» t to land of said Seth Wf. Lorvey. Deer Is 8 5 reconstructing e, Tremont, New Mexico to statehood. The con standing. Philadelphia, state of is plain- thence ou said Lurvey * land north 37 1 1 tiff. Pennsylvania, Herne* Kastbrook, Trenton, Polices. and George Montague Wheeler, of Wash 973 5 feet, thence on land of Nelson j I stitutional convention of New Mexico I, A. W. Greely, the Mayor of said city of Urcjal on Eden. II Verona, ingtou, District of Columbia, is defendant, heir*, north i&\ west MttJ feet, tbeuce Ells 16 Waltham, 1 i Ellsworth, hereby indorse on the foregoing wet* worth, is to the name oi and will be sold by public auction on Wed- lard of © W. Herrick north 4i* 30 in In, 4 t empowered change petition of the New England T» lephone and norm Frank lu. Winter Harbor, j j NT ATE OP MAINE. nesday, the eight- enth of June. a. d. I. 914 feet, thence on said Herrick's land Company that notice *ball day MB2. * ... on a Telegraph personal at ten In rono- LrOuMsboro, plantationsk«TATi,,N- the territory its becoming state, To the the of the Probate o'clock the forenoon at the office of 12* an min. west 3£W feet to said Long j a [ be given by sat) petitioner to the residents Honorable, Judge Hancock, C. H. Wood, in bar town of a lot of land front- and owners of to be affected Court iu nd for tue couni; of Hancock: Harbor, Eden, For said pumping station laic mu haul, 1 Lina I if it so desires. The constitutional property thereby. co State Island, j represent* Marcia H. Hancock inly, of Maine, all the right lag six rods on the shore of said pond, *®r lunmmse 2 No. 8, A. W. Gbkkly. in to and rod* bac*. convention oi usianumn is requireo Mayor. 1>E8PECTPGI-LYt Tribou, of Brookl>n. Kings county, in equity rredeem. all the right, title extending thirteen and ooe half Murl ai Is, I No. 8t, 1 New England Telephonic A Tkikirapi Co. and interest which the s>id the same an the state of New York, that there remain* iu George Montague the pipe liue parsing through , Mount D' rorf, f No. 21, 1 to a statute the (8d.) Jasper N. K llek, Wheeler and all the he one ro«- adopt empowering the hands of tteb- c* ii. Tribou, of Bucks- has. right In equity to the width of said pipe line snail T> e will be In April 9. 1902. General Manager. redeem and all the title and A laud taken is filed »» count) committee session at federal to attach to tbe j port, Hancock county, Maine, and Frederick right, interest description of said government which the said sat.t llano ok halt on at 9 o’clock C. Tribou, of Pari*, Oxford countv, Maine, George Montague Whet-ler plan iu the said registry. i.wr-day, May 29, City or Ellkworth. had on the first of Maine, Msy a, new state any or all of the Indian Maink, executors o' the will of Silas K. Trinou, late day March, laui, at twelve Dated at Bouthwest Harbor, a. m., to receive Ut> credentials of part In Board ok o’clock and delegates. Alderman, of Buck»^or in said coun y. dtceised, on twenty-five minutes In the after- A. D. 1902. ! at such time as it see 1*09. noon the time when pa n*. Per order of the It public tn County Commit- Territory, may May 6. ? the settle:n .t of their first and only account (beiug the same was at- South west Harbor Waver Cow tached on the writ iu the same tee. R. L. Upon the foregoing petition, it ia ordered made at a rob r* court t»< Id at said bucks original suit), KINDLE, fit. All the territorial delegates ex- in and to the that notice thereof be by a ; port, in at £ said county, on the seventh following described real estate, Byao^phU-PM.^ Chairman. given publishing to wit: press the belief that the bill will he copy of said petition and this order ihr.nm d»y of May, a. 5. Page 511. conveyed to Charles October 12. a. d. 18W. 1n vol. an for 29, at Hancock tariff revision, but those other persons interested, shall have full op- your petitioner to be aa follows: tb&. page 40. of ol the City of Boston. County of Thursday, May republicans the Hancock Maine describe" portunity to show cause why auch perntii Names. Resilience. county registry of deeds; State of Massachusetts, premises Ellsworth. who are so will not the Relationship. thence on said line of said a hall, disposed press should not he granted. Howard in west- in said as follow*: .-a Rebecca H. mortgage in Ordered the Board of Triboa, -luck-port. Me., daugh- erly direction fifty-two feet, more or less, to A certain lot or parcel of land situate This date is about a month earlier matter at this late date. on by Aldermen, May 6, laud Speaking 1903. ter of Charles T. How; thence south seven said Tremout, on the wuet side of Frederick C. son. to than conventions have been this Heatwoie Attest:—L»vi B. Wyman, Clerk. Tribou, Paris, Me., degrees minutes west, seventy-five bor, bour.d* <1 and described as follow*, county subject Representative City Marcia H. N. and one-halfforty-five feet on A true copy of and notice thereon. Tribou, Brooklyn, Y., grand- more or less, to the north at a stake at the bmrt a petition, line of other land Commencing { held in recent years, but June proved said: “It is matter of grave regret Attest:—Levi B. Clerk. daughter. of said How; thence in south side of road to the dwelling Wyuan, City an leading Wherefore your petitioner prays that your easterly direction on said line of said How. John B. Mitcheil on thr line between j to be bo crowded with events of all to me to see the end of the session honor determine who are hi. may entitled to »aid fifty-two feet, more or leas; thence north seven and land occupied by the late Lyman estate and their shares to ••P* :bat the committee was with no taken in 3iucmst”initB. respective therein, degrees forty-flve minutes west, seventy-five son running north 81 degrees west sorts, county approaching step under the said and one w<-* will and according to law, and half feet to the point of beginning, tree spotted; thence south 72 degrees a the direction of tariff order the same to be distributed see with the woo confronted with choice of holding revision. I am mlingly, together rights-of way as described a small spruce tree at the edge of ibe or such in the said »n partial distribution thereof as to the meniion-d deed from George Mon- thence south ‘.8 west to a bolt the onvenlion either or no less of a than degree* •»" very early protectionist to-day coart may seem proper. tague Wheeler to Kboda E. Hoyt. ledge at water mark; thence on NOW Dated this Hecond A high and after due I as a consistent sixth day of May, a. d. 1902. certain lot or parcel of land to- course to tine waters; thence following very late, deliberation, always was, but, pro- ho M a act a H. Tuibou. gether with the buildings thereon, situated in waters to the north line of is the time to the order Bar southerly chose the former alternative. tectionist, I know that tariff schedules place STATE OP MAINE. Harbor, town of Eden, Hancock county, Lawson; tnence on said Lawson soothe->. Maine, bounded and described as follows, to land of David W Benson and Matthew The number of to which revision from time to as for your wedding cards. Haxcock as.—At a probate court held at wit: delegates require time, Beginning on the easterly side of the ton; thence on aaid Beosou line uortaeriy Bucksport, in and for said county of Hancock, Norman road at the northwest corner bound the corner of land the each town is entitled is in the conditions change. The statesman on the sixth of in the of occupied by f u/haoh printed day May, year of land of A. C. thence in a on skid Beu““ onr Barney; south- Lyman N. Be men; tbeuce WRITE for Lvrd oue thousand nine hundred and two. coni»>» call that may be found at the head of who would recommend the passage of Samples easterly direction but always following said west line to the of On the ordered: That land of pt»ce beginning, foregoing petition said Barney to the land of Rhoda K. fourteen acres more or less. this column. There are 121 in all. a tariff bill which had not been care- notice thereof lie to all inter- ing to the only engraver east of given persons Hovl; thence in a southerly and easterly di- AND WHRKBAS said mortgage M ested, a of said and CD by causing copy petition rection but always following said land of said was said Ellsworth is this year entitled to six and to the this order thereon to be nabkisbed thereby secured assigned by fully accurately adjusted Boston. three Hoyt to the westerly side of the ClefUtone H. weeks in the Ellsworth Ameri- Welch to me. the undersigned, if^Jfavof teen against fourteen two years ago. industrial needs of the country, would successively road; thence in a southwesterly direction but Roberta, dated the 8th can, a newspaper published at Ellsworth, in by assignment h®»* always following said Cleftstone road to the A. D 1902, and recorded in the The work of the convention will be be at. no one can said that at a Pro- April. P laughed Now, deny County, they may appear Highbrook road; thence In a of Deeds for said Hancock County, bate Court to be held at in and for northwesterly try ABNER W. Ellsworth, direction but always following said II, A. in Vol. 372. 540. to nominate candidates for two sena- that those needs and LOWELL, said on the third of June A. D. High- D, 1902, Page oi —id change, logically County, day brook road to the Norman road; thence in a AND WMEBBAH the condition 1903, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and show direction ^. tors in piece of H. E. Hamlin and A. the tariff schedules must be read- northeasterly but always following mortgage has been and is now broken. t>f Stationer and cause, if any why the prayer oi the said Norman breacu Engraver, they have, road, to the place of begin- THEREFORE. reason of the ( R. a sheriff in of H, F. to meet the new the petitioner should not be granted. Jonh oy Buck; place justed conditions. ning. Suminsby. Deputy Sheriff. the condition thereof, I claim a f°r*c1'-® 0. P. CUNNINGHAM, Judge of Probate Dated at Eden this tenth 8®** a eommisaioner in For day of May, ad. said mortgage. Joseph A. Whitcomb; county instance, the steel industry no 515 Street, Portland. A true copy, Attest:-Chas. P. Doits, Register. 19°*- Congress Dated this 12th day of May, A. D.

J II? \V I Ml SIK TJtM* MAINE MASONS. COM K HOMK. POM I ICA!> NOTES. asbfrtljwment*. Kaflroaft. anil Attambo.i l. Annual rv.p»'* »«}•• Trrworgjr Meeting of the Grand Gov. mil’s fnvflHtloti to Sons and CONVENTIONS. B„ -l,„d Lodges to I ell. Hancock Coctntt republican In I'ortlnnd. Daughters of Maine. conven- »« «•** Fhe tion -Ai Wlwrlh, Thureiav, M.iv i9 Rockland i t**l l^»l»t-nj annual meetings of the various Governor Hill has issued the following Catarrh "W llii,:" T I DISTRICT* Rtpublican—At Wat-rvllle, June unlay grand dgee of Maine masonic orders letter the sons and of „> inviting daughters 10 The cause exists in the March MM/2 were blood, ia tuiiiiliuill'lfig 20, "bO lies 111 Kite worth JlP b«M In Portland last week. Officers Od Maine to come to the State during ■State Republican -At Portland. June 11. BAR HARBOR TO BANUO»> l»r I >•« n.uider ol K-rab Wvre * kciejf as follows: Home what causes intis mmation of the .odiotmvnt Week celebration from Aug. 2 to 9, State I’kohibirtoN— v» Hath, June 11. a. it I*, a ,r. M. Jd.r while v de a remark GRAND LODGE. BAR If ARBOR. 10 3< if Sft! .... w,r0 once in siting Inclusive: State 1)km**ckatic-At Han or, June 17. mucous membrane. burrento...... 4 win oh Is now re. ailed w h meat Omnd rnn-tor, Allred 8. Nor- W'|..,••• Klmh.ll, nr Su*! .... city Statr Maims. Fx ruuv 1 It is therefore Impossible to cure m. »2fi. way. Department, May 5, t902. J The Americans North Penobscot cor Mt Desert Kerry 11 90 4 WjI 9 ]« the disease local Waukeag, 8. ... i 11 28 4 671 9 17 met the cbspla n of the state | i’pputy ir.Md m«»ter, William J. Burn- “Where eVr I rosin, whntcver lands I see. respondent writes: ‘Tie political sky is by applications. Fy t0^tfsrorgy HauctH-k ... 11 5 (M I 9 *20 on the tret My heart, unbidden, turns to thee.” «lson.K.s C A. Plumef, ham, Lewiston. fondly 0- t rn as ye. though a cloud is likely to, It is positively dangerous to neg- Franklin Road 11 3T ft 07 9 30 Tb«? 1.1 k drifted Senior Maine has made Invlsb contributions of Its VVaHh'Ktoti.fc...i 11 40 tft 18 9 SO himself. grand warden, Edwin A. bu st t time.,, What does he mean? ! v Porter, any .. in^./^ucpd sons and daughters to and lect it, because it affects K IT WORTH 11 66 ft it I 90S populate develop * always to the Ware case, Pittsfield. 1- it a ventured forecast of ! Ellsworth Falls .. tl2 0 ft 31! 10 08 other merely political sections of the country. More than 2* 0,Q00 the stomach and Nloollu .!t12 4 ft 10 17 l. tr due'ng the s«l je. t him- Junion grand warden, James C. west her, or hss he heard the distant I deranges the Tr,worgy Ayer, of Its native-born citizenh now reside In other Green Lake. flu IS 5 54 flO 27 at so ,.e of the Corn lab. -. l( lie talked length states and territories of the Union, where they muttering-* of approaching storm? general health, and Is likely to Lake House. *12 31 46 02 Grand Holden tl« *■ 8 10 t10 42 the which accusation treasurer, M. P. Portland. are successfully well the town cr),ns sud Injustice King, performing and parts A meeting of the republican committees into Brewer 'uuc.j 12 54 0 *■ 11 02 he lied talked Grand develop consumption. done him. When secretary, Stephen Berry, Port- of good citizenship and reflecting honor upon of Deer Isle, Stonlngton, Sedgwick And Isle au B«n»w, Ex. 8t. 1 Of « 37 11 10 L'd M.G. 110 « 4< 11 1ft the chaplain aaked a land. their parent State. The setting apart of a week Haut wis held In Judge S no Ford's office at BANGOR, about out, Many bar* been radically and permanently IP. M. A a. A. M. hinineil Old Home Week the Deer lain Frldav. G vv. Heilman, of Stoning- Asbur B. of was styled accords with genera? ft .V 4 Oft uoestion. Hutchins, Orland, re- to*, George L. Beck, of Deer Isle, Haskell J. H. cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It clean*** the Portland.. sentiment of our and the universal 9 06 28 said think diairtct people **f l»le an and W blood and a tonio Boston. 7 ■•Mr fieworgy, he, yon may appointed deputy for the twenty- Turner, oaut, Henry Sargent, ha* peculiar alterative and desire that these absent sons and daughters of Sedgwick, were eleced a district conimlitee Is but since you first district, end Prank A. of Deer effect. R. Long, California Junction. Iowa, Impertinent, Grots, come back ItwaAHgrcd that Siontngton should furnish BANGOR TO BAR HARBOR. this question to visit their old homes and the write*: “I bad catarrh three loat on a dlscuaalon of the late, for the fourth district. tbe uart> *s next candidate for to year** my bmaght ease, scenes of their childhood. repre'-entatlve IP. M. A. hare the In >D04, and Deer Isle and eould not head me Have Curtis R. of legislature, Sedgwlc^ appetite sleep. My pained Boston. 7 00$. ft Oft answer tbia question: Poster, Ellsworth, was This the week from 2 to 9 Inclusive In IDG. As far as we are able to learn Ston- will you year Aug. and ! felt bad ail over. I took Hood's P. M. told all that yon know about the appointed one of the grand stewards. has been designated as Old Home Week in Ington has but one aspirant to the honor, Portlanu 11 00. It 49 yoa Sumner P. Ml*ls, and it now look* as if Mr. Sarsaparilla and now have a good appetite, Prank E Bleeper, of Babattua, was re- Maine, and In behalf of the State I extend a A. M A. M Ware casef Mills will receive the nomination without •loop well, an-1 have no symptom* of catarrh.’1 BANGOR. 69 10 0» 4 80 d cordial Invitation to “Mr. Plurner, replied Treworgy, I appoint* grand lecturer. every son and daughter of opposition^— Deer Inle Meanerger. Bangor, EX. St. 6 06 10 06 4 84 Maine that I do know a James E. of as well as their families and friends to The of the town of Eden Brewer Junction. 6 12 10 12 8 00 will tell you frankly good Parsons, Ellsworth, was prohibitionists visit Maine at that time, assuring them of a met In caucus Friday for the purpose of Hood’s Holden. 34 10 34 f5 20 more thin I have told. 1 have a alory reappointed warden of the conncil of Sarsaparilla Lake House. II It 4. 16 27 deal heartfelt And sincere e candidate for ffl welcome and the gcuergus nominating representa- Greer. Lake. « 40* 10 60 ft 35 and I will tell it when 1 take the High Prleetbood. tive and a to tbe State w tell, hospitality of her people. electing delegate Promises to cure and keeps the Nlcolln tO ftftj 10 69* 1ft 4ft oath In court. I never have GRAND CHAPTER. convention. Tbe name of J. A. Stevens FI Is worth .land under JOHII F. HILL, Falls... 7 18 11 18 5 68 and I uever will till I tell Grand was presented ss a candidate for the legis- It is better not to off ELLSWORTH. 7 18 1) 18 6 08 tild Ibis stoiy high priest, Howard D. Bmith, Governor of Maine. promise. put and there no other candi- Jc. 7 50 11 27 tft IS In c urt lature, being Wash’gton U Norway. treatment—buv Hood’s today. Franklin Road. SO 11 87 ft 23 s remark may mean a great deal, tor dates he was unanimously elected. Seth f7 ••Tb Hancock 49 11 47 ft 80 in an oil m->me't and uoder Deputy grand high priest, William N. was elected delegate to tbe State f7 It was o,sde Kggemoggln Local Union. Hopkins Waukeag, 8. Fy. 7 6 11 62 0 84 where It was nevWr to Howe, Portland. convention. Clarence Hale circumstances likely The of to Succeed Judge Webb. Mt.Desert Ferry. ... 8 no 11 6b 8 40 ol quarterly meeting Eggemoggin be thought Grand king, Walter 8. Qtidden, Bath. President Roosevelt sent to Sullivan..... 8 20.. again."_ local union will be held Wednesday after- yesterday Sorrento... 8 f0.. Grand Charles W. China. The Bosto ■ Herald is exhibit- the serthe, Jonee, noon and evening, May 21. The following Sunday Senate the nomination of Clarence BAR HARBOR. 9 30$ 12 46 7 27 K. D. Route Kxtended. Grand i' K lo it- s c u v ihnuh -ome remarkably r. treasurer, Leander W. Pobes, is announced: Hale, of Portland, to United States programme fine “half-tone” printing. The repro- Whe»* the Trenton rural free delivery Portland. district for the district of 18top on signal or notlceto Conductor. Afternoon. duction of some of the photos would judge Maine, last tbe West urnna These trains connect at route was established July, secretary, siepnen worry, rort- seem to actually improve anon the photo- to succeed Nathan Webb, resigned. Bangor, with through Praise service, Mrs Fred Mitchell, South Pe- trains on Main Line to and from Soft- ml office was and for graphs themselves.—The New Portland, Trenton p retained, land. nobscot Journalist, Mr. Hale is a brother of Senator ton and St. John. tbe R. F. D. route did not GRAND OOMMANDKRY. York. that reason go | Scripture reading and prayer, Eugene Allen, Eugene Hale. He is well known In Ells Tickets for All Points South and Woat off Grand Frederick on sale at to the toll bridge, but turned about commander, W. North Sedgwick worth. He was born in Turner in 1818. the M. C. R. R. titket offldt j Plalsted, Augusta. Ellsworth. three-?’ urth* of a mile this aide. Address of welcome, Mrs Percy Perkins, South MARINE 1,1ST. He was graduated from Bowdoin in 1869. L>eputy grand commander, Frederick are to tickets West Trenton Penobscot Passengers requested procure Later on the postaffice C. Tnayef, WatervIMe. He studied law in the office of Hale & before entering the train, and especially Klla* tbe IIv- Grand Response. Mrs C E Byard, Sargentvllle worth to Falls and Falls to Ellsworth. %$i ditcon tinned; 11 is left people | generalissimo, Eron D. Eastman, Ellsworth Fort. Emery, E'lsworth, for about two years, Pu Hand. between the post office and the bridge Singing SAILED and then removed to Portland, where he GEO. F. EVANS, tog Grand Vice-Pres, and Gen’l ot «i boxes si the turn-off captain general, George C. Pur- Roll call of societies, each to report by its secre ban since lived, and where he has built Manager. ftbeclio'cr acting Thursday, May 8 up F L. BOOTHBY. Gen’l Pass, and Ticket star route ringtort, Farmington. a lucre' Ive Ag*t. or of being served by tbe tary Sch Game Ells- practice. Grand senior Frank W. Cock, Pratt, Boston, lumber, In 1880 he married ct filer. warden, Kaiser, Slnitlng worth Lumber Co Margaret, daughter Rockland. of alternative involved considerable ; Business of the convention he lute FrRnkliu J. Rollins, of Port- EASTERN Either Grand ARRIVED and «(furls were at once junior warden, James H. Howes, land. They have two children. ioconviolence, j Be'fast. Question—How May I Know I am Saved? Rev Sch Charles Cooper, Boston forth tu have the K K. D route ex- ! Mr. Hate has a host of friends in Ells- pot Grand Rev. Samuel E S Drew, A 11 Sargent and others SAILED tended : »lb© bridge. These efforts have ; prelate, Worcester, worth who congratulate him upon his Portland. Paper-Our Faith and Our Miss Dr Friday, May 9 e'ectlon to the bench. been and ti e po-t master a< Pledge, aoccesafnl, Grand Sch Wilson and Bar Har- ba* been directed to put tbe treasurer, Leander W. Fobes, Cushman, Castine Willard, Bowden, Biiaaortii Pori land. bor, lumber, Whitcomb, Haynes A Co Steamship Company. into t fl’Ct May 15. Singing To Cure a Cold in One change Grand Port- ARRIVED Day. recorder, Stephen Berry, — Paper Missions, Miss Harriet Stanley, Take Laxative Rromo Tablets, 'll Ml. Desert Division. land. 8ch Lavolta, Whittaker, Boston Quinine _ Brook tin druggists refund the money If It falls lo cure. Letter to L. floore, SAILED K. VV. Grove’s Is on each is>x. 25c. Henry Basket supper signature It I very lew l/oral Union. Saturday, 10 ElUnrinth. Evening. May SUMMER SCHEDULE. Riverview local union of Christian En- Sch Glendy Burke, Stanwood, Bangor Dear Mr Nu tnan la more interested In the j Praise service, John Staples, Brooklln BORN. deavor will meet at South Thurs- ARRIVED Six a Week to fcoston. took ami wear of tbe paint on the houses you Hancock, Sermon, Rev U R Lockwood, Castlnc Trips Sch Henrietta A Boston CARPENTER—At il to Mr baUd than not even the owner; not even day, May 22. The following programme Whitney, Woodward, Goutd-dioro, Ap 13, you; Singing Sch Wm Kadie. Closeon, Bar Harbor and Mrs Everett II Carpenter, a son. tbe Is announced: Offering Sch Maud Boston palmer. S, COU8IN8 —At B’uehbl, May 10, to Mr and Mrs he- And painter* sometime* are suspected of j Forenoon at 10 30. Consecration service, Rev E S Drew, Sedgwick Monday, May 12 Eugene M Cousins, a eon. 1*1 more concerned for the look than the wear j Prayer meeting.Herbert Shale Prayer.Arthur H Sargent Sch Rienzl, Anderson, Stonington COLSON—At Bunker’s Harbor (Gou’deboro), to Mr and Mrs William a ron. Wbatl* your opinion? Which pa ye best, for a i Afternoon at 1^0. Benediction SAILED May 3, Colson, Mi and painter to have hi* point lad three year*, or as Praise service...K Eugene Moon Wednesday, May 14 DOLLIVKR—At Tremont, April 30. lo Mrs Stillman 8 Dolliver, a eon. a* he can? Me can have It lad If he Saw Schooner Disappear. [Morile tons »!x. llu-ln* »!* and reports Sch Lavolta, Whittaker, Roi.dout, naves, A UgUMUS.l A Co ©nan to Genera! Field of Christian Endeavor Capt. Thorndike, of the schooner “Ella Whitcomb, Haynes Topic-The Sch MURC'il—At Franklin, May 4, to Mr and Mrs Devoe Lead and Rienzl, Anderson, Stonlngton, wood, Lead and oil la*t« three; 1 What Will the Ideal Society do for Its Own Frances”, at City Island yesterday Pierce Harvey Murch, a daughter. steamer ilac last fix- Of course, conditions affect the Church .Rev David Kerr on her way to New York from Hound ARRIVED SUMNER-At Amherst, May 7, to Mr and Mrs Commencing Tuesday, May 6, 1902, B a “Mount Desert", Capt. F. L. Winterbutham, time of both. What Will the Meal do for Causes Irving Sumner, daughter. Society Pond, reports that he saw a schooner sud• sen li ai rorier, now ora, coai, r s Doru leave* Bar Humor at I p m, dally, except Sun Mod know that ztnc touchen* the painter* Outside of Us Own Church a west northwest Domestic Porta. day, for Seal Harbor, Northeast Haibor, South- denly disappear during MAItHIh ». west Harbor and to con- lead; tome n«e tt- (а) F..r the World.Miss O'lve Coo lid ge Baltimore—Ar sch Stonlngton, Rockland, gale on May 9, at 11 o’clock in the morn- May 9, Miranda, Clay, nect with steamer for Boston. Devce lead and zinc Is thoroughly ground In For the Country.Mrs Ella llavey Sargeutvllle (б) when about miles south CLARK-BURLINGAME— At Ellsworth, the are and the mixture lug, twenty Ar May 10, bark Essex, Smith, Wilmington, May oil, proportion* right, (e) F«*r the Home. Mrs Susie Bishop Rev l>avld mNh eonora Adelie RETURNING. southeast of Thatcher’s island, in Boston S C 8, by Kerr, I* thorough. fd) For the Individual, Miss Grace O Wood Boston—Sid May 9, sch Ira B Ellms, Stou- Clark, of El ►worth, to William Wilson Bur- side of N 11. No painter need mix; he can’t afford to. bay. log ton and Sew York lingame, Berlin, From Boston at 5 p rn dally, except Sunday. Cld sch Belle Pensa- From Rockland at 5 a m Hand work can’t compete with machine work. DBcuwdon opened by the president Captain Thorndike thinks tlie vessel May 7, O’Nell, Norwood, JORDAN—.IORDAN—At Wa'tham, May 7, by dally, except Mon- cola W It Jordan, esq, Miss A lire M Jordan, of day, via way landing*. He run* go rta* with Devoe lead and zinc. Collection was the schooner “Helen Augusta” Sid May 8, sch Donna T Briggs, Stonlngton Ellsworth, to Howard L Jordan, of Waltham. All In It: at 7. and New York inUyr**»« lie using yours, the owner’*, Krening bound to New York from LANCASTER—LEAR—At 14, E. 8. J. Bar Harbor. Stonington, Ga—Ar sch L Ellsworth, May Morse, Agent, Om rV~uule** l.e want* hi* to Praise service Darien, May 9, Mary Crosby, Rev J P Miss Bertha 11 Lan- paint. paint Me with a cargo of stone. New York by Slmonton, Trim, of to D of Mt Calvin Vice and wear half a* Address, Rev W F Berry, Secretary Maine Civic Ga—Ar bark J S caster, Ellsworth, Harvey 1-ear, Austin, president long. Brunswick, May 8, Emery, Desert. Your* truly, league Author of “Janice Meredith” Shot. Wooster, New York Gen’l Mgr., 368 Atlantic ave., Boston. W K New YOUNG—KIDDER—At Harbt r. May » r. w. ditto* .% Co. Collection Ar May 6. sch Downes, York Prospect Paul Leicester Ford, the novelist, was Charleston—Ar May 7, sch Mary A Hall, II, b. CC Larrabee, et-q, Mrs Emma L Young Lewis both of Gouidsboro. shot and killed at his home in New York, lla-kell, Boston to Kidder, Fkrnandina— Ar May 8, sch Sedgwick, HocHaud, Blnehill & Ellsworth Steemtil Co. ISbbtrttatmmU. by his brother, Malcolm W. New York Thursday, Hagerthy, I>IKI>. writer and athlete, who immedi- Sid May 8, sch Hugh Kelley, Murphy, New Ford, York ately sent a bullet into his own breast, at May 11, sch J Maxwell, Crabtree, New BROOKS-At Ellsworth, May 8. Carlton T, dying instantly. York Infant son of Mr and Mrs Charles M Biooke, Jacksonville—Sid May 8, sch Carrie A Buek- aged 1 year, 9 months, 27 days. The trouble between the brothers dates nam.Torrey, Perth Amboy CONNERS—Drowned at Tank Pond, May 11, New’ York—Sid sch C B Cas- back eleven years, when Malcolm Ford May 9, Wood, Richmond Conners, of Bur Harbor, aged 24 tlne years was disinherited by his father because of Sid May 10. sch- Winnie Laury, Stonlngton, W 8 W Harbor CONNERS—At Hancock, May 9, Mrs Louisa Distinguished bis for athletics. It Huddell, BLUEHILL LINE. penchant 8i 5 24 Ar May 9. sch Myronus, Stonlngton Conners, aged years, months, days. Among the best known of Paul Ford’s Ar May 8, sch M K Eldrldge, Stonlngton DODGE—At Bluehlll, May 5, Mrs Nancy L Four Trips l»er Week. : 1002. novels were “Janice Meredith” and Ar May 7, sch T H Lawrence, Stonlngton Dodge, aged 67 years, 7 months, 29days. Commencing Saturday, April 12, steamer will Ar May 12, schs Helena, Brunswick; Mary GREENLAW—At Boston, May 3, Miss Margaret leave r dockland upon arrival of Bo-tou steamer “The Honorable Peter Sterling”. E M Bax- Augusta. Perth Amboy lor Portland; U Greenlaw, of Deer Isle, aged 74 years, 5 every \V» due day and Saturday, for Dark Har- ter, Stonlngton months, II days. bor, Northwest Harbor, Little Deer Isle, 8ar Arrivals Sid schs Lizzie Lane and Kit Carson, Deer May 11, Isle. Brooklln, South In Postal Service. HaRKIMAN—At Orland, May ">, Ambrose II gentvllk, Sedgwick, Changes Bangor •tluehlll, Bluehill, Surry, and will leave Surry Harrlman, 42 years. Among changes in the postal service M achias—81d May 8, sch M C Moseley, New aged every Monday and Thursday at 7 o’clock York LELAND— At Salisbury Cove, May 9, Joshua a hi, for dockland via above connect- We refer to the arrival of our Smart Suits. announced are the following in landings, Spring recently Philadelphia—Ar May 8, schs J M Har W Lcland, aged 59 years, 8 days. ing with steamer for Boston. Hancock county: low, Lunt, Kocklan Withered, Salem LORD—At East Surry. May 13, Meltiah Lord, RETURNING. sec The Ar Vli alhavcn are landed. We want you to them. May II, sch Franconia, Young, aged 77 years, 7 months, 15 daye. They here—just Franklin ti West Franklin Leave Franklin Sid sch S G Haskell for Beaufort, 8 C Will leave Rockland arrival of steamer May H, STINSON—At Bradford upon — 9, at 8 a. at Savannah ar sch D I) Haskell, Pick- Stonlngton, May from and for daily except Sunday 33 m., arriving May 9, 41 14 Boston, every Tuesday Friday Tnnrr are about ering, New York Stinson, nged years,7 months, days. Dark Harbor, LUtle Deer Isle, Sargentvllle, you your West Franklin by 9 a. in. Leave West Frank- particular Ar Max 8. bark St James, Tapley, New York TRACY—Drowned at Tunic Pond, May 11, Deer Isle, Sedgwick and Brooklln, returning lin dally except Sunday at 4 p. ni arriving at Delaware Breakwater—Sid May 6, sch Truman Tracy, of Franklin, aged 21 years, 4 same day from same landings. clot lies the more you will enjoy looking Franklin by 4 30 p m. Medford, Santiago months, 17 dayB. South Brooksvllle—Will land Wednesdays go- Salem—Ar 7, sch M A Somes ing ami westward. South to Leave South May McCann, YORK—At Orland, May 7, Danforth York, aged eastward, Mondays going Surry Surry: Surry for We-t Tremont—Will Sound Philadelphia 87 years. land Saturdays going at there dally except Sunday at 12.30 p. in arriving at Vineyard Haven —Ar May 11, sch Harry W ca-iward, and Thursdays going westward. Surry by 2.30 p m. Leave Surry daily except Haynes, Boston for New York Sid schs M A for Poston; J V Note—This will with above receipt of mail from Ellsworth, May 8, Pope attoertisrmenta. company comply Sunday upon Wellington and K 'I Baxter. New York schedule, except In ev* m of unavoidable causes but not later than 9.45 a. in., arriving at South WilmINGTon, N C—8ld May 5, sch Jennie A of delay to its steamers. Surry In two hours. Stubns. Dorr, Port au Prince tWlll not leave Rockland before 5 a m on New London Ar May li, sch Maud Snare, any passage. of the Lowell, Bruuswlck Dally schedule will be in effect June 1 to Masterpieces K Mackerel, Oysters, Clams, Scallops, 7—Bark John Nash, and monuments. 1’eople contem- I 1 1 school at 11.45. No London, May Swan, Lobsters and Finnan Uaddies. + are ices, 10 30. Suuday evening New March 26 for has which is a sure they right. from York A.lgoa Bay, of 9 guarantee service. Into Bahia leaking plating purchase cemetery pul S Campbell A True Bldg., Kaai Knd Bridge, * UNITARIAN. work would do well to call now. E ? ELLSWORTH, ME. Rev. A. H. Coar% Sfcfccrttannente. pastor. Stones purchased now will be set 9 *IO, $20. Sunday, May 18—Morning service at as as weather will 10 30. Sermon by Rev. W. H. Ruby, early permit. B of Dorchester, Mass. Sunday school at WHEELS. 11 45. are the most essential of a W. Co., Thursday afternoon at 3 30 o’clock, FOSTER MARBLE CO. I part wagon: p. Parker Clothing teachers’ meeting at home of Mrs tires the most important of the wheel. “Jesus and the ELLS WO RT F, MAI N E. Wiggin. Subjects: Money the tires and wheels wr “Jesus and the Roman Coin.” Keep right ■ MAINE. changers.” ELLSWORTH, BAPTIST. last twice as long. I have made r- Rev. David Kerr, pastor. ial preparation to repair wher Friday evening at 7.30, prayer-meeting. well as other parts. Tires O “The beautiful is as useful as the se1’*^ AND PLUMBING. All welcome. useful; 0 machine are warranted rt HOT WATER HEATING 18 -Morning service at ▼ more so." &,vf Sunday, May perhaps J 10.3*). Sermon by the oastor. Sunday pay. You car. save mor j m. Junior 0. E. at 6 m '• Latest improvements in both systems, school at 12 p. bringing youi work f7‘ Evening service at 7. Subject: “Prac- Those who had our pansies last 4> Prices as £ year Second-hand carri'» n '-i.ouc.a- first-class workmanship. tical Consecration.” O will want them again; those wiio did 0 1 Trenton—Service Sunday at 2.30 p. ra.; at very low pric 7™ .,,7, “23 work. X should see curs before a mail *1..." r»n. low as is consistent with good Mr. Kerr. not, purchas- oy 4 ing. They are ready now. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. i £ s. x Those who give their orders for x Rev. J. P. Simonton, pastor. early Notice. STOVES. O Memorial Day get what they want. o -iinper FURNACES, Sunday, 18—Morning service at ‘CLARION" RANGES, May ♦ Don’t delay and be disappointed. ♦ undcrwlgncd hereby irlvw notice tbct.he 10 30. Sunday school at 11.45. Junior as contrnrtct with tbc d»v of ** !'*•«■ -rth, 3 m. league at 6.15 support of the poor. ■! <-n- td j; and tin ware. Ammunition league, p. Epworth /Erie Pearl, agate and ware. Crockery Concert at 7. jar, and has made ample mm UWm r- ’i». |p granite We forbid* °t all to Prayer meeting Friday evening, at 7.30. ELLSWORTH S rnpport. therefore all y.ersnn* frmn kinds. Special attention given repairing. GREENHOUSE to op H* «o- C'a«s meet lug Tuesday evening. f rnrnlahiig -upplb:^ any |uci<>>e» ♦ TELEI*HONK 34-2. •ount a« wttbou thl» written order. h» will p\f Suuday at 2.30 p. m Bayside—Service in.; lor 1.0 goods 00 furnished. Lauui 3. Joku. Me. Mr. Simonton. * * Main Street. J. P. F.LDR1DGE. Ellsworth, ...... • lit i* *K*000*O0O404C*O0O#0' Sbbnrti»nnrnt». = «am not end the select- 1 ahkiMS hm* tvktcribert mi J0» exceeding $3,800. COUNTY NEWS. CGI rXTY NEWS. men be Infracted to erect on U or on the •» iMHUmI Own, *''** •** "**'* if <>I. (> t« Pancork county; *D» mMit onat Ctount* Jfnrt M* o#kr» pn<*» reer of the pre^nt Intermediate school til m, nor in th* county com 1 pc pert property on School street, • eer grammar !*•*•»■ f«t«- ttnee at not reach to many. Tmi A»*B- chool and fur Ub the same at a H. H left Portland. School » in anion with M(«» Bertha building, Pre**ey Monday fay > in beat I (/ no- tht »um not excee m*j iocludi g only paper printed ('line teacher. $15,000, Capt Elmar R Haskell left Monday for t never claimed 1< j Hanne n»»H, and hat log, ventilation, pu•.«, Tpec llc4t»on», R I. I Miss Grace Kelley went to Bangor Fri- j Bristol, v »u 'he only paper that con prop superintendence and furniture. day, to learn millinery. Opt A B Power* left towh Monday e olivd o Oocimr paper; all the and of Amherst, are *Tn“‘-- for Sooth Boston ee*< -it, tei|i o« o/ papert. The cirtula George wife, at E Wooeter** for the sum- Atvtn JelHson and wife, of Ellsworth Mr and Mr* E Allen Green left Mon- Iv» »; Inc Ax v bicak, barring the Bar employed W. Felts, were in town Sunday. for York. Bu'oor 'tecord't rummer tirt. it lartjer mer. day New went to North- than ’hot of alt the other paper* printed Mrs. Sa«ie BGbop went to Frankfort Arvitl Jordan and wife Mr* Annie Da bo la arrived borne from Harbor i« 'fn «rfK*t 'OUiUy. Saturday, to join her husband, who h*§ east Friday, morning Sunday. Boston Wednesday. been In town employment at 'it Waldo. Wellington Haaiem baa Mr* Leona Dickson, of New York, la business on Mi*# Clara Foes, who ha* made her the peat week attending to vlaiting her parent*. Voi'nitnewsT hie farm. borne at C. Y Wooater’* for several years, and Mr* dMmoMi ionWf A'**« ettw |Mfa Judge E. P. 8pofiord arrived i* in Massachusetts visiting relative# Frank Dan bam end wife, of Amheret, home from Portland Saturday. to were the guest* of Stephen Jordan and |nm Mrs. E. W Wooster, who went Kan- Rev M 8 Hartwell, with bla daughter Wiitie sod Charlie Hagerthy. wHe Sunday. Phillips sas some weeks ago for the benefit of her Irene, left town Monday for Rhode laUnd Who are employed at Northeast Harbor, i« not as it wa# hoped Arno Jordan and wife, of Bar Harbor, health, improving Joseph Howard left Monday for New were bere over Sunday. she might. visited Mr. Jordan’* mother, Mra. Mary York to join the yacht commanded by Tbe across tbe mill stream at tbe con- Jordan, recently. bridge 8. E. Gould aid C. L. Smith, who Capt Hiram Howard. Tillage baa be-n rebuilt. Tbe old bridge tracted to build the new road leading from Mra. Raymond Haaiera was culled to Capt t«eorge Herbert Spofford left Mon- was found to be unsafe. E. W. Wooster's to a point near 1. L. Eaatbrook Sunday by the lliueea of bar day for New Bedford, to join hit vessel, Schooner •‘Motto”, Harvey Sbap- Crabtree s, have commenced work. mother, Mra. L*xsie Qrlndel. Capt. the “Toeima”. wharf with leigb. ba» loaded at Herrick’s Howard Hodgkin* and wife went to There were services in the church Sun- to aall. Schooner “Kitty Lawrie”, of North- stave* for H »c*land, and is ready SomeeviUe Saturday for a visit w>tb Mr*. day, by Bee. Mr. Whitcomb, after which port, came Into the harbor Sunday with O'ando has bad a cancer drawn brother, A. L Young, who it a Sabbath school waa organised. Staples Hodgkins’ lumber for the new residence of Howard this To all the school there 3 from bis lower tip spring. teaching grammar Howard Jordan, one of our prominent Holden. successful •pp-arsoces it bus been a opera- Mis# Bertha V. Neal, of Mt l>e*ert Fer- young men, and Mtss Alloe Jordan, of May 12._ 8. Made tion. ry, who has been employed at G P. Ellsworth Falla, were married by W. B. by The remain* of Misa C. Green- | Alexander McOraw is visiting bis Haven’s the past winter, has been called Jordan, esq.. May 7. Their many friends Margaret law, who died in Dorchester, Man., last Procter (Q. Gamble parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. D. McOraw. He bom# to care for her grandmother, Mra. offer congratulations. The Co. I week, arrived here for interment fees been working at Danforth making Catherine Jellison, wno has had a para- May 12. H. Tuesday _ in Mt. Adams Mia* Greenlaw Manufacturers of 1 H*t-blc*» during tbe past winter. lytic shock. cemetery. South PmoWol. was a native of l>eer Isle. Her age was Mias Nellie who is a i« a list of officers of Leonard IBEHBKHBMBBSHBMIMHnMHBHHHHHBMHSISs Alley, taking Following S I Brainard Condon waa in Bangor laat about seventy five years. Mua Greenlaw Ivory Soap. 1 who were yyffj course in stenography and typewriting at Wooster lodire. 1. O G T pub- Friday. bad given the greater part of her life to Bangor, visited her borne In Sorry Sat- licly installed last Tuesday evening by J Mia* Lida Perkin* is teaching In the the instruction of the deaf and dumb in urday, re1 timing to Bangor Monday. P. Walker. D u. C. T. Carl W« oater, C. I)anbar district. the American school at Mass. Carrie secre- Hartford, and went to T.; May Ball, V T.; Colby, E. D. Smith John Gray For abe was connected Martha assistant School commenced in thi* district on forty-aeven year* Brook*vtiie *a«t week to work in a steam i tary; Walker, secretary; with the institution, for twenty-nine of ness and of the esteem in wblcb be I* held ; L. treasurer; Sarah F. Monday, taught by Mrs. Percy Perkins. luioie mill for the season. Mr. Smith is 8. Jordan, Young, COUNTY which she was matron. bis He ben been NEWS. 8 F. L M ; Mrs. Jane and Mrs. Elia by employer*. employed •"he Additional the eng*near and has filled tbat position i ; Colby, chaplain; Ivory Fbss, Thompson Ckmnip AVw* «f*r. Thornes A of ■■ D. Arthur es went to by Packard, Brockton, ___—' for several seasons. Marion Parks, M.; Smith, Stap Bangor last Saturday Htnehill Maw as driver of tbeir delivery wagon, guard; Millie Walker, sentinel; W. C. morning for a few daya. The Lewiston Journal Saturday printed Cap* Roiitr. 8 J T but on April 10 waa promoted to floor Winfield te NEWS FROM AN OLD FRIEND. Crabtree, P C T ; Susie Biebop, ; Schooner Frank Per- a portrait of tbe late Wolf Fries, with Clriy employed at Jem* “Mopeng.** Capt The firm carries on an exten- After the installation, a sociable wa< manager. Condon’a saw mill at Buck’* Berry fri*-’>d* will be pleased to bear pie kin*. b" light a load of freight laat week this tribote: “Few professional musicians Harbor. 65 The will sive business, tbelr store occupying an from their former townsman, George W. held, which netted |5 money from Boston for local dealers. of tbe concert stage bate made them- Manford la at work for L. P. entire block. He also received from bis Gray Saw- be used to hall decoratious. Hutchings, now of Whittier, Cal., who ; procure selves more universally beloved In mu- yer, wbo la adding a piazza to his Rev. and Mrs. E. K Drew came borne two one in cash and house, | owned and the farm 12. W. sical circles of Maine than did Mr. Fries employers presents, formerly occupied May There ere blossoms at from Camden laat week, where they have a bicycla. apple Kslrvlct aitbbis waa dow owned by Jerome Young. Mr. I amoinr violoncello. He loved for on a wild been spending a few days with his May 12. 8t*b. tree which blooms always very went to California about 18F8, tbe sweet character that waa to _ Hutching* Capt. Charles Hodgkins is in New York brot her. parent early io May. j Brook It to. first living in Downey, and then in Wbit- on business. bis highly finished playing, from tbe ; Mrs. Clara L. Bowden came home from The new Metbodlat pastor. Rev. Mx. tier. In a personal letter to a Burry friend eastern to tbe western confines of Miss Nellie Allen spent Sunday at borne. M is* Basie W hitaker is at home, after an Massachusetts last week, where she has Plokham, who supplies the Creek pulpit, fie writes: Maine. There is hardly a town or vil- circle met with Mr*. Harold absence of several weeks. been the month. Her R. Library also at Booth Brooksviile Sun- past son, Ellery in preached I am always glad to hear from Surry and old lage this State that cannot relate some Grindle last week. Alton ha*» gone to Beal Harbor to Bowden, of has been day. tbe news Tripp Winterport, spend- reminiscence of his soulful friend*. ami your letters are about all delightful £. K returned to bis work in be employed for tbe reason. ing a few days with her since her return. Lurvey Ferdinand wife and I get front tliete. violoncello.” Vesxie, infaotson, 7. CliklX. Bar Harbor last week. You wan **>e to write about our town, bosi Mrs. W K. Salisbury and son visited May of Bioehtll, made a visit to C. H. Bisks Mrs. Alfred who has been so we** anu family. My business la farming, Mrs. in Brewer last Sullivan. Joyce, long aod wife, Mrs. Yeszie’s parents. Salisbury’s parents I. E. Stanley waa in Boston on business Tkty ns4lf. I have nineteen and one half acres. week. ill, is slowly recovering. left for D. A. Simpson, who has been ill, is last week. Friday Winterport. I Walnuts and oranges are my principal crops. The Farther Mrs. Blair, of tbe junior C. E about sgsio. Lights society met in the Percy Clifford la building a «ummet My ranch !» wed located, with plenty of wauw. president Miss Flore Hinckley returned from Bar ente tained a of and chapel Saturday night. Subject: “India.** for A. F. of New and tn one of the best of school districts. I society, party juniors Mrs. Otis HInman and Miss Dunbar Harbor last week. cottage Gilbert, Bedford, on of V. B rent ranch bouse to the of the the junior cornmitt*e at the parsonage a at Bar Harbor Mrs. Martha Gray, who has been work- land bought Black. o;y principal spent day recently. Max has to Beach Hinckley gone York The school. He » as had it for two years. It is a Wednesday afternoon and evening in j ing in Camden for the past six months, is dwelling la one story, 25x28 feet, with T. B. Mitchell and wife, after visiting to visit his brother Harold. very good cottage house. honor of h r birthday anniversary. The at home. roof sloping to cover a large piazza. Cost friends in town, have gone to Hal- We live in Whittier. It Is much higher tea-table was and a Mr. and Mrs. Tapper have made about Wales Howard and Allred artistically decorated, lowed. The chnrcb aid circle will a corn fl/iOO. and to ground than where my ranch is, appears was another brief visit to their cottage here. Blake are build It. delicious supper served. Tbe evening and milk sociable next Wednesday belplug to be bet er for tnv wife’s health- We have a good Rev. A. H. Coar, of Edswortb, has been night was spent in games and music. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. L- W. Peters and Miss in May 12. B. We have J Colon hall. fcoroe here, a hoove with eight rooms. at 3udivan recently calling on his many Blair’s efforts for the improvement and Lottie Morton arrived in town Saturday Hull’s three »ot- In a good location. friends. Master Harry Bridges entertained a Cost*. entertainment of tbe chiidrea of tbe parish from Boston. Whittier if fifteen jears old this summer, dat- number of his friends last Wed- Mrs. Julia Le land ia very ill with ery- A. T. Wilson baa a contract for young from the flr*t bouse built. The elec lion are appreciated. A smalt sum of money j laying a ing city The senior cisss bad candy sale at the nesday, his birthday. sipelas in her face and neck. was her tbe as a concrete at and will go there In wa» held lari Monday, and there were 475 vote* presented by junior* Bingbam, It waa Baptist cbspel Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs. are here a tew O. L Flye went to Portland last week to Horace Tabor get- cast, bo >ou can guess pretty near the number token of their love. daya. well patronized. their the sutnmer. Toere has been no hut a attend the grand of return- ting cottage ready for Of inhabitants. boom, j May 12. H. i Mrs. A. 8. Cummings ban gone to New- lodge Masons, Is lots of Mi-s Eliza Parker came borne from stead> growth here. There building for few ing Saturday. Mias Lizzie Stanley spent Saturday aod Wi ton, Mass., a weeks' visit with her bere at prevent We have a good class of peo- liarn B. Cousins, of East Lamoine, j Auburn Saturday for a short visit to her brother, D. 8. Emery. The Seacoast Packing Co.'s boat “H. K. Sunday with her father, Wallace -tanley. ple, and we all think Whittier is tbe place- So made a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. i mother and brothers. j Hamlin” will be taken to Rockland Ibis A new stone is built across saloon tor Wiiiitier. I don’t think 1 have ever 8. P. Com ins. He left last for t Mr. and Mrs. 8. V. Bennis have re- bridge being Monday I)r. and Mrs. of were Emery, Surry, week for repairs and a few necessary the creek. Kd of Bar is seen a man drunk here. New where he has on j turned to their borne after spending the Norris, Harbor, York, employment received into Mountain lodge seen a few times tbe coldest l^bckab changes. doing the work. I have frost but tbe yacht “La Clare*’. winter at Dorchester, Mass. ! Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Liuuiken Winter morning*, ami tbe summers are cool. May 8UB. Christine, a young daughter of William Airs. J. T. Bowen and two daughters, News has been received here from were also to see this I j 12.__ present. We expect great improvements year. Tibbetts, fell and broke one of the bones Miss McWilliams, are at N. of tbe death of Mrs. accompanied by The San Lake and Los Angeles railroad and an Vineland, J., West Franklin. William Peters has sold bis Capt. place of her right arm last week. Dr. Herrick Mrs. Bowen's aummer home, Baymeath. j electric road to Los Angeles are to be and Hannah B of Lamoine commenced at the mid built, King, formerly Sawing again in Iteadfield, and with bis wife will re- reduced the fracture. will be Mrs. moved to Vineland several Charlie Lawson and wife have moved electric light* put up. King j Thursday night. main for tbe present with their daughter, Darius Herrick and wrfe home the store. Mr. The Friends are to build tbe largest church In years aga with her Mrs. James returned Into rooms over Brewer’s daughter, are to a Mrs. E. F People commencing plant little Hinckley. f last from oo W hi tiler, and their lot la only a block front our Jubn-ton. She has been a kind Wednesday Bearsmont, where Lawson will be employed as gardiner alwsys between showers. May 12. M. borne. and loving mother and wife, and all who they have spent the winter with Mrs. Her- the Van l>oren place. j May 12. G. Hervey Murch and wife are rick's John Lane. knew her w ll regrtt to learn of ber death rejoicing Bluelilll rails. brother, May 12. A53VE.J because of the arrival of a new < daughter. S. C. Uriudle is borne from (Jolt's Is- May 12. UWK Fkmmk. Worth renaiMcot. Sue leaves three sons and one daughter. .'turth ouhal III*' She was in her Frank Bradbury has taken a of the land. Hiram Leach and wife and Otis Leach eighty-fourth year. part South sum. Angie Cousins bee moved borne. 12. X. atone to get for the M. C. R. R. at arriv« d here from Min last May bridge Mias Gertrude Kane has gone to of re- Brockton, _ George Clark, Sorry, la the new roaH t'beries Parker in having bis bouse Bangor. week where have the winter. Sorrento. carrier. they spent North I>«"r |«l». paired. a number of our citizens are w Quite at Brooks and Cecil to Mr. Jones and family ill arrive here Miss Lou Thompson is in Castine this Gray expect go to Mrs. Ada Eaerton spent last Sunday I. J Cousins bee sold bis borne "Uov. home from other peaces, driven hither by work at Parker from Brockton, Mass., next week. He week. Point this week. with her husband at Bar Harbor. Kohie” lo of Penobscot. strikes. Ellery Leacb, j Intends to live here and engage in trade. W. of was the Ice half an inch thick n a e at this McFarland, Bangor, Mrs. C H. Grind**, who baa been visit- Urindle has returned from Mr Webster la the Penliey have been down with teaching grammar of Irving Several people the on the night of May 9. guest laudage Wednesday. ing Mr-. A. C. Curtis, has returned 10 Rockland, and will commence work on and Miss of the afflicted at Angie Hinckley, Bluehitl, grip of late Among the pres- Mrs. Lucy Cnatto, of Granite, her home in Brooklin. hla new at Brooks vitlc. Wellington Torrey is having his home primary school. spent cottage ent are Homer Lowell, E. A. and H. W. last week with her Lena for water. cht’dreD. Mrs. Hollis Smith, who Is at Bar Pi 11 more Allen aud Mr*. piped running a number of fruit trees employed daughter, Lowell. Quite are being snd Itufus Ctialto. The Mcicwaik met at the home of Duffy Harbor, spent a few days with his parents, HteIJa Knox, of Northeast iiaroor, ar* society set out this spring. Not many sigh for; Mrs. Mary L. Urindle is building a fine Fre 1 wife and of North G. F. Smith and vts.t relatives and friends here. Mrs. Elmer Hardy last week. the of their C*«ud*g!*, »nn, wife, lately. iij j of will apples youth. etore and residence. A portion it Pci obacut, are spending a few with William Banger, of Boston, baa been May 10. Ch’B’KB. days Mrs. H tland Bjasey, of Ellsworth, Gsdys Douglass has returned from be used for a postoffice. Sidney Varnurn ] their fattier, 8. W. for visiting bis uncle, John Davis. Canrtwge. accompanied by two daughters, visited Penobscot, where she has been caring Is he work. tirent P«n«. doiug E Brook* arrived borne from Mrs. E. H. one Ian week. ber Mrs. Stover Wilson, Miss Minnie of L’ttle Deer Dodge forrey day grandmother, Eaton, Isle, j Peter has Rev Mr Garland, who for three years Motley moved bis fMinify to Bedstone, N il to attend tbe is ill. Dr. is in at enda>.ce Tuesday H. A. Bonsey and wife recently visited the pa*t eleven weeks. has served the Methodist church quite Wasgatt Milo. C. very funeral of bis sister, Mr*. A. J Gray, of Mrs. Bonsey’s parents at Sound. Her May 12. and his enthusiasm and Mrs. Fred Howard andchild,of Beverly, acceptably, by Lewis Mitee and wife, of Aurora, were North Bluehiil, returning to Bedstone father is quite ill, the result of a fall on V% rat IlHtiCurh. won ti e and Mass, are vial, lug b*r brother, Capt. < the courtesy respect friendship guests of F. E. Mace on Friday. the ice aotne Friday. years ago. H C. Millikan Is an addition Id Of the has been Boland JLowe. building people generally, appointed Mrs. Edward of is The friends of D. Clarry, Holden, Harvey Friend, son Mrs. F.E. has sold her bis baru. : the Or la d His estimable wife Mrs Willi* Bcott has to Bo»t« n to Hopkins place to charge. gone ; a few weeks with her of D. Ibis stopping eon, F. E. P. Friend, of piece, will he to of B work has aided him in bis and i visit her who commands tbe j Harvey Candage, East uehtll. Sherman McFarland baa resumed greatly work, by bu-bnid, j Mace. to hear of hi* In bust- pleased promotion Mrs. has been a her lovable character has endeared herself I >acht “Lamonte”. Hopkins always citizen at Bar Harbor, Washburn Lord, wife and daughter of thin place, and her friends to the many regret School is in Carter, of community. Mrs Julia Morey, of Cystine, who ba- Lu?a session, Harvey wii! return to their home in How- xUJfcrrtisrmcnts. that she will leave the community after a Several members have b.eo added to the been tbe of er sister. Mrs. Melville i Hancock, teacher. gue*t laud M few for another home. oiid<*y. mouths, Mr. and have grange rec ntly, and there are more'to Tbompson, bus returned borne Monroe McFarland and family Bert and Guy Patterson are Mrs. Caudsge are popular young people, made a clean Haynes go- follow. It has nearly sweep j Charles who is on moved into tbe Norris bouse. Thompson, employed ing to Jo Mary lake this week. Several of and all hope they will enjoy their new j the for a mile Children's of eligible persons around, tbe steamer made a visit of a of East brook, Penobscot”, J the young men who have come from surroundings. Wellington Curt!*, and is extending. Why? Because no few at bis home last week. days the drive are going to M illiuocket. May 12. recently a gueit at Israel Durgan’s. Other organization was ever so perfectly j Bedford. Frank Harding, taiimaker, of Sargent- I A of four from Fertilizer. Mrs. Mary R. Butler, of New adapted to an agricultural community; party Worcester, Masa., Franklin Road. j was at this to measure for tbe summer. vilie, place Tuesday J was hfcie lo on their to Mas... is at tbe old bone 'because the pe pie generally are about the day way Alligator Mrs. Elizabeth Tracy is in poor health. for a suit of for tbe which ; awnings yacht for a week’s fishing. Frank Cunningham, That’s a name for May 11. right a^e for a live, enthusiasts, pro- good Miss Sadie Muiiau is Capt. F. H. Ann is sails. of Bar teachiog in gressive organization; because the sessions Harbor,accompanied them. Marlboro. West Sullivan. Scott’s Emulsion. Children ana have been, without exception, successful; Miss Alberta Hatch is engaged as nurse May 11. E. A sou was boru to James Walton j Horace Smith is boarding with Mrs. the business ha* been conducted with bosi- for Mrs. Honea Barbour, who is 111 at tbe are like Some wife of last week. ] Trenton. young plants. W. Monday borne of her grandfather, Michael Snow- George Young. H ness tact and promptness, and long, acri- j Edward Jordan was in Beal Cove a few in soil. Albert Tyler, of West Hsrrington, man, on Little Deer Isle. will grow ordinary Mrs. Lucy Sslsbury is with ■aonlotis, fruitless discussions avoidtd; days last week. boarding employed 8. 8. Bunker A Hon. Mrs. L. by the entertainments have been varied, in- On Thursday Arthur Campbell, with bis Others need fertilizers. George Stewart. Albert Jordan has gone to Northeast Mias Calderwood, milliner, represent- steamer took a of 130 Miss Jennie teresting and helpful; because good fel- “Sycamore”, raft Marshall, of Bar ia is at Mr*- Harbor to work. The nature of some children Harbor, ing Mrs. Flye, of 8toningtou, lowship and good feeling have thus far logs from Thompson’s cove to Buck’s visiting her brother, Johu Marshall. Arvill Jordan and of R. F. Gerriab’k. Harbor to be tawed into lumber for J. M. wife, Waltbam, prevailed. them from Martin, on* of our *t were in town last week. prevents thriving Harvey enterprising Tbe evening social H. Ellis. regular Friday May young men, is building a store at Hancocfc and 9._ I on food Such chil- K. of F. bail was attended May 12. E, Clifford Salisbury, of Baugor, was ordinary Point. largely 8<»>>rli lM»*r visiting relatives in town much enjoyed. Bar HariMir- Sunday. dren if treated made a short call on Mrs. Laura Tracy and daughter Flossie Ports- John Greenlaw grow right right. Among the recent arrivals from The of tbe town of Among the visitors in Trenton last visited Eben here Ibis week, special meeting a little fer- Tracy and wife a few days and wi e* week were Mrs. Anna All need is mouth are Roscoe Naeon ^friends Eden, called to see what action tbe town Graves, of Bangor, they last week. Choate, who baa been et Mrs. Lota of Arthur aud James Abel. aoj^ohu stopping would take on the location of tbe new Kief, Boston, Eddie Jordan, extra tilizer—a little richness. The of one B* J’etroe’#, i» in Brooklin fork few days, of Beal Harbor. engagement of our estimable May 12. wmn. scbooJbouse, which it was voted grammar is the young ladies is announced—M. Estelle *" *l bonle tbls week doing May M. 8. Scott’s Emulsion right the eoiireirce at tbe annual meeting in March to build 12.__ to Stillman Marlboro. to work "* Milea, Ward, of Whitman, Heel'*ct' on the western side of the town lot Adelbert Ho very hue, awork- facing hound- treatment. Mass. The weddlug will take Roland Hodgkins and °D‘ plaoe in • Mt. Desert strset, was held Friday. Tbe Jones six June. who have been repairing chose the forml*ter j. Tracy captured young red make ktna, 188 to the site chosen Fertilizers thingsgrow. Bake, bat* The number of8' objection previously foxes last week. May 12. q# steamer “Senator” at Green ’>aring"f8 to attend the was that it was not a suitable place for the That’s what Scott’s Emul- returned. oacli town i« Mrs. E. E. Ingalls, of East Orland, is just Pretty Marsh. entitle^, The rftio of school bouse, as it was on the corner of Mra. Sarah who bss sp«nt call that bo found visiting her sister, Mrs. Adeline Richard- It makes children Arthur Fervear haa moved bla L Hodgkins, may union from I two of the busiest streets in the village, sion does. family to son. Somesville. the winter with her daughter, this column. There aru>ecU! that tbe should be in some re meeting building in in Edward in Asbvilie, has of grow flesh, grow strength, Hodgkins, Ellsworth is this year entilk more qoiet Then it was said it would Capt. George Sargent, the schooner Valorus Gray and sou Nathan, of North Bpot. turned borne. j teen fourteen two Eoo. the as it did “Puritan”, loaded stone this week at Hall rich blood, in mind, Peuobecot, are at work at the view As& against year. practically spoil lot, taking grow grow Bay May 12. for New York. bouee. Nathan __ The work of the convention wk about one-half of it for a which Quarry abot bla first wild goose of purpose That’s what we grow happy. laat week. He killed two. when to nominate candidates for two was not thought of when the lot was Albert Brown has returned from the Abundant health Is assured tb*f® sena-t Sarsapar j| The lot is considered too vaiu- Maine at Portland. He make it for. May 12. g good blood In the veins. Hood’s tors in of H. E. Hamlin and A. bought. general hospital ** place the medicine to make blood. Beft® to be used for such a purpose. It had his throat operated on for enlargement North Sullivan. good R. a sheriff in of H. P. v Send for free need* Buck; j ^'e■ sample. it now. It is what the place voted to cancel contracts, of the and ia well. Just system previous glands, doing & IVarl N. Y. Pension, (8, (baa been iaaued to Mrs. Shari** Whitcomb; a county commissioner in 1 01 SCOTT BOWSE, ChmUt*, 400 Si, time and wtll do you great good ,*Hg| the town purchase a lot for a May 12. B. 50c and $1.00; all druggist*. Eetella M. Murphy, of tbla place. the appetite, steadies tbe nerves.—Advt. — EH ILL BLIT SHIP-BUILDING. “It’s a good thing,” mused Nuxti, as t ha COUNTY NEWS. COUNTY NEWS. —* For ACROSS THE ark whirled around for the two tiu *dredtfi List of Vessels additional County Newt, tee other payet For additional County Newt tee other paget Vcorly « Complete Built there in the Century time, “that this voyage isn’t occurring flv# from 1702 to IStll or six thousands later We have Inclusive. Franklin. Aahvtll*. WALNUTS AND WINE years ol are u Candage, Brookline, Maaa., aenda The Americas already made more than there In o F. thla Interesting A FRANK UN BOY. Fred Hodgkins will be employed with loops bal,t M Blueh1U ,n “>® «®ntar7 1792 18W, Inclusive. Mr. a crochet pattern. ublaol vessels Candage baa Dr. E. 0. Hooper, who wilt deliver the Hanna & Small for tbe summer. I had expected to experience at least In Ibis and vouches care compiling list, for correctness of names and memorial oratloo Mr. a power o’ funeral® great at Franklin this year, Kenneth is a se- a thrill of touie sort when 1 met my Grogan—What be a he of which has Bragdon having quite There may few, says, he found no record: a eon do be havin’ at the church t In se ,lcj. la of Curtla Hooper, of Franklin, rious time with old sweetheart for the first time In they days. 1 blood-poisoning. managing Rent- and a good representative of the self- Bure, it’s sbtarled me thinking Mis® ‘Vume °f nag.. Owner.” Miss Julia Bunker will graduate from many years, but In point of fact I nev- ** dene*. made man. Casey—Thin kin’ av what? Mr. Grogan- Sir the June 1. er felt mors In life E1U, BluehiU Boothby surgical hospital commonplace my That whin come tolme fur funeral >* 111in 71 b'JP*"1?.0 His early education was obtained In the It my ,cr“" Hancock Robert Parker *• I Mrs. Annie Stone, of Franklin, who has than when discovered that after more be the l™! x I'tncorn 127 00 Jonathan Ellis ** public schools of his native town. In *91 would you widdy. •. Ilanoab 102 00 *« been visiting her Mrs. Everett Car- than 22 John Allen be entered Coburn institute, from which sister, twenty years’ separation destiny •• States 128 Rising 42 Andrew Wltham *• penter, returned borne had us side at 2®■*" he graduated In the class of ’94—mean- yesterday. seated side by table ilcflal Xoti'uu. h Minerva 136 20 Jedediah Holt Mrs. Sarah at i< A 110 32 «» while paying his on I. Hodgkins, of Marlboro, d’hote the Hotel National at Lu- 1J2 Wally Betsey Reuben Dodge expenses by working NOTICK OF FORKCLONtIKK. « 140 42 Nathan Kills *• a and who has been spending of the win- cerne. a certain mature !Sf Sally farm, teaching doing newspaper part Except for David W. Henson, lute of .• 128 26 «« ■*}} Lady Washington Jedediah Holt work. ter with her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Tremont, in the ot Hancock 181 worldliness of expression, she had not WHEREAS County brig 42 Andrew Wltham •* and State of Maine, deceased, his mort- Si J*™. While at Coburn he decided Hodgkins, returned home a few days ago. the by 101 40 John Peters •* displayed altered from pretty, piquant girl gage deed dated the twenty eighth day of Her F. F. U.M«.n 2816 Stephen Norton •* literary talent, and it was the general grandson, Hodgkins, accom- 1 remembered, although a widow’s I) cember, A. D. 1888, and recorded in the Reg- SSm of Deeds for said Hancock $“2 Orion 147.93 Jonah Holt »« his friends that he would panied her for a short visit. istry County, opinion among weeds and a debutuute daughter serv- Maine, iu Vol. 227, Page 8*tl, conveyed to Or* SK Packet 79 24 Elisha Allen •« sloop follow a career. His “Stories of May 12. B. ed to remind me of the of time. laudo A*h, of Eden, iu sain County and State, 121 33 John Peters •• literary flight premises described in said mortgage as tol- 98 ** the Maine which in £ Georg* 62 George Stevens Woods”, appeared A sudden consciousness of my port- lows: 111 Rant Orland. 13 Ebe ezer Carlton several Boston wetklies in ’95 showed ly, middle aged llgure embarrassed me A certain lot or parcel of land t-it listed in : k'&ct 118 33 Jonah Holt 44 much Augustine Mason has finished sawing said Tremont. near Hass Harbor, aud bounded promise. But young Hooper had as 1 met the youthful candor of her and described as to wit: S Conquest 99.75 Dudley Sinclair 44 spool bars. follows, Beginning Jji, other and after a at on the side of the town or •• 134 87 Holt 44 ideas, year Colby glance. She looked almost exactly as easterly county JSJ Champion Stephen road leading from Bass Harbor to Ooo-e Cow, •• Hebrew 153 67 44 he the of medi- Augustine Mason was on a business she had S Jeremiah T Holt university began study looked when she tearfully bade so called, at the westerly corner of 1 and form- E in 18017 John 44 to <5 preas Stevens cine at Bowdoin college, graduating in ’99 trip Bangor Saturday. me goodby aud swore to love me for- | erly owned by Charles H. Welch; th- nee east- *• Alert 70 60 the line of land form* of said Otis Little Castine with the of erly along rl> degree M. D. Avery Gray is in Bangor his ever. But the had not been more or ,22; •• Jolla Ann 113 46 Jeremiah T. Holt Bluehill helping promise Welch fifty-nine rods, le-«a, to the line of land of Mrs. C. thence north •• lnvloclnla 117 41 Amos Allen •* During bis medical course be prepared brother iu his blacksmith shop. sufficiently strong to resist the weight Rich; !|S degrees west by said laud now or •• Brilliant 126 61 44 a series of thirty-one “£? Stephen :io!t lectures which he delivered Miss Dora Stubbs, of (was of a millionaire's purse and had snap- formerly of said C. Rich, thirty-three rods, Mentor 17175 William 44 Bucksport, m brtg Sinclair during vacations under the with brittle almost be- more or less, to a spruce tree, spotted on 235 77 44 management the guest of Miss Bertha Dorr over Sun- ped abruptness im J**p*r Varoum Stevens, 2d three sides; thence south fifty-seven and one- 122 56 44 fore I was well out of sight I, how- half west rods to the said town or 1S38 •chooner G«org* George Stevens day. fifty-nine at Conductor 140 91 Norton 44 ever, who bad enshrined her loyally In county road; thence by said road southeast- .gZ Stephen Tbe Bohemian club is or »» 44 making forty-five rods, more less, to be place K Kteber 118 78 Jeremiah T. Holt plans to erly my heart and preferred night day of beginning, containing fifieen acres, more 147 38 Lemuel 44 for a grand time at its dance to be Peters or less, being the same premises conveyed to 44 because perchance the tickle god of .«< •» Edward 115 68 Nathan Ellis given next Friday night. said David W. Benson by Maurice K. Rich, by *• Graudec 141 74 Andrew Wltham 44 slumber might sometimes give her deed dated 5, 1887, and recorded iu the lSri Ezra August 200 61 44 Forsyth, of St. John, visited his H&Dcock of Deeds in Vol. 107 brig Samaritan Stephen Holt back to me again In gracious dreams, County Registry 44 220, 106, and deed of said Ash dated schooner Mary 137.66 Nathan Ellis brother, A. M. Forsyth, several days tbe Page by is27 was obliged to submit to the Irony of December 28, 1888. Oioaol* 120.68 John Stevens 44 week. 191 brtg past bad me so ef- AND WHEREAS said mortgage and debt Kushrod 80 75 Samuel 44 fate, which disguised IS32 sebooner Smith 12. M. thereby secured was assigned by suid Orlando “ 80 47 Israel 44 May that 1 had to remind 101 Chase fectually actually Ash to Lawrence Welch, of said Tiemont, by 2*™ 52 89 A 44 dated 1891. and recorded 102 Fox Andrew Flake her that once we had been friends. assignment April 18, Houdaraa ‘202.88 William 44 Dedham in said Registry of Deeds, in Vol. 264. Page 91, 189 brig Hopkins She bad greeted me as a stranger, and and later Charles H. Wei ot Flower 103 64 John Closson 44 Robert was in town last week. assigned by h, rs9 schooner May McKay the of Boston, of Huff >ik and 109.15 Stevens 44 1 realized directly that 1 bad become City County 139 Magnolia George J. E. Turner and of State of Massachusetts, executor aud trustee 106 86 wife, Brewer, spent a 193 Syrian Joel l>ong completely forgotten episode. under the last will and testament of said 284 17 William 44 at F. W. Lawrence to the 193 bark Sinclair Sunday Fogg’s. 1 mentioned the fact at oysters that Welch, me, undersigned. M, 217 42 Judah Chase A. Roberts, by assignment dated 1H3I brig Thomas Lyons Rev. Ezra of called on her Joseph 44 Andrews, Exeter, once 1 had the honor of friendship, and recorded in said x Granite 167 70 John Cbeever April 21,1902, Kegist ry ot 1J35 Deeds, in Vol 6. 117 29 Jonah 44 friends in town recently. and she sipped her sauterne daintily 376, Page 139 schooner Zodiac Holt AND WHEREAS the condition of said x 110 39 John Cbeever 44 while she deliberated the infor- ,95 Marlon W. E. Leach and wife, of Bucksport, upon mortgage has been and is now broken, NOW •• Cod book 86 66 Israel t 44 THEREFORE, reason of the breach of ,01 visited relatives in town a few mation, but we were well through soup by 130 77 Jedediah days ago. tbe condition I claim a foreclosure of 195 Regulator Darling thereof, 44 before her memory bad mastered my x 122 08 Israel Chase Rev. G. H. of was in said mortgage. 196 Purveyor of Edison Salley, Hancock, Venus 10101 Joel l«, 1845 schooner J. Holt 157 09 Jonah Holt valley. Several of our young people who are days. You lived across the road. No, No. 8, South Division, 33 00 x Lemuel Peters 44 1315 Leu lea 154 37 In 1900 be married Miss Ina Taylor, of working away this summer came home 1 wouldn't have recognized you, al- No. 9, South Division, 11 88 •• 106 65 Israel Chase 44 No. 10, 63 o7 1840 Belle well known in as a last we were once 44 Winslow, Ellsworth Saturday evening to attend the though you insist that No. 16. Middle Division, 46 48 1840 Del Norte 63 24 Jonah Holt 44 No. 21, Middle 46 48 Sarah Jackson 196.56 John Cbeever former teacher in tbe high school. meeting of Greenwood grange. engaged and that I threw over. Division, 1810 bark you No. 22, Middle Division, 6o 61 67 '20 P. Thomas 44 Dr. is a member of tbe 9. of marks of It 1846 sebooner ELzabeth Joseph Hooper Y., May 12. B. Well, you do not bear the No. 28, Middle Division, 121 22 66 26 Joel 44 1840 George Ullmin Long L. O. L. and F. and A. M. He is a fluent You look very prosperous and—as If No. 32, Middle Division, lift 08 44 60 1848 berk Sarah E Snow 196 07 John Closson, jr North l.nmoiti*'. No. 31, Middle Division, 91 44 speaker, and the G. A, K of Franklin is you thoroughly enjoyed your dinner.” No. Middle 151 (3 1847 sebooner John Huow 135 39 John Gordon 34, Division, 44 to be on bis ser- Coleman Hagen, who is at a delicious No. 35, Middle Division, 106 07 1848 E O. Holt in 23 F. A Holt congratulated securing employed We had reached fish, brig 44 No. 39, Middle Division part of, 72 33 184* Delhi 175 08 John Cbeever vices for 30. Hancock Point, spent Sunday with his cooked In wine and accompanied 44 May carp No. Middle Division “Black Tract, Alexander 39, 184* Bride 15715 Fulton Ira and wife. 1 have an excel- I^ot”, 27 60 44 May 10. X. parents, Hagen by Johannisberger. Tannery 1848 " J. 198 51 Joseph Hinckley _ No. 40, Middle Division, 90 92 Hinckley, 44 and 1 am bound to con- 153 35 Jonah Holt Mrs. Harry Hodgkins, of Bar Harbor, lent digestion, No. 41, Middle Division. H6 08 1819 Zavalla Miss Lassie baa returned from 132 56 John t losson 44 Springer is visiting her mother, Mrs. 1. N. Salis- fess that the proximity of my old love Butter Island, 7 70 1849 schooner Quadrates 13 75 123 53 R G. W Boston, where she has been spending the of a Eagle Island, 1349 Clara Norton Dodge bury,who has been ill the week had not Impaired my appreciation Head & Btar 2 75 Cbeever 44 quite past Spruce Island, 1851) 156 51 John winter. the 1 65 brig Equator 44 but is now convalescent. good dinner. The chef at National Beach Island, 1850 Eliza Ann 223.84 M K Chase Hog Island, 4 40 44 Rev. C. E. who comes to the 12. was an artist, and 1 was 1350 Sarah Thorndike 177.27 Jonah Holt Peterson, May Y. accomplished Bradbury’s Island, 8 30 44 1S51 110 82 JohnG Wit ham people here as the pastor of tbe Metho- doing full justice to the carp when Pond near Little Deer Isle, 5 Cosmopolite Western Island, 55 1361 schooner Meridian 131.54 Giles J Wood dist is well received. she made the remark with the saucy 44 church, being Urea Little 69 x king Camp. Spruce Island, 1853 158 46 Joseph Wescott Everglade 44 turn of the head 1 remembered so Marshall’s Island, 13 75 129 93 Ezra & The West Franklin bear hunters have 1852 Zlcavo Dodge The verses on island, 907 44 I following the breaking up the welL Pickering’s F. A Holt came home OR R52 Petite Lizzie 156 06 scored another. They yester- logging camp on 21 were written In 1865, by TIMBER AND ASS ON RESERVED LANDS. was she went 1862 Grand Turk 282 36 Spencer Treworgy a one Miss Annie Oram, who . lor wdio'.« relieved somewhat, at their runs being Kev. Mr. Peterson preached the M.ppr, and a j to set a course s.a, book. mat. Ito*. before l hut Can keep the swelling flood at bay able was a rival to All l» uygUtf or fay *l-aO used a box 1 a lee piquancy powerful || c fourth of the shirt and never far from shore; Methodist church Sunday. KING Mcn:r.r n r*** ^ learned That clothes th>.e as a bride. I assure LA53. Curt,d 1 recommend are master deeply the sauce tartnre, you.” | Perhaps. don’t they pait pilot*, Miss l.ula Wentworth, of Sullivan, is >n’s in the art of through crowded I went on as she rose to Ointment. send anyone wriggling Thy brittle leaves, so harsh and hard “Ooodby.” Notice. Well, j narrow harbor* in high visiting friends and relatives here. Pnuper u h®re to channel*, making sweep majestically out of the salle a me and see.” to dock* and into And torn by winds, or winter marred, undersigned hereby gives not c th he p am, and gliding up The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Edward sale A-ao Bello temb r manger. "Let us that we shall haseontracted with the e1*v r>f ki*- w *?r by all 50 cents, anal lock* * ith *c;entiflcaccuracy. thy face; hope THE .rth, p dealers; price j to learn that their little for the support of the poor, during, -h.* < fellow*, bluff, hearty, Hooper are glad But he whose are ever meet some over an n~uii.< ter-MiJburn N\ sole are Hue days green, again day equa’lly and has made r.,\Wm. >. *h» Co., Buffalo, Y., i they of their In* rear, ample Jr and fond Who has been is — aS°iits for the full of atone*, daughter Lila, quite ill, Though storms do ctune aud frests l»e keen, good dinner.”—New York Commercial support. Me therefore fort* 1. ('. cal held service at tbe church frame worda sufficient to e* press my and HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR seminary, have perished there, Including tbe owner’s The IVrmia ...«,o.r tumes, tailor-made suits, walking gratitude for the benefits derived from —The demand for good wearing Sunday. son. Crentlemen—“I have used one Kittle of dress skirts is ready. Xo superior its use."—F. A. CCKTKIUHT, Greens- and underwear is Mrs. A. E. Mace, of Aurora, was tbe As tbe lava rushed into tbe sea tbe TVruna f.»r lassitude, and I stock All alterations hosiery recognized. Ga. tab-plenum* anywhere. her Mrs. 8. A. latter receded 300 feet all tbe boro, in it to tluwe We are in this line reliable guest of sister, Kennlston, along recommending whon~d» made free of offering only N. Cntted States charge. last week. west coast, with Hon. W. Roach, g.**i A* a tonic il i* ex Ladies’, misses' and children's returning greater remedy. dint, Our and summer waists and goods. Senator from North Dakota, in a letter ’u :’io :,.,rt spring Charles Smith and of Ellsworth, strength. A big wave covered tbe whole time I have uecditlt hi* hose at 12 1-2C, 15c, 25c, 37 l-2c and 50c wife, have also arrived. In wrap- sea written from Larimorc, North Dakota, done me a deal of petticoats were in town and visit* front at St. Pierre, but did Utile great good.”—WiUjj one will satisfaction. Saturday Sunday and muslin underwear we are —any give or Brewer. pers ing relatives. damage ashore afloat. aays: If in the habit of our better assortments at less you get buying Terrible detonations were beard hun- “Persuaded a friend, I have used If do not derive showing Corydon Richardson and wife were at by you prompt ad «»(». and underwear will lie dreds than hosiery you of miles northward, followed at Peruna as a tonic, and am glad to results from the use of price anyone. Bar Harbor last week, visiting her sister, testify factory lVrtm* satisfied. snort irregular Intervals and continued that it has me in write at on.-e to Dr. '_ Mrs. H. F. Jewett. greatly helped atrength, Hartman, giving* at night. In tbe Intense darkness the vigor and appetite. I have been advised ful! statement of your .-use and ho will WASH FABRICS in Silk, Cot- The best line of corsets in the Mrs. Thomas Lsughlin and little son electric light failed, but tbe town was by friends that it is remarkably effica- Ire pleased to give you hla valuable ad- ton and Wool in of colors We carry all of the standard Percy, of Eddington, are the guests of her variety city. lit up by lurid flashes of flame from tbe cious as a cure for the almost universal vice gratis. and materials never before makes. sister, Mrs. U. 8. Jordan. equaled. mountain. The terror-stricken lnbabi- complaint of catarrh.”—W. N. Roach, Address Dr. May 13 Hartman, President ot tanta rushed for tbe hiila in tbeir night wlfs recommends AVith our floor we are to do a Senator Roach's Pe- The Hartman Sanitarium, t.olumbtu, enlarged space prepared large clothes, screaming, shouting and wailing, Mount bfiMii Ferry. runa also. She says; “I can cheerfully Otuo. business. Our patrons w ill appreciate the convenience, the ease mad with terror. W. W. Jeilisou has sold out his interest of trading in a modem, u[>-to-date place. Our prices are all right. It was believed that the in greatest danger tbe Sullivan ferry. BAimJKTTB ISLAND RANCH. KM.SWOUI H PALLS. No competitor can beat us on prices on the same quality of goods. was over, but about 8 o’clock on the Grant !• at home from Seal Har- Joseph of it seemed as if the Hope to see you all. morning May 8, band one of it* bor to do bis What the There Have to Lynch’* gave p1 eating farming. whole of tbe mountain was blown People Say top off. at HilUide on About the Scheme. band concert* at It* etand Mr. of is in of and a shower of and Newcomb, Fangor, place burning ashes Monday ev*w»***€. Last week Thk American reprinted an Harry Johnson, baggage master, resigned. lava poured down upon tbe city, article telling of tbe | ore base of Bart- Mra. Alma D trling and ch id, 0f Bo«tonJ Clarence Nickerson succeeds F. L. Colby wiping it out of existence in a few mo- lett’* Island for a sheen ranch. The •re 'lading Mr*. Darling'* parent*, Mrs. Katharine Jelltson is suffering ments. Of eighteen ve*»e(s In tbe harbor, article was printed for what It was worth Coleman Bt*-e‘eand wife. a one the British A ix 'B H. from paralytic shock. As she is an old only escaped, steamship tot-inn's Lore, Ralph Elwell; as a without verification from NEWS. which her anchor* "story”, Mr*. Fred Grace i* here from Green COUNTY Chrestomat Arthur L. Ivan lady, there are fears for her recovery. “Roddam”, slipped beans, Harris, Bartlett’s Island sources, as was stated. of her Mor Additional County Aew*, aee ether payee and steamed to sea. Twelve of her crew L*lr* for a f w d«ya, the gue-t Fred John a number of are Thom; alumni, Blodgett, Quite changes being The American’s at were burned to death. correspondent •inter, Mra. Alvin Fred baseball made the wharf. A Bt«pie«. | Homer; faculty. U. Ward; at large piece i« Bartlett’s Island was, Bnckavon. Tbe whole northeastern of the is- however, requested Mr. and Warren and W. R. A. B. pert Mra. Jordan *p*nt football, Roix, Luce, being built on. a’«o a slip for tbe new to tbe a* known there for tbl* Mrs. Susan Folsom died Wednesday which before tbe w al- give story h lawn A. L land, eruption 8 inday wit Mr*. Jordan’* parent*. Ralph Kendall; tennis, boat “Norombega”. week's issue. Tbe writes: evening from pneumonia, aged seventy* cove red with ha* been correspondent Cbarle* F. I,\rich and wife. Mr*. J »riian Harris, Alice Haskell, Eva tropical verdure, Kay Fellows, Messrs. Hill A are Some one seven years. One son, George, three Jacques Improving laid and la now covered with must have had a very lively Iraas w week. track D waste, ill remain through the Mayo; team, Cyrus McCready. tbe about The Biuff*. The hotel' inatlon when he wrote tbe daughters, Mrs. 8. B. Weecott, of Bl» e- groanis stream* of lava and ashes. story which wa H. Elwell; basket Blake burning A’bert Hamilton, who ba* b**»n In Cali Mrs. Andrew of Ralph ball, will be thoroughly renovated. The out- reprinted lu The Amkktcam. The facts art- taill; Wentworth, Albany, Tbe volcanic disturbances continue if. month*, Irving, Ivan Tbom, Grace Kamsdell, that Johnson came and f »rnla for the p«*t eighteen N. Y., and Mrs. William Marks, of Bucks- look for a good season is favorable. Capt here, after looking Martinique and neighboring islands, and arrived b<-me HI* Beatrice Heath. 12. Yankapoo. the Island OTer. derided to nprrha*e If peo Saturday morning port survive. May it is feared that later details of tbe catas Ralph L. Kendall is captain of the base pie would sell. As report*d In The Am* hi many friend* are glad to welcome him. j East Maine Conference seminary had Cmiin*. trophe will but add to the horror. The cam's Bartlett's Island Hems last be ball nine and Alexis B. Luce captain of week, b*« | The hoo*e owned by Wellington 11**- so off day Saturday, and lost to Old Town NORMAL SCHOOL NOTES. island of St. Vincent I* now threatened bought Mr* N tilling'* place and closed the bar the football eleven. William R. Roix is lam, and until recently occuped by s score of 14 1. Od Town Soufrere which is in gain for Mrs. Ka mood's Further than by put quite a The love and inteiest cur feel by volcano, eruption y place. manager of both teams. It is pleasure pupil9 Dentil* H*ynrdd* wa* burned to tbe 6 formidable team in the field with Late from Bt. Vincent indicate •hi* ke ha* only talked with several other* with to note that these young men are for their school are msniTested by he reports j with con- promi- a view to ground earlv Sunday morning, Moebvr of U of M. In the box. For that deaths (here in the of buying. identified with the inter- beautiful gilts effered from time to time vicinity 1.0UU. i» about nently literary The report says that It wa* that all necting building*. The loa* Kennlatoa was wretched sltpa'ftled Buckaport given ests of the school. Mr. Luce wa* one of tb* by tbe different classes. The class of shall vacate at once. On the contrary. Capt. |500; email ln»'K«nw. support. He allowed but two hits up to 1902 has to tbe school Grange News. *ucceasful debaters who represented tb» recently presented Johnson ha* very kindly lokl litem to do their the seventh inning. Monday the team the statue The is | seminary last winter at the Bar Harbor “Winged Victory”, and tbe grange flourishing throughout f.rn lng and remain till the crops are gathered WKST KLLSWOtt I'll. on Freedom took revenge academy class of 1887 two one the and the Master Gardner and next fall. Me seems a Y M C A., and Mr Roix led in the re- pictures, Raphael’* State, very kind man, aod will j Score 10 1. to do Mrs Grace Barron return'd Sunday turn debate at which was also Sisline Madonna, tbe other a repro Lecturer Thompson have more calls than lng what is be*t for the peop e. As for ! Bucknport, at the hall, has been said a* from a wcea’fc vlult to ber mothrr decided in favor of the seminary. Mr duction of tbe painting “Sir Galahad” by ever before. At Buxton, in Cumberland nothing yet about it* ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. The Watts. The students seem to feel tbe instructed a class purchase. ball, by tbe way, belongs to the Lakewood. The East M-tine conference Kendal! is president of the senior class bounty, recently, they seminary ladles of (tie Bartlett's Island sewing Mia* Perai* K Meader and a friend. and editor in chief of the Ariel uplifting influence of these works of art. of seventy-six. This grange was recently society. has long since earned a reputation for it* The Ulaud I* three and one half miles long, Mia* Clark, have b en vhdtlng her mo.her, The baseball team to win the Everything which can be added to makt organized by State Deputy Larrabee. ■kill in manly sports, and many a victory hopes and at lu widest part, two talks wide. 1 don't 1 Mr* A maud a Meader J the schoolroom more beautiful will Lecturer will to State championship this year, as it Thompson go Cotum know where the Idea W D moving to has been heralded by the ringing of the originated that the people j Mra George Itiggin* has defeated Kent’s Hill and help to ennoble tbe lives of those who bis, Washington county, on May 20 to here have never been ber home here from wber*- they chapel bell ou Oak bill. However, not- already away from the i»Iand. Of Larnoine, lecture. On were *b n ber huaband died. Coburn classical institute. pass through the school. June 3, Master Gardner the tfrteeti men now her*, the older one* lu their livng withstanding the intercut lakeu in ath word lad will meet with West Pomona younger days went and Mra. Hattie noticed letica members of tbe»cboo! the Washington Ashing coasting, and Floyd by during Urlrntd. Granite. week that ber Mr*. R at one wa* with Commodore Wilkes on his aMer, Mary Perry. famous ha* Uvea years pant, this is the fl at year tb«t there Misa Wood is at O. A. A who sends some inter- U very III m Beverly. where *b*- Maggie bridge correspondent On June 4, both the master and lecturer expedition One was a soldier of tbe Civil war, a the la* few yer»* with b**r daughter has been regu ariy orga.rz-d athletic for a few weeks. esting items from Granite neglected to siuce woleh be has been Soper’s will meet with Hancock Pomona at La- to sea until too old to association. sign tbe letter. Tbe items, of course, are go. Of tbe younger men. all arrc UIIC 19 UIJ * i*rgC JSChl, Mias Laura of Penobscot, who Portiaud in December. sports is vested in so executive committee Lowell, Italian statistics show that the emi- i»oh«»emoT«l from other places here. Tbl* Thousands Ilare Kidney Trouble Uvea at Capt. P. P. Hutchings’, in at home There will be fifteen field day meetings Inland sent live of seven members selected as follows: gration to America has reached the soldiers Into the Civil war and Don’t Know it. figure Itf to be for a week’s visit. August attended by Slate grange There are eighteen houses, eleveo of which are Two from the Calorbetorian two of 160 000 annually. About half ol these society, How Find Out. of speakers. occupied. To from the Chrestomatheau society, two George A. Dorr, Newport, N. H., ban return eventually to Italy, tbe rest re- Cspt Johnson U now In but Is Fill a or common with your in a Boston, ex- bottle glass alumni, and one member of the faculty. been town few days, the guest of bis main in the United States. a ktOMI. pccied Lack next week. He to water and let it stand hours, Mrs. E. A. Dorr. expects keep twenty-four This committee may elect eub-conrrtnlttees mother, or *t- “Now, then,” cried the deep-voiced The Misses Talcott, of are at *hecp, and. It Is understood, some cows and jeaimenl on lawn tennis, basket-ball, etc. The Bangor, _, _, Mrs. Bertha Gray left for other cattle. With what chosen the i* Monday woman, “what has made female suffrage their cottage here for the summer. people get for their *■?* t representative by faculty p'sess they can buy a small bom* 9otuewh*iv chairman of all committees. The new Moosehead Lake, where her husband baa “Male tbe possible?” luffrance,” replied James fish received a «lee. 1 iideed, many are plea«ed with the Idea of Parker, dealer, tlon of 'the k:i" organization has been received with en- employment until next January. rude man who bad no business to be there moving, as living ou an Island has Its iucon cargo of 400 salt last week. st*i“ thusiasm and every member of the school hogsheads venteiK-es- neys: If It Mrs. Emma Sullivan, who has been the at all. It !• has signed the const ifution. Mrs. E. Benson Stanley has arrived your linen The fol'owing committees have b°*en guest of Mrs. Lizzie Kimball, returned to of kid- from her winter home at Duck Island, LAKKWUOI). evidence chosen: Executive committee, Calorhe- her home in Somerville, Mass., Monday. atnirrtisnnrrts. trouble, too and is getting her hotel in ney busy readiness The desire to Congratulations are extended to Prof Sunday school tlecud tta tffletrs frequent for the summer Every indication points l» atrtjcrUsnntnts. for the year on pass it or pain and Mrs. A. S. Harriman,of East Machlas, toward a Sunday. prosperous season for the hotels --the back is a!» on the arrival of a flue girl baby at their SKIN \ here. The Mr. Kitts has his portable mill to Stanley house will be open ready convincing proof that the kidneys and tiad- borne. ruu and will begin this 1 earlier than usual. sawing week. der are out of order. Montelte Dorr sold bis stable Mrs. Grace of bouse, LIVER The season in Bsrron, West j What to Do. fishing began earnest last Ellsworth, so and blacksmith last to visited her There is comfort in the knowledge shop Saturday week. Schooner Whit- mother, Mra. A. H. Wilbur, j “Cosmos”, Capt. tbe often that s Swamp- Sewail Ginn of this town. Mr. Ginn is and past week. expressed, Dr. Kilmer KIDNEYS v taker, schooner “Margaret Leonard”, fulfills eveiy an and a *od Root. the great kidney remedy enterprising young man, g landed about 40 Capt. Bunker, 000 pound* wish in rheumatism, pain in blacksmith. Mr. Dorr is in Tremouf. MOUTH OK THK curing Are You each at Parker’s wharf. Schooner “Van- HI VKR. back, kidneys, liver, b adder and every part where be thinks he will reside. BLOOD j ) guard”, Capt. Spurling; brought about of the It corrects Inability Joseph Morrison has gone to French- ! urinary passage. Ella of Mr. and 45 000 which to hold water in Facteaux, daughter Are They Diseased? pounds were sold to John 8. boro to work. and scalding pain passing or bad of liquor, Mrs. Rufus Facteaux, celebrated her sev- Favorite Remedy will cure any Hopkins. Schooner it, effects following use Super- absolutely “Jolantbe”, Capt. 1 Mrs. Unda Leach has enth afternoon. A case of kidney, liver or bladder trouble, ft moved trom Ban- wine or beer, and overcomes that unp’easan birthday Saturday will Stanley, came with a load for her owner, purify your blood and build up your sys- Kor. She ia occupying her necessity of be to go °”en flue time was the result. Those present tem. It is the only Kidney Medictne ever B H. Mayo. brother’s! ng compelled J house. the and to many times j stitious? were: discovered that regulates the bowel*. All durtng day, get up Florence Douginas, Mary Crosa- 12. E. others cause which is May the The nr.i’d and the e*tr4" mmi Minnie Eldessa Jordan, constipation, dangerous Mrs. Grace during night. That is, do believe in Wood, Fullerton and daughter is soon you signs? Gladys Vivienne Lloyd. Sum. ordinary effect of Swamp-Root f' Mildred have arrived home from Brewer its won- You will if ever have realized. It stands the for you signs May 12. G. Trial Bottle Free Meltiah Lord died at the home of hi- where highest __ they have been cases. reader of this have a trial visiting relatives. j derful cures of the most distressing of If want to Every paper can sister, Mrs. Michael a Bellatty, have t indigestion. you Ambrose H. Harriman, after a long ill- bottle of this wonderful medicine and Tuesday If you need a medicine you should remove botn of valuable medical advice abso- morning, aged Moat signs and indiges- ness from throat and lung trouble, died pamphlet seventy-eight years. Oucli'll best. Sold by in5Cc. and$l- j lutely free, postpaid, by simply sending their of bfs druggists of *-• life bad been spent in Mr. You a bott.e tion take Monday of last week, age forty-two year*, full post office address to the DR. DAVID Surry, though end Mm. William G. Grvne will may have sample 1 for fifteen ■ j Four sisters survive: Mrs Edward L Col- KENNEDY CORPORATION, Rondout, years he lived in lows. He lebrate tbe fifteenth wonderful discovery N. Y., a mentioning this paper. '1 he pub- j anniversary of s »n, Mrs. George Saunders, the Misses never married. He was a brother of the beir and a book that lishers of this guarantee the marriage at their home “L. Flora and and one brother. Mr. paper genuine- Wedneeday F.” Atwood’s Bitters Julia, ness of this LI BE R AL OF PER. late Capt. Charles E Lord, of more about it, both ; was a Ellsworth, enlng, Mey 21. A general Harrioiftn popular man, who will be Favorite Remedy is sold all j invitation for a few and watch the by druggists and Simeon of Surry. Of his own baa been absolutely free by mail, days atdly missed by a large circle of friends. or direct, fl 00 a bottle, ft bottles f»>r tB.fti. I Lord, extended to their frlende to be ~ bis address Dr. Kilmer & n.*x*» Toe funeral was held Thursday after- I !>r. Da* id (kddcn '• I» ters i faintly, sister, Mrs. Bellatty, is the on that result. Kennedy’* strength prevent occaalon. Co., Binghamton. N. Y. When writing noon, Rev. Robert But cl iff officiating. a flusctes, remove p.;*n ar> 15c each only member j living. May 13. M. tion this offer -.n tms p*r t % reading generous