Murray State's Digital Commons The Paducah Daily Sun Newspapers 11-18-1897 The Paducah Daily Sun, November 18, 1897 The Paducah Daily Sun Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pds Recommended Citation The Paducah Daily Sun, "The Paducah Daily Sun, November 18, 1897" (1897). The Paducah Daily Sun. 270. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/pds/270 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Paducah Daily Sun by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. If It's True THE advertisers are i You 11 r the Sun is the best medium 1 Find it u> 1 he bun 1 The Paducah Daily Sun. by which to reach the people. VOLUME II—NUMBKB ill PADUCAH, KENTUCKY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBKH III, 1897. TEN CENTS A WEEK again nominated for that office, and will make a capable as well as popu-1 SPAIN POLITICAL Isr officer He difrated Dr. M. G.I LAST DAY IDISPATCHER'S tl, Milsrn aod Dr. LI lard Sanders. Mr. Feril Williams wss oomiusted *8. COMES DOWN AFTERMATH. for city weigber over s Isrge numlici ON EftRTH.i OFFICE MOVED," 3d of oppooeols Heating Mr. F'red Ingram the well koowu And Kclciucs All American A Its Soreheads Adorned tbe moulder, ws* nominsted for msrket (teorge W luktoil's Apatite Ue- The Old Broadway Office Was master. Ha I* Well kno*o io l**du- * '1 Street Corners Today.— Prisoner*. -(Hie A«-ailanf of ckb. where be has lived for yesrs. gerted Him Today.—The Form illy Closed Today.— Mrs. U lesson (Jets Dou t Know How it Sir. S. A. F'owler, the present in- Tlie Biir Transfer Boat, Stoves Murderer in Si ill iu cumbent waa nominated for wharf Twenty Year*. Ilap'iened. matter. Tbe place Is not very Incra- Good Spirits. '"Marion," Here. We have tbem in uiore than lire, hence there was no scramble for sixty size- and patterns, for It. Mr. Wee Cooksey, »bo wss chain T*dv« Toll Uatrs Ite.troycd In there Wcrw t-oitie UlsappolnUd gang overseer for aeveral The Kopc. Callow.-,Death Shroud, tithe: New* in It.dlrouil Circle*. COAL WOOD Jcuawiuo Ijmaty.-UtliM olid Inhuppy Applkaul*. years here was nom- Collin uud the Sheriff Are Oldeis Delivered at the inated over several contestants for < rime*. Dngau'a Sen- Tbey May Couiiclluieii All Ready for the t'nloii liepol.—l'ay the position I vat night. _GAS OIL Swapped Voles toiwo Caaflrnicd. It is obvioua. from casual contact Kx .-cut Ion. Train llcre. We are the only people who with whilom caodidatea aud appli- tan please you in every par- canla for the ofBos provided with ticular, as to style, quality nomine* - last nigbt by tbe Demo- Ilarana, No*. IM All Ibe Amer and price. tiik nominkf:S. erotic eouoeil-elect lbs', had tbe re- The only evidence of weskemng on .There was an air of looesomeueis I an piissieera confined in Cuba alll tbe eve of bis execution, ws- dis- and desolation aliout the Broadway! W. U. 1'ATTXS.OII. City Clerk. ault of the caucus eeu koowu liefore Iw rrlen»e<l Orders came from played this moruing by George Win dispatcher's cilice today that lmd not Hex. U. T. Lriurroor, City At- Ibe recent municipal election, there 5 COAL BUCKETS Kpn'n to lUat eltecl. s'oo tbe condemoed murderer of beeo seen before for several y ear- torney. would have been s vast difference be- BEST QUALITY Gets I'weuty Years. tween what tbe vote was and what it Vina Slubblelleid when he rtfu-ed Tbe oAcc with all its wires, instru- 10 Wiu. H. L'nxBOAcK. Street lo- VAY to eat. iuenta,Hxlure< operator-, superior Newport. Ky., NIT. 1*.—Dnie spector. would have been, to other words, He sgienl a fairly restful uight. but oillceraaod all have been moved into Cruxsoo. oneot tbe assailant* ot Mrs Jss. Wooov Chief of Fire Deport- Ibe Detaoeralic party in Faducah is when breakfast was aerved, -aid be tbe old master mechanic's ctllcc near Gleasoo, whose esse Was given to tbe ment profusely punctuated with eoreheads. Jury last night, was sentenced today Men who were honest lo Ibeir con- did not care for anything except the shops. The Broadway office was J. T. PortLawAira. City Ko- cup of coffee. He drank this aiih this morning formerly closed. 1st twenty yum intpiisua-nenl. gioeer. viction yeeterday that they wculd be some effort. Tbe semaphore, with its red and GEO. 0. HART & SON Da. HOOK S T. Hivr*-. Ctty l*hy- elected to office last night, are today Ly welled. grumMing over man s inhumanity lo At K o'clock workmen arrived and while arms stretching either way. ii j siciaa. Bryan, Tcx*s, Nov. 18.—Tom man, and the deception of all men. began erecting tbe acaffold. which s dead letter, so ti> speak, aod is u > | J. D. Ji*> Is, Licenae Inspec- HARDWARE AN3 STOVE CO. Sweet, a negro murderer wa* lyuched e»pe« ially couocil-men io geoeral. was delivered al the jail late yester- longer is oo indev of authority to the , tor today.while enroute to Jail. day afternoon aod was all ready lo vigilant engineer, as he passei by i 303-307 Broadway _ 109-117 North Third Hour. 8. M>MILS Lockup Keep- To analyse their objections would be put together. witboat even a friendly nod. Mora 1 oh lisks Uo. er. be Dexl to Impossible. But tbe most Winston hy climbing up oo the Beginning tml?y all orders are de- Nick laatille. Ky., Nov. IM.— Fusii lxuaaa, Msrket Master. frequent complaint raised sgsinst tbe liars of bis ce!I. could -ce Ihcm st livered to pa«scoger men nt tbe Cnion Twelve toll gates were dcatroyed in Fi.uu WILLISU", City Weigber. result of tbe cauco-. is that tlie list work aod speol some lime watching depot, where tbey _ are sent from litis couuly laat night. of officer, wss formulated by -swap- J. \ . Gmxr, Assessor. tlie progri -i of the constructioo. He Chief JiirgniM'o's b'eadquartirs by J. W. Co>a»*i. Overseer of Cbaio ping." That io ibe mad de-ire to Oilman'* Hvntenrs Affirmed. -sld lie was glsd tbey bsd given bim wire. 3'lie trains will oo longer stop Gang, push forward relativea or intimate Frankfort, Ky.. Nov. It).—The a cell where lie could get a glimpse ot at Broadway unless it he occasionally LET J. T. Mi Kiaaar, Keeper of Hoa- frieud- irrespective of their cspsbil- aeoteace again, t John Dugan, the tbe gallos-. to disiiharg" or take on stores. ulal. ity or snylbing else, s great desl of • urderer of Kx-Sberift Colson, ot The huge instrument of deatii did Trotomscler Klyno's office and that W. K. Atiii sri s, Assistant Fir* swsiping" was accoaop'iahed, tlie Bell county, who was sentenced toll not swe bim in the least sod there of Yordmssti r Ncl-on have also li-.eu Chief. outcome being lhat bard-workei- iu years, w*s affirmed today by tbe the party aud man who wers really wad no uollceable depression in his moved to rooms oiljoiidng lbs dis- OCK&SONi Court of Aptieals. SXI sum- FOWLI.O, Wharf Maa- spirits. patcher's office, and iu a day or two ter. most coni|Ttenl and worthy hy every principle recogniied io polillca lohsve I'm glnd its comin' injA^i dose," ihe entbe building, that always been TUX txaxr(iTKi> sonXTmA* IIAT- the places were crowded out eolirtly. he remarked to snollier ptisimer. known ss the Broad*sv depot, will The scaffold ii located in €ie south '•e empty with tlie exception of the KILLED IN KANSAS. rxas. This msy l* true and it may not lie BOOTS AUD SHOES IRD true. This is what some of tbe de- jail yard, and the top Ucam [Volru.lcs freight Offi e snd shell near by. More thsu one Deaaocral today r^- two feet or more above the t<V tbe fected candidates claim however. Thetlig Illinois Central transfer alires lhat it Is the unexpected that big high fence. Tbe scaffold ia of Tragic End ut a Former Mr But whether there are any ground! steamer' "Marion," which baa lieen For the past thirty nine years tliis familiar sign has been seen on bippcns. Tbe result of Ibe cancua oak, anil will probably be kept f< last nigbt. of tbe DeaKtcratic ooun- for these objectiona or not, tbe ob- al Cairo for sometime, arrived today Crarken County Boy. future u<e. Broadway. Every schoolboy or girl in Paducah knows the name of jection* exist, tbe sore beads are in pursuance from a:i order from cil-elect created widespread diisp- All day a crowd of men, boys and smoog us just the same, ami aic un- Supt. Hi-Court, to take the' place of Rock poiolineot owing to Iheuoprecedeot- women loitered about tbe Jail, close- Killed by the Accidental I Ha stinted in their declarations lhat have tbe Osbtriie. which will lie thorough- eil numlter of defeated applicants for ly watchiog everythiug that iran= Wa carry the same quality of goods today that we did thirty-nine a uiemorr. ly overl.ai-led and repaired The dur«e ol a Uun, poeittoo. A* will be seen from the pircil. Many of them climbed to years ago. That means the best goods you can buy for the money.
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