Rua Quatá, 300 | 04546-042 Vila Olímpia | São Paulo | SP | Brasil T (11) 4504-2400 | F (11) 4504-2350
[email protected] t Annual Repor2011 For Insper, the year 2011 was replete with I am also happy to note that our research professors important achievements, some of which, to our great had a high number of papers accepted for publication satisfaction, are highlighted on the following pages. in international journals with an “A” classification. Ten of them received awards for best paper presented at a In the College, one of these was the Effective Problem conference or published in a technical journal, one of Solving program (REP), which was launched in early 2010 whom also placed second in the Jabuti Award, which is as a series of activities that culminated, in the second a prestigious Brazilian literary award for best book in the semester of 2011, in an experience conducted in the fields of economics and business administration. field for the Business Administration students. In the sixth We made progress on the campus-expansion project, semester of the program, they were divided into 16 groups with construction of the building on a lot adjacent to our of five students each, who worked together on real-world campus on schedule for delivery in the first half of this unstructured problems presented by 13 companies. The year. With the eight floors to be occupied by Insper, our projects counted as one course and the curriculum was floor space will expand by 80%, which will improve the adjusted so students could take advantage of this field quality of the educational experience offered at Insper.