曇 NAGOYA UNIくERSITY Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya、464-8601, Phone: +81-52-789-2044 PROFILE 2019 http://en.nagoya-u.ac.jp/



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一ー ,ー -;., .9 b し. . i― . 胃 " _ . ‘ Iけ 偏・ ト”" t 贔 0 The Nagoya University Academic Charter

In recognition of the unique role of seats of learning and 3) Nagoya University shall promote international academic their historical and social missions, this document co-operation and the education of international students. It establishes the guiding principles for scholarship at Nagoya will contribute to educational and cultural exchange with University. Nagoya University maintains a culture of free other countries, especially those in Asia. and open-minded academic endeavor and aspires to contribute to the prosperity and happiness of all people through research and education in those fields studying 3 Fundamental Policies: human beings, society, and the natural world. Above all, it Research and Education System aims to foster the harmonious development of humanity 1) Nagoya University shall study the humanities, society, and science, to conduct advanced research, and to provide and nature from an inclusive viewpoint, respond to an education that encompasses the full range of the contemporary issues, and change and enrich its education humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences. and research system to generate new values and a body of To these ends, we outline below the goals and guidelines knowledge based on humanitarian values. for carrying out the required measures for continuing to perform our duties as a leading university. 2) Nagoya University shall support an education system that inherits and develops intellectual resources cultivated from the world's intellectual traditions. It will promote advanced and innovative education. 1 Fundamental Objectives: Research and Education 1) Nagoya University, through its creative research, shall 3) Nagoya University, through disseminating information, pursue truth and produce world-leading intellectual exchanging people, and cooperating with institutions in achievements. Japan and abroad, shall create the foundation for an international academic culture. 2) Nagoya University, through an education that values independent thinking, shall foster individuals who possess intellectual courage, the power of rational thought, and 4 Fundamental Policies: University Administration CONTENTS imagination. 1) Nagoya University shall always support scientific inquiry based on the autonomy and initiative of its members, guaranteeing them the right to freely conduct their 02 Greetings from the President 2 Fundamental Objectives: Contribution to Society research. 1) Nagoya University shall spearhead scientific research Nagoya University -a canvas for your future 03 and foster individuals capable of exercising leadership both 2) Nagoya University shall ask its members to take part in in the domestic and international arenas so they can the formulation and implementation of our foundational 11 Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture contribute to human welfare, the development of culture, principles for research and education and the objectives and global industry. and policies for administration. 19 Nurturing Future Global Leaders 2) Nagoya University shall put to good use the specific 3) Nagoya University, aspiring to be an open and accessible 32 International Cooperation qualities of the surrounding community and, through university, shall promote both internal and external multifaceted research activities, contribute to the independent assessment and evaluation of its research, 37 Global Network development of the region. education and administration.

49 Nagoya University Outline Greetings from the President

Nagoya University has a history of 147 years, with its roots in a temporary /hospital established in 1871. Once the last university to become a Japanese Imperial University in 1939, our University has since then continued to achieve significant growth. We've maintained a tradition of having a free and vibrant academic culture, and after setting a high basic objective in the 2000 Nagoya University Academic Charter, we have worked hard to achieve that objective. The fact that 6 out of the 17 Nobel laureates from Japan who were awarded in the 21st century clearly shows that our research abilities are top class on a global scale. Nagoya University, throughout its long history, has produced many leaders in various areas of society and introduced them to the world, and thus contributed to the development and growth Nagoya University of not only Japan but also the world. In recent years, our university has been focusing on further strengthening our research and educational abilities while simultaneously investing our full efforts towards internationalization, equality, and social contribution. In regards to Dr. Seiichi MATSUO a canvas for your future internationalization, we are taking 3 different approaches. The first is to move away

from a one-dimensional perspective focusing on the West towards a 1981 M.D., Ph.D., Nagoya University multi-dimensional perspective. Asia is the highest priority area. The second is the 1986 Research Associate, School of , Nagoya University invigoration of bilateral student exchange, and the third is strengthening English 1997 Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Nagoya University 2002 Professor, of Medicine, Nagoya University education in support of internationalization. Talented individuals from around the Director, Clinical Department of Nephrology, world have gathered in our campuses, forming an environment in which students or Nagoya University Hospital 2004 Vice-Director, Nagoya University Hospital researchers can interact with each other on a daily basis. 2007 Director, Nagoya University Hospital In addition, in regards to gender equality, our university has not only established 2009 Vice-President, Nagoya University 2015 President, Nagoya University nursery care facilities, but also pioneered the establishment of Afterschool programs for elementary school children ahead of the national around the country. Area of Expertise General internal medicine (including psychosomatic medicine) By supporting and expanding the scope of employment of female researchers, we Kidney internal medicine have been attracting talented female researchers from around the country. As the result, Nagoya University was selected, as the only Japanese university, to be one of 10 universities around the world by UN Women to support the HeForShe Campaign. Meanwhile, much has been expected of us as the core university within an area with the highest concentration of the manufacturing industry. To meet and exceed those expectations, we have cooperated closely with the government, local governments, private industries, other universities, and citizens to pursue various collaborative projects in order to create a vigorous community that is prepared to greet the future and to promote exchange with the world. Moreover we have introduced new systems for these several years and achieved great results. Our university is a future-oriented university. And our goal is to foster human resources who have high aspirations to contribute to society, have deep specialty and broad perspectives, and are able to exhibit leadership in various fields. Innumerous challenges may await us on our path to the future, but I believe from the bottom of my heart that, together with various people from our society, we will be able to continue moving forward with courage and contribute to creating a Japan, and furthermore a world, that is bright and full of hope.

Dr. Seiichi MATSUO President Nagoya University

02 Nagoya University Greetings from the President/Nagoya University -a canvas for your future 03 Nagoya University: A Designated

Nagoya University has been selected as a Designated National University by the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) on March 20, 2018. Designated universities are expected to play a role in promoting national university reform, and to actively disseminate their influence on social and economic development as well as the specific achievements of their programs In order to carry out the above mission as a specially designated national university, Nagoya University will move forward with the efforts outlined in "Nagoya University Proposal to Become a Designated National University", contributing to world peace and society's sustainable development as a world-leading university.

The youngest of the former , Nagoya University was founded in 1939. It is located in the Greater Nagoya Region of central Japan, the country’s manufacturing belt. Our history as a comprehensive university is shortest among the seven former imperial universities and we are also the smallest. Our free and open academic culture has been the springboard for many remarkable research achievements. This is due to Nagoya University’s collegial atmosphere which has nurtured a number of outstanding contributors to society. Among our alumni, for instance, are some of Japan's most prominent industrial leaders. From current and former , we also can name recipients of six Nobel Prizes since 2001. Further, we lead other universities in engaging with the countries of Asia. We are also working hard to support our female faculty and staff.

As stated in the NU MIRAI 2020 policy document, Nagoya University’s central medium-term goal is to rise to the rank of an elite . This will allow us to contribute to the peaceful co-existence and sustainable development of society. We are reforming our management so we can better develop talented people who will lead the next generation. To stimulate innovation and contribute to the search for truth, our faculty members pursue groundbreaking research.

Based on the NU MIRAI 2020 plan, and taking advantage of our strengths, we will:

Set up research hubs to lead their respective fields

Train Ph.D. graduates to play leading roles in advancing our knowledge-based society

Make the campus environment more international

Develop a comprehensive management network within ten years to support and What’s a Designated National University? promote transfer of fundamental research success into technical achievement The designation system for national universities is a strategic and practical initiative that endeavors, through promoting the world's highest level of education and research, to Encourage innovation in collaboration with industry realize a positive cycle of attracting talented people and strengthening research capabilities while at the same time obtaining evaluations and support from society. The Minister of To achieve these aims, we want to manage our university based on the principle of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) only selects for designated national university status those national universities that can, within a time period specified shared governance; create a positive cycle for generating revenue to strengthen our by themselves, realize with certainty their proposed programs. finances; and establish a multi-campus system. Nagoya University aims to join the global elite of research universities through the following seven points.

04 Nagoya University Nagoya University -a canvas for your future 05 Nagoya University Matsuo Initiatives for Reform, Nagoya University Aims for “The World’s Best Research University” Autonomy and Innovation 2020 - Seven Visions to Support It -

Becoming an elite research Training outstanding doctoral Education Research university that produces researchers to lead world-leading research By promoting a world-class education, Inspired by our Nobel laureates, our knowledge-based society we aim to foster courageous intellectual leaders we are committed to the creation & discovery

that can contribute to human well-being. of knowledge through research. Building on the track record displayed by our winners, Nagoya Training PhDs is our core mission. We will build on our track record of success We are changing the relationship between University will establish new research hubs (Stage III research). These will in the Leading Graduate School Programs and the Institute for Promotion of be modeled on our successful Institute for Transformative Bio-Molecules Doctoral Education. We aim to train our PhDs in three core skills: Nagoya University and secondary schools. ● Supporting frontier research led by (ITbM) WPI research center and the Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the • the capacity to address new challenges in research Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI). To develop such research • the capacity to communicate with an international audience •“Institute for Advanced Research” for basic research hubs, we recognize the importance of encouraging young researchers and • the capacity to connect with society ● Admitting excellent students •“Institute of Innovation for Future Society” for practical research founding new academic fields. To meet these needs,we plan to provide We will provide interdisciplinary education by collaborating with research multitier support optimized for different research achievements. This hubs; developing international networks by expanding our joint degree Improving admission system and establishing admission center •“ITbM” for WPI program includes Stage I support for young researchers and Stage II support programs; and training students in transferable skills. At the same time, for training next-generation research leaders. These efforts will we will promote a new approach to include interdisciplinary studies linking researchers in different involving close collaboration between industry and university ● ● Establishing new research centers Reforming three policies schools within the university, including the humanities and called the Sharing Education Initiative. Financial support for Degree conferment, curriculum design & student admissions i.e. WPI-Next social sciences, so they underpin future society. Ph.D. students will increase using a special fund, and career 01 02 paths for graduate students will be promoted. ● Improving international compatibility ● Recruiting, retaining & supporting most talented of educational system faculty & fostering world-class researchers Introducing quarter system and international joint Greater support for women, degree programs non-Japanese & early-career Creating an international Developing synergies campus that attracts outside of academia people from around the world, NU MIRAI and developing overseas outreach International 2020 University-Industry Collaboration Nagoya University aims to increase our intake of international students to We are developing a university that attracts As a core university located in one of the 3,200 in ten years. We will also expand opportunities for Japanese students to Nagoya University aims to take advantage of its location in one of the world’ s enroll in English-Taught courses offered in our G30 international programs. premiere manufacturing belts. We will increase the responsibilities of URAs, the best students, faculty & staff from world's most dynamic industrial clusters, Also, we aim to increase the proportion of students who experience study or along with unifying management of research and technical support for innovation around the world & contributes to creating we conduct research and pursue innovation training abroad to 70 percent. The recently established Applied Social creation, training personnel, and contributing more to industry. By encouraging System Institute of Asia (ASIA) is a platform that facilitates research industry, university and government to cooperate, we are setting up education a more sustainable society. In particular, that contributes to value creation for cooperation with scholars throughout Asia to solve problems of a programs that take full advantage of cross-sector cooperation. We will form global scale. Nagoya University will benefit from greater research and development centers for “open innovation.” New we seek to work closely with countries in Asia. betterment of society. international cooperation by increasing faculty and student research labs and a center for collaborative industryacademia awareness of global issues. A more international campus will research will introduce a true organizational partnership. Last, we also help attract students, faculty and administrative staff from ● By 2020 ● Establishing a new plan to bolster support for entrepreneurship education and the global talent pool. university-based start-up companies. • Increasing number of international students to 3000 “industry-academia-government collaboration” 03 04 • Increasing internationally experienced faculty members to 650 to implement open innovation • Increasing domestic students studying abroad to 1000 Establishing new research center on gallium nitride (GaN) & “Future Integrated Electronics Research Center” ● Increasing international students enrolled in Presidential Leadership and a Flexible System English-taught curriculum & number of ● Fostering people who contribute to society for Proposing, Debating, and Enacting Policies through Shared Governance English-taught courses Increasing entrepreneurial education & industry-academia collaboration The university will appoint a responsible for education and research under We wish to design and manage Nagoya University so it can respond to political, i.e. G30 NEXT the university president. Under shared governance, the board of trustees and economic and social change. Importantly, we will continue to strengthen policies those leading each school can share responsibilities. The Office of Institutional promoting gender equality. For the future, we must also nurture faculty who can ● Implementing strategies with focus on ● Increasing regional resilience for safety & disaster relief Research will also fulfill the following roles: become administrators through university design workshops. Enhancing • Summarizing information about university management and collecting information training of faculty and staff is essential for developing a university that Asian countries Establishing Disaster Mitigation Research Center & new model from students and other members of the community serves society’s needs. • Proposing measures based on data analysis i.e. Asian Satellite Campus & ASEAN Net PLUS for industry-academia-government-civil society collaboration • Training personnel as future managers 05

Organizational Management Creation of Positive Cycle for Continuous Strengthening our financial basis through a ● Reforming structures of Schools/Graduate Schools ● Improving university-wide communication to Development with the New Multicampus positive cycle of management resources Strengthening education and research activities through more effectively & flexibly assign resources Tokai National comprehensive evaluation of the fields of engineering, Nagoya University contributes to Japan’s economic growth by creating Nagoya University plans to remove institutional barriers with our partner universities and informatics, humanities & social sciences ● Collaborating with Asia and wider world to knowledge and developing human resources. This attracts establish a new regional multi-campus system. The provisional name is the Tokai management resources which we can then invest in creating more National University System. Member universities in this group will preserve their promote gender equality on campus knowledge and developing more human resources in a positive autonomy. But each will contribute to the organization by strengthening education and ● Strengthening financial base Establishing Gender Equality Promotion Center, cycle. To support this, further deregulation is necessary so research functions. Our hope is that the strengthened education and research we can diversify our sources of revenue and continue functions will contribute to world peace and sustainable development. Raising 10 billion yen fund by 2021, increasing competitive funding, increasing female faculty members to 20% & our drive for greater efficiency. Nagoya University Greater economies of scale will make it easier for the acquisition of promoting joint research projects through industry-academia promoting women in leadership positions seeks to increase its budget size 1.4 times, or, by 40 external funds, strengthen international competitiveness and form one of billion yen. the world’s leading national university organizations. collaboration & strengthening hospital activities 06 07

06 Nagoya University Nagoya University -a canvas for your future 07 Nagoya University DII Collaborative Graduate Program - Aims for One of the World’s Best Research Universities -

Asia and the World

Management resource Tokai National diversification University System

Nagoya University Society University– Industry outstanding research Shared Collaboration and world-class research university Governance Industry


Internationalization Welcome to the new DII-Cooperation Program designed Faculty of the School of Engineering, but also researchers of for graduate students of the School of Engineering. This is a private companies and national institutes will join as mentors coordinated program designed to cultivate people who can of the students. People working at entrepreneurial support Research shorten the time to realize innovations, which has conventionally companies will join as mentors for students who are seeking taken 30 years, to within 10 years. to become deployers. Also, for students seeking to become In this program, three different kinds of students, namely innovators, people working at manufacturing companies will those aiming to become entrepreneurs, industrial engineers, assist them in this program as mentors. Faculties of different or researchers, will be developed. In this program, we refer to research fields will cultivate students who are seeking to Education Internationalization Research entrepreneurs as deployers, industrial engineers as innovators, become investigators. These three different kinds of students Institute for doctoral education to train Further development of Joint Degree Continuous production of world-class and researchers as investigators. In many previous programs for will cooperate and experience doing research, development, students in 3 core skills: ability to take on Programs (JDPs) research sustained by a multi-tiered graduate students of the School of Engineering, the purpose of and business. A new degree different from a PhD will be given ground-breaking research, research system in three stages. international communication proficiency, Increase the number of international their education has mainly been to develop researchers. These to students who finish the DII-Cooperation Program. Students ability to use research skills to the benefit students and faculty through expanding Stage 1 previous programs were not sufficient to nurture people who who do not belong to the School of Engineering and are of society and developing programs taught in Discovery recruiting and support of Dynamic state-of-the-art interdisciplinary English outstanding young researchers can realize innovations within 10 years. Cooperation among interested in this program may join a one-year DII-Cooperation education that works in tandem with multi-tiered research system Working in Asia to solve the world’s Stage 2 investigators, innovators, who can establish mass-production project. problems through the activities of the Development of the next generation technologies of the state-of-the-art research outcomes, and The Faculty of the School of Engineering has high expectations Applied Social System Institute of Asia research hubs (ASSIA) deployers, who can generate social values of the products for that peoples with the DII degree will become world leaders and Stage 3 commercialization, will shorten the time to realize innovations. contribute to solving global issues and improving people’s lives. Construction of world-leading research hubs One of the characteristics of this program is that not only the

08 Nagoya University Nagoya University -a canvas for your future 09 Graduate Program of Transformative Chem-Bio Research (GTR) Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture

Six Nobel Laureates Demonstrate Nagoya University’s World-class Research Excellence

New Flagship Research Initiatives

Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS) Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules Human Machine Harmonization System (HMHS) Consortium National Composites Center(NCC) Disaster Mitigation Research Center (DMRC) Mobility Innovation Center (Nagoya University COI) - Empowering an aging society through advanced mobility -


Our new graduate program, GTR (Graduate Program of To bridge the gaps between traditional disciplines, we need Transformative Chem-Bio Research), aims to train scholars who outstanding "research power to break through," which consists will pioneer interdisciplinary frontiers in the areas of chemistry of two elements: "the power to overcome" and "the power to and life science. In order to achieve sustainable development connect." The former is based on experience, confidence, and of society, many challenges must be overcome, including solid practical skills that can be fostered through promoting environmental and energy problems, stable food production, the and accomplishing high-quality research on important topics. development of materials leading to industrial and technological On the other hand, the latter leads to the creation of innovative innovations, and life science research that contributes to health. ideas through free and vigorous discussions across research To address these issues faced by science and society, the roles fields. of chemistry and life science research are becoming increasingly The GTR program provides a practical course for acquiring these important. To breakthrough these issues, both advances in important research capabilities through challenging and exciting research in each field and promotion of interdisciplinary research interdisciplinary research in diverse research environments in is necessary. which each student benefits from the guidance of two mentors.

10 Nagoya University Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture

Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2001 Six Nobel Laureates Demonstrate Nagoya University’s In October 2001, the Academy announced its award of the to Dr. Ryoji Noyori and Dr. W. S. Knowles (USA) for their work on chirally catalyzed World-class Research Excellence hydrogenation reactions, and to Dr. K. B. Sharpless (USA) for his work on chirally catalyzed oxidation reactions. Their research – an important topic of study in the 20th century – enabled Dr. Noyori and his fellow laureates to realize their dream of making Dr. Ryoji NOYORI Dr. possible the artificial and preferential production of enantiomers. Enantiomers are molecules existing in many organic compounds that are mirror images of each other 1967 1962 Ph.D., University Graduated from School of Science, but not identical, i.e., with a right- and left-side relationship but with each side having Since entering the 21st century, 17 researchers from Japan have received a Nobel Prize. Nagoya University 1968 a different character. While one side could become a promising medicine, the other Among these, six are graduates of or have been affiliated with Nagoya University as Associate Professor of Chemistry, 1967 Nagoya University Ph.D., Nagoya University could equally become a dangerous toxin. It has therefore become a major issue faculty members during their career. This number of Laureates is the highest in Japan. Research Associate, 1997-1999 School of Science, in chemistry to find ways to preferentially produce right- and left-side products. Dean, Graduate School of Science, Nagoya University Nagoya University Dr. Noyori’s research makes it possible to artificially produce right- and left-side It is said that the main reason for Nagoya University’s surge of progress in this area 2007- 2003- Distinguished Invited molecules using catalysts. This research has tremendous potential in the creation is its free and vibrant academic culture. Of the seven former imperial universities, University Professor, University Professor, Nagoya University Nagoya University and production of , aromatic chemicals, and materials in harmony with the Nagoya University was founded last. Faculty at that time came to Nagoya from all 2009- Dr. University Professor, natural environment. over Japan; they helped students and young researchers pursue their research freely, Nagoya University 1959 and this academic culture has been inherited by today's generation. Research Associate, School of Engineering, Presently, Dr. Noyori is an organic chemist based at Nagoya University and Nagoya University We will now give an introduction of each Laureate as follows. Director-General of the Center for Research and Development Strategy (CRDS), 1964 Ph.D., Nagoya University Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) and continues to realize remarkable , 2014 1992 achievements in the field of organic chemistry through his collaborations with Emeritus Professor, Nagoya University In October 2014, the Royal Swedish Academy announced its awarding of the Nobel Prize in numerous researchers worldwide. 2004- Physics to Dr. Isamu Akasaki, Dr. and Dr. for the invention University Professor, Nagoya University of the efficient blue light-emitting diode (LED), which enables bright and energy-saving Dr. Makoto KOBAYASHI Dr. white light sources. In the spirit of Alfred Nobel, the Prize rewards inventions of great benefit to mankind and, indeed, the blue LED has led to the revolution of indoor and other 1967 1960 Nobel Prize in Physics, 2008 Graduated from School of Science, Ph.D., Nagoya University lighting by making this kind of white light possible. With the advent of LED lamps, lightbulb Nagoya University 1963 In October 2008, the Academy announced its award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to technology has made a quantum leap not only in energy efficiency but also in durability. 1972 Associate Professor, Ph.D., Nagoya University School of Science, three esteemed scientists: Yoichiro Nambu (USA), and Nagoya University graduates Nagoya University 2008- Toshihide Maskawa, a Distinguished Invited University Professor at Nagoya University, Distinguished Invited 2008- Dr. Akasaki began his career in academia as a Research Associate at the Nagoya University University Professor, Distinguished Invited professor emeritus at , and professor of physics at Kyoto Sangyo Nagoya University University Professor, School of Engineering in 1959, eventually advancing to Associate Professor while working Nagoya University University, and Makoto Kobayashi, professor emeritus at the High Energy Accelerator 2009- on his PhD from Nagoya University, which he obtained in 1964. Following this, he worked University Professor, 2009-2018 Research Organization (KEK). The two Nagoya University scientists received the Nobel Dr. Hiroshi AMANO Nagoya University University Professor, in the private sector before returning to Nagoya University as Professor of Engineering in Nagoya University Prize for forecasting, over three decades ago, “the discovery of the origin of the broken 1983 1981. Dr. Akasaki moved on to the neighboring in 1992, but in December symmetry which predicts the existence of at least three families of quarks in nature.” Graduated from School of Engineering, Nagoya University 2004 was reappointed by Nagoya University as a Distinguished Professor. In 1972, the two presented their Kobayashi-Maskawa theory, which states that CP 1988 symmetry violation can be explained with six types of quarks, one of the subatomic Ph.D., Nagoya University Dr. Hiroshi Amano graduated from the Nagoya University School of Engineering in 1983 particles that constitute matter. This theory was proved in 1995 with the discovery of 2010- Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, and, after obtaining his PhD in 1988, was appointed Research Associate at Nagoya the sixth quark, known as the top quark. Among the numerous theories attempting Nagoya University University, advancing to Assistant Professor. He then joined Dr. Akasaki as a Professor at to explain CP symmetry violation, the Kobayashi-Maskawa theory remains the most Meijo University, before returning to Nagoya University‘s Graduate School of Engineering. concise and well-formed, and today is one of the key components of the standard model of particle physics.

Dr. Maskawa and Dr. Kobayashi while attending graduate school

Nobel Prize in Chemistry, 2008 In October 2008, organic chemist and marine biologist Professor Osamu Shimomura from Nagoya University was announced as one of three distinguished scientists to receive the 2008 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, sharing it with Martin Chalfie of and Roger Y. Tsien of the University of , . They received this award for the discovery and development of the green fluorescent protein, GFP. Professor Shimomura was the first to discover and successfully refine GFP in luminous jellyfish. Using this GFP as a marker, it is now possible to directly observe protein behavior in living cells. This significantly contributes to the development of molecular biology and biosciences. Blue Light-emitting Diode (LED) on Toyoda Auditorium Clock Alexander Mahmoud ©Nobel Media AB At the 3rd Memorial Lecture

12 Nagoya University Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture 13 Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture

New Flagship Research Initiatives New Flagship Research Initiatives

Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS) Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules

Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability

Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) The Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules (ITbM) was launched at Nagoya University in December 2012 and is supported by the World Premier International About IMaSS Organization chart Research Center Initiative (WPI), the flagship program of the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). In order to contribute toward the realization of a safe and sustainable future society Center for Integrated ITbM aims to create a new interdisciplinary field of research through the collaboration amidst global-scale environmental and resource-related restrictions, the Institute of Research of Future Electronics (CIRFE) Device Innovation Section of cutting-edge molecular synthetic chemistry, animal/plant biology, and theoretical Materials and Systems for Sustainability (IMaSS) promotes research ranging from Multiphysics Simulation Section science, and to deliver bio-molecules to solve urgent problems, such as environmental materials and electronics science to systems technologies. Materials Nano-Characterization Section System Applications Section issues, food production and medical technology that have a significant impact on the society. International Research Section ITbM’s "Mix" concept ITbM has set up "Mix Labs", which are lab spaces where synthetic chemists and IMaSS consists mainly of 2 research centers and 2 research divisions, along with several Advanced Measurement Technology Center(AMTC) animal/plant biologists work next to each other, along with theoretical scientists other funded and collaborative labs. Electron Nanoscopy Section situated nearby to enable interactive discussions. This has led to effective mixing Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics (CIRFE) focuses on the Electromagnetic Wave Measurements Section Elementary Particle Measurements Section of research areas by integrating researchers from different disciplines, and many development of power devices for reducing electric power consumption, and research X-Ray Spectroscopy Section Nanofabrication & Characterization Section collaborative research projects have emerged in a bottom-up manner. consortiums are steadily being arranged throughout Japan. Nagoya University is Division of Materials Research (DM) well known for the achievement in gallium nitride semiconductor technology, and "Combating Striga" Materials Physics Section ITbM has been engaging with high priority on the project "Combating Striga". Striga is collaborations with various research groups within and beyond country boundaries are Materials Design Section being strongly promoted. Materials Processing Section a parasitic plant that causes drastic damage to agriculture in Africa. Striga is a major Director Advanced Measurement Technology Center (AMTC) specializes in research and Division of Systems Research (DS) threat for food crops, leading to huge yield losses (worth over 10 billion US dollars) and Conversion Systems Section affecting over 100 million people. Striga recognizes strigolactones (SLs), which are development of basic sciences using the electron microscope technologies and also Network Systems Section other advanced facilities. The center aims to explore and develop novel measurement Circulation Systems Section plant hormones released by plants, and this hormone initiates germination of Striga Vice - techniques, operate multi-user instruments, provide opportunities for collaborative Director Energy Systems (Chubu Electric Power) seeds and parasitization towards the host plant. Funded Research Division research, and train highly skilled scientists and engineers. ITbM’s chemists and plants biologists have worked together, and have rapidly developed Advanced Power Electronics Division of Materials Research (DM) carries out research on advanced materials that are Funded Research Division a molecule "Yoshimulactone green (YLG)", which exhibits green fluorescence upon binding to the receptor associated to the germination process of Striga. This achievement applied to devices for future energy systems, while Division of Systems Research (DS) is AIST-NU GaN Advanced Device engaged in developing systems technologies toward practical deployment in the society. Open Innovation Laboratory resulted in the identification of the unrevealed SL receptor of Striga, and led to the Funded Research Divisions Toyota Advanced Power Electronics development of the exceptionally active biomolecule sphynolactone-7 (SPL7). The SPL7 Industry-Academia Collaborative Chair and other Industry-Academia Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics, Corn field infested by the parasitic plant Striga acts as an agonist for the SL receptor of Striga to induce germination in a femtomolar Transformative Electronics Facilities【C-TEFs】 DENSO Automotive Power Electronics -15 collaborative labs are devoted Industry-Academia Collaborative Chair (10 ) range. ITbM's research team is planning to extend the discovery to the field trial What is WPI? of SPL7 in Kenya in collaboration with International Center for Research and Education in to respective researches in TOYODA-GOSEI GaN leading Innovative The WPI program was launched in 2007 by the MEXT with the aim to build R&D Industry-Academia Collaborative Chair cooperation with the research "globally visible" research centers with high research standards and an Agriculture (ICREA), Nagoya University. outstanding research environment that will attract frontline researchers centers and divisions of Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics, [References] "A femto-molar range suicide germination stimulant for the parasitic plant Transformative Electronics Facilities【C-TEFs】 from around the world to carry out their research at the centers. The WPI IMaSS. has four objectives: (1) advancing leading-edge research, (2) creating Striga hermonthica" by D. Uraguchi, K. Kuwata, Y. Hijikata, R. Yamaguchi, H. Imaizumi, High Voltage Electron interdisciplinary domains, (3) establishing international research Microscope Laboratory HVEM Sathiyanarayanan AM, C. Rakers, N. Mori, K. Akiyama, S. Irle, P. McCourt, T. Kinoshita, 【 】 environment, and (4) reforming research organizations. A total of 13 WPI C-TEFs opening ceremony (2017/07/24) Research Facility for Advanced Science centers have been selected up to now. T. Ooi, Y. Tsuchiya, Science, 2018, 362,1301-1305 (DOI: 10.1126/science.aau5445) and Technology【RFAST】

14 Nagoya University Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture 15 Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture

New Flagship Research Initiatives

Human Machine Harmonization System (HMHS) Consortium National Composites Center (NCC)

[How is the consortium organized?] On April 1, 2012, the National Composites Center (NCC) was A national project aiming at applying thermoplastic CFRP to This consortium offers an environment established at Nagoya University. Although the carbon fiber automotive industries has already begun. 10 Japanese that fosters open innovation driven by (CF) manufacturing industries in Japan are considered to be companies, including automotive, carbon fiber, and automotive the collaboration between four public one of its strongest fields, holding a 70% share of the world parts companies are participating in this project to develop a research institutions (Nagoya University, market, we cannot necessarily state that Japanese technology to manufacture large structures using , Institute of carbon/polymer composite processing industries are thermoplastic CFRP produced by LFT-D (Long Fiber Technology, National Institute of sufficiently strong when compared with their European Thermoplastic-Direct) technologies, which will enable high Advanced Industrial Science and HMHS Young Researchers and Companies counterparts. In order to energize these composite processing productivity and low cost processes for future automotive Technology (AIST)) who play a key role with New Business Models industries and promote the innovation of related technologies, industries. Main facilities in NCC are the hydraulic press in research on "Harmoware", a system a budget for Nagoya University from the Ministry of machine (35,000kN) with twin extruder (LFT-D device). Figure advocating for the harmonization of Economics, Trades and Industries (METI) was approved in 1 shows the full-scale LFT-D chassis structure consisting of

relations between humans and intelligent HMHS Consortium HR Development Program for 2011, and installation operations for NCC began. NCC activities LFT-D parts including floor panel, side sills and front and rear Platform and Research Achievements Distinguished Innovation machines. These research institutions Management Function Industrial Science HR Development Function focus on automotive and aerospace industries, which are parts which are joined together using ultrasonic welding

collaborate with a wide variety of Leading Graduate Program based in the Greater Nagoya Area and which lead the world in technology. These results indicate the advantages of the companies to develop applications in Science and Engineering, their respective fields. LFT-D technology, especially in comparison with conventional The Center of Innovation (COI) Program Waseda University (service products) that operate with the CF/thermoplastic technologies, which have difficulty making "Harmoware". such three-dimensional complicated shape. From 2018fy, new Program on Open Innovation Platform with Enterprises, Graduate Program subjects of LFT-D/T-RTM Hybrid process, Prediction of LFT-D Research Institute and for Real-World Data [What can member companies do?] Academia (OPERA) Circulation Leaders Material Properties and CFRTP Recycle Technologies are being Member companies can conduct joint undertaken. Another project is being focusing on the research on the concept of the open-source Differences from Conventional Joint Research development of composite structure evaluation technologies, basic software "Harmoware" and on the (1) Open platform collaboration across a variety of industries especially for lightning tests on aircraft. development of applications that operate (2) "face-to-face" operation by graduate students implementing practical application with it. They can also conduct closed-access of their developments in society research for product development. Member (3) Research acceleration made possible by government funding Figure 1 LFT-D Chassis Structure companies who are not involved in the joint (4) Support for a wide range of research projects research can learn about what projects are included and what kind of research is HMHS Key Technologies Disaster Mitigation Research Center (DMRC) being conducted in other programs. This consortium provides a platform to consider a society in which humans and intelligent machines live harmoniously with one another. Self-driving vehicles are The Disaster Mitigation Research Center (DMRC) was founded in December 2010. [Where will the research be one example of intelligent machines we can think of today. The software used in Nagoya City and the surrounding Chukyo area are vulnerable to natural hazard risks conducted?] these cars, "Autoware," is an open-source basic software developed for self-driving due to the high possibility of large earthquakes along the Nankai Trough plate Each respective research institution vehicles. To develop "Harmoware," We will utilize various kinds of intelligent boundary. The Japanese government estimates the probability of the occurrence of serves as a research site when joint machines to create another basic software that can provide services in which these the next large earthquake during the next 30 years as 70% to 80%, and the research is conducted on an individual machines can work harmoniously with humans. This new harmonization service worst-case scenario predicts that economic losses will reach as much as 220 trillion basis. Laboratories (testbeds) provided for platform will be able to detect human conditions, reference databases to understand yen. The area also has a history of destructive floods and storms. Since this area is common use by the member institutions human actions, and work accordingly. In this consortium, our research will progress the center of industrial production in Japan, these natural hazard risks may cause a are available for joint research projects. under the following four pillars. serious crisis at a national level. The DMRC, which brings together experts with (Please follow the guidelines provided by various backgrounds such as engineering, earth science, social science and each research institution when using (1) Development of human sensing technology to detect human conditions by humanities, promotes cooperative multidisciplinary research for developing a common-use laboratories) downsizing and integrating technologies of chemical sensors, etc. state-of-the-art disaster mitigation model and applying it to ensure safety and (2) Development of technology to protect intelligent machines and their data from security of the local community. The DMRC provides a cooperative framework for malicious attacks. local government, companies, and citizens to improve the preparedness of the local (3) Development of technology that responds to human actions while maintaining a community for future natural hazards. In addition, the DMRC offers disaster harmonization of relations between humans and intelligent machines. mitigation training courses for local public officers and volunteers. The Gensaikan (4) Creation of databases and modelization of situations that will serve as reference The Disaster Mitigation Research Building Building, where the DMRC is located, has an exhibition hall and a , which are for evaluating human conditions in changing environments. open to the public for self-learning about natural disasters and their mitigation.

16 Nagoya University Excellence in Research Fostered by a Free and Vibrant Academic Culture 17 New Flagship Research Initiatives Nurturing Future Global Leaders

Mobility Innovation Center (Nagoya University COI) - Empowering an aging society through advanced mobility -

Top Global University Project Asia Satellite Campuses Institute - An Asian Hub University Contributing - Transnational Doctoral Programs to a Sustainable Society in the 21st Century - for Leading Professionals in Asian Countries -

The Development of Joint Degree Program Other International Programs

Nagoya University Overseas Take-off Initiative (NU-OTI) Program for Leading Graduate Schools - Five-Year Doctoral Programs for Training and Developing Future International Leaders - 世界に通用する真 Integrative Graduate Education and Research Program in Green Natural Sciences The Program for Cross-Border Legal Institution Design PhD Professional: Gateway to Success in Frontier Asia Leadership Development Program for Space Exploration and Research Graduate Program for Real-World Data Circulation Leaders Women Leaders Program to Promote Well-being in Asia Fresh Insights, Intellectual Stimulation, and a Global Perspective through Student Exchange (NUPACE)

Japan has already shifted to become a super-aging society. In order to retain and 360° 3D Lidar enhance the sustainability of our society, it is important to encourage activities that Nagoya University Short-Term Camera can prevent the mental and physical depression of seniors. Mobility is not only limited to transportation or automobiles, but also represents the ability to move Japanese Language Program(NUSTEP)

Self-driving freely and safely. To make a sustainable aged-society a reality, it is essential that の Autoware seniors are able to lead active life styles regardless of age, region, or individual リ situations. To empowering an aging society through advanced mobility, we implements � innovative technologies with three pillars of 1) Driving Assistance System and Test on Public Roads ダ Autonomous Cars for safe and reliable mobility, 2) Physical Conditions and Mental Nagoya University Summer Intensive Program (NUSIP) Inspiration to stimulate going outside, and 3) Participatory Society to foster mutual � aid and self-esteem. を育成

Slocal Self-driving System offers mobility to those that cannot The Nagoya University Global 30 International Programs drive and supports so called “last mile” transportation - Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Taught in English -

18 Nagoya University Nurturing Future Global Leaders 21

" PhD Degree Joint single Principal university Partner university International International

with Spemann Research presentation Nagoya and Adelaide Collaborative "

Apr Examination Committee of Awarding PhD Degree th year 4 Oct Apr Nurturing Future Global Leaders rd year 3 in April Each 2019. school has Oct International Collaborative Program in in Program Collaborative International Ap " nd year 2 Oct Research at a laboratory in Adelaide (at least one year between 2nd and 4th year) Research at a laboratory in Nagoya (at least one year between 2nd and 4th year) s objectiveestablish is to approximately 20 Specialized Subject Course Specialized Subject Course Apr ’ Research in Adelaide Research in Nagoya International Collaborative Program in Agricultural Common Established Course

Start Planning thesis (need to take the course between 1st and 3rd year of PhD) Start Planning thesis Oct st year 1 Nagoya & Adelaide Collaborative Examination Committee for Admission between Nagoya University and the University of Adelaide internationaljoint education programswith leading Western of Nagoya Adelaide University University collaboration the " the collaboration Sciences between Nagoya University and with the Faculty Agriculture of Kasetsart of University in April, and the Graduate School Medicine of in collaboration the " Medical Science between Comprehensive in Program Collaborative Nagoya University and University Freiburg of begun accepting talented applicants enroll to in these programs. In the joint degree program, students receivea single diploma with the names both of universities upon completion the of program and spend a predetermined period time of studying in both universities without extending their period enrollment. of This program strives offerto students high-quality educational opportunities by providing a mutually complementary education program that cannot be created within a single university or country. University Nagoya Graduate School Biology of and Medicine of in October. Also, the Graduate School Bioagricultural of Sciences collaborating with the University Western of Australia, Faculty of Sciencewill be launching the Agricultural Sciences between Nagoya University and the Australia" University Western of other Asian expansionand of pursuing the currently is and universities, international joint education program partners primarily with top international universities whohave history a exchange of with Nagoya University. By pursuing the establishment joint of degree programs and international joint research projects, Nagoya Universityaims increase to the number international of joint research articles produced and international faculty, establish an international joint and research rank within center, the top 100 of well-known ranking lists such as THE and QS. Outline of International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Medical Science Comprehensive Medical International Program of Collaborative in Outline Target:students who wish to expand international research . " Top Top 100 Research University Internationalized . In addition, in April " work) System & Future Vision ① Joint selective system International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Comprehensive in Program Collaborative International International Collaborative Program in Comprehensive Comprehensive in Program Collaborative International " ) in October 2015. ② Joint Program in Medical Education Acquisition of outstanding faculty Connecting with top universities International Research Center (net ・ ・ ・ International Collaborative Program in Science between the the between Science in Program Collaborative International Joint examination (Oral, Basic English required) Eligibility which satisfies mutual requirements for application Faculties provide practical training Mutual and complementary program in medical education Careful support system for students by Administrative Advisor. Careful support system for students by Administrative Advisor. " Producing talented graduates who have satisfied the diploma policy ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ The Development of Joint Degree Program International Joint Program in Medical Education between Adelaide and Nagoya Strengthening the Relationship between the two Universities 2017, the Graduate School2017, Medicine of collaborating with the Lund University, Faculty Medicine of established a joint degree program titled " the Medical Science between Nagoya University and Lund University Furthermore, two joint degree programs have been established in the2018: Graduate School Bioagricultural of Sciences in University Edinburgh of and Nagoya University Nagoya University continuously aspires improve to the international compatibility our of education system with the aim fostering of global talent. As part such of efforts, the Graduate School Medicine, of in collaboration with the University Adelaide, of Faculty Health of Sciences established Japan's first joint degree program through whichsingle a degree isawarded conjointly with an overseas university ( " Medical Science between Nagoya University and University of Adelaide Shortly thereafter, in October 2016, the Graduate School Science of establishedalso collaborative international an program with the University Edinburgh of College Science of and Engineering named the The -

1000students % 30 2020 Completion of Completion International residence International Kasetsart University Kasetsart

● in both Japanese and English Provide grade reportsProvide grade written Support collaborative research based in the humanities and of lectures for the science and engineering graduate programs engineering and science the lectures of for % 270 students 270 50 social sciences through the Applied Social System Institute of Asia(ASSIA) North Carolina State University

● 2019 tainable Society thetainable in 21st Century Women FacultyWomen s Joint Degree Conference with Kasetsart University global-scale problems and building towards the future, as well as those who have a strong desire actively to a make contribution regional to communities while maintaining a global mindset.the At same time, our universities must their make presence in felt the international community and work rank to alongside top universities worldwide. Based on the Nagoya University ideals, NU implement is to the GlobalTop University Project; in terms research of its goal is the "enhancement cutting-edge of research at a world-class whilelevel," interms education of it aims "become to an attractive goals Achieving these global and Nagoya University." in the field Asia, of it is determined become to an "Asian hub university." By realizing these three goals, NU intends play to a universityrole as a key in Asia, which is working hard build to a sustainable world, and, by providing the strong spirit and ability needed actually to a contribution make twenty-first-centuryto human society, be to fully worthy being of called a top, world-class university. The project concept is as can be seen in below. and above figures the Expand the Humanities Total of 14 Programs Standardize reports grade syllabuses and university-wide 2 4 University of Freiburg

● Promote international standardization international Promote to

documentation from overseas ears Simplify various procedures for procedures various Simplify Y YLC continues their program of supporting young researchers Move to set a fixed number of positions for international faculty and women faculty

Expanding Academic Network in Asia Establish international joint education and research groups Aiming for Top 100 ranking in THE and QS Cultivating leaders in Asian countries Establish Asia Satellite Campus % ● ● The number of outbound study students of abroad number The 20 18 2018 –

with Top Universities Top GlobalTop University Project: Operation Sheet Improve support systems for internationalstudents(studentTranslate life, university mental health, information etc.) into English Hire international students and bilingual staff Provide orientations on safety and risk management Establish programs that meet the needs of prospective participants

Developing Joint Degrees University of Western Australia Western of University

● ● ● ● ● ● niversity Contributing to a Su Expand our G30Expand our programs (undergraduate) Increase the number oflectures taught in English Expand our network out from our head office in Thailand into the wider Southeast region wider Asian the into Thailand office network in head Expand our from our out Promote our “Transnational Doctoral Programs for Leading Professionals in Asian Countries” The Next 10 The Next : Asian Hub University and To attract high quality students and researchers To increase international competitiveness To cultivate human resource that will contribute creation a sustainable society supports World-Class Research University World-Class Research Cultivating Globally-Minded Leaders Supporting World-Class Research Outbound students An Asian U Hub Foreign ResearchersForeign Inbound studentsInbound and Joint Degree Program Degree Joint

Asian Satellite Campus Educational Reinvention - Top Global University Global Project Top 3 Supports for Young, Women Supports Young, for 1 Accept more international students Send more Japanese students abroad Educate students with international standard World Premiar International Research Center (WPI) Initiative Supporting young, female, and international researchers Nagoya University Nagoya University The environment surrounding Japanesehigher education is entering a transition phase, with a decrease in working-age people due declining to birthrates and the ageing population, social and economic of speedy globalization increasingly the and activity. Japan's universities, which must live up society's to expectations as intellectual bases that drive the growth the of gather outstanding stronglyexpected to nation, are researchers from around the world, and nurture to talented young professionals with an understanding different of cultures who will play active roles in and contribute the to solving of 20 Nurturing Future Global Leaders

Nagoya University Overseas Take-off Initiative (NU-OTI) Fresh Insights, Intellectual Stimulation, and a Global Perspective through Student Exchange (NUPACE)

Established in February 1996, the Nagoya University Program for Academic Exchange (NUPACE) is an academic student exchange program through which international students enrolled at Nagoya University's partner institutions can study in Japan for one or two semesters. The program aims to foster friendships that extend beyond borders, internationalize through education, and motivate overseas students to pursue more extensive studies in Japan. The NUPACE academic year runs on a semester basis, and 2 4 students can choose one of two admission periods: Mid-September or early April.

3 NUPACE offers a unique and flexible curriculum comprising Japanese language instruction, Japan area studies, and a wide range of courses in the student's major field of study, including those available through the G30 International Programs. Provided that they take at least fifteen credits per semester, students can design their own curriculum, balancing their interest in Japanese language and area studies with the desire to pursue their major. Guided research for graduate students is also available. Moreover, whilst a fully-developed, comprehensive English language program is provided, those students proficient in Japanese are eligible to register and 1 earn credits for any course offered to degree-seeking students at Nagoya University.

1 Partner Institution : University of Iceland 2 Partner Institution : University of Leeds 3 Partner Institution : The University of Adelaide 4 Partner Institution : NUPACE has hosted a total of 2,164 international students from 145 institutions in thirty-six countries. The programme is renowned, in both domestic and international University-Wide Student Exchange Program arenas, for its quality and leadership in exchange student education. Over 180 universities/ institutions are possible exchange partners Three internal selection rounds per year (June, November, January) Duration of Exchange is one semester or one year Participants join local students in taking classes in their field of study or other related areas of interest. As a representative of Nagoya University, participants must engage in their academic studies with a sincere attitude and are required to periodically submit a report during their exchange. Participants must plan ahead and consider their future plans. Those wishes to transfer credits must follow each departments’ rules accordingly.


〇 Support from Study Abroad Office Study Abroad Office support students participating in exchange by helping them choose their destination, preparing them for language requirements, providing various

orientations and risk managements. Office can also advice students while they are on 1 the program through e-mails. 2 3

〇 Tuition waiver Nagoya University has established a mutual tuition fee waiver with most partner institutions. As long as students pay tuition to Nagoya University, they do not have to pay tuition at the destination university. Therefore, the costs of their exchange are less than a self-funded study abroad.

Short Term Program We also offer various short-term programs. Please refer to the website: http://ieec.iee.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ja/abroad/program/tanki-tokubetsu.html 1 Hanabi 2 Having a fun time in Ohmeikan lobby 3 Field-trip to Meijimura

22 Nagoya University Nurturing Future Global Leaders 23 Nurturing Future Global Leaders

Nagoya University Short-Term Nagoya University Summer Intensive Program (NUSIP) Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP)

Established in February 2016, the Nagoya University the afternoon, they join activities to experience local society 3 Short-Term Japanese Language Program (NUSTEP) is an and culture including dressing in a kimono, writing Japanese academic exchange program in which international students calligraphy, attending a social event with Nagoya University enrolled at Nagoya University’s partner institutions study students, and touring an automobile plant. Nagoya University intermediate-level Japanese language in an intensive faculty members also lecture participants on specialized two-week program. Its purpose is to provide participants subjects, host a workshop on exploring career options in with the opportunity to improve their language skills and also Japan, and welcome participants to see some of the research learn about the culture and society of . Some conducted in on-campus laboratories. This program will not who enjoy their experience may return to Japan later either only encourage cooperation between Nagoya University and through a longer-term exchange program, like NUPACE, or its partner institutions, but also provide a new generation of enroll as a graduate student. During the program, participants students a small taste of what it is like to study in Japan. study in the classroom from 8:45 am to 12:15 pm each day. In 1 2 Schedule : July 11-25,2019 February 6-20,2020 day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7

8:45 9:00 Opening Ceremony Morning Meeting

9:00 10:30 Orientation Japanese 1 Japanese 3 Japanese 5

10:45 12:15 Placement Test Japanese 2 Japanese 4 Japanese 6 Housing Field Trip Holiday Check-in Lunch break 1 LiDAR system 2 National Traffic Safety and Environmental Laboratory 13:00 14:30 Campus Guidance Study of Japan/ Study of Japan/ Laboratory Visit/ 3 Poster Tradition and Industry in Specialized 14:45 16:15 Welcome Party Culture Aichi Lecture

day8 day9 day10・day11 day12 day13 day14 day15 With support and cooperation from the Japanese automotive industry and related 8:45 9:00 Morning Meeting Morning Meeting enterprises, the Graduate School of Engineering offered a 6-week summer program 9:00 10:30 Japanese 7 Japanese 9 Japanese 11 Japanese 13 Japanese 15 entitled “Latest Advanced Technology & Tasks in Automobile Engineering,” from June 13 to July 19, 2018 in which 36 overseas students and 9 Nagoya University 10:45 12:15 Japanese 8 Japanese 10 Japanese 12 Japanese 14 Final Exam Home Visit/ Housing students participated. Conducted entirely in English, the program was aimed at Holiday Check-out overseas students and Nagoya University students in engineering-related fields. The Lunch break program's greatest feature was its exciting lectures from various viewpoints on 13:00 14:30 Study of Japan/ Laboratory Visit/ Closing Ceremony state-of-the-art technologies in areas such as hybrid automobiles, fuel cells, Study of Japan/ Modern Society Specialized Self Study environmental strategies, accident prevention, and expressway traffic. The lectures Monozukuri 14:45 16:15 and Youth Lecture Farewell Party were conducted with support from some of the industry's leading technologists and researchers, as well as Nagoya University faculty members. Although of short duration, the program's objectives enabled overseas students to study some of the various fields that are particularly advanced in Japan, as well as increase their interest in this country and its culture. The program also enabled Nagoya University students to improve their English and communication skills and broaden their international horizons in conjunction with studies in their specialist fields. (Refer to: http://www.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/en/nusip/index.html)

1 2 3 1 Hands-On Painting Experience 2 Social Exchange with NU Students 3 Presentation in Japanese Class

24 Nagoya University Nurturing Future Global Leaders 25 Nurturing Future Global Leaders

The Nagoya University Global 30 International Programs - Undergraduate and Graduate Degrees Taught in English -

The Nagoya University Global 30 International Programs offer individual attention. The first and second years of the undergraduate and graduate full-degree programs taught in undergraduate curriculum includes Liberal Arts and Science English. Since 2011, we have introduced 10 Undergraduate, 10 courses that expose students to subjects outside their field. Master’s, and 7 Doctoral programs to give students the chance The first year students also enroll in Japanese language to follow their academic interests, improve their language classes. The second and third years offer laboratory courses, abilities, and hone their communication skills. All faculty seminars and specialized courses to prepare students for their teaching in the G30 programs are experts in their field. Small fourth year when they will study, research, and write their class sizes mean that instructors can provide students with graduation thesis.

Global 30 International Programs (Undergraduate) What is Special about the Global 30 Student Life Housing Programs Affiliated Schools International Programs? Students in the G30 programs are housed in one of the university Automotive Engineering • School of Engineering dormitories during their first year. Physics • School of Science Chemistry • School of Science • School of Engineering Academics On-Campus Cafeterias Biological Science School of Science School of Agricultural Sciences • • English-taught Curriculum On-campus cafeterias and cafes offer foods that satisfy Social Sciences • School of Law • School of Economics Nagoya University offers undergraduate and graduate programs different tastes and dietary needs. Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies • School of Humanities fully taught in English. No Japanese language ability is necessary for admission. Academic Advising and Counseling Global 30 International Programs (Graduate) Specialized faculty, teaching assistants, research assistants and Degree Programs Affiliated Schools Teaching and Training in Research Skills tutors help incoming students adjust to academic and daily life. Master’s Doctoral Nagoya University is one of Japan’s top research universities. Automotive Engineering • Graduate School of Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering • Graduate School of Engineering • Graduate School of Environmental Studies Our faculty bring recent discoveries in their fields straight to the Social Events Earth and Environmental Sciences • Graduate School of Environmental Studies students. Small class sizes and laboratories emphasize critical Throughout the academic year, Nagoya University provides Engineering Physics • Graduate School of Engineering thinking, hands-on research skills, and communication abilities. opportunities for students, faculty, and the local community to Physics and Mathematics Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Mathematics • • meet and talk. Chemistry Graduate School of Science Graduate School of Engineering • • Japanese Language Education Biological and Bioagricultural Sciences • Graduate School of Science • Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Although the G30 curriculum is in English, Nagoya University offers a Career Support Biological and Bioagricultural Sciences • Graduate School of Medicine Japanese language program for students from beginner to advanced. The Career Services Office provides counseling and career path Medical Science • Graduate School of Medicine Economics and Business Administration • Graduate School of Economics guidance for international students. Students may also join Linguistics and Cultural Studies • Graduate School of Humanities internship programs, corporate information sessions, Japan-in-Asia Cultural Studies • Graduate School of Humanities Admission company-student mixers, and job fairs. Online Application Candidates for the G30 program apply online. Nagoya Graduate Destinations University evaluates applicants through document screening Companies followed by interviews via video conference. Toyota Industries Corporation, Daimler, Idemitsu(Singapore), Mizuho Financial Group, NEC, Softbank

Finances Graduate School Non-discriminatory and Affordable Tuition Fees , MIT, Imperial College , ETH, The International students at Nagoya University pay the same tuition , University of Pennsylvania, , fees as domestic students. UC Berkeley, ,

G30 Undergraduate Scholarship for Selected Students Nagoya University selects a limited number of students for scholarships covering tuition fees and a living allowance.


26 Nagoya University Nurturing Future Global Leaders 27 Nurturing Future Global Leaders

Asia Satellite Campuses Institute Other International Programs - Transnational Doctoral Programs for Leading Professionals in Asian Countries -

Programs Offered at a Glance

Graduate School of Graduate School Graduate School of Graduate School of Graduate School of Graduate School of International Development The program aims at equipping students with knowledge of a wide range of issues Education and Human of Law Medicine Bioagricultural International Environmental Development Sciences Development Studies and Cooperation Course of developing countries. By imparting knowledge and understanding of the realities (Master/ Doctoral) of the developing world, students will be equipped with skills to work in a variety of related professional fields. Drawing on Japanese development experience, it provides alternative perspectives which differ from the conventional development theories of the Western model. Mongolia

Laos LL.M. (Comparative Law) and LL.D. In this program, a traditional curriculum in law and politics is complemented by social (Comparative Law) Programs in activities, student mentorship arrangements, and private and internships. Students Law and Political Science, Department of the Combined Graduate may take advantage of language instruction through the International Language Center, Philippines Program in Law and Political Science annual participation in the Japan Inter-Collegiate Negotiation Competition, and a set of student-driven cross-national seminars (the Peer Support Initiative). The extended features Myanmar *Program offered without Satellite Campus. of our environment supplement the academic program, creating additional opportunities for cross-border and cross-cultural teaching and learning.

Up to now, Nagoya University has been actively nurturing talented young professionals The Young Leaders’ Program at Nagoya University is a one-year Master’s degree from Asian countries through initiatives such as legislation-related professional Young Leaders’ Program (Master) course in Healthcare Administration. The Young Leaders’ Program (YLP), which aims development programs at the Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE), and the Young to foster the development of future national leaders in Asian and other countries, is Leaders' Program (YLP) at its Graduate School of Medicine. Students graduating one of the Japanese Government Scholarship Student systems and it should help from NU have gone on to play active roles in their home countries in Asia as senior or form a network among national leaders, contributing to the establishment of friendly potential government officials in positions such as vice minister and director-general of relationships and improved policy planning among Asian and other countries including bureau. A Class at a Satellite Campus (Cambodia) Japan. (Not open for general admission) Among those graduates who already hold master's degrees, some wish to study for a doctoral degree at an overseas university, so that they can further develop their Nagoya University Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP) aims to policy-making skills in order to tackle the various issues facing Asian countries. However, Global Environmental Leaders Program foster future environmental leaders who can propose concrete solutions to various many graduates find it difficult to study abroad while remaining in their current jobs. (Master/ Doctoral) environmental problems around the world, particularly in Asia and Africa. NUGELP In response to their requests, NU has utilized its great achievements and experience in is interdisciplinary and covers various research fields such as Civil Engineering, the Asian region to date, and, from 2014, began the "Transnational Doctoral Programs Environmental Systems Analysis, Transportation Planning, Land Use Planning, for Leading Professionals in Asian Countries,"aiming to enable senior officials from Architecture, Economics, and Policy Studies. various Asian countries to pursue a doctoral degree without leaving their workplace for an extended period of time. The objective of the Forefront Studies Program is to develop international civil In these Programs, students are enrolled in a Nagoya University doctoral program (Final Forefront Studies Program engineers who have advanced expertise, ability to make comprehensive judgement Three-year Program), and work towards a doctoral degree by receiving education both (Master/ Doctoral) and deployment capabilities for sustainable co-development of Japan and foreign in Japan and at one of NU's Satellite Campuses. For the majority of the time they learn The Entrance Ceremony at the Philippines Satellite Campus countries in civil engineering field. This Program offers the financial aid of the skills such as academic writing and receive research guidance at the Satellite Campus Japanese Government Scholarship Program. established in their home country in Asia, as well as receiving long-distance guidance using ICT by their academic advisor in Japan. In addition, there are fixed periods of "schooling," during which students will travel to Japan to receive intensive teaching Other International Programs (Graduate) and research guidance directly from their academic advisor. Through this system of Degree Programs Affiliated Schools education, students are able to enjoy the same high standard of education as they Master’s Doctoral would on Nagoya University's home campuses, without having to be absent from their International Development and Cooperation Course • Graduate School of International Development workplace for long periods of time. Department of the Combined Graduate Program in Law and Political Science LL. M. (Comparative Law) Program • Graduate School of Law These Programs are offered in seven countries, namely Cambodia, Laos, Mongolia, and LL.D.(Comparative Law) Myanmar, Philippines, Uzbekistan and Vietnam by six graduate schools: Education and Young Leaders’Program (YLP) • Graduate School of Medicine Human Development, Nagoya University Global Environmental Leaders Program (NUGELP) • Graduate School of Environmental Studies ・Graduate School of Engineering Forefront Studies Program Graduate School of Environmental Studies Graduate School of Engineering The Reception Party for the Graduates of Law, Medicine, Bioagricultural Sciences, International Development and Environmental • ・ Asian Satellite Campuses Institute Studies.

28 Nagoya University Nurturing Future Global Leaders 29 Nurturing Future Global Leaders

Program for Leading Graduate Schools - Five-year Doctoral Programs for Training and Developing Future International Leaders -

2 3 5

1 4 6

1 Green Natural Sciences 2 Legal Institution Design 3 Gateway to Success in Frontier Asia 4 Group work of students in Space Exploration and Research 5 Real-World Data Circulation 6 Well-being in Asia

This enterprise, which has been implemented since 2011 by MEXT, aims to cultivate globally active leaders; to this end, it gathers Leadership Development Program for Space Exploration and Research together first-class teaching staff and students from both inside and outside Japan and supports projects at universities which are This program aims to expand the utilization of the space instrument development projects, where teams of students forming and developing five-year unified doctoral programs that will be of use globally. environment, the final frontier for humankind, by fostering with different sets of interests, skills and expertise develop world-class leaders who can integrate advanced technologies instruments for the industry-academia microsatellite project, Integrative Graduate Education and Research Program in Green Natural Sciences and knowledge with broad perspectives and utilize them in ChubuSat. Students can exercise their problem-solving and industries, and by creating a network of leaders who will improve project management skills through the hands-on experience of This program aims to find lasting solutions to problems relating to order to play an active role in the world” through internationalized people’s daily lives through wider use of space technologies instrument development. One of the projects proposed by our the environment and energy, through the development of green education. Through this program, which stretches across science, and infrastructures. A flagship of this program is the ChubuSat students was launched as ChubuSat-2 in 2016. natural sciences. While improving the level of dissertations and engineering and bioagriculture, many students work together research, doctoral students will cultivate their “scientific ability in competition and raise the ability of each other. The students and social skills I order to look upon challenges from a broad who graduate from this program will be able to contribute to the Graduate Program for Real-World Data Circulation Leaders perspective”, as well as their “ability to extract practical results development of a sustainable society as leaders. The field of real-world data circulation aims to integrate the generate effective data circulation to create positive social values. from fundamental research”, and their “international experience in acquisition, analysis, and implementation of data in engineering, Students in the Program gain the comprehensive understanding information science, medicine, and economics. Data acquisition needed to recognize data circulation within various technologies. The Program for Cross-Border Legal Institution Design involves observing digital data from real-world phenomena, while The Program also provides practical experiences, such as research This program develops leaders who can organize international Program fosters networks of international leaders with a strong data analysis involves evaluating this data using information internships, while thesis work allows students to incorporate their teams working on enterprises to plan and design legal institutions awareness of Asia through joint research on comparative law and science. Data implementation then follows by developing experience and knowledge into a Ph.D. dissertation. Furthermore, for cross-border transplantation. Transplanted institutions will comparative politics by Japanese and international students. innovative products and services using the analysis results. This students in this Program may be offered financial assistance. form the foundations of social operations in various countries. The Program will foster leaders in industrial technologies, who can

PhD Professional: Gateway to Success in Frontier Asia Women Leaders Program to Promote Well-being in Asia For Japan to regain its former vitality, it is essential to regenerate for both parties to build win-win relationship while each party This program focuses on problems in the Asian region consisting individuals are guaranteed and to a state characterized by good manufacturing industry by more expanding the operation into plays a respective role; namely Frontier Asia as production bases of multicultural societies in various stages of development. These physical, mental, social, and economic conditions. This program the global markets. Under these circumstances, this program and Japan as expert and investor in technology. This program is problems include poverty, diverse health problems, and gender is jointly undertaken by four graduate schools: International aims to cultivate next-generation leaders who play active roles intended to train young talents from all-round graduate schools gaps. With a focus on food, health, environment, social systems, Development, Education and Human Development, Medicine in developing and implementing new growth strategies by (integration of arts and sciences) to become global leaders and education, we aim to foster women leaders who will work (including Health Sciences), and Bioagricultural Sciences, as well collaboration with Frontier Asia including Vietnam, Cambodia and strengthening the ties between Japan and Frontier Asia. in a global context to achieve well-being in Asia. Well-being as the International Cooperation Center for Agricultural Education . Through the collaboration, we believe it is important refers to a situation in which the rights and personal fulfillment of and the Center for Gender Equality.

30 Nagoya University Nurturing Future Global Leaders 31 International Cooperation

International Cooperation Applied Social System Institute of Asia, Nagoya University"

Applied Social System Institute of Asia (ASSIA)

Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE)

Opening address given by the Director Dr. Jiro Nemoto

ASSIA is a new institute launched in April of 2017. To begin, let us A. Environment Joint Research into Support for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Mongolia explain the circumstances leading to its establishment. In 2015 1. Sustainable development with decarbonization (Graduate Nagoya University released the "Nagoya University Matsuo School of International Development, Graduate School of Initiatives for Reform, Autonomy and Innovation 2020" (NU MIRAI Economics, and Graduate School of Environmental Sciences) 2020), which set forth several medium-term objectives that the 2. Strengthening food security and community development in University will endeavor to achieve in the future. Central among Asia by interdisciplinary approaches (Graduate School of the challenges introduced is the goal of growing Nagoya University Bioagricultural Sciences, Graduate School of Environmental into a world-leading research university, with "the establishment of Sciences, and Graduate School of International Development) International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture (ICREA) research institutes for the sustained creation of human B. Institutions knowledge" provided as one of the concrete policies toward 3. Legal research into ASEAN through field studies and theoretical achieving this goal. analysis (Graduate School of Law, Graduate School of International "The creation of human knowledge" implies, in other words, the Development, and Graduate School of Environmental Sciences) integration of knowledge and expertise possessed by the diverse 4. The governance of AI networking- Mainly from social, ethical, research personnel belonging to Nagoya University as a economic, and legal viewpoints - (Graduate School of Law, comprehensive research university. In the past, Nagoya University Graduate School of Informatics and Graduate School of has prioritized the establishment of interdisciplinary research Economics) organizations in the natural sciences, however it has become C. Human Resources apparent that finding solutions to many global challenges requires 5. Skills and knowledge for youths in developing countries incorporating the knowledge and expertise of the social sciences. (Graduate School of International Development, Graduate School To this end, Nagoya University decided to create a new research of Humanities, and Graduate School of Education and Human organization for the integration of the social sciences: the Applied Development) Social System Institute of Asia (ASSIA). While there are many 6. Construction of an international network for Lesson Studies and research institutes for specialized fields in the social sciences at development of a teacher education program in Asia (Graduate national universities in Japan, ASSIA is unique in that it is School of Education and Human Development) composed of research personnel who themselves work across a number of fields in the overall sciences. NU MIRAI 2020 takes as another of its policies "the cultivation of 国際協力 personnel motivated to learn with Asia and challenge the world". Now, let us introduce ASSIA's organizational structure. The ASSIA develops human resources and facilitates creative research following six research groups were launched in 2017 with the by utilizing as its foundation the international collaborative cooperation of Nagoya University's social sciences departments, networks that each researcher and graduate school at the and span the three research areas of "Environment", "Institutions", University have been building in the past. Furthermore, ASSIA and "Human Resources": contributes to the restructuring of Nagoya University into a "hub university in Asia" by showcasing researches that fuse disciplines and open up new areas of study to the world.

International Cooperation 33 International Cooperation

Center for Asian Legal Exchange (CALE) Joint Research into Support for Children with Developmental Disabilities in Mongolia

2 4

1 2

1 NU/MNUE Child Development Support Center 2 The Center opening ceremony 1 3 1 New building Asian Legal Exchange Plaza 2.3 2017 Summer Seminar 4 CJLV 10th Anniversary Ceremony Since 2013, Nagoya University has been collaborating with the Mongolian National University of Education (MNUE) on research and support activities for the mental health and CALE was established in 2002 as a research base for Asian Law and a coordinating center development of Mongolian children. In September 2016, the NU/MNUE Child Development for Japanese research and practice on legal assistance in Asia. It has been expanding its Support Center (hereinafter “the Center”) was established at MNUE. It is expected that cooperation activities into several countries in Asia, and remains the only center within the Center is not only carrying out research and supporting children with developmental a Japanese university to be professionally involved with legal assistance research and disabilities in Mongolia, but also making regional contributions and functioning as a base for 1 2 implementation projects. The Center is committed to playing a major role in carrying out human resource development. legal assistance projects centering on Asia, disclosing research outcomes related to those Counseling room in the Center The Center’s projects are as follows: projects, disseminating research and legal information on countries in Asia, and expanding the network of specialists within this field. 1. Consultations on developmental or psychological issues suffered by Mongolian children 3 4 The Center’s legal assistance activities include cooperation with developing countries which We have begun to provide guidance on child development and mental health issues through are making the transition to a market economy, to assist them in promoting the necessary the Center’s dedicated counseling room. Clinical psychologists and a child psychiatrist from reform of their legal systems and enable them to achieve a working market economy, the NU met with children and their families directly in the past, but now MNUE’s experts conduct rule of law, human rights, and democracy. Activities in the field include the following: the interviews themselves, and by consulting with NU staff via Skype, the level of expertise in • Cooperating in the drafting of laws and promoting judicial system reform their clinical care is being taken to new heights. Through these activities, we are contributing 5 6 • Cooperating in the consolidation of legal infrastructure such as the improvement of maintenance Testing scene of the Mongolian version Intelligence Scale to the local community and conducting human resource development in Mongolia. and access to legal and judicial information. • Cooperating in human resources development in the judicial sector 2. Creation of new testing tools for evaluating the development of children in Mongolia Establishment of centers for research and education in the field of law We aim to improve the methods for evaluating children's cognitive ability in Mongolia by 7 8 Eight centers have been established jointly by Nagoya University and partner universities in developing a Mongolian version of the "Tanaka-Binet Intelligence Scale V", an intelligence Research and Education Center for Japanese Law seven Asian transitional countries – Uzbekistan, Mongolia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, test used extensively in Japan. 1 Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan (Est. Sep. 2005) Indonesia, and Laos, where the Japanese government is implementing legal assistance In 2017-18, approximately 1200 children living in Mongolia were individually tested with the 2 National University of Mongolia, School of Law, Mongolia projects, and where local legal experts with sufficient knowledge and understanding of (Est. Sep. 2006) Mongolian version of the Tanaka-Binet Scale. 3 Hanoi Law University, Vietnam Japanese law and language are becoming indispensable. Some of these centers provide Training for testers of the Mongolian version Intelligence Scale We are now standardizing the test, which we plan to finalize in 2019. (Est. Sep. 2007) 4 Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia law students in partner universities with knowledge of Japanese Law through the Japanese (Est. Sep. 2008) language, to foster experts who can contribute to their own country’s legal development in 3. Training for child development and psychological care experts in Mongolia 5 Ho Chi Minh City University of Law, Vietnam (Est. Jan. 2012) the future by benefiting from Japanese knowledge and experience. For the advancement of specialized knowledge in child development support, we will Myanmar-Japan Legal Research Center These centers are designed as a central point of dissemination of information about Japanese carry out activities to raise awareness, such as organizing workshops and publishing 6 University of Yangon, Myanmar (Est. Jun. 2013) law, and as a hub for the collection and sharing of information about the laws of these countries. specialized books. Indonesia-Japan Legal Research and Education Center They are also aimed at facilitating research on both comparative and country-focused topics, 7 University of Gadjah Mada, Indonesia (Est. Jan. 2014) and to coordinate joint research projects between academic and professional institutions of 4. Circulation of research findings Laos-Japan Legal Research and Education Center the two countries in order to enhance deeper mutual understanding between professionals 8 National University of Laos, Laos (Est. Feb. 2014) Findings of the research involved in these activities will be presented at international and to promote expert knowledge on the law and society of these Asian countries. Text book of special education conferences and published in academic journals.

34 Nagoya University International Cooperation 35 International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture (ICREA) Global Network

Nagoya University around the Globe Japan-UK Research and Education Network - International Liaison Offices and Bases - for Knowledge Economy Initiatives (RENKEI)

Conferment of diploma at Nagoya univ. graduation ceremony

Academic Consortium for the 21st Century (AC21) Promoting Gender Equality from Nagoya to the World! ICREA aims to promote basic research and overseas field surveys that are directly geared towards finding solutions of existing problems in agricultural communities. As global food demands rapidly diversify, particularly in developing countries, the role of field science is becoming increasingly important. Specifically, the findings of basic research that have been accumulating in developed countries are expected to be efficiently utilized and applied in actual community to promote sustainable agricultural production that is based on food security, nutrient improvement, and environmental conservation. MIRAI - Connecting Swedish and Japanese Universities For these reasons, our center was reorganized in April 2018, from the International Our Partner Institutions through Research, Education and Innovation Cooperation Center for Agricultural Education to ICREA, reflecting revisions to our Growth survey at the sago palm pilot farm in Indonesia original 1999 mission statement, and made a new start to advance international research collaboration in agricultural development, to strengthen the function of international agricultural education based on such research, and to contribute more to global agricultural sciences by deepening coordination between relevant departments at Nagoya University and core research centers in Japan and abroad.

■Research Activities Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) - Linking together the influential research ● Improving rice productivity in unfavorable environments in Asia and Africa: 名古屋大学 1) Genetic improvement of rice to secure stable rice production universities of the Pacific Rim 2) Development of cultivation techniques to increase rice productivity 3) Development of flood-adaptive rice cultivation technology

● The International Sago Palm Project for strengthening food security Interview to rice liquor producer by students ● Improving educational and research conditions at agricultural universities in Cambodia

● Introducing biogas production from livestock manure for forest conversation in Nepal

■Publication To provide a platform for circulating the findings produced by the above research, ICREA の publishes a peer-reviewed international journal, the ‘Journal of International Cooperation for Agricultural Development’. グ ロ ■Open Forums and Seminars ICREA organizes our open forum every year to discuss important and contemporary topics � of international research and education in agriculture. We also arrange open seminars バ regularly throughout the year by inviting researchers and experts in agriculture from Japan Research on rice cultivation in Kenya and abroad. ル

■Japan Intellectual Support Network in Agricultural Sciences (JISNAS) 展開 ICREA plays a key role as secretariat of JISNAS, an organization that aims to promote collaboration and establish networks in the agricultural sciences among universities, as well as between universities and international research/cooperation institutions or other relevant organizations.

36 Nagoya University Global Network

Nagoya University around the Globe ● Nagoya University/Mongolian National University of Education Joint Support Center for Child Development - International Liaison Offices and Bases - (refer to: P35)

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Est. September 2016 In order to establish a world presence to develop true research excellence, Nagoya University has international liaison offices, research and education bases and a technology transfer office around the world. These stations are strategically positioned to recruit top-level students and teaching staff, ● The Cooperative Center for Resilience Research, organize academic exchanges, host workshops, interact with world-level researchers, learn about National University of Mongolia different countries' education systems, and promote Nagoya University around the globe. and Nagoya University

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Est. February 2016 Germany Freiburg Uzbekistan Tashkent Mongolia Ulaanbaatar

● International Liaison Offices Vietnam Hanoi Shanghai Laos USA Vientiane 1 2 3 4 North Carolina China Center Myanmar for International Exchange European Center (Freiburg, Germany): Est. April 2010-❸ Yangon (Shanghai, China): Est. November 2005-❶ Philippine Los Banos Uzbekistan Office Bangkok Office Thailand (Tashkent, Uzbekistan): Est. November 2009-❷ (Bangkok, Thailand) : Est. April 2014-❹ Bangkok Cambodia Phnom Penh ● Technology Partnership ● Field Research Center of Nagoya University Inc. Indonesia Vietnam Yogyakarta Ho Chi Minh City

North Carolina, USA Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Est. January 2008 Est. September 2009

●Asian Satellite Campuses Institute (refer to: P30)

● Centers for research and education Tashkent, Uzbekistan Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam 1 2 3 Est. Sep. 2005-❶ Est. Jan. 2012 in the field of law (refer to: P34) Phnom Penh, Cambodia Tashkent, Uzbekistan Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Yangon, Myanmar Est. August 2014-❶ Est. April 2015 Est. Sep. 2006-❷ Est. Jun. 2013

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia Vientiane, Laos http://cjl.law.nagoya-u.ac.jp/content/en/ Hanoi, Vietnam Yogyakarta, Indonesia Est. August 2014 Est. October 2015 Est. Sep. 2007 Est. Jan. 2014

Hanoi, Vietnam Los Banõs, Philippine Phnom Penh, Cambodia Vientiane, Laos - - Est. Sep. 2008-❸ Est. Feb. 2014 Est. August 2014 ❷ Est. November 2015 ❸ 1 2 3

38 Nagoya University Global Network 39 Global Network 41 3 Global Network 2 Industry-Academia-Government Collaboration Taking advantage of its international network, and industry academia, the among collaboration AC21facilitates government at a global level. Programs for Students for Programs —Student World Forums (SWF) The Student World Forums conferences are where students from the member institutions are invited exchange to ideas on issues of international concern. The SWF facilitatesinternational friendship, encourages students to develop a global mindset and strengthens the AC21 network —International Graduate Schools (IGS) While the SWFs target mainly undergraduate students, a new program was launched in 2013 in order to inspiregraduate students of the member institutions. Lectures in the IGS are offered by leading scholars with outstanding respectivecredentials their in fields. year as well as future plans event beyond shared were 2019 with themember universities. Following the financial report from 2017 and the announcement of plans for 2018, policies and strategic directions future for AC21 activities discussed. were theAt closing ceremony the of forum, the next AC21 Presidency was passed on from Jilin University to Kasetsart University,Thailand, which willhost the next IF in 2020. President Seiichi Matsuo,Nagoya University,delivered a closing address that emphasized, “Diversity and inclusivenesscontribute are the to the key happiness to and sustainable development of human kind, in the era digital of revolution”. revious revious from the p

C21 1 A

activities of

—International (IF) Forums Held every two years, the International Forums provide the AC21 members with the opportunities reassess to the role of higher education in society, through keynote addresses by panel and discussions. presentations public figures, prominent —Special Project Fund (SPF) The AC21 Special Project Fund, launched in 2009, endeavors the among exchanges educational and research promote to member institutions Collaboration in Research EducationCollaboration in & AC21 Activities AC21 AC21 isdynamic a consortium that fosters collaboration and programs following the through members amongst activities: meetings, the key the n the meetings, The 9th AC21International Forum (IF) 2018 wasorganized by Jilin University, 2018, under China the theme from July of, 7, 4 to “University Innovation and Socialwith Development”, its three International and Research “Interdisciplinary sub-themes of; Cooperation”, “Reformin Higher Education and MOOCs” and Entrepreneurship”. and “Innovation Over 100 representatives of 30 universities and educationalinstitutions countries from 10 participated in this forum. The 16th annual AC21 Steering Committee(STC) Meeting and the 9th biannual General Assembly (GA) also were held during this time. I 9th AC21 International Forum 2018 University, at China Jilin 1 President Matsuo at AC21IF 2018 2 Trustee/Vice President Watanabe at AC21 IF 2018 Closing 3 Ceremony of AC21 IF 2018 As of April 2019 Thailand South AfricaSouth USA North Carolina State University • Chulalongkorn • Kasetsart University Stellenbosch University • Stellenbosch • • Architect Architect - Japan Laos New Zealand New • Nagoya University • National University of Laos • University of Canterbury France Indonesia Germany Gadjah MadaGadjah University • University of Strasbourg of • University • University of Freiburg Australia China Academic ConsortiumAcademic for the 21stCentury (AC21) • Jilin University • University Tong Jiao • Shanghai University• Tongji • The University of Adelaide Nagoya University of the New Century",the consortiumhas conducted an array ofinitiatives and programs throughmember which institutionsthe can develop collaborations and contribute to addressing global issues of the century. 21st Towards "The UniversityTowards Global — Architect of the New Century" TheAcademic Consortium for the21st Century(AC21) was established in2002 on the initiativeUniversity, with of Nagoya the aim of founding a new and vigorous global partnership in higher education. Over the seventeen yearsof its history, the AC21 network has steadilyuniversitiesgrown, countries fromcurrently 11 in fivecontinents. with With member the17 ambitious vision"The Global University AC21 International Forum 2018 in Jilin University, China AC21 Member InstitutionsAC21 40 Global Network 43 Global Network ) RENKEI RENKEI was launched inMarch 2012,consisting ofsix Japanese and UK universitiesto and government industry, academia, among collaboration multilateral strategic promote society through education and research. In April 2018, the second phase of the five-year RENKEIscheme (2018-2022) startedwith twothemes; “climate change”and “health”. A new platform for researchers to initiate collaborationswith industry, government Steering annual andthe 2018, November In developed. further be will stakeholders various Committee meeting, Forum and Researcher Workshop were held in Kyushu and Tokyo, respectively. APRU a unique association is Americas, leading the brings that the in together universities Asia, knowledgeand Australasia. of voice It was established 1997andin innovation” as “the for the Asia-Pacific region. APRU aims to provide opportunities and policy-makersresearchers, ideas effective solutions and collaborate exchange toward to for thought leaders, Asia-Pacificthe represent Over 50that universities century. 21st the challengesof the to region are the members of the association, with participation Through cross-border of Nagoya2017. collaboration withmultiple University universities,Nagoya University will in strengthen its involvement inthe organization to addressthe challenges we face andto universities. bestbecome research world’s the one of © APRU UK Research Education and Network - n Linking together the influential research universities region the Rim in Pacific Japa for Knowledge Economy Initiatives ( Association Universities Rim of (APRU) Pacific - APRU Annual Presidents' Meeting 2018 At Resercher Workshop 2018 Council © British 2 2 Prof. Hiroshi Amano(Nagoya University) at MIRAI Seminar 2018 1

MIRAI 2018 Seminar Tokyo in 1 Prof. Anders Ynnerman(Linköping University) at MIRAI Seminar 2018 MIRAIis an academic consortium consisting of sevenSwedish Japanese universities universities;and eight it was initiated as an outcome"Japan-Sweden of the fruitful University Presidents’ Summit" discussion held in October further of 2015. To expand at the and strengthen academic exchanges and research the from students and researchers where MIRAIcountries, seminar, annual collaborations an organizes between the two further seek opportunities to cooperation. meet member for universities MIRAI’s activities include seminars, workshops, short courses for PhD students, and short-term mobility in its target disciplines; Sustainability, Ageing, Materials Science, and Innovation. Following first MIRAI the Lund at University Sweden, second the in MIRAI Seminar 2017 in Japan, Nagoya by was successfully organized on October UniversitySeminar 2018 Tokyo, in cooperation in 2018, 9th-12th, Japanese with other the MIRAI member MIRAI universities. also commemorated150th the Seminar anniversary 2018 diplomatic of between relations Japanand Sweden.In its PlenarySession held atYasuda Auditorium, theUniversity officialsof government and funding where agencies both attended, countries also from Tokyo, speakers. Amano, keynote the one as of Hiroshi rostrum the took a NobelProfessor laureate, education of The support and research future MIRAI activities of framework the in also were discussed by attendees fromthe MIRAI memberuniversities, includingPresident Seiichi Matsuo. Parallelscientific sessions on the MIRAI’s target disciplineswere University, the University and Waseda Tokyo University, engaging of organized the participants in lively at Sophia discussions. MIRAI Seminar welcomed 2018 more than 300 participants both from inside and outside the MIRAI of membership and ended MIRAI on high a note. Seminar will 2019 be held Stockholm at University andUppsala phase of University, concluding the 2017-2019 the current MIRAI Project. The second phase MIRAI of is now being discussed. As of April 2019 Connecting Swedish and Japanese Universities Japanese and Connecting Swedish -

Sweden Japan • • Hokkaido• University University Kyushu • • Nagoya University • Institute• Tokyo of Technology • The Waseda University• • Chalmers University of Technology Linköping• University • Lund University • Stockholm University University Umeå • • University of Gothenburg • Uppsala University through Research, Education Innovation and MIRAI MIRAI universities member Nagoya University Panel Discussion at MIRAI Seminar MIRAI Seminar 2018 in Tokyo 42

Global Network

Our Partner Institutions Promoting Gender Equality from Nagoya to the World! As of December 1, 2018 University of International Business and Economics, REPUBLIC OF Academic Exchange Agreements School of International Trade & Economics ● Mokpo National University Inter-University Agreement Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xinjiang Institute of ● Gyeongsang National University Inter-School Agreement Ecology and Geography China Meteorological Administration, Institute of ● Ewha Womans University Desert Meteorology ● Hanyang University Asia Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Ceramics ● Hainan University, Law School ● National University BANGLADESH Renmin University of China, School of Law ● Kyung Hee University Bangladesh Agricultural University Shenyang University of Technology ● Bangladesh University of Engineering Ministry of Health, P.R.China-Japan Friendship Hospital ● Sungkyunkwan University & Technology, Department of Physics Sun Yat-sen University, Lingnan College ● Pohang University of Science and Technology University of , Faculty of Social Sciences Beijing Normal University, Academy of Disaster ● Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) SAARC Meteorological Research Centre Reduction and Emergency Management, ● Korea Maritime and Ocean University State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes BHUTAN Korean Research Institute of Standards and Science, and Resource Ecology Astronomy Observatory The Centre for Bhutan Studies Xiamen University, School of Law Chungnam National University,

CAMBODIA Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Physics College of Economics and Business Administration Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographic Korea University, College of Education ● Royal University of Phnom Penh Sciences and Natural Resources Research Korea Institute for Advanced Study, School of Mathematics ● Royal University of Agriculture Nanjing Normal University, Seoul National University, College of Law ● Royal University of Law and Economics School of Energy & Mechanical Engineering Kyungnam University, Industry Academic Cooperation Foundation Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Executive Director of UN Women and HeForShe IMPACT Champions Donghua University, College of Foreign Languages CHINA Korea Legislation Research Institute Shanghai International Studies University, ● Nanjing University School of Japanese Studies and School of Pukyong National University, College of Fisheries Sciences In addition to be well-known for producing many Nobel University of Waterloo, University of São Paulo, Kenyatta ● Jilin University Chinese Studies and Exchange Pusan National University, College of Engineering Prize-winning scientists, Nagoya University is also famous for its University, and University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. ● Huazhong University of Science and Technology Beijin Normal University, Faculty of Education Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, strong commitment to promoting gender equality. In response HeForShe is a solidarity movement for gender equality on a global ● Institute of Science and Technology for Graduate School and Development of Shandong (ISTD) Graduate School of International Area Studies to the enactment of the Basic Law for a Gender-Equal Society in scale, and engaging men in gender equality is a major objective. ● Xi'an International Studies University, Chonnam National University, ● Xi'an Jiaotong University 1999, Nagoya University became the first Japanese university School of Japanese Culture and Economy College of Business Administration ● As a HeForShe University IMPACT Champion, Nagoya University Renmin University of China, School of Foreign Languages University of Seoul, College of to establish a university-wide committee for promoting gender ● Shanghai Jiao Tong University Public Affairs and Economics Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration equality in 2002 and the Office for Gender Equality in 2003. has made three commitments. The first commitment is to build ● Tongji University Chonbuk National University, Tianjin University, School of Architecture Ever since, promoting gender equality has continued to be given a center for gender equality to serve as the home for the gender ● Northeastern University Institute for North-East Asian Law high priority among Nagoya University’s important goals. In July equality movement. The second commitment is to drive parity ● Peking University HONG KONG Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Geologic Environment Research Division ● Harbin 2017, the existing Office for Gender Equality was upgraded to from the top, increasing the representation of female faculty ● The Chinese ● Kyungpook National University, Faculty of Engineering University of Science and Technology of China ● The University of Hong Kong the Center for Gender Equality to enhance awareness of gender members and women in leadership positions to 20% by 2020. ● Institute of Sunchang Fermented Soybean Products Chinese Academy of Sciences, ● City University of Hong Kong the Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry Seoul National University Hospital equality on campus further. The third commitment is to work with the government and private The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, sector to champion gender equality across Japan. ● Dalian University of Technology School of Engineering Korean Space Weather Center Central South University ASAN Medical Center As the first initiative of promoting gender equality, Nagoya Beijing University of Technology INDIA Dong-A University, College of Natural Resources and Life Science University established two nursery schools and an after-school Gender Research Library, Nagoya University Chinese Academy of Sciences, Purple Mountain Observatory ● University of Pune Korea Aerospace University, childcare facility on campus. Those facilities became symbols Gender Equality benefits not only women but also men. Thus, Chinese Academy of Sciences, National ● Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore College of Engineering, Department of Astronomical Observatories ● Tata Institute of Fundamental Research to demonstrate the university’s strong determination to achieve men’s commitment is as equally as important as women. As one Materials Science, Center of Surface China University of Political Science and Law Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, gender equality. Following the initiative, Nagoya University has of the world's leading universities of promoting gender equality, Technology and Applications Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Natural Sciences Faculty Pusan National University, introduced many other innovational approaches to promoting Nagoya University will continue striving to be a frontrunner of Literature and Institute of Literature of National Minorities Indian Institute of Technology Madras Professional Graduate School of Law gender equality and women’s empowerment, such as gender equality not only in Japan but also in the world. Peking University, School of International Studies Indian Institute of Technology Delhi Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology, East China University of Political Science and Law Korea Ocean Satellite Center women-only positions in natural sciences, women’s leadership INDONESIA Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of High Energy Physics Chungnam National University, programs both for faculty members and graduate students, and Gender Research Library GRL , Nagoya University, opened on ● ( ) Beijing International Studies University Gadjah Mada University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences industry-university-government cooperation for gender equality. November 1, 2017 for the purpose of the general advance in the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics ● The State University of Surabaya Seoul National University Asia-Pacific Law Institute As a result of various efforts to promote gender equality, the gender research. GRL serves as a research center for researchers, Jiangsu Provincial Academy of Social Sciences (JSASS) ● Institute of Technology Bandung Chonnam National University, Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space School of Mechanical Engineering Automobile Research Center Nagoya University’s gender equality model has diffused to not students and the general public. GRL can hold a maximum of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Process Engineering Polar Research Institute of China Padjadjaran University, Faculty of Letters only Japanese universities but also many other Asian universities 40,000 volumes. LAOS Southwest Jiaotong University, School of Economics Syiah Kuala University, Faculty of Basic Science ● National University of Laos through its satellite offices and partnership network in Asia. Our primary collection is donated by the Tokai Foundation for and Management Diponegoro University, Pusat Studi Asia National Agriculture and Forestry Research Institute Gender Studies TFGS and Professor Emerita Tamae Mizuta Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Agency for the Assessment and Application of ( ) Champasack University Management and Economics Technology (BPPT), Center for the Assessment Today, Nagoya University is promoting gender equality globally. of Nagoya University of Economics, who is also an advisor of East China Normal University, Faculty of Education Sciences and Application of Environmental Technology Nagoya University has been selected as one of the ten University TFGS. As the gender research is the cross-disciplinary and Chinese Academy of Sciences, Research Center for , Faculty of Engineering MARA University of Technology, IMPACT Champions by UN Women to support the HeForShe comprehensive field, GRL gathers and preserves a wide range Eco-Environmental Sciences University of Indonesia, Faculty of Computer Science Faculty of Mechanical Engineering initiative, together with University of Leicester, University of Hong of books and materials. We are open to anyone who is interested Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Institute of Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Population and Labor Economics Universiti Putra Malaysia, Faculty of Science Sriwijaya University, Faculty of Agriculture Kong, Science Po, Georgetown University, , in feminism and gender problems. Tianjin University, School of Management and Universitas Halu Oleo MONGOLIA School of Public Administration Indonesia University of Education (UPI) ● National University of Mongolia Syiah Kuala University, Faculty of Agriculture 44 Nagoya University Global Network 45 Global Network 47 Global Network Genetically Engineered Genetically , , the Facultyof Arts and Science National Geophysical Data Center Haystack Observatory Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences East Asian Legal Studies Center Department of Mechanical Engineering NanoSystems InstituteCalifornia Studies Metropolitan Global for Center Department of Physics and Astronomy Department Education of Laboratory Environment Space MaterialsScience and Engineering Center National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Administration, Atmospheric and Oceanic National Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard Medical School University,Tulane School of Medicine University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine , San Diego, Colorado School of Mines University of Alaska Fairbanks, Geophysical Institute Duke University, School of Medicine , School of Medicine University of Wisconsin Law School University of Wisconsin Law School, University of Maryland, University of California, Los Angeles, , Materials Research Institute University of California, Berkeley, Michigan State University, Green Mountain College University of Michigan, College of Engineering University of California, Los Angeles, University of Houston, Cullen College of Engineering University of California, Berkeley, Department of Physics University of North Carolina at Chapel Medicine of Hill, School University of California Berkeley, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Institute Geophysical Administration, Atmospheric and Oceanic National Carleton University, Faculty of Science University of Toronto, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) University of Victoria, Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives Oberlin College University State North Carolina Institute Harvard-Yenching University of Cincinnati St. Olaf College Southern Illinois University, Carbondale University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Kentucky Minnesota of University University of California, Los Angeles The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill University of California, Davis University of California, Berkeley of University York University York o Toront of University Université de Montréal University of Alberta University of Calgary University of Ottawa North America

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● College of Natural Resources ● ● ● ● ● ● USA CANADA (IKAOe)

y , s , Faculty of Life Sciences r , n Computer Aided Design Aided Computer f e o t u t i

Samarkand State University Physics Institute (Technical University-MEPhI) Institute of Cosmophysical Research and Radiowave Propagation (IKIR) Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (ISTP) Chemistry of Department (IKFIA) Aeronomy and Research Cosmophysical Institute of Interdisciplinary Center for General Ecolog School of International Development International of School Development & Environment of School College of Science & Engineering, School of Chemistry Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics Engineering[JD] and Science of College after Abu Raykhan Beruniy School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Moscow State Engineering and Academy Science of Russian Russian Academy of Sciences, Far Eastern Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, LomonosovM.V. , Russian Academy of Sciences, Siberian Branch, YuG. Shafer The Polar Geophysical Institute, Murmansk University of Ber The University of Nottingham, School of Biosciences University of East Anglia, Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Mancheste University of Leicester, Department of Physics and Astronomy The University of Oxford, Department of Physics The , The The University of Edinburgh, The University of Edinburgh, The University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Theoretical Physics Institute of Space Studies of Catalonia (IEEC) Basque Centre for Climate Change Lund University, Faculty of Law Swedish Institute of Space Physics SAFERVehicle - and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers Lund University, Faculty of Medicine [JD] Inst of University Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) University of World Economy and Diplomacy Tashkent State Technical University named The Academy of Public Administration under the The University of Sheffield The University of Warwick Bristol of University London, University of The University of Leeds The University of Edinburgh University of Cambridge, St John's College University Durham of University University Uppsala Royal Institute of Technology ●

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● SWITZERLAND UKRAINE UZBEKISTAN U.K. SPAIN SWEDEN , Faculty of Physics y Mainz, Faculty of sk ń in Regensburg, Institute for East European Law Department of Civil Engineering and Geodesy Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science Department of Sciences and Methods for Engineering Polich Academy of Sciences Geological Sciences, Krakow Research Centre Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences Institute of Biomedical Problems Information Engineering Information Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences The Research Center for Eastern andSouth Eastern Europe Darmstadt, Universität Technische Ruhr Universität Bochum, Faculty of Mathematics University of Duisburg-Essen, Institute of East Asian Studies Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology ICT, CFKValley Stade e.V. EBS Law School University Gutenberg Johannes Leibniz Institute of Ecological Urban and Regional Development University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine [JD] Innovations for High Performance Microelectronics (IHP) Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf, Forschungszentrum GmbH Jülich University of Applied Sciences Kempten Environmental and Architectural Engineering and Environmental University of Tromso, Faculty of Science Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Medical University of Gda Warsaw University of Technology Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics Ministry of Health of Russia, Universit Moscow State Lomonosov Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies University of Padova, Department of University of Padova, Department of Civil, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Kazakh Humanitarian and Law University Legislation Research Institute, Republic of Kazakhstan University State Latvian Faculty of Medicine and Health Science University of Oslo Warsaw of University Institute of High Pressure Physics (UNIPRESS), Ioffe Institute Physics Semiconductor of Institute Rzhanov University of Iceland of University National Institute of Nuclear Physics (INFN) Catania of University of University Sapienza University of Rome University of Twente of University UniversityRadboud

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●


f iversity o n Paris 7 -

Paris-Sud ed Sciences ed i l p Pharmaceutical Sciences and Geoscience and Sciences Pharmaceutical Val-de-Seine Ap Faculty for Interdisciplinary Studies and Space Research Institute, Space Astronomy Division University of Cologne, I Physical Institute Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Faculty of Chemistry, German Aerospace Center, Institute of Aerospace Medicine University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine University of Regensburg, Faculty of Law University of Münster, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Faculty of Physics and Astronomy and University of Freiburg, Faculty of Economics University of Ulm, Faculty of Mathematics and Economics Université Panthéon Assas, Paris 2 École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture Paris Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard Champagne-Ardenne Reims Université de University Clermont of Auvergne Finnish Meteorological Institute, Department of Geophysics Freie Universität Berlin, Environmental Policy Research Centre Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, Faculty of Architecture, Technische Universität Braunschweig Universität Technische München Universität Technische Technische Universität Chemnitz University of Freiburg RWTH Aachen FHJOANNEUM Gesellschaft mbH U UniversitätKlagenfurt, Institute of Social Ecology, Sofia University, Departmentof Astronomy Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electronics Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Mathematics Université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3 Communaute Universite Grenoble Alpes* Paris-Est Université École Normale Supérieure de Lyon l’Homme de Sciences des Maison Fondation Université Aix-Marseille Université Université de StrasbourgUniversité de Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC) Université Paris Diderot Spatial and Environmental Planning and Civil Engineering Civil and Planning Environmental and Spatial KU Leuven KU Czech Technical University in Prague Copenhagen of University University Aarhus Institut polytechnique de Grenoble (Grenoble INP), Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Institut d’Études Politiques de Grenoble (IEP), Grenoble Alpes Grenoble Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS), Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies * Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA), Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Grenoble (ENSAG),Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) , alternatives (CEA),Institut national de recherche en informatique et en automatique (INRIA), Doctoral College from the Communauté Université

● ● ● ● ● and Behavioral Sciences Behavioral and ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● GERMANY ● ● ● ● FINLAND FRANCE BELGIUM BULGARIA CZECH REPUBLIC DENMARK [JD] s Faculty Environmental of Science Institute Mathematics of Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Resources Geography University of Science, Science and Technology Research Institute Development Health for Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital University Medical Center, Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Institute of State and Law Hanoi Law University Ho Chi Minh City University of Law Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Vietnam National University- Ho Chi Minh City, Foreign Trade University Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, FuJen Catholic University, College of Foreign Languages Hanoi University of Science and Technology Hanoi University, National Vietnam The Ministry of Justice of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thammasat University, Faculty of Economics Mahidol University, ASEAN Institute Chiang Mai University, Faculty of Economics Mahidol University, Faculty of Science Medical of College Chulabhorn Princess HRH Kasetsart University, Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Agriculture at Kamphaeng Saen [JD] Organization, Divison of Ecosystem Sciences (CSIRO) Chulabhorn Graduate Institute Limited Company Public Johannes Kepler University Linz, Faculty of Law The Medical University of Vienna Chulabhorn Research Institute/ Research Chulabhorn Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi Bangkok Dusit Medical Services Kasetsart University UniversityChulalongkorn Industrial Research Research Industrial and Scientific Commonwealth The University of Adelaide, Faculty of Health Science The ,Asian Law Centre Yerevan Physics Institute Physics Yerevan National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research , Center for Geophysical Research University of Canterbury, Faculty of Science University Innsbruck of of University University Monash Flinders University University of South Australia The University of Adelaide The Australian National University The University of Western Australia University of New South Wales Europe Pacific

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●



De La Salle University athmandu University, School of Science Sociology and Law School of Geology and Petroleum Engineering Geological Information Center Information Geological Center for International Affairs and Exchange Department Sciences Atomospheric of College of Electrical and Computer Engineering Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences National Institute of Education Education Institute of National Office of Safety, Health & Environment Technologies Quantum for Center Yong LooYong Lin School of Medicine, Alice Lee Centre for Nursing Studies The University of Medicine Yangon 1, Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Environment, Mongolia Education Universityof National Mongolian Mongolian University of Science andTechnology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography Mongolian Academy of Sciences, Instituteof Philosophy, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences Mineral Resources andPetroleum Authority of Mongolia, Mongolia of Center Legal National for Asian Legal Studies (CALS) University of the Philippines, Manila, Engineering, of College Gokongwei Universityof the Philippines, Diliman K National Central University, Collage of Science Academia Sinica, Institute of Chemistry National Chung Cheng University, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Ocean Research Institute Research Ocean Taiwan National Chiao University, Tung National Taiwan Normal University, College of Education Soochow University, School of Law Soochow University, School of Foreign Languages and Cultures National Taiwan University, National Chengchi University, College of Law University of Sri Jayewardenepura, National University of Singapore Centre National University of Singapore, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University, National University of Singapore, NUS National University of Singapore, National University of Singapore, University of the Philippines, Los Banõs University of the Philippines University of Yangon MongolianUniversity of Scienceand Technology Ministry of Health and Sports, Mongolia TheMinistry of Environment and Tourism ofMongolia National Chengchi University Chengchi National National Hua Tsing University University Cheng Chung National National Taiwan University Taiwan National Nanyang Technological University Singapore Management University National University of Singapore Nagoya University ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● Mathematics Division

NEPAL PHILIPPINES MYANMAR TAIWAN SINGAPORE 46 University of California, Santa Barbara, GHANA Bren School of Environmental Science and Management University of Ghana, Faculty of Social Studies Agreements for Internship University of Michigan, College of Engineering, Nagoya University Outline Macromolecular Science and Engineering Center KENYA , School of Education International Organization The , Center for Cosmology and ● University of Nairobi AstroParticle Physics; College of Arts and Sciences, African Institute for Capacity Development (AICAD) ● Food and Agriculture Organization of the Department of Physics and Department of Astronomy United Nations (FAO) Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, SOUTH AFRICA The United Nations Educational Scientific and Center for Space Science and Engineering Research ● Stellenbosch University Cultural Organization, Asia and the Pacific Regional Bureau for Education Organizational Structure University of Colorado Boulder, Laboratory for South African Astronomical Observatory Atmospheric and Space Physics (UNESCO Bangkok) The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) University of Washington, College of Engineering The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Figures / International Exchange The University of Akron, School of Law The Ohio State University, College of Education International Organization and Human Ecology Memorandum of Understanding ● Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study Access / The City of Nagoya University of Michigan, College of Literature, Science, and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA) on the Establishment of the Office and the Arts, Department of Chemistry ● European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) The Ohio State University, Translational Data Analytics ● United Nations Centre for Mississippi State University, Regional Development (UNCRD) Asia Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems (CAVS) International Institute for the Unification of Private Law THAILAND America and the Caribbean Chulalongkorn University, Multilateral Research Services Center of Petroleum ARGENTINE and Petrochemical College ● Chulalongkorn University (Thailand); National University of Rosario, Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam) Faculty of Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and National University of Laos(Laos) Luis F, Leloir, Campomar Foundation, ● Tashkent State Technical University named after International Networks The Research Institute of Biochemistry Abu Raykhan Beruniy (Uzbekistan); BOLIVIA (Japan) • Academic Consortium 21 (AC21) The University of Adelaide, • Association of Pacific Rim Universities (APRU) Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz, Faculty Faculty of Health Sciences (Australia); of Sciences, Chacaltaya Cosmic Ray Observatory • Japan Academic Network in Europe(JANET) University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine (Germany) • Japan-Canada Academic Consortium(JACAC) Jus Commune Triangle Agreement for Academic • Japanese-Swedish University Connection (MIRAI) Exchange (Establishment of a supportive core for ● Universidade de Brasília • Japan-UK Research and Education Network CAMPUS Asia and Cooperation) ● Universidade de São Paulo for Knowledge Economy Initiatives(RENKEI) National Institute for Space Research • Japanese Universary Network in the Bay Area Fundacao Joaquim Nabuco Agreements for Industry- (JUNBA) GUATEMALA • Open Education Consortium University Collaboration • University Based Institute for Advanced Study Del Valle de Guatemala University,School of Engineering (UBIAS) HONDURAS • University Mobility in Asia and the Pacific(UMAP) Europe Honduran Institute of Anthropology and History in Honduras U.K. MEXICO Overseas Research and ● University of Warwick ● Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico NCC Operations Ltd. as legal entity for the University Education Bases Universidad de Sonora of Bristol National Composites Centre • China Center for International Exchange Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (Shanghai, China) North America • Uzbekistan Office (Tashkent, Uzbekistan) Middle East USA • European Center (Freiburg, Germany) • Bangkok Office (Bangkok, Tailand) IRAN ● North Carolina State University • Technology Partnership, Inc. University of Kurudistan, Faculty of Engineering (North Carolina, USA) University of Kurdistan, Institute of Materials Multilateral • Centers for research and education in the field and Systems for Sustainability of law(Tashkent, Uzbekistan Ulaanbaatar, Pôle EMC2 (France); IRT Jules Verne (France); ・ Mongolia・Hanoi/Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam TURKEY , Composite Materials Center (Japan); Institute of Technology, ・Phnom Penh, Cambodia・Yangon, Myanmar ● Bilkent University Innovative Composite Materials Research and ・Yogyakarta, Indonesia・Vientiane, Laos) Istanbul Technical University Development Center (Japan) • Field Research Center (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) • Asian Satellite Campuses Institute ISRAEL (Phnom Penh, Cambodia/Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia/ Tel Aviv University Raymond and Beverly Sackler Agreement for Hanoi, Vietnam/Tashkent, Uzbekistan/ School of Physics and Astronomy International Joint Research Vientiane,Laos/Los Banos, Philippine) • Nagoya University/Mongolian National

Africa University of Education Joint Support Center Asia for Child Development(Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) EGYPT • The Cooperative Center for Resilience Research, ● Cairo University REPUBLIC OF KOREA National University of Mongolia and Nagoya University (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia) Tanta University, Faculty of Engineering ● Sungkyunkwan University, Assiut University, Faculty of Science Center for Advanced Plasma Surface Technology 概要 48 Nagoya University Nagoya University Outline University Nagoya

Nagoya University Organizational Structure Figures Headquarters Administration Bureau Audit Office Administrative Support Organizations Staff International Students by School Development Office As of May 1, 2018 FY2017 School of Humanities Members of the Board of Trustees School / Graduate School Schools Lower Secondary School School of Education Upper Secondary School President Humanities(Letters) 359 School of Law 1 Education School of Economics Trustees 7 83 School of Informatics Law 356 Auditors 2 School of Science Economics 201 School of Medicine University Hospital Total 10 Informatics School of Engineering 102 School of Agricultural Sciences Staff (Full-time) Informatics and Sciences 8

Graduate Schools Graduate School of Humanities Center for Transregional Culture and Society Faculty Professors 652 (62)*1 Science 137 Graduate School of Education and Human Development Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Texts Medicine Associate Professors 518 (95) 190 Graduate School of Law Engineering 540 Graduate School of Economics Economic Research Center Lecturers 161 (110) Graduate School of Informatics Center for Embedded Computing Systems Agricultural Sciences 163 Global Media Research Center Assistant Professors 393 (351) International Development 218 Future Value Creation Research Center Research Associates 3 Mathematics 14 Languages and Cultures Graduate School of Science Sugashima Marine Biological Laboratory Researchers 0 (188) 76 Nagoya University Southern Observatories Environmental Studies 214 Structural Biology Research Center Specialist ( ) 4 2 Information Science Tau-Lepton Physics Research Center 44 University Research Administrator Neuroscience Institute 1 (34) Pharmaceutical Sciences 4

Graduate School of Medicine Center for Research of Laboratory Animals and Medical Research Engineering School Teachers at Affiliated Schools 35 Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability 2 Center for Neural Disease and Cancer Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research 5 Administrative / Technical Staff*2 2,190 (150) Graduate School of Engineering Research Center for Materials Backcasting Technology Research Institute of Environmental Medicine 3 Total 3,957 (992) Center for Computational Science Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports 1 Education and Research Center for Flight Engineering International Education & Exchange Center 95 *1 Data in parenthesis show the number of staff under limited-time contracts. Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences Field Science Center *2 Data include medical staff of the University Hospital. International Language Center 67 Graduate School of International Development Avian Bioscience Research Center Student Exchange Division 6 Graduate School of Mathematics Earthquake and Volcano Research Center Graduate School of Environmental Studies Total 2,888 Education and Research Center for Sustainable Co-Development Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Institute of Liberal Education Planning & Development Center Arts & Sciences Student Enrollment As of May 1, 2018 Doctoral Education Consortium Undergraduate Courses Graduate Courses Name of Schools / Graduate Schools Total Asian Satellite Campuses Institute Degree seeking Non-degree seeking Degree seeking Non-degree seeking Institute for Advanced Research Humanities 588 77 403 24 1,092 Institute of Transformative Bio-Molecules Education 318 21 221 15 575 Research Institutes Research Institute of Environmental Medicine Futuristic Environmental Simulation Center Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability Center for Integrated Research of Future Electronics Law 678 30 217 56 981 Advanced Measurement Technology Center Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research Center for International Collaborative Research Economics 948 28 173 7 1,156 Center for Integrated Data Science University Library Nagoya University Library Studies Informatics 281 25 360 12 678 Center for Orbital and Suborbital Research Inter-Departmental Radioisotope Research Center Informatics and Sciences 208 208 Education and Research Center for Gene Research Centers, etc. Research Center for Materials Science Science 1,222 31 554 7 1,814 Center for the Studies of Higher Education Medicine 1,537 61 978 25 2,601 International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture Nagoya University Museum Engineering 3,186 49 1,721 21 4,977 Psychological Support & Research Center for Human Development Center for Asian Legal Exchange Agricultural Sciences 758 10 430 10 1,208 Bioscience and Biotechnology Center International Development 233 10 243 Synchrotron Radiation Research Center Center for Theoretical Studies Mathematics 153 8 161 Center for Experimental Studies Languages and Cultures Disaster Mitigation Research Center 59 59 Cellular and Structural Physiology Institute Environmental Studies 432 33 465 Brain & Mind Research Center National Composite Center Information Science 61 61 Innovative Research Center for Preventive Medical Engineering Pharmaceutical Sciences 92 2 94 Center for Gender Equality Low Temperature Plasma research center Human Informatics 1 1 Inter-University Service Information Technology Center International Education & Exchange Center 5 5 Facilities Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability Global Research Institute for Mobility in Society Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research International Language Center 54 54 Institute of Nano-Life-Systems Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports Institute of Materials Innovation (i-MI) Research Institute of Environmental Medicine 3 3 Social Innovation Design Center Institute of Innovation for Future Society Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research 1 1 Applied Social System Institute of Asia Institute of Materials and Systems for Sustainability 1 1 Kobayashi-Maskawa Institute for the Origin of Particles and the Universe (KMI) Center for Theoretical Studies Center for Experimental Studies Research Center of Health, Physical Fitness and Sports Campus Consortiums 1 1 Technical Center Total 9,724 397 6,088 230 16,439 *English names for the above organizations are tentative.

50 Nagoya University Nagoya University Outline 51 Nagoya University Outline 53 · Toyota Akaike Tokushige For Tokyo For For Toyohashi For Fujigaoka Nagoya University Outline To Nagoya StationTo From Centrair (Central Japan International Airport): the Take Meitetsu Line (28 min). From Tokyo Station: Take the min). (101 Shinkansen FromShin-Osaka Station: Take (52 min). Shinkansen the Higashiyama Campus Yagoto Motoyama Nagoya Daigaku s Daiko Campu For Seto a Yad Nagoya Dome-mae To Daiko CampusTo To Tsurumai CampusTo Aratama-bashi Ozone Chikusa From Nagoya Station:the Take Subway Higashiyama Line to Sakae Station (5 min), transfer to the Subway Meijo Line to Nagoya Dome-mae Station Yada 5 min. walk then min), (12 Located in the heart of Japan, the Chubu region has played a central role in Japan’s history and has long enjoyed a flourishing culture and Nobunaga, Oda of home the as known well is area The economy. who leaders three the Ieyasu, Tokugawa and Hideyoshi Toyotomi unified Japan over 400 years ago, bringing an end to the “Period of Warring States.” Nagoya Castle, originally built by Tokugawa Ieyasu and famous for the pair of golden dolphins on top of its donjon, serves as the region’s landmark. Japan’s in place important an occupies metropolis vibrant this Today, political and economic spheres. With a population of 2.3 million, Nagoya is the nerve center of the Chubu Industrial Zone, a merger of both traditional and modern industries, most notably the automotive industry. Nagoya offers a variety of urban conveniences, with shops, restaurants and leisure activities that cater to any taste, making it an exciting place to live, work and study. From Nagoya Station:the Take JR Chuo Line (bound for Tajimi) to Tsurumai Station (6 min), then walk 5 min. For Tajimi Centrair Tsurumai Campus Tsurumai Kamiiida Tsurumai For Sakae Komaki · Inuyama Komaki Tokyo Kami Otai For Osaka Inuyama Kanayama For Gifu Nagoya To Higashiyama Campus Higashiyama To Nagoyako From Nagoya Station: Take the Subway Higashiyama Line to Motoyama Station min), (16 then transfer to the Subway Meijo Line to NagoyaDaigaku Station (2 min).Higashiyama Campus is just off the subway exit. Japan (Central Centrair From International Airport): Take the Meitetsu Line to Kanayama Station (24 min),then transfer to the Subway Meijo Line Nagoya to Daigaku Station (21 min). Kinjo-Futo Nakamura Kuyakusho For Takabata Nagoya For Osaka Aichi Prefecture Subway Higashiyama Line Higashiyama Subway Sakura-doriSubway Line Line Tsurumai Subway Subway Meijo Line Line Kamiiida Subway Subway Meiko Line JR Tokaido Shinkansen Tokaido JR JR TokaidoLine Line Chuo JR JR Kansai Line Meitetsu Line Kintetsu Line Aonami Line For Kyoto · Osaka The City of Nagoya Access 2 2 3 2 1 8 1 1 2 2 7 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 5 1 4 1 4 4 1 1 1 5 7 8 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 7 22 34 85 14 57 22 22 159 193 1,010 2,888 FY2017 FY 2017 ) ) y Coast Regions Regions / Cameroon Subtotal Kenya Republic of South Africa The Democratic Republic of the Congo Canada Subtotal Chile Colombia Mexico Nicaragua Subtotal Iran Subtotal Egypt Ghana Mozambique Nigeria Uganda /

Uganda Subtotal Syria Turkey Subtotal Algeria Benin Zambia Yemen Cameroon The Democratic Republic of the Congo Egypt Ethiopia State of Eritrea Republic of The Gambia Ghana Guinea Ivor Kenya Madagascar Malawi Republic of Mali Kingdom of Morocco Mozambique Nigeria Senegal Seychelles Tanzania Tunisia Republic of Zimbabwe Israel Lebanese Republic Lebanese Republic Oman Saudi Arabia Afghanistan Bahrain Iran

a c i r Countries e Countries

m 56 115 ( ( Total Total North A Middle East Africa Latin America and the Caribbean Total Total Middle East Africa 3 2 7 2 2 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 9 1 2 5 3 5 3 1 3 1 3 1 1 2 6 1 3 6 6 5 1 4 3 8 45 28 10 10 56 13 10 10 30 38 15 91 17 49 13 42 18 10 61 249 106 247 Germany France Greece Iceland Netherlands Italy Mexico Peru Uruguay Venezuela Subtotal Republic of Lithuania Montenegro Norway Poland Russia Serbia Chile Ecuador El Salvador Honduras Hungary Republic of Iceland Italy Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Latvia Netherlands Romania Slovak Republic Spain Sweden Switzerland U.K. Ukraine Uzbekistan Subtotal Canada United States Subtotal Argentina Brazil Colombia Republic of Costa Rica Jamaica France Spain Sweden Switzerland U.K. Uzbekistan Subtotal Austria Belgium Denmark Germany Greece Kyrgyzstan Norway Poland Portugal Russia Europe North America Latin America and the Caribbean Europe 9 1 1 3 1 5 8 9 4 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 1 4 7 5 4 2 63 13 68 10 13 39 52 24 18 30 26 57 53 26 38 36 20 17 90 26 77 24 55 61 31 22 37 104 471 119 142 106 254 2,297 1,162 Australia Subtotal Kingdom of Tonga New Zealand Papua New Guinea Myanmar Nepal Sri Lanka Subtotal Hong Kong Indonesia Cambodia China India Republic of Korea Laos Malaysia Mongolia Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Finland Republic of Croatia Fiji Subtotal Australia Estonia Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Bulgaria Czech Republic Republic of the Marshall Islands New Zealand Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Kingdom of Tonga Belgium Republic of Cyprus Denmark Sri Lanka Subtotal Bangladesh Bhutan Cambodia China East Timor India Indonesia Republic of Korea Laos Malaysia Mongolia Myanmar Nepal Pakistan Philippines Singapore Taiwan Thailand Vietnam Hong Kong Nagoya University Pacific Asia Europe Pacific Asia Students Abroad Going Country by / Region International Students Country by Region / International Exchange *Regional classification is based on the standards of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan. *Regional classification is based on the standards of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan. 52